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Just Published, Price 6d. rp HE FACTS AND FICTIONS of POLITICAL J. ECONOMISTS, being a Review of the Prinot science
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cipies we , separating tne true irom the false . By JOHN WATTS . Price One Shilling , The RATIONAL SCHOOL GRAMMAR , by Mr . Wiltum Hill . Also , Price Sixpence , Part II . of GaskelTs celebrated COMIC SONGS . A few copies of Part I ., Price One Shilling , may now be had . Pnblished by Heywood , ^ 8 and 60 , Oldham-street , Manchester ; Watson St . Paul ' s Alley , Paternosterrow ; Cleave , Shoe-lane ; Hetherington , Wine-ofRoe , Court , London ; Hobson , Northern Star Office , Leeds ; and all Agents for the Star .
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- . - - - - y - HERMAN'S CELEBRATED GOLDEN PACKETS OF SPECIFIC MEDICINES , Under the Sanction and by the Recommendation < rf Eminent Gentlemen qf ihe Faculty and the Afflicted . SPECIFIC PILLS for Gout and Rheumatism , Rheumatic Headaches , Lumbago , and Sciatica , Pains in the Bead and Faoe . —Is . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d . per Box . PURIFYING APERIENT RESTORATIVE PILLS , For both Eexes . Price Is . l £ d . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . A most celebrated remedy for Costive and Bilious Complaints , Attacks of Fever , Disorders of the Stomach and Bo web , Indigestion , Dimness of Sight ,-P&ins and Giddiness of the Head , Worms , Gravel , Dropsical Complaints , &o . ANTISCORBUTIC , SCROFULA , AND LEPRA PILLS AND OINTMENT , For the cure of Cancerous , Scrofulous and Indolent Tumours , and Inveterate Ulcers , * Glandular Affections of the Neck , Erysipelas , Scurvy , Evil , Ringworm , Scald Head , White Swellings , Piles , Ulcerated Sore Legs ( though of twenty years standing ) , Chilblains , Chapped Hands , Barns , Scalds , Bruises , Grocers' Itch , and all Cutaneous Diseases ; also an infallible Remedy for Sore and Diseased Eyes . Price 2 a . 9 d * , 4 a . 6 d . and 11 s . per package ; the Ointment can be bad seperate , Is . l £ d . per Pot . UNIVERSAL OINTMENT , Price Is . lid . per Pot . These Medicines are composed of Plants which are indigenious to our own Soil , and therefore must be far better adapted to our constitutions than Medicine concocted from Foreign Drugs , however well they may be compounded . These Preparations are important Discoveries made in Medicine , being the most precious of Native Vegetable Concentrated Extracts , extending their Virtue and Excellency throughout the whole Human Frame . ( 9 > Read the Pamphlet to be had of each Agent GRATIS . No pretensions are made that any of these Medicines form a panacea for all Diseases ; but they are offered as certain Specifics for particular Disorders , and for all Complaints closely allied to them ; not | claiming the merit of universality as is frequently I done by aU-sufncient pill proprietors . The Celebrated Goi . nKN Packets , prepared by the Proprietor , G ^ o . Keeman , Dispensing Chemist , & . c , can be bad at Mb Dispensaries , 25 , Wincolmlee , and 18 , Lowgate , ( opposite the Town Hall , ) Hull , or of any of his accredited Agents enumerated ; ( for which see email placards on the wall , } who have each an Authority ( signed by Mb own hand ) or vending the same ; or through any respectable Medicine Vender in tie Kingdom . Each Packet ; bears Mb Name , in Mb own band thus— " George j Kerman , " to imitate which is Felony . j The attention of the Public is respectfully requested to the undercited cases , and the most rigid investigation into their authenticity iB courted : — A 1 OSG STANDING CASE OF EHEDMAT 1 SM . j To the proprietor of Mr . Kerman ' s Golden Packets : of Specific MedicineB . j Sib , —I make no scrnple of stating to the pnblic j that the medicine recommended for Rheumatism , &c . b y you , is one of the best , if not the best , ever dis-{ covered , as I have labonred for many years under ; that very painful affliction , and have tried the most . eminent medical men ; I hape taken and applied I every domestic remedy extolled , without any benefit J whatever , until I gave yonr pills a trial , * and am most happy to state I found them a direct remedy . ( Signed ) Johh Pickebimg . Wincolmlee , Hull Deo . 1842 . j Witnessed by me George Henry Perritt , Member ) of the Royal College of Surgeons ; and Licentiate of the Apothecaries Company , London . Hull , December , 19 , 1842 . AXOTHEB ASTONISHING CURB OP A X 0 XG-8 TA 5 DIKG CASE O ? CHRONIC RHEUMATISM . To Mr . George Kerman . Sib , —I have much pleasure in stating to you that j your Medicine for Gout and RheumaUBm has been : of the greatest service and blessing to my daughter . ] Upwards of eight years she has been seriously affeoted j with Chronic Rheumatism , ( at the first , medical men : called it acute , ) that most painful disease ; the j agonizing pain which she has snffered in her limbs = for so long a period , baffles any description that I ] can possibly give of her then miserable state . She ; oftentimes could neither secure rest nor sleep , I have ] procured the best medical advice without obtaining i any essential relief , —her joints having become much 1 swollen and her limbs so much contracted , and bo to i speak , paralysed , that for&loiig season she had not j the ability to assist herself in the least possible way . A short time ago , acting from your advice , my daughter commenced taking your pills , and using thfi liniment you recommended , she has secured the use of her limbs once again , ( thank God , ) so much so as to have walked to see you , ( as she did on Sunday the 15 th , ) a distance which she had not travelled i for five years before ; she is entirely free from pain , j and is rapidly recovering her general health , daily ) setting rid of the distressing remedy . Yon are at liberty to publish my daughter ' s case , in the hope thereby that your excellent Pills , &c , may be the means of curing others . ( Signed ) Sarah Faccett , Witness , Mary Ann Cousins . ; Church-street , Wincolmlee , Hull , Oct . 18 * 2 . ¦ ' To Mr . Kerman . > -. yQ * 11 * commenced taking your Pills , I found it . all I could do to move , my pain waB violent , I could , neither sleep , or rest ; I could not get on by any , means without a stick , but by a very Short continnt aace I was so relieved as to engage myself at harvest r work , and was able to d » very well , having scarcely any pain , and in the course of taking two small boxes of Pills , I was perfectl y cared . ; Wincolmlee , Hull , Oct . 1842 . JoHS PoisOH - 3 Witnessed by me , George Henry Perritt , Member " * l ^ 2 yal College of S ^ geons 8 nd Licentiate of 3 tne Apothecaries Company , London . B Hull , Dec . 19 , 1842 . > Agents . —Leeds—John Heaton , 7 , Br iggate f j Joseph Haigh , 116 ; Briggate : Edw « d Smeeton : T . I B . Smith , Medicine vender , 56 , Becfeett-Btreet , Bur-- mandtofts ; Stocks & Co ., Medicine TeaderB . &e . 5 B Kirkgate .
Untitled Ad
Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . Gd . ) THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISER . BEING a practical Treatise on the prevention and cure of the VENEREAL DISEASE , and other affections of the urinary and sexual organs , in both sexes , with a mild and successful mode of treatment , in all their forms and consequences ; especially Stricture , Gleets , affections of the Bladder . Prostrate Glands , Gravel , &o . shewing also the dangerous consequences of Mercury , such as eruptions of the skin , pam in the bones , &c , with plain direotiona for a perfect restoration : embellished with engravings . An ample consideration of the diseases of women ; also nervous debility ; including a comprehensive dissertation on the anatomy of Marriage , impuissance , celibacy , sterility or barronness , and various other interruptions of the Laws of Nature . Also 3 ome animadversions on the Secret Sin of Youth , whioh entails such fearful consequences on its victims . GST This Work is undeniably the most interesting and important that has hitherto been published on this subject , imparting information which ought to be in the possession of every one who iB labouring under any secret infirmity , whether male or female . BY M . WILKINSON , CONSULTING SURGEON , &c . 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds . Of whom they may be obtained , or from any of bis Agents . MR . M . W . having devoted Mb studies for many years exclusively to the various diseases of the generative and nervous system , in the removal of those distressing debilities arising from a secret indulgence in a delusive and destructive habit , and to the successful treatment of VENEREAL AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES , Continues to be consulted from nine in the morning till ten at night , and on SundayB till two , —ana country patients requiring his assistance , by making only one personal visit , will receive such advice and medicines as will enable them to obtain a permanent and effectual cure , when all other means have failed . In recent cases of a certain disorder a perfect cure is completed in one week , or no charge made for medicine after that period , and in those oases where other practititioners have failed , a perseverance in nis plan , without restraint in diet , or hindrance from business , will ensure to tho patient a permanent and radical cure . A complete knowledge of the symptoms and treatment i > f these insidious and dangerous diseases , can only be acquired by those who are in daily practice , and have previously gone through a regular course of Medical Instruction ; for , unfortunately , there the hundreds who annually fall viotims to the ignorant use of Mercury and other dangerouB remedies , Administered by illiterate men , who ruin the constitution by suffering disease to get into the system , whioh being carried by the circulation of the blood into all parts of the body , the whole frame becomes tainted with venereal poison , and most unhappy consequences ensue , at one time affecting the skin , particularly the head and face , with eruptions and ulcers , closely resembling , and often treated as scurvy , at another period producing the most violent pains in the limbs and bones , which are frequently mistaken for rheumatism ; thus the whole frame becomes debilitated and decayed , and a lingering death puts a period to their dreadful sufferings . What a grief for a young person in the very prime of life , to be snatched out of time , and from all the enjoyments of life , by a disease always local at first , and wMch never proves fatal if properly treated , as all its fatal results are owing either to neglect or ignorance . Mr . W . ' s invariable rule is to give a Card to each of Ms Patients as a guarantee for cure , whioh he pledges himself to perform , or return his fee . For the accommodation of either sex where distance or delicacy prevents a personal visit , Ma PURIFYING DROPS , price 4 s . 6 d . can be had of any of the following agents , with printed directions so plain , that they may cure themselves without even the knowledge of a bed-fellow . They are particularly recommended to be taken before persons enter into the matrimonial state , lest tbe indiscretions of a parent are the source of vexation to him the remainder of bis existence , by afflicting his innocent but unfortunate offspring with the evil eruptions of tbe malignant tendency , and a variety of other complaints , tbat are most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence . AGENTS . Hull—At the Advertiser Office , Lowgate , and Mr Noble ' s Bookseller , Market-place . Leeds . —At the Times Office , and of Mr . Heaton , 7 , Briggate . Wakefield—Mr . Hurst , Bookseller . Halifax—Mr . Hartley , Bookseller . Huddersfield—Mr . DewMret , 39 . New-street . Bradford—Mr . Tayler , Bookseller , near to the Post-office . London—Mr . Butler , No . 4 , Cheapside , Barnsloy—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market-pl . York—Mr . Hargrove ' s Library , 9 , Coney-street . Ripon—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market-place . Knaresboro' and High Harrogate—Mr . Langdale Bookseller . Manchester—Mr . Watkinson , Druggist , 6 , Marketplace . Beverley—Mr . Jebnson , Bookseller . Boston—Mr . Noble . Bookseller . Lonth—Mr . Hurton , Bookseller . Liverpool—At the Chronicle Office , 25 , Lord-stmt Sheffield—At theIris Office . Mansfield—Mr . S . DobBon , News Agent , 519 , Bclvedero-street . Pontefract—Mr . Fox , Bookseller . Gainsborough 1 —Mr . R . Brown , Bookseller . Nottingham : —Mr . Sutton , Review Qfice . Newark . —Mr . Bridges , Bookseller . Mr . W ., ia to be consulted every day at Ms Resi-4 ence , from Nine in the Morniag tiUTen at Night , and on Sundays from Nine till Two . OBSERVE—13 , TRAFALGAR-ST . LEEDS . Attendance every Thursday in Bradford , from Ten to Five , at No . 4 , George-Btisfit , facing East Brook Chapel .
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Just Published , price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free on receipt of a Post-office Ordsr for 33 . € d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inqairy into tbe CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from the Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; with Remarks on the Treatment of Ghonorrhoe , Gleet , Stricture and Syphilis . Illustrated with Cases , &o . BT C . J . LUCA 8 , &CO ., CONSULTINO SURGEONS , LONDON ; And may be had of the Authors , 60 , Newmanstreet , Oxford-street , London ; and sold by Brittan 11 , Paternoster-row ; Effingham Wilson , 18 , Bishopsgate-st ; Field , 65 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Huett , HI , High Hoi born , London ; J . Buck ton , Bookseller , 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; T . Sowler , Courier Office , 4 , St . Ann ' s Square , and H . Whitmore , 109 , Market Street , Manchester ; John Howell , Bookseller , 75 , Dale Street , Liverpool ; W . Wood , Bookseller , 78 , High Street , Birmingham ; T . Fryer , 16 , Westgatestreet , Bath , G . Davoy , 1 , Broad-street , Bristol , W . and H . Robinson & Co . 11 , Greenside-street , Edinburgh ; and by all Booksellers the United Kingdom . "Tho various forms of bodily and mental weakness incapacity , Buffering and disease , faithfully delineated in , this cautiously written and practical work , are almost unknown , generally misunderstood , and treated upon principles correspondingly erroneous and superficial , by the present race of medical practitioners . Hence the necessity for the publication of a timely safeguard , a silent yet friendly monitor , or , whero debility has made threatening inroads , the means of escape and the certainty of restoration . The evils to whioh the book adverts are extensive and identical in their secret ynd hidden origin , and there are none to whom , as Parents . Guardians , Heads of Families , and especially of publio Schools , is confided the care of young people , who ought to remain for a moment devoid of that information and those Balutary cautions this work is intended to convey . Not only are the most delicate forms of generative debility neglected by the family physician , but they require for their safe management the exclusive study of a life entirely abstracted from the routine of general practioe , and ( as in other departments of the profession ) attentively concentrated in the daily and long continued observation requisite for the correct treatment of sexual infirmities . " If we consider the topics upon either in a moral or social view , we find the interests and welfare of mankind seriously involved . The effects of licentious , indiscriminate and secret indulgence in certain practices , are described with an aocaraoy and force which display at once profound reflection and extensive practical experience .. "—The Planet . "The best of all friends is the Professional Fkiend : and in no shape can he be consulted with greater safety and secrecy than in " Lucas on Manly Vigour . " The initiation into vicious indulgenceits progress—its results in both sexes , are given with faithful , but alas I for human nature , with afflicting truth . However , the Authors have not exposed the evil without affording a remedy . It shows how " Manly Vigour" temporarily impaired , and mental and physical emasculation , produced by uncontrolled indulgence of the passions , can be restored : how the sufferer , who has pined in anguish from the consequences of early indiscretion—afraid almost to encounter his fellow man , can regain the vigour of health _ and moral courage . The work is written in a concise and perspicuous style , displaying how often fond parents aredeceivedby the outward physical appearance of their youthful offspring ; bow the attenuation of the frame , palpitationofthe aeart , derangement of the nervous system , cough , indigestion , and a train of symptoms indicative of consumption or general decay , are often ascribed to wrong causes ; and instead of being the natural results of congenital debility or disease , are the consequences of an alluring and pernicious practice , alike destructive to the mind and body . "—Bell ' s New Weekly Messenger . "Although a newspaper is not the ordinary channel for the . expression of opinion upon the merits of a medical , work , this remark is open to exception in any instance where the publio , and not the isolated and exclusive members of the profession , are the parties . addressed . Upon that which is directed to men indiscriminately , the world will form its own , opinion , and will demand that medical works for popular study should be devoid of that mysterious technicality in- which the science of medicine has hitherto shrouded its own ignorance . The work before as treats of subjects we believe generally , yet very strangely , neglected by the medical attendant , and requiring doubtlessly ( as in operative midwifery aad the surgery of the eye ) an entire devotedness to a deepl y important branch of study .. The tone of ' this book iB highly moral , and it abounds in wellwritten , harrowing , yet correct displays of the suffering consequent upon unbridled sensualism . No human being can be the worse for its perusal ; to multitudes it must prove a warning beacon , a welltold , appeal to reason , a permanent blessing . It is written in a clear intelligible style , and is evidently the production of a mind long and practically conversant with tbe diseases of the most delicate division of the human organization . "—The Magnet . " The security of happiness in the marriage state is the chief anxiety of all ; but many dread entering upon wedded union , through a secret fear of unfitness for the discharge of matrimonial obligations . This essay is most particularly addressed to all suffering under a despondency of the character alluded to ; and advice will be found calculated to cheer the drooping heart , and point the way to renovated health . Messrs . Lucas k . Co . are to be daily consulted from ten till two , and from five till eight in the evening , at their residence , No . 60 , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London . Country Patients are requested to be aa minute as possible in the detail of their cases , as to the duration of the complaint , the symptoms , age , general habits of living ; and occupation in life of the party , The communication mast be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of £ 1 , without wMch no notice whatever can be taken of their application ; and in all cases the moat inviolable secrecy may be relied on . Sold by Mr . Joseph Bucrton , Bookseller , 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; Mr . J . Sowler Courier office , and Mr . H . Whitmore , 109 , Market-street , Manchester ; by whom this Woite is Bant ( postpaid ) 3 s , 6 d .
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LETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS . " Northern ! Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . CCr \ entlemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , at vX your earliest convenience , the Bams quantity of PARR'S LIFE PILLS as last sent . While I am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the fl&tteringintelligence of the groat good your pills are doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely because it ii a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to the public health . The { fact is , however , predjudice is fast giviag way , as it always must where the pills are tried . A few cases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted . I " A young female came into the shop to-day for a box , who stated that they had done her immense food , She had been troubled with a hoarseness so ad that no one could hear her speak ; but having taken a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , she was completely restored , as was evident by tbe way she spoke . " Very many cases of extraordinary cures have occurred among the aged workpeople , both male and female . In one mill , an aged couple , enfeebled by disease and debilitated by premature old age , had become almost past work ; they were persuaded to try a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , and in a week were restored and strengthened that they could pursue their employment with pleasure and profit ; so much to , tbat from being unable to work at their calling more than two days in the week , acd this with great physical difficulty and languor , th « y can now not only do a full week' s work , but overhours besides . ] Bad as trade is here , the old people being favourites with the mill owner , are enabled to get as much employment as they can do , wkich has excited the envy of those younger persons who had been employed in their absence ; and it iB a laughable fact , that Part ' s Pills come in for a share ef their rancour . The j old [ people coutinua to take the pills regularly in small quantities , and find them as necessary to their health and prosperity as their daily food . | M The next and last case which I shall mention at this time , is one of a most extraordinary nature . I have not seen the individual myself , but I shall give you the fact as I have received it from his employer , and from Mr . J . Hobson , who has frequently seen him since his convalesence . The man is a working mechanic and had spent about thirty pounds last year on the doctor , in going to the Isle of Man and other places , for the benefit of his health , but to no p * rp 08 » . His food had consisted for a long time of nothing but rice milk , the stomach refusing to tak « anything stronger . His body was greatly emaciated and his temporal prospects clouded ; with a mind filled with melancholy forebodings for the future , ha returned to his friends at Leeds , where he was told by his medical adviser that should he be restored a little , his disorder would have its periodical return ; but being advised to try PARR'S LIFE PILLS , he bought a few boxes , whioh have completely removed his disease , aud enabled him to return to his work , where he was seen a few days ago by Mr . Hobson , ( it being dinner hour ) eating beef-steaks with great gusto ); and to whom he recited with pleasure and gratitude the cause of his then healthy condition , together with a long Mstory of his past affliction . " Should the above three cases of cures be worthy of your notice , you are at perfect liberty to make what use of them you think proper . ¦ I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , " WILLIAM HICK . " To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ,, 9 , Crane Court ^ Fleet-street , London . " MIRACULOUS CURB FROM THE USB OF PAKE ' S LIFE riLLS . Copy of a Letter just reoeived by the Proprietors from Mr . Win . Moat , 3 , Cobbett-street , Shaw ' s Brow , Saiford . " To thej Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . " Gentlemen , —I have the utmost pleasure in forwarding you thisimy own case of cure , effeoted solely , by the persevering use of your Parr ' s Life Pills . Before having recourse to them , I had been for upwards of five years afflicted with a most distressing malady , which the different medical men who attended me all pronounced to be a serious case of hydrocele ( or dropsy of the scrotum ) , and declared there was no other chance of either relief or cure than undergoing a surgical operation . Iwaathus driven almost to despair ; aud consulted the treatise written by Sir Astley Cooper , wherein he states that the operation is generally attended with considerable danger . I therefore determined not to risk so painful and uncertain an experiment , but rather chose to leave the result to nature and Providence . Fortunately , I heard of the great fame of Park ' s Life Pills , and resolved to give them a fair trial . I Consequently took them for some time without perceiving any benefit , but still kept persevering ; and I have now taken twelve boxes , and to my great , joy I am perfectly well , the dropsy is entirely removed , together with a scorbutic affection , which I had been much troubled with since my return from India in 1827 ; and now there is not a vestige of disease left in my whole system , as I am now in better health and spirits thaa I have been for fourteen years . I feel certain you would have accounts of far more cures , if people would persevere in the use of the pills a proper length of time , as I have done . I give you my heartfelt thanks , and authority to publish this letter , and will gladly answer any applications either personally Or by letter , and remain your grateful and obliged servant . ( Signed ) "W . MOAT . " " Witness—John Hough , Cheadle , carrier . " Manchester , Feb . 7 , 1842 . " FROM MR . HEATON , BOOKSELLER , LEEDS . " To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . " " Gentlemen , —I am happy to inform you that we are daily hearing accounts of the good effects of Parr ' s Life Pills ]; to enumerate the cases would be a task too formidable for me , and whioh has prevented my writing ' to inform you before , as I can hardly tell where tojbegin . One man said he wanted a box of Life Pills for Life Pills they were to him , they had done him w much good , in relieving him of an obstinate cough and asthma . " Another said they were worth their weight in gold ! as he was not ; like the same man since he had taken them . " Another said his wife had had a bad leg for years , but after taking one small box , which was recommended by his . Class Leader , her leg was much better , and when she had taken the second box , it was quite as well as the other . " A very respectable female said her husband bad been afflicted above two years , and had tried many things , but since hejhad taken Pass ' s Life Puls he was quite a new man . "You will please send immediately , by Deacon's waggon , 36 dozen boxes at Is . l £ d ., and 6 dozen at 2 s . 9 d . " I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , "JOHN HEATON . " 7 , Briggate , Leeds , Feb . 9 th , 1842 . " To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Craue Court , Fleet-street , London . " Another most extraordinary case of cure , communicated by Mr . Moxon . of York : —Mrs . Mathers , of tbat city , had for many years been affected with a most inveterate disease , which her medical attendants pronounced to be cancer . It originated in her breast , and continued to spread nearly all over her body , defying every effort of surgical skill . Parr's Life Pills being recommended to her , she resolved to give them a trial ;< and , speaking of the result , she which she has already derived from them . She further states , that she is now almost well , and ascribes her convalescence solely to the persevering use « f that sovereign medicine—Parr ' s Life Pills . N . B . Any one doubting the : accuracy of the above statemeHt , may , through ( the agent ( Mr . Moxon ) , lie directed to Mrs . Mathers , who will herself authenticate its truth . —York , Not . 17 th , 1842 . CAUTIOW—BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , In oxder to protect the public from imitations , the Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the words Earr ' s Life Pills to be engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted round . the sides of each box , in whitb letters on a nvd ground . Without this mark of authenticity they are spurious and an imposition ! Prepared by the Proprietors , T . Roberta and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London ; and sold wholesale by their appointment , by E . Edwards , 57 , St . ; Pauls , also by Barclays and Sons , Farringdon-Btreet , and Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Sold at ( 3 , Market Walk , Huddersfield ; and retail by at least one agent ia every town in the United Kingdom , and by most respectable dealers in medicine . Price la lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., and family boxes 11 s . each . Full directions , are given with each box .
Untitled Ad
Just Published , the 12 th Edition , Pr ice 4 s ., ^ sent Free to any part of the United kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order , for 5 a . TBE SILENT FRIEND , A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMlTlRt of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in S sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed c ^ S that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire v ! . with Observations on the baneful effect ' s of SOLt TARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; C and constitutional WEAKNESS , NEaVO TT * IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on « Z partial or Utal EXTINCTION of the REPffi . DUCTIVE POWERS ; withmeaiisofrestoraty i . the destructive effects of Gonorrhea , Gleet , Stricture and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a fainjlij . manner ; the Work is Embellished with ENGiun ings , representing the deleterious influence of m ^ cury on the akin , by eruptions on the head , face , jjj body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes * followed by observations on the Obligations ni MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with diree . tions for the removal of Physical and Constitutional Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to sufferim , humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be * £ suited without exposure , and with assured confideaM of success . By R . and L . PERRY , and Co ., Consulting' Surgeons , London and Birmingham Published by the Authors , ' and sold by Bnokton . 50 , Bripyate , Leeds ; Strange , Patemoster-ip » . Wilson , 18 , Bishopgat . e-stteet ; Pnrkis , Comptoa * street , Soho ; Jackson and Co ., 130 , New Bond-street . London : Guest , Steelhouse-laue , Birmingham ; and by all Booksellers in Town and Country . THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYR 1 ACUM . Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of the impaired functions of life , and is exclusively directed to the cure of the Generative SyBtem , whether constitutional or acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility aridne from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgence in solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , kj whioh the constitution is left in a deplorable state and that nervous mentality kept up which places iS individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this dangerota ' practice , are not confined to its pure physical result but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited d ^ yiatingmind into a fertile field of seduciveerror ,-iuto a gradual but total degradation of manhood—ioto a pernicious application of these inherent rightg which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her speoies ; bringing on premature decripituds . and all the habitudes of old age : —such a one carries with him theform and aspect of other men , bat wi& . out th * vigour and energy of that season which his early youth bade him hope to attain . How many men cease to be men , or , at least , cease to enjoj manhood at thirty 1 How many at eighteen recein the impression of the seeds of Syphilitic disease itself ? the consequences of which travel out of tin ordinary track of bodily ailment , covering the frame with disgusting evidence of its ruthless nature , aaj impregnating the wholesome stream of life with mortal poison ; conveying into families the seeds of disunion and unhappiness ; undermining domestii harmony ; and striking at the very soul of homta intercourse . The fearfully abused powers of the humane Gan « . rative System require the most cautious preservation ! and the debility and disease resulting from early indiscretion demand , for the cure of those dreadftj vils , that such medicine should be employed that a most certain to be successful . It is for these cases Messrs . Perry aud Co ., particularly designed their CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIAGUM which ii intended to relieve those persons , who , by an imao > derate indulgence of their passions , have xxaiai their constitutions , or ia their way to the conBum . mation of that deplorable state , are affected wife any of those previous symptomB that betray its approach , as the various affections of the nervous system , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity ,- 'destructions of certain evacuations , weakness , total impotency , barrenness , &o . As nothing can be better adapted to help and . nourish the constitution , so there is nothing moit generally acknowledged to be peculiarly efficaoioos m all inward wastings , loss of appetite , indigestion ! depression of spirits , trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs , obstinate coughs , shortness of breati . or consumptive habits . It possesses wonderful efficacy in all cases of syphilis , fits , head-ache , weik * . ness , heaviness , and Iownes 3 of spirits , dimness of sight , confused thoughts , wandering of the . mind , vapours , and melancholy ; and all kinds of hysteria complaints are gradually removed by its use . And veu where the disease of Stability appears to haw ; taken the firmest hold of the female constitution , tto softening tonic qualities of the Cordial Balm of Syriacum wrll warm and purify the blood and juices , increase the animal spirits , invigorate and revive tin whole animal machine , and remove the usual impt * diment to maturity . This medicine is particularly recommended to b « taken before persons enter into the MatbimohuIState , lest in the event of procreation occurring , thl innocent offspring should bear enatamped upon it till physical characters derivable from parental debility , or evil eruptions of a malignant tendency , that aif most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence . Sold in Bottles , price 11 s . each , or the quantity o ( four in one Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one 11 s . bottle is saved . Prepared only by Messrs . PERRY & Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Bernera-street , Oxford-street , Lomwh ( and 4 , Great Charles-street , Birmingham . Observe , none are genuine without the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye . Tbff Five Pound oases , ( the purchasing of which will be a saving of one pouud twelve shillings ;) may be blA as usual at 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London , and 4 , Great Charles-street , Birmingham ; and Patients in the country who require a course of this admirable medicine , phould send Five Pounds by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit w such advantage . May be bad of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Medicine Venders in town and countrj throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe and America . Messrs . PERRY expect when consulted by \ lettfir » the usual fee one pound , without which , no notiso whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients are requested to be as minute as possibla in the detail of their cases , as to the duration of wj complaint , the symptoms , age , habits of living , «« general occupation . Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world ; no difficulty can occur » they will be securely packed , and carefully protected from observation . PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and Us . per box , ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY aa * Co . on the outside of each wrapper ) are well known throughout Europe and America , to be the most certain aad effectual cure ever discovered for * J * T . stage and symptom of the Venereal Disease , iajww sexes , including Gonorrhsea , Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , !« & cieucy , and all diseases of the Urinary Passages * without loss of time , confinement , or hiatlraneeii ?» business . They have effected the most surprising cares , not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all other means have failed ; anda » of tbe utmost importance to those afilicted mw Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part of tw body , UIceration 8 , Scrofulous or Venereal : * Mb being justly calculated to cleanse the blood , fro **} foulness , counteract every morbid affection , , »* restore weak and emaciated constitutions to prisww health and vigour . It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victim * to this horrid disease , owing to the uuskilfnhi 6 ? o » illiterate men ; who by the use of that deadly joisofc mercury , ruin the constitution , causing ulceratiowr Wotches on the head , face , and body , di ' f at " sight , noise in the ears , deafness , obstinate gw » fc nodes on tbe shin bones , ulcerated sore throat , diseased nose , with nocturnal painB in the head »» limbs , till at length a general debility of tbe « ons ^ tntion ensues , and a melancholy death puts a penoo f th « ir dreadful sufferings . Messrs . Perry and Co ., SnrgeonB , may be consnti * ed as usual , at 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , Lendon , and 4 , Great Charles-street , ( fat * d £ «* from Eaay-ww , ) Birmingham , punctually , « P Eleven in ; the Morning until eight in the Ev « uuf | aad ob Suniays from Eleven till One . OniiW personal visit ia required from a country P ** ?*! t » enable Messrs . Perry and Co ., to give such MTiw as will be the means of effecting a permanent * n « , eSectnal cure , after all other means have prowr ineffectual . N . B . Country Druggists , Booksellers , P atent M * iiciae Tenders , and every other Shop keepers be supplied with any quantity of Perry ' s Pwujwjj Specific Pills , aud Cordial Balm of Syriaoum ,, W « a the usual allowance to the Trade , by most oxw ° . MTinciple WJiolcsalo Patent Medi « ine Houses f London . Sold by Mr . Heatow , Briggate , Lhu »
Untitled Ad
HEALTH FOR ALL !! PATRONIZED BY THB GREATEST NOBLES IN THE LANp . HOLLOW AY'S PILLS . COPY of a Letter from his Grace the Duke of PoBrtAND to Mrs . Ann Mellish ( one of his Tenants ) , whom his Grace was pleased to Bend as a ' Patient to the Proprietor of this extraordinary JMedicine . i Madam , —If Mr . Holloway will undertake to Cure you perfectly , when the Cure is complete , I will undertake to pay him £ 2 10 a . You may show him this Letter . ( Signed ) SCOTT PORTLAND . ; Welbeok Abbey , May 31 , 1842 . Copy of a Letter from the Most Honorable the Marquis of Westminster , K . G . Lord Westminster has . jast received Mr . Holloway ' s Medicine , for which he returns him his best thanks . Eaton Hall , Cheshire , Feb . 12 , 1842 . THIS INESTIMABLE MEDICINE being composed entirely of Medicinal Herbs , does not contain any mercurial , mineral , or deleterious substance . Benign to the tender infant , or to the weakest ; constitution , prompt and sure in eradicating disease from the most robust frame , it is perfectly harmless in its operations and effects , while it searches out and removes Complaints of every character , and at every stage , however long-standing or deeply-rooted . OF THE THOUSANDS Cured by its agency , many who were on the verge of the grave for a considerable period { by persevering in its use ) , have been restored to health and strength , after every other means had failed . , ALL DISEASES ( and whatever may be their symptoms , however they may declare themselves , yet one cause is common to them all , namely , a want of purity in the blood and fluids ) , are cured by this Wonderful Medicine , whioh cleanses the stomach and bowels , while its Balsamic qualities clear the blood , give tone and energy to the nerves and mus ~ dps , invigorate the system , and add strength to bone and sinew . 1 THE AFFLICTED need not give himself up to despair , as one without hope , but let him make a pioper TtiaJ of the Mighty Powers of this astonishing Medioine , and he will soon be restored to the blessings of Health . TIME should not be lost in taking this remedy for any of following Diseases : — Ague Erysipelas Rheumatism Asthmas Female irregu- Retention of the Bilious com- larities urine ' plaints Fevers of all Sore Throats . Blotches on the kinds Scrofula , or skin Fits King ' s Evil Bowel com- Gout Stone & Gravel plaints Head-ache Tic Douloureux Colics Indigestion Tumours Constipation of Inflammation Ulcers Bowels Jaundice Worms of all Consumption Liver com- kinds Debility plaints Weakness , from Dropsy Lumbago whatever cause , Dysentery Piles & 0 . & 0 . These truly invaluable Pills can be obtained at the establishment of Professor Holloway , near Temple'Bar , where advice may be had gratis , and of most respectable Venders of Medicines throughout the civilized world , at the following prices Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 43 . 6 d ., Us ., 22 a ., and » 33 a . each Box . There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes . N . B . —Directions for the Guidance of PatientB in every Disorder are affixed to each Box .
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BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Case from Luton , Bedfordshire , communicated by JUIr . Phillips , Chemist and Druggist , to Mr . 7 . ProvJt ^ ZTSjStrand ^ London , Luton , Bedfordshire , Oct . 19 , 1841 . SIR , —! feel desirouB of expressing to you the great benefit which I have received from the use of Blur ' s Goat and Rheumatic Pills . I have for several yeatB been afflicted with Rloeumatism and Gout , the attacks of which were excessively severe . Daring one of these painful visitations a kind friend presented me with a box of Blairs Pills , from the use of which I found immediate relief and very soon entirely recovered . At a subsequent period I was so severely attacked that he thought it would be unwise to delay placing myself under medical care . I did so ; but not finding the relief which I expected , I again became my own physician . At this time my legs and thighs were Bwelled to a very great extent . I immediatelv procured a box of Blair ' s Pills from Mr . W . Phillips * your agent in this town , and after taking two doses 1 was tree from pain , and the swelling subsided . I now never fail to me them whenever I am attacked by this painful malady , and they invariably give me relief after one or two doses . Several of my acquaintances use them , and experience the same benefit . I trust you will insert this among your list of cases , as I am anxious to bear witness to the efficacy of this excellent medioine . I am , Sir , yours . most respectfully . RICHARD STONE . Sugar Loaf , London Road , Luton . The never-failing effects of BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS in caring every description of Gout and Rheumatism , have secured to them a celebrity unequalled by any medicine of past or present times . They not only give relief in a few hours , where the patient has been driven nearly to madness by the excruciating tortures of this decease , but restore to perfect health in an inconceivably short space of time . They are equally speedy and certain in rheumatism , either chronic or acute , lumbago , sciatica , pains in the head or face , and indeed for every rheumatic or gouty affection ; in fact , such has been the rapidity , perfect ease , and complete safety of this medicine , that it has astonished all who have taken it , and there is not a city , town , or village in the kingdom , bub contains many-grateful evidences of its benign influence . Sold by T . Prout , 229 , Strand , London , Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , and by his appointment , by Heaton , flay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Newsome , Smeeton , Reinh&rdt , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis & Son , Moxon , Little , Hardman , Linney , Hargrove , York ; Brooke & Co ., Walker & Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncasterj Jodson , Harrison , Linney * Ripon ; Fogf ' tt , Coates , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold ; ngland , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , Rich ? mond ; Cameron , Knaresbro '; Pease , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixon Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Rogerson , Cooper ,. Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Pontefract ; Cordwell , Gill , Lawton , Dawson . Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Waite , Horrogate ; Wall , Barnsley ; and all respectable Medicine Venders throughout the kingdom . Ask for Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatio Pills , and observe the name and addresB of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " impressed upon the Government Stamp affixed to each box of tbe Genuine Medicine .
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THE LATE DREADFUL HURRICANE . TOTAL LOSS OF THE SHIP EN 0 LANB . To the already frightful catalogs of ¦ wrecks v j ^ yb to add tb * total Joss of another fins ship , the England , Captain Thomas Lewis , beloogSig to Londoti i Tr tudi foundered two d » y » after g » hurricane in sweaty-eight feet of water , about nifie milea off Oatend . Tho intelligence ni brought by Captain Lewis , who with the ehief mate , Mr . Clarke , tad the ship ' s cook arrived off the Gustom-hona * , at eleven o ' clock on Thursday night by the Belgian steamer . of 425
The JEnJdaad ^ ras tons burden , and belonged to Messrs . Ward and Son , shipowaers at Shadwell . She VEsnotinsnred . Her crew , besides Captain Lewis , consisted of first and second mates , carpenter and carpenter ' s mate , and sixteen seamen . On the seventh inst , aha left the rivers Thames for the coast of Africa with about 200 tons of ballast , and arrived « afe in the Itowns on the following Thursday . They proceeded on the passage the -same evening , having fair weather , the wind blo-sriag a-Sno bn *» from the east However , at -about one o ' clock on Priday morning , when the ship had
arrived between Fairleyond Beachey Head , it commenced blowing a heavy gale , which increased to one of the severest hurricanes ever experienced by-the oldest jtiuti on board . Capt iewis , upon the storm advancing had the sbip secured as snugly as possible ; all sail was diortened , * nd every man - was upon deck ready in ease « f emergency . At about two o ' clock the appearance of the weather wsa &wful ; hail , snow , and rain descended in torrents , the sea appeared like a boiling surf , the waves rising a terrific height , -and makings dear Ibreaeh over the vessel . Most « f the crew had
lashed themselves to different parts of the vessel Tnmng the morning the ship laboured very hard , and i > j ber continually pitching shifted her cargo of bal : ast ; so much so , that by daybreak she was completely upon her beam ends , and making a considerable quantity of Water . The crew made signals of distress , but no vessel made its appearance faring that and the following day ; tut at seven o ' clock on Sunday morning a Dutch pilot-boat hove in sight . In the ' meanwhile the -reEBtilhad 'become worse , tke crew suffering from cold ¦ KnA exhaustion . During 3 ? iidBy they made several attempts to work at the pumps ; but the storm still continuing with unabated violence , although several " » ere lashed to the handles , they were enable to keep * footing . Friday Light and Saturday passed without any further success , and they remained lashed to the Tigging until late on Satorday sight when tho weather became somewhat fine , which enabled them to free themselves from the quarters where they had been
tied nearly forty-eight hours . Such was the sitaaiion of the ship then , that it was impossible to work at the pumps , or even to launch the longboat ; she lay on the watei with her gunwales completely under , and her destruction was expected by alL At daybreak the following morning ( Sunday ) Captain Lewis and the chief officers determined upon cutting away the mainmast , in the hope of throwing the vessel more is an upright position , and in order to construct a raft ~ In a few minutes after the order had been given the mast fell overboard , but It had little effect upon the ship . She lay with the bottom of her keel partially cut of the water , and the gunwale some feet under . There was then upwards of ten feet of water in the bold , which was fast approaching the deck . Just as they commenced eoastarattmg the raft the pilot-boat , to their great delight , hove down towards them , and succeeded in leaching the England , sad taking them safely off the-wreck .
The Dutch pHotboat , at tie desire of Captain Lewis , remained alongside of the ship until she > " ^ Tr -which took place in about two hours afterwards , about three leagues from , the shore . The crew , upon their smval at Hushing , were most kindly treated by the authorities , -srho afforded them every comfort and assistance they could wish . The British Consul at TFlushing then forwarded them to ^ Rotterdam , which place they left for London . Loss . of the Lilly op Liverpool . —We regret to state that'this , splendid Teasel , insured by the underwrite ^ at Lloyd ' s to the extent of jS 20 , 000 , the -property of Mr . Maxwell , of Liverpool , was totally lost during toe tremendous Hurricane on Friday -week last , together with the Little Test of
Southampton , and another ( name unknown ) , upon the Tannton Sands , situate about two miles and a half to the north of tho North Lighthouse , in the Bristol Channel . The ship was registered at about 600 tons burden , She had a general cargo on board , consisting of cotton and silk goods , boxes oF copper ere , gunpowder , muskets , sabres , swords , pieces of ordnance , &c . ^ and at the period of the unfortunate catastrope was upon her passage to Old Calabar , on the coast of Africa . About two hours after she struck , . a vessel called the Appledore , Mr . "Williams , master , came alongside , and , by means of his boat , took the crew off in safety . They -were afterwards conveyed to the lighthouse , ¦ where every fcomfort and kindness was shown to
them . We regret to add that some time before the Tessel came ashore , a portion of the Icrew had forcibly broken' into the store-room , and drank to Each excess of spirits , that some were lying , about the deck in a shocking state of madness , and would lave perished bntjfor the humanity of their messmates , "who secured them to the rigging'to preveat the sea Trashing them overboard ; and there they remained until assistance arrived alongside of the wreck . The crew consisted of twenty-three men , besides Captain Townes , the commander , and first and second mates . Immediately before the wreck being observed by the Coast Guard , a strong body
of men were stationed along the coast to protect asy part of the cargo that should be-washed ashore . Towards morning , as the tide rose , the breakers threw the ship higher upon the sands , where she sooh broke in half , and her cargo floated out , and was washed upon the beach . As night advanced a band of desperate wreckers made their appearanee and commenced plundering the cargo to a great extent . Several were fired at by the Coast Guard without any serious result , but they st 21 continued their depredations with the utmost impunity . Since then several of the principal offenders have been apprehended and committed far trial .
IRELAND . Nasis , ' Ja 3 . 17 . —Last Friday morning , as the boate belonging to ihe Rosses Herring Fishery were engaged in hauling their nets on the north side of ihe Isle of Axran , a "violent gale of wind suddenly sprnugnp from , the north , and in a very short space of time it increased to a perfect hurricane . Every effort wasmade by the boatmen to reach ihe shore , but , alas ! twelve poor fellows were doomed to a premature and watery graven ten of whom formed the crew of one of Mr . P . Forster * s large fishing yawl— = the other two men were lost out of separate boats . A few days previona to this lamentable occurrence , as a boat was returniBg from Burton Port
to Arran , she was capsized , and six persons out of sine were unfortunately drowned . One of the survivors died the following morning from the effects of the bruises he received on the rocks while straggling to gain the shore . The continnal storms which we hare had since the -ish , have paralysed the efforts of xmi hardy fishermen ; and although there is every reason to believe that there is a large shoal of herrings off the" island of Ronaaish , the tempestuous state of the weather has kept them from approaching the usual fishing-ground . Twenty-seven trains of nets , averaging seven each—in all about 190 nets , besides anchors , ropes , &c , have been lost by . the PortnooandBallyhillagh fishermen on the morning of the 4 th inst . |
TcBBEBKBUiu Jahcasy 14 . —Loss ov Fobbtees LTfts .-r-I .: boped to be able "to send you fornxte irabEcationagood -account-of our herring fishery ; bat , alas f instead of a pleasing one , I am Borry to teD you that a boat 3 crew , consisting of ten men , ¦ were all swallowed up in fee deep by a heavy , sea upsetting their boat . Many other boats were in great danger , iut , fortunately , escaped with the greatest difficulty . Toe night previous to the loss the boats all went ont and left their nets shot rill next morning , when aU went out in hopeB of getting plenty of fish j -but , melancholy to relate , while at
the nshing-groHnd at Aroonmore , a storm arose , and all hands surore to gain the shore ; one fine young man was swept off bis oar by a huge wave , and was never seen more . Another melancholy accident happened a few days -previous to the loss above-men fionea . A boat from Aroonmore was returning borne , when a storm arose , which upset the boat , and six brave men were thrown out , three of whom escaped a watery grave . I am sorry to have to acquaint you of the loss of bo many Eves , many ef whom have left large families to lament their loss .
Sisgstdws , Jax 22 . —The schooner Alliance , of Liverpool , James Blair , master , bouud to Tralee , ? w «^ JJ ^^ - £ , - ^ en off Bray Head tins morning , she picked up four seamen ' s chesia ; twoTO&ctetbes . ihe otheremply . intnefireUhere wasj found an account book , with the name of James Bell , and the master of his vessel , Grof or Grass Two lettes also were found in the second chesV one * returned letter , addressed b y James Btoto ^^ JfeiS * " ^ Wat& F 4 ' Manchester : the other from Matthew to
Peare bis aster , dated-a copy of-a manifest of stores , orated on board the Hermes , Vftn-Bay Oliphant , Buenos Ajres , 29 th of Apnl , 184 £ These articles , no doubt , belonged to the crew of Boae ill-fated Tessel wrecked on the Arklow-bank very recently Themaster of the Alliance states Jie observed several large ships Etanding m for the bank , last evening , and -making much too bold , as he conceived . Tie chests will be left at ihe Harbour Master ' s office , Kingstown , for any claimants . ; ¦ > . , , t
Untitled Article
The : Moshootbehibe Comas , —Mr . Superintendent Davies , of the Merthyr district of the Glamorgan constabulary , received information on the morniEjj of the 16 tn instant of an intended movement of the Gollygaer and : Monmouthshire colliers to His . "Powell ' s colliery , Dnffryn , Aberdare , Tor ihe purpo&Tof compelling the men of these works * to strike , ' - Mr .: " Superintendent Davies immediately proceeded to "Aberdare , accompanied wiih a strong force , to act in conjunction "ffith the Aberdare detaccment . On arriviDg a the above ttaiicn , the ; " B > f I - B
Untitled Article
superintendent placed bimself in immediate communication with Mr . Williams , the manager of the works at that place . About three p . Bt . information was received that about 2 , 000 workmen , were proceeding from Qnakers ' -yard to Aberdare . The superintendent accordingly concentrated his force in the neighbourhood of the works , with a viewof observing their movements , and , if necessary , to descend upon them , it being arranged that Mr . Williams should try his endeavours , if required , before any appearance of the constabulary took place near the works , and , if required , to forward information to the superintendent . About 4 pas . near 1000 in number appeared in sight , composed chiefly . of Monmouthshire colliers . It was evident that they had
received information of the arrival of the police , for they acted with extreme caution ; they did not attempt to approach Bear the works , but baited in a field -adjoining , first obtaining the liberty of the owner . The leader began to speak , and impressed upon the rabble to be orderly , and not lay themselves open te the law , for he was informed the police were at baud . They did not ask to see the agent or hold out any intimidation , the colliers being at work in the levels , and appearing determined to remain at work . About 6 o'clock Mr . Williams called them up , when they did not join the mob , but retired apparently to their respective homes . The mob , no doubt alarmed , and finding they were frustrated la their object , dispersed in all directions . Upon their dispersion , Mr . Superintendent Davies stationed officers in different parts of the works , with a view to
prevent the committal of damage to the machinery , pits ,-&c , during the night . The public-houses , beer-houses , and lodging-houses were searched , all strangers and stragglers from the mob were warned to depart , and told that if found begging they would be immediately apprehended . This had the desired effect , for they all , with a few exceptions , being housed by the workmen , left during the sight . No intimidation or threats were used towards the colliers composing this colliery . On the following morning the manager was at his post to receive the workmen . Several came in their clean clotheB , and refused to continue their work , assigning no reason . Superintendent Davies immediately proceeded to the works , and caused the requisite arrangements to be effected for the protection of property . Another meeting was held on the 18 th inst . by the colliers between Pontaberbareoed and Blackwood . —Merihyr "Guardian .
Just Published, Price 6d. Rp He Facts And Fictions Of Political J. Economists, Being A Review Of The Prinot Science
Just Published , Price 6 d . rp HE FACTS AND FICTIONS of POLITICAL J . ECONOMISTS , being a Review of the Prinot science
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 28, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1197/page/2/