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C GRIMSHAW. and Co. 10, Goree Piazeas, • Liverpool ^ are tbe sole Agents for Second Cabin and Steerage Passengers by the
C$arti£t 3hnrliisnuf.
33an^r«pt^ &c.
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" OLD" or " BLAGK BALL" Line of Packet Ships , from Liverpool for New York , Bailing punctually ontheTth and 19 th of each Month ; they have also other first-Tate American Ships for New York , on the 1 st , 13 th , or 25 th of each month , and occasionally to PHILADELPHIA , BOSTON , BALTIMOBE ^ andKEW ORLEANS . TO QUEBEC AiS D NEW SOUTH WALES . Applications , personally or by letter , will be promptly attended to , and the lowest rates and every information gi ? ea .
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BLAIR'S GOUL AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Case communicated by Mr . Lloyd , Chemist and Druggist , Richmond , Surrey , to Mr . T . T . Prout . 229 , Strand , Loudon . May 3 , 1842 SIR , —The wife of a person residing in St John ' s Green , in this place , came to my shop a little time since , for a box of your Pills for her husband . She told sie that previous to his taking them he had a violent attack of the Gout , which sometimes laid hint up for weeks and months together , but since taking them , the last six years he has never been laid up , and only xequirea one dose of Pills to set him to rights . I have seen tho husband since ( yesterday , May 2 nd , 1842 ) , and he told me the same exactly and moreover says , be never takes any other medicine . This , I can as 3 ure you , is not a solitary instance . I invariably fiud them do good whenever I have sold them . The parties say they shall be happy to give any information in their power , as public benefit . I am , Sir , yputa respectfully , E . LLOYD . Chemist , Post Office , Riohmond , Surrey . The testimonials of the astonishing efficacy of Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic P'lla are uniyereally accompanied by the fact , that no inconvenience of any sort attends its administration , but that the patient , without feeling the operation of the medicine , is universally left in a stronger and better state of health than experienced previous to being afflioted with this disease ; and in all cases of acute Buffering , great relief is obtained in a few hours , and a oure ia generally effected in two or three days . See Testimonials of Lieutenant Masters ( of Hawley , near Bagshot ) , late of the Royal Newfoundland Veteran Companies , who was invalided home , by a Garrison order ; the Rev . Dr . Blombergj the Chevalier de la Garde ; Mr . Cosher , Beaconsfield ; Mr . Riohard Stone , Luton ; Mrs . Chambers , Maidatone ; i John J . Giles , Esq ., Frimley ; Mr . Lance * Black * water ; Mr . Inwood , Pirbright ; and that of T . R . Mandall , Esq ., Coroner , Donoaater , whose testimony demonstrate this preparation to be one of th& greatest discoveries in medicine . Sold by T . Prout , 229 , Strand , London , Prioe 2 s . 9 d . per box , and by his appointment , by Heaton , Hay , Alien , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Newsome , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Leods ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis & Son , Moxon , Little , Hardman , Liuney , Hargrove , York ; Brooke & Co ., Walker & Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judsoa , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ; Foegitt , Coatea , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold ; England , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; Cameron , Knaresbro '; Pease , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadoaster ; Rogerson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Pontefraot ; Cordwell . Gill , Lawton , Dawson , Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Waite , Horrogate ; Wall , Barnsloy ; and all respectable Medicine Vendors throughout the kingdom . Ask for Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatio Pills , and observe the name and address of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " impressed upon the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Genuine medicine .
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' Messrs . Perry and Co have removed their Establishment Jrom Birmingham to No . 19 , Berners-street Oxford-street , London . Mfc
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THE THinTEENTH EDITION . Just Published , Price 23 . Cd ., in a sealod envelopo , and pfent Free to wry part of tho United Kingdom on tho receipt of a Post Office Order for 3 d . 6 d , THE SILENT FRIEND , A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in botb sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability o f manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : — with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on tho partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhaea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work ia Embellished with Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , Dy eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode op curb for both Bcxea ; followed by observations on the OBLIGATIONS OP M ARUI AGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . Bt R . and L . PERRY , and Co ., Consulting Scrqeoh ? , London . Published by the Authors ; sold by Heaton , and Buckton , Briggate , Leeds ; Strange , Paternesterrow ; Field , 65 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Purkis , Compton-street , Soho , London : Guest , 51 , Bullstreet , Birmingham ; and by all booksellers in town and country . THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYR 1 ACUM . Isagentlestimulantand renovator oftheimpaired functionsof life , and ^ exclusively directed to the cure of such eomplainte as arise from a disorganisation of the Generative System , whether constitutional or acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgence in solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their Bystem , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality ; kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field of seduoive error , — into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious application of those inherent rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her species ; bringing on premature decripitude , and all the habitudes of old age . Constitutional weakness , sexual debility , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , total impoiency aad barrenness are effectually removed by this iuvaluable medicine . Sold in Bottles , price Us . each , ar tho quantity of four in one Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one 11 s . bottle is saved . Prepared only by Messrs . PERRY & Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Beraera-street , Oxford-street , London . None are genuine without the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye . The Fire Pound cases , ( the purck * sing of which will b « a saving of one pound twelve shillings ;) may be had as usual at 19 , Barnera-street , Oxford-street , London , Patients in tho country who require a course of this admirable medicine , should Bend Five Pounds by latter , , which will entitle them to the full benefit oi such advantage . May ! be had of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Medioine Venders in town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continont of Europe and America , of whom may be had the " Silent Frien » . " Messrs . PERRY expeot when consulted by letter , the usual fee one pound , without which , no notice whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients are requested to be as minute as possible n the detail of their oases . PERRY ' S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ,, and 11 s . perT > ox , ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . on the outside of each wrapper ) are well known throughout Europe and Ameriea , to be the most certain and effectual cure ever dyseovered for every stage and eymptom of a certain disease , in both sexes , including Gottwrhsea ,, Gleets , SaooudaTy Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , Deficiency , and all diseases of the Urinary Passages , without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from business . They have effected tha most surprising cures , not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all other means have failed ; they remove Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part of the body , Uloerations , Scrofulous or Venereal Taint , being calculated to cleanse the blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid affection , and restore weak and emaciated constitutions t # pristine health and vigour . Messrs . Perry and Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted as usual , at 19 , Berners-skrcet , Oxford-street , London , punctually , from Eleven in the Morning until eight in the Evening , and on Sundays from Eleven till One . Oaly one personal visit 18 required from a country patient , to enable Messrs . Perry and Co ., to givesuob advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent and effectual euro , after all other meana have pmeo ineffectual . N . B . Country Druggists , Booksellers , Pateat Medicine Venders , &c . can be supplied with any quantity of Perry ' s Purifying Specifio Pills , and Cordial Balm of Syriacum , witli the usual allowance to the Trade , by most of the principle Wholesale Patent Medicine Housoa in London . [ Sold by Mr . Hjjaton , 7 , Briggate , Les . ds .
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STIRLING REES' ESSENCE . THE high enobmiums bestowed oil this unrivalled Preparation by the most eminent Surgeons , as well as the strong recommendations of Patients who have experienced , its Salutary and Beneficial Effects , and the great and increasing demand for it from all parts of the World , prore its decided superiority over every other Medioine in present use , for the speedy and effectual Cure of that particular class of Diseases for which those dangerous , nauseous , and uncertain Medicines , Copaiva and Mercurial , have hitherto been tool frequently resorted to . It generally effects a perfect Cure in the short space of three or four days , and in recent oases sometimes sooner , without danger of a return , which so often occurs after trusting to Copaiva , &c , for a cure . It contains , in a concentrated state , all the efficacious parts of Sarsaparilla , combined with other well-tried and approved alteratives , which make it an excellent remedy for secondary symptoms , pains of the bones , glandular swellings , chronic rheumatism , scrofulous scorbutio eruptions , blotches and pimplea , and ail disorders originating from Impurity of blood . In oases of debility , attended with lassitude , nervous depression of spirits , and Io 38 of vigour , brought on by early imprudence , improper habits , long residence in hot or unhealthy climates , and other causes , it has been found to quickly produce a beneficial change , restoring healta , energy , and vigour throughout the whole system . For weakness and obstructions peculiar to Females , it has in numerous cases proved invaluable . Prepared only by tho Proprietor , J . W . Stirling , Chemist , No . 86 , High-street , Whitechapel , in Bottles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., 10 s ., and 20 ) . each , from whom it oan be sent to any part of the world upon inclosing the amount .
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WONDEkS FOR A PENNY ! 11 THE BEST AJJD CHEAPEST ALMANACK ! OLD MOORE'S ALIHAITACS , For the year \ of human redemption ^ 1844 . npHIRTY-TWO Pages , with seventeen Engrav-X ings , containing Rules for the Preservation of Health ; List of Fairs ; the Wisest Sayings of the Wisest Men ; Prophetic Hieroglyphic adapted to the Times ; Stamp Tables ; Table to calculate Wages ; Corn Law Soale ; Table of Wars since the Revolution in 1688 ; Prophecies and Proverbs ; Summary of the British Parliament ; the British Navy ; Gardener ' s Calendar ; Farmer ' s Calendar ; the Weather , calculated from never-failing data ; Eclipses ; Moon's ! Rising and Setting ; and all that can be expected m an Almanack . * * Town and { Country Booksellers , and Agents , desirous of securing an early supply of this deservedly popular Almauaok , must give their orders immediately , j London : Ingram amd Coobe , Crane-court , Fleetstreet . >
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SECRECY .-SUCCESFUL TREATMENT . i- MEDICAL ! ESTABLISHMENT , 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds . IT may be stated as a fact , that there' is no disease which has demanded more , or received lesa , attention from the Medical Profession generally , than Lues Venera . From this cause alone , it is allowed to sweep away hundreds of victims annually . By the application of proper remedies , ninety-nine out of every hundred of these might be saved . But to attain this , it is necessary that a Medical Practitioner should devote his time almost exclusively to the consideration of this most insidious and dangerous disease . It appears under so many varied forms , and aaammes so many different aspects , that nothing but coHstant experience can enable even the most devoted student to detect and eradicate it . When a Medical Man abandons the general practice of the Profession , and devotes his studies entirely to this particular branch , ] then he at once looses caste , and is brauded by his colleagues as a Quack . In defiance of this contumelious epithet , WILKINSON AND CO ., Beg to state that they continue to apply all their knowledge and experience to the eradication of this baneful Disorder , finding a sufficient recompense in the happiness which they have been the means of restoring to thousands who would , in all probability , have otherwise sunk prematurely into the grave . i . - This Establishment has now been open upwards of seven years , during whioh period , thousands of cases have been treated , and in no one instance has the patient been disappointed of an effectual cure . In most instances , a few days have sufficed to eradicate the Disease ; but where the disorder has been allowed to make sonoas inroads by delay or unskilful management , more time has necessarily been required to comolete the cure . ! W . and Co ., know of no instance where any establishment devoted to the care of the same class of disease , has maintained so long a standing , which must be regarded as a conclusive proof of their integrity and ability . i Long experience has enabled them to produce a remedy which is applicable to almost every stage of the disease . Their PURIFYING DROPS Have been used in thousands of cases , and with the most signal success ! Perhaps no Medicine was ever offered to the Public , which has been so efficacious in restoring the diseased to health and vigour They are powerful and speedily efficacious , in the most obstinate as well las recent cases . A Treatise of twelve pages is given with them , explaining the various aspects of the Disease ; and the directions are so full and explicit , that persons of either sex may oure themselves without even the knowledge of a bedfellow . I In compliance with the wishes of many of their Patients , Wilkinson and Co ., a short time ago , published a Work , entitled THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISER ; Price Two Shillings ; and Sixpence , or sent free to the most remote parts of the kingdom ( in a sealed envelope ) on the receipt of a Post-office Order , for Three Shillings audj Sixpence . Within the space of six months a very large edition of thi 3 valuable Work has been disposed of , which will be a sufficient test of its importance . It is a Practical Treatise on the Prevention and Care of the Venereal Disease , and other affections of the urinary and sexual ; organs , in both sexes , with a mild and successful mode of treatment , in all their forms and consequences ; especially Gleet , Stricture , affections of tbe Bladder , Prostrate Glands , Gravel , < fce . ; shewing also the dangerous consequences of Mercury , such a& eruptions of the skin , pain in the body , A . 0-, with plain directions for a perfect restoration—embellished with Engravings . An ample consideration of the disease of the woman ; also nervous debility ; including a comprehensive Dissertation on the anatomy of marriage , impuissance , celibacy , sterility or barrenness , and other various interruptions of the laws -of ; nature . Also , observations on tho Secret Sin of Youth , which entails such fearful consequences on its victims . This invaluable little Work , together with their PuriffinK Drops and other Medicines , may be had of W . & . Co .. at their Establishment , 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds ; or of the following ' i AGENTS . Leedo . —Mr . Heaton , Bookseller , 7 , Briggate , and at the Times Office , i Liverpool—At thephrenicle Office , 25 , Lord-street . Manchester—Mr . i Watkinson , Druggist , 6 , Markefc place . j Ripon—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market-place . Wakefield—Mr . Hurst , Bookseller . High- Harrogate , and Knaresboro '—Mr Langdale Bookseller . | Barnsley—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Marketplace . \ York—Mr . Hargrove'B L > brary , 9 , Coney-street . Sheffield—At the Iris Office . Beverley—Mr . Johnson , bookseller . Halifax—Mr . Hartley , Bookseller . HuddersEeld—Mr ] Dewhirat , 37 , New-street . Bradford—Mr . Taylor , Bookseller , near to the Post-office . 1 Nottingham—At tha Review Office . Newark—Mr Bridges , Bookseller . Pontefract—Mr , Fox , Bookseller . Gainsborough—Mf . R , Brown , Bookseller . Mansfield—Mr . S . jDobson , Newe-agent , 519 , Belvedere-street , j Boston—Mr . Noble , Bookseller . Louth—Mr . Hurton , Bookseller . Hun—At the Advertiser Office , Lowgate , and Mr . Noble ' s Bookseller , Market-place . W . and Co ., may be consulted daily at their Residence , Id , Trafalgar Street , Leeds , from Nine in the morning till Ten at Night , and on Sundays till Two . Also at No 4 , George-street , Bradford , every Thursday from Ten till Fife . Mi dicinea and Books may be had at either of the above places . To Patients at a distance , W . and Co ., offer the most certain assurances of a Core . During the last seven years , immense numbers of both sexes hare beep effectually cared , who have merely sent in writing a description of their symptoms . A remit * t&noe of £ \ is required before medicine and advice can bd sent ; but parties may rely upon the most prompt apd faithful ] attention . Medicines are invariably sent off the day aftier receiving the remittance , and they are so securely packed as to ensure their safe transit , and escape observation . i All patients at thj 3 Establishment are ander { he care of ] regularly edncated members of the Profeesion . i
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¦ L . ETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS 11 Northern Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . frfpenfclemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , afc IX your earliest convenience , the same quantity of PARR'S LIFE PILLS as last sent . Whilet am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the flattering intelligence of the great good your pills are doing in Leed 3 and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely because it is a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to the publio health . The fact is , however , predjudvee is fast giving way , as it always must where the pills are tried . A few cases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted . " A young female came into the shop to-day fox a box , who stated that they had done her immense f ood . She had been troubled with a hoarseness so ad that no one could hear her speak ; but having taken a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , she was completely restored , as was evident by the way she spoke" Very many case of extraordinary enres have oeearred among the aged workpeople , both male and female . In one mill , an aged couple , enfeebled by disease and debilitated by premature old age , had become almost past work ; they were persuaded to try a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , and ia a week were restored and strengthened that they could pursue their employment with pleasure ana profit ; so much t , o , that from being unable to work at their calling more than two days in the week , and this with great physical difficulty and languor , they can now not only do a full Week's work , bat oterhours besides . Bad as trade is here , the old p « opla being favourites with the mill owner , are enabled to get as muoh employment aa they can do , which haa excited the envy of those younger persons who bad been employed in their absence ; and it is : a laughable fact , that Parr ' s Pills come ro for a Bhare of their rancour . The old people continue to take the pills regularly in small quantities , and find them aa necessary to their health and prosperity as their daily food . "The next and last case which I shall mention at this time , is one of a most extraordinary nature . I have not seen the individual myself , butl shall . give you the fact as I have received it from his employers and from Mr . J . Hobson , who has frequently seen him since hia convalesance . The man is a working mechanic- and had spent about thirty poundB last year on the doctor , in going to the Isle of Man and other places , for the benefit of his health , but to no purpoao . His food had consisted for along time of nothing but rice milk , the stomach refusing to take anything stronger . His body waa greatly emaciated and his temporal prospects clouded ; with & mind filled with melancholy forebodings for the future , he returned to bis friends at Leeds , where he was told by his medical adviser that should he be restored a little , his disorder would have its periodical return ; but being advised to try PARR'S LIFE PILLS , he bought a few boxes , which have completely removed his disease , and enabled him to return to his work , " where he was seen a few days ago by Mr . Hobson , ( it being dinner hour ) eating beef-steaka with great gusto ; and to whom he recited with pleasure and gratitude the cause of his then healthy condition , together with a long history of bis past affliction " Should the above three cases of cureB be worthy of your notice , you are at perfect liberty to make what use of them you think proper . I am . Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , "WILLIAM HICK . To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court Fleet-street , London . " MIRACULOUS CURE FROM THE USE OF PARR ' S LIFB PILLS . Copy of a Letter just received by the Proprietors from Mr . Wm . Moat , 3 , Cobbett-street , Shaw ' s Brow , Saiford . " To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . " Gentlemen , —I have the utmost pleasure in forwarding you this my own case of cure , effected solely by the persevering use of your Pabs ' s Life Prcu . Before having recourse to them , I had been for upwards of five years afflicted with a most distressing malady , which tbe different medical men who attended me all pronounced to be a aeriouB case of hydrocele ( or dropsy of the scrotum ) , and declared there Was no other chance of either relief or cure than undergoing a surgical operation . I was thus driven almost to despair ; and consulted the treatise written by Sir Astley Cooper , wherein he states that the operation is generally attended with considerable danger . I therefore determined not to risk so painful and uncertain an experiment , but rather chose to leave the result to nature and Providence . Fortunately , I heard of tbe great fame of Pabb's Life Pills , and resolved to give them a fair trial . I consequently took them for some time without perceiving any benefit , bnt still kept persevering ; and I have now taken twelve boxes , and to my great joy I am perfectly well , the dropsy is entirely removed , together with & scorbutic affection , which I had beea much troubled with since my return from India ia 1827 ; and now there is not a vestige of disease left in my whole system , as I am now in better health and spirits than I have been for fourteen years . I feel certain you would have accounts of far more cures , if people would persevere in the use of the pills a proper length of time , as I have done . I give you my heartfelt thanks , and authority io publidi this letter , and will gladly answer any application * either personally or by letter , and remain yoar grateful and obliged servant . ( Signed ) " W . MOAT . 41 Wiiues 8—John . Hough , Cheadle , carrier . * ' Manchester , Feb . 7 , 1842 . " PB 0 M MR . HEATON , BOOKSELLER , LEEDS . "To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . " " Gentlemen , —I am happy to Inform you that WO are daily hearing accounts of the good effects Of Pabu ' s Life Pills ; to enumerate the cases world be a task too formidable for me , and which has prevented my writing to inform you before * as I can hardly tell where to begin . One man said he wanted a box of Life Pills for Life Pills they were to him they had done him id much good , in relieving him of an obstinate cough and asthma . " Another said they were worth their weight in gold ! as he was not like the same man since he had taken them . "Another said his wife had had a bad leg for years , but after taking one small box , which waa recommended by his Class Leader , her leg was much better , and when she had taken the second box , is was quite as well as the other . "A very respectable female said her husband had been afflioted above two years , and had tried many things , but since he had taken Park ' s Life Pius he was quite a new man . "You will please send immediately , by Deacon's waggon , 36 dozen boxes at Is . l £ d ., and 6 dozen at 2 s . 9 d . " I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , ?' JOHN HEATON . " 7 , Briggate , Leeds , Feb . 9 th , 1842 . 'To Messrs . T . Roherts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London . " ' Another most extraordinary case of cure , communicated by Mr . Moxon , ef York : —Mrs , Mathers , of that city , had for many yeara been affected with a most inveterate disease , which her medical attendants pronounced to be cancer . It originated in her breast , and Continued to spread nearly all over her body , defying every effort of surgical skill . Parr ' s Life Pills being recommended to her , she resolved to give . them , a trial ; and , speaking of the result , she say she cannot express the inconoeiveabl © advantage which she ha 3 already derived from them . She further states , that she is now almost well , and ascribed her convalescence solely to the persevering use of that sovereign medicine—Parr's Life Pills . N 3-Any one doubting the accuracy of the above statement , jaay , through the agent ( Mr . Moxon ) , bo directed to Mrs . Mathers , who will herself authenticate its truth . —York , Nov . 17 th , 1842 . CAUTION— -BEWARE OF IMITATIONS . In order to protect the public from imitations , the Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the words Parr ' s Lifjb Phas to be engraved on tha Government Stomp , which is pastei round the sides of each box , in white fetters on o rbd grentiai Without this mark of authentUaty they swrespurioss and an . imposition ! Prepared by the Proprietors , T . Roberta andXo ., 9 v Cnuae Court , Fle et-street . London ; aid sold wholesale by their appointm * n % by E . Edwards , 57 , St . Patvb , also ^ y Barclays an * Sons , Farringdon-street , and Sutton and Co ., W " Churchyard ; Said by Joshua Hobson , $ <* % ?? Star Office , Leeds ? a » d at 3 , Market Walk , » ^ dersfield ; and retail by at least one agent in e *« J to wain the United Kingdom , and by most respect *" ! dealers in medioine , Prioe Is . lid ., 2 s . ' wJL family boxes Us , e . aoi , Full duwtfwi are g " with each box .
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X . OSJDON . —REPEAL ! Ke ? EaL !! Repeal . !!—A jmt-iic meetiBg "w-s fce } d on 3 ? riCay evening last , at the JJlaj of "Prncri * Fair-street , Too ! ey-stre «* , SoniQ-warfc , to > ear 3 lecture trow . Pear ^ aa O'Go nror , "Bsq The ipci . 1 selected , altt&ngh tolerably spacious , -was sot 1 sx £ t » enough for the purpose , aud » a 3 conipqnently Eioit incoaveinentty crowded ; the people literally befrg or * opon the oibw . The proceeding * commenced at eight precisely . Mr . Dwayne was called-io the * chair , acd psssed an high tnlogiBHi od what be styled the Uln-trions House of O'Connor , and said he would conter-t himself by calling on their lineal descendant to acuress ^ them—( chetrs ) . Mr . OC-nuor then rose and Bsid—3 come not Ihtb to speak of on * nation , bnt both nsl ' z-jzis . BusIsbS and Ireland . Tis question of Bepeal
is ciinore importance now than at any funuer-period—{ IokJ cheers ) . No matter what the condition of Wales —eo matter what the condition of Scotland . Ireland is pre- * siiaent—iheai , hear ) . He liad made Ireland his Etc-iy ; he knew her history as wpII as wiy pan . Talk of paternal Government , and Imperial Legislation i Ixtiasd bad a paternal Government , and Imparted the sufilmtaifcs ol tco-wledge to surrcnndicg Dafiona , trading who all the world before England was known . Her Tsltrs bad tried te blot out her name from the map of Eoispe , and cause her to become & nonentity ; but , tturi God , Ebehad agais reared her brad and would ere long be a nation again—( lond cheers ) . , He had been revDed by hia own eonEtrjmen ; yet be had been an ? : CYocate for a Hspeal * I that Union , as long as any
mar . ; he bad advocated the cause of his conn try for -Hp-rarfs of twenty yiars , tt-u of them in Ireland , sn * met © than ten in England—ftear , hear ) . He tad seme good news for them . The Times of that day tronsht the bbwb that the Attorney-General had 3 Eat ; 6 another blonder . The pies of abatement is accepted , and thus the case is likely to fall throngh and OCvnreH and the rest of the traTersers obtain an acquittal—llcnd , lunr . and continued cbetring for some tHr ^ i . He learned also that signal fires bltzsd fri , m every Mil , and that the Orangemen were crying aloud for -more arms to resist the just Tjghta , and keep in ¦ fcondige , Ihei * Caihulie lellotr countrymen , lit . O'Con-BOr then related majay an&cdotes of an interesting and highly exciting nature , that teld well spon his
conntryxaen who were present Ireland- sober could now appeal from Ireland drank—thanks to Father Mashew trho bad blessed her with eyes—[ hear , hear ) . What was the difference between Irish exports and imports ? Why , they exported useful pigs and impertea useless parsons—( lond laughter ) . When Belgium was connected with Holland , she was poor sad oppressed ,- so it is with Ireland in her connection with England : bnt now Balgium as an independent nation , -was last iising to -wealth and greatness . What had England done lor Ireland ? . Nothing . Catholic Emancipation was no boon ; tithes were still collected—ibear , hear ) . Petl repealed one hundred and seventy Acts at Taxliament in bringing bis tariff into operation . Ireland onJy asked the Bepeal of one ; and he knew of nothing
tint could prevent hex obtaining a domestic legislature —( load cheers ) . In Ireland a \ l the offices were filled with strangers . Ireland , to be besefitted , mnst have a . Parliament elected by her own sons . AH tizai uare arrived z \ the age of tweBiy-one must have a voice in making it Mr . O'Connor th- _ n proceeded to show that so long 23 ProtecLan : land g&re the franchise , the indusbious Catholics of Ireland would sot derive , any benefit from mere Repeal—( cheers ) . Hence the necessity of the people being the law-makers , instead of the land . When man himself possessed the Tote , " his person being his title deed "—then , and then only , he -would be respected , and Ms interest protected . If Ireland had so other grievance , that of the church alone -was a monster . Only think of the persons en the seventh day , rtftTnirittg those who fed them the preceding sixtkmd cries of shame , shame ) . We might { said Mr . O'Connor ) file a bill of indictment against ier rulers for ineompetescy . They have just sent men over now
to ask what was the matter . They ought to have done this forty-ttrea years Ego . They Ithe Commissioners ) win tell a cock and a bull story about improvements of lands , and xtie breeding of catUe ; bnt not a TtoJd abont class legislation—tht > real cause -of all tie mischief—Xeheera ) . The Chartist * with whom be had the hononr to be associated bad been slandered and villifled—( load cries of hear , tear ]—> ut in advocaticg and agitating for their own rights , they had never forgotten thsrir Irish bretbraa , and they would be found among Ireland ' s staonchest fripnds—( hear ^ bear ) . Tears ago , he looked on Englishmen aa the natural enpmies of Ireland . Now bis pKJndkes were dissipated . After the present favourable introduction he bad ba 4 , lie should pay them more frequent tImu . He was quite rare no Irishman was here voluntarily . Ko , tLty were too fond of tiie land of their birth . Let but the green Bag be Mt oxea hoisted and the ; would flock back again—ilond cheers ) .
Mr . O'Connor then retired in consequence of the beat of the room . Three cheers kaving been given for the Charter ; &ZB 8 lot Bspeal ; three for Daniel O'Connell ; and three groans fcr ths Aitomey General , t&e mefeiing" then BepaTatfcd , thfi Comsiittee waltisg to enrol members is the K&tionsl Charter Asaoci&tion .
BKAMATIC E 5 T £ BTA 1 ? MEST TOB THK BENEFIT oi xhs 2 f jlHo ^ ai Yictim Frap . —The mtinbera of the Xocdoj Amateur Dramatic Society gave their first . publicperformance in aid of the above fund , at tie Boyal Stxndasd Theafcre , High-atrest , Sboreditch , on Thursday evening , 2 fov . 16 ih . Tfee per fonsances- selected were the melodrama of " Ella Ho » enberg ; ' the fourth act cf " Venice Preserved ; " and the farce of «• The Weathercock . ' Tbe amatenrs were aided by several member * of the •¦ Standard Company , " and by Ur . Cnffay , whose singing was warmly encored . Tfae performances gave general aatirfactlon to a house tolerably well filled by a highly respectable audience . We hope that the patriotic intentions of the projectors will be folly realized bj leaving something for the victims ' exchequer . "My CULHX lecttrred at tbe Working Men ' s Eall , Mile End Road , on " Tie present prospects of ctaxsiam , " on Snadsy fiTening last .
Mx . Camekos delivered & l&ctare on the pnxeiples ot the Charter , at the Mechanics * Institute , Circua-atrett , Maryiebone , on Sunday , Nov . 19 th . Disibict Co ^ scil—Pursuant to pnblie notice the Exscunve matin tbe above Hall , at Tarsagain-lane , * n Sosday afteriioon . Messrs . Clark , Wheeler , M'Gratb and ^ Boui were present on behalf of tbe Executive . Tub district councillors attended in good . ere& . Mr . JLcke King waa unaBimoaBly called to ihe chair . Much interesting business waa transacted After which the meeting adjoBraed . SVTTSS . TO THE EXECCTITB—A pnblic supper waB given to celebrate the accession to cfice of the above , at the Two Brewers . Vine-street , Hatton Wall , on jtanday evening , J ? ov . 19 zb , by a large body of Chartista andlSepealers . Mr . Preston was called to the chair , and Mi . A . Sharp vice , when a considerable number of teasts and Kntlments were given and ably responded to .
Tbs . VsiTSjy Boot axd SHosafAKERs held their nsaal weekly meeting at the Cannon cofice boase , Oldstreet , on Sunday Nov . 19 th , when the question , Do the people possess information to exercise the elective franchise beneficially for themselves , " was opened by Mr . 3 PCsrthy maintaining the affirmative . Several members and others delivered their sentiments in a manner which reflected great credit on them : This locality numbers 69 members , and bids fair to become -very muoErous . Tbe question was again adjourned to SuriS&y , November 26 th , and wDl be opened by Mx . J . Clark . BE-OECAXIZATIOK OF THE iTXTBOPOLIS ASD ITS JB 5 TjBO 5 S-rAll perEons desiions of aiding the above object by leadwiiig efficient services as local lecttirers , are regnesred to forward their names and address to itr-I . 3 L TFbeelez , 2 * 3 } , Temple 3 sr , without flel&J .
BB 1 STOI * . —Mr . Crouch , cf Kidderminster , delivered ft lectors in tie Democratic Chapel , Bear-lane , Temple-Btreet , on Sunday evening last , te an attentive audience . CARLISIiS . —^ 33 BEIIS 6 OP THB COCJiCll OP THE Ckaxtist AS 30 CIATIO 5 . — ibe above-named body met at their room , 6 , Jubaatxeel , Cildewgate , < m Sunday last , for the purpoea of arranging the bnsiae&s of the AEodat en and taking such steps as might be deemed ueceeaary to forward tbe new plan of Organization . Since ilr . O'Connort visit to this place , a coHsiderable number of eards of membership have been taken out in addition to upwards ef three hundred which that jenHeman disposed of on the evening of bis leciure , and we have eo doubt bat those who have taken on % eards wfli fulfil tbe duties thus imposed npon them . BRXSTOI ^ -Mr . Clirk , member of the Executive , tectuied according io acnonncement on Monday , Nor . 29 tb ,. sti 2 > e Danoraaxic Ciapel , Bear-lane , W 1
? j , ^ - ~ C 0 OraaAlIOX . —On Monday lasi , ^ S ^* * ¥ ***¦ ft « W « Store Society held it * Kie Bocmy was ig a ilourishing condition It com-J wnS ^ T * * J ast , «^««««• « S ordy K , { w ^ chbas now uicreised to upwards of ., £ 300 of &w ^ i ferent djfitecte of U * towa , and the sale , for the last quarter a ^ eogtd upwards o ! £ iio per week . As ever article in tbe provmon line is sold in xhe society ' s itores as near the cort price ss possible , it has fceen found a great public benefit , ft having operated as a powerful cheefcapon the rapidity of the retailers . Any parties wishing a copy of the lules of the society- may nave % eopjl > j applying to the Secretary of the Chartisi 3 > «> - vision Store , Hawick , by indosing two pes&y postage stampa .
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DOKFERIttlilKE . —On Monday » eek , Mt Gammage delivered alectnre in the Melton-Green Hall , on fi « preerat position of Chartism and the necessity of Organiialionj ^ coidiEg to ike " Hew Plan . " ' Mr . Si Commenced by ahOTSiBg that il was class l ^ lalation QlafVaS the ea&SB cl ike pr&eal sia . \ e of things , and unless tbe Cbarter was made tbe law of tee land we could never better om condition . He showed the propriety of nniting , for ¦ without s saalooj dttermiDation » ok to be led asttay by any political faction we sever ¦ would gain our object , ilr . Gammage ' s lettne gave great sfttis&f ^ OB .
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BhAPFOKD . —On Sunday , at two o ' clock in the afternoon , Mr . Kydd , of Newcastle , lectured " on tbe Cbarter , and how to get it" There waB present a great number of the middle classes . Thos . I > -aie , si Thornton , in tbe chair . Mr . Kydd reviewed the various nostrums now before the public , and eloquently combatted the arguments of tbe claptrap agitators of the day . He then clearly proved to the entire satis faction of the meeting , that the plan proposed by Mr . O'Connor , in the Star of tbe 16 th of September , of exclusive dealing , would be a sure and safe method of compelling the shopkeepers to become Chartists , and thereby nil the House of Commons with Chartist member ? . Mr . Kydd concluded a very argumentative address by calling on those who who were not
members , to come forward and enrol themselves Chartists . — Mr . Kydd lectured in tb . 9 large Room , Bntterworthfcttildings , on Sunday evening . Subjeot— " Ireland for the Irish , Bepeal of the legislative TJnioa ;* 'Mr . Smyth in the cbair . A great numbsr of Irishmen were pre-Bent . Mr . Kydd -very forcibly enumerated the wrongs and oppression which at at all times were nnsparingly awarded to the sister country : he showed the evils of a state church , both in a religious and EOfii&l "view ; and . called on the Eogli » h Chartists to reader every assistance in their power to their Irish brethren , to obtain justice for aU . At the conclusion of the lecture Mr . Kydd moved the following resolution— " That in the opinion of this meeting , Ireland is folly entitled to a Bepeal of the Legislative Union ; and we therefore
express our sympathy with that portion of the Irish people , who are agitating for that change . We there fore call on men holding similar opinions , to give them publicity throunb- the medium of tbe press , pnblie meetings , * c &c ; and hope that the Irish people generally will perceive the neceaHy of using their energies to effect a reconciliation between Mr . O'Connell , the leader of the Repeal movement , and Mr . O'Connor , 40 as to bring to bear on one point the talent and influence cf those great men for the purpose of destroying tyrannical factions , and gaining for England , I reland , and Scotland their legitimate rights . " Tbe resolution was seconded by Mi . Welsh , a Repeal warden , and carried unanimously amid great applause . Mr . Hurlej moved—• ' That in the opinion of this meeting the
conduct of government is parting a stop to the Clontarf meeting was unconstitutional in the extreme ; and such unjost interference on the part of the government ought to be censored and deprecated by every consistent friend to liberty . And that the conduct which the Irish Attorney-General is pursuing in tbe present state trials is highly censurable . " Mr . Rosa seconded th « motion , and it was carried unanimously . Mr . Anderson moved and Mr . Ibbetsen seconded— " That the foregoing resolutions be sent to the Northern Star and Nation newspapers with a request to tbe Editors to insert them . '" A . vote of thanks « ras carried by acclamation to the lecturer , and the meeting separated , both English and Irish declaring that all differences between them should henceforth cease .
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From the London GaxetU of Friday , Nov . 17 . BANKBDPTS . Samuel P ^ ars , of 7 , Old Jewry , winft-merchant , to snrrendtr November 29 , at half-past two o ' clock , and January 5 . at half-past eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr . Edward Goillaume , 26 , Bucklersburyj Mr . W . Wbitmore , official assignee , J , Basingh all-street Tbomas Ball Wood , of Penton-street , Pentonville , draper , If ovembfr 39 , at half-past one , and January 5 , at two , at the Court of . Bankruptcy , London . Solicitors , Messrs . Seed and Shaw , 2 , Friday-street ; Mr . W . Wbitmore , official assignee . 2 , Basinghall-street
William Htyward and John Jennings , of Walbrook , City , commission agents , November 24 , at twelve , and January 1 , at half-past twelve , at the Court of BankrapVcy , London . Solicitors . Messrs . Bead and Shaw , Friday-street ; Mi . George John Graham , official assignee , 25 , Coleinan-street . Thomas Thorpe , sow or late of Chertsey , and of Woking , Surrey , and of Feltham , plumber , November 33 , at one , and December 21 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitors , Messrs . Allen and Xicol , Qneen-street , Chvap » de ; Mr . Craorge James Grabim , official assignee . Cole man-btree * .
Richard Collier , of fiytbe , and of Tolkatone , Kent , draper , November 24 , at half-past twelve , and December 21 , at two , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitors , Messrs . Reed and Shaw , Friday-street ; Mr . William Turqua&d , official usign . ee , 13 , Old Jewry Chambers . Joseph George Poett , of 3 , TJnlveraitj-street . surgeon , November 27 and December 19 , at eleven , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , London- Solicitor , Mr . Buchanan , 8 , Basinghall-street ; Mr . George Green , official assignee , 18 , Aldermanbury . Joseph P . erce , of the Golden Lion , Dean-street , Soho , licensed victualler , November 27 , at eleven , and Dm . i » , at two , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Soli * citor , Mr . Attinson , Carey-street , ; Mr . George Green , ifEcisi assignee , 18 , Aldermanbury .
Thomas Bayley , of the Bell pabUc-hoose , West Smith&tdd , licensed victualler , November 25 and Dec . 33 , at half-past one , &t the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitors , Messrs . Teesdale and Co ., 31 . Fenchurch-street ; Mr . Edward Edwards , efficial assignee , 7 , Frederick's Place , Old Jewry . Gsor-e Whelaon , of Dadley , Worcestershire , clothier , November 27 , at half-past twelve , and December 21 , at twtlve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Birmingham . Solicitor , Mr . W . Fellowes , jun ., Derby ; Mr . Thomas Bittleston , official assignee , Birmingham . Robert Hale , of Margate , bookseller , November 24 , at two , and January 9 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Soliciter , Mr . H . Barry , 4 , Trafalgar Square ; Mx . George Green , official assignee , 18 , Aldermanbuiy .
Richard Tyler Milbaske , ct 8 , Bnrwood Place , Edgeware Road , snr § eon , December 1 and Jan . B , at eleven , » t the Court ot Bankruptcy , Lsndon . Solicitor , Mr . Braham , Goancery Lane ; Mr . Lackingtoo , official assignee , S , Coleman-slxeet Buildings . Daniel Collins , of Bennett ' s Place , Pollard's Row , Bsthnal Green , Bilk-manufacturer , December 1 and Jan . 5 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr . Hudson , Bucklersbury ; Mr . Johnson , efficial assignee , SO , Basingball-street Thomas Bourne , of Liverpool , corn-factor , December 1 and 32 , at two , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool . Solicitors , Messrs . Gregory and Co ., Bedford Row , London ; and Mr . Frodiba . ni , Liverpool ; Mr . James OcenoTe , official assignee , Liverpool .
Joan Ward , of Nottingham , tailor , November 27 , at one , and Jan . 1 , at half-past eleven , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , Birmingham . Solicitors , Messrs . Rowland and Hacos , White Lion Court , London ; and Messrs . Tyndall and Son , Birmingham ; . Mr . Frederick Whitmore , official assignee , Birmingham . Joseph Crisp , of Liverpool , and Liscard , Cheshire , aucticBeer , December 1 , at one , and December 22 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool . Solicitors , Messrs . Maples and Co ., 6 , Frederick * Place , Old Jewry , London ; and Mr . George Frederick Fairclongb , Liverpool ; Mr . Joan "Follstt , official assignee , Liverpool .
Alexander Wesfcra ore , of West Derby , Lancashire , jeiuer , November 30 , at twelve , and December 29 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool . Solicitors , Messrs . Norris and Co ., Bairlett ' fi Buildings , Holboin , London ; and Mr . Thomas Toulmin , Liverpool ; Mr . Charles Turner , rfficial assignee , Liverpool . Thomas Barlow , of Sheffield , grocer , November 28 and December 19 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Leeds . Solicitors , Mr . Dancan , Chancery Lane , Loadon ; Mr . Ferrell , Sheffield ; and Mr . Blackburn , Leeds 1 Mr . Charles Featne , official assignee . Leeds .
James Hudson and James Sroadbent , Jan ., of Gale and Manchester ! LmeaatLire , calico . prlnterfl , November 28 and December 18 , at eleven , at the C * urfc of Bankruptcy , Manchester . Solicitors , Messrs . Maklnson and Sanders , Bun Court , Middle Temple , London ; and Messrs . Atkinson and Sauoders , Manchester ; Mr . John Holt Stanway , official assignee . Thomas Spink , of Hillam , Yorkshire , farmer , Nov . 27 and December 20 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Leeds . Solicitors , Mr . William Mosley Perfect , PoHtefract ; and Messrs . Upton and Cbpham , Leeds ; Mr . «; orge William Freeman , official assignee , Leeds .
DIVIDENDS DECLABKD . Richard Pitt , jun ., of West Bromwich , Staffordshire , hatter , first dividend of 4 d . in the pound , payable at 27 , Waterloo-street , Birmingham , on Nov . 23 , and any subsequent Thursday . William Bentley , Ben ., of Glasgow , and William Bentley , jun ., of Liverpool , merchants , third dividend of ninB-siXteentbi : of a peony in the peond , payable at Bwxed ' s Buildings , North Sweeting-street , Castle , etreet , Liverpool , oa November 23 rd , or any subsequent Thursday , John William Horend , of Par&dlse-Btre&t , Lambeth , bunder , first dividend of 7 $ d . in the pound , payable at 25 , Coleman-street , City , on any Wednesday .
John Andrew Stitten , of 1 § . Chandos-street , Covent Garden , grocer , first dividend of 5 s . 6 d- in tbe pound , payable at 25 , Coleman-street , City , on any Wednesday . Charles Gilby , of tbe Mitre Tavern , Kent , wine-mer chant , first dividend ef la . 7 ^ d . in the pound , payable at 25 , Colemaa-Btteet , City , on » ny Wedaesday .
DITIDEMCS TO BB DECLiKJSD IB THE CODNIKT . Jobnllease , of Hutton , Yorkshire , flax- « pinner , Dae . 8 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Leeds—Koger Robinson Preston , of Wakefield , Yorkshire , innkeeper , Dec 8 , at eleven , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy *>« a »—Thomas Oldfield Hasud and Henry Bingham , of Bht&dd , Yorkshire , merchanU , De& IS , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Leeda— Robert Thompson Cartwright of ionth , Lincolnshire , wooUen-dtaper , Dec . 13 , at elaven , al Uae Court of Bankruptcy , ItfedSiHSj ^^ - " - ^ ^ E ? sr ' ? - « 5 amass ^ SSSSrt-i' -M-s * &Xi ¦ Baofaopwy , Manchester-John Millkigton and Thomas Salter , of Manchester , and of Low MUls , Lancashire ,
Untitled Article
cotton-spinner ? , Jar . 1 $ , at twelve , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , dJancbi «" ur—Thomas James WhJdhorne , of Liverpool , chemist , Dae . 12 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool—Owen Jones , of Liverpool , dnp « r , Dec 2 g , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy Liverpool—Joan Caaseo , of Liverpool , corn-merchant , Dec . 12 , at one , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Live-pool —Joseph Parry , of HaYeifordweat , draper , Deo . 14 . at eleven , at ' the Court of Bankruptcy , Bristol—Henry Yeatmao , of Leachlade , Gloucestershire , chemist , Dae . 8 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Bristol . certificates to be granted , unless cause be shown to tbe contrary on the day of meeting .
Charles Chambers , of Peterborough , Northampton shire , liquor-merchant , Dec . 11—Joseph Robaon and Thomas Richard Robson , of St . Martin ' s Lane , organbuilders , Dec 11—James Gibon Fonter , of Aldgflte High-street , City , tailor , Dee . 11—Andrew Allen and William Allen , of South Shields , Durham , drapers , Dec . 11—John Sjkes , of Millbridge , Yorkshire , cornmiller , Dae . 14—Charles Clark , of Liverpool , wooldealer , Dec 8— Josfeua Horton a&d Joseph Horton , late of 29 , Wharf Road , Wenlock Basin , an * of KtagBwinford , Staffordshire , iron-manufacturers , Deo . 12—John Millington a&d Thomas Silter , of Manchetter , and of Low Mills , near Chorley , calico-ptinters , Dso 28—Robert Caldecott and Jobs Caldecott , * of Manchester , ¦ ilk-mercers , Dec 11—James Wood , © 1 Heatbnulds , Yorkshire , woollen-manufacturer , Doc . 13—Saml . Oliver , of Hollingwdrth , Chester , a&d of Dinting , Derbyshire , paper-manufacturer , Dec 12 .
certificates to bd granted by tbe Court of Review unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before
Dec 8 . George Allison , of Darlington , Durham , scrivener-John Knight , of Preston and Lancaster , mercer—Joseph Boyd , of 189 and 190 , Piccadilly , publican—John Lithgoe , of Liverpool , cooper—William Paine , of Stoney Stratford , Buckinghamshire , baker—John Mease , of Hutton , Yorkshire , fiax-tpinner—Horatio Huntley Hoskius , late of 35 , Bernard-street , Russell Square , but now of 11 , Joaa-streot , Bedford How , lodging-bouse keeper—William Blanks , of Rochford , Essex , linendrsper—Victor Jay , of Castle Lane , Southwuxk Bridge Road , silk hat manufacturer .
PAETNEBSHIPS DISSOLVED . John Samuel Wood and William Briddon , of Liverpool , cotton-brokeis—John Hamilton Pair and TboTflas Woodburne , of Liverpool , attorneys—William Smith and T . Clayton , of Manchester , common brewers .
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From ibe Gazette Tuesday , Nov . 21 . BANKRUPTS . John Marriot Wintle , silversmith , Drury Lane , to surrender December 1 . at half-past eleven o ' clock , and J « n . 2 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London-Solicitor , Mr . Harper , Red Lion Square ; Mr . Graham , official assignee . Hugh Welch Diamond , surgeon , Frith-street , St . Anne ' s , Westminster , December 1 . at half-past ten , and Jan . 1 , at one , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr . Protberoe , Farnivars Inn ; Mr . Turquand , official assignee . Old Jewry Chambers . Richard Blunden , plumber , Alton , Hampshire , DiC . 1 , at twelve , and Jan . 2 , at bal' -paat eleven , at t& 3 Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitors , Messrs . Johnson and Co ., Temple ; and Messrs . Cole and Co ., Basingetoke ; Mr . Turqu&nd , official assignee , Old Jewry Chambers .
John Ball , tailor , St . George ' B Place , Hyde Park Corner , December 1 , at eleven , and Jan . 9 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Green , official assignee , Aldermnnbury . George Zicbariah White , builder , Southampton , Dec . 1 and Jan . 5 , at one , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitors , Messrs . Gem , Pooiey , and Co ., Lincola's Inn Fields ; Mr . Johnson , official assignee , Basinghail-street . John Donnlner Hlnxmnn , wine-merchant , Harley-Btreet , Cavendish Square , Dacfemba * 1 , at two , and Jan . 12 , at half-p&st twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr . Watta , Bedford Row ; Mr . Edwards , official aasignee , Frederick ' s Place , Old Jewry ,
Callum D&de Leeder , cattle-dealer , Billingford , Norfolk . December 9 , at one , and Jan . 12 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Solicitors , Messrs . Clarke , Metcalfe , and Gray , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields ; and Mr : Taylor , Norwich ; Mr . Groom , official assignee , Abchurcb Lana B-Jward Payne Beat , wine-merchant , Crutched Friars , City , December 9 . at twelve , and Jan . 12 . at eleven , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr . Peachey , Salisbury Square ; Mr . Bd wards , official assignee , Frederick ' s Place , Old Jewry . Arthur Atherley Newman , saddler , Hkh-street , Wbitechapel , December 1 , at twelve , and Jan . 9 , at one , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitors , Messrs . Weir and Smith , Coopers' Hall ; Mr . Green , official assignee , Aldermanbnry .
Samuel Jones , jeweller , Cbeapsid * , Deo . 5 , at eleven , and Jan . 10 , at one , at tbe Courtof Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr . RandelJ , Bircbin Lane ; Mr . Lackiugton , efficial assignee . Coleman-street Bnildings . Jukes Coulson and Harry Phipps , shipping-ironmongers , Clements Line , City , Dec . 1 , at two , and Jan . 10 , at twelve , at tho Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr . Adcock . Copthsll Buildings ; Mr . Lackington , official aasignee , Coleman-street Buildings . Henry Holmes Fisher , tailor , Bary-street , 8 t James ' s , Dec- 1 , at twelve , and Jan . 12 , at one , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitors , Messrs . Cook and Sanders , New Inn . Strand ; Mr . Groom , official assignee , Abchurch Lint » , Lombard-street John Wooliaod Bake , currier , Bristol , Dec . 6 , and Jan , 2 , at one , at tbe Bristol District Ccurt . Mr . Morgan , official assignee , Bristol . Solicitors , Mr . Smith , Bristol ; Mr . ClftTke and Co ., Lincoln ' s-inn , London .
Henry Harris , shoemaker , Lanaravon , Monmouthshire , Dec 7 , ; at eleven , and Jan . S , at one , at tbe Bristol District Court . Mr . Acraman . efficial assignee , Bristol . Solicitor , Mr . Harris . John May , victualler , Pickwick , Wiltshire , Dec . 6 , at twelve , and Jan . 3 , at eleven , at tbe Brlttol DIbtrlot Court Mr . Miller , official assignee , Bristol . Solicitor * , Goldney and Fellowes , Chippenham . Thomas Samuel Sbnrman , linen draper , Frome Selwood , Somersetshire , Dec . 5 , at one , and Jan . 2 , at eleven , at tbe Bristol District Court Mr . Acraman , official assignee , Bristol . Solicitor , Mr . Miller , Frome . Thomas Kiraber , farmer , North Cemey , Gloucester , Dec . 6 , at eleven , and Jan . 2 , at one , at the Bristol District Court Mr . Miller , official assignee , Bristol . Solicitors . Sawell and Nowmarch , Cirencerter .
Ch&rlu Frederick Dewsoa , victualler , Birmingham , Dee . 1 , at twelve , and Jan . 5 , at eleven , at the Birmingham District Court . Mr . Christie , official assignee , Birmingham . Solicitor , Mr . Bartlett , Birmingham Moses Raphael and Aaron Nathan , silversmiths , Kingston-npon-HulI , Die . 2 and 21 , at eleven , at tbe Leeds District Court . Mr . Hope , official assignee , Leeds . Solicitors , Messrs . Peacock and Wilkin , Bartholome'w-clooe , London .
NOTICES OF INSOLVENCT . J . Harpe , builder , Astley , Wercestershire—J . Hinchcliffe , clothier , Kirkbuiton , Yotkshire—J . Russell , chain maker , Walsall , Staffordshire— A . Evacg , psrkman , Clarendon-square , Somers' -towB—C . Coates . Walnuttree-walk , Lambeth—M . Gill , farmer , Hooton-hills , Leicestershire—B . Crowther , maltster , Eaathotp-lane , Yorkshire—H . SchoierMd , innkeeper , Stock' 8-bank , Yorkshire—W . Turner , plasterer , Halifax , Yorkshire—J . Brown , fishmonger , Sjuthwark-fqn&re , Surrey—J . Holloway , butcher . Ravenstone , Buckinghamshire—J . Cousens , farmer , Thorriugton , E 3 sex—F . Serle , bricklayer , Somerset-street . Alriijate—A . Szlumper , tailor , Garard-street , Sohu—T . Pollitt , attomby-ut-law , Manchester—E . A . K . Eftgar , clerk , Royal-place ,
Greenwich J . G . R- LoTeless , auctioneer . Little Cbarlottestreet , Blackfriars-road—T . Tytherleigh , butcher , Thuobaia-8-roafl , Red Lion-Bquare—H . Booth , licenced victualler , Chester—J . Keitey , grocer , Lydney , GlouccBter 8 bire—G . Cas «* -ll , accountant , KiJderminattr—S . Wray , shoemaker , Ripen—W . Cork , fruiterer , Peerlessplaee , City-road—J . Leeson , clerk , Cadoiraa . street , St . Luke's , Chelsea—F . Hart , grocer , Stoke Ferry , Norfolk —T . Greenway . cbarter master , West Bromwich , Staffordshire— G- Heather , engraver , Philadelphia-terrace , Lambeth— G G'ggs , Harrow Weald , Middlesex -S Richmond , Bisleieh , E » cx—J . 8 . BeBt , Lower Grosvenor-place , Pimlico—F . Wigan , road-surveyor , Ru «« - ley , Stafforrisbire-T-W . Crussley , beer-seller , Collyburs * , Lancashire—W . Meaden , beer-seller , Salford , T / vncuahire—J . Walker , stone-mason , M&ncbeater— G . L .
Armstrong , schoolmaster . K rkdale , LancaBhire—J . H . Thompson , tinman , Liverpool—A . Walking , watchmaker , Jadrt-street . Brunswick-square—A . Bresler , furrier , Little Carter-lane , Doctor's Commons— R . F . Barton , linie-burner ' s clerk , Gsorge-street , Hackuey—G . Fowler , brewer , Banwell , Somersetshire—It . B ^ rratt , bntcaer , Cher well , Oxfordshire—I . and W . Kilyington , cabinet-makers , Norton-Btruet , Portlaiid- 'place . St . Marylebone—A . TJglo-w , Hart ' s Coffse-houee , AWeregatestreel—J . Bytheway , shoemaker , Dudk-y , Worcesterahire—D . A . Darling , TriaDgle , Hacknby—J . Terrell , ship'H'lght , Clarence-street , Rotberbithe—J . Slater , traveller , Brnnswick-street , Hackcey-rosd—C . J . Barnham , druggist ' s assistant , Oiney . Bucks—B . Bowtell , bookseller , Bridge-road , Lambeth—G . Salwyn , cattltdealer , Flat , Gloucestershire .
C Grimshaw. And Co. 10, Goree Piazeas, • Liverpool ^ Are Tbe Sole Agents For Second Cabin And Steerage Passengers By The
C GRIMSHAW . and Co . 10 , Goree Piazeas , Liverpool ^ are tbe sole Agents for Second Cabin and Steerage Passengers by the
C$Arti£T 3hnrliisnuf.
C $ arti £ t 3 hnrliisnuf .
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Untitled Article
Untitled Picture
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 25, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1240/page/2/