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-"SsOxTS^I^EIlT '*& ¦ DKESS - LtbSV** - j^jaKING.
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' ^f i «jl ' ¦ ^¦ ¦ e- MJ"' " ' " ' '" >P-'" gg Mm jsoiffHER| sxik^ SATUKDAT, KOVEMBER S3, 1815. ^. •'' :
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€0 &ea&ei£ # Com$pontent&
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Untitled Article
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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sfeissrs ftrlr ^ s to pupils , and has never been equalled bj M j cemntsito ^ prac { . j ionr . froine ] eventaifour . -
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TO . TAILOUS . Bvap robation of H « r Most Excellent Majef / . -Vifcan " Victoria and His lloyal Highness Prince /^ bert . | TUI £ L 0 > "i > 0 X aud PARIS FASHIONS /; . A .: »« inn J . anaVinter , 3 Si 5 anfllSiG , ready eai . ty JhOttukr , tv 11 GAU and Co , 32 , Hart-street , Bloo jTStUrv-J ^ naie , ivn ' onzBcrger , llolywell-streetj Strar ^ i Lbniksi . and nay hs had of all Booksellers where ? ^ ftr -residing ; a TerV suoerb Vsiat , renrescntinff the m- Jf t ; - « plen > fiil exhibition in Europe , an Interior View , jjf the Col < . s ? cum , I jjcgeui ^ -l ' ' London . This esqv jiitdy executed and : ieautifully coloured Pi-int will be r jtcompaiRed ^ Tjli feU - ' i size Dress , Frock . and Riding Coat ! * ; tterns ; Qlso , l ' sitteens ofUieXew Fashionable Polka J ? 4-oclc , ~ ar . d LoconrOtlvc Bidii : ^ Coats asd an exti-a fittin- -Bashiwable . Wafetccat Patte rn , with eveiy part compU ^ and a fuU exp ? snatJon of the manner of cutting and ; makisg . tUeiinir- ^ so 9 extra plates , including 3 seetoi jj . , 4 ifcr '< S 5 * ling fancj-f rsats , 4 f « r waistcoats the other ' for Ctf " . ring Oiut * Collar fattems . in jiroportion , for fJB . sizesyso that srC ''{ n . -rson mny cemfltte the whole ir . t ? ae wtot correct winner , xritlurtit a previoa ? Vuc . wlj ^ ^ e of tny system -cf vutting tdiatct'cr . Pries ' i astijiia ^ i tbei . « iole , 10 s ., drp- 'St free toanjpart of Enjr , l « nd ; lF ( € auti , f « atlan ' d , aBa ^? ak-s . lls . System of CutS ^ g , 25 s : Pateri Measuresrls tlie set . Patterns , post fre 2 , ls-e ? . -ch : <« V had of tflltooksellcrs . IVir p itt ; cuir , TS ,-see " *• ' To ^ restad ' sPanStei "Costumes , " ? f Gazette < jfF-isuion . " "Tj >/ i 9 . « a and SosAs Jfaga / . iueof TaihSon , " th ' i " Lt-n&on a-i ^ ^ fcuntry "fress , ' &C . !
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TO-ALL Wfl « -CA 35 "r VAYl YM 3 SI 7 DIA 3 ? E rr 6 : ecaj 1 i : » r . nda : pr « B ^' - . TOd satV fiwal i dSscbarg * , wifitoutkhcinterveition' of a 1 ' iison or an Atcoraey . - ' k-dwdiSigc to Debt oiste nowimpi'ialive , TjcKittselttiprissnmiritfK'Debt is . twvraenal , notreme-¦ dvaL ;—^ UefcvCTS of alt grafcs vdll b e"be » iriitted My ajijiiying ferthwitfi' tc ^ olin S . Btnstead ,. ¦ S 2 j-3 asinghall . street , near tlie ' CotSit of BankrEptcy , L < jnduc .
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- -EAJfEMB-AKON I 3 iM- ; WORKS , mitfi LARGEST STOCK IS 'VSJ 3 . 0 VE . —FUUXISHX K ; O 1 ROKJHKBEKY , Steves , Grates , Kitchen Kaujrcs , Fenders , Tire-irons , " brtf ^ Sheffield Plate , via * mental Iron and Wire Work ,: Ga * ien Engine ? , Jtollcrs . &c , ' ^ rijan Taa Tnrjs . Bat hs , * &c . —I'AXKtHiAXOS n-ox vtorss , aaje « njn Ma idsjeo Tnssaufl ' s , 3 S , liukerstre « % l ' orlnKm-s ( jsr . re . : XjiJ . — 'Evey -amde is ma ' -rkisS . in plain figures at the < n ;<* t cash prices .
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GTIEAT SRITUS 3 IU ifS ^ L LIF £ A 5 SUUAXCE SOt-jIElfY , ' , TrATEBLOt J-HK . CE , LoSnoS . Em icseas . ^ -Tlie Chish oh » , Cliairman . Wniiisr-Morley , - £ && . -. Deputy CJiairsmoi . Utury S . Barber , Esq . " -feames John Xinloeh , >' i' | . «' viin Hn ^ litnwn , Esn . > * Henrj Lawson , Es < j . . yraiicisrHroaigan , Esq . . [ Henry Penny , Esq . James Wm . Beacon , Es < j . . , 1 Kobert Power , Esq ., M . D . AlciniulerR . ^ i-riiic , Esq .. '( The Rev . if . W . . lolinso ' n John T : > SHsJerdein , Esq . ' . ;{ Tickery , A . H . Ji ^ SiTOBS . ^ . B . Rule / csq . T . C . Siiamous , Esq . G . Thoin : i . « , Esq . John Cleadimrins , 7 i , 3 ) . v T . R . 5 ., 10 , "Wiiaitole-strcet . T sOecitoe . ivaiter Pride-eoK , ? i ; sq ., Goldsmiths' Hall . . 'BrSKtES . TTni / reiSajk of London . VI&TAXTA 6 ES O ? TniS IXSTITUTIO >\ Tlic whtle of the Ifrt ^ tg divided AXKG . U . LY amuug the JieJfibcrs , after-i > aj itaeucof live Annual I ' lt-inrams . Jina :: islc = uara g $ ee&-Capital , in addition to tlicl ' und co nfinaa'ly accun stfetirgfromPreiniuaK / nHasi ^ icfCHf to afiord ecwplete » « ori $ y to the Policy-htsWers . JL \ hV Gl £ $ >¦ & RATES OP VStSUlUU . TittfZlintion OS -i&ssET Ens is particntei € y directed to the Half " Credit Jtai es ; « of rremium , by ¥ . 4 « h mtans Assuxunccsway be efi ifjisS , and loans for sfrest periods sveured with the Ieastiir-isibte present outlay , »» d at a less ]> i-e-- mium ^ lian for- it-ore * enns only , andtoiJj the option of -paving uj > tlie aiyrtsrs and Interest , sni tlie difierrnce Ijetwetll tlie 1 W ^ JRrtsr , tljus beeomJits-eEtitled to i » artici--pate in the wWiAZjfex profit of tlitte ! iihci < m . ' rrTx ^ ' CT ' rfiOM-i ' ijia . - half ck £ Dit * ji 5 > rs ov-rKEMjiH . - tW _ "HOCT PROFITS . M ^ - ? - ' A Se- * ^ E . -3 . - , ge so . | Age « . 1 Sge ^ O . j Age 60 . £ s . a . ; £ ¦ ^ -a . ; £ s . d . | £ s . d-js-s . d . j £ -. . i . 0 17 0 ! O" 1 S ^ 1 1 I : 1 S -2 j 2-1 0 3 - * 2 WITH PROFITS . A-e -10 . M--fc ^ j Age 30 . j Age € o . Ajje Zo . \ Age «« . j - £ « . il . . -6 * . . '< LJ £ s . d . £ s .-d ; -X-s . d .- £ - « . £ 1 ii UJi ; S- «*{ . 1 5 8 , 113111 3 ¦« JO S 13 11 : . 'DLvs . ferexaiaiTile : —Apers&n . ia the twentj ' -iiltli ye ; tv Of Ks H £ Hi ueo&ozJi- pay lSs . Sct > per--cent . ^ -eai ^ y ( nv ilie - first five yearsiMKal aftervvarts'bj ' . pajing'TKthtnMiiainir . g lialf ivith .-. 5 aterest , an < £ « &s- ^ ia ' ereiice * betwcM : tlie air . x- « ites , tie 4 r ' M be enfiffiedtc-sJisre inthe cntiie . ^ iro-. fite ,- xshlcb . itu-cspected v ? 2 S . T > e 8 KS 3 ibefiitcre payr . i « i « s - * c Btile-moresSiai half tfwrtarigcjjal 2 * atu : tl- 'rate . Tiic Gi'SAT SnilACVi is the oo&j-Societrin-which-this very great accouuuoiation is ^ wea - -to tlie ^ AstureO . "Transfers <^ rTalicies « S » s 6 sc > aarregiEtwed ( wifliort dai ^ pj-nt tJn »< 0 « 5 tto-Claiuis on' tildes not smtjeDt'fev-be 3 iSsatca w& * - pctcd ,-excepenvrliHiesantf 5 i « i J iia . eachcase ,-of .-i < . tn-rxi I Meeting of tEsW * mliers , tt £ » e < f « csally couv * ned » n tbe oczasioii I iltiniiersAseired to thetfj 5 t » Bt <»? ' £ lO 0 O entitled ( scfttv I orin « n *« f& ? g Anuual Pca ^ Kms . > to attund and vote at j all Geiuaral-J&scfcijK , whitUwilliMwsthesnpwintejKleuee f xdS cincrol c . f-a 3 ; 2 funds andaSaiw eei tlic-Soeietju t "J ? ull ] ir . vliis 3 fi-s are dttaJieiljE t 3 jaPr « . = pec £ as , winch , j with every reqfaidteinforniasaan /« 2 ay be obtaiKed liv ap . t . ieat . on to * A . R . IRVSSfE , iroMnmtj 'Iihuttof . igtnt *; TvaafcS in Towns u « ti }> re _ occifa ' n : < lVand aj ^ ilka-s : i tiOJ-s from we ^ tJtable and isi ! iKfinaaijiai-tie 3 ; ed ( Jre . < se ( r t « : t&e'M-. 4 Uigins Director , atSavli .- 'Waterloo-pIace , l . on-^ oc - \ riH- uuiet tndi immediate ntieation . i : „ . i
Untitled Ad
- SJlEivl ^ ELD AND DINGQI / NSUIfrE : ' -JUNCTION ILftlLWvVa ' - THff liK&E&S , Notices we ? c dulv publislieJ in Hie i V <* mor . tiiior November test , in tkehtoji J , m f-n- f . ^ ttc , ihe-ltyemiid and Iiutlwhmn Li £ epziid npers , ihzt app ' lication was in- 5 teno * : I to ie-jafco in the tiiecajext nsaiug- !?< . * . suin f of Pai ^ iaaien 1 , * Bi- leave to hviag . in a > BCU -to . kcor- » porai « a-Co ., Bgony and t «^ « Hve-to . sucJi . Com } jinv i ppwer do ma . 1 iese J maintaia-. a ; i \ aalwaY , bDnimeiK ink pv a Jiwctk ; r .. 7 Kih the SheSeld , ^ i £ liton-ttadcr . Lj , iic , i and Sliuichwl-erjUvailwftv , « t or near Ob « -iie- * tr *{ -r . In the 2 " o ^ vRsh . ap < f Brii-ht ^ BieSiow , int ^ ie l' .-nish . of SliecicU ] , iniiiia TVest-ltidujs ^ cf thea ^ isntv . ai . Xprl ; , » a ! MHo . t > - ! iginateatoriuear . a . plac& . tjio > vii tv i thcKam& . ofM&gijys , otlieccusaSv ' eJhaai WliiiiW . in theiTonnshi ? . © r Haiulet © f . $ ? elh » iij , in jicl' .-in .-Ti ' . J ) f CIartmoiigbv . « -hoi " . vise ^ su-dbotiqugli , in the - - County of -SotLbsgiUi ! , and Sience hv . oueans of twr ¦ : - . divergin . 5 copmoiiicationsor feraachec , oiie ^ f - suc-lii « omniunisatJciis . ori « : ranehe 5 te < € cnimcEce bva . Ul ! iiC- ' fr : tiqp > itk » llic saaisaain Lin « , = ct or ccar ' tlw « im | i « rJgMe-kn * 7 a bytfe name of Whinlev , ? , ot 3 « jrsw , T ^ am . Wliinl Q . s , k tlie said 'lo . wnsliip or JJii « iiIct ' - Of WellianL . m , ihensid Parish . « fiCiariKueu « -Ii iife ' jer- * ^ ise ' . Gbreteroogh ^ j pdto tenainate at ^ Air .-ir . thc '< ¦ . ^ urt of Gaffisnorougfi . otherwise . 'b ' ainsbe- "h m « n i « r near the Ean . k . or . f Oiart ; on Oie JTert . ' tSeof i&o 1 » iisivor Ireat , jn-flic-, lferish ofzBeel giishaHs In ihe '~ < . said County itf ^ ottingtara ; mAS&& otbe * of « uefc : - -c » maiuRicacH * s . or braE 2 licsto ; cGHijusace bvaiiutii-i-l « Junotiou widijtbasnidsaui Liiie , aLoi-. i ^ ir t ^ ic saM < rfacc known ^ thc jiaae of ^ hi ^ s , otiU- « -i ' c Weiw ^ viunl ^ , . and to tenninate k . w n ,- »« tlie Hig i ^ reet ,. ^ tl , e Parkk of Saint Mark " in Z' 1 City ( . fiLmcoln ^^ ad Co . mtirof tbejsamoAtr " , And s « o to malre andairintain-3 , 3 ra ! 5 di ' Ji-ulrar , fiom aiia ^ ut- of t !* e « ud .. inte « dcd niajn Lhx of isti ' I Ri ding : of tiKjgaigomtyrt York , to join U o AliJ , SL ^' ^ ^ ^^ the d rth ^ iShZi ^ , . ^« - v , iH ^ iepa n ^ . of-3 eig&ton , In the cowrfy ol j J ( V ~ £ ~ a ? ° * ^ a 1 iC *" JnaJ ^' n another l : r , ncl . * ottese Ashm uitli . Ax&tmjfr juSe * ffilf * £ * & ? " % * a ' ork alsoto ^ in the si S }« 2 SSlrt -j § ? Md 3 l <*««^ and the Tjlf . for lei ££ K , S ? S ^ K *™ ^ eKcept the « id pi aSSli ffiF " *?? ^ anGJicoiamenciu-ny . ^ Sf ^ h the nameof V'hirdzre , otlu ^ ht- Welham Wlirnk p , ia the Eaid Township or ihu ,, Iet 2-2 ^' . ' 10 tU , C SaW Pa " of ClaAowngb . < , rh « - J m : *« ^ areiKWsagli , and tenninatiu ? at or near the a 0 cS ^> *}** Parisliof SaintJIark . in ihe « i ! i - "' « X ^ i jf ° rT aad Ci f ^ the saine CU » ' huH ? ^ IIflu ® of Commons to be mtm *^ To to fib ^ * ^ fei-minationofthesaid Se , ^ ,, ; , SvfW ^ ' la < 1 ^ el-eon . ' ] in ^ ndL ° { f CE JS HEatEBr GIVEN , tl . at it is r i w 5 afetiie Ees t SeKion of Parliament , to } , - ~ 2 W-WU-iSr thc Housa rf Commons for We t . £ S ^^ S *? 1- ¥ " » e same into a Law , wit h such , * ¦ :.- ihctbm «» to Parliaiiu-nt may seem . e W ^ m ^ r ^ 1 ^^^^ l ^ i ^ j j ¦ i V ie ^ > - j if i j- a-t i-j m ^ r-1 iv j i £ ¦ , c , j r . ; h . si 1 ¦ y i :, ¦ hi n- ; ffj L j : ¦ -. t j f ., t ; ' - < e | ; l . p ' . j , ; i-i 1 af ; " u i i ? i • ra ¦ . ; S i j : ; j j in \ i the ^ iojf ? - , the ¦ iu of any To [ or tion the # ^
Untitled Ad
i vTyjff ^ k " ...,., ^ - ™ = THE / 0 $ lfo S S'EUM . ' /? tIlASp . OR ^ IERTKAL ORGAK . i . This magnificent \ JT '¦ establishment , patronised and visited by her MAJESTY a ' ad his Boyal Highness Prince ALBERT , lias now , i ' a addition" to its former alterations , a aew Orchestra / . Organ , erected in thc ' Glvptotlieca / on which t ' jQeinof'J admired pieces of . music will be played daily , from ' f « o till Four VClock . OJien from Ten till HalfpiAtPour . Admittance , 3 s . Cbildien , half-price . The Stalactite Caverns , the most magnificent of all the Temples which nature has built for herself in the regions of night , Is . each . The whole projected and designed by M . W . Brad \ vell . . " EVENING EXHIBITION . Additional Xovelties . The Conservatories brilliantly iHuiHKHtlcd ; Mont Blanc and . Torrents represented bj Siflorfi ^ bt . A Grand Orchestral Organ lias been erected iatbcClyptotlicca , on which the most admired pieces of WHsfc « ill be played , from . Eig ht till the Exhibition , is cfloscd . london by Night : additional atmospheric ' (! &cts to the most extraordinary Panorama in the Tforld will be represented at Eight , Nine , and T « K ! o'C ' . ock . Open from Seven till . Half-past Ten . -A dmittance to the whole , 5 s . Family tickets for four petsons and upwards , 4 s . each , may be had at tu . eprintf . pal Music sellers , and at tlie Colosseum , frem Teu till Four . Crildren , half-price .
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TO THE EMBARRASSED . —IMPORTANT . . rp iIERE are thousandsof persons who haTC struggled X loug agaiust the force of misfortune , -but few are aware tliat by a very recent Act all snialKvaders owing debts not exceeding £ 308 , farmers , aud a'll others owing to any amount , can be entirely raised from their difficult its at a small expense , and "witUout imprisonment ov bankruptcy ; All such Mr , Weston begs will apply to him at Moira-chambers , 17 , Ironmongcr ^ luue , Cheapside , by letter or personally . Persons summoned for small debts should apply immediately , as they may thereby save themselves from frequent and lengthened commitments to pr ison .
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MAST- THOUSANDS OF "POUNDS STERLING TO-BE GIVEN TO THE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE-. PICTORIAL TIMES . For particulars of this extraordinary undertaking apply immediately to any Bookseller , or Newsvender , in England , Ireland , or Scotland , or to the Publisher , Air . C . Evans , Sol , Strand , London , who will be happy to for . ward a Prospectus . " . --..
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MELODIES FOR THE MILLION FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS . ; ^ g =-j ^ rrillE MUSICAL bee . —^ o . 40 con-J ^ 3 ^ q ^ S . - * - tains the five celebrated Elfen « r » \\ l' ^ ^ zes « a"d othcr beautiful and populp ] i ~ v&F ~ Vn ' Melodies , for 2 d . Xo . 41 ( ready on j | 39 fifc | 3 J Tuesday next ) Musard ' s Puratani Qua-\ T *^ ZT ) J dvilles , " Love Not , " " Dance Boatiian \^ k J& f / ^ ^ " nitn "Olds complete . 6 Seautiful ^ &jn % p A ' ew JIu / . urkas , » tc , priceonly 2 di . * j- ? 4 : & : ^ ^ Kos _ i to 41 may be had at 2 d j patN ' o S instead of 4 d ., as heretofore , until . thV ^ lffi ^ SaniJ The MUSICAL BEE is now published twice iatlie ^ i » Qn ^ on tlie 1 st ana 15 th . "lly ]) uctt Booli " jM@i ^ I Bijou , "in eighteenNos ., 2 d . each . ' - ' - ¦ ¦ - ' : '•¦ £ f "? l *^^^| 1 Thel-LTJTONICON , every >' o . fr 6 m : i : toTli 3 ^ a ^ each , instead of Sd . /^^¦* -ilS The PIANISTA , froml to 56—every isi ^ No ^ raScea to Cd . —every 2 s . Xo . reduced to Is ., until the 21 th ;? - ^ Sf _ The PIANISTA in Xo . 57 and 5 V , is enlarged tofujl folio size , and contains Overtures aud all ihe airs > in JSoiinambula " and " Fra Diavolo . " Twenty-four large folio pages for 2 s .,-or every four pages perfect for 4 d , " ' ' < l'ianista Office , 67 , Paternoster-row . '
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Published l-3 th Ifovember , 1 S 13 , price 2 d ., SOUKCE S or JfEAXS of APl'HoritlATIOX for the Human Creature ' s Prope . ty of Pecuniary Pussessious or Iucreasiugsjuow ofteved ii \ ' . ieu of the Unsound , tlie Unreal , Uational Funding System . A Letter to the Editor of " The Tunes , " by Luke Jamss Haniabd . — August 16 , 1815 . Priutcd and Published by Luke James Hansard , near Lincolu ' £ -iun-ficlds , London .
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j . I | i JUST PUBLISHED , Id one volume , foolscap 8 vo ., neat cloth , price 7 s . Cd ., THE PUJRGATORY OF SUICIDES A Prison Rlijnie : in Ten Eoolts : BY THOMAS COOPEIt , TIIE CHARTIST . J . How , Publisher , 1 S 2 , Fleet-street . $ jr Orders from the Country to lie sent through the Goolisellcrs . . Also lately published , in 2 vols ., 12 mo ., Price 'fourteen Shillings , VISE SAWS AND j MODERN INSTANCES . I A series of prose Tales and Sketches , composed in ¦ Stafford Gaol : among wliicli ate' . — I Kucky Sarson Hie Barber ; or the Disciple of Equality ! ltav « a Dick tlie Poacher ; or " Who scratched the . Bulir j Tim Swallow-whistle tiie Tailor ; or " Every dog hag his day , " Jfaster Zerubbabel the Antiquary ; and how he found ont-tiie Xoo 9 e-iarr « ing-, Bovetliy ^ yeraroCCspTeackiTng ; or "Charity 'begins at home . " The-Btss-area-eeatlcman , and Ills crooked stick . Thu . ircrture of a Y-oung Sailor ; or the history of Cocklo Torn . T-Jrtiiusfdays'ofaa Old Sailor ; or "Butter y « ur shirt — -sing ' 'fcst otea-bobas , make sliift : *' TJie Kan "tlint'ferosght his nintpeiiee to nought . TlieiLtdtUut feltlike a fish out of -watei The 3 £ nistRr-of Mercy . — " Merrie Ensrland" no more . : * igns'Of 'the Times i or One Parson aud Two Clerks , ie ., % A ; c . MR . COOPERS NEW POEM . : To * be'Madyin December , in 1 vol ., price 5 s ., SOEf tf tlbON ' S YULE FEAST ; . A < O £ > ristmas lUiyne . -PubKsfesdalsobyJfr . How , Flect ^ street , about t » r « - a « ove toSC ? . Piccadilly .
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\ \ p n- i : ' i n- f ! - - - [ - 5 f - » i ink , i -r . . ai . tv i . ¦ Ti . ' - ¦ : -lii - ' im | i , ' - '< ¦ n i 1 '~ < : -l « < c \ ; ' 1 " , , ' I , ^ , j J ( ! }« lei pi . ^ of m : a 0 "' To , ] i ~ 2 £ * j „ . : UXIT . E » TJR . ADES' ASSOCIAT-ION FOR THE i JS 4 lWW ? 3 t » HSST OF LABOUR IN AGBICBL-_" f . 'JCUllEAKD MANUFACTURES , ¦ i ( Provisionally registered . ) ' V -Offi-ee , 30 , Hyda-street , UloQuMburv . London . rOTesenLusgosedcapita ] , £ 100 , 01 ) 1 ) hi i' 0 , 000 shares of £ S ie ^ eaeh . v , . > - j . . direciobs . if i I . * . . 1 > oxcosBffi , Esq ., M . P ., President . j- pi r . . W-JlotiKm , . ladies ^ filtoemalier , U , Riehard's-plaee , a-t Ha ers 6 » E-bridj ) 'e ,. I < oadon— Ykc-Pmidcnt . i-jSr . X . ArcU , Silk . Hatte ^ 24 , Granby-street , Waterloom ^ . r ond ,, Looatn . r-1 OSr . It . TJwii 3 iKon ,. Printer J . little James-street , Gray ' siv j icu-laue . LoadoD . i £ ¦ , 2 ScJS . £ toiey ,, ladies' Shoainalcer , \ Jotn-strset , Hanc , j * iea-strefct , ©« ford-street , l < ondon . r . MiuS . t , « imbte « , . Ca ^ -peinei-, 3 , Howicli-terrace , Vnux-; h . haJJ-tiridg 6-r < acd , iondon . si 13 Ir . ¦ € . Wiiite , . fc ' oolcombeiv Cross-streat , Manchester-¦ y i x oa 4 , Bra 6 ford / l * orltsbire . :, ¦ Mr . Smas , 1 ' ottee ^ Brunsmak-, street , Shelton , Stafford . ¦ hi £ hirei ? cttaides . n- ; Mr , Kolwrts , Paofeer ,. 3 , Siafoe ^ street , BMUghton-road , ffj Salfosg , Jlajicheeter . L j rpjIE Hi-cceuiTSQi . this Assoqsatiwi , appointed by tbe : ¦ -. X late ^ atiaaal 2 kades' Coufeneuce , . Wcio ^ noounce t j faet -flieir > jTani , 'enusitii for jxeeh ' mg ^ . WbsosigtiouB are f ., tonipleted , ; £ jid that fiieiywill cDvzmenc ? op «« tion 6 as t ; econ es £ 5 t £ j& shall iavc . been , rec < zved afr' dq > o « tt 6 upon ' - < Spates . e Zhv Cnpitfi of the Acsociatiqn fo be s > 'Pplsed to the ii ; pusshase orr « nSaI 4 > fi-aog , nnd . tlie . ooaction \ . of iuUdings l . for . £ aiinu £ acfcw- ( Vig . and iaioitrial jimgoses , \ * * ° tlle p ' . obsorption of ^ iVjfhfsUio ii ^ TheproXt n to i ' ^ declared j , ; mdij ; 5 idedat Uie Annual . Meetings . - iSTJion i ^ e profits i-i exceed 10 per c « n t w * ach , esc * ss to bt . addjBi to t . \^ eesf ital 1 af the £ ssociatio < a , ; £ iid . employed in . tftetaHpg i . \'* « H >««* - ; " uioui . - ... - . \\ i i Juuik&hzre to he , p 4 d by instsimenti . of sat les \* *»» ? i Ifarcepecse per wcej ^ £ ?? t Subiesrib&r « disposed tt \ P ^ up their Shares at xm . ee in full , oe by larger * nd 'iX ™ * ra ^ id lKs ( almcuts' than here requirifl , VjOUld n , \ 'orc ¦ . effiBtanUy ^ Bsht and promote the oUects « r thU AbA' ^' ckfiiHiby ( Uiiiff se . Jtepodt * on " SJioreg , except undi yf ; S « eiioI circumstances , to be forfeited , if instalments any i inoreiliazi o ^ ie nuontli in arrear . A % soon at the iuttal- \ ] Jiients are pffjd up , the receipts Ut iuch payments will be j exKhangfid , oa WP lication , for Scrip Certificateof Shares . : In addition to partieipation in the profit ! , Share- 1 ; holders will be . entitled to lease the small farms pur- t j chased or Unproved by the Association , or to employmsn t r j in aoj of it * estn ^ shments , according to priority and \ amount of sebR * ript ! on , or by ths recommendation ef i the largest mmtbtr at Shareholder * at the Annual Mest- n ^ iojf of tie Assoeiatidn ^ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦• . . . . a ? -JbM object of Ihe Association is to elevate and improve ?] , the condUion of the Working Clas » e «; to inereate br legal , peaeeful , and practical meastiTM , the general hap . ? piness and prosperity of socieh- ,, d the Directors con- 01 fidently appeal to the Tradeg and the Public for support fij iu an undertaking wbieh aimt at' promoting the Trelfare V of all . - . "J Application for Shares by Trades or individuals to be ! made either to the Secretary , tlie Provincial Agents or any of the Directors . J - STOREY , Secretary , pro . tem . FORM OF APPLICATIOS-POIl SHARES . To the Director * of the United Trades' Association for the Employment of Labour in A griculture andifanufactiiref . I f or we , if a Trade ] iequ «* t that you will inse-[ or , our ] Name for Shares in the above tion . And I [ or , n-e" ) hereby undertake to " ^ i » y i Wments , and conform to the rul « s an- - ¦¦' . Aisbfci * - the Aseociation , ' . * ' ' ' ' n ' Ifame in full ........ 4 ^| ufationg of Residence ....... - ' Trade or Occ- ....... Date ..... ; ; . — ... N .... # *« ? Copies of the Rr jp ^ jHh ' lrf ? " ^ cUtioaia . y . bejjaa ,,,. ;; . ; .,. ^ .. ^ - * J , - ^ ifc' * MfetY onsof tt ' eAiJol , - _ ^ i . Sva-nt ' Ow . gffictt
-"Ssoxts^I^Eilt '*& ¦ Dkess - Ltbsv** - J^Jaking.
- "SsOxTS ^ I ^ EIlT ' * & ¦ DKESS - LtbSV ** - j ^ jaKING .
Untitled Article
THEIR DUTIES AND T ^ jjin moHTS . \ ' . There is no theme that \> AS been more exhausted , no subject to wbicb puV ^ attention has been more actively directed , th ^ n to a consideration as fo what arc tfie dtt ( i € « aP . i . wAai i /> c ripfcte , of the lftndlovi class . It is r ; 0 \ y mOr « than tan years sin . ce <»«( in onr capaci + / of gratuitous editor of the / 'hue ; Sun daily n » ' ; ^ ap . | upon the occasion Of CoUnel DRUEJf , M . P . fo Carlpw , calling the Imh people savages ) ventured to predict that the day vrould come when i&ie Mnnperfonnance of those duties devolving upon \ bs landlord class would coynpd the savages to inquire into their . claim to those rights which they have hitherto held , upon no better title than popular ignorance and savage forbearance . '
Since then argument , remonstrance , and threat have been exhausted in anti-landlord agitation . The newspaper press of every shade of politics has devoted its columns to caution or denunciation . But advice to the powerful is as " pearls throivn before swine . " The landlords , strong in usurped rights , powerful in the Commons , and omnipotent in the Lords , preferred the adoption of the Newcastle principle , that they Jiadarightto do ivkat they likedmth their own , to the timely caution of their friends , and to the warning voice of , their foes . ; They followed the easier , bui the more dangerous eoune , until at length the substitution of laws the most savage , and of deeds the most barbarous fir ' their natural duties , has led the nubile mind to tbe consideration / of the
more comprehensive question : .. : XIIB-t'SE OF A LANDLORD " CXAS 8 . ,. r , Before we enter upon this important branoh of our subject , let us take a short review of what the landlords consider their duties to be . If duty consists in ' giving a venal support to the Minister of the day in all his schemes for the subjugatioa of labour to the will of capital , the landlords havjs performed their duty . If duty consists in the harshest administration of the almost obsolete laws of barbaroui times , the landlords have been dutiful . If duty consists in the preservation of wild animals and birds that are enemies to the poor , but delicacies to the rich , the landlords have been faithful stewards of their trust .
Jjpjduty consists in after-dinner pot-valiancy , in which ; t | erightsof labourare boastfully trumpetted forth , the todlords have peiformed their duty .. If duty . con-^|^ tt ^ d ) stinguKhing a sow for the number of . her ^^ fcy with 9 r eward of £ o , And the poor man for ^^^ dghip s and priv . itions that he has submissivel y Ipp ^ for thirty yeai-s with ft reward of £ 2 , the ^ odlords have performed their duty . I » , as landiorids / te fleece their tenants , and , as politicians , to | |
coerce them ; ip , as representatives , to tax them nationally , and , as grand jurors , to tax them locally ; IP , as jurors , to convict them without trial ; as yeomen to cut them down without , mercy ; as piagistrafes to commit them without law ; and , as gimdians , to STAnTB them ivithout remorse ; if , as neighbours , to hate them , and , as cimismss , to mock them , be what is meant by the performance of duty , then have our landlords faithfully discharged theirs .
If , upon the other hand , duty consists in just legislation , and the mild administration of law , in the protection of the lives , the liberties , and the properties of those whose power they have usurped ; in the defenee of the weak against the strong ; in seeing- to the education of yoatlr ; the protection of manhood , and the comfort of old age—have the landlord class performed any one of those duties ? Duties and rights can neither be inherited . by birth , defined by law , nor limited by practice , but must be subject to the varied circumstances , and even sudden changes , to which society is liable ; and hence , what is duty to-day may be a violation to-niorrrovr , and what is a right one day may be a usurpation the next .
It may be a right , and perhaps a duty , to impose certain laws , conditions , and restrictions upon a population comparatively small ; while it would be a wrong and an injustice to impose the same laws , conditions , and restrictions upon an increased population , upon tqhom they must press with increased severity . Such is precisely the present condition of the landlord class . They have inherited those duties and rights necessary for , and tolerated by , the unconnected mind of barbarous ages . Their prejudices and uncontrolled abuse of those powers have made them deaf to the loud appeals of present necessity , and the demand for further adjustment of the duties and rights of all . " - . .
It may have been a right to impose certain conditions and restrictions upon the uncultivated feudal vassals of barbarous ages . It may have been just , nay prudent , to stipulate that so much land should be arable , and so much , pasture . The reservation of manorial rights from those who were not likely to discover the hidden treasures of the earth may be one day tolerated as a childish toy or a cherished
heirloom , to be transmitted from father to son , but the prying eye of industry may , as it has done , convert this harmless bauble into national plunder . In Olden times conditions , trifling in their nature , were tacitly submitted to by the untutored public , while in our day the very enforcement of those conditions -has brought us now to the verge of famine , and ' at ^ all times subjects us to the Under mercies of Jew jobbers , traffickers , speculators , and foreign diplomatists .
Mayhap the free trade reader has already discovered , in our reasoning , ample cause for calculating upon our future support in aid of Mb plan for humbling the landlord class ; but , on the contrary , we are thus particular in stamping with our strongest reprobation that policy which has satisfied the working classes with a mere change of masters , with the simple transference of duties and . of rights from thoughtless boolyism to takulating ruffianism . If we desire the Upas tree to bo felled , it it not with the irie trade axe , from whoso every wound would spring ten thousand tyrants for every fool that it deitroyed . Itis by a public opinion that will be wise enoug h , to apply the great change to national purposes , and not by the enthusiasm of frenzied speculators , that' we wish the monster crushed . .
The working classes have ever been diverted from the pursuit of one enemy by being halloo'd upon another , until at length the ground has become so foiled that they lose the scent of the legitimate game . Their game is the possession of power , not its . mere transference from the hands of one-party to those of another ; and the question with them , in ' that struggle which is sow at hand between machinery and Land , must be , not which has been the greatest , which the most active , which the most powerful opponent of their rights—but how . tliey can get a just andlegitimaU control oti « r ike one and the other— over the one
\ which starves them by over-production and toyust \ dustribution , and over the other which starves them Yby noti' proa ' vKJtwn , or what is the same , intvfficmt p \ roduetion for the nsceusities of those for whose only ust y * w ? i cn < t ( fd . God gave the Land to tjw whole peoix ^ ' d not to the landlords ; arid , "therefore ; as God , X ^ 'pfflade * ie Land , did not Create duties which maybe . " inI » crft 6 i | orriglits wlucli may be usurped ] and as u - the j > roy ei' exercise of those duties ^ arid thoserigh * their iitjei .. is said to depend , and / inasinuchas th t We faj ^ ed in the perfonoaace of the me , and u justl y „ '^ w ^ olked and ^ 'injutiously stretched the ' 9 ther , ^ 1 ^ aninfl ^' -fqr 4 heKiefof ubj liscover ' , . : ¦ ' ,, ' : '• ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ''* . ' \ v' > ' . JV ^/ - . '¦ ' '¦" , ¦ - ; . '" ) THE USE . 01 ? * , j ^ % ^ M GLASS , o ' ¦ " " - ~— - v tiK $ » > ¦ : ~« w"w- - \ t r \ a ?] ? 01 j VJ
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mucb ^ howeyer ^ iweMll ^ : i ^ 0 < m ^ Commons is : eprru ^ - most CA > rrup ^ any H 6 ] iise of Commons th $ Chaij toIelS - ^ ierdestinies of this ouce great nation , >^ now starving little island . ' ;^ . " , ' - ' ¦'"¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦' ' /' . ¦ ' . ' ; Haying no taste , whatever , to be hauled before the wituTof t £ ie nautical Attorney-General , we shall here select for animadversion some of those duties in the performance of which there is less danger than is generally attached to the specific of the courtier Tory Lord . We shall not introduce any sectarian question , but shall confine our remarks to what are man ' s social and what his political duties .
Man ' s social duties are of ah individual and national character . As an individual it is his duty to protect his life , to repel force by force , to disable those who would otherwise hurt or injure him in conflict , and to slay those who would otherwise take his life in strife . To see to the education of the youthful , and to secure the comfort and independence of his family . To do noact from selfishness , or for the gratification of his own feelings or passions that would injure the future prospect , or diminish the future comforts , of those to whom he had given existence ; and though last , not least , to recognise no natural distinction whatever between himself , lonely and humble as he may be , and the proudest monarch on the earth ' s surface .
Such are man ' s social duties asan individual . His national duties are to see how he can best secure for himself and all others the uncontroled power of faithfully discharging his duties asan individual , and the ruling maxim of his conduct should be—that when any one individual of the community is oppressed by the operation of law the whole community is also oppressed . It is his duty to make all requisite sacrifices for the preservation of those rights he does possess , as well as to struggle incessantly for the repossession of those he has lost ; and not less for the acquirement of such new rights aa change or necessity may render indispensable , for securing to him his
equal position in an altered state of society . It is by the usurpation of new rights that governments control—it is only by the acquisition of equal rights tnat the people can resist . Reason points out the injustice of a society consisting of different classes , with the respective rights of both defined , being varied from the original contract by the assumption of new rights by one section . Such is precisely the position of the British public . . Their natural , nay , their legal , rights , remain pretty nearly the same upon the statute book , while the usurped rights of the other sections of society have rendered all popular rights a ' mere dead letter .
Independently of the natural , the implied , and defined national duties of man , we should not lost sight , of the great auxiliary , Expediency—a term which-, though damaged by misuse , is , nevertheless , one of man ' s most powerful allies ; and as we shall presently Show , the time has arrived when it is expedient that each individual of the community should faithfully discharge those national duties , for the , due performance of which he is naturally responsible . If , as is now generally admitted , there is philosophy in idleness , there is also criminality in apathy when the herald summonses us to action .
The immediate , the most pressing , and the most honourable duty that the werking dasies can now perform , and tte most fitting time for its performance , is the duty that they owe to those through whose oppression the whole community has received damage . While we consecrate the memory of the departed , let it not forget the sufferings of the living , and , above all , let us not lose the opportunity which now presents itself of releasing them from that bondage into which the laws of oppresaion , and the non-performance of national duty , has cast them , v Hopeless as our expectations from remonstrance ,
memorial , and petition on behalf of Frost , Williams Jones , Ellis , and others have been , we have nevertheless fostered and encouraged that enthusiasm , come when it may , which can alone convince our rulers , that , though absent , they are not forgotten . While we attached but slight importance to the pledges the professions and the promises of men who supposed their seven years' tenure of power in part depended upon popular will , we nevertheless aaw the necessity of jogging their memories upon this allimportant subject , and of reminding them that a
reckomng-day would yet come . We had no hope from a new Parliament vitiated by the prospect of a seven years' lease , but we have hope that in the hour of expiration that Parliament Will grant to selfish fear what It has refused to stern justice . There were many who had high anticipations from the hustings pledges of those who declared themselves in favour of the restoration of Frost , Williams , and Jones : wo had none , but we have hope , and confident hope , that such a change has come o ' er the spirit of their dream as will remind them now of that reckoning day which is at hand .
. Parliament cannot last much longer . Let US test it in its agonies of death , and what in its strength it insolently refused to concede , perhaps , in its weakness , it may ostentatiously grant . To this end , and as Government has evinced considerable embarassment by calling Parliament together at an earlier period than is usual , let us see to the strict and honourable performance of that duty which now devolves upon society—the duty of demanding the restoration of men who would have been hung if they had been found guilty , and who were transported because they were illegally tried . Now is ths time , not for one
unwieldy national petition which requires cumbrous machinery and considerable expense to get up , but for a flood of national opinion running to the fountain head in tributary streams from every quarter of the land . We will do our duty—we will be prepared with petitions from every section of the metropolis , and , if need be , to follow the shadow with the substance—to the door of the House . Let the country do likewise . Let the hands of Dcncombe be thus strengthened . Let him whose courage is equal to the task , —let him whose eloquencewill give it force , and whose resolution will give it effect , be the mediator between our wishes and our rulers .
Lot our petitions be Parliamentary , but bold ; courteous , but manly * ; and then , should those who have been pledged to their restoration forget their duty when the reckoning-day comes , let us not forget purs ; and , instead of placing false hope in dishonest men , let us take vengeance for their misdeeds by hallooing Frost in their ear , and hooting them from the hustings . While we have implicitly obeyed the injunctions of our leader , in not again petitioning the
p . resent Parliament for the People ' s Charter , ¦ cm are unu ' er no bonder covenant , not to petition infercoui of the Exiles ; -3 t | 4 ' flfr&'fijjj . $ 0 people have ( $ scharged one of the ^ jn ^ t ^ V |^^ tt ^ s ^ and , 5 lift > ild they succeed , theyjpll have *' ' t ^ possesgeci themsejires of one of theb / Nearest rights- " * the > igh 6 ot jtpjueal from anuncon ^ itujtypal tribunal to . % judga&pt , < tf the whole peopje . . ; .. ; . / ¦ -.. "'
Untitled Article
. , SIGNS OF . THE ¦ TIMES . ¦ .. M' ^ -S ^ . CHARy tw ,. . " -:= v- " . '' . ; . . '¦ . _ ; .. ' : We have not space , this week tb do' more-than merely dirept attention to -the report of the very interesting hteetirig of ; London carpenters , which took place on Monday last . When we take the speeches andsehtiments delivered at the . above meeting , in connection with , the apprehensioria of our rulers—the 'increasing energy of the Chartist body—the renewed exertion on behalf of Fkost , ' Williams , and
Johebthe anxious desire now . to possess the Land—the despondency prevailing , throughout all classes of speculators—th e state of Ireland—and the once more bark speck visible in the . ' west / it ' requiresno great foresight to predict from such sighs that somo altera-^> . if not at hand , ia expected . We have always tioi . \ that the calm of'Chartism was not its grave , asserte ,. ' ¦ . contrar y' \ vas its school-ti ' mei From 1835 but . ' onlthe ^ did we use the lash , of agitation to to 18-13 ; - imvaiuN ^ and otlier Jrades into our politibring the ^ P ^ ^ years * b " igUed , and , as if cal seminary , jw ^ . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ SStrfK *** ** fl * *** " *
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teers , and that they have not been coerced by in flamed harangues , 'but that they have been convinced be reason ^ and _^ reflection . . One such voluhtee ^ .. "jg Worth ten thousand " ' criinped '? recruits , ^' have little doubfc that the creditable example ' setby this locality of carpenters will have a prodigious effect upon the whole body of trades gene ^ jiy , Again commending the perusal of their , proceedings to our readers , and thanking them . £ or tiieir kindly feeling towards ourselves , we beg to assure them that at all times the Star shaft be at their service , while it shall ever be our pride to merit a continuance of their approval .
Untitled Article
IMPORTANT NOTICE . Henceforth all communications for the Northern Star must be addressed simply tkuet—To the Editor , Norttern Star Office , 16 , Great Windmill-street ,. London . I requeBtparticnlar attention to the above notice . Feabgus O'Connor . Our Agents will pleas * observe , that it is only com . niUlrieations for the paper that are tube addressed to the Editor . All orders and other matters , ' not intended for the Editor , are still to be addressed as ; before , Feargus O ' Connor , Esq ., Northern Star Office , 16 , GvtKt Windmill-street , Haymarket , London . MB . 'YATES , SHELTON , has procured his post-office order payable at the Strand Post-office , instead of atChating . cross . Mr . Leadley , Bradford , has procured his payable at the General Post-office . All post-office orders for the Northern Star must be made payable at
Charingcroas . Crimes of the Land Robbebs . —We find . the following in the Cork Reporter : —A valued and respected correspondent has put us into possession of a circum . stance which occurred at Fermoj petty sessions , that . in our opinion deserves public notice , and calls for explanation . A poor nan , named Michael Leary , kiln labourer , at ClondilJane , iras summoned last week to the sessions by Edward K . Carry , Esq ., as a trespasser , because in a moment of exhaustion ho entered his field to take a drink of water at a running stream . This gentleman is , we understand , himself a mugistratcaud gat ott taft b&achwhU&Aecase wa * being adjudicated . The poor man was fined in tiie mitigated penalty of one shilling for his sup of cold water , and
io . addition to this he had to pay costs amounting to one shilling and sixpence . The Potatoe Disease . —When circumstance * occur ¦ nhicli affect the intere «» of society generally , it becomts th * duty of every citizen to whom iin idta occurs which may ttfld . to remou , or at least pnrtiallj eUeviate a calamity , to step forward , and communicate that idea for th * general benefit . The praeent itate of the potatoe crop if of ih « jreateet consequence , not only to ibis country , but to th « greater part of the civilised world , and any step whfoh could be tikanto arrest the progress of th * destructive disease which threatens , not only a . paucity of that important article . ' of lUsttnwftd for th » ensuing ttinter , but for ye « rs yet to cone , would be » f incalculable benefit . Maay
iatellige » t , practical , and scientific m « n hare girea their opinions to the public on the subject , and laid down many plans for th * security of such portion * of tie crop as at present appears to be uuuinud , « nd however they « aay differ in their remedies , they generally agree as to the cause of the disease , which they attribute to tnexceii of humidity . Whether this humidity has generated an insect invisible to the naked eye , a * is [ the case in mildew in wheat , I am not prepared to say ; but if it be so ornot , I beg to suggest ths foUowiuc method , which forcibly strikes me ai the most likely to succeed in being beneficial : —If the potatoe * are upon very wet soils , let the dirt be detached from them vrhe « dug up , as much as possible , with the hands , using . no scraping instruments , and then carried as soon it practicable to a malt-kiln , upon which let them be spread singly ; then let a proper firo be made with good coke under the kiln , the same as for malt ; let
the process of drying be carried on geatly and equally , keeping the fire at an equal pitch , and attending to the turning of the potatoes during the Wholo process ; and let this be continued till upon examination itis found that the greater portion of the humidity is dried up , or evaporated . When they appear to be sufficiently dry , let them be stored ( if room can be found ) singly , or at least , as thin as possible , upon dry straw , and exposed to the air without covering , till the approach of frost renders a secure corerinf of straw necessary for their protection . By theie means the superfluous moisture , which not only assists the process of the ' disease , but produces premature vegetation , will be dried up or evaporated ; and if there be an animated insect , the sulphuric fumes , emanating from the ignited coke , would insure its destruction . —T . R , SJunx , Markfield , 12 th November , 1845 . Ajmissiok of Documents in Evidence . —A very useful Act of Parliament , respecting the admission of certain
official and other documents in evidence has come Into force within a fetr days . The act is the 8 th and 9 th Victoria , o . 113 . By various statutes now in being , documents are receirable in evidence , provided they be authenticated as prescribed , but ths difficulty hat been to prove that they are genuine . ThU difficulty ig now removed , and from the 1 st of November , all documents which are now received on authentication are to be admitted , provided they respectively purport to be sealed or impressed with a stamp , and signed as directed by any act made , or hereafter to be mad * , without any proof of the seal or of ths signature thereon . Henceforth , courts , &c , are to take judicial notice of the signature of equity , or common law judgei . attaelieti to any legal document . ' Copies of private acts , journals of
Parliament , and proclamations are to bo admissible in evidence . Persona forging a , seal or signature , &c . to be imprisoned or transported . A document may ) on suspicion of being forged or improperly sealed , be impounded . The act is not to extend to Scotland . Tbe Editor of the Northern Star presents his compliments to the secretary of the Huddersfield brunch of the Chartist Co-operative Land Society , and begs to assure him that in those observations of last week , at which he feels hurt , that not the slightest reference whatever was intended towards him , further than as the medium through which subscriptions are received from the shareholders to be paid to the account of the treasurer . ' Indeed , so far from offering even a slight to Mr . Stead , we had always looked upon his
acceptance of the office of secretary with / unmixed pleasure . The fact stands briefly thus : —Mr . Stead having , till lately , forwarded his remittances to Mr . O'Connor , and that gentleman finding no entry from Mr . Stead in his list , and not having looked over that of the general secretary , came , as it now appears , to the erroneous conclusion that none had been strit ; and Mr . O'Cohnsr ' s only reason fer investigating into the matter at all was in consequence of the following passage in a letter received from . Huddersfield of Tues . day ' s date : —« ' The devil is using his best endeavours to prevent the success of the Land plan , and has , for some time , been trying to dissuade the people from joiuing the Association . " Frota the notice in last , week ' s Star , then , and the explanation now givenMr .
, Stead will at once see that the impression upon Mr O'Connor's mind was not that helmd neglected trans , mitting the monies , but that the subscribers had neglected to pay up their instalments , and the secretary was merely mentioned as the medium of communication However , if any , the slightest , affront could be construed by Mr . Stead , Mr . O'Connor begE to 6 tnte that he regrets most sincerely having b * en the means of causing him a moments pain . To the Scotch Shabehom > ebs of the Chabtist Coopebativb Land SociETr . —As many sums of money are announced in our second edition that do not arrive
in time to be publishedin the earlier one sent to Scotland , it may not be uninteresting for them to know that during the two last weeks tho receipts have exceeded £ 481 We though , that this intelligence might be gratifying to our Scotch friends . The Land , the LAND . —We hog to ' acknowled ge many valuable communications from Rochdale , Cheltenham Warr ington , London , Dewsbury , Hudder . sfield , Woot ! ten-under-Edge , Cirencester , and several other places the substance of which shall be faithfully laid before the forthcoming Conference , while it would require more time than is at our disposal to give a separate answer to each .
The . Conference . —We cheerfully assent , and we are - sureihftt our brother directors and defecates Will also ' asseat , to attend a public meeting at Manchester , on Tuesday evening , the 10 th of December . Jame « Savot , Wabbinqton . —The Poor Law Amend . ment Act was introduced by the Whi g Government , in 1834 , during the administration of Lord Melbourne . jfj . - 'THlEt . —We are quite alive to all contained in his k \ nu " tet v teriaad ' he may r « t assured that his communication . . d advice shall not be lost upon us . B . G . ; eipressJ ! 11 a n ° Pe that Feargus O'Connor mil be reaffy once snore ' . * 0 telre thei field When famine and dej ) ressipn " of wages takes ' place . ' ' 'Mr . O'Connor has ... always been in the . field , ^ ad he trusts that he will find " . ' E . ' 6 . there alsoi " x ^' . . '" . . to be
Thosias ; Tatxebsax ,, —As there . aV ^ ear-s a desire to ,. learn the true Situation of this ' youi ?/? enthusiastic arid much injured man , I beg leave , for the' information of the VictimFund committee tostate , that 3 know of no individual in the Chartist ranksi who is more Reserving of public support . When , enthusiasm was valuable , I believe his waB real and sincere . He suffered more by the betrayal o ^ others ' than from his own want of judgment . He bore his incarceration wltU fortitude , and returned ^ th exhausted constitution , t ; U unimpaired spirit , ^ bis political devotion 5 . The poor r / lQW is now afflicted with a running abscess in irbactwhlcl renders labour alnj ^ t out of the question , and his pre . sent life a burtUsfl , mi yet his devotion to Chartism is as fresh and unfaded « when he was it * youthfufe " ttusmstic , and . eloquent dinciple .. I thought- that I had made a proper B 8 lec « on when I presented him with my paid-up share in the Laud Society , aadl iaSon v to hope that ; hU occupation may he o n * lf iTJSx frmts , and that till his day come , he will , as he oS to be , proved , for out of the fund iu hand . B Pba »« cb O'Cokkob ,
' ^F I «Jl ' ¦ ^¦ ¦ E- Mj"' " ' " ' '" ≫P-'" Gg Mm Jsoiffher| Sxik^ Satukdat, Kovember S3, 1815. ^. •'' :
' ^ f i « jl ' ¦ ^¦ ¦ e- MJ "' " ' " ' ' " > P- ' " gg Mm jsoiffHER | sxik ^ SATUKDAT , KOVEMBER S 3 , 1815 . ^ . •' ' :
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U ^ ^ O ? L 13 . H ^ :. " ^ fiftl BUTIES AND THEIR BIGHTS ; ; , ^ ft is as much tho dutyof apeople tore ^ agamb afcorrupt House of Commons as against * tynmcal monarch . " Such is one of the puUKB of the people , asdefined by Lord BoLisoBEO ^ . acouRTiBR . An ^ a TOBT . Itis ^ however , but one duty , ^ onj : ^ exerche of . 4 ichthere , are . so . man ^ ^^ cont ^ gencie ,, suchassucc ^ o ^ faUurei Ubertv onn ^ tyranny , gloriouB life or ignominious deatti , that we 1 11 no select it for very close consideration or nice TV . „ f this special reason—because it is TST ^ * *»»«* . »
Untitled Article
^ tP RECEIPTS OP THE CHARTIST CO-OPERATIVE LAND SOCIETY . KB JIB . O ' CONNOB . £ S . ?» . SHAEES . Derby , per Win , Crabtrce ., .. ' .. 500 Thomns Miller , Lanark .. „ „ ' ¦ .. 0 15 0 Exeter , per F . Clnrk .. .. .. .. 205 Bradford , Wilts , per G . Mansfield .. .. 160 Oidliam , per Win . Hainer „ „ .. 500 Derby , uer Win . Crabtvee .. .. .. 200 William Tcll's Brigade .. .. ., .. 500 Oyenden , near Halifax , per J . Ashworth „ 5 16 5 Lake Lock , per Wm . Humphrey .. .. .. 100 Leeds , per Wm . Brook 10 o o ¦ Norwich , per J . Hurry .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 Barnslcy , per J . Ward .. „ . „ .. 500 William M . a . nu , Koxthainpton „ „ . , 2 12 0 Kidderminster , per G . Holloway .. .. 200 Stbckjiort , per T . Woodhouse ., .. , „ 12 o 0 Oxford , per J . Bridgew . iter .. .. .. 6 7 'i Nottingham , per J . Sweet .. .. „ 12 5 9
Bulweil , per ditto « ..... .. 1 10 0 ttootton-uuder-Edge , perR . Lacey .. .. 0 16 2 Alva , per J . Robertson 3 11 2 Rochdale , per E . Mitchell .. .. .. 1 12 6 Halifax , per 0 . Smith .. „ .. .. e is tJ Staleybridge , per J . Duvliam 14 13 6 Northampton , per W . Wundiff .. .. .. 2 0 0 Bradford , per J . Aldetsou .. M .. 4 0 . 0 ltadcliffe , per T . Bowkcr 2 0 0 Todnu >? dMj , pwS . YfithaTft .. .. .. 3 16 0 Birmingham , per W . Tliorn « .. .. 500 Ashford , per A . Doxey .. .. .. .. 100 Leicester , per W . Dates .. .. ., .. 2 o o Scarborough , per C . Weadley „ „ .. 2 0 0 ¦ Bramsgrove , per J . Heath .. .. .. o 8 0
Bilston , per C . Powell .. .. .. .. 4 o 0 Plymouth , per E . llobertson .. .. .. 350 Colne , per It . HorsGeld .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Cheltenham , per W . Wilson „ „ „ 3 15 . 0 Leicester , from John Oiidos „ „ „ o lo 8 ManehesUr , per J . Murray 22 0 0 Coventry , per 6 . Freeman „ .. .. 1 10 3 Ashton-mider-Lyue , per E . Hobson „ ., 12 5 9 BvijShton , Articuulce Inn . locality , per William : Flower .. .. .. 7 jg 3 Acwcastle-upon-Tyne , per M , Jude „ .. 842 Pv « stoi » , pev J . Brown .. .. ,. ** 5 4 0 Carlisle , per 3 . Gilbertson ., , * *" 5 0 0-Bolton , per E , Hodgkinson , ' 3 17 0 PEE OENEEAt SECEETAET . - £ «• d . « s . d .
SHARES . CoWpton , « r . Eliz . Pindlater .. 2 12 0 fannell , S shares 1 0 0 Wm . Fiudlatcr .. 440 Devizes .. .. 12 15 4 Thomas Dredge .. 0 5 0 Lambeth ... .. ia 6 0 Greenwich .. .. 200 George Mills , neat Pljmontti .. „ 5 3 » Edmbjirgh ... oil 8 St . Ives .. 0 2 S JohnPritchard .. . 0 1 4 Wamngton .. 5 3 0 James Smith .. 042 Ashton 2 13 9 Westramster .. 2 16 i Sudbury .. , m ;« V , luttmgton & Cat 7 8 10 Colne , per Watson 0 2 8 Ai « . ri » diater ,. 2 12 0 . Todraorden . .. 0 1 0 " * LEVX F OB TUE LAND CONFSHEJJCE . . oil ' 1 ,.,, ¦ r P £ E m ' O ' > NNOB . Thomas Miller Lanark urei
. ... . .. n n s » .. v .. mm « , uuuare „ .. O O S Exeter , per F . Clark .. " 11 o » Bradford , Wilts , per G . Man ^ id " ' . ' . ° o 0 4 Ovenden , ilearHaI , f ax , pei . . Asinvorth .. 0 3 0 Lqke Lock , per W . Humphreys „ ., . O i 0-Lttttls . perW . Brook .. 0 18 6 Kiddenninster pep G . Holloway . ' . ' . ' , " 0 i 0 ' Oxford per G . Bridgcvater .. 0 0 & SffiSrSiT . ! - ^ . " ¦ •••• 5 ; Kss&r- ^ :: -ii ' i 11 ii 1 ^
* . - »_ __ _ * - » a . . - _ _ •• ¦• U ' v ** lloclidale , per E . Mitchell .. . " 0- 7 * Aehford . perA . Doxey .. .. . " 0 1 G Rromsgruve . perA . Heath .. „ ¦ - " 0 1 6-Bitoton , per . C . Powell .. , " a Manebester , per J . Murray .. " . " 10 0 Staleybvidge , perJ . Durlmm .. " « fi fi Coventry , yerG . Freemaa .. .. " n 3 9 Preston , per J . Brown .. .. . " 0 3 fi Bolton , per E . Hodgeljinson .. " 0 8 &
PER GENEBAL SECBETAEY Dev « es . ' q 1 3 Merthyr TydvU .. 0 2 0-WestmiMter .. ol 3 Sudbury .. 0 2 0-DalstZ " " n 9 I l * * « 0 2 6 . ua ^ Ston „ .. 0 2 S Ca mpgie „ 0 ' 1 9-S ? " •' ¦ 0 ° )} n ° Colne , Per Watson J 0 HjUiax .. ., 0 11 0 Todmorden .. 0 0 J Plymouth .. .. 0 TO Ovenden . .. . fl . 3 9 WlBau .. .. 0 19 Q NowHadford . 0 S 0 .
T , . CARDS AND ROLES . vvV , " « 2 2 Seeretary ,. .. 0 1 0-Edinburgh .. .. 0 C 10 Greenock .. .. 0 1 10 . Miihthgow ., ,. 42 Vale of Leven ., 03 8 . CaJ » ps « e „ ,. 044 Gksgow ( C « lquh « vml < i' 1 » Glasgow ., .. 0 14 10 . . .
Untitled Article
Mr- .. OooPEfc ( author of " The Purgatory , of Suicided ,- "bcg « to inform the-Manchester mends ^ no en . ' whether heintends to publish his'lectures , that nlTa exception of the facts embodied in them , he cannot member the words in ' which they aredelivered \ * does he think they would be WOtth printint beh ,, ' , * '" * posed , simply , of a plain narration of facts' inte »« w " with a very few , extremely plain , and- almost 4 ?? dent reflections . Literatures now cheap , and H i u information can easily be obtained by veiidia » . cal Queky !—To the Editoi- of [ ha Northern Star—Sir uo stiller for . the perpetuation of the . Corn LhW ^ as Cobden , Bright , and Co . areanxioiu tomikcF , ' i "the worHshopofthe world , " and feject theCba K "ld from the soil to make way for double-S , ! ! an power-looms , I should like to lenow what Z ¦ Z ?? * mil be , should a scanty hardest and the potitno ili On pervade the two continents of Kurope nnfafr particularly ! f our European neighbours and fi ' should not gratify tho desire of the League bv c ^""" ing their bleach-grounds into corn fields . & ^ nerj into implements of agriculture , and their mm into barns ? I guess we should be in aprettv fixZ lls the jaws of f-imine , aBll the finger and thumb ofe nion ! -The League wUfuUy forget that God gave to „ , ? the land for his inheritance , not wheels and wl 1 , 7 bands , and if we despise that inheritance , famiii * £ „ J ustUesert - William RiDl
The "Leeds Timm" and tub "Noetheen Stak » The editorof the £ « ed * Times has taken some « e ^ tions to the statement made by Mr . M'Gonan resnecu ing the printing of the Northern Star , and has also in aerted a communication calling in question the correct " ness of that statement . —Mr . M'Gowan has no occasion to explain or qualify anything he said on this subject in the . Northern Star of November 1 st , except that tbe sum he then mentioned as havingbetn paid to thu compositors , was paid for the composition of the Star otilir that sum includes no payment whatever for otlitr work ' The letter inserted in the Leeds Times , in contradictiou of Mr . M'Gowun ' s statement , is a monstrous l ' abrica tion , One ' journeyman is there represented as being on the Star companionship who was not thtn in Mr . M'Gowan'e employment ; the names of three
journeymen who were in the companionship are suppressed and one apprentice ! who was on other work , and ene who had previously left Mr . M'Gowah ' s employment , are also represented as being-engaged on the Star . The letter is , from first to last , a gross and deliberate fabrication . —Mr . M'Gowan will not again condescend to notice the assertions of this anonymous slanderer , neither will he condescend t » retaliate upon Mr . Frederick Hobson , by a publicatison of the many facts that have come toliin knowledge respecting the mode of procedure in the office of the Zeeds Times . He thinks , however , that Mr . Frederick Hobson , who mnnifests such , a propensity to obtrude himself into the private afliurs of another tradesman , would have done Trell to liava made some attempt to explain ot refute the very serious charges made bj Mr . O'Connor in the Northern Sturoi the 1 st inst .
The Webklt Farce at Conciliation Hah , In onr " summnry of the week ' s news" ( see page eight ) will ie found a notice of the iarce enacted on the boards of Conciliation Hall on Monday lust . In the course of the speech which the " Irish Moses" directed agaiust the unfortunate ejeeted " French American , " « iMoscs . " said— " I interrupt my friend , Mr . O'Brien , because I know there are spies abroad . ( Hear , hear . ) Thorelms been a paper distributed in the northern parts of this county inciting the people to assassinate the landlords , I believe it is before the Castle , because I desired Mr . Arkins to take it there yesterday , but no attempt lias been made as yet by the police magistrates or the police to lay hold of the individuals who have distributed these papers . " On this candid confession of Dan ' s , that J ^ has renouueed the character of " Moses" for that of , " Judas Iscariot , " and turned informer on behalf of the Tory Government , our friend , Mr . Patrick O'lliKKins .
writes as follows : —You will perceive by the Freeman ' s Journal , which contains the proceedings at Conciliation Hall , that there is an end of the farce about American and French sympathy , and that one of the political pupils of the O'ConneU . confederacy was kicked oue because he learned his lesson—a lesson which the leaders have been dinning into Irish ears for the . las * foui-years . You will also perceive that the Liberator is at his dirty work again . During- Whiggerj he boasted of his being a W ' lig informer . There was Tovy treason in every pot that boiled , in erery cabin that smoked , unless a sign was hung out for the . Melbourne administration . " The only ministry that ever intended doing _ justice to Ireland . " A ministry pledged to civil war , in their own words , " war to the knife , in preference to a Repeal of the Union . " But I am digressing . The Liberator is now a Tory spy , and his man Avliins an informer . The Whig police and Whig detective arc not sufficiently on the alert—O'Coimell and Arkins must help them to do their dirty work . Mr . O'Higgins £ & « on to request that we will publish the paper which O'ConneU asserts has been printed for the purpose 01 '
•• inciting the people to assassinate the landlords . " A " mighty big lie , " asDan very well knows . Tliat paper has been published in the Star , and we are at a loss to imagine how Mr . O'Higgins could have missed it . It appeared in last week ' s Star , in the last colu : nn of the first page , under the head of " Landlords and Tenants —Tyrants turning Tenants out , " requesting the )> ub » lication of that paper , ( which request was complied with last week ) . Mr . O'Higgins goes on to say : — " Its publication will be an act of charitv to let my poor couturvmen see the document which fllr . O'Coillieli , the "friend Of the poor , " for whose benefit or happiness he has as yet done nothing , denounces as : in incitement to assassinate the landlords . Let them sec with their own eyes whether it is not an incitement to the landlords to treat their tenants with common justice , Let them also see their dai'liiif , ' exacting a tribute from a . starving , naUtd people , in the teeth ot ' a famine . When they see these things , let them ask each other what did O'ConneU ever de , or propose to do , for their good or for the good of his country , in his place in Parliament , from the day ho first entered the House of Commons to the present hour "
Joshua Stowkli , desires us to inform the members of tho Chartist Ce-operative Land Society , that all communications must be addressed to him , King-Uine , Lowergate , C . itheroe . S . D . —We shall have no room for poetry this side of Christinas .
€0 &Ea&Ei£ # Com$Pontent&
€ 0 &ea&ei £ # Com $ pontent&
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'NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . White Horse .. 0 8 0 Hammersmith .. 0 2 6 Whittington , fc C . « t ; ' n I Q * -- . ;;; ¦• ., J ., "' EXECUTIVE . " „ , „ Northampton , per w . Sunday ,. »> S C ? *? „ .., vexeban PATRIOTS' AHD BXItES' F 0 KD . Kidderminster , per G . Hollow # y .. „ .. 0 2 9 TaosusilAjxiK Wb ^ eisb , Se « tetary .
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r ^ a ' ^ " ' : ¦¦ .. - - - : ^ - ^ :- ¦ : - — - ' . "N 6 ¥ StfSgtf . ; . 22 , 1845 " '• ir
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 22, 1845, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1342/page/4/