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158 OXFORD-STREET , CORNER OF MARY' LEBONE-LANE . A h Extensive Assortment of the Best Goods , made and tX unmade , always on hand . Bought for ready cash it the cheapest and best markets . To be sold for read ; asS only , so that the disagreeable hecessitt of JHABOIHQ HEAVT PROFITS TO COVER BAD BEBTS MAT BE AVOIDS ) . Single Garments aad Suits of Clothes in great variety , and at low and honest prices . Gentlemen ' s superfine dress coats , cut and finished in the first Etjle , £ 115 s ., and upwards . Cloth , cashmere , doeskin , and tweed trousers , 9 s . Gd ., ad upwards . Valentia , toilenet , and quilting tests , 5 s . 6 d ., and up-* ards . Toy rich plain and fancy satin and silk velvet vests , its ^ and upwards . © r Jfataitf Wbrling Clothes eguaBy Chtm .
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CHOICE OF A SITUATION Donate Bazaar , 326 , Oxford Street , earner of Regent Grots . WASTED , for Large and Small Families , a number of FEMALE SERVANTS of every description , with straightforward characters . This demand is created through the arrangements toeing highly approved by the Nobility , Gentry , and the Public generally . Ladies are in attendance to engage Domestics from Ten to Five o ' clock daily . There arc Rooms for waiting in to be hired ; not any charge made until engaged if preferred . To those who will take places of All Work no charge whatever . Servants from the country are much inquired for . There are always a few vacancies for Footmen and Grooms . S . B . Upon applying do not stand about the doors or windows unnecessarily .
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POPULAR WORKS NOW PUBLISHING BY W . DUGDALE , 37 , 1 IOLYWELL-STREET , STRAND . fpHE WANDERIXG JEW—So . 23 , price One Penny—-1- is published this day , and is the best , the cheapest , and the most correct translation of this celebrated work . Ko other edition in English will be less than twice its 0 ( price . It is printed in foolscap octavo , and will form a al handsome volume , lit for the pocket or the library . Also j r uniform with it in type , size , and paper , as THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , carefully corrected » nd revised , with illustrations . It will be completed in bout thirty numbers , with engravings . * * Order the Nonpareil edition . ™ The Mysteries of Paris may also be had in sixty penny *' numbers , or fifteen parts at fourpence each ; being the H < first translation in the English language , and the only P one that contains all the original edition before the author co had curtailed it to please the fastidious taste of a too pru- ft rient public . This editian has fifty engravings , is printed ° ' in good bold type , and the whole , handsomely bound in bi red , in one volume , may be had for 4 s . tt * * * A liberal allowance to dealers . Also in two volumes octavo , neatly bound , VOLTAIHE'SFniLOSqPHICALDICTIONART . with- » out abridgment or mutilation , containing every word ot a the edition in six volumes published at £ 210 s . The first 01 volume has a medallion likeness of the author , and the ** second a full-length engraving of Voltaire as he appeared R in his seventieth year . To the first volume is prefixed a w copious Memoir of his Life aad Writings . Every carehas s been taken to keep the text correct , so thatit may remain V ( a lasting monument of the genius and indomitable perse- R veranceof the author in enlightening and liberating bis •( fellow creatures . The universal fame of Voltaire ; the r < powerful blows which he dealt to superstition aud ty- n many , from which they will never recover , have long ren- ei dered this book celebrated above all others , as the great advocate of freedom and humanity , and the undoubtable assailant of tyranny , whether spiritual or militant . For ¦ beauty of typography and correctness of the text , the publisher will challenge competition—and for cheapness he will defy all . The two volumes contain 1276 pages , and t may be bad in 120 penny numbers , thirty parts at fourpence each , or in two volumes , handsomely bound and lettered , price 12 s . Sold by all booksellers . The WORKS of THOMAS PAINE , uniform with Voltaire ' s Dictionary , to be completed in one volume , or sixty penny numbers , each number containing sixteen J pages of good , dear , and readable type . The first part ' has a bold and excellent portrait of Paine , after Sharpe , { from a painting by Romney . Strange as it may appear , e there has yet been no complete and cheap edition of the 1 works of this celebrated man . Richard Carlile placed ' them beyond the reach of the working classes when he * published thtan for £ 2 2 s , the Political Works alone , and ? the Theological Works for 10 s . 6 d . It is calculated that j the whole will not exceed sixty numbers at one penny g each , or fifteen parts at fourpence . Eight numbers are c now published , and the succeeding parts will be issued * fflUinpidity , t VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , NOVELS , and TALES . ] The celebrity which these famous Tales have obtained < in all European and American languages renders all com- ' ment superfluous . For wit , sarcasm , and irony they ' Stand unrivalled . This will be thefirstuniform and complete edition , and will comprise the following celebrated works : —Candide , or All for the Best ; Zadig ; The Huron , or the Pupil of Nature ; The White Bull : The World as it Goes : The Man of Forty Crowns ; The Princess of ] Babylon ; Mcninon the Philosopher ; Micromegas ; Plato's 1 Dream ; Babcbec , or the Fakirs ; The Two Comforters , i &c , &c . Six parts , fonrpence each , and twenty-four penny numbers , are now ready . The remainder will speedily follow . The DIEGESIS ; being a discovery of the origin , cri- j deuces , and early history of Christianity never before or ] elsewhere so folly and faithfully set forth . By the Rev . i Bobebt Tatxob . Complete in fifty-four numbers , at one ' penny each , or thirteen parts , fourpence each ; or may be bad , neatly bound in cloth and lettered , price 5 s . J THE DEVIL'S PULPIT , or the Astro-Theological < Lectures of the Rev . Robert Taylor , published under that title , complete in forty-eight numbers , the two last com- ' prising a Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Reverend j Author . This work was formerly published in twopenny j numbers—now reduced in price to one penny . All the 1 numbers are Teprinted as they fall out , so that sets may ' be constantly obtained . The MIRROR of ROMANCE , in one volume , containing four hundred pages quarto , with upwards of fifty illustrations , and the following celebrated works : — Leone Leoni , by George Sand , now Madame Dudevant , one of the most powerful romances ever written . The Physiology of a Married Man , by Paul de Kock , with upwards of fifty illustrations , is given entire . Jenny ; or The Unfortunate Courtezan , by the same author , containing a most affecting moral , drawn from real life . The Bonnet Rouge , or Simon the Radical , a tale of the French Revolution , —a work of great merit . The White House , a romance by Paul de Kock—Memoirs of an Old Mas at twenty-five ; a . most piquant and amusing tale . Manual of Fkeekasosst , verbatim from the editions published by Carlile , for 15 s . All the above maybe had in one volume 5 s ., or in ten Parts at 6 dL each . " A liberal allow , ance to the trade . In one thick volume , price five stuffings , The Uasg at . of Fbeemasonkt , Parts I . IL and III ., as published by Carlile at 5 s . each , may now be had uniform in size with Chambers' Miscellany , aud most elegantly printed . This edition contains the prefaces and introduction to each part , which are omitted in the other reprints . Part I . contains a manual of the three first degrees , ¦ witii an introductory keystone to the Royal Arch . Part II . contains the Royal Arch and Knights Templar Degrees , with an explanatory introduction to the Science , Part IIL contains the degrees of Mark Mace , Mark Master Architect , Grand Architect , Scotch Master or Superintendent , Secret Master , Perfect Master , and upwards of twenty other associations , to which is prefixed an explanatory introduction to the science , and a free translation of some of the Sacred Scripture names . The parts maybe had separate ; parts L and IL , Is . 6 d . each , and part III ., 2 s . May be had of all Booksellers . Paul deKock ' s Works , fuU and free translations- — NEIGHBOUR RAYMOND , price Is ., a most amusing tale . The BARBER OF PARIS , 2 s . SUSTAVUS or the VoungRake , 2 s . GEORGETTE ; or Use Scrivener's Hiece , 2 s . BROTHER JAMES , 2 s . MY WIFE'S CHILD , Is . 6 d . THE MAN WITH THREE PAIR OF BREECHES , 2 s . TOURLOUROU j or the Conscript , 3 s . Also , INDIANA , by George Sand , a Romance of Illicit Lore , 8 s . FERBAGUS , THE CHIEF OF THE DEYOURERS , by M . deBakac , ls . 6 d . Will befolbwed op by others of the same writer . ON THE POSSIBILITY OF LIMllIHtr eoeVLOVS HESS . AS ESSAY ON P 0 PUL 0 U 5 HESS—to which is added the THEORY OF PALVLESS EXTINCTION , by Marcus , price Is . * * The celebrated pamphlet where it is proposed to forbid the intercourse of Man and Woman when thev are poor , and to make it felony when a child is the result The Theory of Painless Extinction coolly discusses the method of extinguishing life , when the intruder has not property immediate or expectant to support that life . The MOXK , by Lewis , verbatim from the Original ; twenty-four plates , price 2 s . 4 d . UARUiAGE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DISCUSSED . In four parrs . —Part I . On the Necessity of Marriage ; Precocity ; Effects of Wedlock . Part II . Instructions in Crarting ; Sudden Love ; Organisations ; Madness curtd Vy Matrimony ; the CourtezanKeclaimed . Part ML Limitation of life justified ; Protectors—their utility ad general adopt ion . Part IV . —Heal causes of Sterility ; remedies . From the French of Jean Dubois , 2 s . 6 d . PRINTS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or , private advice to young married people . Containing the various hvpo ««* , of Generation ; Structure of tho Female OrganT Sf ^^ Bemedie 8 S 8508 * Barrenness and tape ! e «»;« nth a curious anatomical plate . 8 s . 6 d . tatw *""* »*»<« extenihr . Catalogue , may be SSRtaSK ?* ' «****»*«* . All orders pine in as wo it the of be on S , ¦ , . . t r 0 e S . 1 5 n * * y > - i o > - d e ' -
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0 ( al j r as ™ *' H < P co ft ° ' bi tt » ** R w s V ( R •( r < n ei PARR'S LIFE PILLS . 1 READ the following letter from Mr . W . Alexander , Bookseller , Yarmouth : — Great Yarmouth , March 27 , 1845 . Gentlemen , —Being recently at Norwich , I called upon . a gentleman at his request . He said , having seen your - name in a newspaper as an agent for the sale of PARR'S PILLS , and also letters addressed to you testifying their efficacy in the cure of various complaints , I resolved to trythem . Ihadbeenveryunwellfortwoorthreeyears . my stomach much out of order , and I constantlyfelt a painful difficulty in breathing ; I employed two medical gentlemen , and took a great quantity of medicine , but derived no benefit ; on the contrary , I found myself daily declining and getting weaker , so that I could scarcely walk from one street to another ; indeed I was in a melancholy desponding state . Accordingly , I purchased a box , and took them as directed . At the end of a week I was much better , having taken , I think , only eighteen pills ; consequently , I continued taking them regularly , and when I had taken two boxes and a half , I became quite well , and to this day I have enjoyed life , having now good health and good spirits . If , however , I feel any slight indisposition , I have recourse to the medicine I have so much reason to prize , which restores me to my usual good health . This gentleman wished his case to be made public , although for obvious reasons he could not authorise me to give his name . This timid , perhaps in some cases , prudent cautiousness is not uncommon . A neighbouring gentleman has several times admitted to me that he derives great benefit from the occasional use of Parr ' s medicines , but will not permit me to mention it to any one . am , dear Sir , yours , respectfully , WILLIAM ALEXANDER . P . S . The Pills have entirely removed the cough and Asthma . MR . HACKETT , THE CELEBRATE ) AMERICAN ACTOR , now performing in this country , gave the following important testimonial to the efficacy of PARR'S LIFE PILLS before leaving for America : — To the Proprietors of PARR'S LIFE PILLS . Sibs , —Having used PARR'S LIFE PILLS on several occasions when attacked by violent Bilious complaints , and having been fully satisfied of their efficacy , I beg leave in justice to you , as proprietors of the medicine , to testify as much . Yours , respectfully , Long Island , Nov . 9 , 1844 . Wk . H . Hackett . ^* The extraordinary effect of this medicine is the wonder of the age ; it has been triedby hundreds of thousands as an aperient , and has in every [ instance done good ; it has never in the slightest degree impaired the most delicate constitution . Tens of thousands have testified that perseverance in the use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS will completely cure any disease , and are living witnesses of the benefit receivedfrom this invaluable medicine . Sheets of testimonials and the " Life and Times of Old Pan- " may be had gratis , of every respectable Medicine Vender throughout the kingdom . Beware of spurious imitations of the above medicine None are genuine unless the words PARR'S LIFE PILLS are in WHITE letters on a RED gkound , engraved on the Government Stamp , pasted round each box ; also the fac-simile of the signature of the Proprietors , " T . ROBERTS and Co ., " London , on tie directions . Sold wholesale by E . Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s ; Barclay and Sons , Farringdon-street ; Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Mottershead and Co ., Manchester ; and J . and R . Raimes and Co ., Edinburgh . Retailed by at least one agent in every town in the United Kingdom , and by all respectable chemists , druggists , and dealers in patent medicine . Price 13 W ., 3 s . 9 d ., and femily boxes 11 s . each . Full directions are given with each box . Mf — - — ' BB ^^» B 4 ^« V 4 ^ l ¦ > , I [ , , [ [ . s I t .
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. t { e 1 ' * ? j g c "'* t ] < ' ' ] 1 i j ] i ' J < ' j j 1 ' , - s . - - " " « is to ; ; - . to - ! be . Mf — - — ' BB ^^» B 4 ^« V 4 ^ l ^^ ll Pi A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend n Human Frailty . ot P < THE FOURTEENTH EDIT 1 OK . W Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , and !* sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Ofiice Order . for 3 s . 6 d . *" T THE SILENT FRIEND . c ( A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GE- 8 e NERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical vi energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has esta- p bhshed her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION- w local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRll w TATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ;^ ai meansofrestorabon ' . thedestructiveeffectsofGonorrkea , st Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained - in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished wrtb . En- ™ gravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mer- ti cury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and cl body ; -with approved mode of cure for both sexes- si followed by observations on the obligations of MARl ci RIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed " out to suffering humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to 1 be consulted wKhout exposure , and with assured confidence of sneceas . By R . and L . PERRY and Co ., Conscitiso Stooeovs , J London .. p Published by the Authors ; sold b y Heaton , and Buck- , ton , Bnggate , Lteds ; Strange , Paternoster-row ; Han- * nay and Co ., 630 , Oxford-street ; Porkis , ComptonUtreet * y ^ sfflfcS , * 5101 ^ < i ? IM 0 K 3 OT THE FBESS . ^ "Weregardtfce work before us , the "Silent Friend , " I as a work embracing most clear and practical views of a , series of complaints hitherto little understood , and t ] passed over by ihe majority of the medical profession , for D what reason we are at a loss to know . We must how- n ever , confess < hat a perusal of this work has left such a favourable ur . pression on our minds , that we not only re- „ commend , but cordially wish every one who is the victim 6 of past folly , or suffering from indiscretion , to profit by " the advice contained in its pages . "—Age and Arms . 1 ( " The Authors of the " Silent Friend" seem to be tho- ' roughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaintsrrhichare , we fear , too prevalent in the present f day . The perspicuous style in which thisbook is written , i and the valuable hints it conveys to those who are appre- < hensive of entering the inan % e stale , cannot fail to re- l commend it to a careful perusal . "—Era . I " Tbis work should be read by all who value health and wish to enjoy life , for the truisms therein contained defy * all doubt—Farmers'Journal . J v THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM . Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of the impaired functions of life , and is exclusivel y directed to the cure of , such complaints as arise from a disorganization of the { Generative System , whether constitutional or acquired , i loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those { who , by ^ early indulgence in solitary habits , have weak- « ened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state j of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept up , which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field of seducive error-into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into a per- ' nieious application of those inherent rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her speciesbringing on premature decrepitude , and all the habitudes of old age . Constitutional weakness , sexual debility , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularitv , obstructions of certain evacuations , total impotency and barrenness are effectually removed by this invaluable medicine . Sold in Bottles , price 11 s . each , or the quantity of four in one Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one Us . bottle , is saved . Prepared only by Messrs . PERRY and Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London . None areecnuine without the signature of R and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper , to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye . TheFive Pound cases ( the purchasing of which will be a savine of one pound twelve shillings ) may be had as usual at 19 , Beruers-staet , Oxford-street , London . Patients in the countrv who require a course of this admirable medi-^ f ^ l ^ l ^ l ^^^^'^^ wfll entitie , them to the full benefit of such advantage . : * ? v aVf ^ Bookers , Druggists , and Patent , Medicine "Venders in town and country throughout the . United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe an ? Amerfca r of whom may be had the " Soent Fbiejto . " amenca > . Messrs . PERRY expect , when consulted by letter the usual fee of one pound , without which no notice whateve ? t can be taken of the communication . » ua « ner i aJffi ^ 5 Sr rttoteIlll ^» latofafl » PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , " Price 23 . Sd ., 4 s . 64 ., and 11 s . per box , r ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co on the outside of each wrapper ) are well knows toouKhl out Europe and America , to be the most Srtafaand 0 effectual cure ever ducoveredforevery stage and symptom e of a certain disease , in both sexes , inclulnB GonorXZ S . Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Strictoes 7 « al W ^ afc * ness . Deficiency , and all diseases of the Urinary Passaees without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from 1 business . They have effected the most surprising cures not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all other means have failed ; they remove Scorbutic 5 Affections , Eruptions on any part of the body , Ulcerations Scrofulous or Venereal Taint , being calculated to cleanse the blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid n affection , and restore weak and emaciate . 1 constitutions ; to pristine health and vigour . * Messrs . Perry and Co ., Surgeons , may be consolted as * usual , at 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-stwet ; London , punc-1 tually , from Eleven in the morning until Eight & the y evening , and on Sundays from Eleven till One . Only one > - personal visit is required from a country patient to enable i Messrs . Perry and Co . to give such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent and effectual cure , after o all other means have proved ineffectual > - N . B . —Country Druggists , Booksellers , Patent Medicine d Venders , Ac ., can be supplied with any quantity of Perry ' s Purifying Specific Piils , and Cordial Balm of Syriacum , with the usual allowance to the Trade , by most of the e principal Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London . ' - Sold by Mr . Heaton-, 7 , Briggate . Leeds , of whom may be had tfie "Silent Friend . " of to - J . 1 1 i ing [ till I ; - " ¦ as b as it ( O 1 s " i i , - J ¦ a c s , d » I te le > r e > l , e y
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1 . - ¦ . . - . . ^^ ll Pi n P < W !* - *" T c ( - 8 e - vi - p - w w ai , st - - ™ - ti cl - si ci MESSRS . BRODIE AND CO ., Consulting Surgeons , have t removed their Establishment from i , Great Charles- « street , Birmingham , to No . 27 , Montague-street , * Russell-square , London . i BRODIE ON DEBILITY IN MAN . Life is only life , when blessed with health ; without it all i men are poor , let their estates be what they may . < Messrs . Bsodie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 27 , Mon- , tague-street , Russell-square , London . Just published , Fifteenth Edition , price 2 » . 6 d ., and sent free , i enclosed in a stated envelope , on receipt of a post-oMu 1 order for 3 s . 6 d . DRODIE'S MEDICAL WORK on DEBILITY IN I ¦ MJ MAN . Long experience in the treatment of 1 a class of diseases hitherto neglected and imperfectly understood by the great bulk of the medical pro- 1 fession , has enabled the author to prove that there are i concealed causes of indigestion , consumpt ion , insanity , and nervous debility , in existence , where the mere routine practitioner would never dream of finding them . Published and sold by the Authors , Messrs . Brodie and Co ., 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square , London ; and sold by Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster-row ; Hannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Purkiss , Compton-street , Soho ; Noble , 114 , Chancery-lane ; Barth , 4 , Brydgesstreet , Covent-garden ; and Gordon , 146 , LeadeHhaU-street , London ; Sutton , Jfeoieui-office , Nottingham ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldicott , Wolverhampton ; D'Egvillc , Worcester ; JeyeB j Nortbampton ; Ousley , Shrewsbury ; Parker , Hereford ; Gibson , Dudley ; Turner , Coventry ; T . Newton , Church-street , Liverpool ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Fryer , Bath ; Harper , Cheltenham ; Keene . Bath ; Wood , High-street , Birmingham ; Roberts , Derby ; Ferriss and Score , Union-street , Bristol ; Slatter , Oxford ; W . H . Robinson , 11 , Greenside-street , Edinburgh . And by all booksellers and druggists in town and country . THE OPINIONS or THE PfiESS . " Brodie on Debility in Man . " London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster-row . This is a work of great merit , and should be placed in the hands of every young man who is suffering from past folly and indiscretion . It contains many valuable truths , and its perusal is certain to benefit him in many ways . Brodie and Co . have also published " The Secret Companion , " a work of a very valuable character , which is enclosed and sent free with all their medicines . —The London Mercantile Journal . "Brodie on Debility in Man . " London : Brodie and Co ., 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square . The authors of this valuable work evidently well understand the subject upon which they treat ; and this is the best guarantee we can give those persons to whom it is likely to prove serviceable . It is a publication which can , and ought to be , placed in the hands of every young man to guide him among the temptations of the world to which he may be subjected . —Kentish Mercury , GravesendJournal . and Green , with Gazette . THE CORDIAL BALM OF ZEYLANICA ; or , Nature s Grand Restorative . As nothing can be better adapted to help and nourish the constitution , so there is nothing more generally acknowledged to be peculiarly efficacious in all inward wastings , loss of appetite , indigestion , depression of spirits , trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , or consump . ¦ tive habits . It is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous and sexual debility , irregularity , weakness , im-> potency , barrenness , loss of appetite , indigestion , con-• sumptive habits , and debilities , arising from excesses , &c . 1 Sold in bottles , price 4 s . 6 d . and 11 s . each , or the quantity of four in one family tattle fos S 3 a ,, Y ) y which one 11 s . bottle is saved . With each is enclosed "The Secbet Commnion . " The five pound cases ( the purchasing of , which will be a saving of one pound twelve shillings ) may I be had as usual at then- residence . Sold by all medicine [ venders in town and country , of whom may be had , Brodie's Medical Work on the causes of debility in Man . , Be sure to ask for Brodie's Cordial Balm of Zcylanica ; or , [ Nature's Grand Restorative , and Purifying Vegetable [ Pills . CONSULT "THE SECRET COMPANION , " . Embellished with engravings , and enclosed with each s box of BRODIE'S PURIFYING VEGETABLE PILLS , I price Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . per box . t Observe the signature of " R . J . Brodie and Co ., . London , " impressed on a seal in red wax , affixed to each bottle and box , as none else are genuine . These Pills are mild and effectual in their operation , without mercury or mineral , and require no restraint of diet , loss of time , or hinderance from business ; possessing the power of eradicating every symptom of the disease in its worst stage , without the least exposure to the patient . Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world , protected from observation . Country patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases . The communication must be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of £ 1 , and ia all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on . - Country druggists , booksellers , and patent medicine 1 venders , cau be supplied with any quantity of Brodie's J Purifying Vegetable Pills , and Cordial Balm of Zeylanica , . with the usual allowance to the trade , by the principal 1 wholesale patent medicine houses in London . 1 Messrs . Brodie and Co ., Surgeons , are in daily attendi ance for consultation at their residence , 27 , Montague-• street , Russell-square , London , from eleven in the morning till eight in the evening , and on Sundays from eleven [ till two . Only one personal visit is required from a I country patient to enable Messrs . Brodie and Co . to give ; such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent - cure , after all other means have proved ineffectual . r > 1 ; i ' I . ' ( r
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1 J p , * * fi ^ I , D n „ ' f i <¦ l * v \ , { i \ { « j , \ THE NORTHERN STAR , AND NATIONAL TRADES' JOURNAL , "ESTABLISHED in Leeds in 1837 , and since then the ¦ Lj leading Provincial Journal in the Kingdom , is now published at No . 340 , Strand , London . The object of the Proprietor in establishing the KovtUm Star was to furnish a fearless and faithful organ for the representation of the Labouring Classes , whose interests from time immemorial have been shamelessly neglected . The removal of the Star to London has enabled its conductors to supply the reader with the latest intelligence , as well as the most interesting news ; in consequence of which its number of readers have materially increased in the Metropolis , and its country circulation can be equalled by few , even the most extensively circulated Metropolitan newspapers . Prom the extensive circulation of the Northern Star , together with the fact that it is read by all classes of society as the organ of the movement party , Advertisers will find it to be a medium of communication with the public at arge worth notice . Books and Publications for review must be addressed ( post paid ) to the Editor , 340 , Strand , London . Adverisements and orders for papers to be addressed to Feargus O ' Connor , 340 , Strand , where all communications will be punctually attended to . The following extract from the Newspaper Stamp Returns for October , November , and December , 1843 ( since which no returns have been made ) , show that the Northern Star is far at the head of many old-established London Weekly Journals : — NORTHERN STAR .. , 117 , 000 News of the World .. 86 , 000 United Service Ga-Becord 83 , 500 rette 19 , 500 Examiner 71 , 000 Patriot 60 , 000 Britannia 66 , 000 Spectator 48 , 000 Mark-lane Express .. 54 , 000 Era 41 , 000 Tablet 45 , 000 John Bull 39 , 000 Observer 41 , 000 Watchman 33 , tM > t > Atlas 37 , 000 Age and Argus .. .. 22 , 500 Nonconformist ., .. 30 , 000 Sentinel 20 , 000 Bell ' s New Weekl y Journal of Commerce 13 , 300 Messenger .. .. 22 , 500 * # * Observe the Office , 340 , Strand , London .
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' ? * as - ' s , The following Booh are jntMisfed ot the Northern Star office , 340 , Strand , and may be had of all Boobsellers and News Agents . CHAMBERS' PHILOSOPHY REFUTED . Just published Price Fourpence" ( forming a Pamphlet of 56 pages demy 8 vo ., in a stiff > yrapper ) , THE THIRD EDITION OF A FULL and COMPLETE REFUTATION of the PHILOSOPHY contained in a TRACT recently published by the MESSRS . CHAMBERS , of Edinburgh , entitled the " Employer and Employed . " This valuable little work contains the most com , plete defence of the demands of the Working Classes for their fair share of the enormous wealth created by Machinery , as well as a justification of Trades Unions . , The numerous appeals that have been made to Mr . O'Connor from nearly every part of the kingdom for the publication , in pamphlet form , of those Dialogues that have recently appeared in the Star , have determined him to gratify what appears to be tho almost unanimous wish of the Labouring Classes . 1 " The Employer and the Employed , " * « by Feargus O'Connor , # # beats anything even of its author ' s . —Economist . Complete in one Vol ., neatly Bound in Cloth , A PRACTICAL WORK ON SMALL FARMS . s Price Two Shillings and Sixpence . BT F 3 AR 0 U 8 O ' CONNOR , B 8 O . . The desire of the author has been to furnish a valuable compendium at such a price as would enable every working man to become possessed ofit . It contains " : 11 the practical instructions , together with Plates de i scribing Farm-house , Offices , Tank , Farm-yard , Ac . ; i with particular information requisite for carrying out all , the operations . - N . B . —The above work may still be procured in num-J bers , price 6 d . each . ¦ " I have , within the last few months , visited every part a of France , and I declare that I have seen more miserv in c one street in Dublin than in all France ; the people ' ave s , well clad , well fed , and merry ; they are all employed on d v ? Fabms ° f t ^ M own , or on equitable takings !" - ^ ¦ 8 r ^\^ ° rd ck > T 5 i '« Letter in Morning Ckronide , Oct . oVi , 1813 . Those pGrsonsdeslrous of bettering their condition and » of : becoming "Independent labourers , " by entering the I "Prodvrctwe-labour " Market , will do weU to read "A e Practical Workon Small Farms , " by Feaboos O'Connoj , te E 8 « . It contains much useful information , invaluable to le the parties for whom it was written ; and Old Farmers > r will find many useful lessons in the new system of hus bandry , which they have yet to learn . The work displays e great practical knowledge , and is written so that any one > who reads may understand . Mr . O'Connor seems not to l , have used either the old or ' new nomenclature' in this e work ; he has not buried his meaning in chemical technicalities , which very few understand , but which most y writers on agriculture seem so desirous of using . Perhaps they do not understani the pvastict of Farming so well as < ' ¦ i i . "
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t « * i \ < , 1 I 1 1 i : - . . . the theory ; and , therefore , mystify that which they cannot explain , by some long chemical term , which the plain reader may pass over as a " hard word , " hard to pronounce , and harder to understand wheu it is pronounced . The reader will find that Mr . O'Connor has avoided all ( hosehard names , and . suited the language to the toiling labourer , whose college is generally the workshop , or , at best , the Sunday School . Though the work is written for holders of Small Farms , yet no Allotment Tenant ought to be without it ; the valuable information it contains respecting tilling and cropping is alike useful to all . "—Extract from a Farmer ' s Letter . " This really useful little volume ought to be in the hands of every one at all connected with agricultural pursuits . "—Uoyd ' s Weekly Zoudon Newspaper , " Although we feel no desire , in the language , of the proud Peruvian , in contemplating what we hope to rejoice in , the contentment , prosperity , and comfort of our fellow men , to exclaim— " This , this is my work ; " nor is our object , as Mr . O'Connor declares his to be , " that each man who is willing to work may be independent of every other man in the world for his daily bread , " yet we can with much pleasure recognise in the book before us a powerful instrument fov aiding in developing in man a much higher destiny than he has hitherto attained . "Mr O'Connor shews clearly , what will soon be apparent ta all who reflect deeply , that we »* e not left without the means of obtaining not only all that is physically requisite fov man ' s progress , but also that we may readily prodace what is apparently desirable ; for none who carefully peruse this work can doubt that a system of small farms , held by active and industrious labourers , would amply return , in exchange fov healthful exertion , far more than is requisite to preserve physical strength . ^ " He also shews that something more than this is requisite to ensure happiness , for he says in page 121 , " I feel convinced that man can place no reliance whatever upon his fellow man , or a community of men , when circumstances operate upon his or their minds , the influence and effect of which would be stronger than any abstract notions of justice . For instance , if a community of labouring men purchase a quantity f land , and hire labour for its cultivation , however just then ? intentions and pure their motives , they will nevertheless feel themselves justified in raising the price of the land , according to the unproved value conferred upon it by the labour of the hired workman . This power of steadily trenching upon the rights of others is one of the greatest disadvantages against which the labourer has to contend ; and those hired by a community , at the end of twenty years would be in no better condition than they were at starting , while the community of proprietors would have increased the value of their property twenty-fold ; that is , they would have robbed those labourers , by whose industry the value was increased , of nineteen shillings in the pound . " > " These remarks are powerful arguments in the sphere 1 in which they arc written , and if examined in their rcla-; tion to the universal , they confirm the testimony that i " The earth is the Lord's , and all that therein is ; the round world and they that dwell therein ; " for , ' after partaking fteely ot what is good fotench order of creation , any self-appropriation , by whatever parties in-I dulged in , is from evil , and will produce its consequence , namely , vice , crime , and misery , " We can strongly recommend Mr . O'Connor ' s work to . our readers , containing a great amount of practical infor' mation on agriculture , which should be most popularly ¦ diffused . "—Concordium Gazette . May be had in Four Numbers , price Sixpence each ; or ( neatly bound in Cloth , Two Shillings and Sixpence . r ¦
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Also , Price Fourpence each , Numbers I and II o ( THE STATE OF IRELAND . By Author O-Cohnob . No man can understand the position of Ireland , or the bearing of Irish questions , who is not conversant with this perfect picture of Ireland ' s condition , the causes of her degradation , and the remedies for her manifold evils .
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Also , pWc « 2 s . 6 d ,, Second Edition a . SERIES OF LETTERS FROM FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ ., BARRISTER AT AW , TO DANIEL O'CONNELL , ESQ ., M . P . ; Containing a rsview of Mr . O'Connell ' s conduct during the agitation of the question of Catholic Emancipation ; together with an analysis of his motives and actions since he became a Member of Parliament . The whole forms a somplete key to the political actions of Mr , O'Connell , and reconciles all the apparent contradictions in the acts of one of the greatest agitators of the present day . This edition contains the confirmation of T . Attwood , Esq ., of the principal charge brought by Mr . O'Connor aealnst Mr . O'Connell .
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All persons desirous of completing their sets of the LANCASTER TRIALS , may yet do so , as few copies still remain on hand . PORTRAITS 07 POPULAR CHAKACIBR 3 . Portraits of the following distinguished persons , from steel engravings , and executed in beautiful style , may be had at the Northern Star Office , 340 , Strand : —Large size—T . S . Duncombe , Esq ., M . P ., Richard Oastler , Robert Emmett , John Frost , Dr . M'Douall , and Feargus O'Connor ; plate of the Trial of Frostand others at Monmouth ; plate of the Firf t National Convention , and plate of the Procession accompanying the National Petition of 1842 to the House of Commons . The price of the above portraits and plates is one shilling each . Half-length portraits of the following distinguished characters may be also had at the Star office , price sispence each : —Andrew Marvel , Genwal Arthur O'Connor , William Cobbett , Henry Hunt , Richard Oastler , Thomas Attwood , James Bronterre O'Brien , and Sir William MoloBwovth , Bart . The above portraits have been given at different times to . subscribers of the Northern Star , and are allowed to be the most complete collection ever presented with any newspaper .
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. - Price Two Shillings . FIFTEEN LESSONS on tho ANALOGY and SYNT AX of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE , for the use of adult persons who have neglected the study of Grammar . By Wx . Hill . * , Fifth edition , revised and amended . The Lessons in these works are intended solely for the use of natives . They are divested , therefore , of all those ] hair-breadth distinctions and unnecessary subdivisions in Analogy , which , if at all useful , can only be useful to fo- ] reigners . The science of Grammar is disentangled in ] them from the folds of mysticism which have so long en- shrouded it . The absurd and unmeaning technicalities ] which pervade all other works on Grammar areexchanged for terms which have a definite and precise meaning , illustrative of the things they represent . The Parts of Speech are arranged on an entirely new principle , founded on a philosophical consideration of the nature of Ian . guage . Th « necessary divisions and subdivisions are ' rationally accounted for , and the principles of Universal Grammar demonstrated so full y that the meanest capacity may understand them as clearly as it understands that two and two make four . In Syntax , the formation of the Eugtwfi I * Ro « aoeis ex . clusively consulted , without any unnecessary reference to other languages . A majority of tiw numerous nules given in most Grammars are shewn to be little better thaa a heap of senseless tautology . The necessary Rules are demonstrated upon rational principles , and illustrated bv a variety of examples . By the use of the fifteen lessons , and the accompanying exercisos , anyone may , in a few weeks , acquire a good knowledge of Grammar , without any of the disgusting drudgery which , under the present system , prevents nine out of ten from ever acquiring a knowledge of Grammar at all . " A competent Grammatical knowledge of our own language is the true basis on which all literature ought to rest . "—Bishop Lovith . " Mr . Hill is evidently an original thinker . Heattacks with ability and success , the existing system of English Grammar , and points out the absurdities with which it is encumbered . Justly condemning tho too frequent practice of making pupils commit portions of Grammar to memory a 6 tasks , he maintains that the only proper way to the memory is through the understanding It is but justice to him to say that , in a few pages , he gives a more clear and comprehensive view of tho structure of the English language than can be found in some very elaborate works . "—Literary Gazette . " Mr . Hill has discharged his task with considerable ability and no person can peruse his books with any . thing like attention , without obtaining a clear and sufficient estimate , of the construction and laws of his vernacular tongue . "—Leeds Times , < "A concise philosophical and lucid exposition of the ' principles on which tfc * language of Milton andShak . speare rests . " —Bradfo d Observer , i " It is calculated to give the student a correct idea of Grammatical construction—of the analogies of the Iani guage—and of the nature of the various parts of speech , . It is Bimple , but not mean ; clear , bnt not diffuse ; aud there are few works in which the first principles of Grammar , are better explained or more ably followed up . " York CTironicte . " The method he has adopted to convey his lessons is the least repulsive to a learner that we have yet seen , not excepting that of Mr . Cobbett the whole seems to be intended aa a mental machine to abbrevi" ate the labour of the mind . " — Glasgow Liberator . ' , ;
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Price One ShUling . PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES , selected with great care , and adapted to the Rules and Observations rcspeetively contained in his Fifteen Lessons on the Analogy and Syntax of the English Language , and in his Rational School Grammar . ByWM . Hiw ,. Third edition , revised and corrected . t . I j
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Price Sixpence . THE GRAMMATICAL TEXT BOOK , for the use of Schools , Children , or Private Students . In this little book the principle * of Grammar , expressed with the utmost possibleconciseness , are exhibiledfor the memory , It contains , in a few pages , the pith and marrow of the whole science of Grammar . So much are the principles of this important science simplified in these little works , that by the use of them a parent , having no previous knowledge of the subject , may in one week , be qualified to instruct his children without other assistance . All the above works maybe had at the Northern Star office , 340 , Strand , London . Of John Cleave , 1 , Shoelane , Fleet-street ; James Watson , Paul ' s-aUey , Paterioa ter-row ; H . Hetherington , 40 , Holy well-street , London Of A . Heywood , 58 , Oldham-street , Manchester- j " Guest ^ Birmingham ; Messrs . Paton and Love , Glasgow ; ' J . Hobson , Market-walk , Huddersfieli ; and of all book kuwb and news-agents , who can procure them to order . f i „ , . a > i { „ j ,. r > .
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WEST BIDING OF YORKSHIRE . ADJOURNMENT OF THE SPRING SESSIONS FOR THE TRIAL OF FELONS , &c . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the Spring Ge-NEEAI . QUABTEB SESSIONS Of the PEACE , for the West Riding of the County of York , will be holden by adjournment , atBRADFOBD , on Monday , the 2 d day of June next , at Ten o ' clock in the Forenoon , and by further adjournment from thence will be holden at Sheffield , on Wednesday , the 4 th day of the same month of Jdne next , at half-past Ten o ' clock in the Forenoon , FOR THE TRIAL OF FELONS AND PERSONS INDICTED FOR MISDEMEANOURS , when all Jurors , Suitors , Persons who stand upon Recognisance , and others having business at the said Sessions , are required to attend the Court . Prosecutors and Witnesses in cases of Felony and Misdemeanour from the Wupontakca of Stainclitte and Ewcvoss , Claro , Mnsty , Agbvigg and Morley , Sltyrack and Barkstonash , must attend the Sessions at Beadfoed ; and those from the Wapontakes of Strafforth and Tickhill , Osgoldcross and Staincross , being the remainder of the West Riding , must attend the sessions at Sheffield . C . H . ELSLEY , Clerk of the Peace . Clerk of the Peace ' s Office , Wakefield , 12 th May , 1845 .
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- EMIGRATION FOR 1845 . / "GEORGE RIPPARD and SON and WILLIAM TAPVX SCOTT , American and Colonial Passage Offices , 36 , Waterloo-road , Liverpool , Agents for the New Line of New York Packets , comprising the following magnificent ships :-- ¦ Ships . Tons . To Sail , Hottikodeb , 1100 . Cth Jan . 6 th May . 6 th Sept . Liverpool , 1150 . 6 th Feb . 6 th June . 6 th Oct . Qceen of the West , 1250 . GthMar . 6 th July . 6 th Nov . Rochester , 1000 , 6 th Apr . ( 5 th Aug . 6 th Dec . Together with other First-class American Packet-Ships sailing weekly throughout the year for New York , and occasionally for Boston , Philadelphia , and New Orleans ; also to Quebec , Montreal , and St John , N . B . Emigrants may rest assured that the ships selected for heir conveyance by this establishment arc of the first and largest class , commanded by men of great skill and exexperience ; they will be fitted up without any regard to expense , in the most approved manner to ensure comfort and convenience . In order that parties may have uvery accommodation during the passage , private state rooms are fitted up in each ship , and made suitable for fancies of any number , at a moderate charge . Each adult passenger will be provi led with onejmund of good biscuit , or five pounds of potatoes , and three quarts of pure water , daily , during the voyage , and if detained in Liverpool more than forty-eight hours after the time appointed for sailing , will be paid subsistence money , according to law . Emigrants and settlers can avail tlumselvcs of the excellent arrangements effected through our agents , W . and J . T . Tapscott , of New York , and whiefc . have given such general satisfaction during the past season , for their safe , expeditious , and cheap conveyance to any part of the Western States or Canadas , preventing the possibility of fraud and imposition , hitherto so often practised on their landing at New York . Mr . Wm . Tapscott , who has just returned from a tour through the Unite ! States , will be happy to furnish any information respecting purchase of land , localities , different routes and facilities for reaching every important point there . For the safe conveyance of money , drafts for any amount can he given on the Fulton Bank , New York , payable at sight , witheut discount . Parties residing at a distance may have every information by letter , post paid , and the best disengaged berths secured by sending deposits of £ 1 for each pas . senger to G . RIPPARD AND SOIs oa WM . TAPSCOTT , 96 , Waterloo-road , Liv srpool . Important . —The " American Emigrant ' s Guide" can be had gratis , on application by letter , or otherwiie . The following is the present List of Ships , with days of sailing : — . FOR NEW YORK , The Magnificent Packet Ships Captain Burtfien To Sail . Rochester Britton , ... 1000 tons ,... 6 th April . United Kinqdom ... Teulon , ... 1500 tons ,... 10 th „ Olive and Eliza ... Parsons ,... 600 tons , ... ISth „ Herccles Madigan ,... 600 tons , ... 16 th „ Claiborne Burges , ... 1800 tons , ... 19 th „ Rhode Island Andros , ... 600 tons ,... 23 rd „ American Ship ... ... 1000 tons , ... 1 st May . Hottingcer Bursley , ... UOOtons , ... 6 th ,. * FOR BOSTON , The New American Ships M « E *< ° o Halberton ,. 800 tons ,... 10 th April . T" » 5 RHra Howes ,...,,. 500 tons ,... 20 th „ . FOR NEW OULBANS , The Fast-sailing Ships General Veazie ... Couilart ,... 800 tons ,... 10 th April . Ontabio Jamieson , . 1000 tons ,... 15 th „ FOR ST . JOHN , N . B . Britannia Coulthard ,. 1000 tons , ... 21 st April . FOR QUEBEC , ' Princess Charlotte Smith ... 700 tons ,... 15 th For further information , apply as above .
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, ] ] ] ] ¦ ' - f - a - " ; ' . WRAY'S FAMILY MEDICINES . J PATRONISED RT u ] Her Grace the Dowager Sir C . F . Williams , Knt . ot Duchess of Leeds . Sir Edward LyttonBulwer , w Lady Sherborne . Bart , w Earl of Lincoln . Captain . Boldevo , M . P . tc Marquis of Waterford . Edward Baines , Esq ., M . P . Lord Bantry . Archdeacon Webber . Doctor Bloomberg , Yicarof General Maitland . Cripplegate . General Gardner . Mr . Justice Cresswell . General Nisbitt . ^ And families of the first distinction . y npiIESE Medicines , which are found to possess so great D J- a power over the respective complaints to which they *' are applicable , as frequently to render further medical aid * unnecessary , were also honoured with the patronage of— " His late K . II . the Duke of Lord John Churchill . t ! Sussex . Sir Francis Burdett , M . P . s Lord Charles Churchill . George Byng , Esq ., M . P . f SirMatthewWooa , Bt . M . P . ' h And numerous Medical Gentlemen of eminence in London * have borne testimony to their efficacy . Prepared and sold , wholesale and retail , at 118 , HolbornhiU , and 344 , Strand , London ; and may be had of all medicine-vendors in the United Kingdom ; also in America , v of J . 0 . Fay , at his Drug Store , 193 , Broadway , corner of I ] Dey-street , New York ; in Munich and Frankfort of ° Frederick Breul ; and can be obtained in the principal l Capitals of Europe , as well as all her Majesty's depend- c encies . t Strongly recommended by the Faculty , « Wray ' s Aromatic Spice Plasters for the Chest . —Coughs Colds , Asthmas , Shortness of Breath , Iain or Tightness ( of the Chest , Affections of the Lungs , &c , arc effectuall y relieved , and in many cases entirely prevented , by the timely application of Wray ' s Aromatic Spice Plasters to the chest , which are far superior to the common warm plastei' 3 , and frequently supersede the use of internal ' remedies . No person during the winter ought to be with- ' out one , travellers by railroad in particular . Sold at Is . nd Is . Cd . each . ' i Wrtiy ' s Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Ginger . —A ccr- ' tain cure and preventive of Ml Nervous Complaints , Spasms , Gout , Rheumatism—an invaluable remedy for Flatulence , pain in the Stomach , also an excellent adjunct to Seidlitz Powders for debilitated constitutions . In bottles at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . Wray ' tAntibiltous PiUs—lw boxes at Is . l ^ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 4 s . 6 d . oach . —These Pills are an excellent remedy for preventing and removing Bilious disorders ; they gently operate as an Aperient , and , by keeping the bowels in a , proper state , are calculated to promote that regular office of the Bile which is necessary to the preservation of health . Hence their beneficial effects in removing Indigestion , Head-ache , Giddiness , Sickness , attended with a feverish heat of the system , loss of appetite , oppression of the chest , dec . Wray ' s Specific Mixture , warranted to remove Urcthral Discharges in forty-eight hours—in the majority of cases , twenty-four—if arising from local causes . Sold in ; bottles at 4 s . 6 d . and Us . each , with full instructions . Wray ' s Improved Suspemovy Bandages , well adapted for Sportsmen , Gentlemen hunting , riding , walking suffering from disease , relaxation , local debility , 4 c approved of and highly recommended by the late t Mr . Aberneth y . Best Jean , Is . and Is . 6 d . ; ditto with . fronts , 3 s . 6 d . ; Knitted or Wove Silk , 2 s . 6 d . ; ditto with r elastic springs , 7 s . 6 d . I Wray ' s Steel Spring Trusses , for Hernia , properly j adapted ; single , 5 s . 6 d ., 7 s . Cd ., and 10 s . 6 d . ; double 10 s . 6 d ., 15 s ., and 21 s . Medicine chests fitted up for family use or sea voyages . Genuine Drugs and Chymicals of every description , with f their several preparations , according to the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians . A large stock of i new English Honey of the finest quality , retailing at „ Is . and 1 b . fid . per lb ., and the best West India Tamarinds , . at the same price , A liberal allowance to Merchants and Captains . Phve sicians' Prescriptions aud Family Recipes carefully a and accurately prepared by gentlemen regularl y quali-> tied . , i { Physician ' s Advice from eleven till one , every day Surgical Attendance every evening from seven till nine „ Persons residing in theremotest partB of the country j . can be treated successfully , on deicribing minutely their ,. symptoms , ag « , habits of lifo , 4 c ., and inclosing a reu mittance for medicine , which c » n be forwarded to anv r > partof the world , securely packed , and carefully protected . from observation . c . All letters to b « addressed to "M . 0 . TTtiT , U | Hoi of to — . i : ; 1 ; 1 , ; e ti h y ' ¦ i . h a > f it is y- y li- J . r ' « e- ay ed ol
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DR . COFFIN'S BOTANIC GUmE ^ T ^ HEALTH . THIS Important Work for family use is now rcadv ( delivery . Letters addressed to the AuUror , Trafalgar-street , Leeds ; or , J . Watson , 5 , i > ilurs i , ' Paternoster-row , London , will meet with attorn-Price six shillings . 1 Oli '
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REES' COMPOUND ESSENCE OF CUBEBs " nPHE most safe , speedy , and certain remed y ever d ' JL vored for the cure of discharges , gleets , snasm ' *' strictures , weakness , heat , irritation of the bladder of the loins , and all disorders of the kidneys and im . ^ frequently performing ft perfect cure in the short soa three or four days . It does not contain any m , ° ' and may be taken by ttaa most delicate of either sojT 11 ^' perfect safety , as well as advantage to their ' ' health . —Sold in bottles , at 4 s . 6 d ., 10 s ., and "Os k r * 1 Stirling , chemist , 86 , High-street , Whitcchape ] ¦ j ' s be had of Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; andW , a Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; and of aUthe principal m r * - ** vendors in tho kingdom . The genuine lias tlm la J . W . Stirling eagraved on the stanii > . _ Ask " * * Essence . # * * It can be sent with instructions ' packed , to anj part of the kingdom , oa the rcc . ^ t Ur awb
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J ] ot w w tc ^ y *' * " s f h * I ] ° c t « ' ' i , . of at - - reanv d ALL MAY BE CURED ' . ' . BV HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT . FIFTY ULCERS CURED IN SIX WEEKS . EX TRACT ofaLetterfrom JohnMartin , Esq ., Chronfc Office , Tobago , West Indies : — February 4 th , 1845 . To Professor HoUoway . Sir , —I beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this island , espscially those who cannot afford to employ moli . cal gentlemen , are very anxious of having your astonishing medicines witliin their reach , from the immense benefiti some of them have derived from their use , as theyfcara been found here , in several cases , to cure sores awlWn of the most malignant and desperate kind . One gentleman in this island , who had , I believe , about fifty running ulcers about his legs , arms , and body , who had tried all other medicines before the arrival of yours , but all ot which did him no good ; but yours cured him in about sii weeks , and he is now , by their means alone , ( juite vestor&l to health and vigour . ( Signed ) Joun Maetik . Piles , Fistulas , and bearings-down , A Rehabkable Cube by these Pats and Ointment , —A half-pay lieutenant , lately residing at St . Helier ' a ] Jersy , whose name by request is omitted , had for thret years suffered from piles and fistula , besides a general bearing down , of the most distressing nature . He had twice undergone an operation , but to no purpose , and at last gave himself up to despair . Yet , notwithstanding this complication of complaints , together with a debilitated constitution , lie was completely cured of all his infirmities , and restored to the full enjoyment of health by these justly renowned medicines , when every other meau ' j had failed . Extraordinary Cure in Hie West Indies , of Leprosy , and othtr direful skin diseases , June 3 rd , 1844 . Mr . Lewis Rcedon , of Georgetown , Demerara , writes , under the above date , that Holloway ' s Pills and Ointment have cured bad legs that no doctor could manage , ulcers and sores that were of the most dreadful description , a 3 likewise leprosy , blotches , scales , and other skin diseases of the most frightful nature , and that the cures effected , there by these wonderful medicines are so numerous ami extraordinary as to astonish the whole population . Cancered Breast . —A Wonderful Circumstance , Copy of a Letter from Richard Bull , bootmaker , Tattoti , near Southampton : — February 3 th , 18 « . To Professor Holloway . Sir , —The Lord has permitted to be wrought a wonder , ful cure of cancers or abecsses , of twelve years' standing , in my wife's breast . In the latter part of the time , clever , wounds were open at once . The faculty declared the tas « as past cure , several pieces of bone had come away , and E expected that my poor wife would soon have been taken from me . It was then that a friend recommended the use of your pills and ointmont , which , to our utter astonishment , in the space of about three months , healed up the breast as soundly as ever it was in her life . I shall ever remain , Your most grateful and obedient servant , ( Sigucd ) RiciiAHD Boll . Wheezing on the Chest and Shortness of Breath . . Copy of a Letter from Mr . Jeremiah Casey , No . 1 , Comp . i ton-place , Compton-street , Bruuswick-snuave , London : April 25 th , 1845 : — To Professor Holloway . ; Sir , —I beg to inform you that I believe I had been for 1 more than three years , one of the greatest sufferers in the world with chronic asthma . For weeks together mv 1 breath was frequently so short that I was afraid ercrV ; moment of being choked with phlegm . I never went into a bed ; very often , indeed , I have been obliged to pass the night without being able to recline sufficientl y to lay my 1 head on a table , lest I should be suffocated . No one , thought I should live over the winter , nor did I expect it ; myself ; but I am happy to say that I am now able to work e from morning to night , and that I sleep as well as ever I ti did in my life ; and this miracle ( 1 may say ) was elicited h by rubbing your invaluable ointment twice a day into my chest , and taking ten of your pills at bedtime , and ten y again in the morning , for about three months . ' _ , _ ( Signed ) Jebkmiau Casei . In all Dueases of ins Skik , bad legs , old wounds and i . ulcers , bad breasts , sote nipples , stony and ulcerated canh cers , tumours , swellings , gout , rheumatism , and lumbago , a likewise in cases of Piles , Uollowaj ' s Pills in all the above > f oases , ought to be used with the Ointment ; as by H . U it means cures will be effected with a much greater coris tainty , and in half the time that it would require by using the Ointment alone . The Ointment is proved to be a y- oertain remedy for the bite of moschetoes , sand-flics , y chiego-foot , yaws , coco-bay , and all skin diseases common li- to the East and West Indies , and other tropical climes . Burns , Scalds , Chilblains , Chapped Hands and Lips , J . also Bunions and Soft Corns , wiU be immediately cunJ by the use of the Ointment . r Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( near Temple Baft ' «¦ London ; and by all respectable vendors of patent e- medicines throughout the civilised world , in pots and ay boxes , at 1 b . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., Us ., 22 s ., and 33 s . e *> bed There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger titet . ol- N . B . Directions for th « juida » oe of Pktit&te art » $ "' to wch pot and bos .
- ~ Just Opened. Messrs. Miller And Jones Tailors And Woollen Drapers,
Untitled Article
2 THE NORTHERN STAR . May 24 , 1845 .
Untitled Article
. & . Ua ^ VMVV w * ***** * w **¦«« w «> INSTANT RELIEF AND A RATlD ^ i ^' ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION , COUGllt And < M disorders o / tfie Breath and Limjs , is }„ , „ ' , DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFER S . ' TMPORTANT 1-REA . D THE FOLLOWING 'r i MONIAL from Mr . Cooper , surgeon , Medical HaI , Canterbury : — Dated January 1 st , i ^ jg ' Gentlemen , —Having heard your Wafers very lii » i ] spoken of by several persons whohad taken them ' with , ! . cided effect , I recommended them in sevoral cases of c ! '' firmed asthma , and their good effects have been tru ] ' astonishing . I now recommend them in all ol ) stiiiat ' cases . ' * ( Signed ) W . J . Cooper , Surgeon , Ax MORE CORES OF COUGHS , &c . Extract of a letter from Henry Huntley , Es < j ., ij | i > bany-terrace , Old Tiverton-road , Exeter : — March 20 , ISi . j , Gentlemen , —I ruptured a blood vessel of the luu » about three months since , which being partially miuve ^ from , a most troublesome cough succeeded . I tried even . ' thing that my surgeon , friends , and self could tliiiitv jf without alienation . It was at length suggested tliat vouir " SYafeTSTmghtbeuseftfl . I Ivied them , andasingle W af « - taken when the fit of coughing was about to coimiu . ii ' never once failed of giving it a complete and instaiitancoui check . A lady also , a friend of mine , and who , by the by , is ia her sixty-sixth year , is , or rather was , troubled with a ' hard distressing cough ; she used thorn , and wonderful was th * relief she experienced , &c . ( Signed ) Henri Huntiet . ANOTHER CURE OF AStlUU , Extract of a letter from Mr . William Barton , ApotUc caries' Hall , Campbelton , Argyleshire : — Dated March 1 , U 45 . Gentlemen , —I may here mention that your W ' afcrj give great satisfaction . One case in particular : an old gentleman , who for years has been much afflicted with asthma , and seldom had a quiet night's rest . He had j used very many proprietary medicines , as well as medical prescriptions , but all of which were of no use . Siiim ha began to use Locock ' s Wafers , he feels himself almost well again . He sleeps well at night , and is quite refreshed ii the mornings , &c . ( Signed ) William Barton . ANOTHER CURE OF A COUGH AND IMl'UOTQ , MENT OF THE VOICE . The declaration of Mr . Hamlyn , Clerk of Unicorn Chapel , Tooley-street , London : — 7 , Albion-place , Walworth , May 15 , 18 ti . My attention was first attracted to Dr . Locock ' s Wafers by their having cured my wife of a bad cough and cold , for which she had been a considerable time under medical treatment without effect , and perceiving that they wem recommended for the voice , and as I often suffered fwai hoarseness and a tightness of the chest , I took a few , and found the most perfect and immediate benefit from them ; and ever since , if 1 take cold , or have any hoarseness or huskiness of the voice , on taking two or three Wafers i : is immediately removed . I also find that they certainly improve the voice , increasing its power and flexibility . Dr . Locock ' s Wafers give instant relief , and a rapM cure of asthmas , consumption , coughs , colds , and all disorders of the breath and lungs . Price Is . l £ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 11 s . per box . Ajfcnts—Da Silva and Co ., 1 , Bride-lane , Fleet-street , London . Caution . —To protect the public from spurious intuitions , her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners nan caused to b » printed on the stamp , outside each box , tha words , "Dr . Locock ' s Wafers , " in white letters on a re * ground , without which none are genuine . Sold by all Medicine Venders .
Untitled Picture
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 24, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1316/page/2/