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3Sanlu*upte, &t.
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D V « MS PRATI on CHRONIC DISEASES of the SKIN , their CAUSBS and CU 11 E . Theabofe wbrkinaybehad , postage free , in any part of the iingdom , by remitting the amount in stamps to Dr Ae Prati , 4 . Mortimer-street , CaTenaish-square .
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HEALTH , LOSG 1 > IFE , AND HAPPINESS , SECURED BY THAT POPULAR MEBICINE TVTO Medicine yet offered to the world erer so rapidly XS attained such distinguished celebrity : it is questionable if there be now any part of the civilised globe where its extraordinary healiug virtues have not been exhibited . This signal success is not attributable to any system of advertising , but solely to the strong recommendations of parties cured by their use . The Proprietors of Parr ' s lafe Piil ' s have now in their possession upwards of fifteen hundred letters , several of them from Clergymen of the Church of England , many from distinguished issenting Ministers , from gentlemen connected with the Army and lfavy , also from Members of Parliament , Merchants , and last , though not least , from members of the Medical Profession , and a skilful Analytical Chemist ; all speaking in the highest terms of the val'je of this inestimable medicine . TUUis a mass of evidence ifiits favour beyond all pavaUtl . The extraordinary properties of tins mouici . ie are thus described by an eminent physician , who says , " After particular observation of the action of Parr ' s Pills , 1 am determined , in my opinion , that the following are their true properties : — 'First They increase the strength ., whilst most other medicines have a weakening effect upon the system . Let any one take from three to four or six pills every twentyfour hours , and instead of having weakened , they will be found to have revived the ar . imal spirits , and to have imparted a lasting strength to the body . " Secondly—In their operation tliey go direct to the disease . After you have taken six or twelve pills you will experience their effect ; the disease upon you will become less and less by every di > sc you take , and if you persevere in regularly taking from three to & \ x pills every day , jour disease will speedily he entirely removed from the system . " Thirdly—They are founoafter gWingtliem a fair trial fora few weeks to possess the most astonishing and invigorating properties , and they will overcome all obstinate complaints , and restore sound health - . tliero is a return « fg ««< l appetite sliorUy from the beginning of their use , whilst their mildness as a purgative is a desideratum greatly required by the weak and delicate , particularly irlicre violent pirgjng is acknowledged to be injurious Ins'ea . l of beneficial . Fourthly—As a general Family Medicine they are exceedingly valaablc , and no family should be without them ; ihey may be used with perfect safety in any disease , for to every disease they are of inestimable value . John Dale , Esq ., of Manchester , Lecturer on Chemistry , and Pupil of the late celebrated Dr . Dalton , F . U . S ., in a letter addressed to the Proprietors in London , says : —' j leg to state I find them worthy of beinjj recommended to the public fo rtlieir efficacy and simplicity , and to be really vegetablepiils , containing , as they do , nothing but what is of vegetable origin . "With this assurance the public need Lave no fear of giving them a fair trial . " Fifthly—There is no medicine ever introduced to the public that has become so universally popular with ftmales as Parr ' s Life Pills . For all complaints peculiar to females they are of most astonishing efficacy ; and they are confidently recommended to them for general use . A trial of a bos of these pills will at once prove tlie truth of this assertion . LMFORTAXT TO TJIE PUBLIC . "We consider we are performing an act of humanity to the community of Van Uieuiau ' s Land in acknowledging that statements have been made to us by several persons ivho have taken Parr ' s Life Pills , with the most beneficial effect to them . Accounts of their eflicacy have been furnished us by various individuals who have taken them , ance the supply furnished by the patentees in England to 3 Ir . Dun-Mug ; but they have generally savoured so much of the marvellous , that we have hesitated to make the statements public . However , we arc now satisfied from further recounts given to us , that to hesitatelongtr would be perpetrating an act of criminal omission to our felloncrcatures , aud having taken the pills ourselves with the most satisfactory result , we perform an act of duty only in most strongly recommending the use of them to the public at large . This we feel the more confidence in doing . Uuowiug that under any circumstances they cannot do harm ; and our conscientious belief is , that they vanuut b- taken by any person without doing him good . " —Cornwall ( Van J / kman ' s LandJ Gazelle , Dec . 2 Srd , 1 SH . The meaicine of Old Parr is the most popular of tile present day . It has been before the public only a few years ; aud in this short period has firmly established itself in iraW'e favour , ami lias effected immense benefit to all who have obtained tins iuestimablo moaioiiit scnuin <» . lUnc-o the list ot respectable names bearing evidence to the high character of tbis remedy , : vnu testifying beyond the possibility of doubt the wonderful character of the medicine by the numocr of extraordinary and decided cures wholly resulting from its use . This medicine , solely by reason of its high character , has extended itself to all parts of the world ; aud therefore its healing ¦ rirtues may justly be considered universal . Agents are now established in every town in the United Kingdom , and persons desirous of testing the character of Parr ' s Xife Pills may obtain printed copies of authenticated Testimonials , relating satisfactory particulars of cures effected by this remedy . The following is a list of Wliolesale agents : London—Edwards , St . Paul's Churchyard ; Barclay aud Sons , Farringoon-street ; Sutton , Bow Churchyard . Manchester—Mottershead and Co ., Market-place . Edinburgh—J . and R . Kaimes and Co ., Wholesale Druggists . Dublin—Lecky , Wholesale Druggist . Glasgow —Maclcod , and Apothecaries' Company . And Retailed by every respectable Medicine Vendor in town and country . Sold in boxes at Is . l | d ., 2 s . 0 d ., and in family packets , Us . The Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered flie words "' PARR'S LIFE PILLS" to be engraved on the Government Stamp , pasted round the sides of each box , in white letters on a red ground . Purchasers are also requested to observe that a fac-simile of the Proprietors' signature , " T . Roberts and Co ., Ciane Court , Fleet Street , London , " is printed on the directions wrapped round each bos , without which none are genuine . e « = Beware of Imitations .
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OX DEBILITY AND DISEASE . Price 2 =. Cd ., in an envelope , or forwarded to any address free , on receipt of a post-office order fo i 3 s . 6 d ., THE MEXTOR OF HEALTH , a Medical AYork on Svrvoixs Debility , and the Causes of Premature Decay in Man , resulting from Excess , Infection , or Imprudence . Also , OBSERVATIONS ON MARRIAGE , and certain disqualifications , together with treatment for diseases of the Generative Organs , by J . S . Tissot and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 6 , Caroline-street , Bedford-Square . " The Mentor of Health , by Dr . Tissot , is one of the most valuable and instructive little works on the subject of disease resulting from early indiscretion , < tc , ever perused . It contains plain and simple descriptions of ttte anatomy and physiology of the organs liable to be affected by such diseases , and every information to guide -the unwary and inexperienced from the temptations to Tvbich they are exposed . To those requiring a 'Mentor , ' we most strongly recommend the work , and it is well worth the perusal of those who are so fortunate as not to need its advice . "—London Mere-mliU Journal . Published by the Authors , and sold by James Gilbert , 49 , Paternoster-row ; Mudie , 1 C 1 , Fleet-street ; Noble , 114 , Chancery-lane ; Purkiss , 60 , Compton-street , Soho ; Lovelace , 35 , King-street , Regent-street ; Russell , 43 , Store-street , Beiford-square ; Thomas Sewttm , If . and 59 , Church-street , Liverpool ; Messrs . Robinson , 11 , Greenside-street , Edinburgh ; and by all booksellers . At home daily tUl thTee ; evenings , sis till nine . One personal interview sufficient . Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms cured without the dangerous use of mercury .
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WHAT'S SPECIFIC MIXTURE for Gonorrhoea , war-T . antedtoremoTeCre thralDisehargesinforty-eisht JlOOTS " . in Ihe majorit * of cases twenty-four , if arising from local causes . Sold ( in bottles , 4 s . 6 d . and 11 s . each , duty included ) at 118 , Holborn-hiJl , and 334 , Strand , London . Sold also by Sanger , 150 , Gxford-street ; Johnston , C 8 , Cornhill-Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farringdoil-Street ; Butler , 4 , Cheapside ; Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard ; and by all medicine vendors in town and country . Advice given gratuitousl y to persons calling between the hours of eleven and one in the morning , and seven and nine in the evening . Where also may be had Wrap's "~ Zi * . . 3 » " *"" " ** " tne cure of gleets , impuis-CdlbratcdMcasamw ^^ , o » r sa n ^ e , str ictures , semiiialweakness , whites , pains In the ! loins , affections of the kidneys , gravel , irritation of the ' bladder or nrethra , and other diseases of the urinary I passages , frequently performing , in recent cases , a perfect j care in the space of a few days ; they have also been found aetldedly efficacious in cases of gout and rheumatism ; and an excellent remedy for the removal of the evil effects of self abase . In boxes at 2 s . 3 d ., 4 s . Cd ., and lls . each By post free , 3 s ., 5 s ., and 12 s . "S mild diuretic—a soothing balsamic—a powerful tonic—and an excellent invi gorating pill , "— Sunday Tmu . Wray ' s Alterative Tonic FoidtrB andPiU ' , a certain specific for the removal of pseudo-svphilis , secondary symptoms , ic . 4 s . 6 d ., lls ., and 22 s . a packet . Wrafs Improved Suspensory Bandages , well adapted for sportsmen , gentlemen , hunting , r iding , walking , suffering &om disease , relaxation , local debility , 4 c , approved o * *» a taghiy recommended by the late Mr . Abernethv . kniLrt 1 S- ana ls - M - ; att 0 - mth fronts > 3 s - Cd . " ; 7 s . 64 . ° wovesak > s . 6 d . ; ditto , witb elastic springs , P « radap ^ t ^ ^ WI / i'Hng Tr \ usa , for hernia , prodouHes . ios . j ^ ^^ s . ^ W ., 7 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . 6 d ., ^ oysidans' and * tiUo ^ and ev ^ S ^^^^^^ ^^
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CAUTIOK!—Unprincipled individuals prepare the moat spurious compounds nnder the same names ; they copy the labels , bills , advertiiements , and testiroonials of the original Thomas ' s Succedaneum . It is , therefore , highly necessary to see that tbe words " Thomas and Howard" are on the wrapper of each article . All others are fraudulent imitations . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . Price 2 s . 6 d . PATROXISED by her Majesty the Queen , his Royal Highness Prince Albert , her Royal Highness the Duchess ot Kent , his Majesty the King of the Belgians , his Majesty the King of Prussia , his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury , and nearly all the Mobility , the Bishops , and the Clergy , Mr . THOMAS'S SUCCEDANEUM , for fiHing decayed teetlu however large the cavity . It is superior to anything ever before used , as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state , without any pressure or pain , and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel , and will remain firm in the toetli many years , rendering extraction unnecessary . It arrests all further progress of decay , and renders them again useful in mastication . All persons can use Mr . Thomas ' s Succedaneum themselves with ease , as full directions are enclosed . Prepared only by Messrs . Thomas and Howard , Surgeon-ycnti 5 ts , 04 , Bcrncrs . strcet , Oxford-street , London , price 2 s . Cd . Sold by their appointment by the following agents : —llcaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigb , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Xewsome , Smeeton , Rcinhardt , Tarbottom , and Homer , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis and Son , Burdelsin , Moson , Little , Hardmnn , Linuey , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Go ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , l ) oncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Jlipon ; Foggitt , Coatcs , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold ; England , Fell , Spivey , Hudilersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; Sweeting , Knarcsborougli ; Pease , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixoii , Mutcalfc , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldtlmrpe , Tadcaster ; Rogcrson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Pontcfract ; Cordweu , Gill , Lawtoii , Davcson , Smith , "W akcficld , Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; alby , Wctherby ; Waie , Harrogate ; Wall , Barnsley ; and by all chemists and medicine vendors : or the proprietors will send the Suceedaneum free by post to any part of the kingdom , LOSS . OF TEETH . Messrs . Thomas and Howard continue to supply the loss of teeth without springs or wires upon their new system of self-adhesion , which has procured them such universal approbation , and . is recommended by numerous physicians and surgeons as being the most ingenious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented . They adapt themselves over the most tender gums , or remaining stumps , without causing the least pain , rendering the operation of extracting finite unnecessary . They are so fixed as to fasten any loose iceth where the gums have shrunk from the use of calomel or other causes . They also beg to invite those not liking to undergo any painful operation , as practised by most members of the profession , to inspect their painless jet effective system ; and in order that their improvements may be within the reach of the most economical , they will continue the same moderate charges . Messrs Thomas and Howard , Surgeon-Dentists , 04 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London , At home from ten till four . Those interested in the subject will find this statement of their superiority over all others to be entirely and scrupulously correct . Their new method of fixing Artificial Teeth has obtained the approbation and recommendation of tho following eminent physicians and surgeons : — Sir James Clark , Bart ., Physician to her Majesty . Dr . Locock , Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty . Dr . Ferguson , Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty . Dr . Bright , Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty . Sir B . C . Broilie , Bart ., Sergeant Surgeon to her Majesty . The late Sir A . Cooper , Bart ., Sergeant Surgeen to her Majesty . It . Xuute , . Esq ., Sergeant Surgeon to her Majesty . Dr . Merriman , Physician to her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent , Sir C . M . Clark , Bart ., M . D < Sir SI . Titrney , Bart ., M . l > . Dr . Chambers . Dr . Paris . Dr . James Johnson . Dr . Conquest . \ nd numerous other members 0 the medica profession .
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Just published , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated with cases , and ftdUength engravings , price 2 s . Gel ., in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part of the kingdom , on the receipt of apost-ojjlce order for 3 s . Gd . THL SECRET COMPANION , A MEDICAL 'WORK on nervous debility and the concealed cause of the . < i .. < -v , ~ - > or i ,, eU «\ streugai ana looa uf mental capacity , with remarks on the effects of solitary indulgence , neglected gonorrhoea , syphilis , secondary symptoms , 4 c , and mode of treatment ; followed by observations on marriage , with proper directions for the removal of all disqualifications . Illustrated with engravings , showing the evils arising from the use of mercury , and its influence on the body . By R . J . Brodie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , London . Published by the Authors , and sold by Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster-row ; Mr . Noble , 114 , Chancery-lane ; Mr . Purkiss , Compton- street , Soho ; Hannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Barth , 4 , Urydges-street , Covent-garden ; Gordon , 14 G , Leadenhallstreet , London ; Roberts , Derby ; Sutton , Jfeuiew-office , Nottingham ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Fryer , Bath ; Harper , Cheltenham ; Keene , Bath ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldicott , Wolverhampton ; Jeyes , Northampton ; Parker , Hereford ; Turner , Coventry ; Slatter , Oxford ; Netvton , Church-street , and Ross aud Nightingale , Chronide-office , Liverpool ; Perris and Score , Union-street , Bristol ; Wood , High-street , Guest , Bull-street , Birmingham ; Collins , St . Mary-street , Portsmouth ; llendham . Nelson-street , Greenwich ; Davis , Bernard-street , Southampton ; and by all booksellers in town and country , OPINIONS OF THE PXESS . This is a work of great merit , and should be placed in the hands of every young man who is suffering from past folly aud indiscretion . It contains many valuable truths , and its perusal is certain to benefit him in many ways . — London Mercantile Journal . The authors of this valuable work evidently well understand the subject upon which they treat ; and this is the best guarantee we can give those persons to whom it is likely to prove serviceable . It is a publication which can , and ought to be , placed in the hands of every young man to guide him among the temptations of the world to which he may be subjected . —Kentish Mercury , TnE CORDIAL BALM OF ZEYLANICA : or , Nature's Grand Restorative ; is exclusively directed to the cure Ot nervous sexual debility , syphilis , obstinate gleets , irregularity , weakness , impotency , barrenness , loss of appetite , indigestion , consumptive habits , and debilities , arising from venereal excesses , &c . It is a most powerful and useful medicine in all casos of syphilis , constitutional weakness , or any of the previous symptoms which indicate approaching dissolution , such as depression of the spirits , fits , headache , wanderings of the mind , vapours and melancholy , trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs , disordered nerves , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , and inward wastings . This medicine should be taken previous to persons entering into the matrimonial state , to prevent the offspring suffering from the past imprudence of its parents , or inheriting any seeds of disease , which is too frequently the cisc . Sold in bottles , price 4 s . Gd . and lls . each , or the quantity of four in one family bottle , for 33 s ., by which one lls . bottle is saved . The £ 5 cases ( the purchasing of which will be a saving of £ 112 s . ) may be had as usual . Patients in the country who require a course of this admirable medicine , should send £ 5 by letter , which will entitle tliem to the full benefit of such advantage . BUODIE'S PURIFYING VEGETABLE PILLS arg universally acknowledged to be thebestaudsurestrcmedj for the cure of the Veuereal Disease in both sexes , including gonorrhoea , gleets , secondary symptoms , structures , seminal weakness , deficiency , and aU diseases of the urinary passages , without loss of time , confinement , < jr hindrance from business . These pills , which do not Contain mercury , have never been known to fail in effecting a cure , not only in recent , but in severe cases , where salivatfon and other treatment has been inefficient ; a pereeveraoce in the Purifying Vegetable Pills , iu which Messrs . Brodie have happily compressed the most purifying and healing vi . "" 165 of ll 'e vegetable system , and which is of the utmost . importance to those afflicted with scorbutic affections , eruptions on any part of the body , ulcerations , scrofulous or venereal taint , will cleanse the blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid affection , and restore weak and emaeia'ted constitutions top ; istine health anangoun Price is . lid ., 2 s .: M , - ' * $ , £ •* % ' " , « . Observe the signature of " R . j . ^ M /?" London , " impressed on a seal in red wax , ^ mifi « w j each bottle and box , as none else are genuine . Sold by all medicine vendors in town and country . Be sure to ask for Brodie's Cordial Balm of Zeylanioa , or Satip-e ' s Grand Restorative , and Purifying Vegetable PillSt Messrs . Brodie and Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted , as usual , at 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square , London , from eleven o ' clock in the morning till eight in the ovening , and 021 Sundays from eleven o ' clock till two . Country patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases . The communication must be accompanied with the usual consultation fee of £ 1 , and in all cases the most inviolable secresy may be relied on . N . B . —Country druggists , booksellers , andpatent medicine venders can be suppUed with any quantity of Brodie's Purifting y « getable puis , and Cordial Balm of Zeylaniea , with the u . su $ j allowance to the trade , by the principal wholesale patent medicine houses in London , Only ojie personal visit is required to effect a permanent cure . Observe !—27 , Montague-street , Rpssell-sqaare , London ,
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ilARE ON SPINAL DISEASE THIS day is published , price 26 .: 6 d ., CASES and OBSERVATIONS illustrative « f Hie beneficial results which may be obtained by close attentfeB mid perseverance in some of the most chronic and unpromising instances of spinal deformity ; wi h eighteen engravings on wood . By SAHDel Habe , "M-. E . C . S , London ; John Churchill , Princes-street ; and may be had of all booksellers .
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CAU TION . —All Persons advertising Succedaneum for stopping decayed teeth , fraudulently attempt to imitate MR . CLAUKE'S ORIGINAL SUCCEDAXEUM ; and if any Succedaneum than Mr . Clarke ' s be purchased , it will be discovered useless . Mr . Clarke can say , without the slightest exaggeration , that he has sold 3 , 000 bottles cf Succedaneum within 10 months : and 2 , 800 individuals have been able- ts use it successfully ; and most of the other purchasers have been to Mr . Clarke , at his residence , 61 , Lower Grosvenor Street , London , to have tlicir teeth stopped , without any further charge tlliin the original cost of the Succedaneum , price 5 s . Sold wholesale to all the chemists in town and country : and none is genuine unless had through Messrs . Barclay and Sons , wholesale Medicine Warehouse , 99 , Farringdon Street ; Edwards and Son , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church Yard ; Ilanney and Co ., 03 , Oxford Street ; Collcck and Mosely , 139 , Upper Thames Street , London ; and other respectable wholesale Medicine Warehouses ; or Mr . Clarke can send it by post to any part of the United Kingdon , on receiving a Post-office order . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . However large the cavity . Patronised by Her Majesty the Queen Dowager , her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester , His Grace the Duke of Wellington , and the principal Nobility . Mr , Clarla- ' s Sueccdaneum for Stopping Decayed Teeth is far superior to anything ever used before , as it is placed in the tooth without any pressure or pain , becomes as hard as the enamel immediately after application , and remains firm in tlie tooth tor life ; not only rendering extraction unnecessary , but also making them again useful for mastication . All persons can use Mr . Clarke ' s Suceedaneum themselves with euse , as full directions are enclosed ( price 5 s . ) and sold by all respectable medicine-vendors in town and country , and can b « sent by post on receiving a Post-office order . —Prepared only by Mr . Clarke , Surgeon-dentist , fil , Grosvenor Street , Bond Street ( removed from 53 , Harley Street , Cavendish Square ) . LOSS OF TEETH . Mr . Clarke still continues to supply the loss of teeth , from one to a complete set , upon his beautiful system of self-adhesion , which has procured him such universal approbation in some thousands of cases ; and recommended by Sir James Clark , Bart . M . D . and Dr . Locoek , Physicians to Her . Majesty , and numerous other members of the medical profession , as being the most ingenious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented . They are so contrived , as to adapt themselves over the most tender gums or remaining stumps without causing the least pain , rendering the operation of extraction ( juite unnecessary ; and in order that liis system may bo ivitliin the reach of the most economical , he will continue the same moderate charges . —Mr . Clarke , Surgeon-dentist , Xo . 61 , Grosvenor Street , Bond Street , London . —At home from eleven till four .
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Just Published , A new and important Edition of the Silent ' Friend on Human frailty . Price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order for 3 s . Gd . A MEDICAL W 0 RK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquii'i' into tlio emieoulod enuse that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , KEilVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with Ten fine coloured Engravings , representing the deleterious intiuenceof Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes : followed by observations on the obligations of M AURIAGE , and healthy-perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . B ? R . and L . PERRY and Co ., Cossdltinq Subgeons . Published by the Authors , and may be had at their Residence , 19 , Burners-street , Oxford-street , Loudon ; sold by Strange , 21 , Paternoster-row ; Hannay and Co ., ( J 3 , Oxford-street ; Gordon , 14 G , Lcadcnhall-strect ; . Powell , 10 , Westmorland-street , Dublin ; Lindsay , 11 , Elm-row , Edinburgh ; D . Campbell , 130 , Argyle-street , Glasgow -, Ingham , Market-street , Manchester ; JTewion , Churelistreet , Liverpool ; Guest , Bull-street , Birmingham . OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . "We regard tie work before us , the " Silent Friend , " no a . « uiiv ciuijrr . ciiig most clear and practical views of a series of coimJaints hitherto little understood , and passed over by ' . he majority of the medical profession , for what reason we are at a loss to know . We must , however , confess 'hat a perusal of this work has left such a favourable iir . prcssion on our minds , that we not only i-ecoimncnd , but cordially wish every one who is the victim of past folly , or suiiermg from indiscretion , to profit by the advice contained in its pages . "—Age and Argus . "Ths Authors of the " Silent Friend" seem to be thoroughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints which ore , we fear , too prevalent in the present day . The perspicuous styJe in which this book is written , and the valuable hints it conveys to tho 56 who arc apprehensive of entering the marriage state , cannot fail to recommend it to a careful perusal . " —Era . " Tbis work should be read by all who value health and wish to enjoy life , for the truisms therein contained defy all doubt—¦ Farmer * ' Journal . THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM Is intended to relieve those persons , who , by an immoderate indulgence of their passions , have ruined their constitutions , or iii their way to tlic consummation of that deplorable state , are affected with any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach , as tlie various affections of the nervous system , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , weakness , total impotency , barrenness ,
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UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE . DR . LOCOCK'S PULMOMC WAFERS . THE TESTIMONIALS already received of Cures of Asthmas , Consumptions . Coughs , and Colds , o ., < l iir disorders of tlie breath and lungs , by Dr . LOCOCK'S VULMONIC WAFERS , now fill upwards of fifty sheets of closely printed paper , and numbers continue to bo received almost daiy-not nnlv from England , but India , America , and all other nuts of the world-proving them to be the most unfailing and speedy remedy ovrr discovered . ^ The following has just been received from the Rev . J . Stain , * , lector of " -ovg , ^ naica ^ ^ Gentlemen ,-H . aving been cured of au obstinate and distressing cougli , under which I laboured or the last eleven months , by the use oi your Pulmomc Wafers , I take the liberty of addressing you these few lines , hoping that my feeble testimony ot their efficacy may be the means of inducing those who suffer as I have to apply to so safe and effectual a re-I am , gentlemen , your obliged servant , J . Stainsby , Rector of Hanover , Jamaica .
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CURE OF ASTHMAS , CONSUMPTIONS , < tc , IN CHESTER . Read the follow ing from Messrs . Plattand Son , 13 , Foregate-strcet , Chester . March 26 , S 4 » , Sir , —Your invaluable Wafers continue to perform wonders here . Since our last we could send you dozens of cases of the most astonishing cures . One gentleman , who has had a bad cough for years , boii"ht one box , and was cured before using the whole of it . lie gave the rest away , and they were equally beneficial , . .,,..,. A medical gentleman here is so convinced ol tlieir value , that besides regularly recommending them 10 his patients , he had some a few days since for one of his children , for the hooping-cough . One of our clergymen a so , who labourod under an asthma many years , has received such extraordinary benefit himself , that he now gives many boxes away every week among the poor . Persons who have laboured under asthma , asthmatic coughs , consumption , &c , call upon us almost daily to thank us for having recommended to them this "instant cure , " &c . M . Plati and oon .
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AWniEftTLXTUAOllDISAUY CUBE OP 9 CONFIRMED ASTHMA . Mi-3 . Gordon , of Flooker ' s-broolc , Chester , had long been given up as incurable , and was for many weeks confined to bed in the last stage of an asthma . She could not sleep for her difficult breathing , cough , Ac . Tlie first two Wafers she took relieved her cougli , an hour after which she had a comfortable sleep , and in twelve days was able to walk out . Mrs . Gurdon will be happy to reply to all inquiries . March 2 Gth , 1845 .
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IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO SING . From S . Pcarsall , Esq ., of her Majesty ' s Conccrls , and Vicar Choral of Liciifield Cathedral . Lichfield , 10 th of July , 1815 . Gentlemen , —A lady of distinction having pointed out to me the qualities of Dr . Loeoek ' s Wafers , I was induced to make a trial of a box , and from this trial Iamhnppf to give my testimonial in their favour . I find , by allowing a tew of the Wafers ( taken ill the course of the day ) t <» gradually dissolve in the mouth , my voice becomes bright and clear , and the tone full and distinct . They are decidedly the most efficacious o any I have ever used . ( Signed Samuel Peaiisall . The particulars of many hundred cures may be had from every O ' jcnt throughout the kingdom and on the continent . Dr . Locock ' s Wafers give instant relief , and a rapid cure of asthmas , consumption , coughs , colds , and all disorders of the breath and lungs , etc ., etc . To SixoKRS axd Pubuc Speakkks they arc invaluable , asiii a few hours they remove all hoarseness , and increase the power and flexibility of the voice . They have a most pleasant taste . Pi-ice ls . ]?¦(! ., 2 s . Ud ., and lls . per box . Agents —Da Silva and Co ., 1 , Brklc-hine , Fleet-street , London . CAUTION . —To protect the public from spurious imitations , her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners have caused to bo printed on thu stamp , outside oueh box , the words , "Dr . Loeock's Wafers , " in white etters on a . red ground , without which none are genuine . Sold by all Medicine Venders . There was a good supply of cattle at our market to-day , with a numerous attendance of buyers , and but little or no alteration in prices . Cattle imported into Liverpool from the 10 th to tlie 22 nd of Sept .: — Cows , 20 ( KJ ; calves , 05 ; sheep , SO 13 ; lambs , 40 ; pigs , 3304 ; horses , 30 .
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TO MR . P 110 UT , 229 , STRAND , LONDON . Doncaster , September 2 Cth , 18-11 . Sil t , —The following particulars have been handed to us with a request that they might be forwarded to you , with permission for their publication , if you should deem them worthy of such . J . BROOKE and Co ., Doncasten " Elizabeth . Brearley , residing in Uulcc-strcet , Doncaster , aged between forty and fifty , whs severely aillicted with rheumatism , and confined to her bud for a \ ieriod of nearly two months , with scarcely the power to lift her Jll'tn ; she was signally benefited after taking two doses of BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS , and after finishing two boxes was quite recovered . " The above recent testimonial is a further proof of the great cfticacy of this valuable medicine , which is tho most efl ' eetivc remedy for gout , rheumatism , sciatica , lumbago , tie dolorous , pains in the head and face , often mistaken for tooth-ache , and for all gouty and rheumatic tendencies . It is also gratifying to have permission to refer to the following gentlemen , selected from a multitude of Others , whose station in society has contributed to advance this popular medicine in public esteem : —J . K . Mnmlall , Esq ., coroner , Doncaster ; theKev . Dr . lilomba-g ; theChevalier de la Garde ; Mr . Miskin , brewer and maltster , Dartford ; Mr . Richard Stone , Luton ; John J . Giles , Esq ., Primley ; Mr . Irnvood , Perbright ; Win . Courtenay , Esq ., Barton Stacey , near Andover Railway Station , Hants ; all of whom have received benefit by taking this medicine , and have alloiveu tlie proprietor the privilege of publishing the sama for the benefit of the afllicted . Sold by Thomas l'rout , 22 a , Strand , London , price Is . lidand 2 s . 9 d . per box ; and , by his appointment , by Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigli , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Ncwsoinc , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Tarbottom , and Ilornci'j Leeds ; Brooke , Dcwsbury ; Dennis and Son , Burdo-Isin , Moxon , Little , Hai-flmau , Linuey , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Co ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Liiiney , Ripon ; Fog-K itt , Coates , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold ; England , Foil , Spivey , Huddersneld ; Ward , Richmond ; Sweeting , Knarcsborough ; Pease , Oliver , Darlington : Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Rogcrson , Cooper , Uewby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , l ' onfefract ; Cordwcll , Gill , Lnwton , Dnwson , Smith , Waltefield ; Berry , Denton ; Sutcr , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; Dalby , 'Wetherby ; Waite , narrogate : Wall , Barnsley ; and all respectable medicine venders throughout the kingdom , Ask for BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC TILLS , rmu observe the name anil aduvess oi " Ihomas Tnmt , 220 , Strand , London , " impressed upon the Government stamp affixed , to each box of the Genuine Medicine .
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ALL MAY BE CURED !! BY IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT . FIFTY ULCERS CURED IN SIX WEEKS . E XTRACT of a Letter from JohnMartin , Esq ., Chronicle Office , Tobago , West Indies : — February 4 th , 1845 , To Professor Holloway . Sir , —I beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this island , especially those who cannot afford to employ medical gentlemen , are very anxious of having your astonishing medicines within their reach , from the immense benefits some of them have derived from tlieir use , as they have been found here , in several cases , to cure sores and ulcers of the most malignant and desperate kind . One gentleman in this island , who had , I believe , about fifty running ulcers about bis legs , arms , and body , who had tried all oilier medicines before the arrival of yours , but all of which did him no good ; but yours cured him in about six weeks , and he is now , by their meuns alone , quite restored to health and vigour . ( Signed ) John Martin . Pik $ , Fistulas , and bearings-down . A Remarkable Cuke by tiiese Pitts and Ointment . —A half-pay lieutenant , lately residing at St . Uelier ' s , Jersy , whose name by request is omitted , had for three years suffered from piles and fistula , besides a general Bearing down , of the most distressing nature . He had twice undergone an operation , but to no purpose , and at last gave himself up to despair . Yet , notwithstanding this complication of complaints , together with a debilitated constitution , he was completely cured of all his infirmities , and restored to the full enjoyment of health by these justly renowned medicines , when every other means had failed . Extraordinary # < "" « tlie West Indies , ofLepwy , «»» i other direful skin diseases . June 3 rd , 1814 . Mr . Lewis Hecdqn , of Georgetown , Dcmerara , writes , under the above date , that gpllowaj ' s Pills and Ointment have cured bad legs that no . Aoptor could manage , ulcers and sores that were of the most dreadful description , as Jikewise Jeprosy , blotches , scales , anil ptfcer skin diseases c 4 ftp P » ° st frightful nature , and that ttju cares effected -nw , by these wonderful medicines are so imme * otf and ktraoru ^ * * ^^ e T ' ' Population . '''
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¦ Caneered BrefJt . —A Wonderful Circumstance . Cm * f * l&tter a-om Richard Bull , bootmaker , Tattoni near Southampton : — February 9 th , 1845 . To Professor Holloway . Sir —The Lord has permitted to be wrought a wonderful cure of cancers or abcesses , of twelve years' standing , in my wife ' s breast . In the latter part of the time , eleven wounds were open at once . The faculty declared the case as past cure , several pieces of bone had come away , and I expected thnt my poor wife would soon have been taltrn from me . It was then that a friend recommended the uso of your pills and ointment , which , to our utter astonishment , in the space of about three months , healed up the breast as soundlj as ever it was in her life . I shall ever remain , Tour most grateful and obedient servant , ( Signed ) RicnARD Bum .. Wheezing on the Chest and Shortness of Breath . Copy of a Letter from Mr . Jeremiah Cascj ) No . 1 , Comp . ton-place , Compton-strect , Brunswick-square , London , April 2 Stli , 1845 : — To Professor ITolIoway . Sir — beg to inform you thnt I believe I had been , for more than three years , one of the greatest sufferers in the world with ' chronic asthma . For weeks together my breath was frequently so short that I was afraid every moment of being choked with phlegm . I never went into a bed ; very often , indeed , I have been obliged to pass tlie nig ht without being able to recline sufficiently to lay my bead on a table , lest I should be suffocated . No one thought I should live over thu winter , nor did I expect it myself ; but I am happy to say that I am now able to work from morning to night , and tliat I sleep as well as ever I did in my life ; and tins miracle ( I may say ) was effected by rubbing your invaluable ointment twice a day into my chest , and taking ten of your pills at bedtime , and tcD again in the morning , for about three months . ( Signed ) Jerkxiaii Caset . In all Diseases of jije Skin , bad legs , old wounds and ulcers , bad breasts , sore nipples , stony and ulcerated cancers , tumours , swellings , gout , rheumatism , and lumbago , likewise in cases of Piles , Ilolloway ' s Vills in all the above cases , oujlit to be used witli tlic Ointment ; as by this means cures will be efi ' ected with a much greater certainty , and in half tbe time that it would require by using the Ointment alone . The Ointment is proved to be a certain remedy for the bite of moschetoes , sanil-tHes , chiego-foot , yaws , ooeo-lmy , and nil skin flis&nses common to the Bast and West Indies , and other tropical clinics . Burns , Scalds , Chilblains , Chapped Hands and Lips , also Bunions and Soft Corns , will be immediately cured by the use of the Ointment . Sold by the Proprietor , 2-U , Strand ( near Temple Bal' } , London ; and by all respectable vendors of patent medicines throughout the civilised world , in pots and boxes , at ls . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., lls ., 22 s ., and 83 s . each . There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes . N . B . Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each pot and bos
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VALUABLE MEDICINE . HUNT'S Al'ElUKNT FAMILY 2 MLLS ; a most excellent JUedicine for Bilious Complaints , Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , Habitual Costiveness , Indigestion , Heartburn , l ' ains and Giddiness of the Head , Influenza , Worms , Spasms , Nervous and Dropsical Complaints . for upwards of forty years have these Pills obtained the unqualified approbation of the public iu general , among whom may bo included families of distinction and medical men . Their composition is so truly cxe&lltnt , and tlieir beneficial effects have been so widely expert , enced , that the proprietors feel the greatest confidence in recommending them as one of the MILDEST and MOST EFFICIENT Al'EltlENT FAMILY iMEJMClXUS ever uttered to the public , These Tills require no confinement nor alteration of diet , aiifl are adapted to every variety of age jind constitution . They seldom operate until eight or ten hours alter taken , and then gently . They restore the tone of the stomach , strengthen the digestive organs , cleanse ihc bowels of all impurities , and promote Ilia duu secretions of the liver and of the kidneys , and by invigorating the system generally , become an invaluable restorative of health to bull sexes . Officers of the Army and Navy will find these I'ills an invaluable appendage to their medicine chests , as they retwin their medicinal virtues in all climates . Ladies , even of the most delicate constitution , will find these i'ills particularly beneficial , loth before anil after their confinement ; nor eau they be too highly recommended for the general use of schools . They are also au excellent preparatory in the use of medicinal waters , sea-bathing , &e . Prepared and Sold by Messrs . llunt ( the original Proprietors ) , Vi , Great PiilU-ney . strei't , ] 3 uth ; and sold , wholesale aud retail , by Messrs . Barclay and Son , 95 , Ifiivringdon-stvect ; Bute , i , Chuapsule ; Sutton , 10 , Bow Church-yard ; Edwarrls , G 7 , St Paul ' s ; Nevvbury , 45 , St . Paul ' s ; Snngcr , 130 , Oxford-street , London ; and by all respectable lledieim : Venders in the Mth-opotts and Provincial Towns . Be careful to see that the names and address of the Proprietors arj engraved ou the Medicine Stamp , around each box , as such alone are genuine , Price Is , lid , each box .
«M.- A * « Nnbhshed, Bj H. Baillieii. Bookseller And -Eft **£ $£££*£*≪«. Price 2s. 6d In C Oth,
« m .- a * « nnbHshed , bj H . Baillieii . bookseller and -Eft ** £ $£££ * £ *<« . price 2 S . 6 d in c oth ,
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BANKRUPTS . ( From Tuesday ' s Gazette , OoloOei- 21 , 1815 . J Jolm Joseph Trigwell , of the Harrow-road , beer shopkeeper— William Ilannis Taylor , lute of the Square Shut Tower , Commercial-road , Lambeth , but now of Lt $ l > , I'iceadilly , stave manufacturer—William Guy Boucher , late ut Sydney , New South Wales , but now oi" IS , Stepney-green , merchant—Edward William Wyoii , of 48 , Gowcr-street , Uedford-square , bronze tniinufacturer—Cliarlcs Hawkins , of Ui'iclclaiiG , Spikilfields , groeer— William Senior , of Sheffield , hosier—John i ' ireakciiridge , of Liverpool , tailor —Henry JSlunt , of Woolton , Lancashire , licensed victualler —John Itawsthorne , of . Manchester , general agent—David Smith , l .-iteof Lmitwit-juxta-Nehth , Glamorganshire , but now of King ' s Swinfovd , Staffordshire , iron master—William Parfit , oi' . Bristol , engineer .
DIVIDENDS DECLARED . John Hilton Bazley , of Manchester , cotton manufacturer , second dividend of 2- } d . in the pound , and a first and second dividend of 2 s . (>§ d . in the pound , on new proofs , payable at oa , Georgcstreet , Manchester , any Tuesday . Elizabeth Clcgg , of Waithland , Lancashire , flannel manufacturer , second dividend of 4 Jd . in the pound , and a first and second dividend of 5 s . 4 § d in the pound , ou new proofs , payable at 35 , George-street , Manchester , any Tuesday . Robert Kipling and William Atkinson , of Wood . street , Cheapsidc , warehousemen , second dividend of Is . in the puund , payable at 7 , 1 ' rcderick ' s-place , Old Jewry , any Saturday . Hubert Kipling , of Wood-street , Cheapside , warehouseman , final dividend of Jos . in the pound , and 2 us . in the pound , on new proofs , payable at 7 , i ' l-cdcrick ' s-place , Old Jewry , any Saturday .
Thomas Jeeves , of Ilitehin , Hertfordshire , bricklayer , first dividend of Us . 4 d . in the pound , payable at 7 , Ifrcderick ' s-plaee , Old Jewry , any Saturday . JoSQpIl Phillips and Thomas I ' curson , of Finsbury-house , South-place , Fjnsbu . iy , silk dressers , first dividend of 12 s . in the pound , payable at 7 , I'redcrick's-place , Old Jewry , any Saturday . Charles John Hunt , of 21 . Cork-street , Burlington-gardens , Gi , St . James ' s-strcet , and 107 , Quadrant , JJcgClltstrect , billiard table maker , first dividend of Us . in the pound , ps / able . , . Frederick ' s place , Old Jewry , any Saturday . Samuel Libbis , of Stratton St . Mary , Norfolk " , first dividend of 2 s . Id . in the pound , payable at 7 , Predcrick ' splace , Old Jewry , any Saturday . Thomas Humphrey , sen ., and Thomas Humphrey , jun ., of Kingston-uuon-llull , shipwrights , tirst dividend of 8 s . in the pound upon the separate estate of Thomas Humphrey , sen ., also a first dividend of 10 s . in the pound upon the separate estate of Thomas Humphrey , jun ., payable at 43 , Mill-hill , Leeds , on und any day after October 22 . J
Henry Joseph Edward Saffran , of ltuddevsfiela , YorkslvWf , cloth merchant , first dividend of Is . 8 d . in the pound , payable at 43 , Mill-hill , Leeds , ou and any day after October 22 . John Thackroy , of Leeds , dyer , first dividend of 8 s . in the pound , payable at 43 , Mill-liill , Leeds , on and anv dav alter October 'it , Lazinby Pcarsom , of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , leather cutter , first dividend of Is . Cd . in the pound , payable at 57 , Grey-street , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , any Saturday . James Cockburn . l New Broad-street , City , merchant , null dividend of Is . in the pound , payable at 13 , Old Jewry , City , on October 22 , and two following Wednesdays . William Britton , of Bovrowby , Yorkshire , manufacturer oi linen cloth , first dividend of 1 JM . in the pound , payable at 4 iJ , Mill-hill , Leeds , on and any day after October 22 John Eyre Pearson , of Sheffield , wine merchant , second and final dividend of Is . in the pound , parable at 7 Commercial-buildings , Leeds , any Tnesrtay ,
John Atkinson Hick , of Leeds , carver and gildev , first and final dividend of 4 s . 3 d . in the pound , payable at 7 Conimercial . buildiugs , Leeds , any Tuesday . ' William Harrison , of Woodhouse Carr . Yorkshire pattern dyer , first dividend of 3 s . Gd . in the pound , payable at 7 , Commertaal-buildings , Leeds , any Tuesday . Henry Nieholl of Greetland , Yorkshire , worsted spinner , final dividend of Is . Gd . iu the pound , payable at 7 , Coin ! mcrcial buildings , Leeds , any Tuesday . J . Ira B : rwiek , of Windmill , Yorkshire , worsted stud manuidisturer , first dividend of 2 s . id . in the puund pay . able at 7 , Commercial-buildings , Leeds , any Tuesday
DIVIDENDS TO BE DECLARED . At the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Charles Colls , Charles Thompson , and Richard Peckover Harris , jun ., of 72 , Lombard-street , City , bill-brokers , November ll , at twelve—Thomas Clarkson , jun ., of 10 A Charles-street , Middlesex-huspital , upholsterers' warehouseman , November 11 , at eleven—Rowland Evans of Barge-yard , Bucklmbuvy , City , East India merchant November 11 , at twelve-George Greenwell , John Uemal mm , David Dearburg , and William Whitehall of Fore street , City and Coventry , silk manufacturers , November 11 , at halt-past eleven-Ling Hobiiuon , of BaUingdon Essex , millwright , November 19 . j , f t ,, U . _ ripS . i . ' Denby Coggan , of 39 , IMday-stree ' t , Citj' warehouseman November 12 , at two-Thomas Kempstej o fc *„ ' street , Southwark , and late of Fe uchLkbKnw Citv " s « s ± s ? sft s ^ itesfi ! ^? ^ fS ^ ^ S ^ t *^ of ^ Ui , ii ^ i n ? V , ° ? Iohin afld RteharS S ^ mJ gS ^ IH ^^ KK ^
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The Cheat Europj : a . v Rajmvats' C 0 MPASV . ~ Among the numerous , indeed almost unlimited number of projects for new lines ol railway which arc now before the public , and other nnmo . sals for the judicious and profitable investment of capital , the ubovo company oonies forward with a most comprehensive scheme for undertaking the completion and working of all the proposed continental lines , as also a full and elaborate establishment of railways in our colonial possessions . It is proposed that whenever a grant lor a railway has been secured by the sne-M ^ iul ne gotiation ol ' this company , such grant shall be constituted a separate und distinct company ; the holders of shares in the original company t » be entitled to a pro rata proportion of the shares in
every nesv company formed by the obtuinment of further concessions . " A body of directors is to be chosen , not only well-known for their individual wealth and standing in society , but as men of sound practically scientific views . A portion ol' such directors , accompanied by a well-appointed " and efficient engineering staff , will visit the various localities where railways are required , report on the nature of the soil , population , the requirement of means of trallic , and every circumstance oonncctetl with the full development of the subject . Daily , as proposals for the investment of capital arc being made in railways in the United Kingdom , they are not sufliciont to meet the enormous hoard of wealth which still remains to be mmral i ?« to the jap of speculation :
and a company such as this , formed from among the most wealthy and extensively connected of our merchant , prince , our fundholders , and large land proprietors , will have resources at hand which will enable them to undertake the most gigantic projects in the shape of railway communication , and secure to the shareholders a large return for the capital invested . At present only . a preliminary announcement has appeared ; but , we understand , a prospectus will shortly be issued , with a powerful list of directors , a complete detail of the bankers , solicitors , engineers , etc ., which will be required to carry out so extensive a scheme , when we shall devote some considerable attention and space in our columns for the dull consideration of this highly important subject . —The Mining Journal ..
Railways is London * . —A great scheme is on foot to build in Isirriiigiloii-strcetii rental terminus for railways , uniting Liverpool , Manchester , Birmingham , and other places with the metropolis . The man of business will be able to step out of his oIKcc , and , without any packing up—without so much as buttoning his coat , or doing , more than pocketing liis papers—be set down in Manchester or Liverpool . The project has , in a preliminary stage , received the sanction of the City 1 'arliament—the Court of Common Council—whd have referred to a committee the
petitions from companies to purchase the necessary ground . The site of the Fleet Prison , crewhilo the cage of the miserable insolvent debtor , will hereafter be thronged by people passing and repassing from all parts of the world , eater ministers of tliu industry and prosperity of the country . JN o contrast eouiil exceed that of the past a ; id future use of the site . There is a talk of some great central terminus for all railways . It does not , however , need any vast dibit of imagination to look beyond even ihat scheme , to the day when the metropolis will be converted into one immense terminus , by means of a special system of metropolitan railways , traversing the whole space ; so that the Birmingham traveller may take to the rail at Ncwiimton Butts , the Brighton traveller at
Paddington , the Bristol trarcJicr at Wlutcclliipel ; dispensing with the preliminary obstruction of cab 01 omnibus . It has been well remarked , that the resident at Kensington or Bayswatcr will not long consent to remain , in point of time , at a greater distance from the heart of the metropolis than tho resident at Harrow or Maidenhead . You may find it take you as long to go from Kensington to the London-bridge terminus of the Bri ghton Railway , as from Londonbridge to Brighton . Nay , of two fviends taking leave at London-bridge , one for Brighton by rail , and one for Kensington by omnibus , the traveller to Brighton might reach his destination first . London will speedily find the means of balancing these disparities ; and when that has been done by an internal svstem
ot railways , the long-lined railways will obtain the means of using the internal system as an extension of their own . Some object , that tho introductionof railways ; into themetropolis will obstruct ; trade , and injure the citizens ; but how facility of . transit can obstruct trade is tho puzzle . Railways do not'obstruct trade anywhere else ; not over the country , nor within fac , tovies , where tho tram-rails from the coal-house to the engine-house , the moving stages ascending and descending from floor to floor , are all of the railway genus : and a great town may be considered to stand between the wide space of a country at large ami the narrowed crowded space of a factory . The railway conveyance for passengers is tho cheapest in theworld , upon the wliolo the safest , and sell-evidently
the most facile . Tlic railway carriage is virtually a moving room , and without much difficulty it might be made completely so ; a luxury which the Americans hive almost effected in their ' * ears" / Hme is precious to tradesmen ; though some citizens , it seems , have still to learn the fact . An hour lost intraversing London to get at the railway may cause him who has just learned some important intelligence to miss the packet for America , or lose the sale or goods made up on a hasty order . An hour or two to be wasted in the omnibus may decide that you will not go or send at all about some business thai . might " have proved worth the trouble : whereas railways in London would convert the whole metropolis into one yast office . Eventually , the citizen ' s private counting-house and country-house may be one , with a backrailway connecting it to his city counting-house . ¦ But to have an internal system of railways you cannot do without termini in London itself—not one , but
many . And greatly must such an innovation conduce to the improvement of London . It will relieve the principal streets from huge masses of heavy traffic —exchange for the ponderous and obstructive waggon the flying island or subterranean magic car of the railway train ; saving hindrance , noise , and mechanical troubles innumerable . It will introduce hands " 1110 edihees . It will break up bad neighbourhoo ds-as this very terminus at Farringdon-street promises , " do , and give opportunity for remodelling whole districts without special cost ; the one operation of improvement becoming a mere incident in the other operation of making the railways . It will shake up the ill-contrived framework of the British capital , suggesting and facilitating other improvements , until railway-traversed London will look back « ' «} smiling pity on those days when citizens surv ived who dreaded lest railway termini should obstruct trade . —Spectator .
3sanlu*Upte, &T.
3 Sanlu * upte , &t .
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———In the Country . « sstf « = sSS SsSssSSSl ssg = F ?^ Thnmn * Kav ofTocl dale , iron founders , November 11 , at uXeaVthe Court of Bn « kruptcs , Manehesten-John Braitn ' waite , of' Morpetb , Northumberland , innkeeper , SZbiuat twelveat the Court of iia . ikrup ey , Sw .
. , ^ M ^ n-Tprt-Charles Marty .,, of Durham , 1 nendn . per . November 13 , at eleven , at tbo Court ot bankruptcy Newcastle-upon-T yue-William Dees and James Dees , ot Newcastle-upun-Tyne , and of Durham , builders November 11 , at half-past eleven , at the Cuurt ot Baiifciuptcy , Neneastle-uiion Tync-John Herring and William Herring , of Novcastle ' iipoii-Tyne , merchants . November 6 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Newi-astle-upon-Tyne —George Klwoll Jackson , of ttirniiiijihani , dealer in iron , November 12 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Birimngham—William Shiuv , of Stafford , saddler , Nov-miber i 3 , sit eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Birmingham .
Certificates to be granted , unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting . Henry Konne , of Lawrence Pountney-hine , Cit . v , ami 8 , Dorchcsier-placc , New North-road , wholesale stay manufacturer , Nov . 11—Charles George Webb , of Hcrmoudscy , Surrey , woolstapler , Nov . 11—William Givemvell , of So ' , Kedcross-street , Southwark , wheelwright , Nov . 13—George Salmon , ot' City-rond-basin , timber mcrvliaut , Nov . 11—w , Jiest and J , Snomlwi , of Southampton , printers , Jfov . 11— Thomas Dousbery , of Xuw Furiugdonstreet , City , and late of Brook-street , llulburu , boot 1 ' ac-¦ + > r , Nov . 15—John Shorland , of Bristol , grocer , Kuv . 13—John Law , of Hamsden Wood , Lancashire , cutton spinner , Nov . T 2—John Jtarlancl , jun ., of Tudmordun , Lancashire , roller maker , Nov . 12 . Cektificatks to be granted by t' : ie Court of Review , unless cause be shown to the contrary , on or before November 11 .
James Warren , of Bristol , merchant—John Caun , ot Woolwich , Kent , bricklayer—Simon South , of S ) . ittle -ate ,. Lincolnshire , eo ; il dealer—Henry 1 ' riur , of Sisclanc , City ,, stationer—William Perkins , of Portsen , upholsterer — Joseph Haycock , jun ., of Wells , Norfolk , corn factor-John Wooflanis , late of 15 , Charles-street , Alanchestersquure , builder .
PAivn'EiismrB dissolved . Thomas Sibary and Edmund Simpson , of lun . cstoiiupon-llull , stockbrokers—John Simon Smith and John Henry Ilutchins , of Trinity-square , Tower-hill , City , surgeons—David Kolley , Jamus lloyle , and Jaints Cuthard , of Sheffield , typefounders ( so far as regards Dayiil |{ uJJCVj —John Gartuii and Edward Hall , oi Taxtill , Cheshire , bleachers—Matthew Morton and J . Bruce , of Hcckmond . wike , Yorkshire , confectioners—Samuel Walton and William Bott—Robert Brittain and . William Walker Urittain , of Chester , woollen drapers—William Xurth and William Johnson—Thomas Toms and James I ' lillin ^ , of 6 , lli'u . dencll-placc , Jle « - Xortli-ro . 'id , crape collar tmiUurs—Henry Tiluuvy , 'Robert Tilbury , ami William Tilbury , of Cleveland-street , St . I ' aneras , brass manufacturers — Thomas . Tinsley and TheophiJus Tjnsley , juu ., of Sedglev ..
Staffordshire , nail ironmongers—1 £ Uward Iliudle and James Greenwood , uf Xuiv Aix'riiigrou , Laucashiro . cotton spinners—A ( lain Gregory , Ifemy Jenkins , and Julm Nelson Wood , of Liverpool , slute merchants ( st > far as regards Adam Gregory)—John Booth : nid William B . Moxon , of Ivingston-upun-llull , woollen drapers—Goorge Northcn and Henry Hull Darling , uf . lii » gston-u ] ioii-lluU , painters—John Duulop and Alt ' . Biidgett , of Manchester , commission agents—Henry Moore and liiwjju Kouse , of 18 , Great Titchticld-street , Marylcoone , linen drupors—James Edge I ' artingtuii , jun ., and Charles Marsh Williams , of iManchester , stockbrokers—John Blake and John Atkinson , of SiiUVml , LsmeasWvo , vinegar makers-Thomas Voile , James Voile , and George Sale Wanllcy , of Lutterworth , Jjcicestcrshire , linen drapers — Kichurd White und James Ashbec , of Deptford , Kent , general agents .
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October 25 , 1845 .
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Untitled Picture
Untitled Picture
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 25, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1338/page/2/