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AAOTHER CURE OF RUPTURED BLOOD VESSEL OF THE LUNGS , AND COUGH . Extract of a Letter from Henry Ihmtleg , Esq ., 12 , Albany-Terrace , Old TKertonRoad . Exeter . March 80 , 1815 . Gestlemek , —I ruptured a blood vessel of the lungs about three months since , which being partially recovered from , ainosttroublesomecoughsucceeded . I tried every thing that my surgeon , friends , and self could think of , without alleviation . It was at length suggested that your Wafers might be useful . I tried them , and a single Wafer taken when a fit of coughing was about to commence , never once failed of giving it a complete and instantaneous check . A lady also , a friend of mine ( and who , by-the-b ye , is inherCCth year ) , is , or rather was , troubled ivitha hard distressing cough . She used them , and wonderful was the relief she experienced , ic . ( Signed ) Hesbt Hestlet . nefoUowing particulars of RAPID CURE of ASTHMA of FOURTEEN YEARS S TAXDLXG , are from ifr . J . E . SIGXELL , Hob / head Road , Wedneibury , and addretsed to Mr . Zedbury , Surgeon there : — September Cth , lS 45 . So , —When I had the first box of Dr . Locock ' s Wafers from you , I was labouring under one of those attack of asthma , to which I have been subject now , for about fourteen years . I have had the best mediral advice the neighbourhood could afford , including two physicans at Birmingham , and one in Wolverhampton , but with no success . My breathing was so very difficult that I expected every inspiration to be my last ; as for sleep , that was impossible , and had been so for several weeks . The first dose ( only two smah . Wafers , ) gave me great relief—the second more so , —in short , the first box laid the ground-work for the cure , which only four boxe ? ¦ hare effected , and I am now cmite well . —I remain Sir , your most obliged , G . E . Bioseii ,. IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO SING . From S . PearsaU . Esq ., of her Majesty ' s Concerts , and Yitar Choral of Uclifiild Cathedral Lichfield , 10 th of July , 1815 . Gestiehes , —A lady of distinction having pointed on « to me the qualities of Dr . LOCOCK'S WAFERS , I wasinduced to make a trial of a box , and from this trial I am happy to give my testimonial in their favour , —I find bv allowing a few of the wafers ( taken in the course of the day ) to gradually dissolve in the mouth , my voice becomes bright and clear , and the tone full and distinct . They are decidedly the most efficacious of any I havi ever used . . ( Signed ) Samuel Feasmu . THE ABOVE TESTIMONIALS ARE SELECTED PROM DIFFERENT AND DISTANT PARTS OF THE KINGDOM . The particulars of many hundreds of cases may he had from every Agent throughout the Kingdom and on the Continent . . .
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WHAT'S FAMILY MEDICINES . PATKONISED Br Her Grace the Dowager Sir C . F . Williams , Knt Duchess of Leeds . SirEdwardLyttonBulwer Lady Sherborne . Bart . Earl of Lincoln . Captain Boldero , M . P . Marquis of Waterford . EdwardBaincs , Esq ., M . P . LordBantry . Archdeacon AVehoer ! Doctor Bloomberg , Vicar of General Maitlaiid . Cripplegate . General Gardner . " Mr . Justice Cresswell . General Sisbitt . And families of the first distinction . nPHESE Medicines , which are found to possess « o -Teat -I- a power over the respecfivecomplaints to which ? they are applicable , as frequently to render further medical aid unnecessary , were also honoured with the patronage of—His latt U . H . the Duke of Lord John Churchill "
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CAUTION !—Unprincipled individuals prepare the most spurious compounds under the game names ; they copy the labels , bills , advertisements , and testimonials of the original Thomas ' s Succcdaneu ' m . It is , therefore , highly necessary to see that the words " Thomas and Howard" are on the wrapper of each article . All others are fraudulent imitations . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . Price 2 s . Gd .
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Just published , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated with cases , and full-length engravings , price 2 s . Qd ., in a scaled envelope , and sent free to any part of tte kingdom , on the receipt ofapo $ t- $ fflce order for 3 s . 6 d .
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ALL MAY BE CURED 11 BY HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT . FIFTY ULCERS CURED IN SIX . WEEKS . EXTRACT of aLetterfrpm John Martin , Esq ., Chmilclt Office , Tobago , West Indies : — February 4 th , 1845 .
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UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF ROYALTY AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE FACULTY . K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . —A Remedy for all disorders of the Pulmonary Organs—in Difficulty of Breathing—in Redundancy of Phlegm—iu Incipient Consumption ( of which Cough is tho most positive indication ) they are of unerring efficacy . In Asthma , and in Winter Cough , they havo never been known to fail . Keatiug ' s Cough Lozenges aTafreefrom everj deleterious ingredient ; they may , therefore , be taken at all timos , by the most delicate female and by the youngest child ; while the Public Speaker and the Professional Singer will find them invaluable in allaying the hoarseness and irritation incidental to vocal execution , anil consequently a powerful auxiliary in the production of Muloilious Enunciation .
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Just Published , A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend on jBiinuni Frailty . Price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Offiae Order for 3 s . 6 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys ph ysical energy , and the ability of mauhood , ere vigour has esta-Wished her empire : — -with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTIONlocal and vonstitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRL l ^ 'nON , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total
EXXlflUTlUfl 01 the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhoea , Meet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the . Work is Embellished witk Ten fine coloured Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head face , anti body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes ; followed by observations on tho obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as ' a "SILENT FJUEN'D" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confi . dence of success .
By R , and L . PERRY and Co ., Consulting Sdboeons , Published by the Authors , and may be had at their Residence , 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London ; sold by Strange , 21 , Paternoster-row ; Hannay and Co ., 03 , Oxford-street ; Gordon , UG , Lead « nUaU . street ; Powell , 10 , Westmorland-street , Dublin ; Lindsay , 11 , Elm . row ' Edinburgh ; D . Campbell , 13 G , Arsylc-street , Glas-ow-Ingham , Market-street , Manchester ; Newton , Churchstreet , Liverpool ; Guest , Bull-street , Birmingham .
OPINIONS OF THE PBES 8 . "Weregard tte work before us , the " Silent Friend " as a work embracing most clear and practical views of a series ot complaints hitherto little understood , and passed over by the majority of the medical profession , for what rwisou we ave at a loss to know . We must , however , confess that a perusal of this work has loft such a favourable impression on our minds , that we not only recommend , bat cordially wish every one who is the victim of past folly , or sufferi ng from indiscretion , to profit by the advice contained in its pages . "—Age and Argus . "The Authors of the "Silent Friend" seem to be thoroughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints which arc , we fear , too prevalent in the present day . The perspicuous style in which this book is written , and tho valuable hints it conveys to those who ave apprehensive of entering the marriage stale , canuot fail to re . commend it to a careful perusal . "—Era . " This work should be road by all who value health and wish to enj jy life , for the truisms therein contained defy all doubt . —Farmer ? Journal .
THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM Is intended to relieve those persons , who , by na immoderate indulgence of their piissions , have ruined their constitutions , or in their way to the consummation of tt . it deplorable state , are affectud with any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach , as the various affections of the nervous system , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , weakness , total iinpotency , barrenness , &c . This medicine is particularly recommended to be taken before persons enter into the matrimonial state , lest , in the event of procreation occurring , the innocent offspring should bear enstauipcd upon it the physical characters derivable iroin parental debility . Price 11 s ., or the quantity of four at 11 s . in one bottU for 33 s ., by which 11 s . is saved ; the JE 5 cases may be had as usual , which is a saving « f £ 112 s .
THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE , An anti-syphilitic remedy for searching out and purifying the diseased humours of the blood ; conveying its active principles throughout the body , evon penetrating the minutest vessols , removing all corruptions , contamina tions . andiTnpurities from the vital stream ; eradicatinthenwrbid virus , and radically expelling it throuuh tht skin . Price 11 s ., or four bottles in one for 33 s ., by which llu is saved , also in £ 5 cases , which saves SI las .
Ten-real contamination , if notatrtrst eradicated will often remain secretly lurking in the system for years and alftongh tor a win !* undiscovered , at length ' breakout upon the unhappy mdmdual in its most dreadful forms or else , unseen , internall y eudaugev the very vital organs ot existence . To those suffering from the consequences which t .-us disease may hare left behind in the form of secondary symptoms , eruptions of the skin , blotches on the nead and face , ulcerations and enlargement of thu throat , tonsils , and threatened destruction of the nose , palate , Ac , nodes on the shin bonus , ov any of those painful affections arising from the diuis ; erous effects of the
imlisciuninnte use ot mercury , or the evils of an imperfect euro , the Concentrated Detersive Kssance will be found to be attended with the most astonishing effects , in checking the ravages of the disorder , removing all scorbutic complaints , and effectually re-establishing the lu . ilth of the constitution , l ' o persons entering upon the responsibilities of matrimony , and who ever had the misfortune Curing their more youthful days to bo affected with any form of these diseases , a previous course of this medicine is li ' gl-. ly essential , and of the greatest importance , as s * wc serious affections are visited upon an innocent wife
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and offspring , from a want of theso simple precautions , than perhaps half the world is aware of ; for , it must be remembered , where the fountain is polluted , the streams that flow from it eaanot bu pure .
PERRY ' S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ,, and lls . per box , With explicit directions , rendered perfectly intelligible to every capacity , are well known throughout Europe to be the most certain and effectual remedy ever discovered for gonorrhoea , h ^ h in its mild and aggravated forms , by immediately alByVig inflammation and arresting further progress . Gleets , strictures , irritation of the bladder , pains of the loins and kidneys , gravel , and other disorders of the urinary passages , in either sex , are permanently cured in a short space of time , without confinement or the least exposure . The above medicines are prepared only by Messrs . R . and L . PERRY and Co ., Surgeons , 11 ) , Berners-streefc , Oxford-street , London . Messis . PERIl Y expect , when consulted by letter , the usual fee of One Pound , without vihioh no notice whatever can be taken of the communication .
Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases , as to the duration of the complaint , the symptoms , age , habits of living , and general occupation . Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world ; no difficulty can occur , as they will be securely packed , and carefully protected from observation . Msssrs . Perry and Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted at 106 , Duke-street , Liverpool , every Thursday , Friday , and Saturday ; and St . lo , John-strcst , Deansgate , Manchester , on Mondays , Tuesdays , and Wednesdays . Only one personal visit is required from a country patient to enable Messrs , Porry and Co . to give such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent and effectual cure , after all other means have proved ineffectual .
N . B . —Country Druggists , Booksellers , Patent Medicine Venders , and every other shopkeeper , can be supplied with any quantity of the Cordial Balm of Syriacum , the Concentrated Detersive Essence , and Perry ' s Purifying Specific Pills , with the nsual allowance to the Trade , by most ut the principal Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London , of wluwi mav bp Had he " Silent- Friend . "
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Loxdon Con . v Exchange , Monday : , Dec . 29 . — The past week ' s arrivals of wheat of home produce , coastwise as well as by land carriage and sample , have been unusually Bmall , and ol" very middling quality . Of other kinds of English grain , including flour , the receipts were on a full average scale . The imports of foreign wheat and flour were seasonably good , while the fresh supply of Irish oats was , on the whole , extensive . Fresh up to-day very little English wheat came to hand , either from Essex , Kent , or Cambridgeshire ; consequently the stands were scantily supplied with samples of that description of produce . The . attendance of both London and country dealers , mo 3 t of whom were very short of stock , being large , the bf st parcels of English wheat , both red and white , commanded a steady sale at an advance in the
currencies obtained on this day se ' nnight of from Is . to 2 s . per quarter , and at which a good clearance of such sorts was effected . In the middling and inferior kinds of English wheat , which formed the bulk of the supply , a full average amount of business was doing , at very full prices . The show of free foreign wheat samples was by no means large . Forselected parcels the demand ruled steady at extreme figures ; but other descriptions commanded very little attention . The speculative demand for all kinds of grain under lock was unimportant ; yet the importers were firm , and , in some instances , owing to the advance in the value of English , would not sell their wheats , except at higher rates , say of Is . per quarter . We had rather an extensive supply of English barley on show . Very little of it was , however , fit for malting
purposes . Selected parcels , therefore , commanded a ready sale , at full prices . In other kinds exceedingly little was doing , and a clearance of such was not effected . Superfine season-made malt moved off freely , and prices were well supported , while all other kinds were quite as dear . Notwithstanding the large arrival of oats from Ireland last week , the quantity oi that article here to-day was not to say extensive . Tina circumstance must be attributed to a large portion of the supply having been landed in granary ; the holders preferring holding forward rather than submitting to present prices . The oat trade must be considered firm , at very full prices . The supply of beans was moderately good . All descriptions moved off Blowly at late prices . In peas a goad business was doing , yet no aavan . ee in value was noticed . The Hour trade was steady at full prices . CURRENT PRICES OF GRAIN , FLOHR , AND SEED IN MARK-LANE . BBITISH OBAIH . Shillings per Quarter . Wheat „ Essex & Kent , whito , new .. 33 to l > 7 ., 01 to 72 Ditto , red 51 63 .. 57 69 Suffolk and Ntrfolk , red .. 51 61 white 58 66 Lincoln and York , red .. 51 61 white 53 6 K Northumb . and Scotch .-. 51 64 Barl . y .. Malting 32 31 extra 38 - DiaHHing 29 » 2
Grinding g 6 29 Malt .. Ship ,. 57 ware 59 61 Oats .. Lincolnshire and Yorkshire , feed , 24 s Qd to 26 s Od ; potato , or short , 25 s Od to 29 s Od Poland , 24 s 6 d to 29 s Od ; Northumberland and Scotch , Angus , 24 s Od to 28 s Cd : potato , 26 s Od to 29 » Od ; Irish feed , 24 Od to 28 s od black , 23 s » d to 25 s Od ; potato , 243 Odto 2 " s 6 d ; Galway , 22 s Od to 23 s Od . Beans .. Ticks .. .. .. .. 39 M Harrow , small .. .. u 4 ;
Pe * 8 u White 4 fi lelmil ^ an r . n L'e * s „ White 40 46 boilers 46 5 u Gray and hog .. .. 31 33 Flour .. Norfolk and Suffolk .. 45 51 Town-inado ( pcrsackof 2801 bs 48 57 Bufkwl'iiat , or lirank an ?;
ENGLISH . SEEDS , Ac , Red clovor ( per cwt . ) „ 40 to 70 White clover ( per cwt . ) 45 74 Rsipeseud ( per last ) £ 26 28 Mustard seed , brown ( per bushel ) 9 s to 13 s ; wliite , 9 s tolls . Tares , winter ( pev bushel ) , 5 s . 6 d . to 7 s , Linseed cakis ( per 1000 of 31 b each ) £ 11 to £ 12
FOREIGN GRAIN . Shillings per Quarter . Free . In Bond . Wh » at .. Dantsic and Konigsbevg 66 extra 71 .. 51 _ 59 Ditto ditto .. 57 — 6 i .. 01 — 51 l omeranian , iS : c ., Aiihalt 59 — 66 .. 51 _ . 56 Danish , llol&tein , &c , .. 57 — 61 . , 40 — 54 Russian , hard .. .. — Ditto , soft .. .. 58 — 61 .. 47 — 58 Spanish , hard .. .. _ Ditto , soft .. .. 61 _ 65 .. 52 _ 56 Italian , Tuscan , 4 tc , red — Ditto , white .. .. ee _ 72 .. 55 _ j Udcssa < sslaganvog , hard — Ditto , soft .. .. 56 — 61 .. 47 _ « 4 Canadian , hard .. . 55 — bo Ditto , him ., .. 61 _ 63 Rye . Russian , Prussian , dtc . 28 — 30 15 : ivlo .. Grinduiir .. .. . 9 . 1 < u *> ario .. wnnuing .. 21 _ ' ) j
„ „ Ditto , distilling .. .. 30 _ 32 .. 20 — 28 Oats .. Dutch , feed .. .. 22 - 26 Ditto , brew and thick .. 25 — 21 .. 20 — 24 Russian 23 !> 5 - " o ¦ ¦> Danish & Mecklenburg 28 — % " " > u _ >> " i Beans .. Ticks , 33 to 39 , small .. 37 - 44 " 30 _ 42 Egyptian 37 __ « q ' ., 7 . , Poos .. White , 36 to 53 , gray . 40 _ % " * Flour .. Dantsic and Hamburgh ( per barrel ) , line 31 3 < i , sunwfiue .. .. 32 — 36 .. 2 ( J - 30 Canada , 34 to 36 , United » » -u - au States .. ., ' .. 33 _ 37 28 „ . Buckwheat 3 o _ g . " dl yoREKSH SEEDS , &c . Linseed .. Petersburg ! , and Riga ( free of duty " ?™ 3 £ Archangel , 40 to 45 , Memol and Koaigalilirg in
_ M n f > •• • . 1 A , 17 Mediterranean , 40 to 48 , Odessa " " 47 an Rapeseed ( free of duty , per irtst ' , . .. " ^ % dun ( Ws per ow ' - and 5 P" " »*• «» ' »» whiJduto :: ; : : ; ;; - ;• -j g TJares , small spring ( free of duty ) 3 S to 40 , large !! 4 i ) 44 Linseed cake ( free of duty ) , Dutch , i' 810 s , £ 10 0 s , i rench , per ton £ u 0 , £ 10 0 Rape cakes ( free of duty ) £ 5 u £ i j
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AVERAGE l'RICES Of the last six weeks , which regulate the Duties from the 18 th of December to the 24 th of December . Wheat Jim-ley , Oats . , It ye . Beam . J ' eas . Wetik ending s' d- s" d ' 8 ' d - 8 ' d- . - d ' ~ « T 7 . Nov . 8 , 1845 .. 60 1 31 3 26 2 33 2 45 3 43 10 Week ending Novl 5 . 1345 .. 59 7 35 1 25 2 36 7 45 1 « 9 Week ending Nov . 22 , 1815 .. 58 6 35 0 26 3 38 2 44 5 x \ - Week ending Nov . 29 , 1845 .. 57 11 34 1 25 5 37 1 43 4 45 4 WcttU onding 1 " * Dec . 6 , 3 S 1 D .. 58 2 33 2 25 0 35 4 41 fe 4 , i « Week ending 1 " > * l ( l Nov . 8 , IMS .. W 4 32 9 24 C 36 S 40 S 43 6 Aggregate aver . I I age t > f the last ' dxweka .. 58 9 33 lo 25 3 ! 88 4 4 ' > 10 44 9 Loiutau aver . " » 1 -i . iu 4 i y ag e * ( ending Dsc . 1 C , 1845 ) M 4 34 0 25 3 38 8 44 50 » llties " WO 5 0 S o | 6 0 I I *[ ] c
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London Smuhfield Cattmj Market , Mohbay , Dkc . 29 . —For the time of year the importation * of lire stock into L ondon , during the past week , have been extensive , viz ., 52 oxen , 45 cows , 630 sheep , and 39 pigs , by the Giraffe and Ocean steamers , front Rotterdam . From' Hamburgh the supplies have been about 20 oxen , while from llarlingen 58 cows and 58 sheep have come to hand . At llull loo head of beastsand sheep have been received l ' rora Holland . To-day we had an offer o £ 45 foreign beasts and 200 sheep , in , generally speaking , middling condition . The former were speedily disposed of at from £ 14 10 s . to £ 21 , the latter 32 s . to 44 s . per head . From our own grazing districts the arrival * of beasts fresh up to this morning's market were very limited , and of inferior quality , owing to which , and the increased attendance of both town and countrv buvers . the beef trade was steady , at , in .
most transactions , an advance on the currencies obtained on this day se'nnight of 2 d . per 8 lbs . A few very superior Aberdeenshire and West Island Scots producing 4 s . Od . per Slbs . Some time before the close of the trade the whole of the beasts had changed hands . ( The northern droves of beasts comprised about 900 short-horns . From the Western and Midland districts the receipts were , 400 llerefords , Devons , runts , &c . ; from other parts of England , 250 of various kinds ; from Scotland , 80 Scots ; and from Ireland , CO beasts . The supply of sheep was unusually small ; hence the mutton trade ruled active , and the quotations improved 2 d . per 81 bs ., the primest old Downs selling readily at 5 s . 2 d . per Sibs . The general quality of the sheep was good . There were very few calves on offer ; yet the veaL trade was by no means active , though prices were well supported . The pork trade was again steady , at full rates of currency . The number of pigs on sale
was small . By the quantities of 81 b ., sinking the ' offal . s . d . a . d . Inferior coarse beasts ... . 2 lo 5 4 Second quality .... 3 6 3 8 Prime large oxen . . 3 10 4 0 Prime Scots , &c . . . . . 4 2 t G Coarse inferior sheep . . . 30 40 1 Second quality .... 4 2 4 6 Prime etarse woolled . . . 4 8 4 10 Prime Southdowu . . . 5 0 . 5 2 Large . cc'AYse valves .... 4 O 4 6 Prime small 4 8 5 0 Suckling calves , each . . . 18 0 80 0 Large hogs 3 10 4 8 Neat small porkers ... 4 6 5 2 Quarter-old store pigs , each . 16 0 20 »
HBAD Of CATTLE ON SALE . ( From the Books of the Clerk of the Market . ) Beasts , * , 467-Sheep , 16 , 610-Calves , 70—Pigs , 280 . Richmond Corn Market , Dec . 27 . — We had a large supply of grain in our market to-day . Wheat sold from 5 s . to 9 a . 9 d . ; oats , 2 s . 6 d . to 4 s . ; barley , Sa . 9 d . to 4 s . 3 d . ; beans , 5 s . to 6 s . 3 d , per bushel . ¦ Wakefield Corn Market , Fridat , Dec . 2 CWe have moderate supplies of all grain this week . There isa little more business passing in wheat , and . in some instances an advance ot Is , per quarter is obtained . Fine barley sells freely at former prices , common sorts in slow request . Beans of all descriptioas fully as dear . Oats and shelling each maintain the prices of Friday last . Malt , in fair request , without alteration in value .
Manchester Cors Market , Saturday , Dec . 27 . —In the early part of the week the trade assumed a more confident tone , which was further increased by the improvement noted in Mark-lane , and in flour a fair extent of business was done with consumers , whose stocks are light , at prices which were not previously obtainable . Oats and oatmeal were slow sate , and the latter article rather easier to buy . There was not a numerous attendance at our market thi 3 morning , and only a moderate amount of business was transacted in wheat , at improving prices . A steady demand was experienced for flour , at 40 s . to 42 s . per 2801 bs . for British , and 33 s . to 33 s . for Canadian . There was not much inquiry for oats , but no alteration in value can be noted . Oatmeal was in very limited request , and barley supported the currency of this day week .
Birmingham Cons Market , Wednesday . —This week we have a good demand for wheat , at an improvement on all descriptions of Is . to 2 s . per quarter ; farmers' samples of fair quality realised 6 s . 8 d . per 02 lbs . There is more doing in barley , but no advance can be obtained . Oats are pressed for sale at a further decline of Cd . to Is . per quarter , without finding buyers to any extent . In beans and pea 3 nothing doing worth notice . As usual , 'when held out of course , the attendance was small at our market to-day , and the supply of wheat being short , an advance of 2 s . to 3 s . per quarter was readily obtained on all descriptions of English . Rarley firm , but no dearer . Oats met a slow sale at the above noted reduction . In beans no alteration , except damp new , which wero sold very low . No transactions in peas nported .
_ Newcastle Cons Market . —Tuesday . —This morning there was a fair attendance of millers , who are getting bare of stock , and move business was done afc hilly Saturday ' s prices , tine samples of new red letchmgOls . to 62 s . per quarter 03 lbs ., and secondary ova . to 53 s . per quarter . Barley was in fair supply , but sales were diflicult to eftect at Is . to 2 s per quarter decline on all but the finest samples , which nearly maintained last week ' s rates . Malt is slow sale at Is . per quarter reduction . There was a very large supply of oats , which sold slowly at Is . per quarter decline . Beans and peas were also 2 s per quarter lower . Flour is 2 s . per sack cheaper . Hull Corn- Market , Tuesday—We baveasain to
report a dull week in the corn trade ; there has been no demand whatever for either free foreign oc bonded . I his has been very much caused by the uncertain state of political matters . The return of Sir Robert Peel to office , and a probable early settlement ot the Corn Law question , is not unlikely to restore conhdenco . At to day ' s market there is a fair supply of old and new wheat ; the farmers are asking mere money than the millers are inclined to give , consequently the business passing is by no means large , at a shade more money than last week . In spring corn nothing doing ; several samples of oats showing . Linseed and linseed cakes , as well as rape seed and rape cakes , are very dull . Guano and bones neglected .
Salford New Cattle Market , Wednesday . — The show of beasts was small to-day , and bein " Christmas week the demand was good at fully last week ' s rates . Mutton without change . Beef , 5 Jd . to Oiil . ; Mutton , old . to 6 * d . per lb . Newcastle Cattle Market , Tuesday . —There w , -u a fair supply of beasts at our market to-day , several of which wero of excellent quality . A good supply of sheep and a large show of swine , In the beast market , owing to butchers having purchased rather extensively last week , and no demand for the southern markets , prices receded about Gd . per stone sales were slowly effected and a few left unsold . la the sheep market , the numbers being large for the season , business commenced slowly—all sorts met with a slsw sale at a reduction in Drice from last
week , and a part left unsold at the close—a ° ood business done among the pigs . Prices-Beasts , ncafc cutters , 03 Od . ; steers , of the best quality , Cs ! Od . ; middhng , os . to Cs . ; pork , large , os . Cd . to 0 s . Cd . fS ' u ' , ; f , ° . \ # - Good sheep a shilling a-head beowCR , raddling , 0 d . ; ewes , white-faced , » d . to ohi . ; black-faced , 4 Jd . per lb ., sinking ollal .
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¦ « a » Two . Men Dkowxed—Oh Saturday morning , at Woolwich , an aged waterman , named John Davis , was engaged by a labourer named Airy , employed in clearing the mud bank on the Essex shore , to take lam across the river . Davis ' s boat lay out in the river , opposite Ship Stairs , and , in order to reach it it was necessary to get into a very small dingy , whicli was moored to the stairs . Accordingly , three persons , itovis , Airy , and a lad named Long , stepped into the dmgy . Ihe small craft , which was hardly adapted to convey one person , immediately upset , and all three were thrown into the river . Long clung to the boat , and held on till assistance arrived , when lie was rescued . Unfortunatel y there was not a single waterman ' s boat at the stairs at the time and the two men , neither of whom could swim , after , struggling a short time in the water , sank . Both bodies were picked up soon after in the very spot where the accident occurred .
lATAL ACCIDKSI OS T 11 B RlCHMOXD RAILWAY . —On Monday afternoon an accident , which we regret was attended with fatal consequences , occurred in that portion of the works of the Richmond Railway , contiguous { to the proposed junction of the South Western Railway , at Falcon-bridge , Battcrsea . Aboufe half-past four o ' clock 011 the above afternoon , a young man , named Giles , who was employed in driving trucks loaded with earth , had detached his horse from the truck at the usual distance from the ' tip " ( the place where the load is shet ) , when , from some unexplained cause he fell in front of the truck which at the time was descending an incline , and two wheels momentarily passed over his chest . The truck was laden with between three and four tons weight of earth , lie was deprived of life almost instantaneously .
Piqca PLiST .-The proof of the efficacy and healthtul elket of the Plant 111 prelerence to tea or coffee . Let a nervous or dyspeptic patient use two or three cups ot strong tea upon retiring to rest , and the effect will be mght-nvAve , distutbed sleep , and other violent symptoms of indigestions . &e . The Proof .- -Let the most debilitated , dyspeptic , asthmatic , consumptive , and nervous patients use two , three , or more cups of a very strong infusion of the Piqua Plant , and in the morning they will awake refreshed with their repose , it is highly recommended by physicians to invalids and children , as a most invigorating and phasant beverage . —See advertisement .
Holloway ' s Oistmext and Pills . —Professor : IMloway , the discoverer and sole proprietor of thesa wonderf ul and extraordinary medicines , has , in consequence of their infallible efficacy , in healing , in the space of a very short time ( when they are used togeher ) the most dangerous wounds , ulcers , and likewise , king ' s evil , or scrofula , instructed all his agents to return in future to persons whatever they may pay for these remedies , svkenevcr they may fail in any of the cases , howevov-desperate they maybe , when properly tested , aiulftvuul to fail .
Ilaruet Fortellijjencet
ilarUet fortellijjencet
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TEETH . MASTICATION nnd Articulation Improved and Guaranteed . —Messrs . DAVIS , Surgeon-Dentist ; , 123 , Pall-mall , opposite the Hayniarket , and 1 , New Bridge-street , corner of Fleet-street , continue to supply teeth , guaranteed never to discolour , break , or decay , and fixed without springs or wires , without ox true ting tho old stumps , or giving any pain . A single tooth , 5 s . ; a set , £ 0 . Loose teeth fastened . Scurvy in the ' gums effectually cur ^ d . Stopping decayed teeth . Price 4 s ., Davis ' s Hermastican : all persons can use it themselves , at full directions are enclosed , and can be sent per post .
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ilARE ON SPINAL DISEASE . THIS day is published , price 2 s . Cd ., CASES and OBSERVATIONS illustrative of the beneficial results which may be obtained by close attention and perseverance in some of the most chronie and unpromising instances of spinal deformity ; with eighteen engravings ou wood . By Samcjji ILikb , M . R . C . S . London : John Churchill , Princes-street ; and may be had of all booksellers .
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NOTICE . FICTITIOUS TESTIMONIALS to Medicines , are so eomnionlv published , that the proprietors of Dr . Locock ' s Wafers , will feel obliged to any one who will take the trouble to investigate any of the Testimonials published by them—this may be most readily done , as the cures are all receut , and the Sames and Adbbesses are always added is fcli , ( care being taken to ascertain the authenticity of a case before it is published . ) Any one may therefore ( if at a distance , for One Penny the Post . ) provir the genuineness of any one of the 300 cases of cures of Asthma , Consumption , Spitting of Blood , Coughs , ic , &c , which have occurred , and been published during tinlast Twelve ilonths . Dr . LOCOCK'S WAFERS give instant relirf , and a rapid cure of Asthmas , Consumptions , Coughs , CoWs , and all disorders of the Breath and Lungs .
To SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS , they are in . valuable , as in a few Iiouh they remove all hoarseness , andincrease the power and flexibility of the voice . They have a most pleasant taste . Price Is . Ud . 2 s . 9 d ., and lis . per Box . " ' AfiEsrs . —DA SILVA and Co ., 1 , Briae-lane , Pleet-Street , London . Sold by all Medicine Vendors . CAUTION . —To Protect the Public from Spurious Imitations , Her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners have caused to be printed on the Stamp outside each Box , the woras Dr . LOCOCK'S WAFERS , in white Letters oa a Kcd Ground , without which none are genuine . Sold by one or more Agents in every Town bi the Kitiadom
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| B 2 THE NORTHERN STAR . Jakitaby 3 , 1846 . ZA ' m -rt m xt A T » m f 1 TS Tl TkT « m A T » TtvrriDv 9 I to * a ¦
Uiwer Royal Patronage .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 3, 1846, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1348/page/2/