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THE LATE CONTENTION . TO TBB JSD 1 TO * OF TBE KOS . THEXS STAB . Sib , — -How that the decisions of that important body ibr such its acts prove to have been ) , the late Convention , are before the country , I think it is the duty of every sincere democrat either to shew that the recommendations pnt forth by that assemblage are unworthy their attention , or if they approve them , then to assist in carrying them out I have , sir , heard it objected that the Convention was bnt thinly attended , and that , therefore , its resolutions cannot be considered as binding upon those who did not take a part in causing it to meet . This , I think , is rather the fault of those parties who did not send delegates than those who did , as I believa all were invited to join in making it in numbers what it undoubt edly was in feeling and in mind—a national representation . I deny ,
however , that numerical strength is any argument either for or against the propositions enunciated by the Conven . ion ; and if those who coett would only woric , I humbly Bubmit that the latter policy would prove as serviceable to the cause as the former has already been detrimental . The Convention presents one grand feature ; it was composed ( with about two exceptions ) of working men , who from their position in society might not be considered as competent to do the business for which the business for-which they were met as if they belonged to a more " respectable" class , ana I will haxard the assertion , that no previous assemblage of any nature , in this country , ever propounded measures so likely to prove serviceable to the cause of the people as those which resulted from their labours . There were two in particular , the Land and Election schemes , both of which are eminently calculated to advance Chartism .
Some think differently , especially with regard to the land project . It is asserted that it will distract the people ' s attention from the main object — the "People ' s Charter . " The logic employed in support of this view is of a curious character , and if true , would establish the non-existence of principle without poverty , which means no principle at all . For when any great principle is adopted , not on acconntof its own intrinsic merit , but because it may prove serviceable in enabling a party to compass a certain object , then it is the object that is desired , and not the principle by which it may have l > een accomplished ; and if the same aid could liave been achieved by opposite means , the wrong would have been adopted as the really right In such a case there can be no principle , bnt tvhat miserable theorists call "
expediency , " the definition of which is , anything which circumstances may decide . The argument ( I shall call it such through courtesy , and respect for those from whom I differ ) is , firstly— "That it will divert the attention of the working classes from the attainment of their political rights , and make that which ought to be a movement for the accomplishment of liberty , a pettifogging joint-stock landocracy . " Secondly , —that in proportion as the people are rendered comfortable in their social condition , so , in a similar ratio , do they become indifferent to the state of those around them . "—Sow , sir , with regard to the first objection , it ought to be distinctly understood that the Land scheme is only meant to present in miniature what would be the condition of the whole nation did they possess the land nationally , which I presume
would be the case if they had the Char ter ; and , so far Jrom the land plan operating to the injury of the movement , I am decidedly of opinion that it will furnish a grand incentive to action . The people have long been looking for a specimen of Chartism reduced to practice : the Land Society will doubtless furnish them with one : and should they do so , they will render an impor tant ser-Tice to the cause of down-trodden humanity . The object of the Chartist agitation is the accomplishment of happi ness for afl . Happiness can never be the lot of that man ¦ who has to depend upon the wHI of another for his daily bread , and yet this must always be the case , no matter xhat ttefonnofgoKnaaeKLmaiibe , so long as the people are not the independent proprietors of their native soil . Witness , as a proof of this , the internal divisions and
dissensions that are now agitating the United States the " model Republic ; " a country possessing Hlimitable resources , with every facility for their development , with old king and priest-ridden Europe before their eyes as an example of the effects of usurpation and tyranny ; and yet the citizens of that glorious confederation are fast becoming lowered to the degraded inonarchicalstandard , and all because they Lave committed one grand and fatal mistake —they have allowed their attention to be turned from the land , and have engaged in a ruinous race of competition vrith the white slave-drivers of the " old country . " But , thanks to the spirit of the age , the working men of the Thion are now opening tbeirejes to their error , for which
error they appear determined to make ample atonement to their posterity b $ declaring " war to the knife" against ihe old system of laud rol > l > ery and oppression . They are BOW proclaiming the great and eternal truth , lhal the earth teasmade for the use ofaU . America clearly illustrates the fact , that liberty witiiovl Vad is slavery . Therefore , nothing can be more serviceable to the cause of democracy than that the people should be taught the value of the ] and as the means of affording social happiness , and democratic institutions , as the only guarantee for the continuance of that independence which is inseparable from the free possession of the soiL So far , then , as the Convention plan will forward this object , must the cause of Chartism be served .
The second objection I think to be equally as fallacious ss the first , as , from all I have been able to gather upon the subject , the Convention never dreamt that the Land Society would be in a position to remove so large a share of the working population from the overstocked manufacturing labour market , as to render it at all likely that the remaining workers would , as a eonseqnence , lag in their ' exertions to procure by equitable legislation what their more for tunate brethren might become po ^ essed of through the combined efforts of the Chartist Land Cooperative Society . I think that , in order to force the multitude , we should try to elevate rather than degrade them , and , therefore , the argument , that principle is the necessary accompaniment of poverty , is of no avail .
The Registration and Election plan appears to me to ne peculiarly well devised—firstly , because it gives to the |> eople the power of deciding upon their own candidate ; and , secondly , because the machinery is made national Some men have , just now , become horrified at the idea of the nationality which all labour movements are assuming , and express their honest (?) conviction that nationality means centralisation ; and therefore they oppose it . Now , sir , I think differently , and for this reason : —I find , from the proceedings of the Convention , that registration and election committees are to be formed in the several boroughs throughout the country , with one central committee in London , with Mr . Buncombe as president . In the event of an election in any of the boroughs , the local
committee , where the vacancy occurs , is to communicate with the central committee ; and if the people should decide upon a . satisfactory candidate , then all the local committees throughout the country will at once be set in motion to raise the necessary funds to defray the expenses of the contest ; and if necessary , I suppose , that some able man would be -deputed from the most influential districts in the country to assist in the election , by way Of addressing and organising the unrepresented working men , and thus turn what might othenrisepass off as a local affair , of little or no interest , to immense national advantage . The only centralisation ia such a case would be the wfflofall blended together for the benefit of alL Cavillers and disappointed snarlers only canobject to such national organisations . 1 am Mr . Editor , wilh respect , A Chabtist .
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FIELD-GARDEN OPERATIONS . For the Week commencing Monday , Jhy 27 th , 1844 . [ Extracted from a Diabt of Actual Operatimus on five smalliarmson the estates of Mrs . Davies Gilbert , hear Eastbourne , in Sussex ; and on several model farms on the estates of the Earl of Dartmouth , at Slaithwaite , ia Yorkshire , published by Mr . Nowell , of Farnley Tyas , near Huddersfield , in order to guide other possessors of field gardens , by showing them what labours ought to be undertaken on their own lands . The farms selected as models are—First . Two school farms at Willingdon and Eastdean , of
five acres each , conducted by G . Cruttenden and Jehn Harris . Second . Two private farms , of five or six acres : one worked by Jesse Piper , the other by John Dumbrell—the former at Eastdean , the latter at Jevington—all of them within a few miles of Eastbourne . Third . An industrial school farm at Slaithwaite . Fourth . Several private model farms near the sameplace . Theconsecutiveoperationsinthesereports will enable the curious reader to compare the climate and agricultural value of the south with the north of England . The Diart is aided by "Notes and Observations " from the pen of Mr . Nowell , calculated for the time and season , which we subjoin .
" Can you keep a pig ? You will find a pig the best save-all that you can have about a garden ; and he will pay you well for his keep . "— The Rev . S . IF . Kyle ? Lecture Note . —The school farms are cultivated by lays , wht in return for three hours' teaching in the morning , give three hours of their labour in the afternoon for the master ' s beneft , which renders the schools self-SOTPOEtko . We believe that at Farnly Tyas sixsevenths of the produce of the school farm will be assigned to the boys , and one-seventh to the master , who will receive the usual school fees , help the boys to cultivate Hidr land , and teach them , in addition to reading , writing , &c ., to convert their produce into bacon , by attending to pig-keeping , which at Christmas may be divided , after paying rent and lei % amongst them in proportion to their services , and bemadethusindirectly to reach their parents in a way the most grateful to tlteir feelings . ]
SUSSEX . Monday—IFiffinjjcton School . Boys have a week ' s holyday , master weeding potatoes . Eastdean School . Boys digging , and sowing turnips , hoeing potatoes , watering carrots and cabbages . Piper . Gleaning out the pigs , and mixing -well with mould . Dumbrell . Rolling fallow . Tuesday — Willingdon School . Master hoeing wheat . Eastdean School . Boys a holyday , myself mowpg clover , and turning a mixen . Piper . Composting manure from the pigs with mould and plenty of
liquid manure . Dumbrell . Wheeling out manure , and spreading . Wednesday — WiUingdon School . Master hoeing wheat . Eastdean School . Boys digging , and sowing turnips , hoeing carrots and parsnips , watering them , gathering roots and stones . Piper . Planting potatoes . Dumbrell . Sowing turnips , and rolling them . Thubsdat—Willingdon School . Master earthing up potatoes . Eastdean School . Boys emptying tank , digging , watering ground , and planting cabbages , hoeing potatoes . Piper- Planting potatoes and beans . Dumbrell . Wheeling out , and spreading
manure . Fbidat— Willingdon School . Master earthing up potatoes . Eastdean School . Boys turning clover , hoeing potatoes , gathering weeds , weeding tares and oats , taking weeds to the pigs . Piper . Hoeing carrots . Dumbrell . Sowing turnips , and rolling them in . Saturday— Wittingdon Scltool . Master digging tare ground for potatoes . Eastdean School . Turning up mould , emptying privy pails upon it , cleaning piggery and school room , watering lucerne . Piper . Hoeing onions . Dumbrell . Paring off clover stems .
YORKSHIRE . Slaithwaite School . Eleven boys , for afternoon labour , preparing ground for turnips , harrowing , drilling , and sowing turnips , hacking roots , and gathering John Bamjord , earthing cabbages , digging between potatoe rows . COW-FEEDIXG . Willingdon School . Cows stall-fed with tares and clover . Dumbrdl ' s . Two cows grazed in the pasture during the day , stall-fed morn and even with Italian rye grass . Heifer stall-fed with tares and rye . Slaithtvaite School . Cow fed in the stall with tares and rye . , I
NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS . Tratsip Dhillko . —Drill in with your seed as many coalor wood ashesas you can get . You will find such a mixture a good stimulant for the young plant , and a preservative against the grub . Tdbmp Climate . —A cool and temperate climate is best for the turnip , and it attains to a larger size in the north than in the south of England . Feedixg Properties of the Ttoxw . —VonThaer says , that lOffibs . of turnips are equal to 22 fts . of hay ; and an ox to get fat on turnips ought to have onethird of its weight daily . j . 1 B 2
Top Dressings ox Spring Corx . —[ " A pint ofnrine will raise a pound of corn ; and forty-eight gallons a quarter of wheat . ]—Early in May , or when the spring corn is well braided , you may apply top dressings with good effect , in many , if not in all cases . The domestic guano , the natural guano , phosphated tank liquid , as auxiliaries to manure , or applied as top dressings , can never come amiss for any kind of crop ; and saline or chemical manures may be used , when your supply of home-made dressings is not sufficient . Top Dressing fob Spring Wheat . —Apply the same substances as before directed for winter wheat , and in precisely the same manner .
Top Dressing for Oats . —Also apply similar dressings , bnt perhaps , you may use with advantage more common salt , and omit rape dust , as well as soot , which seem to be more especially requisite for the wheat than any other of the corn plants . Or , apply 1 cwt . of dissolved bones , sulphate of soda H cwt ., nitrate of soda li cwt . Top Dressings for Bakley . —The same substances appear to be requisite for this plant , but the following results of experiment will direct you in regard to appliances for this crop . At Barochan , in Scotland , Mr . Gardiner , overseer of Mr . Fleming , sowed , on the 14 th of April , 1842 , common white barley ; it was top dressed in the beginning of May , as follows : —with Nothing , the produce per rood was 650 fcs . of eorn . Saltpetre , 28 fta . at a cost of 7 s . Od ., the produce wasTEBbs . of corn .
Common salt , 84 Bs . at a cost of Is . lid ., the produce was 756 &s . of corn . Nitrate of soda , 21 ibs ., and common salt , 28 ibs . at a cost of 4 s . 0 | d ., the produce was 7821 bs . of corn . Guano , 84 Ks ., at a cost of 18 s . 9 d .. the produce was 864 fts . of corn . Lime and salt , with dissolved bones , 845 > s ., at a cost of 7 s . 6 d ., the produce was 840 fts . of com . Top Dressing for Beass . — Nitrate of soda 1 i cwt ., sulphate of soda 1 * cwt . Obsbrvatio !? byMr . Gardixer . —Fromwhathasbeen observed , both in this and former seasons , all dressings and manures containing a large per centage of nitrogen , such as rape dust , sulphate and muriate of
ammonia , nitrate of soda , < fcc , make the grain grown by them lighter in weight per bushel , while at the same time they give more bushels per acre as well as more straw . On the other hand , such dressings and manures as common salt , sulphates of soda and magnesia , and bone dust , invariably give heavier grain per bushel , but fewer bushels per acre . Now , it appears from this , if the same be found good in other places , that the most judicious and economical method is to use a mixture of these , as common salt with nitrate of soda , or any of the others . The one will give quantity , the other weight ; because not one of the dressings enumerated above , except guano , contain all the ingredients required for the food of plants .
Transplanting Potatoe Shoots . —When there are breaks or intervals in your potatoe rows , proceed as follows . Take up , by the fork , a few of the neighbouring sets with care , and remove all the shoots from each set , except one ; restore it and its single shoot to the place it was taken from , and carefully plant the shoots removed from such set , in acoiline form , in the interval where the plants have failed leaving only the top above the soil . They will grow and produce abundance of tubers . ' '
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INORGANIC MATTER IN 1000 LBS . OF HAY . ___ . _ „ Clover . ffl , !*«• Red White Carbonate of Potash 8 . 8 19 . 9 31 . 0 13 . 4 Carbonate of Soda 3 . 9 3 . 3 5 . 8 6 2 Ijme ..... 7 . 3 27 . 8 23 . 5 48 . 3 Magnesia 0 . 9 3 . 3 3 . 0 3 . 5 Alumina ( existing in clay ) .. 0 . 3 0 . 2 1 . 0 0 . 3 Oxide of Iron ( rust ) — _ q 6 0 3 Oxide of Manganese _ _ _ — Silica ( sand ) 27 . 7 3 . 6 H . 7 3 . 3 Sulphuric Acid 3 . 5 4 . 5 3 , 5 4 , 0 Phosphoric Acid 0 . 3 6 . 6 5 . 0 13 . 1 Chlorine „ o . l 3 . 6 2 . 1 3 . 2 — - — . —— —~— ¦ 52 . 8 74 . 8 91 . 1 95 . 6 The following table shows the COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF STRAW .
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The proportion of magnesia here varies in the different varieties of wheat . In the first column there are 130 . parts—96 in the second , 136 in the third , and so on . The same is the case with phosphoric acid , and all the other substances . On looking to the substances , potash and soda , in the last table , it will be seen that where one ia deficient , the other is in large quantities . In the first column there are 64 parts potash and 278 soda . In the second , 219 of potash , and 157 soda . In the third , 338 potash and no soda , &c . The inference from this is , that these substances are capable of supplying the place of each other . There must , however , be a certain quantity of them —this is essential . By referring to sulphuric acid , in some of the columns it is absent , which renders it obvious that this substance is not necessary for the
formation of certain plants . The quantity of phosphoric acid varies very little , and the large supplies of this substance necessary for the growth of the plant must be viewed as a fact of great importance by the farmer . It is this which is required in the grain parts of the crops and fruit , and without it the seed would not ripen . The farmer ought to study that his crops should get a sufficient quantity of this substance . The question next to be considered is , where does the inorganic part of the soil come from ? Rock , on being long exposed to the action of the elements , gradually crumbles down and forms a powder at its base . This is what fonns the inorganic part of the soil . The globe at one time was all rock ;
dot it nas so crammed down , as to torm a loose powdery substance , which we call inorganic matter , and which , when organic substances , such as vegetable and animal remains are added to it , forms our earth . The rocks at different places on the surfaee ' of the earth are formed of different clay , sand , flint , &c . The soils produced from these recks partake of the character of the rocks from which they originated , as may be seen by reference to any geological map . Were a portion ot this inorganic matter analysed , it would be found to consist of the same substances as the inorganic parts of the plants . We therefore draw the inference that the plant gets these from the soil .
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Fertile . g -&— . r- I * COMPOSITION OF SOILS . § | £ § & !•* Si iff ( t cj fca a j g Organic Matter .. 97 50 40 Saica 6 i g 833 778 Alumina .. .. ; 57 51 91 w « ne 59 is 4 Magnesia 8 8 1 Oxide of Iron .. ji 30 81 Manganese 1 3 trace Potash 2 trace — Soda 4 _ _ Chlorine 2 — — Sulphuric Acid " 2 1 —
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Of these three soils—one is fertile , without any manure ; a second is fertile , but requires to be manured ; and a third is very barren , but is capable of producing when manured . The soil which is naturally fertile contains all the requisite substances ; that which is fertile , but requires manure , has them in smaller quantities ; whilst in the barren soil many of them are wanting , or at least are found in quantities barel y traceable . Phosphoric acid is a very necessary ingredient of the soil , and we see from the table thatas one kind of soil has fourparts of it , the other has only two , it becomes evident that the soil having the greater quantity must be the best . It is a matter of the greatest importance to inquire by what process these soils may be assimilated in quality . fe to addthosetWngs wLh
^^^^ . are deficient . But can it be done « f £ S'T ^ wemiDroveitwemust at the same time better our condition ; and it is generally observed that those who know most about their soils are those who make most money by . them . If you know what Koil requires , then give it that substance ; and one of the results of elementary knowledge is , that it will tell what things may be employed beneficially , so as to improve the soil and at the same time yield profit . A question of some importance here arises . It is -nis ,-are those soils which possess all those substances in the table always fertile ? No , they are shL afc ' & , ? nce ' t e situated on the se » tffLtf . ° ^? ngly "apregnated with salt , that
and , where present in large Quantities , no plant " ffl grow . Thesteps ^ hMhmusfc te taken to render those f ^ f ^ ' M -, rannwtiift noxious propeSes Should the soil contain all the re quisites g . £ growth of plants ; yet by constantly cropping without adding manure , it gradually becomes 1 worse Virginia , and several of the older states of America ' which were at first so fertile as to raise mods for many years without manure , are now lying waste How is this exhaustion produced ? By the croDS graduall y taking away those substances which are required in the soil for the growth of plants , thus leading to the practical result that good crops will not grow , and to the chemical result , that
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S fl s ; t 1 < 1 ! ' < some of those substances required for the growth of p lants are wanting . But there is also a special mode of exhaustion . Phosphoric acid makes a half of the ash of grain ; now if grain-crops are constantly grown upon a p iece of land , absorbing large portions of this phosphoric acid , while the straw only , containing little or none of this substance , is returned to the land , in a year or two there will be no phosphoric acid in the soil , consequently crops requiring it can no longer be raised . For general exhaustion there must be put in those substances taken ' away for special exhaustion the same . If a piece of land has t > een cropped for fifteen years , till a substance is exhausted which the plant requires , it is of essential importance that the farmer should know this substance , that lie may add to it ; and not be putting on manures which are not wanted . A gentleman in Kincardineshire one day observed a field of growing oats , and remarked to the farmer that there was a sir meiarmer
very Jignt crop . u yes , , sam , ous this is the sixteenth crop of them . " A farmer in Wigtonshire lately succeeded to a lease of land that had been regularly grain-cropped for fifteen years by his predecessor . The soil was , of course , in a very bad state , and he proceeded to improve it . This he did by adding large quantities of farm-yard manure . But the soil was only exhausted of phosphoric acid ; and so , in adding farm-yard manure , he had been laying on substances which were not required . He perhaps laid on SO tons of manure , costing him £ 1212 s ., whereas if he had only added SOlbs . of bone-dust ( which is the simplest way of putting on phosphoric acid ) , the same purpose ' would have been served at one-fifth the expense . This kind of knowledge comes to be of a practical and money value , inasmuch , as it shows how to give to the soil what has been carried away , more expeditiously , and at a cheaper cost , than could have been done without it . —Professor Johnston .
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THE REPEAL AGITATION .-CURIOUS EXHIBITIONS ! THE IRISH " MARTYRS . " " There ' s none so blind as those who will not see . " There is to be a demonstration upon the 30 th inst , and , taking the Freeman ' s Journal for our oracle , we learn it is to be a most melo-dramatic and imposing spectacle . In the first place , there is to be a procession , and such a procession as would enrich the treasury of the Lessee of Hawkins-street , or the spirited proprietor of the Portobello Gardens . The people are to leave off working that they may form a monster gathering , to commemorate the eventful day , and the ' 82 Club and the Corporation are to
accompany the mechanicals , that they may add to the splendour of the scene . We will have much discordant music from the different Temperance bands , and avast deal of intemperance , we fear , will betray itselt amongst the multitude . The Martyrs—what an abuse of the title;!—are in regal state to await the arrival of the monster procession at the Rotunda , where a levee is to be held and addresses humbly presented and graciously received . The wordy homage of the civic and trades delegates will be penned in a high-flown strain of eulogy ; and it will demand considerable exertion to maintain a grave and decorous bearing while recounting the unheard-of sufferings which the martyred chiefs endured when they underwent a three months' delightful caDtivitv to
advance the weal of fatherland . Fiction will dwell with pathos upon the dark cell and the meagre diet—forgetting the rich repasts and oceans of Champagnewhich were served to the Repeal martyrs during their incarceration within the walls of the Richmond Penitentiary . The patriots , in their reply , taking a retrospective glance at the profit and loss of the speculation , will be apt to state that in so good a cause they would not be unwilling again to suffer twice as much of such martyrdom . It would be well if some person more blunt than his neighbours would seize the opportunity to inquire of the martyrs when the
accounts ot tne Corn-exchange are to be submitted to public inspection , so that the country may ascertain of what sort of stuff modern patriotism is composed . It is bruited throughout town that the jobbing and corruption of the old legislature in College-green never equalled the profligate expenditure of Conciliation Hall , which has become so disgraceful as even to provoke a schism , with bitter recriminations , among the well-bred gentlemen of the Finance Comnuttee . Publish the accounts we repeat , and if some of the patriots of 1843 do not turn out to be the most calculating fellows alive , then will we allow ourselves to be deemed no . prophets . —Dublin World
DISSENSIONS IN THE REPEAL COUNCILS . ( From the Times of Tuesday . ) Dublin , May 18 . —As it was predicted , the longsmouldering jealousy , if not positive distrust , subsisting between "Young Ireland" and the " Grandtather ( the writers of the Nation and Mr . O'Connell ) has burst forth into a furious and irreconcilable schism . A meeting of the committee of the ' 82 Club r a body which , by the way , never altogether enjoyed the confidence of the leader—was held yesterday , when , amongst other topics , the question of auauumicai
eaucauon was incidentally brought under discussion , and views diametrically opposed to each othenyereputforwardby Mr . O'Connelfandthe representatives of the Young Ireland party present on the occasion—the former severely condemningthe tone of the article published in the Nation of that day , upon the subject of the new colleges ; the latter retorted with becoming spirit , and an angry controversy terminated b y Mr . O'Connell charging his antagonists with having "drawn the sword , " and that they should be prepared to abide the consequences . And so the matter rests , for some time at least .
OCONNELL Versus TOE " BLOOD AND BATTLE-MONGERS " —A HINT 10 " YOUNG IttELAND . " _ At the weekly meeting of the Repeal Association in Ireland , Mr . Robert Dillon Browne , M . P ., in the chair , Mr . O'Connell said that while he was occupied handing in money at the last meeting , a letter was put into his hand with a request that he would read it to the meeting . He had too much experience to adopt any sueh course without first being made acquainted with the contents of the communication and when he did look into it he found it to be a letter Irpm Mv . O'Callaghan ( author of the Green Book ) with a song and a piece of music , which he wished to be presented to the association . The music was a battle song , with an incitation to fight , and being no judge ot music , he ( Mr . O'Connell ) did not know wuewieruwas
• goon or not , but the poetry was very indifferent . As the communication came from a respectable gentleman and a member of this association , he did not wish to speak harshl y of him ; but he nad no hesitation in stating that it was unfit for public inspection . This was not a fighting body-it was a peaceful body and so far fromseekingfor their rights by the exercise of physical force , he would not accept emancipation at the cost of one single drop of « K } r ? , was an apostle of the sect wm " c » sought for political amelioration by peaceful and constitutional means . These were the means by which emancipation was achieved-by these means and by none other would they seek for repeal , and by these means and nootherwould they achieve their repeal ( cheers ) This war song was , therefore , a contradiction of their nrincinles . am ] in .. jj ? t
backto Mr . O'CaUagham , who ought to have known better , thejr should not repudiate it with scorn , but with some indignation ( hear , hear ) . What curious notions get abroad occasionall y . Yesterday he ( Mr . U Unnell ) got a letter from London to the effect that he was usurping the Royal prerogative by wearing a green cap . ihereason he wore acapwas . that beine so long m the habit of wearing his hat in the House ot Commons , he could not pass any length of time in a warm room without having his head covered to avoid catching cold . It was also objected th at he waste ho d alevee on the 30 th May . Why the Chancellor held lour levees in the year , the judges , held four levees- he himself attended a military Wee held by the Duke of York , and the Commander in Chief held levees . It was , therefore , idle to say . that the levee M ? i ^ « , feI 1 ° . " ??™ ted conspirators " hldenthe 30 th
« S » . of May was anyusurpation of the Royal prerogative . There were to be EnWf ^ tar ? by of the Kings of SI I ( lau e ? ) - But while helaughedat these n'rfnir n nously ** & !*** conduct of Mr . O Callaghan . He was sure he did not require a seconder for his motion that this letter , and song , and the music be sent back to the author ( hear , lear ) I f Mr . O Callaghan joined the Repeal Association on the supposition that it would adopt such principles the sooner he left it the better . If he conceived this song was consistentwith theirprincipks , they respectfully begged of him to be no longer a member of it . He concluded by moving that the war song be sent back to Mr . O'CaUaghan , with an intimation of the reasons they had for so doing . Passed . . ' " ANOTHER HINT TO THE " DEATOLESS" POETs ' oF THE " NATION . "
Mr . O'Connell said that at the state trial , ballads and placards were given in evidence , of which the accused knew nothing ; he therefore gave notice that they would not be responsible for any placards displayed at the Tara procession on Thursday , nor for the ballads which might be sung there . He hoped the repeal wardens would give into the hands of the police any placards they saw exhibited at the meeting at Tara , or along the route to Navan . He might here observe there would be no speaking at Tarathey would onl y meet there and hear mass , and then form in procession to Navan .
w n , r , « HBraAL Ar-ATIIY . ¦ Mr . O Connell gave notice of another motion for this day week . TTie progress of the repeal cause was not as rapid as it might have been under other 2 cumstances . It was impeded by accidental cau esone was the Charitable Bequests BUI , which created " StSSf r ° - t mselve 8 > and a Seat d 2 S ^ fSS ' fc ! ; uSsa ; EoX ot ^ sL «
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without expressing his warmest approbation of it in the strongest terms which he was capable of using , and he was truly grateful for that bill . ( Hear , hear . ) He meant on this day week to propose resolutions respecting the future conduct of the association . The first would relate to the spread of repeal reading-rooms ; second , dissevering every public meeting from the exhibition of placards , the circulation of ballads , or the language used by any but the speakers who addressed the chair ; third , that every county , city , town , and borough should register as many repeal voters as possible ; fourth , that every county . city , town , parish , and hamlet should have petitions ibr the repeal ready by the first day of next session of Parliament . They weuld have 2 , 000 , 000 of signatures on
tho table of the House of Commons , and thus show the entire empire the feeling of this country . The association would ' prepare the petitions in the mean time , and their adoption would stimulate the collection of the repeal rent through the country . They would place from three to five petitions every day _ on the table of the house , and thus keep the question constantly before the legislature . lie was encouraged to hope fov speedy success , by what he saw passing around . He saw a great dispute between England and America , respecting the Oregon territory—that dispute was anything but settled , and it was manifest there must be an abject submission on the part of England or America , or a desolating war . He wanted England to be prepared for the worst—he
wanted England to enlist the Irish nation 111 her cause , and then she might set America and all the rest of the world at defiance . For the first time since the union they had a government that was aware of the great advantages to the empire by conciliating Ireland . ( Hear , hear . ) Sir Robert Peel was making exertions to bring about some good measures—some certainly were not very happy ; but still he was entitled to credit ibr good intentions . They would call upon him to extend corporate reform , to extend the elective franchise , and , in short , to remedy the palpable grievances so often stated in this association ; but the real remedy for all the evils of Ireland was to be found only in an Irish Parliament . ( Hear , hear . )
THE QUEEN ' S VISIT . Mr . O'Connell next adverted to the report of the proceedings which took place at the late interview between Sir J . Graham . and the deputation from the Dublin corporation , which went over to invite her Majesty to visit Ireland . He commented upon the observations of Sir James Graham , and said that the cause of the change of the language used in the association was owing to the offensive speech of Mr . Macaulay . He ( Mr . O'Connell ) had now to say that if the Queen comes to Ireland she shall be treated with every mark of respect and affection which her high rank entitles her to . She would see or hear nothing that was not intended to honour her and give her joy . ( Hear , hear . ) The repeal agitation should not be abandoned during her stay , but it would be mitigated in such a way as to save her Majesty from any unpleasant feelings on the subject , ( Hear , hear . )
MORE BEVSALMENTS . The following , from the Dublin correspondent of the Morning Herald , appeared in that paper of Thursday : — Rumour—and something more—has it , that the principal martyr is sick at heart at the manner in which he is thwarted in committee on some vital questions . The Young Ireland party have become quite unmanageable ; indeed , they dare to have an opinion of their own and sternly assert it too . Over and over again have they outvoted the great man , and at present are in open rebellion against him on
the subject of the proposed new colleges . Mr . Smith O'Brien has taken the lead against him , and it is considered passing strange that a letter which he ( Mr . O'Brien ) addressed to the secretary of the association , setting forth his reasons for supporting the main points in Sir James Graham ' s bill , has been suppressed . The hon . gentleman intended it to be read yesterday , but Mr . O'Connell interposed , made a long speech , puffing up Mr . O'Brien for his manifold virtues , but said nothing of the letter . Will the member for Limerick be wheedled by the self-elected member for all Ireland ? Those who know him well and long , say No—his character forbids it .
old Ireland" and "young Ireland . " The following article from a Whig paper , the Dublin Monitor , is of value just now ; it tells nianv home truths : — Things are fast approaching to a crisis with the gentlemen of the Conciliation Hall . It is quite manifest that "Young Ireland" and " Old Ireland " cannot much longer act in unison . "Yowng Ireland" is somewhat seditious , but has much integrity of purpose about it . '' Old Ireland" is prone enough to talk sedition , but has no notion whatever of acting it . " Young Ireland" is too enthusiastic to be factious —too full of ardent aspirations to be dragged through the niire of a senseless and aimless agitation . " Old Ireland" has no notion of the poetry of politics—it has homely notions of pounds , shillings , and pence , and panders to discontent as the best means offilling its treasury .
"Young Ireland" would educate her people in the hope that an educated people would prove more determined of purpose , more stern in resistance , more eager for national independence , than an illiterate people " Old Ireland" has no desire to promote education , should the doing so forfeit an opportunity for making an appeal to the passions and prejudices of the multitude , who are always best managed and played upon in proportion te their ignorance . "Young Ireland" would have Protestant , and Catholic , and Dissenter , all educated together , in the hope that thus they would learn to know one another better , and , when the struggle for independence comes be found united around the green banner of " Sepal ration . " " Old Ireland" does not look so far a-head —does not contemplate the fight at all—talks a good deal about it , but dreads its coming , and only wants to continue the agitation with sufficient noise to make it of some importance , and with sufficient of menace to make it formidable .
In short , "Young Ireland" is honestly bent on working out the national independence of Irelandthe complete separation of this country from England ; while " Old Ireland" onl y desires to continue the agitation as the means of retaining his position as the representative of all Ireland . Between parties so actuated by different motivesso influenced by different impulses—it is not possible that harmonious action can long prevail . " Old Ireland" has been forced on many points to yield to " Young Ireland . " For instance , on the Bequests Act , on the Maynooth Bill , and now the battle is raging respecting the Academical Education Bill and we predict" Young Ireland" will have all the glory and triumph of a victory . It is said a letter is in town from Mr . William
Smith O'Brien , in which he pointedly avows his approbation of the principle of that bill ; and Mr O'Brien now ranks as a leader of the " Youn » Irelanders . " He has followed up the opposition of Mr . Davis and Mr . Dillon to the " Liberator" in his wholesale reprobation of the bill . The Catholic prelates meet on Wednesday next to consider the bill , and " Old Ireland , " finding that he cannot contend against the influence of " Young Ireland" in the Conciliation Hall , has taken refuge m the benefit of clergy , and having said every hard thing he could think of in reprobation of the bill with mock humility proposes not to give an opinion on the matter till the Bishops have spoken ! So far the victory is to "Young Ireland . " The Catholic prelates , we trust , will improve that victory .
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LONDON . Metropolitan District Council , Thursday , May 18 th ; Mr . J . F . Linden in the chair . —Several reports having been delivered in , Messrs . M'Grath and 1 . M . Wheeler , on behalf of the Executive committee , attended , and impressed upon the Council the necessity of immediately appointing persons to attend as members of the Registration and Election Committee ; also the Exiles Restoration Committee . On the motion of Messrs . Amott and Simpson , the following resolution was unanimousl y adopted : — " That this Council hereby calls upon all localities , who have not done so , to immediately elect a person to act on the Registration and Election Committee , as proposed by the late Convention ; and also to appoint a person to become a member of the Exiles Restoration Committee . "—Mr . J . F . Linden postponed his motion for the . issuing of monthly addresses , for a fortnight . The Council then adionrned .
The City of London Locality request insertion for the fo lowing resolution , passed unanimously at M ^ i Gtlt \ g on S ? , da evenin last :-Movedby Miss Wilmot , seconded by Miss Dolby- " That the thanks of this meeting are due , and are hereby given to Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., for his arduous labours nthe cause of Democracy during the long time he has been before the English nation-labours ° whS he always performed cheerfully and faithfull y , despite the persecution and prosecution of the open foe , and the still more deadly shafts of / abe jKemZs , And this meeting is further of opinion that the charges made by Bronterre O'Brien , kliam Hill , and thli ? co-knaves and fellow traitors , are false and unfounded and had their rise in disappointed ambition , base in-Sft H li ftffi r hati : ' from men whoha " e experienced Mr . O'Connor ' s generosity , but who ftTfe f ekt 0 < cancel ° Wigation' by stinging the hand that was stretched forth to save 4 emTrom
J j . ™ ^ --Lecture . -On Sunday evening , according to announcement , Mr . Christopher Dovle & $ F ^ & 2 &ssi talented address , which occupied one hour and a half m the course of which he contrasted the condition of the wealth-producing millions with that of their odpreBsors . He _ severely lashed the canting race of humbugs who instead ofinstructing , were continually preaching patience to the people , in order to Sep them m ignorance and bondage . Mr . Doyle urged on
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all present to avail themselves of the assi stance and advice of the Registration Committee , as formed bv the late Convention . He likewise at some leneth dwelt with much ability on the land plan , as Dropounded by the Convention , showing what great coort must accrue to the working classes by placing the surplus population on the land . He concluded bv advising the ladies to lay out their money with thoso only who were favourable to the cause , and resume d his seat amidst cheers . A vote of thanks was awardod to Mr . Doyle , who returned thanks . Several nicm bers were enrolled ; and it was announce ] that i lecture would be delivered in the same room on Sun day next .
Somers Town . —On Sunday evening last the iK journed discussion on the propriety of fonu \ n « i AU trict branch of the Co-operative Land Society ' resumed at Mr . Duddridge ' s rooms , 18 , TonbrfH street , New-road ; Mr . Laurie in the chair \ r « ^ Page , Edwards , Gambell , Amott , Farris , and ot ! having expressed their opinions , and put J j questions to Mr . Wheeler , that gentleman rose and an able manner explained the plan , which "avc ow satisfaction . It was then agreed to nem . con ., 'C ; a district branch of the Co-operative Land ' Socipf be now formed for Somers Town and its environ s " The majority present gave in their names as niem bers , and after a vote of thanks to the chairman th meeting separated . '
BIRMINGHAM . The Ship Inn Chartists . — At the meeting on Tuesday evening a length y discussion took place re ! specting our again joining the National Charter Association ; which ended in the unanimous adoption of the following resolution . By insertinc tlic samJ in your valuable journal you will much " obli « the Chartists of this locality . Si gned , on their U , «\ t David Pott , sec . Moved by D . Pott , and seconded by Mr . J . Porter , "That we , the Chartists nffi in this locality , do join the National Charter Associa " tion . " It was also unanimously agreed that the se cretary write to the Executive , stating the reasons why we have not conformed to the rules laid down bv that body . '
MANCHESTER . Lecture . —On Sunday evening last , May 18 th a lecture was delivered in the Carpenters' Hall . The subject was chiefly oh the enormous expense and evils of State churches . The lecture was attentively lig . tened to by a respectable audience .
CARLISLE . Meeting of the Council op the Chartist Asbociation . —On Sunday last the above bodv held their usual weekly meeting at the Association-room Iso . 6 , John ^ treet , Caldewgate , Mr . John Morg an in the chair . when , after the subscriptions were paid in from the different districts , the following resolution was moved by John Lowry tail seconded bv John Gilbertson , and agreed to unanimously _ " fhit in n-n ^ ° *! m * meCtinj V ^ ilttera P ° f Mw » Hill , O'Brien , Ashton , and Co ., to injure tliechv racter of Mr . O'Connor , is altogether futile fnd
while we exceedingly regret that any causes for such an unpleasant affair as that which had lately taken place should ever have existed , we are at the same time glad that , seeing the causes have existed their effects are prevented from being so baneful as they otherwise might have been . And to none do we consider ourselves more indebted than to Mr Feargus O'Connor for his very able exposure of the \ vhole gang , and for which we now tender our most sincere thanks , and our implicit confidence in that gentleman so long as he acts in the same straightforward manner he has hitherto done as a public character . "—John Lowry , Sub-Sec .
OLDHAM . Lectuhe . —On Sunday last Mr . Edward Clark lectured in the Working Man ' s Hall , Ilorsedgestreet , Mr . Thomas Lawless in the chair—who opened the meeting by reading Mr . O'Connor ' s letter on the Land , which was listened to with great attention . The chairman then introduced Mr . Clark , who briefly showed the good results that were likely to accrue from the adoption of Mr . O'Connor ' splan of allotments on the land . As a proof , he instanced the Wire-workers of Manchester , who had taken a small plot 01 land , atid \ aA fovknd it of great service inkecping up wages . He then proceeded to show the necessity ot political power , and urged his hearers not to rest satisfied until the principles contained in the people s Charter were conceeded .
PLYMOUTH . Mr . 0 'Cosn . ou mn nas , TjUDVjem . — " Resolved , That the Chartists of Plymouth are thoroughly convinced of Mr . O'Connor ' s unshaken integrity , and deeply regret that he should have been compelled to notice the worthless attacks of such miserable beings as J . B . O'Brien and Co . We further beg to thank the common enemy for kindly relieving our ranks of such unparalleled traitors . " The above resolution has been unanimousl y agreed to by the Plymouth Chartists . —W . H . Tremain , Sub-Sec .
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BANKRUPTS . { From Friday ' s Gazette , My 1 GJ James Biehards , Deptford Bridge , plumber-Frederic Lindsay Cole , -Fenchurch-strcet , City , wino merchant-John Lampray , Warwick , money scrivener-James Lir-™ ? , t to - 'l Th 0 Illas Ri'itUin , Manchester , plmnbers-¦ Wrilaim Summers and Nicholas Eae , Manchester , ropernakers-Edward Lawton and Thomas Kay , RoehdtJe , Lancashire , iron . founders - William Russell , James Knowles , and Henry Sinister , Sallbrd , Lancashire , per . cliers . ' *
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS . nf i " II Vfi ! vfc ' G 1 V ? i a ? clllsteri cotton-spinner , final dividend ffl f m °£ \ « the pound an Wednesday , at the office of Mr . Pott , Manchester . BANKRUPTS . ( Frmi ' fvMdmfs Gazette , MmjM . ) George Clement and Henry Sammons , Kelson-terrace , Stofeo Newington , tea . dealers-Victov Guigucs , Leicesterstreet , Leicester-square , hotel-keeper-llenrv Terry llattenetk , Wnsed-victualler-George Tuppeim ^ Peers , Ironmonger-lane , Cheapside , City , plumuer-Willinm Stocks , Huddersfield , Yorkslure , merchant-William Watson Wakcfield , Yorkshire , licensed victualler-William Davis Compton , Staffordshire , butcher-Jacob Parker Cheltenham , cabinet . maker .
DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS . o T / . ' , \ , 0 diham Hampshire , tailor , first dividend , of 3 s 6 d in the pound , Wednesday , May 21 , and two following Wednesdays , at the office of Mr . Turnuaiui , Old Jewry . , V J- IV ^ T' Ad < 11 e-strcet , City , furrier , second < livi . dend , of 3 d 111 the pound , Saturday , May 24 , anil tnolbl . lowing Saturdays , at the office of Mr . Groom , Abcliurchlane , City . H . 11 . Stutchbury , Tlieobald ' s-voad , Bedford-vow , bookseller , first dividend , of 3 s Cd in the pound , Saturday , M ; vy 24 , and twoiollowmg Saturdays , at the officeof Air . Groom , AochurcliJane , City . J . T . Nash and J . Tomlinson , jun ., Vork , mustard-manufacturers , second dividend , of 9 din the pound , and first dividend , of 7 s 5 d in the pound on new proofs , auv Tuesday , at the office of Mr . Pearne , Leeds . B . W . Palmer , Daventry , Northamptonshire , wine , merchant , dividend , of 4 s in the pound , any Wednesday , at the office of Mr . Pollett , Sambrook-court , Baginghail '
G . Francis and T . Francis , jun ., Cambridge , corn-mer . chants , second dividend , of 5 d in the pound , any Wednesday , at the officeof Mr . Graham , Coleman-sWt . E . Thornley , of Hinkley , Leicestershire , monev scrivener , second dividend , of Is 2 * d in the pound , any Thursday , at the office of Mr . Val py , Birmingham . M . Cooley , Spalding , Lincolnshire , tailor , first dividend , of Is 4 d in the pound , any Thursday , at the office of Mr . Valpy , Birmingham . W . Walker , Birmingham , hatter , first dividend , of 3 s in the pound , any Thursday , at the office of Mr . Valnv , Bir . iningham . '
DIVIDENDS . on T ir % -, Smit \ Southampton , corn-merchant-June wi ., „ 1 w ' d > s ° uthainpton , cabinet-maker-June 19 , G . ^ n * 1 JT J ; - StM ? n t 0 " . Bishopsgate-street-mthout , \ vme-merchants-June 12 , R . and G . Charles , Liverpool stap . chandlcrs _ June ll , R . Almond , OvreU , Lancashire coal-dealer-June 12 , W . Carpenter Clnppenham WUt-Jtoe , Hinkeepar-June 12 , W . Pell , Newcastle-upoi -Tyne , cha ? aPCT ~ miel 2 > B > W - Peters . Coventry , wineicri Cbbuficates to be granted , unless cause be shown to the i 10 contrary on the day of meeting . 10 * ?> ' ' Wagner , Bloomsbury-sqnare , draper—June U , J . Breckels , North . street , Finsbury-market , bedsteadmaker-June 10 , T . Dincley , Strutton-cround . West .
rawer , draper-June 10 , W . G . Clover , Holborn , linen . Junel ' o ~ J T p 10 , ' J - C ^? s tie . NottingHill , stonemason-June 10 , J . Paulton , High-street , Portland Town stonemason-june 11 J Gibbs , Jermyn-street , scrivener-jlme Robing w ' i Le ds camrand SMer-JunelS , E . B . UfeS' ^« lw \ n ™ Pt «» . jSW » oer-Jnno » J . Pritchard , Liuesnull , . Shropshire , builder—June 11 G Pliillins fonl'Sr ^^^ ^" - and 3 - Woodtad S Welu vF I" " 6 ' W * 1 stuffmanufaeturers-June 10 , J . A VIpZ iT > , Gl 0 U , cestershive cavrier-Junc 10 , St . Unlnnnnw ^ n " ^ ? ' W ™ r-3 »™» , M . Coleman , SP ™^ , u Br « ad-8 treet , City , merchant-June 10 Bnit 1 \ V Je ^' ry wine-merchant-June 10 , S . Turner , JUOi ton-lc-Moors , ironfounder-June 10 , W . and J . Dees anu j . Hogg , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , builders-June 10 , T . fcoton , jun ., Grosvenor-row , Pimlico , bookselW _ . T me
^ , J . way , Manchester , upholsterer-June lo . A . W Pollock , Liverpool , commission merchant-June 10 E J . Chapman , Bradford , Yorkshire , civil engineer
t if , PABTNEKBHII'S DIBSOIVH ) , Tta . SSa ^ V ' p ^ ^ i - erp 001 ' boot-makers-H . * nmft ™ t » ? n V ^^ , ' Ki" 8-street , Cheapside , ac Smith , Bombay . raerchants ; as far as regards i . D . Nicol ~ S" ™ i pHi" JP- Shaw > StockP ° rt . Cheshire , chemists ~ ± ^ V L « atho ™ e . Preston , Lancasliire , silk-merhT ? 7 « " ^ 6 l 11 ' , - HopWnson , H . Hirst , B . Jessop , J . S | ' f lley . » nd T . Lumb , Huddersfield fancy woollen . VvZ . ictu # rei's ~ W . Kmgdon , jun ., and 3 . S . Kingdon , Exeter , attorneys-R . Smithson and W . Pearson York ale merchants-J . Cocker , J . Worrall , and J Cocker ) ffiSl Wp cotton-spinnevs ; as far as regards mirM' ^ T e and J - B - Christian , Liverpool , « n 1 < £ * 3 t J > C - Grace . <«^ G . Cariyle , Liverpool , painters ; as far as regards G . Carl yle-R . and W . Young , Brede , Sussex , drapers-J . M . Dods , and J . and J . fl . WnWater , St . Martin ' s-lane . attornevs—w PfoWinir nnd
i KShaw , Kmgston . upon . HuU , printers-S . Isaacs and ; J . lJyer , Brompton , Kent , provision-merchanta- J . Bell , and G . and J . Harries , Shrewsbury , tobacco-manufacturers ; as far as regards J . Bell-R and J . F . Johnson , Langlejplace , Commercial . road , leather-seUers-Q . Atkinson and Sidebottom , Kingston . upon . Hull , joiners-D . Mallinso " and G . B . Dobson , Halifax Yorkshire , grocers-J . Anderson and M Bruce , North Shields , joineVs-M . Blackburn and J . and W . Burrows , Preston Lancaahire worsted stuff-S fcT | W ; 1 Hl U ' W . W . Giwnmod , Great St . Thomas Apostle , City , toy-merchants .
3grintlture Anti ^Ortimlture
3 grintlture anti ^ ortimlture
€ om&iQvtotntt
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A Wobd 10 Bhoihhrs . —If your aster , whfle tenderly engaged in a tender conversation vrith her tender sweetheart , asks you to bring a glass of water from an adjoining room , you can start on the errand , but you need not return . You will not be missed , that ' s certain ; we ' ve seen ittried . —Amricanpaper . Chrisiiasiit is Switzerland . —lithe 22 cantons of Switzerland ,, there are 1 , 278 , 100 Protestants , 4 Catholics
865 , 00 , 61 Monasteries , and 59 Nunneries Fobejgx Potatoes . —Oa Tuesday there was a sale of fourteen baskets of new potatoes from the Bermudas , brought over by the Trent steamer , at Monument-yard . The quality was pronounced very good , and the prices realised were under 2 d . per lb . The speculation having proved thus successsful , and the root having been obtained in very good condition , there is no doubt but that these islands will in future furnish the first supply of this useful food to our mar sets .
^ Sea Tbjps . —Asa proof of the increasing inclination of the inhabitants of London to proceed towards the sea for recreation , it may be stated that in the year 1843 upwards of 1 , 500 , 000 persons were landed at the various piers at Gravesend , and which was increased to upwards of 2 , 000 , 000 in the year 1844 . These , of course , ar e exclusive of those who visited Southend , Sheerness , Herne Bay , Margate and Rarasgate , amounting to upwards of 250 , 000 . — Essex Herald . Ax Eiecihic Telegraph will speedily be laid down on the railway between Glasgow and Edinburgh . The work will be intrusted to Mr . Bain , the inventor and patentee of the electrical clock .
Spoehsg ExiRiORDrsAKY . —On Friday last a man , who took to himself the high-sounding names of William Louis Bourbon Patmore , was charged before thefievs . J . P . H . Ghesshyre , and C . Clark , at Dunmow , with endangering the lives of the deer in Hatfield Forest , by shooting at them with a most nnsportsman-like blunderbuss . On being required to give a good account of himself—which would be a puzzling command to many besides William Louis Bourbon Patmore—he claimed to be the son and heir of the Duke of Cambridge , Prince of Diamonds , Duke
of vergenus , and brother of the Princess Royal , all of which titles he might have usurped with perfect impunity if he had not added thereto "the Royal Battue Sportsman , " the assertion of which character had Drought him within the grasp of a policeman and the law , and against which a book made np of «* aps of paper , nictores from Fiauh , and pieces of newspapers , duly finished off with unobliterated and official looking postage stamps , which he carried on his ST ^ S ?!? " % ? ^ W * Battae ttcence , could not protect mm . The magistrate decided that a foeifc Swroeessary for him , though not the lock of a TO ^^ TJ . 31 ^ 831 medicXman was clearly of ^ SfteZT il ^ ?^ allowing him to ^ SSB 3 E 2 M totoAl 1111 *
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isis ^ gge ?? iii-lii ?!?! S : af 8 > sJ . ! i : . : o HwmP : : : : : >" p o : : : : : : g > 5 s : : : : \\* miui ::: ; tn ::::: :::: ? ::::: CO 1 *^ M tO » I 9 9 . « I 9 J ° f ° r P Dutch * . 10-1 * OOHffiM g I , pS 1 t- ! 0 J-S | 2 mit g p I I hcs I ueb ^ go « n « e . H iK OOB 11- ) { j V ^ M OS S ° I I I 5 ° I 9 $° . I f ° Uoil « ¦ I I tsl saeiol is nea-ID M t- * rf *< D It * j «> tO * MM J ° I f ? 9 I . P . P f BiPTTY ts I toisasl < oo « m « bakley , tO * Ifk MM ir 03 a « l otHnepi o Moss in «<¦ > n >' to b a '*¦ I m Land n -- ) MO 05 C 10000 M * O - "" " . O ¦ H 00 _ o * i poci ^ oi m Lime ' s ' gfe ' fcfe ' g fe ' g' ' s SickId - M tft M CO 2 I Pfr I PP !*? ' * fJiccen p I « . * . ul o > m «* . v > wssen . -1 »< C tOCCMClO t » X « D I Cl M MM P ce I fee . ' 00 I be . boo ;» . Clevas- ¦ Ct I IOMH O * J WCOCO
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. : . GissEN . g I I j ? I Potash 61 219 338 242 301 Soda 278 157 — 103 — Lime . 39 19 31 30 30 Magnesia 130 06 13 S 136 16 S Oxide of Iron 5 14 3 5 — Sulphuric Acid 3 2 — — 10 Phosphoric Acid 461 493 492 455 483 Silica n 3 — — 19 413 983 1000 1000 990 1000
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. The same part of the same plant frequently con-1 tains different quantities of ash , as illustrated by the following table : — COMPOSITION OP THE D 1 WEWMJT KINDB ( YP WHEAT .
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Itye Straw . Oat Straw . Potash YUft iu ! 5 Soda 0 . 31 14 . 69 Lime 9 . 06 7 . 22 Magnesia 2 . 41 4 . 58 Oxide of Iron 1 . 36 1 . 41 Sulphuric Acid 0 . 83 2 . 15 Phosphoric Acid 3 . 82 1 . 94 Silica 64 . 50 54 . 26 Chlorine 0 . 47 1 . 50 100 . 11 1000 .
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There are 64 parts of sand or silica , in rye-straw , whilst there are 64 in oat-straw ; and the large portion of silica which is contained in the different descriptions of straw is the reason of their strength . Inorganic matter also varies in description in different parts of the same plant ; thus the grain and the straw of the corn-plant contain very different quantities of the several inorganic constituents . Ryestraw , according to one table , contains about four parts of p hosphoric acid , and oat-straw two parts ; whilst , it you look to the annexed table , showing the quantities of ash in grain , it gives to rye 47 to 52 parts of phosphoric acid , and oats 46 to 40 . The grain part of the plant should contain a large portion of phosphoric acid—the half of the inorganic composition of the grain portion of the plant oeing generally composed of phosphoric acid : — COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF GRAIN .
Banknote, **?
Banknote , **?
C&Arttst Intenfgtitce*
C&arttst intenfgtitce *
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THE INORGANIC MATTER OF PLAKTS . The portion of inorganic matter in vegetable substances is very small ; for example , in 100 tons of wood there is only 8 cwt . of ashes , but it is as necessary for the growth of plants as the inorganic nart
The quantity of ash , or inorganic matter , yielded by different plants is unlike . For instance , in the table of the "Average Composition of the usually cultivated crops , " 100 lbs . wheat has 2 lbs . of saline or inorganic substance ; oats , 32 lbs . ; beans , 31 bs ; and pease , nearly 3 lbs . Other kinds of plants , such as wood , yield unlike quantities of ash . Inorganic matter varies in quantity in different parts of the same plant . Thus , while 100 tons of wood yield 8 cwt . of ash , the same quantity of its leaves would yield five or six tons . The importance of leaves as a manure is thus obvious . In different kinds of grain , also , the case is similar . Wheat yields 2 per cent , of
ash , whilst the straw yields 5 per cent . Oats yield 3 i per cent ., whilst eat-straw gives 6 per cent . This faetismostimportanttothepracticalfarmer , inasinucll as it addresses itself so very plainly to the systems of cropping land . Inorganic matter , in quantity ^ often vanes in the same part of the same plant . Wheatstraw , according to ihe table , leaves 5 lbs . of ash , but it sometimes leaves as much as 15 lbs . This may be owing to the nature of the soil , the variety of the grain , or the way in which land is treated . By analysing inorganic matter , it is found to contain nine or ten different articles . These are specified in the following table : —
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ft THE NORTHERN STAR . May 24 , 1845
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 24, 1845, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1316/page/6/