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COTiiiT oi QUiLi-Va ± > E ^ iCH , Saxukdat , Jryr 9-TBS QTTEE 3 T- S J > Dr . 4 U . -A > D OTHEBS . 2 Jt ^> w . t ; had to sirp ^ rt ths rule for arresting thf jos ^ E- vnt en the fourth ecamt of this indictment , and before drawing tbe attention of the Court particalsri ? to lise count ireeif . &e -would pray ibeii Lordships wouK besi in m \ ai - ?? Jj 3 t siis indictment did toi cbsjie . Tbsre ¦»* - « iia « rfint 5 in this indictmeDt , of "aii-ij sererai -s ^ ire fcssey for known offences of conspiracy , and several in restwei of licroas and tumultuous assvmbliss ; tut ibis cinai was neither for conspuaej r . ai tnmsitt . 'i ' s assemblisg- The third eonuit vas idratka ; *» Itb tbe ieor ^ i . ¦ with the exception tha * , icstr ^ i i >! cb'srr-o ? tfee mere aioiEg and abeiiini , it charged the ^ tf-c » ai " -t * did t » r ? pir 5 t »> s 1 »» and abet . The fourth ^
ccasEt -Bssawi xi 2 »> « i for sj > j t-iftnee that had b aaicc in lecesci cf trhisih ss 5 prtcedsajt -was to be fcnr . d . fie jieed not xtravr itttufe « n to the ricct the dtfcn < 2 ant » ia . 3 i «" . rssis * upr-a the pxesccator pmtin § forward a charge e : £ fcie ^ a critsf- to -whlsh the di Jendants ¦»¦« - acc .- *** ry- Tht ifjicnEvat was framed npou the principle ef ehaTSjajg in ths sarSJcr p-ot ihat seme ufLtr rt , - sons es principal cfivnders ^ ft-re guilt , ) ' of a princip . l cf&Ece TfhtXsot iijK defendants wfie accessories before 4 he Jact « y aiding and ibtttliig . He was to Eubaiti that , ^ JTifiisjC Has icdiennent into wo parts , thi-re was do -cficX'CK-cbaxgad is the first branch of the indictment ; and ths Isiter branch of the indictment ; imputing iLai ii ? riifeanants Trere accessoisa , - was notEkflLjeEt to establish thsS offence . - Ihs first part of the inmrUBtist
chained ao principl ? vffencs ; it was not 3 cha-ga cf coE-TJizscy . dot - * vas there a charge of riotum-ij k » sembHirg . The description given was , that diTers-« v 3-d = fpcsed persons uEia'wfulij and tunrultneBsiy &g-» smi ^*< 5 together . " If *>»^ -t did not constitute ac indicrziia oSeEce . be traa at a iezs to Jzd » w 1 » - * tb ? iEtrodcEEg srr = ra ! sSeps in the indictment coal j f irai an oficsua . ! I 3 ie deftEdants could not be fonod gniity of jjitonsly Bssrinbiing . It vas an essenJsl that thr * e or ia « % shonld be tS ^ sed , because the essence of tht effrtise ~! r ss . imnibcTa should be assembled . ( Ca litu , 176 ; 1 Tsntns , £ 31 ; SaiStid , 934 i It \ raa cesob- ial Bnt the purpose of the assembling was to distEtb tti peaci , er that the inoictmt-nt should have gene en to shew sonse act , aoEe in comaffin "by tbj parties as *
uilatc . iphich in Itself wonld constitute a riot , or brt&k-3 rg ths peais ; bd it ¦ was consistent -with the prestst 3 nmrtTT-. gnt that f h £ j might haTB assMiibled foj tfee purpose of festivity or electioneering ,--which wero ltsb . 1 assemblies , and the mEre adding the vcrd " nnl ^ - ^ hil ' -would upt mske the tctiictineiit good . The first step , therefore did not show that the assembling was fur the p&rpose of breaiing the peacs . The second step "was , that by fioltncs , threats , and intunidation , diTers other persons , being peixeatle subjects of the realm , ¦ were ir ^ ciled to leave their ocenp . tions and employments , uad thEitby labonr ¦ was impeded . Was there to be found in thai statement anything which , taien by itself , would constltEtg En indictable offence ? Thu icsnlt ins ao part of ¦ Jie ofit-Eca . The mere impeding labonr was uot « i indictabls tSence . The ntart * :
offecei to this -ffonld be that of assanlt ; -btit it -would be idle to say that s party eonld be convicted of an asssnlt by exenmiocution , such as 'was to bv found in ' pii indictment . Mt jTi snc * WiiLiiMS —If persons assemMed toirether , aiid by acts of violence impeded labour , that trunid be an indieabl = ofecee , -wrnld il cot ? >*¦>¦ - Bkt . t ; said 2 » s ji > rdsbip had introdared acts of ¦ ri&iescc ; i £ e tsoxtnt did not charge acts of violfcnc--Ti > B prosecutors had atamined from charging thai tbB divsri persons so assembled had dons an act which Trsald ^ save brcngbt tiem -smbin the " reach of tte crinjinal law . The residne of the first branch clearly fiifi not constitute an indictable t-fience by spying thai they fLeitbj impeded iabonx , because that "was merely
file result They ought to have btea cbar ? 6 d -with an offence of a known name . Those "who madc-the charge ooght to hare kept within the known jsiiaciplea vf thr cmfcinal law . The const -wes bad on the ground that il did not Eppear "srhrie these drvtis ptrsons Wfera as-BEBtbled , There "sas a poini of a minor descnptioii , 9 hich -wss thai the divers persons -vrho "Were tee prinxapa ! oS = nders -were neithtx named nor Btated to be nnkno'wn ; »* fl in snpport of this arsnment the Learned Cans ;*! cited the case of ** The King v . CHspai / ' 2 Mood ^ s Crimuad Cases , 101 . if the party -was net knotm , it should havfe bfen so stated in the indictsimt . With respect to the accessories not being proper t y cbaised . it -was ssid they -were accessories afta the fact , bnt it did 3 » ot appear that they -were present , nor that they knew ^ wh ? t "sraB going on , but it "was eonsisttnt With 2 se iraaetmait ttat they might merely have snbsaibsri mtmey for the support of partiss during the
time they eeased to Isbou ? . Uslesb the psiti&s -were shewn to have been presast , it on ^ ht to be shewn that they had a knowledge of -what -was goieg on . In the 33 st voL of the Stats Trials , page 1 , the praties -were alleged to have aided persons "who "stre unknown . Another obJseSci : ¦ was , Xks X . if the parties were char ^ eo -wilb being aces ? cr 5 es before the fact , tfcore would appear wbea substantial offence , but then they -would be chained -withbdug scesSGries to an cfLnce -which did not appear to have ever existed . They trere charged ¦ wKh -aVdzng and abetting the diverB evil-disposed perseas to caD&ms an 2 persist in the ssid unlawful £ S 5 KBDi as- He wsa dea- ^ ng -with the case upon the snpposltian that ii sras intended to say that divers persons had been guilty cf an ofiksee , ana that the defendants -were accessories ; " thEn the icdicrment contained no charge that tie crime of tb = principal offender eve ; was Coauniited .
Hr . Justice PaTTESOS said , it Wss difficult to think how a Tn ? m could aid and assist in doing 3 thing -nnif ^ n it-was done , but it might be aiding to do a thing which was intended to be £ ona Ut . E 313 said , a person might supply gunpowder to a sfcjp - wben no sun was fired . Where tberi were fenewn < &des tt--se sfftisces ousht to be stated . It was act « iciBg and sbeaing in aa attempt to commit a EU 5 dVi £ caEsiir . Where sn attempt "was charged , there 2 nn 5 t t * an act dene by . th& d £ fei » danis -wMch wonld bt jtsrt of tic oStnco En ; poa :-g it should be committed . Supposing 3 piUd to be chsxgtd by a person who intsE-id to cemmit a ssurder , bet aftu-wsrds chaE ^ ed Ms mind , the loadirz the pistol would not be an cffciioe , because thtrs was no breach of Ihs law—the intention alone wasaot crim ^ sal .
5 Jt . Jnsfice Paitesos said there was a case some years ago where smsBTenttoan engraver in the Strand , and wisbefi Mm to make a plate for the purpose of committing a forgery on the Kcnsegian OoverniEent ; it ¦ w asiieia that tfceBsaa was inSictabls—heiraa inaictec larsoliiUaEg . 2 iit 2 B 1 E replied , that here the case was different ; the defendants were not indictedfor soJidting , nor was ii as Jauictestnl for an attempt to commit a misdemeanour . The infiistmsEt did not show that they to ^ k any part in impeding labour ; these was no act done by the defendants . He sahmitted that the generafity cf this indi < 2 an = nt made it b 34 , it was too indsgnite ; it was so devoid of all psrSculaia , that the defendants had not that reasonable information as to west thsy vrert
celled upon to sasvex , to " ^ hich all indicted persons were Sy the law cf England entitled . There never was an indictment more bare in specifying any particulars ; the words ware ' divers persons , at divers times , at clivers places- " To what part of England could the a&entiorj of the parfi = a be directed ? who were the principal oSoiders ? where were they , what was the time , what was the offence ? Every election mob , gvery lioly-day assembly , every festive meeting , might come under the denomination of tumultuous assembling . The defendants were not supposed to bb jointly £ niiiy of any one of the acts charged , for these had been laid in the indictment as several and distinct , yet
tils GEly famished sn additional resson wfcy the couit new sought to be ovaftumeiEbould have been rendered more accurate and specific in its language . Aisocg many other cass upon conspiracies , those of " the Qaeta v . Tonis , " 5 Can , and Payne , and " the King r . S ^^ rerth , " 3 Ad * -lphus and Ellis , were authorities to show the iEfledbniry of the Courts is regarding « generality" as fatal to an indictment Upon these authorities , as weB as upon ifce loose and vague wording of the count , be conlenSed that it was opposed to the spirit and xulss of tiie law with reference to indictments , and must therefore be held by their Lerdships as insufficient and bid .
Si Dusdas followed on the same aide . It appeseitohim ttiat &a charge intended to be set-up against the " piincipal orEsnders * ' Was that of a riot . At least , if it irereibt bo , it amounted te nothiog of ¦ which he knew in -crimmal law , or of -which the frrtnTrtBi courts cculd take cognizance . Assuming that it was se , their lordships "would hold in Tiew , thst as ii required at least three pezsons to constitute a riotc-us assembly , it ought to appear upon the indictment that the principal offenders amounted to or excetded that sumber . The tames of these parties , if known , should bsre been stel « i . or . if otherwise , they should have been mentioned as " inikBown . * ' In none of these respects , tcwever , did ths icdic £ ment comply -with the rules of law . The number of priiiciBal offenders mentjone-l
thersn might have been-two as well as three , and Tether were ttieir names givsn , nor were itliey said to be " -unknown . ** It bad been argued by bis Lsarned rdenfl ( hti . Erie ) that the fourth count was bad , and TUMifn ^ ent to charge She defenflaiita with being acces-¦ jsori esbefcrethe fact , inasmuch as it contained nothing wMda -couid l > e construfca as words of *• Bolicitation . " To this he would only add , that as a new order of Words had been used , withont any reason asdgned for changing the old , the former must be rejected by aeir Jjordships . He , iowerer , maintained , that it was competent for him , because equally consistent with the terms *> f ths irdiebnant , to regard it as charging the aefendanSa witti b < Sng accesaoriea after -the fact The defendants could not be retarded -as aiders
ym abettor * , since the count in qcestion eontsinsd no words to show that they were present at the time of the offence committed . Ueiihet , in the absence of terms of " solicTtatibn , - could they be iegardedaa accesBories'before the fact Even , however , on the bypoihesis &sat the defendants were Bought to be ebargea as accessories after the . fect , the fourth count « onld 3 ipli « laaa , ance ii diaiotsgpear thereby that the defendante bad « ny-: " 3 mowJedge" of flie gulHj act trHf } i hsfi jTyvinusly occurjea . TbJB was an averment which the law Teguwed in carcamstanceB of- the kind , and wbMi flis jnaictment aid not anpply . The Attoruey-General , on tSe former argnmeEt , bad endeavoured to patdi irp ihs Select by appealing to " BaDsaid ' s *»/• bntfiiere a gnjlty knowledge bad been charged . T 3 is iadictoenlj moreover , contauaed bo allegaUou of
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the msan :. us- d by the defendants , as it ought by the rul ** s of la-w to have do&ts . In cosclusion , he would put it to their Lordships from tie numerous authorities laid down upon the Bucjeet , that the defendants could not be considered aiders and abetlojs , inasmuch as the inilietmenv contained no allegation of ' their presence " during the time of the acts committed ; that they could sot be regarded aa accessories before the fact , because the connt contained no words of " aoUettation , * ' noi yet as accessories after the fact , as there was no averment of " inowledge . " And that , therefore , the fourth count must be held by their Lurdsbica to be bad in law .
Mi , Bais £ S nest took up the argument by reminding their Lordships that it could not be said that the statute of Gccrjje lT . htaied the errors that had been pointed out in the indictment ; and wi ' . hoct such an interposition ths o .-mnioB ia t could of itself apply no remedy . The points that had been raised upon the argument came birfuie thtir Lordships in precisely the same light and witL tha same force as if they had been presented to thtia upon demurrer . Ai iadictmentbad bten defined ia L"ru Haifa ' s Picas of thr Croum , and in a case reported in page 862 of Cooper ' s Reports , but the count in question was totally at variance with ihe nature ot iu indictment as pointed out by these definitions . That count could not , in the first place , be maintained as one cfcirginj ; a conspiracy for the principal offence , inasmuch
as it w » . uld be bad for " generality . " , It was true that greater generality had been allowed In an indictment ! -tt a con pjracy or a nuisast * than for any otbei form of oS « -nce , but the indulgence bid been fitric ' . ly coufined to tbes-e . and caaid not be very far dispensed with even in them , much le-s <_ xtended to an iEfilctmeut for aiding pnd aV-etiiii ; ihe m » lp ? setice 3 of others . E 7 cn , buwcvtr , upon the supposition that the " principal * fl > nce" cb' ^ s ea in tbe prtient instance was a conspiracy , the foDrth count must be considered insufficient from the uncertainties—firtjly , as to ifao present conspirins ; and secondly , as to the persons conspired ifsittt- No names were given for auy cf the principal « . fitnders , nor , was it evt-n mfcntionrtd that tfcey were persons unknown . " And the same objection htld true with regard to those wbo were staled to have
benn obstructed by the conspirators , in their work . As to person , time , and place , tie count was equally vsgne and loose in its allegations , and . in his ( . Mr . Barnes ' s ) opinion , shoaM be held insufficient Ho maintained , however , that it wss bad blso on the ground of " mulfifariousness , " as charging the defendants with aiding and abetting the principal offenders in a number of separate individual and unconnected acts , which differing in time , pl = ce , and performers , ought to have been distinctly charged . The law on this point had been stated in the case of " the I £ ing v . Roberts , " in i Modern , page 101 , and to that he referred their Lordships . Another objection to the fourth count was to be found in the fact , tbat it contained no allegation of , or reference to , the means and manner by which the defendants had committed their ofilnce . In an
indictment upon cursing and swearing , and upon a threatening letter , the Court held that the eaths used in the one instance and the letter in the other ought to haTe been specially set forth , in order ihat thty might themselves jndge from the record whether the -off . sea complained of was indictable ; and the principle tbat where an offence had been committed the nirans and manner of its accomplishment ought to be averred had been long thoroughly ^ established . It might , perhaps , be aryutrf that a necessity of the kind in instances of the present sort would- render pleadings isterp'inaWe . but that ought to bsve been remedied , not by sn infraction of the rule of law , but by altering the form of the offence , and proceeding on the ground cf a conspiracy . On these grounds , in addition to those alrtady advanced by his Learned Friend * . Mr . Dnndas and JJr . Erie , he submitted that their Lordships ought to hold the fourth count insufficient in law .
Mr . Serjeant Murphy xrune next , and after some Temaiks on the absence of any avermunt of intent on the part of the defendants , preceded to draw their Lordships * attention to the infraction in the fourth count of the rule of law , that where an offecce in its nature accessorial was complained ef , a statement of kcowjedge" was indbpensabl& Sir W- Foliett had on tbia point quoted the authority of The King v . TuUer , " as an answer to the objtction taken , but in that case the word advisealy" bad been used , which had been held to suppSy the defect , while here no substitution had been attempted . With reference to the srpement of his learntd friend Mr . Earle as to" the absence of words of " solicitation" in the fourth count , be ( Hr . Serjeant Murphy ) was desirous of pointing out
to their Lorrtahips the reasons why the werd " encouraged , " which Gecnrred in ibe count , could not be held to cure the mistake *¦ Encouragement '' and solicitation" wert two vrry difisrent thingB , and must not f * regarded as synoiiimons . If tteytook tha case of klse prtttnees , let i * be a Eufestantial indictment , that A . B . encouragtd C D to obtain money by false pretence ; he submitted that would not be a good indictment . The party must set out the chief offence , in or > -er that the Court might judge whether it was unlawful : it was for the Court , net the prosecntor , te determine as to its ill gality ; and if it was not compitu-ly set out . bow couid the Court form an opinion ? The intent was so imperfectly stated that it was impossible to say which of the parties had dene an unlawful act
Mr . Boj > ki > ' said the Connt could not be supported , on the jfroend of its m-certaiuty in the description of the effa ^ ce If it could be imputed to the principal i-ffrnder or to the party inciting , the grand jury might decide on one state of facts , and the petit jury on another . The words were so TBgue , that it might be said the parties had written letters to Incite to an act to u > be committed , or that the meetings having ceased , the defendants might have rendered the parties support and asbistance after the fact had been committed . Mr . Athertos submitted tbat for the reasons ¦ which bad btfn urged this count was bad , as it did not aver that the defendants bad been guilty of any cSence known to the law ; or tbat if the offence was known , it was so obsciire tbat no judgmtnt ought to be passed upon it The names of the princ i pals ongkt to be given , or it ought to be elated that they were unknown .
Mr . Ju 3 tj . ce Colebjdge said , if ten regiments of infantry bad been enraged , of what use would it hi Ye been to have covered sheets of parchment with stating their names , or how would it have served the parties to have said they were unknown ? Mr . Athektos said that was an extreme case , but according to iht rules laid down in the books , it appeared to be necessary either that the names should bt stated , or th 3 t il sbeald be stated that the numbers
were excessive . L'srd DENHAJi . —We will take time to consider the matter .
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At this time , when the condition of Ireland assumes so important a place in the attention of the British public—when , on the one hand , measures of a character subvtaaive of political liberty are in progress of being passed by the legislature , and , on the other hand , tfee great body of the people of Ireland are proclaiming , as with one voice , the injustice of England , it appears to me to be very desirable that the peculiar circumstances in the condition of the Irish people , which give cause for this podtion of things , should be more fully understood than I believe they are at presenV .
ISot only the ontrages , but the discontents , of the people of Ireland proceed from the wretchedness of their condition , as existing generally over three provinces , and partially over the fourth ; and if it be asked what produces this wretchedness ? I unhesitatingly answer , the oppression and bad systems of landlords , which are no Jess isjorious to themselves than to their tenants ; and to these there has of late years been a- * ded the desire ef exterminating the small holders from the lands of Ireland . It is hard fcr Englishmen to conceive bow it i 8 possible that any body of men should be so completely blinded tn their own ; interests as to induce them to act as the landlords of Ireland have acted . It is therefore uEefnl to call to mind the original circumstances of the connection of landlord and tenant in tbat conntry .
It arose from the repeated wars which occurred in Ireland , in consequence of rebellions against the British power , that all the lands , with ve ? y few exceptions , have been at difreient times forfeited , and have changed hands , in many cases even three times over . The natural result was , that those who got these lands felt no security in the property so obtained , and their object consequently was to levy the greatest possible revenue in the shortest possible time , without any i&pect to the ccnofqotncea of sueh proceedings on the future or permanent condition of the people ; and , in addition to ibis , a source of hostility existed between the people and the landlords , derived from the circumstances of cciiquest , and difference of race and religion . From thf-se causes , the connection commenced in a spirit of
mutual hatred , and has continued so . The landlords had the power to indulge unrestrained their desire to oppress and exact , because no counteracting responsibility was created by a system of Poor Laws , or by any other measures—but the reverse , the most dire system of laws was passed to supply the means of oppression . * Thus passion , prejudice , and temporary self-interest created a system of action wbicb has uniformly continned , and has exhibited itself in ihe most reckless and cruel rapacity . This produced the various modes of managing lands for the purposes of extortion , to whieh I have leferxed on different ( occasions in Parliament , and wbicb are minutely detailed in various reports of both Honses of the Legislature . From hence arose the system of middlemen , joint ! tenancy , conacre ,
letting the lands to the occupier without buildings or improvements , ' or any allowance for the same ; and all the . excessive provisions in the form of distraint and ejectment for the recovery and extorting of rent which distinguish the Irish law of landlord and tenant Thus , tiie occupiers of tbe land were rednced to extreme poverty , without tfcfl opportunity of subsisting taemselvea bj the produce of their labour in any way ,- withont edncation , without agricultural knowledge , and deprived , by repeated distramte , of their stock , and of all meanB of beneficially working their holdings , they bare been rendered incapable of paying that amount of rent , which the quality of their lands would otherwise ^ easily yield , and which those small holders , under a proper system of
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management , would have been perfectly eompeteat to pay . Such being the state of things to which the people were leducud , the landlords found that some remedy must be adopted , in order to obtain a fair return from their lands : Did they then attempt to better the condition of poor people , by aiding their industry and promoting their power of improvement ? No such thing . Extsinrinstion was the decree of the landlords of Ireland by a kind » f general consent , and several concomitant causes gave an increased impulse to that system of action . 1 st The abolition of the 40 s . county franchise , by the Emancipation Bill of 1829 , rendered consolidation necessary in order to produce a new £ 10 franchise . ; Thi 3 was the first step in tha extermin&Un . ; system : but then , again , the £ 10 voters rejected tbe landlords' supremacy ; they would not be ilia political servants : ibis produced a . second act of the exterminating drama . It was deemed inexpedient to create £ 10
vcteTs , U was said the franchise must be placed iu iess numerous ind more obedient hands , and for this reason , whenever leases dropped , tbe consolidation principle became the rule of action in a still more extended degree . Again , a third iaipulse was given to this system by the nature of the Poor Law Act passed for Ireland . As tbia act contained no prevision of settlemeat , the peor man , when ejected from his lauds , had no right to claim relief at the place of his birth , or former residence ; therefore it became the object of landlords and farmers to drive away tfao poor , iu order to guard against taxation for thoir support in thoir respective districts , especially ss the enactmtut of some setilenjeut clause was iooked forward to as a probable addition t * the act at no dlitint period . Ti : U 3 tbe Poor Relief BQl has . in this respect , had the indirect tffect ot greatly aggravating the miseries of the poor of Ireland , by driving thsra off the lands , without any concurrent measure to promote their employment .
Tbe foregoing brief hiBtoiy of landlord and tenant transactions in Ireland I have givL-nas a prelnde to the following proofs of tbe action of tbe exterminating system now iu operation Various statements have been made at different tiraes in the newspapers of the proceeding of particular landlords and agents . They are all met by statements of these landlords and agents , each saying . " It is not I wbo have done these thing * . " I shall not now enter into individual charges , but I will jhow from facts , authenticated by parliamentary documents ; that a dreadful und heartless persecution is and has b > ien going on upon the puri , of the landlords of Ireland against the small holders . I say tbe landlords of Ireland as a body—at the same time I admit that there are many distinguished and most honour **' , le
exceptions . There are two returns from which I shall take these facts . In tbe second supplement to Appendices D . E . F ., of the Irish Poor Inquiry Commissioners , a return is given of tbe civil bill ejectments at Court of Quarter Sessions iu Ireland for seven years , from 1 S 27 to 1833 , both years iscluaive . This return gives the names cf plaintiffs and the cumber of defendants , and various ott&r particulars ; but this report has returns from only nineteen counties out of thirty-two , tbe whole number of counties in Ireland . Thureia another return made this year to Parliament for live years , from 1838 , to 1842 . both inclusive . This return gives the number of r jrctmtcta for all the counties of Irtlaud , but does net give tro names of plaintiffs or number of defendants . It lies in manuscript in tbe library of
the House of Ci-Eimons , not haviDg been ordered for printing . It appears by the last mentioned return that the number of Civil Bill ejectments entered for the five ytsra terminating with 1842 were 28 , 5 ^ 9 being at tbe average rat e of 5 , 712 yearly ; but this only gives the number of ejectments entered—it does not show tbe number of persons served on each ejei tment . By a reference to a former return it will be found that each entry comprehended in many cases a large number of occupants , even so many as forty . TMb arises from the nature of the locting of lands in Ireland in sub-tenancy and co-partnership . By that return the ejectment entries for nineteen counties in seven years were 13 , 425 , but the defendants amounted to 31 007 , bang in the proportion of about 2 k to the
entTits . If , then , we assume this proportion as a guide in referring to the late return , the number of entries being 28 , 559 , th « number of defendants would b » 71 , 397 . Each of these defendants is a separate occupier , and probably head ef a family ; takuig the families at the usual average of five heads—the total number 0 / population against whom ejectment proceedhnjs have been taken would amount to 356 965 souls in the Jive years , being at the avfa-je rate eacli year of 14 , 339 families , comprehending 71 . 397 heads of population . But I can show farther , that this extermination is going on in a rapidly increasing ratio . By the first report the number of ejectment cases in tbe nineteen counties are 13 425 , being at the rate of 706 for each county . At the * anre rate , the number for the
thirteen omitted counties would be 9 , 178 . making a totnl of 22 C 03 for seven years , or o- ; the average 3 , 229 entrieB yearly . But the average of five years , givun in the last return , would be 5 712 each year , showing a yearly increase of 2 483 casts on the average , or an increase of very little less tban oce-half in nine years ; or , in other words , the average of five years , ending in 1842 , is nearly ene-third greater than tho average of seven years , ending in 1833 . It may be att > mpted to mtet my Biatement by the allegation that these entries were all decreed . It matters not—the entric 3 show the animus of the landlords : and
tbe presumption is , that tho persons named were driven out by some other mtans ; and undoubtedly large nurateH have been expelled , against whom no legal process had been taken . There is another fact which appears from tbe first return , ih . it in tbe great majority of cases no Tent is charged as being due—tbe tgectments are brought for what is termed overholdingas , for example , the county of Donegal . Tbe number 01 ejectments entered in the seven yeais included in tbat return were 7 » 7 in that county , and in only 137 casea is rent charged as due ; and in that county tbe yearly average of : entries has risen , since 1833 , from 111 to 24 < 3 . considerably more than double .
Now , gentlemen , and people of England , such is a trne , and as I thirik you will feel frem the facta 1 have stated , incontrovertible statement of the landlord and tenancy condition of the people of Ireland . This state ef things has tempted the people to form illegal as&oeiations , and ito do violent , illegal , anil cruel acts to protect . themselves from this exterminating system ; th < y feel that tbe laws and the institutions give them no protection ; they therefore make a law for themselves and appoint their own executioners to carry out their judgments : they are in a state of desperation ; they feel that they must either hold their land or die thu miserable though not instant death of starvation ; and tbis state of things also produces the defeire for political change . A people so oppressed and distressed irrasp at the proposition of any change , because they are in such a deplorable condition , tbut no change can make them worse . To n . eet such evilsaa these what would be the obvious course ?
would it not be to propose such amendments of the law of landlord and tenant as would give the occupier some protection against thid heartless extermination ? A power of claiming value for improvements , er a renewal of tenure as a s troff against notice of ejectment , has been repeatedly suggested ; the powers of distraint sbeuld also be limited ¦ within just bounds , and in conjunction with these amendments of tbe law of landlord and tenant , the Poor Law should be made to act effectively against the exterminating process ; a power should be given bj which , in case ejected tenants were admitted as objeeta of pnblic relief , the expenses of such relief should be chargeable to a certain extent upon tbe ejecting landlord ; and also in cases wherein the rent paid by any tenant exceeded , in a ceitain proportion , tbe rent by valuation . If such tenants should be supported from the rates , the expense of such relief should be caargtable on the immediate lessor and levied in both cases by giving powers to the commissioners , in case of non-payment , to enter into the receipt of the rents .
I unhesitatingly assert my belief that such measures as these would operate as a cbarra in ameliorating the condition , and removing the discontents of the people ; various other useful measures have been suggested for promoting improvement and employment ( see report on public works , 1835 ; and the reports oi the Poor Law Inquiry CommisBioners , &c ., &c ) But instead of such measures as these , what are the propositions of the Government ? Do they propose to increase the responsibility of the landlords ? They propose exactly the reverse . They bring in a New Poor Law Bill , the changes made by which are to increase the power and to diminish tbe responsibility of the landlords ; and they do this with a knowledge ( or else they are guilty of unpardonable ignorance ) tbat a cruel extermination is in progress by the landlords , amounting , as I have shown , to the extent of upwards of seventy-one thousand heads of the population aitiiually .
The second measnre the Governmen t proposes is an Aims Registry Bill . The nature an ! character of this bill is fully before the public There might be some apology , if it were said , we want this bill to protect life , till 'other measures of remedy shall come into action ; but they do not say this . I purposely put the question on a late occasion to the Government ; the answer clearly showed that no other measures were intended—that the whole reliance was on the Arms Bill . Then I ask Englishmen to consider , first , Will this Arms Bill remedy the evilB I have laid before you ? You cannot Say it will . Secondly—Will it prevent outrages and murder ? Can you believe that those wbo have formed this agrarian organization will not contrive to B&crete arms , or else to rob arms from those who have registered them , iu order to carry into execution their objects ; or in case of wanting arms , that the bludgeon would not be resorted to , or other practices still more dreadful ?
Thirdly—If this bill does not operate effectually in taking away the means of outrage , will it not by its offensive provisions increase the spirit of outrage ? Fourthly—I ask you , is It right , Is it politic , to concede such a bill as this to a government who seek it u the only remedy for evils which yon know this bill cannot remedy ; and thus give tbat government a plea to avoid tbe consideration of more substantial measures of amelioration ? I bear it continually alleged by Englishmen , that they cannot nndetstand the grievances of Ireland , or what remedies ean be applied . I bear this constantly —1 read it in the articles of the public press . I have therefore endeavoured , in these observations , as briefly as possible , to point out a few of the practical evils , and Buggest a few of tbe practical remedies . I think no one can dispute that I have pointed out grievances ; let those wbo disapprove of my remedies , snggest
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better ones if they cr , n , I bave carefully abstained from tbe motion of pi ; kical grijvanees , or saying one wbrd indica'ivu of pruieliction . I do not wish to attach blame to this Government greater than to othor preceding Governments , ' practical measures of improvement have been neglected by all aliko , and I am frfia to acknowledge that , in the report I have referred to'in 1833 , the Whig landlords assume fully as conspicuous a figure in tbe exterminating warfare as the Tory landlords . Such is the condition of the Irish . people . They impute their suffering— , not to wLat I believe to be its true erase , namely , the imperfect representation of the pepplo » in the Iuipsriiil Parliament , and consequent
ba 5 d legislation and bad government over tbe ¦ whol e f mpire—but to the alleged evil intentions of the British nation towards Ireland , and they desire to protect tbemselVfcs from that cause of evil by a repeal of the union . Now I would call upon the legislators of England , both Lords and Commons , to reflect upon the consequences of their present proceedings . If they pass such meaaures as the Arms Bill for the coercion of the Irish people , and no measures for their protection tor improvement , are they not adding power and permanence to the repeal agitation , by proving them' - Belves incompetent , or else unwilling , to legislate either justly or bmtflcially for th « t country ? Wiiluji suarman Crawford . London , Junu 7 , 1843 ;
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Warlike Preparations—The Cork Reporter ot Thursday says : j-We have been informed that it is intended to remove the 45 th Rtgiment from this garrison forthwith ' , and to replace it by another ; a ^ d that the 1 st Ri > ya ! Dragoons have received orders of readinesds for ambarkation at Bristol for this . purt . Returns bave bieen lately nude by official persons of the accommodation which the St . George Steam Packet Company ' * vessels on the Bristol and Cork station are capable of affording for men , horses , &c . ; their tonnage , rate of sailing , and facilities for embark : og and landing troops . Accommodation is being providoil for a large military force iu Mallow , and a portion of the Police Barrack , it is said , is being prepared for the omcers' quarters , Two companies of the 56 cb . Regiment and two troops of the 10 ; h Hussars , and seven ofBctrs ,
under the command of Captain Barclay , proceed h ^ r . ce to-morrow morning for Mallow , in order to be within cali ef the authorities in tbat town on Sunday next during tha repeal demo . straticn . The Mermaid atearutr , Captein Hearn , Ion bar passage from London to tbis port , pasaed tin Malabar abreast the Lizard Point , on Monday , the 5 £ h inttant , at three pra . The destination of this Vt-sW is Cove , and *> n her arrival Rt » ar-Admiral Bowles ! will hoist his flag on board her in Oye harbour , where pbe will remain for tbe summer . Lieutenant Farquhar , R . N ., bus arrived at Cove , and will join the Malabar as flag lieutenant , with Admiral Bowles . Thebaegace , &c , of the admiral was landed , ex-Mermaid , from Plymouth yesterday .
Fatal Affray on the Shirley Estate . —On Thursday the jury gave in their verdict— "We find that Peter Agnew came by his death at . Maheracloo ; :. in the county of IvlWaghau , on the 5 th of June inst , by a gun-shot wound ] from a party of twenty-eight policemen commanded by IVlajor Wilccx and Sub-Inspector Berry , and we find that they have not produced sufficient evidence to shew that they were in imminent danger cf their lives at the time they fired on the people ; and that there was not proof as to the identical person who fired the shot that killed Peter Agnew . "
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MR . O'CONNELL IN KILKENNY . Kilkenny , Thursday Evening . —Kilkenny—the " C ; ty of tbe Confederates '—ever foremost in the cause of liberty ., has nobly done its duty by . Ireland and O'Connell . No exertion : was spared by ihat must efficient and active bedy of gentl men , the Cit z as' Club , to render the arrangements perfect in evory particular . The meeting waa Bxed to take place at the race-course , about throe niile-s from tbe city , and every possible 1 ff > rt made to induce the peoplo of this ami the neighbouring connUes to attend , en jnasse , and to corns unprovided with boughs , or a twig , which would betoken injury to the plantations of the aristocracy . Tbe riecuration of the magnificent pavilion for the Repeal banquet was on a truly splendid scale . It contained extensive galleries
for the accommedatiou of the ladies , besides ta ' Jes for upwards of sixhundredgentieraen ; ami the entire cost of . ithe work exceeded £ 100 . But all thfeir toil and exertions were wasted for ' nought The tremendous rain which fell without ceasing during Wednesday Bpoiled the decorations , and the-high winds of the succeeding night having carried away a considerable portion of the roof , the committee were forced to relinquish at the last moment all idea of having the banquet there . In this predicament they contrived to procure possession of the chapel of tho " Black Abbey , " and here the dinner subsequently took place . The Liberator , who arrived on last evening , about sGven o ' cloek , accompanied by John O Connell , Esq , M . P . for Kilkenny , and Thomas Steele , Esq ., remained during his stay in town at the
residence ef Edmond Smithwick , Esq ., where a large pnity were invited to receive him . About one o ' clock the trades formed in procession in tho C'jal market , with splendid new banner ? , and each of the members carrying a white wand with a small gnen flag attached to it . The several bands of the city and o ' . ner bauds from a greater tiietance , all drawn in chariots , ft ere scatterod through ' . lie procession , and served nuttrially to enliven the scene . After the Trades came tho Citizens' Club in coacbes , each with four hursftB , preceded by a band siuiilarly c ^ nveyed , and in tbe last of the coacbes the Liberator and Mr . E . Sinithwlck occupied the front seat The enthusiasm displayed as the procession btgan to move was
exciting and interesting lit the extreme . All the windows along tho Hue of procos ion wen crowded wuh the beauty and fashion of the " fairu citie , '" the stret-ts were so thronged that the piv cession moved on with tho greatest difficulty . The entire of tke male population of Kilkenny county , with considerable portions of Tipperary , Qneen ' s County , Carlow , Wixfi-rd , and Wiaterford , might literally be said to be preheat . From the most ilccurate calculations tbat could be made , Uxre must have been over 300 , 000 peraons present , and the meeting Lad also tbe distinguishing cbarietermtics of containing a much greater nnmbor of bor-semen and much fewer women than at any oth * r meeting I have attended . There were probably from 18 , 000 to 12 , 000 hOT 8 emen on th 6 course .
Pierce Somerset Bvti . er Esq ., was called to the chnir , amidst enthusiastic cheering . The Chairman said ho attended there that day at the summons of the county and tjty of Kilkenny , to act a » : chairman to that vast und patriotic assembly , the largest , probably , that ever assembled in Ireland—( cheers ) . Ha did so , on the solemn assurance by those gentlemen that the proceedings of that day would be characterised by order , regularity , and a respectful obedience to the laws of the land —( ht * r , hturi . As soon as be bad announced his intention of accepting the high honour that had fcttjn conferred upon him by the people of the county ami city of K lkenny , he received , by return of pofet , the greatest iiu-ult that could possibly be offered to an Ins-h ni .-iyittrate—he was dismissed from the commission of tho peace—( hear , hear . ) Ho was unable to flr . d any rational or constitutional ground for such on net—( hear , hear ) .
Hb would beg of the genilem' n who addressed the assemblage to confine tbt ^ m ^ elves as much as possible within the bounds of nioikration , and to make use only of tbe langunge of conciliation —/ cries ef * ' bear , boar , hear . " ) He cpulrt not sit down without making this declaration , and be hoped it would find a responsive feeling in the breast of every Irishman who heard him . He would tell them , and be hoped there would be no mistake on the subject , that he was a Repealer— ( great cheering for several moments ) . But though he was an advocate for the Repeal of the Union , be would also declare , without any equivocation or mental reservation , that he was an enemy to all idea of separation frum England —( hear , hear | . The Repeal of the Union would ba of immense advantage to Ireland , without doing too much batm to England ; but separation would involve the ruin of both countries—( Lear , hear * . The Chairman resumed his seat amidst enthusiastic applause .
Patrick . Cantweljl , E ^ q ., 'moved the first resolution , which was seconded by James Doyle , Eiq , and carried . Mr . Conneil then came forward , and was received with the most enthusiastic and deafening shouts of aplause . When silence was restored , the Hon . and Learned Gentleman proceeded as follows : — Is there a band within bearing ? If there be , let them play up , "; God save the Queen . " [> lore tban a dozen bands ber « played up the national anthem , tbe entire vast multitude remaining uncovered . At the termination of the air , three he&rty a :, d deafening cheers were given for the Queen . ] I will now give you another subject to cheer—three cheers for the Queen's army—the bravest army in the world ( Tremendous cheers . ) Throe
cheers for the Irish people—tbe most moral , the most brave , tbe most temperate , and the most religious people on tbe face of tbe earth . ( Continued cheering . ) And now , having gone through these heartfelt ceremonfes , I pvesent myself before yen to address you on topics Gf the highest interest . It has never happened to mo io behold a more gorgeous assemblage of human beings than that now heforu me . I return you ten thousand thanks for having set the eleiiieut . il warfare at defiance in coming here in spite of every impediment tbat was imposed to prevent yuur attendance . Another thing I thank you for is , that you have come without green boughs . You do not want anything of the kind to show your sincerity in the cause of your country . ( Cheers . ) I have before roe mora pbysieal force than
aqy military commander that ev « , r existed , and I Lave that pbysisul force perfectly co ^ nizint of the fa ; t , that thty could not do anything that would be such great injury to the cause of repeal as committing the slightest bter . ch of the peace . ( Criea of " never fear . Somebody says ?• never , fmr . " Why , I am afraid of nothing except being wrong ; fer as long as I avn right Ifear nothing , and I think I have plenty here to join me in being right , and to j' -iin me too in fearing nothing . ( Great cheering . ) No , the only thing I could apprehend would be any species of a breach of the law . I will till you of one of' thu plans of the Orange faction to put an end to the repeal question .
They find that tbey cannot anywhere tempt the people to violato the law openly ^ in the noonday , and , tnerefore , in the north of Iruland , down to tho county of Lcuth , they have sent about mtn to form Ribbon lodges and swear the pet pie into eecret societies—( hear from Mr Steele ) . Men of K Ikenny ! if you hear of any person attempting to form a secret society in your county , denounce him at once to the repeal wardens in your neigbourhood . They will communicate tbe fact to ub , and we will take care to have the fellow punished—( cries of " we will" ) . The repeal wardens are the men by whom I intend to obtain the Repeal of the Union , and there is no more honourable station in society than
theirs . I now charge the Repeal wardens , who are established in every parish in the county , to find out for me any attempt to establish secret societies in tbe county , and when the . authorities see their friends brought before them for punishment they will feel annoyed—( hear , hear , and laughter ) . But they have invented other methods for stopping the agitation of the Repeal . I suppose you have heard of the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel having comedown to Parliament one fine evening , and declared that they would prevent the Repeal of the Union even at tbe eipence ef ft civil war . ; We will not go -to war with them , but let them not dare to go to war with us—( tremendous cheering for some time ) . We will act on the defensive ; and telieve me , men of Kilkenny , there is no power in Europe tbat would dave attack yon and the people of Ireland , when they beep
theaisalves in the right , and act en the defensive only . ( Hear , hear . ) Theythreatened ua with this civil warfare ; but we only laughed at them , and yon are at liberty to laugh at them again . ( Cheers and laughter . ) I burled back my indignant defiance to them from tbe Repeal Association , and I told them what I now tell you , tbat we sever wonld violate the law , or commit any violence ; but that we have hands enough to defend our own beads , if they dared to attack us . ( Great cheers . ) What was the consequence ? The great Duke of Wellington and the crafty Sir Robert Peel pulled in their horns a little , and they said they did not mean to , attack us . ( Hear , hear . ) Very welL There is ; peace then , for we will not attack them , and they will not attack as . ( Laughter . ) But , in order to induce us to give up the agitation of the Repeal , Sir Robert Peel told a lie , and tbat same came very easy to
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bim . ( Laughter ]) I remember that a fri'ri . 'l . of mine waa once coughing all night , and when the doctor came to him In the morning , he said to hiin , " I think you cough easier thata you did before . " " It is no wonder I should , " Bald { be , "for I have been practising all night . " ( Loud laughter ) It was the same way with Sir Robert Peel ; be had been practising so long , thai it came quite easy to him to tell the lie . ( Continued laughter . ) It c ^ me out with more faeility frem him because he bad [ been practising tbe entire of the preceding day and evening . Tiie lie he told was thi 3—ha said that the QJteen would oppose the Repeal to the uttermost , whereas she said no such thing . His conduct , according to the newspaper reports , wis traitorous
to the Queen , besides being untrue ; and I have it from the highest authbricy , short of tbe Queen herseif , ami I am told that s ^ he sent P eel away when hs niatt cams to her with a flsa in his ear . ( Loud laughter and cheers . ) What ! was the next Btep ? Up comes Chanceller Sugden . —( groa ^ s ) What an usly name the fellow has . ( lau ' ghter . ) Tbis Chancellor Sigden issues out a letter striking us off the commission of the peace . Only think what' a degraded man I am , deprived of tbe commission of the peace—but what 0 great deal I care for either it or [ him . ( Cheers . ) But if I have bten degradbd it was in very good company . I have with mo an excellent young friend of mine—our chairmanthe son of your old and faithful representative , Colonel
Butler , and wuojwili himself be yet your represent itive . ( Cheering ^) I ttank you for anticipating me ; but the moment it is not bin father ' s convenience to represent the county of Kl ' . keuny 1 would be glad to see tho man who would attempt to interfere with his election . He possesses all thi qualities of tho truly noble Louse of Mountgarret ; and many and many a Mountg ; u-ret has died on the scaffold , or figbtiuj ; in the field for lieland . Yea , and I the ^( iuntgarj > ts of the present day would , if necessity , be ready to follow their exampL '—( cheers ) . The commission of this peace was al / so tikwi from Col . Butlerl from Lord Ffreach , from Sir MicLabl Dillon Bcllew , and from D . OCon > . ell , and other vnjjobonds— ( laughler ) . This Sagden—the pig with the ugly
name —( laughter)—who took aw . iy tbecopimission of the peace from us—is a lawyer , and has made an enormous fortune by the law , but yet he does n » t understand the law ; for he savs tbat it is unconstitutional to attend meetings , while . ho himself publishes an , alleged speeth of the Queen , and attributes to her tbe unconstitutional language uttered by tha Prime Minister . But thoy have sent over 136 , 000 artillery , cavalry , infantry , aad marines here , and I am very glat ! of it , for they will spend 36 , 000 shillings every duy while they remain in this country—( cheers ) . It would be a kind of little Repeal of tbe Union in itself—( a laugh ) Tbe Queen ' s army is tbe best in the world , and the class of sergeants tbat it contains is the most educated in
existence , and I tmst that the day will come when all tbe sergeants wijl oe in a fair way of becoming commissioned officers—j ( hear , hear , and loud cheers ) . Tliey also sent over the navy , and all tbe old women of Kingston were { frightened the other morning by the firing of cannon from six or seven ships in the harbour on tbe arrival of ] the admiral . But do you know what tbey are going to do ? The admiral is coming down the Grand Canal , iu the heavy boat to examine all turfboats , and look into their potato locfeers to try if they have any hidden c :. nr , on on board . It is really a fact , and be ia this veVy iiay at Monastereven . A lieutenant of tbe navy has fbeen sent by the fly-boat on the Royal Canal , to find out what became of the army of 15 , 000
mea that the Right Rtv . Dr . Higgins had had iD Bis back parlour . jMr . O'Connell then proceeded to describe at much length the benefits tbat would be conferred on the country by Repeal , and then referred to the inoial and [ p hysical superiority of the Irish race over every « th&r people in the world . He then continued—Our petitions will go before her M » j ; sty , fur she alone is able to Repeal tbe Union , by her prerogative . She can , I repeat , restore the Irish ' Parliament ; it ia not head—it only sleeps . There is a torpor —an incubus overriding ; but the vitality of the heart remains . Grattia said he watched over the cradle of
Ii iflh liberty , and snw her liberties inhearsed , and followed her to the gnive . 1 assett that she is not deadehe only sleeps | and hi re am I Rounding the trumpet for her resurrection—( dieti's ) . What a day it wiil be when Mr . Piercs ) -Somerset Butler is setting out iu procession to go to thu Parliament that will be sitting in College Green , j Irishmen , your country shall not . be enslaved . The | R » peal of tho Union is approaching ! From this spot I proclaim to you liberty and prosperity to Old Ireland—rU « 'U < l and continued cheerio ) .. After passing sume other r-aolutions , the meeting separated in tha most orderly manner .
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1 INVESTIGATION INTO THE ORANGE OUTRAGES IN TYRONE . Dungannon Friday Night . —The Government enquiry into the recent outrages committed near this town was resumed this day before Mr . Coulson , sUpendiary magistrate , and the following local magistrates : —Messrs ! Greer , Jackson , Burgess , Wray , and M'Kenzie . Mr . Alderman Butt and Mr . Nowlan appeared as counsel and attorney for the Orangemen . Mr . Clements and Mr . Falls were for the poor Catholics whose houses were wrecked and peTaons and properties injured . ! Mr . Coulson begged to know if any arrangement had
been made between tbe learned gentlemen on both sides as to the order in which they would pioceed . Tbwre were canses and cross-causes connected with two separate transactions took that place on the 30 th of last month , and he thousbtj for regularity sake , they ought to-commence with the occurrences that took place in the morning at tbe quarry , or the attack of which the party complained who were coming to Dungannon , and then proceed to investigate tbe occurrences of tbe latter part of the day . j Mr . Butt said he coincided exactly with what his worship said with regard to the propriety of tbe arrangement . I Mr . Clementsfehoulii have no objection to the course suggested by the bench . Mr . Butt sairt!—H appeared that great excitement
existed in that part of the country , and , indeed , throughout Ireland generally , upon the question of Repeal , and it having been [ represented through the publicpresa tbat the Protestants and Presbyterians in . and about Dunganncn bad ] given in ' . h-.-ir adhesion to that measure , tbey determined to prove that these assertions were unfounded , by making a great anti-repeul demonstration , and for that purpose tbey agreed upon having a meeting in Dungannon . on Tuesday , the 30 th May . Somepersons were coming in to attend that meetiftg , and when passine a Iqudrry at a place called Carland , they
were attacked by a mob of nearly one hund ted persons , stones were thrown at them , and one man , named Morrow , was so dangerously wounded , that his life was despaired of . Some young lads Mien ran into tbe town of Dungannon , and having given that exaggerated account ef tbe transaction which their ftsars had prompted , tbe great bulk of the party wbo were assembled f or the purpose of attending tbe anti-repeal meeting , sallied out to the scene of the outrage , and there by way of retaliation , had ] committed acts which " ne would be very sorry to appear there to justify— but be might say , that the whole affair bad been 'greatly exaggerated .
Several witnesses were then ex amined touching tbe original disturbances in Carlant * * before the wreckings . Mr . Butt said he had closed bis case , and submitted that be Had proved the cl \ arge of both , riot and assault Mr . Clements contended ttr at , in point of law , there had been no riot . It might' oe called an affray , out of which an insignificant assa' jit bad arisen . Tbe Orangemen were passing wiih ' their fifes and drums ; some insulting language passe / j between them and men who were quietly standing or the road , when one man was assaulted , and , althbur' h it was stated by Mr . Butt that his life was in danger , he never bad occasion to go to a doctor . He thought at most the charge could only resolve itself into a connno j assault , and tbat it eughtnotto be even sent to th' , sessions .
Six O'CLOCK ^ _ Tii e magistrates , after having consulted for a ffhw minutes , Mr . Coulson said tbey would not give ( judgment till tbe Whole affair was investigated . I The inqul- < y iwill hardly conclude to-morrow evening . —Corre upendent of Jhe Dublin Evening Post ,
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Short and Sweet . —Sir Robert Pee l had a » audienc- of her Majesty on Thursday . —The audienw last—ONE MINUTE . The Tobacco Crop . —The Richmond Cotnp ^ says that the tobacco crop is likely to be material curtailed by the very backward spring . Cotton Manufactories in Mfxico . —T £ er * j |*? in the Republic of Mexico 53 cotton manufacton ^ with an agregate of 135 , 000 epmdles . They «* j up daily , on an average , 48 , 6221 bs . of cottoPiJ » produce 43 , 760 ib 8 . of thread , which , when * £ <» into cloth , &c , is worth 48 , 037 dolkws . These fg we derive from a printed statement bythe » | Wj General of Mexican Industry , dated city of Mexico March 28 , 1843 . Dreadful Accident .-A party of Rifles [ station ** at Duudalk were firing . ball cartridge on the' stramjj nn Tiipsdav last . when , owinff to one 01 tne m
having bad sight , he shot one of the men staUoneu » markfr through the head . The man fcflj ^ jj spot . The tall then wont through the nccS ot afl" " ther man , wounding him dangerously .
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¦ ¦ ¦——~—Z - —[— -- — it - msetiis g of Kings Count ? Magistrates i Pirsontown on Friday last , convened by tho Ejrf of Russe , in consequence of the atrocious murder- of M Gatchell . His Lordship was furnished withacopv of the Arms Bill , which he read for the meeting an i which was unanimously approved of . A coromWe ma formed to watch over tbe new registry of fire-arm s a ? quarter sessions , and to prevent in every way arfes get . ting iDto the hands of the peasantry of the Kins ' .
County . Resolutions and subscriptions were entered into to co-operate with , and assist government in pro . tectiug witnesses . It was deemed unnecssary , or face reregtrtory , to enter into any reward for the apprehen sion of the murderers of Mr . Gttchell , there < & }«» alTeat'y persons committed to abide their trials for that crimo , lest it might affect the pending trials . His Juord ship entered bis name for ths sum of £ 100 , and b efOm tbe meeting separated there was £ 400 subscribed . — Nenagh Guardian .
Mb . O'Conell in Mallow . — -The Catholic clergy , men of Mallow and surrounding districts have been cautioning their congregations for the last three weeks not to break a single branch eff any tiee for tne procej . sion without the consent of the owners . —Cork Reporter National Education . —Repeal . — -We have been informed that the Commissioners of the National Eda . cation Board have dismissed on « of their teachers , who waa in attendance upon tbe training school in Dublin he having spoken at and taken an active part In a Repeal meeting in the county of Louth , previous to bis entering , upon his course of educational prepara tion in the Dublin model school . —Smundersr
Government Reward . —In the Gaze'tt cf Tuesday a reward of £ 100 is offered by Government for the con . fiction of tbe party or parties who are represented as having , on the night of tbe 2 nd instant , fired at John B-irke , Esq ., J . P . of Fintrim , CO . Galway , as he «*» passing through bis ball . New Stipendiary Magistrate . —The Loiti Lieu , tenaut . we are told , has appointed Mr . Pilsworta Whelarj a stipendiary magistrate for Sligo . Those who hate anj recollection of Carlow politics cannot be at any loss to know tbe nature and extent of this gentleman ' s qiulifl . cations . —Free mart .
Preparations fob , War . —The Limerick CAronwie states tbat Captain Fry , K . A ., Bararckmaster of a »\ district , Is gone to visit the fortresses on tbe Lowu Shannon , to provide accommodation for parties of the 36 th regiment who detach to the batteries of Kilcwdane , Douaha , Kilkeran , and Carrig Island , u r . reinforcement to the artillery force on these station * . A non-commissioned officer ' s party of tbe 36 th is now attached to each fortress . Calling in the Absentees . —Lieutenants of Counties bave received orders to repair to their respec tive districts , to co-operate with government and the local authorities in tha preservation of the" pnblie peace . —Limerick Chronicle .
Lots of SupkrsedeaSes . —The Lord Chancellor baa been advised to address a circular to every individual magistrate in Ireland , demanding a categorical answer to the question of his being a Repealer-or not , it being the determination of Government to leave no magistrate in the Commission of the Peace who is not of the same opinion and determination of her Majesty and the Privy Council on tbe impolicy and danger of such a movement . —Limerick Chronicle . Refusal of Magistrates to act . —Sub-Inspector Fitziinion and bis party were severely maltreated at the fair of Molahiffe , K » rry , and one policem&a got his head fractured . Magistrates were , previously called on to attend tbe fair , but declined . —Limerick Chronicle .
The Drogheda Magistrates and the Iord Chancellor . —Patrick Ternan and Thomas Earn- , Esqrs ., of Drogheda , feeling that to retain thoir commission as magistrates could only degrade tbem , by debarring them from the free exercise of their right to meet with thvir fellow-countrymen for tbe legal and constitutional purpose of petitioning for tbe reDeal of an Act of Parliament , have resigned their commissions into the bands of the Chancellor . —Drogheda Argus . More Resignations—The following gentlemen have been superseded at their own request : —William J . Finn , E * q ., formerly M . P ., for Kilkenny eounty ; George Cornyn , E * q ., Woodstock , -, county of Galw&y ; John Power , Esq ., Gurteen , late M . P ., for Waterford county '; John H . Talb ^ t , Esq , Ballytrent , county Wt-xford ; and R . A . Fitzgerald , Etq ., iiackridge House , county Cork .
Mr . Joseph M-xles Mac B-onnell , Doo Castle , county Mayo , bas been removed from the commission because be attended & repeal meeting . Mr . MacDonnell bas already expressed bis sentiments on this act of deprivation . The Lord Chancellor bas accepted the resignation of Mr . W . S . OB : i « n , M . F ., as a magistratafor Clare and Limerick .
Untitled Article
IRISHMEN IN OFFICE . In reference to the appointment of Englishmen and Scotchmen to Irish offices , the Times had an impudent article which we intended to notice ; but the Mail has something to hand so pithily and pointedly done , that we must borrow from our cot « mporarj , whoso observations , we hope , will circulate with good effect among bi 3 Tory readers : — We need not persevere in re-stating our own crude views , opposed as they evidently axe to those of a ?• heaven-born minister ; " but we may just mention thai—The ArchbiBhop of Dublin is an Englishman . The Chief Administrator of the Irish Poor Law is an Englishman . The Paymaster of Irish Civil Services is a Scotchman .
Tie Chief Commsisioner of Irish Public Works 13 an Englishman . Ti-. a " Teller" of the Irish Exchequer is an Englishman . The Chief Officer of tho Irish Constabulary is a Scotchman . The Chief Officer of the Irish Post-office is an Englibhman . The Collector of Excise is a Scotchman . The head of the Revenue Police is an Englishman . Tiie second in command is a Scotchman . The persons employed in the collection of the customs , &c * , are English and Scotch—in the proportion of thirty-five to one . '" . „ . .
But the Times may perhaps observe , " True , but all this is only the elucidation oiour plan for unbarring the gates of preferment unsparingly , impartially and hoiiestly . " Sco-chaien and Englishmen are placed in v&ce in Ireland , and Irishmen m return iu Scotland and England , in order to draw closer the bonds of union between the thiee united nations . Again let us see how facts actually stand . There are— , Cabinet Ministers—Englishmen , 10 . Scotchmen , 3 . Irishmen , 0 . , Lords of the Treasury—Englishmen , 4 , S&otcnmen , 2 . Irishman , 1 . . , Secretaries of the Treasury—En glishman , 1 ,
Scotchman , 1 . , Clerks of the Treasury—Englishmen or bcotcniaon , 119 , Mr . Fitzgerald ( query an Irishman )* * . Members of the Lord Steward ' s and Lord Lhamberiain ' s departments of the Royal household— mglisnmen and Scotchman , 225— Irishman , 4 . British Ministers to Foreign Courts—Eng lishmen aud Scotchmen , 131—Irishmen , 4 . T ., Poor Law Commissioners—Eng lishmen , o-uisor iaen . 0 . We preeume these facts show that the natives or the three kingdoms are all placed upon an equa'towing , the chances of access to preferment * to an Engli&h or Scotchman in Ireland beiag . in -tae iw inar . suiaes that have OBfiurrad to uS while writing )
6 to 0 ; while the probability of an Irishm ani o » taining place in England appears . frozn an anaiag 0 calculation , to be in the proportion of 491 to J" <> . 1 to 50 . Woll may the writer of the Tw »*» relr * T from usiDg the language of taunt and » Pro towards Ireland , while he thus eloquently SP ' ™ phises , a sister kingdom— ,, iY " How short a time elapsed before she ( Sf *' ^ ,, ! had identified herself politically and socially »' » England and English fortunea ! Haw ample w her vengeance for the past—how splendid ner noo * nf the , fi » t . Jtr « I RfidHkIi arms . Knslisb COBqae- . ! J
English Commerce—are not all these also bcoicn .. We could easily Bwell this list were it b ^ . ! ; : ^ Ireland has always been used by English Mincer s as a means of providing for poor relations , ae . daiits , and partisans . ' Our highest as well as ou lowest offices have been prostituted for thss-purpo se . What would be thought of an Irish lawy er t > ein » called over as Lord Chancellor of Eng land 1-ye 1 ^ are forced to taka English lawyers as our Juor « Chancellors . So on through all departments 01 "" Government—injustice to Ireland every where mee » usj and so will tilings continue until we -learn i think less about party aud more about our counwj * —Dublin Monitor .
Untitled Article
J THE N OE T H E ? E N S T A R . j _____!_ ^ „
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 17, 1843, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1217/page/6/