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The Phesent ' PAnuAMP.sT.-The csisting o ^ c of Commons mtiv continue in being till the aim m of 181T, and from actual appearance there is n<» "•¦'- " to coneiude that it will bo dissolved mueh beioietliat time.
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T . jIE SHEMBUD , by the Ker / . . * . ^ ^ Vol I , I » ice 5 s Cl-Tol IT , price Js-Yol LI , rice 6 s 63 Clolli hoards ; ortnc three volumes in one , lalfbound in calf aud lettered , price Vis . Refutation of Owcnisoi , by 6 . Redforcl , of Worcester ; Trith a Kepiv , 1 . J tHe K « v . J . E . Smith , 3 LA ., Is . Xew Christianity ; or the Itcligion of St . Simon , witlra coloured Po rtrait of a St . Shnonian Female ; translated by the Hev . J . B . Smith , M . A , 1 s . - The Little Hook , addressed to the Bishop of Exeter and KobevtOweu , by tlie Uev . J . E . Smith , il . A ., -i . "Wat Tyler , hy Robert Souther . 2 d ; by post , 4 d . The Vision of Judgment , l > y lord Byron . 2 d ; by po « t , 4 J . Confessions of Faith , by a Philosopher . Price 2 d ; by j > OSt , 4 d . Poor-Law Rhymes ; or , Anti-Marcus , by Stephen W . Tcllom . This ejitritud l ' oeni contains two heart-rending SCeilt-5 JillusfrateJ by Ungntvings ) oi the Separation of IVife and Husband by the Poor-Lav . -Union Officers , and the Contrast between a Starving Family and a Comfortable and Fat Guardian : also the Seduction : the Widows , ~ Piaiut , and the Child ' s Prayer , offered up at the Cape of ' Good Hope , - - 'd - , by post , id . - Jin Estimate of the Character and Efficacy of Prayer ; wherein it is shewn that that Ceremony is both unreasonable and nsele ? =. id ; hy post , -Id . An Essay on the -Xtxvsrfty cf Kevelation . 35 y Aristarclius lledevivus . Price -d ; if hy post , four penny " stamps . The Aristocrat ; or , "Wealth and Poverty , a PJay , in Five Acts , by Fawcct Dawsou . Price Is ; by post , Is Cd . " The liie of 1 'sriil , the 3 Ian after God ' s Own IJeart , by l ' titcr Auuett . Price Is ; hy post , sixteen penny stamp .-. The L : fe of Closes , in-itteu by a German Jew , and corrected by an English Christian . Price Is ; by post eighteen penny stamps . Saul , a l » rama , toy * V oltiire . Price ( id ; by post , nine peiinr stamps . True Meaning of ihe System of Sature , by Ilelvetius . Price Is ; by post , sixteen penny stamps . T « m Jones , by Ilenry Fielding . The four vols . in one , lianilsoiuely bound , richly embossed covers and gilt lcttoreu , 3 s . The Christian Mythology Unveiled , in a Series of Lectures , by Logan Mitchell , Es « j ., late , of 9 , Grove-road , lisson-grovc , London , in Nineteen Xumbtrs , at oil cadi ; or , handsomely bound and gilt-lettered , ( is . "The Christian Mytlio !«> gy Unveiled" is admirably written , and in every respect it is valuable . It evinces learning , acuteuess , strong reasoning powers , with excellent feelings , and , in all its parts , it shows the author to liavo l ) PC ! l a Man of taste , with an elegant and highl ycultivated mind . AV « should he ver . v glad to see it circulated , in cheap numbers , for the enlightenment of the middle classes aud the inueli-abnsed and despised " lower orders . "—Wcddy DUimUih , Dee . a , IS 41 . An Essay on War ; or , Tyranny , Ignorance , and Anarchy , versus Freedom , Intelligence and Peace , being a SUetcli of its Causes , Consequences , aud Means of He . moval . Price Sd ; by post , 5 d . Say War is bad ; allow jc , tlicn , this fact , "What's bad iu principle , is bad in act ; Good ou eternal justice ever leans : The er . d can never sanctify the means . " Outlines on Xatural Theology ; or , Evidences of the Existences an < l Attributes of the l > eity , deduced from Nature . Abridged iron various Authors , by Benjamin Franklin the Younger . Pric * Cd ; if by post , nine penny stamps . Twelve Reasons against taking away Life as a Punishincnt . 15 y llumanitas . 1 ' rice fid ; hy post , 70 d . The Political Drama ; a Series of very humorous Political Engravings , iu ihrej Penny Xumbers ; by post , 2 d each Kumbcr . Iu one vol , cloth boards , price -lis GG , the Medical Monitor . By the Medical Editor of the Penny Satirist . This -work may also be had in Part ? , each Part containing a Treatise on one of the Diseases of the Human Frame . Part I . treats on Consumption , price Is ; by post , ls . 4 d . Part II . on Secret Diseases of both Sexes , price Is fid ; by post , Is Sd . Part III . o : i Indigestion , pr ice ls ; by post , Is 4 d . Part IV . on Scrofula , and Diseases < 4 xhe Skin , juice Is fid ; by post , Is Sd . •; COLD WATER FOR EVER . Justl'liulislieil , Piiee Sixpence , or Itfghtpcnce hy post , 1 the CoKl "Water Monitor ; or , the Treatment and Cure of Chronic aud Acute Diseases , hy Cold Water Only , being a suecittet Account of the Xen- System , entitled Ifydxiatria / TOlgo , Hydropathy , from the WorliS on Ilydriatry ' * of the etrman Water Doctors , in Cases of Gout , Fevers , ? Dropsy , Catetr , Ulcers , Erysipelas , Scarlatina , Measles , j Small Pox , Gripes , Catarrh , Colds , Sore Throat , Cough , * Quinsy , Sore Eyes , "Wounds , ISurns , Deafness , Ear and " Tooth Adie , Tik-s , Indigestion , Constipation , i-e . . tc . « tc j ? TVlth Salut-iry Cautions on its injurious effects in certain j 1 ! Cases . By the Moiiical Adviser of tlie reting SatirUt , and j , ' AutliorofUie Helical Monitor . . i In one thick Octavo Volume , cloth boards , as . Cd . ; in 1 it 11 Parts , at Ctl . esch ; or in 55 Penny lumbers , the ' ' ¦ 2 Iemoir £ of Serjeant Paul Swanston , ivritten by himself . I „ and never before published . This is the complete Life of a a Soldier in Portugal , Spain , France , America , Ireland , ! £ and Great Britain , from 1 S 0 C to 1 S 2-3 . The Camp , the T March , tJie Skirmisl ! the -Batlle , the Victory , and the c Defeat ; the Siege , the Forlorn ] Io ]» c , the Plunder , the « Biot , the Ravage , the Military Heroism , aud the Moral J Crime ; the fulness of one day and thehunger of another ; liberty and Hope , Cajitiviry anfl Despair ^ were parts of E ' theAuthoi ' sevcry-day iifo . 3 Iemcrials of his most ad- „ venturous Comrades aw £ bo recorded ; ivith many new _ fletaSs of the Duke , his Campaigns , Gofers and Soldiers , ,, 2 "ch Lave never appeared iu any otLer Work ofthei " c «^? ftST Jf ^ sUud hl 3 U ? i 3 tsrc ' fTOm ihc ! ^ i eontaiau .- tweiat 'V llS 'ic- * » eat podtet effiUwi , \ JW "& Tv £ ! Z ^ ° cl ^^ 'P ^ ted letter ; * Stamps . - " M « r . l- « ce Sd ; bj p 0 ? tj flve f — si - ^ tt 5 ^ ^ vfJ ac r 5 ncntaiT ' '^^ - * tamps , •* * nss i : by post , twenty pcc 3 J T < ' t c iu 1 to — by lli the the tcc
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The 3 [ other ' sCavse "; cr , tne Twin Brothers of "WhitetalL An Historical 'tale . Reprinted from the columns of the Penny Satirist . "Price Is ; by post , Is Gd . The Romance efthe Forest , by Mrs . Ann Radcliffe . In Seventeen rency Sumbers ; or the whole stitched in a neat Volume , Is M ; by post , 2 s Cd . The Three Rivals , •• or , Theodora , the Spanish Widow . Also , the Enchanted Horse . Price Sixpence , together . The Giijscy ' s Warning ; or , Love and Hum : a Romance of Real Jiife ; in whieh are given , the mysterious Parentage , BlJ'tll , Liftf , Courtship , and subsequtnt Murder of Maria . Kartin , in the ttcd Barn , by William Cordcr , Price Is Gd- ; or in Twenty Numbers , at Id each . A 5 f of Munster ; or , the Anabaptists . Translated frdm tl » Qeyatatt of VanutrvcWt . ^ Btang an Ilisterical Ro' iKMice of intense Interest , of Love , Inconstancy , Civil | War , Rapine , Torture , and Wholesale ^ Bloodshed . Price ' Sd ; by post , Is . ! Paul and Virginia . By J . Bernardin de Saint- 'Pierre . Price Cd ; by post . 9 d . The Dream of Love ; a tale of the Passions . Translated from the French of 1 'rederie Soulie . Trice 0 ' < i ; by post , 3 d . The Convert ; c : \ The Prior of lied Penitents ; being the History of a Thief who was Tianged , and brought to Life again . Translated from the French of M . Gtfzlan . Price 4 d ; by pest , Sii . The House of Doom ; or , La liaison Muree , a Tale of lively interest . Price 6 d ; by post , ad . Crime and Vengeance ; a Tragedy of Real Life , translated from the French , of Frederic Soulie . Erice 4 ; by post , 8 penny stamps . Donaluafor , the Witches of Glensliicl ; a Caledonian Legend of turiUinginterest , containins SO pages of small type . Price Is ; by post , -18 penny stamps . Pride and Vanity ; or , The Banker and the Peer , from the French of Frederic Soulie . Price Cd ; if by post , nine penny stamps . The History of Nourjahad , the Persian , n beautiful Story . Price Gil ; by post , 3 penny stamps . The Ass in the Lion ' s Skin ; a FrenchiRcmance , translated into English . -Price fid ; by posVK penny stamps . Tales of Yore , containing the Loves and Adventures of Bloomsbury and Felicia , Floris ana Blanchefleur , Ambrosio and Acantha , Leandcr and'Aidina , and Breachman and Padmanaba . Trice 8 d ; by post , 12 penny stamps . Tliii French Library : containing the following English Translations from the i ' rench : — Attar Gull , Eugene Sue , Is . La Saraua , by Ba Bal ; tae , Od . The Cross Roads , hy Jules damn , 2 s . The King ' s Diversion , by Victor Hugo , 13 , Lucvetia Borgia , by Ditto , Cil . Or , the wiiole bound together , 4 s . Tales of my landlady ; » 3 Numbers , at Three-halfpence each , or in one -Volume , neatly bounB , 4 s 6 d . These Tales comprise many of the above Works . Each Samher contains Sixteen Pages of elosely-printod Letter-press , stiched in a neat Wrapper , aud embellished with a superb Engraving . History of the Sun anil lloon , Id each ; by post 20 each . Wit and Wisdom , by an eminent Wit-cracker , contain , ing several theussuicl Witty Sayings and Jests , witli numerous Engravings , -s . The Plague in London , by an Eye-witness , 32 closelypriHted pages , 2 d j by post , 4 d . Z : idig , a Philosophical -Romance , by Voltaire , to which is added the Hermit , by Parnell ; showing the similarity of the two stories . Price Gd , stitched , ov in cloth boards , Is ; by post 3 . s 4 d . Tlie Farthing Journal , the Wonder of tlie World and the Envy of surrounding Booksellers , in one vol . Svo , price 2 s cloth boards : or in ( id Numbers , at One Farthing each . N . B . This work is stereotyped ; therefore , if y out Bookseller tell jouitis out of print , hu tells you au untruth . The Madrigal ( a collection of Songs ) , in 13 Numbers , with Engravings . Price-Id e : u-. h Number . The Penny Satrist Comic Album Uroadsheet , containing a -vast number of humorous Engravings . Nos . 1 and 2 . Price One Penny each .
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, . - . - , 1 ¦ ' * ? j * " ? , ' . it v „ £ c | « . J E „ : _ ,,. " c ^ i \ * si T < HEALTH , LONG UFE , AND HAPPINESS , SECURED BY THAT POPULAR MEDICINE TVTO Medicine yet ottered to the world ever so rapidly X H attained such distinguished celebrity : it is questionable if tlwre be now any part of the civilised globe where its extraordinary healing virtues have not been exhibited . This signal success is not attributable to any system of advertising , but solely to the strong recommendations of parties cured by their use . The Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pill ' s have now in their possession upwards of fifteen hundred letters , several o £ tliem from Clergymen of tlie Church of En « lan& , many from distinguished isseutiug Ministers , from gentlemen connected with the Army and Navy , also from Members cf Parliament , Merchants , and last * though notleast , from members of the Medical Profession , and a skilful Analytical Chemist ; all speaking iu the highest terms of Ihe value- of this inestimable medicine This is a mass of evidence in its favour beyond all parallel . The extraordinary properties of this modici . ie arc thus described by an eminent physician , who says , " After ' particular observation of the action of Parr's Pills , I am determined , in my opinion , that the following arc their true properties : — ' First—They increase tlie strength , whilst most other medikincs have a weakening effect upon the system . Let any one take from three to four or six pills every twentyfour hours , and instead of having weakened , they will be found to have revived the ar . iuwl spirits , and to have imparted a lasting strength to the body . " Secondly—In . tliciv operation tliey go direct to the disease . After you have taken Gix or twelve pills you will experience their effect ; the disease upon you will become less and kss by every ( lost you take , ami if you persevere in regularly taking from three to six pills every day , your disease will speedily be entirely removed from the system . " Thirdly—They arfi fouuu after giving them a fair trial fora few weeks to possess the most astonishing and invigorating properties , and they will overcome all obstinate complaints , and restore sound health ; there is a return of good appetite shortly from the beginning of their use , whilst their mildness as a purgative is a desideratum greatly required by the weak and delicate , particularly where violent surging is acknowledged to be injurious ins : ead of beneficial . Fourthly—As a general Tainily Medicine they are exceedingly valuable , and no family should be without them ; they may bs used with perfect safety in any disease , for to every disease tli ey are of inestimable value . John Dale , Esq ., of Manchester , Lecturer on Chemistry , and Pupil of the late celebrated Dr . Dalton , F . U . S ., in a letter addressed to the Proprietors in London , says : — ' i be" to state 1 find them worthy of being recommended to the public fo rtheir efficacy and simplicity , and to be really vegetablepiils , containing , us they do , nothing but what is of vegetable origin . "With this assurance the public need have no fear of giving them a fair trial . " Fifthly—There is no medicine ever introduced to the public that has become so universally popular with females as Parr ' s Life Pills . For all complaints peculiar to females they are of most astonishing emcacy ; and they arc coufiuL'iitl . v raomiiieiidod to tliom foi' general use . A trial of . i box of these pills will at once prove tlie truth of this assertion . IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC . "We consider we arc performing an act of humanity to the community of Van Dieuism ' s Land in acknowledging that statements have been made to us hy several persons who have taken Parr ' s Life Pills , with the most beneficial eflcct to them . Accounts of their efficacy have been furnished us by various individuals who have taken them , since the supply furnished by the patentees in England to Mr . Bowling ; but they have generally savoured so much of the marvellous , that we have hesitated to make tlie statements public . However , we are now satisfied from further accounts given to us , that toliesitatelonger would be perpctvati-. ig an act of criminal omission to our fellowcreatures , and having taken Ihc pills ourselves with the most satisfactory result , we perform an act of duty only iu most strongly recommending the use of them to the public at large . This we feel the more confidence in doing . knowing that under any circumstances they cannot uo harm ; and our conscientious belief is , that they cannot b ^ taken by any person without doing him good . " —CornmiU ( Van JJie ,, Mn ' s I / . mdJ Gazette , Dec . 23 rd , 1 S 44 . The jntdieim ; uf Old I ' arr is the most popular of the present day . It has been before Hie public only a few years ;' " aml iu this . sliori period has firmly established itself in public favour , and has efiVeted immense beneiit to all who have obtained this inestimable medicine genuine . Jlcncc the list of respectable names bearing evidence to the high character of this remedy , and testify , iug beyond the possibility of doubl the wonderful character of the medicine by the number of extraordinary and decided cures wholly resulting from its use . This medicine , solely by reason of its high character , has extended itself to all parts of the world ; and therefore its healing virtues may justly be considered universal . Agents arc now established in every town in the United Kingdom , and persons desirous of testing the character of Parr ' s life Pills may obtain printed copies of authenticated Testimonials , relating satisfactory particulars of cures efweted by ' this remedy . The following is a list yf "Wholesale agents : London—Edwards , St . Paul's Churchyard ; Barclay and Sons , Farriiigcon-street ; Sutton , Bow Churchyard . Manchester—Mottershead and Co ., Market-place . Edinburgh—J . and It . Itaimes and Co ., AVho ! e = ale Draggists . Dublin—Lcelcy , Wholesale Druggist Glasgow —Macli-od , and . Apothecaries' Company . Andjtetailed by every respectable Medicine Vendor in town and country . Sold in boxes at Is . ljd .,-2 s . 9 d ., and in family packets , lli . The Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordeasd the words " PARK'S LIFE PILLS" to be engraved on the Government Stamp , pasted round the sides of each . bos , in white letters on a red ground . Purchasers are also requested to observe that a facsimile of the Proprietcc / s' sisnature , " T . ltobcrts and Co ., Crane Court , Fleet Street , London , " is printed on the directions ; yrapped Tomsd each box , without which none are genuine , < & * Beware of Imitations . &
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CAUTION!—Unprincipie ' S individuals p-repnrc themo 3 t spurious compounds under the same names ; they copy the -labels , bills , advertisements , and -testimonials of the original Thomas ' s SucceflSncUm . It iis , therefore , highly necessary to see that tht-. vords 1 Thomas and Howard" are ou the Wratfpik-oi each article . All others are fraudulcrit'imitations . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . Price 2 s . M-. PATRONISEB by her Majesty tlie Queen , his Royal Highness Prince Albert , ¦ her Koyal Highness the Duchess ot Kent , his Majesty the King of the Belgians , his Majesty the King of Prussia , ! iis Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury , and nearly -all the Nobility , the Bishops , and the Clergy , Mr . THOMAS'S SUCCEUANEUJI , for tilling decayed teeth , -however largo the cavity . It is superior to anything ever before used , as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state , without any pressure or pain , and in a short time-becomes as hard as the enamel , and will remain firm in the toath many years , rendering extraction unnecessary . It arrests all further progress Of decay , and renders them again useful in mastication . All pevsons can use Mi \ -Thomas ' s Sv \ cce « aneum themselves with ease , as full directions are enclosed . Prepared only by Messrs . Thomas and Howard , Stirgeou-Dentists , W , -Seiners-street , Oxford-street , London , price 2 s . 6 d . Sold- 'bj their appointment by the following agents : —lleaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Halgh , Smith , Boll , Townseud , Baines and Newsome , Sineeton , Reinhardt , Tarbottom , and Homer , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis and Sou , Burdekin , Jloxon , Little , Hardman , Linncy , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Go ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncnster ; Judson , Harrison , « L 5 nney , Ripon ; Foggitt , Coates , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easiagwold . ; England , I ' ell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , lUcliuiond . ; Sweeting , Knarcsborough ; Pease , 'Oliver , Darlington : ; Dixou , Metealfe , Langdale , Xorth&llcrton ; Rhodes , 'Snaith ; Goldthnrpc , Tadcaster ; Kogcrspn , Cooper , Kewby , Kay-, Bradford ; Brieo , Pi'iustle , y , iPontefraet ; Cordwcll , 6 ill , Law ton , Dawson , Smith , Wakelicld ; Berry , Boston ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Iloehdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridgc ; alby , T ' etUerby ; Vfaic , Ilarrogate ; 'Wall , Barnsley ; and by « tt chemists and medicine vendors : > or the proprietors will send the Succedancum free by post to any part of tlie kingdom . LOSS OF TEETH . Messrs . Thomas and Howard continue to supply the lOSS Of tCCtll Without springs Ol wires upon their new system ef self-adhesion , which has procured them such universal approbation , aud is recommended by numerous physicians and surgeons as being the most ingenious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto inveuted . They adaptthcmsulvcs over the most tender yums , or remaining Stumps , without causing tlie least pain , rendering the operation of extracting quite unnecessary . They are so fixed as to fasten any loose teeth where the gums have shrunk from the use of calomel or other causes . They also beg to invite those not liking to undergo any painful operation , as practised by most members of the profession , to inspect their painless jet eflectivc system ; and in order that their improvements may be within the reach of theiKosteconomical , they will continue thesanicmoderatc charges . Slc-ssrs Thomas and Howard , Surgeon-Dentists , Gi , Berncrs-strcet , Oxford-street , London , At home from ten till four . ¦ Those interested in the subject will find'this statement of their superiority over all others to be entirely and scrupulously cornict . Tlieir new method of fixing Artificial i ' eeth has obtained the approbation and recommendation of the following eminent physicians and surgeons : — Sir James Clark , Bart ., Physician to her Majesty . Dl ' . LoUOCk , Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty . Dr . Ferguson , Physician Accoucheur to-hcr Majesty . Dr . Bright , Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty . SirB . C . Brodie , Bart ., Sergeant Surgeon to her Majesty . The late Sir A . Cooper , Bart ., SergcantSurgOSU to licr Majesty . It . Kcate , . Esn ., Sergeant Surgeon to her . Majesty . Dr . Merriman , Physician to her Roya-1 Highness the Duchess of Kent . Sir C . M . Clark , Bart ., M . D , Sir M . Tierncy , Bart ., JI . D . Dr . Chambers . Dr . Paris . Dr . James Johnson . Dr . Conquest . And numerous other members o the medicaJprofessioii .
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Just published , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated with eases , ( md fall-length engravings , price 'is . Cd ., in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part of the kingdom , onihv receipt ofa 2 Wst-oJtceorclerfor 3 s . M . THL SECRET COMPANION , A MEDICAL WORK on nervous debility and the eonx \ ccalcd cause of the decline of physical strength and loss of mental capacity , with remarks on tliu eftbets of solitary indulgence , neglected gonorrhoea , syphilis , secondary symptoms , &c , and ' mode of treatment ; followed by observations on marriage , with proper directions fur the removal of all disqualifications . Illustrated with engr avings , showing the evils arising from the use of mercury , and its influence on the body . By 11 . J . Brodie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , London . Published by the Authors , and sold by Slierwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Patcrnoster-row ; Mr . Noble , 114 , Chancery-lane ; Mr . Purkiss , Compton-street , Soho ; Ilannay and Co ., C 3 , Oxford-street ; Barth , 4 , Brydges-street , Coveut-garden ; Gordon . , Lcadcnhaltstreet , London ; Roberts , Derby ; Sutton , Ilcvicw-oftiCQ , Nottingham ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Tryer , Bath ; Harper , Cheltenham ; Keene , Bath ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldicott , Wolrcrhampton ; Jeyes , Northampton ; Parker , Hereford ; Turner , Coventry ; Slatter , Oxford ; Newton , Church-street , a » id Iloss and Nightingale , Clironiele-onice , Liverpool ; Terns and Score , Union-street . Bristol ; Wood , High-street , Guest , Bull-street , Birmingham ; Collins , St . Alary-street , Portsmouth ; Mendhara , Nelson-street , Greenwich ; Davis , Bernard-street , Southampton ; and by all booksellers in town and country . OPINIONS OF THE TRESS . This is a work of great merit , and should be placed in the hands of every young man who is suttcring from past fully aud indiscretion . It contains many valuable truths , and its perusal is certain to benefit him in many ways . — London Mercantile Journal . The authors of this valuable work evidently well understand the subject upon which they treat ; and this is the best guarantee we can give those persons to whom it is likely to prove serviceable . It is a publication whieh can , and ought to be , placed in the hands of every young man to guide him nmonjf the temptations of the world to which be may be subjected . —JfcntiVi ilcrcwii . TILE CORDIAL BALM OF ZEYLANICA : or , Nature's Grand Restorative ; is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous sexual debility , syphilis , obstinate gleets , irregularity , weakness , impotency , barrenness , loss of appetite , indigestion , consumptive habits , and debilities , arising from venereal excesses , &c . It is a most powerful and uselal medicine iu all cases of syphilis , constitutional weakness , or any of the previous symptoms which indicate approaching dissolution , such as depression of the spirits , Jits , headache , wanderings of ' the mind , vapours and melancholy , trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs , disordered nerves , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , and inward castings . Tins medicine should bo taken previous to persons entering into the matrimonial state , to prevent the * oil'spring sutlering from the past imprudence of its parents , or inheriting any seeds of disease , which is too frequently the case . Sold in bottles , price 4 s . Cd . and 11 s . each , or the quantity of four in one family bottle , for S 3 s ,, by which one lls . bottle is saved . The £ 5 cases ( the purchasing of which will be a saving of £ 1 l'Js . ) may be had as usual . Patients in the country who require a course of this admirable medicine , should send £ 5 by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . BRODIE'S PURIFYING VEGETABLE PILLS tiro universally acknowledged to be the best aud surest remedy for the cure of the Venereal Disease in both sexes , including gonorrhoea , gleets , secondary symptoms , strictures , seminal weakness , deficiency , and all diseases of the urinary passages ; without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from business . These pills , which do not contain mercury , have never been known to fail in effecting a cure , not only in recent , but in severe cases , where salivation and other treatment has been . ineflicient ; a perseverance in the Purifying . Vegetable Pills , in which Messrs , Urouie have happily compressed tlie most purifying . and healing virtues of tlio- vegetable system , and which is of the utmost importance to those alUlctcd with scorbutic affections , eruptions on . any part of the body , ulcerations , scrofulous or venerealSfaint , will cleanse the blood from all foulness , countcrai't , every morbid affection , ami restore weal : aud emaciate . ? , constitutions top iatine health and vigour . '• : ¦'¦ _ '¦ . . \ . Price Is . lid ., 2 s . ' -9 d ; , . 4 s . Cd ., and Us . per box . Observe the sigtutfunSfof " R . J . Brouie and Co ., London , " impvessed OTv ;> . > ei \ l in " red wax , affixed to each bottle and box , as ' ndjio '^ lse are genuine . Sold by all medicineUyiaidors in town and country . Be sure to ask ,: for . vB' ^ i e's Cordial Balm of 55 eylanicn , or Nature ' s Granricltestorative , and Purifying Vegetable PUIg . " ¦ ¦ ' , i - Messrs . Brodie and . 'Ca . ; Surgeons , may be consulted , as usual , at 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square , London , from eleven o'clock inHbojn ' pxning till eight in the evening , and on Suiid ^ 5 ftj ) mjfeiiS : cn o'clock till two , Country patient * avplrigneat&l tc be as minute as pos . sible in the detail "« f * jfi ^ ar £ 6 as ' 6 s . * The communication must be accomnanMdi ^ jfljj ' tfi&usual consultation fee of £ 1 , and in all cases . t'teai&iM . 'vroiable sceresy may be relied on . ¦ - ;;; - ¦ i& £ ?"« js& . -i > N . B . —Country artgsa ^ l ^ Bksellere , and patent medicine venders can be supplied with any quantity of Brodie ' s Purifying Vegetable Pills - " andWordial Balm of Zeylanica , w&U the usual allowance to the trade , by the principal whetssale patent medicine houses iu London . Only piie personal vUU is required to tftelapermawsit cure . Obscrve ;^? 7 , Montague-street , RussclL , . qua ^ e , fondon , '
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T ^^ xTRAORMNAUT ECONOM TO TEA ( DRINKERS-. T ' HE DESIRE Ol ' BNGLA-KB .--ThcriQUA'rLAN T . , now sold « t 3 s . ( id . perlb ., ts three times the strength of tea atid is ais-o c < jual in favour , more delicate iirt :: 3 te ; nfinitely mo » -e healthy , as is proved by physicians ami chemists of liig-li standing , also by persons in great num . burs with the most -doKcatc lungs and stomachs . It is most p leasant -anil invigorating , and is veconimenueu to the debilitated for its invaluable qualities , to uuvanrcu age for its strongtftening properties , and'to the public encrally for its vm derate price and intrinsic excellence . i ° Tub Test . —Tlie proof of the eflicacy and healthful Ufl ' ectof theplnist in preference to tea or coffee : —Let a Jnervous ov dyspeptic patient use two - « v three cups ot '¦ strong tcft won retiring to rest , a lid the eflcct will be ' nigliNmaro , disturbed sleep , and other violent symptoms ! indigestions , &c . ! The P'Hoof . —Let the most debilitated , dyspeptic , astli-! mati ? , consumptive , and nervous patients use two , throe , i or more cups of a very strong infusion of the 1 'iqua Plant , ¦ and in tire morning they will awake refreshed with their | reposo . It is" highly recommended by physicians to iu-! valids-tnd children as a most invigorating and pleasant i beverage . I SClie following are reasons v .-Uy the Pifjua Plant is supe-. ' lsior to tea , viz , : — i Jst . Because it is beneficial to health , 2 nd . It does not injure the nerves . 3 rd . Children may-use it with advantage to health . 4 th . It does notprevent sleep . 5 th . A quarter of a pound will go as far as three quarters of ft pound of tlie best gunpowder tea . Cth . It is strengthening and nutritious . 7 th . It is recommended by physicians , and tea is disapproved of by them . It greatly improves the voice ; it is recommended to singers and public speakers . TESTIMONIALS . 50 , Eugeware-voad , . Tnly 1 st , 1843 . Sir , —The beverage under the name of I'iqua -riant 1 have drank for some time . It was iirst recommended to ray notice as a salutary beverage by a friend , who is a great dyspeptic , and I have since recommended it to several patients suffering from chronic alt' eetions of the digestive organs , heart , tmd lungs , with uianifcst advantage . —I am , sir , yours , &c . To Mr . AVm . Evans . Jons Bryant , M . D . IS , Lonther-strect , Whitehiiven . Sir , —I am nearly out of the plant again . My sale has doubled since I sent the last order ; indeed , it is fast finding its way among some of the best families in the ' town , and is highly approved of . Please send me 50 ! bs . mmediately . —Yours , very respectfully , To Mr . Wm . Evans . J Bouste&d . Povcr-roau / SoutlnvarU . Sir , —I am much pleased with your Piqua Plant ; and find that a portion of it mixed iu the tea-pot with tea , is a very great improvement to any tea , particularly green tea . —Yours , &c , To Mr . Win . Evans . G . B . Belvidere-place , Borough-road , July 17 th , 1 S 33 . Sir , —I have great pleasure , aud indeed I consider it an mpcrative duty , injustice to you , and for the benefit of others , to bear testimony to the excellent qualities of the ¦ Piqua Plant . It has wholly removed a constant painful nervous debility with which I was affected , which produced restless nights , and consequently overpowering langour during the day . Sines the use of the infusion , tliu disease has entirely disappeared . I sleep soundly often for six , seven , and eight houi's together , and am better in health than I have been for many years ; and others , to whom I luivc recommended it , have experienced the same beneficial results . Ycu are at liberty to use this testimonial , which I am ready to confirm in person any day you think proper . —I am , sir , your obedient servant , To Mir . Wm . Evans . G . Taiiouhdin . Numerous testimonials from physicians , and others , of undoubted authority , may be seen at Evans ' s depot . The plant is patronised by many of the first families in the land . The economy derived from the use of the I'iqua Plant . compared with ten , is as follows :: —lib . of the plant will go as far as lib . of tea . Sold wholesale and retail , at the proprietor's , Evans ' s Warehouse , No . 18 , Stafford-street , Peekbam , in quarterpound tinfoil packages . None is genuine unless each package bears tlie signature of Win . EA'ANS . Agents roit London . —Gutter , 114 , Strand , near Savoystreet ; Johnson , C 8 , Cornhill ; Abott , 113 , St . Martin ' slane ; Burgess , Milliner , ifce ., High-street , Camdc ' n Town ; Bcnnet ,. 2 O , ICing's-road , Chelsea ; Green , oihnan , St . Johnstrcct-road ; Trueman , oilman , Miilnond-strcet , Bennondsey ; Holmes , 20 , New-road , Luwcr-road , Deptford ; Robertson , oilman , Dover-road , Borough ; Griffith , 35 , Bell-street , Edgwarc-road ; Itoivlcs , butcher , Islcworthsquaro ; Evans ' s warehouse , IS , Stafford-street , Pcckham . Agents fou the Coustby , —Thornton , chemist , Boarlane , Leeds ; Bottcrill , near Old Brewery , Burnley , Leeds ; Lomax , chemist , Holnifrith , near Iludtlcrsiield ; Houghton , 47 , Westgate , lludilersficld ; Frankland , seedsman , Ilalton , near Skipton ; Cawdell , G 8 , Queen-street , Hull ; Gadsliy , Kcwall-building ? , Manchester ; Frcistlitf , cliemist , Lord-street , Liverpool ; Nott , JfelsGii-street , Uristoli-oad , Birmingham ; Messrs . l ' wres aud Score , Chemists to the Queen , Union-street , Bristol . g ^ - One Agent , wanted in each town and village where there is none . Any respectable trade approved of . Ko licence required .
Untitled Ad
THE EAttL OF ALDBOIIOUGII CURED BV ' IIOLLOWAY'S PILLS . TII 15 Eari of AUlborough cured of a Liver aud Stomach Complaint . Extract of a Letter from tlie Earl of Altlborough , dated Villa Messina , Leghorn , 21 st February , i SIS ;—- To Professor llolloway . Sir , —Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you before this time for your politeness in scuding me your pills us you did . I now take this opportunity of sending you mi order lot the amount , and , at the same time , to add that your pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my liver and stomach , which all the most eminent of the faculty athome , and all over the continent , had not been able to effect ; nay ! not even the waters of Carlsbad and Mnrienbad . I wish to have another box and a pot of tlie ointment , in case any of my family should ever require cither . Your most obliged and obedient servant , ( Signed ) Aldboiicdgh . A Wonderful , Cure of Dropsy of Flu Yean standing . Copy of a Letter from Mr . Thomas Taylor , Chemist , Stockton , Durham , 17 th April , isis : — To Professor llolloway . Sir , —I think it my duty to inform you that Mrs . Cloui'h , wife of Mr . John Clough , a respectable farmer of Acklam , within four miles of this place , had ueen suffering from dropsy for five years , aud had had the best medical advice , without receiving any relief . Hearing of your pills and ointment , she used them with such surprising benefit that , in fact , she lias now given them up , being so well , and quite able to attend to her household duties as formerly , whieh she ncucr expected lo do again . I had almost forgotten to state that she was given up by the faculty as ineurable . When she used to get up iu the morning it was impossible to discover a feature in Jicr face , beiiiff in such a fearful state . This cure is entirely by the use of your medicines . I am , sir , yours , &c , &c , ( Signed ) Thomas Taylob . A Cure of Indigestion and Constipation of ( lie Voicels . Copy of a Letter from G . " * .. Wythen Baxter , Esq ., Author of the " Book of the Basliles , " ifce ., &c . The Brvnn , near New-town , "Montgomeryshire , North Wales , March Brd , 1 S-J 5 . To Professor llolloway . Sir , —I consider it my duty to inform you that your pills , a few boxes of which 1 purchased at Jlr . Moore ' s , Druggist , of Sewtown , have cured me of constant indigestion and constipation of the towels , which application to literary pursuits had long entailed upon me . I should strongly recommend authors , and studiously-disposed persons generally , to use your valuable pills . You have my permission to publish this note , if you wish to do so . I am , sir , your most obedient servant , ( Signed ) 6 . It . Wytiien Baxter . A Cure of Asthma and Shortness of Breath . Extract of a Letter from tlie Kev . David Williams , Resident \ V « ley ; m Minister at Bcaumaris , Island of An-( flcscn , North Wales , January 14 th , 1 SJ 0 : — To Professor llolloway . Sir , —The pills which I requested you to send inc . were fov a poor man of the name of Hugh Davis , who , before he took them , was almost unable to walk for ihe want Of breath ! and had only taken them a few days wlien lie appeared quile another man ; his breath is now easy and iiadintl , ami he is increasing daily in strength . ( Signed ) David Williams . } J , ] 2 . These extraordinary pills will cure any case of Asthma or Shortness of Breath , however long standing or distressing the case may be , even if the patient be unable to lie down in bed through fear of being choked with cough and phlegm . This Wonderful Medicine can U recommended with He greatest confidence for any of the following diseases : — Ague Female Irregulari-Sore Throats . Asthma tics Scrofula , or King ' s Uilious Comp laints Fits Evil Blotches on Skin Gout Secondary Symp . Bowel Comp laints Headache toms Colics Indigestion Tic Doloreux Constipation of Inflammation Tumours Dowels Jaundice Ulcers Consumption Liver Complaints Venereal Affections Debility Lumbago Worms , all kinds . Dropsy Mcs Weakness , from Dysentery Kheumatism whatever cause , Erysipelas Retention of Urine &c , &c . Fevers of all kinds Stone and Gravel Tbwe truly invaluable Tills can be obtained at tlie establishment of Professor llolloway , near Temple Bar , London , and of most respectable Venders of jfedieine , throughout the civilized -world , at the followieg prices : —Is . lid ,, 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . Cd ., lls ., 22 s ., and 3 ? s ., eacU box . There is a considerable saving by takir . fi tlie larger sizes . N . B . —Directions for the guidance . tlents in every . disorder are aflj . xgd to Pach box .
Untitled Ad
ilAKB ON SPINAL DISEASE . TillUS day is published , price 2 s . Cd ., CASES and 013-X SEHVATIONS illustrative of the beneficial results which may be obtained by close attention and perseverance in some of the most chronic and unpromising instances of spinal deformity ¦; wi : U eighteen engravings on wood . % Samuel Hare , M . ft . C . S . London : John CliurcliHI , Princes-street } and may be had of : iU booksellers .
Untitled Ad
/ p AUTION . —All Persons advertising Succcdnneum for \ J stopping decayed teeth , fraudulently attempt to imitate Jilt . CLAKKK'S ORIGINAL SUCCHDANEUM ; and if any Succbdaucum . than llr . Clarke ' s bo purchased , it will be discovered useless . Mr . Clarke can say , without the slightest exaggeration , that he has sold 3 , 000 bottles of Siicccdaueuitt within 1 G months : and 'J . SOO individuals have been able t ® use it successfully ; and most of the other purchasers have been to Sir . Clarke , at his residence , 61 , -Lower Grosvcnor Street , London , to have their teeth stopped , without uuy further charge than the original cost of the Succ ' cdnncunj , price 5 s . Sold wholesale to all ihe chemists in town and country : and none is genuine unless had through Messrs . Barclay and Sons , wholesale Medicine Warehouse , 95 , Farringdon Street ; Edwards and Son , 07 , St . 1 ' aul ' s Church Yard ; Hanncy and Co ., CO , Oxford Street ; -Cullcck anil Jioscly , 159 , ¦ tipper Thames Street , London ; and other respectable wholesale Medicine Warehouses ; or Mr . Clarke can scud it by post to any part of the United Ivingdon , on receiving a Post-office order . . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . However large the cavity . Patronised by Her Majesty the Queen Dowager , her ltoyal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester , His Grace the Duke of Wellington , and the principal Nobility . Mr . Clarke ' s Succcdaneum for Stopping Decayed Teeth is far superior to anything ever used before , as it ii placed ill the tooth without any pressure or pain , becomes as hard as the enamel immediately sifter application , and remains firm in the tooth for life ; not only rendering extraction unnecessary , but also making them again useful for mastication . All persons can use Mr . Clarke ' s Succcdaneum themselves with ease , as full directions are enclosed ( price 5 s . ) and sold by all respectable , medicine-vendors in town and country , and can be sent by post on receiving a l ' ost-office order . —Prepared only l > y Mr . Clarke , Surgeon-dentist , lil , Grosvenor Street , Bond Street ( removed from SO , Ilarley StlTOi , CilVGlluisll Square ) . LOSS OF TEETH . Mr . Clarke still continues to supply the loss of teeth , from one lo ii complete set , upon his beautiful system of self-adhesion , which has procured him such universal approbation in some thousands ' of-eases ' , mid recommended by Sir James Clark , Bart , M . D . and Dr . Locuck , riiysieians to Her Majesty , and numerous other members of the medical profession , us being the most ingenious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented . They are so contrived , as to adapt themselves over the most tender gums or remaining stumps without causing the least pain , rendering the operation of extraction quite unnecessary ; and in order that his system may bt within the reach of the most economical , he will continue the same moderate charges . —Mr . Clarke , Ssuvgeon-uentist , No . fil , Grosveuor Street , lioml Street , London . —At home from clevcit till four .
Untitled Ad
Just Published , A new . 'md important Edition of the Silent Friend on Human JFrailty . Pi-ice 2 s . Cd ., nnd sent free to any part of the United Kingdom ou the receipt of a Post Ofivse Order for 3 s . Gd . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry inie the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and tlie ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful elYi-ok of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , XEilVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive ett'ects of Gonorrhoea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished ivitic Ten flue coloured Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of cure , fov both sexes : followed by observations on the obligations of MARKIAGE , aud healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity : is a " SILENT PJIIBNJ ) " to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . By lv . and L . PERRY and Co ., Consulting Sukgeos 3 . Published by tlie Authors , and may be had at their Residence , 1 !) , HernerS'Street , Oxford-street , London ; sold by Strange , 21 , Paternoster-vow ; Hnnnay and Co ., 03 , Oxford-street ; Gordon , ' 1-10 , Leadenliall-strect ; Powell , 10 , Westmorland-street , Dublin ; Lindsay , 11 , Dim-row , Edinburgh : I ) . Campbell , ISfl , Argylu-stvcot , Glnsgow -, Ingham , Market-street , Manchester ; Newton , Churchstreet , Liverpool ; Guest , Hull-street , Birmingham . OPINIONS OF THE TKESS . "TFe regard tte work before us , the "Silent Friend , " as a work enibi peiiij » most < ile . ii ami practical views of a series of coinj-lfiints hitherto little understood , and passed over by the majority of the medical profession , for what reason we are ;> . t a loss to know . We must , however , confess Mutt n iierujal of this work h : is left such a favourable iir . prcssion on onr minds , that we nut only recommend , but cordially wish every one who is tlie victim of past folly , or suderiHg from indiscretion , to profit by the advice contained in its pages . "—Age and Argus , " The . Authors of the Silent Friend" seem to be thoroughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints" which are , we fc-ar , too prevalent in the present day . Tl . ' 6 perspicuous slyle In which this book is written , and the valuable hints it conveys to thow who are apprehensive of entering the marriage stole , cannot fail to recommend it to a careful perusal . "— Era . " This work should be read by all who value health and j wish lo enjoy life , for the truisms therein contained , defy all doubt . —Farmers * Journal , TliE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIA . CUM Is intended to relieve those persons , who , by an immoderate indulgence of their passions , have ruined their constitutions , or in their way to the consummation of . that deplorable state , are affected with anv of tliOSC previous symptoms that betray its approach , as the various affections of the nervous system , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , weakness , total impoteney , barrenness , < £ c . This medicine is particularly recommended to be taken before persons enter into the matrimynial state , lest , in tho event of procreation occurring , the innocent offspring should bear enstamped upon it the physical character * derivable from parental debility . Price lls ,, or the quantity of four at lls . iu one bottle for 83 s ., by which 1 Is . is saved ; tlie A " S cases may be hail as usual , which is a saving of £ 1 Ii ' s . THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE , An anti-syphilitic remedy for searching out and purifying tho diseased humours of ihe blood ; conveying its active principles throughout the body , even penetrating the minutest vessels , removing all corruptions , contaminations , ami impurities from the vital stream ; eradicating tho morbid virus , aud radically expelling it through the skin . Price Us ., ov four bottles m owe fov S 3 s ., by which lls . is saved , also in £ 5 cases , which saves £ 112 s . ¦ Venei'cal contamination , if not at first eradicated , will Oftflll l'Cinuill SOei'dtly luvkiltg ill the system tor years , and , although fur a while undiscovered , at length break out upon the unhappy individual in its most dreadful forms ; or else , unseen , internally endanger the very vital organs ' of existence . To those suffering from the consequences which tills disease may have left behind in the form of secondary symptoms , eruptions of the skin , blotches on tlie head and face , ulceratious and enlargement of the throat , tonsils , and threatened destruction of the nose , puhite , &c ., nodes on the shin bones , or any of those painful affections-arising from tlie dangerous effects of the indiscriminate use of mercury , or the evils of an imperfect cure , the Concentrated Detersive Essence will be found to be attended ' with the most astonishing effects , in cheeking the ravages of the disorder , removing all scorbutic complaints , mid effectually re-establishing the health of the constitution . To persona entering -upon the responsibilities of matrimony , and who ever had the misfortune during their move youthful clays to uo affected with any form of these diseases , a previous course of tliis medicine is highly , essential , and of the greatest importance , as more , serious affections arc visited upon an innocent wife and offspring , from a want of these simple precautions , than perhaps half the world is aware of ; fov , it must be remembered ! where the fountain is polluted , the streams that now frotn it cnutiot be pure . TERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 0 d ., 4 s . Cd ., and lls . per box , "Withjttx . wligj . t directions , venueved perfectly intelligible to overj \ pqijaifjty , ; arq well known throughout Europe to be the mos ^ dr . laln and effectual remedy ever discovered-for gonorrU ^; botb in its raiid and aggravated forms , i » y . imined&tely-. qilnying 7 inflammatioii aud arresting ftirtte pvogrc ^ ii j ^ ' ¦¦ ¦ ; ¦ •; ; :- ' , - _ . ¦ \ r - - " /< ¦ " [ r ° ' $ - ^^ i $ ??> irritatio . n-of the bladder ; pains'l ofthp loins $ ^^ n ^ gjj ,. gr ^ nri' I t ^ f |^ B . V . ! her > ' £ ? ve permanently' cured in" a shovt > ps ^^ fytiinei without confinement or the least esposuve ;\ SK ??\ S ; ' : i r . :.:.. / "' . ; : ¦ '' ¦ v : ¦ . ¦ . ; .. . . - Tbe ^ abw ^ rt . e ^ icine ^ fe . ' p ' rep ^ cd-. only ' iiy Messrs . IV . ' and 7 ,: ^ E ^ ty : 4 and : Co ;; ; Suvg «> ns , " l 3 , jjcniers-s ' teeet , O \ ford ^ ftce |^ iondon .. '''• ; . 'i-. , : : ; ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' - ' ' ' - ¦ ¦ ifi ' ? jfn ; : ^ l ^^ , tispeeljWl ^ iimsuUed i > y letterjhc nsiud '¦ h ' ^^^^ fff . tliciexmm . imia ^ tioniff .. \ . . .. . ; .- ' . ' raticiife ; - ' a ' re ,-refj [ uested to be as . , minute as possible in the detaiVjo ^ be ' ir . cases , as . ' to tbexluration of the complaint ;; tiie rsy ' mptomsj age , habits ' of living , ami general occup >^^ , - - ' ; - ^ cr di ( nnescan . be . ibr . Vjrar ( led to any part of the . V \^ fc ^ O ' . ^ ifiieulty .. ^ tvoeiacj ' as they Mil he securely p acR ^^ 1 jS ; # 5 6 futiy . prp ) eet « ji'firji ^ n . bbservatiott . % S 5 % T eiTyjflnd Co £ Sujjgeon £ ' mny . be consulted as usii . al ;^ v 3 ; 4 ) , » JBei-n , ei ; s-stree 1 t , ; QxlfVSrd-stMet , London , punctualiy , jpto «^ p ) : en . VtiU T . woWi 4 , 'ifoom Vive'till Might . On Sje ^ SvjB 5 M » K . Sp } yU _ I .- ^ wc lvc . Only one personal visit ifi . vreqjiU'eQi-. R'om ' t ^ S . ^ countm ' -patient' to . enable HessrsiPciTy-TUid Co . to give : ^ ucu ; advice as will be the ineaifs ; of : iftccting a permanent " and effectual cure , after all otSeyiiuJatis-have proved ineffectual , N . B ^ e . qwnt ' ry Druggists , Book ' sellers ; Patent Medicine Teuders ^ nnd every otlier shopkeeper , can be supplied with any quantity of the Cordial Balm of Syriaeura , the Conccntratcd ' Dctcrsive Essence , and Perry ' s Purifying Spo-I cine Pills ,. ; with the nsual allowance to the Trade , by most of the principal "Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses i » Tendon , of wWi may be UmV !( g gijenf Frifind , " ¦ ' ' ' ¦ i
Untitled Ad
___ , ^ BILE ! BILE ! BILE ! WOPvBOl'S'S PILLS remove , in a few days , thote distressing symptoms arising from a disorder ^ state of tlte biliary duets , viz ., heartburn , sick headache , loss Of appetite , fluttering , of the stomach , &C , JJeiiig free from mercurial and antimonial preparations , they may he taken at any time with perfect safety . Sold in boxes , Is . lid . cadi , by W-. S , Worboys , 70 , Neiv Cut , Lamuetli ; ulivclay and Ssms , 1 avringdon-street ; anaoy most resiiectitble medieiiie vendors iu tomi and count ry . N . B . —Persons desirous of making trial of these l'ills ,. may , by enclosing a postage stamp to the Proprietor , havea dose transmitted gratuitously .
Untitled Ad
ON DEBILITY AND DISEASE . Price 2 s . Cd ., in an envelope , or forwarded to any address free , on receipt of a post-ollici ! order fo i 3 s . Cd ., milE MENTOlt 01 : ' HEAiTH , u . Medical V , ' ork on JL Nervous Debility , and t ; ie uauscs of Frematuru J ) e . cav in 5 fan , resulting from Kxeess , Infliction , or Itnju-u . deuce . Also , O 13 SEKVAT 1 O-VS ON MAUK 1 AGE , aud certain disqualifications , together with treatment for diseases of the Generative Organs , by J . S . TissoT and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 0 , Caroline-street , Jicdturd . square . / " The Mentor of Health , by Vr . Tissot , is one of the most valuable and instructive little works on the subject of disease resulting from early indiscretion , , tc , ever perused . It contains plain and simple descriptions of tlie anatomy and physiology of the organs liable to be affected by shcIi diswisps , and every information to Suhh the unwary and inexperienced from the temptations to whieli tlwy svve cxpostd . To tliose vequiring a Mentor , ' we most strongly recommend the work , and it is well worth the perusal of those who arc so fortunate as not to need its advice . "—X-oudOH Jfercautilc Journal . Published by the Authors , and sold by James Gilbert , J 9 , Paternoster-row ; Jiudie , 1 CI , Fleet-street ; Xoble , 114 , Chanccry-lanc ; Purkiss , tiO , Comptoii-street , Soho ; Lovelace , So , Kiiig-stirct , liegent-strcet ; Itusscll , 43 , Store-street , IJeJford-squarc ; Thomas Newton , H ! and 2 U , Church-street , Liverpool ; Messrs . Kobinson , 11 , Grcon-8 i ( lc-sti'cet , JJfliiiburgli ; and by all booksellers . At home daily till three : evenings , six till nine . One personal interview suilicieat . Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms cured without the dangerous use of mercury .
Untitled Ad
WRAY'S SPECIFIC -MIXTURE for Gonorrhoea , warranted to remove Urethral Discharges in forty-eight hours : in the majority of cases twenty-four , if arising from local causes . Sold ( in bottles , 4 s . Cd . ami lls . cacli , duty included ) at 118 , llolboru-llill , and &U , Stvaml , London . Sold also by Sangcr , 150 , . Oxford-street ; Johnston , GS , Cornhill ; Barclay anil Sons ; 05 , Varringdon-street ; Kutler , :, Cheapsidc ; Edwards , 07 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard ; and by all medicine vendors in town and country . Advice given gratuitously to persons calling bttwecn ( lie hours of cloven and one in the morning , and seven and nine in the evening . Where also may be had Wray ' s Celebrated Uidsamiel'ills , for the cure of gleets , " impuissnncc , strictures , seminal weakness , whites , pains in the loins , tvlVcetions of the kidneys , gravel , m-itati . n ; of the blmlucr or urcthrn , ami other diseases of the urinary jiassages , frequently performing , in recent cases , a pui foc ' t cureiu the space of a few days ; they have also been found decidedly cflieaeious in eases of gout and rheumatism and an excellent remedy for the removul of the evil vll ' vcts of self abuse . In boxes at 2 s . 9 d ., is . Cd ., and Us . each . 13 y post free , 3 s ., 5 s ., and 12 s , " A mild diuretic—a soothing balsamic—a powerful tonic — and an excellent invigorating pill . "—Sunday Times . Wrag's Alterative Tonic Pointers and Pilli , a certain specific for the removal of pseudu-syphilis , secondary symp . toms , &c . 4 s . Cd ., lls ., aii ( lL ' i . s . a packet . VTraifs Improved Suspensory Hiouhui ' ei , well adapted for sportsmen , gentlemen , limiting ridinjr , walking , suirei'in from disease , relaxation , local debility , , tc , approved oi and highly recommuuded l > y the late Jlr . Aburuetliy . Best Jean , Is . aud Is . ( id . ; ditto , with fronts , 3 s . fid . ; knitted or wove silk , ' . ' s . Oil . ; ditto , with elastic springs , " S . Gd . 11 UTTUUES . Wrays Improved Steel Spring Trusses , for hernia , properly adapted ; single , us . Cd ., 7 s . Gd ., and 10 s . Cd ., doubles , 10 s . Cd ., 10 s ., and 21 s . Physicians'and Surgeon ' s advice every day from eleven fill one . and evening from seven till nine .
Untitled Ad
| CORNS AND BUNIONS . PAUL'S EVERY MAX'S ' FRiKXD , I ' alronlsed by the lioyal Family and Nobility , I S a sure and speedy cure for those severe annoyances , without causing the least pain or inconvenience . Unlike all othev remedies fov Corn ? , its opevation is &msh as to render Ihe Cutting of Corns altogether imnccessa / T ; indeed , we may say , tlie in active of cutting Coins is at all times highly dangerous , and has been fmiucnily attended with lamentable consequences , besides ils liability to increase their growth ; it adheres with tlie must gentle prcsiure , producing an instant anil delightful relief from torture , ami , with perseverance in its application , entirely eradicates the most inveterate Corns and JSunions . Testimonials have been received from upwards of one hundred Physicians and Surgeons of the greatest eminence . Prepared by John Vox , in boxes , at Is . lid . ; or three small boxes in one for 'is , !) d . ; and to be had of Mr . King , Napier-stroet , New Town , lloxton , London ; and all wholesale and retail medicine vendors in town and coun . try . The genuine has tlie mime of John l- ' ox on tliu stamp . A 2 s . 9 d , l ) Ox cures the most obdurate coins . Ask for "Paul ' s Every Man ' s Friend . " ABEliNETLlY'S TILE OINTMENT . What a painful and noxious disease is the Piles , and comparative ' y bow lew of the aillieted have been permanently cured by ordinary appeals to medical skill ! This , no doubt , arises from the use of powerful aperients , too frequently administered by thuyirot'ossiou ; indeed , strong internul medicine should always ha avoided in all eases of this complaint . The proprietor of the above ointment , after years of acute suffering , placed himself under tlia treatment of that eminent surgeon , i \ lr . Abernetby , —was bv him restored to perfect health , and lias enjoyed it ever since , without Uie slightest return of the disonkr , over a period of fifteen years , during which time the same Aberncthian prescription lias been this means of healing a vast number of desperate cases , both iu and out of the proprietor ' s circle of friends , most of which cases had been under medical cave , aud some of them for a , v ery « O \ lsijerahlc time . Abcrnclhy ' s Pile Ointment was introduced : o the pullic by the desire of many who had been perectly healed by its application ; and since Us introduction - . lie fame of this ointment has spread far and wide . Even the medical profession , always slow and unwilling to acknowledge tllG virtllOS of liny medicine uot pruimred by themselves , de now freely and frankly admit that A hernethy ' s Pile Ointment is not only a valuable preparation , but a never-tailing remedy in every stage ami variety u '> that appalling malady . Suflercrs will not repent giving it a trial . Multitudes of cases ol'its efficacy might be produced , if the nature of the complaint did not render those who have been curiu unwilling to publish their names . Sold in covered "Ols , at ' is . O'd ., with full illrcct ' wns i \> r use , by C . King ( agent to the ' proprietor ) . A " i'l * ' r-Sira ' ' lloxton , New Town , London : where also can lie procured every patent medicine of repute , direct from the original mtiUei' 3 , willi an allowance for taking six at a inw . § W Be sure to ask for " Abernethy ' s Pile' Omtimin , ' and observe the name of C . King on the government stamp iifflxcd to each pot , -Is . Cd ., ' which is the low * - * price the proprietor is enabled to sell it at , owing to tha great expense of tint ingredients . Sold also by Barclay and Sons . 1 ' arringilon-stioet ; Edwards , C 7 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard : liutlcr , 4 , Cliwpside ; Newbcry , St . Paul ' s ; Sutton , 15 ow Cliureli-v : ir « l ; . Oolinston , 1 G , Greek-street , Solio . ami «» , Covnliill ; »» " - ger , 130 , Oxford-street AVilloughby and Co ., 61 , Uisliopsgatcstreet Without ; Owen , 52 , . Marchmont-street , « wtnn-crcsccnt ; T . ade , Si ) , Cos wen-street ; Prout , -- > Strand ; Ilannay and Co ., ( iS , Oxford-street ; H « "teri !" , Jiimes , Webberlrow ; and retail by all respectable i > mists ami medieiric venders in London .
L List Of Books, ^O^ Publishixng Bt -R N Cousins; Is, Duke Street, L1scolvs-Isn-Fjelds. London. I
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v S , ,,.,. . . _ ¦ ' ITIftK ¦ ¦ ¦ NORTRRftN " . STAIL " . ' ___ OggM gL , lg Jg 45 ^
The Phesent ' Panuamp.St.-The Csisting O ^ C Of Commons Mtiv Continue In Being Till The Aim M Of 181t, And From Actual Appearance There Is N≪» "•¦'- " To Coneiude That It Will Bo Dissolved Mueh Beioietliat Time.
The Phesent ' PAnuAMP . sT .-The csisting o ^ of Commons mtiv continue in being till the aim m of 181 T , and from actual appearance there is n <» " •¦ ' - " to coneiude that it will bo dissolved mueh beioietliat time .
Untitled Article
. ' ¦ At this tcasos oftlic vcar , vro know ol no < u . ^ drawback to our ciijoyiiient than the cu = T ,, - turn of thoMseasonaUc afflictions , corns ami UUJi . ^ Few , indeed , there are , who havp Kot bc ? j i m ; Jo time snll ' cvcrs by tliesc tormenlini ! cv i ; , , iicn -Un ^ Y . - howcYci' , that ihc numlicv is n » » i t ; * j 1 > VJbniiGi'ly , owing to the nstonislnnjr cures ciru » - . ¦ : tli «« extond < Sdu 8 e of J ' aul ' a iWii Jfati ^"""''" r fproscnt object is to point out to tho * ' ' quoted with the good results of tlns . apphcM ^ thaf by-vtsusc they will certainly acqime no . - : -ease-to their feet , but , from vew oual experience w » undoubted efficacy , they will derive as perwet' »' permanent a cure as though no such disorUer liau i ¦ troubled them . The remedy is simple , »'" "" ; n : lV . merely of a plaister , renewed as oa »«'' ^ require , uud bi . t few arc necessary to r . d tho ' » _ ofallhis pains . They may be obtained o I ** . spectablc Chemist or Medicine Vender in |^ ( dom , and at so vcasonaUe a price- that the poo person has it in Lis power to riiake . oft tlib l « jn and- incronsina growth , llio plawtci . sof boxes , at is . lid . each ; ov , inlarcc boxeb , jontam ^ three small ones , for 2 s . 9 d . Be sure to aJ "Paul'sEver , / Man ' sIVicnd , " which is ininttu the 'Government Stamp . ' noiLOWAT - sPn . Ls .-Tho virtue of this m ^^ ordiuary-medicine , is so admirable an « el ™ j . 1 ; that it wonderfully -preserves man jn he ; iltn : strength of body , and of nil the powers and UiU ^ of his mind . It is a sovereign remedy or an " - V . * Iioivover bad , that admit of a cure . All pcraow "" m ' ing from general debility , nervous ahectioiis , u bilious complaints , sick liead-aehcs , . \ 'S ^ j , un by : ofappclitc , as well as every eomi ) SMU- «' ?" a" % u i sedentary habits , for all such thc » lUJ s «» found to give almost immediate J'eJJPl ' . St .-
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 18, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1337/page/2/