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My Dtia Fbbsds , — On " Monday next tour representatives will meet in London , for the purpose of teepiB ^ aUTe their etifi to « vH and reUgiou ^ liber ^ . Thos 6 whoare deeted to that honourable post will learn the place of meeting by calling at the house . of Mr "Wheeler , 2 m , Temple-bar . Although upon very many occasions the number of delegates may hare been greater , yet in defiance of every description of hostility to Chartism , I proudly assert that at no period of its history did tho 3 e elected to represent its " manciples" ever represent so large an . amount of democracy . In 1839 , wheu the working classes
shouted and applauded the speeches of Chartist orators , they hailed them rather as the antagonism of things that were , than as thb exposition of Chartist principles . In 1839 there may have been fire thousand of an audieneelisteningto five speakers ; and yet of the five thousand who dieered those speeches , few , very few , had attached themselves to the principles of Chartism . They were then too new , and but littla understood , althoughlong propounded . Speeches alonenerer can establish aparty : and for this reason : because one leader may be propounding one policy and another leader another policy , in different places at the same time : and no systematic course of action under such circumstances can be possibly devised .
Since 1839 , however , the people have been taught to read alike , and soon began to judge alike ; and the result of that judgment has been , that their leaders have been either compelled to speak alike upon all inatenal points , or to abandon the ranks if their notions so iar interfered with general impressions as to neutralise general action . This is the secret of establishing a national party : First , to agree upon the principle ; then upon the organisation of that force , by which it is to be accomplished ; and then tjSn Sic direction of the power for its attainment . I assert , . then , without fear ef contradiction , that we hareprooiKsed & > this extent : that while "the
outward and visible signs" of Chartism are not as abundant as they were in 1839 , yet the "inward and spiritual " grace" is very much more abundant . 1 further contend that the unadmitted and unconfessed power of Chartism has driven Sir Sobert Peel to look aznung his old enemies for new friends , until at length he has stumbled upon the expedient of coales cing with . Mr . Darnel O'Connell as his last resource in the battle of " might againstrigut . " There being no such thing as political principle in Ireland , Mr . O'Connell ha 3 seized the bait offered him by Sir
Robert Peel to foster and encourage a more deadly hostility than he has been yet able to create between the English ai : d Irish working classes , and especially between the English and the Irish resident in England . His mind , throughout his chequered political life , has been directed to this one object , and for this sole reason , bemuse lie knows that an infusion of English democratic principle into the Irish mind would be detractive of his vacillating , sordid , jugglingpolicy He never had 30 great a god-send as the present offer of Sir Robert Peel to corrupt the Irish Catholic priesthood .
I select tiiis subject to write on , because it is very likely to cr&iteaciril war : and if anything could justify a war , it would be resistance to aiis . further connection between the State and any other Church . As yet the contest has been confined within the walls of Parliament ; but . ere long , the battle will rage iu every ltissc&ting meeting-house ; iu every State Church , and iu every free Church in Scotland . It is right , then-fore , that the people of England should understand , and that the people of Ireland should
understand , wiu > hare been the promoters of the strife . Sir I-oberfc Peel and Sir . O'Connell must bear all the responsibility and the odium of whatever may follow : Sir Robert Peel for the imbecility of endeavouring to perform an impossibility for the mere purpose of attempting , by an expedient , to "make the TniNO last his time ; " and ifr . O'Connell , for the treason of having sold his country to an English Minister , in the hope that the deadly result may not be discovered during " ms time . "
However , Mr . O'Connell and the Irish Catholics may nave led to the belief that they were opposed to the e » do \ vme » t-of the Catholic Church , or to any measure that would corrupt the Irish priesthood , this question of endowing Maynooth will be most powerful in his hands for causing dissension between tac English and Irish people . You cannot point out One single instance , from his invitation to the Attorney-General to prosecute us for high treason down to Ms command to the Irish , in . England to join the Anti-Corn-Laiv League against the Chartists , without coming to tiie conclusion that the " one tlj >« i"ihat has haunted lii ? subtle mind more than another , has been the growth of Chartist principles and the dread lest ihev should spread in Ireland .
There is little doubt that the English working classes will be called on to speak out upon the question of endowing the- Catholic Church out of that fund supplied by a tax upon their industry ; and I nave as little doubt that they will speak out like men . You may believe me , that if this measure is carried , Sir Robert Peel will derive an amount of temporary support from those calling themselves " Irish liberals , " which , though perhaps less dangerous in his hands , would nevertheless be a power against which we should find danger and difficulty in Contending : asu as Igenerally come in for one man's share of both one and the other , I have a right to arm myself with as strong a protective force as Can be possibly mustered . I tell you candidly , that
the success of the Maynooth project would throw the cause of democracy back for years ; and therefore , at ihe hazard of being held up to the enthusiastic and excited mind as a bigotted opponent of my Catholic fellow-countrymen , I am prepared to offer to it all ihe resistance in my power . I trust that , where ever public meetings ars held for the purpose of discussing the subject , the Chartist speakers , at all events , -will abstain from uttering a single expression calculated to aid Mr . O'Connell in his attempt to make it a further cause of strife between the people of both countries ; while , at the same time , I trust that they will be prepared to resist ifte measure by all the constitutional means in their power . Whatthose constitutional means may be , Sir Robert Peel must decide .
Hoping that our coming together may have the effect of furthering the principles of Chartism , and believing that the day is not fer distant when the disappointed of all parties must rally rouad our standard ; and trusting that the day may come , and that speedily , when priests of all denominations may be paid by those -who desire their services , I remain , Your Mthful servant , FEARGU 3 O'GOSXOR .
Tfoveim Ittfcjkgmee
tfoveim IttfcJKgmee
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FRANCE . Ibexch Rieni of Pehhos . —The Debate announces as follows the decision of tie Council ofPrefeetnre on the question of the petitions of the officers of the iNationalGnard against the aiming of the fortifications of Paris :- " Of the several officers of the national Guard prosecuted forlavingsigned petitions f ^ st the armament of the fortifications of Paris , thirty-five have already been brought before the Council of the Prefecturepresided over by Count
, ^ ambuteau in person , and composed of Messrs . dc la Moreiie , Lafond deLadebat , de Maupas , Lueasde ^ "k gny , and Molin . The officers were defended by M . I ^ ru Boffin , and M . Joly , both members of the Chamber of Deputies . It was not till yesterday that the council pronounced its decree . Thirty of ihe officers tated are suspended from the exercise of the Quinary Junctions of their rank &r two months , bnt taenre others , navinggivenaatismctorverp lanations , were discharged fieeftom the complaint laid against
SWITZERLAND . Tbhmfu of ihe Zuhich Ramcals . —That the bwisB Radicals ate not at all likely to relax in their oertwna to achieve the Objects they have in view , is abown by the recent and important changes which Jjare token place in tie canton of Zurich . A letter from Zurich of the 3 rd , says : — The Federal Executive Council , which is at the same timqthe Cantonal Executive authority of Zurich , was composed of thirteen members , eight of whom belonged to the decMea Conservative party . The perioa of the re-election of five amongst them having armed , the Grand Council put aside four strong : aristocrats ,-MM . -trad , SponB , Kundig , ana Kwostj in order to replace fiiem ly four decided Liberals , lOLDcegeli , Suteer , forierity Rwftcti the eriCoundllor of State Fierz , " and WleJand . . The fifth of the outgoing members , M . Honeton , Preddent of the Directory of the Diet , found favour dj a vary small majority , owing to the esteem which his personal character inspired -But his friend , head of the
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Conservative party of Zurich , the celebrated Dr . Bluutsli , enraged at the result of these nominations , having given iii his resignation , M . Mousson followed his example , and was immediately replaced , in quality of burgomaster in Charge , by D . Furrer , chief of the Liberal party , who in tins quality mil preside from the present moment over the Diet M . Esslinger replaces M . Bluntsli . Thus all the men that the re-action of 1839 had placed aside return to power , which proves that the canton of Zurich , in the critical circumstances in which the country happens to be placed , will not separate from the policy of Berne , which had no adversaries more intractable than the Conservatives of Zurich . Thus the Liberals of Zurich ( the friends of Strauss , the champions of philosophy , and the relentless enemies of thepsiests ) sure once more in the ascendant ; and will , we trust , by the side of the Radicals of Berne , form the all-powerful defenders of the liberties and independence of Switzerland .
Report of the Federal Commissioners . —We have received the report addressed to the Vorort by the Federal Commissioners . It is addressed Aarau , April 5 th , and expresses great uneasiness , the commissioners being forced to acknowled ge that in general they have met with obstruction and opposition from the Government of Lucerne and its allies . The commissioners declare their apprehensions that Lucerne and the lesser cantons will refuse to place their troops under the Federal command . They leave it to the Diet to decide whether the Federal troops , lately
called out , shall be disbanded or not . This will depend much on the manner in which the prisoners may be treated . The commissioners say : — " In judging the prisoners by the usual tribunals , the Government of Lucerne is only exercising its legitimate right ; but it ought not to be ignorant that the application ef excessive penalties to political crimes has out too often produced a contrary result to that which was expected . This Government should convince itself that the death of several hundred victims may be looked upon as a sufficient expiation of their crimes . "
The Prisoners at Locerse . —The Ami de la Cmi stitution says , that there are in Lucerne 1602 prisoners in all , and that the number of wounded volun teers there is 150 . The dead have been buriedthirty at Malters , forty at Littom , and nine at Lucerne . Several persons , it is said , perished in the Einme . Amongst the prisoners are 180 Bernese and G 91 ArgorJans . No person whatever is admitted to see the prisoners . Zurich , April 7 . —The successful party at Lucerne is hastening as much as possible the trial of the tliree principal personages of the insurrectional army . The first and civil chief of the expedition is Dr . Steiger , a man universally esteemed throughout Switzerland , and who , after occupying the most
distinguished posts , withdrew'from public affairs and entered on his medical career , in which he has gained a great reputation . Several times elected as Deputy , he contributed greatly in procuring relief for his canton , before Lucerne passed into the hands of the Jesuits . He took no part in the movement of December 8 , but was nevertheless kept under arrest for two months , in orderto paralyse the influence he might have otherwise exercised . The heatt-bveaking spectacle of so many persons proscribed , or thrown into prisons , induced Mm to head the late expedition . Dr . Steiger might have escaped from the rout of his associates , but his resolution to watch over the rounded was the cause of his being taken prisoner . On his way to thetown , he was most cruelly insulted . His wife , a
person of great merit , is interceding in his favour ; but the most active interposition will not , in all probability , prevent sentence of death being passed upon liim . Dr . Steiger ' s two colleaguesjn the Committee , M . Baunian , and M . Buhler , both " formerly Counsellors of State , have been killed . The most important prisoner , after Dr . Steiger , is M . Rothpletz , a Federal colonel and inspector of the troops of Argau . He is a man of talent , and of noble heart : but having consented to play a subordinate part in the enter prise , will dearly pay for the fault . Various influences are also being used in his favour . The third person , whose fate is being hurried on . is M . Guger ,
director of the police of Soleure , formerly Jn ! the French service . The preliminary proceedings are being earned on against these three chiefs with a rapidity that indicates the feeling of profiting by the present excitement to obtain a capital condemnation If this should take place , the indignation of all Switzerland will be roused , and perhaps another and more formidable expedition set on foot . If , then , the Government of Lucerne shows its clemency , it will be for her the wisest and best policy . " The Swiss Diet . —The following is a report of-the sitting of the 10 th , when the report of the committee so anxiously looked for ^ Yaa presented : —
31 . Kern , deputy of Thurgau , read the report o £ the committee , which he had been appointed to draw up on the points which appeared to it most pressing . The points considered of secondary importance are to be reported upon , however , without delay . .-.- ¦ This report is of considerable length . The following is a short analysis of its contents . . The committee commenced by obtaining accurate notions of the state of facts . It first of all heard the federal commissioners . These expressed a fear that some capital executions might take place at Lucerne in course of the week . The accounts of the state of the prisoners were not very favourable . Huddling ; them together in a way to engender sickness was particularly complained of ; the wounded were better treated . After having heard the federal commissioned , the committee sent for two of the deputies of
Lyxerne , MM . Siegwart and Attenhofer , who declared that it was impossible that executions or even judgments could take place during the week ; that the proceedings and tll&ir consequences would demand several weeks . The deputies of Lucerne took this occasion to express a desire that the Diet should not adopt any measures likely to attack the cantonal sovereignty . This cunistance engaged the committee to examine the ques . tiou of the amnesty in all points of view , and it came to the decision that the most efficient means of arriving at favourable ground for this question was , to propose measures in completion of the decree of March 20 , respecting the free corps , and to order the political refugees to be removed from the Lucerne frontier . The first decree which the committee proposed unanimously , is the following , con . cerning the free corps ;—
" The Federal Diet being desirous of adopting measures which , in consequence of the events that have lately taken place in the canton of Lucerne , appear necessary for the purpOSC Of maintaining and consolidating the peace of the country , considering the agitation which prerails amongst a great partof the population , after having examined the report of the federal commissioners and the propositions of the committee instituted April 5 , 1845 , decrees"Art . i . The federal commissioners will so act that there be immediately adopted in the sense of the decree rendered by the Diet concerning the free corps ( of March 20 last ) such measures as shall seem necessary to protect the public peaceagainstallnewpertorbation . They shall , in particular , insist on the political refugees of Lucerne not being permitted to sojourn within a certain , distance of the frontiers of the canton . Two federal commissioners shall see that this order be put at once in execution .
" Art . 2 . The Directory is charged with the task of watching , and , if necessary , of giving assistance , to have the abore-mentionea decree relative to the free C 0 ITJ 8 punctually executed in all tue cantons . It shall send in a report on the subject to the next ordinary Diet . " The second decree proposed by the committee concerns the amnesty for those implicated both in the recent affair and that of Dec . 8 . The committee here split In two parts , though the difference of opinion is less in principle than inform .
The proposition of the majority , MM . Furrer , Weber , Kern , and Blunter , runs thus : — "The Federal Diet , considering that , above all , it is its duty to prevent the agitation which reigns in a great part of the Swiss population from receiving any fresh aliment , considering besides that a rigorous application of penal enactments against the individuals implicated in the late events would be of a nature to compromise peace afresh in the confederation ; after having examined the reports of the federal commissioners , and the proposition of the committee of April 5 , decrees : —
"Art . 1 . The high state of Lucerne is invited in a pressing manner to accord an amnesty for all matters relating to the . events of December 1841 , and of March aud April 1815 , and at all events not to cany into execution the capital sentences which have just been pronounced . " Art . 2 . Two commissioners shall communicate tins decree to the authorities of the canton » f Lucerne , and shall in person strongly support it . " The other proposition of M . Muller was this— "The Federal Diet , with a view to employing all means authorised by the compact that are of a nature to contribute to the pacification of the country , and to prevent fresh perturbation , considering that after the numerous victims that have fallen in the last enterprise against public order , the moderate use which Lucerne shall make of her right to punish , cannot but exercise a salutary influence ; after having heard the report , and the proposition of the committee of the diet decrees .
" Art . 1 . The Diet addresses to the state of Lucerne an amicable and confederate recommendation to use with moderation the right which it possesses to punish per sons that have taken part In the attacks on public peace , committed in December , 18 * 4 , and in March and Aprili 1845 ; to accord , without delay , as comprehensive ; an amnesty as possible , and , at all events , not to j have the condemnations to death that have just been passed executed ; all with a view to a general pacification of the public mind .
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" Art . 2 . The federal commissioners are charged to communicate this recommendation to the Government of Lucerne , and to support it in an amicable manner . " : Two members o £ the committee , IIJt . Schmid' and Calame , declared that personally they desired that no capital executions should take place , and that mildness should be exhibited ; but the right to punish beiug entirely within the privilege of the cantonal sovereignty , they were of opinion that the Diet could not interfere in any manner . '" : " ¦ The third proposition , made unanimously , had for its object the allocation of a credit of 250 , 000 francs , to meet the expenses occasioned by the troops placed at the federal service . ' '
The fourth proposition , also made unanimously , had for its object the confirmation , by the Diet , of the nomination made by the directory of the federal commissioners , , of the Commander-in-chief , of the staff , and the disbanding of part of the troops that had been calledout . According to this resolution , two federal commissioners are to proceed , without delay , to the cantonment of the federal troops , and are to make to the Diet , for the beginning of next week , a report touching the ulterior reduction of the troops . . . •••• -. . . . The fifth proposition made by four members , MM . Fvutrer , Weber , Kern , and Blumer , are composed of the following articles : — ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - ; .. "Artl . The high states of Argao , Tessino , andthe Valais , are earnestly invited to grant an amnesty for the political offences , which refer to the events that have passed in the cantons within , the last few years , ' " Art . 2 , The Directory is charged with the execution of the present decree . "
M . Kern ' s report was listened to with the utmost interest , aud after it came very lonjy discussions ( from nine in the morning-until fire in the evening ) on the two pvopesitions first presented by the committee . That of tho free corps met with but little opposition , even on the part of the states which rejected it three weeks back , but it called forth violent recriminations between the deputies of Lucerne and Argau , on the part taken by the volunteers in the last troubles . In this discussion , the exultation of the victors was manifested without concealment . The proposed decree did not please them , because , in their opinion , it did not go hv enough , in not placing a direct responsibility of a character sufficiently strong on the cantonal governments which might tolerate the free corps . The deputies of the cantons favourable to the Jesuits ,
therefore , all demanded modification of a more severe tendency . But they could get together only geven or eight votes , and they were obliged to fall back on the plan proposed by the committee , and which was supported in its ensemble by the votes of all ihe cantons except Gflaris and Vaud . All the states called by the Liberals Ultramontane pronounced . in favour of the Diet's abstaining from all proceedings relating to the amnesty , contesting its authority to meddle with that question ; adding that , even if it had a right to interfere , the moment was inopportunefor doing so . The most powerful considerations found , on the contrary , eloquent interpreters in . several deputies , and , amongst others , those of Glaris , ' Thurgau , Vaud , 'and
Zurich . Some other deputies , who spoKe in favour of the same considerations , desired to see some changes made in the wording . On the vote , eight states and two half ones pronounced in favour of not' meddling ' with the matter . Nine states and one half state voted against the proposition of the majority of the committee . Three other states kept the protocol open . Thus , there was no majority either one' way or the other ; but it was supposed that in the next sitting these three states would vote for the proposition of the majority of the committee , and close the affair in favour of an amnesty . The other propositions of the eommittee were to be discussed on the lltli . All the members of the diplomatic corps were present at the sitting . - POLAND .
The Smouiderikg Fire . —The ( Paris ) Presse of Monday speaks of the discovery of some revolutionary movement hi Poland , prompted by some German families of note , and which , according to this journal , will require a large increase of military force in that country .
UNITED STATES . Liverpool , Sunday . —The British and - North American Royal mail steam-ship Cambria arrived in the Mersey ; at four o ' clock this morning , bringing advices thirteen days later than those received By the Montezuma , and her full complement of passengers . Annexation' . —An attempt to bind President Polk to consummate annexation , through the treaty making power , had failed in the Senate on the 10 th ult . General Almonte , the Mexican Minister , had published a protest against the annexation scheme . It is now said that he intends to remain in New York until he receives fresh instructions from the new Mexican Administration , and he expresses openly Ill ' s belief that war will ensue . It appears , from the New Orleans Picayune of the 12 th ult ., that the Mexican consul in that city , Senor Anangoiz , has also closed his relations with the United States .
Movements of the Operative Classks .--The National Reformers . —Theconditionoftheoperative classes of New York and other large hives of human bees , appears to be anything but what it ought to be in a country like the States , so favoured by nature , and governed by republican institutions . In proof of this we may state , that early in March a meeting of 700 females was holden iu the City Hall , for the purpose of organising themselves-into an association for the protection of their industry . A number of most distressing statements , descriptive of the unnatural condition of the female workers of New \ ork ,
were laid before the meeting , A convention of the working men of New England was to assemble at Lowell on the 18 th of March . The national reformera are progressing ; their principles appear to be rapidly spreading in Pennsylvania , Massachusetts , &c . In the former state , in the town of Birmingham , the national reformers had carried the entire ticket at the recent Charter election . A convention of Trades' Delegates ( New York ) was to meet on the lfth of March " to consider the National Reform remedy for the evils now existing in all branches of industry . " The association has also summoned a convention to meet on the 5 th of May . We give their address : —
National Reboim Convention . —The National Reform Association invite then * brethren , the Reformers and Movement men throughout the United States , of the east , of the middle , of the south , and of the west , to assemble in National Convention , at Grotton Hall , in the city of New York , on Monday , the 0 th of May , 1845 , and consult over the evils of these present times . In the progress of the human race , certain great truths have at last come to light ; and received intelligible utterance in the 19 th century , on the practical , successful application of which does now depend the political and social redemption of man . From the building of the temple of Belus , 4000 years ago , to the recent building of the Mammon temple in Wallstreet , all progress has been made through slavery . The stupendous piles of architecture , the splendid works of
art , ancient and modern , are but the transmuted sweat and blood of the children of men . The builders laboured not for themselves , but for the master few . We admire the pyramids ; but let us remember that vast provinces were robbed of their able-bodied men , families , communities , almost kingdoms , starved to death , that a few pitiful creatures , called in this world kings of Egypt , might therein be buried . One would suppose that the world had had time "to improve a little since then , 3000 years ago . . Doubtless time has not been wanting ; but Ae improvement , that has been and is wanting . Are the masons and others of the present day interred in the costly tombs that they themselves have fashioned Are the magnificent results in the sciences , the arts , the reduction of the elements to toe control of man ,
that are now daily wrought out in our civilisation , for the use and enjoyment of the millions who labour ? Who comes and goes , through the portalsof the modern temples raised unto the worship of the money god : the carman who brought ; the stones ; the cutler who , with cunning skill , shaped them . ; the mason who fixed them in their places , or the rag money individual who is innocent of having done one useful thing underthe sun 1 Certain visible badges of servitude have indeed become offensive , and are now iu Christendom somewhat obsolete , such as the branded arm . the brazen
collar , and such like ; but practically , as yet , small good has come of it . Gurth knew his one master , and therein is his advantage over the slave of wages in our day . The general rule was , it is reasonably supposed , that Gurth did , atnightj actually get some parings of Ceurie ' sporir inmodernEngland , thegeneralruleis that the descendants of Gurth do get no pork parings at all . Up to this time there has been nothing more , any where , than a speculat ive emancipation of the masses . But it is declared in this , country that man gossessos certain natural rights which are inalienable . With ivl . atever of utmost might
we have in us , let us hold on to this truth , lest in some oblivious movement our countrymen let it slip . I' * "as taken the world some time to find it , at the bottom of much conventional rubbish ; it might , no doubt , lose it in half the time . Having this truth now duly admitted , let this generation set about tu make a practical application 6 f it , and probably the dkcavery will soon be made that ir . a man has a right to life , he has , by inevitableconsequeflce , the right to the elements of life , to the earth , the air , and the water . It will be discovered that if man has a natural and inalienable ri ght in these , then that no man has any sort of right to monopolise thasi : that Government ha * no such right ; that th » right <> £ . monopolybelongs ; to . ' * e Supreme . Being alone . Vfor it is ' He that hag ^ onned these things , and not we ourselves . Her ? true "' reform niust begin . The broad principle once established , of the fig ht of maai . toithe jnatjiiai . elements , and .- nrpf ' to the eor * i strive , . then , to make it avoidable to tfi ' e race .. ' How ttusbtstbe aoneV- On this question ,. " come . and let us . reason together . ';; . ' .. AtVAN E . Botat , SecT or the ^ . B . A .
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• : Tire Anti-Rekt WAK .-The atvti-i-enters appear bj- ho means to be put down . They are about to establish a large weekly paper at Albany , for the support of their interests , to .-lie ¦ placed under the management . of Mr . Deyyi-, editor of the Williamburg Senioc ^ , We give the following paragraph from % 7 Viiw-rorfciVftU 3 .- " InTaghkantc , Columbia county , a lew days since , a ' . crowd of about 150 persous , several of whom were armed , and disguised as Indians , collected about a house , where a sale upon an executi on for rent had been advertised to take place . no doubt with the purpose of preventing it . tor some reason or other , it was resolved not to make the _ proposed sale , and as the Sheriff did not appear ° , JffF « uae 8 , no violence of anysort was committed . Ihis only showa that the had spirit of lawlessness has : not , by any means , been suppressed vet in
toiumbia county Some wgnal example of the power < A the law will be found necessary to curd the disease . " Commenting on the above the editor of the Working Man s Advocate says— " If the above had appeared in any EnglishTory journal it would not have been surnrismgjjjiutfor a leading democratic paper to > call tor bloodshed in defence of Feudalism , tourge'the shooting and bayonetfclng of those who are contending for thegrights asserted to be theirs by the declaration of'indepfindence , is certainly somewhat out of . place . If the spirit shown in . Columbia county is a'disease i ' then wiphat spirit " a 'disease' that threw the ; teachests drerboard at : Boston , and that threw monarchy overboard at Bunker Hill , and tie 'disease' is one and the same precisely . ' ' ¦ ' But it was not a' disease / but pure patriotism that , upset monarchy and that now wishes to destroy its progeny . "
More Anii-Rest DuFrcuwtES . — Tue New York Herald of March . Itth , contains an account of the preliminaries to the trial at Hudson , of Dr . Boughton , alias " Big Thunder , " one of-the chiefs of the ( Anti-Rent ) " Indians . " Wegiyethe Mowing extracts , reminding our readers that the Iferald is no friend to the Asii-Rentebs . —Hudson , March 16 . —Upon the whole , there is a strong feeling prevalent in relation to the anti-rent trials , and I expect the throng will be immense in this city in the course of a few days : Popular opinion here / and iu the whole of the northern portion of Columbia county , is hostile to the cause of the anti-renters , and it is looked upon as little better than revolutionary , as it certainly is short-sighted and dangerous . In the other section of
the county , however , the spirit of resistance to authority , as it has manifested itself already , is deeprooted and unquestionably general ; aad ifc is the opinion of persons who have given niucli attention to the matter , that , if it be not arrested by the timely hand of legal justice , for which a good opportunity is now presented , it will become a far more potent element tor evil in this state than has yet been dreamed of , even by'those who are disposed to look with the eyes of alarmists upon the movement . Judge Parker organised the court by charging the grand jury at three o ' clock . There was nothing very remarkable in the charge , but he made an allusion to the trial of
the anti-renters , characterising it . as of the utmost moment to the commumity , atvd such as to exact all their efforts to investigate properly . He spoke of the universal persuasion that the wisest policy was that which legislated , litigated , and interfered with the rights of the citizen least ; but he at the same time enforced the truth , that law had for its prime end the safety of the citizen in person and property , andHvhen that was not secured , it was imperfect and void ; above all he exhorted them to discharge every personal feeling from their minds , aad consult above all , and before all , the peace and safety of the com * monwealth . . !
Nbmts came here this morning , from Delaware county , of a further outbreak of the Indians . On Friday last , a posse made an incursion into theinfected district and made several arrests , one for tarring a man named Corbin , besides seven men in disguise—all of whom they lodged in Delhi gaol ,, upon which an attack is apprehended . * The accounts ; represent the country as in an extremely unsettled condition . . j Anti-Rent Difficulties' m Deuware—Capture of Twelve "Indians . "—Delhi , Mahch 15 th , ten o ' clock , p . m . —Dear Sir ;—Yesterday morning being the day after tke return of the sheriff ' s posse fram Itortright , another posse of about eighty mounted men , in two detachments ,: under the command ot N ES
^ epu jfcjf sheriff Osman . Steele aiid . . Edgerton ; started from'Delhi for- Roxbuvy , by , different routes , for the purpose of making arrests . ; As that town is the most turbulent part of the anti-rent district , where large numbers of disguised men are frequently collected , and as the roads are exceedingly bad , some anxiety has been felt to-day as to the success of the expedition . The party has just entered the village with twelve Indians , whom they hare taken pr isoners , disguised and armed . After they had last evening arrested Preston oh a bench vyarrant , the blowing of horns and other movements in the neighbourhood announced great preparations for an attempt to rescue the prisoner , who was strictly guarded during the night . In the morning , after some reconnoitering , a party of about . 130 Indians , well armed , were discovered , and immediately charged upon by officers S teele and Edgerton , and about forty of the mounted ¦ ¦
men , . and'they fled to the woods . During the skirmish there was some firing by Indians , one of whose allots narrowly misssed E . ' S . Edgei'ton , who grappled an Indian , and disarmed him of his pistols , which were found loaded with balls . Officer Steele also closed in with another , who was arnied to the teeth , and on stripping off his sheepskin mask , found he had captured a consiable ' and collector of Roxbury . The eight Indians , with the ' prisoner apprehended on the bench warrant in Roxbury , and four others taken at Blooiuville on their return , are now lodged in gaol ' The sheriff is now at the courthouse , detaching nien to guard the gaol arid the village during the night . At the same time horns are blowing and guns are firing on the mountains opposite the village , informing us of what we may expect if the insurgents can muster in sufficient number to put their threats in execution . —Albany Argus , March 17 .
BRITISH AMERICA . New Brunswick . —The town of Portland ( suburb of St . John ' s , New Brunswick ) had been the scene of a fierce riot . Four men were shot , one of whom is beyond recovery . The Royal Artillery , with fieldpieces , were called out , but before their arrival the ground was in possession of two companies of provincial troops , which restored order . The cause of this riot is , not explained in the provincal papers . Religious prejudices are hinted at as the primary cause .
TEXAS . Opposition to Annexation . —Later intelligence had reached from Galveston , Texas , and there seems to be every certainty of the Texan annexation being rejected by that country . It is certain that the Texan . ' Government is atrongty against the proposed annexation . The National Register , the Government organ , thus speaks out on the question;— " We have always been a warm , and hearty advocate for the cause of annexation , but never did we dream that the approval of the people of Texas would be required to ajrogoaitioa so absurd , ao degrading as the orb propounded . Our space does not now admit of further detail ^ Suffice , it , that we contrast our present elevated position as a people , secure in the enjoyment of peace , and in . the speedy acquisition of acknowledged independence j secure in the wealth which the cbmmerce or'Europe is about to pour in our lap , and in the increasing value of our lands , arising
from extended occupation , and the investment of fovoign capital- secure of becoming 'the most favoured' by those powerful and wealthy sovereignties , whom both interest and policy impel to cherish our pro 3 pevity and growth , that their markets may be supplied with our staples ; and , secure that the increase of commerce will speedily render no less consistent than desirable a great diminution of the present tariff , with the alternative presented by . this resolution , of Texas'divested of all . these high privileges and advantages : shorn of her attributes as a nation , crippled in her commerce , in her prosperity , in her domestic resources ; depressed by the burdens of public debt and d irect taxation ; her land in consequence depreciated in value ; and in the event of final annexation , upon the proposed basis , our public domain not onl y raxed and mortgaged to secure the payment of our debt , but even eviscerated of iU mineral wealth , to awellthe federal treasury . "
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NATIONAL CONPERENCK OF THB TAILORS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROTECTION 80 CIKTV . OF GREAT ¦ BRWAIJf . A Conference of delegates , in connection with the above- Society , opened its sittings on Monday moniing ; lasfci April . 14 th , 1845 , in . the large room of the Eagle ^ Inn ; . Hardman-Btreefr , - ' Manchester . Shortly afterten o clock , Mr . 'Eamei ;« pK » identof , tbe Executive Lonumtteeywaa unanimously calledtothe chair / who opened the , meeting in a neat and appropriate , gpeechy in which he . congratulated them upon having present jiot only delegates from the extreme point * © f England , - ^ butTalsoipersona representing , the inte ; . rests ¦ of their ^ brethren in Scotland aad Ireland , This was very cheering , and he . trusted : that the fruira of ; their < teUterationa yrpuld be the extension of ! the Society into the moat remote parts of the uiiitod
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kingdom ; ' The chairman then . entered into an explnnation of the business , transacted by , ;! the Executive , and defended the line of policy they : had Dursued as being the-best that could be : adopted -: lbr the benefit of the Society . Delegates from the following places delivered in their credentials : —London , Stiatiord , Maldon , and St . Alban ' s , -Mr . Hannington ; Groydon , Surrey , Mr . Eames ; Bradford , Yorkshire ( two Societies ) . Mr . J . O . Hustler ; Jersey and Southampton , Miv Maunder ; Leeds , Mr . Crawley ; Birmingham ( two Societies ) , Mi \ Russell ; Maidstone andGravesetfdj-Kent . ' Mr . Sullivan ; Oldham , Lancashire , Mr . 3 ) urtir ; = Middleton , Mr . Steeple ; Bury , Laueaslui' 6 ( two Societies ) , Mr . Bradley ; Preston and Lancaster , Mr .- Eirby ; Todmovden , Lancashire , Mr . Land ; 'Ashtoh-under-LyneMrM'Grath ;
, . Bolton , Mr . Lafant ; Leicester ; Mr . Antcliffe : Norwich andlannouth , Mr . Shaw ; Hyde , Mr . Leach ; Warrmgton , Mr . Dranigdole ; Huddersfield , Mr . Newsham ; Bolton ; Mrv Clark ; Leamington , Mr . Cannon ; Hull , Mr ; Alien ; Macclosfield , Mr . Parker . Many other delegates arrived during the day , but we could not get tteeif names ,: nor the places they represented ; Dublin , and other places , wererepre sented by- Mr . -B . Fallow , Mr . Kelley , and Mr . Leonard . ' Thfe Executive Committee , Messrs . Earnee , Hannington ,-Cotter , ¦ Mackay , and J . W . Parker , generalselcretavyi \ revein attendance . ¦¦ •¦• ¦; ' . , 7 ; P- ; Maundernibved , arid Mr . Leaohseconded , the MoWinjTnotwn- ^ - " That a oomnrittee ! of three be appointed to receive and examine credentials , - and to report theveon to the Conference . " Carried unanimously . ' - • - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ; :.
The following motions were also agreed to : — "That the Conference meet each day at nine o ' clock in the morning , and adjourn for dinner at one ; re-assemblc at two o ' clock , and dissolve each evening at six . " Mr . Shaw moved , and Mr . Connor secondedlhat no person speak more than once upon any motion , except the mover in reply ; and that each speaker be limited to ten minutes . " Moved by Mr . Leach , seconded by Mr . Dramgoole — "That the different sections surrounding Manchester , who are desirous of holdine meetings , mnnrh
the same to the Conference , and that some of the members of the Executive Council be requested to attend such meeting , " Executive Levies were then paid in , up to the 14 th of April , from Maidstone , Norwich , Oldham , Jersey , Macclcsfield , , and Manchester . Messrs . Russell , Drangoole , Maunder , Crawley , Laffon , M'Gvath , Clark , Goiter , and J . W . Parker , were appointed to attend a meeting to be held on Monday evening , at the Wilton Arms , Mays-street , Manchester . It being six o ' clock the Conference adjourned .
SECOND DAY 6 SITTING . The Conference assembled on Tuesday morning at nine o ' clock , when the roll Was called . The secretary read the minutes of the former sitting , which , on the motion of Messrs . Cotter and Laud were confirmed . Mr . Antcliffemoved , andMr . Land seconded , "That each delegate be fined one shilling if not present when the roll be called at each sitting , unless asufficient apology be made . " Mr . Kelly , from Rochdale , was then heard by the Conference .
Atter ivlucli it was agreed , " That each delegate write to his section , strongly recommending the strike at Rochdale to their consideration . " The credential committee then gave in their report , when it , appeared that new delegates had arrived—viz .,. Manchester , Mr . James ; Ycovil , Somersetshire , Mr . Milburn ; Wigan , Mr . Bavmey . Mr . Antcliffe moved , and Mr . Sullivan seconded , " That the report be received . " On the motion " that the report of the committee be adopted , " . a lengthy discussion ensued , owing to Bolton having sent two delegates , and not being
entitled to that number . It was agveed that the two delegates retire and arrange the matter between themselves . Mr . Dramgoole moved , and Mr . Mackay seconded , V That a financial committee of three persons be appointed ; " agreed to . The following gentlemen were then elected- . Messrs . Crawley , Maunder , and Dramgoole . ; ¦ ; . .. Mr . Leach moved "That . Messrs . Maunder and Eames attend a public meeting at Hyde , on Wednesday evening . " Mr . Cotter seconded the resolution , which was carried unanimously .
,. . Mv . Antcliffe moved . " That each delegate present gjve . in a report of the position of their respective sections . " ; Mi \ Leach seconded the motion . Mr . Dramgoole moved , and Mr . Bradley seconded , the following amendment : — " That we do now enter into the consideration of the first proposition in the programme . " After a somewhat lengthy debate , the amendment was carried by a majority of nine . The first propftsition was moved by Mr . Dramgoole , to the following effect .- — "That no member be allowed relief on Ms card who has not been a member at least two months . " A warm discussion ensued , and the Conference adjourned for dinner . TUESDAY AFTERNOON SlTXtSO . The Chairman took his seat at two o'clock . The secretary then called over the roll , after which the adjourned debate upon the first proposition was resumed .
Mr . Dunn moved as an amendment , and Mr < Land seconded— " That the time should be tliree months , instead of two as provided in the programme . " After an animated discussion Mi \ Dunn ' s motion for . three months was carried , by : a large majority . . Tke next proposition on the programme was —! ' That all persons wishingvto . become members shall pay 2 s . Gd . entrance , instead of one shilling , as heretofore . " Mr . prawley moved the , following amendment , which was seconded by Mr . J . P . ' Hustler : ^ - " That as all sections ought to pay alike io the . Protection fund , a fixed ' sum of protection entrance , and weekly protection contributions , it being money especially
funded for ^ hie protection of . pur tradej ' and not to be expended in any way without the consent of . the union generally . - 'the entrance shall therefore be for the future one shilling to the Protection fund . ' And that towns be allowed to charge what local entrance they think proper in addition . " The amendment was agreed to new . con . -. ¦ ,. „ ¦ - 'Mr . Dramgoole moved , and Mr . Bradley seconded , the adoption of the third proposition on the prograumie . < ... . ; :. - .. Mi . Banney moved , "That any member having been erased from the . books must pay one shilling entrance and three months arrears before he can reenter . " Mr . Russell seconded the motion .
Mr . Laffan and Mr . Jones moved and seconded the following amendment-. — " That any person erased from the books shall , pay all arrears and one shilling before he re-enter . " * Mr . Dramgoole , moved the following rider ;— "That they- shall pay' the local entrance , and three months ' arrears . ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ * ¦ ¦ Mr . Parker : nioved , and Mr . Cotter seconded , " That each section send » report quarterly of the riumber ' of members , tothe Executive , —namely , on the 25 th of June , 25 th September , Ac . " ,, Agreed to . Messrs . Leach , Jones , Hannington , Antclifie , Hnst ^ ler , and Orawley were then appointed a Committee' to draw up a plan of organisation . The next question brought before the Conference was the amount of contributions to be paid into the Protection fund .
Mv . Shaw moved , and Mr . Cotter seconded , " That the contribujiwi be one penny per- week , instead of three-halfpence , into the Protection fund . ' Mr . Maunder moved the following amendment : — " That the members each contribute one penny per week , out of which onepenny per month be paid to the Executive Council . " The amendment , upor being put to the vote , was carried by a large majority . The next proposition was , " That the delegates adopt some plan for the appropriation of the Protection fund : such plan to be submitted to the different sections for discussion during the present year . " The time of the Conference adjourning having arrived , and the question being an important one , it was agreed that it should stand over for the present . The Conference then adjourned .
Wednesday ' s sitting . The Ghairman . took , his Seat at nine o ' clock , when the roll was called , after which the Secretary read the minutes of the preceding day ' s sitting , which were confirmed . Mr . Draragoole moved , and Mr . Maunder seconded , " That Mr . Clark be considered the legal delegate for Bolton ; and Mr . Laffand for the 15 th Section , and Southampton Protection Society . " Mr . Parker moved the following amendment : — " That both delegates be received , and aU matters in dispute be referred to the Finance Committee . " Mr . James seconded the amendment , which was agreed to . Mr . Antcliffe moved , which was seconded byf'Mr . Orawlev ; •• Thattihe Executive sit . in toudon foi ;
the present " year , instead bf Manchester . ?'/ Carried nenicon . ¦¦>¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦*'¦ : ¦¦ ¦ :- " ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦»¦¦ ¦ :, K y aj ; . -ii-.- ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ . ¦• i ' -: The 10 thproposition was struck off ; as was-also the 11 th ; the 12 th'wastoistandoYei ? for thepresent ; the 13 th was ' stnuiltQff , andalso the lithandldth . -Mr . Maunder pwposeavand Mr . ^ ^^ thei l « fli proposition- " That . a weekly ^ nstamped pager , be published at a small charge ^ as the organ of t& Thc lYth 18 ^ , and 19 th propositions were relrre ' a . 4 the ^ organisation Committee . S loth w asTstruck off the list . •' Proposed by Mr . Crawley , and seconded by Mr . AntclSfe , " That each section throughout the Union draw up their petition from the printed form , to be
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forwarded to the members of each Parliamentary district for presentation to Parliament . And further , that the Executive inform ihe different sectionsroi the time it would be most advisable that the petitions should 1 « forwarded to the different members , and that evidence be collected in . the ' mean time by committees in tho vawaus localities . " On the 23 rd and 24 th- propositions , Mr . Parker moved and Mr . Antcliffe seconded— " That a committee of seven persons be appointed'to draw up a plan of relief for the society ^ and devise such means as ntay be deemed necessary to effect an union with the Southampton Protection Society ,. aud all
Provincial Societies throughout the Kingdom . "' Agreed to unanimously . ¦ ' . ' The following gentlemen were elected ou the com--mittee : —Messrs . Shaw ; Antclifte , Eames ,: Laffan , Hustler , Russell , and Allen . Mr . Laffan was then appointed to sit on the Organisation Committee instead of Mr . Hustler . .. ' ...., ' , :.: The next question brought before thei , Cpnferenco wasr—iVIliat the trade ot Jersey be taken , into special consideration , together with the causes which'Ted to the late . lamentable strike . " .. : ,. ' ¦' . MivMauuder , the delegate from the Island of Jersey , said , it was not the desire of the men of Jersey that the Conference should give them any pecuniary assistance at present , but that the Conference should
express its opinion , and that the grievances of the Jersey Tailors should be reported in . the English press . They had one unprincipled master amongst them wJio had effected the ruin of the trade . This man's power , on account of his wealth awl iufiu < Klce , had been the means of breaking up two societies in . the town . The old society was established ;; in 1838 , and one of the rules was , that when the funds were reduced to twenty-five pounds no relief could be granted , as they were obliged by rule , to always have this amount in the bank . On the 14 th Of : February , 1843 , another society was established , as the old one did not work well , the principles , of which were of a more general character . The master ' s name , to whom he had alluded ' , was Bissan , and
this man ' s conduct : was the cause of the strike . Owing to the price of provision a . few . years agd . ^ he Tnenqpiffientedthe . niasterswith anradyanceOst ' of pricesf -. wluch ,: they all agi « e 4 1 to ^ . The ^ list was presented to Mr . Bissan , who agreed to it in a moment . The advance the men , thug obtained ; wo ^ d enable them ' : to > get'soitietKiiig ; - ) il ^^ l ^ . - per : ' * week , 'but !' ui fourteen days after this ,. Mr . Bissan broke faith with the men , and out of the 20 s . he book , In sonic histances , accordiug to the . jobs , from eight to ten shillings . The honourable masters paying the advanced list without a grumble . A deputation waited upon Mr . Bissan to remonstrate with him upon the injury he was not only doing the men , but the other masters in the trade . He spumed the deputation , and said
he was the only judge of what journeymen Tailors ought to receive for the work they did for him ; and he would follow his own plans in spite of either the other masters or the men . And such were tho robberies he committed , that iu three ruoutUs ha took from the men in his employment £ li ) 19 s . 2 d . In this manner he continued toad , week after \ yoek , until the workmfil were brought to that state that they never knew what they had to receive until they got it into their hands . Bissan cut out by pattern , not being able to cut by svstain , and when the garment was ma ' de , and it did not fit , the poor workmen had to suffer tor it by having their wages cut down . Discontent spread rapidly , aud he ( Mr . Maunder ) got the committee of the old' and new Societies together , the foreman of which had . about Aid in 'hand , and- It was agreed at a-public meeting'that the next time Bissan cut down the wages of the men that they should strike . The week following he
took from them £ 118 s . 5 d ., and the men refused to take their money . He said if they would not take bat they should have none . They knowing . the villany of the man , took it , and came away . The men then struck , and were out for two months , during which time several deputations were sent to him , all of which he treated with contempt . He set off for . London , and from iwo houses of call , got six men . They were to be supplied with two coats a week each , at 12 s ., plain , and to be paid for all extras . But three of them ; , to their honour be ifc said , did not start , whilst , the other three did . The press of the Island waia teeming with the "Revolution of the Tailors , " and . the " danger of unlawful combinations of wbrkmenj" for the purpose of protecting" their ; labour . However , they got a letter written by Mr . Hughes , a respectable master , and inserted in the Impartial , a French newspaper . The following is a copy : —
To the Editw of the Impartial . Sir , —Owing tft the vavLws veports ¦ which are circulated concerning Mi \ Bissan ' s strike , we feel it our duty for the public interest , as well as ourselves , to make known the fulTparticulars . You must be aware that , four yeavs ago ; there was a general strike throughout the trade , on account of provisions being so dear . The masters of this town , seeing that . the men ' s demands were very reasonable , conceded , them . Two weeks after this Mr . Bissan , as on all other occasions , departed from his promise , and we now feel it a duty incumbent upon us to resist the violation of his own agreement . When we have stated the particulars of our grievances , which have caused the 3 trike , we feel assured that no man can reasonably
say that our resistance embraced any intention of disturbing the public peace ; but we feel assured , on the contrary , that : they will applaud out ; resolution . We leave it to a generous public to judge of our position , when we state , and can prove ( if the books be produced ) , that we underrate the truth , when we say , that , in the course of four years , with from eighteeu to twenty , men , he has paid his workmen £ 197 less than thef were entitled to by the regular scale of pviees . If he ( Mr . Bissan ) disputes the truth of this statement , let him come forward and p lace the books in the hands of some of the principal masters ot this town , impartial and independent men , who will give testimony to the truth of our assertions . Many rumours are afloat
concernmg tttft dvuevences which exist betwixt Mr . Bissau and his men > all of which are unfounded and destitute of truth . But , Mr . Editor , we feel it unnecessary to intrude further on your valuable space at present , as we intend ( through the medhini of your paper ) to give full particulars of Mr . Bissan ' s conduct during the tost few years . " Signed by Mr . Bissan's former workmen . Mi-. Maunder then gave a statement of the difference in the prices paid by Mr . Bissan and those paid by the honourable masters . We will give a few items by way of sample : —One baise great coat , double breasted and double stitched , with three capes , Mr . Bissan , 10 s . —trade , 16 s . ; double breasted shooting coat , edged , Mi-. Bissan , 7 s . —trade , Us . 6 d . ; Chesterfield , bound , double breasted , three flaps , and four nnplrp . fa . Mr Risaan Ra _ + vnHo 11 a fid ainolo J-Jhh « hhaim %
pVVAkVVvl AlAft * A / UJUI * U | V 4 I —T ~ V ^ t * V *^/« ' r * ^^*" J w breasted Chesterfield , Mr . Bissan , 7 s . —trade , 10 s . Mr . Dramgoole said he begged leave to move the following proposition : — " That , this Conference enter their decided protest against the proceedings , as described by the delegate from Jersey , and on all future occasions of a similar nature , pledge them ' selves to render all the support In'thelr Dower . " Mr . Milburn seconded the motion , which , on being put from the chair , was agreed to unanimously . It being now one o ' clock , it was agreed that the financial committee , the organisation committee , and the relief committee sit this afternoon , and reporb to the Conference on Thursday morning . 'Ihe Conerence then adjourned .
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ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF BOOT AND | SHOEMAKERS . ( Continued from our last . ) Tenth Day ' s Sitiimj , Friday / , April 11 . —Mr . Hyde resumed the chair . The consideration of the laws was continued . . 38 . — Tkampinc without Cakdb . . Any member going on tramp without his card , shall have Mb debt written about by the secretary of the section that he may join ; and he must pay , in addition , such charge as the bye-laws of the section may authorise . 39 . —Losing Cabds . Should any member be proved guilty Of disposing Of a card to another , he shall be fined tea shillings , &nd tho party so obtaining such iUegal card shaU pay five shil , lings . id . —DELivERr of Cards .
Any member coming into town with a card , and not delivering it to the proper authority within three days , shall pay a fine of sixpence for each , day ; and . if married , or on strike , the same to be stopped from his family ' s pay . Any member drawing a card and keeping it by him without going on tramp withia the period above specified , to be subject to the like fine . . ,,,..,. , , ' 41 . —Embezzlement ' of Materials . No member shall make away with the materials of any boots or shoes which he may have received to make up , under pain of subjecting himself to a penalty of five shU , lines , and to make good the amouut of sugh material
42 , —Superannuated Membebs . Any member arriving at the age of fifty-five to be consi . dered superannuated , and shall pay no' general contribution or levy , providing he has belonged to the society for five successive yeara previously ; that he be not allowed to take any trade office ; and in case of strike ^ he shall receive ten shillings per week for himself and wife , and the relief for children . If single , seven shillings and sixpence per week , if he remain in town ; he shall hot , however , tie allowed to work . ' '¦> 43 . — -Power of Apmi . "' ' A member , in case of any unjust exercise of authority against him by any trade officer , section or sections , may appeal against the same' to the district Committee ; or if he pleases , to the Conference , and who are empowered to see justice done him with the least possible delay .
: , 44 . —PoacHASE of Books of GEKfiRAIi t ' lwa . Every member of this Associationis tobe putu&OBsessioa oft the general laws ,, for which he is . to pay ihe sum of onepenny . . , V . ' . , " 45 . —Breach ot General LiMst ' That no breach of these laws be allow ed ; and where no penalty is expressed , the same is to be aeciued by the section or district where any such offence has' been com . mitted . . - '
, . . End o / tJie Stilts . ' - ¦ ' ¦ ' * A . voteof thanks -was then given to the , Chairman and the Conference dissolved , . ' .
€Vm& #Tobamttte
€ vm& # tobamttte
, To Tfle Chartists.
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VOL . VIII . NO . 388 . LONDON , SAWlffiA ^ - ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ " ¦ & *>*< ' * ¦) ,. » . - ' * V : J = ;; ,. i . . yttf . Fi shilliiiMJ and Sixpence t > er Onnitcr
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• - - jate ^ if- " - - ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦• • > 'li : i ' ^ HilfHT ^ O ? " ' - ¦ ¦¦ AND MTIQ'Mj ' ^^^ M ^^ M ^ ' ^ Lr : ^
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 19, 1845, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1311/page/1/