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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Borough of Leeds * in the County of York , will be holden before Thomas Flowkb Ellis the Younger , Esquire , Recorder of the said Borough , at the Court House , in Leeds , ou Tuesday , the 28 th Day of February instant , at Two o'clock in tbe Afternoon , at which Time and Place all Jurors , Constables , Police Officers , Prosecutors , Witnesses , Persons bound by Recognizince , and Others having business at the said Sessions , are requested to attend . And Notice is hereby further Given , That all Appeals , Applications , and Proceedings under the Highway Acts ( not previously disposed of ) will be heard and taken at the Sitting of the Court on Thursday Morning , at Nine o'Clock , unless any Felonies or Misdemeanours shall then remain undisposed of , in which ease all such Appeals , Applications , and proceedings will be heard and taken as soon after Thursday Morning , at Nine o'Clook , as the whole of the Felonies and Misdemeanours shall have been disposed of . JAMES RICHARDSON , Clerk of the Peace for the said Borough . Leeds , February 3 rd , 1843 .
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Just Published , Price 2 d , No . 2 , for February , of THE MODEL REPUBLIC , Edited by James Napieb Bail < zy . And Published by the " Society for the encouragement of Sooialist and Democratic Literature . " Contents ' . —Fanaticism—Lelia , a Tale , by George Sand—The Magna Charts of the People : an appeal on behalf of Union—Ex-ract from an Unpublished Work of Percy Bysshe Shelley . J . Watson , 5 , Paul ' s Alley , Paternoster Row ; and all Booksellers .
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THE 2 DIT 0 B OF THE " NORTHERN STAB" TO 3 SIS BEADER& „ PBTE 5 DS—On the firsfcpage of tbe present numrf ga , storJ y < mliaTe a letter from Hi . CCoooor , a natter which I a ™ » BHng to believe must hare S ^ ne roffieenU J distasteful to yon . ^^ O-GonBOi Tery properly Beeks to set himself ... ^ js aimonB not to be misunderstood ; not to ! ?^ to occupy a fake ^ positien . Heia right . lam vl jayaimDnB that , bo fa as I can help it , neither he Zs jbj other man should occupy a false position , or a Mr .
_ nri « nn to irhich be i » not entitled . I therefore Tery ^ j ^ By corroborate O'Connor ' s statement , that vg hj » been no party to any syllable that I have ictten ^ pou the conduct of tie Executive ; on the fGrfXBir , he has aliray * . in his private conversations ! ° S ^ ine , beld a similar tone to that of his letter ¦ owi ihile I cbeerfnEj do this justice to Mr O'Connor , _ 5 si also reqnire jnstioe for myself ; both from him . from yon . 1 claim the right of an opinion npon all fLjea o ? public interest ; a right -which I concede to ^ gU B in and-snll yield to no man .
I taint Mr . " 0 Connor in error , in asppodng thatmy ^ BuriB npoo the proposed appointment of a new -menliecretsry were calculated to place him at all in f light in trhich he seems to think they might place certainly they were not so intended . 2 dr . 0 Con' roet and « taJ with Mr . Leaeh at a public meeting , ^" sn opponent of the Anti-Corn Law League ; and he njjmenied lim npon his talent and his honesty . I ntf a *** ***** either the talent or the honesty of Iffldi , ** opponent of the Anti-Corn Law j-pjg , bai eTer been disputed . But both the talent „ £ tbi honesty of the Bxecatrre , in their capacity
, E ^ cntiTe , hare been dispntfcd ; and they jjgenby * ^ & 1 ^ S * portion of their constituents ajua Tipon to resign : but , though "the gross charges ^ jjg than haTe never been met , twe of them , ^ jaianpt of these charges , and in defiance of ! L g& of their constituents to resign , still retain ^ Shu I hold to be ntterJy incompatible -with Oartiit pnndp le ; and it "was inieference to this that I ijiD . goa Joan conld be expected to associate himself -ilhtbrB on the Executive , until they had firstdeared g ^ jdasctea- lay sostflL But Mr . Leach may be nn tsssA ana very talented as an opponent of the
Ai& £ orn L *» iea € ne > a * 1 ** J 6 * T € r 7 dishonest and Tsrj ise « npeten' as a member of the peopled Execu-Htb . In & * fomer ttpscityj 1 hare never said a ^ arf b > 1 m disparagement ; in the latter capacity l } a « brenibt no charge against him , individmlly ; I iiTB merely impeached him as a party to the aca of fia liscoSre as a Tthole "body . Mr . Leach has never gjjjjjmsa » y of the acts of the Executive as a body ; j m bound therefore to suppose that he eonsen & to fijem bH ; « nd 1 hold every man responsible fa ersy set to which he consents . I am made
& know , to my cost , that the law holds a man jagxBBlle for acts to which he did not consent : bat I &jnot apply that doctrine to 2 £ r . Leach ; I charge npon jjn odj the things to which he did consent Of the mafic sets ana conduct of the Executive , I have not a && , word to retract of all that I have p& l hare said nothing without dne thought jbJ consideration . I have said nothing £ » ¦ sgafiilhiVB not given proofs as I have gone along , jisreaid wrthing which I am not prepared to snbfissSste before a public meeting , though I deny the jjikt of any psrty to reqnire me to do so . I have bo
^ i lo interfere with Mr- O'Connor ' s judgment : he hat „ JJJU& ^ ght to his opinion as I have tomine . To Ms cifioHn cntny mode of expressing my opinion of the jaestive , I have no reply to make : I am a plain jejb ana call a spade a spade . But though I respect Mr . O'Connor as much as any man onght to respect him , I raped jou and the cause of Chartism stnl more ; and Izmsi tegtbai m this matter , which is most essential jod iBportast to your interests , you win not permit your personal regard for him to blind you to the merits of the
ose ; tbatyon -wBlfonnyonrownjudgjnentbythBiacts aaij the evidence and not by the opinion of any man . Jhave never asked you to take my opinion Tipon any jnlgsct , further than I supported my opinion by proofs -j-fio not asi you to do so now . I ask yon , as I always have date , to foiiayour owe judgment of the case upon its ownmerlU , iaQependent -of any other consideration whatever ; and I"b 1 sme jou far sot having , long since , deEvered * that judgment so generally and so conclusively wto preclude farther Metering .
There Is nines JuHr . O'Coniior ' a letter to which it nail be ttaj easy Jor me to reply i but I lave no detntolKpnpthe jar . 1 "have never h&d any such 4 xh . If thechsxgfcs against fee Exscuiive had been tSt L-jt by fair argument , simple explanation , or ssSdi&Bowledgment , instead of personal abuse and ix&fc ] j Mas counter accusations , there would never bnleea any jir at aD ; the whole matter would have hat keen settled Tery speedily and Tery quietly .
Ha \ bsa of its not having been so , belongs not to me , Iti te&OK vito found it more convenient to keep tip SxtomoQ by attacking others , than to settle it by frfrttfin ; themselves . Justice , however , compels aetony that I think Ht O'Connor ' s strictures on Hi . JtJu -v ^ atkin * s letter much more unnecessarily men Qaa anythingthat Mr "Watkin * B baa written ipimt lie Executive . Mr . Watkins is a man who has &s » isoca service , and endured much suffering in the
** . 1 know no man in the whole movement who laiprenmore decided evidence ef iis thorough de-^ tt&ea to CharUsm rfr "' John Watkxns . 2 know no Ea is the whole movement more folly entitled to the jecpls" ! good opinion and their thank * . I know bo Jan in 2 » whole movement who has presetted SscBgbont his whole career a more stern honesty , Md * more-strict and honourable adherence to principle » d tonssteney than John W » tiin » . I do not say that fca opinion , are , tberef ere , entitled to any other wsigbt &a £ bi ^ -srMch they may have from the reasons i&a which they a * e fonaded ; bet I do say that fiss tiiap enght to indnce tib to examine those rea-^^ wtfl betoewe ceaEure >> i ^ eitiier for tne folding a the tipresaen of bis opinions .
1 K& tf &ed of seeing the disenssion in the Star as Jit O'Connor or you can ba 1 had closed the columns ¦ tf lbs Star against its further eontinnance some weeks »« a Tbix did not suit the Extcutiva Their friends ^ ° «* asfor it ; aad they themselves procured them to K ftopeaed ior it , by applying U Mr . O'Gonnor and ^ saaghii pisdge to tbat feffect , at Birmingham , I 4 > art Jhini that Mr O'Connor acted wisely , or rightly , " a ptiog that pledge ; -but wben informed by himself r » S ^ tad done so , I did not choose to give cause fw " ^ J thoajht obstinate or factious . 2 am now anxious , *» 3 » l » ays hsve beento have done with it . 2 feave
, tee ej ^^ in it ; and J have dose no more than my ^ v- lie duty -yjis a most unpleasant and a painful Bae ; bai it ira » a 4 nty , and 1 have done it . I cordially *** & a ihe opinion of Mr O'Conn or , that it is time for ^ JeBtteJrexilndedfronj the . Star , ana I fterefore " •^ repress the publication of several commnni-^ V-one of them a most important and argnmen-**^* Istte , which 1 have had by me some weeks , and ^>^) t of which has written to me three times , re-^ fc ^ its pabiiciaoij , i -ym Dot pnbiiih anything T ^ aa thematterfcan any narfies whatever . The
^ y * & * or tas Northern Siar may perfectly rely npon « 7 prooae that its xohnnns shall be no further occsu-^* i 4 ttis sabjsct ; and my chief leason for this "r ^ aSaa is that tta continance of the controversy St *! 0 81 ** 1 * ^ ^ sood that can "be dene by it *> Sa ° TbB Pe ° P 1 e'smind » hare been directed ^^ fnr thtir fntnre guidance . Thus , the j CT 36069 of the mischief may be presented ; and tt 3 tt ^ that 2 ^ hfor .
, ^ ct ^ ^^»™ ewithhaTing beenactaated in this ^ g ^^^^^ stioia by personal mofives . 1 dedans jj ^ Wjatlhwe oofe thattherenever has been a man ej i jj i ^^ p 'barest movement against -whom 2 ever ^^ wuL ** * ^ ^ eaosa & Reeling ; and that , liva pttq ^^ Qlere ^ T 8 been » omore ttianthree men isotts ^^^^ " ** movement , whom I have ever a-aow ^^^ ^ ao polMcally . One of tteae fioee t » o a ^^^ «* the movement , and the other ^ jiajQ ^ jtT ' ^ Te been ever since 1 iaffn them , t ^ a 7 iti » «^^* " ^ 'was . therefore , no possibility Ja 5 aie ** i i ^^ ^> yi > ersonal motives , even a my ^ ett iijfc- capable of it , which 1 hope it isnot . ^ "" ^ Ldv ^ * ^ ^ ' PKsad OT " P * Execu S 4 ^ t a ^ f ^ ° Ie 8 ! lja as a brother , and whom I fe ttsT ^^ ***** BpoD eTer 7 oppartnnity of serving ^ PSafeig SD- °° si «^ my infloence , unta my Tegard uuiw cniia oui
^¦ "faiejg , —r *> - " . J . OU lfel * VCT » n ' WttlSe ' I trusiit ever will be . t ^ ia . HBg J ^ JiO " ^ feeHngj though I cannot * WiL * 8 trOng < 5 > iaion - Their own eonduet « a » ojiiion -upon me , -without any consent
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on my part ; for I would much rather have been able to fhinV differently . Hoover , u I itaTe often said before , I nov say again ; the chief thing the people have to do is to let the past be % beacon for the fntore , and to watch better hereafter , those whom they install in office , that this disagreeable dutymay not again devolve on me . And now , before taking leave of the subject , a word or two abeut the " counter accusationa , " There has been a great deal said about " plots and conspiracies " against the Executive ,- a great deal about some letter or letters from Leeds , sometime about the time of Cooper * * being here , last summer ; about a letter from
Hull , affirming that the Hull Chartists were about to pass the Balance Sheet , when 2 came into the loom and put a atop to it ; and about an extract of a letter from Cooper to JJead , written in July last , which was stolen from Mead , the week before Christmas , at Hull , by a man named Fraser , and which has been since printed and circulated all over the country as proof of my being concerned in the alleged " conspiracy- Now , first , as to Ceopert letter to Mead . Leach and others are now most industriously affirming this to be one of the letters to which he
he alluded at the South Lancashire delegate meeting Now , in the first place , neither Leach nor any other member of the Executive knew of the existence of that letter , any more than 2 did , nntil the week before Christmas . 2 t was a private letter from Cooper to Head ; it was shown by Mead , while at Hull , to Fraser , who seeing s paragraph of which he thought a TiUanous use could be made , contrived to steal It ; it was directly after printed , and has made no small stir in a little tray ever since . Here is Mead ' s own explanation of the manner in which it was obtained , —sent to me for publication : —
" The . paragraph which Mr . Fraser in snch a very ¦ unhandsome manner extracted from a private , letter without leave or licence , cannot implicate me in any conspiracy ; and being written so long back as July last , could not , I conceive , implicate Mr . Cooper in the present affair of defalcation , because at that time a knowledge of it did not exiBt Mr . Fraser came to me as a brother , and as such 2 received him ; and with my Chartist brethren 2 am above suspicion of any
mean or sinister designs . 1 did not then know that he belonged to the discontented clique in Hull . 2 scarcely knew , there was any dispute between Mr . Hill and Messrs . Padget and Co . I prized Cooper ' s letters , and those of Oastler , as so many portraits of the minds of their respective writers , and as such 1 showed them to "Ox . Fraser , and so little did 1 notice the meanly extracted paragraph , even when 2 received the letter , that 1 never even mentioned it at Nottingham or elsewhere . "
You see , therefore , that this could not have been one of the letters alluded to by Mr . Leach , at the South Lancashire delegate met ting in November ; because Mr Leach could not then have known of its existence But supposing it had been one of them , how does It affect me ? The extort is as follows .- — " Yon win see how we have spoken out about the humbug Executive . George atd Ja / jcm , with Vie Editor at Leeds , and our Generalissimo , all go with me . 1 give yon the hint . Johnny Campbell is O'Brienizing , he must be stopped , or we shall all strike on the breakers together ; get your Notts chaps to approve of the resolutions of our delegate meeting . "
fiow the only part of this which can affect me h that which is printed in italics ; and the question is is what did I " go with" Mr . Cooper ? Now 2 have before stated that when Mr . Cooper was at Leeds he named to me his scheme of an Annual Convention ; and that 1 approved the idea , though 2 doubted its practicability under existing laws . If Mr . Cooper had meant anything more , or anything other , than simply this , when he spoke ot my " going with" him , he would have been guilty of gross falsehood in asserting it As far as
this goes , I did " go with" him , but in so other way So far from plotting with him against the Executive , 2 earnestly urged him to ose his influence with the Leicestershire delegates sot to make any public attack npon the Executive , but to write to them privately , as we had done at HulL After the factious publication of this extract , 2 wrote to Mr . Cooper , informing him of the use that was being made of it , and requesting him , as an act of justice both to himself and me , to write a letter for the Star , stating trnly and exactly what it did refer to . For some reason best knows to
himself , Mr Cooper did sot think proper to do thlr However , when plainly asked the question by Mr . O'Connor at Birmingham , he did give his testimony to the truth , as appears by the following paragraph in the report of the meeting called by the Executive : — " Aye , said Mr . O'Connor , that is just the thing . A more dastardly production sever appeared . Here stands Mr . Cooper and here am 2 , and now 1 ask him if my acquiescence or if the acquiescence of " the Editor at Leeds '' or of the other parties , in his suggestion amounted to more than this : —Mr . Cooper « uggesUd the
propriety of selecting five business men from an annual convention , who shonld act as an Executive ; he said he did so because not ose half of those who voted knew anything about the business habits of the men pat in nominator , -whereas , all elected aa delegates , would have the confidence of the country , while the Cavention would be the best , judges of their business habits , and could snggest the names of such men to the peopleihear , hear , and cheers . Now -will Mr . Cooper say that my agreement or that of the Editor with him went farther than thi » ? " Mr Cooper . —Certainly not "—( cheers . )
2 have a letter from Mr . Cooper now by me confirming the truth of this statement . So much , then , for the proof which this extract affords of the " plotting and conspiracy" charges against me ; and of the veracity of thosd who make them ! Now for the letter or letters from Leeds . Of these 1 know nothing . I do sot say that there may * not have bees letters sent from Leeds . 2 do sot say that these letters may sot have alluded to some plot or conspiracy against the Executive . 1 do sot deny this , because 2 know nothing abont it It may or may- sot have been so . 2 am so way concerned in it . But here are the words which concern me : —
** The Executive received letters from various parts , informing us that a conspiracy was being formed against them , and particularly a letter from Leeds , which stated that Mr Hill and others agreed there in a certain house , to porsue a certain coarse of conduct -against the Executive , the basis of which was—thai the dsaracler cf the Exeadire teas to be sitfficiently shaken in private , and then by a simultaneous public assault J !" * * * Here , then , is the direct charge against me ; and this has been repeated and reiterated again , and again , and
again . It is " , in fact , the constant theme of invective 2 t iB the Executive * defence . Now 2 do say that if the Executive have received any letter containing this statement , the writer of that letter is a liar . 1 have sot ceased to call for the publication of this letter , and cf the -writer ' s name , ever since the statement was first published . And 1 have a right to demand that after my solemn denial the people shall refuse to hear this charge repeated in my absence nntil it shall have been sustained by the publication of the letter , with the writer ' s name . Then with respect to the letter said to have been received from Hull ; 2 must again bring to
your recollection the resolutions both cf the Couneil and of the body of the Hull ChartiBte . The resolution of the ConncDlors contains these words : — " That the General Councillors resident in HulL having sees a statement in the Star attributed to Mr . James Leach , of Manchester , that is the month of July lastjthe Hull Chartista were about to pass the Balance Sheet , when Mr . Hill entered the room and put a stop to it ; and a friend that was present at that meeting wrete \ o Campbell , stating that there was a plot hatching against the Executive , ' do most nnequlvocally and unqualifiedly affirm this statement to be false : that there never was any snch thing as far as we know , as
any body of Chartists being at that time about to pass the Balance Sheet and being stopped by Mr Hill on bis coming into the room ; that Mr . Hill was not by any meansthe first cf the Hull Councillors to start obj « - tlons to that Balance Sheet ; that the first council meeting to consider that Balaace 8 heet was specially convened by Mr . Robert Jackson , at the suggestion of several other councillors , and every councillor was present save one : that , notwithstanding our just dissatisfaction , there was sot amongst ns any ' plot hatching against the Executive , ' and that consequently no person could have truly sent to the Executive any letter to that effect ; that we , the councillors of Hull , are not in
the habit of * hatching plots , ' bat of speaking our minds freely npon such subjects as we bare a right to take cognizance of ; that we are sot in the habit of being led by any individual , whether Mr Hill or Mr leaeh , in the formation of our opinions , bnt that we esieavonr to nse our own judgment j sod , further , that we demand from Mr . Leach or Mr Campbell the publication of the letter which Mr . JLeaeb says was received from a friend , who was present at ihe meeting when the Hull Chartists were stopped from passing the Balance Sheet by Mr . Hill , together with the writer ' s name ; and that if this our demand be not complied with , we shall believe this statement of Mr . Leach ' s to have been invented either by bin or CampbelL "
This was published in the Northern Star of 2 ) eeember 10 th , sod the Star ot December 24 th , contained a resolutian « f the whole hody of the Chartists of Hnll , of which i&e following is part : —
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" That we , the Hull Chartists , in general meeting of members assembled , have beard with surprise , a statement read from a late number of the Star , purporting to have emanated from Mr . Leach , at a meeting of South Lancashire delegates , that « The Hull ChartistB were about to pass the Balance Sheet , when Mr . Hill entered the room , and put a stop to it ;* and we hereby declare that that Balance Sheet was never submitted to the Hull Chartists , except individually , through the columns of the Northern Star . "
1 suppose It needless for me to add anything in refutation of this charge . At the same meeting at which he made these plotting and conspiracy" statements , Mr . Leach gave » grossly false version of a private conversation between him and me , in Mr Hobson's kitchen ; manifestly for no other purpose than wantonly to injure me is the estimation of those to whom he apofee , as a means of lessening the force of mj charges against himself and colleagues . 2 have publicly charged this wickedness upon Mr . Leach many times , and he has not ventured even to deny it . I am sorry that such
practices have been resorted to . They compel me to a course which 2 would willingly have been excused adopting . Bnt however others may affect to despise calumny , 1 cannot afford to do so . 2 calumniate no man . 2 never in my whole life made a charge of any kind against any man without adducing my proofs at the same time . And I would despise myself as the veriest wretch alive , if 1 could bring a serious accusa tion against any man and refuse to give my authority for it when called for eat yet go on repeating the accusation . *
2 refer to these matters now because 1 know that this is the regular practice wherever the people will tolerate it 1 have a letter from Mr . Leach , received this week , in which he states bis Intention to bring up these and other such matters at every public muting he may hereafter a'tend . Now this can never butt me , otherwise than &a it seriously hurts the cause by disgusting and nauseating all decent men . 2 therefore remind the people—more for their own sakes than foT mine , "that fair play is a jswel' \ and that 2 have as much right to it as any other . man . 2 ask themsot to pay me any deference or to give me any
advantage—bnt to do justice ; and not to permit me to be ¦ wantonly calumniated is my absence . In what 2 have written upon the conduct of the Execntive , 1 have sot used the language of invective , but of argument 1 have given proofs for every word . 2 gave fair and ample scape for reply . 2 permitted them to say what they pleased in reply , however offensive and whether at all connected with the subject or not 2 answered their call for public discussion by a fair offsr to meet them in their own tows of Manchester and prove every
syllable 2 have charged against them . They have not accepted my offer . 1 challenged them to meet me before the public and prove their charges against me . They have not accepted my challenge . 2 now repeat that 1 sin ready at any time ( as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made , as stated in my former letters , ) to meet any man in England , and prove my charges . 2 am ready , at any time , to meet any man in England who has any political charge to prefer against me ; let him but give me fair notice of bis purpose , and tell me beforehand what 1 have to meet
1 have sow been before the public nearly fourteen years . During that time 1 have preserved , unbroken , my consistency , 2 have never yet found it necessary to eat my own words , to shrink from my own statements , or to fly from the consequences of my own acts . 1 never yet found it necessary to deny , retract , or explain away , any single word thit 2 ever said , or any single line that 2 ever wrote . 1 was never even required to retract as assertion thai 2 had made . 2 hope always to preserve the same consistency . 2 ask
the people to give me fair play . 2 ask no more and 2 ask that—not so much for my own sake as for theirs . 2 am tied here at the desk ; I cant run all over the country to meetings . 1 have no other means of serving the people than through the columns of the Star . 1 have no other meana of defending myself when unjustly attacked . It is not too much , therefore , if when I tell the people that 1 will not hereafter employ these columns , even for my own defence , upon this subject 1 at the same time require them to see that that circumstance be not taken an unfair
advantage of . In order that the people may have the whole merits of the whole question of this Executive business fairly before them at one view , 1 shall shortly publish the whole discussion in a pamphlet Is that pamphlet I will deal fairly . It shall not be a one-sided thing ; 1 will not publish my own comments alone , bat 2 will also give all the letters , statements , and explanations of the several members of the Executive that have been
published ; so that the whole thing may be seen fairly . My object and my wish 1 b that tbe men should receive no injustice that they should be fairly known and fully onderatood , and fairly dealt with , by the people . 2 have no anger against any of them ; but I have a fall determination , while I have any influence with the people , to nse it not only for the advancement of our principles among those who do sot recognise them , but for their enforcement among those who do .
One more word and 2 have done . Mr- O'Connor says that if the letters of the Hall Councillors bad been written for publication , the Executive should have been warned of it They were not written for publication had they been so , they would have been published at tbe time . Their very style and tone : tells that they were intended only as private remonstrances : had they been heeded as snch , all this " hubbub" would have been spared . It was the subsequent conduct of the Executive which rendered their publication necessary . And now , my friends , 2 have done with this subject The whole thing la in your hands , and you will deal with it as you please . 2 am , as 2 have ever been , Your faithful friend and servant , William Hill . "Northern Star" O&ee , Leeds . February 1 , 1843 .
Sto A&Cafcers Amft ^Omjspotthentsi
STo a&cafcers amft ^ omjSpottHentsi
Mb . SrKES , Almokdbuet . —The letter received , dated January 31 st , and posted at Huddersfleld , February 1 st , was not prepaid . Mr N- Gkbaiei * . —Both the last remittances have been but 5 s . each . Ma . R 0 "WE , Noktbwjch . —The Petition Plates are at Mr . Heywoo 8 "a . Mr . Fletcher . —The 10 s . from Colchester should have been Brightlingsea , near Colchester . E . Spkncbb , Mklksham . —2 f the 5 s . has not been noticed , it has not bees received at this office . Thomas Holbbook . —Yes . Ddsfebmline . —The persons writing from this place can have the Plates by sending IPs ., and saying who the the parcel is to be addressed to .
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rOi THE NATIONAL DEFENCE FUND . £ S . d . From Robert Hutehin , fiixdresser , America 0 4 0 ^ tbe female operative s at the Fabric , Boulogne-sar-Mer , Franco ... 0 14 4 jj „ the Chartists of West Kitbride , proceeds of a raffla for the Petition Plate — ° * * h „ T . BHylton , per J . Williams ... 0 1 6 „ & few friends at Easington-lane , per J . Hunter ... 0 6 10 J „ J . Williams ( donation ) 0 1 7 j _ James Norman , 2 ^ eds 0 0 8
TOR MRS . ELLIS . Ero » the Chartists of Newport , Isle of Wight ... ~ ... — « !• ° . » the Chartists of Leeds ... 0 11 1 „ a female friend at Bampton , per Mr . Spencer 0 10
TOR UBS . B . OBEB . TS . From the Chartists of Newport , Isle of Wight I .. 0 5 0 _ the Chartists of Huddersfieid , per J . Chapman ... ... ... ... 0 5 8
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TRIUMPHANT MEETING OF THE WORKING CLASSES , AND DEFEAT OF THE UNITED FORCES OF THE LEAGUE UNDISGUS 1 ED , AND LEAGUE DISGUISED . BRADFORD . [ From ike Evening Star . ) Bradford having responded to the general call to send delegates to tbe Conference lately held at Birmingham , and further having resisted tbe insidious schemes of soma of those Chartists into whose eyes a portion of the League gold-dust had been thrown , by refusing to elect « ' whole bog / ' and two " sucking pig" Chartists , Mr . O'Connor -visited the town oh Friday last , for the purpose of reimbursing tbe fund out of which the expenses of sending those delegates had- been taken . The working men haviDg heard of Mr . O € tonflor ' s intended visit , issued circulars challenging the League to discussion .
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At eight oclock , the time at which business was to ™ w 1 \ , t , Social ^ Mtation , an immense Hall , 5 «? LT 86 d to **? Part « " » 8 taiw ' "talwases , and everyaveuue was literally blocked up , ao that when Mr O Connor arrived at the entrance , it was with difficulty he could be forced through the dense mass ? f ? / iI 2 J ? lewU 5 ? * at even our short-sighted friend of the Observer will admit ; that so crowded a meeting never has been seen in this town . After Mr . O'Connor had concluded an address , under the several heads set forth io the bill calling the meeting , and baring laid his views upon the subject of free trade and the land clearly befere the meeting ; and when tho resolution passed at Manchester , Rochdale , Ashton , Stalybridge andBolton was proposed and seconded . and without any previous notice whatever to Mr . O'Connor or the Chartists , a
Mr . Bhedhcbst gofc np , and after attempting for three qnarters of an hour to grapple with tbe argmnenta of Mr O'Connor , he proposed , as an amendment to the resolution , " | hat a repeal of the Corn Laws Would be a positive benefit to th « shopkeeplng and working classes . " Preserving the latter part , which went to pledge the meeting not to join in any agitation for a repeal of the Income Tax . Mr . C . Wilsos seconded the amendment Mr . Hodgson , one of the four delegates to theflrst Birmingham Conference , moved , and Mr . Fleicheb seconded , another amendment , " That that meeting send no resolutions to Parliament , for © r against the repeal of the Corn Laws .
2 n the course of hia speech Mr Hodgson read an arttele from the Evening Star of the 17 th of Oct , which he declared was in favour of a repeal of the Corn Laws , and , as Mr O'Connor was the editor , of course he was the writer . Mr . Hopgsoh and Mr Fletcher were received by their brother working men with universal and almost continuous disapprobation from the beginning to the end of their appeals . Mr H . stated , that Mr . O Connor would not date to suggest a petition to tb meeting founded upon the resolutions , and why etop the resolutions , and contended that the peop ' e should go on for the Charter , without reference to the agitation for the League .
Mr . O'Connob very briefly replied to all the arguments of both parties . In answer to the charge of having advocated the repeal of tbe Corn Laws , In the Evening Slmr , or any other paper , he defied any mac to show a line having that tendency . " Facts were ch , iels that winna ding , " as Burns said , and so were dates . With respect to the artiste in the Evening Star of the 17 th of October , and referred to by Mr . Hodgson , the date was a fact that " winna ding . " On the 17 th of Ootober , Mr . O'Connor was in his bed , and his doctor was in Liverpool ready to swear to his incapacity from illness to move ; but that should not be his only answer , he would pledge himself to place the assurance of the Proprietor in the hands ot their Secretary , that he ( Mr . O'Connor ) neither Saw , wrote , nor heard of the article referred tollong-continued cheering followed this announcement ) Mr . O'Connor then referred , in no measured
terms , to tbe part acted by aomo Chartists who had become freetraders fora jab ; and now , said he , let us just inquire into the whys and the wherefores of this said resolution : all would admit that the Chartist cause must be kept alive , and before the public . All would admit that it was not practicable to get up a petition this session , declaring our strength and determination . In this state Acland and Cobden for the League had gone through the country , declaring that the Chartists were down , and had joined the League—( hear , hear ) . The piess re-echoed this , and the cause was likely to be damaged should the Chartists or tho House of Commons believe the assertion . Here , then , was the only mods of giving a flat contradiction , to the falsehood —( loud cheers ) , —here was the cheapest way of keeping Chartism alive and unsullied , and of defending the people from the charges that would otherwise be unquestionably made in the House by Cob Jen and Co —( renewed cheers ) .
After the close of Mr . O'Connor ' s address , the several resolutions and amendments were severally put by the Chairman , when about twenty bands were held ap for that of Mr . Smedhurst , and a forest against it . Tbe amendment of Mr . Hodgson received precisely a similar fate ; and npon the original resolution being put , the whole meeting , with the exception of abont thirty , held up their hands , and it was declared carried , amid thunders of applause ; and thus were ihe machinations of the repealers' undisguised and the repealers disguised frustrated in Bradford . The resolution that the foregoing be transmitted to Mr . Duncombe , signed by the Chairman , as tbe resolution of tbe meeting , and to be presented by him to the House of Commons , was then put and carried ' , and that pledging tbe people to support the Evening St ^ r was carried without a single dissentient .
A unanimous vote of confidence in , and thanks to , Feargus O'Connor , was then carried by acclamation ; and after a few words from that gentleman , the meeting separated , and at twelve o ' clock Mr . O'Connor started for Lteds .
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m , — RTJDD&aSFI SLD . RECEPTION OF FEA . RGUS O'CONNOR . On Saturday night last we had a visit from Mr . O'Connor , when the Philosophical Hall , the largest building in the town , was procured for the occasion At oijrbt o ' clock , Mr . o Connor accompanied by bis friends , and preceded by a splendid band , left the Swan Hotel , and proceeded to the place of meeting . Tbe gentleman , upon ascending the platform , was most vociferously cheered , and shortly after that uncom promising veteran , Mr . Vevers , was unanimously culled to tbe chair ; who after a soul-stirring appeal to bis audience on behalf of their rights and liberties , introduced Mr . O'Connor to the meeting .
Mr . O'Connob spoke for two hours and forty minutes , replying to the f illacies of the Anti-Corn Law lecturers . He introduced the question now so prominently relied upon by the League to shelter themselves , namely , tbe immensely increased value given to agricultural and landed property by the spread of manufactures . This position , said he , I am not going to deny , but 2 am going to combat and to expose the League deductions , namely , that they , the landlords , have received this accession of wealth from profits unjustly withheld from capitalists —( hear , hear ;) I am going to admit tbe fact , that landed property has received great augmentation from the increase of manufactures ; but 1 undertake to prove tbat the increase has come from the pockets of the people ,
and not from those of their masters —( loud cheers . ) Now tbe great augmentation to landed property consists not in the increased value of farming land—( hear , hear ); tbe great increase has been derived from groundrents , where new towns have been built ; and houserent in towns which have been augmented iu the number of inhabitants by the rapid increase of manufactures . Could I select a better spot wherein to illustrate my argument than just where 1 now stand ? This town belongs to Sir John Ramaden . Before you were drafted here , some ground' for which now a large priceiB paid by tbe yard , was then let fora mere trifle by tbe acre—( hear , hear , and loud cheers . ) Now , then , who pays the ground-rent , and the house rent , of every warehouse , mill and shop , and residence here ?—( We
do . ) Of course you do , and for the gas and oil—( cheers . ) Suppose there are four thousand or five thousand , or any number of operatives' cottages let fer tea pounds a-yeur . and worth but six pounds , who pays the whole , Firstly upon tbe six pounds , or official value —( laughter . ) Sir John has bis profit of ground rent ; and then upon the housa-rent tbe master has his profit of fourteen pounds a-year ; and thus 1 am ready to contend and to prove , that while 2 admit tbe fact that Sir John Ratn&den ' s property within fifty years has had an increase from the operation of manufactures by at least £ 70 , 000 a year , 1 will also contend , that on this increase tbe masters have had an increase on this article alone of three times that amount ( Cheers , and " To be sure they have . ") This 1 b a branch of the
whole question of free trade much relied upon by the League , who would blind us to their own active enormities by directing attention to the passive process by which landed property has been increased la value ; the fact being , that so long aa you could bear the burden of both they never complained , but now that one or other mast be taken from your shoulders , they say , " Oh , take the land-sharks by all means "—( eheers . ) Mr . 6 Connor then went into the question of small masters , and showed the icjury done to society by the ruin of men wboBe interests were more nearly identified with those of their men , than those of tbe leviathan machine ownen could possibly be . Twenty years ago ,
said he , there were 28 small masters in Paddock , an adjoining village ; they made from five to eight pieces of coarse kerseys a man , a-week , and they employed from nine to twenty-five hands . Now , where ate they ? —( " aye , indeed , " and cheers . ) I will tell you : three out of the twenty-eight are still struggling against smoke ; and the remnant of the capital of the remaining twenty-five , driven from the market , has been , for want of protection to them , transferred into joint-stock bank shares to consolidate a fund for the very men who broke them to gamble upon—icheers ) Jossy Crossland bas swallowed up the whole twenty-five , and now with less than half the hands makes more in » week than
all the others made twenty years ago—( loud cheers ) . Why , than , do the skopketpers of Paddock wonder eX their impoverishment , which must continue till Mr . Crossland ' s males and jennies and spindles are seen going on Saturday night into their shops for bread and cheese , and bacon , and bonnets , and muffs and boas , and tippets and caps , and shoes and beds , and coats , and gloves , and watches —( laughter and cheers ) . Now , » aid Mr . O'Connor , will you hear the plain and simple fact from we ? England is at the present moment like a large hotel in a watering-place or in a race town . It is bnilt for the accommodation of tba casual visitors
only , and is empty during tbe recess . The sudden and anomalous progress of manufactures produced as sudden and anomalous an increase in all those departments in trade and commerce , and from whiah the increased luxuries were to be supplied . The new commercial society was an artiaeial society , and , in foot , like the manufacturing department , become , from sudden demand , cempeUtive in its transactions . The great improvements in machinery , by degrees enabled the largest capitalists to drive the smaller ones from the market ; and with every commercial failure , there came a corresponding etctional failure of that class employed
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\ m producing or vending luxuries or necessaries—( cheers Tbe failure of a bank or of a large manufacturing concern at first bat presents the single misfortune to you , whereas , taken in all its beariugs , it should present to you the failure of a corresponding portion of that society established for the production and vending of those luxuries and necessaries —( cheers ) . Thus like the large hotel it is merry fora moment and dull for an hour . When times are said to mend , by the receipt of fresh orders from abroad , instead of thoselorders giving a yearly impetus to trade , er requiring more bands , they
are perfected , as if by magic , and the hotel is again closed —( cheers ) . See how this shakes ] confidence ; at present the sum of 3 d . is demaadedin Hudderefield for a 2 jeed 8 £ 5 note before you get change for it , ( aye , 6 d . ); well , say 3 d ., i and so of a Huddersfleld note in 2 . eeds— ( hear , bear , hear . ) Well , then , why ? simply because gambling has rendered everything precarious and uncertain » until , for the first time in this great nation , machinery has compelled the monarch to submit to a tax upon her income . ( Cheers . ) Now , do you understand me ? (¦•« Aye , every word of it , " and cheers . ) I
After a vote of thanks to Mr . O'Connor , and the veteran Chairman , the meeting broke up ; and at twelve o'clock Mr . O'Connor departed for Noimanton Station , seventeen miles , having spent the remainder of the evening in company witb Mr . Pitfcet&iy and his friends . ¦
SABBATH MEETING . On Monday nfght last , a public meeting was convened by the Rev . F . Batemsn , vicar , for the purpose of taking into consideration , the beat means of promoting a due observance of the Lord ' s Day . ] Tbe bills calling the meeting stated that he ( the Vicar , ) would take the chair at half-past six , and taut the meeting would be addressed by Mr . Wilson , Honorary Secretary , and the Rsv . Mr . Bailey , Clerical Secretary , a deputation from the Parent Society . The people of this town had , on seeing the above
announcement , a most vivid recollection of a similar meeting when an effort was made by the Church party so to arrange matters as to compel , if possible , by any means , however unjust , the concurrence of ' all in thtir mode of understanding and applying the term " Sabbath Observance . " This recollection excited la many a desire to attend , as the orjects of tae meeting appeared very similar ; and at the appointed time , many were present and others continued to come until the Philosophical Hall was completely filled , not less than twelve hundred being present . !
The Vicar took the chair , and on the platform , was seen tbe Reverends Messrs . Aldersoa , Manning , Topham , Metcalfe , Hessey , and a few other [ clergymen ; T . Starkey . Esq ., magistrate , t . C . Laycocfe , Esq ., attorney ; Mr . J . Hobaon , stationer ; Mr . J . Smith ,- Mr . E . Clayton ; Mr . J . Gledhill ; Mr . T . Lister , and Mr . Pitkethly , junior . ; The meeting was opened with prayer , after which the Vicar addressed them at some length , in a very calm and guarded manner , stating the object of the society to be of & « ch a nature , as when dace understood and appreciated , would prove of incalculable
benefit to all , but to the working classes in particular . He had no doubt that the deputation would satisfy them when they spoke . He was quite sure they were not sent down to scold them , but to lay before them the true objects of the society . He said he must confess that often as be had paced the streets of Huddersfieid oa the Sunday , he had never witnessed any shop open for traffic of any kind ; neither was he aware of one solitary instance ever occurring ; yet he did not know that each and every of his parishioners ; conducted themselves with that degree of propriety , ] which is necessary far a due observance of the sabbath . —( A voice " who rides to church in their carriage ?")
The Vicar then called upon the Rev . Mr . Alderson to open the business of the meeting . < Mr . A . rose and said in ft very low tone , that he had come from a neighbouring parish for the purpose of hearing the nature and object of tbe society ; he would , therefore , not longer detain them , but make way for Mr . Wilson , one of the deputation . j Mr . Wilson came forward and stated that the society , of which he was honorary secretary , had for Us object the increased happiness of the working classes ; this he endeavoured to prove by stating that many were obliged , in direct opposition to the dictates of his own conscience , to labour on the Lord ' s day , by which practice they neglected tbeir religious duties ; Day , more , from this baseful practice they were precluded from learning what those duties were , and so were lost to all eternity . He instanced the men employed i upon the canals , and those in the iron mines ; also the
breadbakers of London , who , he said , bad requested the society to obtain an enactment for the purpose of sup - pressing all such immoral and irreligious proceedings—( a voice from the gallery , " We haven't wark fort wark days ") . [ It is impossible to convey to the mind of the reader the effect produced in the meeting by the cries and ejaculations of the persons composing it . Indeed , it was nearly one continued scence of mirth from beginning to end ; and in the loud peals of laughter that followed some of these sayings , even tbe clergy themselves could not refrain from joining , though they tried to preserve unbroken gravity . The question , " Who ] rides to church in their carriages ? " was jeU throughout the whole meeting : for it is a well known fact that the Vicar ' s own carriage goes to church and back every Sunday ; and that the only magistrate on the ] platform . Mr . Starkey , regularly uses his , to convey him to duly observe the Sabbath I The AW was duly appreciated by the entire meeting 1
The Vicar next rose and said , he would jnst advert to a case that had recently happened in this town shewing the deadly influence Sabbath-breaking bad upon its victims . One of bis curates bad waited upon a poor man who was about to die , and who lived in a dark and damp cellar ; and what do you think was tbe first words that struck bis ear ?—( a voice from the gallery " bas he paid his Easter dues ? " Tbe Vicar had rendered , himself obnoxious by summonsing for Easter Dues , those who were unable to pay . them . ) " I am lost—my soul is lost for ever . " The Curate inquired the nature of his fears ; when the poor man answered , " 1 have laboured on the Sabbath for a many years , and there is no hope for me . " The Vicar then called upon Mr . Madden ,
Mr . Madden came forward and observed , ] he was extremely sorry that persons should be found ; in that vast assembly , met for so desirable an object , that would , by the expressions he had heard , endeavour to interrupt the speakers . 2 t is quite evident the body of the meeting do not engage in this ; they take no part in thu interruption ; and the only surprise 1 have is , that so vast an assembly will allow two or three individuals to annoy them He then said that he had been in the army for many years , and dnring some of his engagements he had fought on the Sunday —( a voice , " The Lord wam't wiyou then ' *) — and as such he could bear testimony to the deadly influence of Sabbath breaking . He had been engaged in this manner for twenty-six years previoas to taking holy orders , —( a voice , " Which side gave you best pa ; ? " )—and his experience taught him to know the value of a due observance of the Sabbath . He concluded by calling upon Mr . Biyley , the Clerical Secretary .
Mr . Bay ley said be had no doubt a misapprehension as to tbe nature and object of the society existed in the minds of many , yet he deubted not the co-operation of all good men when they beard and understood the true nature of that society . It had been said that the gentry rode to church in their carriages . This be declared was not countenanced ; neither did they fear the rich because of tbeir superior station , but that he should declare openly aud freely his opinion upon whatever he considered tended to desecrate the Sabbath , regardless of auy man ' s contumely . He then waded through tbe same track as did his colleague , but in a more dignified and impressive style . The whole was listened to with great attention . *
The V ic a a next rose to conclude the meeting ; the said that in const quence of tbe little disorder be had heard he feared very much whether he could , prudently , in future call a public meeting , even for a benevolent purpose . He , living amongst them could readily bear it ; but when " foreigners" came amongst them , they expected to be treated as gentlemen . He bad taken that room , be had paid for the room , with his own money—( a voice , " That ' s a lie ; Easter dues helped thee to do that ")—and he could not , therefore , think of the deputation being sent empty away ; he bad arranged for a person to be at the door to receive whatever they choose to give ; and those who choose to sit still ] would be waited upon for tbeir contribution ? . Tbe Vicar then requested them to join him iu singing the Doxology .
At this moment Mr . J . Hobaon stepped forward , and observed he did not think it right the meeting should conclude so abruptly . Alarm immediately took possession of the whole of the clergy . The Vicar inquired of Mr . H ., in a low tone , was he "A friend V Answer" | Yes . " " Who are you ? " Answer— " A Friend . " The vicar showed great trepidation and fear , but allowed Mr . H . to proceed , when he said that to tbe objects of the meeting all present muat be friendly ; for to promote a due observance of the Sabbath ] every right constituted mind would lead its help and aid . " 2 think , Sir , " said Mr . H ., addressing the ] vicar , " that a * you have taken the trouble to call us , the lay members of your flock , together , to lay before us your objects and purposes , it would be a great dereliction of duty in us to depart without informing you .
by open vote , how far we are disposed to aid you in carrying out your praiseworthy And 1 laudable object—securing a DUEebservanceoftheSabbatb . " Some one here whispered into the vicar ' s ear that the speaker ' s name was Hobson . This was sufficient . The vicar turned to the audience , declared the meeting dissolved , and requested bis friends to retire ; which they precipitately did through the back door . At this moment the scene was tbe most ludicrous we ever saw . The confusion of the clergy , the throwing their coats upon their backs , the cocking « f their hats , and tbe general run from the platform , amidst the cries of " Hear both sides , ' * which ended in one unanimous burst of indignation , manifested by yells and hocjtinga , was truly farcical . It will nob soon be forgot by those who witnessed it Mr . Hobaon still maintained hia
position ; and Mr . Madden kindly stroked him on the back , and earnestly begged of him to deaiat—In this request Mr . Madden was joined by several of his brother clergy men , and by Mr . Kemp , the ( bookseller , Mr . Sbaw , the overseer , and several other influential parties . All entreaty , however , availed not . Mr . Hobson said he was not to be driven or persuaded from his course ; and both the Vicar and his friends would Sad , in the long tun , that they had greatly mistaken their coarse by running away . When < they
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beard his resolution , they would find that be ( Mr . Hobson ) mi their best friend . Entreaty thus failing , stronger means were resorted to . Mr . Kemp again accosting Mr . H ., demanded from him a guarantee for one pound , the rent of the room , and also a guarantee for the payment for the gas consumed . Mr . H . replied that he understood the Vicar had paid tot both : at leas * , bo he bad said : however the communication should be communicated to the meet-Ing ; and the meeting might give what guarantee it pleased . Mr . T . G Lancashire hereupon Interfered ; and Mr . Hobson . good-humouredly turned to the meeting and said , "My friends ; thera ia an old adage which says that ' two of a trade can never agree ' : it seemr we are to have a practical
explifieafcion of its truths . " [ Mr Hobaon , Mr . Kemp , and Mr . T . & Lancashire , are all Booksellers and Printers in tha Town . ] A loud roar of laughter followed this sally ; and Mr . Kemp had the good sense to retire . Not so Mr . T . Q . He seized hold of Mr . Hobson by tha arm ; , and said that as fte ( Mr . T . Q . ) was the person entrusted with the care of the Hall , fte would prevent his ( Mr . Hobson ' s ) epeaking in it . Mr . H . coolly bid him te " Hands off . " This but enraged him the more ; and he twiched a little harder , saying " I will , I will , " and attempted to drag Mr . H from bis position In front of tbe platform . Mr . H . turned round to him and said , " If you do not instantly leave off , I will throw you over the railing into the body ef the meeting . " He lefc go instantly : and then
Mr . Thoa . Vevers was proposed as chairman ; and on ascending the platform , and about to take the chair , the Raverendd ) Mr Hesley , principal at the Collegiate School , deliberately drew the chair away ! The old man did not fall , but he might have done and sustained serious injury , and Mr . Hobson remonstrated with tbe Reverend Geatleman fur so low and mean an act , . yet he would not replace it . After silence was obtained , Mr . Hobsou observed that it was with extreme regret he saw the clergy leave the meeting in that unhandsome , nay insulting manner he thought it was but right that as the Vicar had called his parishioners together to hear the . it opinions , they ought also to allow the lay members
to express their opinion , in order that they might thereby understand each other , and co-operate , as far as possible , for the purpose of obtaining a just and due observance of the Sabbath . With that oVject , and with many of the reasons that had been adduced by the deputation , he entirely concurred ; particularly with those which affected the physical condition of tbe working millions . He , for one , should much regret to Bee the time when every moment of the week shouW be devoted to work * , knowing , as he did , that this , and this only , was now needed to thoroughly debase and enslave the people . After some other observations of a similar import , he conolnded by moving the fallowing resolution ;—
" That this meeting , duly alive to the necessity , policy , and wisdom of the icstituted Sabbath , or day of reBt , pledges itself to promote , by every means in its power , whatever can conduce to its due observance ; but while it will resist , by all legitimate means , whatever may lead to undermine and uproot that institution , and thus take from the toiling millions the only chance now left them to test and recruit exhausted nature , it will resist , in no less degree , the setting up of any standard or mode Of observance by any peculiar sect to which all others may be required to bow ; inasmuch as the acknowledgement of such a principle might lead to the enthronement of fanaticism and bigotry , should these
from any cause , acquire the wielding of power . The Protestant Reformation established ' the right of private judgment' not less respecting the usa and utility of forms and ceremonies , than of modes of faith and truthfulness of creeds ; and the recognizer of that principle will see an equal due observance of the Sabbath by the man who worships the Author of all Being in the Natural Temple of the Universe , communing with Nature and her wondrous works , and looking ' through Nature up to Nature ' s God , ' as by the man who worships in the temple made with hands , and uses all the forms and ceremonies he deems most acceptable to the object of his worship . "
The aboye was seconded by Mr . J . Smith , and carried with only three dissentients . A vote ef thanks was given to the Chairman , and tbe meeting separated peaceably .
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West Riding Sessioks . —The Intermediate Sessions for the West Riding will be hi Id at Sheffield , ou Monday , the 27 th February ; and at Wakefield , on Thursday , the 2 nd of March , for the trial of felons and misdemeanants . Trial op M'Nadghten . —The trial of Daniel M'Naughten , for shooting Mr . Edward Drummond , has been postponed until the next session of the Central Criminal Court . On Wednesday , the jury returned a true bill for wilful murder against him . Painb ' s Birthday . —This event was celebrated ia the U 3 U& 1 manner at several places on Monday <>»•¦> ing last . We have - received long accounts of the festivities , for none of which have we space , our columns having been pretty well occupied even before their receipt .
Wakefield Corn Market. Tfl_ _ . _ Ts _ R* Mi I . A «R*Vt ¦
WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET . Tfl _ _ . _ ts _ r * mi i . a « r * vt ¦
rRIDAY , TEBRUART , O—lnCSUppty OI W nCai being only small to day , an advance of Is . per quarter has been obtained for finest samples , bat in other sorts not much business passing at last week ' s rates . Barley is not brisk sale , but fully supports its value . Beans are more in request than for some time past , at rathor improved prices . In other articles no material alteration .
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CLASS-MADE LAWS HAVE MADE THEIR VICTIMS : LET US ENDEAVOUR TO RELEASE THEM . Ffxlow Working Men , — WHEN I Bent the Advertisement to be Published , which has appeared for the last few weeks , and which states that I am willing to give foar shillings to the Executive and one shilling to the Victim Fund out of every one hundred pounds weight of beverage , 1 say , my friends , at that time it struck me very forcibly that the Victim Fond stood much need of augmenting , and I think so-still , as you may see by their letter ; and I also think , if I may jnd ^ e from appearance , that the country evinces but little disposition to support the cause of Chartism through the Executive , inasmuch as neither myself nor Messrs . Crow and Tyrrel have had much to add to their funds for Borne weeks past . I therefore propose that the whole of the five shillings per hundred pounds be given to Ihe Victims * Defence Fund , and it shall appear as before in Mr . Cleave ' s Subscription List weekly , until the assizes are over , when we can make fresh arrangements as the times may require . Now , my friends , it remains with the people , whether those men who have been made victims for no other crime than that of demanding justice at the hands of our oppressors be left to the clemency of a merciless judge and a time-serving jury , ot whether they shall fcave funds sufficiently supplied which will secure to them justice ; and we must remember that there is only a few weeks to raise the money ia , and we should also remember that we that are at liberty are only so because the law hag not got hold of us , bat that we perhaps may have said and doue more towards the downfall of tyrants than those whom it is our duty to support . I now leave the matter in your hands , and only have to say , that I pledged myself in 1819 never to rest uutil we wore free—I never ha « e nor ever will , ' Roger Pinder , Hull .
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BOIiTON . —In a part of our impression last week , we inserted a paragraph , alluding to the sup * posed murder at Bolton | of Mr . Z ineiti , of Manchester Since then an inquest has been beld on Mr . Zinetti ' s remains ; and , from the evidence then adduced , it appears pretty clear that there was no murder in the case , Mr . Z having , in the darkness of tbe night , lost his way , and fallen into the river , where he was drowned . By falling against 6 ome stone 3 , his face was much disfigured , which gave rise to the rumour in Bolton that he had been murdered .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 4, 1843, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1198/page/5/