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oTO * S ^^ HS ^ - 8 Wviugs ,-Tix .-T ! Werther ' s « -Ch 8 rIotte 1 - J -from a-pantingljy-Kaulbach ; Portrait " of Williaui loTett ; Fete at St . Germain ' s ; Conversazione , by Oakley ; -the Gipsey Mother , by \ Pilkie ; with Three - - 'Vignettes , viz . —lie Month of May ; the Haunted House , bj Scott , of Newcastle ; and the Poet ' s Children , by Absolom ... Amongst the : Literary Contents are the following : —Lecture on National Education , by W . J . Fox ; Earliest Flowers of the Season , by W . Hincks , F . L . S . — The Hyacinth and the May ; the Month in Prospect , by W . Homtt ; Free Trade Bec-olleefions-The Greeks , by Dr Bowring , M . P . ; Memoir of William loyett , by J ) r Smiles : Eitranrdinarr RfivclaUons resarding Casper worst
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OK THE FIRST OF JULY , 1847 , WiO . be PvMuhed , HO . I . ( PRICE SIXPENCE , ) OP THE PEOPLE'S LEGAL ADVISER . The object of * i « monthly publication , is perhaps 1 nffl . Tently indicated by its title ; it may be well , howevw , to add a few words in explanation . That there are many subjects of an exclusively legal Aaracter . and b » aring peculiarly on theinterciteoftbe ¦ working class « s—on them more than on the other classes of society—is a truth that hardly requires its assertionand it would , of course , be desirable that all these should ' be brought together in a form , cheap , compendious , and intelligibly for the benefit of those to whom they chiefly relate . . .
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IMPORTANT TO EMIGRANTS . A GRICULTURISTS and others may purchase 151 JX ACRES OF RICH TIMBERED LAND IN * E > TERN VIRGINIA , described ly General Wash-Jtwton as the Garden of America , for £ 23 8 s . Sd . Sterling , A 150 CT THREE SHILLINGS PER ACRE . £ 2 lit . only to be paid down , the remainder in FIVE ANNUAL PAYMENTS . . For further information apply to CHARLES WILLMER , American Land OJice , STAKLET BUILDINGS , BATH STREET , LIVERPOOL . Of whom may be had a Pamphlet on Emigration , in which these Lands are' folly described , and the terms of gale explained , by sending three postage stamps' to free the same . '
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AUXILIARY TO THE NATIONAL LAND COMPANY . THE FOUNDER of the NATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE BENEFIT SOCIETY respectfully acquaints bis brethren of the Land Company and his Brother Democrats iu general , that his object in founding the Society was to aid and assist the National Land Company iu its glorious efforts to emancipate the human race , by pouring lands into its exchequer , through the means of the NATIONAL LAND and LAbOUR BANK ; but the adoption of the PEOPLE'S BANE has proved a death-blow to the enrolment of the Society . AH enrolled societies since the passing of tfce New Friendly Societies' Act , being compelled to deposit their cash iu the Bank of England , and thus furnish the " sinews" to uphold a Standing Army , Police , Pensioners , &c , instead of aiding to regain the laud for the People , and furnishing " Happy Homes for Honest Industry , " —the Founder believes his Brother Democrats will join with him in infinitely preferring the latter ; he has , therefore , with tue full consent and approbation of . the Directors , resolved to issue the Rules nnenrolled , and although they may lick that protection which the ' Registrar ' s '' signature is presumed to give , lie flatters himself the following securities will be sufficient to inspire confidence in the bosom of every Demoerat , and gain for the project that support which will cause this little tributary stream ultimately to swell into auiisbty torrent flowing freely into The Great Lund
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TO TAILORS . B . Read ' s New Patent Indicator for finding proportion and disproportion in all systems of cutting . Careat 3 granted , April 22 nd , 1817 , signed by Messrs Pool and GapnieaL Patent Office , 4 , Old Square , Lincoln's Inn . Declaration of same , signed by Sir G . Carroll , Knt , Lord Hayor of London . mllE LONDON AXD PARIS SPRING ASD SUMMER J . FASHIONS for 1 M 7 , are now ready , by BENJAMIN READ and Co ., 12 , nart-street , Bloom 6 bury square , London ; and by G . Berger , Holywell-street , Strand . May be bad of all booksellers wheresoever regifting . 'By approbation of her Majesty Quceu Victoria aud H . R . 11 . Prince Albert a Splendid Print , beautifully coloured , and exquisitely executed , the whole vory superior to anything of the Mud ever before published . This beautifal print will be accompanied with the most fashionable , full size , Frock , Dress , and Riding Coat Patterns —a
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insT PUBLISHED . JU 5 T PUBLISHED , , . , wHo . ^ li . ( pric « . Bd , ) . -tr « :, ^ ,-v > " :. ^ , ' .-I , - r . v . ,, ;"" * : "SO ^ L Ap U RE R , , A Monthly Mtgirine of Politic *; Literature , Poetry , 4 o . . ¦ ¦ : . »^ - . ¦ ¦¦¦ '¦ ¦• • ' } f jffl « di > y , : / : ' ; ' " f ; : " ;~ FEAHocg O'Coxkob , Esq ., asd Eiwbst Jonbs , Esq ., , ( Barristers-at-Law . ) : ... . TheBemocratic Movement in this country being whoHy deficient ih a monthly organ , the above maeaiine is established to remeay this deficiency . . ' '„ ¦'" ' . . ¦ ¦ ' . . COSTBNTS . '" . ' . " . , . : ' •* J Day . a'Poem , ; by Ernest Jones . ' 2 , Letter of an Agricnltural Labourer . S . The Jolly Young Poacher . : * . Phase of Political Parties . 5 . The Confessions of a King . 6 . The Insurrections of the Working Classes . . 7 . The Land . ' : 8 . The Romance of a People . 9 . The Queen ' s Bounty—A Legend of Windsor . 10 . The Monthly Review .
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JustpuhUshed , price Sd . ( printed from the Short-hand ¦ Writer ' s Notes , ) , . - " fTIHE TRIAL OFTHE MECHANICS AT LIVERPOOL on the 2 nd and 3 rd of April , 1 M 7 . Edited by , W . P . Roberts , Eiq . j " , \ ' 'V ' . '¦' ; , v ¦ v London : Jvortt « rn Star Office ,, 16 , Great Windmill Street , Haymarket : and at the offigea of Mr Roberts , 3 , Robert-street , Adelphi , London : and 3 , Essex Chambers , Manchester : and Abel Heywood , Oldham ^ treet , Manchester : and all Booksellers . ' . ' =
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Now Ready , a New Edition of MR . O'CONNOR'S W 6 RK ON SMALL FARMS To be had atthei « crtt « rn 5 { or Office , 16 , Great Wind mill Street ; and of Abel Hey wood , Manchester . .
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BALDNESS EFF , ECTUALLY . . REMOVED . SURGEON residingin Cork having , hitheicourse of J % his Practice , had Itis attention particularly directed Wand acquired great experience in the TREATMENT OF CAPILLARY DISEASES , begs to inform . those persons afflicted with BALDNESS ( whether-in " youth or a'dancedin life ) may , by a most simple process , REPRODCC that necessary ornament . Parties applying will requireto enclose a small quantity of hair , and jufee offive shillings , bj post-office : order , . iu favour of Surgeon EdwanT Williams , 13 , Henry-street ,. Cork ; when the ne . Nsiaryicstruttions ' will be ft » warded by return ofpoit
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A COLOURED DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAIT in SX . best morocco cassfor los ., which is 15 s . less than any other London establishment , and warranted to be equally good , by MR EGERTON , 148 , Fleet-street , opposite Bouverie-street , and 1 , Temple-street , Whitefriars . Open daily from nine" till four . Foreign 'A pparatus Agent to Vpigtlander and Liribours , a complete Book of Instruction , price 7 s . frl ., by post 10 s . Price lists sent post free . ¦• ¦¦ : .. ¦¦ - ¦ - ¦ •¦ ¦
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, ' •; - . . -I . I i . ' . ¦ >¦ ¦ . ; : ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE . WAKEFIELD ADJOURNED SESSIONS ; ' - \ TOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN , that A SPECIAL GE-. 1 NERAL SESSIONS of the Peace , for the West Biding of the County of York , will be holden by : idjour « - ment in the Committee ltoom , at : he" House of Correct ion , at Wokefield , on Thursday , Vie Srd day of June next , at twelve o ' clock at noon , to ^ receive the report of the committee , appointed to consider the application of the subordinate officers of the . House of Correction for anincrease ' of their salaries ; and also to receive the report of Mr Haden , Mr Hartley , and Mr Shepherd , on the best method of enclosing and securing the airing court ; of altering the old prison to render it available for females ; aud of erecting washing rooms , and other conveniences ; and on other special business . " . " . ¦ '• . . ..- ¦¦ C . H . Elslet , Clerk of the Peace . Clerk of the Peace ' s Office , Wakeneld , May 22 nd , 1317 . . = ¦ ' ' ¦
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• LIBERAL BOOKS ox POLITICS , THEOLOGY AND SOCIAL PROGRESS , „ Published , and Sold , Wholesale and Retail , BY JAMES WATSON , Queen ' s Head Passage , Pateraoiter How , Loadon . ' THE REASONER ( Edited . by G . J . Holyoake ) . A weekly Journal , increased to 15 piges , price 2 d . Each Num . b : r contains an original Essay , or a subject of moment in Theology , Commumsm , or Politics / . - , ; Mathematics no Mystery , or . the Beauties and Uses of Euclid . SndEdhlon . 2 s 6 d ' ' ; .-Practical Grammar , 4 th edition Is 6 d . . ¦ Handbook of Graduated Exercises . Is . ¦ ..
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tut ? . n < h < SM \ rOH . V'ft . T ; l ? . iSf . ^ rniri i , THE |^®|^ M lfcft ^ Many of our agents having , some weeks ago , inforaed . us that ; they would , ; require a further supply of the Mounted and ^ Coloured PJates , as ' soon as we werein a position ito meet the deinand , we now beg to announce that we have this week completed the orders given at the first issue , and are prepared to execute further requirements . , Agents yet wanting the Plate will oblige by forwarding their orders , and stating the mode of transit . ¦ ' ¦
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' : ;; -. " ' ' > - ^^~ **¦ '' .. - r ' ' -i ' ¦ "¦ "THE CHARTER AM ) NO SURRENDER !"^ FEARGUS fibfJNN ^ R ,. ' . Esq !! FOR > i . ! ,, ... . iNOTTlNGUAM ., : i . i We received Mr O'Connor ' s address to the electors of Notiingham too late for insertion this week ; it shall app ear in our next . Mr O'Connor declares hit intention , of contesting the borough to the last . , :
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; . •¦ v . '; . ; .. ., ;• . ' OBSERVE . ! " - ' ~ • ¦ •¦ ' " . ; ' ,. \ " ' ' ' " ' ' ' *^^™* - ., ¦ ¦ 1 ' All correspondence , reports of public meotings , Chartist and Trades' Intelligence ; and general questions , must be addressed to Mr G . J . Habney , " Northern Star Office , " 16 , Great Windmill Street ) London . - ;< ¦; .. •/ ! All legal . questions , and matters of local . news , ' not noticed in provincial papers , and requiring comrae t . to be addressed to Mr Ebnkst Jones as above . " ••' ¦ ¦' , ' } : ' : ! . " '• \ , : All questions respecting . Bills introduced into the Legislature , Acts , of Parliament , their meaning aud intent , < 6 c ; , and questions respecting the , Ministry , and the members of the two Houses of Parliament , to be addressed to Mr George Fleming , "Northern Star" Office- ; j ';;; . . . ' . : ¦ All questions , connected with the management of bnd , and touching the operations of building , cu ! tivation , &o ., to be addressed to ' ' , ; ' : -. ;• MrO'CoNNOB , -, ¦ .. ' ., ' ,, Lowban . ds . RcdMarlev . Ledbury , .. , ¦
Tee Noethern Star Saturday, May 39, 1347. : - ;
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O'CONNORYILLE . , The first grand result of the Land Plan lias been practically shadowed forth , the first members of a class new to modern times—a class to which the ancestors . of our factory ' slaves and labouring : serfs belonged before Monopoly-had wrested the soil from their grasp , —a class of small landholders , of inde . pendent freemen ; are nbyr located on their owni ^ -a germ from which a great growth of political and social reform is destined to- arise . These men are placed on the land with more than the facilities
enjoyed by their forefathers . They live under a superior state of agricultural science , —they possess mprqved implements of husbandry , —they enjoy the advantages of cheap and rapid transit , —they find ten markets where there used to be only one ; yet , without \ these advantages , the . cottagers of Old Eugland led a merry life , when the harvest-home brought its dower to their own stores ) and they still held the soil on which they , " lived by the sweat of iheir . brow . '< It were strange , indeed , should the present representatives not be as successful as the olden prototypes , and a failure in any . one instance
could only arise from , the neglect of the allottee himself , since even incompetency could not be urged as an excuse . For , where the incipient ! farmer , is taken from the mill and . the loom , he will not be placed alone in his labour of love ; he will not be forced to rely on the teaching of dearly : bought ex . perience ; no man can , excuse a slovenly farm , or an ill . managed crop , on the plea that he did not know how to set about his work .. Here is the advantage * of co-operation . He will be surrounded' by maiiy practical farmers , allottees like himself ; he will follow their example—he ! wili have the benefit of
their instruction , and he will learn the " great mystery" of handling a , spade , and working for himself .. Strange it is that some men , who think nothing of attempting a new , complex and artificial calling , should seek something mysterious and difficult in the most easy , and the most . ; natural , as it is the most healthful and most pleasant , employment of man . But Monopoly , that dreads the emancipation of Industry , has whispered these bugbears in the ears of its slaves . Let the factory-lord go to O'Connorville—let him look , at the altered appearance of those who have even so recently
escaped his grasp—let huh compare their homes with the homes HE prepared for Labour—their ; independence with the pittance l HE doled but—their ' security with ; the insecurity of employment ; in ,, the factory-market—andask them , if they will leave their promised land again?—let -him hear the price they sit on their farms ;—let him hear the mms ' offered to these ,, very allottees , and he will then learn that Labour needs but a fair chance , to redeem ; itself ; from thaldrom ; that the . working classes ask but a fair field and no favour , to' build
themselves a home secure from the " grasp of sordid avarice , that turns government into a stock-jobbing concern , and speculates' upon the hunger it creates . Even Nature has smiled upon this holy undertaking ; the backward spring has come at last , with the pro * mise of a glorious harvest , and the grateful earth yields its full richness to the hand of toil . The corn dealers and speculators begin to fear the coming plenty;—to keep up prices , they announce in their lying organs of the Press , that there is not ^ threeweeks supply of food in the country—and we refer
our readers to another column of our paper , 'where they will find it stated , under the Irish News , that though in some markets produce is plentiful , yet prices are kept up . We know of some farmers who , instead of mowing their hay , are sending their cattle into their meadows , since they have old hay enough on hand ; and thus at once keep up the price , and save the expense of labour . We know of some eminent corn-dealers too , who recently went into the market , but never opened or produced their samples ; thus creating a belief in scarcity , and drivnj prices up the desired pitch y We say to th ,
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aUottefa . ft ^ M ^ TO- ^^ * ' »« fe frMtytricks ^??! , ^^! $ ?? S ^ pnces . rise ^ r ^ wages ' faphey ^^ grow . their own produce-they wiil earn-their own -Jiving ; andwe willeyenventure to assert ' more : —when tfc great ^ naanufacturing interest ; as ! represented by the- Wrgirown Capitalist , shall hate ceased—when the manufacturing industry of England shall look to other hands' than a Marshall , a ebbderiroFa ^ BrightVtouphold its powerwhen the shuttle shall again be heard in the cottage , and machinery become the . blessing instead of the curse of man : then shall the different branches of i \\ ntii 3 LbhVuzLm&CQmv&m , J } iey < . mi ! lli } io
industry , not living upon conflicting interests , be developed on . the true principle of reciprocity , the only guarantee of general prosperity—and the germ of this we behold in the Land Plan . And again we say to < those who areyet aliens on their own soil , and cry despondingly , " What shall we do till the next harvest ? " we say , \ vhat will you do'AETER it ? You see , the preparations that ; are being made to counteract the beneficent intentions of the 1 Deity ; you see how the farmer and the corn-dealer are providing A 6 AINST the coming plenty , and smoothing
the pathway for an artificial famine . You see in the daily Press how Irish landlordsare ' selling the . corn in the market . which was given them for seed , i and how , broad acres remain unsown , while ' they are hoarding plenty in their granaries . We say to the peo pie : you must not bear your present afflictions with apathetic endurance in the hopes of coming plenty . The same causes tbat produceii famine after , the /«/ harvest , will produce it afterttienext one . ,. Nay ; when the hound has dnce tasted- blood 'it grows more ravenous . Thus , rest assu ' red . ' after the . ' monoi polist has reaped the advantages of your , famine , he
wmseekafteranother . You must therefore route yourselves in tiraetd counteract the machinations of your enemies .. You must remember , that after every fresh year of famine , as after a defeat , you lose a portion , ' of your confidence , ^ your sjtrengt ) i ,. ' and your reBources-f-while your , opponent gains fresh courage , wealth , and influence . Next year you will not be so , capable of resisting him is !' ' this . yean The time tastr ' uggle is not ^ vhen you are ; utterly prostrated ,- —bound hand and foot at the mercy , of your enemy ; but while you still posses ' . some ,
vigour ~ sprae power , o ^ as weak as you , have been ; you possess ' 1 advantages once undreamed of ; . Land arid Capital , ' and spciaV as well as political union ' s , are raising you on a footing with iyour .: opponents ; they cannot ' now hurl ' you down from the golden ramparts of Monopoly , ' but as ( he towers of ancient besieging artillery brought the assailant to a level with his foe—thus the Landthe- Bank—and the 'Union , are fast' eriabling , the great . array of the Charter to scale the : citadel ! of Corruption . And as men struggle the more bravely when they have semething worth struggling ' for , * - thus will the allottee become doubly . ardent . in the
cause , of democracy . , His self-interest ; alone will ensure ; this . It will remind Mini' that legislative monopolies-deprived his fathers before him of ; their lands by ; unequal laws and oppressive taxation ; it will tell him that those monopolies exist in undiminished'force , and that under ; them there . is no ' security for honest labour ; it will incite him to . relieve his property from the weight of undue taxation , and by ameliorating the laws / of his country , . secure the fruits of his -industry ! in fine . it will make him rally boldly for the CHARTER , that has already given him the LAND , and , that can alone secure to him its undimimshed fruits . ¦¦ <
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i ^ THB « WAT 10 NAL ^ WA ^ S '' CONFfiR ' ENUE' . ' Whatever doubts may have up to this time existed among ; the Trade ?; as'tb the merits of the principles and planVjof ' ^ e ^ Nation ^ vAssocjation ' of United Trades ^ they . must , we imagine , be completely removed by a perusal of the elaborate ' and interesting Report' fof tlie Central Committee , ^ read , ; to | the Annual Conference of that body on Mondayllast .
It is seldom , indeed , that the results ' of practical experience square ., witK the , predications ' . of [ theory . Some unexpected hitch , some . contingency not' calculated upon , some fortuitous combination of adverse circurastances ! not taken into account , come into play , derange the whole machinery , and leave only disappointment and confusion where certain success and triumph were looked for .
Injthe painful catalogue of the attempts made by the working classes , in obedience to the impulses of those natural instincts . which impel humanity to struggle upwards , and the dictates of that natural sense of justice which has led them to demand a fuller ' pariicipation in the fruits of their toil and skill , we dp not remember one effort which , even in its proudest : and palmiest davs , effected so much for the real elevation of the industrious classes as has been effectedby what the Central Committee justly term this " infant Association . " As Hercules in
his craclle , by strangling the serpents , that crept into it ,. gave : token in ; his . childhood of the strength which was to distinguish his manhood , so has the Association , presided yerbyMr . puncombe , at the very commencement given unmistakeable evidence of the possession of vigour which , when 'duly' developed and ^ judiciomly ' directe ' d / must triumphantly achieve the emancipation of Labour from-the shackles of a false system , and give to the producer that place in the sociar scale , ; whether as . respects positive enjoyment or social respect and position , which is now most irrationally ; conceded to the idler ! .. : ¦ ¦
.. ¦ . ..... ..... ' - ' - , : The principle and mode of-action by which these results' have' been achieved are well : deserving of the most profound ' and patient consideration of the order of Labomv ,: Almost the very earliest glimpses of society present the phenomena of a dominant , and an oppressed class ; and \ th ougti history , or the writers of what is falsely called by that name , have been too much'occupied with the chronicles of . battles between royal or feudal robbers , or , in recording the
struggles of contending partizans for the loaves and fishes of office , to take , much note of that everlasting protest against . man's injustice to man ; -which has ever risen up from the great heart of society , yet it is / not . ' the less true that the protest Has been made and the struggle been interminable . Alike under the iron rule of the feudal baron , and the equally detestable tyranny of modern commercial feudalism » , has this battle , been waged , and must continue to be so long as man can feel the' difference between right arid wrong , just andunjust .
! . But , ' th ' e ; , inferences from this , fact are twofold . While , 'on the one hand , it guarantees to . the hopeful ' disciple of progress that the world is not destined to go backwards , that it is in the very nature of our common humanity to aspire , it , on the other hand , suggests to the practical Reformer the question why past efforts ? have : ibeen ; so comparatively inefficient . ^ Granting to those who have , heretofore laboured in the political and social vineyard all the credit due totheir lofty patriotism and persevering exertions , the fact that the great masses of the community aref' still the bond-slaves of the few is conclusive as to the truth of the statement , that the task has yet to' be achieved which they essayedperhaps helped—but did not complete .
^ Perhaps no one single direction has there been an equal amount of money , time ,. energy ; intellect , and good intentions , expended with the object-of improving the condition of the productive classes , as in" Trades ' , Unions . , It wo ' uld be , unjust and untrue to say that the whole of these have been utterly lost . v Though ; the condition of the operatives is not what it ought to be , it might have been very much . worse but for the existence of these unions *
That may be freely conceded ; but at best it is but a negative commendation . ' What is now , what has always been wanted , is an organisation by which the laboriring classes may be positively raised in the scale of society , and endowed with the political , industrial and civil rights of citizenship . The rights of Labour are in essence paramount to the rights of Property , because . labour is the parent of all property ; but , as affairs are now ordered , the oldest and most essential of all rights and of all kinds of property is trampled under foot , and man becomes the slave of the wealth he hiwereated , and of the crafty few who by ; means' of cunningly-devised . institutions , have continued to accumulate it in masses , leaving to the original ' producers at the best a scanty subsistence .
: i To the solution of this great problem- 'tried by many , but without success hitherto in this country , the . Natibnal Association resolutely addresses itself . Its first ' attempts , as we have ' said , appear to us of the most hopeful and cheering description . In nine or ten important ' cases , ; by the expenditure of a small sura of money , it has , either by mediation alone , orby the showof preparatipn to set the men to work ' , by the capital subscribed by working raenifor the . benefit of the working . men , rucceeded in obtaining great advantages for the trades 'in whose behalf it has interfered . This is altogether a new
feature in the history of the industrial classes . Eraplovers have frequently precipitated strikes for private purposes ^ or with the view of humbling the spirit of the trades ; when they thought that they were growing top independent in spirit and sentu meht . Unfortunately ; under the old system of local or sectional Trades' Associations , they could play the game with impunity . The long purse enabled them to hold out .. The empty < exchequer , and the empty stomachs of the working men , compelled
them again to submit to the worse than Egyptian bondage thus ; infamously prepared for theim "A change has come over the spirit of their dream . " A new actor aiipears on . the stage . The masters have no longer to cope with the isolated members of a trade in a single town , or even the associated members of their trade throughout th 3 county .. A new and holy league has been formed by the sons of Labour , who recognise in their common occupation a common ground of . uniori ' ; and this confederation resolute not to exceed" the law—determined at the
same time to avail itself of the aid of the law , whenever it' can do so ; and above all , wielding the moral force and the pecuniary energies of a mighty legal , ' peaceable , arid constitutional confederation , steps in between the , oppressor and his prey , at the moment of contemplated injustice , and either compels him to abandon the intended act of oppressioni or rescues the victim from its endurance . , < We repeat , we know of no instance iu which any association , with such objects in view , can point to so splendid a series of victories in a single year as that recorded by the Report of the Central Committee o f this Association .
Another and not less interesting feature of the Association is that presented by the fact , that where mediation has failed it has , in the majority of cases ' set the men to worV at better prices than those offered by the masters , and that between 120 and 130 persons are thus employed at the present time in various branches of industry . How much superior is this mode ' of employing the funds to the old method of squandering them in keeping men idle , to the manifest loss of the societies , and the great injury ol the individuals themselves . There is an old adage , " that when the devilfinds a man idle lie generally sets him to work , " and looking back at the wreck of character , the destruction of " ober arid industrious habits , ^ Yl ^ ch we hav e seen in
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cWHC ^ 'on w , th protracted" Stfikli !?^ ^ think that # ^ nf . ainstf bitter truth . C annot •>? - By thene * policyoHhis Association all evils are avoided ; ? nd Jf the industrial de ^ be managed , by persons acciistomed to coa transactions , the capita ! , so faT fro ^ being los ^^ % , $$ $ . 'tfnSSfy . andgive , " year by year , \ ^ ing means of employment and increa" « ing tnoral ^' fluerice in thei settling of disputes between tmJ ** and employed .. " . ' ., ¦ . „ . ' ., , , Jerj
We have given a full reportof the proceedin > a the Conference of Delegates , from / which it ^ 5 seen that mush interesting business has been tr acted by it in an impartial ; spirit and in a busin ^" like style , which \ emphatically . proclaims an > 3 ' mense advance in the education of the people in \ matters . ' ^ That misonderstandings and differences c opinion should exist in « uch bodies is tobeexpected * that they should be freely repressed is desirable b ' cause nothing could more fatally lead to rep ' res * all health y ; growt nd expansion than the suppreasion of Opinion and the fullest discussion of every matter connected with the Association
It is ' especially gratifying for us , in this cursory notice oft a most interesting and important meeting , ' o note thatthe working classes fully appreciate the immense , advantages they derive from having Mr Dun combe at their head . The language of the Be . port , in alluding ' a £ the ' close . to these services , indi . cate 3 in a manner at once most honourable to that gentleman and to thejrades , the manner in which they estimate his invaluable services , and to add any . hing here on the subject would only be to spoil the
effect of what has been so well stated in that document . -Cordially , most cordially , do we respond to the ; closing wish : —Long may the Association be honoured by the presidency of a man whom England pr oudly acknowledges to be one of the most patriotic , disinterested and efficient - members of the Legislature , and whom Labour ' s ; spris have' universally adopted as their champion ! ¦
Any ! review of the measures adopted by the Confererice willcome better after we have the full repor before us , and we shall have much pleasure in returning to the subject .-.,:..
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NOTICE .-Since the Law Department of the Northern Star was opened , I have melted almost daily com plaints from poor men that they have been plundered either by Pettifogging Attorneys or Advertising Law . offices ., Itwasto savepoor men from these harpies , that the Law Department of the -Star , was opened . To ' give ' gratuitous Legal ; advice . is one , of the princiDal objects of that department . , In no case , therefore , shall I take even the smallest fee or remuneration from a poor man ; except where my professional services shall render him a richer man than he was before . Where a client , through my professional assistance , recovers property and becomes ; richer than ; he previously was ,, there I shall expect avioderate fee ; ,, but even that I shall not take till after the property has been ¦ recovered . . ¦'¦'¦ ¦ ' '' ' - '• '¦ ' ' ¦ " l y ¦¦; ' ¦ ¦ It is no unusual thing for those who hare got fraudulently or wrongfully into possession of property to set the . claims of justice a ^ defiance on account of the poyer-t / Vjf ^ the . rightful ^ owner .,. Where a poor man's ' .. claim to property is ' believed to be good . his poverty will ¦ act upon me . as ah ' additiohal ' stimulus to obtain justice for him . ¦ ' ' '¦¦' . ; "¦ •'¦ '¦¦ ••> ¦ •• . ' : •' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦
, Thereis another legalgrievance which many people , even in good circumstances , suffer from ; nainely . the heavy expenses-they , are put to about Leases , Agree , ments , Conveyances , Mortgages , llarringe Settlements , Making their . Wills , ie . All these things are commonly made longer by three or fpur times than they need to be and the consequence is , the expenses and stamps are twice or three times as much as they ought to be . To correct this evil a most skilful conveyancer renders me liis services , and upon terms ; so moderate that the ex . penses of Conveyances , Wills , &c , will bo less than one . half of thejr usual amount ; When clients wish'to have " papers returned , or private answe > sto" . their inquiries , it it expected that they will send the requisite number of postage stamps . 'In stating their cases , let clients simply state / acfj , and avoid all remarks and comments of their own . Much , often , depends upon tlio time at which a , thing ' happened ;' as the time of a person ' s Birth , MarriaRB , Death ' , Date of his Will , the Date of the Probate , &c .: therefore in all these ,: and similar : cases , let dates be given . ... . ......... ;• . Ebnest Jokes .
. , . . , . LEGAL . . ¦ ¦ . ¦ . . .. - . ¦ TTir , LiAK Brook , Wakefield . —You and your brother may recover the legacies given by your aunt ' s will ; but be . fore proceeding ' s are instituted send me a copy of the will , - or at any rate of so much of it as relates to the , . legacies . ;<; ¦ ¦ . ; - ' : . ' . John Koothrotd Shaw . —You should have paid the in . ,. stalments according to . the agreement : it was not ne . cessary . that your creditor should send to you for the money . The only advice , ! can . give . is , to state your ' case to the court , and see if it can do anything for you 1 or to throw yourself on the mercy of your creditor . ; J . Derby . —If E . survived T . he had thepowertydisposa
of the property . or to charge it by his will as he pleased , notwithstanding he died in the lifetime of T ' s wife . W . Sawkisgs , Kingslandioad . —To disinherit an heir-atlaw , there is . no necessity " to give him a shilling . " If the testator ' s willow is living , she'is mostprobably entitled to dower , or thirds , out of the property . Isupposi the will wai duly executed and attested / and thatthe ¦ testator was of sound mind . ¦ - . ¦ » ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ;•¦ .-.. ¦ , ¦ . L . M . C—If the debt ^ was contracted for necessaries , ( as food , clothes , etc ., ) 'the debtor is liable to the payment of it notwithstanding he was under , age when it was contracted ; but his goods cannot be taken in execution , ; unless 'judgment has been obtained against .. 'him . '¦ ¦ i- ¦ . ¦'¦• ;„ ¦ s ; ••;
James Haluwkli ,. —The cottagers are liable to be dii . ' trained upon for the rates j . but if they are too poor to pay them , the magistrate can remit them upon proof of theirpoverty . ' . . ' , . J . W ., Ovenden . ^ -The notice your landlord has given you is bad . He can-only turn you out of possession at the end-of your current year ; namely ; on the 7 th of May , 1848 , , , and . that upon giving you six months ' notice to quit , unless there is , a custom to make a shoiter notica sufficient . ' . ; C . J . —The debt being under £ 20 , ' must be sued for under the Small Debts' Act . ' ' J . M—lam of opinion that the second resolution was illegal ; and as the authorities have dropped the prose , cution under your-retractation , you had best let the ' matter drop . \ Vera you to prosecute for the words ¦ you mention , you ' would ' not , I conceive ,, obtain a con . ¦
• viction . ' '•' ¦ ' •• ' ; Richard Harper . —My application would be of no use whntever unless you cau prove yourself to be the heir * at-law or h ' ext . of kin of John Edwards ); you must therefore first inform me what evidence you possess of your being either one or the other . ' : ' E . ScnoLZT . —The property being copyhold , I must see a - copy , of the surrender to Mr Broughton before I can ... judge of your friend ' s case . . ' As ,, however , obtaining such copy would be attended with expense , and your . friend , you any ,, being poor , if you will give me Mr Broughtoh ' s address I will write'to him . A Chahtist . —The old debt is not recoverable , unless it hat been acknowledged in writing within the last six .. years . - ' . « . - ' ¦ . ¦ ¦/¦' ,. ¦ . '¦ ¦ ¦ : •¦• ¦ ... ¦• GeobobMe . di . ock . —I have written to Mr Cooke . Robert Sands . —All the arrears of the weekly payment to Mrs _ Machin may be recovered . by lier personal representative ag . iinst Mrs llawkridge .. Give me her address , or that of her husband , if living , and I will write on the subject ; and tell me who is the executor or administrator vf Mrs Machin . i ; .
J .. > V . A ., WestBromwich . —I do not very dearly understand your case ; but as you are only related in the femaleline , and as your question seems to relate to laud or ' real property , I , do not see how you can have any claim 1 to it , there being others in themale line who arsas neatly related as you are in the female . John Eadiv Girvan ;—The power of attorney will not , enable the party to whom it is given to draw any larger sum than the sum specified in the power . John Boaudman . —If the baker will not pay you you must ¦ prove your debt under the bankruptcy , and inform the assignees of what ho stated about the money in . the Bank .-W . II . PicKVANCE . —During the time you-have been , shut out of the vopin you are . not liable to rent ; and . was . your landlord to bring au actiou for it he would , no doubt , be rion-suitcd . . J . S ., I ) otr . —I will write to the gentleman you mention ; was vour agreement in writing or have you . any respect'
: able witness to prove it V . / : A . P . —Whether done by a very long lease at a rent or by a conveyance of the fee subject to i \ fee farm eent , th » ' effect , as respects " security , " will be muchithe same ; provided the thing be skilfully arid properly , done . Z . N . —If your children are by " your late wife , " they are entitled to the same sharo of the personal estate of your late wife ' s mother as , jour , late wife herself would bavi been entitled to had she survived her mother . J . C . Wihtehead — The . nephew , it would appear , js still living and hnsissue ,, therefore the cousin ( the claimant ) can h ' avo no right io the property . If , however , lsaw a copy of the will or of so much of it as relates to theproperty in question , 1 should be better enabled to ad * vise the claimant what to do . . Tho 3 . Beettos . —Your case is one for an American lawyer . The executors should have sold and haxo . W . . mitted the money to the legatees in England . K you wish it , I will write either to theeorto the Clerko « tha Court of Common Pleas of the State ot Ohio . J . It . S —If tku executors have sold the property £ ott a fair leted his
price and the purchaser , has comp purchase , you uiust call upon the ejecutw to lay out tiiftpmchasemoney ( after deducting the legacies and the expenses of the sale ) on peod , real , security , till it be MMrtained wheUier your father is living or dead . If y . ou will g «« me the address of the executors I will write to thi . m , and take care that the money ( after payment ot i » ; legacies and expenses ) is secured to yoav father aua n » MrTssLF , Newport , Isle of VTight .-The 5 s for *» Warrinstou Conspiracy never reached this omco . consequently , we could not acknowledge tlw wceipt . Chartist Poems . —All parties holding copies of the aw » o are requested to state how many they have sold . »» ' * to forivard the amount received for the sa » m to u »» autlior at the " Northern Star" Office . . J . Joimsos , Mnncliester . —You had best writ till the new court , ;» nu if your solicitor then does not proceed w » n * out showing a satisfactory reason , you must apply ' the court , to have him struck off the rolls for nwscoaduot . It does not very clearly appear from your www , ttutt UiuCU-. j had not a right t < j aell . the ariiclesto tna
U &Mtv*&€Mmonhtn Te
U &mtv * & € mmonHtn te
Untitled Article
" THE LABOURER . " The periodical Press is an exponent as well as & tutor of the popular mind .- - We know- some of its members that are ; in fact , a sort of political ' barometer ; ouis can always tell when Democracy i » in the ascendant , for at such times they grow wonderfully democratic ; and when ' thie elements ' of faction are alternating in the scale of power , ' they change from Whig to Tory , and from Tory to Whig , with marvellous skill and admirable ' complacency . Some of them just . catch the breath of a public opinion before ; it . has blown over the breadth of the- land , aud then : arrogate the credit of having created it .
Others ,., bought , by ; , Miaisierial intrigue , jprophecy the success or failure of measures to be decided by men"bought like themselves ,- —and know the result beforehand , since . they could even tell , ' you what bribe had been received by . each . - We have seen some , too ; spontaneously shoot forth' into Hie broad sunlight of Democracy ^ and sport for a while in ephemeral Liberalism , till they : grow popular and powerful ; then we have heard the jingle of shopo . cratic gold in their leaders , and beheld them all fall back on middle-class interests , and draw'their
inspirations from the '' counter . ^ : \ Ve , therefore , : ) iaiil with pleasure in the \ . Labourers , the , appearance- and success of a Magazine that ha 3 not belied the promise given at itsrcommencement ; and we ^ see in that success a favourable omen for the progress of Democracy . It proves that the appetite is hot wanting when the food is supplied ; that' the , germ of democratic lifejis still . iactive in the country ; and were it only as a feeler thrown out to test the mind of ; the people , this Magazine would . have justified its mission .., But we will venture to assert it has done more . It has proved the depth and
character of the movement ; . ' .. it has given , the , lie to those who | asserted . that passion more than reason was the guiding genius oMhe Charter—arid that its talent lay more in declamatory energy than in varied knowledge . ' ;„ W e . need but refer to the political articles in the numbers that have already appeared in ; this remarkable periodical ; and well \ i ere it for Lord John Russell and the country if he had not only read but heeded the letter addressed to him in the Magazine to which we' allude . : , Well were . it , indeed , for Ireland , if , he had acted on the suggestions it embodies ; - but vain ' were'it to expect Progression from " Finality , " or Justice' from " Expediency . " . ' Nevertheless , the articles ' : we refer to remain a monument of that noble spirit embodied in
the Charter , audof the prineiples that will guide the Government of this country , when that Charter becomes / as it must become , the law of the land . We are . proud of . this Magazine as an exponent of democratic feeling , and proud , of its having maintained its position as a proof of democratic energy ^ It'has " not been one of those periodicals that do more ; injury , to a cause than an » . open enemy , by . ^ espousing its interests at the outset , and then , veering round ; throw the tiaWaer of discouragement upon it ,-. and the reaction ot expectations raised and disappointed . : At the same time ,, the' Labourer thus fills a vacuum long felt ! in ' democratic literature , without a due representation in which a democratic
movement lacks an essential ; and " we have , therefore , watched it . narrowly from its commencement anxious for its oneness of purpose , aud thence for its success . Now that it has reached the conclusion of a first volume " —now that it , is thus far established in character and position—we bid it a more formal welcome than the mere monthly review in our literary columns , for , as we have said above , we regard it as an omen and aid for Democracy's approaching triumph . On whichever side we look , we behold similar signs of encouragement . This is but one of many . On the broad basis of
the LAisD the triumph of Chartism is being reared ; the hand of UNION is working at its walls ; even CAPITAL is lending her unwonted aid , won by the charm of thrift and ternperance ; and LITERATURE is finishing the graceful architrave , showing the world that those from whom it can thus emanate , who can enjoy its iuspirations , and be influe nced by it s guidance , must already be far advanced on the pathway of education , and well-fitted to wield that political power without whufo soda ] amelioration can never k ob . taia ¦ .
Untitled Article
± _ THE NORTHERN STAB ; v . May ^ „ . siT invif insT PUBLISHED . tut ? . n h < SM \ rOH . V'ft M . T ; l ? . iSf . ^ rniri i , JU 5 T PUBLISHED THE |^®|^ lfcft
Untitled Article
. ttowitt ^ jnim . pmT v wnn HOWUT ' o JOURSAL , PART Y ., FOR JUHE Edited ljjWrn . UK and Hast Howitt , contains
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 29, 1847, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1420/page/4/