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10 , BOND STREET . LEEDS . ST . NEWINGTON informs the Public , that in going through the Stock taken of his predecessor , Mr . Yatk 3 , all goods not the most modern have bran arranged for Inspection , and will now be Sold at a great Reduction in Price : they consist of Dinner , Tea , and Dessert Services ; Chamber Ware , Glass , &c . &o . Each article marked at the lowest price in plain figures . Those who are not particular as to Fashion will find many Handsome Services worthy of their attention . S . T . N . has also introduced a Large Assortment of lower-priced Goods of every description , to mc 3 t the wishes of the most economical . A Variety of New and Elegant Chandeliers for Wax-light or Gas . Hall , Table , and Candle Lamps . All of the best Manufacture . . All Goods delivered frea of Carriage .
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DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP . MESSRS . CROW AND TYRElt , BREAKFAST POWDER MANUFACTURERS , HAVING Dissolved Partnership , do hsrebv gitb Notice to all Parties having Accounts standing connected with the above Firm , to send in the same as early as possible , in consequence of their affairs having to be settled direct . Observe—There being a large stock of BREAKFAST POWDER on hand , Orders will be punctually attend to at their Old Establishment , No . 81 , Belgrave-Gate , Leicester . Leicester , October 31 st , 1843 .
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NEW AND EXTRAORDINARY WORK rpHE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , just completed X in Twelve Volumes , and Sold for 36 s ., is now publishing in Penny Numbers , eaoh of whioh will combine Sixteen Pages and numerous Engravings . It is supposed that the cost of the whole will nob exceed Five Shillings . The extraordinary sensation produced by this Work in Paris is almost without parallel . This Edition will be fully and faithfully translated , without Abridgment . May be bad in Parts , of which the First , price Fourpence , is now ready . Also the following Works : — VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY , complete in Two Volumes , 12 s ., or 120 Noa . at One Penny each , and 30 Parts at Fourpence eaoh . Always in Print . VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , TALES , and NOVELS , comprising Candid Zidig , the Huron , or Pupil of Nature , the White Bull , See . &o , ; being the first Complete Edition ever issued . 16 Nos ., and Four Parts are now ready . VOLNEY'S WORKS Complete , commencing with the New Researches on Ancient History ; to be followed by the History of Samuel , the Law of Nature , &c . &c , and will be completed in 120 Noa . and 30 Parts , uniform with the Voltaire . The DEVIL'S PULPIT , by the Rev . Robert Taylor , is now reduced from 2 d . to One Penny ; iaT complete in 48 Nos . or Two Volumes , 5 $ . DIEGESIS , by the same Author . Six Parts and 24 Nos . are now ready . Will be completed in the present Year . The MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY , by the late Richard Carlile , is now publishing regularly in the Mirror of Romance , and will not exceed Twelve Numbers at 2 d . each . The previous . Parts of the Mirror of Romance contain most splendid Tales from the French ; Leone Leon , by George Sand ; Physiology of Matrimony , by Paul de Kook , &o . Each Number has a mott splendid Engraving from the French . May be had of all Booksellers . W . Dugdale , Publisher , 16 , Holywell Street , Strand .
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CHARTISTS OF LONDON , SUPPORT YOUR VICTIMS . rpHE London Amateur Dramatic Society , com-X posed of Membera of the Chartist Body will give an Entertainment at the Royal Bower Theatre , Hargate-street , Westminster-road , on Thursday , November 9 th , 1843 , in aid of the National Victim Fund . The Performances will commence with the Drama of ELLA ROSENBERG . The Elector , Mr . Parbut . —Colonial Montford , Mr . Griffiths . —Rosenberg , Mr . Field . —Storm , Mr . Gellett . —FJutterman , Mr . G . Wyatt . —Commanded , Mr . Alexander . —Steven , Mr . Salman . —Conrad , Mr . Coleman . —Ella Rosenbarg , Misa Dolley . —Christine , M iss Miles . —Mrs . Flutterman , Miss Francis . After which , the Fourth Act of VENICE PRESERVED . Principal Characters by Messrs . Alexander , Gallett , PaTbut , Wyatt , Wheeler , and , Salmon , ' and Miss Miles . Singing by Mr . Cnffey , &o . To conclude with the Laughable Farce of the WEATHERCOCK . Principal Characters as before . Tickets to be had of Mr . T . M . Wheeler * 243 J , Strand ; Mr . G . Wyatt , 18 , Water-lane ; Mr . Salmon , 34 , Dean-street , Fetter-lane ; Mr . James , Snow ' afields , Borough ; Mr . Meddion , King ' s Arms , Polandstreet ; and at the City of London Literary and Scientific Institution , Turnagain-lane , Snow-hill .
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THE ARTISAN . ^ The number for November contains : —Art in Germany—The Atmospherie Railway—Pasley © n the Operations of a Siege—The Health of Towns—Steam Engines without Fuel—WeaVe ' s Papers on Architecture and Engineering—The Building Arts—Cuttings and Embankments-Trades of Birmingham—Royal Mail Steam Company—Symbolism in Architecture—Direot Action Marine Engines—Practical Notes on Architecture and Building—Practical Notes on Steam Machinery —Poisson ' s Meohanics , and a vast number of other Articles and Accounts of all new Projects and Inventions . Price , with four quarto Plates and Colored Atlas Plate , One Shilling . Simpkin , Marshall , and Co .
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MAGNIFICENT COLOURED ATLAS PLATE given away wita the November Number of the Artizaa , shewing at one -view all the Direot Aotion Marine Engines of the whole of the Eminent Makers , The value of this Plate is Oae Guinea , but it isgiven gratuitously to every Purchaser of the November Number of the Artizan . N . B . Etery Purchaser of the November Number is requested to take care that he gets this Plate gratis . In preparation : —The Temple Church—The Walballa , and numerous Plates in Gold and Colours , all Altas , and all gratis with future Numbers . Simpkin , Marshall , and Co .
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rnHE NEW AGE of this Month contains the X First Annual Report of the Concorbium ; an interesting account of u Association Family Life " from America ; a third article on Association , &c « &c . &o . Published by Cleave , Shoe-lane . Just Published . Price 2 a . GRAHAM'S LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN ON CHASTITY . 3 § This work , which has passed through many editions in the United States , is intended for the serioas per * usal , not only of young men , but also of their parents and guasdians , and will be found of tbe utmost service to all who are in any way concerned with the training ? or educationof youth . Dictated by the purest benevolence , and carried out by the highest physiological knowledge , ii cannot fail to make a . strong appeal to that innate censciouaness which exists in every human being ; it is reprinted aad published , in the hope that it will be made a powarful instrument in the development ef the highest and noblest Spirit in hnmanity , Uha * wiu prevent oof youth ? falliagintoerrors ' and vices wmca now aostrongly beset them in every position in wnidtt they »* & ; placed . Published by Strange , Paternosier-row *
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Inthe Press , and inUbe ready in oj « w Dajw , THE CHARTIST PENNY ALMANACK FOR 1844 . Pnblished by Cleave , London ; Hob 36 n , Leed « i SE S B ^ Rg ^ g 8 SS 53 asS 32 Kingdom . „ Particulars ia next week ' s Start r
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JIBS . Ems returns hex sincere thanks to Mr . Dixen , of Manchester , and the other friends , whs kindly iHnitted her the 15 s . 6 d . throngh Mr . lomax The Ashtos Cottos Sphthebs have issued the Jol lowing address : — "TO THE U £ SiyxCTTTBXR& OP ASHT 0 H-T 7 KDEB-I . Y . HE XSD 318 T 3 CISIT 1 XS . " Gehtlkkeh , —In consequence of a great many ill-foundedallegations' being made against us to yon , wefeel onaelves imperatiTely called npen thus to deny them . - - - " Yon are no stiMgen to tlw fact , that tt « e are many amongst yoa who are filing ( and ahraya have been ) to pay theii bands a remunerating price ior Qimi labont and to aee them in the enjoyment of happintss and contest j wfcfle there are others , the leading features of whose character are avarlee and * elf-aggranfiiBement , aadTrbo worship at the shrine of gold with as much . Belf-devotion aa the Eartern devotee -who bows down before the inanimate idol .
" The former employea lire in the hearts of their workmen , and all who know them—any thing would be risked in support of their lives ami property ; while the Tatter are oontintully at variance with their mencausing strikes—disseminating falsehoods to cloak their own « tU deeds ; detested fey the men ; ahunned by the well-meaning , and retaining » To the Tile dust from whence they sprung " * Unwept , xmfeonoured and -t r" " » " £ - * The contrast is so great , that did we not dai 3 y see evidences to the contrary , we" would scarcely believe that any sane man would risk his ispnta&m and his honour for that which , in a few ' years , ' "he wffl have to leave behind him , with the curse of industry marked upon his tomb .
" Some of the employers in our locality , who never acted the better part of man to their hands , ( except they eonld not help it ) , are doing all they can to make the well-intemtioned among yon believe that we are making use of the Pieeers for means which will sub-¦ equenUy prove injurious to all ; and that we are encouraging them in that which we ought not to do . :. "An uniform list Price is what workmen and employers have always wanted , but a want of union and harmony on the part of both have prevented so desirable an object . We can only learn by experience ; and all knowledge of the past tells us , how futile have been our efforts . When we have attempted to bring unprincipled employers np to the price of their neighbours , and the men have turned out , the labour market being fall , the places of those standing out have been filled by the surplus lands in the streets , and thus have ear objects been frustrated .
" We hats taken the present plan of -using the Pieeen as a matter of necessity , not o ? choice ,-forced npon us by the . failure of all past good exertions , and we believe we have the sanction and silent co-operation of those amongst yon who understand the duties that ought to regulate employer and employed ; and did we Met any thing attempted to be done wrong , we would be the nisi to assist in making it right . " Those who wish to pay a fair price for work done , fcave nothing to fear , but will at all timBS be able to command the respect and support , net oiOy of their own workmen , but all others who know them ; and those who act a contrary part must deservedly expect to be ' detested , shunned by saint and « aTinar >
" Those amongst you who have always shown a disposition to make your work-people comfortable , accept our heart-felt thanks and gratitude j and long " may yon be able to fosterindustry—the wealth of empires . and may your names for ever stand a beaming beacon to light avarice asd self-aggrandiKment into the paths of justice , integrity , humanity , asd charity , the Godennobled and ennobling-principles of man . - With an due -respect , we remain - Tour obedient Servants , The Coswittke . On behalf of the Operative Cotton Spinners of ABhtoa " 11 October 25 th , 1843 . " Ms- Cttrros . —We had intended to fcave given his letter to Mr . Sturge , but was compelled to exclude it
A * OH ) Kadicai ., Edikbttbgh . —His letter is rather too full of complimentary matter far us to insert it ; though Mr . O'Connor will be happy to know that he haa the confidence and respect of such . men as our warm-hearted correspondent . We give the following extract : — *• This much I « an affirm , without fear of- contradiction , iint O'Connor ' s-visit to Edmbsrgb , and his powerful appeals in behalf of . Buffering humanity , have caused many who perhaps sever thought seriously on the subject before ^ to pause , and to take into serious consideration the sayings and doings of the Chartists . Almost all now see the necessity of something being done to save the people from starvation , and our country from complete ruin ; and many are now beginning to think Oat the Cbartista were right after all . " A many more will have to come to that conclusion yet !
THE POETi—For "The PhUoaopher ' s Sims ' ; "Tbe Jfowfcris ifwc" ; " To ihe People of England ;* &e ., we have not room . UB . CLA 3 CT . —His letter to Daniel CConnell came to hand too late for our last - ; and now a portion is useless . We give the following extracts : — I have often felt proud of being an Irishman when I have frequently witnessed noble and generpas traits in the characters of my countrymen ; but I assst confess thattbfl . blush of shame has often mantled on my ebeek wkenlhave rtfiectedtnat I belonged to a land that has been so long the foot ball of your sportive rnerdnary , peculaQve policy . Ton have abused the slave holders of America ; but what have you ever been but a great profitable slaveholder f have you not , by means
of the lash of your persuasive tongue , forced the most impoverished people in the world to ton for years- at the chariot wheels of your despoiling political power ? Tour Bepeal policy has always been a failure with you , except as for as the rent is concerned . In the first place , your arrogant ambition led you to denounce , and , when you could , destroy , many talented and energetic friends of the people , the moment they attempted to place their feet upon the same political platform with you . I will set here mention names , as ihe veH of the tomb T »« wg « o'er some of them ? Tour exclusive monopoly has deprived Ireland of the assistance of four millions r » y TgqgH ^ hTnpWj irhose assistance in the time of need would have enabled you to stand upon Conquer Sill , and tell the British Minister to " post his proclamations nearer home . "
For the last four years you have connived as the formation of a faction in England , with the feigned object of extending the suffrage from brick houses to mud walls , but really for the purpose of destroying the people ' s best friends , whom your arrogant ambition and exclusive monopoly could never acknowledge as such . O , sir , this is the rock on which you have split . This 13 thfi policy that has desecrated the " field of fame" , of our chivalrous ancestors with , the presence of bristling bayonets on the once glorious " Cenquer Hill of Clontarf ; " "while by your bombast and bragadocia you have caused a brave but enslaved people to be more poignantly insulted with the presence of troops , the very colour of whose costs are sufficient to recall , with thrilling horror , the deeds of the Berisfords and their sanguinary cohorts ! * * * ?
It would be too bad to see you in a similar place to Tork Gastle , with " Ssrjeant O'Leary and a few Irish beys" reading for your amusement your besstial buffoonery over ihe fate of the amiable John Frost , when you thought be was on the verge of the yawning grave I No , So , Dan ; you win avert this if you can—and therefore you wish to come to England under the wing of Joseph Sturge . The road is being prepared for you ; but mark there are thorns in it 1 ? » Poor Jack Lawless once made you cry in the Corn Exchange for bavrng offered to barter thB forty shilling freeholders ; but it appears that unfortunate Ireland &as no Lawless now to dip yonr golden pinions , or stay your aerial night . Alas ] for Ireland , her brightest hopes have erer been blasted by those in whom she lias reposed too much confidence . Ajexdbes Demoxstratios . —We had already got in type the report which appears in another column -when "SSx . Smart's favour arrived .
TorTAiBE ' 5 DicnosJLRT . —In the review ef this woik , last week , the name 0 ! the Publisher was omitted . It is "brought out , " and sold , by Dug-DXLE , 16 , Holywell-street , Strand . DtTSDEB SOTBEJS IS HONOITB OP MESSRS . DUHcokbe asd O'CoiraoR . —Just as we were going to press , we received a report of their Soiree heldou Vie 2 * a vlU Of course we could not insert it . Our Dundee MpnflT have only themselves to blame . Hatuax SrascRiPTioss . —We have received the following from Mr . Chippendale : —Dear Sir , —Mr , O'Connor , when at Halifax , received the following
sums : — -The account was given to Mr , O'Connor , as below stated , on a loose sheet , but it appears he has lost it We , therefore , according to bis request , send yoa the following : —For Victim Fund : —Mr . Chippendale ' s book , 4 s Ijd ; a friend lOissett Coididud ) per Hr . Bushton , 2 s ; ovendon Chartists , Is . 81 d . ; Mr . T . Robinson's book , Is « d ; Mt J . Smith ' s book , 2 s ; Pr oceed * of lectnies , Halifax , 8 s 8 ^ d . Mr . Rawden ' s lectures , Sid ' dal , 13 . 5 d . ; Jir . ilurray's lecture , Ovenden , 3 s ; ilr . Hanson "» lecture , lower Waxley , Is 2 J ; total , £ 1 63 3 d , Deduct for Sills announcing the above aeefings , 6 s 3 d ; for victims , £ 2 , For Mr . J . Leach , ¦ f Hyde , is 3 d .
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SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED BY MR . CLEAVE . TOS JB . ifl > OVXLL . . £ t , d . Korwidi ... . « « 10 e Sattea-in-Askfleld ... 0 12 2 } Wijran „ 0 8 0 Bradforfl , Yorkshire * . 0 17 3 tob ncmts . 5 wo Priend ^ City . « 0 0 8 Female Chartists , Tedaorden ... ... 0 10 0 Mr . Samerfield , Galrerton , Notts . . „ 0 2 0
MOKIBS RECEITED FOB MB , O'CO ^] S * OB . A . C . A . ( for Vicfims ) 0 2 6 Hull { for Cards ) ... 0 14 Devonpcrt ( for Victams ) .. ••• ... 0 11 6 Coventry ( for Cards ) ... *» — 0 3 4 Stouibridge ( for Victims 0 8 3 A iew English Workmen ^ Bouenj France , UbrTictims ) . ^ 10 0 Ditto ( for Executive ) ... ... ... 0 10 0 Mansfield ( forjExseutrre ) 0 14 6
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Receipts ef ihe Executive for Cards , from Oct . 25 ^ to Nov . 1 st , per General Secretary . Marylebone 0 8 4 Bochdale ... ^ 0 16 8 Emmett Bri ^ ide ... 0 2 0 Cannon Coffee House 0 8 4 Camberwell ... a 1 0 Golden Lion , Dean-street 0 3 0 B&rnsbory Park 0 14 Reading 0 5 0 "Wearers * Arms , Bethnal Green ... 0 4 2 Total £ 2 9 10
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THE EXECUTIVE'S ADDRESS . Sbotbeb Chartists , —We have by this day ' s post , received printed copies of certain resolutions agreed to in Nottingham , on Tnesday , October 15 th , which resolutions have been industriously circulated throughout the various towns in the kingdom , accompanied by letters requesting the Chartists to call public meetings , to express their opinion of our conduct , in striking the principles out of the Plan of Organization , and keeping the people in ignorance of the same- These resolutions have been published in one of the Nottingham journals ; but have been withheld in the NorUtem Star , We consider it decidedly improper for our Nottingham brethren to have taken these steps , without having first sought for an
explanation from the Executive pro tern ., who "were the parties on whom the business devolved . The report , in its main features , is entirely false . Previous to Mr , O'Connor leaving London for his Northern tour , THB plah , as agreed to at Hie Conference , was laid before counsel for their opinion . No other Plan has ever been submitted to counsel ; but wishing to obtain Tidd Fiatt ' s reasons for refusing to certify , and believing the " principles" to be the main objection , we , actwg oh He suggestion of our legal adviser , and other influential friends , including the Editor of the Northern Star , in order to ascertain the correctness of this impression , laid the Plan again before him , in iuxta-position with
the Socialists ' plan ; but with ihe principles transposed . By so doing wx pobckd him to give beasons : fob his EEF 0 SAL j and those reasons we can now combat . We never intended to make any other plan than that stamped by the approval of Conference * the groundwork of any legal proceedings . The principles of the Charter are our principles . Sy them we are determined to stand or falL If we fail in procuring the enrolment , we must proceed as we have hitherto done , without it 5 but the principles we will never abandon . Trusting that this explanation will be satisfactory , and that every attempt to create disunion will be baffled by the good sense of the people .
We remain yours , Thomas Clabk . Besb"x Boss . Philip M'Gbath , President T . M . Wheeler , Secretary .
%Ocal Mttr Tfstaterai 3£Nttu\Qmte
% ocal mttr tfStaterai 3 £ nttU \ Qmte
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STORM AT LIVERPOOL , Ac We add some additional particulars to those we published yesterday : — The tide—as indicated in the almanack—was at the foil it thirty-five minutes past iwo o ' clock ; and in calm -weather would have risen to a height of fifteen feet ten inches ; bat , driven In by the pressure of the gale , it flowed pome minutes beyond the hour stated ; attaintd a greater height , and , as might be expected , was more than usually tardy in its reflux after it bad gained its maximum . The sea at high water washed over portions of the quays ; and the
Bteamers from the opposite ferries had some difficulty in landing their pasBeDgers , many of whom , both male and female , from farms in the neighbourhood , it being market d * y , did not venture to return until Sunday morning , when the storm had abated . Several large vessels that had pnt back came np in picturesque style under dose reefed topB&ils ; minor craft also appeared almost under bare poles . The Duke of Wellington , from Honduras , fell in with the brig Nile ( before noticed as lost ) , remained by her some time , and those on board saw her founder , with all hands , without being able to render her any assistance .
The brig Mary , Captain James Turner , sailed from the Bay ot Honduras , with a vatable cargo of mahogany , logwood , and coooa nuts for stowage , called at Cork for orders , and proceeded towards this port . Until she reached Holyhead she hold a favourable gale , and on Thursday morning took a pilot . On tiie afternoon of that day it came on to blow , and she was laid-to until two o ' clock on Friday afternoon , when the gale moderated they rah a short distance , and let go both anchors ; unfortunately , however , the best gave way , and the larboard anchor was only an inferior one , and could not in any probability hold , it was shipped , and the crewreefed the foretopsail with the intention of again laying her to ; but , so violent was the gale at this time that all attempts
to set it after it was reefed proved abortive . With the fore-topsail shaking she was held as dose to it as she could go , but , making great lee-way , touched the shore about ten o ' clock on Saturday night . As the tide rose she again fioated , bnt 4 > nly to drive further up , as she was now perfectly unmanageable , the eea making a clear breach over her ; until daylight the crew suffered greatly . The agents at Lloyd ' s , Messrs . Tyrer and Eccles , who , with a person of the same of Meadows , were on the alert as daylight succeeded , by the assistance of a pony , in conveying the erew on shore . One , however , was missing , and , on the agents returning , he was fonnd lying dead on the deck . His face was . dreadfully man gled , and from all appearance he had been washed by a heavy
sea beneath some loose spars on deck , which , on the water leaving them , had crushed him to death . An inquest will be held on the body this day . The unfortunate individual was cook and steward , and , we learn , belonged to Sheffield . The crew , inclusive of the captain , consisted of twelve persons , all of whom are considerably injured , and have lost all their clothes . After the crew were got on shore , the principal portion of them were taken to the receiving-house , where they were most kindly treated . A number of sailB and other articles have been got on shore , as also have a quantity of the coooa nnts . The vessel herself has every appearance of becoming a total wreck , her hull having parted near the bends . She is the property , we believe , of Mr . Morrison , of this town .
Early on Sunday morniDg a large portion of gram and other cargo was washed on shore between Sonthport and Formby , but principally near the latter place . From the marks it bears it is evident that it is part of the cargo of the Lady Bentinck , which sailed on Thursday last ; frem Waterford for Liverpool . The crew must all have perished , but none of the bodies bare yet been recovered , nor has a vestige of the wreck been seen . The cargo was insured , but we eonld not learn whether the vessel was or not . We learned that a large quantity of batter had been washed on shore near Southport , and as the Lady Bentinck had little or no butter on board , it is to be feared that some other vessel has shared the Bame unfortunate fate .
The sloop Vernon , with a cargo of potatoes , the property of Mr . Cain , of Liverpool , was driven on shore about two miles to the northward of Formby Point . She was from the Isle of Man . Such was the force of the gale that she was driven np on the beach into three feet of water , so that the crew waded on shore . The Formby life-boat was out during the gale , bnt was unable to render any great assistance to the distressed vessels that were seen , owing to the frightful state of the Burf . —Ttmet , ot Wednesday .
Moss Vessels Lost . —Every day brings intelligence of additional disasters during the late gale . The General Steam Navigation Company ' s packet , the Menai , Captain Goodburn , arrived at Brighton from Havre on Monday , and he brings information of the sinking of a Dunkirk steamer off that town , when all iands perished . Near Beachy-head he fpoke the Shepherd , of Glasgow , from Singapore . Yesterday morning , the stern of a vessel , bearing the name of "Ann and Laura , " was washed on shore at Bri gh ton . It probably belongs to one of the vessels which we reported in yesterday ' s Times as having rank near Littlehampton on Saturday morning . —Times , of Wednesday .
The Storm at Blick ^ ooi . —The following is an extract from a private letter dated Blackpool , Sunday afternoon : — How I do wish you had been here yesterday to have witnessed the storm ! From ei ^ ht in the morning , throughout the day , and all last night , we have had an unremitting hurricane . The rain has now ceased , and the sun is shining beautifully ; but the wind is still high , and the sea roaring and raging in fearful grandeur . Several vessels are in sight : one in particular is so near the shore as to cause much excitement and apprehension for her safety . She is sow got JHBt opposite our hotel , and we can see the people on the deck quite distinctly . * * I fear the poor vessel has strnck on the sands . Crowds of people aw rashing towards the spot : it is a painfully exciting scene , and I feel fomnnerved that I caa hardly hold my pen . The
crew , 1 see , have got into a saall boat ; but they appear te be in imminenj danger every moment of beiDTswallowed np . * * O ! the small boat is npset , and all lo&t ; I can write no more at present . * The boat has again appeared , wita some of the poor men clinging to it . * 1 have been down on the sands , and learn there were four persons in the boa * ; a lady and gentleman , and two Bailors . The two sailors have got to shore alive r bat one of them , from the poor lady clinging to him bo long , seems almost dead . They have been earned to Dickson ' s HoteL The vessel wrecked » from Quebec , laden with floors and ashes . There are stui eight souls on board , without the least hope of being saved . It is impossibles render them the least ass stance . Poor men J may God have mercy on tnem ! The day is now very fine , bat the sea is Btill iWJully grand . "—Manchester Guardian .,
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Stohm at Scarborough . —This place was visited with avery severe storm on Friday evening last , which continued ihe whole of Saturday and the Saturday night . The brig Margaret , of Whitby , which was stranded on the 18 th alt ., and had re mained on the Bands , for the purpose of clearing her of her cargo , was attempted to bo got off on the Thursday , and the work not being completed before the storm arose , she was taken out to Bea , and went to pieces . Part of her has since washed upon the sands . So great w » s the violence Of the wind , that an unfinished house on the Esplanade was very much damaged , part of the end and front walls being blown down . The mill of Mr . Simpson Chambers , in Ramsdale , had a sail taken away , and several other persons , we understand , have suffered loss . The sloop "Georges , " of Leith , Craig , master , laden with barley , went on shore at . Filey during the storm on Saturday morning . —York Courant .
The Late Stobjl—The storm which took place on Friday and Saturday last , has caused great damage to vessels in different parts of the coast on both sides of the island , as well as on the coast of Ireland . Several serious disasters have also taken place to vessels at sea , and in some instances the crews have been drowned . From Whitby , Scarborough , Burlington , Hull , Liverpool , and other ports , the aocountB of ¦ wrecks are numerous and disastrous . — York Courant . Manchester . Flood in the Iewbll . —Db STBUCTION Of THE TeMPOHABT FOOX-BKIDGE NEAR the New Bailey . —On Saturday evening , inconsequence of the heavy and continued rain , the water in the river Irwell rose to an unusually considerable
height above its ordinary level , and came down with such force as to wash away a stage erected by Messrs . Pauling and Henfrey , contractors , at Hunt ' s Bank , for the purpose of carrying the iron beams to form the intended railway bridge across the , river at that place . The balks forming the stage fioated down the river in one raft , with great velocity and force , and came in contact with one of the uprights supporting the temporary foot-bridge at the end of Bridge-street , communi « ating with Salford . The result of the concussion was , that the upright or supporter was broken in two near the middle , leaving the bridge unsupported for about sixty feet . This was about eight o ' clock , and the occurrence was witnessed by Mr . Wilson , grocer , who happened to be in his cellar at the time , and saw the beams floating down the river . The passage over the bridge was immediately stopped , Messrs . Bowere and Murray , the contractors , placing a watchman
at each end of the bridge about ten o ' clock , to prevent people crossing . Parf of it fell about ten o ' clock , and another part about twelve , the same night ; bnt , owing to the precautions taken , no life was lost nor any person injured . During this time the water continued to rise rapidly ; nevertheless , it is believed that the bridge would have remained as firm as when first fixed , bad it not been for the accident at Hunt ' s Bank . The water at its highest point was from four to five feet below the height to which it rose during the flood of 1839 . Several small boats were washed from their moorings between Victoria Bridge and the temporary bridge at the New Bailey ; some of these floated through the bridge in the early part of the evening without sustaining any injury , bnt others were broken to pieces amongst the timber which floated from Hunt ' s Bank , and accumulated at the bridge . — Manchester Guardian .
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- ~^^^ - Ht 7 X > SEBsnEU > . —On Tuesday morning last , a child belonging to Mr . Simeon Lodge , Temperance Hotel , was suffocated by being accidentally shut up in a folding bed . The Huddebsfield Teetotallebs have engaged the Magistrates ' Hoom , Guildhall , for their weekly meeting . The Hall was opened on Wednesday evening last , when addresses were delivered by Messrs . J . Andrews , Travelling Secretary , and J . Teare , of Preston ; the latter of whom gave an interesting account of the sojourn of himself and Father Mathew in London * Meetings were also holden in the above room ^ Hghe same parties , on Thursday and Friday eveningK " We understand that a meeting ftr the spread of Temperance will be holden every Tuesday evening in the above room .
New Poob Law . —On Tuesday last , a case of great importance was heard before the Huddersfield Magistrates . Mr . Floyd , Clerk to the Board of Guardians , was Bummoned by a rate-payer to shew cause why he refused to allow his books to be examined . After a long hearing , the ease was decided against the Cierk . We understand that a similar case ib to come before the Bench on Tuesday next . ' BRADFORD . —The woolcombers in the employ of Messrs . Mitchell , have this week turned out for an advance of wageB on several sorts of wool , in order to equalize the price according to the wages paid by other employers .
Extensive Robbery—On Thursday last a parcel , containing notes of various Yorkshire and other Country Banks , to the amount of £ 3 . 000 , was stolen from the counting house of Messrs Edwin Birchall and Sons , in the Talbot Yard , Bradford . The parcel was loeked-up in a drawer of the deskj and the room left in the charge of a young man named Win . Booth , who had been for two years or more in their employ , for that purpose , on the market days- According to the statement of the young man he left for his dinner at half-past one , and returned at a quarter past two , leaving the key in the outer room . On the return of Messrs . Birohall to the room at about three o ' clock , at which hour they usually pay the manufacturers , the drawer was found open , the lock having been picked in their absence , ana the
pare 3 l of notes abstracted . A pocket book contain * ing bills and cash , consisting of bank notes gold and silver , was left , which seems to lead to the suspicion that the persons who committed the robbing were previously acquainted with the contents of the parcel , otherwise it scams probable that they would have taken the pocket . book in preference . We understand that the young man , Booth , has been taken into custody ; but as yet no olue appears to have been obtained , that may lead to the detection of the thieves . The police are astively engaged in investigating into the circumstances of thh serious occurrence . A handbill ha ? been extensively circular d in the neighbourhood of Leeds , Bradford , Halifax , &c , offering a reward of £ 300 for the discovery of the robbers .
BARNSLET . —The weavers of Messrs . Haxworth and Co . are still out . They are determined to resist to the utmost of their power , every attempt made by that firm to reduce their wages below the general list of prices paid by the other manufacturers . On Monday evening , a public meeting of the weavers was held in the Committee room , Mr . Franois Mirfleldin the chair . The auditing committee , which had been appointed at a previous meeting to audit the accounts , brought up their report , which was read and adopted . A vote of thanks was then passed to Vernon Wentworth , Esq ., of Wentworth Castle , for his very liberal donation of £ 5 for the unemployed weavers of Barnsley . Votes of thanks were likewise given to the auditing committee and collectors for the assiduous discharge of their duty . Thanks were then given to the chairman , and the meeting broke up .
A Jebemt Diddles . —At the Sessions on Monday last , held at the Flying Horae , Roohdale , a young man , named Terrant Turdy , was charged with having gone into an eating-house on Friday ev « ning , and , after eating a large number of piea , refused to pay for them . The police said they were sent for ; and , on arriving at the place , the prisoner kicked one of them . He had often gone to cook-shops , and , after eating as much as he could get , refused to pay for it . He was discharged .
Murder MaeIe East I—Some novel experiments with cylindrical sho ; were made last week on the sands adjoining the Rimrose Hotel , Bootle . They were all filled with combustilble matter , similar to the rocket , and fired from a pieoe of ordnance . At the range of 1 , 000 yards , or more , they would be found most effective against cavalry or infantry , setting fire to magazines , shipping , Jtc . The shots were prepared at the foundry of Messrs . Fawoett and Co . and are for a foreign government . —Liverpool Mercury .
Fatal Pc « ilistic Conflict . —Oq Monday morning last a pugilistic contest took place at the Gawend Farm , .-near the bridge over the Maccleafield Canal , in the township of Sutton , adjoining to Macelesfield , which terminated in the death of one of the combatants , George Hammond , and the committal for manslaughter , under the coroner's warrant , of his antagonist , John Crump , and sis others , as aiding and abetting . Of these , Crump and three others only are yec in custody . The facts are as follows : —George Hammond ( the deceased ) and John Crump had a quarrel on Sunday evening last , with several of the parties who were afterwards at the fight . In consequence of some quarrelling ( but not with deceased ) Crump gave a sort of general challenge , saying he Teould fight any one in Sutton , big
or little—which Hammond accepted ; observing that they had had words before , and would be better friends after they shoald fight and see who was master . Monday morning the parties , with abott twenty or thirty others , proceeded to the place between seven and eight o ' clock . They fought for two hours and twenty minutes , during which time there were seventy or eighty romnds . There does not appear to : have been anything particularly unfair , according to the rules of the ring , in the mode of conducting the fight , although it is stated that Crump fell upon him with his . knee ia his stomach . The final result was , that Hammond on standing up to renew the fight , reeled a few paces back , fell down apparently iu a fib * was carried in an insensible state to a farm-honse , and expired before surgical aid was procured . —Maoclesfield Courier *
Ikcbease qf thb Abiit . —An augmentation of the cavalry regiments has just been decided on by the Government * Eight men are to be added to the present strength of each troop . This measure is to be carried into effect with the' least possible , delay . — United Service Gazette ,
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Robert A ^ n T ^ ^ ' » » *** ™** & Sturin ^ S ? *• ¦ ** *¦ £ H . Becker , manuwSrksof ISS t'JT J <>?«»«« some carts at the ^ i&JsMs ^^ ^^ Mmmm ^ §! hoSIb ? M ^ AK Wjiere "Mnqfcrfwaa held on and thaffj ^ t Ch * V ?*** «» . borough coroner ; Sath ^ ffiL * ' ?^ * Terdiot of " Accidental death . — Manchester Guardian *
SaturdavhtJ S ; - ~ K hi * h winda of Friday and !™« & ~ 1 L " aw . fBiy cold from tho north , ! £ !* £ ? « Sunday by a ' inuch milder tempef ?^^ ri i WJ n 8 toth « 8 oatb- On Monday lv 1 fnHVr « S Mly m ? * rftin f <> throughout the in ^ tWV *^ - of th ni « - Towards the K ? about « Tn i fV * nation of the rain liS If ^ ' when the wind suddenly mnKlv ^ " ?*• u ifr « 8 »* commenced raining « S J f ^ : From ! hafc tin * e the temperature con-Sl&nO e - C <) nieci > ld f , ' and at ei ^ ht o ' clock last night adelug , ngram still continued , with a northerly wma .-Sun , Wednesday . Ths Extbaordin abt Chabqb of Stealing a Coffin afd its Comma , at Nbwi «« 2 E 3 " ^ the Central Criminal Court , on Wednesday . th « TW
hESSn ; £ ? - ^ * $ John Wi * te Bridgman , his son , were indicted for a misdemeanor in temoy ' frLte « h , f ? T 5 oma 9 G , horat Taw *> y . Esq . £ «?„ » fS ialg r £ ° S Whioh tbe form ° r & «»« » n ? tK ^ A" ° . . r ^ apel , in West street , Waiworth , on the night of the 6 th September last Mr . S& M P ^ ar ? d ¥ * £ Prosecution , and E Bodkin , M . P foy the defence . The Court was densely crowded ^ throughout the trial , which lasted several hours . The Jury acquitted the father , but found the younger prisoner guilty , and he was sentenced to twelve months imprisonment in Newgate . A New Fe atork-Ware Hawk { -The future meetings of the Loyal National Rb > eal Association 9 X 6 ii w ^ wuh closed doors ! Formerly the cry Was , Wfl COUrt inauirv—Our dnnm ara nni > n in n . 11
why don't those who abuse come and listen to us , " and all thatkrod of thing . TKe official notice now announces that "the usual privilege of admission on payment is suspended . " a Strangers cannot be admitted . " What will the law ofitoera say to this % - * Dublin Mail . Serious Apfjut . —In the beginning of last week an affray of a serious nature , and which has unfortunately been attended with fatal results , occurred in Kildrummie . At a place called Greenstyles there resides a family of the name , of Ritchie , the male
members of which , consisting of a father and son , are shoemakers . It appears that a quarrel had taken place amongst the parties , and a scutte having ensued betwixt the father and son , the latter grasped hold of a shoemaker ' s " iron foot , " which had been lying within his reach , with whioh he struck the old man a blow on the head , which felled him to the ground . The poor man survived the assault three days , during which time he never spoke . The son has been taken into custody , and was lodged in gaol on Sunday last . The casejwill undergo strict inyestigation . —Inverness Courier ,
Whale Fishery . —Four of our whalers have armed during the week—the Horn and Alexander oh Tuesday , and the Advice and Princess Charlotte on Wednesday last . They are , upon the whole , well fished . The Horn brings eight fish , about ninetyeight tuns ; the Alexander thirteen fish eighty-five tuns ; the Advice seven fish , eighty tuns : and the Princess Charlotte six fish , sixty tuns . The 3 e vessels left the ice on the 28 th September , and had fair passages home . The remaining vessel , the Fairy , is in the offing . She had not been seen by the other vessels for several days before leaving the country . — Dundee Advertiser .
Alleged Murder . —Yesterday evening Mr . Higgs , Deputy Coroner for Westminster , held an inquest at St . George's Hospital , on the body of Hugh Riley , aged fifty-three , who died from the effects of a scuflla , for which an individual ia in custody . John WardeJl , living at 2 , Angel-court , Kingrstreet , Golden-Fquare , said that ; on Saturday fortnight he left work about twelve at night , and on going to the Golden Lion , observed the deceased at the bar very tipsy . They soon after went borne , and witness left deceased at his own door , which was up two pair of etairB'in the same house with witness . He ( witness ) then passsed on to his own room , and soon after heard quarrelling in deceased ' s room , between him and his landlord , John Marsden , late a private in the Foot Guards .
He afterwards beard the door open , a sort of scuffling , and a noise as of some one falling down Btairs . Witness then went down , and found the deceased ; lying at the foot of the second flight of stairs . He was partly undressed , and his drawers were hanging about bis ancles . The deceased appeared in great pain , and said , " Oh , my God , my neck is broke 1 " Ho was taken up stairs aad put to bed . Witness observed Marsden and the other lodgers in the front room . They were dressed , and the latter appeared perfectly sober ; but Mars den was drunk . Witness then l « ft the room and went to bed . Mr . Pollock , house-surgeon , said that
the deceased was admitted into the hospital on the Ifcb ot Ootebor , and died oq tho 28 th . From the examination made , it appeared that the fifth and sixth ribs were broken , and the other injuries of the spine and lower extremities were euch as might , of themselves alone , be sufficient to cause death . Other evidence was given , and the Coroner said that the case was too serious not to be examined intomost particularly , and in order to have the attendance of the two lodgers who were present at the time , he would propose that the inquest should adjourn till Thusdayj whioh proceeding was , after some disoussion agreed to—Sun Wednesday .
Fatal Explosion of Fireworks at Birmingham . —An inquest was held oh Wednesday evening , in Birmingham , on the body of Jane Long , aged 23 years , William Merrit , aged nine years , and Henry Blower , seven months old , who were killed by an explosion of fire-works . Joseph Merrit stated that he lived in No . 21 , Weaman street , and had been in the habit of making fire-works the last fourteen years ; a fortnight ago , he received an order from Leicester for rookefcs , squibs , &o .: on the previous Friday , he and his wife , and Jane Long , and his two children , and five other persons were in the kitchen of his house preparing the fire-works , when suddenly an explosion took place , and the room was in an awful blaze . He rushed to the door and forced his way out , and the neighbours came with buckets of water and threw it on the women and children , all of
whose clothes had caught firs . The ccene was at the time truly awful . His wife ' s clothes were in one entire blaze , and her sister , J . Long , was enveloped in flames from head to foot . ¦ He endeavoured five times to rush into the house , but was driven back , and in eaoh attempt he received severe injuries ; at length , by throwing great quantities of water on his wife , and the others , the flames were extinguished , but not until nine of the persons who were in the kitchen were so dreadfully injured a ? to render their removal to the general hospital necessary . Some of them were in an awful state to behold , and Jane Long and Wm . Merrit died on Saturday , and the infant on Monday . He cou'd not say with certainty how the explosion took pine , but he believed it was caused by a spark flying oat of the fire oq a bundle of squibs . Verdict— "Accidental Death . "
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Leeds . —Mr . Davl ; Rosg will deliver two lectures in the Chartist Room , Cheapside , to-morrow ( Sunday ) afternoon , at half-past two , and in the evening at half-past six o ' clock . The Shareholders of the Bazaar are reminded that there will be a meeting to-morrow morning , at half-past ten o ' clock , for the purpose of paying their third instalment ; to be held in tbe above
room . Keiohlkt . —The next'delegate meeting of this district will be holden in the Working Man ' s Hall , Sun-street , Keighley , on Sunday the 12 th iast ., at ten o ' clock in the forenoon . - Bradford—A lecture will be delivered at Manningham , on Sunday at two o ' clock in the aftornoou , by Mr . Smyth , on the present state of Ireland . Thb CcuriciL will meet on Sunday evening at six o ' clock . It is expeoted that a delegate will be in attendance from each locality , as business of importance will be brought before the meeting .
Halifax . —The monthly meeting of this district will be held at Luddenden , on Sunday next , Nor . B , at two o ' clock ia the afternoon .
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LATEST NEWS . Forhon . —Barcelona is still exposed to the unceasing bombardment of Montjuic , h and the oitadeL The city is suffering immensely in the destruction of its publio and private buildip . gs . Still its heroi * artiianB hurl defiance at thexr barbarous and infamous assailants . Whatever be the issue of the struggle , immortal honour will be awarded to the gallant Catalans for this glorious defence of their homes and liberties against the ruffians who would turn Spain into an AoeAdema of blood and des * potism . . ; ** Pbkpi « nan , Oct . 2 \ . —The fire upon Girona continued . 1 The town of St . John has been demolished , and the battery was buried under its ruins . "
A letter from Carthegena , of the 21 st , mentions that at four o ' clock 00 . the morning of that day j a tremendous storm of vind and rain came on , and a water-spout burst there , which had done great damage . Seven I ^ rge vessels had been sunk , so « e « f them with car / r <> es on board , besides several smaller ones ; the bodi < « s 6 f four persons drowned had been taken out . The water-spout burst against the bar-Tacks whp , re the galley slaves were confined , near theaeaj Und though the edifice was an extremely solid oae , great part of the roof wag oamed away , bat the town did not suffer muoa .
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Germany . —Steam-boat Collision on thb Rhine —On the 20 th instant , two steam-boats , the Konig , going to Thai , and the Leopold , going to Berg , came into contact in the dark , and the Leopold instantly ' sunk . No fives were lost , though there were between seventy and eighty passengers on board the Leopold ; but all the luggage and cargo , including a travelling carriage , were lost . —German Paper .
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THE TRUOKSTER-LEAGUERS POUNDED to PtECES . On Friday evening , [ October 27 th , a meeting was holden in the large room attached to the Swan Inn , Doboross , cwhiohj will be remembered with pleasure by one portion j of it , and with chagrin by another portion , for a long time to come . The large room was crowded to suffocation ; and hundreds had to depart , who could not obtain admission . ! No meeting for a long period has excited , 1 so much attention as the one we are now chronicling . A great number of masters were present ; and the sequel will show that it was well for them that they were so . H . H . Broughton , Esq ., a magistrate , was in the chair ; and he introduced to the attention of the meeting Dr . Sleigh , who for about an
hour-and-a-half pleaded in defence of the rights of labour , and against the acts of the " rich oppressor . " His arguments and facts were wormwood and gall to the free trading trucksters . They could not contain their bile and spleen ; but tried to throw the meeting into confusion by most unmannerly interruptions . The foremost at ( his kind of work was one James Lees , who by some unaccountable means or other has been manufactured into a magistrate . A more pompous , conceited , ignorant , unmannerly , tough-hided brute , could not be found in all Saddleworth ; and that is saying a great deal . His conduct was most [ shameful . He failed , however in his object . The people were not with him . They laughed at him ; derided him ; and put him down I \
Dr . Sleigh , at the cloBe of his able address , introduced his admirable Memorial for the Protection of Labour , in which the ] case of Protection -o . Free Tradeism is so well stated ; and a motion was moved that the Memorial should be adopted by the meeting . j James Greaves , of Lees , once a pretended Chartist , but now employed by the Leaguers , offered a quassi sort of opposition ; but dare not venture to move an amendment . He joffered to discuss with Dr . Sleigh the question of a Repeal of the Corn Laws ,
if arrangements were made . He showed his fitness to discuss either that ; question or any other , by stating , point blank , and stoutly maintaining , even when set right , that our foreign trade alone employed one half of our population I Dr . Sleigh said , that jhe must decline such discussion , not out of disrespect to Mr . Greaves : but he had challenged Messrs . Cobden and Bright ; and both those gentlemen had declined the challenge . He had repeated it however ; and he intended to wait to see whether it was accepted or not , before he discussed with any lesser man of the League .
James Lees , the magistrate , then addressed the meeting on the question of foreign trade ; contending that it was far more important than many parties seemed disposed to oonsider it . In proof of his position he quoted ] from a statistical table , to shew that the foreign trade was more than . one-half as valuable as the home trade . Dr . Sleigb replied . He produced the table from which the hard-hided j magistrate had quoted ; and showed , moat triumphantly , that he had suppressed the truth ! He had only given a portion of the table ; that portion which seemed to favour bis position ; while the remainder he had kept in the back ground , beoause it upset the argument he had been advancing . This the Doctor showed to be the oase most conclusively , and convicted Less as a liar ia intention before the meeting .
Mr . Hobson , from Leeds , who had attended at , the request of a number of the working people , next addressed the meeting . The announcement of his name caused great consternation amongst the TRUCKiNG-masters , who were present . He had been put in possession of a number of facts of a most astounding nature , relative to the prevalence and practice of truck amongst the FREE-traders ; and he used them with terrific effect ! It was as if a bombshall had been dropped in amongst them . Tho trucking-masters quitted their { seats ; crammed themselves into corners ; got behind folks ; pulled their hats over their { eyes ; and would have sunk through the earth to ] have , got out of the place . The crowded state of the roo ^ n prevented them from departing ; or their presence would soon have been removed . The facts we shall , at Some future time , make use of ; and tell all about the doings of " Lord Lotheroale" and his set of / m-tradere , who tie their poor slaves to their own counters !
Before the memorial was put to the meeting , an amendment by way of an addition to it , was moved , to the effect that Protection to labour would be effeoted by a Repeal of the Bread and Malt taxes . When put to the vote , not thirty hands were held up for it , out of a meeting of more than five hundred . And when j the memorial was put to the votfl j not one hand was held up against it . It was earned unanimously , j James Lees then valiently challenged Dr . Sleigh to discussion ; he having heard him declare that he
should decline a set discussion with every man , until he had met either Mr . ; Cobden or Mr . Bright . This valient offer Mr . Hobson witheringly exposed ; and told the antious-for-discussion man I hat if he meant the challenge in earnest , he ( Mr . Hobson ) would accept it , and discuss the question with him . Bat Lees now fell soft . He dare not tackle to . He slunk off : and the last we heard of him , was that he was in the "bar" of jthe Swan Inn , at half-past three next morning , with ten glasses of brandy-andwater in him , hiccuping that " he was the man that could beat them all" ! 1
The Leaguers are discomfitted . Their rage is boundless ; only to be loom pared to the joy of the working people at their defeat . The tyrannies of the masters in that neighbourhood have been most monstrous . They were exposed for once ; and the guilty culprits were in the presence of the people when the exposure was made . A reduction in the wages of the men employed by the tippling-ma ^ istrate , Lees , had been effected on Monday the 2 Srd ; while the wages of the men employed by a master in his own immediate neighbourhood , a Mr . Hastings , had been enhanced some four or five shillings a--week ! The telling of those facts by Mr . Hobson had a wonderful impression on the meeting . The people in Saddleworth have had too much of the FREE-Traders to be in love with Free-Trade . {
China, Glass, Lamp, And Lustre Warehouse.
#Orti)Comfna €\)At\\&\ Jbeettng?*
# orti ) comfna € \) at \\ & \ JBeettng ?*
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LATEST FROM IRELAND . THE STATE PROSECUTIONS . —NEW EVIDENCEi—THE POLICE . } Dublin , Oct . 31 . It has , up to this time , been a question whether the Government meant to go further back than the Repeal Demonstration ! at Clifden , county of Galway , for evidence to sustain the charges against Mr . O'Connell , and the other traversera . The only informations sworn , of which copies had been supplied to the travereers , were those of Frederick Bond Hughes , the Government reporter ; sub-Inspector Ireland , of the constabulary , whose depositions relate to the Clifden meeting ;! and those of Mr . Kemmis , the Crown solicitor , who swears as to the Repeal Associationsedition , and so forth .
, I apprised you before that I had some reason to believe the Government had other witnesses ia the dark , whose names the traversers would hear for the first time when they were produced in court . In Ireland , I remarked at the time , the Crown sometimes adopted this practice , although I considered it not at all likely that . it would be resorted to in a state prosecution . According , however , to the information which has just reached me , a considerable , number of other witnesses are te be examined , besides those whose
depositions have beeni published . Orders have gone down from Dublin iCastie , directing a number of policemen , who had attended the country Repeal meetings in plain clothes , to be nr Dublin next Frid ay morningj in order that they should bo ready for examination before the term grand jury to wfiom the bills of indictment against Mr , O Connell and the other tiraversers are to be sent up . Those policemen , it j is stated , were disgaised ib plain clothes , and mixed amongst the peasantry at the meetings , dressed in every way just like
themselves . f . . . The Attorney and ! Solicitor-General , and other Counsel retained for the Crown , held a consultation for some hours yesterday , of coarse regarding the framing of the indictment , and generally respecting the prosecution . j ,, « ,, " . ,. The indictments against Mr . O'Connell and the other traversers are enormous in length . They are to be sent before the Grand Jury on Thursday or Friday . If true bills should be found , copies of the indictments are to be furnished to the traversers ,
who will , probably , also , be served with a notice to plead within four days . As the indictments are bo extremely voluminous , this would be most difficult , if not impossible , and i in all likelihood the Judge will allow an extension of time for pleading . Mr . Justice Burton , and not Chief Justice Pennefather , is to address the Grand Juries for city and county at the opening of Term on Thursday next . * Already great numbers of people are arriving from the country to witness tho state trials—Afomtny Chronicle . Thursday ]
MORE BARRACKS . The Government have determined on fitting up additional barracks on the Coom . be , ia the liberties of Dublin . !
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STATE OF CL 3 TBH . The Northern Whig of Tuesday contains th © following statement , which has created no small surprise here , as it has reference to the so called M Protestant North : "" Military Precautions in Belfast . —We really were not aware that our rulers were providing so anxiously as they appear to be doing for the safety of the good people of Belfast . Mr . Gibson , assistant barrister for the county Antrim , found it necessary * yesterday ( Monday ) , to apprise the grand jurors , on ' charging' them , that if they could not
manage to finish their business by five o ' clock in the evening , they would do weU to decamp ; otherwise they would have to encounter a ' charge * very different from his . In short , a strong body of military march down every evening , headed by a trumpeter , to sound an alarm , if occasion require , and take possession , for the night , of the room in whioh ihe Grand Jury are in the habit of meeting . This has been the case for some time past . It appears to be part of the system of caution acted upon by the Government ; but , besides being apparently very unnecessary throughout , it becomes inconsistent and offensive at present .
' " We understand that more loop-hole-ing is going on here , and that arrangements aie-ia progress for calling out and organizing the pensioners in this district . The ' rebels' may surely now give it up aa a bad job .
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x . ___ NORTHERN ; STAR , j 5
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 4, 1843, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1237/page/5/