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—I - jTum'git fottdltgtmtt*
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JJjl/***— _ .. . ^, - .3* "..I -.I"- - - ' ¦ . - foxtxm: iHo tetrimts*
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** a j will war , at least in werdi , " j ^ Aonld niychance s * happen—deeds , ) ( * SS ^ Qtrarwita ThoBghti " VfikIhear a " HHletira , who 8 i « gi = ; *? nfeteandby wfllbe the stronger . "—Btxom rtef ** ' ^^
-g AMERICAN AGRARIAN REFORMERS * / Winned from tke Nortfcnt &ar , of Nov . 28 th . ) llSL- ¦ JPInutand Efans had announced in the Jj ^ nber oftha Peo ple ' s Rights their determina-^ T to fonn an " Agragrian League , " and to that ^ -ntited the readers of their journal to affix their . , tures to ** " agr a ^ an pledge / ' binding them *^ to tote for any man for any legislative officer , ' v . wnnld not pledge himself in writing to oppose fl fiirtter traffic in the public lands ; and to . use his DtoenCfl to W &em to be laid ont in farms and f ^ the free and exclusive use of actual settlers . J 2- « n ! e < fee was adopted by the association formed at Xblic meeting on the 20 th of . March , 1844 . fij , however , of the •¦ Agrarian League , " the iJ dt took the name of the " Rational Reform * S « a 8 tion . " Donbtless it was in consideration of Sfs tupid prejudice attached to the word "
Agra-* £ , " that the assoeiationista chose the latter of % Z names : we must say , for ourselves , that we Si hare preferred the title of "Agrarian fUnne . " Weekl y meetings were regularlyheld at Croton oM daring the spring ; and in the summer open-^ n eedngs were bolden in different parts of New for a considerable time the journals tried to stifle j ju new movement by the ourfo ' no system . None of jjg meetings were reported , and not a word said in nisfee or censure of the reformers . At length , as { jie partT increased in strength , the New York jour-Ijjj began to wake up . The Tribune discovered the -pstenee of the new party through the help of a monthly journal , called the Phalanx . The Express (!)
jjjjthe Courier ( I ) made tbe discovery through some jf the papers published in the state of Rhode Island . qje Su n got the news from a Cincinati paper , which . gper got it from our columns ( the Northern Star V »! then publithed at Leeds )!!! Of course now gjji the discovery had been made that '' Agrarians * jtjUy existed in the United States , a vast deal of tirtnoui indignation was vomited against the "anarchists , " " imitators of French Jacobins , " « fransplintera and teachers of English Chartism , " £ & , 4 c . Notwithstanding abase the movement tent on . In less than six months , some sixteen open-air meetings had been held , besides as many more meetings in-door . Messrs . Evans , Windt , tern , Walsh , Manning , Commerford , Beeny . ant
the well-known patriot and philanthropist , Parke God win , were regular speakers at the meetings . As the time for the " fall elections" approached , the jeformers resolved to nominate men pledged to their principles , and to vote for none others . Accordingly jjessrs . Windt , Commerford , and Godwin , were sominated for Consress ; and twelve candidates for jhe Assembly . Of course none of the reform candidates were elected , nor was the number of votes « realised" large ,, but the object designed was attained , that of commencing practical operations . The earl ; part of tbe year 1815 witnessed the Rational Reformers actively engaged in enlightening { be public mind as to the true merits of the Anti-Bait question , with the view of exciting public empathy in favour of that persecuted party . We
lore recently explained the objects of the Anti-Renten , and the history of their straggle . Tbe principles of the Reformers were now spread-Ing through the state of Hew York , and also through the states of Pennsylvania , Massachusetts , and Ohio . In January , 1845 , the National Reformers of Pittsburgh ( the American Birmingham ( started a candidate for the Mayorship , Alexander Hay , who , { hough unsuccessful ; obtained more votes than either ( be "Native" or the "Liberty" candidate . In April , the Reformers of New York proposed Hansom Smith for Mayor . The result , a slight increase of votes on the number polled at the preceding fall election , of course encouraged onr friends to further perseverance . About this time the Reformers of Ohio succeeded laelectingannmberofmunicipal ofiBcersin
twoiown-The agitation was continued during the summer of 1545 , and the good work was greatly advanced by the adhesion of several sew and talented speakers and niters . Amongst these we must single out Allan E . Bovay , whose lectures in different parts of New York have been productive of immense benefit ; William West , a clever speaker ; Louis Masquerier , a powerful and eloquent writer ; and M . F . O'Connor , sbold and enthusiastic advocate of real democracy , editor of the Irish Volunteer . On the 14 th of October an " Industrial Congress " summoned by the National Reformers assembled in
Sew York . A great number of delegates assembled , including the following celebrated characters : —Parke Godwin , Sew York City ; A . J . Wright , Boston , Mass . ; I . W . Ryekman , Brook Farm , . Mass . ; A . Brisbane , KewYork City ; Thomas A . Bevy , Albany , N . Y . ; Charle A . Dana . Brook Farm , Mass . ; Francis C . Treadwell . Brooklyn , New York ; Elvan E . Bovay , Few York City ; Theophilus Fisk , Washington ; fierrit Smith , Peterboro , N . Y . ; Caasins M . Clay , Kentucky : John A . Collins , Skaneatelas , N Y . ; Horace Greeley , New York City ; Win . L . Garrisra : and G . H . Evans , New York .
Thefo'lowing were the principal resolutions adopted trthe Congress : — That aa inherent and inalienable right of land is the cght of parental protection from society , and that as a Etjnber of tue human familjmanhasan inalienable right Mthease of a portion of the universal patrimony , the tan , as a home where he may exercise bis useful industry , whereon he may enjoy his personal independence , i&ich should never be wrested from him by the operation of law or otherwise . That the proper object of civilized society is to guarantee to ererjr individual the Right * of Nature , the flam of existence and happiness , which are the common inheritance of all . That to iecnre the right of the soil to all , it is necessary to limit the possessing of families or communities .
That the most practicable measnres for a restoration tithe soil are , 1 st . to limit tbe quantity of land to be hereafter acquired by families or associations , and . S 3 . to Front all farther traffic inland by the government , and toraake tbe Public Lands free on the principle proposed h the National Eefonn Association . Wltreat , The flagrant wrongs inflicted upon the useful tJasws by the false arrangements or usages of civilization , embodied in the competitive and antagonistical system of commerce , which abstracts from wealth producing indnstij its surplus products , j » ad creates a hostile class of
capitalists and others—wealth consumers but non-pro-Auers : And , whereas , Oiese anti-social wrosgs , these crimes against humanity , have accumulated in number tmt 3 their baleful influences affect the interests of all mankind and : whereas , these complicated evils are most fiSF developed throaA the deadening influences of the intent system of factory labour , which withers life * aagiesevenin childhood , producing by excessive toil jsjaeal deformity , and through lack of opportunity and flemeaus to acquire mental cultivation , deterioration aa degradation , of both mind and body , therefore
That tbe members of this Convention solemnly pledge femselves to u « e all their means , as men and citizens , tothe * forth the horrible effects of this false system of laWr , and endeavour to have adopted legislative acts for Protection of youth against excessive toil and to secmre tSaent education . This Congress also resolved to form an association , to be styled "The Industrial Brotherhood ; " and farther resolved—That a MILITARY ORGANIZATION be recommended is the several Associations of Industrial Brotherhood atongioattheUniJed States , which organization shall
U limited to the formation of independent companies in diet conformity ; with the constitution and laws of the kitf . The uniform to consist of a plain citizen ' s dress , "Web . may be wore with propriety on the Sabbath . And ^ wflertnat merit alone may . be considered in the ap-Paataent of officers withont reference to peculiar abi-% > it is especially recommended that no difference in feabetweea commissioned officers and rank and file tiaB be allowed , beyond what is indispensable to the l * aaTation of discipline . The arms and eguipments to ** kept at all times in good order , and the discipline ^ ferrf perfect and efficient . The general name of ** « al Guards is recommendefl to the whole .
* be Industrial Brotherhood was to be composed of | ® X ! iatjoas of actual producers of wealth throughout 5 * Union , on a plan of mutual insurance similar to ^ Odd Fellows , and with the additional object of ^ ta coj action to carry into effect the views above Jf " !*" . This "Brotherhood " was nottosupersede X * National Reform Association . The National 5 *> na movement includes all of every class who ; "lsignflie pledge for restoring th e | Land to the £ ° Pfe - The Industrial Brotherhood was constituted J ? an or ganization of labour aeainst capital , to meet 1118
manif old combinations of capital against labour . * y ^ e " fail election" approached , National n ? < n Candidates were again put in nomination , ^ nrse , the Reformers were defeated , but had the rj saction ol seeing the votes for their aide , though W * ^ "d'y increasing . Several like attempts eW Oade in otner P 511 " 18 of tne Union . At this tim ??' Anti-Renters elected a senator , and 7 ° ozen members of the House of Assembly , j jv ^ mber , the 'German Communists , residing ^* iork , joined * the National Reformers ; pro-^ "o gtheir adhesion by the following resolutions :
** hl eclare solemnl y before the face of the world that es ^ e ao country but the earth , and that all men have ^ 18 ^ t «> Ure upon it . ^ toth UrSfclTes ^ "icaus , and have no other inte-^ J , tbose of * e American people , because America -s ^^ JJum ofthe oppressea every where , and because
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he interest of the American people is the interest of tha whole human race . .. ...: ' . . " We c « re u » t for party uamei and profe » sioiwl but will sustain whatever furthers the great cau sb of humanity . ~ Werecognwe in the Kational Reformers our fellowlabourers in the cause of progress , as pioneers of a better fatare , as the advocates of tne came of the ' oppressed children of Industry , and as the only true democracy of the land . ' We let not ourselves be led astray bj the clamorous outcriti of selfish interests , and pledge ourselves with joj to sustain the following proclamation of the National Reformers :
That all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable righto ; ameng which are the Right to Life and Liberty : to the use of such a portion of the earth , and the other eUments , at ¦ hall be sufficient to provide them with the means of subsistence and comfort ; to education and paternal protu . tion from society . In accordance herewith we engage ourselves individually and collectively to co-operate with all our strength with our co-workers , the National Reformer * , to bring before the whole American People those simple principles , and thus to aid in carrying out gloriously ' this new reform .
The adhesion of the German Democrats brought to the ranks of the Reformers another talented writer and speaker , the Editor ef the Tribune of the People , ( German paper well known to the German Democrats- of London , -where he resided for some time before settling in the United States . ¦ ( Totecontinued . J >
—I - Jtum'git Fottdltgtmtt*
—I - jTum ' git fottdltgtmtt *
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FRANCE . The most important portion of the intelligence contained in the Paris Journals relates to the continued rise in the .. com markets or France . The National states" That the different journals received from the departments are filled with afflicting details relative to the existing distress occasioned by the high price of provisions . In some places the population , exasperated by the high price of corn , have assembled in the market-places , and fix the price at which wheat should be sold . In other districts bands of mendicants compel the farmers to supply them with bread . Elsewhere malefactors attack the millers and cornfactors , and indulge in the most criminal excesses . The distress must indesd be great when the population proceed to such unlawful extremities . " The Journal des Debate states ,
that"Bands of mendicants continue to spread terror in the whole of the Bocage . These individuals , dressed in grey blouses , their faces smeared with soot , six or seven or more together , obtain grain and money , uttering the most horrible threats against those who venture to make any observation te them . They generally apply at lonely farm-houses . They have robbed persons in the night on the highwayamongst others , a miller , whom they threatened with death , after having stripped him of his money , if he denounced them to the authorities . Similar scenes have taken place in the district of Farthenay . "
The Progres du , Pas de Calais states that in the northern departments there were at the present moment 2 , 000 , 000 of indigent persons . The weather in Paris throughout last week was unusally unpleasant—fog , snow , sleet , and irost alternately . On " Saturday a smart frost Bet in , which continued on Sunday . Immense flock of aquatic fowls , coming froru the north , passed over the French capital on Friday and Saturday—an- indication , it was considered , of tbe approach of a severe season . During mauy years so much snow had not fallen in France so early in tbe winter as in the present .
PORTUGAL . The Cira Wab . —The Queen ' s troops have re * covered Coimbra .
POLAND . THE AUSTRIAN DESPOTISM IN CRACOW . ( Correspondent of the Times . ) , . Chacow , Nov . 25 . You will have received long before this letter can reach your hands intelligence ol the definitive occupation of Cracow by the Austrian troops , —of the three protecting Powers having declared ber independent existence to be at an end .. For months a presentment that such a step was in contemplation bad taken possession of the minds of the inhabitants , but . the final sentence , though then anticipated , was when at length pronounced not the less bitterly felt . On Monday week , amidst the roar of the Austrian artillery , the tears of the female portion of the
inhabitants , and the curses of the male , the proclamation was read by which Cracow is declared to be for ever a portion of the Austrian empire . Since thai time the usurpers have been actively employed in administering , first to all the employ e * , and now to the inhabitants , a most stringent oath of fidelity to the emperor ; tbe proclamation hinting , in no unequivocal language , the treatment to be expected by those who hesitate , but for an instant , te comply with the orders of the Government . Aa you will raadiJy believe , the utmost consternation prevails . The unhappy Cracovians find themselves delivered up , bound hand and foot , to Austria . Already tbe inhabitants have had experience of the nature of the government to which they will henceforward be
bound to submit ; a military tyranny no less absurd than odious . To give you one or two of many instances from which yon may . estimate its character : —It is , according to the Austrian code , a grave offence to moke a cigar while passing before a sentinel ; though a creature himself rodolent of tobacco for a German mile , his person is considered so sacred that if theunweary passenger does not , on the first summons , remove the offending pipe or cfoar from his mouth , he must instantly be admonished by a stab of the bayonet . There are numeroiiB instances of persens who have been grievously wounded on this account . I will name one
only—Mr . Bukowski . Mi * . Slixowski , the son of a merchant in that town , sueceded in defending himself against the attack of the sentinel ; but he was immediately thrown into prison , where he still remains , though two months have elapsed since his arrest . The police , in order that they may not be outdone by the military , have lately employed themselves in making domicilary visits in search of a lithographed pamphlet , written by M . Mecisiewski , which has no fault except that of giviig a correct version of the events of February . Several inhabitants in whose houses these pamphlets have been found have been arrested . The author has long
languished in an Austrian prison . Nor is the property of the citizens less threatened with destruction than their liberty by the usurpation of the Austrians . The moderate prosperity enjoyed by Gracow of late years has arisen entirely from commerce , the advantage of a total absence of imports duties rendering the free city an auimrable depot for the foreign merchandise required by central Europe . Bnt with the other blessings which Austria pr omises to bestow upon Cracow will come tke Austrian tariff ; a tariff no less illiberal than her policy ; so destructive to trade and national developement as to be with dimculty endured , even bher German subjects . & The merchants of
Cray cow will seek other lands , but the poor will remain with a diminished field for employment , and the price of the few luxuries they have hitherto enjoyed greatly enhanced : The peasantry of the republic , till now perhaps the happiest and most contented ir the world , being , in fact , proprietors of agreatpreprotion of the soil , will receive the additional boons of a grinding taxation and subjection to military impressment from the paternal Government . Poland does well to weep over her fallen capital , — - over tbe walls of her senators , —over the fane which enshrines the ashes of her long line of kings and heroes—where Kosciusko slumbers ; where the deliver of Nienna reposes from his ungrateful labour ,
over that temple which the most lniiinerent cannot enter without feeling that Poland was once glorious and powerful ; but her tears should flow the fastest for that bold peasantry , so true m war , so gentle and lig ht-hearted in peace ; whose simple virtues will excite distrust and aversion in the breasts of rulers skilled in the arts of corruption . .... You will perceive that the pretext by which Austria endeavours to justify the occupation of Cracow is as clumsily imagined as the act itself u nefarious . The chief charge against the city in General Castiglione ' s proclamation is , that Cracow became the seat of a central committee , calling itself a revolutionary Government , which afforded assis anceto the insurgents in the provinces belonging to the protecting Powers , But the General omits to add that Previously to the central committee establishing itsE Cracow , Austria had made hersef responsible T : Z , ^ n « nilitv of the town by taking military
possession of it ; that her troops afterwards aoanpossrasiuu , jj t j , ecm i function-£ S ! Ss = i = rcrtt a S erved and no insurrectionary movement took E amongst the inhabitants ; that the central corafiee w ^^ BSS 5 « I » SK * Ss h ^^ t ^ £ ^ TS £ K ° e over the Vistula bflhind him . ^ B ^ liWM
( h 7 oo « H which took place m ^» - - " Senate of Cracow be made to " > "f fjj "gf £ Sffi «; SS ; persons were put to death in coW blood y . ^ Jjjj ¦ m SS SdVurtoed fa tawy . * « e preaaffld
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by the hand of : charity alone from absolute destitution . ¦ ¦ :. ;¦ ¦ - Yet the perpetrators of these atrocities have not been punished by the Austrian Government ; on the contrary , they have been rewarded . The surviving sufferers have not been indemnified for the losses they have sustained ; their petitions have been rejected without inquiry . And now , though these tacts are notorious as the sun at noon day , Austria dares to come forward in the face of Europe , and , laying her hand upon Cracow , to say , This city is unfit to govern itself ; it is proper that it should be given over into my hands . " And the Prussian Monarch , too , who , though he does not call himself apostolic , wishes to be considered humane , and just , and pious , ventured to put his hand to the fatal scroll , by which he has lowered himself in the eyes of Europe to the position he occuDies in the estimation of his subjects .
I can assure you that the last hopes ot the inhabitants of Cracow are fixed upon Lord Palmerston . It is certain that Austria holds her new pos « session with a trembling and unsteady hand ; that no arrangements are to be made respecting its government until it is known how England will brook the insult which has been cast upon her . Austria is , indeed , in no condition to go to war about Cracow . Her finances are in a desperate state ; her troops wretchedly equipped and badly officered ; besides , many regiments are not to be depended upon . 1 believe the mere rumour of a certain old commodore having received orders to hoist his penant in the Adriatic would send the Austrian troops to Podgorze more rapidly than they have ever yet executed , the march . - ¦¦'¦ - ¦¦
The loss which England will sustain in the way of trade , if the occupation is permitted , will be by no means inconsiderable ; the principal articles imported by Cracow , cotton goods and hardware , being chiefly ot English origin . Cracow , Nov . 30 . —The greatest vigilance appears now to be exercised in respect to travellers at the barrier which they have to pass on the way to the Prusian frontiers . The diligence was yesterday stopped by an Austrian police officer . The diligence was surrounded by soldiers , the passengers obliged to alight , and to follow the police officer into a room of the Custom-house . Here their papers weredetnanded , and minutely examined . A Pole , in whom the police officer thought he recognised the person whom he sought , was arrested .
- The Jews of Cracow , says a letter from that place of the 1 st , were not , before the incorporation ,- bur thened with taxes s » heavily as the Jews of Gallicia , but now they have imposed upon them a tax upon light , for they are made to pay a considerable duty upon every candle lighted on Fridays , in celebration of their Sabbath ; they are also topay three times the amount of the tax upon meat paid by Christians . The Rabbi of Cracow has bad an audience of the Austrian Commissioner , and petitioned that the Israelites might be released from these charges . But the Commissioner replied that it would be difficult to grant his application , as Cracow now forms part of Gallicia , and partial exceptions and privileges cannot be accorded .
A letter from Limberg ( Austrian Gallicia ) states , that all the military prisoners who had been sentenced by the Court Martial for rebellion have been pardoned by the Emperor , with the exception of 34 , who are to be imprisoned in chains for different periods between 8 and 20 year . The sentences on the civil prisoners have not yet been published . Cbacow , Dec . 2 . —It is stated that the Police Department , when they expected to arrest John Schubert , at the barrier of Zwierzynice , were iu the hopeB of thereby discoving an important secret . His disappearance has , however , frustrated their expectation . Report points out the said John Schubert as one of the ringleaders of the new conspiracy , which is said to be brooding against the Austrian Government .
Vienna , Dec . 3 . —Two days after we received the intelligence that the well-known Polish insurgent chief , Dembinsky , who appeared after the defeat of the Galician nobles at Lisa Gora , and had not been heard of since , has been arrested in Cilli . He had been kept in concealment on the estate of an Hungarian nobleman , but bad latterly obtained a passport for himself and a female , and under a false name had succeeded in getting as far as Cilli , where he was arrested . ¦ BmssxAn . Dec . 6 . —Letters from the Polish frontiers states that the time in which the kingdom of Poland is to cease , is approaching , and that it is no secret that Prince Paskewitsch Ens orders on the slightest revolutionary movement to fire on Warsaw from the citadel , and utterly destroy it .
UNITED STATES AND MEXICO . The steam-ship Great Western arrived at Liver pool on Saturday evening , after a fine run of sixteen days from New York . Our accounts from New York by this steam-ship announce , that the expedition despatched from the American squadron in the Gulf of Mexico had partially succeeded in its purpose . Two Mexican steamers , and a small fleet of Mexican trading schooners at anchor in the river , were captured ; and , having penetrated up the river during the eight , the town of Tobasco on the following day was bombarded , guns and batteries were spiked , and the Americau forces then returned to Anton Lizardo , the rendezvous of the main squadron . Two American vessels had been made prizes for attempting to run the blockade of the coast .
The accounts from the fleet reach to the 8 th ult . inclusive ; but from the interior of Mexico we have no intelligence beyond that received by the West India mail . The American papers publish vast masses of official documents , rumours , and statements of every description with regard to Mexico , her internal position , and the prospects of the war . If we may judge from these , the Mexicans are raised to a surprising degree of energy with . regard to the American war , In the United States nine additional regiments of volunteers had been called for by the executive .
From Monterey , the head-quarters of the Army of the Left , we have accounts to the . 4 tb ; ult . General Taylor was preparing for another movement , and all the regular troops were being advanced up the river . The volunteers were relied up to maintain the line ot communication with tbe Rio Grande . From the Army of the Centre we have official despatches to the 14 th of October .
THE BOMBARDMEM OF TOBASCO . The following particulars of the attack and bombardment of Tobaaco , by the United States squadron , are from the New York Sun ;—11 Our squadron consisted of the Mississippi , Commodore Perry ; the Vixen ,. Comrcodore Sands ; Boneto , Lieut . Com . Benham ; Reefer , Lieut . Sterritt ; Nonita . Lieutenant Hazard ; the revenue steamer Me Lane , Captain Howard ; tbe revenue cutter Forward , Capfc . Nones , ( all small craft , ) two hundred seamen and marines fromlthe Raritan and the Cumberland , under the command of Cap . ain Forrest , Lieuts . Cest , Winslow , Waish , Hunt , Capt . Esdon and Lieut . Adams of marines ., . They left Anton LizardoOctober 16 th , and arrivea at
Fron-, tera the 23 d , and cap tured two steamers , and several small schooners ; on the 24 th and 25 th they ascended the river seventy-two miles to Tobasco , towed by the Petrel and the Vixen . They passed tbe Devil ' s Turn at two p . m ., landed and spiked four 24-poundera . They arrived off Tobacso at six , p m ; and anchored in line ahead , distant one hundred and fifty yards from the shore . The city was summoned to surrender . The Governor refused , when three shots were ( fired from the Vixen . An officer came off with a request that we would spare the hospitals , which was granted . Skirmishing immediately ensued . On Sunday no damage was done . We captured one brig , three schooners , and a large sloop , in all . At the town and below , there were
nine vessels and manv boats captured . On Monday , the 26 th , at daylight , there began a sharp fire of musketry from the shore , which was returned by our guns , and continued for some time , at intervals . A flag of truce came off , beseeching us to spare the town . The Commodore assented , because , as lie said , he only wished to frig hten the soldiery . The prizes were got under way , and were ready for returning . The enemy ' s white flag was flying all the while , W . A . Parker , the lieutenant , got ashore with his prize vessel , and waa attacked by eighty soldiers , whom be beat off with eighteen men only , losing one and getting two wounded . This action lastec thirty minutes , when Lieutenant C . W . Morris was dispatched to him with orders , and he , passing the heavv fire of the enemy , was waunded in the neck by
a musket-ball . He stood up in his boat , and cheered the men on gallantly till he fell in the arms cf Midshipman Cheever . The Commodore then commenced cannonading in good earnest from the Vixen , the Bonita , the Nonita , and the Ferward ; and in three quarters of an hour he almost destroyed the city , sparing the housts of the foreign consuls . Ai mid-day the fleet left , firing up the streets as the ) passed them . All tbe prizes were saved except one . which grounded , and was burned by the Commodore ' s orders , to prevent her falling into the hands of the enemy . The McLane struck on tbe bar at the mouth of ihe river , and did not get over to participate in the engagement until it was ended . The Patriota , on her return , captured the American brls ; Plymouth , Capt . Packerson , discharging cotton at Alvarado bar . " . _ . . .
From Mexico . —Another effort has been made to produce a revolution in the city of Mexico , by the attempted assassination of General Salts , who is now at the head of the provisional government . 1 he attempts having beentrequent , Salts , escorted by a regiment of dragoons , retired to racubay * . Salts , and as may be inferred from an omcial letter , Santa Anna also , ascribe these crimes to agents ot the United States . The greatest energy and industry are employed in increasing the defences of Vera Cruz . The garrison at pre sent numbers 4 , 500 men and reinforcements are daily arriving . A rich individual at the capital hS advanced $ 0 > 0 dollars to be applied to the uses of the government » t this place The feenngs ef he Mexican government and people , judging from the nawrawe nave received from Vera Cruz , , are more BBKSJn * 4 » PW «» American people
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• and arlny . The appeals in the various journals are inflammatory oeyond all precedent ; and these are more thah re sponded to bj the authorities . Some ladies ot Zalapa have asked permission to remain with the rear guard of the National Militia to take charge Ot the wounded . The convicts of the prisons at Peubla have petitioned the government to allow them to tight , under a guardw the enemies of . their country . . ,
LATER INTELLIGENCE . SURRENDER OF TAMPICO . ' , _ Livebpool , Wednesday . # The Royal mail steam-ship Acadia , Captain Harrison , arrived in the Mersey shortly after nine o ' clook this morning . Tarapicohad been quietly invested by the American squadron , under Commodore Connor on the 14 th ult . No ospoaition was offer d , and the town surrendered unconditionally . The Mexican force , as we are informed by the West India mail , had retired to San Luis de Potosi . Commo . dot * Conner garrisoned the town with a force of 150 sailors and marines .
. ? tne interior . of Mexico important , though indistinct , advices had been received ; the announcement being made in the New Tork journals of the 30 th ult ., by telegraph from "Washington , that important despatches had been received from the squadron in the Gulf , that the Mexican administration was dissolved , and that Almonte was going to England . The authenticity of this communication is doubtful . The elections for the constituent Congress had taken place . Herrera was one of the elected . .
INSURRECTIONS AGAINST THE ¦ - AMERICANS .- Accounts from California , via Mnzatlan , reported that the occupation of tho [ . territory bj ' the Americans was not peaceful ; that insurrections . had occurred at several points , and that the French Consulat the seaport of Monterey had been arrested for having protested against the American usurpations . ' An attempt of the boats of the United States' sloop-of-war Cyane to seize a Mexican brig at Guaymas had been repelled .. The Cyane , it is said , lost twenty men in the affair .
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ALARMING STATE OF IRELAND . SPREAD OF DESTITUTION ! DEATHS BY STARVATION !! . The reports from the country are truly appalling . The trustees of the Indian Relief Fund in Dub'in , received in one day one hundred and seventy letters , chiefly from Mayo , and several of them from Lord Lucan ' s town ef Castlebar . The accounts of the state ofdestitution are utterly deplorable . A magistrate , writing from the neighbourhood of Ballycastle and Doonfeeny , Mayo , states that there has been thirteen deaths from stavation within the last few days . In those one hundred and seventy letters there are accounts of forty-sevm deaths from aotual starvation . There are evidences of utter destitution upon all sides . The Dublin Eveniny Post says : —•
The workhouses all through the country , with the sole exception of Castlebar , are crowded to excess , and , in many cases a species of out-door relief is humanely affordsd by the guardians . The workhouse of Kilkenny , on Thursdaj morning , contained 1 , 391 inmates , upwards of a hundred more than the allotted number . In addition , 1 , 800 pewons are daily obtaining a meal of stirabout and milk , which they eat within the house , and then go away . Our sorrespondent , a gentlemen of the highest character , states that he saw men , women , boys , and girls waiting in the cold and rain for that meal , with scarcely a rag to cover them . The guardians of the Kil . kenny electoral division ,-in order to provide this meal ;
are incurring an additional expense of £ 13 10 s . per day , they are thus taxing the town division , which already pays nearly double the rate applotted upon the rural districts of the union . The same state of things exists in various other unions . The Cashel workouse , intended for 700 , contains 873 inmates ; and , in addition , a pound of bread each is daily g iven to an average of 520 persons , who come to the workhouse to reeeiv « relief . In the letter of our Ueath correspondent , and other communicatiens , a statement of destitution equally afflicting is described ; and but for the vast amount of employment afforded by the public works , we do believe that the country , by this time , would have been one terrible scene of starvation , pestilence , and anarchy . " . ¦
The provincial journals supply details of the most afflicting kind . The Cork Examiner gives the following in a report of the meeting of the Skibbereen Relief Committee on Tuesday : — Doctor Donovan detailed some lamentable instances of death and sickness from hunger , ; and a want of pro . fiction against the inclemency of the weather , and stated that he had no hesitation iu saying that , before the close of the spring , half the population of this portion of Carbery would hava been swept off the earth by starvation . . While the doctor was addressing the committee , an application for a coffin for a person who had beed dead for the previous four days , was handed into the chairman . Some of the gentlemen present remarked they were not at all surprised at this , for they had known numerous instances in which deud bodies had to be kept over ground for several days fur want of coffins .
To . my own knowledge , the friends of one poor creature who died from want , were obliged to bury him without a coffin . It is not an uncommon thing now in the neighbourhood of Skibberbeen , Ballydehob , Skull , Castlelmven , Castletownsend , < Isc , to meet ten or a dozen funerals in tbe day . In fact , the mortality here is greater than during the ravages of the cholera . The story is the same all through the Carberies and the barony of Bere and Bantry—starvation is everywhere , I regret to have to add that another death from star , vation occurred here this morning . At the hour I write the corpse lies about two miles from Skibburbeen , on the Cork road . Three young children surroundod the remains of their wretched father on the spot where bis strength yielded to famine , and bewail his loss with heartpiereing ' cries . Deceased wns a stout , able . built man , apparently about 40 years of age . The same journal contains the following
;—Crookbaven , Dec . 9 . —To add to the misery of the people , some of the landlords have already canted their cattle for renti I ana sorry to add that the Rev , J , Barrett , R . C . C ., on last Sunday made a collection iu tbe chapel to purchase a bier to take the dead bodies to the graveyard without coffins , as being hitherto tired of making collections towards buying them . As to larceny , there is no limit to it ; sheep , corn , or anything they can lay bands on , are carried away by the starving people . County op Couk . The Cork Western Districts . —If the Board of Works can feel compassion , or can command the means of staying pestilence and death , they will instantly direct the resumption and extension of public works in the two parishes of Kilmaeabea and
Kilfaughnabeg in the West of Cork . We insert two letters , one from the respected—the almost brokenhearted , Catholic pastors oi those parishes , and the other from 'a correspondent who is intimately acquainted with the locality , and who tells the public what he himself has seen . They are subsisting on sea-weed for the most part , and on field-weeds , eating which they are subject to diseases , we will not curdle the blood by naming . They are , many o ' them , in a state that physicians could hardly investigate . Raw tainted tubers have been crunched and swallowed with more than a beast's avidity by the famishing people ! They are dying in tens and
twenties ; famine is sweeping them off taster than Asiatic cholera , when it wns most malignant , did the inhabitants of lanes and alleys in the towns of Ireland . It isusless to ask what ire the landlords doing . The only , and the sulficient , answer is , they are not there . There is not a resident landlord in one of the parishes , and in the other they are so tew , or so incompetent , as to render their presence of no avail . The parish priest and his curate are the only residents who have intelligence and energy enough to plead for the people ; to assist them with money is beyond their power . —Cork Jtcjnrter . The Rev , Joseph Sheahan , F . P ., in a letter dated " Clounties , Glandore , Dec . 10 , "
says" On Tuesday I visited a man , named Scannell ; the number of his iamily was nine ; his pay while at work , only a few days , 8 d . per day . From cold and a want of sufficiency of food he was attacked with dysentery , and died in my hands . Numbers are similarly circumstanced . On Saturday , the Rev . Thomas Walsh , my curate , proceeded to the north , about five miles , to the house of Malony , whose three children were on the week before last buried , lie went in , and the first object that attracted his notice was the body of Molony ' s fourth child . ii e s at down between the corpse and the bed where th e father lay , and heard his confession . He , too , is n » w no nure . Aftet visiting four others in that locality ,
my curate started for Glandore , and there t nd six poor creatures forming one family , the father , threesons and two daughters , on a bud of straw , not three feet broad , all in fever , ; md so exhausted bat he dared not attempt to remove any . He hatd to hear the confessions of each while the others listened . On this morning again , while on duty , he found the body of another of our people , Pierce Goggin , on the road side ; the body was conveyed to Skibbereen , where an inquest will be held . From his emaciated appearance , my curate has not the slightest doubt he died of want of food . They are even burying some of the poor creatures now without coffins .
County of Westmeath . —Aihlone . — Some landlords , either residents or possessors of considerable property in our neighbourhood , from which they derive large revenues , refuse , at least they have as yet refused , to contribute a farthing , and remain inexorable in the face of a great national calamity . Such conduct , particularly at a time like the present , when hundreds are dying from actual starvation , and pestilence and death-ravages the . land , is deserving of censure , and we shall feel bound , in the discharge of a public duty , to publish the names of those to whom VQ allude , should tbe ^ persevere in refusing
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t « discharge a duty which we consider incumbent on them . ¦ - - ?¦¦ - ¦ ¦¦ , ' ¦ ¦ "¦ •;; ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ '¦¦ Death mom Starvation . —A man named Dolan . raiding in Connaught-street , died on Tuesday evening last , in consequence of utter destitution and hardship , ¦ ¦ -. . . • ¦< ' . '¦¦¦ On the night of Wednesday last ; about eighto ' clock . as some carts of flour were coming from Clara to Mr . Malachy Nolan of this town , they were attacked by some persons at Buriavalley , within a short distance of the police station , who forcibly carried away four bags , despite of the resistance of the carmen .
Un the night of Saturday last , three heifers , value from £ 15 to £ 10 each , together with a fat sheep , the property of Mr . Mathews , were killed on his lands near Ballidahown- The parties did not take away the meat , but cut it up in pieces , and attached to each a piece of paper , on which was written , in a legible hand , the words "here is meat for the poor . " —Athlone Sentinel . ' ' County of Leitrim . —There is , at present , a fearful mortality raging ii ^ the poor house of Mohill—thc number of deaths , in little more than a week ; amounted to 15 l—Ballinasloe Star .
County of Watkrford . —Dungauvan . —There were 186 persons received into the workhouse on Thursday last . Of this number were several of the poor fishermen , with their wives and children . 'The house now is over-crowded , having in it 6 C 0 persons , tlmugli having been built to accommortatOAonly 600 . Over ei » hty other applications for admission were rejected , as the house could not contain them . A rate of tenpence in the pound has just been levied , though aeonuerable portion of the former rate as yet remains uncollected . — IVate rford Freeman .
County' of Tippkrauy . —Robbery of Shbkp , at Knockdofty . —On Wednesday ' night last five sheep , the property of the Earl of Donoughmnre , were killed at Knqefclqfty , and the carcases taken off . The skin * of the sheep were left behind . ' Our readers wiH recollect that it is not very lorig ' since Lord Donouebmore ' s agent was robbed of a con » iHerab ! e sum on his way from Knocklofry to Clonmel . There is no lnndeproprietor who ' gives more employment than the noble earl , or who has been more kind to the people on his * estate , and therefore such acts of depredation are . if possible , the more disgraceful avid ungrateful . On Friday morning as the servant of E . Mtflcahy , Esq ., J . P ., was returning to Ballyinackrpe . from Clonme ) . after getting change for a ten pound r * te , he was attacked by an armed party near Russeliown wnd They placed him on his face and hands and robbed him of the money . No man 13 safe now in travelling through this country . —Tipperary ' ¦ Constitution . . ¦ ' . ¦
County " of Wexford . —Wexford . —Our accounts from the northern parts of this county are deplorable . Since the extreme cold set in , sickness and death havr accordingly followed in its train . Many died in th < - course of last week , and the illness ; in every case , was traceable to the want of clothing and firing , if not of sufficient food . Complaints against the relief committees are very ceneral . Mr . Boyse , of Bannow . has expended £ 1 , 000 in the purchase of corn , to guard against the alarming contingency before us , . County of Clare—Mr . J . II ill , of Miltown
Malhay , under date 6 th December , writes to say— " Three deaths from starvation have taken place in this village within thelastten days ; oa woman of the nnme ° Mary Flaherty , another a po r woman of the name Ellen Doleby ; . she died on the side of the roa between Miltown and Liskehone , during a dreadfu storm of hail It is now no unusual sight to see three . or four persons faint from exhaustion each day , for when they are brought into some house and that restoratives are administered in the form of food , they usuallv recover . "
Countt of Kilkenny . —The Kilkenny Moderator contains a lengthened detail of the outrages which took place in Kilkenny a few days since , upon" which occasion several shops were broken into and p lundered . The military werecailed out to , protect the city , and it was only by the vigiinnce of strong patrols , and the presence of a larpe force , that the property of the inhabitants of the city was preserved Robberies on an extensive scale are prevalent in that county , particularly in the colliery district . CAvXN .-i-Tho Anglo Celt says : — 'Our table this morning is' literally covered with accounts of outrages perpetrated in this county and Meath , none of them , it is true , attended with bloodshed ; but the subjoined catalogue is , notwithstanding , indicative of a state of society but only too likely to lead to it .
LNere follows a Ion ? list of highway robberies , cattle-stealing , arid various other outrage ? . ] , Increase of Crimk in Tyrone . —We are sorry fn remark that the fears which we formerly expressed ot evil disposed persons taking advantage of these times of comparative distress as a pretext for deeds of robbery and outrage , would appear ts be justified even in our own county . On Tuesday la § t four persons were lodged in the gaol of this town , on a charge of feloniously entering some houses in the neighbourhoodo ! Fintona , from which they stole bread , whiskey , and tobacco . On thesame day ninemen and woman wcr transmitted from Dungannon bridewell toourgaol charged with having stolen oats , turnips , yarn , and several other articles . It is feared that our calender at next assizes will be unusually heavy . —Tyrone Con stitution .
County of Westmeath . —The sale of fire-arms still continues throughout the country , and as a consequence , armed parties are to be nightly met with in all directions . Dublin , Dec . 14 . —Reproductive Works . —The Board of Works have juat issued a circular to county engineers and surveyors , conveying instructions t <' tbe effect , that no more public works ( such as new roads , cutting down hills , &c ., ) are to be commenced , while those in progress of execution are tn be finished with nil possible speed ; as in future the money is to be expended on works of a reproductive kind , —viz ..
drainage and subsoiling . The circular also specifies how these works are to be executed , and lays down fresh regulatiens for the employment ot the labourers engaged upon them . An adjourned presentment sessions for the barony of Unphoe was held on Friday , at which the Marquiof Abcrcorn and all the leading proprietors of thedistrict were present . Presentments were passed to the amount of upwards of £ 15 , 000 , £ 10 , 946 of which ' wa > for drainage . Before the meeting separated the following resolutions were agreed
to;—That we regard tbe present system of expending the public money , whether under the letter of Mr . Labouchere or under the Labour-rate Act , as completely defective , altogether unsuited to the circumatantes , wholly insufficient for the wants of the country , and -so encumbered with difficulties as to be incapable of practical application . That our proceedings at this sessions have not origin ated from any expectation that it will be found to work satisfactorily , hui because we consider it preferable , and some mitigation of the evil effect , rather to apply the money necessary for the employment of the people to some purpose that may , possibly , give a productive return , and , so tar , assist the country in meeting its difficulties , than to squander vast sums in road and other works , useless in themselves , and sure to weigh it down heavily hereafter .
Agbicultural Society . —At the general halfyearly meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society . The Sbcrbtary having read the minutes of former proceedings , and the report of the council for the half year . The Duke of Leinster moved that the report should bo received and adopted . The Earl of Clancauty , in seconding the adoption of the report , said he cordially responded to the op inion unanimously expressed by the council , that one of their fundamental rules , which had been recently rescinded , should be restored to its original integrity . It was essential to the Society that the
membevs should act in perfect harmony —( hear , hear );—and in order to preserve that , harmony which substantially existed in the council , he acquiesced in rather than approved of the resolution , hv which the 14 th rule would be restored in . its original integrity , lie hoped the measure of restoring that rule would have the effect of inducing Lord Downshire to return to them , and that his noble friend would not adhere to the opinion he had expressed of not joining a society except upon the ruins of tbe present . Mr . Lamubrt moved the second resolution , which was to the effect , that the 14 th rule , which bad been partially rescinded , should bo restored to its original integrity . Sir G . HoDSOif , Bart . , seconded the resolution , whic . li was unanimously adopted amid loud cheers . MEW SOCIETY OF LANDLORDS . The Evening Mail publishes the following in a second edition : — " A most influential meeting , including men of all parties , assembled ( Friday ) , to take-into consideration the propriety of adopting some-energetic step on the part of the landed interests of this country , in reference to the present alarming state of nfMrs . The proceedings were strictly private , but we have reason to think that they will Ibad to combined ! exertion on the pArfc oi those . whose interests are . so deeply involved . " >
TU £ 93 S 3 EH 3 I 0 HS IN XB 3 . BIPEAL PAR 37 .. The following resolutions were adopted nta meeting of the- seeedera from the Repeal Association , residing at Dublin , assembled at tho oCSse of the Nation ,, on the 11 th Dec-..,, J ' jvines IlaujjLton ,. Esq ., in the ciiaiir ;—Mowed- by Richard © '"Gorman , jam-,,. Esq . ; secouded by Charles Taaffie , Esq ., and adopted : — 1 , That we have read with sntisfaxtion the overtures to . a reconciliation made by Mr . O'Connell , on behalf of tbe Repeal Association , on lust Monday ; and tbht we believe the disseussion by a conference of all the points of difference between us and the association to be tho best and most judicious course towards effecting that reconciliation . Moved by John Mitchell , Esq ., seconded by the Reverend Mr . Melian , and adopted : —
2 . That inasmuch as all these points of difference have been repeatedly placed before , and distinctly known by the Irish peoplo , we deem it unnecessary to reiterato them at length on this occasion . Moved by T . F . Meagher , Esq ., seconded by T . D . M'Gee , . Esq ., ( on behalf of the committee of the Dublin Remonstrants ) , and adopted : —
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3 . That oltlioush we might insist on our endenl right to nominate the persons to represent our opinions in that conference , still , Influenced by n desiro of » ettlihgthereal questions at issue , we are willing to . waive that right , and assent te the nomination of those gentlemen already suggested by Mr . O'ConneJl , with oue quali . fication . ¦ ¦; - ¦¦ .- • .. ¦ Moved by Charles Gavan DuftV , Esq . ; seconded by P . J . Smythe , Esq ., and adopted : — *• That inasmuch as Mr . O'llagan has publicly sigr . » fied his determination not to interfere in the settlement of any question relating to the future policy and management Of the association , and inasmuch as we believe sueh questions to be the material points at iwur . wiare of opinion that some gentleman should be substituted ( to be named on behalf of the t tcoders ) , whose political position will not prevent him from enuring upon the consi . deration of all the matters at issue between the parties . Mr . O'H 3 Ran to lend his assistance to the conferencef should any legal difficulty arise . '
Moved by William Bryan , Lsq ., Ralieny ; seconded by Dr . Duffy , Finglass , and adopted : ~ 5 . That , with a view to make the " reconciliation * universal and lasting , immediate steps be taken b y personal communication , to ascertain the opinions ofths seceders residing at a distance upon the questions proper to be submitted to the proposed conference .
REPEAL ASSOCIATION . The weekly meeting of the association , held on Monday , was very numerously attended . ' The chair was taken by Nicholas Maher , M . P . for Tipperary .. . . The Chairman said he had intended to have aU ltided to some of the proceedings connected with Ynuns ; Irelandism in the county of Tipperary , and to > have corrected some errors which bad crept into the tiress with regard to that county , but as there was a shadnw . nfhnpe that a reconciliation might take place with Young Ireland , he should not then discu » 3 them . ., . . , ,,.. •¦ ...- ¦ ;• . . Mi . Stbelb , at the request of Mr . O'Contie'l , re « d a letter from Mr . Doheny , barrister , a leadirg member of the Young Ireland party , apologising tor sume expressions he made use of at the recent meeting ot the " secedera" at the Rotunda , reflecting ^ on Mr . O'Connell . .. ... ..
Mr . O'CoNNEti , could assure Mr . Doheny that the -xpressioiiH he re ' erred to did not hurt his ( Mr . O'Conni'ira ) fecJinES . If his feelings were to be hurt iiy the abuse which was so constantly heaped upon liim , he did not imagine that he would then be in existence . ( Laughter . ) A letter from Mr . Fowther , Town Clerk of the Corporation , having been read of a complimentary nature . Mr . Pat . Costello said that for his part he did n < fc fiareastraw whether the Young Irelandm rejoined the Association nr not . The time had come for practical work , nnd he believed Mr . Ford , who was lately appointed crown prosecutor for Meafh , had as much work in him as all of them put together , with one or two exception ? . ( Hear . ) ' Af 6 er the receipt of several sums of money ,
Mr . O'Connkll came forward to make his speech of the day . lie said he had come there to effect a reconciliation , if possible , and if lie cnulu not Ao 8 " he-would , at least , show the world who it was that receded from the " proposition . ( Hear . ) There was a great secret in political life , and that was to be honest and intheru > ht , and he ( Mr . O'Connell ) was in the right , and , therefore , could afford to make an "ffer of conciliation . ( Hear , hear . ) I e had been abused for doing so , and he was told the Young Iralanders had a triumph . Now , on the contrary , he considered that it was he who had a triumph , for the real question was , who would first cntrm forward and a < t most kindly towards old Ireland ? ( Hear . ) He had made an offer of a conference to consider a legal question , but he had conceded nothing—all be wanted
was to seo if he could concede anythin?—for princinle he would never concede . ( Hear ) What was the Youne Ireland party , after all , with tbe exception of Mr . William Smith O'Brien . They were the scribblers for a newspaper ; in fact , the split with the Association was between it and the compositors ' room of . a newspaper . The Repeal Association bad set at defiance the Crown lawyers , a partial Judse , and a packed Jury ; and was it to be barked at by the yelping of a compositors' room ? ( Cheers . ) No ; certainly not . As he said , he was willins to make every concession short of principle , and to receive back those young genfclomen upon illegal footing , but he would never admit tbe doctrine of physical force . ( Hear . ) His plan was simple . lie had proposed a conference , not an arbitration—a discussion , » nd not a dissension . lie proposed Mint the law of the Base should be ascertained , and how was be met ? Was he met by a generous [ acceptance of his terms ?
IIg regretted to say . he was not mat asheoujrhfc . ( Hear , hear . ) lie had proposed that hims-elf , Mr . William Smith O'Brien , and four others ( three of whom he did not agree with ) , should meet and settle the law of the case ; but his proposition was not acquiesced in ; on the contrary , they had nnssed resolutions quite foreign to the subject ! ( Hear . ) The Learned Gentleman then read a letter which he had received from the Rev . Dr . Miley , whom he had sent down to Limerick , to Mr . O'Brien , to endeavour to induce htm to join in the proposed confer « ' ; nce . ( The letter stated that the reverend negociator had totally failed in his attempts to ir . duce Mr . O'Brien to accede to the proposition of a conference , except upon such terms as he ( Mr . O'Brien ) would prescribe . ) Now he ( Af r . O'Connell ) had done all in . li ! s power to effect a conciliation , and it was not lila fault if it were not effected . ( Hear , hear . ) The rent for the week was announced £ 101 .
REPRODUCTIVE WORKS . The Board of Works have issued an important circular respecting the commencement and continuance of reproductive works . The Board says" The employment of the destitute on road * and other public works must soon terminate , nnd reproductive works be substituted for them . To render *« ch works really beneficial and morally useful , the landed proprietors must join hand in hand with the Board of Works . " The Cork Examiner says : —• " The Indian cornsellers are ranking a whacking profit at the expense of the poor . Indian corn was selling at £ 16 to £ 17 a ton on Friday and Saturday , although a cargo I'sd lieen just received by ship at £ 10 15 » . a ton . T <> the fortunate buyer the market price would leave _ £ 'T a ton , or seventy-five per cent . This is the lesitimate courso of trade , so lauded and protected by the Whig premier . "
The other correspondent alluded to by the Cork Reporter says"On tho ' lSth of September last , the gentry and cesspayers of the barony of Bere passed presentments to the " amount of over £ 6 , 000 , to secure the employment for three mon'hs of these miserable people . Of thisprttty large suti , tbe amount of 22 days ' labour to 1 C 0 individuals , at 8 d . per diem , is all the relief which has reached the parish ; this was due seven weeks previous to its being paid . In it are 1 . 050 families : of these 800 are in a state of absolute destitution , 400 being in an actual state of starvation . I attended mass on Sunday , in the Clinlaurer .
eechapel of this parish , where I was surprised to see a > number of coffins ( rather shells ) ranged at the bottom of the aisle . This I understood to arise from a custom among the people of having any bodies intended for burial on a Sunday present at the celebration of the sacred mysteyie 9 on that day . Before the last Gospel ,, the parish priest , llev . Jeremiah Sheahan , told thecongregation that during the twenty-five years he was in the parish , he had never seen such a numbvr of bodies there : that they were all cases , of un * doubted starvation ; that on the previous day he had been called to visit an old man named Conolly at Coolireachr who had not tasted any food for fourteen days , some sea-weed , excepted . "
COUNTY OF LONGFOnr , RouBBitr or a Paymaster of Puhmc Wouk * .. —On-Wednesday last , at mul-may , about half past uvo ve o'clock , as James Boyce , Esq ., paymaster of the Drainage Commissioners , was proceeding on one of Mr . Sutciiffe ' s carts from this town , wh ' e'r . he is residing , to Strokestown , two men , armed with pistols , came up to him ; one presented his pistol at f ho car driver ' s bead , the other presented his pistol close to Mr . Joyce ' s breast ., ami ' demanded \ m mousy .. Findin- ' resistance , under the circumstances , useless , one
of the fellows rook bis carpet bas out of the well of the car , and finding it heavy , and hearing the jingle of the silver , We cleeainjied with it , thinking he had the whole booty , but fortunately Mr . Joyce , had £ 200 in * notes on bis person , with which he-escaped , the robbers not waiting to search him . 'lihere were between thirty , and forty men working in a quarry on the roadsid e ,, not twenty perches from , the spot , but they toek no notice of the attack . The bag contained £ 101 m silver , with which he was aping to pay the ? men employed on drainage works ia the Strokeatown district *— L&noford Journal .
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Andover Union .- —In the Union , this year-i the annual Christmas dinner is to be discontinued ; thereforo , instead of the poov inmates having good roast beef and beer , as in fovaier years on that day , this year they will have a cheerless meal of bread and cheese . Tjik Wood Pavkmkst 5 » the CiTY . —On Monday , by order of the Commissioners of Sewer . * , the wood pavement in Queen-street , Cheapside . was taken up . for the purpose of having the thoroughfare paved with stones . Short Time . —This is tho sixth week that the cotton mills in Stockport have been working four days per week , and except we can see a much better prospect than afc present , it is very likely that the spinners and manufacturers will be compelled to work onlthree days per week . — Stockport Paper .
y Omnibus Accident . — On Monday evening , between four and five o ' clock , as Mra . Gardiner , the wiJeot a wood cutter , residing at Ueptfowl , was mounting aa omnibus in Wellington-street , Strand , she- slipped from the steps , which were slippery by the frost , and pitching on her head , she- sustained a concussion ot the brain . _ , March op the Cholira . —Private correspondence , dated Trebiamde . Nov . 20 , annouaeea tho furtftW pi'ogross of tho Cholera to DiarbcMit ,
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• jj , . * ' *' eofr POrtanCe ^ 'fceranwiattHH 163 " 011 with the jir efl ' racoir » wh '« h subject has bo largely occupied " * to dT " the lMt two * et 1 u ' compelled us till wtpime toe contioMtiQnoftkiiduteh .
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¦ ¦ ¦ Ttgjflj ^ ffi ^^^ ^; r ~ ;;~ : v ' " i '
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 19, 1846, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1397/page/7/