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THE Proprietors of the WEEKLY DISl'ATCH , ever foremost in furnishing fall details of important events , and ' desirous " of meeting the views of an anxious public , purpose giving the fullest particulars relating to the Trial of Thomas Henry Jlocker , fof the horrible murder at Hainnstead , and iu order that every incident may * e fully reported , the WSrATCH of the «*** " * ** turday and Sunday « " te accompanied by * ur « tn . pages , as a SUITLEMEXT , and will consequent * con-Si a most copious and interesting account of all the PI ^ bfw £ EKLY DISPATCH , "bj ? fearlessly advoeating popular rights , has acquired the title of the PEOPLES Leading Jocesal , and obtained a drcrfation unprecedented in the history of newspapers . Sensible of tins important position , ^ d tebe Hfnm of mamtomng 11 Ae Proprietors intend , on and after SATURDAY the 20 th of KTRlL . to pubfeh an Edition winch wll leare Xondon bv the Saturday morning railway early train ? , so as to reach places at a distance of 200 or 250 miles from the Metropolis in the stfternoon and evening of the same < lay . This Edition Kill contain the London Markets of the week , inclufliui ! those which arelield on Friday , together with every interesting occurrence op to the I . i 6 t moment of publication ; also the spirited letters of Pcbxicoza , Caustic , and C ' ENSuKirs , and frequent Original Poems by Euza Cooc Orders will he receivedfor this popular journal by ever Hews Agent in the kingdom , and by J ! r . Wood , at the Dispatcu Qffice , 1 S 9 , Fleet-street , London . Subscribers who wish to avail themselves of this arrangement * are requested to notify immediately , to the respective Agents who supply them , their desire to b « furnished with die EiSLT Edition .
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9 ITOE Undersigned continue to engage Passengers for A Hret-Claw Fast-SaffiiiR AMERICAN PACKET SHIPS , which average from 1000 to 1 S 00 Tone , for the following Portf , viz .: — KEW YORK , I BOSTOX , PHILADELPHIA , SEW ORLEANS , BALTIMORE , | BRITISH AMERICA , * c . Emigrants in the country ca . - engage passage by letter addressed as underneath : in wh . ch case they need not be in livetjixA until the < h > x bfcfore the Ship is to # ail ; and -the ; -nill thereby avoid detention and other expenses , fcwides ucuri *) a tktaptr passage , and having the best berths allotted ' to them previous to their arrival . Tor further particulars apply , post-jiaid . to JAMES BflCKETT < t SOJf , Korth End Prince's Dock , Liverpool .
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-EMIGRATION FOR 1845 . GIOKGE KIPPARD and SOJf and WILLIAM TAPSCOTT , American and Colonial Passage Offices , 96 , Waterloo-road , and 15 , & > rec-p : azza& , Liverpool , Agents for the Sew Line of New York Packets , compiising ihe following magnificent ships : — Shift . Tone . To Sail . EoTTUCCrJUt , HOO . CthJan . GthMay . 6 ih Sept Xivzbfool , 3350 . SihTe \ 6 th June . 6 tli Oct . < Jc £ E . \ oftbeWElT , 1250 . 6 th Mar . 6 th July . 6 th Xov . jRocHrsTEX , 1000 , 6 th Ap-. 6 th Aug . € th Dec . Together with , other first-cUss Americttn Packet-Ships sailing weekly throughout theyeai for New York , and occasionally for Boston , Philadelphia , and JJew Orleans ; also to Quebec , Montreal , and St . John , X . B . Emigrants may rest assured that the ships selected for their conveyance by this establishment are of the first and largest class , commanded by men of great skill and exexperience ; they will be fitted up without any regard to expense , in the most approved manner to ensure comfort and convenience . In order that parties may have every accommodation daring the passage , private state rooms arc fitted , up in « ac * ship , and made suitable for fanilies of any . number , at a moderate charge . - . Each adult passenger will be profiled with one pound ¦ of good biscuit , or fire pounds of potatoes , and three quarts of pure water , daily , daring the voyage , and if detained in Liverpool more than forty-eight hours after the fime appointed for sailing , will be paid subsistence money , According to law . Emigrants and settlers can avail th anselvee of the excellent arrangements effected through our agents , TV . and 3 . T . Tapscott , of ' . New York , and nliict have given such general satisfaction during the past season , for tlieir safe , expeditious , and cheap conveyance to any part of the "Western States or Canadas , preventing the possibility of iraud and i mposition , hitherto so often p . -actised on their landing at Xew York . Mr . "Wm . Tapscott , who has just returned Irom a tour through the TTnitcl States , will be happy to furnish any information respecting purchase of laud , loca li ties , different routes and facilities for reaching every important point there . Forthe safe conveyance of money , drafts ibramy amount can be given on the Fulton Bank , Sew York , payable at sight , without discount . Parties residing at a distance may haTe every information by letter , postpaid , and the best disengaged berths secured bjr fending deposits of £ 1 for each passenger to G . RTPrAKD AXD SO >" , K TTif . TAPSCOTT , 86 , Waterloo-road , or 15 , Goree-piazias , Liv ; rpooL Ixpovtant . —The " American Emigrant's Guide" ean he had cratiV on application by letter , or othenrL e .
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PARR'S LIFE PILLS . THE extraonliuHrj success of this medicine is the won . der of the age ; it has been tried by hundreds of •{ thousands as an aperient , and has in every instance done good ; it lias never in the slightest degree impaired the most delicate constitution . Tens of thousands have testified that persevera : ce in the use of PARR'S LIFE TILLS will completely cure any disease , and are living -witnesses of the benefit received from this invaluable metlicine . Sheets of testimonials and the "Life and Times of Old Parr " , may be had ( gratis ) of every respectable Sfedicine-vendbr throughout the kingdom . Bead the following account from Mr . Hollier , Dudley : — TotkePrcprklon o ] fan ' s life Pint . Dudley , Sept . 14 . Gentlemen , —I forward you the copy of a letter sent to sne ( as under ) , and which you can make what use of you flfaioJc proper . I am , your obedient servant , E . Hollies , Dudley . Tipton , Staffordshire . T , Joshnb Ball , hereby testify that I had been dreadfully - afflicted with Rheumatic Gout for seventeen years , eo that Ihave , _ at times , kept my bed for months together , and couid not get anything to do me good till I took Parr ' s ISfePJOt , which I am very happy to state have nearly restored me to perfect health . As witness my hand , this Hth day of September , Joshca Bill . To the Public—So sooner is ft medicine well estalilished in public favour , than a host of imitators arise , who , for the sake of gain , not only wrong the proprietors of the genuine medicine , but inflict a serious injury on the wiwary purchaser of their base counterfeit trash . These observations apply with increased effect to the medicine tvhich is now so well known as " Pan ' s Life Fills . " This famous remedy ] has been established by undoubted proofs of its efficacy , and by a mass of evidence and testimonials ¦ wfiicn no other medicine ever yet called forth . These facts hare had the effect of producing a very large salemore than 15 , 000 boxes per week . When this large sale came to the knowledge of some unprincipled persons , who - ior th « sake of gain to themselves , and reckless of the injury it may do to others , are attempting to foist on the incautious various imitations , and in order that pur chasers may be able to detect these frauds , care must be taken to look at the GoKnuaeHt etawg pasted round . cach tox , and be sur » it has thewordsf Par ?* Life PaWva wotiteitttertim a red gi < &uwlengraved therein , aud forms partofthe « tarap ; alsethat-T . Roberts and Co- ^ raaccourt , Tltet-rtreet , " is psuHted withtliedirections wrapped - round « ach box . Soldin Doxesatls . lid . 2 s . 9 d ^ andfemUypacVets atll « . Tjj Edwards , 67 , ^ St . Paul ' s ; Barclay and Sons , Farring-« * on-street ; Sutton and Co ., Bow CJiurcu-yard , London ; Xottershead and Co ., Manchester ; i . and R . Baimes « nd Co ., jEdinburgh ; and by all Ntpeetahla dragpats and patent median * retailer * throughout the kiagdoH . — Jdiicc&out are nvea with «« cfa bos .
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TO SUFFERERS—INSTAXT RELIEF FROM . PAIN . « AJt LCTAT ' b CR 1 KDI FOOUBC . THIS extraordinary preparation earec , id most « ae « c by one application , thdg « formidable and tormtntMg sudadies , tic-doloreux , gont , rhsum&tism , lumbago , and all painful affections of the nerve * , giving instant relief ia lie most severe paroxysms . Patients who for y « are bad ^ rawn on a miMraUe eiietooce by being deprived of deep Irani tteatt pain , " anijamnj that h « d lost the free see of * heirlimbi from-weaknecs caused by paralysis and rbea-Tnttfam , to the astomchmentof their medical attendants and acquaintance , haye , by a few rubbings , been restoni io health , « trengtlj , and comfort , after electricity , galvaniem , Ukterlng , T . mtrine , eolchicura , and all the usual remedies had been tried and -fouad worte than uceleiM . It » « urprisijif effects hart also been experienced in it * Cftpidiur * of nerrou * affections of the heart , palpitation , ^ ySeoltyofbrtathtg . ' painioftheloins , 8 oi > tica , gland « - Jar ( veilin g * , and weaknesc of the lujaments and joints . Itxctaj be need at anytime by the most delicate persoM *^ fll the grifUfMt >« fery , repairing no restraint from bufis ** aor pI « uur « ,-nor ' d « M it cause any sruptiom on tht nosttende-skln ; . ,. _ « oid , bytheafpowtai « Ht « f JeanLefay , fli « inTtntor , S ^*« « 6 «^ J . W . SzixLua , pharmacintical eh * - '^ ss ^ sts s * tondon - ^ - - ^^ -ti ffi « order for 5 s . nffl pat for a 4 « . M . «^ ~ d x& carnage to any part of the unite d kingdom . ^ tc « be cwt t « any part of London , carriage fr «^
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JUST OPENING . MESSRS . MILLER AND J&NES , TAILORS AND WOOLLEN IliMIWlcS , 158 OXFORD-STREET , CORNER-OF MARY' LEBONE-LAKE . AS Extensive Assortment of theUest . Goods , madeand unmade , always on hand . Bou 3 htifi > r : ready j . cash at Uie cheapest and best markete . To he-eoM'for'readj cash only , so that the DisAcaaEABiE ^ bcbssiti- or CUAhCIVC HEAVI PBOFITS TO COflEU JIADiDBBTB " MAir ' BE A VOICED . - _ . ¦ Single Garments and Suits of < 2 othos -interest ' variety , and at low and honest prices . Gentlemetfs Buperfine dress caate ,-. cut . andtfinished in the first style , £ 115 s ., and upwards . Cloth , caslunere , doeskin , andiiwaaditrousflK , 9 s . Cd ., and upwards . Valeutia , twlenet , and quilting « osts , 5 s . ' 6 d ., amd upwards . Very rich plain and fancy satifiiSa > d-silk * alvet vests , 15 s ., and upwards . « y ifecloilcs' irorfciiw Ctot £ oe < fiu « Hu-C » i « ap .
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POPULAR WORKS NOW POBUMK iG BY TV . DUGDALE , 37 , UOLYWEiUL-SU'BiELT , STRAKD . rPHB WANDEB 13 K * JEW— - > To . 23 , pfliae * toe > Peniiy—X is published this day , and is the beet , aue . cheapeat , and the most correct ( translation of this eektaated worfc . No other edition in English will be less ( fclutn twice ite price . It is printed is foolscap octavo , and wall form a . handsome volume , fit for the pocket or thelitesy . " Also uniform with it in tyi ) e , size , and paper , ^ .. THE MYSTBUIES OF PAKIS , carefully « e « erected and revised , witli illustrations . It wiU he eoss $ tetei in bout thirty numbers , with engravings . * # * Order the Jf « upareil edition . The Mysteries of Paris may also . be had in sixty peany numbers , or fifteen parts at ftwrpence each ; being &e first trauslatiouin the English Janguage , and the oaif one tliat contains all the original edition before the autlwr had curtailed it to pleasi the astidiaus taste of a too piu-; icn tpul'lic . This editi # n lias fifty engravings , isprinted - j good bold type , and the whole , handsomely bound iu i id in one volume , may be had for 4 s . * * * A liberal allowance to dealers . AUo in two volumes octavo , neatly bound , VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTI 01 ? A » Y , withont abridgment or mutilation , containing every word ot the edition iu six volumes published at £ 210 s . Tile first volume has a . nitididlion likeness of the author , sad the second a full-length engraving of Voltaire as lie appeared iu his seventieth year . " To the first volume is prefixed a copious Memoir of his Life and Writings . Every care has been taken to keep the text correct , to that it mnyremain a lastiug monument of the geuius and indomitable perseverance t » f the author . in enlightening and liberating his fellow creatures . The universal feme of Voltaire ; the powerful blows which he dealt to superstition and tyranny , from which they will never recover , have long rendered this book celebrated above all others , as the great advocate of freedom aud humanity , aud the undoubtnble assailant of tyranny , whether spiritual or militant . For beauty of typography and correctness of the text , the pub-Ii 6 herwll challenge competition—and for cheapness he will defy all . The two volumes contain 127 C pages , and may be had in 120 penny numbers , thirty parts at fourpence each , or in two volumes , handsomely bound and lettered , price 12 s . Sold by all booksellers . The WORKS of THOMAS VA 1 XE , uniform with Voltaire ' s Dictionarji to he completed in one volume , or sixty penny numbers , each number containing sixteen pages of good , clear , and readable type . The first part has a bold aud excellent portrait of Paine , after Sharpe , from a painting by Romney . Strange as it may appear , there has yet been no complete and cheap edition of the works of this celebrated man . Richard Carlile placed them beyond the reach of the working classes when he published them for £ 2 2 s , the Political Works alone , aud the Theological Works for 10 s . Cd . It is calculated that the whole will not exceed sixty numbers at one penny each , or fifteen parts at fourpence . Eight numbers are now published , aud the succeeding parts will be issued withrapidity . . ; :,.. VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , NOVELS , and TALES . The celebrity which these famous Tales havtf ~ bb taiifcd in all European and American languages rendorsWpqmment superfluous . For wit , sarcasm , and irony , they stand unrivalled . This will be the first uniform and complete edition , and will comprise the following celebrated works : —Candide , or All for the Best ; Zadig ; The Huron , or the Pupil of Nature ; The White Bull : The Wovld as it Goes ; The Man of Forty Crowns ; The Princess of Babylon ; Meronontlie Philosopher ; Micromegas ; Plato ' s Dream ; Babebec , or the Fakirs ; The Two Comforters , iiC , &c . Six parts , fourpence each , and twenty-four penny number * , are now read } -. The remainder will speedily follow . The BIEGESIS ; being a discovery of the origin , evidences , and early history of Christianity never before or elsewhere so fully aud faithfully set forth . By the Rev . Robert Tatlor . Complete in fifty-four numbers , at one penny each , or thirteen parts , fourpence each ; or may be had , neatlv bound in cloth and lettered , price 5 s . - ' THE DEVIL'S PULPIT , or the Astro-Tlieological Lectures of the Rev . Robert Taylor , published under that title , complete in forty-eig ht numbers , the two last comprising a Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Reverend Author . This work was formerly published in . twopenny numbers—now reduced in price to one penny . All the numbers are reprinted as they fiill out , so that sets may be constantly obtained . The MIRROR of ROMANCE , In one volume , containing four hundred pages quarto , with upwards of fifty illustrations , and the following celebrated works : — Leone Leoni , by George Sand , now Madame Dudevant , one of the most powerful romances ever written . The Physiology of a Married Man , by Paul de Kock , with upwards of fifty illustrations , is given entire . Jenny ; or The Unfortunate Courtezan , by the same author , containing a most affecting moral , drawn from rehl Hfe . The Bonnet Rouge , or Simon the Radical , n tele of the French Revolution , —a work of great merit , The White House , a romance l > jr Paul de Kock—Memoirs of an Old Man at twenty-five ; a most piquant aud amusing tale . Makcal of Freemasonry , verbatim from the editions published by Carlile , for 15 s . All the above maybe had in one volume 5 s ., or iu icn Parts at Cd . each . A liberal allowance to the trade # In one thick volume , price five shillings , The M . AKoii . of Fkeexasokkt , Parts I . II . and III ., ns published by Carlile at 5 s . each , may now be had uniform in size with Chambers' Miscellany , and most elegantly printed . This edition contains the prefaces and introduction to each part , which are omitted in the other reprints . Part I . contains a mauual of the three first degrees , with an introductory keystone to the Royal Arch . Part II . contains the Royal Arch and Knights Templar Degrees , with an explanatory introduction to the Science . Part III . contains the degrees of Mark llace , Mark . Master Architect , Grand Architect , Scotch Master or Superintendent , Secret Master , Perfect Master , and upwards of twenty other associations , to which is prefixed an explanatory introduction to the science , and a free translation of some of the Sacred Scripture names . The parts may be had separate ; parts L and IL , ls . < Sd . « ach , aud part III ., 2 s . May be had of All Booksellers . Paul de Kock ' s Works , full and free translations JNEIGHBOUR RAYMOND ,, price it ., a most amusing tale . The BARBER OF PARIS , 2 s . SUSTAVCS ; or the Young Rake , 3 s . GEORGETTE ; or the Scrivener ' s Niece , 2 s . BROTHER vTAMES , 2 s . MY WIFE'S CHILD , Is . Cd . THE MAX WITH THREE PAIR OF BREECHES , 2 & TOURLOUROU ; or the Conscript , Ss . Also , INDIANA , b y George Sand , a Romance of Illicit Lore , Ss . TERRAGVS , THE CHIEF UF TEE DETOURERS , by M . de Balzac , Is . « d . Will be ftlUwed up by others of the same writer . . . ON THE POSSIBILITY OF LIMlTLio ffurTJLODSKESS . AN ESSAT OS POPCLOCSSBSS—to which is added the THEORY OF PAINLESS EXTINCTION , by Marcus , price Is . ¦ * * * * The celebrated pamphlet where it is proposed to forbid the intercourse of Man and Woman when they are p tor , and . to make it felony when a child is the result . Th « Theory of Painless Extinction coolly discusses the method of extinguishing life , when the intruder Iia 6 not property immediate or expectant to support that hfe . " The -MONK , "by "Lewis , verbatim / from the Original ; twentj-. fdur . plates , price 2 s . ia . ' ' ¦ - "" * A « RIAfiE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DiSCtfSSED . In - * wipart 6 . —Tart ' I . " "On the Necessity of Marriage " Precocity ; Effects of Wedlock . Part II . Instructions in Courting ; Sudden ' Love ; Organizations ; Madness cured by Matrimony ; the Courtezan Reclaimed . Part III . Limitation of life justified ; Protectors—their utility and general adoption . Part IV . —Real causes of Sterility ; remedies . From the French of JeanSubois , 2 e . 6 d . FRUITS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or , private advice to young married people . Containing ibe Tarlous hjpotlicds of Generation ; Structure of the Female Organs ; Conceptions ; Remedies against Barrenness and Irnpoteacy ; with a curious anatomical plate . 2 s . Cd . AUtkt aboie , and more extensive Catalogue , may be had from erery vender of periodicals . All orders punctually attended to .
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THE NORTHERN STAR , AND NATIONAL TRADES' JOURNAL , ESTABLISHED in Leeds in 1837 , and since then the leading Provincial Journal in the Kingdom , is now published at No . S 40 , Strand , London . Tbe object of the Proprietor in establishing the Korthern Star was to furnish a fearless and faithful organ for the representation of the Labouring Classes , whose interests " frost tane immemorial have been shamelessly neglected . "Tiia seaaeral of the Star to London has enabled its cona * ttctorsl «« ipply the reader with the latest intelligence , ¦ 6 well mt ibe most interesting news ; in consequence of which it * lumber of readers have materiall y increased in the Metropolk , end its country circulation can be equalled by few , even ib * most extensively circulated Metropolitan atwipapers * From Hie extensive circulation of the Northern Star , together rath th « faet that it is read by all classes of society as the rgan of the movement party , Advertisers will find it to be « medium of cvBUMunication with the public at arge worth Mfee . . Books and Publications for review must be addressed ( post paid ) to the Editor , 340 , Strand , London . Advertisements and orders for papers Jo be addressed to Feargus O'Connor , 3 i 0 , Strand , where all jeomaiunicationg > yill be punctually attended to .
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Tie folletBng extra « t frean : t ! je > Iir « wjpa * er stamp K * ,. turns for -Ctotober , Norem&Br ,.-andii 7 coember , 1813 ( anted whkh no . ratmis have faaan .-jraadp ) , 6 how that . tffled KorthernStanis far at theOjaad-of 4 » acy old-establufeacl Locdon WeeHj Journals : — . i NORTHERN STAR ... 117 , < M » \ NewsofthevtEcrld .. 86 , 000 iTJnited ^ Swvice Ga- ; Record 83 , 800 zette 19 # 00 Examiner 71 , 000 SPntrlot ..... .. .. .. 60 * 900 Bmtaimia .: .. .. 66 , 000 : Spectator 4 ^ 000 M * . rkJaneEsF- -ess .. 54 , 000 'Era .. 41 ( 000 Tablet 45 , 000 . John Bull 39 ^ 00 Observer 41 , 000 Watchniftr , 33 J 600 Mae .. .. 87 , 000 'Age au&ifigus .. .. 22 ^ 600 Noneonfoimict . .. 80 , 000 Sentinel . .. .. 20 jOaO Bill ' s New Weekly . Journal oKlommerce 13 ^) 0 fliesseuger .... .. 22 , 500 * # * Ojbperre the Offi ^ . 310 , Stranc , London , !
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Tla followingtEooks are published at ike . Norihern Stfrf ¦ ojjice , tMb ,-& ' jrand , and may be had , # f all Book-. ' sellers and iS&uv Agents . . CHAMBERS' PHILOSOPUY ROUTED . Just publishediS-ricc Fourpeace ( forming a Famphfet of SG pagee , ; iemy 8 vo > , i iu a stiff wrapper ); THE ^ HIRD iBeiTION QF . A FULL and fj 3 OMPLBT ; E RBFUTAIJiON of the iPJffiHifflSOPHY e ^ jMned in & TRACT reeeutly pubiishadfoy the JtES ^ giS . CHAH 1 }| J { S , of Edi » burgh , entitled jtfce " Employanand Emphpyad . " ttitus valuable fittf * : work ^ qRtains tU « nj . Qst cont-, plete . defenceofthe < i « a * . nds . ofitlje Working CJ (? ssesfor tileiriaar share of tlie t « r /) rmop . s ^ v « alth created . by Machinery , as well as a j « s . ti 5 cation , of grades Unio ^ a . a ] Ue samerous appeals tiliat ¦ li ^ ye ( been made tp Jtr , OtCtQHaer from nearly &x . qr ( r part . Qf ; t !» e kingdom fe ? the pubUqstfon , in pamphlet rf « rm > . of : tl )» se Dialoguee « 1 ! iat hav , e ^;<» sntly appeared in ritUs /? tar ,: h . { vve . determined ijini to gratify « 'hat appears to heebe alnjp ^ t unanimous v . % h of the iLfttcurhig Classes . ° The jgfE ^ loycr awl the Effi ^ 'ed / # •* by Feargut O'Cwnorj * * heatsaciKftlw . WW . fl * 'i'saatl » or ' fi , — # 0 iW . ffl , W < . ¦ ¦ ¦ Compete jn fine Vol ., neatly Bawd U Cloth , A PR AjGTiy 3 AL WORK . ON SMALL F . AJ $ & ,. : Faw ° 7 \\ vo Shillings and Sixpence , By FBMXWB O ' CONNOR , E 6 « . ' Thedeeii'c of ibjiiwiimf hue been to furnish a » vsl ! JaUe compendium » % sw ? b a price as would enaVte every working man to beeme possessed of it . It eonteim 11 the practical instructions , together with Plates , ' describing Fnrm-heuse , Offi / xs , Tank ) Fiirm-yard , < tc ; with particular information reqii ^ ite for carrying out all the operations . H . B »—TJie above work maystiJl foe procured in numbers , price 6 d . each . " I have , nitliin the last few months , visited erery part of France , aud I declare that I have sem more misery in one street in Dublin than in all Franco ; the people are well clad , well fed , and merry ; they are all employed on Small Farms of ( heir oimi , or ( inequitable takings !"Vide Lord CtoKurry ' i Letter in Morning Chronicle , Oct . 5 « R , 18 * 3 , Those personsdesiious of bettering their condition and of becoming " Independent Labourers , " by entering the " Productive-labour" Market , will do well to read "A Practical Work on Small Farms , " by Feakgus O'Cokkob , E& 3 , It contains much useful information , invaluable to the parties for whom it was written ; and Old Farmers I will find many useful lessons in the new system of hus- j bandry , which they have yet to learn . The work displays great practical knowledge , and is written so Hint any one ' who reads muy understand . Mr . O'Connor seems not to ' have used either the old or ' new nomenclature' in this ' work ; he has not buried his meaning in chemical ttdini- ' calities , which very few understand , but which most writers on agriculture seem so desirous of using . Perhaps they do not understand the practice of Funning so well as the theory ; and , therefore , mystify that which tliey cannot explain , by some long chemical term , which ' the plain reader may pass over as a "hard word , " hard to pronounce , and harder to understand when . it is pronounced . The reader will find that Mr , O'Connor lias avoided all those luird names , aud suited the language to the toiling labourer , whose college is generally the workshop , or , at beet , the Sunday School . Though the work is written for holders of Small Furms , yet no Allotment Tenant ought to he without it ; the valuable information it contains respecting tilling and cropping is alike useful to all . "—Extract from a Farmer ' s Letter . " This really useful little volume ought to be in the hands of every one at all connected with agricultural pursuits . "—Uoyd ' e Weekly London Nmspaper . " Although we feel no desire , in the language of the proud Peruvian , in contemplating what we hope to rejoice in , the contentment , prosperity , and comfort of our fellow men , to exclaim— " This , this is my work ; " nor is our object , as Mr . O'Connor declares his to be , " that each man who is willing to work w . \ y be independent of every « t !) cr man in the world for his daily bread , " yet ire can with much pleasure recognise in the book before us a powerful instrument for aiding in developing in man a < nuch higher destiny than he has hitherto attained , "Mr O ' Conuor shews clearly , what will soon be apparent to all who reflect deeply , that we are not left without the means of obtaining not only all that is physically , requisite for e man ' s progress , but also that we may readily prodice what i 6 apparently desirable ; for none who , carefully peruse this work can doubt that a system of small furms , held by active and industrious labourers , would amply return , in exchange fov healthful exertion , fur more than is requisite to preserve physioal strength . " He also shews that something more than this is requisite to ensure happiness , for he says in page 121 , " I feel convinced that man can place no reliance whatever upon his fellow man , or a community of men , when circumstances operate upon his or their minds , the influence and effect of which would be stronger than any abstract notions of justice , For instance , if a community of labouring men purchase a quantity i land , and hire la » bour for its cultivation , however just their intentions and pure their motives , they will nevertheless feel themselves justified in raising the price of the land , according to the improved value conferred upon it by the labour of the hired workman . This power of steadily trenching upon the rights of others is one of the greatest disadvantages against . which the labourer lias to contend ; and those hired by a community , at the-end of twenty years would be in no bettefcondition than they were at starting , while the community of proprietors would have increased the value of their property twenty-fold ; th * A is , they would have robbed those labourers , by whose industry tire wtue was increased , of nineteen shillings in the pound . " Tltese remarks * Ve powerful arguments in the sphere in wiiich they are written , and if examined in ttreir relation to the universal , they confirm the testimony tliat " t'he earth is the Lord ' s , and all that ¦ therein 16 ; the round twrld and they tfcst dwell tfcrctx-in ; " for , after partaWftig freely of wh « itfe good for esch order of creRtion , a * . } - selt-Hppropriatftfn , by whatever parties indulged in , it from evil , and xtitl produce : £ « s consequence , namely , I ^ ce , crime , and msSiiiy .. " We * ean strongly reexwsmend M * . O ' Connor ' s work t » our Yiffiders , containing mgiwit-iimovt& . 'ot practical infer-- { matirti on agriculture , w hk'h -should foe nwst popukrty diffecd . "—ConcorxUtmi'GkKtite . Hay be had in fVafr XoiribtfM , ! price Sixpence esdh : ; 'or neatly bound in Otoflh , Tno "Sliillrags and Sixpeuee . Also , Price EVwapenee « idh , Numbers I a « d Tl 'dl THE STATE Ot JRBLA ^ D . fey Asthdii O'OoWNob . Xo man c « u sndwstsffid'flie ^ OEition of Irctand , or the bearing of Irfcfo < FMS&Mis , < wlw is not conversant with this perfect pictere < $ f ferfund ' s Mwndition , the «»« ses of her degradation , aad Uk otnnedies for her maui&sM evils . jlfoo , !» 4 w 3 » . < SA , fi «! OTdJEa « 5 «» ^ k SERIES OF LETTO 5 ftS FROM FEARGCS < 0 > OOX' KOB . ESQ ., BAKttESTEa AT AW , TO i&ASSEL O'COXUBLL , ES « , M . P . ; Containing a review of Mr . O'ConndFs ooodudt'duriwgthe agitation of the qutetwn « f Catbolic Bowndijaiion ; together with an anal } « is of his motives and stotkws cittce jbe became a Member ofTarliament . The Hfce * e forme * « m )^ ete 4 ^ 4 «^ eipaBitca ]« eSaiiis « f Mr . < W ? BiiaeU ' and i ^ coaaleBall tfae « ppa «« t-c « ntradjctions iatheacte ^ rf on * of the greatest aptaters ^ fthe-preseut ^ tay . /;¦ This edition ; contains the confirmation of T . Attwood , Esq ., of the , principal charge brought by Mr . O'Connor » f ttinst Mr . O'Connell . ' ' " ' ¦ All persons desirous of completing their sett of the LANCASTE * TRIALS , may jet do so , ae few copies itill remain on nun d . PORTRUT 0 OP rOPULAR CKAKICTBRB . Portraits of the following dUtinguishvd persons , from tteei engravings , and executed in beautiful « tyl « , may b « hadtttthft NwOmH Star Office , S 46 , Srr « nd :- ^ Urgt giw—T . S . Dunco « be , Esq ., M . P ., Richard Oastler , Robert Emmett , John Frsst , Dr . M'Douall , and Feargus O'Con < - nor ; plate » f the Trial of Frost and otheri at Monmcuth $ plate of the FirM National Convention , and plate of the Procession accompanying the National Petition of 1842 to the House of Commons . The price of the above portraits i and plates is one shilling each , HW&tength portraits tjf it * ftUftwiftg dlslinguiiBhed chtmicterB m » y betlStthau atthe ^ aromefe-, pVrcesiih pence each : —Anure % M « t \* l , General ArthUr O'Connor , William Cobbett , fitti ^ r ttunt , Richard Oaslfe * , Ximm Attwood , James Bfcttterre O'Brien , and Sir Wato-i Holesworth , Bart . . ¦ : The above pora ^ s have been given at diftVPeYi ' t times to subscriberBttf < $ » Northtm Star , nnd are tdtoVwsd to , b « the most c « BQ ( pl « e collection ercr presenled nith any newspaper . / ^^ _ PriceTwoShlUingi . ' FIFTEEN ISESSONS on th « ANALOGt fcad % ? XtJ& of theBN € & 1 SH LANGUAGE , for the t » e < of « adulopfersons who fe » e > u ^ lected the study of Gn « 8 it& . * Bj % « . Hill . e * fiftlPBtlition , reT&ed and amew 8 ed . i The Lessons : fn : » ese works are intewfted solely for the use of natwrs . sThgr are dives 4 ed , thewtfore , of all those hair-breadth distractions and u nnccessanjy subdivisions in Analogy , whhft / lf « t « ll useful , can « ri ) y be useful to foreigners . The -seifesce of Grai ximar is 'disentangled in &em from the f « £ &W > fiaiysticism vwludhanwe so long en-
Untitled Ad
ijftrcuded it ThKafcteard and unmeaning technicalities iWkicUperraiB allj « ttt « - works on Grammar araexcliangtd . 5 for 6 srm 6 wiach fliwwjr a definite and precise meaning , il-Iu « fcitive < £ thedS ^ gs they represent . - The Parts of ' Snse"h are arraojistl ^ n an entirely new principU ' , founded , ^ a phUM ^ p hiattv-eansideration of the natuve of lan' suBge . Tk « new »« ft ? y- divisions and . subdiviiioiis are ^* tien ' allv aocountadifor , and the principles ofSJniversal GaskEiimir dimonaaated 80 fully that the meanest capa" ( City-jnay ' undetBtewiiililiem as clearly as it understands thsrf-t ' -vo and two nuafe ^ iPur . . ^ IwSyntax ,. the SxKBBtfon of the English Langtuge is ex-. ciiisiS' - 'ly consulted , \ ¥ fjil » put any unnecessary rcfetance to | otfier languages . A i ^ ontj of the nnmerous Rules ; . ' aiver > . in moRtGraiMna ? 5 i * re shewn to be little bettor than i a ijea ? of seuseles * ^ t ^ ogy . The necessary R u&es are " dfeffljepatrated upont » fe »» lprinciples , and illustratodby ; . ajflp ! SJy ofe » inple « . . , I Syjtlieuse of the fta ?^ pii ^ ssons , and the accompacftu ^ : esfi . fi s * s » any ° ne nu . 5 , ijfi :. »¦ few weeks , acquire a ts * od ; kiiouMse of : Gram « 6 Br , «« Yi 4 iiout any of the disgusting drudjjeQ . ' which , underitJiejpvfseni system , prevents hum ; ipuCof ^ ^ rom ever ssojHriljgfa . knowledge of Grammar > . » t , a ? l . .. " , Ai ., cj ! pipetent GranHtn ^ t ^ al ( knowledge of our own . language is the true batikqiwrtiieh all literature ought U ^ eB . t ; 'it ^ ftop -Coie'ft . . . ' , Jj [ r < l \' 0 . is evidently CT . mifiinfl ! thinker . He attacks , HJfJV ^ Hy and success , < iiie . QsL ^ Hig 6 ystem of English G ^ jumajvand points outtSlve-. aUsm ^ ities with which it is eu& " . u )> i > P fi 4- Ju 6 tly condem ««) grtUc too frequent practief . flf m ^ l . Wg pupils conimatjpqi ; 5 iqii £ , of Grammar to memoJS : flji . t 3 Rfe he maintains tSUftt M \ o . only proper way to tke nsmjvi ; y < is through the vTOdflr-sAwcung .. It is but jmtk ^ tfi him to saytha ^ in . ii ifuvvjpages , he gives a more tf . ^ arj / jjMl comprehensive * 4 ojv . qf itlie structure of the En ^ lUH iteflguag 6 than cast ibe ifau « ii in some very elaboratouwto ' '" - ^ Literary Gasm , " Mr . $ 9 ( 1 i ! i . M discharged hie . task mfth . considerable ability a » d : 1 ) P jftsrson can perttae Jiis iboois with anything like * ttWtWS . without obtatojftg . * . oltjar and Euffi . cie )) testiiKft { e , of ; th . e construction sjwiis . wfi , of his vernacular tongu&'i = jiU # Js Times . ¦ " A coiiuis ? jphjlossphical and laewJ e $$ . QS $ @ou of the principles on AvUiqji H' * language cf iljltou « n < l SLak-^ eare rests . "—Jixwliwd Observer . " It is calcnl * ifi ( l ; l ; o - £ g . \ c the student a cw-owidea « f disjnmatical coasjtnuqtiop—of the analogies of foe language—andofthe #$ ^ u £ e < of the various parts of « pech . . It k isimple , but aot m < i 9 & i clear , but not diffuse 5 and tliere at'S few works ( a wjtiicjh . the first principles of Ommmar are tetter expiaiaed . or saore ably followed up , "— - York Chrtnicle . " -r— - Tfte method lie fans adopted to convey his Icsgons is the least rcpulelre ia a learner that > ye have yet teen , not excepting that of Mr . Cobbetr ... the whole Egctns to be intended as a mental muchine to abbreviate ^ Ji » Jabour of the mind . "—Ghtgcw Liberator , Price One Shilling . PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES , eeleeted wUli great care , and adapted to the Rules and Observations respectively contained in his Fifteen Lessons on the Analogy and Syntax of the English Language , nnd in his Rational School Grammor . By Wm . Hili . Third edition , revised fiud corrected . Price Sixpence . THE GRAMMATICAL TSXT BOOK , for the use of Schools , Cfcildrcn , or Private Students . In this little book the principle / of Grammar , expressed with tlie utmost poBsibleeoneiBcnesB , tire exhibited for the memory . It contains , in a few pages , i . he pith and marrow of the whole science of Grammar . So much are the principles of this important science simplified in these little works , that by the use of them a parent , having no previous knowledge of the subject , may , : in one week , be qualified to instruct his children without , other assistance . ' , All the above works may be had at the Northern Star office , 340 , Strand , London . Of John Cleave , 1 , Shoe- ' lane , Fleet-street ; James Watson , PauVs-alley , Paternoster-row ; H . Hetherin ^ ton , , Holy well-street , London , Of A . Heywood , 58 , Oldham-street , Manchester ; J . ' Guest , Birmingham ; Messrs . Pa ton and Love , Glasgow ; J . Hobson , Market-walk , Huddersfield ; and of all booksellers and news-agents , who cau procure them to order .
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. A new and important Edition of the SUent Friend Annan Frailty . THE rOOKTERNTH EOITWy . Just Published , Price 2 s . Cd ., in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom © 11 the receipt of a Post Office Order . for 3 s . 6 d . THE SILENT FRIEND . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause tliat destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional ^ S EAK ^ ESS , NERVOUS Hlltl-TATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial " or totnJ EXTINCTION of the KEPBODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhtea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms ai e explained in a familiar manner ; the AVork is EmbellMed with Engrarlngk , representing- the deleterious inSmnce ot Mercury on the skin , hy eruptions on the ' head , face , and body ; with approved , mode of cure for both sexes ; followed by observations on the obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; _ with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of succeus , By R . and L . PERRY and Co ., Coksui / hng Scegeosb , London . Published by the Authors ; sold by Heaton , and Buckton , Briggate , Ltcds ; Strange , Paternoster-row ; HannayandCo ., tiSO , Oxford-street ; Furkis , Conipton . gtreet , Soho , London ; Gmst , 51 , Bull-street , Birmingham ; and by all booksellers in town and country . OPINIONS OF THK MESS . "We regard tie work before us , the "Silent Friend , " as a work etnbr j cing most clear and practical views of 11 series of coimJaints hitherto little understood , and passed over by 'lie majority of the medical profession , for what reason «« are at u loss to know . AVe must , however confess 'hat a perusal of this work has left such u favourable impression on our minds , that we not only recommend , but cordially wish every one who is the victim of past folly , or suffering from indiscretion , to profit ty the advice contained in its pages . "—» 4 j / c « ii < J ^ rjri (» i "The Authors of the "Silent Friend" seem to be thoroughly conversant with the treatment of a class of compluints which alt ! , we fear , too prevalent in the present day . The perspicuous style in which Uiis book is written , und the vulwtble hints it conveys to tUoso who are apprehensive of entering the marrkijie stale , cannot fail to recommend it to a cwrcful perusal . "—Era , " TMs work slrould be read by all who value health and wish < o etijoj life , for the . truisnis thcreiu contained defy all dculit »— . Farmer * ' Journal . THE CORDIAL BALM OP SYRIACUH . h » gtmtte ^ timulant and renovator of the impaired ftwretjotts tff life , and is exclusive !^ - dlrectsd to the cure of stroll < coM {^; iiiits as arise front ft disorganization of the ftcnettttiVe System , whether constitutional or acquired , toss of eekual power , and Tfcbility Arising from Syphilitic "d&e ' ase- ; 'Smd is calculated to Wf&W decided relief to those Who , fay early indulgence in so&tftry habits , have weaktired fire powers of their system ^ and fallen into a state ¦ o'f < o hr «* u * c debility , by rAftim ' tite"constitution is left in a aapl ( tt < able state , and tWftt W £ \ ous mentality , kept up niAtiti places the indft $ dtfal-m '» . state of anxiety tor the vetnftntder of life . T ^ re consequences arising from this tkftvgerwas practice , sfCre ' notmittfined to its purephysicnl ' reswt , ljut branch toWidtfttTcfeics ; leading the excited de-Viattug mind into « 'fctftile fi tS -d of seducivc error—into a ijfiw&Ril but touetfogradrtihn of manhood—into a per-> nidiou 6 HpplieatK ' irof'thtfSctnherent rights which nature "nfedy instituted : f ( Jr : the preservation of her species ; feriuging on ff- (! liv , iture decrepitude , and all th « linbitwJesof old age . ( Ci ) n 3 tiKitionai iveakncsis , bcxurI debi . lit $ , obstinatefglcets . ' Miresses , irregularity , obstructions ¦ of certain ewiaurititfns , total impotency « iul barrenness are eftfectuaSJy'MhuJjed'by this invaluable medicine . Sold in lMales , ijirtec 11 s . each , or the quantity of four ia due F « raily bottle * for 33 s ., by which owe Us ,, bottte k saved . PrepaMii •¦ drily'By-Ifessrs . PERRY and Co ., Surgeons , 89 , Bern 9 M = Stre 4 t , ; Otrford-stree ^ Lomton . None » re ge-¦ uine ivJflmit'the ^ fc ^ iature of » R ^» d L . PERRY and Co . xmpreswsHn-a - sttinp . en thewitsida of CftCh Wapper , to amitt «* e' *« tieh- ? is : 3 felouy of < &e deepest liy * The Five i ^ OwnavMwes ' . fAB ^ Mrehasijijr , of , yih \* ih iyM be « «« ving < f *«> e ^ o » lnd : » twe ! y esliilli « gB ) jni « J- * le * ka as usu « d at 19 , JJeniewiStreet , OTford ^ tree ^ 'Kjirtfon-. Patients in tfre « oui «* y'whowe . juire a course « f this « dmirat * e medi : etite , sliould * 8 nd five Pounds b yr ^ ette * , Which Will entitle & » em . toiflje'tull © eiieiit of such *(> . Vtthl * g-e . M « y be had of all Booksellei * , JDrtagfefe **) * "d Patent Medicine T « n « ers in town and . <« iuhtt : y throughout tlie 0 ut <« d Kuigdora , the Continent .- njf fittrope iiind America , of whom may be had the " Sm <** IfkiGMS * Misers . PU 1 UIT exi > ec ^ vrh CH KjonBflrtCed by letter , the usu « l fee oione pound , « itlw aft **«* too notice whatever can be tak « n of the commuii j&mcto . Patients are requested to I je « . « inihute as possible * in the detail of their cases . TERRT ' S PURIFY fm SPECIFIC PSLLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . , ^ an d lie . per bos , ( Observe the signature tf B . and . 1 . PERRY and Co . on the outside of eacli «« spper ) ** e well knowu through , out Europe and Aim i * e = a , to He the most certain and effectual cure ever die- . ^ vered for every stage and symptom of u certain disease , 1 fl bo * U wxe 6 , including Gonorrhoea , Gleets , SeeondHry S ^ nvytwM * , Stricturee , Seminal Weakness , DeStiencj ' , aiv 1 ^ -d&eases of tbe Urinary Passages , withovft toss ot ti jj ^ wn finement , or hindrance from tradhrcsP . They r j , i « e "effected the most surprising cures , not only ** recen ** wA seter * cases , but when salivation and rH 'other m > aae h » Te failed ; they remove Scorbutic Atfeetfctts , EruP dam :, on any part of the body , lacerations , ScrxJfelbuB or / feaeneal Taint , being calculated to cleanse tbe < Koq d fcom « U ? foulness , counteract every morbid •« 3 ffe « ion , and restorij we » k and WUftcwtevl cougtitutionB » tpijri 6 tine health amd .-rigour . ^ Messrs . Perry * ufl . Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted as "Visual , at 19 , Bern « . s ^ trett , Oxford-ttMet , London , punctually , from Ele « e nn the morning until Eight in the veTeuii «» ana ** «« nduyrfronrEteTen till On «; . Only one lpOT 9 «« Ma « sit lenwj uired ft « m & country patitnt to enable afesas . Perry *»» . ' Co . to give such advice as will be the inswus of tfdeotmjj a permanent and effectual cure , after allMrther smewwdw tc proTed incttccCoall N . B . ' - < Vnn »> t ! r = J n » geiet 6 , BookseUers , Patent Medicine V « Rder 8 , * C ., ' »« L'ji ) e tupphed with any quantity of Perry " F ^ rifjinK ^ Pe ^ , R" ? s , and CordialValm of Svri acuhl with the jM « rt « ca © w - Mice to the Trade , by most of tht p rincipa E . « Hofe * ale P . uent Medicine Houses in London bXSS a . . **** < ° ^* ™>
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. | ; i ; , : ; > : , ' , ' ' MESSiBS . BRODIE AND < CO ., Consulting Surgeons , iunv removed their EstalSjsfcment from * , Great ClUU'IfiSstreet , Birmingham , to No . 27 , Mpntague-stooet , £ ussell-square , London . " v ' •"" : f 7-BRODJE ON DBiBILTTY IN MAN . Lifess only life when blessed with health ; , without it all men are poor , let their estates be what they may . Mesgrs . Bropie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 17 , Mon . tagiie-street , Russell-square , Lond « n . JitiijmUished , Fifteenth Edition , price ' 2 s . Gd ., and seat fret . enclosed in a sealed ewetope , en receipt of a i # st-ojjlce order for Ss . Gd . BROME'S MEDICAL WORK on DERILITY IN MAN . Long experience in the treatment of a . class of diseases hitherto neglected and imperfeotfy understood by the great bulk of the medical profestkm , uas enabled tlie autiior to prove that thtve urv cauccalcd causes of indigestion , consumption , insanity , . and nervous debility , in existence , where tlie mere routine jimietitioner would never dream of finding them . Published and soW by the Authors , Messrs . Brodic and Co ., 2 J , Montague-street , Russell-square , London ; and sold by ¦ Sl tonivood , Gilbert , nnd Piper , Paternoster-row ; Harinay * nd 1 C 0 ., G 3 , Oxford-street ; l ' uvkiss , Compton-street , fioho : ; KoWe , 11 * , Chancery-lane ; Uarth , 4 , Dryilges-« taQat , » Coveiit-sanlei ); nnd Gordon , 146 , Leadenhall-struet , ! London ; Sutton , 7 ?« ci «! t-o < ficr , Nottingham ; Cooper , LvduoatQi " , Caldicott , Wolverliampton ; D'Ejjville , Wor-« e « tOT . ; . iJe . ves , Northampton ; Ouslcj , Shrewsbury ; Parker , ItwarfoiMl : ; Gibson , Dudley ; Turner , Coventry ; T . JTcwtou , < 5 lv \ aueli-street , Liverpool ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; FrjvM ., Ea 6 b ; Harper , Cheltenham ' * Keene , Bath ; Wood , lGglw&iBBt , Birminghnm ; Roberts , Derby : Fcrriss and I Seove , CTiiioM-street . Uristol ; Slatter , Oxford ; W . II . I Rolniuwn ^ IS ., Greenside-street , Edinburgh . And byaB booksellers Mvi druggists in towitfllid country . WE . OPINIONS OF THE PKESS . " Brodte . ofl iRcJiility in Man . " London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Pi { wr Paternoeter-iow . This is a work of great ' merit , and riiouid be placed in the hands of every young I man who ie suffering from past folly and indiscretion . It ' contains many valuable truths , and its perusal is certain to benefit him in many ways . Brodie and Co . have also published "Tiie Secret Companion , " a work of a very rttJuuMc character , which is enclosed and sent free with : all their mcdicHies . — ' /»<• London HteeantiU Journal . ! "Brodie on ^ DebUity in Man . " London : Urodie and Co ., 27 , Monfegue-sticet , Russell-square . The authors of this ralua ! le work evidentl y well understand the subject ' upon which they treat ; and this k the best guarantee we can give those persons to whom it is likely to prove sur- 1 viceable . It is a publication which can , and ought to be , placed in the hands of every young man to guide him 5 among the temptations of the world to which he may be ] subjected . —J&ntith Mirctirg , Gravcsen < tJournal , and Green- ' wich Gazette . . ¦ " " ( , THE CORDIAL BALM OF ZEYtAXICA ; or , Nature s ; Grand Restorative . As nothing cau be better adapted to help itnd nourish tbe constitutlob >; so there is nothing : more generally acknowledged to . be peculiarly efficacious in all inward wasting ? , lose of appetite , i ndigestion , de- ; prcfision of spirits , trembling or shaking of the hands or < limbs , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , or co wsump- i tive JiabitiJ . It is exclusively directed to- the cure of f nervous and sexual debility , irregularity , weakness , im- ] potency , barrenness , loss of appetite , indigestion , con . < sumptive habits , and debilities , arising from excesses , ke . ] Sold in bottles , price 4 s . Cd . and lls . each , or the quantity ] of four in one family bottle for 83 s ., by which one lls . ] bottle is saved . With each is enclosed "The Secret f CottrAmox , " Tlie _ nVe pound cases ( the purchasing of ft which will be a saving of one pound twelve shillings ) may be had as usual at their residence . ' Sold by all medicine E venders in town and country , of whom may be had j Brodle ' t Sledieal Work on thts causes ofdebiiity in Man . t , Be sure to ask for Brouie ' s CortJi « l Balm of Zeylanica ; or , ¦ ¦ . Nature ' s Grand Restorative , and Purifying Vegetable Pills . CONSULT "THE SECRET COMPANION , " -i Embellished with engravings , and enclosed with each I box of BRODIE'S PURIFYING VEGETABLE P 1 I . LS , jj price Is . 1 Jd ., 2 s . QA ., 4 s . Cd ., and lls . per box . Observe the signature of " R . J . Brodie and Co ., . London , " impressed on a seal in red wax , affixed to ( each bottle and box , as none else are genuine . Xl . ; s » ! Pills we mild and tffectwal in their operation , without mercury or mineral , and require no restraint of diet , loss ^ of time , or hinderance from business ; possessing the P power of eradicating every sytnptom ' of the disease in its ' worst stage , without the least exposure to the patient . f < Medicines enn be forwarded to any part of the irorld , protected from observation . Country patients are requested n to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases . '' The communication must be accompanied by the usurI " consultation fee of £ 1 , nnd in all cases tke most iaviolalAe v secrecy may be relied on . . Country druggists , booksellers , and patent medicine * venders , can be supplied with any quantity of Brodie ' s c Purifying Vegetable Pills , and Cordial Balm of Zeylanica , * with the usual allowance to the trade , by tbe principal * wholesale patent medicine house *) in London . - 6 Messrs . Brodie and Co ., Surgeons , are in daily attend- * mice for consultation at their residence , 27 , Montague- v street , Russell-square , London , from eleven in the morn- * ing till eight in the evening , and on Sundays from eleven * till two . Only o « e personal visit is required from a 1 vountvv patient to onuUc Motsvs . lirotlie and Co . t * gif * ' such advice « s nill be the means of eft ' ecting' a permanent , ( cure , after all other means have proved ineft ' ectual . i l w lef nu | | . to
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Under the distinguished patronage of Hie Majesty the King of Prussia , and of the Nobility « nd Clergy of th » United Kingdom , and especially recommended by the ; Faculty . .. . KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . j COUG IIS , COLDS , and CATARRHS have been go aggravated by the recent severity mid variableness of the season , that the consumption of these Lozenges is now unprecedented . Theproprktor . howevcr , respectfully informs the public , that although the deiniuid is so enormous , h « takes care to keep a constant supply on hand ; nnd he t is daily receiving from various part of the kingdom testi- c inonials of their effieuey in the alleviation and cure of all j i pulmonary complaints . Thirty years' experience has no c fully proved their utility , that they are now constantly re- I , commended bv tiie faculty , as an unfailing remedy in all : j iMniplaints oh lie chest , whether constitutional or Arising ! from recent cold . They possess all tlie very desirable re- j t commendations that they produce no inconvenience , r « - ! c quire no precaution , and effect a curejof tliese m . ihitfies in j m incredibly short spaue of time , as is attested by tlie j , most respectable arid unqualified testimonials . Prepared j i Mid sold in boxes , Is . 1 R ; and tins , 2 s . 9 ( 1 ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . Gd . each . by Thomas Keating , pharmaceutical chemist , t No . 79 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard . i RECENT TISTIMOKUI . S . < Sir , —I should feel extremely obliged to you if you , would send me a Tin of your most excellent lozenges , for , having tried them , I find they are the best remedy for , Cough that can possibly be had ; this I can testify IVom , experience , for I have been troubled with a most violent j Cough for many years ; and have tried many things , but \ without any benefit , until I met with your Lozenges , jyid they afforded me instant relief . , I remain , sir , yours truly , llENRT WOODERSOV . , Feb . 12 th , 1845 , 1 , Iforth Feltliam-place , near Hounslow . To Mr . Keating , St . Paul ' s . . Dear Sir , —Having been for a considerable time during the winter afflicted with a violent cough , particularly at laying down in bed , which continued for several hours incessantly , and after trying many medicines without the slightest effect , I was induced to try your Lozenges ; and by taking about half a box of'them , in less than twentyfour hours the Cough entirely left me , ami I have beeu perfectly free from it ever since . I am dear Sir , jours very respectfull y , James Ellis . ( Lute proprietor of the Chapter Coffee-hous * , St . Paul ' s . ) P , Claremont-terrace , Pentonville , Feb . 17 , 1846 . To Mr . Keating . Mr . Croft , —Sir , —I am glad I have taken your advice in trying Mr . Heating's Cough Lozeuges , as I have for a long time been troubled with shortness of breath and a bad < ough , and harts tried a great variety of medicines , but «! erived very little benefit from them : but since I Uave made trial of Keating ' s Cough Lozenge 6 , I have breatliid better , and the cough is quite gone . I am , Sir , yours truly , Sarah Fletchbk . Cheetham Hill , near Manchester , August 21 st , 1814 . Agents for the North of England . llanelutiter , Mr . L . Simpson , Druggist , Princess-street ; Chectlmin Hill , Mr , Croft , Druggist , Union-terrace ; Leeds , Messrs . -Reinhord ' t and Son ; Mr . Snveeton , Druggist ; Messrs . Baines and Kewsome , Booksellers ; Halifax , Mr . W . Jepson , Clumiet , Silver-street ; Mr . J . Lofthous « . Chemist ; Bradfird , Mr . M . Rogerson , Chemist , Darley . street ; Mr .-J . l ' mtt , Chemi 6 t , Ivegate ; Stalybridge , Mr . Wm . Bevan , Druggist ; Hull , Mr . Keinhardt , Druggist ; Mr . J . Simpson , Chemist ; Messrs . Ross and Burtoa , Chemists ; Bolton , Mr . George Dutton , Chemist , isc , Market-placft ; Mr . G . La French , Chemist , CheapBide ; Bury , Mr . Boirman , Druggist ; Birmingham , Wood , Highstreet ; JsMo ) i-un < kr-Lyiic , Mr . Staiufield , Druggist ; Bclp « r , Mr . Riddj , Book&ellcr Blackburn , Mr . L . Fish , Druggist ; Maccletfitld , Mr . H . Hodkinson , Druggist ; Nottingham , Mr . B . S . Oliver , Stationer , Long-row ; Derby , Mr . J . T . Hassall , Druggist , Victoria-street ; R . Bryers , Druggist ; Jones and Hewitt , Druggists ; . J . Greenswitb , Druggist , Mercury Office ; Preston , Mr . J . Raw , Druggi 6 t ; Mr . George Sharpies , Chemist , Fisherg&te ; Iiochdatz , Mr . Leech , Druggist ; Mr . Booth , Druggist ; Mr . Taylor , Druggist ; Stockport , Mr . Rajiier , Druggist ; Mr . Wilkinson , Druggist ; Messrs . Sims and Shaw , Druggists ; Sand , back , Mrs . Peover , Druggist ; Warringten ; Mr . William Barton , Druggist ; Wigan , ) ir . E . H . Burnish , Druggist ; Leigh , Mr . James Kirkman Bennett , Citemist ; EudderefieUi , Mr . Jacob Fell , Chemist , Marketplace ; Mr . H . Fry * r , Chemist , New-street ; . EureUm , Wm . Pcars « n , . Droggis , t ; Hanky , Chnrler ; ' Jones ; ' Drsggist ; Longlon , © eoiige Sifcary , DruggUt ; Leicester , T . W . ( Palmer , Druggist . ; . a . 'Goddarti , Druggist ; < ofc « - * ipon-r « nt ,-Wm . Dean , Dr « g ( p « t ; . A ' ohei 8 fi , T . B . Moor , Drugtpst ^ « QtoTge Stacey , Druggist ; 'William Cooke , Druggist , ifatftlk > Chronicle of&oe : ; Jfmicastle-opon-Tyne , W . Fordyoe , 115 , Greystrcet ; - « w * fc Sh' u-Ms , Bell and Co . ; WtitallSJiH . W « tkins , { Dnnrgr 6 t ; WblverhampUm , R . F « wke , sBsuggist ; Deuibury , T . - "S . Brooke ; WakefittO , J . 3 E ) awE « iiu . tndS . Sidney , Chemislp ; Y « rk , W . D . Schotefield , Chemist ; an 3 nil respectable Medicine Venders in the >; Uaite (] Kingdom . ' « Sold-YMesaiBvby . JHOMAS EYRE aad'Go ^ DruggiUs I Tiyerpool , ' > [ ! ' ' , [ ' "
Untitled Ad
. , ; . , 2 « . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and lls . wieh box ; or , post free , 3 s ., 8 b ., . and l'is . COPAIBA AND CUBEBS ENTIRELY SUPERSEDED . W RAY'S BALSAMIC PILLS , a ca-tain , safe , and the most 8 p «« dy lviuedy ever discovered for the permanent and trfftctunl cure of strictures , seminal weakness , pains in . thelointi , affections of the Wdnays , gravel , rheumatism , lumbago , gonorrhoea , gleets , local debility , irritation of the bladder or urethra , and other diseases of the urinary passages . The unprecedented success that has attended the administration of these pills , since they wer « made public , has acquired for them a sale more extensive than tiny other proprietary medieine extant , and tbe circumstance of their entirely obviating the necessity of having recourse to those disgusting , nauseous , and in many cases highly injurious mediviucs ( as copaiba , cubebs , &c . } > lifts obtained tor them & reputation unnuslled i « the auwale of medicine . Prior to being advertised , the 6 « pills were employed in private practice in upwards of 1 , 800 eases , many of them most inveterate—in many thousand cases since , and in no one instance known to fail , or to produce tlioe * cmplcasant symptoms so often experienced while taking copaiba , and that class of medicines usually resorted to iu thwe complaints . The proprietor pledges hiinoelf that not one particle of copaiba , eith « r resin or balsam , cubebs , or any deleterious ingredient , enters their composition . Copaiba and cubebs have long been the most commonly employed medicines in the above complaints ; but , from the uncertainty in their effects , together with thttir utter inefficucy in many cases , are fast declining in reputation ; and , from the unpleasant sjmptoms invariably produced from tuking copaiba , especially in the early singe of the ooinplamt , many of i \ nt most able modern practitioB « r « (* bnd « inii it as dangerou * , and a mediciua not to be depended upon . Many persons , aft « c having suffered more from the effects of the remedy than the f iruleuc * of the disasne , aud , after & nmieut but pain . ful persrrsrftRce , hare Wu compelled to relinquish its use , the whole gjBttiri having become more or l ess affected , and tbe disease as bad , if not worse , than at the commencement . As regards cubebs , it is true that those violent effects are not experienced as while taking copaiba , but they seldom efiect a cure , unless more active medi * fines are administered . The Balsamic Pills are free from any ot the above objections ; they act specifically on the urinary passages : and , from their tonic properties , tend to strengthen the system and improve the general health . They require neither confinement nor alteration of diet ( except abstinence from stimulants , where considerable inflammation exists ) , and , ae experience has amply proved , they will effect a cure sooner than copaiba tthe dangerous results of which , in the inflammatory stages , are too well fcnoWB to need comment ) , or any other medieine in present use » and may be justly considered the only safe and efficacious remedy in all stages of those disorders . In addition ta these advantages , the very convenient form ir » which thiS invaluable preparation is offered to th « public , must also , a desideratum . ,-.:-. . Prepared only by M . O . Wray , and sold , wholesale an * [ retail , at 118 , Holborn-hill ; and at the WesUnd Depot * ! 3 « , Strand , Londoa . May also be had of . « U respectaW * ' medicine venders in town and country . .- ' . ' , Tatients in the remotest parts of the country can o « [ treated ( successfully , on describing minutely their CftSli aud inclosing a remittance for medicine , which can befo' - \ y ' ardtfd to any pavt of tbe werld , securely packed , aflC ' farefuUj- protected from observation ,
Untitled Ad
-i I jj . ^ P ' f < n * c * * * * ' l ; j c i j t c , i , , , j \ ¦ , , A CURE ! FOR ALL ! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS . TJ ^ XTRAORDINARr" CURB of a Case abandoned by Jji GUY'S , the METROPOLITAN , KING'S COLLEGE , and CHARING CROSS HOSPITALS . This fact was sworn to this 8 th day of March , 1842 , be . fore the Lord Matob , at the Mansion House . EUMXABT OF AFFIDAVIT . Wm . Brooke , Messenger , of 2 , Uuion-street , Southw . irk , London , maketh oath and saith , that he ( this deponent ) was afilicted with Fifteen Running Ulcers on his left arm , and ulcerated sores und wounds on both legs , for which deponent was admitted an out-door patient at tho Metropolitan Hospital , in April , 1841 , where lie conti-. nued for nearly four weeks . Unable to receive a cure there , the deponent -sought relief at the three following hospitals : —King ' s College Hospital in May . for five weeks ; at Guy ' s Hospital in July , for sir weeks ; and at Charing Crois Hosi > itiil at the end of August , for some weeks more ; which deponent left , being in a far worse condition than when he had quitted Guy ' s , where Sir Bransby Cooper , and other medical officers of tlie establishment , had told deponent that the only chance o £ saving his life was to lose his arh ! The deponent thereupon called upon Dr . Bright , chief physician of G uy ' s , who , on viewing the deponent ' s condition , kindly and liberally said , " I am utterly at a loss what to do tor you J fcut Ucve is half a sovereign ; go to HOLLO WAV , aud try what effect his Pills , and Ointment will have , as I have freuuimtlv witnessed the wonderful effects tUej have in . desperate cases . You can let me see you again . " This unprejudiced advice was followed by the deponent , and a . peki-ect cube effected in three weeks by the use alone of HOLLOWAY'S TILLS AND OINTMENT , after four Hospitals had failed ! lVhou Dr . Bright was shownb } the deponent the result of his advice and charity , he saifl , " I am both astonished and delighted , for I thought that ifl ever saw you again alive , it would be without your arm ; I can only compare this cure to a charm . !" Sworn at the Mansion House of the City of London , this 8 th day of March , 1842 . ) Before me , JOHN FIRIE , Major , In all DiSEisrs or the Skik , bad legs , old wounds and ulcers , bad breasts , 6 ore nipples , stony an'd ulcerated cancers , tumours , swellings , gout , rheumatism , and lumbago , likewise in cases of Piles—the 1 'ills in all the above cases , ought to be used with the Ointment ; as by this mean * cures will be efiVcted -with a much greater certainty , nnd in half the time that it would require by using the Ointment alone . The Ointment Is proved to be a certain remedy for the bite of muschetoes , sand-flies , chiego-foot , yaws , and coco-bay . Burns , Scalds , Chilblains , Chapped Hands and Lips , also Bunions and Soft Corns , will be immediately cured by the use of tlie Ointment . The PILLS are not only the finest remedy known when used with the Ointment , but us a General Medicine there is nothing equal to them . In nervous affections they will be found of the greatest service . These Pills are , without exception , the finest purifier of the Blood ever discovered , and ought to be used bt all ! Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( neur Temple Ba . " > where advice may I * had gratis ; also at the Ckronicleoflice , Oxford ; nnd by all respectable vendors of patent medicines throughout the civilised world , in pots and boxes , « t Is , ljd ., 9 s . ? d ., 4 a . 65 ., lls ., 35 s ., and S 3 s . each . There is a . very considerable saving in taking the larger if . « . - ¦ * . ~ N . B . Directions for th » guida » e « of Patients are affixed to each not .
Untitled Ad
CHOICE OF A SITUATIOX Domestic Basaar , 32 B , Oxford Street , torner of Re gent Circus . WANTED , for Large and Small Families , a number of FEMALE SERVANTS of every description , with straightforward characters . TMs demand is created , through the arrangements being highly approved by the Nobility , G lUltl ' . V , anil the Public generally . Ladies are iu attendance to engage Domestics from Ten to Fire o ' clo * daily . There are Rooms for waiting in to be hired ; not any charge made until engaged if preferred . To those whowin take places of All Work no charge whatever . Servants from the country are much inquired for . There are always a few vacancies fov Footmen and Grooms . S . B . Upon applying do not stand about the doors orwindows unnecessarily .
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I I ' I ' ' 1 5 ] \ , ! ; ¦ ; < i f ] < ] ] ] ft E j TO MR . TROUT , 229 , STRAND , LONDON S Doncaster , September 2 ( itli , 1844 IR , —The following particulars h » ve be « n haii (!« d t < v us , with a request tliat tliey mi ght be forwarded to you , with permission for their publication , if vou should deem them worthy of such . J . BROOKE k Co ., Denver " Elizabeth Brearley , residingin Duke-s treet , Uoiicister aged between forty and fifty , was severely afflicted ' with rheumatism , and confined to her bed for a period of nfirl » two months , with scarcely the power to lift i , arjn . ' sh * was signally benefitted after taking two doses of Hiaik ' s Gout and Rhepmatic Puts ; and after finishing tw » boxcB was quite recovered . " The above recent testimonial ie a further proof of tlie great efficacy of this valuable medicine , which is tlie most | effective remedy for gout , rheumatism , sciatica , lumba- 'o tic doloroux . j » : ins in the head and face ( often mistaken for tooth-ache ) , and for all gouty and rhaum&tie ten - dencieg . It is also gratifying to have permission to refer to the follon-ing gentlemen , selected from a multitude of others | whose station in society has contributed to advance this popular medicine in public esteem : —J . R . Mandall , Esij ,, coroner , Doncaster ; the Rev , Dr . Blomberg , the Chevalier de la Garde ; Mr . Miskin , brewer ana maltster , Dart * ford ; Mr . Richard Stone , Ltiton ; Jobn J . Giles , Esq . Frimley ; Mr . Inwood , lVrbrigbt ; William Courtenny ' Esq ., Barton Stacey , near . Andpver Railway . Station , Hunts ; all of ivhom have received benefit by taking tl « s medicine , and have allowed the proprietor the privilege of publishing the same for the benefit of the afflicted . Sold by Thomas Prout , 220 , -Strand , Loudon , prica 2 s . 9 d . per . box ; and , bv his appointment , by Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , TownseuJ , Biilues ftlid Kw&guig , Sxneeton , RuuiharAt , TavbottoTO , and llorner , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis aud Son , lJurdekin , Jfoxon , Little , Ilordman , Linney , and -Hargrove York - , Brooke aud Co ., Walker and Go ,, Stafford , F . ' « fe ner , Uoiicaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Itfpon ; Yoggitt , Goatcs , Thompson , - Thirsk ; Wiley , Easiiijf ' woM England , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; AVilrd ; Richmond ; Sweeting , Knare 6 korouj ? h ; ¦ Peases " Olirtx , Darlington : Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdalc , . Northallwtou ; Rhodes ) Snaith ; Goldthorpe , TaUcaster . ; Rogcrson , Cooper , Kewby , Kay , Bradford ; Bricc , Priestley , Poufufr .-ut . Cordwell , Gill , Lawton , ' Dawson , Smith , VTakcfield ; Hurry , Denton ; Suter , Ley-land , Hartley , Parker , Dunn HuKtHX ; Booth , Rochdale , Lambert , Borouglibriil ge ; Dnlby , Wetherby ; Waite , Harrogate : Wall , BarnsUy and all respectable medicine venders throughout tiife kingdom . Ask for Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic Pills , and observe the name and address of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " impressed upon the Government stamp affixed to each box of the genuine medicine .
Supplement To The "Dispatch."
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THE SfORTHIOTtf STAIR . April 5 , 1845 .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), April 5, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1309/page/2/