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THE PATRIOT PENSIO NERS . Think of the sufferings and feebleness of these vali oU veterans in the cause of freedom—Smart , ston , and O 14 . Daaay ; - _ be determined totubseribe penny a month to keep them alive their full time . " ^ rpeal m their behalf from vhe Teltrant ' , Opham , ' and Fictimj' Committtt . ' Well , Arnott , I again repeat I am forced to submit he Devil ' s law , and the regulations of the Devil's Irs ; at least for a time—how long . I know not : hut norrow ' s sun will see me a prisoner in a more ¦ Md « d place than Stafford G * ol . "— Letter from Daddy hards , dated TIanley , March the 8 : 1 ) , 1317 .
fcy ! more than " think , " ye working men , of tbeso This noble trio—noble in their need ; And do as well as think , far they , indeed , dive claims to make the very heart ' e-blood freeze , For what they ' ve tri < d and done , to sow the seed Of Freedom ' s sovereign happiness , and seize On the fell foe that has so long decreed Tour " order " to the chain in all its worst degrees . Ss t . ave they toiled to serve , sincere nd stern , — Stern in their truth , as all true men mast be ; And now in agfl and helplessness , they earn The right to share , that shuddering pauper fee The workhouse qives ! Then ronse ye , instantly . Ye poor men with rich hearts , and active goodness learn . A SlUPlTBIZEt
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JUST INSTIKCT AND BRUTE REASON . » r A MAKCHESTEft OFESATIYE . ( From "Sinoia ' * Journal . " ) Keen Hank , on that old elm-bough gravely sitting , Tearing that singing-bird with desperate Skill , Great Nature says that what tbou dost is fitting- " Through instinct , and for hunger , thoa dost kill . Rend thon the yet warm flesh , 'tis thy vocation ; Mind thon hast nons—nor dost thoa Untnnmind Kay , thon , no d . mbt , art gentle in thy station , Anil , when thon killest , ait most promptl y kind . On other tribes tbelishtnine of toy pinion
Flashing descends—nor always on the weak : In other Hawks , the mates of thy dominion , Thou dost not flesh tby talons and thy beak . 0 , natural Hawk , onr lords of wheels and spindles Gorge as it grows the liver of their kind : Once in their clutch , both mind and body dwindles—* For Gain to Mercy is both deaf and blind . 0 , instinct there is none—nor show of reason , But outrage grosi on God and Nature ' s plan , With rare&t gifts in blashphemy and treason , That Man , the sealed , sUouldpieCHnealnjurder Mm
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AN EARLY SPRING PICTURE . larch in his wakening strength ! The weBt wind , lond Using in vigorous and sonorous play , U oneehas hurried from the heavens away their slumbrons gues's of shadow and of cloud . [ "he earth smiles greenly , as if glad and proud to feel the sunlight , faintly though it fall . 3 nt what a rich transparency o ' er all I Sky , air , and rushing waters , are endowed E ? 1 ; b a surpassing brightness , clear and blue . Flashed are the far woods , and a violet hue Hngts the fir horizon . 'Tis a day rtiat breathes its vigour through heart , soul , and frame ; Cares , like the clouds , and pains are chased away . Oh ! for a life where each day was the same ! William Howitt .
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SIMMOXDS'S COLONIAL MAGAZINE . London : Simmonds and Ward , Barge Yard , Bucklerebury . It is dow some time rince vre noticed this vcrv useful and well-conducted magazine . The numbers for January , February , and March are before us , and contain an almost inexhaustible mass of information and entertainment of the first importance to all interested in onr colonial empire . The following are the titles of some of the most interesting articles in these tkree nambera : — " Life in the Jungle , or Letters from a Coffes Planter in Ceylon ; " " Mining Operations in onr Colonies ; " " Reminiscences of the Island of Cuba ; " "Colonial Reform : " Notes on
Scinde ; " " The Requirements of the West Indies ;" "Some Account of Kashmir ; " " Australian Sketches ; " "The State of Jamaica ; " "Dr . Leichhardt ' slate discoveries in Australia ; " "Account of Sierra Leone ; " " The Commerce of Singapore ; " " The cultivation of the cane , and the manufacture of its products ; " - 'The Lakes of North America ; " and ( in each number ) " The Editor ' s 2 *« ote-Book . " It would takemndi more space than we can afford to state the merits of these various articles , suffice it to say . that the ability exhibited by the writers claim for their productions the patronage of the reading world at laree ; but particularly that section interested in colonial affairs .
Everyone has heard of " Kashmir shawls , " " The Rose of Kashmir , " &c . < fcc , and of a place so famous every person—but especially the ladies—will be glad to learn something . There can be no doubt tbat the people of Kashmir would be a virtuous and happy wee bat for the vices of their rulers . The natives of Kashmir have been always considered as amongst the roost lively and ingenious people of Asia , and deservedly so . The following extract illustrates their industry and cleverness : —
TIIK FLOATING GABDESS Of KASHMIR . Another and an important use made of the abundant water surfaces of Ka'hmir , is the formation of floating gardens . Various aquaticplants spring from the bottom of tie lakes , as water-lillies , conferv » , sedges , reeds , &e . and as the boats which traverse these waters , take generally the shortest lines they can pursue to the place of their destination , the lakes are . iu some parts , cut , as it were , in avenues amongst the plants , which in shallows , are separated by bees of sedgesand reed * . In the latter places the neighbouring farmer attempts to estaDliEU Ills Cucumber and melon float * by cutting off the roots of the iqaatic plants jus * mentioned , about two feet under tlie * attr , eo that they completely lose all connection with
the bottom of the lake , but retain their former situation ir . reject to each other . When thus detached from the soil , they are pressed into somewhat closer contact , and formed into beds of about tiro yards in . breadth , and of an indefinite length . The heads of the sedges , reeds , and ether plants of the float are now cut off and laid upon iU turfac-, and covered with a thick coat of mud , which , at first intercepted in its descent , gradually sinks into the mass o > matted roots . The bed floats , but is kept in itsjJac ; bj a stake of willow driven through it at each end , which admits * of rising or falling in accommodation to the rise or fall of the water . By means of a long pole thrust amongst the weeds at the bettom of the lake from the side of a boat , and turned round several times in the ame direction , a quantity of confervas and of other pants are torn off from the bottom and carried in th » boat to the platform , where the weeds ere twisted into
conical mounds , about two feet ia diameter at their base , and of ihe same height , terminating at thetcp in a hollow , which is filled with fresh soft mud , drawn from the wttora of the lake , to which sometimes wood ashes are added , though much more frequently omitted . The urtntrLas in preparation a large number of cucumber ana melon plants , which have been raised UHder mats ana of these , when they have four leaves , he p ! a «» wh V ' r v 5 n tllebasin cf erei * cone « " > oand , of which a double row runs along the eige of every bed , « aooat two feet distance from each other . No further « r- is mctssary , except that of collecting the fruit , fa the expense of preparing the platforms and conei » coBfined to the value cf the labour , which altogether U trifling , as the work is Tery soon done . Perhaps a awe economical method of raising cucumbers cannot w devised , and though the narrow beds are ordinarily almost in contact by their sides , yet , by their flexible
nature , they are so separable that a small boat may be readily pushed between the lines without injuring tlieir structure , and , for the most part , they will bear a aas . 'f wtight , rut . generally , the fruit is picked off from toe boat . I traversed a tract of about fifty acres of tt « e floating gardens of cucumbers and melons , and » a » not above halfa-doxen unhealthy plants ; nor , !! . ? „ ¦ . SfcCn t IntbeCUcninberand neloa P ° mi * «¦ «» e Ticimty of very populous cities in Europe or in Asia , thf , n rf netI ' \ nSeofplantil 1 8 sttte « « Mj Wealthy , * E 2 ££ obscrrcdi «* " * ™ w ° « frr m H ^ J ?* t ?" Ic 11 amnSed bv the **«¦ of letters &dnn % JT . Mv > * l «> to his cousin in i ! o i' Tt K * " , tlie Jun S le - " The writer , w » is a thftmne 1 i . brcd cocknev . U H ™™ . '
neuuer a coxcomb nor a milksop , but everv inch a Ja , zrA tovinn determined to take tE ^ nk < J * s * , despite all the wondcre and annovXS J « pted country . In the mouth of April the heat * as soj-reat that the perspiration ran down LU s ^ nd mtmd fltt bk ! He was l ^ ing iJa < £ , T' VbeK > What wifhthe hcatfthemos-» -s , black Bcrran-s , &c , he got no rarat a ! l ! * owYTh i ^ 1 ™ pndent , rich androgoiah fer- ^ vil € chapel J ^ ' on !* «> cj tell a lie with CHrVfe *? " * " ?• contrived to swindle his wife f » ra « w ' ° f £° m r e twenty pounds in return <** * « i ; tv i 1 'i c » ri ;* i t « Sar , d nick-nacks n « * , S *» ^»| a » Bt « Se , l » nt the teacher knew Hcotl ' er n r Ln ?' ' «> P ° or Brown had to hire Oar « w ,. ; lve te "" terpret what the teacher said ! tike ill i f ? tLe meat alwminaWp , something * W *; r > andevor - vthin S eIse ncarl . * htf > h » t , 1 "ne-applES . wliieli th , yr troro n « f hIIavoH tn
ten oV ' ^ ; i ? to c ; iU ! : e sickness ! His superinh niu ^ f " , ! " coolies" was * Portuguese , *«* Eown W < i ?? ^" wco LndirigTroncIr , whom '*<¦ 5 S 1 SS W 1 * 5 n . ^ ling Mr Trcnk ! " " 'Sd * in « i , l ,, 1 - r d L ° , ' ourne ? t 0 the janele fc wff , 7 ! f " « ccnery in some parts aDd Kh&lrT l 8 fame out of Kicbm . n ' l-hill I a ! l " , r ; ,- r&it - acd "beats Burford ' d Penny . " * £ IS ''?? , , a ! 1 ! " , «• . ^ K « dy . 7 -Wai Ol tejion . a shocking bad place : the
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——————¦—¦^ " ^ ii^——kitchens reminded him of " the dog ' s-meat shops * Cow-cross , where they bile the pepr old dead horse ' only the Singhalee kitchen is dirtier by a good deal ' . ' ' But this ia not the worst ; here is a specimen of LIFE IN KANDT . I shall never forget the first ni ght we spent in Kandv net If I live to the age of old What ' s-his-name . On one sWe of our mis ? ruble hut was a Buddhiut Temple , with about half-a-dozen holy elephants in it ; and what must frte wretchid heathens do , but beat great drutni , called tom . tonw . ann Wow asort of bagpipe , all the blesied night loag ! It was their new year , so I suppose the elephants was a-k » e ; . iug their Christmas holidays . There never was such an unearthl y nois « as they kicked up , except perhaps in the incantation seene in "Der * reeshootz . " Sleep was out of the question ; so I had the felicity of walking in the verandah during the night , occasionally going in to quiet the children . _ kitchens reminded him . of "the dog ' s-meat shoos *
Ia the morning that nuisance was succeeded by another as bad ; for on sur other side ws a nasty KttU- papistioal chapel , and it being some great festival oftbeRomans , they had a succession of singing all the day long , interspersed with a second edition of the tom-tom * and higpipes , when the elephants had their dinner . Ilad it been fine , I should have strolled out and sought quiet ; hut no—as if to try my temper , it set in a regular soaking day—none of your April showers , none of jour waterincpot sprinklings , but a regular Falls of Niaggarum . It rained shower-baths . Half the tiles on our roof were hroken ; so we had a dozen or two ot private-water-spouts inside the house , which amu « ed me during the day in
placing pots , pans , and cocoa-nut shells to catch the rain in . Fancy my situation ! But jou can't fanry an j . thing half so full of despair . Porigmg between the loose cattle in Smithfield on a rainy day , with pantaloons and pumps on , would have been comparatively an agreeable recreation ! There was the chapela > singing , the drums and bagpipes a-coaxing the six elephants to cat tlieir broth , the rain si-pouring like horse-beans upon the roof , with an occasional gust of wind taking off another tile , my wife crumbling , the young ones crying and asking for dinner , the black servants hollowing like mad things , and I , poor " pill garlick , " trying to keep our bed dry by sitting on it with an umbrella over my head .
His " coolies" not a little astonished Mr . Brown , particularly as regard ; their household arrangements . Everybody has heard of the wonderful doings of the patron-saint of the sister-isle : — "Hurrah for bold St . Patrick ' s fist , He was a saint so clever ; He gave the snakes and toads a twist , And banish'd them for ever . " Jlis saint-ship appears to be sadly wanted where friend Brown is , to wa <; e war aeaimtthe
CITIONESE VEKHIN . 'What a country this is for vermin , insects , and other animals , to be sure ! What with the antB , the musquitoes , and the cockroaches , we ' ve been at no loss for COnV pany . A grocer ' s shop in the very midst of tutnmer , with twelve sugar hogsheads just opentd , is nothing at all compared to my bungalow on a fine calm day . We ' ve white ants and black ants , and before long , I dare say I shall meet with some sky-blue «> nts . We can't take a cup of tea or a bit of bread , but we're sure to get a mouthful of some everlasting creeping things ot other . But the white ants are the most outrageous chaps of the lot : nothing comes amiss to them , let it be an oak chest , a pair . f boots , or a silk dress , and a neighbour assurei me on his voracity , that they ' re not over-particular with a copper-kittle , or a crow-bar , or a pickaxe , if they hap . pen to be lather sharp-set ; I mean the ants , not the tools .
I think nothing of having a doxen rats scampering over me in the night , or of being nibbled abit at the tses while asleep ; and they're such whoppers ! I recollect before we had seen anj ef them about , Mrs . Brown woke me one night and whispered gently in my ear , " Brown , " said she , " the pigs is all got loose , and thev ' re getting on the bed —look- ! what shall we do ! " Well , I leoked , and sure enough there was about a score of sharp peaked heads a bobbing up and down as though they was . all making curtseys ; but after abit I began to see they was no pigs at all , but only rats—regular old granlfathirs . Deuce would they bulge until I had flung my clothes at them . Airain : —
There ' s one coafort in being up here on the bill , wt're away from thos ^ confounded bloody-minded musquitoes . But we ' ve the ants and the leeches to make up for themy It would frighten some people to see the leeches a walking about on their nasty little India-rubber tails in swamp , ground where they swarm as thick as lawyers or crows 1 den ' t like them at all ; they look like so many unhealthy , undersized , black darning needles 1 Wearing leech gaiters over my trousers I manage pretty well ; but poor Mrs B . did ' nt eke pa ; the piper the first time she tried the uncleared jungle '! It ' s true she put on two pair of stockings ; but as I said , you might tvery bit as well try to keep off musquitoes with a cabbage net I warned her of the consequences ; told her I wae sure the leeches , if they didn't bite through , wouldn ' t crawl over stockings , and get upon her legs . " Nonsense ,
Brown , " said she , " I'm quite sure the leecheB would not do anything of the sort , they wouldn ' t behave half so rudely . " " Very well , " says I , " wait and see ; " anc lure enough we did see . Robert ^ peare , after he had guiljtined the Emperor of France and his family , didn ' t cut half such a sanguinary figure as my wife on her return home . It took me about an hour to pick the leeches off her , and another to stop the bleeding , and my rice and curry getting cold ail the time . Not altogether satisfied with Mr Trunk , friend Brown tried to ' get an English superintendent ; he succeeded , hut was very glad to get rid of him again as fast as possible . This worthy was a dirty , bejewelled , perfumed , moustached cockney , who had
come out as doctor to some ship , and wished to locate in Ceylon . __ Eight o ' clock in the morning was too early for him to turn out , he had never left his room till ten o ' cUwk , and was not going to turn ever a new leaf now ! Poor Brown next tried his hand at " converting the heathen , " but The chaps can't read my books , and so they ' re of no Use . I ara now trying what some Singhalese tracts will do for them . I gave them two a-piece all round last Saturday night , to rend on the next day ; but what was my disappointment , on walking trat very early in the morning , to find they had every man jack of ' em turned their tracts into kitf s , and were flying them in the air . This was certainly a damper to my real .
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A Letter from PtUr Carroll toJohiBull , on the Ori gin ' iVfUure and Conduct of the Landlords of Inland . Liverpool : T . Kenny , Whitechapel . So far as the exposure of Irish Landlordism goes , this pamphlet is calculated to be of good service in opening the eyes of John Bull to a sense of the unparalleled crimes of the master brigands of the Irish soil . Peter Carroll ' s remedies do not claim equal approbation ; their enforcement misht palliate , but would not eradicate the wrongs of the Irish people . Handing over the landlords ' estates to the landlords ' creditors , would certainly relieve the people from one set of blood-suckers , but the great curse of landlordism would still remain , lias Peter Carroll never thought of the possibility of banishing landlords altogether ? Although the general tone of this pamplilet is worthy of approval , we mustroakeesception to Peters charging all the crime 3 of the English government and aristocracy to the account of the tngh h people . His argument throuehout is IwhpH
upon the assumption that the English government represents the English people , which Peter must know is not the case . So far from the English people being fairly chargeable for the injuries inflicted upon Ireland , they have given unquestionable proofs of tneirdesire to restore to the Irish people their full natural rights as men and citizens . On the other hand , the Irish people , acting under the baleful influence of villanous political Mokannas , have repaid the fraternal advances of their English brethren with hatred and scorn . We speak of this in soi row not in anger , but the truth is the truth . Had the Irish co-operated with the English people in a cninmon struggle forpolitical rights and social justice , they would , ere this , have been in a position to nave settled with their infernal landlords at on « e and forever . Will the Irish even now fling away the national prejudices with which scoundrels liavoinnnculated them , and co-operate with the people of this country for their common good ? We shall see .
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The JBner ' s Advocate . Edited by William Daniells , March . Isle of Man : 27 , Atholl-street , Douglas . This month ' s number contains able articles on the " Sanatory Improvement of the Mining Districts ;" "The Coal Mines" ( a scientific history ); " Geography—Russia : ' " Miners' Meetings ; " and a mass of luformation on other subjects of no small interest to the class to whom the Advocate is particularly addressed .
iiofiti of PiMM—Jiivdationt from Oxford . London : W . Strange , Paternoster-row . This tract it seemingly a re-print from a new publication we have not yet S 8 en-the Oxford Magazine . The writer of the article ably and boldly exposes the Puseyites , at the same time not sparing others . He makes arciul havoc with our Protestant kings , priests and aristocrats , whom he proves to have been Protestante , merely because by Protestantism they under f tood public plunder and profligacy . Thou Rh " stoutlv opposed to the Church of Rome , he is not shy of exposing the deformities of the Church of En » land
TIte Currency Question . By Edmund Taunton . Happening to see the last paragraph of thii pamphlet , we have been Epared the trouble of a iunher pi'twal . Here is the precious paragraph , printed in the same type ns the pamphlet : — . " MAY ( 50 D LONG PRESERVE OUR WARMgKSu s , S ? ° ' GRAC 10 US ' 'lhe man who writes such tremendous fudge as wo have here quoted , must be crazy . Of course wo arc rclier-. d fruia the ta > k of reading his pamphlet .
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Spriso—Spring is conic ! She may , perhaps . be at first mUtaken for Winter . She may not at once hare taken otfher travelling garb and rough wrap
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pings , bat here she ie . As she begins to throw off one dark and shaggy habiliment after another , we see not our old-fashioned friend Winter , with his hardy , wrinkled face , and his keen eye , full of cutting jokes , and those horny hands that , in his m re playfulness , nipped us mercilessly by the ear . and often by the nose ; but we descry the graceful form of the gentle and gracious Sprin . ' . We feel the thrill other pleasure , knowing all the beauty and the love that she brings with lier . Sp ring is come ! It is March ; rough , yet pleasant , vigorous and piping March . It is the month of lif e , of stre ngth , and hope . We shall soon bear his voice , and ' 'the sound of his going te the top of the trees . " His Wles will come rushir > e and sounding over forest and lea , and shake the nmn uw . h . ; . a . . t , » h . mn . in » iirnwnff
ddtre * a aboutOH rhflusegwith a merry stren gth ; oh ! how diff rent to tlie solemn fitfulness of Autumn , or the wild wr ath of Winter ; an d we shall li- in our r . a . "l ^ nieht-and shall we not?—pray for safety to the thousand-, of our fello w men at Fea * * * * , St i ! l to the very last , spite of sorrow and c ?? » !!? o ! a * ing memories , spring and tbe first violets bring their poetry with thorn all Ibe world over . With what casornesa as of children , do the Germans set forth , in croups or alone , to bunt for the hrst Mnrc h violets ; throush woodi and vineyards , overhan ging far-stretchins scenes , do they ro , knowing of o ! d where the purple stranger first appears ; but the boys have been a « surely before them , and meet them with their little n-io-wis bouquets at all turns and corners . —William Howmt .
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PRINCESS'S THEATRE . On Monday the drama of" Angeline" was er formed ( for the first time at this theatre ) . Mrs . Stirling Mj prorted the character of the heroine , and in an affecting » nd very natural style . The incidents ire s omewhat sombre ; and the general style of the if a an heavy . Nevertheless , the acting of Mrs . Stirling was very effective , and made the drama pass off with much success . Tlie o'lier par ts were well filled ; and Mr / S . Cowell . as " Simon Simkins , " imparted a little liveliness , by a clever personation of that character .
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ADELPHI THEATRE . Public opinion is unanimous in pronouncing Mr . Buckstone ' s new drama "The Flowers of the Farest , " produced last week at the = > bove theatre , as being not only one of the best productions of that talented and successful writer ; but more than equal to competitors in . its " getting up , " and the unusual ewe bestowed npon scenery and appointments . The p iece is very lengthy , —occupying nearly four houra in its enactment , —but the interest was exceedingly well sustained throughout , and at its conclusion received the vociferous plaudits of a crowded bouse . The plot , which is far from intricate , is as follows }—Alfred h on the eve of marriage with the Larfy Agnes . At her toilet the lady is somewhat disturbed by some gipsy forebodings related by her attendants . Alfred is not quite at ease , and he relates to
the lady ' s brother , Captain Lnvrock , an Italian adventure of his , when , wounded by bandits , he was preserved by a eipsy gir l , who fell in love with him , and whom he bad lately seen again . This gipsy , Cjnthia . meets him on his way to church with his bride . He betraysso much emotion , that the brother indisnnntly breaks off the match , and summons him to q duel . At the place of meetincr , a gipsy lad happens to pass , whom Lavrock had horsewhipped for poaching , and who , when the party exchange shots , Wels bis piece and kills his chastiser . Alfred , who had fired in the air , is nrrested for the murder , but the murderer himself becomes conscience-striken , and confesses his crime to Starlieht Bess , another young gipsy to whom he is betrothed . C' nthia overhears the confession , and drags him to the
justiceroom , where he is found guilty , and sentenced to be hung . For this offence , Cynthia is expelled the tenfe , amid the curses of her lather and the whoje tribe , giving ocecasion to one of the most detestable scenes we were ever obliged to witness . Starlight Bess meets her in her misery , pities her notwithstanding her wrongs , nnd takes her back to the tents , where she finds Alfred , who has come to seek her . She is promised forgiveness by her father if she will consent to assassinate the intruder , instead of which she plunges the daccer into her own bosom . The leading actors were seen to vp . rv great advantage , —and Madame
Celeste , Mrs . Fiizwilliam , Miss Woolgar , ( whom we are happy to meet again , after a severe illness ) and Mr . 0 . Smith , met with repeated a > id well-deserved applause . There is an under plot , in which Paul Bedford and Wriqht , as usual , excited a good deal of lauenter ; but we culd not discover any original witticism in what was " set down" for them , and indeed , had it not been a doviation from rule , we apprehend their parts might have been judiciou « lv omitted . Altogether , however , the drama was decidedly successful , and we have no doubt but that the " Flowers of the Forest" will take firm reor . in the favour of the public , and bring forth " golden fruit " to both author and manager .
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OLYMPIC THEATRE . On Monday evening Mr . Georee Wild ' s benefit took place at the above theatre . The late sad misfortune which befel this truly clever actor , appears to have created a vast amount of commiseration in the pfay-goin ? world , and hynce it was that on Monday evening the theatre was attended by an exceedingly numerous company . Mr . Wild ' s bill of fare was as attractive as varied , and had evidently been selected with much care from among the most popu-Jar « . f those pieces which were wont to set the house in a roar , a * -. d in which the bentficiaire gained
much of his now well-established fame , and popularity , when the drama was in its more palmy days at this theatre , under his able direction and management . Several actors and actresses , from some of ourjarger theatres , in a very kind manner , profil-riV ; their services , and did all in their power to render the entertainments presented as successful as possible . The performances were '' The Artful Dodge " " The Turned Head , " a ballet entitled " Beauty , or the Cupid and the Satyr , " and a musical extravagauza , the " Boyhood of Bacchus . " The amusetnents were received throughout by the audience with the utmost enthusiasm .
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THESE ARE THE CnAMBERS'S OF 1845 ! . l ^ f ! } already shown to our readers the Cham-D "t 8 ot } * 7 ; we now refer to the previous opinions of these changeable economists . Whence this wonderful change ?] IMPROVEMENT OF ~ WASTE LANDSi » bkp m » » -..
SPADE HUSBANDRY . ( From the I nformation for the People , No . 12 J [ Comimedfrom o « r latt , ) Though thus composed of adepoiit of dead vegetable matter , which is a basis of fertility to new ve . He atinn , peat-mnwes are not in a condition to be actively useful till freed of superabundan t moisture , and compounded with siliceous ( sandy ) materials ! Where the subsoil , however , is composed of gravel or mud . it isneeewary that the peat and these bodies hoold be mixed together , so as to form a soil . The hrst of these methods was planned by ( he lute Lord
Kamm . and performed with distinguished success on Ins estate of Blnir-Drummond , in the county of Perth I he first process performed Ik Lord Kames was to construct a duel , through the euntre of the moss throush wind , stream from the river Teith wS directed . Branch ditches were cut in all directions from the main one ( he water from wluch pST self into the river Forth . The whole esta ' e was diyuled mto portions , and let to small occ udIm of land , who received the most favourable teX * Lm the proprietor , m an inducement to carry out S views . The peat earth was cut into J 3 i * l "i
and oast into the running waters , by whfcfi ti £ v were earned , nto the Forth , and thence to thaw ? Aftevthemo « 8 was cleared away , the trees of the ancient forest appeared , and presented newdifficuhies to the workmen , which were only overcome witli treat labour and expense . The roots of these treei wore firm ]; - fixed [ in theearth , and the tanning proeen which they had undergone in the moss seemed to have added greatersti-er . gth to their root-branches They were completely eradicated , however : and in theyear 17 S 2 , no fewer than 336 ncres of ground were reclaimed and brought into cultivation . His son , who inherited his lather ' s spirit of enternme . ™ r !
auett the same ulan ; and in ten years more , the population on the estate had increased to 764 persons , who cultivated ^ acres of land . In 1805 , bysurl InA 57 rC 8 WCreclcaro < l ; and 5 n 18 U - bc ^ een 800 and 900 acres were under cultivation . Lately ( 1842 ) , the whole has been cleared . Thus an extensive tract of country , which at . one time Was entirely useless , has been brought by labour and perseverance , to bear rich crops ; and the land is now worth from £ 3 to £ 5 per acre of annual rent . In tins case , tbe subsoil was good earth , and the operation necessary was the removal of the peat-moss , so that tho subsoil might be made the surface soil . Where the subsoil is gravel or snnd . a very different operation must be performed ; and this perhaps is the mos t common species of moss grou n d Of whatever nature moss ground be , it is evident that , so lOD
iras ue stagnant water remains , no useful crop can bo cultivated ; and to remove tho superabundant moisture , by means of draining , must be tbe first o peration of the improver . In some cases , where the mass is not too wet , a road may be run through the land , which will greatly facilitate the afteroperations . Should such a road be cut , and a deep ditch on each side of it fomud , tlie next operation is to open drains leading to some main channel , by which the water can be carried away . The moss land should be sounded in different places , to ascertain where the greatest depth lies , and when this is found , the main drain should be drawn as nearly in that tract as pes 3 ible . Where there are beds of great depth , it does not appear expedient that the drain
should be cnt to the bottom at first ; and , indeed , a difference of opinion exists as to whether mosslnnd should be thoroughly drained at first , so as to render it perfectly dry . Mr . Boronghs , the author of a treatise on waste land , is of opinion that the surface water only should be drained off at first ; while Mr Blacltadder of Stirling asserts that there is no dunger of over-drying moas by draining . This may depend upon whether or not the moss be in a decomposed state . When nws is rendered too dry , it Lecomes a fibrous inert matter ; and , as is the ea » e with all other lands , it will be easier to work afterwards when moderately moist . With regard to tho size and form of drains , it was formerly the prnciice » o make these wide nnd deep , and at about fifty yards
apart . The lateral pressure of the water upon the sides of these drains , however , pressed them so much together tbatin . the course of years . they were scarcely traceable . The depth of the main ' drain will depend in some measure upon the depth of the moss ; and if the average depth of this be twelve feet , tho drain may be seven or eight feet deep , and about the same width at the top . Tho sides should he made sloping , so that the bottom of the drain will not be . ibove two or three feet wide ; and thia difference between the top and bottom will gradually diminish in consequence of the lateral pressure , " it may in some cases be necessary to perforate the main drain with holes , if any water annear to he cominp nn
irom below . Tht next operation is to form smaller drains leading into the main channel . Experience Ins shown , that the most effectual way of draining deep moss is to insert drains at small distances from each other , and as deep as the nature of the moss will allow . They may bo either of tile or stone , and guarded from choking bv overlaying twf . Moss ground drained in this effectual way will be , first , surrounded with the main drain which carries tlie water entirely away from the field ; second , cut into divisions with open drains , at from forty to sixty yards apart , leading into the main drain ; third , these divisions will bo again divided into smaller portions by the covered drains at five yards' distanee
from each other . In this manner , the moss will be effrctually relieved from its superabundant moisture , and the next operation is to level the land with the spade . In cases of dry moss , of course the draining is needless . and may be omitted . The land being either naturally or rendered artificially dry , should now be ploughed with a peculiar kind of plough made of wood , and covered with sheet-iron , which can be freely usi d if the pround is free from rushe . * , heath , Ac . If these plants be growing in profusion , however , it is thought better to burn them down to the surface before ploughing . After the ground is ploughed , some prefer rolling , and others burning , as the next operation . If a roller is used , itshould be madeof iron *
with plates of thin iron six inches deep , five inches from each other , and placed at right angles to the cylinder . Repeated rollings from this will cut the sod fine enough to allow the mixing of it with sand or gravel . Instead of rolling , it has been found advantageous to burn the soil turned up , as a more effectual way of decomposing the roots of such plants as the cotton-grass , mat-grass , marsh trefoil , < fco . If the land is burned , it should he ploughed immediately after , preparatory to being mixed with other substances . The next step in the procesB is to cart sand or small gravel to the field , and spread it over
the whole to the depth of three inches . Now plough all down , as the first regular dressing and culture , rauspw v nrrtl . the Und is road y for cropping , and it is gcutiiuiiy allowed that the best plan is to sow with grass seeds ; the kinds recommended for this purpose aro the timothy grass , cocksfoot-grass , and ribwort . Wheat , however , has been takonfrora newly reclaimed moss land ; and potatoes , if the moss vs tn the neighbourhood of cultivated ground , will be found a very valuable crop to be disposed of for seed . Italian rye-grass has been hithly recommended for bog land , and also rape , to be followed by oats or barley .
One of the most remarkable experiments ever made in reclaiming peat land , was performed somo years ago in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh , and ia mentioned at length in Jackson ' s Agriculture . It was as follows : — " On the hi , i : h and bleak grounds which lie on the boundaries of Mid-Lothian and Tweeddale , at the distance of twelvo or thii teen mi lea gouth from Edinburgh , there existed , from time immemorial , an extensive tract <•{ moss , which was dug for its fuel , and exhibited the aDDearance of nrecioiceiof
peat rising from sour pools of water , the whole broken and disorderly , and of little or no value whatever for pasture . A portion of this disniiil-lookinij laud , which lie * about eight hundred feet above the level of the sea , being purchased by Mr . John Cawtairs , a gentleman in Edinburgh , he commenced operations for reclaiming it . The purchase was made twentyfive years ago , nt which time there was neither tree , house , nor road , upon the wholomoor ; and a more hopeless attempt than that of bringing such a tract of utterly wast * land into cultivation , cannot well bt
conceived . The first effort of Mr . Carstaira was to Rain « ccess to the ground , by forming a road to it from tho great road between Ldinburgh nnd Dumfries . Ileextended the road at a great expense through the centre of tha moss , and built % handsome suit of farm offices at the western extremity . The moss was then subdivided into field 3 ot various sizes , by running stripeB of plantation m squares , protected by ditches and turf dykes ; and the fortunate formation of a new line o \ road between Edinburgh and Peebles , going through a corner of his property , gave energy to his exertions . Well formed metal roads , made at Cia own expense , now intersect > nd cross osch other all over the property , affording easy acceaato every part of it .
'lhe extent of tho land to bo improved was from 500 to 600 acres ; and this he partitioned into fields , protected by plantations and turf walls , as we have just described . The land was also effectually furrowdrained , and levelled on the surface bv manual operations . _ The remainder of the process of reclamation consisted in the application of lime and sandy materials , and tillage . Year after year the land gradually assumed a better appearance , and yielded a bsttcr crop . _ At first , the oats which grew upon it wow scanty in the extreme , but now the land is in heart , and yields good crops , and also excellent pastur » ge . ' ' f To be eonlinuidj
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Wilful Mcbdbb . —On Friday tho above verdict was returned against Charles Newunn , for administering to Sarah Adams a poisonous power , to procure abortion , whereby ucr death was caused .
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? t . i - ° ' of Birkonhead , haR cut the first sod of fiHri n 7 v P 001 ' 0 rm 8 k'rh , nnd Preston Railway in a held at Kennesse Green , MagbuH . Jta \\ * 0 Ulated th . at Gvery wild ™ * . « n a farm , Kayttfe ?^ EPS'SBSS judge of tho county court at Southw -I xv a llieAew Orleans Picayune says a fc ' avc 1 ,-VUm fiS ^ Mt *'' " - ^ - ^ S An ouvang tmtang , brought from Sumatra to Rotterdam ha acquired the habits of a mui to such a e »! i ee JM WlU neVer iIecp witho « t a riu ' ntrap
• . . Jhe rfdgmn government has lalelv n-itiuivisi-d a company to establish in Liege a large fa-tory for the fabrication of fulminating cotton . Emigration on an extensive scale is cning on throughout the county cf Westmeath ; an additional boat for the accommodation of emigrants has been put on by the directors of ( he Royal Canal . On Wednesday , the 10 th instant , a donkey belong , ing to Mr James Koitb , of Lindale , chanc-d to ent « r a barn where some guano bags were lyinjr , and it appears had inastieited a small portion from one of the ba ? a , from the effects of which it soon alter died . V . ilo , the comedian , took his vale I ( farewell ) at the Surrey Theatre , on Wednesday evening last . A pedestal , fsrty feet high , haa been designed by KfJ p $ ° Wellin 8 totl Statue > t 0 btt ercctea "
It being admitted that the evils attendant upon the Eton Montem were irremediable , thia ancient custom is henceforth abandoned . The American papers mention a machine , invented by one Lhas Howe , which sews " beautiful and strong seamB in cloth as rapid as nine tailora !" Last week a most disgraceful scene occurred in Barton market-place , namely , a sale of hi 3 wife by a man living at Barrow . Jenny Lindhas proffered to give Mr Bunn £ 2000 should he return tlie document signed by her , which gives Mr Bunn a claim for her services . The Letter-press Printers of London are getting up another amateur performance at the Strand Theatre for the benefit of their distressed brethren . Tho late Memoer for Oirencester , Joseph Cripps , Esq ., banker , Gloucester , has bequeathed to his twelve children specific penuniary legacies to the amount of upwards of £ 80 . 000 .
The Commissioners of Stamps have threatened to proceed against hawkers of dying speeches , &c . Orders to recruit to the extent of 1 , 500 men for the Royal Marines , have been issued by the Admiralty . The inauguration ot the first part of the Amk-nB and Boulogne Railway took place on Monday last . f he farmers in the Isle of Wight state that onetwmtieth of the produce of their farms is destroyed by the game , while their labourers cannot obtain food enough tor their families . The hog-crop of the United States last year was three times the worth of the cotton crop . The " standingarmy" of swine consumes annually two hundred million bushels of cern . The money found in uncalled-for letters in the Post-oflices amounta to about forty thousand pounds per annum . Within the last few days immense takes offish , principally ling and cod , have been made by the Dungarvan fishermen .
A vote of £ 10 , 000 has been passed by Parliament for the completion of the scientific branch of the ordnance survey , Iceland . Three hundred female convicts have , within the last few days , been shipped for Hobart Town . Sir Evan Mackenzie has upwards of 180 people employed on his estate of Kilcoy , under the Drainage Act . Mr Barry has submitted a plan for extensive alterations , proposed elevation , &o ., at the Horse Guards . At the Keybam Works there have been the bones of a human skeleton , entire , discovered in a hole at the depth of fifteen feet from the surface . By what means , or under wliat circumstances , it became deposited in such a singular place , is not likely ever to be known .
It is contemplated ^ establish afund wards the formation of a school in the University College , Loudon , for the education of Indians in the several branches of science , and to prepare them for tho different professions in their own country . " a ; eood night ' s work" w . * i 9 performed by the Devo-iport fishermen , a few days ago , securing 40 , 000 mackerel at or . e haul ; besides a large number escaping . They were valued at £ 200 . A numerous meeting was held at Canterbury , on Tuesday last , for the abolition of flogging in the army . The speech of Sir R . Peel on the Cracow question , has created a good deal of surprise among our Pavis contemporaries . TUomnnBkke , who was bo severely injured by the accident at Osborne House last week , has sin e ' e died .
The Shakspcrians played Othello on Tuesday evening , at Miss Kelly ' s Theatre , for the benefit of the distressed Scotch and Irish . The entertainment was prefaced by an address . The house was well attended . A soldier beinetried fouhabitual drunkenness , and asked whether he had anything to plead in excuse , replied . " Nothing , please your honour , but habitual thirst !" j M . A . de Ilumboldt has submitted to tho Prussian Government a plan for forming throughout the kingdom a series of establishments , for collecting uniform meteorological observations . It is proposed to m'lkc uso of the telegraph and railway station ? , which are to be furnished with the necessary instruments and instructions .
We learn from Galignani that for some time past , Mdlle . Mars , the celebrated actress , hus been seriously ill , and her malady has now become so alarming that her friends have not the slightest hope of being able to save her . The Court of Qneen ' 3 Bench has decided that shareholder in proprietary schools and colleges are liable for the books ordered by the principal . The distress among the middle classes in Paris , especially tho retail traders , is extreme ; business ifalmost annihilated , and bauki-untcics avo of hourly occurrence .
A young man , about 20 years of ago , was arre&led latel y in the garden of the Palais Royal , after having seized on a handful of banknotes at a inonoychanger ' s . Ho entered the shop under pretext of inquiring if a coun . ter which ho presented was gold or not , and whilst the master of the shop was looking at the piece , he seized on the notes and took to flight . Fortunately fur tho money changer , the thiel was arrested , and tne money recovered . One of tho London and Salisbury coaches , which have been withdrawn from the road on account of the opening of tho Salisbury and Bishopstoke Railway , had run for no less than fifty years . The " old Bury , " equally . is ancient , has been withdrawn within the last few days . Count D'Orsay has just executed n statuette of Mr O'Conuell , which will be sold , and tho proceeds will bo appropriated to tho funds for the relief of the Irish poor .
The American general , Worth , has issued an order that all hid officers and soldiers aro to appearon parado without whiskers or mustachios . / in attempt was lately mads to break into tho rectory house at Pitton , Cambridgeshire , but a fine parr <> t belonging to tho rector gave the alarm , and the robbers decamped . The price of bread has been again raised in Paris , and is now fixed at 5 S coatimea the kilogramme , or 10 * d . for the 41 b loaf . It is estimated that not fewer than 800 , 000 persons in the United States belong to temperance societies , and a great number abstain from intoxicating drinks , though they do not belong to any society . The Emperor of Russia has issued an ukaso for the formation of a council of trade and manufactures at Warsaw .
The inauguration of Prince Albert as Chancellor of Cambridge University , occurson the 2 oth inst . Tbe lambing season has been very unfavourable in Herefordshire and in the neighbouring comities . Great numbers of ewes have died before ) oaning , and many lambs have als « perished . The Halifax Guardian says that a duck belonging to a farmer near Huddersficld , lately laid throe c < &s within twenty hours , M . Martin ( du Nord ) , keeper of tlia French seala ,
and minister of public worshipped a lew days ago , from an attack of paralysis , under which he had been for some time suffering . Accounts of alarming disturbances in tonic of the provinces arc said to have been received by tho Russian government , but the particulars have not transpired . A jud ^ o in Louisiana lias decided that a slave who has once left the state , and landed upou a free soil , is no longer a slavo if he returns . _ A likeness of the pope has been painted by | a Jewish artist named Labrun .
Tlie Belgian government has presented to the cluuuuei' * a bill to exempt from tonnai ; o duties until the lit of September all vessels frei ghted with articles of t ' oml . The Hanoverian states have sanctioned she treaty of commerce and navigation proposed br . l . wsftn Ha »> . " , v : t and ilic United States .
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A . —a or render a man hanpy , he mint be a wretch indeed wi » . will r . ot . ( Hve them to him . Such a disposition is like lighting another man ' s candle by nno ' & own , which lo- 't s none of itshril'intieylty what oilier * , a in . If all mankind mo < s : s < H thi « . f ' eeUn ! f , h . . iw muw imppier would the world he than it now is ! Tub Lath Extknsivk Fokgrmfs . —A row-. ^ . l of £ 500 is offered forthu npf-rehensiVn and convWion of Frederick . Robert , and William Glover . ' u > to of Leed * . woollen manufacturers and merchant ' , who stand charged with the . pvrpetratiovi of tUvi-rs forp ! rie « . and with hsivine abscinded with thopii ^ jty of their creditors ; ami in ca » e of the approl-i > ision and coiivirfcion of any one of them one-third *< ¦ the amount niJl be paid . Tne amount of the foc-ricg iovnrimisly stated , as exceeding £ 30 , 000 , an- ; > vr ; n £ 50 000 .
Tun " Gusat Britain . "—Mr Brunei lwi wnde noihor report ti the directors of the Great W iern Steam Ship Company , unon the position of tluh v « a « bcI in Dundrum Bay . She has been made qniib . 'Jife » v Captain Chxton , and has not received any'ur * her i"jury . Mr . Brunei promises to propound liU plan for removing he . v into ilpep water in a short tiro ? Inisii Poor Law . —From a return laid befoi <• Parif' ^ ri' Ollt of tlie ei - millions of Irish , xijtut ? ic , » W ( l inmiUes -f P- 'or houses in the l » .-t w ^ k f > t iS 4 t >; _ the houses hav . m ? been oricinally droned to contain 04 000 . Tlu average cost of niaiim rmnce was 2 t . w .: okl y per bead .
Rakk iNewsp or Poacubfs . —Atthc recent II < - " < V < ng 'e « y sessions a married woman , Mary E < iert < m , v . U » bad taken a hare from a wire in which it h ; .. i been snared by her husband , and conveyed it bnm . \ wag discharged b y the magistrates from all penal cum . quenws , upon the cround that , as the statute only related to male offenders , the informalioH agu ' mst a femalo could not bo sustained . Blessings of as Abundance op Water . —I pY . E . Hickson , Esq . ) wish to add my testimony to iliut of every practical man who is acquainted with the poorer class of habitation * , tbat a preater bV-wing could scarcel y be conferred by Government tij ><» i the worhing classes of London , or one more cs ^ u ' ml to health and comfort , thanthatof . achpap nnd abundant Bupnly of water , and that the present mrde of supply is about the most expensive and iuefficient that can be devised .
The Best Policy . —A Quaker , passing through a market , stopped at a stall an inquired the ps-ica ot citrons . "Ihii venone /' saidthehonestcounii iman , ' that will suit yon ; they aro decayed , am ) shah ? flavour is gone . " " Thank ' thee friend ; I wiif -o to the next , stand . " " Hast thtm cooil fruit to- 'iay !" said he to the dealer . " Ye ? , sir ; here are sci-ie of the fim'st nutmegs of my garden . They are > m :, l ! , but rich of their kind . " " Then thou canst ? commend them . " " O , certainly , sir . " " Very well ; I will take two !? " lie carried them homeami they
, proved unsound , miserably tasteless . Thenevt itioraing ho asajn repaired tn the same place . TU- man who sold him the fruit the preceding day , asktii bim if ho would like some more . " Nay , friend , lh ~ u hast deeeivfd me once , and now , although thon maysfc speak the truth , still , I cannot trust thce ; bi ; t thy neighbour chose to deal uprightly with me , an : ! iVora henceforth I shall be hia patron . Thou wouhM dowell to remembsr this , and learn by experience , that a falsehood is a base thing in tho beginning and : i very unprofitable one in the end .
Mr Cobokn at Rome . — " Sir Ricardo Cohilen , " as the Italian newspapers insist on oallina him . was intro meed to Pius IX . by Cardinal Fiosehi , m <\ had a prolonged interview with the Sovereign Pontiff . The most distinguished of the Ron ^ n riobiiitv vie with each other in doing honour tothe English chitonspinners . The aggregate amount at present subscribed to the " Cobden Fund , " is £ 60 , 133 . Intrr-mciui , Burials . —Govevnmeit have prepared a bill to prohibit the further intcm : &ni of corpses m the church yards oflar ^ e towns and nonu * lous districts . The greatestand mostdisyusti . ij ? national nuisance of modern times is likely , thcrutbre , to he sooner abated than was expected .
Woolwich Gosvicts . —T . S . Duncombo , Esq ., M . P ., Captain Williams , inspector of pristine , ;> nd another gentleman , the commissioners api > oin <« . ( by government to inquire into the treatment at tilt ! uflnvicts on board the hulks , have commenced thwr inqumes on board the Justitia . Death or Cot . Gore Langtox , M . P . —C . l . uiel Langton , who sat for East Somersetshire di « l oh Sunday la-t , at his house in Grosvenor-square . The deceased was in his 8 Sth year . Col . Langton , tl > "ugh a large landed proprietor , was-an advo . ate for free trade , and his votes were also given for R' > mau Catholic relief , and in favour of the Reform B ? H .
As Artificial Man . —The Memorial Bordt > Lis ? . Ay& . that near St . . Scvier , there lives an old soldier with a false Jocr , a false arm , a glass eye , a complete set of lalse teeth , a nose of silver , covered with a substance resembling flesh , and a silver plats replacing p : * n of his skull ., lie was a soldier under Napoleon , and these are his trophies . Distressed hum and Scotch—The Foundation Feast of Cains College , Cambridge ( 2 fith inst K i : > to be dispensed with this year , and the cost applied to the relief of the destitution prevailing in IrclanO and Scotland . Tho Umler-praduates of Queen ' s G « uoge have subscribed £ 30 for tlic same benevolent purimse . Offkkixo o ? Goon Deeds We celebrate nobler obs « -quii \« i to tho ? e wo love , by drying the tears of others , than by shedding our own ; nnd the fairest funeral wreath we can hang ou their tomb , is iw >; so lair as a fruit-offering of goods .
Ahistociiatic Amuskmkkts . —A correspondent , describing the recent Roman carnival , says : —The English have generally distinguished thcnuelvea in the war of sugarplums : but nono has rivaled Lord W . Ho stood on a bilcony and scattero'i his comfits broadcast , till they lay ane ! e-deep in thestreet . Disdaining to retreat , when a lemon , thrown by some plebeian , struck his lordship ' s face , he only requestc-d the oolico to prevont tbe use of such " illegal" missiles for tho future . Small Drbts Bill . — The Clerkemvell County Convt of Middlesex , established under the Act 10 th of Victoria , c . 95 , for tbe recovory of small debts and demands , was duly opened on Tuesday . Dratii of Captain N . Lockybii , C . B . — On 27 th , ult ., this gentlemnn of her Majesty ' s sUlv > A . lWon , breathed his la « t at Malta , on board the vessel he had till then commanded , having suffered severely from bronchitis .
Odd Fellows . —Much to tbe honour of one of thq largest associations in the world , for benevo ' ent purposes , comoosed almost entirely of working ir . cn , the Manchester Unity of Odd ' Fellows in Finland have already raised £ 000 lor the relief of tW distressed poor in Ireland . The subscription is still going on . I ' lain Svuring . —Mrs Elizabeth Peters oi ' lioone County , Indiana , thus notics her absconding husband : — " Left my bed and board last foil , tnoivby rendering my expense lighter , my legal husband , John Peters , without cause or provocation . All the old maids , and young pirls and widows , of all ages awd conditions ! ar « hereby forewarned against
harbouring or trusting him on any account , as I am determined not to be held accountable for his debts , or more especially for his conduct ., because he is a loafer , a drunkard , a [ rambler , a liar , a thief . " Miss Mariineau , —This eminent lady is at present journeying with a party of English friends , towards Jerusalem . In a letter to the People ' s Journal , she nays— " Our journey has been prosperous to a degree —almost too glorious . " She then givsa "Survey from the Great Pyramid , " to the £ tliam * . of which the party had climbed , by the aid of Aw ) snides , only a short time before the paper wiu irrii on . It is descriptive of the appearance of that interesting country , and full of reflections upon the great events of Egyptian history .
Crocuford ' s Club House . —The Chairman of the Licensing Sessions has refused to grant a license to the new proprietor of this celebrated house , who intend' -d to keep it open tor public balls and concerts , for the amusement of the upper classes . Death op II ervet Lkach . —The mortal ca eor of this remarkable individual , who earned for himself considerable reputation both in this country and abroad , for his clever personifications of the habits and eccentricities of the monkey race , uncl r the assumed name of Signor Hervio Nano , tevminateoV after a short illness , on Tuesday evening last , at his residence , Georse-stivet . Shoreditch . Asl ^ rttimo a \ -o , deceased was exhibited himself at tho Egyptian
Hall , disguised as an extraordinary animal captured at the Capo of Good Hope , " supposed to bo the link between the human race nnd the ourangoutang . " and called Wliatia it . " The last request of tho deceased was , that his body should be presented to Dr Listou , tho eminent surgeon , not to ba buried , but embalmed and kept in a glass case , as the doctor hadlwp n a particnlarfrjcnd toliim . NoTiuso w hes \ Wn « used to It . —Guizofc nnd Normanby have made it up . When it is recollected they only quarrelled about a lie , we think no one who understands the least about diplomacy , can blame them tor not allowing such a trilb . is that to stand between them . —Punch .
Health op tub Mbtrufohs . —The number of deaths registered in tlie week ending S : uur . ! ay , March 13 . was 102 G , or males 603 , females 523 . The births registered in the same period were 1 , 135 , or males 740 . females , C 95 . The temporntinv during the past week varied between 475 and 18 7 . Death of Sir W . Cuiitis , Bart . —TIiU baronet , who&e name ia familiar to those interested in nivic ilistory , expired on Tuesday evening , at his residence in I ' orthvml-place , oged 65 . Execution : —On Wednesday the wretched men , Welch and Matthews , underwent their lireadful sentence at tho county gaol , Merpeth . Immense trowils floeked into the town from all parts . When the bolt was drawn , M'ltthews death sju-etlily followed ; but too gre-it a length of rope btkg ftUfvweA to Welcl ) , some very painful delay occurred cro h » cf-ased to exist .
Early Cl-sino N 5 ovv . mp . kt . — Tlic fifth Jtonual meeting oceiii-iv-l on Wednesday . The Riwiety progressas .-sevoraibi-aiK-iies having been formed in Manchester , Bkmiughaui . audotkv populous twas .
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Djsliciou 3 . —A . yeung Irelander was saying tint M . Srtyer ' u soup -nusxhc greatest luxury lie bad had for years , Upon being universally laughed at fur this 'ccliiration , he exclaimed , ' It ' s true nevertheless ! iof I cv . n assure you it ' s so delicious , that the niorol take of it tlio invrc it brings tho water into my mouth . "—Punch .
^^^^^ • . Sflptliv
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puftMc 8 musfemmte .
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The Latb Mr . Clowbs . —The stock in trade and personal'propei-ty of this celebrated printer lias been valued at £ 00 000 . With the exception of a few bequests , he disposes of the whole of his property amongst his ei » ht children in certain proportions , and the residue equally . To his song , William and George , he leaves the business , stock , nnd materials , tke steam-engines and apparatus , printing machines and presses type , machinery , and foundry , and the premises both at Charing-cross nnd Dukc-street , Stnmford street , the latter , perhaps , the lai'L ^ t of
the kind in Europe ; and as a compensation to his son lid ward , for not having a share in the business , he leaves him £ 6 , 000 , and an annuity of £ 400 . 1 lis private library of bucks he leaves to his sons , Winchester and Edward , and daughter Ann . The plate to Ins i \ mr dieters , for each of whom he has made a liberal provision . The deceased was in his 08 th year , and was a native of Chiehester . in which town he served his apprentice-hi p . It was most approl . natelytenicdofhim . in the record of his death , that he had beta " the architect of hisownfortune . a
Kind Vvokdif Civil Word Two Will Iftfeccllama; I*"-.. _Tir F I» _ ¦ __•! * • •.. ' ' ¦ - - - ¦ ¦"
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SURREY THEATRE . " Lilly Dawson ; or , A Poor Girl ' s Story , " has been'successfull y adapted for this stage by Mr . E . Stirling . The scene is laid in the novel , somewhere nn the coast of Sussex ; in the play it is shittedfiratto Cornwall , and then it sojourns for * time in Landon . Fot the ability with which Mr Stirling has performed his raskt he is deserving of great praise . The scenes form a series , not a plot ; and both book and drama have an ending , but no progressively producefl catastrophe . This is tho cardinal fault , which , being treated with indulgence , as it should be in these days of dearth « f dramatic talent , the rest of the play is very superior to most of the melodramas at our minor theatres . The acting was good generally , but we must particularly notice tho performance of Mm . Vining , as "Lilly Dawson . " Iler acting was almost too good for a melodrama , and went fairly to the heart .
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BURFORD'S PANORAMA . _ This indefatigable artist has added a new instructive and interesting picture to his numerous works of art already before the public . Mr . Burford has achieved another triumph , in presenting to the eye a novel view of Grand Cairo , and one which in all ikeliliood contains more truth than is to be found in the vivid descriptions of modern travellers . There is , indeed , much to interest in the present , exhibition . The philosopher would see in it a subject for fruitful
meditation , and the public will be benefited by the spectacle . To the young , especially , exhibitions of this character arc invaluable . The child , when it heave of Cairo , nnd is told that it is a large city , naturally imagines the place is but anotherLondon . Words convey no images to the youthful mind , or , if any , such as are erroneous ; but here the object is presented to the eye , and truth , the soul of learning , is pleasingly enforced . A year spent in ordinary leaching would not communicate that which half an hour devoted tn the explanation of this panorama might be made to inculcate .
We arc pleased to again congratulate Mr . Burford in having acquitted himself so successfully . Works of this character effect a real benelit , imparting knowledge in a vivid and pleating manner ; and enlightening the minds of many of the multitude , where Otherwise would have existed darkness and ignorance . Mr Burford is , therefore , something more than a clever artist—he may be deemed a popular instructor , and a valuable fellow-labourer in tho progress and advancement of ueneral education .
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{ abch 20 f 1847 . . THE NORTHERN STAR . i ' —
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—— - ^ Plan of the Co-operative League . This tract may be had at the central office of the society , King ' s Arms-yard , Snow-hill .
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 20, 1847, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1410/page/3/