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Chutist %mxH Coinpanp.
GOart&t -inttiifgtntt*
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Westminster at tne l>riiiti!ilbvDOUGALM'GO'>\ r AN, of 16, Great Windmill
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ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE QHARTIST liANDToMPANY » " Mr . O'Cojwob said this of course meant the two ¦ sittings on each share , they roust not for a moment think the title deeds or leases could be included , but he wished them to say what should legitimately come out of the expense fund . The items bad been directors' salary , registration of Company , incidental expenses , &c . lie moved " That the expencefund be liable to all incidental expenses . " . Mr . Clark seconded the motion . _ . Mr . Dosovas thought a portion of this fund should be set apart to those poor persons who had no Other means of getting on their allotments . Mr . Donovan moved an c mendment . The motion was carried . . The Conference then adjourned for the evening- '
THURSDAY . The Conference ^ resumed its sitting at the usual hour , Mr . Sweet in the chair . . . „ ;_ Mr . Br . ok was appointed secretary pro . few . order that Mr . Wheeler might prepnre fi ' r *'' e J ^™ , * : The discussion of the programme ™ , " * 2 "" L ' th 3 immediate question being how shall the ofiicers SSi ?»^^« f not like me ie y ; ¦ "' f *• . £ company were considered ; SmSSSSXS itscoVectioncaused ™ XKr to the district secretaries , he would SfoSveihe Mowing resolution :-Sit wh member of the Company , pay an annualshare chargeofone shillihg upon each share , to forniafund outof which the expensesi of ^ he . annual
, Conference , the wages of directors , and agitating expenses , shall be paid . The liability of all present and futuremembers of the Company , to commence oa the 21 st ot December , 1846 . The payment of the share charge to be made quarterly , according to instructions to be issued by tho corresponding secretary one fortnight previous to the day for collectin" it . Members baring paid up their shares , and beln « nn arrear for one quarter ' s share , shall not be eligible for the ballot . Members paying for their shares , and being one quarter in arrear , shall be liable to have such arrears deducted from the sum of their instalments . " Mr . Conn seconded the motion . Mr . Smyth also supported the motion . Mr . O'Connor mured , —
" That the Conference resolve itself into committee ; and that each member , during such committee ' s sitting , have three minutes each to express their views . " . Mr . Doyle seconded the motion , * which wasunamonslv adopted . g Messrs . Wild and Smart expressed their approval 0 the motion . Mr . Burrell said , he thought the motion was an _ mendment on the rules ; but he thought it would wcli that all the expenses should be paid from one band , and moved an amendment in consonance with that principle . Mr . O'Connor said their business here was to alter the rales , in order that thev might be registered .
Mr . Brook could not see much difference between the original motion and the amendment , except that the amendment was the easiest and less complicated ; he , therefore , would second Mr . Burrell ' s amendment . Mr . Barren ' s ww as follows : — " Thattwo shillings as entrance money and one shilling per annum , be paid by each shareholder on each share held by them for the purpose of raising a fund from which all the necessary expenses incurred in the management of the Company shall be paid . Any shareholder neglecting or refusimr to pay the annual dues , shall forfeit all claims to the benefits of the company until such times as the same shall be paid ; to commence on ihe 21 st instant . " Mr . Cuffay thought it would be well if the rule was made that the expence fund should be collected as twoslriUinus enttaace money .
The Chairman said in the Nottingham district they had no difficulty in collecting directors' levy , as their members had unanimously agreed to pay it six months in advance . Air . Donovan said , taking it for granted , a section would be located in ten years , it would be better to calculate the sum required , and have it in the first six months , and have done with it . Mr . Brook moved that the Conference resume , with a view to taking the vote . Mr . O'Connor ' seconded the motion , which was adopted . Mr . Wheeler suggested that Is . per shareholder should be substituted fo ' r Is . per share . Mr . M'Grath could not agree with the suggestion . Mr . Clark differed with Air . Wheeler , it would not amount to more than a halfpenny or three farthings per week . The motion was then put and unanimously adopted . Mr . Brook moved the following : —
" That any surplus arising from the operation of the foregoing resolution , after paying the salaries of officers , expenses of annual conference , travelling expenses , &c , shall be applied as a bauk of loan , for the purpose of assisting members who may require it , to remove from their homes to their locations , such members to obtain the recommendation of a majority of members at a meeting called for that purpose . Mr . O'Connor suggested an . addition , to which Mr . Brwk assented , and Mr . O'Ccnnor then seconded the motion . Mr . Donovan moved that the word surplus should be struck out . Mr . Thomas Rayner Smart seconded the amendment . Mr . Brook agreed to withdraw the word " surplus , " from his resolution . Mr . John Suaw moved an amendment which was seconded .
On the question bem ? put , the original motion was adopted by a large majority . The next question of programme was submitted , Tespecuna " the buying and selling of estates . " Mr . O'Connor moved : — That tile directors bare full power to bay and sell estates with tlie Society's funds , and to sell the same if profit can be made , before any expense has been incurred "bf the diivctors . Mr . Sm . irt seconded the motion . Mr . Sweet said it was in accordance with his instructions . Mr . O'Connor said he could have made a large sum % the -sale of estates , had he been permitted . Mr . Cu&jysaid his instructions were of a conflicting nature , and therefore he must be neutral . Mr . Shaw said , his instructions also were of a coniiictins nature ; but he thought when an explanation took place they would be satisfied . Mr . Page said , he should vote for the motion .
Mr . Gilberison said , his instructions were , that estates should not be bought and sold for mere profit . Mr . Rouse said , his constituents differed on the 'question . Mr . Donovan said , bis instructions were to move that Mr . O'Connor ba a trustee , and that the matter be left in Mr . O'Connor ' s hands independent of the trustees . Mr . O'Connor would not like to stand apart from his brother directors , and would not accept power unless they participated in it . Mr . Dixon said , he and Mr . Donovaa represented two districts in which some difference of opinion existed in the matter . Mr . Brook would support Mr . O'Connor ' s proposition . Messrs . Walker and Bradly said they should TOte in favour of Mr . O'Connor ' s motion . Tlic motion was then put , and carried with only oat- d : ss 2 nticnt .
SCHOOL-HOUSES OK ALLOTilESTS . Mr . Philip M'Grath moved " That upon every esisie of one hundred acres and upwards , a school , with rcsideace for schoolmaster , be erected , to which shall be attached two acres of land , which land , Ac ., sli-. il b-: ict upon the same principle which regulates the rental of other allotments . " Mr . Shaw seconded the motion . Mr . Rouse moved , as an amendment , — "That on every estate a school-house be erected , to be regulated according to circumstances , at the discretion of the directors . Mr . Cuffay seconded the amendment .
AFTERNOON SITTING . The debate on school houses was resumed . Mr . Burrell moved an amendment , seed nd ed Mr . Walker . " That there shall be a school-house erected on each iocation . land a place of residence for the schoolmaster and schoolmistress , having ample accommodation for three persons to each family on the estate ; and that there shall be two acres of land attached to each school ; the C 03 t of schools , and all expenses appertaining thereto , to be divided into as many equal shares as there are families located , and the rental thereof to be added to the rental of the several allotments ; the schools , and all attached , to be considered the property of the whole inhabitants . After some discussion , the question was put , and Mr . Rouse ' s amendment declared to be carried . The Finance Committee brought up tbeir report .. Mr . Donuvan , as chairman , reported that they lad examined Mr . Wheeler ' s accounts , and that iheyj-liad found them strictly correct . *
Motion made , and carried unanimously , that the report be adopted . Mr . Cuffay said he felt it only justice to himself to say that he bad thought there was bo necessity for the appointment of such a committee , as the auditors had done their duty . Mr , BurrelS moved tbat the vote just come to be printed with the one resolved on on the presentation Of Mr . O'Connor ' s accounts . Seconded by Mr . Dixon , and carried unanimously . 'i'Le Conference adjourned at five o ' clock in consequence of the ballot taking ulaeefor the allocation of jueiabei-s . 3 S 2 T FniDATf ' s Snm'O . —We have received this jnoruing ( Saturday ) a report of yesterday ' s proceeding 8 * fcywijich it appears that the Delegates were engaged iu revisingtiie rules of the Company ; de »
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^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *'" ¦ ' ' ' ' ' " " " termining the questions of the appoiptffifB- rt ™ SblT ^ rawCer ^ mf ¦ 'HIArnrrtlie m ^ ^ oT- dset ? 1 ! the Directors ; tks appointment of Trustees ^ ana » variety of business of the utmost importance t ^» . w members . The » report" fills f /*« £ ; " - ££ ?' 8 UCn course , it is not in our power to find room for sucn an amount of matter . ¦ = •> ... JiL , » nv nortion As , however , we wish t *« o *« g * %£ of the report , We bare r ^ ^ g ^ t St getlier until next week , when ' ? * * j' ? ; of ilie ^ j * &g ^ % ^ l ^^ proceedings . inc ^™ llot : fol . ztooni teai < m 13 SKP ' this ^ Saturday ) e vening ..
FRIDAY . The Conference resumed at the usual hour , Mr . J . sweet in the chair . . Mr Brook moved- " That the appointment of schoolmaster and mistress , where required , be vested in the allottees . " _ , Jx , ,. Mr . Burreia seconded the motion . _ Mr T . CiAnR said the school would be thepropertv of the Company , and he did not think the allottees would be the best judges of the matter ; he , therefore , would move— "That the directors should have the appointment of schoolmaster and schoolmistress . " .- ¦ Mr . Ross seconded the amendment . Mr . S . vabl would support Mr . Brook s motion . , Mr . Smith ' s instructions were in accordance with the motion
. , . .... Mr . Wild thought the occupants ought to have the power of election in conjunction with the directors , and if the occupants had any doubt or difficulty , the directors would be the parties , to apply to . ^ M «* . Walker had just received instructions to the effect that the schoolmaster should be elected by _ the members ; he should , therefore , support the motion ^ Mr . Doyle said the schoel was to be erected and snpported by the funds of the whole Company ; he denied the right of the allottees , they being . only a small portion of the Company , to have the entire
controul . Mr . O'Cosndr said the appointment should be vested in the trustees , and he believed that they would neither be guided by either favour or affection . Mr . WHKEiEitentirely differed with Mr . O'Connor , he thought the allottees , with the sanction of the directors , were the proper parties in whom the power should be vested ; the trustees were , according to the rules , compelled to be members of the Company , and they were as likely to be influenced its anyoneelse . ... . . . .. .. .
Air . Donovan said the property belonged to the whole Company , and hence the whole should appoint ; He wished the appointment vested in the hands of the representatives of the whole Company—the directors , the allottees having the right to protest , if the schoolmaster and mistress misconducted themselves . Mr . Shaw said lie was instructed to place the power of appointment in the hands of the directors , bat he thought the allottees would be the bestjudges , he would move— ¦ . - " That the schoolmasters and mistresses be elected annually by the allottees , subject to the approbation of the directors . " Mr . Cotfay seconded the amendment of Mr , Shaw . Mr . O'Connor thought that if the majority of the allottees elected a schoolmaster , the minority would not send their children to school .
Mr . M'Grath was in favour of Mr . Clarlc ' i motion . The teachers should be men ot talent , tti he did not think the allottees would be fheruitj capable of judging of their abilities . Mr . Wild would move" That the appointment be vested in the annual Conference . " Mr . Conn said his instructions were that the annual Conference should have the appointment , and that the Directors should hare the appointment of ten . ' .- ., Mr . Hamkr followed in the same strain as Mr . Conn , and seconded the motion of Mr . Wild . Mr . Page thought the directors should have power in the first place , and that the allottees should have the power after such appointment .. ithat would
Mr , Dixon thought he had a resoluton meet the aim of all parties : — "That the directors have the appointment , and that two-thirds of the allottees have the power of removal , if the teachers misconducted themselves . " .. , Mr Donovan seconded the amendment of Mr . Dixon . Mr . Brook thought there was not much difference between this amendment and Mr . Shaw ' s . . As to canvassing , he thought there was as likely to be canvassing among the directors as among the allottees As to the trustees , he wanted to know , who were to be the trustees ? ( Mr . O'Connor , I have withdrawn that . ) Well , he , like Mr . O'Connor , objected to the directors , and hoped that his motion would be adopted , » s he believed it the best . Mr . Clark withdrew his amendment , by consent . Mr . Dixon ' s amendment was declared to ba carried .
Mr . O'Connor said he would withdraw the proposition in the programme , respecting the powers of the directors improving the land . They would now proceed to the election of a treasurer . Mr . Dixon would move , '' That Mr . William Prowting Roberts be treasurer . " Mr . M'Grath would mave that we discuss the rules first . Mr . Clark seconded the amendment . Carried unanimously . Mr . O'Cohboe said he thought the best way would be to go into the principles only , and that the directors should be requested to introduce those principles , and su form the rules as they may conform with the registering of the company . It was then unanimously resolved : — " That the Conference resolve itself into a committee . "
On the first rule being submitted , Mr . 0 Cotrctoa said , the Solicitor had suggested that the society should be called " The National Land Company , " as it would facilitate the registration , by removing obstacles . Mr . Brook moved : — " That the suggestion be adopted . " Mr . Page seconded the motion . Mr . Bubrell agreed with the suggestion . Mr . Clark said it would be difficult to get the society completely registered with its present title . Mr . T . R . Smabt said it was with great pain that he parted with the name , but h would rafter do that than lose the registering ot the society . Mr . Svmth agreed with the last speaker .
Mr . T . M . Wheeler said he was one of those who agreed that the name should be given up rather than the company should remain unenrolled , but he did not think the same obstacle stood in the way of registration , although so long as Mr . O'Connor remained with it , it would be known as a Chartist society . Mr . Sweet said he would rather have the present name , bat he should wish * the company to be registered . Mr . Cuffay said he would stick to the name , and believed the company would proceed whether registered or unregistered , therefore he would not consent to give up the name . Mr . Shaw said it was sound policy , and therefore most reluctantly he should give up the name .
Mr . Donovan was glad this resolution was not adopted without discussion , for his part he could abandon anything sooner than the name of the Charter , but he thought to have the protection of the law for the service of the Chartists , he must consent , most reluctantly , to the proposition . Mr . Bradlkt expressed similar views with Mr . Donovan . Mr . Borrell said such was the law of Scotland that , under present circumstances , -every member must become prosecutors , in the event of its being necessary to prosecute anybody tbat might be guilty of fraud to the company ; but let it be registered , and the directors might ; represent the company in the Courts of Law . Mr . Rouse never would consent to give up the
name . Mr . GiLB&RTsoN said he was the delegate at the last conference who moved that the name be not given up , however , his constituents were of opinion that better lose the name than not have the company registered . Mr . Walee * said lie most reluctantly supported the motion . " Mr . Dotle said throughout Scotland an opinion , prevailed in favour of registering . Messrs . BiioWK and Al artix Ireland both thought the best policy would be to adopt the motion . Mr . O'Connor said they had defence funds , and a variety of other funds that were not called "Chartist . " lie then moved " That the designation of the company be the National Co-operative Laud Company . " ' Air . Brook withdrew his motion and seconded that of Mr . O'Connor .
Mr . Coffat would oppose Mr . O'Connor s motion , lie would not consent to sacrifice the name , he would rather die first . Mr . Suttb said he did not think in passing the proposed motion they were giving up the name , so part of England was more partial to the name than Yorkshire . Mr . O'Conxor withdrew his motion , and Mr . Brook moved , and Mr . Shaw seconded the following : — " That in the event of the directors not beinc able to secure the registration of the Co-operative Land Company , under the present designation , in such Case the directors be empowered to make such alteration in the designation of the company as shall ensure complete registration , for the purpose of giving to the members that legal protection which is indispensable for the security of the funds of the company , and the punishment of defaulters . "
Some objection baring been offered to this , Mr . O'Connor jtodc upon himself tho responsibility ol niovini ! the proposition . The question was then put , and the motion carried with two dissentients . _ 'liie rules were then proceeded with , fe :,. -.
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SE ^^^ - : li 5 * •' . ? ' >• —— -j f 3 Rule 1 , on the motion of Mr . ^ Cuffa ^ M'W ^ 8 Ub 5 tH « tea f 6 r ^ 2 "lOC l " ~ -r ^ ¦ V The second rule was carried unatumoiisly . The third rule was referred to the directors . On rule -four being considered , '> Mr . ¦>• * M'Grath moved : —V- That all persons are eligible ! to become members of this company by taking out a card and a copy of the rules , for-which fourpence shall be paid ; together with two shillings on each share held . " Seconded by ; Mr . Corn .- - : ' Mr . Jons Shaw moved ' . — "That each ; person'desirous of becoming a member of the company ; shall be duly proposed and seconded by two members of the company . " Mr . Smart seconded the motion . Mr . O'Connor opposed this bringing of godfathers to vouch for respectability . . Mr . Coffay opposed it as being tyrannical .
Mr . ' Bububix thought the 2 s . 4 d , should be rf ceived as entrance money . , ,, ' „„ . . Mr . O'Connor suggested the propriety of liavm * a clause that a certain sum should be paid previously to any one exercising the rights of shareholders . Mr ; DoNovA » thought if it wbb insisted that every one was compelled to pay three shillings and four , pence before they had the rights of membership , it would do a great injury to the company . As to Mr . Shaw ' s resolution , he would remind him of the words of Andrew Jacksen , " our good laws will make good citizens . " Mr . M'Grath said a few words in favour of his resolution . Mr . O'Connor thought it was only right that any man should pay the three shillings and fourpence previous to having and exercising the privileges ef membership . ' ¦ Mr . Brook moved : —• - ' - ¦ '
" That any person shall be eligible to become shareholders of the company by taking out a card and a copy of the rules , for which he shall pay fourpence , but shall not enjoy the right or privilege of membership until three shillings shall be paid on each share . " Mr . Dotle thought Mr . M'Grath ' s was plain and Bimple , and every person would , understand it . Mr . Clark said it was the principle of every benefit society in England . ; . Y ,,
Mr . Ross moved that the rules be referred to the directors for revision . " Seconded by Mr . Burbkll . It was arranged that Mr . Shaw ' s motion should be put as a substantive resolution , it was so , and negatived . Mr . Ross's amendment was also put as a substantive resolution , and negatived . Mr . Smyth withdrew his amendment . Mr . Donovan ' s amendment was declared to be carried . . : ¦ .. • .
AFTERNOON SITTING . Mr . Swbkt in the chair . f Mr . Shaw called attention to the finances of the delegates , and moved : — " Tbat each delegate be allowed six shillings per day , and the second class fare , as travelling expenses . " ' Mr . Cdffat Beconded the motion , and said ho did so , in consequence of the inclement season of the year-After several delegates had spoken , Mr . O'Connor asked was this to be a rule by which future Conferences should be guided ? Upon which , . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ .
Mr . Shaw added additional words to that effect . Motion carried with one dissentient . The consideration of the rules was then proceeded With . On the fifth rule being submitted , M -. Hollow at proposed that there be two secretaries chosen from the directors . Seconded by Mr . Page . : Mn O ' Connor supported the motion . Mr . Dixon said , bis instructions were that the secr etaries should not be members of the board , but be the servants of the directors , and that one should be a financial , and the other corresponding secretary , he moved— # " That the secretary or secretaries shall not be a member or members of the Board of Directors . " Mr . Donovan seconded the motion .
Mr . Brook : supported the motion , and said he did not know of any company where the secretary was a member of the Board of Directors . Mr . Cuffay said , our company differed from all other companies , no other company sent their directors out continually as agitators . It was necessary that more than one member should be in town to conduct the affairs of the company , and he was decidedly of opinion that the secretary should be one of the board . . Mr . Smyth said if the amendment was carried , it would be necessary to have a resident board of directors , he therefore would support a proposition that the secretary be a member of the board . Mr . Shaw said , the resolution seemed like a sweeping condemnation of our present secretary , and hence he would be necessitated to move an amendment , as follows : —
" That in addition to the present board of directors , there shall be an assistant secretary to aid jin the transaction of the general business of the Company , both monetary and otherwise . " Mr . Gilbertson seconded the motion-Mr . Wheei . br said be did not see how the motion could be carried out , seeing that he was elected director for the ensuing year . Mr . O'Connor said , he thought , if four of the directors would make at any time a preposition that any one member of the board could nnd should go out ef office , that member would resign , fie knew no man who was so well calculated for the office , or that he would as soonhave , asMr . Wheeler , for Secretary . Mr . WnEELER said he should have no objection to such a proposition .
Mr . Donovan said , in supporting the proposition , he did not apply his argument to any man , but to principle ; he thought it necessary that a portion 0 / the board should remain in London . Mr . O'Connor moved , — " That the Board of Directors consist of five persons , from whom the requisite number of secretaries for transacting the Company ' s affairs 6 hall be chosen by a majority of the body : and that any director shali be removable from office upon the unanimous vote of the other four directors . Mr . T . M . ' Wmebleb seconded the motion . Mr . Doyle , in supporting the motion , said , he would not for a moment have it inferred that when in town the members were idle ; he could assure them he had to work hard in the office , and go out to lecture very frequently on evenings . Mr . Holloway withdrew his motion .
Mr . Dixon said , in obediesce to the wish of his constituents , he was bound to press hia motion . The question was then put , and the amendment of Mr . O'Connor declared to be carried . The sixth rule , on the motion of Messrs . O'Connor and Cuffay , was allowed to stand as before . On the seventh rule being submitted . Mr . Cuffay moved , — " That the directors be elected annually by way of
ballot . " Mr . O'Connor seconded tne motion . After Mr . Donovan and several other members had given their opinions , Mr . O'Connor moved , — " That the nomination of candidates shall take place one month previous to the election . " Mr . Shaw seconded the amendment . Mr . Dixon moved , — " That the Conference be held , for the future , on tho first Monday in January . " Mr . Conn seconded the motion . Mr . O'Connor thought it better to embrace the whole in one ; hence Tie would , to obtain that end , move the following : —
" That the Annual Conference be held on the first Monday in January ; tbat the nomination of candidates for the office of directors be ' completed and transmitted to the corresponding secretary , during the last week in January , when a full month's notice be given by the general secretary , of the day when the election by ballot shall be taken . " Mr . Smytu seconded the motion . Messrs . Dixon , Holloway , and Cuffay , withdrew their motion and amendments , and Mr . O'Connor ' s was declared to be carried . Mr . O'Connor moved , —
" Tbat the number of trustees be five . " Mr . Burrell seconded the motion . Mr . Shaw moved , — "That the number be four , the sub-Treasurer being one . " Mr . Holloway seconded tbe amendment . The motion for five was carried . Mr . Coffay moved . — " That the trustees be members of the Company , aad residents in London . " Mr . Shaw seconded the motion . Mr . Dowovajt moved . —
¦ " That the trustees be elected , irrespective of their place of residence . " Seeonded by Mr . Dixon . The amendment was carried . The following persons were declared elected trustees for the ensuing year : — T . S . Duncombe , Esq ., M . P . ; Feargus O'Connor , Esq . ; J . Sewell , EBq . ; Mr . Ernest Jones , and Mr . Philip M ' Grath . Mr . BitooK moved , — That the remainder of the rules be referred to the directors for revision . Mr . Sua'w seconded the motion . Mr . Smyth suggested that tho ballot be , in future , taken iu London , Mr . Cuffay opposed the motion for transferring , and thought they could , and should , do the business themselves . Mr . Brook said he ( bought the ballot could be better taken in London than elsewhere . Air . O'Connor said lie agreed with Mr . Brook . Mr . Dokovan thought he approved ol London . Mr . Sweet said his instructions were , that tho ballot should be taken alternately in eacii district . Mr . WnBKLER shewed that a greater number of \ members was concentrated iu and round London .
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^ J ™ '» ispo 3 Ai ;; oF ! mzB ^ HAB 5 a , „ :, ?! Mi . td'CoNNOH , haying . introdueedthe . subjeet ,-j ; ; \ Mr . BoRREttsaid he would oppose the alteration of the rule .,..., ; . ; ;•„ . .. . .,, tj * - . ^ . » i ; .-r- m ; -. ; - ¦ ¦ • " . ? j Mr . Cavil moved , ; -- f l ; ., . ' .-.- ; - :. *>• . ' i ^ -- -. • • I . iTbat ' afi ymember be allowed to sell after obtaining a prize . " ..,. ¦ ,.. ;;; ,- ; , ; , ;•; ¦!¦ . ]> . ; - ¦ 1 ¦¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦'' ¦' " ¦ ¦ Mr . Mouse seconded the motion . i Mr . Doyle said he had been offered £ 100 for- his allotment , and it would be tyranny- to prevent any man disposing of , his allotment . ¦ - Mr . Donovan moved— . ; 1 ' That if any person shall refuse to take his allotment , the directors shall be empowered to sell the same and , add the proceeds to the Company ' s funds " Seconded by Mr . Dixon . < , Mr . T . M . Wheeler ; said he thought when a man bad accepted his prize he had a right to do as he pleased with it . ^^^^^
Mr . O'Connor said whoever purchased would be liable to all the rules and regulations of the Company , therefore , the Company could sustain no injury by the transaction . The man who paid forty , fifty , or one hundred pounds must , io all intents and parpot <> & be & 8 good a member as the man who sold hia prire . .. ¦ , :.... < .: • ¦;¦ : ¦¦ . - : ¦'• ¦ ¦¦ '¦ Mr . Cavil ' s motion waa . declared to be carried . TRANSMISSION OF FUNDS . Mr . O'Connor moved , — : ¦ . "That all monies shall be sent to the sub-Treasurer , * nd that only one'list acknowledging the same shall , hi future , be published . " Mr . DoYLB seconded the motion . Mr . O'Connor thought it the best mode to have all the monies paid to one place or person , and thea confusion would be prevented .
Mr . Wheelkr would , if adopted , conform to the resolution ; but he maintained , that the proper busincBS mode was , that the orders fhouid be made payable to the Treasurer , come through the Secretary , and , by him , be handed over immediately to the sub-Treasurer . ' ' : " Mr . Clark maintained , the proper way was to transmit the money direct to the sub-Treasurer . Mr . M'Grath moved , — "Thatall monies be transmitted direct to Mr . O'Connor . " Mr . Clark seconded the motion . Mr . Wild moved , — " That all monies be made payable to the Treasurer , be forwarded to the Secretary and , by him , transmitted to the sub-Treasurer . "
' Mr . Rouse seconded the amendment . The question was then put , and Mr . M'Grath's resolution was declared to be carried . The Conference then adjourned tor an hour for tea . ¦• ¦ ¦ "¦ - . ¦¦'' '' ' "¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦•
EVEKING SITTING . Mr . Cuffat moved" That no district treasurer shall retain any sum exceeding five pounds in his hands , but shall remit the funds to the sub-treasurer . " Mr . O'Connor seconded the motion , which was unanimously adopted . Mr . O'Connor moved" That in the event of a transfer of shares , the peraonB so transferring shall pay one shilling , such shilling to go to the local funds . " Seconded by Mr . M'Grath , and carried unanimously . .
DUTIES OF DIRECTORS . " The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to superintend the whole business ef the Company . They shall see to the strict enforcement of the rules , they shall issue every quarter a balance sheet , pro * perly attested by the auditors , treasurer , and subtreasurer , settiBg forth the exact financial position of the Company , they shall endeavour , to the best of their ability , by publio meeting , lectures , prospectuses , advertisements , < tc , to promote the general welfare of the Company . " Mr . Wild seconded the motion , which was carried . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ Mr . Robb moved—• ' That members have the preference as regards employment en the Company ' s works . " Seconded by Mr . ' Cavil . : An amendment'was moved by Mr . Shaw . 4
' That the part of rule eight , relative to employment , be atruck out , on the ground that the directors should have the complete coRtroul , and that the most complete confidence existed in Mr . O'Connor ' s management . " . ' .:.. ¦ The expulsion of the portion of rule 8 wa » carried .
TREASURER . W . P . Roberts , Esq ., was unanimously elected treasurer . Mr . Donovan moved" That the best thanks of this Conference are due , and hereby given , ' to William Prowting Roberts , Esq ., for the excellent mode in which he has performed bis duty during the past year . " ¦ ¦ ' Carried by acclamation .
SUB-TREASURKR . Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., was unanimously appointed , with like acclamations , and a vote of thanks awarded , ( with every demonstration of applause ) , for bis past services . AUDII 0 R 3 . Messrs . William Cuffay , and James Knight , were unanimously appointed auditors for the ensuing year . ' A vote of thanks was awarded to those gentlemen .
ARBITRATORS . Mr . Wim moved : — " That the present rule relative to arbitrators stand . " Mr . O'Connor seconded the motion . A short debate arose , iu which Meaara . Dontran and Wild took part . Mr . O'Connor , to meet the wishea expressed , moved , and Mr . Brook seconded : — " That each locality , as speedily as possible , shall proceed to the appointment of two arbitrators , who in case of any dispute in any locality shall appoint one umpire , and to this court shall all'disputes in the localities be referred , and whose decision shall be communicated to the directors , and shall be conclusive and binding , and all expenses connected with such arbitration shall be defrayed as the court of arbitrators shall decide . "
Mr . Wild withdrew bis motion and gave his support to that moved by Mr . O'Connor . Mr . Suaw withdrew his , and moved instead : — "That should any dispute arise , the aggrieved party shall appoint , two persons , two others to be chosen by those complained of , the directors shall name another , who shall investigate the matter in dispute , and whose decision shall be final and binding . " Mr . O ' Connor ' s motion was declared to be carried .
LOCAL EXPENSES . On the motion of Messrs . Dixon and Donovan the following resolution was adopted ;—" That a graduated scale of local expenses be laid down by the directors , and that they ; make rules for the enforcement of the same . "
SALARIES OF DIRECTORS . Mr . Dosova ^ i moved — "That one scale of Balary be adopted , and that the scale for the directors , secretaries included , ba thirty-five shillings per week . " Mr . Smyth seconded the motion . Mr . C off ay moved ;—/ That the directors ' salary shall henceforward be two pounds per week each . " Mr . Smart seconded the amendment . Mr . O'Connor bore hii testimony to the great service rendered by his brother directors . Mr . Dixon , in supporting the amendment , referred to the great expenses incurred by the directors when travelling .
Mr . Burrell did not think the members of the directory beneficially employed in superintending the labour on the estate of the company , but thought the money not too much when travelling to propagate the principles ot the company . Mr . O'Connor explained that when- the directors were employed superintending the labour on an estate , they did not confine themeelves to this work , but propagated the objects of the company in all the surrounding towns and villages . Mr . Ross thought the sum should be two guineas . Mr . Gilberison would support tbe amendment . Mr , Donovan said his object was gained in putting the whole of the members of the board of directors on a level , he would therefore withdraw hiB , and
support Mr . Cunay's proposition . Mr . Cunay ' s motion was carried . Mr . Donovan said they had thought and arranged for all the directors except Mr . O'Connor , aid he thought they ought now to do something for Mr . O ' Connor , and lie trusted the conference would digest it , and Bay what it should be , he thought whatever should be , might be charged as rent . Mr . O'Connor had stated the large sums it had cost him in travelling to see estates , and he ( Mr . O'Connor ) did not think that it could be expected that one man should give his entire time , and spend his fortune , for twelve thousand persons . Mr . Bhook . was very desirous that this important matter should be provided for , and he would there , fore move the following : —
" That it is the opinion of this conference that all the expenses of Mr . O'Connor in travelling to visit estates , and others incurred in superintending the affairs of this company , be charged to the estates purchased . " Mr . T . R . Smart seconded the motion . Mr . O'Connor , on being asked if estates could not be purchased without visiting them , showed the things required—sucli as minutely examining the land , ascertaining the price of materials , &c , which eoulil only be done by a persona ! visit . Mr . Shaw moved , and Mr . Smyth seconded , an amendment slightly differing in words with that of Mr . Brook . Question put , and Mr . Brook ' s motion carriod unanimously .
Mr . Brook ' s deferred motion , "to ref ^ r the remaminjt portion of tho rules , whether with' those that were carried , and the principles laid down by the present Conference , to the directors for rovi ' sion , who , with the aid of a solicitor , were instructed to revise
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and prepare , . and . wordthem .. „ such a manner as should be conformable to the Registration Act , was carried unanimously ^ 5 ; 1 ^; < : ! * ' •'' •¦ * ' y ; The discussion on the programme was again re-Buroedy ' ¦ " ¦ ' •• < ; ' ¦" ¦ ¦ »• " : i . /' .:- £ :. ?! : > : _ ! ,., ¦ .- ¦ .-. ! ¦ . ; ¦ : < ¦ . ¦ - > : Mr . O ' Connor stated / the question now was how maohflhould be spent on the improvement of the landforthe ' allotteeg , and whether it could be legitimately charged out of the fifteen pounds on a share allowed the allottees on taking possession ? It was for this Conference to answer the question . Mr . Donovan said they had debated the motion for three months , in Manchester , before five hundred persons ; and he thought the best way would be to let the directors bare the power to expend mbtiej for that purposo / at their discretion . Mr . O'Connor would move , — ?
•• That the directors have the power to expend money for this purpose at their discretion , " . Mr . Conn seconded the motion . , ; Mr . Smyth supported it . Mr . Smart said , it was in accordance with his instructions , and hence he would support it . Theque 8 tion was put , and Mr . O'Connor ' s motion declared to be carried unanimously . LOCATION ON THE HBRRINGSGATE ESTATE . Mr . 'O'Connor said , February was a bad month for location ; it was generally wet : and if there was a time when trade was good that was the time . He therefore hoped the Conference would adopt the 5 th of March , 1847 , as the houses would be well aired
by that time , and the directors well prepared to re . cei ve the allottees ; It was his and their duty to see the interest of the Company looked to even at the expense ot deferring the hopes of the thirty-five individuals for a short time . Mr . IlAitwunovedj—«* eibw •• That the allottees take possession of their allot * ments at . Herringsgate , ; on the 25 th day of March , Mr . Page seconded the motion . Mr Donovan moved , — ' . . ' •• That the directors be empowered to cultivate the land , and prepare it fer . the allottees , and that the allottees , take possession on the first day of May ,
1847 . Mr . Shaw seconded the amendment . Mr . Wild supported , ; the proposition of Mr . Donovan , ,, . ; , . ..... . Mr . Rodsb Baid , the month of February was a busy time in the garden , and he should not | like it to be : so long deferred as May-day . . ' Mr . Conn said , Mr . Griffith , a resident at Worcester , was the fortunate holder of a prize at Herringsgate , . lie had given up his place , and would have nowhere to igo to—whattwas to become of Martin Griffith and his family ? ,: ;; i , : Mr . Siirrnsaid , there were several hard cases ; but it would be for the : general good . . They would then nnd the land cultivated , and everything prepared for them . . , . .. .. . ; Mr . Cuffay looked upon the motion before them as a breach of faith , which he , for . one , should oppose , both by speech and vote .
Mr . Wild said , he was as anxious as Mr . Cuffay for location , but he would rather defer the time for a season than cause a failure by precipitancy . Question put , - and Mr . Donovan ' s amendment declared to be carried , . . IHS LAND COMPANY ' S CENTRAL OFFICE . Mr . O'Connor expressed a wish , that 83 they wore about to start a bank , the house in which the office was held should then be solely occupied by the Company . Mr . M'Grath explained how the premises were occupied at present . Mr . Brook thought this was a subject that might be left to the directors . After Messrs . Shaw , Clark , Cuffay , O'Connor , Donovan , Rouse , and Wheeler had addressed the conference on the subject , a motion was made by Mr . J , Shaw , and adopted 1 ,
.. ELECTION- OP DELEGATES . On this subject the following resolution , proposed by Mr . Shaw , seconded by Mr . Donovan , was adopted . 1 *'' : . _ .. = ¦ " ¦ " That , at the next election for delegates to the Land Conference , the directors shall arrange the time when , such elections shall take place , but it being desirable that , purity of election should be preserved , all such elections shall take place at ene and the same time , and that fourteen days shall intervene between the election and the assembling of Conference . " ' ¦ ' '•¦ '
BOARD OF BIRBCT 0 K 8 . On the motion of Messrs . Page and Conn , the thanks of the Conference were unanimously awarded to the Board of Directors for their exertions in bsing instrumental in raising the Company to its present elevation . . ;• . THE OVERSEER OP THE COMPANY ' S WORES . A vote of thanks was unanimously awarded to Mr . Henry Cullingham , [ for the great attention and interest he has invariably Bhown for the Company ' s prosperity in his capacity of overseer . Mr . Collinohau rose to acknowledge the compliment , loudly applauded , upon which several delegates seized the opportunity of asking questions relative to the materials used at Herringsgate , all of which Mr . Cullingham answered to the full satisfaction of the Conference , and , having acknowledged the compliment paid him , resumed his seat . PLACE OF MKKTIMB PO 3 THE NEXT CONFERENCE .
It was at length resolved on the motion of Mr Sbaw , , "That the next Annual Conference of the Company shall be held at Nottingham . " A vote of thanks was then awarded to Mr . James Swiset for the strictly impartial , able , &nd dighified manner in which he had pre-ided over the deliberations of the Conference from the commencement of its sittings to its close . The passing of this vote was received- with the loud and hearty applause of the whole of the delegates . Mr . Sweet having made a reasonable response ,
The Conference was then-dissolved precisely at one o ' clock on Saturday morning , having sat unti thia late hour , ' in order to gire tlie delegates the opportunity of returnrng home within the week .
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GEORGIE MILLS NEAR EDINBURGH . This branch of the Chartist Co- operative Land Company , held their quarterly meeting , on Monday , December Tth , when Mr . Charles Wolly and Mr . William Sommeryille were appointed to audit and examine the books . which were found correct ; Mr . William Mcchin secretary , and John Lemmon treasurer were again re-elected . Moved by Mr . W , Sommerrilie , and seconded by Mr . C . Wolly : — That this branch of the Chartist Co-operative Land Company , do hereby tender their grateful thanks to Mr . William Mecbin , their secretary , for his valuably and gartuitoua services . The motion was put to the meeting and unanimously carried . Wioan . —We the members of the Wigan branch , return a vote of-thanks-to John Bootle , delegate Lv Wigan and district .
Leeds . —A numerous meeting of the Land Company , was held on Sunday afternoon in the' bazaar , when Mr . Brook gave a lengthened report of the Conference , which gave general satisfaction , more especially that part which Btated that a Bank of Deposit is to be established . This step of the Conference has given universal satisfaction . An unanimous vote of thanks were given to Mr . Brooks for bis services , and . a vote of confidence in Mr . O'Connor . The question was then brought forward respecting Mr . O'Connor and the Defence Fund , when after some discussion , a collection was made , and a committee appointed to canvas the town with booka ,
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WEST RIDING DELEGATE MEETING . This meeting was held according to notice , on Sunday last , in the Working Man ' s Hall , Halifax . Mr . Jackson in tbe chair . The minutes of the last meeting were read over , and confirmed . After the money matter * had been settled , a long conversation ensued on the adoption of the National Petition , and the best means for obtaining signatures , and several arrangements were made for tbat purpose .. A resolution was carried" That there be a lery of one half-penny per member to defray the expenses of the meeting . " After the transaction of other business , the meeting was adjourned to the second Sunday in January .
CITY LOCALITY . At the usual weekly meeting of the members of the City Locality held on Sunday evening last . Mr . G . II . Tucker in die chair , The address from . the Chartists of Somers' Town was read , when the following was moved by Mr . Tapp and seconded by Mr . Tucker : — " That we , the City Chartists , beg to call the attention of the executive to the raising a fuud for registration and election purposes , and at all public meetings through , out the country the same be expressed , and furiher , that instructions to the same effect be g iven to all Chartist lecturers and sub-secretaries throughout the country . " It was then moved and seconded that three members be appointed to wait upon the executive on Wednesday evening next , at eight o ' clock , with respect to the above resolution . After some other preliminary business , the meeting adjourned to Sunday evening next , to meet at the George Inn , George-court , Snow-hill , at six o ' clock .
B 1 LST 0 N . Pitolic SuFPKit . —On Wednesday evening se ' nigbt , a public supper was held at Mr . Linney ' s , the White llorso Inn , when a goodly number of tliu friends of Democracy were present . The guest of th « evening was Mr . William Dixon of Manchester . After tho Mends had done- ample justice to the good things provided by the worthy host , tlie cloth was removed , and Mr . Fairburu was called to tin
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chair . The chairman gave ' '" The PeoDlfi ^ tiT ^ legitimate source of ' all power" which waS piM ° . ty ¦ man then introduced Mr ; Linney , who ; in asv * speech , proposed the health of Mr . William & * Mr . Dixon replied in a very , instructive andS ? resting discourse . . « Feargus O'Connor , E ? q S ; the Board of Directors of the Chartist ifc , Land Company ; » « The People ' s Charter , fflS * it speedily become the Law-of the Land ' " » T ? Health of the . Hoat and , Hostess . " " The Health % the Chairman , "&c , Ao / ii » - . riK £ dtoSf interesting speeches . It being then nearl y twelve 0 clock , the company separated . Each one histol delighted with , the evening ' s entertainment , I great number of new members have'been added tn the Land Branch in this town in the last fire or sir weeks . . v al * " . _ rV Ik r- t . a * '" --. ' ¦•^ - ^¦^•^ fc .
NORWICH . At the usual weekly meeting of the Chartiste of Nor wich , a subscription was . commenced-to assist in pa ? 1 ng the debt due to Mr ., O'Connor , and also to assist the Wh . g law made widow Mrs , Jones . Tte su bscnption will be kept open for three weeks .
- BRISTOL . Ata meeting of the members ofthe National Charter Association , residing here , the Mowing cesolu . tionswere adopted : — . . ° iU " That a subscription be entered Into for Mrs . ' Jones to close on the 81 st of this month . " ' " That this meeting regret the neceiilty of individual calls on the Chartist body , being of opinion that if the Victim fund was properly supported , it would render such calls unnecessary , therefore , we urge ' upon our fellow members and Chartist generally , to support the-Victim fund by a general contribution ,
MANCHESTER . On Sunday evening last , Mr . "William Diion ]«• tured in the People ' s Institute , on the Land aud the happy results of locating working men on the Bame . It was a soul stirring and heart touchioe lecture . . ' . 6
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Birmingham . —The quarterly meeting of the meni . ben of the Chartist Co-operative Land Company will be held at "Walter Thorn , ! ' Ill ; Rea-street . on Monday next , December 21 st , at eight o ' cloc k to fix a levy for local expenses for the ensuing cu&rter . The debt due to Mr . 0 ' Connhor , on behalf of the Defence fund , will be introduced , and a levy in . . traduced to assist in liquidating the debt- - Huddekspielt ) . —A meeting of tbe Chartists of the fluddersfield Locality will be held at ArmitageV Temperance Hotel , Paddock , on Sunday . totake into consideration the financial affairs of the Association Eahington Lank , near Durhara ;—Thig branch " of the Chartist Co-operative Land Company will meet on Sunday next , December 20 th , at two o ' clock p . m ., at John Hunter ' s public-honse . Brick Garth ' when the men of the surrounding neighbourhood will have an opportunity of joining this great and glorious institution .
> Lkicester . —A meeting of the Chartist Co-opera . tiveLand Company in this locality , will beheld in the Mayor ' s parlour atthe Town Hall , by permission of the Mayor , to receive the report of the delegate to the late Conference . The meeting to take place on the evening of Wednesday next , the 23 rd in . stant . at half-past seven o ' clock . Members alone will be admitted by card or ticket at the parlour en ~ trance . Leeds Town Cowcra . —Reports have gone round the public papers , that there are now no Chartists
in the Leeds Council . It will be gratifying to our readers to learn that this statement is entirely false , ind that Messrs , Brook and Robson are still members of that corporation ;; their , time of office does not expire until November 1 st , 1847- ,,-. Hebdbn Bridge . —A tea party and ball will be held in the Democratic Chapel , Bridge-lane . on Christmas-day . Tea on the table at four o ' clock . On Saturday , the 20 th of December , a ball will take place in the above room , to commence at five o'clock .- v ¦ . — '• ..--..
Stalybbibob . —The Association Room , King-ssreet , will l > e opened every Saturday , Sunday , and Monday evening for the next three weeks , for the purpose of receiving subscriptions for the Defence fund . . B 1 L 8 ION . — The Committee ' of the Chartist Cooperative Land Company will meet every Sunday and Wednesday evening to enrol members . Halifax . —A ball will be holden in the Working Man ' s Hall , on Christmas day , to commence atsevea o ' clock in the evening . Tickets , sixpenc each . Halifax District Land Company . —A meeting of delegates from each branch in the Halifax District , will be held in the room , Bull Close Lane , to-morrow , ( Sunday ) , at two ; o ' clock , in the afternoon , toexamine the merits of the late election .
Bradford . —On Sunday , the members of the Chartist Association will meet in their room , Butterworth Buildings at two o ' clock , in the afternoon , when a committee will be elected to adopt the best means of repaying the debt due to Mr . O'Connor on the defence fund . ; Nohth Brikblv . —A public meeting will be held in the Faint Revived Inn , on Sunday , at six o ' clock in tbe evening , to explain tbe principles of the Land Company , and hear the report of the Conference held in Birmingham . Thk Chartists of Daisy Hill will meet in their rooms , on Sunday , at ten o ' clock in the forenoon . Tjib Chartists of Manninghara Trill meet in their ronm , on Snnday morning , at ten o ' clock . Tub Chartists of Bilston are requested to attend at the house of Mr . Joseph Linney , on Sunday evening , December 20 th . WieAN . —A meeting of shareholders will take place at six o ' clock , on Sunday evening , December 20 th , at Silvester Booties , Burn ' s Yard , Scholes .
Shobtohch , —On Tuesday evening next , December 22 nd , a discussion on Trades' Unions will take place at Mr . Taylor's Railway Engine coffee-house , 122 , Brick-lane , near Church-street . Lancashire Miners , —The next General Delegate Meeting of Lancashire Miners will beheld , on Monday , the 28 th of December , at the sign of the Geprge and Dragoon , BiUinge , near' St . Helens . Chair to be taken at eleven o ' clock in the forenoon . There will also be a public meeting , -which -will be aAdresseA by W . P . Roberts , Esq ., and several of the accredited aeents of the Miners' Association .
Hull . — The Chartists will meet , on Sunday evening next , ( to-morrow ) , at six t ' clock , at the Ship Inn , Church-line , when a discussion will be opened on the Banking System as connected with the Working Classes . The Chartist Co-operative Land Company hold their weekly meetings at the above place , every Tuesday evening , at seven 0 clock . Liverpool . —The quarterly meeting of the Charter Association will be held at Mr . Farrell ' s Temperance Hotel , No . 4 , Caznean-street , on Sunday next , the 20 th instant . Chair to be taken at seveno ' clock . . _ _ ..
Oldham . — On Sunday , ( to-morrow ) , Mr . Daniel Donovan will deliver his second lecture on Irish History , ir . the gohool-room , of the Working Man ' g Halt , at six o ' clock in the evening . Lekds . — Dr . M'Douall will deliver two lecturesto-morrow afternoon , at half-past two , and evening , at half-past six o ' clock , in the bazaar . Asseublv Rooms , S 3 , Dean-9 treet , Soho . —Tha Proprietory Committee are requested to meet at six o ' clock precisely , on business of urgent importance , on Sunday evening , December 20 th ' . Laat . Madk Widow . —A harmonic meeting will beheld at the Coach-painters' Arms , Circus-street ,, Marylebone , for the benefit of the wife of our expatriated friend Jones . Tickets , three-pence each . To commence at eight o ' clock precisely .
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Died , December 14 th , 18 t 6 , at Perehore ; Worcester shire , ftgsd fifty-two years , Jemima , the beloved wife of Mr . John Sidotvuy , of the above place . Death of a Democeat . — Died , at Dumfries on the morning of Tuesday , tlie , 8 th inst ., of rheumatic fever , Mr , George Lewis , nailmaker , aged fifty-four . The deceased was , for several years a steady , zealoua , and most UBeful member of the Dumfries and Maxweltown Working Miri ' s Association , and only resigned the treaeurer-Bhipof that society , the . night previous to his . lamented death . He was followed to the grave on the 10 th , by & numerous concourse of neighbours , brother democrats and fellow members of the Temperance and Wesleywv societies . Who in thus paying the last gad tribute of
respect to modest wortb , gave expression to a serrow diffused » s widely , as be to whose memory it was offered was known Peace to'his ashes I And if in the sleep of death , dreams do come , may his be lightened with bright visions of the beautifiul and true of the triumphed of that" good old causa" which while he lived waa so near his heart . It will be long , long indeed , ere those with whom he fought shoulder to shoulder under the oriflamme of freedom mill allow the hearty , f rand and generous grating of George Lewis to fade their remembrance . [ We must add our tribute of regret for the loss of » patriot whom we once knew personally , and honoured for his moral worth and sterling fidelity to the democratic came . —Ed . N . S . I
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Tub Expedition- of General Florks . — The coalson board tlie Glenclg , tlie flag-ship of General Plores , were publicly sold on Monday , according tOa notice posted on the Coal-exchange , by Messrs . Ohavlton and Watson , of St . Mavy-at-hill , in pursuance of an order of the Honourable Board ot Customs ; and thereupon it would appear that tne . rovernment authorities have determined upon vigorous mersures for the suppression of this lll-dL'SignecL expedition .
Chutist %Mxh Coinpanp.
Chutist % mxH Coinpanp .
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GOart&t -inttiifgtntt *
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street , Havmarket , in the City ot Ofliee , in ' the same Street and Parish , for the Pro . ; liiictor , l'BAHGUS O'CONNOR , Esq ., and published L- - ffLLIASt JlEVTfT , of Xu . IS , Cliarks-strcef , U" » n . Um-siroct , Wulwurth , in thu Parish of St . Mary , . Ne « iugton , in the County of Surrey , at the Olii-e . _> o . 6 GreatvViuilnrilUirect , IUymaiktt , in tl . e Cuj- _ of Wi ! = tir . iiistw , Saturday , December 10 . ! & «•
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THE NORTHEtlN STAR . December 19 , \ 8 ifi W m - - ' - ' - - - ^^^^^^^^^ g ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ . ¦ - - naar L ^ — B i ^ —r ¦ . ^^ ^^^^^— ^^^^^ m . u - ¦! ^ , ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ - > C . " - •" .. . -1 . - - ¦ - . ¦¦ ¦ —i ^^^™—*^^ M ^^ T ^* ? i ' " —ii ' ¦ ¦ _ ¦ ¦
Westminster At Tne L≫Riiiti!Ilbvdougalm'go'≫\ R An, Of 16, Great Windmill
Westminster at tne l > riiiti ! ilbvDOUGALM'GO '>\ AN , of 16 , Great Windmill
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 19, 1846, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1397/page/8/