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Cowahdlt OirraAGE.—An attempt at incendiarism vras made on the premises at No. 12, Catherine
£3anfcrttjpig, &t.
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , That the Mi-CHA . KLHAS Gen £ bai Quakieb Sesjioks of the Peace for the West Riding of the Connty of York , wfll be opened at Ksasesbobough , on Txtmdat , the loth day of October next , at Ten o ' clock in the Forenoon , and by Adjournment from thence will be aoldcn at Leeds , on Wednesday , the lGth day of the same month of October , at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon ; and also , by further Adjournment from thence , will be holden at Doncastkb , on Monday , the 21 st day of the same month of October , at Eleven ociock in the Forenoon , when all Jurors , Suitors , PeTsons botmd by Recognizance , and others having business at the said several Sessions , are required to attend the Court on the several days , aud at the ssveral Hours above mentioned . Solicitors are required to take Notice , that the Order of Removal , copies of the Notice of Appeal , and examination of the Pauper , are required to be filed wnh the Clerk of the Peace on the entry of the Appeal : —And that no Appeals against Removal Orders can be heard unless the Chairman is also fur- " risked by the Appellants with a copy of the Order of Removal , of the Notice of Caargeability , of the Examination of the Pauper , and of the No ; ice and grounds of Appeal . C . H . ELSLEY , Clerk of the Peace . Clerk of the Peace ' s Office , Wakefield , 20 ih Sept ., 1844 .
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7 UST Published , THE POOR MAN'S GUIDE , W or POCKET COMPANION . An abstract of the Truck and Combination Laws , with other information , for the use of the great body of the Working Classes , in all brandies of manufacture ; by T . Waiters , Secretary to : he Framework-knitters of LsiCESierahire . Price 2 d . N . B . —A liberal allowance to Booksellers , and all orders punctaally attended to on tho shortest notice . Cash on delivery . Address , post-paid , T . Winters , 15 , Eaton-street » Leicester .
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THE PATENT COMPOSITE CANDLES . T 1 HE 5 E Candles burn without snuffijg more biil-JL liantly than the best Wax , and are cheaper in proportion to the light given than the commonest TalloTv Candles . The Patentees respectfully beg ali purchasers to ask in the shop 3 simply for " PP . i'JE'S PATENT CAiSDLES , " as many imitators have adopted the term " Composite . " They are sold by most of tho respectable dealers throughout the Kiasdom , and are supplied wholesale to the trade by Ed-r-ahd Pkice and Co ., Belmont , Vauxhsll , and by Palmes and Co ., Sutton Sireet , Clerkenwsll .
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STIRLING'S PILL FOR HEALTH AND LONG LIFE . —SIR WILLIAM'S ADVICE . IT is -vvell-knowB that the late Sir William Blizard paid tho highest deference to tho efficacious merits of STIRLING'S STOMACH PILLS , and earnestly recommended that no family whatever should be without them ; for , said he , in all cases of sudden illness , they coald be at once safely Administered to the sufferer , who , perhaps , before medical assistance could arrive , mi ^ bt be carried off , or placed in imminent danger . Stirling ' s Stomach Pills h * ve , in all cases , proved superior to ev = ry other medicine in the care of stomach ar . d liver compisints , loss of appetite , iadigeslion , gout , sensation cf fullness , and afier meals , shortness of breath , and an excellent restorative after any excess at the table , as they genily cleanse the bowels , strengthen tho stomach , and invigorate the constitution ; Females , who value good health , should never be wiihout them , as they purify the bleod , remove obstructions , Ballowness , pimples , &c , and give the skin a beautiful , clear , healthy , and blooming appearance . Persons of a plethoric habit , who are fiubjeot to head-ache , giddiness , dimness of sight , drowsiness , attended with spoplectio symptom ? , should take them frequently . They may be sa '" ely administered to children and persons of all &ges , as tb&y contain no mercury , nor any ingredient that requires confinement , or restrictions of diet . Prepared only by J , W , 5 nrliD £ , Chemist , 85 , High-sireet , Whuechapel , in boxes at Is . Hd ., 2 i . 9 d ., 3 s . 6 U . and 11 s . each ; and may be had of all respectable medicine venders . *?* Ask for Stirling ' s Stomach Pills ; and be sure the Name is on the Stamp .
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THE NEW DISCOVERY FOR THE NERVES , BY DR . GRAND 1 SON . Patronised by above 100 of the Nobility . This invaluable Medicine has effected the most wonderful enres , and bestowed the boon of nerroas vigour upon thousands . Many who have proved it will testify that by perseverance , ihe trembling hand may beeome steady , the weak heart strong , and nervous irritability ( so often the precursor of insanity ) may be arrested . It has boenred refreshing sleep ( rvithont containing one particle of any opiate ) lo those who have not enjoyed that blessing for year . s and conquered the most obstinate indigestion . It strengthens the stomaoh , purifies the blood , and rt ^ ores the spirits , ensuring vigour bot ' a of body and mind . Prepared ( for tho Proprietor ) in London , and Bold in Boxv > , at ls _ . l ^ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 43 . 6 d . each , contain : ' .- ^ advice to the Patient , with Testimonials atiaf ned , by Barclay and Sou , Farringdon-street ; Kd wards , St . Paul ' s Church-yard ; Hannay and Co . ; and Sanger , Oxford-street ; and by at least one Agent in every Town in the United Kingdom . —Ask for Dr . Grandison ' s Charity Pillp — "A t ^ v . iiderfal yet safe Medicine . " — Frofessor Mollen . Agents f or Leeds t Messrs . Reinhardt and Sons , Br iggate .
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FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH . •* pHE manifoid advantages to the Heads of Fami-J- lies from the possession of a Medicine of known I efficacy , that may bo resorted to with confidence , and used with success in cases of temporary sickness , corurriug in families more or less every day , are so obvious to all , that no question can be raised of its importance to every householder in the kingdom . From among numerous testimonials , the following is rospectmlly submitted : — " To Mr . Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London . " 5 , Cooper-street , Manchester , March 12 , 1842 _ " Sir , —I have muchtatisfaction in communicating to you the result of my experience after repeated irialsof Frampton ' s Pill of Health , and I feel it but justice to state , that in the course of many years ' trial of various Aperient Medicines , 1 have never found results at once salutary and efficient in the relief of the system from redundant bile , & _ c , with so little incouvenienoe ; I am , therefore , warranted in declaring that they Bnpply to mo a means long wanting , of being able to recommend to Families , Schools , and especially Mercantile men , whether at the desk or on the road , a most valuable resource ¦ nan occasional medicine . And I shall take credit to myself if , in giving thiste 3 timony , I am the means of making Frampton ' e Pills more generally known and appreciated . 111 am Sir , respectfully yoars , WILLIAM SMITH . " The unprecedented sale of these Pills , arising from the earnest recommendations of the many thousands v ? ho have derived bentnt from their use , render anv lengthened comment unnecessary ; they are not put forth as a care for all diseases to which mankind is liable , but for Bilious and Liver Complaints , with their many well-known attendants , Bilious and Sick Head-ache , Pain and Oppression after meals , Giddiness , Dizainess , Singing Noiso in the Head and Ears , Drowsiness , Heartburn , Loss of Appetite , Wind , Spasms , &c . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of their salutary effects . The stomach will speedily regain its strength ; a healthy action of the Liver , Bowels , and Kidneys , will rapidly take place ; and instead of listlessness , heat , pains , and jaundiced ap-¦ pearance , strength , activity , and renewed health , extending to good old age , will be the result of taking this medicine , according to the directions accompany id g each box . Sold by T . Front , 229 , Strand , London , Price 2 e . 9 d . per box , and by bis appointment , by Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Barnes and Newsome , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Tarbottou , Leeds j Brooke , Dewabury ; Dennis j and Son , BurdekiH , Moxon , Little , Hardman , i Linaey , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and I Co ., TValker and Co . Stafford , Faulkner , j Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney . Riponi Foa-I ritt , Coatcs , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , EasingwelH ; i England , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , Rich-; mond ; Sweeting , Knaresbro '; Pease , Oliver , Darlingi ton ; Bison , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Rogerson , ' Cooper , Newby , K 3 y , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , ; Pontefract ; Cordwell , Gill , Lawton , Dawson , Smith , l Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suier , Leyland , Hart-; ley 1 Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale j ' Lambert , Boxoughbridge ; Dalby , Wethcrby ; Waits , ' Horrogate ; Wall , Bamsley ; and all respectable i Medicine Vendors throughout the kingdom . ; Ask for Frampton ' s Pill of Health , and observe j the name and address of "Thoniat . Prout , 229 , [ Strand , London , " outhe GoTeraaeiit Stamp .
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" ! " ¦¦ II 1 " I !¦¦ II I GREAT MEDICAL BOON . H £ AXTH , STRENGTH , LIFE . rpHE true and long enjoyment of health maybe JL secured for all the afflicted by the use of the oldest , best tried , and most successful remedy of the age i DR . MAINWARINGl'S PILLS . Nearly two centuries ago Maiuwaring earned a fame greater than Abernethy by his rapid and certain cures of all these afflicting complaints , which arise , from derangement of that vital Organ , the Sjomach , such as Indigestion , causing Headache , Dimnees of Vision , Giddiness , Fulness at tho Pic of the Stomach , Wind , Heartburn , Water Brash , and Difficulty of Swallowing . Coativeness , attended with Dryness of Skin , Flushes of Heat and Cold , and tendency to Apoplexy . Bilious Affections , having a tendency to Jaundice ; Palpitation of the Heart , with Swelling of Legs and tendency to Dropsy , Affections of the Lungs , with short , dry , Cough , Phlegm , and tendency to Consumption . Mainwaring's work on the means and method of preserving health , " together with his system ef curing diseases , have caused him to be quoted and followed by the first medical men of tho present day , . who hereby admit that the wisdom and expferiencocf the shrewd Mainwaring has stood the test of nearly TWO CENTUBIES OF EXPERIENCE . Mainwaring ' s inosiim&ble prescription has been long in private hands until the steady , certain , and permanent cures effected by his Pills have foroed them into public use . Mainwaring ' s system is fully explained for the benefit of the afflicted in a small pamphlet , given gratuitously by the agents . All applications for agencies , en the usual terms , must be made to Cleave , 1 , Shoe-lane , Fleet-street , London ; and Hey wood , Oldham-street , Manchester .
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MEDICAL REPOSITORY . 13 , TRAFALGAR STREET . Private Entrance , 57 , Nile-street . Established , 1834 , for the Exclusive Treatment of a Certain Class of Disease . WILKINSON & CO . may be CONSULTED at thoir Principal Establishment , Leeds , Daily , from Nine in the Morning , till Ten at Night , and on Sundays till Two . —One of the Drs . W . attends every Friday , at 8 , Southgate , Wakefield , ( near tho Church , ) from Nino in the Morning till Six in tne Evening ; every Thursday , at 4 , George-street , Bradford , from Ten in tbo Morning till Eight in the Evening ; and every Saturday , at 25 , High Oasegate , York . Every form of those Diseases is treated at thi . ^ Establishment , by Legally Qualified Surpoons , with the utmost Attention to the Safety , Privacy , and Circumstances of the Patient . In all Diseases of the Generative Organs , such ah Gonorrhcsi , Gleets , Strictures , Ulcers , Gravel , and all other Diseases of vhese Organs , W . It C 4 . may be successfully consulted . SECONDARY SYMPTOMS , which arise from improper Treatment ( tapeoialJy the use of Mercury ) , may bo kuown from Eruptions on the skin , pains in the Bones , affections of tho Throat and Nose , and general Impurity of the Blood . This may be regarded as the moBt dangerous stage of the Disease , and requires the utmost skill in its Eradication : — The Treatment adopted by W . & Co . has been attended with the most satisfactory Results , and they have always had the gratification of seeing thoir Patients restored to full enjoyment of Health . In Cases where an indulgence in a SOLITARY PRACTICE has produced those distressing Symptoms , Seminal Weakness , Nervous Debility , Loss of Appetite , Depression of Spirits , Indigestion , Flatulency , Difficulty of Breathing , Palpitation of the Heart , and all the Evidences of an Impaired Constitution ,, they may be consulted with decided benefit , haying bestowed the greatest Attention to this melancholy Prostration ot tho most important Fuuotions of Nature . Their Mode of Treatment will invariably be found to arrest the progress of these destructive diseases , and be the tneans of restoring the sufferer to renewed health and vigour both of mind and body . The principal consulting surgeon has had vast opportunities of studying these malignant diseases in all their varied aspects , having for a lengthened period confined his attention tboreto , in one of tho principals hospitals in the kingdom , during which time he had the honour of rcceiviug high Testimonials to the skill and perseverance he had displayed in this particular branch . These documents are open to tho inspection of any of their patients who may desire , for their own satisfaction , to sec them . Subsequently , an extensive private practice in London - has afforded ample opportunities of proving the efficacy of their mode of treatment . < To patients at a distance W . and Co . offer , tho most certain assurances of a euro . During the lasr ten years great numbers of both sexes have been effeotually cured , who have merely sent in writing an accurate description of their complaint . All letters , containing the usual consultation fee of £ 1 , receive immediate attention , and suitable advice , and Medicines to the amount are promptly forwarded . In all cases the utmost SECRECY may be relied od , % Wilkinson and Co . ekher destroy tho letters , or return them , as the parties may desire . They have , however , in several instances , succeeded in effecting so rapid and effectual a cure , that the patients havu kindly forwarded to them , without solicitation , letters of reference , with the full name and address , which thoy have authorised Dra . W . to make use of , with the view of encouraging others to avail themselves of their advice . These lettere are not intended for publication , but they will be submitted to patients who desire to inspect them . In packing the parcels , the greatest care is observed , so as to secure tbo safety of the Medicine , and to prevent suspicion—giving them the appearance of an ordinary package . Experience has enabled W , and Co . to produce a remedy which is beneficial in every stage of disease ; and for accommodation of either sex , where , from any motive , parties may decline application , cither personally or by letter , their PURIFYING DROPS . Price 4 s . b'dM may b 9 used with the most decided , success . No Medicine has ever been offered to the public which has been bo ffficacious in restoring the diseased to health and vigour . They are powerful and speedily efficacious , in recent as weU as the most confirmed oases . A TREATISE of Twelve Pages , is enclosed with them , describing tbo various formB of the disease , and tho direciona are I so plain that persons of either sex may adopt the j necessary courso of treatment , so as to effect a por-I feet cure . —To be had of any of their Agents , or sent free by pobt , en the receipt of Five Shillings . At the earnest solicitation of many of their patients , Wilkinson and Co . have published a Work on the diseases of the Organs of Generation , entitled THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISER . Price 2 s . 6 d ., or sent free to the most remote parts of ihe kingdom in a sealed envelope , on the Receipt of a Post-Offiee Order for 3 s . 6 d . * It is a Practical Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of the Diseases and other Affections of the Urinary and Sexual Organs in both Sexes . To those who are suffering , this work will be found ; a grateful and acceptable Companion , pointing out' tho way of i fcscape from the calamity which they have brought i upon themselves , and leading them back to the enjoyment of full health and vigour . This invaluable work , together with their Purifying Drops and other Medicines , may bo had of W . & Co ., at thoir principal establishment . 14 , Trafal- gar-street , Leeds ; No , 4 , George-street , Bradford , or any of the following AGENTS . LEEDS . —Mr . Heatoc , 7 , Briggate , and of the Times Office . Bbadfokd . —Mr . Taylor , Bookseller . Halifax . —Mr . Hartley , Bookseller . Babwslet . —Mr . Harrison , Booksjller , Market Place . Htjdbebsfield . —Mr . Dewhirst , 37 , New-street . York . —Mr . Hargrove ' s Library , 9 , Coney-street , ' Hull . —At the Advertizer Office , Lowgate , and Mrs . Noble ' s , Bookseller , Market Place . Boston , Lincolnshire . —Mr . Noble , Bookseller . Beveblet . —Mr . Johnson , Bookseller . Manchester . —Mr . Watkinson , Druggist , 6 , Market Place . Liverpool . —At the Chronicle Offioe , 25 , Lord-st . - Sheffield—At the Iris Office . Wakefii-LD—Mr . Hurst , Bookseller . Ripon —Mr . Harrfcou , Bor . ksnllor , M 4 rket Place . Habkogate and Knaresbko ' . —At Laugdale ' s Library . Louih —Mr . H . Hurton , Bookseller . Nottingham ; —Air . Sutton , Review Office . Newark —> lr . Bridges , Bookseller . Pontefraci . —Mr . Fox , Bookseller . ; Gain 5 bohoCqh . —Mr . R . Browne , ditto . Mansfield . —Mr . S . Dolson , News Agent , 184 , Lawn .
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BRITISH HERBS . FOB BRITISH CONSTITUTIONS . pULPEPER ' S HERB PILLS , the best remedy \ J in the world for Indigestion , and all Disorders of the Stomach and Bowela , Headaohe , Coughs , Colds , Eructations , Pains in the Stomach , Bilious Complaiuts , Costiveness , Sickness and Loss of Appetite , tiudden Heats , Chills , Nausea , Unpleasant taste iu the Mouth , Bad Breath , Incipient Consumption : —and a general reviver of the System . The most eminent physicians have repeatedly declared that no point is of greater importance for preserving or regaining health , than a Hue regulation of ike evacuations of the bowels . Thousands suffer pain , disease , and all the the harassing and depres * eing feelings attendant upon ill-health , whose lives might be epent in cheerfulness and comfort by the occasional use of a medicine like " CULPEpER'S HERB PILLS . " Their action is gentle , and it has been repeatedly declared by the most eminent men , that in all oases of Indigestion , violent purging should be carefully avoided . Two or three of these Pills taken twice a day , will be found all that is needful to keep the bowels in fit condition , and to prevent tho stomach from becoming oppressed and unhealthy . Cases of euro and relief addressed to Mr . Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s , London , will be forwarded to the Proprietors , for printing in the form of pamphlets far general distribution . Hundreds of cases have been already received , and every day brings fresh proof of the efficacy , and attests the wonders performed by the Medicines " which the Lord has oreated out of the earth . " Prepared only by the Proprietors , in Boxes Price Is l ^ d each , and may be had wholesale of Mr . Edwakds , 67 , St . Paul ' s , ; of Sutton and Co , Bow Church-yard , London ; W . Fordyce , Tyne Mercury Office , Nowcastle-npon-Tyne ; Mr . J . Hobson , Star Offioe , Leeds ; Mr . C . Plum be , Post Offioe , Suttonin-Ashfield , Notts ; and Retail of all respectable Venders of Pateut Medioines . IMPORTANT CAUTION ! To protect tho Public from base and dishonourable Imitations of this Gcuuino '' Extract of British Herbs , " Her Majesty ' s Hon . Commissioners of Stamps , have beon pleased to order the words " Cdlpepe r ' s Herb Pills , " io bo engraved on a Government Stamp , in white letters ou a red grouud ; and none oan be Genuine , unless they bear that true test of authenticity .
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THE NINTH EDITION . Just Published , price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free " enclosed in a sealed envelope , " on receipt of a Posi-office Order for 3 * . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR , A POPULAR INQUIRY into the CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE ; with Instruction * for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from the j Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence iu Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; terminating in mental , and nervous debility , local or constitutional weakness , indigestion , insanity , and consumption , including a comprehensive Dissertation ou MARRIAGE , with directions for the removal of Disqualifications , and remarks on the Treatment of Ghonorhoe , Gleet , Strictures and Syphilis . Illustrated with Cases , &c , BY 6 . J . LDGA 5 , & CO ., CONSULTING SURGEONS , LONPON J THE NINTH THOUSAND . May be had of the Authors , 60 , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London ; and sold by Brittan , 11 , Paternoster-row ; J . Gordon , 146 , Leadenhall-street ; G . Mansell , 3 , King-street , Southwark ; C . Westerton , Knightsbiidge ; H . Phillips , 264 , Oxford-street , London ; J . Buckton , Bookseller , 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; W . Langdale , Knar « . sbro' and Harregate ; Journal Office , Wakefield ; W . Midgley , Halifax ; J . Noble , 23 , Market-place , Hull ; W . B . Johnson , Beverley ; W . Lawson , 51 , Stona gate , York ; W . Barraclough , 40 , Fargate , Sheffield ; Wm . Harrison , Ripou ; Thomas Sowler , Courier Office , 3 , St . Ann ' s-pquare , Manchester ; G . Harrison , Barnsley ; William Howell , 75 , Dale-street , Liverpool ; W . \ Vood , 78 , High-street j Birmingham ; W . & H . Robinson , 11 , Greenside-street , Edinburgh ; T . Price , 03 , Dame-street , Dublin ; and by all Booksoller 3 , in the United Kingdom . " The various forms of bodily and mental weakness , incapacity , suffering and disease , faithfully delineated in this cautiously written and practical work , are almost unknown , generally misunderstood , and treated on principles correspondingly erroneous and superficial , by the present race of medical practitioners . Hence the necessity for the publication of a timely safeguard , a silent yet friendly monitor , or , where debility has made threatening inroads , the moans of escape and the certainty of restoration . The evils to which' the book adverts are extensive aud identical in their secret and hidden origin , and thoro are none to whom , as Parents , Guardians , Heads of Families , and especially of Public Schools , is confided the care of young people , who- ought to remain for a moment devoid of that information and those balutary cautious this work is intended to convoy . Not only are the most delicate forms of gonerative debility neglected by the family physician , but they require for their safe management the exclusive study of a life entirely abstracted from the routine of general practise , and ( as in other departments of the profession ) attentively concentrated iu the daily and long continued observation requisite for tha correct treatment of sexual infirmities . " If we consider the topics touched upou either in i a moral or social view , we find the interests and welfare of mankind seriously involved . The effects of licentious , indiscriminate and secret indulgence m cortain practices , are described with an accuracy and force which display at once profound reflection and extensive practical experience . "—The Planet . " The best of all friends is the Professional Friend , and in no shapa can ho be consulted with greater safety and secrecy than in "Lucas on Manly Vigour . " The initiation into vicious indulgence—its progress—its results in both sexes , are given with faithful , but alas ! for human nature , with afflicting truth . However , tho Authors have not exposed the evi ) without affording a remedy . It showa how " Manly Vigour" temporarily impaired , and mental and physical emasculation , produced by uncontrolled indulgence of the passions , can be restored ; how the sufferer , who has pined in anguish I from the consequences of earlv indiscretion—afraid j almost to encounter his fellow-man , oan regain the j vigour of health and moral courage . Tho work is written in a concise and perspicuous style j displaying how often fond parents are deceived by . the outward physical appearance of their youthful I offspring ; how the attenuation of tho frame , palpi- j tation of tho hfiflrt , derangement of the neryous j system , cou ^ h , indigestion , and a train of symptoms i indicative of consumption or general decay , are often j ascribed to wrone causes ; and instead of being tho J natural results of congenital debility or disease , arc j the oonsequeiifles of an alluring and pernicious prae- i tice , alike destructive to the mind aud body . "—BeWs New Weekly Messenger " "Although a newspaper is not the ordinary channel for the expression of opinion upon the merits of a i medical work , this remark is open to exception in any instance where the public , and not the isolated and exclusive members of the profession , arc the parties addressed . Upon that which is directed to men indiscriminately , the world will form its own I opinion , end will demand that medical works for popular study should be devoid of that mysterious technicality in which the science of medioiue has hitherto shrouded its own ignorance . The work before us treats of subjects we believe Renerally , yet very strangely , neglected by the medical attendant , and requiring doubtlessly ( as in operative midwifery and tho surgery , of-tho eye ) an entire devotedness to a deeply important branch of study . Thn tone of this book is highly moral , and it abounds in wellwritten , harrowing , yet oorrect displays of tho snffering consequent upon unbridled sensualism . No human being can be the worse for its perusal ; to multitudes it must prove a beacon , a well-told appeal to reason , a pcrmanet blessing . It is written in a clear intelligible style , and is evidently the production of a mind long and practically conversant with tho diseases of the most delicate division oi tho human organization , "— The Magnet . " The security of happiness ia the marriage state is the ohiei anxiety of all ; but many dread entering upon wedded union , through a secret fear of unfitness for tho discharge of matrimonial obligations . This essay ie moat particularly addressed to all suffering under a despondency of the character alluded to ; and advice will be found calculated Lo cheer the drooping heart , and point the way to renovated health . " Messrs . Lucas & Co . are to be daily consulted from tea till two , and from fivo till eight in the evening , at their residence , No . 60 , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London . Country Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases , as to the duration of the complaint , tho symptoms , age , general habits of living , and occupation in life of the party . The communication must be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of £ 1 , without which no notice whatever can be taken of their application ; and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be rolied on . Sold by Mr . Joseph Buckton , Bookseller , 50 , Briggftie , and at the Northern Star-Office , Leeds ; Mr . W . Laws ' on , 51 , Stonegate , Yoik ; by whom this Work is seat ( post-paid ) in , a sealed envelope , for 3 s . 6 d . i , ¦ ¦
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THE FOLLOWING WORKS ARE NOW ON \ SALE BY W . DUGDALE , No . 16 , Holywell-street , Strand . rpHE WANDERING JEW , by the Author of X tho Mysteries of Paris , is now publishing in Penny Nos . and Fourpenny Parts . Part I . is now ready , and with it is given the First Number of a Njw Edition of the " AIv » terie 3 of Parts , " to be uniform in fci . zj . typ ? , paper , and illustrations ; and to be completed in Thirty Numbers , or hali ' -a crovvn for the whole . These are known as the Nonpareil Editions , : and for accuracy of translation are unrivaied amidst all their competitors . They will be accompanied by Engravings from designs by eminent Artists . With No . 5 ot the " Wandering Jew ' every purchas 9 rjw ; ll be presented with a copy of No . 1 of " Memoirs of the Devil , " uniform in size and type , and which will after be proceeded regularly with in Penny Numbers and Fourpenny Parts , The MYSTERIES OF PARIS , iu Sixty Penny Numbersjland Fifty Illustrations . May be had in Parts or jNumbers , and forms a h&ndsomB volume , in large type , and is well calculated for Travellers , or number Carriers . May be had handsomely bound price Six Shillings . VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY , 120 Penny Numbers , Thirty Parts at Fourpence each , or , in two volumes , handsomely bound , each having a likeness of the Author ,- price Twelve Shillings . ] All the Numbers and Parts may be had , being constantly printed as the Numbers fall out . VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , NOVELS , AND TALES , j The Celebrity which these famous Tales have obtained , In all Europeoa and American language ? , renders all comment superfluous . For wit , sarcasm , and irony they stand unrivalled . This will be the first uniform and complete Edition , and will comprise the following celebrated Works : —Candide , or All for ] the Best—Zadig— Tha Huron , or the Pupil of Nature—The White Bull—The World as it Goes —The Man of Forty Crowns—The Princess of Babylon—Mefnnon the Philosopher- —Micromegas—Plato ' s Dream—Babebeo ; or , tho Fakirs—The Two Comforters—&c . Six Parts are now published , and Twenty-four Numbers . Will be rapidly completed . PAINE'S WORKS , Political and Polemical , being the first attempt to present to the public a cheap , elegant , and complete Edition of the Whole Works of ; this celebrated writer . A 3 a study of the English Language they are worth the perusal of all . Part 1 ia now ready , and tho other Parts will be followed up rapidly . Tno whole volume shall not exceed Five Shillings , or Sixty Penny- Numbers . VOLNEY'S WORKS , complete in one volume . Therie have been advertised some time and are not quite ready , owing to the illness of the Engraver , but next-week , August 17 , 18-14 , the . first Part will be ready , ' and will then be quickly followed up till the whole is completed . It , is impossible to state with precision the extent to which they will go , but they will comprise all his works , aud be illustrated by numerous splendid Engravings . The calculation is that they will not exceed Ten Shillings . The following is a synopsis : —The Ruins ; or , Meditations on the Revolutions of Empires ; with engravings—The Law of Nature—Reply of Volney to Dr . Priestley- —Discourse on the Philosophical study of Languages—Travels in Egypt and Syria—Noty Researches on Ancic it History—Lessons on History-History of Samuel , the Inventor of the Consecration of Kings , or tho Lord's Anointed—Picture of the United States , with description of their Soil and Climate , with various othor miuor aud explanatory letters , &c . The MIRROR OF ROMANCE , publishing in Numbers ; at Twopence each , and Sixpenny Parts , was issued for the purpose of presenting the public with translations of the most celebrated works of : modern IFrench writers . There are Thirty-six numbers out , and Ten Parts at Sixpence each , which contain complete ilw following : — " Leone Leoni , " by Georg ' o Sand , now Madame Dudevant , one of the mo 3 t potyefu ! romances that has ever been written . " Tho ^ Physiology o \ ' a Married Man , " by Paul de Keck , with upwards of fifty illustrations , is given entire . '' Jenny ; or The Unfortuuate Courtezan , " j by the Fsmu author , containing a most effscting j moral , drawn from rea . liio . > k The Bounet Rouge ; or , Simon the Radical , " a tale of the French Revolution , —a work , of great merit . The MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY ; as published byj Carlile for fifteen Shillings , is contained in j fourteen numbers of the " Mirror of Romance , " at I 2 d , each , and each number has alsa an elegant French Plate , worth more than the whole sum charged . The WHITE HOUSE , by Paul de Kock ; Memoirs of an Old Man of Twenty-five , are now completed , and tho whole work may be had for Five bhillings ' j in ouo volume handsomely sewed . Tne DIEGESIS , by the Rev . Robert Taylor . Twelve Parts at FourpeRce each , are uow published , and the jThirtoenth , completing the Work , will be ready in a few days . The volume , handsomely bound , may be had for Five Shillings . Cases for binding , price Sixpence . May bo had through all booksellers . The DEViL'S PULPIT , by the same Author , reduced j to One Penny . The whole of the First volume has been repilnied . The Second will be speedily in print . This will be tho cheapest philosophical and liberal work ever offered to the public . Complete in Forty-eight Numbers , with Memoir of tho Author . Just published , NEIGHBOUR RAYMOND , by Paul de ! Kock , price Is ., a most amusing tale . Also tho following by the same Author : —BARBER OF I PARIS ; 2 s . GUSTAVUS ; or tho Young Rake , 2 s . GEORGETTE ; or the Scrivener's Niece , 2 s . BROTHER JAM ES , 2 s . MOUSTACHE , 2 s . THE MAN WITH THREE PAIR OF BREECHES , 2 » . TOURLOUROU ; or the Conscript , 3 s . Also , INDIANA , a Romanoe of Illicit Love , 3 s . Will be followed up by others of the same writer . ON THE POSSIBILITY OF LIMITING POPULOUSNESS . AN ESSAY ON POPULOUSNESS—to which is added tho THEORY OF PAINLESS EXTINCTION , by Marccs Price Is . *?* The celebrated pamphlet where it . is proposed to forbid the intercourse of Man and Woman when thej are poor , and to make it felony when a child is the result . Tho Theory of Painless Extinction coolly discusses the method of extinguishing life , when the intruder has not property immediate or expectant to support that life . The MONK , by Lewis , verbatim from the Original ; twenty-four plates , —price 2 a . 4 d . MARRIAGE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DISCUSSED . I In fonr parts . —Part I . —On the Necessity of Marriage ; Precocity ; Effects of Wedlock . Pan II . —Instructions in Courting j Sudden Lovo ; Organizations ; Madness cured by Matrimony ; the Courtezan reclaimed . Part II I . —Limitation of life justified ; Protectors—their utility and general adoption . Part IV . —Real causes of Sterility ; remedies . From tho French ef Jean Dubois . 2 s ; Gd . FRU ] iTS of PHILOSOPHY ; or , private advice to young married people . Containing the various hypothesis of Generation ; Structure of the female organs ; Conceptions ; remedies against barronncse & Impotency ; with a curious anatomical plat * . 2 s . 6 d . All the above , and re extensive Catalogue , ma ; be had from every Vendor of eriodicala . AUorder 8 punctually attended to *
Untitled Ad
"THE THREE IMPOSTORS . " J " N THE press , and will be published in a few JL days , P rice Ouo Shilling , " The Three Impos tors . " j This work , extraordinary from its antiquity and point , is supposed , and apparently with reason , to have been written by the Chancellor of Frederick Barbarossa ( Frederick II . ) , who ascended iho Throne ofv Germany in the beginning of the I 3 : h century . It was written originally in Latin , and preserved in the Monasteries aud Libraries of Continental Europe , until after the invention of printing ; since theniit , has been translated into the different Continental languages , and familiar to the Learned throughout Spain , Franco , Italy and Germauy . It now appears for the firbt . time in the English Languaue . ; , "The Emperor , Frederiok II . was accused of being the author of * The Three Impostors , ' conjointly with his Chancellor , De Viacia . "— Voltaire ' s Die tiona > yJ" \ Tins is the most ancient and extraordinary book of the kind ever written ; it is a work of great interest to the Learned ; and a gem for all classes . Now ready , price Sixpence , POLITICAL LETTERS , or , OBSERVATIONS ON RELIGION and CIVILIZATION , by Frances Wright . Also , Juat Publiahed , Pi ice Fourpence , Biographical bketoh of FRANCIS WKIGHT , written by herself . \ J . Myles , 201 , Overgate , Dundee ; Agent for Londoa , Watson , 5 , Paul ' s Alley , and may be bad of all Booksellers .
Untitled Ad
I NOTICE TO EMIGRANTS . THE Undersigned continue to engage Passengers for Firsi-Ciass Fast-Sailing AMERICAN PACKETjSHlPS , which average from 1000 to 1500 Tons , for the following Ports , viz : — NEW YORK , BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , NEW ORLEANS , BALTIMORE , BRITISH AMERICA , &o Emigrants ^ ia the country can engage passage by letter addressed as underneath ; ia which case they need not be iu Liverpool until the day before the Ship is to ! sail ; and they will thereby avoid detention and other expenses , besides securing a cheaper passage , and having the best berths allotted to them previous to their arrival . For further ' particulars , apply , post paid , to \ JAMES BECKETT & SON , i North-End Prince ' s Dock , Liverpool .
Untitled Ad
THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD ] BEAD ! AND JUDGE FOB YOUBSELV £ S J ! THE following statement of facts has been coQ . municated to the Proprietors of PARR'S LIFE PILLS :- ^ Messrs . T . Roberts and Co . ' Malton , Jan . 30 , 1843 . Gentlemen , —Though it is but a very short timg since I last wrote for a supply of Parr ' s Life Pills , \ find that owing to an astonishing increase in the sa , le of them , I am again compelled to request you td send me twenty dozen of the small , as also a supply of the large size . I should wiBh you to forward them by railway to York , thence by carrier , as early as possible , as I am afraid my present stock . will be ex . hausted before they reach me . I enclose you the case of a person who resides in Malton , and whose testimony may be relied upon as being strictly correct . This is but one case selected from an almost incredible number of others , which have come under my notice , in which cures have been effected by the use of Parr ' s Life Pills . Many highly respectable persons in this neighbourhood , who previous to the introduction of Parr ' s Life Pills had a decided dislike to Patent Medicines , are now thankful that they an able to add their testimonials to the beneficial effeit ! of these pills . By forwarding me , without delay , th « quantity of pills as ordered above , you will oblige , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , J . WRANGHAM . Gentlemen , —When I consider the very great relief 1 have experienced from the use of Parr Life Pills , I think it not only to be my duty to you but to every one who may be suffering from similar com * plaints with which I have been afflicted , to make mj astonishing case as public as possible . For a long time past I have been greatly troubled with a most severe neryous complaint , giddiness , aud swimming in the head , which increased to such a degree that at times I was compelled to leave off from my work being unable to bear the least fatigue or excitement . At the suggestion of many of my friends , I was in * duced to try various medicines , but found that my complaint instead of diminishing , was daily growing worse . Having fortunately heard of the beneficial offects of Parr ' s Life Pills , I resolved to give thems fair trial , though I must confess with but little hopes of deriving benefit from them , after having tried so many other medicines without success ; 1 immediately purchased s small sized box of Mr . Wrang . ham , chemist , the only agent for the sale of them in Malton , and fortunate indeed has it been for me that I did so , for though I have just finished taking this one box , 1 find myself so farrelieved ' that instead of paily , nay hourly , suffering from that dreadful com * plaint , nervousness , with its attendant miseries , I am restored to my former good health ; my nerves are strong—the giddiness and swimming in my head ara totally removed , and I am now able to attend regularly to my trade . Allowing you to make whatever use you may think proper of this statement and being truly grateful for the benefit I have obtained from taking Parr's Life Pills . I am , Gentlemen , your obedient Servant , THOMAS PATTISON , Painter N . B . I shall be glad to answer &ny enquiries respecting the good the pills have done ma . To Mr . T . Roberts and Co ., Crane Court , Fleetstreet , London . A most extraordinary Case ofCurecommunicated by Mrs . Moxon of York . Mrs . Mathers , of that City , had for many yean been affected with a most inveterate dise ase , which her medical attendants pronounced to be Cancer . It originated in her breast , and continued to spread nearly all over her body , defying every effort ofsni " gicai ekilL Parr ' s . Life Pills being recommend ^ to her , she resolved to give them a trial ; and , speaking of the result , she says she cannot express the incoaceivable advantage which she haa already derired from them . She further states that she is non almost well , and ascribes her convalescence sold ] to the persevering use of that sovereign medicini Parr ' s Life Pills . From F . Mattheisz , Jaffra , Ceylon Jaffra , October I 7 th , 1842 . Sir , —I beg te inform you that having undertaken the small supply of the celebrated Parr ' s Life PiHs , lately received nere from you by the Rev . P . Percival , they have met with a very rapid gale , and the constantly increasing demand from every part of tha province ensures to a very large extent success to the dealer , and good to the people at large . May I therefore take the liberty of requesting you will be good enough to send me 1000 boxes by tho very first opportunity , making , if you please , the usual discount to purchasers of such large quantities . I beg to remark that the value of the above will be given by me into the hands of the Rev . Mr . Peroival , who haa kindly offered to be responsible to you fo tha same . I remain , your obedient ervant . F . MATTHEISZ . Please address me F . Mattheisz , Jaffra , Ceylon . From Mr . R . Turner , Levrton . To Messrs . T . Roberts & Co ., Crane Court , Fleet Btreet , London . Lenton , near Nottingham , Dec . 12 , 1842 . Dear Sir . —I beg loave to tender you my waraesj thanks for the great benefit which I have reciered I from your valuable Parr ' s Life Pills in the cure of 1 distressing species of fluttering , or palpitation of w I heart , which I experienced some years , and which n « I now , by the use of three small boxes of your invala * able medicine , entirely left me ; and indeed , I no * enjoy better health aud spirits than I have doneft ' some time . Hoping you will , fcr the benefit of U " public at large , make my case known , I remain , Gfli ' tlemea , yours , very gratefully , RICHARD TURNER N . B . —Any person who may not credit this state * ment may , by referring to me , obtain satisfacwT answers to their enquiries . R . T . To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., Proprietors of Pan * 3 j Life Pills , Crane-Court , Fleet-street . I Communicated by Mr . H . Foster , Chemist , Witt- I Chester . I East Stratton , near Winchester , Doc . 13 th , 1842 . I Sir , —You will remember I sent to your shop i « I a bottle of medicine round which was a paper conraining testimonials of cures effected by the use 01 Parr ' s Life Pills . Amongst many others I obsema one ; a case of Rheumatism , which appeared to m tiaiilar to my own case , and seeing it so Eucceswutf treated , simply by the use of Parr ' Life PUIb . >¦ * T solved upon giving ihat invaluable medicine ft ia " srial . I had been afflicted with Rheumatism many years , and at the timo to which I refer was suttenng acutely . I determined , as I have said , on giw * Old Parr ' s remedy a fair trial ; and accordicgiy se » for a box of the Life Pills . By the use of these pua I am enabled to say that I am now as well as ew I have been during the whole of my hfe . J-n * j £ God , I can now walk as well as ever I oia . *> ^ time when I first tried Parr ' s Life P » Us . / , ° Jj scarcely walk during the day-time ; and at n * a ?« j ¦ ¦ - ¦ could get no sleep . I am now enjoying exceu . health , and sleep soundly , and I am free from W of every kind . I am , Sir , yours , &c . JAMES DANIELLS . ( aged & 1 ^ Mr . H . Foster , Chemist , Winchester . Parr r 8 Life Pills are a , cfenowledged . to be f ^ ia respired to conquer disease and prolong MB . No medicine yet offered to the world ever so * £ pidly attained such distinguished ce l e £ rl { Jjjd questionable if there now be any part " - « Pl ^! . jj »« i world where its extraordinary healing ^^ attn m not beeu exhibited . This signal success » » ,, ^ butable to any system of advertising , " ^ wflteit ; the strong recommendations of parties cure ? j ^ use . At this moment the Proprietors are nrv ^^ ff sion of nearly 580 letters from influential ^ PTL teaand intelligent members of society , aUjf ^ s 5 ti $ tiinony to the great and surprising benefits . n ? ^ from the use of the medicine . This is a mass « ^ denoeiaitB favour such as no other me ^ V ^ ei yet called forth , and places it in the V ™** J £ w& don of being not only the most popular but u » valuable remedy ever discovered . m •¦ * CAtrriON—BEWABS OP IMITAWOKB . ^ ^ In order to protect tho publio from ' ^ S& Hon . Commissioners of Stamps n . ! ? "l ctt tb « words Park ' s Life Pills to be en ^ Wdfc Government Stamp , which is pastei w . uno » - ^ ¦ of each box , in white letters , on \ a » " * rio * I Without this mark of authenticity they ^ J ^ fiH I and an imposition ? Prepared by tne * £ K # 0 h | T . Roberts and Co ., 9 ,- Crane Court , *^ - . ¦ London ; and sold wholesale by the ?^ n i I by E . Edwards , 57 , St . Pauls , also by .. BargJ gj J Sons , Farringdon-street , and Sutioa . ami $ W' Churchyard ; Seld by JofJri ^ Swalfe , S I Star -Office , Leeds ; and at 8 , ^ J ^ h " *^ I dersfield ; and retail by at least , ^ fnSP e # n ] f I towu in the United Kingdom , and ta ™*** k , , i nj I dealers in mediciue . l ? riee Is . 1 * ck £ axe g £ family boxes 11 s . each . Full dutct ^ s . . ^ « witheaohbox * ? I
Untitled Article
From the London Gazette of Friday , Sep . 27 . SXSKR \ TfTS . IMwsrd Mtaughlin , or long-lane , "BermoDdaey , Oc * -16—Frederick Booth Stacy and Win . Stacy , oJ la-3 Tt-nce-lar : s , City , Warehousmtn , Oct 5—John G .-egory Webb , of Roeamond-baildings , Islington , mir . eral watf rinannfaciurer , Ozt 11—Thomas . Eldridge , ofTJjpcT Narth-placo , Gray ' s-inn-road , and 3 , Great Q mil-street , Lincoln's-inn-fields , C 02 ch-builder , Oct . 21—Win . Willi-nns and Joseph Sawtell , of Newport , UosHioTithihire , ecrn merchants , Oct . 14 and Nov ? 8—Jsines ieybecxn , of Bradford , Yorkshire , provision Bhap-ieeepes . Oei . S and . 28—John Xamtert , of New ILrcZ , Durham , grocer , Oct . 10 .
DIVIDENDS DXCLAB . KB . John Arnold , Jan ., and Henry Arnold , of Dsrby , eheese factors , first dividend of S 3 &i in the pound ; on the separate estate of Henry Arnold , first dividend of 2 s Si in the ponnd ; and on tfie separate estate of Jchn Arnold , first dividend of 2 a Id in the pound , payable at 13 , WBterloo-streefc , Binninckain .-any Thursday after Oot 5 . Jan : Joces , of Ketley , Shropshire , giocar , first dividend o ! 3 i 6 iin the pound , payable at 13 , Waterloo-Bttett , Birmingham , any Thursday after Oct . 5 . W iliiani TVebb , ef Liverpool , iron-monger , second ^ Ivjdeiid of -s $ J . iq the pound , payable at 12 , Csx >; rstreet , Liverpool , Octcoa 23 , oi any subsequent Wed-He * lay .
Sarand Billington , of Birkenhead , Cheshire , -woollen draptr , first dividend of 6 J 3 in its pound , payable at 12 Cook-street , iiverpool , Oct . 23 , or any subseqient " Wednesday . "Evan J-nes , of Liverpool , grocer , fourth dividend of Ss 11 J in the pound , payable at 12 , Coak-streel , Liverpool , Oei . 24 , or any subsequent Wednesday . DrviDESDS to be declared at the Curt of Bankruptcy , London . Thomas Hill , jun ., and Win . Brookes , of Si . Maryaxe , City , merchants , Oct . 13 , at 12 ,
DIVIDENDS TO BS DECLARED Hi THE C 0 XJ 5 TST . TLomasKeardvy , of Tyldeiey , Lancashire , cotton bt ' v- t . Oct 24 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , : > - -. <« ter—Jehn Clarke , Richard Mitchell , Joseph > " . . = > . and Thomas Smith , of " Leicester , backers , Oct . i ' . all-part ten , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Birai—John Andrew , of Maryport , banker , C- --, at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Nuwcastlt-npon-TyEe—Bobert Lamb , of Stockton , Durham , iron merchant , Ocr . 22 , at two , at the Court of Sank-Ripicy , KcWaastlfr-apon-Tyae . CEEIiriCAiES to be granted , nnless canse be shown to the coEtrary en the day of meeting .
Thomas Wallace , of Pentwyn iron -works , 25 onmoutb-Bhlre , Oct £ 1—Joseph Bass , of Brecon , draper , O ^ t . SI—John AndrfWE , of Maryport , Cumberland , banker , Oct 32—Robert Ed-wards , of Abcidovey , Merionethshire , draper , Oct . 22 . CEBTiticatps to bs granted by the Court of Review , unless cause be shown to the contrary , on cr before Oct . IS . 3 &mes Frauds Garnet , of 1 , Wellinston-street , and 263 , Tooley-street , SouUrvrark , hatter—J ^ m ? s Royte , of 2 ianchea * er , corn cesler—John Holland , of Boxted , Busses , draper—Gscrge Muir ,. of N = wcastle-npon-Tjne , draper .
PABTSEBSHITS DIS 50 LTED . El ^ a ibeth Atkinsoa scd Emma Atkinson , milliners , Liverpool—Wm . JeckBua , Samuel Smith Jackson , and Edward Jackson , of leecs , tobacconists , { so far as * £ gai&fl Elward Jackson )—E-lward Spgraaidfcn and J- - hn Eilerton , of Liverpool , -ale merchants—James TiTalsh and Wm . Padgett , of Tesdon , Toikshire , Bcribbling milleia—jEmc-3 Yates and Ralph Slater , of Preston , cotton manufacturers—Thomas Barton , Henry PirkeB Barton , and John Ormerod , of Manchester , cslico printer ! " —Thomas Oxford , Robert George Ramsden , and Henry Holland , of Liverpool , merchants—Elijah Abrahams sn 3 John Watkin , of Manchester , engravers—Thomas Holland and Thomas Holland , jun ., of PjtsUm and Cirencester , cattle dealers .
Untitled Article
From fhe Gazsite of Tuesday , Ocl . 1 . BAKXBTJPTS . Charles Kerry Nichollj , banker , Bridge-street , Baittrsea—Henry Hayncs , innkeeper , Scole , Norfolk—Ulcbara Robinson , coal merchant , Strand—Edward Astnraa , bottfrfcr , Worth WaUhatn , Jforfolk—Mai tin "M" » 7 ; t > , coal-merchant , Crsydon—Jonathan Thomas Htnnd , laceman , Birmingham—Francis Drflinne , check TnMiuT&cturer , Manchertei—^ Richard John Webb , Trine and spirit merchant , Bath—Rsss Watson and Robcri Horris , brokers , Liverpool .
Cowahdlt Oirraage.—An Attempt At Incendiarism Vras Made On The Premises At No. 12, Catherine
Cowahdlt OirraAGE . —An attempt at incendiarism vras made on the premises at No . 12 , Catherine
" Wlieel-klley , near Bishopsgate-Htreet , on Thursday ni » ht , the 26 th xHU , as late aa twelve o'clock , by Ecme evil-disposed niccreant throwing a case containing some comestible article wrapped pp in a qtisnuly of old rags EOaked in turpentine into the cellar of the house occupied by industrious hardworMag people . The case "which was thrown , immediately exploded , and of course alarmed the lodgers , -who had retired to rest , and on their
coming down stairs from their beds they immediately E&Te the alarm . Three policemen were " in a few xninntes on the spot , ud discovered the vill&nouB act in time to save the row of houses from being burnt to the ground , for had the loud explosion not taken place the premises most hare been fired . The BtmoBt exertions are on foot to discover the guilty wretchj and ~ strong suspicions attach to a neighbour , who has repeated ]; been heard to say that she wonld not rest till she saw the several hoDses opposite in flames .
Heisubss BoiBEaT . —On Monday , a sailor , who had been paid off in the morning , went into a pablichouse in Tower-street to get" a glass of ale * when a fellow with a dog , having a eollar on it , followed him and entered into conTersaiion with the sailor . A third , who appeared a stranger to both , followed , and entered the > ame place at the same time , ana after a short time laid a wager of £ 10 with the sailor Ih&t the latter oonld not unlock the dog ' s collar—a w&ger whieh-was instanly accepted by the thoughtless tar . The proposer of the -wager put down fi ^ e sovereigns and a £ 5 note—an example instantly followed by the sailor , vrho made several ineffectual effort 3 to open the padlock of the collar . Tken the owner of ihe dog Baid it waa useless to make any further efforts , and-went away -with his dog , quickly followed by the supposed stranger , who in the first
instance proposed the -wager , and -who upon his de-? artnre took up the sailor ' s instead of his own money , he sailor proceeded to deposit the other £ 10 in hi 3 fob , when a looker on , who suspected that all was not right , advised him to eount his cash . Upon his doing so , instead of good and lawful coin of the realm , " he fonnd substituted a flash £ 5 note and Eve connterfeit sovereigns . The poor fellow ' s distress at the unexpected denouement may be more easily conceived than expressed . Dnring the greater part of the day he was pacing up and down Tower-Btreet , Thames-stree : , and their vicinity , deploring Mb loss , as he intended to have brought home to his family the whole of his savings . It is needless to sdd thsi the two felloe were accomplices , who had dodged the poor s&ilbi from the broker ' s office wiuri he was paid .
The Sabbath obser-vtsg Scotch . —Tho Sibb ^ th and its observances in Scotland have occasioned some Barcrise to Qneen Victoria , some admiration , sope amnsemeat , and eoma disgust . On the first Sunday the rain fell in torrents , while the decent Highlanders of Blair Athol repaired quietly to the meek little parish church , with the sole object and expectation of worship . There too arrived Victoria , frith tie same purpose—bent on joining her Scotch salj-cts in worshipping the " Father of all" after the manner of their country . The Q . aeen ' 3 presence was Tsccgnised , bat most emphatically so in the decorous firmness to restrain the wandering eye , and to maiatain , \ rita a simple , dignified Bslf-respect , respect for the sacrtd Occupation of the Qaeeu—resjeci for the sacred
edifice . One spirit reigned over all , consecrated to ihe day and the place . Not the pit -at the Opera- j konse is more densely crowded—mure " hot , more Staring , more vnlsarly irreverent , than the aadienea i that burst into the little church las : Sunday ; gathering from the nearer toTTBs , usurping the seats of the village congregation—climbing , pushing , leaning over , and dodging heads to sea the sight—the Qaeen at her devotions 1 The " house of prayer , " if not made a " ** den of thieves" for the nonce , was pol-Inied by the sacrilege of idle curiosity . The exhibition over , the sight-seers rnshed from- the holy fane Bad from the retired glens . back to their streets and evening compotations . Queen Victoria was first struck bv the simple decorum of the Highland
villagers and clansmen ; now by the brutal coarseness uf the Scotch townsfolk , that made a showroom of St place of worship—a show of their Quern . Even the Brighton hnstlers were less indecent . Was it for this that she was prepared by Sir Andrew Agnew ^ s impudent letter , telling her how "Sabbath-© bserving ' a people are the Scotch , and warning her Dot to set a bad examp l e ! Let the Pharisee I pok-at hora& - Did the strangers from England treed thi 3 untimely riot , in a place less consecrated to them ihsn to ine Scotch 1 Sir Andrew ' s countrymen make the cay of rest gloomy , deny themselves most of the everyday-enjoyments , except good eating
and drinking ; but put a show in their way , and ii Beems no usage , no courtesy , bo reverence for holy things can preserve decency among them . Perhap 3 there majbs even "breaches" of the Sab ath -which might teach the good tasi-e here ntterly wanting , and a detpcr veneration of spirit . In spite of Sir Andrew ' s lecture , the Queen is likely to dissent from the good laste © Tih' : s " SabbattobierviBg , " aud to doubi whether ± "urhanical Scotland exhibitsscc ' great reYerenca for Eacred thing 3 as it professes . Piety is not shown only by disusing railways en Sundays , and omittiDg iastromeatal sccompaanaenis $ o p 8 &lffi 2 ,- Spectator ,
West Riding Of Yorkshire. Michelmas Sessions.
£3anfcrttjpig, &T.
£ 3 anfcrttjpig , &t .
Untitled Article
; 3- " - ^ — > - THE NORTHERN S T A . R I October 5 , 1844 .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 5, 1844, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1283/page/2/