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A Splendid taige EBfi n , v 5 n of the «™ f «» " j COVEST OARDE 5 THEATRE , taken _ daru . g th * ( magnificent scene , showing the gorgeous fittings ; and Sbkbmsk ? saws ; - ^; Se « of the Great SailingMatch , fte DreauM \ cddent at Great Yarmouth , and many other , te ^ tifol illustrations of the events of the week . Price 6 d . stamped . Office , 35 l ; Strand . . j Parties transmitting Six Postage Stamps can have this \ niagnifi « n « number sent to any part of the United King- = dom postagefree . ; » The Grand Panorama of Londan , 13 feet long , j ' the largest Engraving in the world , beautifully bound , is ' joue of the prettiest presents that can be given , and can be forwarded , fi « e of expense , to anj part of the kingdom ; upon rt'initting tweniT-ei s fct r ^ tage star . ps to Sau Tub- Usher .
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SCALD HEAD AND RINGWORM . A MEDICAL GENTLE MA } J , residinginDUBLIN , begs to inform the public that he undertakes the perfect curing of those infectious diseases , SCALD HEAT ) and BINGWORM . A personal interview not required . Application by letter , or otherwise , to Dr . Poweil , 59 , Aungk-r-street , Dublin , trill be attended to .
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EMIGRATION FOR 1845 . j GEORGE RIPPARD and SOS and WILLIAM TAP- ¦ i SCOTT , American and Colonial Passage Offices , 96 , Waterloo-road , Liverpool , Agents for the New Line of Hew York Packets , comprising the following magnificent ships : — Shipt . Tons . To &U . Hottixgceb , 1100 . CthJan . 6 th May . 6 th Sept IiVEBrooL , 1150 . 6 th Feb . 6 th June . 6 th Oct . Qceex of tlie West , 1250 . 6 th Mar . 6 th July . 6 th Nov . Rochester , 1000 , 6 th Apr . 6 th Aug . CthDec . Together with other First-lass American Packet-Ships sailing weekly throughout theyear for New York , and occado : ial ! v for Boston , Philadelphia , and New Orleans ; also to Quebec , Montreal , and St . John , N . B . Emigrants may rest assured that the ships selected for h « ir conveyance by this establishment are of the first and largest class , commanded hv •»•¦» «* g »« it skill and excijierltiijf ; they -will be fitted up without any regard to exptusi-, : a ; l : emost approved manner to ensure comfort and convenience . In order that parties may have every accommodation during the passage , private state rooms are fitted up in each ship , and made suitable for fan ilies of any number , at a moderate charge . Earl ; suult passenger will be provi led with one pound f good biscuit , or five pounds of potatoes , and three quarts of pure water , daily , during the voyage , and if detained in Liverpool more than forty-right hours after the time appointed for sailing , will be paid subsistence money , according to law . Emigrants and settlers can avail themselves of the excellent arrangements effected through our agents , W . and J . T . Tapscott , of New York , and whicL have given such general satisfaction during the past seauon , for their safe , expeditious , and cheap conveyance to any part of the Western States or Canadas , preventing the possibility of fraud and imposition , hitherto so often practised on their landing ai New York . Mr . Win . Tapscott , who has just returned irom a tour through the United States , will be happy to furnish any information respecting purchase of land , localities , different routes and facilities for reaching every issjumant point there . For the safe conveyance of money , drafts for aay amount canbegirva on the Fulton Bank , Sew York , payable at sight , without discount . Parties residing at a distance may have every information by letter , postpaid , and the best disengaged berths secured by fending deposits of £ 1 for each passenger to G . RIPPARD AND SO *" , 0 * W 1 L TAPSCOTT , 96 , Waterloo-road , LivsrpooL Impoktakt . —The "American Emigrants Guide " can be had gratis , on application by letter , or otherwise . The followingis the present List of Ships , with days of sailiug : — FOR NEW YORK , The Magnificent Packet Ships Captain Burthen To Soil Bocbesteb Britton , ... 1000 tons ,... 6 th April . Uhited Kwgdom ... Teulon , ... 1500 tons ,... 10 th „ Olive ajjd Euza .., Parsons ,... GOO tons ,... 13 th „ Hebchles Madigan ,... 600 tons ,... 16 th „ C "" 05 ^ Burges , ... 1900 tons ,... 19 th „ EhodeIslahd Andros , ... 600 tons ,... 23 rd „ Ahebicau Ship ... ... 1 Q 0 O tons , ... 1 stMay . Hottiscceb Bursley ,... 1100 tons ,... 6 th „ FOR , BOSTON , The New American Ships Habesgo Halberton ,. 800 tons ,... loth Apr il . Tnasics Howes , 500 tons , ... 20 th „ FOR NEW ORLEANS , The Fast-sailing Ships Gesebal Veazie ... Couilart ,... 800 tons ,... 10 th April Ont . ihio Jamieson , . 1000 tons ,... 15 th „ FOR ST . JOHN , N . B . Bmtasxia Conlthard ,. 1000 tons ,... 21 st April . FOR QCEBEC , Peiscks C 1 UM . 0 TIE Smith ... 700 tom ,... 15 th „ For further information , apply as above . ' ! ¦ '
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AN EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR BILIOUS , LIVER , AM ) STOMACH COMPLAINTS . "Out of the ground hath the Lord caused Medicines to grow ; and he that is wise will not despise them : for with such doth he heal men , and taketh away their pains . " —Becks . xxxvuL 4 and 7 . A S a Preserver of Health , and a gentle yet efficacious - £ * - remedy for Indigestion , and all disorders originating worn a morbid action of the stomach and liter , STIR . LING'S PILLS have met with more general approbation than aay medicine yet discovered , requiring no restraint Of diet or confinement during their use . They are mildin their operation and comfortablein their effect ; andmaybe taken at a : s . v age or time without danger from cold or wet They sj « edilr remove the causes that produce disease and restore health and vigour to the whole system . For femalestliey are invaluable , as they remove obstructioas , promote a regular circulation , and improve the complexion , giving the skin a beautiful , clear , and bloom , mg appearance , which by their use may be retained to the latest jtmod of life . Also for children they are the best medicine that can be used , as they expel worms , carry « ff crudities , &c , from the stomach and intestines , by which they prevent illness , and lay the foundation of good health for future years . Freelivers , wbo are subject to head-ache , giddiness , drowsiness , irregularity of the bowels , nervous irritability , &c , should never be without than , for , by their prompt administration on the first Symptoms of illness , fits , apoplexy , gout , and many other dangerous complaints , maybe prevented or cured . They are particularly recommended to officers of the army and navy , a : ; d persons going abroad , as a preventive of those diseases so frequently arising frjin heat and change of climate . Prepared and sold by J . W . Stibukq , Pharmaceutical Chemist , in boxes at lSJd , 2 s . 9 d ., and 4 s . 6 d ., each , and can "be had of all respectable medicine readers in the kingdom . Thegenuine has the name on the stamp . * # * Ask for Stirling ' s Stomach Pills .
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T 17 RAY'S SPECIFIC MIXTURE for Gonorrhoea , war-V f ranted to remove Urethra ! Discharges in forty-eight hours : in the majority of cases twenty-four , if arising from local causes . Sold ( in bottles , is . 6 d . and 11 s . each , duty included ) at 118 , Holborn-hill , and 33 t , Strand , London . Sold also by Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; Johnston , 68 , Cornhill ; Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farringdon-street ; Butler , 4 , ' Gheapside ; Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard ; and by all medicine vendors in town and country . Advice given gratuitously to persons calling between the hours of eleven and one in the morning , and seven and nine in Ui 3 evening . Where also may be had Wro ^ s Cdebraitd Balsamic PiOs , for the cure of gleets , impuissanee , strictures , seminal weakness , whites , pains in the loins , affections of the kidneys , gravel , irritation of the bladder or urethra , and other diseases of the urinary passages , frequently performing , in recent cases , a perfect cure in the space of a few days ; they have also been found decidedly efficacious in cases of gout and rheumatism ; and an excellent remedy for the removal of the evil effects of self abuse . In boxes at 2 s . 9 a ., 4 s . Ga ., and 11 s . each . By post free , 3 s ., 5 s ., and 12 s . "A imld diuretic—a soothing balsamic—a powerful tonic—and an excellent invigorating pilL "—Sunday limet . Wiray ' s JHtV . - ¦;•'¦ -i Tonic Pmcders and Pillf , a certain specific for the removal of pseudo-syphilis , secondary svmp . torn ? . &c . 4 s . 6 d ., lls ., and 22 s . apacket . Wrzjslnpnved Suspensory Bandages , well adapted for sportsmen , gentlemen , hunting , riding , walking , suffering from aiiease , relaxation , local debility , &c , approved of and highly recommended by the late Mr . Abernethy . Best Jean , Is . and Is . 6 d . ; ditto , with fronts , 3 s . 6 d . 7 »«? " wovesak ' 2 s- 6 a- 5 < fitto , with elastic springs , RCETTJRBS . «* * S * £ F " - * " * * " ** rmMS ' hernia > Pr » - S ^ i-ajif *¦ « - - »• ca . ' i j j t 5 I ' " r ; f ' > ¦ i
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JUST OPENED . MESSRS . MILLER AND JONES , TAILORS AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS , 168 , OXFORD-STREET , CORNER OF MARYLEBOKE-LANE . A N Extensive Assortment of the Best Goods , made and Ci- unmade , always on hand . Bought for ready cash it the cheapest and best markets . To be sold for ready ash only , so that the disagreeable mbcessitt of JHAKQING HEAVX PEOFITS TO COVER BAD DEBTS MAX BE AVOIDED . Single Garments and Suits of Clothes in great variety , and at low and honest prices . Gentlemen ' s superfine dress coats , cut and finished in the first style , £ 1 las ., and upwards . Cloth , cashmere , dseskin , and tweed trousers , 9 s . 6 d ., »! i < 1 upwards . Valentia , toileuct , and quilting vests , 5 s . 6 d ., and upi wds . i Very rich plain und fancy satin and silk velvet vests , , 8 s ., and upwards . ; & ¦ ifaAanies' Wbrkina CloOies eqyatty Chup .
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j \ ¦ i : j CHOICE OF A SITUATION Itomesto Bazaar , 326 , Oxford Street , ottrntr of Regent Circus . 1 YTANTED , for Large and Small Famijies , a number j T ? of FEMALE SERVANTS of every description , © rith straightforward characters . This demand is created through the arrangements being highly approved by the Nobility , Gentry , and the Public generally . Ladies are in ! attendance to engage Domestics from Ten to Five o ' clock ' . daily . There aTe Rooms for "wailing in to be hired ; not ' any charge made until engaged if preferred . To those who ! will take places of All Work no charge whatever . Ser-¦ vants from the country are much inquired for . There ' are always a few vacancies for Footmen and Groomg . N . B . Upon applying do not staud about the doors or windows unnecessarily .
Untitled Ad
- ; , ' s - ; . . . , POPULAR WORKS NOW PUBLISHING BY W . DUGDALE , 37 , HOLYWELL-STREET , STRAND . fT » HE WANDERING JEW— Ko . 23 , price Oae Penny—J- is published this day , and is the best , the cheapest , o < and the most correct translation of this celebrated work , a No other edition in English will be less than twice its ii price . It is printed in foolscap octavo , and will form a a handsome volume , fit for the pocket or the library . Also uniform with it in type , size , and paper , tub arrsTBaina or ifARIS , carefully corrected w ud revised , with illustrations . It will be completed in si bout thirty numbers , with engravings . it * # * Order the Nonpareil edition . The Mysteries of Paris may also be had in sixty penny ci numbers , or fifteen parts at fourpence each ; being the tJ first translation in the English language , and the only o : one that contains all the original edition before the author b had curt : ulcd it to please the fastidious taste of a too pru- tl rient public . This edition has fifty engravings , is printed in good bold type , and the whole , handsomely bound in red , in one volume , may be had for 4 s . j ? # * A liberal allowance to dealers . a Also in two volumes octavo , neatly bound , £ VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY , with- I out abridgment or mutilation , containing every word of v the edition in six volumes published at £ 210 s . The first £ volume has a medallion likeness of the author , and the J second a full-length engraving of Voltaire as he appeared I in his seventieth year . To the first volume is prefixed a a copious Memoir of his Life and Writings . Every care has r been taken to keep the text correct , so that it may remain t a lasting monument of the genius and indomitable perse- t verance of the author in enlightening and liberating his fellow creatures . The universal fame of Voltaire ; the powerful blows which he dealt to superstition and tyranny , from which they will never recover , have long rendered this book celebrated above all others , as the great advocate of freedom and humanity , and the undoubtable ] nssaflant of tyranny , whether spiritual or -militant . For beauty of typography and correctness of the text , the publisher will challenge competition—and for cheapness he will defy all . The two volumes contain 1276 pages , and maybe had iu 120 penny numbers , thirty parts at four- ^ pence each , er in two volumes , handsomely bound and , lettered , price 12 s . Sold by all booksellers . . , The WORKS of THOMAS PAISE , uniform with Vol . ( taire ' s Dictionary , to be completed in one volume , or < sixty penny numbers , each number containing sixteen ] pages of good , clear , and readable type . The first part j has a bold and excellent portrait of Paine , after Sharpe , < from a painting by Romney . Strange as it may appear , < there has yet been no complete and cheap edition of the works of this celebrated man . Richard Carlile placed them beyond the reach of the working classes when he ' published them for £ 2 2 s , the Political Works alone , and ' the Theological Works for 10 s . 6 d . It is calculated that the whole will not exceed sixty numbers at one penny ; each , or fifteen parts at fourpence . Eight numbers are ; now published , and the succeeding parts will be issued with rapidity . VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , NOVELS , and TALES . The celebrilj which these famous Tales have obtained in all European and American languages renders all comment superfluous . For wit , sarcasm , and irony they stand unrivalled . This will be the first uniform and complete edition , and will comprise the following celebrated works : —Canfiide , or All for the Best ; Zadig ; The Huron , or the Pupil of Nature ; The White Bull : The World as it Goes ; The Man of Forty Crowns ; The Princess of Babylon ; Memnon the Philosopher ; Micromegas ; Plato ' s Dream ; Babebee , or the Fakirs ; The Two Comforters , &c , ic . Six parts , fourpence each , and twenty-four penny numbers , are now ready . The remainder will speedily follow . The BIEGESIS ; being a discovery of the origin , evidences , and early history of Christianity never before or elsewhere so fully and faithfully set forth . By the Rev . Robebt Tatiob . Complete in fifty-four numbers , at one penny each , or thirteen parts , fourpence each ; or may be had , neatly bound in cloth and lettered , price 5 s . THE DEVIL'S PULPIT , or the Astro-Theological Lectures of the Bev . Robert Taylor , published under that title , complete in forty-eight numbers , the two last comprising aMemoir of the Life and Writings of the Reverend Author . This work was formerly published in twopenny numbers—now reduced in price to one penny . All the numbers are reprinted as they fall out , so that sets may be constantly obtained . The MIRROR of ROMANCE , in one volume , containing four hundred pages quarto , with upwards of fifty illustrations , and the following celebrated works : — Leone Leoni , by George Sand , now Madame Dudevant , one of the most powerful romances ever written . The Physiology of a Married Man , by Paul de Kock , with upwards of fifty illustrations , is given entire . Jenny ; or The Unfortunate Courtezan , by the same author , containing a most affecting moral , drawn from real life . The Bonnet Bouge , or Simon the Radical , a tale of the French Revolution , —a work of great merit . The White House , a romance by Paul de Kock—Memoirs of an Old Maa at twenty-five ; a most piquant and amusing tale . Manual of Fmemasohry , verbatim from the editions published by Carlile , for 15 s . All the above maybe had in one volume 5 s ., or in ten Parts at 6 d . each . A liberal allow , ance to the trade . In one thick volume , price five shillings , The Manual of Fbeemasosbi , Parts I . II . and III ., as published by Carlile at 5 s . each , may now be had uniform in size with Chambers' Miscellany , and most elegantly printed . This edition contains the prefaces and introduction to each part , which are omitted in the other reprints . Part I . contains a manual of the three first degrees , with an introductory keystone to the Royal Arch . Part II . contains the Royal Arch aud Kuights Templar Degrees , with an explanatory introduction to the Science , Part III . contains the degrees of Mark Mace , Mark Master Architect , Grand Architect , Scotch Master or Superintendent , Secret Master , Perfect Master , and upwards of twenty other associations , to which is prefixed an explanatory introduction to the science , and a free translation of some of the Sacred Scripture names . The parts maybe liad separate ; parts I . and II ., Is . 6 d . each , and part III ., 2 s . May be had of all Booksellers . Paul de Kock ' s Works , full and free translations : NEIGHBOUR RAYMOND , price Is ., a most amusing tale . The BARBER OF PARIS , 2 s . GUSTAVUS ; or the Young Rake , 2 s . GEORGETTE ; or the Scrivener's Niece , 2 s . BROTHER JAMES , 2 s . MY WIFE ' S CHILD , Is . 6 d . THE MAN WITH THREE PAIR OF BREECHES , 2 s . T 0 T 5 RL 0 UB 0 U ; or the Conscript , 3 s . Also , INDIANA , by George Sand , a Romance of Illicit 1 Love , 3 s . FERRAGUS , THE CHIEF OF THE DE' VOURERS , by M . de Balzac , Is . 6 d . Will befoUo'ved up bv others of the same writer . i ON THE POSSIBILITY OF LIMllfaor FiWCJLOUSj NESS . AS ESSAY OS POPULOUS 5 ESS— to which is j added the THEORY OF PAIXLESS EXTINCTION , by t Marcus , price Is . 1 * * * The celebrated pamphlet where it is proposed to 5 forbid the intercourse of Man aud Woman when they arc 5 poor , aud to make it felony when a child is the result . The Theory of Painless Extinction coolly discusses the method of extinguisliiug life , when the intruder has not I property immediate or expectant to support that life . ' The MONK , by Lewis , verbatim from the Original ; twenty-four plates , price 2 s . 4 d . " MARRIAGE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DISCUSSED . In four parts . —Part I . On the Necessity of Marriage ; Precocity ; Effects of Wedlock . Part II . Instructions r in Courting ; Sudden Love ; Organizations ; Madness ; cured by Matrimony ; the Courtezan Reclaimed . Part f III . Limitation of life justified ; Protectors—their utility and general adoption . Part IV . —Real causes of Ste' rility ; remedies . From theFreHCh of Jean Dubois , 2 s . 6 d . > FRUITS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or , private advice to young married people . Containing the various hypothesis of Generation ; Structure of the Female Organs Conceptions ; Remedies against Barrenness and Impotence with a curious anatomical plate . 2 s . 6 d . All the akove , aud more extensive Catalogue , may be i iad from every vender of periodicals . All orders punc-Sually attended to . in as it of be . f t [ i ! i . t , , ' [ . i ; , ; ' ; \ ' " > ¦ j - ; i- ! .
Untitled Ad
FARR-S LIFE PILLS . READ the following letter from Mr . W . Alexander Bookseller , Yarmouth : — . ' Great Yarmouth , March 27 , 1 SH 5 . Gentlemen , —Being recently at Norwich , I called upon a gentleman at his request . He said , having seen vour name in a newspaper as an agent for the sale of PARR'S PILLS , and also letters addressed to you testif jing their emcacy in the cure of various complaints , I resolved to try them . I had been very unwell for two or thrceyears . my stomach much out of order , and I constantl y felt a painful difficulty in breathing ; I employed two medical gentlemen , and took a great quantity of medicine , but derived no benefit ; on the contrary , I found myself daily declining and getting weaker , so that I could scarcely walk from one street to another ; indeed I was in a melancholy desponding state . Accordingly , I purchased a box , and took them as directed . At the e « dof a week I was much better , having taken , I think , only eighteen pills ; consequently , I continued taking them regularly , and when I had taken two boxes and a half , I became quite well , and to this day I have enjoyed life , having now good health and good spirits . If , however , I feel any slight indisposition , I have recourse to the medicine I have so much reason to prize , which restores me to my usual good health . This gentleman wished his case to be made public , although for obvious reasons he could not authorise me to give his name . This timid , perhaps in some cases , pvudent cautiousness is not uncommon . A nei ghbouring gentleman has several times admitted to me that he derives great benefit from the occasional use of Parr ' s medicines , but will not permit me to mention it to any one . am , dear Sir , yours , respectfully , WILLIAM ALEXANDER . P . S . The Pills have entirely removed the cough and Asthma .
Untitled Ad
o < , a ii a w si it ci tJ o : b tl j a £ - I v £ J I a r t - t MR . HACKETT , THE CELEBRATE > AMERICAN ACTOR , now performing in this country , gave the following important testimonial to the efficacy of PARR'S LIFE PILLS before leaving for America ;—To the Proprietors of PARR'S LIFE PILLS . Sm , —Having used PARR'S LIFE PILLS on sovera occasions when attacked by violent Bilious complaints , and having been fully satisfied of their efficacy , I beg leave in justice to you , as proprietors of the medicine , to testify as much . Yours , respectfully , Long Island , Nov . 9 , 184 * . Wm . H . Hackett , < y Tlin artraordinflry effect of this medicine is the wonder of the age ; it has been tried by hundreds of thousands as an aperient , and has in everylnstance done good ; it has never iu the slightest degree impaired the most delicate constitution . Tens of thousands have testified that perseverance in the use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS will completely cure any disease , and are living witnesses of thebenefit receivedfrom this invaluable medicine . —Sheets of testimonials and the " Life aud Times of Old Parr" may be had gratis , of every respectable Medicine Vender throughout the kingdom . Beware of spurious imitations of the above medicine . None are genuine unless the words PARR'S LIFE PILLS are in WHITE letters on a RED cmor / ND , engraved on the Government Stamp , pasted round each box ; abo the facsimile of the signature of the Proprietors , " T . . ROBERTS and Co ., " London , on the directions . Sold f wholesale by E . Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s ; Barclay and t Sons , Farringdon-street ; Sutton and Co ., Bow Church . > yard ; Mottershead and Ce ., Manchester ; and J . and R . [ Raimes and Co ., Edinburgh . Retailed by at least one i agent in every town in the United Kingdom , and by all ! respectable chemists , druggists , and dealers in patent i medicine . Price lsjd ., 3 s . 9 d ., and family boxes 11 s . . each . Full directions are given with each box . ; i ¦ I I i , I I . . ¦ I t ,
Untitled Ad
] | ^ , , < ] j < < ' ' ; ; . - - . ; - . - ; - - COUGHS , COLDS , AND CATARRHS , EFFECTUALLY CUBED Bt a KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . THE value of these Lozenges ( WHICH ARE UNDER 8 THE PATRONAGE OF ROYALTY , NOBILITY , t AND CLERGY ) admits of no possible question , both on account of the numerous orders constantly received , and the most various and respectable testimonials gratuitously forwarded . Thirty year ? experience has fully proved their great utility , not only in ordinary cases of cough and cold , but iu varieus kinds of asthmatic and consumptive % complaints , whether constitutional or otherwise . They possess also the very desirable recommendations that they produce no inconvenience , require no precaution , and effect a cure of these maladies in an incredibly short space of time , i Prepared and sold in boxes , Is . l ^ d . ; and tins , 2 s . 9 d . i 4 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . 6 d . each , by Thomas Keating , pharmaceutical chemist , No . 79 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard . ] The following are from among a great many letters the proprietor has received , in proof of the emcacy of these i Lozenges : — . ; Dover , January 28 th , 1845 . i Sir , —I have great pleasure in informing you that the 2 s . 9 d \ box of Keating ' s Cough Lozenges , had atyourhouse about three weeks since , has relieved Mrs . Hiller of a bad cough , to which she has been subject many years , especially iu the -winter season . A considerable portion of the Lozenges are on hand , nor has she for the last fortnight had any occasion to use them . Yours respectfully , Mr . S . Marten , Dover . F . I . Hilleb , jun . Cheetham Hill , near Manchester August 21 st , 1844 . Siij—I am glad I have taken your advice in trying Mr . Keating ' s Cough Lozeages , as I have for a long tune been troubled with shortness of breath and a bad cough , and have tried a great variety of medicines , but derived very little benefit from them : but since I have made trial of Keating ' s Cough Lozenges , I have breathed better , and the cough is quite gone . I am , Sir , yours truly , Sarah Fletcher . Saffron Walden , July Uth , 1844 . Sir , —I have used Keating ' s Cough Lozenges these last twenty years , and have always derived benefit from them . About twenty-two years ago I was exceedingly ill with a cough , and could get no relief from any medicine I tried . A gentleman recommended me to try these Lozenges , which I did , and found immediate relief ; and I think two boxes effected a complete cure . I had alread y had the advice of an eminent physician and two surgeons , but nothing they ordered for me did me any good . I remain , dear sir , yours truly , To Mr . Keating . J . Miller . P . S . —I shall always feel the greatest confidence and pleasure in recommending them . 1 , North Feltham-place , near Hounslow , Feb . 12 th , 1845 . Sir , —I should feel extremely obliged to you if you would send me a Tin of your most excellent lozenges , for , having tried them , I find they are the best remedy for Cough that can possibly be had ; this I can testify from experience , for I have been troubled with a most violent Cough for many years * , and have tried many things , but without any benefit , until I met with your Lozenges , and they afforded me instant relief . I remain , sir , yours truly , Henhy . Wooderbok , To Mr . Keating , St . Paul ' s . 9 , ClaremonUerrace , Pcntonville , Feb . 17 , 1845 . Dear Sir , —Having been for a considerable time during the winter afflicted with a violent cough , particularly at laying down in bed , which continued for several hours incessantly , and after trying many medicines without the slightest effect , I was induced to try your Lozenges ; and by taking about half a box of them , in less than twentyfour hours the Cough entirely left me , and I have been perfectly free from it ever since . I am , dear Sir , yours very respectfully , James Ellis . ( Late proprietor of the Chapter Coffee-house , St . Paul's . ) To Mr . Keating . Agents for the North of England . UancUsier , Mr . L . Simpson , Druggist , Princess-street ; Cheetham Hill , Mr . Croft , Druggist , Union-terrace ; Leeds , Messrs . Reinhardt and Son ; Mr . Smeeton , Druggist ; Messrs . Baines and Newsome , Booksellers ; Halifax , Mr W . Jepson , Chemist , Silver-street ; Mr . J . Lofthouse , Chemist ; Bradford , Mr . M . Rogerson , Chemist , Darley street ; Mr . J . Pratt , Chemist , Ivegate ; Stalybriclge , Mr , Wra . Bevan , Druggist ; ffuU , Mr . Reinhardt , Druggist , Mr . J . Simpson , Chemist ; Messrs . Ross and Burton ' ' Chemists ; Bolton , Mr . George Dutton , Chemist ic ' [ Market-place ; Mr . G . La French , Chemist , Chcapside-Bury , Mr . Bowman , Druggist ; Birmingham , Wood , Highstreet ; AsMon-under-Lyne , Mr . Stansficld , Druggist Bdver . Mr . Riddy , Bookseller ; Blackburn , Mr . L . Fish , Drug gist i HacoksfieM , Mr . H . nodkinson , Druggist ; Nottingham , Mr ! ; B . S . Oliver , Stationer , Long-row ; Derby , Mr . J . T . Hassall ' Druggist , Victoria-street ; R . Bryers , Druggist ; Jones and ( Hewitt , Druggists ; J . Grecnswith , Druggist , Mercury , Office ; Preston , Mr . J . Raw , Druggist ; Mr . George Sharpies , Chemist , Fishergatc ; HoeMale , Mr . Leech ; Druggist ; Mr . Booth , Druggist ; Mr . Taylor , Druggist ' ' S ( ocfrjx > rt , Mr . Rayner , Druggist j Mr . Wilkinson , Drugl gist ; Messrs . Sims and Shaw , Druggists ; Sandbach , Mrs . Peover , Druggist ; Warrington , Mr . AVUliam ; Barton , Druggist ; Wigan , Mr . E . H . Barnish , Druggist ; Leigh , Mr . James Kirkmau Bennett , Chemist ; Midders ' - fkld , Mr . Jacob Fell , Chemist , Market-place ; Mr . H \ Fryer , Chemist , New-street ; Bunlem , Wm . Pearson ' Druggist ; Eavky , Charles Jones , Druggist ; longton , I George Sibary , Druggist ; Leicester , T . W . Palmer , Drug" j gist ; J . Goduard , Druggist ; Stoke-upon- Trent , Wm . Dean , Druggist ; Aimefcft , T . B . Moor , Druggist ; George Stacey , > Druggist ; William Cooke , Druggist , Norfolb Clironicle office ; NewcasOe-vpon-Tyne , W . Fordyce , 15 , Grey-• street ; South Shields , Bell and Co . ; WaUaU , J . H . Watj kins , Druggist ; Wolverhampton , R . Fowke , Druggist-- Dewsbury , T . S . Brooke ; WakefiM , J . Dawson and s ' ; Sidney , Chemists ; York , W . D . Scholefield , Chemist " i- Ashbourne , John Whitham , DruggiBt ; Think , T . J . Fog gett ; and all respectable Medicine Venders in the United Kingdom . ! . Sold Wholes * * y THOMAS ETRI and Ct ,, Drwtists Liverpool , ^* t , ' : ' ¦ i ' > , ' > ! - . . j ' ,
Untitled Ad
. . . . . a . \ , t EXTRAORDINARY ! NEW CASES !! Attesting that there is health for all . HOLLOW AY'S PILLS . An astonishing cure of a confirmed Liver Complaint . MRS . MARY SANDFORD , residing iu Leather-lane , Holborn , London , had been labouring under the effects of a diseased Liver , which produced Indigestion , Sick Head Ache , Dimness of Sight , Lovracss of Spirits , Irritabi lity of Temper , Drowsiness , Occasional Swellings of the Body and Legs , with General Weakness andDebi . lity . She attended the Hospitals , at different periods , for about three years , but she only got worse instead of better , and her recovery at last appeared quite hopeless ; but notwithstanding the very bad state of her health , she was , in about two months , restored to perfect health by the means alone of this all-powerful and efficacious Medicine—Holloway ' s PUls . Cure of a Case « f great debility of the system , occasioned by the baneful influence of Mercury , and the injurious effects of a long residence in Tropical Climates , by Holloway ' s Pills . James Richards , Esq ., a Gentleman in the East India Company's Service , and who had resided for the last Seventeen Years in different parts of India , where his constitution had become much impaired from the influence of the climate , and the injurious effects of powerful and frequent doses of that dangerous mineral , Calomel , which , together , made such inroads on his constitution as to oblige him to return home to England , and on his arrival he placed himself for some time under the care of a Medical Practitioner , but received no benefit from that gentleman's treatment . He was then advised by a friend ( who had tried this medicine ) to go through a proper course of Holloway ' s Pills , which he did , and in about Four Months his formerly shattered frame was so completely invigorated as to enable him to prepare himself again * for his immediate return to India , whither he will embark early in the coming Spring of next year , 1845 . This gentleman is now residing in Regent ' s-park , where he is well known in consequence of his opulence and liberality . Immense Demand for flbUotcaj /' s Pills in tfie East Indies . Extract of a letter dated 20 th of September , 1842 , from Messrs . S . Ferdinands and Son ( Agents for the sale of " Holloway's Medicine , " in the Island of Ceylon . These gentlemen state— " All classes of people here are desirous to purchase your wonderful Medicines , and we regret that we have now scarcely any left to meet the immense demands that are daily made upon us for them . We enclose you a testimonial from J . Davison , Esq ., the supcrintendant of Lord Elphinston's Sugar Estate , at Caltura , Ceylon ; and we can , if necessary , send you abundant other proofs , not only from the middling classes , but also from the opulent and influential here , many of whom have derived immense benefit from the use of your invaluable medicine . ; Copy of the letter from J . Davison , Esq ., which is th » same alluded to in the exti-actof the letter above : — Caltura , 7 th August , 1844 . i My Dear Sir , —Mrs . Davison has received so much benefit from Holloway ' s Pills , that I amiuduced to trouble you for another supply , viz ., an eleven shilling box . Yours truly , J , Davisoh . To Messrs . Ferdiuands and Son , Holloway's Agent for the Island of Ceylon , Colombo . I Time should not be lost in taking this remedy for any of I the following diseases : — i Ague Female Irregulari- Retention of the , Asthma ties Urine I Bilious Complaints Fevers Rheumatism I Blotches on Skin Fits Scrofula . Bowel Complaints Gout Stone and Gravel . Colics Headache Sore Throats Constipation Indigestion TicDoloreux I Consumption Inflammation Tumours t Debility Jaundice Ulcers , Dropsy Liver Complaints Weakness from Dysentery Lumbago whatever cause Erysipelas Piles Worms , all kinds . These truly invaluable Pills can be obtained at the establishment of Professor Holloway , ncav Temple Bar . where advice may be had gratis , and of most respectable Venders of Medicine , throughout the civilized world , at the ' following prices . —Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., Us ., 22 s ., and t 33 s ., each box . There is a considerable saving by taking , tht larger sizes . ' ' ' i 1 . I p i !
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% ! ] i ; i ' - ; ' - , - , , - - - ' " ! . — jj A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend t ( Human Frailty . t ( THE FODRTBENTH EDITION . > J Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , and ci sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the re- « , ceiptofaPostOfficeOrder . for 3 s . 6 d . THE SILENT FRIEND . V ( A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GE- P . NERATIYE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an en- „ qmry into the concealed cause that destroys physical „ energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has estabhshed her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION- a local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRll s TATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total ii EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with t means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhaja , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with En- s gravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mer . c cury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and - body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes n followed by observations on the obligations of MARl RIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directio ns for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed t out to suffering humanity as a "Silent jriUENJJ" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured conn , 'dence of success . p By R . and L . PERRY and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , , London . * Published by the Authors ; sold by Heaton , and Buck- fj ton , Briggate , Lteds ; Strange , Patemoster-row ; Hannay and Co ., 630 , Oxford-street ; Purkis , Compton-stveet , j Soho , London ; Guist , 51 , Bull-street , Birminghaui ; and by all booksellers in town and country . £ OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . ^ "We regard the work before us , the "Silent Friend , " * as a work embrs « ing most clear and practical views of a 1 series of comjJaints hitherto little understood , and i passed over by ihe majority of the medical profession , for what reason we are at a loss to know . We must , however , confess that a perusal of this work has left such a favourable impression on our minds , that we not only re- i commend , but cordially wish every one who is the victim ' of past folly , or suffering from indiscretion , to profit by the advice contained in its pages . " —Age and Argus . "The Authors of the "Silent Friend" seem to be tho . i roughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints which are , we fear , too prevalent in the present , day . The perspicuous style in which this book is written ' and the valuable hints it conveys to those who are appre- 1 hensive of entering the marriage state , cannot fail to re . commead it to a careful perusal . "—Era . "This work should be read by all who value health and ' wish to enjoy life , for the truisms therein contained defv j all doubt , —Farmers' Journal . ] THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM . Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of the impaired I functions of life , aud is exclusively directed to the cure of such complaints as arise from a disorganization of the Generative System , whether constitutional or acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic 1 disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those ; who , bjgBarly indulgence in solitary habits , have weak- ( enedthepowers of their system , and fallen into a state i of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable 6 tate , and that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from tlus dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field of seducivo error-into a gradual but total degradation of manhood-into a pernicious application of those inherent rights which nature wisel y instituted for the preservation of her species bringing on premature decrepitude , and all the haWtudes of old age . Constitutional weakness , sexual debility , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , total impotency and barreuuess are effectually removed by this invaluable medicine . Sold in Bottles , price 11 s . each , or the quantity of four in one Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one Us . bottle is saved . Prepared only by Jfessrs . PERRY and Co ., Surgeons 19 , Berners-streot , Oxford-street , London . None are genuiue without the signature of R and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper to imitate which is felony of the deepest d ye . The Five Pound cases ( the purchasing of which will be a saving of one pound twelve shillings ) mity be had as usual at 19 ,,-Berners-strect , Oxford-street , London . Patients in the country who require a course of this admirable medic ne J' ° S . ld l C i ^ P ivo Pounds by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . May be had of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Medicine venders m town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe and America of whom may be hitd . the " Silent Friend . " ' Messrs . PERRY expect , when consulted b y letter , the usual fee of one pound , without which no notice whatever can be taken of the communication , Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases . PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and Us . per box , ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . on the outside of each wrapper ) are well known through-1 out Europe and America , to be the most certain and : effectual cure ever discovered for every stage and symptom of a certain vUsease , in both sexes , including Gonorrhrea , ' Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , Deficiency , aud all diseases of the Urinary l ' assages , 1 without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from business . They have effected tlie most surprising cures , i not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all otlier means have failed ; they remove Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part of the body , Ulcerations Scrofulous or Venereal laun , being calculated to cleanse ' the blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid > afl ' cution , and restore weak and emaciate . I constitutions , to pristine health and vigour . Messrs . Perry and Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted as ' usual , at 19 , Berner 5 steeet , Oxibnl-stmt , London , n , . > tuaUy . from Eleven in the moruing uutil Eight m the ! evening , and on Sundays from Eleven till One . Only one - personal visit is veouired from a country patient to enablo . Messrs . Perry and Co . to give such advice as will be the . means of effecting a permanent and effectual ewe after au other means have proved ineffectual . ' j N . B . -Country Druggists , Booksellers , Patent Medicine ' Venders , &C can be supphed with any quantity of Perry ' s , Purifying Specific Pub , and CordiaTBalm of SnS with the nsual allowance to the Trade , br miwtnf tfci p rincipal Wholesale Patent Hedicina Houses in Sidon j " jS £ ?^ w Si ? ^ ^« '' *« ^ I to d ' ¦ ! - i- II . [ . il h jj L _ r . " J S ( ! ? f
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- - - » - - - jj t ( t ( > J ci - « , V ( - P - „ „ - - a s ii t , - s . c MESSRS . BRODIE AND CO ., Consulting Surgeons , have t removed their Establishment from 1 , fifeat Charles- e street , Birmingham , to No . 27 , Montague-street , r Russell-square , London . i : BRODIE ON DEBILITY IN MAN . ] Life is only life when blessed with health ; without it all j men are poor , let their estates be what they may . ( Messes . Brodie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 27 , Mon- 1 tague-street , Russell-square , London . , Just published , Fifteenth Edition , price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free , j enchsed in a sealed envelope , on receipt of a post-office i order for 3 s . Gd . BRODIE'S MEDICAL WORK on DEBILITY IN 1 MAN . Long experience in the treatment of i a class of diseases hitherto neglected and imperfectly understood by the great bulk of the medical profession , has enabled tho author to prove that there are concealed causes of indigestion , consumption , insanity , and nervous debility , in existence , where the mere routine practitioner would never dream of finding them . Published and sold by the Authors , Messrs . Brodie and Co ., 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square , London ; and sold by Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster-row ; Hannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Purkiss , Compton-street , Soho ; Noble , 114 , Chancery-lane ; Barth , 4 , Brydges-Btreet , Covent-garden ; and Gordon , 146 , Leadenhall-street , London ; Sutton , Review-of&ce , Nottingham ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldicott , Wolvcrhampton ; D'Egville , Worcester ; Jeyes , Northampton ; Ouslcy , Shrewsbury ; Parker , Hereford ; Gibson , Dudley ; Turner , Coventry , ; T . Newton , Church-street , Liverpool ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Fryer , Bath ; Harper , Cheltenham ; Keene , Bath ; Wood , High-street , Birmingham ; Roberts , Derby ; Ferriss and Score , Union-street , Bristol ; Slatter , Oxford ; W . II . Robinson , 11 , Grecnside-street , Edinburgh . And by aW booksellers and druggists in town and country . THE OPINIONS OF THE TKESS . " Brodie on Debility in Man . " London : Sherwood , GiU bert , and Piper , Paternoster-row . This is a work of great mer it , and should be placed in the hands of every young man who is suffering from past folly and indiscretion . It contains many valuable truths , and its perusal is certain to benefit him in many ways . Brpdie and Co . have also published " The Secret Companion , " a work of a very valuable character , which is enclosed and sent free with all their medicines . —The London Mercantile Journal . "Brodie on Debility in ' Man . " London : Brodie and Co ., 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square . The authors of this valuable work evidently well understand the subject upon which they treat ; and this is the best guarantee we can give those persons to whom it is likely to prove ser' | viceable . It is a publication which can , and ought to be , placed in the hands of every young man to guide him ' among the temptations of the world to which he may be ' subjected . —Kentish Mercury , Oravesend Journal , and Greeni wich Gazette . THE CORDIAL BALM OF ZEYLANICA ; or , Natures 1 Grand Restorative . As nothing can be better adapted to help and nourish the constitution , so there is nothing 1 more generally acknowledged to be peculiarly efficacious in all inward wastings , loss of appetite , indigestion , depression of spirits , trembling or shaking of the hands or . limbs , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , ov consump-I tive habits . It is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous and sexual debility , irregularity , weakness , impotency , barrenness , loss of appetite , indigestion , conp sumptive habits , and debilities , arising from excesses , &c . Sold in bottles , price 4 s . Gd . and Us . each , or the quantity i of four in one family bottle for 33 s ., by which one Us . bottle is saved . With each is enclosed " The Secret Companion . " The five pound cases ( the purchasing of which will be a saving of one pound twelve shillings ) may be had as usual at their residence . Sold by all medicine venders in town and country , of whom may be had Brodio ' s Medical Work on the causes of debility in Man . Be sure to ask for Brodie ' s Cordial Balm of Zeylanica ; or , Nature ' s Grand Restorative , and Purifying Vegetable Pills . CONSULT " THE SECRET COMPANION , " Embellished with engravings , and enclosed with each box of BRODIE'S PURIFYING VEGETABLE PILLS , price Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . per box . Observe the signature of " R . J . Brodie and Co ., London , " impressed on a seal in red wax , affixed to e each bottle and box , as none else are genuine . These Pills are mild and effectual in their operation , without mercury or mineral , and require no restraint of diet , loss of time , or hinderancc from business ; possessing the s power of eradicating every symptom of the diseasg in its worst stage , without the least exposure to the patient . Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world , protected from observation . Country patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases . The communication must be accompanied by the usual d consultation fee of £ 1 , and in all cases the most inviolable ' ¦ secrecy may be relied on . Country druggists , booksellers , and patent medicine venders , can be supplied with any quantity of Brodie ' s ! - Purifying Vegetable Pills , and Cordial Balm of Zeylanica , i- with the usual allowance to the trade , by the principal II wholesale patent medicine houses in London . , ! Messrs . Brodie and Co ., Surgeons , are in daily attend-. ance for consultation at their residence , 27 , Montague-[ . street , Russell-square , London , from eleven in the mornil ing till eight in the evening , and on Sundays from eleven h till two . Onl y one personal visit is required from a jj country patient to enable Messrs . Brodie and Co . to give L such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent r . cure , after * ll other means have proved ineffectual . , , ; ; . , 1 > ' > ; ; ¦ I ' J ' 1 , , , , j 3 j ' ' °
Untitled Ad
n t p , *¦ fj j * i i ' i , ' 1 \ ' j ] I 1 ; i THE NORTHERN STAR , AND NATIONAL TRADES' JOURNAL , "OSTABLISHED in Leeds in 1837 , and since then the J-i leading Provincial Journal in the Kingdom , is now published at No . 5140 , Strand , London . The object of the Proprictorin establishing theA ' oi'ttern Star was to furnish a fearless and faithful organ for the representation of the Labouring Classes , whose interests from time immemorial have been shamelessly neglected . The removal of the Star to London has enabled its conductors to supply the reader with the latest intelligence , as well as the most interesting news ' ; in consequence of which its numbor of readers have materially increased in the Metropolis , and its country circulation can be equalled by few , even the most extensively circulated Metropolitan newspapers . From the extensive circulation of the Northern Star , together with the fact that it is read by all classes of society as the organ of the movement party , Advertisers will find it to be a medium of communication with the public at arge worth notice . Books and Publications for review must be addressed ( post paid ) to the Editor , 34 . 0 , Strand , London . Adverisements and orders for papers to be addressed to Feargus O'Connor , 340 , Strand , where all communications will be punctually attended to . The following extract from the Newspaper Stamp Returns for October , November , and December , 1843 ( since which no returns have been made ) , show that the Nortltern Star fs far at the head of many old-established London Weokly Journals : — NORTHERN STAR ll ? , 000 News of the World .. 86 , 000 United Service Ga-Record 83 , 500 zette 19 , 500 Examiner 71 , 000 Patriot 60 , 000 Britannia .. ., .. 66 , 000 Spectator 18 , 000 Mark-lane Express .. 54 , 000 Era 41000 Tablet 45 , 000 John Bull 39 * 000 Observer 41 , 000 Watchman .. „ .. 33000 Atlas 37 , 000 Age and Argus ,, .. M . 500 Nonconformist ., ., 30 , 000 Sentinel 20 000 Bell's New Weekl y JournalofCommerce 13 500 Messenger .. .. 22 , 500 * # # Observe the Office , 340 , Strand , London . ' , , j >
Untitled Ad
. The following Booh are published at the Northern Star office , 340 , Strand , and may be had of all Book- ' ' sellers and News Agents . oSh CHAMBERS' PHILOSOPHY REFUTED . Just published Price Fourpence ( forming a Pamphlet of 56 pages demy Svo ., in a stiff wrapper ) , THE THIRD EDITION OF A FULL and COMPLETE REFUTATION of the PHILOSOPHY contained in a TRACT-recently published by the MESSRS . CHAMBERS , of Edinburgh , entitled the " Employer and Employed . " This valuable little work contains the most complete defence of the demands of the Working Classes for their fair share of the enormous wealth created by Machinery , as well as a justification of Trades Unions . The numerous appeals that have beeu made to Mr . O'Connor from nearly every part of the kingdom for the publication , in pamphlet form , of those Dialogues that have recently appeared in the Star , have determined him to gratify what appears to be tho almost unanimous wish of the Labouring Classes . "The Employer and the Employed , " # * by Feargus O'Connor , * # beats anything even of its author ' s . —Economist . Complete in one Vol ., neatly Bound in Cloth , A PRACTICAL WORK ON SMALL FARMS . Price Two Shillings and Sixpence . BT PEARGU 8 O CONNOR ESQ . The desire of the author has been to furnish a valuable compendium at such a price as would enable every working man to become possessed of it . It contains 11 the practical instructions , together with Plates , describing Farm-house , Offices , Tank , Farm-yard , 4 c .-with particular information requisite fur carrying out all the operations . N . B . —The above work may still be procured in numbers , price 6 d , each . "I have , within the last few mouths , visited every part of France , and 1 declare that I have seen more misery in one street in Dublin thau in all France ; the people are well clad , well fed , and merry ; they are all employed on Small Farms of their own , or on equitable takings !"Vide Lord Cloncurry ' s Letter in J / ontino Oliomcle , Oct . 6 th , 1843 . Those persons desirous of bettering their condition and of becoming "Independent Labourers , " by entering the "Productive-labour" Market , will do well to read "A Practical Work on Small Farms , " by Feaegus O'Connor , Esq . It contains much useful information , invaluable to t ! i . ' parties for whom it was written ; and Old Farmers will find many useful lessons in the new system of husbandry , which they have yet to learn . The work displays , great practical knowledge , and is written so that any one ! who reads may understand . Mr . O'Connor seems not to have used cither the old or 'new nomenclature' iu this ? work ; he has not buried his meaning in chemical technicalities , which very few understand , but which most f writers on agriculture seem so desirous of using . Perhaps they do not understand the practice of Farming so well as . . 1 i t i 1 - . I e ^ , , 0 s i . ¦ 8 e 0 is i- st ps is
Untitled Ad
t e r i : ] 1 , j i 1 i : , s - . . , , . , . - . s , - - - a the theory ; and , therefore , mystify that which they cannot explain , by some long chemical term , which tile pia ; reader may pass over as a "hard word , " hard topro uounce , and harder to understand when it is pronounced * The reader will find that Mr . O'Connor has avoided all those hard names , and suited the language to the toil ing labourer , whose college is generally the workshop or , at best , the Sunday School . Though the work is written for holders of Small Farms , yet no Allotmeut Tenant ought to be without it ; the valuable information it contains respecting tilling and cropping is alike useful to all . "—Extract from a Fanner ' s Letter . " This really useful little volume ought to be in th hands of every one at all connected with agricvut Ur , i pursuits . "—Lloyd ' s Weekly London Newspaper . " Although we feel no desire , in the language of th proud Peruvian , in contemplating what we hope to rejoic * in , the contentment , prosperity , and comfort of our fellow men , to exclaim— " This , this is my work ; " nor 13 ou object , as Mr . O'Connor declares his to be , " that eacl " man who is willing to work may be independent of eve other man in the world for his dail y bread , " yet we * with much pleasure recognise in the book uef < m > us " powerful instrument for aiding in developing j n ma a much higher destiny than he has hitherto attained * "Mr O'Connor shews clearly , what will soon be apparent to all who reflect deeply , that we arc not left without tl meaus of obtaining not only all that is physicall y v « ntt ' site for man's progress , but also that we may readily ml ' dace what is apparently desirable ; for none who careful ! psvusc this vrovk can doubt that a system of small fun - " held by active and industrious labourers . wouM liniiil '' return , in exchange for healthful exertion , far mw c , ] . ' ' is requisite to preserve physical strength . a ! 1 " He also shews that something more than this is re " site to ensure happiness , for he says in page ! : ' { ' « jj- ^ convinced that man can place no reliance whatever u 1 his fellow man , ov a community ofmcii , wlicn cireu , stances operate upon his or their minds , the intlumr " and effect of which would be stronger thau aiiv alrt " notions of justice . For instance , if a community ' o fT ' bouring men purchase a quantity f land , and hir » 1 bour for its cultivation , however just their intentions . ^ pure their motives , they will nevertheless feel themsMv ,. , justified in raising the price of the land , accordin g to \ C improved value conferred upon it by the labour of tin hired workman . This power of steadil y trciictoV upon ; the rights of others is one of the greatest disadvanta g e-; against which the labourer has to contend ; and thos * . teed by a community , at the end of twenty years woulj , be m no better condition than they were at starting , whi [ . > 1 the community of proprietors would have increased the > value of their property twenty-foW ; that is , they would have robbed those labourers , by whose industry the value was increased , of nineteen shillings in tho pound . " ' " These remarks are powerful arguments in the sphere in which they are written , and if examined in their rela-> tion to the universal , they confirm the testimony that ; " The earth is the Lord ' s , and all that therein is ; the round world and they that dwell therein " for ' after partaking freely of what is good for each order of creation , any self-appropriation , by whatever parties in dulgcd in , is from evil , and will produce its consequence * namely , vice , crime , and misery . ' " We can strongly recommend Mr . O'Connor ' s work to I our readers , containing a great amount of practical infor , matiun on agriculture , which should be most popularly diffused . "— Concordium Gazette . ' May be had in Four Numbers , price Sixpence each ot J neatly bound in Cloth , Two Shillings and Sixpence . ' Also , Price Fourpence each , Numbers I and II of 1 THE STATE OF IRELAND . By Arthcr O'Cohhoh . No man can understand the position of Ireland , or thi ' bearing of Irish questions , who is not conversant with this 1 porfect picture of Ireland ' s condition , the causes of her degradation , and the remedies for her manifold evils . 1 Also , priceis . 6 d ., Second Edition , A SERIES OF LETTERS FROM FEARGUS O'COK . , NOR , ESQ ., BARRISTER AT AW , TO DANIEL O'CONNELL , ESQ ., M . P . ¦ , Containing a review of Mr . O'Connell ' s conduct during , the agitation of the question of Catholic Emancipation ; t together with an analysis of his motives and actions since j he became a Member of Parliament . The whole forms a 3 Jomplete key to the political actions of Mr . O'Connell , and 3 reconciles all the apparent contradictions in the acts of one of the greatest agitators of the present day . This edition contains the confirmation of T . Attwood , j Esq ., of the principal charge brought by Mr . O'Connor against Mr . O'Connell . 3 All persons desirous of completing their sets of the LANCASTER TRIALS , may yet do so , as few copies still remain on hand . ' PORTRAITS OF POPULAR CHARACTERS . Portraits of the following distinguished persons , bora steel engravings , and executed in beautiful style , may be had at the Northern Star Office , 340 , Strand : —Large size—T . S . Duncombc , Esq ., M . P ., Richard Oastler , Robert Emmett , John Frost , Dr . M'Douall , and Feargus O'Connor ; plate of the Trial of Fro 3 tand others atMonmouth ; ' plate of the Firrt National Convention , and plate of the Procession accompanying the National Petition of 1842 to the House of Commons . The price of the above portraits ° and plates is one shilling each . Half-length portraits of the following distinguished characters may be also had at the Star office , price six . pence each : —Andrew Marvel , General Arthur O'Connor , William Cobbett , Henry Hunt , Richard Oastler , Thoma * Attwood , James Bronterre O'Brien , nnd Sir William , Molesworth , Bart . , The above portraits have been given at different times to subscribers of the Aortftem Star , and ave allowed to be j the most complete collection ever presented -with , unj > newspaper .
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' ' - - - - . , to - to - as Price Two Shillings . FIFTEEN LESSONS on tho ANALOGY and SYNTAX of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE , for the use of adult persons who have neglected the study of Grammar . By Wit . Hill . Fifth edition , revised and amended . The Lessons in these works are intended solely for the use of natives ^ They are divested , therefore , of all those hair-breadth distinctions and unnecessary subdivisions in Analogy , which , if at all useful , can only be useful to fc reigncrs . The science of Grammar is disentangled in them from the folds of mysticism which have so long enshrouded it . The absurd and unmeaning technicalities which pervade all other works on Grammar areexchanged for terms which have a definite and precise meaning , illustrative of the things they represent . The Parts of Speech are arranged on an entirely new principle , founded on a philosophical consideration of the nature of language . Th » necessary divisions and subdivisions are rationally accounted for , and the principles of Universal Grammar demonstrated so fully that the meanest capa . city may understand them as clearly as it understands that two and two make four . In Syntax , the formation of the English Language is exclusively consulted , without any unnecessary reference to other languages . A majority of the numerous Rules given in most Grammars are shewn to be little better than a heap of senseless tautology . The necessary Rules are demonstrated upon ra tional principles , and illustrated by a variety of examples . By the use of the fifteen lessons , and the accompanying exerasfls , anyone may , in a few weeks , acquire a good knowledge of Grammar , without any of the disgusting drudgery which , under the present system , prevents nine out of ten from ever acquiring a knowledge of Grammar at all . "A competent Grammatical knowledge of our own 1 anguage is the true basis on which all literature ought to rest . "—Bishop Lowth . " Mr . Hill is evidently an original thinker . He attacks with ability and success , the existing system of English Grammar , and points out the absurdities with which it is encumbered . Justly condemning the too frequent practice of making pupils commit portions of Grammar to wemory a Stasks , he maintains that the only proper way to tfeo memory is through the understanding it is but justice to him to say that , in a few pages , he gives a more clear and comprehensive view of the structure of the English language than can be found in some very elaborate works . "—Literary Gazette . " Mr . mil has disch arged his task with considerable ability and no person can peruse his buoks with auytlung like attention , without obtaining a clear and sufficient estimate of the construction and laws of his vernacular tongue . "—teds Times . " A concise philosophical and lucid exposition of tho principles on which tl" ¦> language of Milton and Sliakspeare rests . "—Bradfod Observer . " It is calculated to give the student a correct idea of Grammatical construction—of the analogies of the language— and of t he nature of the various parts of speech . It is simple , but not mean ; clear , bnt not diffuse ; and there arc few works in which the first principles of Grammar arc better explained or more abl y followed up . "yoi-fc Chronicle . " —— The method he has adopted to convey his lessons is the least repulsive to a learner that we have yet seen , not excepting that of Mr . Cobbett the whole . seems to be intended as a mental machine to abbrevi-. ate the labour of the mind . "—Glasgow Liberator . Price One Shilling . 1 Progressive exercises , selected with great i care , and adapted to the Rules and Observations respectively contained in his Fifteen LCSSOIIS Oil tllG Analogy . and S yntax of the English Language , and in his Rational School Grammar . By Wm . Hill . Third edition , revised t and corrected . 1 . i Price Sixpence . 1 THE GRAMMATICAL TEXT BOOK , for the use O ! - Schools , Children , or Private Students . . In this little book the principles of Grammar , expressed with the utmost possiblcconcisencss , are exhibitedfor th < I memory . It contains , in a few pages , the pith and mar . e row-of the whole science of Grammar . ^ So much ave the principles of this important sciencf , , simplified in these little works , that by the use of them « 0 parent , having no previous knowledge of the subject , may s in one week , be qualified to instruct his children withoui i . other assistance . ¦ 8 All the above works may be had at the Northern Sim e office , 340 , Strand , London . Of John Clcavo , 1 , Shoe 0 lane , Fleet-street ; James Watson , Paul ' s-alley , Paternos is ter-row ; H . Iletheriniton , « , IMjwell-street , London i- Of A . Heywood , 58 , Oldham-strcet , Manchester ; J st Guest , Birmingham ; Messrs . Paton and Love , Glasgow ps J . Hobson , Market-walk , Huddersfield ; and of all book is » ellers and news-agents , who can procure them to order t
Gil Eat League Bazaar. 1
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2 THE NORTHERN STAR . May 1 o » 1845 ,
Untitled Picture
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 10, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1314/page/2/