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A Wonderful Cure of an Old Sea Captain's Bad jEO, by Holloway's Ointment and Pills.—Captain James, of the brig Amity, lying at Limehouse. was
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Banfenujte, $ct
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^ -IBORGB EIPPAED and SON Wfr ^ TT A ^ can and ColoaW PasBflge Offices , aaSsatfsasszJ ¦ s hips : — < r ToriS . T « Sai ? - -u « rJn £ L 3100 . 6 ft Jan . 6 th May . 6 th Sept . ?^ *? ot 1150 . fithPeb . 6 th June . 6 th Oct . StieWKi , 3250 . 6 th 3 Iar . 6 thJuly . 6 thNov . BocHTSiEB , 3 W > 6 ihApr , 6 th Aug . « thBec Together wth other Tirst-dass American Packet-Ships Bailing weekly throughout the year for Uew Tori , andoccasionauy for Boston , Philadelphia , and New Orleans ; also to Quebec , Montreal , and St . John , N . B . Emigrants may rest assured that the ships selected for their conveyance hy this establishment are oi the first and largest class , commanded hymen of great slriU and exexperience ; they will be fitted up without any regard to ezpsnse , in themost approved manner to ensure comfort and convenience . In order that parties may have wery accommoaation during the passage , private state rooms are fitted up in each ship , and made suitable for fan flies of any number , at a moderate charge . ' -Each aaultpassengerTOU be provided rath one pound of good biscuit , or five pounds of potatoes , and three quarts of pure water , daBy , during the voyage , and if detained in Liverpool more than forty-eight hours after the time appointedior sailing will be paid subsistence money , according to law . Emigrants and settlers can avail themselves of the excellent arrangements effected through our agents , "W . and J . T . Tapscott , of Sew York , anuwhicl have given such general satisfection during the past seas . on , for their safe , expeditious , and cheap conveyance to any part of the "Western States or Canadas , preventing the possibility of fraud and imposition 3 hitherto so often practised on their landing at New York . Mr . Wm . Tapscott , who has just returned from a . tour through the TJnite . 1 States , will be lappy to furnish any information respecting purchase of land , localities , different routes and facilities for reaching every important point there . . Por the safe conveyance of money , drafts for auy amount can be given on the PultonBank , New York , payable at sight , without discount . Parties residing at a distance may have evsry information by letter , postpaid , and the best disengaged berths Eecured by fending deposits of £ 1 for each passenger to G . HIPPAKD AND SOX , on TVM . TAPSCOTT , 96 , "Waterloo-road , Iiv spool . Important . —The "American Emigrants Guide" can he had gratis , on application by letter , or other wit e . The foDowingis the present List of Ships , with days of sailing : — FOR NEW YOBK , The Magnificent Packet Ships Captain Burthen To SaU . Bocheexeb Britton , ... 1000 tons ,... 6 th April . United Kingdom ... Teuton ,, ... 1500 tons ,... 10 th „ Oiive 4 sd Eliza ... Parsons ,... 600 tons ,... 13 th „ Hercules Madigan ,... 600 tons ,... 16 th „ Claiboene Surges , ... 1000 tons ,... 19 th „ Hhode Islasb Andros , ... 600 tons , ... 23 rd „ JbiESici ? Ship ... ....-1000 tons ,... lstMay . Hottingdeb Bursley , ... 1100 tons ,... 6 th „ POR BOSTON , The New American -Ships SLtEENGc Halberton ,. S 0 O tons ,... 10 th April . Tibebiue Howes ,.... „ 500 tons ,... 20 th „ POR NEW ORLEANS , The Fast-sailing Ships 6 eseka . l-Veazie ... Couilart , „ . * 0 0 tons , ,,. 10 th Apr il . Ohtabio ,. Jamieson , . 1000 tons , ... 15 th „ FOR ST . JOHN , N . B . Bbitasma Coulthard ,. 1000 tons ,... 21 st April . FOR QUEBEC , Pjuncess Chaklotte Smith ... TOO tons ,... 15 th „ Por further information , apply as above .
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EXTRAORDINARY ! NEW CASES !! Attesting that there is health for all . HOLLOWAY'S PILLS . An astonishing cure of a confirmed Lirer Complaint MRS . MARY SANDFORD , residing in Leaflier-lane , Holbors , London , had been labouring under the effects of a diseased liver , which produced Indigestion , Sick Head Ache , jDmmess of Sight , Lowness of Spiritej Irritability , of Temper , Drowsiness , Occasional Swellings ortixo "Rody andLegs ,-with General Weakness and Debility . She attended the Hospitals , at aufcreut , pciiuds , for . about three years , . but she only got worse instead of ¦ be tter , and her recovery at last appeared quite hopeless ; but notwithstanding the very bad state of her health , she was , in about two months , restored to perfect health by the means alone of this all-powerful and efficacious Medicine—' Holloway ' s Pills . Cure of a Case efgTeat debility of the system , occasioned by the baneful influence of Mercury , and the injurious effects of a long residence in Tropical Climates , by Holloway ' s Pills . James Richards Esg ., a Gentleman in the East India Company ' s Service , and -who had resided for the last Seventeen Years in different parts of India , where his constitution had become much impaired from the inf iuence . qt . the climate , and the injurious effects of pGwerful and fi-eguent doses of that dangerous mineral , Calomel , -nhich ,: together , made such inroads on his constitution as lo oblige him to return home to England , and on his arrival he placed himself for some time under the care of a Medical Practitioner , but received no benefit from that . gentleman ' s treatment . He was then advised by a friend ( who had tried this medicine ) to go through a proper course of Holloway s Fills , which he did , and in about four Months bis formerly shattered frame was so completely invigorated as to enable him to prepare himself again for his immediate return to India , whither he will embark early in -the coming Spring of next year , 1815 . This gentleman if now residing- in Regent s-park , where lie is well known in consequence of his opulence and liberality . Immense Demand for KoOovsatfs Fills in the East Indies . Extract of a letter dated 20 th of September , 1842 , from Messrs . S . Ferdinands and Son ( Agents for the sale of ** Holloway ' s Medicine , * ' in the Island of Ceylon . These gentlemen state— " All classes of people here are desirous to purchase your wonderful Medicines , and we regret that we hare now scarcely an ; left to meet the immense demands that are daily made upon us for them . We enclose you a testimonial from J . Davison , Esq ., the superintendantofLord £ lphinston ' s Sugar Estate , at Caltura , Ceylon ; and we can , if necessary , send you abundant other proofs , sot only from the middling classes , but also from the opulent and influential here , many of whom have derived immense benefit from the use of your invaluable medicine . Copy of the letter from J . Davison , Esq ., -which is tha same alluded to in the extract of the letter above : — Caltura , 7 th August , 1844 . My Sear Sir , —Mrs . Davison has received eo much benefit Srom Holloway ' s Pills , that Iaminduced to trouble you for another supply , viz ., an eleven shilling box . Yours truly , J . Davison . To Messrs . Ferdinands and Son , Holloway ' s Agent for the Island of Ceylon , Colombo . Time should not be lost in taking this remedy for any of ibe following diseases : — Ague Female Irregulari-Retention of the Asthma ties Urine Bilious Ccaiplaints Fevers Rheumatism Blotches on Skin Fits Scrofula Bowel Complaints Gout Stone and Gravel Colics Headache Sore Throats Constipation Indigestion TicDoloreux Consumption Inflammation Tumours Debility Jaundice TJlcers Dropsy Inyer Complaints ¦ Weakness from Dysentery Lumbago whatever cause jEryapdas Tiles ' Worms , all kinds . Thssc trulyiuvaloable Pills can be obtained at the establishment of ProfeiEor Holloway , near Temple Bar . where advice may be had gratis , and of most respectable Venders of Medicine , throughout die civilized world , at the following prices . —Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., 11 s ., 22 s ., and SSs ., each box . There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes .
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TO SUFFERERS-INSTANT RELIEF PROM PAIX . JEaB IEFAT ' s GRANDE FOMUADE . 71 THIS extraordinary preparation cures , in most cases JL by one application , those formidable and tormenting jl - \ aladies , tic-doloreus . gout , rheumatism , lumbago , and gjj painful affections of the nerves , giving instant relief in jhg ^ TiOst severe paroxysms . Patients who for years had firawi . ^ on a miserable existence by being deprived of sleep from a * . 'nttc P 8 ^ aK ^ many that had lost the free use of Sleirl | nu ' i 6 £ x > in weakness caused by paralysis and rheumatism , t * ^ astonishment of their medical attendants and acquain ** ^ ^ a'w » ^ few rubbings , been restored to health stre ^^ and e <> mf <»* > aft « electricity , galvanism , blistering , W * 31 ™ 1 ^ colchicum , and all the usual remedies had ' bee . * ^^ Md found worse than useless . Its surprising effec" ** havc ako heea experienced in its xamdeure of nervous Sections of the heart , palpitation , difficulty of breathing , V ^ s of the loins , sciatica , glandular swellings , and wea . ^ s ssoftfie li 6 aments and joints . It am be used at any thO « *? * ° « most delicate person Kith fiie greatest safety , retj , ' «» rilIS no restraint from huaiaess or pleasure , nor does it cause . any eruption on the most tender skin . Sold , by the appointment of Jea'wI ^ fay . the inventor , % y his sole agent , J . "W . Suhuxg , phanuaeeutical che-Jnist , No . 86 , High-street , Whitechapev J- ° nd 0 B J ™ metallic cases , at 2 s . 9 d . and 4 b . 6 d . each . ^• B . —A post-office order for 5 s .-will pay" for a 4 s . 64 . tse and its carriage to any part o ithe traitt ^ kingdom . Jt can be sent to any par of London carriage freev
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— , —^—^—i———JOE MILLER THE YOTOJGER , with the aid of splendid illustrations , on the 26 th of this month , will craclc Jokes with the Community , and hold up the MIRBOB . of MODERN MIRTH for the reflection of all classes of society , recording the " FROLIC AND THE FUN OF ALL THE WORLD , " and appointing himself Commercial Traveller in Laughter for the great firm of Mankindgetting up the steam for those who travel by steam , and taking care that there shall be plenty of railway to' tnose who go by rail . He will also fulfil the office of REGISTER-6 ENERAL of the ANECDOTES of the NINETEENTH CENTURY ; btkong , althoug h he comes out ¦ weekly ; and , notwithstanding that he is as cHiAr as THREE HALFPENCE , hoping to frame himself the dearest friend the Public ever had . " Office , 1 , Crane-court , Fleet-street , and may be hai of all Booksellers . < U 1 . DUUiUicucia .
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. < U 1 . DUUiUicucia . GREAT NOVELTY IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE . On the First of May next , mHE ILLUMINATED MAGAZINE will be issued as X a Bound Volume , without extra charge . The issuing of a Magazine in bound volumes monthly , will remove the great objection to periodical publications when sent out in paper covers . They are always unsightly , are frequently lost by being scattered about , and give an appearance of carelessness and neglect to the drawing-room , or library table , where neatness and elegance of arrangement are so desirable . The plan on which the New Series of flie ILLUMINATED MAGAZINE will be issused will obviate these objections ; it will furnish every month , to the book-ease or library , A HANDSOME BOUND VOLUME , ( Price One ShiOing ana Sixpence ) in small 8 vo ., which will be enriched with the best Artistic and Literary Talent of the day . Volume IV . of the Old Series , containing the last Six Months * Tarts , is now ready , handsomely bound in cloth , gilt . Price Us . Sets may be perfected , and covers to bind vols . had at the Office ; and of all Booksellers . Office , No . 1 , Crane-court , Fleet-street , London .
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POPULAR WORKS NOW PUBLISHING BT W DUGDALE , 37 , HOLTWELL-STREET , STRAND . npHE WANDERING JEW—No . 23 , price One Penny—X is published this day , and is the best the cheapest , and the most correct translation of this celebrated work . No other edition in English will be less than twice its price . It is printed in foolscap octavo , and will form a handsome volume , fit for the pocket or the library . Also uniform with it in type , size , and paper , THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , carefully corrected « id revised , with illustrations . It will be completed in bout thirty numbers , with engravings . * # * Order the Nonpareil edition . The Mysteries of Paris may also be had in sixty penny numbers , or fifteen parts at fourpence each ; being the 6 rst translation in the English language , and the only one that contains all the original edition before the author had curtailed it to please the fastidious taste of a too prurient public . This editisn has fifty engravings , is printed in good bold type , and the whole , handsomely bound in red , in one volume , may be had for . 4 s . * # * A liberal allowance to dealers . Also in two volumes octavo , neatly bound , VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY , without abridgment or mutilation , containing every word of the edition in six volumes published at £ 210 s . The first volume has a medallion likeness of the author , and the second a full-length engraving of Voltaire as he appeared in his seventieth year . To the first volume is prefixed a copious Memoir of his Life and "Writings . Every care has been taken to keep the text correct , so that it may remain a lasting monument of the genius , and indomitable perseverance of the author in enlightening and liberating his ¦ fellow creatures . The universal fame of Voltaire ; the powerful blows which he dealt to superstition and tyranny , from which they will never recover , have long rendered this book celebrated above all others , as the great advocate of freedom and humanity , and the undoubtable assailant of tyranny , whether spiritual or militant . For beauty of typography and correctness of the text , the publisher will challenge competition—and for cheapness he will defy all . The two volumes contain 1276 pages , and may be had in 120 penny numbers , thirty parts at fourpence each , or in two volumes , handsomely bound and lettered , price 12 s . Sold by all booksellers . The WORKS of THOMAS PAINE , uniform with Vol . taire ' s Dictionary , to be completed in one volume , or sixty penny numbers , each number containing sixteen pages of good , clear , and readable type . The first part has a bold and excellent portrait of Paine , after Sharpe , from a painting by Romney . Strange as it may appear , there has yet been no complete and cheap edition of the works of this celebrated man . Richard Carlile placed them beyond the reach of the working classes when he published them for £ 2 2 s , the Political Works alone , and the Theological "Worlia for 10 s . 6 d . It is calculated that the whole will not exceed sixty numbers at one penny each , or fifteen parts at fourpence . Eight numbers are now published , and the succeeding parts will be issued -with rapidity . VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , NOVELS , and TALES . The celebrity which these famous Tales have obtained in all European and American languages renders all comment-superfluous . For wit , sarcasm , and irony they stand unrivalled . This will be the first uniform and complete edition , and will comjprise the following celebrated works : —Candide , or All for the Best ; Zadig ; The Huron , or the Pupil of Nature ; The White Bull : The World as it Goes ; The Man of Forty Crowns ; The Princess of Babylon ; MemnonthePhilosopher ; Micromegas ; Plato ' s Dream ; Babebec , or the Fakirs ; The Two Comforters , &c , Ac . Six parts , fourpence each , and twenty-four penny numbers , are now ready . The remainder will speedily follow . The DIEGESIS ; being a discovery of the origin , evidences , and early history of Christianity never before or elsewhere so fully and faithfully set forth . By the Rev . Robebt Tatlob , Complete in fifty-four numbers , at one penny each , or thirteen parts , fourpence each ; or may be had , neatly bound in cloth and lettered , price 5 s . THE DEVIL'S PULPIT , or the Astro-Theological Lectures of the Rev . Robert Taylor , published under that title , complete in forty-eight numbers , the two last comprising aMemoir of the Life and Writings of the Reverend Author . This work was formerly published in twopenny numbers—now reduced in price to one penny . All the numbers are reprinted as they fall out , so that sets may be constantly obtained . The MIRROR of ROMANCE , in one volume , containing four hundred pages quarto , with upwards of fifty illustrations , and the following celebrated works : — Leone Leoni , by George Sand , now Madame Dudevant , one of the most powerful romances ever written . The Physiology of a Married Man , by Paul de Kock , with upwards of fifty aiustrationg , is given entire . Jenny ; or The Unfortunate Courtezan , by the same author , containing a most affecting moral , drawn from real life . The Bonnet Rouge , or Simon the Radical , a tale of the French Revolution , —a work of great merit . The White House , a romance by Paul de Kock—Memoirs of an Old Man at twenty-five ; a most piquant and amusing tale . Man c aL of Fbeehasoney , verbatim from the editions published by Carlile , for 15 s . All the above maybe had in one volume os ., or in ten Parts at 6 d . each . A liberal allowance to the trade . In one thick volume , price five shillings , The Manual of Fbeehasonet , Parts I . II . and III ., as published by Carlile at 5 s . each , may now be had uniform in size with Chambers' Miscellany , aud most elegantly printed . This edition contains the prefaces and introduction to each part , which are omitted in the other reprints . Part I . contains a manual of the three first degrees , with an introductory keystone to the Royal Arch . Part II . contains the Royal Arch and Knights Templar Degrees , with an explanatory introduction to the Science , Part III . contains the degrees of Mark Mace , Mark Master Architect , Grand Architect , Scotch Master or Superintendent , Secret Master , Perfect Master , and upwards of twenty other associations , to which is prefixed an explanatory introduction to the science , and a free translation of some of the Sacred Scripture names . The parts maybe had separate ; parts I . and II ., Is . Cd . each , and part III ., 2 s . May be had of all Booksellers . ' Paul de Kock's "Works , full and free translations : — NEIGHBOUR RAYMOND , price Is ., a most amusing tale . The BARBER OF PARIS , 2 s . SUSTAVUS ; or the Young Rake , 2 s . GEORGETTE ; or the Scrivener ' s Niece , 2 s . BROTHER JAMES , 2 s . MY WIFE'S CHILD , Is . 6 d . THE MAN WITH THREE PAIR OF BREECHES , 2 s . TOURLOUROU ; or the Conscript , 3 s . Also , INDIANA , by George Sand , a Romance of Illicit Love , 3 s . FERRAGUS , THE CHIEF OF THE DEVOURERS , by M . de Balzac , Is . 6 d . Will befoUawed up by others of the same writer . ON THE POSSIBILITY OF LIMWIflw Jfui'OLOUSNESS . AN ESSAY ON POPULOUSNESS—to whksh is added the THEORY OF PAINLESS EXTINCTION , by Marcus , price Is . # »* The celebrated pamphlet where it is proposed to forbid the intercourse of Man and Woman when they are poor , and to make it felony when a child is the result . The Theory of Painless Extinction coolly discusses the method of extinguishing life , when the intruder has not property immediate or expectant to support that life . The MONK , by Lewis , verbatim from the Original ; twenty-four plates , price 2 s . 4 d . MARRIAGE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DISCUSSED . In four parts . — Part I . On the Necessity of Marriage ; Precocity ; Effects of Wedlock . Part II . Instructions in Courting ; Sudden Love ; Organizations ; Madness cured by Matrimony ; the Courtezan Reclaimed . Part III . Limitation of life justified ; Protectors—their utility and general adoption . Part IV . —Real causes of Sterility ; remedies . From tbeFrench of JeanDubois , 2 s . 6 d . FRUITS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or , private advice to Toung married people . Containing the various hypothesis of Generation ; Structure of the Female Organs ; Conceptions ; Remedies against Barrenness and Impotemcy ; with a curious anatomical p late . 2 s . 6 d . All the above , and more extensive Catalogue , may be had from every render of periodicals . All orders punctually attended to .
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x ixju j . > x xx x : PARR'S LIFE PILLS , " r READ the following letter from ^ Mr , W . Al exander , Bookseller , Yarmouth : —• ' ¦ ' Great Yarmouth , March 27 , 1845 . Gentlemen , —Being recently at Norwich , I called upon a gentleman at his request . He said , having seen your name in a newspaper as an agent for the sale of PARR'S PILLS , and also letters addressed to you testifying their efficacy in the cure of various complaints , I resolved to try them . I had been very unwell for two or three years , my stomach much out of order , and I constantly felt a painful dMculty in breathing ; I employed two medical gentlemen , and took a great quantity of medicine , but derived no benefit ; on the contrary , I found myself daily declining and getting weaker , so that I could scarcely walk from one street to another ; indeed I was in a melancholy desponding state . Accordingly , I purchased a box , and took them as directed . At the end of a week I was much better , having taken , I think , only eighteen pills ; consequently , I continued taking them regularly , and when I had taken two boxes and a half , I became quite well , and to this day I have enjoyed life , having now good health and good spirits . If , however , I feej any Blight indisposition , I have recourse to the medicine I have so much reason to prize , which restores me to my usual good health . This gentleman wished his case to be made public , although for obvious reasons he could not authorise me to give his name . This timid , perhaps in some cases , prudent cautiousness is not uncommon , A neighbouring gentleman has several times admitted to me that he derives great benefit from the occasional use of Parr ' s medicines , but will not permit me to mention it to any one lam , dear Sir , yours , respectfully , WILLIAM ALEXANDER . ' P . S . The Pills have entirely removed the cough and Asthma . MR . HACKETT , THE CELEBRATE !) AMERICAN ACTOR , now performing in this country , gave the following important testimonial to the efficacy of PARR'S LIFE PILLS before leaving for America : — To the Proprietors of PARR'S LIFE PILLS . Sins , Having used PARR'S LIFE PILLS on several occasions when attacked by violent Bilious complaints , and having been fully satisfied of their efficacy , i-beg leave in justice to you , as proprietors of the medicine , to testify as much . Yours , respectfully , Long Island , Nov . 9 , 1844 . Wm . H . Hackett . f ^ - The ext raordinary effect of this medicine is the wonder of the age ; it has been tried by hundreds ofthousandB as an aperient , and has in everyjnstance done good ; it has never in the slightest degree impaired the most delicate constitution . Tens of thousands have testified that perseverance in the use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS will completely cure any disease , and are living witnesses of the benefit receivedfrom this invaluable medicine . —Sheets of testimonials and the " Life aud Times of Old Pan- " may be had gratis , of every respectable Medicine Vender throughout the kingdom . Beware of spurious imitations of the above medicine . None are genuine unless the words PARR'S LIFE PILLS are in WHITE lettebs on a RED ghound , engraved on the Government Stamp , pasted round each box ; also the facsimile of the signature of the Proprietors , " T . ROBERTS and Co ., " London , on the directions . Sold wholesale by E . Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s ; Barclay and Sons , Farringdon-street ; Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Mottershead and Co ., Manchester ; aud J . and R . Raimes and Co ., Edinburgh . Retailed by at least one agent in every town in the United Kingdom , and by all respectable chemists , druggists , and dealers in patent medicine . Price 13 id ., 3 s . Sd ., and family boxes 11 s . each . Full directions are given with each box ,
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COUGHS , COLDS , AND CATARRHS , EFFECTUALLY CURES BY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . rpHE value of these Lozenges ( WHICH ARE UNDER X THE PATRONAGE OF ROYALTY , NOBILITY , AND CLERGY ) admits of no possible question , both on account of the numerous orders constantly received , and the most various and respectable testimonials gratuitously forwarded . Thirty jeors' experience has fully proved their great utility , not only in ordinary cases of cough and cold , but in various kinds of asthmatic and consumptive complaints , whether constitutional or otherwise . They possess also the very desirable recommendations that they produce no inconvenience , require no precaution , and effect a cure of these maladies in an incredibly short space of time . Prepared and sold in boxes , Is . l £ d . ; and tins , 2 s . 9 d . ' 4 s ' . 6 d ., and 10 s . 6 d . each , by Thomas Keating , pharmaceutical chemist , No . 79 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard . The following are from among a great many letters the proprietor has received , in proof of the efficacy of these Lozenges : — Dover , January 25 th , . 1845 . Sir , —I have great pleasure in informing you that the 2 s . 9 d . box of Heating ' s Cough Lozenges , had at your house about three weeks since , has relieved Mrs . Hiller of a bad cough , to which Blie has been subject many years , especially in the winter season . A considerable portion of the Lozenges are on hand , nor has she for the last fortnight had any occasion to use them . Yours respectfully , Mr . S . Marten , Dover . F . I . Hiller , jun . Cheetham Hill , near Manchester August 21 st , 1844 , Sir , —I am glad I have taken your advice in trying- Mr . Keating ' s Cough Lozenges , as I have for a long time been troubled % vith shortness of breath and a bad cough , and have tried a great variety of medicines , but derived very little benefit from them : but since I have made trial of Keating ' s Cough Lozenges , I have breathed better , and the cough is quite gone . I am , Sir , yours truly , Sarah Fletcher . Saffron Walden , Julyllth , 1844 . Sir , —I have used Keating ' s Cough Lozenges these last twenty years , and have always derived benefit from them . About twenty-two years ago I was exceedingly ill with a cough , and could get no relief from any medicine I tried . A gentleman recommended me to try these Lozenges , which I did , and found immediate relief ; and I think two loxes effected a complete cure . I had already had the advice of an eminent physician and two surgeons , but nothing they ordered for me did me any good . I remain , dear sir , yours truly , To Mr . Keating . J . Miller . P . 3 . —16 hall always feel the greatest confidence and pleasure in recommending them , 1 , North Feltham-place , near Hounslow , . Eeb . 12 th , 1840 . Sir , —I should feel extremely obliged to you if you would send me a Tin of your most excellent lozenges , for , having tried them , I find they are the best remedy for Cough that can possibly be had ; this I can testify from experience , for I have been troubled with a most violent Cough for many years ; and have tried many tilings , but without any benefit , until I met with your Lozenges , and they afforded me instant relief . I remain , sir , yours truly , Henut Woodeeson . To Mr . Keating , St . Paul's . 9 , Claremont-terrace , Pentonyille , Feb . 17 , 1845 . Dear Sir , —Having been for a considerable time during the ivinter afflicted with a violent cough , particularly at laying down in bed , which continued for several hours incessantly , and after trying many medicines without the slightest effect , I was induced to try your Lozenges ; and by taking about half a box of them , in less than twentyfour hours the Cough entirely left me , and I have been perfectly free from it ever since . I am , dear Sir , yours very respectfully , James Ellis . ( Late proprietor of the Chapter Coffee-nouse , St , Paul ' s . ; To Mr . Keating . Agents fw tlte North of England . Manchester , Mr . L . Simpson , Druggist , Pr incess-street ; Cheetham Hill , Mr . Croft , Druggist , Union-terrace ; Leeds , Messrs . Reinhardt and Son ; Mr . Smceton , Druggist ; Messrs . Baines and Newsome , Booksellers ; Halifax , Mr . "W . Jepson , Chemist , Silver-street ; Mr . J . Lofthouse , Chemist ; Bradford , Mr . M . Rogerson , Chemist , Darley - street ; Mr . J . Pratt , Chemist , Ivegate ; Stalpbridge , Mr . Wm . Bevan , Druggist ; Sttll , Mr . Reinhardt , Druggist ; Mr . J . Simpson , Chemist ; Messrs , Ross and Burton , Chemists ; Bolton , Mr . George Dutton , Chemist , &c , Market-place ; Mr . G , La French , Chemist , Cheapside ; Bury , Mr . Bowman , Druggist ; Birmingham , "Wood , Highstreet ; Ashton-under-Lyne , Mr . Stansfield , Druggist ; Belper , Mr . Riddy , Bookseller ; Blackburn , Mr . L . Fish , Druggist ; MaalesfiM , Mr . H . Hodkinson , Druggist ; Nottingham , Mi ' . B . S . Oliver , Stationer , Long-row ; Derby , Mr . J . T . Hassall , Druggist , Victoria-street ; R . Bryers , Druggist ; Jones and Hewitt , Druggists ; J . Greenswith , Druggist , Mercury Office ; Preston , Mr , J , Raw , Druggist ; Mr . George Sharpies , Chemist , Fishergate ; Rochdale , Mr . Leech , Druggist ; Mr . Booth , Druggist ; Mr . Taylor , Druggist ; Stochport , Mr . Rayner , Druggist ; Mr . Wilkinson , Druggist ; Messrs . Sims and Shaw , Druggists ; Sandlaeh , Mrs . Peover , Druggist ; Warrbiijtwi , Mr . William Barton , Druggist ; Wigan , Mr . E . H . Barnish , Druggist ; Leigh , Mr . James Kirkman Bennett , Chemist ; SiuldersjieW , Mr . Jacob Fell , Chemist , Market-place ; Mr . H . Fryer , Chemist , 5 Jew-street ; Bnnltm , 'Wm . Peavson , Druggist ; Eanley , Charles Jones , Druggist ; Lmgt im , George Sibary , Druggist ; Leicester , T . W . Palmer , Druggist ; J . Goaaard , Druggist ; Stohe-upon . Trent , Wm . Dean , Druggist ; Nmoieh , T . B . Moor , Druggist ; George Staeey , Druggist ; William Cooke , Druggist , Norfolk ChronieU office ; NevKastk-vpon-Tyne , W .. Fordyce , 15 , Greystreet ; South Shields , BeU and Co , ; WaUaU , J . H . Wattins , Druggist ; Wolverhamptaa , R . Fowke , Druggist ; Vewsonry , T . S . Brooke ; Wakefield , J . Dawson and S . Sidney , Chemists ; Tor * , W . D . Scholefield , Chemist ; Ashboume , John Whitham , Druggist ; Thirsk , T . J . Foggett ; and all reBpectable Medicine Venders in the United Kingdom . Sold Wholesale by THOMAS EYRE and Co ., Druggist * Liverpool ,
Untitled Ad
. CHOICE OF A SITUATION'I Dome tfb Bazaar , 326 , Oxford Street , corner of Rt '¦ ; : ¦ , '¦ ' gent Circus . ' .. WANTED ^ for Large and Small Families , a number of FEMALE SERVANTS of every description , with straightforward characters . This demand is created through the arrangements being highly , approved by the Nobility , Gentry , and the Public generally . Ladies are in attendance to engage Domestics from Ten to Five o ' clock daily . There are Rooms for waiting in to be hired ; not any charge made until engaged if preferred . To those who will take places of All Work no charge whatever . Servants from the country are much inquired for . There are always a few vacancies for Footmen and Grooms , N . B . Upon applying do not stand about the doors or windows unnecessarily .
Untitled Ad
TO MR . PROUT , 220 , STRAND , LONDON . Wednesbury , Sept . 2 , 1844 . SIR , —I have been an agent for BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS upwards of four years ; during that period very many cases of cure by their use have been effected and come under my notice in this town and neighbourhood , which has secured to them a celebrity unequalled by any other medicine . I , therefore , in justice feel bound to state to you the following instance of their efficacy : — A person of the name of Turner applied tq me in August , 1840 , for a box of Blair ' s Pills . He had " been subject to violent attacks of Rheumatic Gout for ten years , and compelled to give up work for weeks at a time . He had tried medical aid , and everything he could hear of , or that his friends had recommended . He was then labouring under one of those attacks , but by taking Blair ' s Pills according to the directions , he was quite restored . Since then , whenever he feels an attack approaching , by taking only a few doses it speedily vanishes . He wishes me to state these facts to you for the benefit of others . You are » t liberty to pvibliBh the above if you . think fit . I am , sir , your obedient servant , FREDERICK C . LADBURY , Chemist . The decided superiority of this medicine over every other hitherto offered to the public for the cure of those dreadfully painful diseases , gout , rheumatic gout , rheumatism , lumbago , sciatica , &c , is so fully manifested by the increasing sale , and the testimony of thousands in every rank of life , that those who are aware of the existence of such a remedy , and have not availed themselves of trying its efficacy , cannot truly be objects of sympathy . The testimonials of the astonishing effects of this medicine are universally accompanied by the fact that no inconvenience of any sort attends its administration , but that the patient , without feeling the operation of the medicine , is universally left in a stronger and better state of health than experienced previous to being afflicted with this disease ; and in all cases of acute suffering , great relief is experienced in a few hours , and a cure is generally effected in two or three days . Sold by Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , price 2 s . 9 d . per box ; and , by his appointment , by Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Newsome , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Tavbottom , and Horner , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis and Son , Burdekin , Moxon , Little , Hardman , Linney , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke aud Co ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harr ison , Linney , Ripon ; Foggitt , Coates , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold ; England , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; Sweeting , Knaresborough ; Pease , Oliver , Darlington : Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthovpe , Tadcaster ; Rogerson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Ponfefract ; Cordwell , Gill , Lawton , Dawson , Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Waite , Harrogate : Wall , Barnsley ; and all respectable medicine venders throughout the kingdom . Ask for BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS , and observe the name and address of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " impressed upon the Government stamp affixed to each part of the Genuine Mtdicinc .
Untitled Ad
A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend Human Frailty , THE TOTOTEENTH EDITION . Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order . for 3 s . 6 d . THE SILENT FRIEND . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GEJ \ . NERATIYB SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and . the . ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhaea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of cure . for . both sexes "; followed by observations on the obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications :, the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . By R . and L . PERRY and Co ., Consulting Sukoeons , London . Published by the Authors ; sold by Heaton , and Buckton , Briggate , Leeds ; Strange , Paternoster-row ; Hannay and Co ., 630 , Oxford-street ; Purkis , Compton-street , Soho , London ; Guist , 51 , Bull-street , Birmingham ; and by all booksellers in town and country , OPINIONS OF THE PKE 88 . " We regard the work before us , the " Silent Friend , " as a work embracing most clear and practical views of a series of complaints hitherto little understood , and passed over by the majority of the medical profession , for what reason vre are at a loss to know . We must , however , confess ' . hat a perusal of this work has left such a favourable iir . pression on our minds , that we not only recommend , but cordially wish every one who is the victim of past folly , or suffering from indiscretion , to profit by the advice contained in its pages . "—^ pe and Argus . " The Authors of the " Silent Friend" seem to be thoroughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints which are , we fear , too prevalent in the present day . The perspicuous style in which this book is written , and the valuable hints it conveys to those who are apprehensive of entering the marriage state , cannot fail to recommend it to a careful perusal . "—Era . " This work should be read by all who value health and wishio enjoy life , for the truisms therein contained defy all doubt— -Farmerf Journal . THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM . I ? a gentle stimulant and renovator of the impaired functions of life , and is exclusively directed to the cure of such complaints as arise from a disorganization of the Generative System , whether constitutional or acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgence in solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . ~ The consequences arising from this dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field oi seducive error—into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious application of those inherent rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her species ; bringing on premature decrepitude , and all the habitudes of old age . Constitutional weakness , sexual debility , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , total impotency and barrenness are effectually removed by this invaluable medicine . Sold in Bottles , price 11 s . each , or the quantity of four in one Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one 11 s . bottle is saved . Prepared only by Messrs . PERRY and Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Bemers-street , Oxford-street ; London . None arc genuine v .-ithout the signature of R and L , PERRY and Co , impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper , to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye . The Five Pound cases ( the purchasing of which will be a saving of one pound twelve shillings ) may be had as usual at 19 , Bemers-street , Oxford-street , London . Patients in the country who require a course of this admirable medicine , should send Five Pounds by letter , -which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . May be had of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Medicine Venders in town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe and America , of whom may be had the " Silent Fhiend . " Messrs . PERRY expect , when consulted by letter , the usual fee of one pound , without wliieh no notice whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their eases . PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s , per box , ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . on the outside of each wrapper ) are well known throughout Europe and America , to be the most certain and effectual cure ever discovcredfor every stage and symptom of a certain disease , in both sexes , including Gonowhcea Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakl ness , Deficiency , and all diseases of the Urinary Passages without loss of time , confinement , or lundrance from business . They have effected the most surprising cures not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all other means have failed ; they remove Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part of the body , Ulcerations Scrofulous or Venereal Taint , being calculated to cleanse the blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid afiection . and restore T , veak smu emaciate . 1 constitutions to pristine health and vigour , Messrs Perry and Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted as usual , at 19 , Berners street , Oxford-street , London , punctually , from Eleven in the morning until Ei ght ' iSSie evening , and on Sundays from Eleven till One . Onlv one ffiSSHwl W ^ counh 7 P a tien * to enable Messrs . Perry and Co . to give such advice as will be the means of eflecting a permanent and effectual cure , after all other meanB have proved ineffectual . vS ; T * ° o ^ P ^ SSists , ^ Booksellera , Patent Medicine Venders , &c ., can besupphed with any quantity of Perry ' s ^ fl $ E ?»^? ir ftlI * and Cordial Balm of Sjriacum , with the nBual allowance to the Trade , by most of the principal Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London . beS £ ? S £ ^ £ i » te ^ *** of whom may
Untitled Ad
JUST OPENED . MESSRS . MILLER AND JONES , TAILORS AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS , IBS , OXFORD-STREET , CORNER OF MART ^ LEBONE-LANE . A N Extensive Assortment of the Best Goods , made and tJL unmade / always on hand . Bought for ready cash it the cheapest and best markets . To be sold for ready « sh only , bo that the disaqeeb 4 ble necessity or JHABOINO HEAVY PROFITS TO COVER BAD BEBT 8 MAY BE AVOIDED . Single Garments and Suits of Clothes in great variety , and at low and honest prices . Gentlemen ' s superfine dress coats , cut and finished in the first style , £ 115 s ., and upwards . Cloth , cashmere , doeskin , and tweed trousers , 9 s . Cd ,, nd upwards . Yakutia , toilenet , and quilting vests , fis . 6 d ., and upvards . Very rich plain and fancy satin and silk velvet vests , 6 s ., and upwards . « y Mechanics' Workinq Cktlies egxiaUy Cheap .
Untitled Ad
2 s . 9 d ,, is . 6 d ., and 11 s . each box ; or , post free , 3 s ., 5 s ,, and 12 s . COPAIBA AND CUBEBS ENTIRELY SUPERSEDED . WRAY'S BALSAMIC PILLS , a certain , safe , and the most speedy remedy ever discovered for the permanent and effectual cure of strictures , seminal weakness , pains in the loins , affections of the kidneys , gravel , rheumatism , lumbago , gonorrhoea , gleets , local debility , irritation of the bladder or urethra , and other diseases of the urinary passages . The unprecedented success that has attended the administration of these pills , since they were made public , has acquired for them a sale more extensive than any other proprietary medicine extant , and the circumstance of their entirely obviating the necessity of having recourse to those disgusting , nauseous , and in many cases highly injurious medicines ( as copaiba , cubebs , &c ) , has obtained for them a reputation unequalled in the annals of medicine . Prior to being advertised , these pills were employed in private practice in upwards of 1 , 800 cases , many of them most inveterate—in many thousand cases since , and in no one instance known to fail , or to produce those unpleasant symptoms so often experienced while taking copaiba , and that class of medicines usually resorted to in these complaints . The proprietor pledges himself that not one particle of copaiba , either resin or balsam , cubebs , or any deleterious ingredient , enters their composition . Copaiba and cubebs hare long been the most commonly employed medicines in the above complaints ; but , from the uncertainty in their effects , together with their utter inefficacy in many cases , are fast declining in reputation ; and , from the unpleasant symptoms invariably produced from taking copaiba , especially in the early stage of the complaint , many of the most able modern practitioners condemn it as dangerous , and a medicine not to be depended upon . Many persons , after having suffered more from the effects of the remedy than the virulence of the disease , and , after a patient but painful perseverance , have been compelled to relinquish its use , the whole system having beceme more or less affected , and the disease as bad , if not worse , than at the commencement . As regards cubebs , it is true that those violent effects are not experienced as while taking copaiba , but they seldom effect a cure , linless more active medicines are administered . The Balsamic Pills are free from any of the above objections ; they act specifically on the urinary passages : and , from their tonic properties , tend to strengthen the system and improve the general health . They require neither confinement nor alteration of diet ( except abstinence from stimulants , where considerable inflammation exists ) , and , as experience has amply proved , they will effect a cure sooner than copaiba ( the dangerous results of which , in the inflammatory stages , are too well known to need comment ) , or any other medicine in present use , and may be justly considered the only safe and efficacious remedy in all stages of those disorders . In addition to these advantages , the very convenient form in which this invaluable preparation is offered to the public , must also a desideratum . Prepared only by M . O . Wray , and sold , wholesale and retail , at 118 , Holborn-hill ; and at the West-end Depot , Hi , Strand , London . May also be had of all respectable medicine venders in town and country . Patients in the remotest parts of the country can be treated successfully , on describing minutely their case , and inclosing a remittance for medicine , which can be forwarded to any part of the werld , securely packed , aud carefully protected from observation .
Untitled Ad
MESSRS . BRODIE AND CO ., Consulting Surgeons , have removed their Establishment from i , Great Charlesstreet , Birmingham , to No . 27 , Montague-street , Eussell-square , London . BRODIE ON DEBILITY IN MAN . Life is only life when blessed with health ; without it all men are poor , let their estates be what they may . Messrs , Brodie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square , London . Just published , Fifteenth Edition , price 2 s . Gd ., and sent free , enclosed in a sealed envelope , on receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . 6 d . BRO DIE'S MEDICAL WORK on DEBILITY IN MAS . Long experience in the treatment of a class of diseases hitherto neglected and imperfectly understood by the great bulk of the medical profession , hag enabled the author to prove that there are concealed causes of indigestion , consumption , insanity , and nervous debility , in existence , where the mere routine practitioner would never dream of finding them . Published and sold by the Authors , Messrs . Brodie and Co ., 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square , London ; and sold by Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster-row ; Ilannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Purkiss , Compton-street , Soho ; Noble , , Chancery-lane ; Barth , 4 , Brydgesstreet , Covent-garden ; and Gordon , 146 , Leadenhall-street , London ; Sutton , . Review-office , Nottingham ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldicott , 'Wolverhampton ; D'Egville , Worcester ; Jeyes , Northampton ; Ousley , Shrewsbury ; Parker , Hereford ; Gibson , Dudley ; Turner , Coventry ; T . Newton , Church-street , Liverpool ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Fryer , Bath ; Harper , Cheltenham ; Keene , Bath ; Wood , High-street , Birmingham ; Roberts , Derby ; Ferriss and Score , Union-street , Bristol ; Slatter , Oxford ; W . H . Robinson , 11 , Greenside-street , Edinburgh . And by all booksellers and druggists in town and country . THE OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . " Brodie on Debility in Man . " London : Sherwood , Gil . bert , and Piper , Patemoster-row . This is a work of great merit , and should be placed in the hands of every young man who is suffering from past folly and indiscretion . It contains many valuable truths , and its perusal is certain to benefit him in many ways . Brodie and Co . hava also published " The Secret Companion , " a work of a . very valuable character , which is enclosed and sent free with all their medicines . —Tfie London Mercantile Journal . "Brodie on Debility in Man . " London : Brodie and Co ., 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square . The authors of this valuable work evidently well understand the subject upon which they treat ; and this is the best guarantee we can give those persons to whom it is likely to prove serviceable . It is a publication which can , and ought to be , placed in the hands of every young man to guide him among the temptations of the world to which he may be subjected . —Kentish Mercury , Ch-avesend Journal , and Qreenttsich Gazette . THE CORDIAL BALM Of ZEYLANICA ; or , Nature s Grand Restorative . As nothing can be better adapted to help and nourish the constitution , so there is nothing more generally acknowledged to be peculiarly efficacious in all inward wastings , loss of appetite , indigestion , depression of spirits , trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , or consumptive habits . It is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous and sexual debility , irregularity , weakness , impotency , barrenness , loss of appetite , indigestion , consumptive . habits , and debilities , arising from excesses , efce . Sold in bottles , price -Is . Gd . and 11 s . each , or the quantity of four in one family bottle for 33 s ., by which one lls . bottle is saved . With each is enclosed " The Secret Companion . " The five pound cases ( the purchasing of which will be a saving of one pound twelve shillings ) may be had as usual at their residence . Sold by all medicine venders in town and country , of whom may be had i Brodie's Medical Work on the causes of debility in Man . He sure to ask for Brodie ' s Cordial Balm of Zeylaniea ; or , Nature ' s Grand Restorative , and Purifying Vegetable Pills . CONSULT " THE SECRET COMPANION , " Embellished with engravings , and enclosed with each box of BRODIE'S PURIFYING VEGETABLE PILLS , price Is . l $ d ., 2 s . Od ,, 4 s . 6 a \ , and lls . per box . Observe the signature of " R . J . Brodie and Co ., London , " impressed on a seal in red wax , affixed to each bottle and box , as none else are genuine . These Pills are mild and effectual in their operation , without mercury or mineral , and require no restraint Of diet , loss of time , or hindernnce from business ; possessing the power of eradicating every symptom of the disease in its worst stage , without the least exposure to the patient . Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world , protected from observation . Country patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases . The communication must be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of £ 1 , and in all cases the most inviolable soei'ecy may be relied on . Country druggists , booksellers , and patent medicine venders , can be supplied with any quantity of Brodie ' s Purifying Vegetable Pills , and Cordial Balm of Zcylaniea , with the usual allowance to the trade , by the principal wholesale patent medicine houses in London . Messrs . Brodie and Co ., Surgeons , are in daily attendance for consultation at . their residence , 27 , Montaguestreet , Russell-square , London , from eleven in the morning till eight in the evening , and on Sundays from eleven , till two . Only one personal visit is required from a country patient to enable Messrs . Brodie and Co . to give such advice as will be the me&us of effecting a permanent cure , after all other means have proved ineffectual .
Emigration Fob 18*5-And Wiltlam
Untitled Article
| BANKRUPTS . ( From Ttmday ' s Gazette , Aprils , ) Thomas Holy land Williams and William Clachar Stin Chelrasford , auctioneers—Joseph Phillips and ThZ ' Pearson , South-place , Finsbury , silk-dressers-T h ™ Homewood , Hilluigdon , Middlesex , licensed victuX as Henry Thomas Prebble , Thanet-street , Bur ton-cres ™ wine-merchant—Thomas Morris and William WooiW ? Burslem , Staffordshire , drapers—Thomas Ar nold , 8 hre \ bury , veterinary surgeon—John and Thomas Lamb k-1 " derminster , Worcestershire , engineers—Sarah Wiwi " Warringtou , Lancashire , innkeeper—George Shaw off ham , Lancashire , cotton-spinner . ' ' -
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS . J . S . Christopher , Leadenhall-street , Citv , merchi first dividend , of 2 s Gd in the pound , any ' Wednesih the office of Mr . Belcher , King ' s Arms-yard , Coleln at street . " nan-Ilev . R . P . Croughton , Melton Me-wbray , vicar-c dividand , of Gs in the pound , any Tuesday , at the ( , iiu ! i Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham . lce of T . B . IIall , Coggeshall , Essex , grocer—first dividen d 2 s 8 d in the pound , any Wednesday , at the office nt { , Graham , Coleman-street , City . - > lr - J . P . Davies , Davies-street , Berkeley-square , apo thecw —first dividend , of 20 s in the pound , Saturday , April ' )? and three following Saturdays , at the office of fltr Grimm ' Abchurch-Iane , City . 100 ni > L . Williams , Oxford , woollen-draper—first dividend f 5 s 6 d in the pound , Saturday , April 2 G , and three follcm-i ™ Saturdays ) at the office of Mr , Groom , Abchur ch-Lw City . ' S . Peach , Nottingham , grocer—first and final dividend of Is 9 d in the pound , any Thursday , at the office of jj ,. Christie , Birmingham . T . Daniell , Boulogne , copper smelter—further dividend of Is fid in the pound , any day after April 24 , at , v ' office of Mr . Hernaman , Exeter .
J . Watson , Carlisle , grocer—first dividend , of * ,- ;„ i .. pound , any Saturday , at the office of Mr . Wakfe y , . v eastle-upon-Tyne . J . H ., J . S ., J . K ., and A . Heron , Manchester , cotton spinners—final dividend , of | d in the pound , any We < inc . " day , at the office of Mr . Pott , Manchester . H . Bardie , Manchester , merchant—final tliveJeiid of 7 p in the pound , any Wednesday , at the oflfeiof jj t Pott , Manchester . M . Atkinson , Temple Sowerby , Westmoreland , banket —third and final dividend , of 7 d and 24-100 th parts of a penny in the pound , any Saturday after April 26 , at tin office of Mr . Baker , Newcastle-upon-Tyne .
DIVIDENDS . May 16 , W . G . Clover , Holborn , linendraper—May 1 G , 11 , Wehnert , Leicester-square , tailor—May 16 , E . Green , Glii ; ford-street , Bond-street , tailor—May 9 , It . and J . Under hill , Plymouth , linendrauers—May 13 , 11 . Footner , Lyming ton , Hampshire , cabinet-maker—May 14 , G . Butler , Wit ham , Essex , builder—May 23 , G . Bartlett , Wellingtonstreet , Goswell-street , manufacturer of plaster ornamen ts —May 30 , W . Westrup and T . M . Cocksedge , New Cr ane Shadwell , millers—May 21 , J . Harding , Farnliam , Surrey ' builder—May 21 , L . Robinson , Ballingdon , Essex , wheel ! wright—May 13 , J . Lordea and N . Haillay , Ilenic ll . iv
T ^ * iH 4 . l ..- £ f « T . m .. _ If Aw « ftl 1 T A «« 3 » A »* A fIM**>— — Tl- _ - _ -ll . V 2 Kent , builders—May 22 , J . Andrews , Threadneedle-streer City , stockbroker—May 22 , G . Chapman , Aylesbuiv grocer —May 22 , L . C . Lecesne , Fenehureh-buildiilgs , Fciieliur chstreet , merchant—May 22 , J . Johnson , Anston , Vorksliire miller—May 16 , C . Carter , Saddington , Leicestershire ' miUer-May 23 , W . Bishton , Parkfield , Staffordshire iron master—May 23 , W . East , Spalding , Lincolnshire , builder -May 15 , T . Wilkinson , Hartlepool , Durham , draper-May 15 , R . Penny , Cockermouth , Cumberland , mercer-May 15 , C . Humberston andS . Frodsham , Liverpool com . mission-marchants-May 16 , T . Higgiuson , Liverpool , pawnbroker . r '
Ceiitificates to be granted , unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting . May 13 , W . Perkins , Portsea , Hampshire , upho ! sterer ~ May 14 , J . and C . Green , Borough-road , Southwnrk , corndealers—May 27 , S . Huinm , Brick Jane , Betlinal- ' -ieeii silk hat-manufacturer—May 20 , J . and G . Hardy , Wis ! beach , St . Peter , Cambridgeshii'e , grocers—May ' 20 , H . P Gray , Caroline-street , Eaton-square , horse-de ' aler—May 15 , J . Ralph , Bath , innkeeper—May 15 , T . Ferris . W otton Basset , Wiltshire , grocer—May 16 , J . Wells , Winc licombe Gloucestershire , common carrier—May 14 , T . Wilkinson Ilavtlepool , Durham , draper—May 15 , W . and S . Dees
and J . Hogg , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , builders—May M W . Coward , Hartlepool , Durham , bread baker—May 15 II . Grocn , Liverpool , woollen-draper—May 13 , S . Marshal ) Kingston-upon-Hull , builder—May 13 , W . ITardistv Wakefield , Yorkshire , whitesmith—May 13 , J . and j ); Ilepworth , Raistrick , Yorkshire , cotton warp rivers—May 13 , T . and J . Darby , Birmingham , drysalters " —May 13 J . Walker , Jewry-street , Aldgate , City , builder—May 13 ' II . Craven , Wakcfield , Yorkshire , corn-iniller—May 13 II . Watt , Lime-street , City , merchant—May 13 , T . jiOlt = ' don , Harrow , bnteher—May 18 , J . Wilier , Windsor , licensed victualler—May 13 , J . E . Vardy , Portsmouth , linendraper .
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED , C . H . Deaue ana H . D'Usaycr , Regent-street , professors of languages—L . A , Clifford and G . Shorthouse , Liverpool , commission-merchants—J . Davie and J . Pitcher , Ipswich , surgeons—C . W . Nicolay and J . Brown , Fenchtireh-streei , commission-agents—T . and J . Carpenter , Tasburgh , Norfolk , farmers—It . Whichello and F . Freshwater , Castle , street , Leicester-square , grocers—W . Wise amt K . Marttr , I \ or th-court , Cowper-street , City-road , umbrella-sticic turners—J . Crowther and T . Walker , Leeds , scribbling mil . lers—J . Stubbs , E . Absolom , and W . A . Stubbs ; as far a $ regards W . A . Stubbs—H . Foster and H . Heritage . Bread , street , Chsapside , warehousemen—G . Cookes and E . S Darvell , Great Tower-street , colonial-brokers—F . and T , Medhurst , Denmark - street , Soho , weighing nnchine . makers-CNoyesand J . S , Wliittern , Coventry , ironmon .
gers—J . and W . D . Piclnvorth , TTainflcet , Lincolnshire , ironmongers—It . Shaw and E , N . B . Kimberley , Uirming . hum , cut glass-manufacturers—T . Morris and . J . Ogden , Boltcn-le-Moors , printers—R . Conuery andW . ami II . N , Hughes , Stonebridge , Cheshire , distillers—S , Hubbert ami A . Andrews , Old-street , St . Lute ' s , manufacturers of mattresses— J . W . Davison and R . Garton , Sean-street , Soho , music publishers—J . Poulton and T . Hills , Clielmsford , cabinet-makers—J . and S . Carter , Holmes Chapel , Cheshire , tailors—C . S ., and J . Brooke , Quebec , merchants—T . Trainer and T . M'Lean , Wiveliscombe , Somersetshire , drapers—T . Bennett and C . and T . Brain , Forest of Dean , coalmasters—J . Cort and T . D . Paul , Leicester , ironfounders—G . Simmons , jun ., P . Passingham , and G . A ' . Sim . mons , Truro , attorneys ; as far as regards G . Simmons , jun .
A Wonderful Cure Of An Old Sea Captain's Bad Jeo, By Holloway's Ointment And Pills.—Captain James, Of The Brig Amity, Lying At Limehouse. Was
A Wonderful Cure of an Old Sea Captain ' s Bad jEO , by Holloway ' s Ointment and Pills . —Captain James , of the brig Amity , lying at Limehouse . was
lately cured ol a bad leg of fifteen years' standing in which there were twenty ulcers . He had previously been laid up at home on crutches for two yeara , To make tne matter worse , he was nearly eaten up with fTftjK ^ i ^ ' h T * S » soon eradicated from the blood . Soldiers and sailors find these medicines the nnest remedy in the world , aa they heal all ulcers and wounds , while the pilla remove every scorbutic humour and impurity from the blood . No soldier or sailor should ever be without these wonderful medicines .
Untitled Article
Circuits of the Judges . —On Tuesday was printed a copy of the commission for inquiring into tiie expediency of altering the circuits of the judges in England and Wales . The commission is dated on the 14 th February last , appointing as commissioners I Baron Parke , Mr . Baron Alderson , Mr . Justice I Coleridge ; J . S . Wortley , F . Kelly , W . Whateley , I John Greenwood , Esqrs . ; Sir W . Heathcote : E , Denison , T . Grimston , and B . Esteourt , Esqw . The object of the commission , which may be pursued
by any nye of the commissioners , is " for inquiring and considering whether it would be expedient , lvitn a view to the more convenient and better administration of j usice , that any and what alterations should be made in the division of England and Wales into 1 circuits for judicial business , and in the periods for I holding such circuits ; and whether it would be neees- I sary or proper that any change should be made in the I law terms for the purpose of such alterations ; and I also for considering in what manner such alterations I may be best effected . " I
Sir Robert Peel ' s Opinion of Popebi- is 1 S 35 , I —At the orderl y half-yearly meeting of the Synod of I Glasgow and Ayr , which took place on the 8 tli of this I mouth , Dr . Buchanan , in recommending the adoption I of petitions to both Houses of Parliment against the I Maynooth College Bill , said that he held in his hand I the memorandum of a remarkable statement ' . vliic ' a I he heard made seven years ago by the head of tbt I present Government , and he did not consider that lie I violated any principles of propriety by reading it to f the Synod . It was of so old a date as to be like ex- f press history , and besides , it was uttered in the h presence of a deputation from the Church oi'Scotland , I who visited London in reference to Church extension I . ' in 1838 , and also before several membei-s of Parlia-1 s ment . He wrote the memorandum of it liali ' au hour I i
after hearing the statement , and while it was fresh I upon his memory ; and in looking back at the view ;! therein expressed , and contrasting them with the % proposalwhich was now issued from the same eniinen : ' % Person—from Sir Robert Peel—may not one cxclaiw , % " Trust not in princes , nor in the sons of men . ' " He $ then proceeded to read from his note book •— " Inite- 3 pendent , " -said Sir R , Peel , on Saturday , the ' 2 « li * i March , 1838 , "independent of thus " rousin-r the ¦ >* English m «» : ! rt ? iy , and England generally , b the | importance of the Church extension question , | thought it wa . « ofthe highest moment that the Eng lish ^ and Scotch e-nublishments should unite in these dap" ' 3 on the comniun ground of the Protestant foithJJ '
resisting the oncroaclmients of the Church of «•>«»• It is impossible , I think , ( he said with . gr < & | earnestness of tone and manner ) to look at the | progress Popery is now making , and the cffoi ' . i it ' a ' § putting forth , without anxiety and alarm . The | establishment of the order of the Jesuits in taosi OJ § the countries of Europe , the movements in l '? " ^ m and Belgium , the increase of Popish chapels an « m seminaries in our country , show us too clearly what *( m have to dread ; and I am persuaded ( fie continue m that we shall ere long , see a struggle arise , in whic : k ^ we shall have again to determine the question whette ? m Popery or Protestantism is to have the ascendancy . | | Scottish Guardian . Bs
The Electmc TeleGRApH between Pa « 5 »«» Kg Rouen is completed , and will be brought into use w m few days . ^ f Disease amongst Caiile . —We heard some whp m ^ pere last week that the disease amongst cattle ca" * ^ pleuro-pncumonia , which has created such rav ^ mM in Prussia , and was reported to have lately W mm prevalent in some districts in England and IrcW " * R had also made its appearance in Scotland ; but in ^ | || last number we refrained from creating •" :. mm throughout the rural districts * by giving currency' m rumours which we hoped were at least exaggtH * M We deeply regret to state , however , that the aiff I hensions alluded to h avo proved but too well grow *; 1 and we find it our duty now to state facts ^ . ' 1 cannot fail to cause much uneasiness amongst . |; m
owners ot henls , and to excite the sympathy « ; i class for those individuals of their number wlio I ^ | had their stocks thinned by an epidemic , winch , ' | most instances , proves speedily , and almost » M tamly fatal . The disease has appeared among «* : ^ and fat stock of all ages , attacking the hrnSH ML conipanied with violent cough , wheezing , and gwK K lar swelling , resembling "strangles" in tlie W ^ K and " poking" among sheep ; and , despite all ^ m tionsof the farrier , has generally carried o » ¦ mm animal within twenty-four hours after the tintf k its being first afiected . Mr . Bone , of Leigh Gf % M has lost twelve cattle , old and young , ani Y , it H M'Corrie , Whitefalls , Maybole , four ; and v ?^ M heard of other cases of a less serious nature . In ^ parts of Galloway , we learn from an eye-witness , '' m matters are even in a more alarming state .- * B Mvcntier . 9
Banfenujte, $Ct
Banfenujte , $ ct
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THE NORTHERN STAR . . ^ 26 > ^ 5 . x ixju ivu j . l > x xx x :
9 .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), April 26, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1312/page/2/