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Note.—To make room for the H Debates in Piljj ment" at tbe opening of the Session on Tbm
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VOLTAIRE ' S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY . No . 60 is this day issued , combining a fine Engraving of the celebrated Author , nm steel , withoat any extra charge . Part 15 is . swo ready , price Fonrpence , completing the Firs& YolomJ of the Dictionary , comprising 614 pages , apabli columns and small type , verbatim from the Ongraw Edition . It may be be had in ( 5-1 Numbetoat : we Penny eaob ; 15 Parts » t Fonrpenwr each , ' orM »< J ' somely bound in cloth for Five Shillings and _ & »• pence . The remaining volume will be continnea with increased vigour . „ . Booksellers can be supplied with elegant bnow Bills , to which tbe plate of Voltaire will be tttacfiea , through their different Agents . ¦ » j ,-n This edition will place this renowned work ^ p "' the reach of all , and form an elegant addition w th library . Also may be had , DIEGESIS ; by the Rev . R Tatlob , in Penny Numbers , and FourpenHV r « w « It is expected that this famous Book will db completed in 36 Numbers . THE DEVIL'S PULPIT , by the same Ante 41 Numbers at Twopence each , or in Two y ?» ^ price Nine Shillings , or Four Shillings and Sixp « j » each . This work having been reprinted at a gte » expence , all the Numbers at present may w toj * . W . Dugdale , Printer and Publisher , 8 o . n , » J well-street , Strand , London .
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TO THE CHARTISTS OF THE DIS TBICT OF LEEDS . ( COMPRISING LEEDS , HOLBECK , HUNSt-ET , WOBttETi ARMLEY , WGODHOUSE , CHUBWELL , AND HOKtBlJ ADDITIONAL MEANS FOR PROVID ^ TALENTED LECTURERS . WILLIAM BROOK begs to announce t « k | Friends , that be is now selling G Jf r £ CAFFEINE , an article greatly supenor to « g Breakfast Beverage yet brought before wj ^ a The Powder bo closely imitates Coffee » n aPP *™^ and the drink so nearly resemble it in » a t ? ° j -ff . the nicest connoisseur can scarcely detect t 116 * " ^* ence . It effects a saving of one-third in the ° P ^^ over any Breakfast Powder in use , and ^ considerably less sugar than Coffee , or any ow snbstitute . - ... „ * n f it « A trial need only be made to be satisfied « «• superior qualities . . «_ ni The CatfeineiatmadeTip in neat packess oi _ P ™ j » and half-pounds each .-The Price is Sixpence pe P W B . allows 3 s . for every IM poff ^ ftw the District Fund , for tbe better supp lying tn /;« M * places with talented lecturers .. 21 , Kirkgate , Corner of Vicar-lane . The Treasurer for the District has been funu > tf * J with Mr . Clay ' s address , so that he cau wrx » *? request him to forward an exact account oiw » weight furnished to Mr . Brook . ^^ ^_^_
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HOUSE OF LORDS , —Thursday . Parliament was opened by Commission on Thursday , at two o ' clock- The Cemnrissioners "were the Archbishop of Canterbury , tie Lord Chancellor , Lord Whaxndiffe , the Duke , of Bnccleneh , and the Earl of Shaftesbury . The CommissionBTs entered ihe Honse sbonlv before two o ' clock , and took their seats at the foot of the throne . TheLoKD Chxkcellob directed toe . Gentleman "Usher of the Black Rod to summon the House of CommonB to the bar of their Lordships' House . The Speaker of the House of Commons , attended by several of the Members , shortly afterwards appeared at the bar , and
The Lohd Chascbixob haying informed the members of lie House of Commons that it was not con-Tenient for her Majesty to attend in person to open this present Parliament , stated that her Maj ^ ssy had been graciously-pleased to JKsne her Royal Commission , authorising the Commissioners therein named , to do all things that might 1 ) 8 necessary for the opening of the Parliament . Bis Lordship directed the Commission to be read . Tie £ 3 erk * ben read the Commission at length , The Lobs Chakcellob , in the name , and on behalf of her Majesty , read the following speech : — "Mr Loses asd Gestlemek , " We are commanded by her Majesty , to acquaint yon that her Majesty receives from all Princes and States assurances of a friendly disposition towards this country , and of an earnest desire to co-operate with her Msjesty in the maintenance of general
" By tbe treaty which her Majesty has concluded -with the United States of America , and by the adjustment of these differenc a -which from their long continuance had endangered the preservation of peace , her ilajesty trusts that the amicable relations of the two countries hare been confirmed . " Tha increased exertions -which by the liberality of Parliament her Majesty -was enabled 4 o make for the termination of the hostilities with China hare b een eminently successful . "The skill , tbIout , asd discipline of the naval and military forces employed upon this service have been most conspicuous , and have Jed to the conclusion of peace upon the terms proposed hy her Majesty . "Ber Msjesty rejoiees in the prospect that by the free access -which wil ] be opened to the principal marts of th&t populous and extensive empire , encouragement win be gives to the commercial enterprise of her people .
** As soon as the ratifications of the treaty shall have been exchanged , it wfl ] be laid before you . ' Iu concert with her allieB , her Majesty has succeeded in obtaining for the Christian population of Syria an establishment of a system of administration which they were entitled to expect from the engagements of the Sultan , aad from the good faith of this country . "The difference for some time existing between the Turkish and Persian Governments had recently led to -acts of hostility ; but as each of these states has accepted the joint mediation of Great Britain and . Russia , Her Majesty entertains a confident hope that fchfcir mutual relations will be speedily and amicably adjusted .
" Her Majesty has concluded with the Emperor of Russia a treaty of commerce and navigation , which will be laid before yon . Her Majesty regards this treaty with great satisfaction , as the foundation for increased intercourse between Her Majesty's subjects and those of the Emperor . * ' Her Majesty is hsppy to inform you that complete success has attended the recent military operations is . Aflghanistan . Her Majesty has the greatest satisfaction in recording her high sense Jof the ability with -which those operations have been directed , and of the constancy and valour -which have been manifested by the European and . Native
forces" The superiority of her Majesty ' s arms has been established by decisive victories on the scenes cf former disasters ; and the complete liberation of her MaJ 3 sty ' s subjects who were held in captivity , -and for whom her Majesty felt the deepest interest , has been tfected . "We are commanded by her Majesty to inform yon that it has not been deemed advisable to continue the occupation by s military force of the countries to the westward of the Indus . " { xEXTLEltRS Of THE HOrjSE OP C 0 KM 05 S , " Her Majesty has directed the estimates for the en-RDBg year to be laid before you . " Such reductions have been made in the . amount of the naval and military force as have -been , deemed compatible , under present circumstances , with the efficient performance of the public service throughout-the extended empire of her Majesty . ** Ml LOEDS AKD GK 5 TI . T 5 MBS ,
" Her Majesty regreta the diminished receipt from some of the ordinary source * of the revenue . Her MBjesty iesxs vhaVitJJnjst be In part attributed to the reduced consumption of many articles , caused by that depression of the manufacturing industry of the country -which has so long prevailed , and "which her Majesty has so deeply lamented . ' M In considering , . however , the present state of thf revenue , Her Majesty u assured that you will bear in mind that it has been materially affected by the extensive reductions in the Import Duties , -which received jour sanction duriag the last Session of Parliament , sod that little progress has been hitherto made in the collection of those taxes -which were imposed for the purpose " of the supplying the deficiency from that and other causes . ; " Her Majesty feels confident that the future produce of th * revenue "will he sufficient to meet every exigency of the -public service .
" Her Majesty commands ua to acquaint you that Her M 3 jesty derived the utmost gratification from the loyalty and affectionate attachment to Her M » jesiy -which -were manifested os the occasion of Her Majesty ^ -visit Vo Scotland . " Her Majesty regrets fiiat in the course of last year the public peace in some of the mannfacturing districts was seriously disturbed , and the lives and property of her Majesty ' s subjects were endangered by tumultuous assemblages and acts of open violence . The ordinary law , promptly enforced , vr&s sufficient for the effectual repression of these disorders . H « r Majesty confidently relies upon its efficacy , and upon the xealous support of her loyal and peaceable subjects for the maintenance of tranquillity . "We are commanded by her Majesty to acquaint yen that measures connected with the improvement' of the law , and -with various questions of domestic policy , ¦ will be submitted for your consideration .
" Her Majesty confidently relies on your xealons endeavour t « promote the public welfare , and fervently prays that the favour of Divine Providence may direct and prosper your counsels , and make -them conducive to the happiness and contentment of her people . " The Members of the House of Commons withdrew as soon as the reading of the Itoyal Speech had been concluded , and the Commissioners then withdrew for the purpose ^> f unrobing . On the return of lhe Lord Chancellor , prayers ¦ wer e read by the Bishop of Chichegter , and their Lordships tnen adjourned 4 o Five o'Clock . Their Lordshipa resumed at five o ' clock , at -which hour the Lobd Chascellob took his seat npon the Woolsack . Several notices of motions were then given .
TBS ADDBESS . The Lohd Chakcellob then read her Majesty ' s most gracious sptch . The Speech haying been again read by the Clerk , The Earl of Powis rose to move the adoption of the address , which was of course , as usual , a mere echo of the Queen's Bpeech . The Earl of Eguntch seconded the motion . The Marquis of JLahsbowxb then addressed the House at great length , and -was followed by the Duke of Wellington , Lord Brougham , the Sail of Auckland , Jj ^ rd Colchester , the Marquis of danriearde , the Earl of Minto , Lord Athburton , the Earl of Haddington , Earl Stanhope , and the Bishop of Exeter ; after ¦ whi ch the address "was agreed to .
TheBukeof Wellisgtox then gave notice that on the 14 th , he should mo ^ e the thanks of tha House to the naval and military officers and men in China ; and , ° n lhe 16 ib , to the officers and troops in the East I ndies ; and tbeir Lordships adjourned at half-past three o clock .
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HOUSE OF COMMONS . —Thursday . The Spkukkr , attended by the Officers of the House and a ie » of the Members , opened the House about half-past one o ' clock . At two o'clock , Sir Augustus Clifford , Usher of the Black Bod , summoned the House to attend in the House of Peers , to hear her Majesty ' s Speech read by the Commissioners . There were about this time 100 Members present . On the return of the Speaker , the Honse was adjourned te a quarter to four o ' clock . The House met , according to the adjournment , at » Quarter before foar , ai which hour the Speaker took the Chair . Several new Members were sworn at the table , and took their Beats .
Tne Spkakeb . said he had to acquaint the House that the two sureties of £ 5 * 0 each , entered into for the prosecution of the petition , complaining of an undue return for the town of Nottingham , were unobjectionable . Several notiees of motion were then given , amongst which were the following : — - Mr . WaiX 4 . cs gave notice that he would , on the 7 th of February , move fora Select Committee to inquire into the state of the late distress in Paisley also for a return of the money collected under tie Queen ' s letter , and the mode in which it was disposed of . t -
,. ., ,.. _ . „ Mr . Waiaicb gave notice that he would , on the U ; h Pebruaj-j , call the attention of the Hmje io the general distress of the country .
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Mr . S . CBbikh gave xntice that he would , on Thursday , the 16 th of February , move for a Select Committee to inquire into the mode in which the Poor Laws had been carried into operation in Ireland . Lord Ashlet gave notice that he would , on the 16 th of February , move that an address be presented to her Majesty , praying that she would be graciously pleased to take into her serious consideration the best means of diffusing a moral and religious education amongst the working classes . Mr . T . S . Dukcombb gave nctire that he would , on Thursday , move for a Select Committee to inquire into the administration of justice by magistrates during the late disturbances in the manufacturing districts .
The Hon . Member also gave notice that he would , on the same day , move for an inquiry into the mode in which Lord Abinger discharged his duties as a Judge during the Special Commission . The mover and seconder of the Address having entered the Honsa and takes their seats , The Speaker proceeded to read the Speech delivered by the Lords Commissioners to-day , at the conclusion of winch , Lord Courtehay then rose , and said—Mr . Speaker , in rising to propose to this House the adoption of an humble address in answer to the most gracious Bpeech of her Majesty jnst read , I feel that I am not preferring any unreasonable request when I entreat for myself that kind and indulgent hearing which ,
under similar circumstances , this House has been accnBtomed to bestow—( hear ) . "Whilst the magnitude and variety of the topics adver ed to in her Majesty ' s speech are each as to place under no ordinary difficulties the mover of the address—( hear , hear)—I yet feel , siir , with unqualified confidence that these are topics npon which there can be but a unanimous concurrence—( hear ) . I feel . Sir , that in the announcements which her Majesty's speech makes there are many to which we all will be prompt and anxious to manifest our concurrence—( hear , hear ) . I feel that we all bear with equal satisfaction that announcement with which for many years past the speeches from the throne to Parliament have commenced . I mean , Sir , the gratifying
announcement that the Sovereign of thiB country continnes to receive firm assurances of friendly regard from all foreign powers —( hear , hear , hear ) . These , Sir , are assurances from which I trust we may augur a long continuance of that peaco with which it has phased Providence so long to bless the nations of Europe . Bni there jb one announcement to which I feel particular pleasure in calling upon this House to respond ; I mean that part of the speech in which her Majesty informs us that a treaty has been concluded npon a satisfactory basis with the United States of America . ( Hear , hear . ) I am sure , Sir , that however great are the evils of war , every one in this House will agree with me that they sue not merely to be measured by the loss
of blood and the waste of treasure , but that there is a still greater evil in the disruption of those ties which ought te bind- the families of mankind together . ( Hear . ) Those evils wonld be tenfold , if such should happen between us and that kindred community which has sprung up under our auspices . ( Hear . ) We are bound to that community by the kindred of blood , by the similarity of tews , and the identity of our language , and onr religion . ( Hear , hear , hear . ) I am sure , Sir , that no man who hears me can look without interest npon the progress of that community from its infanoy to it 3 present and enduring maturity . ( Hear , hear . ) I am sure that every man must feel with me , that the evil of any interruptions of our friendly relations
with the people of America , would be an injury not only to ourselves but to the rest of humanity—( cheers ) . It is , therefore , sir , with unhesitating confidence I call npon the House to express its satisfaction npon the adjustment of those differences which had for some lime existed —( hear , hear ) . I am sure the House will not hesitate to express its satisfaction with the wisdom and conciliatory feeling on both sides , by which this adjustment has been happily effected , with a just- regard to the national honour of two great countries—( hear , hear ) . Let me turn now , sir , to another announcement which her Majesty has graciously made respecting the triumphant cJose of tie war in Afghanistana war which was carried on under circumstances of
no ordinarj difficulty—in a country of a peculiar character , and amidst foea of unknown numbers ef untried courage , ef strange discipline , and unparalleled ferocity . That extraordinary war has now been brought to a triumphant closn by the constancy and valour of our troops , to which , 1 trust , we shall be the first so offer tee just meed of applause . It were idle—it were unnecessary—now to dwell upon the reverses of a foreign campaign . Bnt , Sir , 1 cannot speak npon this subject without Inviting the House to call to recollection the many instances of individual valour and power of endurance which were manifested by our troops , both European and native —instances which make ub feel the greater satisfaction that that courage was not exhibited in
vain , and that that suffering was not unattended with goad results ; fox it leads us to reflect with increased -tatisfaction that British honour has been vindicated , and that the superiority of British wrists V >» been established on the scenes of former reverses . Sympathising deeply , therefore , with what our troops have experienced , and still more in accordance with the expression of interest of her Majesty upon this topic ; moreover entertaining warm feelings of admiration and respect for those heroic captives , who in the hour of danger and suffering exhibited a manly spirit of daring , united with and elevated by a power of endurance , howev-r great , which peculiarly belongs to the female oharactex—( cheers)—taking , a warm interest in ihe fortunes
of those captives , we shall no longer delay to concur cordially in the expression of the address , which I will venture to submit to your notice , in acknowledgment of the valour and constancy of her Majesty's troops , and of a deep conviction that in withdrawing bejond the Indus , we leave behind as an indelible memorial of British courage and British valour We may turn with feelings of perhaps a less mixed character to another topic suggested by her Majesty ' s Bpeech , 1 mean onr relations with China , and I am sure that , with equal satisfaction , we shall learn that a treaty has been concluded with China , result ing from the superiority of onr naval and military forces , and founded upon terms which her Majesty has proposed . We may , I trust , look forward to this as the commencement of a permanent and salu tary intercourse between this country and that
mighty and extensive land . We may , 1 trust , look somewhat even beyond that—we may , 1 trust , look to those more enduring results , and those noble triumphs , which shall emanate from that intercourse , I mean tbe triumph of knowledge orer ignorance —of civilization over bartarism—of Christianity orer Heathenism and Infidelity . There is one result in which I bt-lieve we may now rejoice , as having already taken plaoe ^ -I mean the revival of commercial intercourse with that country—an intercourse which bids fair to be firm , constant , and systematic , and whi'h opens a now and untried mark at for the productions of our manufacturing industry . There is not , I am sure , a gentleman that lam now addressing who does not feel that if ever there was a time when the prospect of new markets for our manufactures was essential this is now that
period —( cheers from the opposition ) . Sir , we are informed bjher Majesty ' s Bpeeoh of a fact , alas ! of which the experience of most Hon . Gentlemen , whom I now address , has made them aware—that considerable bodies—masses of our manufacturing population have been suffering for some time under a state of distress occasioned by the depression of the markets of some departments of our manufacturing industry . Sir , we must learn with great regret as evidence of that fact , the inability of a large portion of our manufacturing population to purchase those articles of comfort , or even of necessity , -which , under more prosperous circumstances , thej had been accnBtomed to ; but this inability is one of the causes to which we are to trace the diminution in the
receipts from the ordinary sources of revenue which is announced to us in her Majesty ' B Bpeech . That the diminution may be , and is justly attributable also to other causes—to causes which may be , and it is hoped will be temporary in their nature , and which cannot bat have been present to the minds of those who originated and carried the great financial changes of last year—I mean to the reduction in the duties npon imports—is no donbt a matter which it is satisfactory and gratifying to believe . Bnt , Sir , at the same time , the fact remains—a fact which is brought before ns in this the very first stage of our proceeedings—that large bodies of our manufacturing population are in a state of distress and depression . Sir , it is in no language of oold and ordinary
condolence and pity that I now take this opportunity of saying what has been so often said upon the subject . We cannot but sympathise deeply with the way in which , I will say not only the manufacturing , but the agricultural portion of this community have often borne distress and privations , submitting to them with a fortitude and resignation deserving of a better fate . Such a circumstance renders their distresses still more entitled to the calm consideration of an English and Christian Legislature . This state of things exists . Of the remedies for this state of things this is neither the fitting time , nor am I a person qualified to speak ; but , Sir , this much I may be permitted to ssy , that while I look forward with hope to the result which will follow from the continued operation of the commercial and financial
changes of last year , and to the prevalence—the gradual prevalence is foreign countries of sounder principles of international policy—( hear , hear)—while l look forward to these considerations I must be permitted also to say that any remedy for the national distress which legislation can supply is to be found , not in any crude and hasty measures , not in attempts to exalt and magnify the importance of one interest above others—( hear , hear , on the Opposition Benches , repeated by the Members on the Ministerial side >—it is not to be found , I say , in endeavours to magnify any one interest above others , but in a calm and dispassionate consideration of all the interests of the community— ( cheers from both sides of the House)— -while we weigh justly and duly the importance of each in the social scale of onr country , attaching and assigning to each its
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due share among the elements of our national greatness : and while we take into account all the component parts of this great community , giving a just and fair consideration to such peculiar circumstances , and to such peculiar burdens , as may result from a complicated and artificial state of society . It is because I traced in the oonduot of her Majesty ' s Ministers , the operation of each principles of legislation that , however reluctant I was to obtrude myself npon the notice of the Hous » , I think it my duty in acceding to the proposal made to me , not to shrink from the public expression , as the representative of a large and important constituency , of the general confidence which I entertain in her Majesty's present advisers . —( Hear , bear . ) In the
great financial measures of last year the country recognised a great scheme , not to be judged of in its individual parts , or in its temporary operation , but to be looked at upon the whole and in a series of years . —( Hear , hear . ) I believe that if her Ma-: jesty ' s Ministers continue to act with a similar union of boldness , prudence , and caution ; if in the measures which may hereafter be propounded an anxiety for the general welfare be exhibited in union with a due regard to the various interests of tbe country ; if they shew themselves ready and anxious to maintain peace at the risk of everything but national honour ; to promote economy at the hazard of everything except the efficiency of the public service : introduce change where change may
be improvement , but to repudiate and reject it where it is nothing but innovation , —I believe , Sir , if her Majesty's Ministers continue to act upon these principles , they will also continue to receive , asiin my judgment they will continue to deserve , the confidence of a large portion of the country—( cheers ) . Sir , it is with these views and these feelings that I have come forward on this occasion to propose the address in answer to her Majesty ' s graciouB speech ; and I have on-y , before I proceed to read the address which I shall submit , to express my grateful acknowledgements t . o the House for the kind forbearance which they have manifested—( cheers ) . The Noble Lord then moved the address , which was , as usual , an echo of her Majesty ' s speech . Mr . W . P . S . Miles seconded the Address .
The address was then read by the Speaker . Tbe question having been put , Mr . C . Wood said be had no doubt that the Noble Lord in no degree miscalculated the feelings of that House when he gave expression to the satisfaction which every one mun feel at the announcement contained in her Majesty ' s speech of the termination of those hostilities in which this country had been engaged in two quarters , and of the improved prospect of peace , arising from the termination of differences with the United States . With respect to the termination of hostilities with China , he apprehended that no feeling but one of satisfaction could prevail . However confidently we might rely upon tho skill amd valour of our troops , no one could contemplate without anxiety tbe continuance of hostilities at such a distance from this country , with a population so large , in a country of which we knew so little ; still lesB could any one contemplate without
feelings of the greatest regret , the indiscriminate slaughter of a brave , though barbarous people . It had been the result of that war—a result which seldom attended such operations—that every object for which it was undertaken had been effected . Reparation had been made for the cruel and insulting hardships heaped upon British residents . ' compensation had been made to our merchants tor the losses which they had sustained ; indemnity had been obtained for the expenses of the war ; and he thought tbe Noble Lord was justified in anticipating that an opening had been made tot our commerce which would be beneficial not only to this country but to China itself , to whose inhabitants it would seoure the benefits of humanity , of civilization , and of religion . —( Loud cheers . ) "With respect to the satisfaction which the Noble Lord had expressed at the conclusion of the operations in Afghanistan , he ( Mr . Wood ) apprehended there would be no difference of opinion in that
House——( hear ) . There could be no difference of opinion an to the advance upon Cabul , and the vindication of the honour of our troops—( hear , hear ) . But the House was not called upon on this occasion to express any opinion whatever as to the general policy upon which these operations were conducted ; because already two notices of motion had been given , by the Hon . Member for Bath , and the Right Hon . the First Lord of the Treasury , which would afford opportunity enongh to discuss that question —( hear ) . He hoped that before these motions came on , her Majesty ' s Ministers would be able to lay before the House , the information necessary to form a correct judgment of those operations —( hear ) . He trusted that the information , which Ministers already possessed ,
wonld enable them to contradict the reports which had been circulated of excesses committed by our troops—excesses revolting to every man of common humanity—excesses said to have been committed by our troops npon the unarmed inhabitants of oitieB ot which we had for some time been in peaceable possession —{ hear , hear ) . He trusted that Ministers would be able to inform the House that we had not left , in the countries beyond the Indus , a justly exasperated population . With respect to the treaty with the United States of America—that was a subject npon which tbe House would look to the Government for explanation , which he was sure the Government would be most anxious to give—( hear , hear ) . He for one waB ready to admit that , in
adjusting our differences with that country , no importance should be attached to a few square miles of disputed territory , more or less . I confess it appears to me , upon the authority of a document , of the authenticity of wbicb there can be no doubt , that all those questions are not so satisfactorily settled as we might at first have been led to believe . The subject upon which I now wish to have an explanation from her Majesty ' s Government , refers to the question of what is commonly called the right of visit . I apprehend that of all the questions likely to agitate the public mind in the United States , there is not one more calculated to lead , to angry feeling than that of their right of visit , and as there has been some confusion between
what is called tha right of visit and the right of search , I shall take the liberty of stating my view of each as distinctly as I can . I apprehend tho right of visit claimed by this country to be the right of our cruisers to ascertain whether a merchant vessel is justly entitled to the protection of the flag which she may happen to have hoisted on the vessel being at the time in such a condition as to render her liable to suspicion—first , that she is not entitled to the protection of that flag ; and next , that if she be not entitled to that protection , she is either under the law of nations or by the right of treaties , subject to the suspicion and controul of other Powers . That waB the claim put forward by Lord Aberdeen in his communication with the Envoy of the United
States , and supported by arguments which I am sure it is unnecessary to repeat in a British House of Commons . —( hear . ) It is enough to say that if thiB right is not to be exercised any vessel may sail unquestioned and uninterrupted through the squadron of cruisers we possess full of Blaves—( hear , hear ) . It is enough to say that the most atrocious buccaneer or pirate might sail unquestioned through the fleets of all tbe maritime powers in the world if the right in question were denied . But this right is not only denied by the United States but it is also stated in the document to which I have referred that it has , been grown up by this country So moustrous does this assertion appear to me that I shall take the liberty of referring to the
words of the President ' s Message relative to the subject . The extract is of the following nature : — " In enforcement of the laws and treating stipulations of Great Britain , a custom has threatened to grow : up on the part of her cruisers of subjecting to visitation chips sailing under the American flag , which , while it seriously involves our maritime rights , would snbject to vexation a branch of our trade which was inoreasiug , and which requires the fostering care of tho Government ; and although Lord Aberdeen , in his correspondence with the American Envoy in London , expressly renounced any right to detain American ships in the high seas , even if crowded with slaves , and limits the British pretensions to a mere claim of visit and
inquiry ; yet , it could not be well discerned by the executive of the United States how such visit and inquiry could be made without detention and the consequent interruption of our trade . It was regarded as the fight of search , presented only in a new form and in different words . " That was the view which the President of the United States took of the question , which he treated as equivalent to the right of search which was at once given up by Lord Aberdeen . The statement of the American President created great excitement among parties who take an interest in the suppression of the slave-trade ; and the subject is one which calls for an explanation from the Government . I will say for myself at once , that I entertain not the slightest
doubt what the answer of our Government will , be . I have not the slightest doubt but that they will tell ns they have made no concession upon that snbject to the Government of the United States . I believe that no British Minister would , or could , make such concession . He would quote to the House the eloquent' language of Lord Aberdeen ' s dispatch npon the subject . That language was as follows : — " The undersigned begB to repeat that with American vessels , British cruisers have ; no pretence to interfere . Such vessels most be permitted to enjoy a monopoly of the unhallowed trade ; but tbe British Government will never endure that the fraudulent use of the American flag shall extend
impunity to those by whom it is abhorred , and who have entered into solemn treaties for its suppression . " —( loud cheers ) . He ( Mr . Wood ) believed Jthatthat eloquent passage embodied the feelings of every Englishman on the subject ; and he believed that no concession had been made to it by her Majesty ' s Government . He trusted that the spirit of the regulations hitherto enforced upon the subject would be preserved for the future . He was aware that tbe instructions to be given to our cruisers were under the directions of Dr . LnshiDgton and Captain Penman—menwhose names were a security for the able and effectual discharge of the duty they bad undertaken : but he ( Mr . C . Wood ) hoped that in the new
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instructions the spirit of the old instructions would be adhered to . He was sure the answer of the Government upon the point wonld be satisfactory to that HouBeT- ( hear , hear ;) He could not , however , help saying , that the present state of the question suggested a doubt as to the final settlement of our differences with the United States . But , speaking generally , with regard to our foreign affairs , he was sure the House would receive with satisfaction the statements contained in the speech from the Throne , and would join in its congratulations . He confessed , however , that be derived but little satisfaction from the expressions in the speech relative to our internal policy . ( Hear , hear ) . The House would , no doubt , participate with her Majesty in
the sjmpathy which she expressed for the sufferings of her people . But sorely those sufferings were of a nature to oallforth something more than sympathy . ( Hear , hear . ) He did expect to find in her Majesty ' s speech—he did not say the precise Bature of the remedies which the ' Government was about to propose—but he did expect io find in it some indications at least of the measures they intended to bring forward for the purpose of removing that depression of our trade which has now lasted too long . ( Hear . ) And when he remembered th 6 censure of which the late Government was the object for introducing great measures which thty had not announced in the speech from the throne , he could not help thinking that no suoh measures were now in
contemplation . The Hon . Gentleman who seconded the address had told them of some symptoms of reviving trade ; but no one could be so sanguine as to believe that any great improvement had of late taken place in the condition of the people . —( Hear , hear . ) If he considered the state of his own county ( Yorkshire ) , he need but appeal to the Hon . Member for Leeds , who , this time last year , drew a touching picture Of the distress that exuted . It was no exaggeration to say that , in the last year , the distress had doubled . He had a return of the money sp . nt in many parts in out-door relief . In Leeds , in 1841 , it was 17 , 000 / ., in 1842 it was 23 , 000 / ., the number of applications in 1841 was 7 , 360 , while in 1842 it was double that amount , being 14 , 300 . —( Hear , hear . ) If
« e referred to the Member for Lancashire , he would tell the same tale . —( Hear , hear . ) If be turned to Scotland the same complaint existed there , and what was . still a more convincing proof , the distress had penetrated into the agricultural districts—( hear , hear ) . In such a state of the country , were the representatives of the people to sit with tolded arms , without attempting to legislate ?—( hear , hear ) . In order to restore the vi £# ur of commerce , they had been promised that measures should he brought forward that would considerably alleviate the distress—( hear , hear ) . No one could doubt what those measures ought to be , namely , measures that would increase the demand for labour , stimulate trade , and improve the condition of the people . At the
conclusion of the speech from the throne at the end of last Session , such measures were promised ; and he must confess that it was with feelings of the greatest disappointment that he found in her Majesty ' s speech at the opening of the present Session , no indication that that promise was to be followed up—( cries of hear , hear , hear ) . No sounder principle could be adopted than that , of buying in the cheapest market , and that there should be no benefits given to classes . Such was the policy pursued by the late Government , and which he bad been in hopesof seeing carried out , as the sole means of improving the condition of the people . These principles were adapted to many articles last session , but not to those that materially affected the conditien of tha
people—( cheers ) . With many articles of manufacturing industry and consumption the Government had not attempted to deal ; he had hoped to see something done with respect to sugar and corn , but the speech was entirely silent on that point . He knew not ( hat in any article affecting the consumption of food the price had been reduced by the Legislature of last session —( hear , hear . ) Fortunately for the pepulation of this country the price of wheat was low during the last autumn , but he he did not 8 fo ho < v that could in any way result from the measure of the Right Hon . Gentle man . He thought the panic and alarm which had existed among the agriculturists were the most unfounded panic and alarm , as far at least as the
measures of the Right Honourable Gentleman were concerned , that could possibly prevail . For three months after the Bill of the Right Honourable Gentleman for regulating the price of wheat passed into a law , the price was only three shillings lower on the average , than when the old law was in operation . It was true , that under the operation of the sliding scale , it all came in at the time of the harvest ; but he did not believe that one grain more or one grain less came in in consequence ot the change—( hear , hear , from the Opposition ) , it came in at a different time ; it came in paying a different rate of duty ; bnt so far as the producer and the consumer , were concerned h | e believed the new law was altogether a dead letter . The price rose up at the end of July
to rather more than sixty-four shillings , but the p ' rospeot of the early harveut showed that it was impossible to do what had been done in the preceding year , raise the nominal price to 70 a . or 80 s . by means of fraud . _ The early harvest rendered Jt necessary to bring in , in the month of August , no less than two million quarters of corn , and the operation of the law tended as unnaturally to depress the price of com during the autumn , as it had to raise it previously . He hoped the agricultural Members would bear m mind that they , as Well as others , were suffering from the operation of the sliding-acale . —( Hear ) Much had been said about the necessity of giving thenew law a fair trial . It seemed to him to have been tried and condemned . No alteration , as far as tbe consumer
and the producer were concerned had been effected by the new law . Whatever might be the principle upon which future Corn Laws should be based , be it protection , be it revenue , or be it a duty for registration only , it must be acceded by all that it was desirable to get rid of the uncertainty which now existed—( hear ) . He believed that the reduction in the price of agricultural produce was to be attributed entirely to the want of demand . It might be difficult to ascertain the exact falling off in the whole amount of consumption ; but he had been told , on good authority , that in the town of Stockport alone the quantity of beasts killed in 3 months of last year was less by 700 than in tho same period of 1841 . He had been also told by a high agricultural
authority , that owing to disease and other circumstances , thero were not at that time sufficient cattle in the country to supply the ordinary demand . If that was true , it was the interest of all classes to provide a remedy for such a state of things , and tbe only adequate remedy was the improvement of trade and the employment of the people . He believed th&t no advantage which even they as landlords could derive from the utmost prohibitory duty , could in any way equal that which they would derive from the prosperity of trade and manufactures . He believed that amongst agriculturists themselves this opinion was spreading in every directioa . They found that the price of agricultural produce was diminished ; they found that a portion of the
population who had for years been employed in manufacturing towns , waB falling back upon agricultural parishes ; they found that the surplus labourers had increased , that the poor-rates were becoming increasingly heavy . All this produced a conviction tbas a change must bo effected . Allusion was made in the speech of her Majesty to the deficiency in the revenue . He believed that they were then to a considerable extent Buffering the penalty of rejecting , in 1841 , the measures which were then proposed by the late Government . ( Laughter from ( he Ministerial benches . ) That those measures were sound in principle he believed no Member of her Majesty ' s Government would deny , after the deductions which they made last year , whatever might be the opinion
of their supporters . It was impossible to deny those measures were calculated te create a demand for our manufactures abroad , and thereby to improve the condition of our manufacturing population . They were told at the time when these measures were proposed that all that was necessary was a change of Government , as though when Hon . Gentlemen opposite were placed in office money would be Bate to How Into the Treasury . He apprehended that the result was far from bearing out such an opinion , that at that time tbe deficiency was greater than it had ever been—( hear , hear ) . Up to the 10 th of October the certified deficiency was two millions and a half . Had it been diminished ; in the last quarter ?— ( bear , hear ) . He thought not ; he thought he might say that
the deficiency up to the 5 th of January , was not less than three minions and a bait . He sincerely hoped that the receipts from the Income Tax would be as great as bad been expected by the Right Hon . Gentleman himself , but they muut double bis own estimate , in order to meet the deficiency . He believed tbe falling off in ordinary sources of income extended to every thing , except the Post-office—( hear , hear , bear ) . The greatest deficiency was in the Excise , which was not touched by the measure of the Right Hon . Gentleman , and which had usually been considered as the best test of tbe prosperity of the nation . If they were ever to be relieved from the burden of the inc « me tax , it could only be by the improvement of the ordinary sources of revenue . He could not but hope that the Government weald bring forward some measures for improving the state of commerce . Even the speech of the Noble Lord encouraged such a hope , for be bad expressed a hope that tbe Government would persevere , not rashly ,
but steadily and firmly , in tbe course which they had pursued during the last session . He trusted that even before that debate was concluded , the Right Hon . Gentleman would , not leave them without s ^ me assurance that such wan his intention . ( Hear , hear . ) Such an assurance would only be in accordance with tbe recorded opinions of the Right Honourable Gentleman himself , and of the Government of which he was the bead ; and he might depend npon it that whatever the opposition which he might meet with from gentlemen who safe behind him , he would , at least , have the continued support of that ( the Opposition ) side of the House , in carrying out those measures which were best calculated to improve the condition of the manufacturing population . The condition of the people was one of which the oldest man could scarcely remember a parallel . The depression was similar to that which prevailed when Mr . Huskisson , in 1825 , brought forward his measures for the relaxation of the tbeu . ccm
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mercial tariff . Under that relaxation , trade revived . He believed ] that a similar era had now arrived , and he also believed that from the application © f similar remedies to the whole of our imports , asd especially to the great articles of consumption , they might look for a revival of trade , an increase of revenue , and an improvement in the moral and social condition of the whole population . -y ( Cheers . ) Sir R . Perl said he was happy to infer , from the general tone and tenor of the speech of the Honourable Gentleman , and the approbation with which that speech ( was received from those who generally concurred with him in opinion that there was every prospect that they would be able to present , to her Majesty an i unanimous address in answer to the
speech . He could not have heard the declaration of the Honourable Gentleman , with reference to the foreign policy of Her Majesty ' s Government , without great satisfaction , because it appeared to him to imply entire and almost unqualified approbation of the policy which her Majesty ' s Government bad pursued with respect to foreign affairs . —( Hear . ) The only reservation which the Hon . Gentleman had made , was with respect to the course pursued to the westward ef the I ad us ; end os there was a notice on the books- ' of [ the House with respect to that particular snbject there would be a morfc fitting opportunity afforded of expressing hia opinion . The Hon . Gentleman referred ? particularly to the treaty wkich this country had 1 concluded with the United Skates . The
Hon . Gantleman said , with respect to tbe differences referred to in -the speech from the throne—namely , those between the 'State of Maine and the United Statesthat a few miles more or less of territory was of little importance , compared with the adjustment of differences between two ] mighty countries , which had ' continued for hM a century , and which were now amicably settled . He rejoiced to hear from the Honourable Gentleman his f rank admissions in respect to the policy pursued towards the United States , as far &a the question of boundary was concerned . If an opportunity of future ' discussion was allowed , he felt confident that ha should be able to show to the House and the country that the treaty conducted by bis Noble Friend , who had almost retired from public life , and who , influenced solely and
exclusively by a sense of duty to bis country , was induced to leave his repose for the single purpose of contributing , if possible , to the adjustment of the question between the two countries—he trusted he should be able to show , if the policy of that treaty should be questioned there as it had been out of the House—that the treaty of the Noble Lord gave them every thing essential for the maintenance of the North American provinces , though he did not believe it gave them that they were entitled j by the intention of the parties justly to expect —( Hear , hear , hear , )—yet considering the uncertainty which prevailed as to the letter of the treaty , the ignorance of the Geography of the country which prevailed at the time ; considering also how impossible it was to execute the treaty , the division made giving
one half to the United States and the other half to this country , their military stations being preserved , the adjustment of ; tbe question upon tbe whole being more favourable than that which was given to them on a former period , he felt confident he would be able to prove ' j satisfactorily to the House that they bad acted consistently with sound feeling—consistently with the interests of the country in ratifying that Convention . —( Loud cheers . ) He knew there were parties who tried to obstruct the amicable settlement of the question , there were those who blamed Mr . Webster as well as Lord Aihburton , because he bad seceded from the pretensions put forward by the United States , because he saw there was no other mode of bringing the question la an amicable settlement—( hear , hear ) .
He was taanted with selling his country . Here it was the A . 8 hburtou-capitulation , there it was the Webster capitulation ; but God be thanked , there were sufficient moderate and good men who knew that a relinquishmeat of extre ' me pretensions on each side might be compatible with tbe authority of each , and that tbe question of dispute was nothing compared with the establishment of an amicable union between the two great people of I kindred origin and kindred language , and whose interests were as deeply interwoven as their origin—( htar , bear , and cheers ) . He thanked the Hun . Gentlema i for [ the fairness and manliness with which he expressed his sentiments of that treaty . The Hon . Gentleman had ! given him an oppoitunity , and he rejoiced at it , of making some observations with respect to the message which . contained matter important not only to England and tbe United States but to every
civilized country that trafficked on the ocean . It was a painful duty to him to refer to tbe message of the President of the United States , but he sincerely and honestly believed that it was necessary teat a good understanding between the United States and this country should ; prevail on the subject of the right of visit —( hear ) . That message did not give a good account of the nature ef the negociation . The Right Hon . Bart , continued at great length on this subject , but did not touch on any other subject of foreign policy . He then proceeded to comment on the various topics of domestic economy , including the revenue , the impart duties , the excise , and . the eorn laws , —on the latter portion of his speech with much emphasis ; and in conclusion declared that tbe Government had no intention of p-nposinu any extensive changes in the corn laws dat ' iDSC thB ; 9 etakrn .
Lore John Russell assured the House that he did not intend by jnu Tote to offer any dissent to the address which had been moved—( hear , hear ; . Be agreed generally with tbe statements contained in the Speech relative to foreign affairs , but deprecated the proclamation of Lord Ellenborongh which he denounced as paying the same respect to Pagan superstitions and tbe most grass idols tor y , as if they were really the Christian religion . The Noble Lord also commented fully and freely upon all points of domestic policy , and attacked Sir K . Peel on hia adherence to the sliding scale ; and also on the feeling throughout the country on the subject of the Income Tax . He then alluded to the disturbances in the manufacturing districts , and advocated the spread of education among lhe working classes as a means of counteracting the effects of which might be produced by " the harangues of mischievous demagogues . " i
Sir Charles Napier , Mr . Wallace , Lord Stanley , Viscount Palmerston , Sir Robert Inglis , Mr . Villiers , Lord Ho wick . Mr . Hume , Mr . Ferraud , Mr . Ewatt , Mr . J . M . Gibson " , Mr . Brother ton , Mr . G . Brookes ,-Mr . Sfcrgeant Murphy , Mr . Mark Phillipps , and Ciptain Peobell , afterwards took part in the debate . The proceedings were enlivened some little by a tilt between some of the League Members and Mr . Ferrand . When Mr . Villiers was ( attempting to take credit for the bold the League have upon the public mind from the " ticket meetings" lately held , Mr . Ferrand laughed . This provoked a keen observation or two from Mr . Villiers . After Mr . Hume had spoken ,
Mr , Feurand said that if the Honourable Gentleman would give notice of his intention to discuss the question of free trade , he ( Mr . Ferrand ) would be prepared to join issue with him , to appeal to the country upon the different principles , and by tbe answer given byjthe people to that appeal he would be content to abide . He agreed with the Honourable Gentleman that the labour of the working man should be protected . He believed it was high time that the labour of the operative should be protected , but that protection never would be obtained unless machinery were ! taxed —( opposition cheers , and hear , hear ) . It ? was high time to cry " hear , hear , " when machinery had deprived the people of their daily bread . The workman was commanded
to live by the sweat of his brow , and machinery took away from ( him ; he power —( hear , hear , from Mr . Vilhers ) . Hear , hear , from the Honourable Member for Wblverhampcon , who gloried in the present application of machinery . The Prime Minister of England was cheered last session by Honourable Gentlemen opposite when he proposed his measures of free trade ; they said that as far as he wens those measures would work for the benefit of the country . Had the ; done so i ( Opposition ; cheers . ) They came and told him , with great ingratitude , after he had been led away by their cheering ; smiles—( great laughter)—and had taken their testimony and tbeir great professions in favour of free trade , that they now found not only
commerce more stagnated , bat agricultural distress along with it . Was the House to do along with them any longer in the professions they made ! Did the country go along with them ! Had they appealed to any great publio meeting in the north of England ? Had they appealed to the masses 1 Had they not held their meetings , to which the audience were admitted only by tickets ? ( Cheers . ) Had not the majority of every assembly been composed of women ? ( Laughter . ) Were they the proper persons to judge of such a question as the Corn Laws ! They had been excited by the eloquent and poetical overflowings of the Honourable Member for Bolton —( loud laughter)—but would they not have been better employed at home in their domestic
duties ! He was glad that he could discuss those things in that House in the presence of the Hon . Members , without fear of being bundled out ef the windows —( cheers ) . There were two or three men who did attempt a discussion at those meetings . They had the presumption to differ from some members of that House ; they wished to discuss the question on ita merits '; they wished to tell the workmen that the Corn Laws never injured them . Honour able Members durst not listen to them , and the manner in which these men were treated stamped the Anti-Corn Law League with indelible disgrace —( cheers ) . The Bon . Member ( Mr-Vflliers ) might say that they had ! the people with them . He ( Mr . Ferrand ) would bje ready to meet and discuss the matter in any town in the north of England . Would the
they accept challenge 1 Mere assertions were ouly trumpery matters in these days . Let them come to the ptoof . j Ho would meet the Honourable Member for Wolverhampton , the Honourable Member for Bolton , or any other Member connected with the Anti-Corn Law League in any town in Yorkshire or Lancashire—( hear . hear ) . He asked honourable members opposite whether the measures of the Right Hon . ! Baronet , though hetfiffered from him with respect to many of them , had not caused a reduction in the price of food I The price , of meat had fallen from 7 d . to 5 d . and to 4 $ d { in the north the price of flour had fallen to a great extent ; oatmeal had fallen in the same proportion ; and potatoes had fallen from 8 s . 6 d . to 3 s . a load . The working elas Bes would have benefited by this fall if they bad been allowed to do so j but they were excluded
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from the benefit . What had been the ccmducUfX manufacturers towards those men Ij , ° expressed such anxiety for their welfareTi it *" were anxious U > give the people employment $ people had had too much of that alreadT" $ * wanted bettor wages . / They saw the m - ^ manufacturers becoming possessed of en « T" ^ estates , and enjoying every luxury , ¦ WlSRS ^ saw the operatives sinking as their mastera 2 ? Did any one member of the Anti-Corn Law rJ * subscribe ona sixpence towards the relief i * ti& distress ? When the Queen ' s letter was sentato ^ one member of the Anti-Corn Law League RnKiiSy one sixpence ? He believed that b > did not ^ tT believed that the manufactnrers gloried in ifi ii- ^ tresa . He had lately visited the workhont" ^ Belper , in Derbyshire : He found the SSj
that they could not exist on their waaes ^ tr had been so reduced . He asked who was thfl A » F of the lands in the neighbourhood t andy ^ told " Mr . So and so , " a manufacturer j aud bniv gentleman ' s grounds he saw notices of sprin « SS traps , and not a tree grew in the fence row that t £ not surrounded with a wall six feet high . W 2 ? was a sly intimation from the other siqe , thatn person was prepared to meet the Anti-Cojn r « League . He told them he was . Whenever ihl brought forward a motion he was ready to oppose !? He was now in possession of facts that would v ! the League in a very serious position before A coontry—( hear ) , Let them come openly to ait ; meeting , and they should soon be exhibited ia te trne characters . ^*
Mr . T . M . Gibson took up the question moofeji-Mr . Ferrand , and said : —If the Hon . Gentlemto will go to Manchester I will ensure him j ^ hearing . Nay more . I will accept his caa ! fejjf 6 f : argue this question before a large assembli ^ nj » only of manufacturers but of working men . Mr . Ferband : In publio ? Mr . Gibson . Certainly , in publio if you choose Uand I very much doubt whether the HQu < Snrjj , u Gentleman ' s eloquence or his facts will persuade flu audience that they have an interest in lawa fo making food scarce . So that , if this is not all ifc we shall have ** the meeting . " \ After each gentleman above named had had ha say .
The address was put from the chair , and nmai mously agreed to . The House adjourned at a quarter to oneo '« lo 4
Note.—To Make Room For The H Debates In Piljj Ment" At Tbe Opening Of The Session On Tbm
Note . —To make room for the Debates in Piljj ment" at tbe opening of the Session on Tbm
day , we havo been necessitated to moTe imch matter out of the paper get up to enable tu to go to press with the First Edition : aooiiij other things several reports of Chattists ijeet . ings ; and also the Forthcoming notices , tha great anxieiy we felt to giTe all weconlj respecting the ' * Cackling Club , " has fottadsa to do this / or once ; hereafter we shall endetTonr to contrite to give both at great length ; t&i shall also watch the proceedings in the T « Trap , with a view to comment when n « ded The present Parliamentary campaign promise to be a very bmj and important one : Peel feint fix : his " Free-Trade" Measures , of . last ses sion , have not filled , either the Exchequer or ilj bellies of the people . Difficulties increase ea every hand . How will he meet them 1 and how will he meet the Corn-Law Repealers , who want to try another dose of Free-Trade , em when the last one has worked so badly \
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Leeds . —Mr . Sheridan Nussey will lecture , iofta room , Cheapside , to-morrow evening at six o ' clock . Hdll—Mr . West will lecture in Mr . Bill ' " preaching room , Church Side , on Sunday evening next , at half-past six o'clock .
Leeds :-Printed For The Proprietor Feabg^ O'Connor, Es* Of Han»Neramitb, W" _ _ . _Wamj« _ ¦ _»¦ ¦ _ L 11 Fi* Vfiflj*
Leeds :-Printed for the Proprietor FEABG ^ O'CONNOR , Es * of Han » neramitb , W " _ _ . _ waMj « _ ¦ _»¦ ¦ _ L 11 fi * Vfiflj *
Middlesex , by JOSHUA Hvur jow , »• "" Vr ^ . Ing Offices , Nob . 18 and i 3 , Mw ket-stwet , *««*"' and PaMlflbjd by the * & * Josh ** 5 ° J ; J ? tfor the aald FjIaMUS O * jokkob , ) ** »• * ling-house , No . I , Mar > . et-rtreet , Bri # a 1 » J J * j internal Cemmunleatioo existing betwwn tne »* j No . 5 , K » kefc * tK » t . and the said NcM * ¦ £ IS , Market-street , tfriggate , thus « onstitntlr * ffl (! i whole of the said Printing and Publishing C ^ * on * Premises . MlComnwnltatiQJja must be addressed , pf * "j ? ald ' Mr . H 0 BS »' w , Northern Star O « ce , I ** * ' ( Saturday , February 4 , 18 * &
Now Publishing In Penny Numbers, And Foarpenut Parts,
Now publishing in Penny Numbers , and FoarpenuT Parts ,
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g _^___ __ ___ THE NORTHERN STAR .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 4, 1843, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1198/page/8/