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ilaittt foxttllipntz.
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Untitled Ad
-nv t or OCR'S PULMOMC ' WAFERS . ; . -. ^ « rScSs EforiliiCUREof ASTHMA * nd WCONSUMPTION , COUGHS , to ,- * .. e « r * j « n « s-ieh speedv and rnfailing success as Dr . f ^ ricl PtTLMtfiSflC WAFERS In erery LUo andpttbiication thnmshout Vae Mngdom "" tl * . Cn i « tiinoniu ' . s of their Koi ^ erful powers . S ^ -P * oliow : « s recent cures in Manchester : — ll -- '' raMei- « LrudiMd Buiterworfh , Gheefeita -n ^ ttfd S eptember 9 th , 1 S 45 .-G cntlemen . -The w&vhz dcmaud for your wafers speaks ^ eaSy in fiTour of their b « ng a most oxcell' ; nt medisiw , and the endosei is oHfiof the many CjnvinoJBgyr&ofe we taTe Lad of their efficacy . ( 5 ij 3 ie «) Lrsca and Bctib rworth , demists . C « tie o ? Fcises teaks' Astfjlu , conrmuaicated to ' tTinnroprictcrfav Messsrs . Lynch and Batterworth , datca Claethain Hill , Sep' ^ 6 th , 185 S . Ger . i !« nen , —I beg ta acknowledga the great teneS m « - wife has rcwlwu from the * se of Dr . Lo * cock ' s Wafers . For ttie 3 ssciifteenye ! Ks she am been aSlietcd wiis . severe'as&ma , and fiering that time La * Merer been aJjle toviatain mofothan temporary and r .: « riisl relief . Sisco she bis 4 * ken two boxes of ths Vtsiiss , * cr cowjk has qaite 3 eft her , and _ lier ircsthingis » f . owas ^ fcc « 5 asi . ae'cetgd wish . lu tad , su A is the ihe-stuisiUie beiicSt-sfee has derived from ibm , ins-J -slie is -arduous to sasse her testiiaoEJal as pn . '» Jic as possible . . In order itfcat others similarly affiktctl way pavfeipate in the < cemfort and relief she I resain , gentkmsD , ycurs , &c , JiitES Ssrooo& . L > ' F : ¦ ' ' *
Untitled Ad
^ rosa tiie'Rer . Oftoa Thomas , Ho ! yhea « L October-9 th , 1845 . DcarSir ,-53 r . Lcco& " sWafersuo a great deal of . good to lay TTfiice . I ^ efv . 'bsd cold froin a damp bed -about tliirty- ^ Te years age , and my veice was very bad ever since ; being grsit pain to me when preachise or smgias—and 1 *« c ve . -y fond of singing . = 1 assii HianV different-medicines , and same of thorn ¦ do good for a little time , but Dr . Loeeeii ' s is the best of all—It dears my vniss and stops the coughing in- , stantiy- I have never found auytliiag yet to com- , -paro'wlth them . . I Iiare bean thirtr-thrccyears a Weslcyaa Miaister , and alkse Wisleyin'Methodists in the Principality Itnor me ; ( twenty years of tr : « ieh I have lived in Ilolyhcii !!) aud I amlrnown persouaHy to all the first nen of that bn . 1 v , Kany of whom Jia ^ e admired tho effects if tiie Wafers in clearing tHoToice , and stoppin" the coauh , t ' a ^ -y never got such a meilkine baicre ! Mv wife , ever *! nce Christmas , has been very -trelL after taking-iwoboxes . I ama witness of tiiair . jmwer to stop a frigirttal fit of coutjhiagin an instant . ; I , as a WesJeyan Preadier , call upon nil preachers ; and singers of-ovary denomination to take these Wafara . for iniprorinu the voice asd caring « oughs . Toa may pu'rfislimy testimonial for the excellent , Tyaiers if you wisL . I am , yours trnly , Owes Te « jias . ! Extract of a letter from Mr . W . Olirer , Bookseller , r . iackweigata , Darlinston . October 10 , 1 S 45 . Gentlemen . —I never sold a medicine for asthma , « ongh , \ v : iecz :-: si , ,-&e ., thathasbeen so much inquired after , and so ^ eil spoken of us Locoek ' s Wafers , and many psriiss who have bee > n < : ared by them , have lesonunendcd rlicm to others , bat are uawjiiing to ¦ pu'lliSiV ttet HC . ? aC 5 . lean , hoa-ever , bear thestrictcst testimony to their cxcellcucc ,- tie . "W . Oxivsk . BIPOETAST TO ALL WHO SING . Tmn -S .= Pssssn ] l , Esq ., of kcr M-ycsiy ' s Concerts , and Yicar Qhxr&l of LlciiScld Catheditd . Liehfield , lOtli of July , 1 S 45 . Geutlesasr ., —A lady of distinction having pointed « nt to lse tie qualities of Dr . Locock's Wafei'S , I was induced to inxtka a trial of a bus , and from this trial Jam happy toijircniy testimonial in tkeir favour . JGai , ujsiiGftiiigafewof tlvc Wafei-s ( takca in the « ourse of the day ) to gradually d : ssolvc ia the mouth , my voice becomes bright and clear , and the tone fuil and distinct . -Thej'sre decidedly the cost eSeacioES of any 1 Lave ever-sued . ( Sknied S-Oiukl PrAnsiix . ¦ Slie partieideas'of manfi-kimired cures may be bad from every agent ijiroughout lite Jdagdma , and -On tlit continent . Dk . Locock ' s Wafehs giro instant relief , aad a xapid cisre ef asthmas , consumptions , -counlis , ealds , and all disorders of tie breaUi and lungs ; they kave a west pleasant tast-, « . Tb Sixssr < 5 axd Poatic SraiXERs ftiey sxo m-TSluable , as in a io * v liouisthej- « : fto \ 'c ail hoarse-c-ess , and iucrc-ase tbo power and flexibility of the voice . Pricals .- 'l # 5 l ., 33 . 0 J-. and lls . per bos . Agents — -Da Silva and Go ., 1 , Bride-lane , Fieet-stwet , London . Sold by nil Medicine Venders . CxVUTIOXj—To jirotcct the public from spurious Imitations , licr Majesty ' s llonoiuvble Gaininissioner ; Lave caused to be printed on the stamp , oatsido-eacb I » s , the-words ~'" De . i-ocfcclfs Wafcre , " in vhite Jsitcrs on - a red ground . -If purcliasers ivJIl attend to this Caution , they will be sura to get the geEuine ' aiiiele . f , ¦ : . [ ti ¦ - '
Untitled Ad
-WfiA ^ S FA ^ aLY-EEDIClNES . RiTS-OSISEC jsr Hsr Grace tl : e Dov . -agtr Sir C . F . WilliaraB , Eat . Uncliess-ofX . e « ds . SirEdwardivKoaUulwer , Lady Slierbarae . Hart Sail Of Lii : i \ sa . Cajitdn Boldero , 3 f . P . 2 Ir . rqul 5 of Wate : forf . EdiKtru B .-iiues , Esq ., 1 LP . Xurd UautiT . Arclidcacon Webber . Sector ] ! : oon : ljerj , Ticarof Ccucral JUiittand . Crijii » u-g . -. tc . ' - -Geucral 6 : irtlner . 2 Ir . Justice Crc-ssweil . Gecvr . il Sisbitt . Anti . &sulies cf the first distinction . -f I 'litSE jlisiiiaiies , whicharefcunflto possess so great - ¦ - a ]) owtr over tlie resjieciiveooaiiilarats to ¦ irldch'fhey are appiicaWe , ss frequeutly to reu «! er fiirllier medicalrid naaecessjiry , ¦ vrerc ^ sJsolionoirrea'sKili the patronage ofl ! is late II . H . tlie I'uke of . Lord'JohnChorcliilL Susses . Sir T ? s-asie 5 s Luviiett , jLE . Xora Charles Cliurc-jsai . Georga Ujiij , Esq ., M . 1 * . Sir 3 Iatd : cw AVooO , Kt . M . P . And numerous Mefeal Gentlemen-ef eminenco in London hare bonie-tcstimoiiy tc tlitiir efficaty . "? ri 5 « Tcdr . n « 2 s <> ldl iwV . olcs : ileaadi'StaUJatll 8 , IIolbomtui , aud SH ,- Sirace , t . oadon ; -aatl may be liad of all medlcine-Tcudorsiij tfea UnitedKiBsdem ; also in America of j . O . fr . v . at las Ifcrag Store , 133 , - . £ roatiw : iy , comer Oi Bev-strceS , 2 fe ; r ^ Yoi £ ; in Jlur . iehcand Franldbrt , oi Tresieriek Ureal ; andean be oblaiilf'l in the principiJ Capitals of XETope , s £ well as all her iiajestj ' s dependencies . Sfe'OTgly rceosaaitaided by the 3 ? aenlty , Wra } fs Avjmaiie SptiC Piasters for &c CItesl . —Coughs , Caltb , AsfiU 3-. sE , ShoTtts&s of J ) reztli , < &da . or -Tightness of the Chest , J . ftcetio ! is « rr ike Lu ; i £ rs ,, £ e ., are eltVctualiT retiered , aad in many cesss en&'cly jaevantetl , -l ) jr ihe tiineir appsicsjion of Wsta's AxcriiTlc ^? 1 C 2 PtiSTEKS lo ti-. e-ciifcst , wiiich are fcsr superior to fccconimon wann plaster ? , and iroqncntly supersede tlie « m of intema ! reincdits . yoperson durfts tlie wiutai-AJi ^ M to be without oae , travellers by railcacd iu paracalar . Sold at Is . acd l £ . Gd . c-aelu TTrsjf * * CoixenZraiel Essa&z of Jamaica- G&f ; er . —A certain cere and je-creative - « f all Xervexs Complaints , Sjiasms , Goat , KiicumatisiiiT—an invalaalfe remedy for PialnJecce , psin in the Stoins £ ? i , also aaesccllant adjunct to Solalitz Poirdoss for delimitated COIlStitutious . In iotUcs !» i 5 s . 3 d ., iiuSA . , and lie . Wrap ' s -CitMcateGerman S&ffilz Toicd&Sjin boxes , -containing nowders for twelve glasses , at 2 s . e < 3 . « i , and iu iiottles , £ t ^ . d in casuc , Trith spacn , measure , 4 &c ., covn-_ pl « te , at 7 s . Sd . and 1 & . 6 d . eadu Twy cons ^ it ut f » r -trsTcHins or eiportatk-u . C < dua : on Seidlitz * a make ¦ iweaty-four glasses , 2 s . per paciet VTrf >? i Im ^ s-Otci So deis Ginger JScer and Lemonade Toic&rs , in pacccts , for e ^ liteen glaKcs , at Is . aa 32 c 3 d . ; ¦ or in . cases , coi ^ ilete &rii ? avcllujj , j&t 5 s . Gd . aniiyS . Cfl . each . -W ! i- . if > AnttltiUszs rSls- ^ 3 boxcs .. af Is . 1 M ., i ? s , Sd , jmd -is . id . each . —These J * iliE are an e . 'j ^ llcnt remedy for ^ reventls ^ - and resioring- Biiians disorders ; tliey gessily 4 > 2 > erat ai ; an . Ai > eris 3 t , and . bj" keeping-i&e bowels iiia |< rcper statj , :: ve . « ilg ? lated to ^ eoaiotc . tlmt regular office # f tJ : e Eile » - ] : h » i . is ^ Jccessa rr to the jpestrvation of Iieaiih . Hefeee their icnedcialjffiectsinrerr . ovinjf ludigcfcSon , Head-iiche , Gii 5 tjneES , Sisfencss , attended -with a feyerisli heat t ^ lhe systes , loss offppetite / . c ^ pression of * ie cifiEt , &c . Ji-iK / j Spfxife , iHxlexe . xaxrsnt'siL fo remove XTretlira "! Disdinrjrasin iort « ' ^ i ht 3 . ogrs—ia ag m .-: jority of cases , tiveaty-four—if aAaug fro « local manses . * € old in hst&is si , is , Cd . aua lls . each , with full instrueticas JlWs ImprOKd Superiors Sands ^ ss . well sdapted for gportaaes , Gentlunen liustin- , ' rjh ^ , wslkins . safiVrlns £ wa disease , rdaxaiion , local debility , &e ' itpyr-jrcd of aad hislily recommt-nded by the late 3 £ r . Aberneajr . Jk-stJaaj , Is . and Is . fid . ; dittoviih fronts , 3 s . C . L ; Eiuiisi or Wore Siii , - =. . j citto mtli elastic springs , Is . Cd . THv / s Sled . Sfrwj Tranet , for Ifemia , prapei-lv a 3 aptcd ; si ::-l-, 5 s , CO ., Is . G-X . nnd 10 s . 0 d .: daublJ 105 . 6 ( 1 ., 35 s ., Md-ls . ' Heaidae chests StieS np for fmnily nee or EsaroTa ^ cs Cenulae Drugs ana Cbnnit-als of eveiy description * with iheir SM-era , prc ]« rallons , secordus ^ io d-e 73 ui ri > if . conceii of ac lh . n : ; a Colicge of I'liyslcuuis . A large sloe-: of 2 : ew x . Es 5 id ! . Hoscv cf the finest qiiaJiiv , rcfcili :: " at T : T IS - ^ ^' lb ., aud tlie best Yi ' er tladia lamariads it uiesame-pr-ce , sicS ^ 3110 ^^ ^ rdjsnts and Captains . Phr - =-- \ ^ craaj ^ * - j " Paiaily ISc-. ij-. s carcfsiSv *« t . ^ - - r-t ^ -rea ^ gentleaiai regalarly finaB . * Wf » AttasSHUSl * ' ™ mi <~ , am to
Untitled Ad
VALUABLE lf £ DI ® - \ E . TRUST'S AMRISXT FAiILT . T .-SILLS ; a maat i * excellentMedieinefor Bilious Co . 'oplf . ints , DisordenB ; of tli 3 Stomacfe and Bowel 3 , Habitual wffigiveness , Indii geetion , Hcartt » = zrn , Taias und Giddiness &f the Head , ' Influenza , Worms , Spaems , Xcrv&u * and jH ««? sical Comj )! : iints . For upwards of forty yeass have these PlUe obtained the unqualified approbation of the public in general , ssaong whom may be included families of distinction and metUcal men . TLeir composition is so truly escc ! Ie . > and their beneficial effects Iiare been so widely expertcneed , that the projirietors feel the greatest confidence iu recommending them as one of the MILDEST and MOST EFFICIENT APEIIIEXT FAMILY JIEDICISES ertr offered to tlie public . These Pills require no confinement nor alteration of diet , and are adapted to c-very Tanety of r . ge ami constitution . They seldom operate until eight or tsn hours after taken , ana then gently . They restore the tone of the stomach , strengthen the d : g £ -st : ve organs , cleanse the boivcls of all impurities , and promote the due secretions of the liver and of the kidney ! :, sni by invigorating tlie system generally , l ) ecoine an invaluable restorative of fcenhh to both sexesi tffieers of the Army and Navy will find these Pills an invaluable appendage to their medicine chests , as they re tain tiieir inedieiisal virtues in allcHmares . Ladies , even of ' . he most delicate constitution , vrillfind these Pills pariicuiarly beneficial , loth before and after their i-onfinciEcnt ; nor can they be too highly recommended for the general use of si-hools . They are also an excellent preparatory ia the useOf medicinal waters , sea-batfciiij , &c . Prepared and Sold by Jfessrs . Hunt (( he original Proprietors ) , 05 , Great FuUeney-street , Bath ; and sold , wiiolefala and retail , by Messrs . Barclay and Son , 95 , Farringdon-stK-et ; 15 utfcr , i , Cheapside ; Sutton , 10 , £ o *\ - Cimrch-yard ; Edwards , C 7 , St Paul ' s ; Xeubury , * 5 , St . Paul '*; Sangcr . 150 , Oxford-street . London ; and Sy all rfispc-clsble ilcdlcine Venders iu tiie 3 I * tropol . 8 and Provincial Tawus . ' ' Bi careful to see that the ' nainis and address of the Proprietors are engraved on the iltdicine ! 5 tamp , around each box , as such alone are genuine . Price Is . IJd , each box . l [ 1 '' . " l [
Untitled Ad
. . _ Just Published , A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend on Human Frailty . Price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Fust Office Order for 3 s . 6 d . A-MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENEUATITS SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroj's physical energy , and the abilitj of mauliood , ere vigour has established her empire : —¦ with Observations oh the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local ana constitutional WEAK . KESS , KEftVOTJS UUUTATION , CONSUMi'TION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; With means of reatoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhsea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary . Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; tee "Work is Embellished witk Ten fine coloured Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of- cure for both sexes : followed by observations on the obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of , cortain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering ' humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND ? to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . By R , and L . PERRT and Co ., CoirsuLTKfa Sdxieoot . Published by tho Authors , nud may be hud at their Residence , 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London ; sold by Strange , 21 , Pateriioster-row ; Kannay and Co ., ( 53 , Oxfol'd-Stveet ; Govdon , UG , Leivdbfthall-street ; Powell , 10 , 'W ' estmorlnnd-street , Dublin ; Lindsay , 11 , Elm-row , Edinburgh ; D . Campbell , ISC , Argyle-strcet , Glasgow ; Ingham , Market-street , Manchester ; Kewton , Churchstreet , Liverpool ; Guest , Bull-street , Birmingham , . OMNIONS OS IBB TOESS , ¦ 'MTe regard tte work before us , the "Silent Friend , " ns'a work embracing most clear and practical views of a series of complaints hitherto little understood , and passed over by ihe majority of the medical profession , for what reason we are at a loss to know .. We must , however , confess 'hut a perusal of this work has left such a favourable impression on our minds , that we not only recommend , but cordially wish every one who is the victim ef past folly , ox * sufieri » g from ; indiscretion , to profit by the advice contained in its pages . "— ,-1 < jc and Argus , 4 " Ths Authors of the " Sileut Friend" seem to be thoroughly convei'saiit with tiie treatment of a class of complaints which « re , we fear , too prevalent in the present day . The perspicuous style in which this . book is writtun , and the valuable hints it conveys to tho ? e who are apprehcusive of entering the marriage stale , cannot fail to recommend it to a careful perusal . "— £ ra . " This work should be read by all who value health and wish to eujoy life , for tho truisms therein contained dotj all doubt . —Farmer ? Journal . THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM . Ib intended to relieve those persons , who , by an immoderate indulgence of their passions , have ruined their constitutions , or in their way to tile consummation of that deplorable state , are affected with any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach , ag the various affections of the nervous system , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , weakness , total unpotoncy , barrenness , &c . This medicine is particularly recommended to be taken before persons enter into the matrimonial state , lest , in tho erent of procreation occurring , the innocent offspring should bear enstamped upon it the physical characters derivable from parental dubility . Price lls ., os the quantity of four at lls . in one bottle for 3 Ss ., by which lls . is saved ; the £ 5 cases may be liad as usunl , wliich is a saving ef £ 112 s . THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE , An anti-syphilitic remedy for searching out and p ' urifjrtag the diseased humours of the blood ; convoying its actir . e principles throughout the body , even penetrating ; the ! mimitest vessels , removing all corruptions , cpntamina-: tions , andia ; purities from tho vital stream ; eradicating the morbid virus , and radicully espeUiogit through theskin . Price Us ., . or four bottles in one for S 3 s ., by which lls . is saved , also in £ 5 cases , which saves -SI 12 s . Venereal-contamination , if not at nrst eradicated , will often remain secretly lurking in the system for years , and , although , for a -while undiscovered , at length break out upon the unhappy individual in its most dreadful forms ; or ulse , uiiBfion , internally endanger the very vital organs of existence . To those suffering from the conscqueuccB which this -disease jrcay have left behind in tlie form of secondary si \ mptom $ , eruptions of theskin , blotches on the head andfiiear ulceratisus and enlargement of-the throat , tonsils , ami threatened destruction of " the nose , palate , to ., nodes ' cm . tlie shin bones , or any of those painful uffoetions arising from tlw dangerous effect * of the indiscriminate use of mei'ouvy , or the evils of an imperfect c « -e , the Concentrated Detersive Essence will bo fouud to bcritendud with tlie most astonishing effuets , iu checking the ravages of the disorder , removing all scorbutic complaints , and effectually re-establishing the health of the constitution . To persons entering upon the responsibilities of matrimony , sad wUo fiver had the misfortune dui'ingstfioii ' inora youthful dsvs to be affected with anj form of Sicse diseases , a previous course of this medicine is highly essential , and of the greatest importance , ac more serious affections are visited ujion an innocent wife and offspi&ig , from a want of these simple precautions , than perhaps Jutlf the world i ? aware of ; for , it must be remembered , where the fountain is polluted , the streams that flow from it cavmot be pure . TERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . ( id ., und Us . per box , ffilh explicit directions , rendered perfectly intelligible to ev y capacity , well known throughout Europe to be the most certain and effertual remedy ever discovered for jronorrlia » , both in iie miW im < 1 a oS « vntcd forms , by ini , mediately » llajiug iuflammatiou aud avrestiug further Gleets ' , strictures , irritation of the bladder , pains of the loins and kidneys , gravel , and other disorders of the urinnr y uassngcB , i « cither sex , tire permnni-ntly . cured in n " short Epaee of time , without coulineumnt or the least exposure . Th « above medicines are prepared only by Messrs , R . and L . PBRIiT aiid Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Humors-street , Oxford-street , London ; ¦ M < i $ n ; TERR Y expect , when consulted b « Utter , the vmal fee of One roxmd , without xchich no notice tc / iatocw can betal-e » oflha comKim \ ica ( ion . Paticnt 6 » vc requested to be as minuto as possible in tlie d « t ; ul of their cases , as to the 'duration of the com' nliirt tlw symptoms , sige , habits of liring , and general occu pation . Medicines can be forwarded to aiiy ]» art of the world no difficulty cap . occur , as . thoy will be securel y pacliod , and carefully protected from observation . ' Me ' wrs Perry : ind Co ., Surgeons , msiy be consulted as uBiviiYt ' is , Berners-strSot , Oxford-sh- « et ; liOndon , jjunctr-illv ( Von Eleven till Two , and . from Five till Eijrht . - On SundajB-from Tea-. till Twelve . -Only . one .-pvsonal visit is-re quired - fi-om u country patic . nt , to enable Jfes'vs . TeiTV ntid Co . to give such , aslvice as . will bo the ' means of tfiofUng a pennanent . arid effectual ' curc , after nil oilier mfaiishiivc proved mcircctufil . ¦ - '• -. ¦ ¦ N . B . —Gcuntiy Dniggists . liocKsdltvs , Tntont Medicine Tender * , n ; id every other shopkeeper , esiv be Bupplied with anv quantity of the . Cordial . Balm of , Syrincum , the Con-^^ rutea Detersive Essence , nnd ri-ri y's , l ' unfyiiiR Spo . ^ fic Fills , wini the neunl hUowniiee to the Trade , by ¦ - - <» t » f the priucipsl M'holeE-ale Pateat if odic ' we Houses m Hjd 08 f of \ tUvn uiftv le hafl \ t" SUont Vripud . " .
Untitled Ad
; , ' - Just published , Sixteenth Edition , Ukistratod with cases , and fuU-lingth , engravings , price 2 s . Gd ., in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part of the kingdom , on Hit receipt e ofapost-offlctorderforSs . Gd ;; " THL SECRET COMPANION , it A MEDICAL TVOEK on nervous debility and the conie . Ii cealed cause ofthe decline of physical strength " and g loss of mental capacity , with remarks on the effects of r- solitary iudulgence , ntglectcd gonotrhain , syphilis , sc-:- condary symptoms , &c , and mode of treatment ; followed d by observations on marriage , with proper directions-for i- the removal of all disqualifications . Illustrated with end graving . " ? , showing tlie evils arising from the use of mer-S cury , and its influence on the hody . e By B . J . Bkodie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , London . g Published by the Authors , and sold by Sherj wood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster-row ; Mr . Noble , s 114 , Chancery . lane ; Ifr . Purkiss , Compton-street , i . Soho ; Hannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Earth , 4 , . Brydges-street , Covcnt-garden ; Gordon , U 6 , Leadenhall' street , London ; Roberts , Derby ; Sutton , Xeview-of&co , , _ Nottingham ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; -Fryer , Bath ; Harper , . _ Cheltenham ; Keeae , Bath ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldicott , f 'Wolverhampton ; Jeyes , Northampton ; Parker , Herc-, 1 ford ; Turner , Coventry ; Slaiter , Oxford ; Kewa ton , Church-street , atd Uoss and Nightingale , Chrottiete-officu , Liverpool ;' Ferris and Seo * e , Union-street , Bristol ; Wood , High-street , Guest , Bull-straot , Birming-I ham ; Collins , ' St . Mary-street , Portsmouth ; Mendham , Nelson-street , Greenwich ; Da « s , Bernard-street , South-^ ampton ; and by all booksellers in town and country . 8 OPINIONS OF THB PBES 6 . ¦ - ¦>•• *• This is a work of gi'eat merit , and should be placed in it the hands of every yoaug Jaan who is suffering from past ft folly aud indiscretion . It ' contains ninny valuable truths , and its perusal is certain to benefit him in many waya . — London Mercantile Journal . The authors of this -valuable work evidently wollunder" stand the subject upon which they treat ; aud this is the best guarantee we can give tlioso persons to . whom it i 9 s likely to . prove serviceable . It is a publication which can , and ought to be , placed in tho hands of every ycung man to guide him among the temptations of the world to , ' which lie may be subjected . —JC-cntish Jltrcury . " : THE COKDIAL BALM OP SEYLANICA : or , Nature's j- Grand Bestorative ; is exclusively directed to tke cure ol ^ i nervous sexual debility , syphSis , obstinate gloots , irrcguji lurity , weakness , impotency , bannenness , loss of « ppetit » , J indigestion , . consumptive haMts , and dobilities , arising J from venereal excesses , &c . It is a most powenful and e useful medicine in all casos of -syphilis , constitutional t weakness , or any of the previous symptoms which indiea te r approaching dissolution , such as de ^ r-ession of the spirits , f fi ts , headache , -wanderings of the mind , vapours aud B melancholy , trembling or sh .-. king cf-the hands or lieibs , a difiurdered nerves ,, cbstinate coughs , « hertness of breath , 0 andiawar&wastings , This-mcdicine shosld he taken previous to persons en-1 reriugiinto the matriiBonial state , to prevent the offspring J suffering from the past imprudence of its parents , or in- heritiag any seeds of disease , wliich is too frequently tlio , case . Sold in bottlcs ^ price 4 s . Cd . and lls . each , or the : , quautily of four in one £ < unily bottle , for 38 s ., by which ; one lls . bottle is saved . J The £ 5 : cascs ( the purchasing of which will * e a saving of £ 112 s . ) may be had as n « ial . Patients in tUe country who require a . course of this admirable medicine , should , send £ bbylettor , which will-entitle them to the fflH benefit r of such advantage . « BRODIE'S PITRIPYIKG VUGETABLE PILLS are universally acknowledged to be . She best aud surest remedy &r the cure of tho Tonereal Disease In both sexes , inl eluding gonori-Voca , gleets , secoedary symptoms , Eiric-[ tures , seminal weakness , deficiency , and oil diseases oi j the urinary passages , witiiout loss o , f time , confinement , cr 1 jfeindrance from bueincss . These pife , which do not cob'' . . . fein mercury , have never . been known to fail in efifecting n " i « we , not only in recent , tout in severe cases , where sa'lil Ta- 'Un and other treatment lias been inefficient ; a persevei'Artfe in the Purifyisg Vegeitable Pills , ia which Messrs . [ Br « dje have happily compressed the most purifying and heeling virtues of tlie « getable systejn , aail which is of the utiuwt importance to those ufflictcd with scorbutic afffecliojii ! , eruptions on any part of the body , elcorations , i crofolotts ior venereal taint , will cleanse the biood from a j , / ouijjjesnj counteract every morbid affec'i . OB , and restore v . ' ' f ^ i 5 ^ emaciated constitutions top Utiae health andvigo'ir * Price ls . ty £ " Ss - ' , ^ ' » ^ e < J " » and Ils' Pe , hox . Observe the signature of " R . J . Brodie aiid Co ., Ltndoa " imn , ' * sc ' on a sea * ' ° d w-ax , affixed to each bottle and b . ^ none clse are . genuine . SoW by all m « h '* Jtte wndota fa town and country . Be sure to ask for B «> aie ' s Cordial Balm of Skylauica , or Nature ' s Gran i Bestorative , aud Purifying VegetaWe Pills . Messrs . Brodie and Co ., Su vgeons , may be consulted , as usunl , at 27 , Montague-street , Russell-square , London , fro ' ro eltren o ' clock in the mornu > 5 tal ei S ht m the ' oveuing ; , and on Sundays from eleven o \ Sock tlU two ' Country patients are requeBteS to be flS lni "" as possible in the detail of their cases . Tlu . coTnmunicatiori . must be accompanied with the usual con . Station fee of £ 1 , and iu ail eases the most inviolable secre . 7 may ^ e re Uedon , ' - ¦ :- . ¦¦ . ¦ . - ¦¦;¦ . •¦¦¦¦ N . B . —Country druggists , booksellers , andpah < nt ™ o < 3 ' - cine venders can be supplied with any quantity of J 1 r * )( 1 ! e ' Purifying Tcgetable Pills , and Cordial Balm of Zuyla * with tue usual allowance to tho trr . de , by the pimci * wholesale patent medicine houses in Loud « ii . ' " : ' . ' T' ' . , ;' ¦ ;; -- -- ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ - ' ' ' ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ ' Only one personal visit is required to efiola permanent ewe , < Obserre!—27 , Moatague-street , BiUBeH-ituare , L ^ nflon . i - - r , ' , , ; . " - - - , s ] i - ' ; ^ - ' . 3 - ' ' I , j . ' - 1 \
Untitled Ad
" , " j ^ j J r a 0 1 J , , ; J , 02 ? DESILITY ANB DISEASE . Price 2 s . 6 d ., in an envelope , or fomvarded to any address iT-se , on receipt of a post-ofiioa order fo i 3 s . 6 d ., rjnilE ilESTOH OP HEALTH , a Medinti Work -on i Nervous Debility , nnd the Cac-ses of Premature Betay in Han , resulting from Kx-cess ,. In £ eetion , or Impm-Icuee . Also , OiJSEIlVATlOXS . Q $ t IIARRIAGE , and lertain disqualifications , together vTritli treatment f « r diseases of the Generative Organs , by J . S . Tissox and 3 o ., Consulting Surgeons , e , Cuvoliae-street , Bedford , iqaare ^ " The Mentor of Health , by Dr . Tissot , is one of the iiost valuable and instructive little works on tho subject of disease resulting from early indiscretion , &C , ever pcnis = il . It contains plain and simple descriptions of the anatomy and physiology of the organs liable to be affoctcd by such diseases , cud every information to guide the unwary and inexperienced from the . temptations to which tLey are exposed . To those requiring a ' Mentor , ' we . most strongly recommend the ivork ,. aBd it is well worth the-perusal of those who are so fortua £ te as not to seed its advice . "—London Mercantile Journal . Published by the Authors , . and sold by James Gilbert , 4 S , Patera&stcr-row ; JIudie , 161 , Tleet-streei ; Koble , Xl ± , Ch : inccr £ --lanc ; jurkiss , GS , Compton-strect , Soho ; Lovelace , 35 , King-street , Regent-street ; Russell , 43 , Storcs-6 treef , . Seiiford-sgcare ; . Tkomas Jfcwton , 16 and 29 , Clua-ch-sb-eat , Liverpool ; Sfessrs . Bobinson , J 3 ^ Sreen-« de- £ tKet , Bditburgh ; sad byalliooksellcrs . At hosje daily till three ; evenings , six till nine ! One personal intervieir sufficieaS . Syphilis and SecGjv 3 ary Symptoms cured without the danjerffiis usg of merauyy .
Untitled Ad
, * , - , , ; ; , ! ' ! I , " ie g r- :- i- d S e g j i . . ' , _ . _ f ' , 1 a I ^ *• it ft HEALTH , LONG LIFE , AKD QA ?? IKESS , SECURED BY THAT POPULAR MEDICINE "jVfO Medicine yet offered , to the world ever so rapidly ± X attaiuedsuch distinguished celebrity : it is questionable if there be now any . part-of the civilised g lobe where its extraordinary healiug ricCues have not been exhibited . This signal success is not attributable to any system of ndvwtistog , Vmtsattlj tot&c sttong Ytcommundtitions of parties cured by their-use . The Proprietors of Parr ' s Life PiiFs hare bow in tteiir possession upwards of fifteea hundred letters , several ^ them from Clergymen of the Church of Eiis&iad , massy from distinguished issenting Ministers , ftoa gentlemen connected with , the Army aud Kavy , also u-amMembars of Parliament , Merchants , and L last , thooghaotleast , from members of the Medical Fro . > ' fcssJon , and a skilful Analytical Chemist ; all speaking in ' . thehighesttemis " of-fiie value of this inestimable medicine . F Tkisi * a ir . ass of ewdence initsfavour beyond aU parallel . : - The esSraopdioery properties of this mediciae are thus ¦ described by an eminent physician , who says , "After ' : particuJavobserKlionof the action of Parr ' s Pills , I am ' A deternraied , iumy opinion , that the following ate their r true-jeoperties>—*¦ "First—They inereasethe strength , whilstmostother meujoint-s have a weakening efiect upon the system . Let any-one take-fcom three to four or six pills every twentyfoiE-hoajr-var . a instead of having weakened , they will ha foEud to hare revived the animal spirits , aud ta have imptrted . vlaeting strength to the body , f : " Secondly—In their operation they go direct to tiie 1 disease , -ifter you have talc « n six or twelve pills you will , ¦ : experience their effect ; the disease upon you will become . less auiless by every dose you take , and if you persevere in reguhirly taking from three to six pills every- day , [ i your dissase trill speedily be entirely removed from tlie ti system . "• Thirdly—They are found af tergivinsj them a fair trial ¦ - fora-few weeks to possess the most astonishing and invi-KoratiBg properties , and they will overcome all obstinate complaints , and restore sound health ; them is a return of good appetite shortly from the beginning of their use , whilst their mildness as a purgative is a desideratum greatly required by the weak and delicate , particularly ivbere violent purging is acknowledged to be injurious . instead of baneficial . .. . ¦ Fourthly—As a general Family Medicine they arc excewliiigly valuable , and no family should be without them ; they may be used with perfect safety in any disease , for to every disease they are ofinestimahlc value . ' John Bale , Esq ., of Manchester , Lecturer on Chemistry , ai » d Pupil of the late celebrated Dr . Dalton , F . R . S ., in a Utter addressed to tho Proi > vietors in Lonvlon , says : —'\ beg to state I find them worthy of being recommeaded to the public fo rtheir effieacy ^ and simplicity , andto be really vegetable piils , containing , as they do , nothing but what is of vegetable origin . 'With this assurancs the public need have no fear of giving them a fair trial . t ¦; ,. ; : , "Fifthly—There is no medicine ever introduced to the public that has bacorr . e so universally popular with females as Parr ' s Life Pills . For all complaints peculiar . to females they are of most astonishing efficacy ; and they are confidently recommended to them for general use . A trial of a box of these pills will at once prove the truth of this assertion . IMPORTANT TO TIIE PUBLIC . "TVe consider we arc performing au act of humanity to the community of Yan Dicmau ' a Laud in acknowledging that statements have been made to us by several persons nho have taken Piirr ' s Life Pills , with tha most beneficial effect to them . Accounts of their elticv . t-y have been furnished us by various individuals who have taken them , since the supply famished by the patentees in England to Mr . Bowling ; but they have generally savoured so much of the marvellous , that we Save hesitated to make the statements public . However , we are now satisfied from further accounts giv . n to us , that tohesitatclonger would be perpetrating au act of criminal omission to our fellowcreatures , aud having taken the pills ourselves with the most satisfactory result , we perform nu act of duty only iu most strongly recommending the nse of thorn to the public at large . This we fed the more confidence in c ! o : ng- , knowiug that under any circumstances they cannot do harm ; and our conscientious belief is , that they cannot b .- taken by any person without doing him good . " —C' jrawaU ( Yan Dieman ' s Land ) Gazelle , Dec . 23 rd , 1814 . The medicine of Old Parr is tlie most popular of the present day- It has been before the public Only a few jaars ; and in tills short period has firmlj established itself in public favour , and has effected immense benefit to all who have obtained this inestimable medicine genuine . Hence the list of respectable names bearing evHenceto the high character of this remedy , and testifying beyond the possibility of doubt the wonderful character of the medicine by the number of extraordinary and decided cures wholly resulting from its use . This medicine , solely by reason of its high character , has extended itself to all parts of the world ; and therefore its healing virtues may jtt'fly be considered universal . Agents are ao \ r established in every town in the United Kingdom , and persons desirous of testing the character of Parr ' s Life iUltt may obtain printed copies of authenticated ] Testimonials , relating satisfactory particulars of cures i effected by this remedy . The following is a list of Whole- ' sa ! e agents : londou—Edwards , St . Paul's Churchyard ; ^ Barclay aud Sons , Fnrring 6 on-street ; Sutton , Bow Cnurch- ' yard . Manchester—Jtottcrshcad and Co ., Market-place . 3 Edinburgh—J . And R . Haimcs aud Co ., Wholesale Drug- - ' gist- ? . Dublin—Lecky , Wholesale Druggist Glasgow —Maeli'od , and Apothecaries' Company . And Retailed j by every respectable Sledicine Vendor iu town and ' country . I Sold in boxes at Is . lid ., 5 s . 5 d ., nud in family packets , j lls . The lion . Commissioners of Stamps have-ordered . tho words CASH'S LIFE . FILLS '' to be engraved on the Government Stamp , pasted round the sides of each ' box , in white-letters on a red ground . Purchasers are also requested to observe that a fac-simile of the Proprietors' signature , T . Roberts and Co ., Crane Court , 2 ? leet 1 Street , London , " is printed on the directions wrapped round each box , without whicn . nono aro genuine . : jSf ' Beware of Imitations .
Untitled Ad
GOUT AKD RHEUMATISM ; AKDVALL PAIN , FUL AFFECTIONS OF TIIE JOINTS , EFFECTUALLY . RELIEVED IN THE COURSE OF . A FEW HOURS . ; ONE trial is solicited , which will prove its efficacy over all the medicines in general usSe for tho above distressing complaints , having alrsady been taken in above 3 , 000 cases , without one known instance of failure . Recommended by the following well-known gentlemen , who have experienced its extraordinary effects : —Mr . Rouse , prnprietor of the Eagle and Grecian Saloon , City . ''dad ; Mr . Campbell , Managing Director of ditto ; Mr . Smeeson , wholesale salesman , Newgate-market ; and Mr . J . Webster , comedian . Sold u , y P . M'DOUGALL only , in bottles at Is . ljd . each , S 3 , Mydcllcton-street , Clerkenwell . Upon the receipt of Is . Cd . will be forwarded free iuto the country .
Untitled Ad
( AnMMi BE JC URED Ifa ' BY 'i ^; Lfp . ^ T'S | -. H ^ - FIFTY ^ CEKS | bURBI ) I ^^ IXf irEBKS . EXTRACT of a Letterfrom Jdhn'Ma rtin 'Esq ., Chronicle Office , TobagofWest Indies : — February 4 tb , lSi 5 . fo Professor Hollowajr . ¦ Sir , —^ 1 beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this island , espocialft those who cannot afford to employ mcdical gentlemen , Wvery : anxious of havingj-ourastonishing medtcihes within their rcocfi i frdhi'tlie immense benefits aomc of tliem . liave derived from their use , as they . hayo been found here , in several cases , to cure sores and ulcers of the most malignant , aud desperate kind . One gentleman ill tins i 5 lanu , ' \ vlio ffid , "i bt-lieve , " about fifty running ulcers about his legs , ' arms , and Dotly / wlio had tried all other medicines before the arrival of yours , but all of which did him no good ; bub yours cured him in about six weeks , and he is now b y their means alone , quite restored to health and vigour ., , ( Signed } Johk aiABTitf , 1 .. Piles , - Fistulas , and bearings-down . - ; A Remakkable Ccbe . bt these Tills akd Oiktjienx . —A half-pay lieutenant ,, lately residing at St . Helier ' s , Jcrsy , whose name by request is omitted , had for three years suffered -frompiles and fistula , 'besides a general Rearing down , of " the most" distressing nature . He had twice undergone an-operation , but to no purpose , and at last gave himself up to . despair . Yet , ¦ notwithstanding this complication of complaints , together with a debilitateAeonstitution , he was completely cured of all his inlirniities , aud restored to the full enjoyment of health by these justly renowned medicines , when every other * means . lifiu failed . . ¦ . , : : ' extraordinary Cure in the West Indies , of Leprosy , and other ... direful skin diseases . . ¦¦ - .. - ' ; . ; . . . June 3 rd , 1 S 44 . Mr . Lewis Recdon , of Georgetown , Demerara , writes , under the above date , that'Holloway ' s Pills and Ointment have cured bad legs that no doctor could manage , ulcers and sores that were of the most dreadful description , as likewise leprosy , blotches , scales , and other . skin diseases of the most frightful nature , and that the cures efi ' ected there by these wonderful medicines are so numerous and extraordinary as to astonish the whole population . Cancered Bree . st . —A Wonder / wl Circwnstence . ' Copy of a Letter Aom Richard Bull , bootmaker , Tatton , ' near Southampton : —¦ .. :. February 9 th , 1845 . ¦ -To Professor Holloway . - Sir , —The Lord has permitted to be Wrought a wonderful cure of cancers ov abcesses , of twelve years' standing :, in my wife ' s breast . In the latter part of the time , eleven wounds wereopen at once . The faculty declared the case as past cure , several pieces of bone had come away , and I expected that my poor wife would soon have been taken from me . It was then that a friend recommended the use of your pills and ointment ., which , to our utter . astonishment , in the space of about three months , healed up the breast as soundly as ever it was in her life . : I shall ever remain , Your most grateful av . d obedient servant , ] ( Signed ) RicnAaD Bcli * . Wheezing on tlie Chest and Shortness of Breath . Copy of a Letter from Mr . Jeremiah Casey , No . 1 , Comp- ( ton-place , Covnpton-street , Brunswick-square , London , ' April 25 th , 1845 * . — To Professor Holloway . Sir , — beg to inform you that I believe I had been , for more than three years , one of the greatest sufferers in the world with chronic asthma . For weeks together my breath was frequently so short that I was afraid every moment of being choked with phlegm . I never went into . a bed ; very often , indeed , I have been obliged to pass tiio nig ht without being able to recline sufficiently to lay nij head on a table , lest I should be suffocated . "No one thought I should live over the winter , nor did I expect it injself ; but Iain happy to say tliat I am now able to-work ' from morning to night , aud that I sleep as well as evef I did in my life ; and this miracle ( I m . iy say ) was effected by rubbing your invaluable ointment twice a day into my chest , and taking ten of your pills at bedtime , and ten again in the morning , for about three months . j ( Signed ) Jekjiiah Case ? . In all Diseases of ihe Skin , bad legs , old wounds nnd 1 ulcers , bad breasts , sore nipples , stony and ulceruted can- , cers , tumours , swellings , gout , rheumatism , and lumbago , j likewise in cases of Tiles , Ilolloway ' s Pills in all the above cases , ought to be used with the Ointment ; as by this j means cures will be effected with a much greater cer- j tainty , and in half the timethatit would require by using the Ointment . alone . The Ointment is proved to be a certain remedy for the bite of raoschetoes , sand-flies , cluego-foot ^ yaws , coco-bay , and all skin rtiseases common to tlio East and 'West Indies , and other tropical clivmss . Burns , Scalds , Chilblains , Chapped Hands and Lips , also Bunions and Soft Corns , will be immediately cured by theuseoftlieOnitmont . . : Sold by the Proprietor , IU , Strand ( near Temple Bal' } , London ; and by nil respectable vendors of patent medicines throughout the civilised world , in pots and boxes , at Is . Hd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . Cd ., lls ., 22 s ., and 33 s . each . There is . a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes , ~ & 3 . Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each pot and bos . v . C-Vy . C ^ x ,
Untitled Ad
PATRONISED by . her Xajesty . the : Queen ,-his Eoyal Highness Prince Alfe « rt , her * Uoyal : Highness tlw Duchess ot Kent , his Majesty ' ; the King of the . Belgians , his Msgesty theKing of -Prussia , his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury , * n d neatly all the ; Nobility , the Bishcps , jind tue Slergy , Itr .: THOMAS'S SUCCEDANEUlt , for filling decayed teeth , however large the cavity . It i « superior to anything ever before used , as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state , without any pressure or , pain , and . in a sh » rt ' timc 4 ecomes as hard as the enamel / and will remain firm'in tne to ' sth many years , rend « ti ' ng ' extraction wanecesssry . It airests all further progress' of decay , andrenders&emagainuscfulinmastication ; 'All persons can use Sfc . Thomas ' s Succedaneum themselves with ease , as full Erections are enclosed . ; ' ¦ Prepared only by Messrs . Thomas and Howard , Surgeon ^ Daitists ,-Gt , Borners-street , Oxford-street , London , price 3 s , Gd . Scid by their appointment by the following agents ;—ITeatoa , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baiucs and Kewsome , Sraeetoh , Reinhardt , Tarbottom , Horner , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis aud Son , Bevdekin , Moxon , Little , Hardmr . n , Linriby , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Co ., Walker and Co ., Staiwra , Faul&ncr , Doncaster ; Judson , " Harrison , Linney , Hipon ; Foggitt , Coates , Thompson , Thirsk ' ; AYiley , " Easiagwold . ; England , Fell , Spivcy , Huddersfield ; Ward , Biclimond ; Sweeting , Knaresborough ; Pease , OHrer , Darlington ; D&on ;^ etcalfe , Langdate , HortSallerton ; Rhodes , . Snaitli !; S 6 < oldth >> rpe , Tadeaster ; P » ogersop Cooper , XewtT / Kay ; Bradford ; Brica , Pricstleyi Poiiteft'act ; Cordwell , G ill , Lawtqn , Da wson , Smith , Wakefieid ; Berry , Dentbn ; Sutcr , Leylanfl , Hartley , Parker , Duttn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; nlbj , VTetherby ; "VVaie , Harrogate ; Wall , Barnsley ; and by all chemists and medicine vendors : or the proprietors will send tho Succedaneum free by post to any . part of the kingdom . . .. . . . . * LOSS OF TEETH . Messrs . Thomas and Howard continue to supply the loss of teeth without springs or wircg upon their new system of sew-adbesiox , which has procured tbem ' s ' uch universal approbation , and is recommended by numerous physicians and surgeons as being the most ingenious systera of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented . They adapt themselves over the most tender gums , or remaining stumps , without causing the least pain , rendering the operation of extracting quite unnetessary . They are so fiied as to fasten any loose teeth where the gum ? hare shrunk from the use of calomel or other causes . They also beg to invite those not liking to undergo any painful operation , as practised by most members of the profession , to inspect their painless jet effective system ; and in order that their improvements may be within the reach of tlie most economical , they will continue the same moderate charges . - - . -,.. Messrs Thomas and Howard , Surgeon-Dentists , C 4 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London . At home from ten till four . Those interested in the subject will find this statement of their superiority orer all others to be entirely and scrupulously correct . - Their new method of fixing Artificial Teeth lias obtained the approbation and recommendation of the following eminent physicians and surgeons : —¦ Sir James Clark , Bart ., Physician to her Majesty . ; ,, Dr . Locock , Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty . Dr . Ferguson , Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty . Dr . Bright , Physician Extraordinary to lier Majesty . Sir B . C . Brodie , Bart ., Sergeant Surgeon to , her Majesty . The late Sir A . Cooper , Bart ., Sergeant Surgesn to her Ithjcsty . R . Keate , . Esq ., Sergeant Surgeon to her Majesty . Dr . Merriman , Physician to her Royal'Highness the Duchess of Ktnt .. Sir CM . Clark , Bart ., M . D , Sir M . Tierncy , Bart ., M . D . Dr . Chambers . Dr . Paris . Dr . Jji-. nes Johnson , Dr . Conquest . And numerous other members 0 the medica profession .
Untitled Ad
X ^ AOTION . —All Persons advertising'Succedaineum for w ^ stopp ing , decayed teeth , fraudulently attempt to imi-4 ateK » ., CLARKE'S ORIGINAL SUCCEDAKEUM ; and ifaajr Succedaneum than Mr .. Clarke ' sbe . purchased , it " will be "diswefed useless , llfrciavke can say , witliout th * ' slightest exaggenitieii , that he has sold 8 , 000 bottles cf Succedaneum within 16 mont > . s : and 2 , S 00 individuals bare bocn ablts . ts u » e it successfully ; and most of the other purchasers . hare , boea to Mr . Clarke , at his residance , 61 , Lower Grosvener Street , London , to have their teetb . shopped , without ' any furttiar charge tlian the original cost of the Succedaneum , priceSs . Sold wholesale to all the chemists in town nnd country : and none is genuine unless had through Messrs . Barclay and . Song , wholesale Medicine Warehouse , 95 , FarringdonStreet ; Edwards and Son , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church Yard ; Haniiey and Co ., G 8 , Oxford Street ;' CbUeck and Jfosely , 139 , Upper Thames Street , London and other resp « etabl * wholesale Medicine Warehouses ; or Mir . Clarke can sand it by post to any part of tho United Kingdon , on rcceiring a Post-office order . : ' , ' . . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . However largo the cavity . Patronised by Her Majesty the Queen Dowager , her Royal Highness the Duehose' ef Gloucester , His Grace the Duke of Wellington , and the principal Nobility , Mr . Clarke's Suecedantum for Stopping Decayed ""Tenth is far . superior to auyihing ever used before , as it is placed in the tooth without any pressure or paifl , becomes as hard as the enamel immediately after upplication , and remains firm in tho tooth for life not only renderiny extraction unnecessary , but also making them * gain useful for mastication . All persons can U 6 C Mr . Clarke's Succedaneum themselves with ease , as full directions are enclosed ( price 5 s . ) and sold by all respectable medicine-vendors in town and country , andean he gent by post on- receiving a Post-office order . —Prepared only by Mr . Clarke , Surgeon-dentist , 61 , Grosvenor Street , Bond Street ( removed from 53 , Harloy Street , Cavendish Square ") . LOSS OF TEETH . ,, . - , Mr . Clarke still continues to supply the ' loss of teeth , from one to a complete set , upon his beautiful system of self-adhesion , . which has-procured him such universal approbation in some thousands of cases ; and recommended by Sir James Clark , 'Bart . M : D . and Dr . Lecock , Physicians to Her Majesty , and numerous other members of the medical profession , as beifig tlie most ingenious system of . supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented . They are so contrived , as to adapt themselves over the most tender gums or remaining stumps without causing the least pain , rendering the operation of extraction quite unnecesearj ; and in order that his system may be within the rcacli of the most economical ,, he will continue the same aioderate charges . — -Mr . Clarke , Surgeon-dentist , No ; Cl , Grosvenor Street , Bond Street , London . —At home from eleven till four .
Untitled Ad
Tfai » < Jav i « puWUkeJ , , 1 y H . BaUlieo , bookselUr ^ aad uuWbfeer , No . 215 , RegentiBtreet , price 2 s . itlcned .-DU . DB PKATI . / TO ¥ cttRpifIC .. DISEASES . of ' tine SKIK .,, tharCAUSES an * CORE . ' Th « ahovewovk maybe had , postage free , in any part of the kingdo-jj , by remitting the amount in stamps to Dr . de Prati . 4 , Mortimer-street , CaTendish-square .
Untitled Ad
¦ 'CAWTIONt—rjnprincip led ' i lndliridunis prepa ^ rcthe mpi * ^ 0- spurious compound 8 ;! under th ' ejsame na ^ cs ; || ey ' copy the labels , ; bills , advertisements , a » testimonials of the original Thomas ;| Succedan « ttni . ^ is , therefore , highly necessary ; to " sce that theVmrds " Thomas aud Howard" are on the wrapper of eacji article . AU others are fraudulent imitations . FOR : STOP FING DECiXEI ) ' TE ^ TII . : - . ' ¦ ¦ - ! ¦ f . ' ' * I \ i > ¦ ' ' ¦ ' . . Pr ice 2 s . SoV . ... . 1 * - .- >
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- -. . ~ . i . rz . ~ & r- r as »>> . >' ¦ iJ 3 H .- ! - ^ i , ^ r ^^ iimm ^ wJSm ^ s ^ ^ TTIHISKj iay ispublishied , price 2 sS 6 d . ; CASE 5 ]« nd OB-^ X K fiRVATI ^ NS m ^ trati ve of the beneficial rosults ' which'moy •' b » , o 1 fta' « ned ] byiclpse attention andpersevar-S'rice ' m some of ^ ttie ' most ' ehrbni ^' and unpromising instances of spinal iV . formity ; niih eighteen engrayings on " vfood . Bi Sauoxu Hake , M . R . C . S . ' ¦ ' ' -tondon ; iJohu Churchill / Princes-street ; and may be ihadoif all * booksellers . f ., [ f ' | f ' f . : j j ;/
—- —S^ Ril Peonage.
— - —S ^ riL peonage .
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Ditto , white .. .. 68 — 74 .. £ 8 -. « r .. Odessa&Taffanrog , hard — ' -: Ditto ; soft .. .. 88 — 68 .. so -- t , i , -.- Canadian , hard „• .-. _ " ' ""' Ditto , fine .. .. 65 — 67 Rye .. Russian , Prussian , &c . 23 — 30 Bark .. Grinding ; .. ¦ ... .. .. 26 — 81 Ditto , distilling .. .. 31 — 31 „ 2 j « no Oat » ... Dutch , Seed- ' --. ; - . .. 22 _ 35 -B Ditto , brew and thick .. 26 — 32 „ 20 — Russian ' .. .. .. 1 ! G -- 30 ., 20 _ 7-DaBish & Mecklenburg 2 G — 31 .. "tt _ ., » Beans .. Ticks , § 3 to 39 , small .. 37 — 4 * „ 33 _ j Egyptian .. „ .. 37 — 40 .. S 3 * - 'it Peas .. White , 44 to 5 +, - gray ... 40 — 42 flour .. Dantsie and Hamburgh ; ( per barrel ) , fine 31 8 ii , superfine .. .. 82 — 38 .. 26 _ s ,, Canada , 31 to 37 , United States 34 — 39 .. 23 _ oo Buckwheat .. 30 — 35
. . FOBEIOtf SEESS , iSsO . Per Quarter Linseed .. Pctersbuvgh and Riga ( free of duty ) .. }•> t 0 . d Archangel , 40 to 43 , Jlemel and Ivonigsberg .. .. 40 45 Mediterranean , 40 to 48 , Odessa .. < g ^ Rapessefi ( free of duty ) per last .. .. £ 24 » $ Vied Glover ( 10 s per cwt . and 5 per cent , on the duty ) .. .. .. .. .. 4 o fia White ditto 45 ^ Tares , small spring ( free of duty ) 31 to 33 , large .. 4 o _ Unseed cake ( free of duty } , Dutch , £ 8 0 s , £ 11 ( Is , French , per ton .. .. £$ 10 , £ 010 Rape cakes ( fre « of duty ) .. .. .. .. £ 5 0 £ 5 5
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AYERAGE PRICES Of the last sis wseks , which regulate tile Duties from the 5 th of November to the 12 th of Xovember . ~~ Wheat Barley Oats .. Rye . tieans ¦ yvie ? Weak ending s ' - s " d - B - d -i s - d - s - d - " sTd ! Sept . 27 , 1845 .. 53 2 30 2 22 2 S 3 1 42 5 3 S S Week ending Oct . 4 , 1843 .. 56 0 SI -1 23 4 33 9 43 1 42 6 Week ending : Oct . 11 , 1845 .. 57 9 31 3 23 4 3 i 2 43 1 44 4 Week ending Oct . 1 . 8 , 1345 ., 58 2 32 0 23 5 34 5 44 5 43 0 Week ' ending Oct . 25 , 1845 .. 5 J 5 33 6 24 11 ! 34 5 45 6 44 1 Week ending I Nor . 1 , 1845 .. 60 1 34 3 20 2 33 2 45 S 43 10
Aggregate aver . age of tho last ¦ " six weeks .. 87 5 31 11 23 11 33 10 43 11 42 0 London aver . . ages ( ending Nov . 4 ; 1845 ) Go 10 88 4 27 10 89 7 43 2 49 9 Duties .. .. 15 070609 C 101 O
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Loxbox S . mithfied Cattle Market , Moxdat , Notombkb 17 . —The past week's importation of Jive stock into London have consisted of 269 beasts , ami 333 sheep i ' voni Rotterdam and Ilarlingcu , together with 20 oxeu from Hamburg , in , for the nicst part , middling condition . At the outporta , about 20 p beasts ami sheep hure beon received from the Continent . To-day we had on ofter 150 foreign Leasts and 130 sheep , the whole of which found buyers , at fully previous quotations . The following statement , derived from ouicial sources , shows the total imports during the last three years , ending on the 10 th of October : — . : '
1 S 13 1814 = IS 45 ' Oxen and bulls .... 780 .... 2 , 283 .... 1 , SSi Cows 334 .... 075 .... 4 , 100 Gatves .... 35 .... 53 .... 543 Sheop 175 .... 70 G .... C . 918 Lambs C ... 16 .... 112 Swine and hogs ... 289 .... 216 .... 523 ¦ Fresh up from our grazing districts tho arrivals d beasts were , even the time of year considered very limited , and of poor quality , owing to which , tho beef trade was brisk at an advance in the quotations obtained on Monday last of quite 4 . d . per Sit ® , and at which a good clearance was " eilt > otcd . From the . '
northern counties about 1 / 100 short horns earcefresh to hand : while from the eastern districts we received 150 Scots and shorthorns : from the western and midland counties , 400 Qerefords , Devons , Runts , &e ., from other parts of England 300 of various breeds , from Scotland GO Scots , and from Ireland 150 beasts . The number of sheep being small , the mutton trade was somewhat actif e , suul full pricca were obtained in every instance . The veal trade was somewhat active at Friday ' s improved currencies . In pigs , a full average amount of business was doing , at lat « rates . : j 1 , j . j j
By the quantities cf 81 b ., sinking the offal . s . d , s . d , Inferior coarse beasts . . . 2 8 2 10 Second quality . ... 3 0 3 4 Prime Urge oxen . . . 3 6 3 10 Mine Scots , « fce 4 0 4 4 Coarse ini ' eri » r sheep . . . 3 4 8 10 Second quality . . , , 4 0 4 . 6 Prime course wooiled . . 4 8 4 19 Frinie Southdown , , , 4 10 5 U iargre coarse calves ¦ , ¦ , 4 0 4 6 Prims small . . . . . 4 8 5 0 Suckling calves , each . . . 13 0 30 0 Large hogs 3 10 4 6 Kf . \ t small porkers . . , 4 8 & 2 Quarter-old store pigs , each . 16 0 21 it
READ OF CATTLE ON SALE . ( From the Books of the Clerk of the Market . ) Beasts , 3 , 'i 3 U-Sheep , 23 , 490—Calves , 71—Pigs , 311 . Richmond Corx Market , Nov . 15 . — "Wo had Sl fair supply of grain in our market to-day , but the sale was rather dull . Wheat sold from 5 s . to 10 s . ; oats , 2 s . 9 d . to 4 s . Gil . ; barley , 4 s . to 4 s . Gd . ; beans , Us . to 6 s . 6 d . per bushel . Liverpool ^ Cons Market , Moxnit , Nov . _ 17 . — With the exception of wheat and flour , of which we have received upwards of S 200 quarters and 4350 barrels from foreign and colonial ports , this week ' s arrivals of grain , &c , are of light amount . A lively demand for wheat kas prevailed throughout the week ; each day has presented a fair amount of business , and T > Yiceshave steadily advanced ior both bonded
and free . The best Irish new red has readied 0 s ., and some superior old of the same country 0 s . Cd , per 70 lbs . Our market is very bare of English samples . The cheaper relative value of wheat , as compared with other articles of the trade , have induced several purchases for investment . The sale of flour has not been so active , holders requiring sometiring like a corresponding improvement to that obtained on wheat . A few choice oats have brought 3 s . lid . per 45 lbs . ; we iuiye only had buyers , however amongst those of the ineaimen " whose wants required immediate supply . Oatmeal must be quoted rather dearer , 85 s . Gd . per 210 lbs ., the top price of Irish manufacture . Barley and beans remain unaltered in value , whilst peas have commanded an advance of Is . f o 2 s . per quarter .
MAxcmssTim Conx Market , Satubdat , Nov . 15 . — A feeling of greater confiiSoiiee has been apparent intht trade during the week , and wo have , in consequence , experienced an improved demand for flour , in which article a fair amount of business was transacted at the currency of our last market day , 0 at 3 and oatmeal were likewise in steady request , and Maintained their previous value . At our . market this morning ho'dcrs of wheat , influenced by reports from Liverpool and Wakefield , firmly demanded an advance of fully 2 d . per YOibs . Flour met a tolerably free sale , but the quotations of this day se ' nnight could not be exceeded . For oats the inquiry was only moderate , at barely late rates ; but oatmeal , being scarce , ami muck sought after , must be noted Oil . per load dearer .
Wakkfiem > Corn Market , Fimihy , Nov . 14 . — The supplies of all grain are liberal , more especially of barley . Tho wheat trade was firmer this morning , and all fear of any present alteration in the Corn-laws having Subsided , we had a good demand for the old and new wheat , at an advance of Is . per quarter ,- common sorts also were easier sales . Fine barley Is . and inferior qualities 2 s . per quarter cheaper . Beans dull , without alteration in price . Oats rather lower , and shelling in limited request . Malt as before . Liverpool Cattle Market , Mokdat , Nov . 17 . — We have little or no alteration to quote from our last statements with respect to the prices and quantity of stock at our cattle market . A good supp ly of beasts ; quality generally i&jewo * . A very small supply of sheep . J 3 eef 5 d " to did per lb ., mutton G- ~ d to 7 d . ' ^*
Salfoiid New Catti , b Market , Wedxes jux , Nov . 12 . —We have had a very lull market to-day and of good quality . The demand not befog eqnal to the supply , enabled butcher * to purchase on rawer easier terms ; still vte do not vary our prices from those of Inrtweek . Beef , gd . to 5 R ; mutton , 5 JJ . to&l per pound .
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Tire Latk Military Riot at Wixnsoit . —Wixdsoiv jnov . l ( . —llusday the magistrates met in their private room lor the purpose of . deliberating on a charge of riot and assault arising out of the late military not m this town . Besides the magistrates who had attended on previous occasions , thei-e were present on this occasion Colonel Reid and the lion . Mr . Ashley . Tho room was densely crowded by the inhabitants . of . tho town , and , as * it was not large enough to contain all those who were naturally anxious to hear ^ -the proceedings , the Court , after a SllOit pOl'IOf . adjourned , in flcnnvrlnnre w ! t . li mi mian ?
niously expressed feeling , to the Town-hall . Georee i ownsond , a young man about 23 or 2-i years ofa ^ e , dressed m a smoekfrock , and having a large plaster on the left side of his head , applied evidentlv to a recent \ yound , was brought up , together with Samuel iucbardson . otherwise known by the name of Brasscy , ihomas Milkv , and William Webster ( three Life GuavdsmcH ) , ftU charged on the . information of \) imam ii . tninnan , superintendent of police , with riot and assault . The evidence brought forward on tins occasion was for tho most part a repetition of that which appeared hi the Star - of last Saturday , . after aiunguiiy wliiek-lastea upwards of six houvs , . McmiruBou was disclsarged , and -ililJar Webster , aui lowi ! 5 eiui , were committed to take their trials st the ensuing sessions . ¦¦ Ti \ e bench agreed to take bsil tor their' appearance at the sessions , themselves in £ 20 each , . nnd two sureties each in the sum of £ 10 ; and the witnesses , tuu in uumbor , were bound over to « PP « 4 r .
Ilaittt Foxttllipntz.
ilaittt foxttllipntz .
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.- - - ^ v " . v ^^ v' : \; - '' : ' \ : ' ::-: w ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ^ Wi ^ - > ' x ™**** 1 ** , ius .
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Losdon ConM Exchange , Monday , Nov . 17 . — The past week ' s arrivals of wheat of homo produce for ouv market were-on a very moderate scale , but those of most other kinds of grain , except malt , were somewhat on the increase , and of lull average quality . Of foreign grain and of corn , the receipts were by no means large . Fresh up this day several parcels of English wheat came to hand coastwise as well as by land carriage , yet the supply on offer was by no means lar"e . It being now pretty well ascertained that no immediate change will be made in the impart duties on foreign wheat , tbe demand for tlie finest parcels , both red and white , was steady , at , in some instances , a trifling advance in the currencies of this day se ' nnbht . As tlie improvement . wis by no moans « enGuar , we cannot alter om * Quotations . The middling and inferior kinds of English wheat , which formed ths bulk of tlie supply , were somewhat inactive , yet the quotations ruled about stationary ; still a clearance was not eifeeted . The show of free foreign wheat was small . For tlie finest parcels we have had -a . fair inquiry , . bat in other kinds , next to nothing was doing . In corn under lock , owing to the fir-Kincss on the part of tho importers , very little was itKoasactcd , at late rates . Tlie supply of Knglish barley being considerably more than ; adequate to mcetV » ic * -a : its of the dealers , the trade with all descriptions was exceedingly du ! l at ' &declin < vofiuU > - is . peivqr . in the ' quotations , ^ 1 ^ . ^ quantity remained unsold at the market ' seloso . Notwithstanding tlie quantity . of malt on offer waB small , tho malt trade ruled-dull , y et prices remained ahout stationary . Since the returns were made up on Friday about 20 , 000 quarters of Irish , and 30 , 000 ditto « f foreign oats have come . to hand . This large addition had a depressing iniiuenee upon the tradoj and the quotations suffered a decline ofquite Is . qei' quartet ' . In beans only a moderate amount of business was transacted , yet prices were supported . White peas ware Is . lower ; but other kinds were quite as dear . In Hour next to nothing was doing . The seed market was steady , at full prices . CURUENT PRICES OF GRAIN , FLOUR , AND SEED IN MARK-LAKE . MUTISII GIUIK . . Shillings per Quarter , Wheat .. Essex & Kent , whltc , new .. 61 to 71 .. 66 to 75 Ditto , red 57 C 7 .. 50 71 Suffolk and Norfolk , red .. 60 65 white 68 70 Lincoln and York , red .. € 0 COwhiteGS 70 Korthumb . and Scotch .-. GO CS Rye ? 9 32 Barky ' .. Matting .. .. .. 82 85 extra S 7 — ' Distilling .. .. .. 29 34 i Grinding .. .. .. 2 fi 20 Malt Ship .. .. .. .. 53 57 Ware £ 9 Cl Oata .. Lincolnshire and Yorkshire , fuefl , 27 s Od to 29 ? Od ; potato , or short , 28 s Cd tc 32 s Od ; Inland , - JTs 6 d to 32 s I'd ; Northumberland nnd Scotch , Angus , SOs ( Id to 82 s Od ; potato , : Sos Od to ' : 4 s 0 d ; Irish feed , 26 s Od to 28 s ed ; black , 2 Cs 0 d to 28 s 0 ( 1 ; potato , 27 s Od to 80 s Sd ; Gnhvay , 'Jus Cd to i ( is Oii . Beuns .. Ticks .. .. .. .. 88 ii Harrow , small .. .. SS H Peas .. White- .. .. .. .. H 48 boilers iiO 54 Gr » ynndlio ! i .. .. -10 43 Flour .. KoriblU and Suffolk ,. 45 51 Tovvn-miule ( pcrsackof 2 c 01 bs DO { ft Buckwheat , or Brank .. .. ¦ .. 89 y > EKelilSH SEEDS , &C . Red clover ( per civt . ) .. .. .. .. 40 to " 0 White clover ( per c-, vt . ) .. ' ., „ ,. 45 74 Hiipesrtd ( j-ev last ) .. .. ,. " „ . „ £ og i ( g Mustard seed , brown ( per . bushel ) pa tolSs ; white fls tolls . ¦¦¦ -.- .. » LinsBed csk ' es { pQi * lOOn of 3 lb eneli ) £ 11 to £ 12 - ¦ ^ OH EIGK CHAIK ... , . ¦ .. : . :. ; ., ; -. ; , . . ; , ... . Sellingsper ftnarter . ' il- ee . In Bond Wheat .. Danisic and AomifFberB 70 exlra 74 . r , 7 an ttto . . . : ditto .. 65 - . ;— 63 „ gj _ rq , l ' omcraniah . itc . jAnhaltCS — . il .. 51 __ \ a Danish , Holstcin ; ie . ii 61- - ^ 7 " , ; ti - % .: ¦ ' .. . ' Russian . -havd . .. P- .. < ¦¦¦ . ~ ¦ . - ¦ - - ... Ditto , soft . .. .. CO ~ « 3 , ; , M _ s « Spanish , hard .. „ — w Ditto , soft .. .. 03 — I 8 .. CS —M It : ili ; ti ] , Tu 3 can , ic ' ., rcd —
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 22, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1342/page/2/