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90 , ¦ Waterloo-toad , lAvsrpooi . THE Subscribers continn * to despatch nrsi-ela > s Packets to SEW YORK , BOSTON . QrEJiEC , HOSTItEAL , PHILADELPHIA , SEW 0 KLEA 5 S , ut , d SI . J 0 HX 3 , >\ B . Tlicy are also Agents for tlie Jfew Line of Xeiv York Packets , comprising the following magnificent ships : — Tans . To Sell . Qcbes of the "West 12-50 Oth July . Hocbesteb 1 Q 00 Gtli August . Bottwgee * 1153 ., ••• G ' * h September . LtVEfirooL 1150 Ctb . Octolor . ¦ ffio have also , PorXewYork . St Patrick 1130 tons . „ „ Republic 1100 „ „ „ Empire ......... 1200 „ Sheffield 1090 „ „ Uotton Lama ........ MiH ) „ „ Philadelphia Octavius 900 „ „ Kcw Orleans Geo . Stevens S 00 „ „ „ Thos . H . Perkins ... 1000 „ Passengers going to the Western States and Canada can iilovr the actual outlay to reach an ; important point on the Lakes and ltivers by obtaining one of Tapf cou ' 3 Emigrant's Travelling Guides , which can he had by sending postage stamp * for the same to George Kippard and Son , acd William Tapscott , as above .
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LIST OF BOOKS , PAMPHLETS , &c . PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY ABEL HEY"VVOOD , 53 , OLDHAM-STREET , MANCHESTER . London , by J . Watson , St . I' . ral ' salley , Paternoster-row ; 1 L Hetherington , llolytreli-street , Strand ; J . Gleave , Shoc-knc , Fleet-street ; and by order of any bookseller aad iiewgTC-ndor in the country . PRICE 2 s . Ci , in doth , or in four parts at 63 . cacii , "APracacalWork on tha Manaseinent of Ssiall Farms . " By F . O'Connor Esq . Price 2 s . 6 d ., handsomely done tip in cloth , with a portrait of Baron Rolfe , and new title , " Tho Trials of Fcargus O'Connor , Esq ., and Fifty-eight Chartists , at Lancaster , on a charge of Sedition , Conspiracy , Tumult , and Biot . " This edition iras originally published at Cs . Gd . in doth , or iu eight numbers at 74 . each . A . IL having purchased the whole stock , offers them at tho low price of Ss . Cd . per copy . Parties requiring odd numbers to make up sets should apply immediately , or otherwise they cauaot be obtained . Price Is ., cloth , "A Rational School Grammar , and Entertaining Clags-Book . " By William Hill . Price Is ., cloth , "A Companion" to the above . By William HilL . Price 3 d ., in -wrapper , " The Land and its Capabilities , " and "Repeal of the Union : ? ' two lectures ddivured at Manchester . By Feargus O'Connor , Esq . Part I ., price 8 d ., " Biology : being an inquiry into the cause of natural death , ot death fvota old age , « n 4 6 evtlo { ilng aa entirely sew and certain method of preserving active and healthful life for an extraordinary period . " By Hr . P . Xewbotham . Price Is ., by post Is . 6 d ^ " Oae Hundred and Fifty Receipts for making cakes , gingerbread , custards , curds , creams , patties , pics , tarts , puddings , sweetmeats , jiffies , ic , " By Siiss Leslie . Price Cs ., doth , 12 mo ., "Mackintosh ' s Electrical Theory of the Universe" By T . 8 . Mackintosh . > 'or the convenience of purchasers this work is also issued in numbers , nt Sd . each . Prica is . 4 J ., " An InqiJiry into the Xature of Rcsponsi . bility , as deduced from 6 avnge justice , civii justice , and social justice . " By T . S . Mackintosh . Price lfc Cd ., cloth , 12 mo ., « The Political Test Book : Mug extracts from the works of scarce and eminent writers , arranged under various heads . " 1 ' y William Carpenter . Price 2 iL , "The Labouring Classes . " "Anexcellent pi » phlet . " -rBoston ( JmericanJ Quarterly Rctica . Price Sd ., 182 pages , " Rousseau ' s Social Goatracts ; or , Principles of Political Plights . "
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Paul de Koch ' s Works , full and free translations : —» NEIGHBOUR RAYMOND , price Is ., a most amusing tale . The BARBER OF PARIS , 2 s . 3 USTAYCS ; or the Y' -. aag Rake , 2 s . G EORGETTE -, or the Scrivener ' s Xicce , 2 s . BliOTIIER JAJIE 3 , 2 g . MY-WIFE'S CHILD , Is . Cd . THE MAX WITH TIIREE PAIR OF BREECHES , 2 s . TOWBLOUKOU ; oi the Conscript , Ss . Also , IXDIAXA , by George Sand , a Romance of Illicit Love , 3 s . FEHitAGUS , THE CHIEF- OF THE DEYOUREUS , by M . do Balzac , Is . 6 d . "Will befolbived r . p by others of the same Trriter . ON THE POSSIBILITY OF LIMlTWU fttflJLOUSSESS . AX ESSAY OX POPULOUSSESS—towhichis adflt-dtticTllEORY OP PAIXLE 5 S EXTINCTION , by [ Marcus , price Is . j * % * T 3 ie celebrated pamphlet where it is proposed to forbid the ' intercourse of Man and Woman when they are poor , and to make it felony when a child is the result . ! The Theory of Painless Extinction coolly discusses the j method of extinguish ig life , when the intruder has not i property immediate oi expectant to support that life . The MONK , Iit Lewis , verbatim from the Original ; twenty-four plate ? , price 2 s . 4 < 1 . MABRIAGX PHYSIOLOGICALLY BISGUSSED . In four parts . —Part I . On the Xseeseity of Marriage ; Precocity ; Effects of Wedlock . Part II . Instructions in Courting ; Sudden Love ; Organizations ; Madness enred by Matrimony ; the Courtezan Ktclaiined . Part III . Limitation of life justified ; Protectors their utility and general adoption . Part IY . —Real causes of Sterility ; remedies . From theFrenchof JeanDubois , 2 s . Cd . FRUITS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or , private advice to young married people . Containing the various hypothesis of Generation ; Structure ' of the Femala Orgaus ; Conceptions ; Remedies against I ' arronness aud Iinpotoncy ; with a carious anatomical plate . 2 s . Cd . All tho above , and more extensive Gatalogua , may be bad from erery vender of periodicals . All ordtrs puueiuallv attended to .
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POPULAR WORKS NOW PEBLISULNG BY W . DUGDALE , 37 , HOLYWELkSTREET , STRAXD . FW \ 70 RK BY EUGEXE SUE , "DE ROIIAX ; OR , TUB COURT COXSPIRATOR , " in penny numbers and fonrpcuny parts . The first part and number seven are pnUisked this day . Translated expressl y fiir this edition , and nothing omitted . THE WAXDERIXG JEW , So . 33 , and Part S , is out , and is expected to he completed ia forty-two nuuilurs . THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , nnifunn with the above , is progressing . Part a aad Xo . 20 are ready . Will be speedily finished in about thirty numbers . * # * Order the Nonpareil edition . 5 he Mysteries of Paris may also be had in sixty penny numbers , or fifteen parts at fourpence each ; beiv . 3 tlie first translation in the English language , and the only one that contains all the original edition lwfure ihc author had curtailed it to pleas ? the fastidious taste of a too prurient public . This edition has fifty engravings , is printed in good bold type , and the whole , handsomely bound in red , in one volume , may be had for 4 s . * # * A liberal allowance to dealers . Also in two volumes octavo , neatK bound , VOLTAIRE'S PniLOSOPniCALDIcflOXAllY , without abridgment or mutilation , containing everj xcord oi the edition ia six voln : ncs published at £ 210 =. Tlic first Vblnjat has a medallion likeness of tiie author , andtlie second a fidl-k-Ejih engraving of Vulture as he aiipaareti ite bis seventii-th year . To the firet volume is prefixed a copions Memoir of his Life andW riSn gs . Eveiy careha 3 been taken to keep the text corrsct , so that it may remain a lasting monument of the genius and indomitable ;« rseverance of the author in enlightening and Hba-atMij his fellow creatures . The universal iame of Tolta ! re ; tile powerful blows which he dealt to superstition and tfrnnny , from which they will never recover , have long rendered this book celebrated above all others , as the great advocate of freedom and humanity , and the antloublable assailant of tyranny , whether spiritual or militant . For beauty of typography aad correctness of the text , the publisher will challenge competition—and fcr cheapness he will defy all . The two volumes contain 127 C pager , and may be had in 120 penny numbers , thiny parts at fourpence each , or in two volumes , handsomely bound and lettered , price 12 s . Soldby aUbooKscllers . The WORKS of THOMAS PAIXE , unifoj-m witii Voltaire ' s Dictiosary , to ba completed in oae volume , or EJsty penny number * , each , number containing sixteen pages of good , clear , and readable type . The first part has a bold and excellent portrait of Paine , after Sharp ? from a painting by Bonsnoy . Siraa e as it may appear ' there Las yet been-no complete and cheap edition , of the vrrais a this cdcbratc-1 man . Richard CsrSle i > iaced them l-eyond the reach of flie v-orkjns classes Tvhenhe pollislitd tlifiu for £ - 2 2 s , tlis PoUtical Works alone , and the Theological W « rks for 10 s . CS . Tti 3 ca 2 culattdtl : iit the whole will not exceed sixty numbers at one penny each , or fifteen parts at fuur ^ ncs . Eight numbers are ainr published , and the succscdius parts w 3 ! be issued ¦ BJ Jliraiiidity . VOLTAIUS'S ROMANCES , SOYELS , and TALES ' . 5 lie celtbrh y which fiiese famous Tales h :: ve oliiaiiied in all Lnrovtan and American lauguaijes n : ! . ' , i- ; s rtt eoianscat rjj « jlaous . For wit , ssreas : ^ aad irony they sJasd unrivalled . This will lw ijieiirst uniform am ! complste ftliiiya , asd will cownrise the followiii ! : c :-U'lirated works > -CandJde , or AU fcr the Best ; Zadiv , Tiie Huron , or fi : e Papil of Xatnre ; The White Bull : ~ The Arorld as it Gws ; The Xaa . of Forty Crowns ; Tho Priccess of Babylon ; llem : ; £ nthe Philosopher ; liicroraegas ; Plato ' s ]> reaiS ; l ^ btl'cc , or tiie Fakirs ; The Two Comforters , &a , &c . Six parts iour ] sei : ve each , and twentr-four pesuiy n-. ar . her 5 , a * eott rei .. lj . The reaaiador will irarsdHy JV . low . T 3 ; c DIEGEPIS ; being a sisrovcry of tlia os-irin , evidenstJ , and varj y history i . f C 3 :: ir .: taity never btfors or dsewhere to ful ^ - and fahlifully s ^ t forth . ]! y ilie Rtv . USHEET TiVI . OS . CoiDl'lcte in 5 tiy-iour stmibers , at one peanr each , or thirteen parts , fourpence each ; or i » ay be !»< a , tx ^ n ly voiHsfi in clotti and lettered , price 5 s . THE l'SVIL'S PULPIT , or the Astro-TheoJorfral I'ecturcs of tlie Rev . Robelllaylor , imblished undcrthat ' &lfi , complete in forty-eight numhprs , tho two lust comprising a Jacob ? of the Life and Writings of the Rerensid Author . This wcrk was fonaeriy published in twoiwnsv mnnliers—jio' . v redaecd iu jirkc to one pcmiy . All tiu ; mnabcrs siTe icpriatsd as thej lidl out ^ so tha t sets may be eocstauiiy obtained . The MIUllOR of ROMANCE , in ene rolame , cont . » inng four Ii 3 ndre < l yagos
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IMPORTAXT ISFOUiLlTlON . THAT excellent OIXTMEXT , called the " POOR MAX'S I'lilEKiJ , " is confidently vecommended to i \» paWic as an unfailing w-medy ior wounds of every description , and a certain tare for ulcerated sore legs ( if of twenty years' standing ) , cuts , burns , scalds , bruises , chilblains , ulccra , scorbutic eruptions , pimples in the face , weak and inflamed eyos , piles and fistula , gangrene , and is a specific for eruptions that sometimes follow vacciua . tion . Sold in puts at 131 d . anil 2 s . 9 J . each . Also , his PILULE ASTISCROPIIULS , confirmed by more than forty years' successful experience as an invaluable remedy for that distressing complaint called scrofula , glandular swel ! ing 3 , particularly those of the neck , & « . They present one of the best alternatives ever compounded for purifying the blood and assisting nature in all her operations . They are efficacious also in rheumatism , and form a mild and superior family aperient , and may he taken at nil times without confinement or change of diet . Sold in boxes at 13 sd . and 2 s . 0 i . I > y the late Ur . Roberts ' * will , Messrs . Beach xaA Barnicott , who had been confidently entrusted with the preparation of his medicines for many years past , are laft joint proprietors of tho Poor Man ' s Friend and Pilulie Antlscroplmlx , ic ., ic ., with the exclusive right , power , and authority to prepare aud veud the same . The utility of these mvdiciucs is fully testified by thousands of persons who hnve b « n benefited by their aid . Amongst the numerous testimonials roeeivad , the following is selected : — To Messrs . lkath and iJarmo-jtf , BAiIport . Gentlemen , —Amongst the many cures performed by your invaluable medicines , I may mention one^—tlie person does not wi ; h his name to appear iu public print , hut you may refer to me for t !; e facts of the ease . A man , whom disose had . so sitTectad his face that it was one complete outbreak , and so disgusting tliat ho was obli ged to keep it covered , and , after trying several remedies , but all in vain , was induced to try your Poor Man ' s Frieud and Pills . After using n pot and a bos 01 pills , he seemed to grow worse ; hut through my persuasion he continued the medicine , and when he had used the fourth pot of ointment , a : id also the piUs ., he was completely cured , aud has remained so ever since , now nearly six months . Many other remarkable instances of cures 1 have kno wn , inasmuch as I positively think it is oue of the best medicines I am acquainted with , for tlie diseases to which it is reoommciided . Tours very faithfully , Thomas McAdah . Dongannon , Aj > ril C , 1 SU . P . EWABE or CoBKTi . 3 irEiTS . ^ -Xo medicine sold under the above names cau possibly be genuine unless "Beach and Earaicott , late Dr . Robert * , ISrMport , " is citgravod and printed on the stamp ailixud on eath package . Sold wholesale by the Proprietor ? , V , s . \ cu and Uabkicott , at their Dispensary , Bridyort ; hy the London houses ; and hy appointment by Dr . Uutltr , Dublin ; Marshall , Belfast ; O'Shaughnessy , Limerick ; 31 'Sweaiiy , Galway ; 31 'Adai : ) , Dunyannon ; G . P . Atkias , chemist , 1 J : > , 1 ' atrick-strt . et , near the ilarket , Cork . , ¦ , . , [ [ . ' > . ' „ 2 , v t ¦ < 1 't < 1 J ) f < 1 h i- is * h id
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- , - - - , of , - is TRULY . WONDERFUL CURES OF ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION , COUGHS AND COLDS , Which aro everywhere performed by DR . LOCOCli'S PULMONIC WAFERS , HATE long established them as th « most certain , perfeet , and spoedy remedy in existouce for all disorders of tka breath and lungs . The Mowing teBtimo » ials will bo read with interest > - Prom Mr . J . S . Weir , chomist , 1 , Lowgate , Hull . Dated April 9 , 1845 . Gentlemen , —Tho following unsolicited testimony in favour of your inestimable medicine has just boon re » ceited . This case , however , is only one aiaong many which constantly pass under my notice . Yours respectfully , Jos , S , Weib . AJfOTHEB CURE OF A FOURTEEN YEARS ' ASTHMATIC COUGH . Read tha following extract of a letter just received from Mr . Ednaid Preston , coal-merchant , Paragon-street , Hull , dsted April 6 , 1845;—Sir , —Grateful for the relief my wifo has experienced by the use of Locock ' s Pulmonic Wafers , from a distressing asthmatic cough , with which she was afflicted for tha last fourteen yoaM , I foel a great desire that her surprising cure should be tnade knswp , for the benefit of those suffering as ehe did . Yours , &c , Edwaw > Peestos . AKOTnER EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF ASTUMA . From ilr . J . Waterhouse , surgeon , « tc , Brond-strect , Halifax . Dated April 1 , 1 S 45 . Gontlcmcn , —I can conscientiously bear testimony to tho general good effects of Dr . Locock ' s Wafers , as very many after ; i trial havo called upon mo to express their satisfaction and gratitsde . The following ease is but a sample of many others in which the modicioe has surprised the patient by its rapidity in working a wonderful cure : — A female residing iu tho neighbourhood of Halifax had long been subject to a coufirmod asthmatic eough , when her nusbsud applied to mis . He said be was persuaded , die conM not live many days , as from cough and want of rest she was so mnch enfeebled ; and tlie use of medicine , , in which she had persevered for many months , had given her no relief . The very first doso of the Wafers wrought a surprising change ; they soothed her cough , and garo her a comfortable and refreshing sleep ; and , by persevering ia their use , her strength has returned , and with-. out the aid of any other medicine this pntiont , who had , been a long and apparently hopeless sufferer , i 9 now fully restored to health . This casa I can vouch for , aud can satisfy any inquiries [ by reference to the parties . Yours , &c , [ J . Watskhoose . . REMARKABLE CASE OF IMPROVEMENT OF THE ' TOICE . From the celebrated Infant Thalia , Jan . l 5 , lS 45 . Sir , —I deem it to bs one of our social duties to acknon * D lodge the benefits we dsriva from the skill and labours of 1 > each other ; and I have now such a duty to perform to-1 . wards you . ' My littlo girl , known as the Infant Thalia , suffered „ lately Tory severely from a cough , and relaxed Uvula , so 2 mueh so that she could not ful 61 her professional duties . , Various remedies w « re tried without success , until a friend recommended your PuCmonic VTaftn ; thtir hcatfinal cgtd ( dm instantly apparent , and a cure speedily effected . The continued uss of them I find materially improves v the totw and power of the voice . I ceuld not let this very effectual euro pass over witht out informing you of it , in the hops that you might make it known for the benefit of others similarly suffering . e I shall be happy to answer any inquirier , < 1 3 . Smith . 't 49 , Great Queen-street , London . < 1 ' fie particulars of mmy hundred cures may bs had from J every agent throughout the kingdom and on the continent . d Dr . Locooe ' s Wavers give instant relief , and a vapid ) f cure df asthmas , consumption , coughs , colds , and all dis-< 1 orders of tho breath and lungs , < fec ., Ac . To Sixcma and Pcbuc Speakers they are invaluable , h as in a few hours they remove all honrsoncss , and increaso i- the power and flexibility of the voice . They have a most is pleasant taste . Price Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 11 s . per box . Agents-Da SilraandCo ., 1 , Bride-lane , Fleot-stvcet , London . CAUTION . —To protect the public from spurious imitations , her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners havo * caused 10 bo printed on tho stamp , outside each box , the h words , "Dr . Locock ' s Wafers , " in wliitoletters on a red id ground , without which none are genuine . Sold by all Medicine Tenders . I ; ¦ I 1 .
Untitled Ad
ALL MAY BE CURED !! nv IIOLLOWAT'S OIXTMEXT . FIFTY ULCERS CURED IS SIX IVI-EKS . T 7 ? XT 1 J ACT of a Letter from John Martin , Es < i ., Chronkli JLJ OjUco , Tobago , West Indies : — February 4 th , 1 S 43 . To Profassor HolUway . Sir , —I bog to iafumi you that the inhabilauts of this island , especial !) - those who cannot afford to employ modicsil gcntieuicn , are very ansious of havirgyour astonishing medicines within theiv rundi , from tlie immense benefits some of them have derived from tiioir usj . as tlicy Wa beer , found here , in several cases , to cure sores aiululccrs of Uie jnost jnaligaant aud desperate kind . Ona gentle- 1 man in this island , who hau , I belitTo , about fifty rimninjj nlesrs abont his leys , srsw , snd body , who 2 : ad tried all other mcdiriRcs bt-foi ? the arrival of yours , hut all of which diil li ! r . s r , o goad ; bi : tyour 3 carcd ' him in about six weeks , :-. c « l i > s is r .. v . < - , uy t ' : oir means alone , quite restored lo health acd viguoi * . ( Signed ) Jo : i . v Mastis . PiliS , FislaLLs , end boarixgs- < lo : ca . A RlSIASKABlE C ' - -EE EX TnESE PlLH AS » OlSTMEST . —A half-pay lieutenant , lately residing at St . Heller ' s , " Jcrsy , whose name by request is omitted , had for three years suffered from pilss and fistula , hebiilcs a general bearing down , of tho n » st distressing nature . He Isad twice undergone an operation , hut to no purpose , ansl at last gave himself wp to aespair . Yut , notwithstanding tliis complication of complaints , togctlicr with a debilftated cons : > iution , hs was coaipleltly eyrcdofallhis infirmities , and restored to the full enjoyment of health by these justly renowned nudiclncs , when every olhcr means i ! 2 < l failed . EstraeaSjutry Ctr , x hi &e V . ' csi Indies , of Leprosy , mil other direful sLin diseases . June 3 rd , ISii . Mr . Lewis Rcedon , of Georgetown , Demerara , writes , uudcr i ! ie above date , that Holloway ' s Piils a : id Ointencnt have cured indices that no doctor could manage , ulcers and soves t » iat wtva of the most dreadful description , as likewise leprosy , blo ' ches , scales , and other skin Oist-ascs of the most frightful nature , and that the cures efl ' ectcd there by these woiukriul njedirines are so numwous and extraordinary as to anonish the whole impnlatiosi . Cimered J 5 t-w . ' . ' — . 1 Wonderful Cireumsianci . Copy of a Lettty from I ' . idianl Dull , bootmaker , Tatton , near Suudiampton : — Febrcary 9 th , ISia . To Professor Holloway . Pir , —TJ : a Lord Las pi-rmiStcd to be wrought a Vronderful cure of t-anctri or abbesses , of twelve years' standing , in my wiiVs breast . In l :. e laiter part of the time , c-levcn wounds were q : c : i at once . The faculty declared the case as past cure , several pieces cf bone laid eome mvay , and I expected that « sy jicor wife would soon have been taken from me . It was thin that a friead recoiftinended the use of ; . « ' ]> U ! s and ointment , which , to our Utter astenis'hr . iai ? , in tt ' . a si ^ . ce of about three months , healed up the breast as soundly as ever it was in her life . I shall ever remain , Your most grateful and obedient servant , ( Signt-u ) Jlicn . » iiD ISutl . Jri «;« i 3 < r . i ike Chtttcai Stwrimts OfSnaOl . Copy of a Letter from :, Ir . Jeremiah C . isey , Xo . I , Comp . ton-v ' nee , Coisftsa-strt-et , . Erucswiek-s ^ aare , LoaJou , AprUS-jt . il , i 315 : — Tt > Professor Ho ! loway . Sir , —I beg to iuform you that I hclicve I had baon , for !« oro than three years , one of the greatest sufil-rers iu the wcrld with chronic asthma . For weeks together my breath was frequently so short that I was airaid every isomcut of being chcktJ witli i-hlcgin . I never went Into a bed ; vwy oftei ! , iadctsl , I have been obliged to pass the ni- ! : t withoat being able to recline suSeiently to Uy my lisad on a tablo , lost I sliouW be suftbeatcd . 50 one thought I should live over the winter , nor did I expect it wiyst-lf ; but I ain Uar-py to fay ttjat I am now able to work frwn lKorning to nig-it , ai-d that I sleep as wcn M eT 8 r j d : d in ray life ; and H : 5 s mlr .-. el-j ( I way sav ) was eifttted j by rubbing your iuvalaul . la oii > ta \ uit twice a dav into my ; clsc ? t , and taiir . ^ ten of your v . i } ls at bediiEO , and tCU ! 0 £ am 111 the inoniiuir , fcr aiou * ihree months . ( Signte ) JSSEXUH CASEt . j In all Diseases of jhe Skis , bsd legs , old wounds and ; UJivre , ted Lix-usts , sort-. iHppies , stony and ulcerated can , ; cer ? , tumours , swtllings \ rout , rhemnatism , and . lum . hago , lHtcwise in cases of R ' . cs , iiolioway's Pills in ali tho al ) o ? e rases , oughs to bo used with tho Ointment ; as by this mcras rares w 21 be ei-ceted with a much greaWcer tainty , and in half the time that il wocld require by usin ^ j the Ointment alone . The Ointment is proved ' to be a j certain remedy for the Lite of moschctoes , sandlflicS , I chic ^ o-foot , yaws , coco-bay , and all skia diseases common to the East and West Indies , aud other tropical climes . Boms , Scalds , Chilblains , Chapped Hands ana lips = l £ o Bunions and Soft Cotis , will be immediatel y ctood by the use of the Ointmect . Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Straml ( near Temple Ba ^ , London ; and by all respectable vendors of patent medicines tfaroogbmt tlie drillse-l world , in pots and boxes , at Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d , 4 s . cd ., Us ., 22 s ., and 338 . each There is a very considerable saving in taking the larcer shes . ' . . ° IT . B . Directions fw Hk g jiidanoe of Polionts ate affikod tooaph potandbos .
Untitled Ad
A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend i Human Frailty . ! THE FOCRTEESin EOITWK . Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , asd sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order . for 3 s . Cd . j THH SILENT FRIEND . A MEDISAL WORK oh the INFIRMITIES of the GE- i SEHATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an en-j quiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical ' energy , nna tlie ability of manhood , ere vigour has estn- ' luished lier cmnire : —with Observations on the baneful ciR-cts of SOLITAltY INDOLGEXCE and INFECTION local and constitutionanVEAKNESS , HE 11 VOUS IRM-i TATION , COXSUMI'TION , aud on the partial or total 1 EXTINCTION of the itEPKODUCTIVE POWEUS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effcots of Oonorrhxa , Oleet , Strietoe , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar niauiicr ; tho Work is Embellished with En- ' gravings , rciircsenting the dDletcrlous influence of Her- cuiy 011 tho skin , by eruptions on . the head , faca , and liody ; iritli approved mode of cure for b » tli SOXDs ; i followed by nb ^ crvaiions on the ob ligations of MAR-j HIAGE , and licalthv perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain DisuuuUficutions : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured conn- ' denceofsuccciis . j By H . and L . PERRY and Co ., Consdlti . vg Sdsgeokb , I London . Published by the Authors ; sold by Hoaton , and Puck- ' ton , Brigsate , LteiJs : Strange , Paternoster-row ; Haa- ' nay and Co ., 630 , Oxford-street ; Purkis , Compton-strcet , Soho , London ; Guist , 51 , BuU-street , Bh : ininghaui ; « nd i by all booksellers in town and country . OPINIONS OF THS PEE 3 S . "VTe regard tie work before us , the "Silent Friend , "; as a work embracing most clear and practical views of a ' series of complaints hitherto littlo understood , and passed over by ihe minority of the medical profession , for what reason we aro at a loss to know . AVe must , however , confess that a perusal of this work has left such a i favourable impression 011 our minds , that we not only recommend , but cordially wish every one who is the victim of past folly , or sulierisg from indiscretion , to proat by the advice contained in Us pagos . "—Age and Amis * "The Authors of the "Silent Friend" seem to be thoroughly conversant with tlie treatment of a class of cojii-1 'hiints which are , we fcar , too prevalent in the preseut « ay . The perspicuous style in which this book is writtea , and the valuable hints it conveys to those Who ai'O flppre . hensiveofonteringthe marriage state , cannot fail to rccommc nd it to a careful ponisal . " —Era . j " This work should be read by all who value health and wish to onjoy life , for the truisms therein coataiuod defy all d << $ bt . —Farmers' Journal . TIIE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM . Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of the impaired renctions of Ufe , and is exclusively directed to the cure of such complaints as arise from a disorganization of t ' . so Generative System , whether constitutional or nequii-eU loss of sexual power , and debility arising from SypliilHjc disenso ; and Is calculated to aftbrd decided relief to those who , by early indulgence in solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallou into a state of chronic debility , by which tho constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kopt un which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure plivsiwil roHult , but branch to moral ones ; leading the oseited deviating mind into a fertile Jeid oi" seducive error—into a gradual but total degradation of lr . anhoixl—into a po * . nieious application of those , inherent rights which aaturo wisely instituted for tha preservation of h « r fipoe ' esbringing on premature decrepitude , and all tho lmljil tudes of old age . Constitutional weakness , gosuuI deni , lity , obstinate gleets , excesses irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , total iinpotency and ban-enness ara cilectually ivmoved by tliis invaluable modicinc . Sold in Huttleg , price lls . each , or tho qu . an . titv of fcrar in one Family bottts fur 33 s ., by , wliich one Us . bottle Is saved . Pl-epared only by Messrs . PERCY and Co ., Surgeons , 19 , B » rners * trcet , Oxford ^ treut , London , tf oue are genuine without the signature of ° It and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of each Wrarmov to imitate which is felony of tiie deepest dye . The Pi-e Pound eases ( the purchasing of which will be a eaviue of one pound twelve shillings ) may be had as usual at 19 , Borneta-strcct , Oxfordstreot , London . Patients in tiie country who require u course Of this admirable ji ' edicme , should send Tivo Pounds by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage May be had of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent . Vedicine / Venders in town and country throughout the tinned Kingdom , the- Continent of Europe and America of whom nmy Vic had the " SiLE . vr Fbiem ) » ¦ lmal ( - ' Messrs . PERRY expect , when consulted by letter , the usual fee of ono pound , without which no notice whateve ? can be taken of the comsmniwtion . deBfttesr ** ^ ^^ ** r ^ * ° PERRY'S PCMFYISG STJEC 1 PIC PttLS , ml , * . ^ rice . s- 9 d- ' ls ' Cll-. an < 1 Ws . pcrbox . MtT ^ T 1 Cf ^ PPwj ave well known throughout Eui'opo and America , to to the most certain and f ^^^ v ^^ T ^ ^ ^»^ ™ Ptom ? wf S ? % botli sexes , Includinr ; Gonorrhea , Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakl ne = s . Deficiency , and all diseases of the Urinary Passages , without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from busuicss . They have effected tho most surprisin " euros not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation anu all other moans have failed ; they remove Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part of the bodv , Ulccrations bcrofulous or Venereal Taint , being calculated to cleanso tne blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid affection , and restore weak aud einaciate . l constitution * to pristine health and vigour . Messrs . Perry and Co ., Surgeo * , may be consulted aa usual , at 19 , Merners ^ trcct , Oxford-str ^ t , London , punctually , ft-om Eleven in the morning until Eight in tho evening , and on Sundays from Eloven till One . Only one personal visit is reqeirtd from a country patient to enable Messrs . Perry and Co . to give such advice- as will he the means of effecting a permauent and eftectual cure , after all othor means have proved ineffectual . ' N . B .-Country Druggists , Booksellers , Patent Medicine venders , 4 c , can uc supplied with any quantity of Perrv ' s Purling Specific Pills , and Cordtal BaJ » of Syriacum wth the usual allowance to tho Trade , by most of the I *!»« P « l Wholesale Patent Hodlcina Houaei in London t ota 4 ^ % 'S lkiSea ^ * ? t 1 * » i j , ' i j , \ , ¦ . ' . ' * ¦ [\ , l ] I i [ i 1 j 1 1 ' 1 . j . ; I ! . I j 1 , i j ¦ [ ,
Untitled Ad
r AUR'S LIFE PILLS . " "DEAD the following letter from Jlr , TV . Alexandor , AU / Booksellci ' , Yavnsouth : — Groat Yarmouth , ihrch 27 , 1 S 4-3 . Gentlemen , —Being recently at Sorwifh , I called r . pon a gentleman at his request . He said , having seen your name in a newspaper : is an agent for the sale of FABR'S PILLS , and also letters addressed to you testifying their eaiuacy in this cure of various iomplainls , I resolved to try them . I had been very unwell tor two or three years , my stomach much out of order , and I constautlyfclt a painful difficulty in breathing j I employed two m « 3 ical gentlemen , and took a groat quantity of medicine , but derived no benefit ; on the contrary , I found myself daily declining and getting weaker , so that 1 could scarcely walk from one street to another ; indaed I was in a melancholy desponding state . Accorditsly , I purchased a box , and took them as directed . At the end of a w * c-k I was much better , having taken , I think , only eighteen pills ; consequently , I continued UiUing thorn rogulavly , iwd whon I had taktn two boxes ami a hair " , I became quits well , and ft ) this day I have enjoyed life , having now good health ami good spirits . If , hovever , I feel any slight indisposition , 1 have recourse to the mcJieina I haw so much reason to prize , which restores me to mv usual "ood health . This gentleman wished his caso to bo maOa public , altlioajjli for obvious reasons he could uot authorise 1 ) 10 to Sivo his name . This timid , ; -, er ' ua ] is in somoctisos , wudcnt cautiousness is not uncommon . A neighbouring gentleman has several times admitted to use that ha derives groat lieueflt from tho occasion ! use of Parr ' s nieaidues , but will not permit me to nitntion it to any oae . I am , dear Sir , yours , respectfully , W 1 LLIASI ALEXANDER . P . S . Tho Pills have e ^ tU'jly wmoved the cough and Asthma , MR KACKETT , THE " cBLBURATEj AMERICAN AClOli , now performing in this cousitry . gave tho jblt ^ ^ !> ° l !; ant testimonwlto the efficacy of PARll'S LIFh FILLs before leav-ii- for America : — To the Proprietors of PARR'S L 1 FS PILL'S 3 ins , ~ navinsu 3 ed UA 1 UVS Lll ? 3 Iiua on several ocensions when attacked b y violent Uilious complaints , and having been full y satisfied of thoir efficacy , I begloave in justice to you , as proiwietovs of tlio meaiciue , to testify asinucl 1 ' Yours , resimetfully , Long Mans , Nov . 9 , 1844 . WM . II * Hackbtt . W The extraorflinary effect of this medicine is the wonder of the age ; it has leim triad by hundreds of thousands as an aperient , and has in ever / instance done good it has never iu the slightest ds rcc impaired the most delicate constitution . Tens of thousands have testified that perseverance in the usu of PARR'S LIFE PILLS will completely cure any disease , and are living witnesses of the benefit received from this invaluable medicine—Sheets of testimonials and the " Life a : ul Times of Old Pan '" mav l > e had gratis , of every respectable MeOiciuc Vender throughout tho kingdom . Bcwaro of spurious imitations of tl-. o above medicine . JTone arc genuine unless the words PABR'S LIFE PILLS are isi WHITE / . ettees ox a RED guoc . nd , eu » raveil on the Government Stamp , pasted romid each box also the fac-simile of the signature of the l ' roprietoB " T ROBERTS and Co ., " London , on the directions ; Sold wholesale by E . Edwards , 07 , St . Paul ' s ; Bnrctar and Sons , laiTingHon . street ; Sutton and Co ., 13 ow ChuMi yard ; Mottcrshcad and Co ., Manchester ; and J and B Raimcs and Co ., Edinburgh . Retailed by at least one agent in every town in the United Kingdom , and by aU respectable chemists , druggists , and dealers in patent medicine . I ' rfcc wja ., 3 s . H . and family boxes lls 9 &pb . ? uji Oiroctioas arc given with vach bos . '
Untitled Ad
1 1 - i ! j i j ' ' 1 ' ; i -j - ' j I - ' ' , i ; ' - i Just puUUhed , Fiftamth Eiilkm , illustrated iiritt cases , and '¦ ( tCCll'Cj £ ti
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= —— REES COMPOUND ESSENCE OF CUBEBS . THE most safe , speedy , and certain remedy ever discovered for tho cure of discharges , gleets ' , spasmodic strictures , weakness , heat , irritate of tho bladder , pains of the loins , and all disorders of the kidneys and urethra , frequently performing d perfect cure in the short space ol three or four days . It does not contain any mercury , and may bo taken by the most delicate of either sex , with perfect safety , as well as advantago to their general health . —Sold in bottles , at 4 s . Cd ., 10 s ., and 20 s . each , by Stirling , chemist , SG , High-street , ' Whitcchapel : aud can be had of Sangcr , 150 , Oxford-street ; and Hannay and Co ., 08 , Oxford-street ; and of all the principal medicine vendors in tho kingdom . The genuine has the name ol J . W . Stirling engraved on the stamp . —Ask for Rees Essence . # * * It can be sent with instructions , secureh packod , to any part of the kingdom , on the roceipt of 5 Post-office order for tho amount .
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'¦ . WRAY'S FAMILY MEDICINES . 1 PATB 0 MI 8 EP BT | Her Grace the Dowager Sir C . P . Williams , Knt . Duchess of LeedB . > ' ' SirEdwardLyttonBulwer , Lady Slicrborne . ' ; Bart . Earl of Lincoln . : Captain Boldero , M . P . Marquis of Waterford . EdwnrdBaines , Esq ., M . P . Lord Bantry . Archdeacon Webber . Doctor Bloomberg , Vicar of General Maitland . Cripplcgate . General Gardner . Mr . Justice Crcsswell . General Nisbitt . And families of the first distinction . rPHESE Medicines , which are found to possess so great JL a power over the respectivccomplaints to which they are applicable , as frequently to render further medical aid unnecessary , were also honoured with the patronage of—His late R . H . the Duke of Lord John Churchill . Sussex . Sir Francis Burdett , M . P . Lord Charles Churchill . Goorgo Byng , Esq ., M . P . Sir Matthew Wood , Bt . M . P . Aud numerous Medical Gentlemen of eminence in London hnro borne testimony to their efficacy . Prepared and sold , wholesale and retail , at 118 , Holbornhill , and 341 , Strand , London ; nud may be had of all niedicine-vendorsin the United Kingdom ; also in America , of J . 0 . Fay , at his Drug Storo , 1 !> 3 , Broadway , corner of Dey-strcet , Kew York ; ia Munich and Frankfort , of Frederick Breul ; and can bo obtained in the priueipal Capitals of Europe , as well as all her Majesty's dependencies . Strongly rccommonded by the Faculty , Wray ' s Aromatic Spiee riasttn for the Cliest . —Coughs , Colds , Asthmas , Shortness of Breath , Pain or Tightness of the Chest , Affections of the Lungs , < fec ., are effectually relieved , and in many cases entirely prevented , hy the timely application of Wra ' s Ahomatic S ? ick Flastebs to the chest , which ave fax- superior to tho common warm plasters , and frequently supersede tho use of internal remedies . If 0 person during the winter ought to be without one , travellers by railroad in particular . Sold at Is . and Is . Cd . each . TFnty ' j Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Ginyer . —A ccrtflill EtU'a and preventive of all Nervous Complaints , . Spasms , Cout , Rheumatism—an invaluable remedy for Flatulence , pain in the Stomach , also an excellent adjunct to Seidlitz Powders for debilitated constitutions . Iu bottles at 3 s . 9 d ., 4 s . Cd ., and lls . Wiw / s ClialtjleaU German StidlUz PowUrs , in hoses , containing powders for twelve glasses , at 2 s . each , and in bottles , fitted in cases , with spoon , measure , « Src , complete , at 7 s , Od . and 10 a . Cd . each . Very convenient for travelling or exportation . Common Seidlitz to mako twenty-four glasses , 2 s . per packot . Wray ' s Improved Sodaic Glvger Seer and Lemonade Powders , in packets , for eighteen glasses , at Is . andle . Sd . ; or in cases , complete for travelling , at 59 . fid . and 7 n . ( id . each . Wray ' s Anltbilious PilU—In boxes at Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 4 s , fid . each . —These Pilis aro an excellent remedy for preventing aud removing Bilious disorders ; they gontly operate as an Aperient , anil , by keeping the bowels in a proper state , nro calculated to promote that regular oflico of the Bile which is necessary to tho preservation of healtli . Hence their beneficial offocts in removing Indigestion , Head-acho , Giddiness , Sickness , attended with a feverish hoat of the syatam , loss of appetite , oppression of the chest , itc . Wi-ay ' s Specific Mixture , warranted to remove Urctlirnl DUchni'gcs in forty-eight hours—in tho majority of cases , tw « jnty-four—if arising from local causes . Sold in bottles at 4 s . Gd . and lls , each , with full instructions . Wray ' s Improved Suspensory Bandages , well adapted for Sportsmen , Gentlemen hunting , riding , walking , suffering from diseaso , relaxation , looal debility , &c . ; a ^ pvovod of and highly recommended by the lata Mr . Abernethy . Bast Joan , Is . and Is . 6 d . ; ditto with fronts , 3 s . Cd . ; Kuittod or Wore Silk , 2 s . Cd . ; ditto with elastic springs , 7 s . Dd . . Wray ' s Steel Spring Trusses , for Hernia , proporly [ adapted ; single , 5 s . 6 fl ., 7 s . Cd ., and 10 s . ( Id . ; double , , IDs , 6 Q ., 15 s ,, and 21 s , ! Hodicine chotts fitted up for family uso or soa Voyages . Genuine Drugs and Chymicals of every description , with 1 theiv several preparations , according to tho l'harmacopceia of tho Royal College of Physicians . A large stock of ; new English Honey of the finest quality , ratniling at ' Is . and Is . Cd . per lb ., and the best West India Tamarinds I at the snme price . t A liberal allowance to M « ch *» ts and Captains , PVi > slcinns' Prescriptions and Family Recipes carefully ! aud accurately proparod by gentlemen regularly quali-• fled . Physician ' s Advice from clcvon till ono , every day . Surgical Attondancs every evening from seven till nine . 1 Persons residing in the remotest parts of the country r can be treatod successfully , on describing minutely thoir symptoms , ago , habits of life , &c , and inclosing a rei mittance for medicine , which can bo forwarded to any part of the world , securely packed , and carefully protected from observation . AU Utters to he addressed to "M . 0 . TVeat , 118 , Hol-1 born-lull . "
Untitled Ad
II 1 E NORTHERN STAR , AND NATIONAL TRADES' JOURNAL , ¦ ESTABLISHED in Leeds in lS 37 , and since then the J-i loading Provincial Journal in tho Kingdom , is now published at No . 840 , Strand , London . Tho obj ect of tho Proprietor in establishing th c Kmitiem Star was to fumiak a fearless and faithful organ for tho representation of tho Labouring Classes , whose interests from time immemorial have boon shamelessly ncgloctcd . Tho removal of tho Star to London has enabled its conductors to supply tho reader witli the latest intelligence , as well as the most interesting news ; in consequence of which ita number of readers have materially increased in the Jloiropolfc , and its country circulation can be equalled by few , even tho most extensively circulated Metropolitan newspapers . From the extensive circulation of the Northern Star , together with tho fnct that it is read by all classes of society as the organ of tho movement party , Advertisers will find it to bo a medium of communication with tho public at arge worth notice . Books and Publications for re \ tov must be addressed ( post paid ) to the Editor , 340 , Strand , London . Advcrisoments and orders for papers to be addrossed to Feai-gus O'Connor , 810 , Strand , where all coininunioailons will bo punctually attended to . The following extract from the Newspa ? er Stamp Returns for October , November , and December , 1843 ( sinco wliich no returns havo been made ) , show that tho Northern Star Is far at the head of many old-established London Weekly Journals : —• nr © ItT 28 «! RW STAR 117 , ® 09 News of tho World .. SG . 000 United Seraeo Ga-Record 83 , 500 zetts 19 / , Qn Examiner 71 , 000 Pah-lot coi ' mj Britannia ( 58 , 000 Spectator 43 ' obo Mark-lane Express .. 5-1 , 000 Era ijVoa TaWot 45 , 000 John Hull .. ' g'i ' OO Observer .. .. .. 41 , 000 Watelimnn .. .. \\ SSOOO Atlas .. . .. .. 37 , 000 Ago and Argus .. .. ' Jm Sonttmfovniist .. .. 30 , 000 Sentinel .. .. .. . "OOOO Ste ^ 5 r ^ 22 , 500 JounMl « rfO ««» n «« !*>*> * # * Observe the Office , & 0 , Strand , London . The following Scots arepvWtM at th Nonltmi Star o / ukj , 3-iO , Strand , and may be had of all Book . sellm and i \ « w AmnU .
Untitled Ad
mJ- — CHAMBERS' PniLOSOPHY REFUTED . Just published Price Fourpence ( forming a Pamphlet of 50 pages demy 8 vo ., in a stiff wrapnar ) , THE THIRD EDITION OJ A FULL and COMPLETE REFOTA . TIOS of ttn » PlIILOaOl'HT contained in a TRACT rJSuvpS hshWlby the MESSRS . CHAMBERS , of Edinburgh , « - Utled . the " Employer iind Employed . " This wluaWo little work contains the most complete defence of tlio demands of tlie Woi * in * Classes for I their fair share of the enormous wealth created by Mi ' - Ihinery , as wull as iv justification of Tratles Unions The numerous appeals that have been made to Mr O'CounOT from nearly erery part of the kiueJom for tl-e publication , in pamphlet form , of those Dialo-ues that have roccntly appeared in the Star , havo determined Lira to gratify what appears to lie tlw almost unanimous wish of tho Labouring Classes . "The Employer and the Employed , " * * bv Fear-us O'Connor , * * beats anything even of its authort —Economist . Complete in erne Vol ., ncatk Bouml in , Cloth , A PRACTICAL WORK ON SMALL FARMS Price Two Shillings and Sixaenoe . BY FEAitCCS O ' COXXOR , ESQ . The desire of tho author has been to furnish a valu able eompendinm at such a pvtee as would enable every working man to bocomo possessed of it . It contains ^ llthepraoiical instructions , together with plates d . < scribing Farm-house , Offices , Tauk , ra « v . - ^ ra ' & ,. . "" with particular iuforraatioiv roftuirite fof amVoui M the operations . v ° biSJUt * . " * msm bcpmurea hinara - " I have , within the last few months , visited even- D-r '' of France , and I declare that I have se , m moiSKfr ' one street in I ) ublin thnn in all France ; tho jSploV « I SmuI Flnt f / amlmOrr > - ' * - >•» - ^ 1 employed , Shau ¦ Fahms 0 ; ( T 01 m , or on M equitable < kkln ' s ;» ~ KfiT " UUirin mii " < j *™ £ c * . Those persons desirous of bettering their condition ,,, ^ of becoming "Independent L <* oure ° s » by eSi ' n 2 productJreJaW Market , wiU do well to ° ' '' t Fractal * orkoa Small Favms , " by FE 4 MC 3 ^ . ^ « , ?" ,. ^ I "'" uscful inf o ™ ation , kivaluabVo tlie parties for whom it was written- -mrl ni iV ^ iW m ^ u . eWl ^ t aS ' n ^ SJn " ™?' bandry , wh ch they have yet tolcarn . The 70 , ' dt ! I great practical knowledge , and is writtc *! S 0 Ta ^ ^ ivho reads may undcrstund . Mr O'Connor Z 7 ? ^ m ^ m spssisi , ¦ , , : 1 1 i . ¦ » - - , j I , " e ^ i , 0 ¦ s s . : s ia : o Is i- st is 15 Ot in 0
Untitled Ad
\ nounce , and harder to understand whon it is n ,. M Iho reaocr will find that Mr . O'Connor l ms „ ^" ?| ? Vn . hard names , and suited the languaga toi ' * Ing labourer , wliosc colltga 5 s generally the nw Wi or , at best , , the Sunday School . Thon-h ti . ' ' ^ written for holders of Small Farms , yet ,, " vi ^ M Tenant ought to be without it ; the valuable inV- ^ it contains respecting tilling and cropping ; , , i » . " il ' ' " ' " t to all . " —Extract , from a Farmer ' s letter . " <| " This really useful little volume ought to h ¦' hands of every one at all competed wiih .,. ») \ - J pursuits . "—Lloyd's Weekly Lond * i x ivcsm ^ ' ° " Nj | " Although we fed no desire , in t ] , Lu , ; . ' ,,, ^ , | j proud Peruvian , in contemiilatiuir what we hVi ' c '' . 4 in , the contentment , prosperity , aud comfort of ourf ' t men , to exclaim— " This , this is my WOrk " „ , . ¦ *• object , 86 Jlr . O'Connor declares his to be , ' « , ; " ! . . v -i man who is willing to work may bo iiulevendoi . J .- " ' other man in the world lor his daily brca . i . » ^' . ' , ' . " ' tf i mUi much pleasure recognise iu the 1 ) , ) J ] C j ,, f _ ' ' ! powerful instrument for nMin ;< iu d ( svciojt { nlr '' . '" u ' much higher destiny than he has hitherto ath 'i' " ! "' U | "Mr . O'Connor shews clearly , what will suo ,, ' 1 " to all who reflect deeply , that wo are not loft m ' ' " " ^ means of obtainiug uot only all tV . at is pliysin ' ii "' 11111 < < f - % site for man s progress , but also that ' ' i . iii ; ' . ' ' ,, V | 1 ' i -: | dice what is apparently desirable ; for nonu \ vll 0 * n !^ k pjruse this work can doubt that n system w ; sm „ ?' ' -m held by active and industrious labouri-rs . won ] , ! , ' M return , in exchange for healthful excrtio : i , far niur '" ^ S s requisite to preserve physical streng th . * ' " ' % "Healso shews that something more tiuu- . thU u 1 site to ensure happiness , for he says iu pagp vjj 'JT' ^ M convinced that ntau can place no reliance wiiati ' v > ' 'V hisicllow man , or a community of men , whCi « ej " i-: ' : | 3 tauces operate upon . his or their minds , tins liiii , ? , ^ nud effect of which would be stronger tlinn nnv -ii' ^ i notions of justice . For instance , if a com-. nmiiu * « iT ^ bouring men purchase a quantity f laml , amUiir . , ^ bour for its cultivation , however just their iaicntioir ^ pure their moUves , they will ncverUidess foul thems . j ^ - ' justiSed in raising the price of Km land , according to ¦ ¦ ' ' ' improved value conferred upon it by tlie labour of T ' - hived wovlunan . This power of steadily tvtmchiu" « * % the rights of others is one of the greatest disadvam o ! agaiust which tlic labourer has to contend ; aud ffi hired by a community , at the end of twenty years wrT ^ be in no better condition than they were at siartin ^ « ¦ ¦?> Hie community of pvopnttors would l : avc iiicre . ^ c / t ^ i value of their property twenty-fold ; that « , tlicj wou l ^ have robbed those labourers , by whose industry tin , J was iucraased . o £ uiuctecu shillings in the pound . " ' ¦ - ' These romurla are iwverful argumeats iu thesiil--., * in which they are written , and if examined m their rii $ : tion to the universal , they confirm the testimony twt " Tho earth is tho Lord ' s , and all that tlitrehi i ' l ho round world aud they that dwell thm-iu ¦ " fo 'l aftor partakiug freely of what is good for o « eh ordered creation , any self-appropriation , l > y whatever parties in ' > dulgcd in , is from evil , and will produce iu coiiscju enM ' 1 namely , vice , crime , aud misery . ' . ! " »\ e can strongly recommend Mv . O'Connor ' s work to - Dur readers , containing a great amount of practical info matiou on agriculture , which should be most ihmularlv I diffused . "—Concard ' mm Gazette . J May be had in Four Numbers , prica Sixpence cadi or 1 acatly bound iu Cloth , Two Shillings and SLvjieiice ' '
Untitled Ad
I S " ' « I * . t Also , Price Fourpenco each , Nimibers I nr . Q ITnf ; 3 THE STATE OF IRELAND . By Abtiicb 0 'Cunnou ' No man ran undoratand the position of Ireland , or the * bearing of Irish questions , who is not conversaut with t ' hU 1 perfect picture of Ireland ' s condition , tlw causes of um | degradation , and the remedies for her manifold evils . % Also , pritt " . s . M ., Second Edition 5 A SERIES OF LETTERS FROM FEARGtJS OVov ^ KOI ! , ESQ . BARRISTER AT AW , TO imiVf i O'COXXELL , ESQ ., M . P . ; awua . MLI , | Oontaining a review of Jlr . O'Connell ' s conduct dunn * ¦ ' - ' the agitation of the question of Catholic Emanpi jwtion - ^ togetlier with an analysis of his motives and actions siuc ? he became a lleraber of Parliament . The whole forms n 1 lompleta key to « ie political actions of Mr . O'Comiell , \ : v \ - \ reconciles all the apparent contradictions in tho acts ' «{ , ! one of the groatost agitators of tlio present day , \ This edition contains tlie confirmation of T . Attwood il Esq ., of the principal charge brought by Sir , O'Connor i against Mr . O'Oonncll . | All parsons dosivous of completing ttieir so ' . s of tVc ! LANCASTER TRIALS , may yet do so , as fen cot o 3 t still remain on hand . * : PORTRAITS OP POPTOAR CHA ! UCT 2 n 8 . j Portraits of tho following distlnguishe .. persons , from ; steel engravings , and executed in beautiful stylo , jaayte had at the Northern Star Office , 340 , Strand : —Lm ' gc * r / . c—T . S . Duncombo , Esq ., M . P ., Richard Onstler , Robert Emmett , John Frost , Dr . M'DovuvU . anAPcMS'isO'Cm . nor ; plntu of the Tml of Frost aud oUiara at Jlonmouth ; plato of the Fiifl National Convention , and plate of the Procession accompanying Uie National Petition of 1 S 42 to the House of Commons . The price of tho abovo portraits and plates is oao shilling each . Half-length portraits of the following distinguished characters may be also had at tho Star office , price sixpence each : —Andrew Marvel , General Arthur O'Connor , William Cobbett , Henry Hunt , Richard Oastlor , Thomas Attwood , James Brontcrrc OUMen , and Sir William Molesworth , Bart . The above portraits have boen given at diffeMr . t times to subscribers of the Kortliem Star , and are allowed to bo the mo 3 t complete collection ever presented with any newspaper , Price Two Shillings . FIFTEEN LESSONS on tlio ANALOGY and SYNTAX of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE , for the use of ftJult p 4-sous who have uog ^ cted the study of Grammar ! By -ffst . Hat . Fifth edition , revised and amended . Tho Lessons in theso works are ia tended solely for the use of natives . They are directed , therefore , of all tlmse hair-breadth distinctions aad unsecessjiry subdivisions ia Analogy , which , if at all useful , can onl y bs useful to foreignei-s . The science of Grammar is dissntantrlcd in them from tlie folds of mysticism which have so Jon- enshrouded it . Tha absurd and unmeaning teclmieaikios which pervade all ot' . ier works on G ramuuu- are esc ' aan- « d for terms whioh have a definite and precis > nie « 'mr ° i ! - lustrative of the tl-. ings thoy represent . The lVs of Speech are arranged on an entirely new principle , foa-. ileil on a philosophical coHsidwatlon of tus nature of language . Tl « necessai-y divisions and subdivisions are rationally accounted for , and ttieprfnciplosof Ui-ivcrml Grammai- demonstrated so full y that thu muaji " - " o "" - dty may w . dui-stand fliem as " Cloarly m it KndwitoL that two and two make four . In Syntax , tlio formation 0 ; the SeglM . Lvigvflji is « . c . usivoiy consulted , wWw . it any unnecessary refciwo : o other hiR Suages . A mnjority of tho numerous K ;• .: ¦; 3 given in most Grammars aro iiit-wu (« be littlu botter tlwn a heap of senseless tautolojry . Tlie necessary Rulo nn demonsU-atcdxipon rational principles , and illustrate lj a variety of examples . Cy the uso of Uie fifteen lessons , end tie aceonwa-. vis ? exeixisss , anyone may , in a few weeks , acquire a go * knowledge of Grammar , without any of tho dls"u « : iii ' . drncigory which , under tlw pi-osent svstoni , prevc-Mr , : iai out often from ever acquiring a knowledge of Graauaai at all . "A competent GraminftUesa knowlofl so df cur otn langxmgc is tlie true bsisis on which all Uu-rators oclit V rest . "—Bishop LovcSi . " Mr . Hill is evidently an original fiiinkov . Ileat ' nc a wills abUitynnd success , tho existing lystem of Eii-fci Orainmar , a ; sd points out the absurdities with whioh it i encumbwea . Justl y condemning Uio too freqncr . t p » c : tic « of malting pupils commit porUons of Grammar to > ae morv a KOik « , ho mnintains tliat Ow onlv proper way t , Ua icsmwy is through tha undei'sftindin- ' .... It i but justice to him to say that , in a few pages , he ive * ¦ ir t 5 1 ft ° comprehensive view of the stnu-tuw <¦ t : ic i . r . gilSh luv . gu . ge Own can bo found in sokcvlt , elaborate works . "—J&erarg Gazette "ilr . Hill has discharicd his task with consiiU-n-. V ! « wi « tj- and no person ranpenuo his books wit ! ,:.,. ; , tlurtg nlte attention , ^ Biout obtaining a dc-r -lud'uli : «« itcsii : r = atcofthccoustnwUon aiidlftW 8 of his verm 1 cuUr tou £ ue . "—Xcads Tmes . 1 " A coixiso pliUosoplucal and lucid esv , ofit ; oii of tl prlnctpioH o ; i which tJ- > . langnage of . MHton W . SkJ i speare veBU . " - ~ SradfO' ( i Olsenor . . "It i .-calculated to jrfvc tho student a correct idea ^^ KS ^^ Ss ,- * - r r s sss ^ kS «*•»* »» ** r Mowcaup /' . s ^ lTtS ^ ^ f ^^ l ! GS " - ^^ to convey Ms ! C j " " , ' icaS t r ^) ldsi to a hunter thftt w hnv « v mm , nol excepting that of Mi-. Colbett ... the wht » scorns tob 0 intended as a mental maehto ;' to » 5 > S - cue the ^ Bour oj U mhuV-fflai ^ p Monitor . Priee Ono ShlUing . PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES , sclactcd wit ' , m - , . an ^ Ml to tb , Culcs and oSvliVS j uuly wujjuncd in his FUtesn lesson , on the Anolo I aud ^ jutux ot tb B BngMi Langnag * , nnd in , ; is ltato ^ S ^ S lar < % Wa - ItiU - ¦ " ^•«* p . «* I , Price Sixpence . " ^ GRAMMiTlCAi ; TEXT ROOK , for the m d Schools , C . uldi-. -. i . ov Private Studeats . e In this little hook the principles of Grammar , espros ; s ^ w'UXViieub tWiatvosa&ViaeoaciseRCiss , arc esliibicudfor 1 i , memory . It contains , ill ; i few pagos , tlie pith and a , 0 row of the whole science of Grammar . ¦ s So rmusb , are the principles of this important seta s . simplified in tiicse little works , that by the use of then : s Parent , having no previous knowledge of Hio subject , m ia m one weak , be qualified to instruct his children wlthi : o other assistance . Is All the above works may be had at Hio Northern S i- office , S 40 , Strand , London . Of John Cleave , 1 , Sh st lane , Fleet-street ; James Watson , Paul ' s-ailey , Pak-rs is ter-row ; II . netl-. ei-ington , 40 , Holywell-strt ct , Loudi 15 Of A . lleywood , 58 , Oldham-strect , ll ; iucbest « r ; Ot Guast , Eirmingliain ; Messrs . Paton and Lore , Olasgo in J . IIobson , Market-walk , Huddersrieia ; anil of all bo 0 . j seHcrs and wya-a ^ at * , vha cftn yroaarj th «» to . grj
American Emigration Office,
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Northern Star (1837-1852), July 5, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1322/page/2/