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VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , That the Christie mas General Quarter Sessions of the Peace , for the "West-Biding of the County of York , -will be held bj adjournment in the Committee Boom , at the House of Correction , at Wakefield , on Wednesday , tiie Eight day of Febrnaiy next , at Eleven o ' clock in the Forenoon , for the purpose of inspecting the Riding Prison , { the said House of Correction ) and for examining the accounts of the Keeper of the said House of Correction , making Enquiry into the conduct of the Officers and Servants belonging the same \ and also into the behavionx of the Prisoners , and their Earnings . C . H . EL 5 LEY , Cierk of the Peace . Clerk of the Peace ' s Office , Wakefield , 2 Srd Jannary , 1843 .
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DEDICATED , BY PEBMESI 05 , 5 t > HEB MOST GBACIOU J XAJ 13 TT QCEES T 1 CI 0 BIA , AND HEH BOTAL HIGH- I SJS 3 THB DUCHESS OP KENT . T > LOFELD AKD CO / s NEW MAP OF FJsG-1 X > LAND , SCOTLAND , AND WAXES , compiled from the Trigonometrical Survey of the Honourable the Board of Ordnance , and Corrected to the present time , from Documents in possession j of the CommisaonetB of Boards , &c . } Size . —bl feet long , by 4 feet "wide , margin not ' reckoned . "Where preferred , it can be had in two parts , tbe one containing the Map of Great Britain ; the other , the information round the border . » ^ S ^ r ^ **> §* » according to the Reform £ * $ ?• ™ Tis 5 ons ° f Ae Counties , the Boroughs , i'ollingPiaces , and the number of Members returned lor each . f ^^^ eada Cennty iH England , as ¦ well as of Iretod , Scoiland , andWales Janda general one of Great Bntam ; forming a Key ' by which ths Distoce maybe found between any two Market lowns m the United Kingdom . Also various Topographical and Statistical Information lespectangihe Tbifced Kingdom , the English CpnntieB mdmdnally , and ike nnmbera of Sqnare MflesvStatote Acres , &c . The-Popnlation of all the principal' Market Jowjs , ^ the ToialAinonnt in each County . The Market DayB , &e . _ The Bail Roads and Canals are laid down in most instances , from Plans in possession of the various Companies ; and the Iron , Coal , Lead , Tin , Copper , and Salt Mines , as correctly as possible . Price , handsomely Coloured , Tarnisipd , and Mounted on Mahogany Rollers , French Polished . ° Z » * n& np ^ a C&Be ^^^ to resemble a-Book , ao 3 s . - The above as a GEOLOGICAL , MAP . Coloured . fifflL " : " aa . t ^ iihow the raricus Strata , &c Haif-. * - ' GtaQeK'la addition 1 > JPttHfe 6 ed byBlofeld and Co ., Map-sellers to ' the © D 6 eni ^ 29 , Thames Inn , Holborn , ioocdon ; and joay bsiad at Mr . Hobson ' s , Publisher of the NifdhdrnS iau
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! THE SPINAL COMPLAINT . ' "PHERE is hardly a single complaint amongst the JL Hundredfl to which the Human Frame is liable bo distressing and so prostrating as Affection of the Spine ; and there is hardly another complaint so difficult of cure . The discoverer of an almost unfailing ' , Remedy may therefore safely be said to confer a boon npon his species ; and this Remedial Boon is proved by extensive experience to have been discovered by i tbe Proprietor of J HAIGH'S SPINAL OINTMENT . Some of the Cases of Cere effected bj it are beyond belief j and , were not the parties living , and perfectly willing , nay , anxiously ready to be referred to , and to testify to the wonderful benefits they have received , the Proprietor of the Ointment dare not mention them for fear of being cbaTged with an attempt to practise npon the credulity of the public . The parties , however , are living ; they can be referred to ; and their testimony is of the highest importance to all afflicted with Spinal affection . The efficacy of this invaluable Restorative has been again most abundantly demonstrated in the following two cases of cures effected within the last month . The names and addiesses of the parties are given ; and to the parties themselves are the sceptical referred . BECEKT CASES . 1 . "William Moss , son of Thomis Moss , Tailor , Nortbgate , Huddersfield , has been afflicted with the spinal complaint for nearly two years ; and during that time has been under the medical treatment of several of the Medical Profession in the neighbourhood , but received no relief . His back was quite crooked and deformed . After nting tbe Spinal Ointment a short time , he was completely recovered , and is now strong and healthy . 2 . Mary Ann Hutchinson , daughter of Mr . Hutchinson , Clock and Watchmaker , 32 , Kingstreet , Huddersfield , was severely afflicted with the Spinal Complaint for a long period , so much bo as to walk with great difficulty . Her Spine was much distorted . She had been under the treatment of the Faculty for some time , without experiencing any relief . After applying a few boxes of the Spinal Ointment , she was completely restored , and is now enjoying good health . In addition to the above , the following CASES OP CUBE are also giTen , and reference made t o the parties , who , by means of this invaluable boon , have been restored to live a life of health and nBefnlness . 1 . —Joseph Parkin , slubber , MilneB Bridge , near Huddersfield . This was a case of two Years' standing . The Patient had had the benefit of the best medical advice that could be procured , but without effect . His finger nailB were putrifying , when he began to apply tbe Spinal Ointment ; and in the course of ten weeks be was perfectly cored . He is now in a state of perfect health . 2 . —Mrs . James Newton , of Ashton-under-Lyne . A case of very long standing . She bad experienced all kindB of treatment , visited spaa . &c , without relief ; was cored with the Spinal Ointment in about seven months . 3 . Senior , son of James Senior , slubber , Dewsbury , aged five years . Had never walked from his birth . Was cured in about foui months ; and enabled to walk as well as any one . To accommodate the distressed from this terrible affliction , the Ointment is made np in tin boxes , and sold at 2 s . 3 d . each box , stamp included . Mr . J . Hoeson , Northern Star Office , Leeds , is sole . agent for its sale . I The Spinal Ointment is of two kinds , and num-| bered 1 and 2 . No . 1 is the strongest kino , and is to j be used in the morning only , tat . children and for weak adults . Sxbono adults must use No , 1 continuously . No . 2 is to be used according to the instructions given with each box , in the middle of the day , and at | night . ! For children and for weak adultB it will therefore t » necessary to procure two boxes of No . 2 to one of No . 1 . . A letter addressed ( post-paid , and inclosing a j postage stamp ) to Mr . Hobson , or to the Proprietor , Mr . George Haigh , Crossland ' s-bnildingB , Paddock , i near Hnddersfield , will receive an answer pointing j out the readiest mode of conveyance of the Oint-J ment , and the cost . Parties writing had better i commnnicate all the particulars of their respective l eases ; how long afflicted ; from what cause , j natural , or hurt ; and the course of treatment under-¦ gone . ' The Ointment is in Boxes , at 2 s , U . each , stamp urcluded . Sold only by Mr . Joshna Hobson , the I Northern Star publisher j sad by the Proprietor ,
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Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on tho receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . 6 d . ) TBE SECBJ 3 T MEDICAL ADVISER . BEING a practical Treatise on the prevention and cure of the VENEREAL DISEASE , and other affections of the urinary and sexual organs , in both sexes , with a mild and successful mode of treatment , in all their forms and consequences ; especially Stricture , Gleets , affections of the Bladder . Prostrate Glands , Gravel , & . o . shewing also the dangerous consequences of Mercury , such as eruptions of the skin , pain in the bones , &o ., with plain directions for a perfect restoration : embellished with engravings . An ample consideration of tbe diseases of women ; also nervous debility ; including a comprehensive dissertation on the anatomy of Marriage , impuissance , celibacy , sterility or barronnesg , and various other interruptions of the Laws of Nature . Also some animadversions on the Secret Sin of Youth s which entaila such fearful consequences on its victims . ^ - ThiB Work is undeniably the most interesting and important that has hitherto been published en this subject , imparting information which ought to be in the possession of every one who is labouring under any secret infirmity , whether male or female . . BY M . WILKINSON , CONSULTING SURGEON , &o . 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds . Of whom they may be obtained , or from any of his Agents . MR . M . W . having devoted his studies for many years exclusively to the various diseases of the generative and nervous system , in the removal of those distressing debilities arising from a secret indulgence in a delusive and destructive habit , and to the successful treatment of YENEREAL AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES , Continues to be consulted from nine in the morning till ten at night , and on Sundays till two , —and country patients requiring his assistance , by making only one personal visit , will receive such advice and medicines as will enable them to obtain a permanent and effectual cure , when all other means have failed . In recent cases of a certain disorder a perfect cure is completed in one week , or no charge made for medicine after that period , and in those cases where other practititioners have failed , a perseverance in his plan , without restraint in diet , or hindrance from business , will ensnre to the patient a permanent and radical cure . A complete knowledge of the symptoms and treatment of these insidious and dangerous diseases , can only be acquired by those who are in daily practice , ana have previously gone through a regular course of Medical Insxkdction ; for , unfortunately , there the hundreds who annually fall victims to the ignorant use of Meroury and other dangerous remedies , Administered by illiterate men , who ruin th » constitution by suffering diBease to get into the system , which being carried by the circulation of the blood into all parts of the body , tho whole frame becomes tainted with venereal poison , and most unhappy consequences ensue , at one time affecting the skin , particularly the head and face , with eruptions and ulcers , closely resembling , and often treated as scurvy , at another period producing the most violent pains in the limbs and bones , which are frequently mistaken for rheumatism ; thus the whole frame becomes debilitated and decayed , and a lingering death puts a period to their dreadful sufferings . What a grief for a young person in the very prime of life , to be snatched out of time , and from all the enjoymentB of life , by a disease always local at first , and which never proves fatal if properly treated , as all its fatal results are owing either to neglect or ignorance ; Mr . W . % invariable rule is to give a Card to each of his Patients as a guarantee for cure , which he pledges himself to perform , or return his fee . For the accommodation of either sax _ , where distance ox delicacy prevents a personal visit , his PURIFYING DROPS , price 4 s . 6 d . can be had of any of the following agents , with printed directions eo plain , that they may cure themselves without even the knowledge of a bed-fellow . They are particularly recommended to be taken before persons enter into the matrimonial state , lest the indiscretions of a parent are the source of vexation to him' the remainder of his existence , by afflicting his innocent but unfortunate offspring with the evil eruptions of the malignant tendency , and » variety of other complaints , that are most assuredly introduced by the same negiect and imprudence . AGENTS . Htn . L—At the Advertiser Office , Lowgate , and Mr Noble ' s Bookseller , Market-place . Leeds . —At the Times Office , and of Mr . Heaton , 7 , Briggate . Wakefield—Mr . Hurst , Bookseller * Halifax—Mr . Hartley , BookBeller . * Hudderafield—Mr . Dewhirst , S 9 , New-street . Bradford—Mr . Tayler , Bookseller , near t « the Po 3 t-omce . London—Mr . Butler , No . 4 , Cheapside , Barnslcy—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market-pi . York—Mr . Hargrove's Library , 9 , Coney-street . Bipon—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market-place . Knaresboro ' and High Harrogate—Mr . Langdale Bookseller . Manchester—Mr . Watkinson , Druggist , i . Marketplace . BeTerley—Mr . Johnson , Bookseller . Boston—Mr . Noble , Bookseller . Louth—Mr . HartOB , Bookseller . Liverpool—At the Chronicle Office , 25 , L » rd-street Sheffield—At the Iris Office . Mansfield—Mr . S . Dobson , News Agent , 519 , Belvedere-street . Pontefract—Mr . Fox , Bookseller . Gainsborough— Mr . R . Brown , Bookseller . Nottingham—Mr . Sutton , Review Qfice . Newark . —Mr . Bridges , Bookseller . Mr . W ., is to be consulted every day at his Resiience . froiB Nine in the Morniag tin Ten at Night , and on Sundays from Nine till Two . OBSERVE—13 , TRAFALGAR-ST . LEEDS . Attendance every Thursday in Bradford , from Ten to Five , at No . 4 , George-street , facing East Brook C&apsJ ,
Untitled Ad
LETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS . Northern Star Ofilce , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . € V /~ 1 entlemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , at IT your earliest convenience , the sam » quantity of PARR'S LIFE PILLS as last sent . While I am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the flattering intelligence of the great good your pills ara doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely because it ia a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to the public health . The fact is , however , predjudico is fast giving way , as it always must where the pills are tried , A few cases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted . " A young female came into the shop to-day for a box , who stated that they had done her immense good . She had been troubled with a hoarseness so bad that no one could hear her speak ; but having taken a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , sh « was completely restored , as was evident by the way she spoke . " Very many oases of extraordinary cures have occurred among the aged workpeople , both male and female . In one mill , an aged couple , enfeebled by diBease and debilitated by premature old age , had become almost past work ; they were persuaded to try a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , and in a week were restored and strengthened that they could pursue their employmeat with pleasure and profit ; so much to , that from being unable to work at their calling more than two daya in the week , and this with great physical difficulty and languor , th « y can now not only do a full week ' s work , but overhours besides . Bad as trade ia here , the old people being favourites with the mill owner , are enabled to get as much employment as they can do , wkich has excited the envy of those younger persons who had been employed in their absence ; and it is a laughable fact , that Parr ' s Pills come in for a share of their rancour . The old people continue to take the pills regularly in small quantities , and find them as necessary to their health and prosperity as their daily food . " Tho next and last oase which I shall mention at this time , is one of a most extraordinary nature . I have not seen the individual myself , but I shall give you the fact as I have received it from his employer , and from Mr . J . Hobson , who has frequently seeu him since his convalesenoe . The man is a working mechanic and had spent about thirty pounds last year on the doctor , in going to the Isle of Man and oth # r places , for the benefit of his health , but to no pirpo 8 « . His food had consisted for a long time of nothing but rice milk , the Btomaoh refusing to take anything stronger . His body was greatly emaciated and his temporal prospects clouded ; with a mind filled with melancholy forebodings for the future , he returned to his friends at Leeds , where he was told by his medical adviser that should be be restored a little , his disorder would have its periodical return ; but being advised to try PARR'S LIFE PILLS , he bought a few boxes , which have completely removed his disease , and enabled him to return to his work , where he was seen a few days ago by Mr . Hobson , ( it being dinner hour ) eating beef-steaks with great gusto ; and to whom he recited with pleasure and gratitude the cause of his then healthy condition , together wilh a long history of his past affliction " Should the above three cases of cures be worthy of your notice , you are at perfect liberty to make what use of them you think proper . I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , " WILLIAM HICK . " To MessrB . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court Fleet-street , London . " MIRACULOUS CURB FfiOM THE USE OF PARR ' S LIFE PILLS . Copy of a Letter just reoeived by the Proprietors from Mr . Wm . Moat , 3 , Cobbett-street , Shaw ' B Brow , Salford . M To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . Gentlemen , —I have the utmost pleasure in forwarding you this my own case of cure , affected solely by the persevering use of your Parr ' s Life Pills . Before having recourse to them . I had been for upwards of five years afflicted with a most distressing malady , which the different medical men who attended me all pronounced to be a serious oase of hydrocele ( or dropsy of the scrotum ) , and declared there was no other chance of either relief or cure than undergoing a surgical operation . I was thus driven almost to despair ; aud consulted the treatise written by Sir Astley Cooper , wherein he states that the operation is generally attended with considerable danger . I therefore determined not to risk so painful and uncertain an experiment , but rather chose to leave the result to nature and Providence . Fortunately , I heard of the great fame of Pabu ' s Life Pills , and resolved to give them a fair trial . I consequently took them for some time without perceiving any benefit , but still kept persevering ; and I have now taken twelve boxes , and to my great joy I am perfectly well , the dropsy is entirely removed , together with a scorbutic-affection , which I had been muoh troubled with since my return from India in 1827 ; and now there is not a vestige of disease left in my whole system , as I am now in better health and spirits than I have been for fourteen years . I feel certain you would have accounts of far more cures , if people would persevere in the use of the pills a proper length of time , as I have done . I giro you my heartfelt thanks , and authority to publish this letter , and will gladly answer any applications either personally or by letter , and remain your grateful and obliged servant . ( Signed ) ! " W . MOAT . " Witness—John Hough , Cheadle , carrier . " Manchester * Feb . 7 , 1842 . " FROM MR . HEATON , BOOKSELLER , LEEDS . M To the Proprietors of Pair ' s Life Pills . " " Gentlemen , —I am happy to inform you that we are daily hearing accounts of the good effects of Parr ' s Life Pills ; to enumerate the cases would be a taBk too formidable for me , and which has prevented my writing to inform you before , as I can hardly tell where to begin . One man said he wanted a box of Life Pills for Life Pills they were to him , they had done him i * much good , in relieving him of an obstinate cough and asthma . "Another said they were worth their weight in gold ! as he was not like the same man since he had taken them . '' Another said his wife had had a bad leg for yearB , but after taking one small box , which was recommended by his Class Leader , her leg was much better , and when she had taken the second box , it was quite as well as the other . M A very respectable female baid her husband had been afflicted above two years , and had tried many things , but since he had taken Parr ' s Life Pills he was quite a new man . "Yea will please send immediately , by Deacon ' s waggon , 36 dozen boxes at Is . lid ., and 6 dozen at 2 s . 9 d . " I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , "JOHN HEATON . u Briggate , Leeds , Feb . 9 th , 1842 . " To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , Lonaon . " Another most extraordinary case of cure , communicated by Mr . Moxon , of York : —Mrs . Mathers , of that city , had for many years been affected with a most inveterate disease , which her medical attendants pronounced to be cancer . It originated in her breast , and continued to spread nearly all over her body , defying every effort of surgical skill . Parr ' s Life Pills being recommended to her , she resolved to give them a trial ; and , speaking of the result , she Bays she cannot exprets the iuconceiveable advantage which she has already derived from them . She further states , that ehe ia now almost well , and ascribes her convalescence solely to the persevering us » of thai sovereign medicine—Parr's Life Pills . N . B . Any one doubting the accuracy of the above statemeat , day , through the agent ( Mr . Moxon ) , •« directed to Mrs . MatheTS , who will herself authenticate its truth . —York , Nor . 17 th , 1142 . CAUTION—BEWaSE OF IMITATIONS . In order to protect the public from imitations , tbe Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the words Parr ' s Life Pills to be engraved on tha Government Stamp , which is pasted round the sides of each box , in white letters on a b » ground . Without this mark of authenticity they are spurious and an imposition ! Prepared by the Proprietors , T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London ; and sold wholesale by their appointment , by E . Edwards , 57 , St . Pauls , also by Barclays and Sons ; Farringdon-street , and Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Sold at S , Market Walk , Huddersfield ; aud retail by at least one agent ia every town in the United Kingdom , and by most respectable -dealers in medicine . Price la Ud ., 2 s . 9 d ., and family boxes lls . each . Full directions Ate giYen with each box .
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THE | CORDIAL BALM OF SYRUCUM . Is a gentlesHmulaut and renovator of the impaired functions of life , and is exclusively directed to the cure of the Generative System , whether constitutional er acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgence in Boliiary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left m a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept np which . places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . Theiconsequences arising from this dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field of seducive error , — into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious application of these inherent rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her spedies ; bringing on premature decripitude , and all the : habitudes of old age : —such a one carries with him the form and aspect of other men , but without tho vigour and energy of that season which his early youth bade him hope to attain . How . many men cease { to be men , or , at least , cease to enjoy manhood at thirty ? How many at eighteen receive the impression of the seeds of Syphilitic disease itself ? the consequences of which travel out of tbe ordinary track of bodily ailment , covering the frame with disgusting evidence of its ruthless nature , and impregnating the wholesome stream of life with mortal poison ; conveying into families the seeds of disunion and « nh » ppiness ; undermining domestic harmony ; and striking at the very soul of human intercourse ; The fearfully abused powers of the humane Generative System require the most cautious preservation ; and the debility and disease resulting from early indiscretion demand , for the cure of those dreadful evils , that such medicine should be employed that is most certain to be successful . It is for these cases Messrs . Perry and Co ., particularly designed their CORDIAL ! BALM OF SYRIACUM which ia intended tojrelieve those persons , who , by an immoderate indulgence of their passions , have ruined their constitutions , or in their way to the consummation of that deplorable state , are affected with any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach , as the various affections of the nervous system , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , weakness , total impotency , barrenness , < & . . As nothing can be better adapted to help and nourish the ! constitution , so there is nothing moro generally acknowledged to be peculiarly efficacious in all inward wastiugs , loss of appetite , indigestion , depression of spirits , trembling or shaking . of the hands or limbs , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , or consumptive habits . It possesses wonderful effioacy in all cases of syphilis , fits , bead-ache , weakness , heaviness , and lowncss of spirits , dimness of sight , confused thoughts , wandering of the'mind , vapours , and melancholy ; and all kinds of hysteric complaints are gradually removed by its use . And even where the disease of Sterility appears to have taken the firmest bold or tbe female constitution , the softening tonic qualities of the Cordial Balm of Syriacum will warm and purify the blood and juices , increase the animal spirits , invigorate and revive the whole animali machine , and remove the usual impediment to maturity . This medicine is particularly recommended to be taken before persons enter into the Matrimonial State , lest in , the event of procreation occurring , the innocent offspring should bear enstamped upon it the physical characters derivable from parental debility , or evil eruptions of a maligaant tendency , that are most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence . ¦ Sold in Bottles , price lls . each , or tho quantity of four in one Family bottle tor 33 s ., by which one lla . bottle is saved ! Prepared oiily by Messrs . PERRY & Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Bernera-street , Oxford-street , London , and 4 , Great ! Charles-street , Birmingham . Observe , none ' are genuine without the signature of R ) and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a ' stamp on the outside of each wrapper to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye . Tho Five Pound cases , ( the purchasing of which will be a saving of one ! pound twelve shillings ;) may be had as usual at 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London , and 4 , Great j Charles-street . Birmingham ; and Patients in theicountry who require a course of this admirable medicine , should send Five Pounds by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . May be had ; of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Medicine Venders is town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe and America . Messrs . PERRY expect when consulted byjletter , the usual fee one pound , without which , no notice whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in tha detail of their cases , as to the duration of the complaint , the symptoms , age , habits of living , and general occupation . Medicines cau be forwarded to any part of the world ; no difficulty can occur as they will be securely packed , and carefully protected from observation . PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and lls . per box , ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . on the outside of each wrapper ) are well known throughout Europe and America , to be the most certain and effectual cure ever- discovered for every stage and symptom of the Venereal Disease , in both sexes , including Gonorrhsea , Gleets , Secondary j Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , Deficiency , and all diseases of the Urinary Passages , without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from business . They have effected tho most surprising cures , sot only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all ] other means have failed ; and ate of the utmost importance to those afflicted- with Scorbutie Affections , Eruptions on any part of the body , Ulcerations , Scrofulous or Venereal Taint , being justly calculated to cleanse tbe blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid affection , and restore weak and emaciated constitutions te pristiae health and vigour ; It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease , owing to the uaekilfulness oft illiterate men ; who by the use of that deadly poison , mercury , ruin the ! constitution , causing ulcerationa , lotches on the Head , face , and body , dimness of sight , noise in the ears , deafness , obstinate gleets , nodes on the shin j bones , ulcerated sore throat , diseased nose , with nocturnal pains in the head aud limbs , till at length a general debility of the constitution ensues , and a melancholy death puts a period to tkoir dreadful sufferings . Messrs . Perry and Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted as usual , at 19 , Berners-3 trect , Oxford-street , London , and 4 , Great Charles-street , ( four doors fro » Easy-row , ) jBirmiHgham , punctually ; , from Eleven in the Morning until eight in the Evening , aad ob Sundays from Eleven till One . Oaly one personal visit is required from a country patieat , to enable Messrs . Perry and Co ., to give such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent and \ effectual cure , after all other means have proved iaeffectaal . ; N . B . Country Druggists , Booksellers , Patent Medicime Tenders , and every other Shopkeeper can ; bo supplied with any quantity of Perry's Purifying ¦' Specific Pills , and Cordial Balm of Syriaoum , witn \ the usual allowaace to the Trade , by most of the ' principle Wholesale Patent Medieine Houses n Loadon . \ . < Soli by Mx . Heato . -j . BriTgate . Leeds ,
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< " — | Just Published , price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent freeonnajjj j of a Post-office Order for 3 a . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into fli CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE i DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COMPiBTfc ; RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering-tea-I the Destructive Consequences of ExcessifevMidgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Yontl / tl I Imprudence , or Infection , * with Remarks 05 tia j Treatment of Ghonorrbce , Gleet , Stricture ariJSjpi ' ' ills . Illustrated with Cases , &o . ¦ BT C . J . LUCAS , &CO > , CON 8 UI-TIN 6 8 URGE 0 S 8 , lOSKffl } And may be had of the Authors , 60 , Newrnu * street , Oxford-street , London ; and sold by Btittin 11 , Paternoster-row ; Effingham Wilson , l ^ BSiopjj gate-st ; Field , 65 , Quadrant , Regent-sfreet jHutt , j 141 , High Holborn , London \ 3 . Buckton , Boofe& i ler , 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; T . Sowler , Conrier-Offiw , j 4 , St . Ann ' s Square , and H . Whitmore-, 109 , Martot Street , Manchester ; John Howeli , BooksflUerJS , Dale Street , Liverpool ; W . WoocK Bookseller , 78 , High Street , Birmingham ; T . Fryer , 16 , Wesfete street , Bath , G . Davey , 1 , Broad-street , Bristol , ¥ . and H . Robinson & Co . 11 . Grf enside-street , £% burgh ; and by all Booksellers theUnUed Kiffgdco . " The various forms of bodily and mental weakness tocapacity . snfftiriDffand disaaK « , faith fully deJiaeiisi j in this cautiously written and practical work , are almost unknown , generally misunderstood , « ii treated upon principles correspondingly erroneous and superficial , by the present race of medical priiititioners . Hence the necessity for the publicities ^ a timely safeguard , a silent yet friendly monitor , w , where debility has made threatening inroads , the means of escape and the certainty of restoration . The evils to whicb the book adverts are extenare and identical in their secret ynd hidden origin , mi there are none to whom , as Parents , Gnardiuis , Heads of Families , and especially of public Schools , is confided the care of young people , who ought to remain for a moment devoid of that information asd those salutary cautions this work is intended Mi convey . Not only are the most delicate formBoffieaa * rativo debility neglected by the family pfijaiau , but they require for their safe management the exolusive study of a life entirely abstracted from the routine of general practice , and ( as in other departments of the profession ) attentively concentratedm the daily and long continued observation requifltfl for the correct treatment of sexual infirmities . 41 If we consider the topics upon either in a bqiu or social view , we find the interests and welfare of mankind seriously involved . The effectsof licsntious , indiscriminate an « l secret indulgence in certain pitstices , are described with an accmracy andforw'wBjeB display at once profound reflection and exfenaM practical experience . " —The Planet . "The best of all friends is the PaoKSSiout Friend : and in no shape can he be consulted wta greater safety and secrecy than in " Lucas os VliSUL Vigour . " The initiation into vicious indqlgenefrits progress—its results in both sexes , areriTenina : faithful , but alas ! for human nature , vrithsMtiH truth . However , the Authors have not exposed ™ evil without affording a remedy . It shows o < W " Manly Vigour" temporarily impaired , and inenUJ and physical emasculation , produced by uncontrolled indulgence of the passions , can be restored ; how the sufferer , who has pined in anguish from the conse * quences of early indiscretion—afraid almost to encounter his fellow man , can regain the vigour « health and moral courage . The work is written . ina concise and perspicuous style , displayiug howoften fond parents atedeceived by the outward physical » ppearance of their youthful offspring ; how theattensitionolthe frame , palpitationofthe heart , deran geme » of the nervous system , cough , indigestion , anda trua of symptoms indicative of consumption or geueru decay , are often ascribed to wrong causes , * and ui ' stead of being the natural results of congenital debility or disease , are the consequences of an alloiffls aad pernicious practice , alike destructive to tbe am and body . "—left ' s New Weekly Messenger . M Although a newspaper is not the ordinary entfnelforthe expression of opinion upon themen'S « a medical work , this remark is open to exception ^ any instance where the public , and not the iso ! s jf : and exclusive members of the profession , * V ^ parties addressed . Upon that which is directed w men indiscriminately , the world will form its own opinion , and will demand that medieal wntfsw popular study should be devoid of that mjstenous technicality in which the science of medicine fl » hitherto shrouded its own ignorance . Thej *? * £ before us treats of subjects we believe generally ! J « very strangely , neglected by the medical a ttendant and requiring doubtlessly ( as in operative midwtferj sad the surgery of the eye ) an entire devoteonesa v > a deeply important branch of study . The tone ™ this book is highly moral , and It abounds itt weuwritten , harrowing , yet correct displays 01 tUe ^' fering consequent upon unbridled sensualism . w » human being can be the worse for its perasw , w multitudes it must prove a warning beacon , a weu told appeal to reason , a permanent blessing * « J * written in a clear intelligible style , and is evidenuy the production of a mind long and practically j ? J versaut with the diseases of the most delicate ^ difision of the human organization . "— The Magnet . "The security of happiness in thb mab * "" ? state ib the chief anxiety of all ; but many a" *! entering upon wedded union , through isecret «**"• unfitness for the discharge of matrimonial obligations . This essay is most particularly addressee w all suffering under a despondency of the c ° y $ f : alluded to ; and advice will fce found calculated » cheer the drooping heart , and point tbe way to rea « - vated health . " U / , i Mossrs . Lucas Jt Co . are t « be daily cf ^^ f fr « a ten till two , and from fire till eight m tnt e « n ing , at their residence , No . 6 # , New « an-s « eei , Oxforf-street , London . . , ;• j . Country Patients are requested to be a » » B « in ? ft " ¦ possible in the detail of their cases , as to tho &V * w * of the complaint , the symptoms , age , general ftfW" * of living , and occupation in life of the P * J ? » = ^ d communication must be accompanied by tne us consultation fee of £ 1 , without which bo bojkw whatever can bs taken of their appHcation ; ana w all cases the most inviolable secrecy ma ? m relied on . „ Sold by Mr . Joseph Bcckton , Bookseller . 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; Mr . J . SovleR Coujvt oflice , and Mr . H . Whitmore , 109 , Marke -street , Manchester ; by whom . this Work iftrt 6 eatatf «*' paid ) 33 , ^ - ^
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— - ^ ____ _ a cureTfor ^ ll u ^ ^ HOLLIWAY ' S OINTMENT . HOLUWiY ' s Pi , t EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF Siabandoned bt GUY'S , THE METROPOLITAN , KING'S m , LEGE , & CHARING CROSS HOSpXS This fact was sworn to this 8 . b . davof to . t - ? Before the Lord Mayor , at the ManaSX 18 * 2 . SUMMARY OF AFFIDAVIT ^ WM . BROOKE , Messenger , of 2 , Uikn Southwark , London , nuketh oaiK !* £ * that he ( this deponent ) was afflicted with ' RW *^ RUNNING ULCERS on his left am afP ^ rated sores and wounds on both legs , for » K- v * * ponent was admitted an out-door patient ii ^ ^ ' tropolitan Hospital , ia AprillMliwh ^ teW - ^ for nearly four weeks . Unable ' toj $$ F there , the deponent sought relief at the thr * f ir ^ ing hospitals :-King's College Hospital ^ j / B "' - five weeks—at Guy's Hospital in j a j 7 ^ fo weeks ; and at Charing Cross Hospital at W 8 * i * August , for some weeks more ; which deMnLnT being in a far worse condition than ikTIt quitted Guy ' s , where Sir BRANS HY COopJ ?? and other medical officers of the establish n ^ 'S told deponent that the only chance of-saiitJp * * was to LOSE HIS ARM ! The deppaeaM ^ ' ^ called upon Dr . BRIGHT , chief ph ysici ^ S ^ 11 who , on viewing deponent ' s condition , fc ™ yii . f J % liberally said , " / am utterly at a loss ifiM " you ! but here is half-a-sovereign : gdinV * nn ? LO WAY , and try what effect his P » tend diil willhave , as I have frequently witnessed liivc ^ H ful effects they have in desperate cases . Toufy ^ me see you again " This unpredjudiced . Um ^ followed by the deponent , and a perfect eureiffZul in three weeks , by the usa alone of HOLLOwivi ? PILLS and OINTMENT , after four HosaSJFs failed !!! When Dr . BRIGHT wm showabjr deponent , the result of his advice and chariu i said , " / am both astounded and delighted t far thought that if I ever saw you again alxve , itvc&Mt without your arm . I can only compare this ( kn 1 . Charm !!! " Sworn at the Mansion-house of the City of Lomin , this 8 oh day of March , 1842 . - *^ WM . BROOKE . Before me , JOHN PIRIE , Miyoa . In all Diseases of the Skin , Bid Leais , Old Woo * and Ulcers , Bad Breasts , Sore Nipples , Stoier « j Ulcerated Cancers , Tumonrs , Stvellingp . GoutjKl , * . matism , aHd Lumbago , likewise in cases ofPiieSj . $ . ' Pills , in all the above cases , ought to be used With fta Ointment ; as by this means cures will be tffectei with a much greater certainty , and in half jfe tine that it would require by using the Ointaeat jW ? The Ointment is proved to be a certain fetiedj ( n the bite of moschettoes , Sand-flies , Chiego-fiot , Y » rs , and Cocobay . Burns , Scalds , Chilblains , Chapped Hands , ajj Lips , also Bunions and Soft Corns , will be iaua ^ ii . ately cured by the use of the Ointment . THE PILLS are not only the finest t ^ known when used with the Ointment , but as a General Medicine there is nothing equal to tko . Jj nervous affections they will be found of the grated service . These Pills are * without exception thi finest Purifier of the Blood ever discovered , ud OUGHT to be USED BY ALL !! I Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand , ( neatTenals Bar ) , where Advice may be had Gratis , and bj ifl respectable Venders of Patent Medicines throughout the Civilized World , in Pots aud Boxes , ailsllL 2 a . 3 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., lls . 22 s ., and 33 s . each . Therein very considerable saving in taking the larger hzi N . B . —Directions for the guidance of Patients in affixed to each Pot .
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Just Published , the 12 th Edition , Price 4 s ., and sent Free to any part of the United Kingdom onjthe receipt of ft Post Office Order , for 5 s . j THE SIltEMT FRIEND , A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of ; the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed caus « tbat destroys physical energy , aud the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : — with Observations on the baneful effects of SO LITAR Yi INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial for Utal EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrfcaa , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manned ; the Work is Embelushed with Engrat-INOS , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , oy eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes ; followed by observations on the Obligations o * MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions forithe removal of Physical and Constitutional Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity aa a " SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . By R . and L . PERRY , and Co ., Consuming Surgeons , London and Birmingham . Published by tho Authors , and sold by Bucktou , 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; btrange , Paternoster-row ; Wilson , ! J 8 , Bishopgate-street ; Purkia , Comptonstreet , Soho ; Jackson and Co ., 130 > New Bond-street , London : ¦ Guest , Steelhouse-lane , Birmingham ; and by all Booksellers in Town and Country .
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FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH . TO IHB SDFFEKEES PSOM BILIOUS AND UVBH COMPLAINTS . THE unexampled snecesss of FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH calls for particular attention . These Pills give immediate relief in all Spssdodic and windy complaints , with the whole train of well-known symptoms arising from a weak stomach , or vitiated bilious secretion , indigestion , jpaiu at the pit of the stomach , bilious or sick , head-ache , heart-burn , loss of appetite , sense of fulness after meals , giddiness dizziness , pain over the eyes , &o . From among miny kind testimonials communicated to the proprietor of this useful medicine , the following is selected : — " To Mr . Thomas Prout ^ 229 , 5 irand , London . " 5 , Cooper-street , Manchester , March 12 , 1842 11 Sir , —I have much * atisfaction in communicating to you the result of my experience after repeated trials of Frampton's Pill of Health , and I feel ty but justice to state , that in the course of many years ' trial of variouB Aperient Medicines , I havo never found results at once salutary aud efficient in the relief of the system from redundant bile , &c , with so little inconvenience ; I am , therefore , warranted in declaring that they supply to me a means long wanting , of being able to recommend to Families , Schools , and especially Mercantile men , whether at the deBk or on the road , a most valuable resource in an occasional medicine . And I shall take credit to myself if , in giving this testimony , I am the means of making Frampton ' s Pills more generally ktiown and appreciated . " I am , Sir , respectfully yours , WILLIAM SMITH . " Persons of a full habit , who are subject to headache , giddiness , drowsiness , and Binging in the ears , arising from too great a flow of blood to the head , should never be without them , as many dangerous symptoms will fee entirely carried off by their immediate use , and apoplexy often avoided . Sold by T . Prout , 229 , Strand , London , Price Is . l ^ d . per box , and by his appointment , by Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Newsome , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis & Son , Moxon , Little , Hardman , Linney , Hargrove , York ; Brooke & Co ., Walker & Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ; Fogf itt , Coates , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold ; Ingland , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; Cameron , Knaresbro '; Pease , Oliver , Darlington j Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Roaierson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Pontefract ; Cordwell . Gill , Lawton , Dawaon , Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Waite , Horrogate ; Wall , Barnsley ; and all respectable Medicine Venders throughout the kingdom . Ask for FRAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH and observe the same and address of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government stamp .
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PEEL'S TABIFF OUTSOMS r 'H £ COFFEE TAX REPEALED ! MESSRS . CROW AND TYRELL beg to call the attention of the Chartist Public to the BJiVERAGE prepared by them , as & Cheap and H 'holesome substitute / or Taxed Coffee . Its niitri-* ions qualities are equalled by none in $ he Market ; while its mode of Preparation renders it vastly super ior i o the Trash offered for Sale by those who regard not the health of the Consumer . As » means of supporting the * ' Executive Committee of the National Charter Association , " and as a means of crippling the Governmental Exchequer , it may be made a ready and powerful weapon m the hands of the Sons of Toil . A single Trial will prove its superiority over other Preparations of like pretensions . Prepared and Sold by the Proprietors , 81 , Belgrave Gate , Leicester . The Proprietors have great pleasure in announcing that Mr . J . BOBSON , Pnbliaher of the Northern Star , has become General Wholesale Agent for the Chastist Bseakpast Powder , for the District of Yorkshire . He has now a large quantity in Stock , both at Leeds and at Huddersfield , from which he is authorised to supply tbe Associations and other Retail Vendors at the same Prices as the Proprietors themselves . Orders addressed to him will meet with prompt Attention .
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T ? ITZaUGH , WALKER , and Ce ., Mebchants , X ) and General Ehkj&ation Agents , No . 10 , Goree Piazzas . Liverpool , having completed arrangements with Messrs . Pomeroy and Co ., of the United States , proprietors of the " Express Line from the Cuy of New York to the Western parts of America , and Canada , " are now prepared to offer new and important facilities to Emigrants proceeding to any part of America or Canada j which are the following : 1 st . Fitzhugh , Walker , and Co ., are prepared to contract to deliver Emigrants at any part as above , either by Canal , Railroad , or other conveyance there , at fixed prices and low rates , guaranteeing that no delay or detention shall occur in New York , or ebewbere , on the way . By this means the exact expence of reaching any part of the United States or Canada can be ascertained before leaving England . 2 nd . On arrival at New York , parties engaging with Fitzhugh , Walker , and Co ., will be met by competent persons from the office of Pomeroy ana Co ., who will , free of any charge , procure landing certificates for laggage , &o ., and give such information as to lodging bouses , modes , and prices of conveyances and provisions , public works in progress , &c , as shall effectually guard emigrants from imposition , and secure them the readiest means to employment . 3 rd . In all the towns and cities , in the interior of the United States , of any importance , Pomeroy and Co . have offices , where Books of Register are kept , open only to those who present a ticket from Fitzhugh , Walker , and Co ., ( no other house in Great Britain or Ireland having the powers to make fcuch engagement ? . ) These Registries contain an account of Public Works in progress , Farms and Lands for sale , and such general information as is most useful to the party intending to settle there . Fitzhugh , Walker ,-and CoWare also prepared to receive for forwarding every week , through Pomeroy and Co ., to any and every part of the United States and Canada , at fixed moderate rates , boxes , parcels , &c , which will be delivered with punctuality and care , and also to receive and take charge of in the United States , for delivery in any part of Great Britain , the like boxes , parcels &o . Referring to the above important arrangement Fitzhugh , Walker , and Co . take the opportunity to inform parties , intending to Emigrate , that they continue to despatch fine firft-clasa ships for New York , Boston , Philadelphia , Baltimore , and New Orleans , every three or four days . Every attention is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the passengers , who are provided by the ship with one pound of bread and bread stuff per day , and a plentiful sapply of the best water . The vessels sail punotnallj on the day appointed , and to prevent detention , Fitzhugh , Walker , and Co ., engage to pay Emigrants taking their passages by their packets One Shilling a-day , if kept after the day appointed . The following Ship 3 are now on the berth , The SOUTHERNER , Captain Palmer , 800 tons , To Sail on the > 5 th February . FOR BOSTON . The INEZ , Captain Long , 500 tons , To Sill oa the Srd of February . FOR NEW ORLEANS . The OSEOLA , Captaia Childs , 700 tons , To Sail on the 5 th of February . N . B . All Letters , post-paid , addressed to the Office , No . 12 , Goree Piazzis , will be immediately answered .
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XiOftSON . Ms . Wheeleb lectured on Sunday evening at the Chartist Hall , Grey Eagle-street , Bricklane . The enair -was ably filledby Mi . Wells . Several members -were-enrolled . After the lecture a discussion took place regarding the merits of the -various plans of organization . A drcnlar -wan read from the Metropolitan YicSm Ptma Committee , and ite contents agreed ¦ with . METROPOLITAN DELEGATE MEETING . —Mr . PJ jk esgill in the chair . Five Bbiffinga -was received f torn the Teetotallers , Waterloo-road ; Is , 3 d . from the Star , TJnIon-street , Borough ; 2 a . froa Camberwell-, and 2 s . Bd . from Iambeth . 3 it Bose xeported ti-jm the
Metropolitan Victim Fund Committee . BspoJ ^ s were ** eived from Tarious localities , chifefly in reference to Mt Cooper ' s plan of organisation . Mr . Andrews gave notice of a motion respecting txclnsrre dealing . Mr . Wfceeler ¦ srithdrew his notice of cwfion respecting the -old plan of organization , in order to give more time to the localities to consider of it . Mr . Wheeler gave notice ottos intention of resigning the office of secretary to the I > slegate Meeting . Mr . Hose moved , and Mr . Mills seconded , " That the Secretary -write to -Qtoaa localities "who -were behind hand ¦ with thair payment * , sad also to those whose delegates ¦ were remiss in their attendance . " Carried . Mr . Mills
also impressed upon the meeting the necessity of seeing petitions -were got up lelsiive to the conduct of Lord Abinger ; other Bel elates adTanced similar ebstr rations . Mr . Msynard camplalned of the non-attendance of the Observation Committee to its duties . Mr . Wheeltr explained , and the Committee was ordered to meet on the ensuing Thursday , The treasurer was instructed to pay the salary of the Secretary , the account for stationary , * a , and the rest of the HalL Mr . Wheeler stated Ms intention of laying the quarterly balance
sheet befi re them on the £ olls-sring Sunday . Mr . Pagbeing absent , his motion relative to the appointment of a ^ re . Um . general secretary -was not entered into ; the remarks of the Editor of the northern Star -were stated to be incorrect relative to the appointment of a general secretary , the majority being of opinion that they had no buaness to interfere with that subject . The reso ' . ution approving of the immediate appointment of a secretary , -was only from one locality , and had not Jeceived the sanction of the body . Af : er the transaction of other "business , the meeting adjourned .
The Mbihopolitas victim Ftrca > Committee jnefc on Sunday evening , Mr . Cnfiav in the Ccair . Xetters -were read from Mrs . Wild , and the sum of € s , "was ordered to be sent to her . A donation of 2 s . tras received from Mr . Over ton . Mr . Wheeler taring been instructed to firaw up rules and an address to the public from the Committee , read them to the Sleeting , and they "were unanimously agreed to . A circular was also ordered to bo printed and distributed to all the Metropolitan localities . Mr . Bedley lectured , on Sunday evening , to a good audience , at the Working Men ' s Hall , Mile-End-Road , and tooi his farewell of thBin , previous to going into the West to stand bis trial for seditious language .
xhe League , daring the lew past weeks , have l » en quite rampant -with their ticket-meetings in Tarious parts of the Metropolis , and * have met with several very humiliating defeats . On Thursday last , they intended to have bad a grand collection of all thtnr forces at a public meeting in the < 3 ollo&eum , ilarylebone ; every exertion -was used to ensure a triumph over the misguided Chartists ; agents were at "work in every direction , showing the impolicy of the Chartists attending this meeting ; the aid of the vestry smiths pariah officers was called inta play to render the effect more imposing . Committees of ladies -were engaged for-weeks previous in beating up for recruits ; eves threats ~ were bad recourse to . Joseph Hume is reported to have asserted that if they eculd not beat the Chartists by moral means they would by physical ones . Members of the committee asserted that if
O'Connor , Bidley , Blackmore , or other Chartist orators attended they would be given into custody ; but after aJl this TapoorlBg , when the night of meeting came , no Corn-law Repealers were to be found . Without " giving any public notice of their intention , they had pot off the meeting , well knowing that certain defeat awaited them , A whisper of their intention had got abroad and prevented many from attending ; but at the appointed hour hundreds ef good Chartists were at their post ; but discovering the hoax , they adjourned to the Feathers , asd other Chartist houses in the neighbourhood . A grand public meeting was also to have j taken place on Tuesday evening last , at the Boras ; Tavern , Kensington ; this also ia put off until they can have -the aid of certain SLP . " s . after the opening of , Parliament j the real fact is , they dare sot call a public j meeting , being eoascions that they would be completely ! defeated .
FLOBA Ta-vess , Bbassbcbt-Pjsk . —Considerable local business was transacted here on Sunday week . It was agreed that Eve shillings should he sent to the General Defence Fund , and that a general meeting of the members should be held at the abov <; house on Monday evening aS eight o ' clock . Mr . "WHEELEBlfCtored on Monday evening , at the teetotal locality , Waterloo-road . Mr . Baixstow lectured on Monday evening to a gord audience at the hall of the National Associ ation .
SHIP X&TEU 3 , L 03 G-LA 5 B , BEB . MOKPSBV . —At the -usual meeting of the above locality , on Monday evening , communications were received from the Lambeth and Uewfngton localities . Mr . Maynard reported from the delegate meeting , and it was resolved that only one member attend from this locality as delegate to the meeting of delegates at 55 , Old Bailey . Two and sixpence was voted lor the use of the delegates-The members of the general council , belonging to thiB locality , are requested to attend at the King's Arms , "King-street , Borough , on Sunday next , at two o ' clock in the afternoon ; it is also requested that the members of this locality will attend on next Monday night The CambeKwell 3 jocautt met at the Cock Inn , 28 usual , on Monday evening . Mr . B . Sewell resigned office sb treasurer , and Mr . T . Sawell was elected in his place . The latter gentleman will deliver a lecture on next Monday evening , at the above Ttiti .
KlDDERTttlKSTBR . —Mr . Gimmage , of Northampton , lectured on Friday last , upon the justice of the People ' s Charter . XORTHWICB . —On Saturday evening , the Rev . Mr . Jackson , of Manchester , delivered an able andeloflnent lecture on the evils of class legislation .
West-Riding Of Yorkshire, Waxefteld Adjourned Sessions.
Cfeattt'st Detrtfutanwe
Cfeattt ' St dEtrtfUtanwe
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2 THE NORTHERN STAR . J ___ ^ _ — - ^ ____ _
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 4, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1198/page/2/