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' - '"JioJttS MWB , THE SCOTIISH HARTTB . a test for thefate , and a sign for the story , ^ o » wholoT * dFre « dom , regardless of fasu : gefote not tb * tribute to Mm whose tola glory f ( u that of bequeathing a Patriot name . Cold . cold it the grave when neglected he alombtw , jflheeded the temple that holds hit remains , jmthU eountoj , repentant , sow gratefallynmnberi The manga he endui'd to urivet her chafes . Yet , nations may weep o ' er the heroes thty btniih , O ' er men who amUtion'd buttbdr liberty . But when all their temples » hall crumWe and vanish , They'll live in the hearts ef the hniTe and the free . What are tears to tbe spirits of Hair and of Wallaee ? Thdrnamesare immortal , their souls are dhine ; So sighs cam awake and no anguish can solaea The heroes that slumber in liberty * shnne .
So , no , they now sleep where the brave cannot perish , Thoaeh time may corrupt md their ashesdecay : Ksionoured they feU , hut their country shall cherish The martyrs whose g lery cannot pus away . - TheannaH of Freedom , the recorda of ages Shall publish the naaua of the bold and the brave . While the liring shall meorn and blush o ' er the pages , To find that their country refuted them a grave . Yet , tueh mi the f ste of the heroes we number , IVhofied for * home to some far distant shore , tmknown to the stranger , with glory they slumber , While minions bewail them , when they are no more . Prom their grave they repl y : « Oh ! ye slaves , why forlorn !
• The spirit of Freedom with men never dies , For though tyrants may trample and laugh yon to scorn , * The sun of your freedom shall one day arise . ' The yoxmg , when they hear of theirtragieal story , Shall wipe off the stain , and efface the decree . They'll die , for their country , or live for its glory , Thehlood of the brave is the seed of the free . long , long shall the mtllioas , remember , with sorrow , The names they shall cherub and love through all time , They'll weep them to day , and they'll bless them to . morrow While mankind proclaims them immortal , sublime . ' Him Gkicchus , Gentleman . London , Sep . 7 , 1817 .
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REVELATIONS POUTIQJJES . LES TROIS YICTIMES . Fab is Coirs be Willbbw . [ Political Bevelatim s . The Three Ttetnu . By the Count deWUlbrod . ] I / radon : Armand , Rathbone-place . { Contmuedfrom tteSiarofSepttmberlltL ) Lyons was the first town which felt the intrigues of the Society of National Independence . The movements in Lyons in 1816 , were in fact bat the prelude to the more violent outbreaks of eighteen months afterwards ; the results compromised De cares and his agents in the most deplorable manner : it was in fact a skirmish of the parties , —a prologue acted by those grand dramatists , the Talleyrand—Fouchg Ministry , the Orleanist faction , and Paul Didier—concerning whose proceedings themostsipificant and culpable silence was maintained by Deeazes .
The outbreak was fixed to take place on the 20 th OT 21-t of January , a few days after Didier ' s return from an expedition to Loire , Upper Loire , and Puy de Domme . He had received his latest instructions from Paris , and it was agreed that an attack should be made on the garrison , which contained but few soldier ? , that some watchmen should seize the sentinels , and that Rosset witha hundred recruits should disarm the guard , take possession of the ammunition , and Lyons should be manned by the insurgents But the plot was discovered on the morning of the 19 th , by General Mariorgone , commandant of the department , and the ringleaders were arrested , with the exception of Didier , who within twenty-four hours found himself safe within the walls of
Grenoble . However , the executive in those days did not hurry themselves in their decisions ; the plot which failed en the 20 th of January , was inquired tntoon the 26 th of August ; an interval of sixmonths was thus left fer the drama at Grenoble to be played ( Hit , and the success or failure of Didier to be decided . Tet had not an extraordinary fatality , or some yet deeper machination interfered , nothing could have been more easy than to stifle this rebellion in its birth . The following were the facts elicited by the judicial inquiry . That there existed a revolutionary association of which the centre wasPaiis , under the immediate protection of the resigned ministers , and which spread itself through even the extremities of France . ...
That Paul Didier had , under the name of Auguste , been sent by the chief committee at Paris to Lyons , and had presided in the meetings held at the chief conspirators'houses . And finally , that in these meetings , in written proclamations , and in intercepted letters , personages 9 } the highest ran * had been compromised , and their mames had been used witha boldness sufficiently daring , to at least excite suspicion . Well ! thesenameswerereligiouslyconcealed , the association of National Independence was suffered to continue its tranquil career , Faul Didier was allowed to continue unmolested his revolutionary pilerimazes / and the whole affair , which had been
suppregsedforsixmonths . terminatedqEietly attheasnze Court ; seme of the cons pirators were acquitted : two were condemned to different terms of imprisonment , and but for the judge , M . de Chantelange , the trial would never have been heard of beyond the limits of the court . But that minister saw at once the whole danger of the conspiracy . He Bpoke openly and energetically of the seditious conferences rf the ' ex-ministers : he accused Fouohe , Carnot , and Talleyrand of hating woven the plot of which he held one intricate thread . Other accusations , somewhat less explicit perhaps , were made by him , but if the ? were not then understood , the policy and craft Of one now high in power , has left them at present
no enigma . It must be allowed that the conspirators showed much discrimination in choosing Grenoble as the theatre for the opening act of the revolutionary drama . Possessing peculiar privileges , from having long enjoyed its own parliament , ever ready to face danger , to be the first in all daring acts of independence , of patriotism , or of rebellion , yet unstained by the blood-guiltiness of thereign of terror , the capital of Danphmy was an admirable spot fortheexecution of a scheme , which , if successful , was to deprive the Bourbons of their throne for ever .
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TAIT-S MAGAZINE . M . de Qoiney figures as usual at the head of this magazine , with all his wordy nothingness and tedious folly . To criticise such twaddle would be beneath the dignity of a review ; we can only remark irith what singular appropriateness bis observations on the origin of Schlosser ' sreputatien may be applied to himself . Schlosttrmatthavebeaefitted in somesnrfj adventitious way , before he ever could baverisen to bis Qennsa
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celebrity , what was It that raised Mm to his monism-Jaiy dUUntBoB ! Wai it something very wicked that at did , er something very brilliant that he sale ] T I should rather conjecture it mart have been sontthing Incon , eehaWy absurd which he proposed : t ^ w ! , * ^ 8 tor y entiOed ' The Huguenot ' s daughter , ' which contains much to please and interest , and hag the rare merit of being , though a rinf * ^^ ed «» f » one number of the mgafJL £ 5 V r / £ Uaf Gwtfw * Fullarton ' s ex-SS ? B 0 Td' Gra ?« ey Manor , ' and another long dissertation on ScottUh rivers ( rivers seem to be nnft ! ^*? P ^ m writers ) , nearly make ap the present number of Tail . CeMbritr . What was it that railed Mm ?¦» it . ™«~—
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¦ ? >— THE TWO LOUIS-PHELIPPES . * He whe filches from me my good name Bobs rae of that which not enriches him , And leaves me poor indeed !'
We present our readers with the following amuriBg illustration of the above lines . ( The latter is a translation of one addressed to the Editor of the ' Re forme : — Si * , —In the age of liberty in which we live , I had , hitherto , believed that we were permitted to call our . selves by the name of our fathers , and had the right te take his name ana title . The anecdote I am about to relate will , however , prove to yonnelf and readers , if you think fit to communicate It to them , that we have returned to the usages of the good old times of abselute deipetism , and that this right no longer exists . At Kanterre , a part of the country where rustic manners and rural in nocenoe exlit in foil force , lives a carrier called PMKppe ; his godfather had given him the ( name of Xouit , many years ( before his namesake , the highest personage of that name , had determined on ousting his cousin , the king .
Onr carrier styled himself * louit Philippe , carrier , firtt ofNattitrre , ' not that he was ambitions of being the first carrier in the country , but only to tell hU customers that his name was at the entrance of the village . Thus did he quietly enjoy the right of calling himself after his father , when , unluckily , a carriage one day passed thedoor , and this carriage was the means of proving he had no right to bear his father ' s name . The carriage was the Duke D'Aomale'i . Though the horses were going rapidly , his Highness observed the tig * , read it , and a few days afterwards , M . Philippe ( I dare no losger call him anything else ) was ordered ta takedown the offensive board , and replace it with
rararre , cissies of kartebsx . The son of this victim bears the same names as his father , and being about to Barry a Hits lent ( the king ) , intended to add her name to his own , but it must not be . It is his misfortune to be called Laws . Fm $ pe . It would , indeed , be treason to add Ze rot . If this anecdote be correct , is it not enough to disgust the world with the puerile folly and despotism of kings ? ? Man ! proud man ! Dressed in a little brief authority , like an angry ape Plays such fantastic tricks before high Heaven As makeB the angels weep !'
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THE TIVERTON LIBRARY . The communications respecting the above Library being this week more than we can well dispose of in the ' Notices to Correspondents , ' we place them together under a separate head . V&- HavingreceivedBrdersfortheknittedcollars , contributed by the' Tirerton lady / to the amount of One Pound ' s worth , I think it right to intimate that I cannot receive further orders on account of the Library . One pound is , I think , a sufficiently generous donation , and as the lady ' s time is in other ways
greatly occupied in farthering the interests of the working classes , it would be unjustifiable to impose upon her kindness in regard to the ' collars . ' If , however , any friends wish to have collars , I shall have no objection to receive orders , it being understood that the cash sent to me will be paid over to the lady in return for her work . It is only proper to add , that I make this announcement without having first consulted the lady . G . Jews Habhbt . northern Star Office . Sept . 15 th , 18 i 7 .
Rksolo tioss pissed at a Msehkg of the Tiverton Chartists , held at the White Ball Inn , en Friday , September 10 th : — That tats meeting tenders its most sincere and heartfelt thanks to the lady who has so kindly and benevolently presented to Mr Barney a number of ladies' netted collars , to be sold for the benefit of the Working Man ' s Library , and that we pledge ourselves to second the efforts of this lady so nobly manifested in oar behalf . That we present our grateful thanks to Mr Thomas Winters , of No . 2 , Kirkman ' s-place , Tottenbam-courtroad , for having so liberally made a gift of twenty volumes to the Library . Also , our best thanks to Mr G eorge Wallace , of No . 14 , St JTohn ' s-wood-terrace , Regent ' spark , for his kind gift of a highly valued work ; and that we pledge ourselves to make the best use of the above works in farthering the aims and objects of the benevolent donors .
That the thanks of this meeting be given to the editor of the Noethebn Stae for his kindness on former occasions , and that he be requested to publish the above resolutions . The Coidhtteb op the Chabtbt Association at Tiverton beg to return their most sincere thanks to Mr Alexander and Mrs Baynes , for their kind doaations to the Working Man ' s Library . The Secretary to ihb Tiveeton Chahtists has received eight volumes for the Library . from W . J . P . Wilkinson , Esq ., of Exeter , for which the Tirerios Chartists return their sincere thanks .
Nottikghah OPERATIVE Librahies . —At a meeting of delegates from the various operative libraries in this vicinity , it was stated that it was in contemplation to form one at Tiverton , and as the principal object of the meeting was to make arrangements for assisting the occupiers of the ' Land allotments' in forming theirs so far as the present circumstances of each library would admit , either by loan or gift of books ; it was also agreed upon that Tiverton should be included , and that a copy of the rules of each library in this district should , in the first instance , be forwarded to the Tiverton working men , accom * panied by such other information on the subject as might be considered of use . Being at a loss with
whom we should correspond , I am directed by the delegates to request that , if in your power , you will insert in the next week ' s Northern Star , to whom the rules , had better be forwarded . The members ol the operative libraries here , knowing the utility of such institutions , are anxious to render every assistance in their power ior the formation of such libraries , in localities where they do not at present exist—I am , sir , for the delegates , your most obedient servant , M . Hukt , Secretary , No . 2 . Library , King George on Horseback . Mr Julian Harney . [ Address to Mr George Coaway , Jan ., West-Exe , Tiverton , Devonshire . ]
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IBTTERS ON GRAMMAR . £ ~ 4 TO THE WORKING CLASSES . My > bab Fbiekds , My last letter had so considerably exceeded the limits usually assigned to it , I was corapellsa to delay for t week , the consideration of some of the properties of the Advbrb . I teld you that it showed the manner of the verb . I must now add , that it is frequently used to increase the power of adjectives ; which , you know , mark the quality of the Noun . Thus , we say' very beautiful , ' extremely rich , ' to express a hi g her order of beauty and greater wealth than the adjectives ' beautiful / * rich , ' would , of themselves , describe . , '¦ .
"We also frequently use two adverbs together , fer the same purpose as we join an adverb and an adjective , namely—to give the second adverb greater force : as he writes very correctly . ' Many adverbs are formed by adding ly to adjectives-as ' sweet , sweetly , ' 'beautiful , beautifully ; ' but although almost all the words that end in ly are Adverbs , there are many words which have not that termination , which are also Adverbs . Whenever you may be in doubt , remember the rule I have given yon—that the Adverb shows the manner of the Verb , ' and cannot be used with a Noun , as the Adjective is only used with a Noun , or its substitute , a . Pronoun , expressed or supposed .
We now come to the seventh part of Speech , namely—The Preposition . Prepositions are mostly small words , and are used to show the position or relation of things to eack other . For instance—I will describe my position with reg ^ dto things around me . I am in a room , , o » - a ' chair , near the fire , beyond the window , at a table , beniath the ceiling , before the wall , above the floor . ' ' . , . Observe how accurately these words describe my situation . These words are prepositions . You may always know them by putting the word 'look'' before any word , and it after the word ; if it makes sense , that word is a Preposition ; as 'lookat , '« too * after , ' 'look about . '
The eighth part of Speech is the Conjunction . It is used to join words and sentences together , so as to connect them in the mind . 'I wish to have a cottage and garden , that I may live comfortably . therefore I will work hard to obtain them . Y ou see the words ' ana , ' ' that , ' therefore / join together three sentences . Interjkctons are words thrown into a sentenie to express some sudden feeling , and having no connection with the sentence itself . I think they are scarcely worthy of being called a part of speech , since they are only to us human animals , what howling is to a dog , or neighing to a horse . Such are Oh ! Alas \ Ah \ and many other similar words , In writing an interjection , you . should always folio w it by this mark (!) which is termed a note of admiration .
We have now gone through , the definitions of the different Parts of Speech , which , you will remem - ber , contain , in some one division , every word it is possible to utter . You will remember that Noun is merely a Name . That the Aktwle limits the Noun . e . The Adjective shows its quality * The Veeb gives life and action to the iVban . The Adverb is joined to the tier J to show the manner of the action . The Pronoun stands for the Noun . The Preposition shows the position or relation of things to each other . The Conjunctionjomw sentences together .
The Interjection is merely an exclamation of pain , pleasure , surprise , or any other sudden feeling . And now , before I proceed to explain to you the changes which those parts of speech undergo , I will give you some directions for acquiring a perfect knowledge of the words themselves , since it is absolutely necessary you should learn to distinguish a Noun from a Verb , and so on , before you attempt to go into the peculiarities of each word . I will suppose you seated in a class reund a table , provided with slates , pencils , a bit of wet rag or sponge , and a small' Johnson ' s Dictionary . ' You may buy a new pocket editition of this valuable book for Is or Is . 6 d ., and if two or three join to purchase one for their mutual benefit , they will think their few
pence well laid out . Being all prepared in this manner , and having carefully read over my descriptions of the different words , you will each write on your slate a Noun ; the name of something—say Man \ then put an article to distinguish whether you mean any one ( for which purpose you must use the indefinite a or an ) , or some particular man ( in which case the definite the will be proper . ) Proceed , now , to give character to the Noun by the addition of the Adjective , and say , ' An industrious Man' Give action to the noan man , by adding a verb—say , 'An industrious man works : ' but all
men work m some way—with hands , or head , or both—and those who work at useless idleness , do , in my opinion , the hardest work of all ; so that , to say ' an industrious mantoorfo' is not saying enough . We must show how he works , by the assistance of an Adverb—An industrious man works diligently . Our sentence begins to express a meaning , but if we wish to continue to speak of the man , we must use the pronoun , and add l he rises early ( another verb and adverb ) and ' u in his garden at sunrise . ' You see the word and joins the two sentences together , and the prepositions , tn and at , show his relation with respect to bis garden , and to tbe time of
sunrise . Whenever you are in doubt about a word refer to your dictionary , where you will find , after the words n for noun ( or perhaps s for substantive ; they mean the same thing , ) a for article , a # . for adjective , /?/© , for pronoun , t > for verb , adv . for adverb , prep , for preposition , eonj . for conjunction , and int . for inter * jection . And now , as I have given you quite sufficient { f tfrk to occupy you for a week , I will take advantage o # a little vacant space to say a few words > n the Bubjjflt of Writing , which , yeu may remember , I advisdj , vou to acquire from Foster ' s Pencilled Copy ! Bobks . You will see an advertisement of the prices
trf these looks in another part of the paper ; and I should . retaSnmend you to obtain the Parochial copjibo ^ ks , through Mr Foster himself , as they are the cheapest , and equally good with the others . In fact ; ff " you can order one hundred at a time they will only cost about ten shillings , and this quantity - will be sufficient to teach four persons to write well . These books have been designed expressly for the benefit of those persons who wish to acquire a good hand without the aid of a master . Mr Foster ' s plan is as simple a 3 possible . You begin with straight strokes , and gradually proceed from strokes to pothooks , then to the easiest letters ; afterwards the books contain the more difficult letters , and finally , words and sentences .
The guidance is of two sorts : —1 st . —pencilled copies for training ; 2 nd—pencilled copies , alternated with lines in the direction the letters ought to be made , and at the proper distances from each other . Now mark—these slanting lines , which you will see beiween&om of the lines of letters , are only to show you where the thick part of the letter is to be , and these alternate lines are to be filKd up precisely like the top line of the copy . Any further information with regard , to forming writing classes , or in explanation of the . copy books , I am authorised to say that Mr Foster will himself furniBh you with , gratuitously .
In my next letter to you I shall explain some of the changes which the parts of speech are liable to undergo . Meantime , I trust that by pursuing carefully the plan I have laid down for the formation of sentences ,, you will become perfectly acquainted with all the sorts of words ' . It give * me great pleasure to hear that some of the readers of my Letters on Grammar are forming classes for the study of those letters , because i ^ assures me that my labour will not be in vain , since iyou are disposed to help \ yovrselees . Nothing that s really worth acquiring can be gained without labour ; all that the best teacher can do is to simplify that labour , and prevent the learner from wasting his time in learning that which is of no value . I am , your very sincere Friend , M . M . P .
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Caledonia * Railwat . ~ A- portion of this railway , which is to unite by a westernline London with Edinburgh and Glasgow , was opened last week with the usual ceremonies . The part of the line now open extends from Oarhde to BeaMock , a distance of forty miles . The undertaking consists of a main trunk hne of 72 * miles , from Carlisle to Carnwarth whence two lines diverge , one of 27 J miles to Edin ' burgh , and another of about 12 miles to the Coltness Railway , by which , with other existing lines , and the Clydesdale Junction Railway , which is amalgamated with the Caledonian , a communication is effected witb ulasgow .
Thi late Db Chalmbrb . —The whole of the reverend gentleman ' s HjannBcripta have been bought by Mr Thomas Conetable , brother-in-law ot Mr Oowan , the new member for Edinburi-b , and son of Mr Con ! stabe , the friend of Sir Walter Scott , and publisher of all to work .. Mr Constable has ' given theenor ' mous sum of £ 10 , 000 fer Dr . Chalmers ' s manuscnpt 8-a sum we believe much greater than was ever before given for the posthumous works of an author . The largest amount ever given under Bimitar . eircurnstances , wa 8 : £ 4 , fiOO , which Mr Murray gave to the sons of Mr Wilberforce for his' Life and Correspondence / u . fu ^ R ' ft t SrocKPOBi . - Anticipating that Mr Cobden will elect to sit for the West RidinI of Yorkshire , the electors of Stockport hare presented a requisition to Mr Alderman Kerahaw , the defeated candidate in the late contest , to offer himself again .
Cotton Ccltivamon in Acsiraua . —The prospectus has appeared of a company for the encouragement and the promotion of the growth of cotton and other tropical produce in that extensive tract of land in North Eastern Australia , called Cooksland by means of European free labour . The project is one which is said to bid fair te be not only highly successful as a mere money speculation , but may be productive of the most jmporbat advantages to Lancashire , as the great centre of the cotton manufacture . It ia only a short period since Australia began to compete with foreign countries in the English wool market , and already she fuwiBhes nearly one-fourth of all the wool imported into Great Britain . A field of wheat near Alnwick , was sold last week by public auction , for 6 s . an acre ! The crop is thin and much overrun with weeds , and is situated in the immediate neighbourhood of game preserves .
Somnambulism . —An extraordinary case of somnambulism , with as remarkable preservation of life took place last week at Portsmouth . A young man on a visit to his brother , precipitated himself from a window sixteen feet from the ground , falling into a narrow yard , six fest wide , bounded by a wall with a high iron palisade . The window which he forced out was fifteen inches in width , and was shivered to fragments on the flags below . With the exception oi a few bruises he sustained no injury of importance . He has no remembrance of the occurrence . Extraobwnart fall in Bbead . —Last quarter the Sherborne board of guardians contracted for the union bread at lOJd . per 41 b loaf , whilst the same was tendered for on Saturday , for the ensuing quarter , at 6 * Jd . per loaf .
Expense of the Dockyard Battalions . —The sum mentioned in our last Gazette as the coat of the Dookvard battalions , having been subjected to some question , we repeat that it will amount to at least £ 80 , 000 , and we have undoubted authority for the assertion . This will oocasion an excess of £ 60 , 000 over and above the sum granted by Parliament in the navy estimates fer 1847 8 . —Naval and Military Gazette . A Relic—On Wednesday the venerable mansion at WhittingtOD , in Derbyshire , known in 1688 as 'The Cock and Pyot . ' came to the hammer , anticipating the sale of Shakespeare ' s house by one little week . It was in this house that the conference was held which resulted i » the glorious revolution , and it has been called since the Revolution House . The sum obtained was £ 125 , and the purchaser is a stonemason and innkeeper , named Woodhouse , who has long tenanted the premises .
Opening her Majesty ' s Letters . —One of the persons employed by the Sosthampton postmaster to take the Isle of Wight mails from the steamer to the office has been suspended . He says he found a letter adddressed to her Majesty , from Oaborne , open on board the steamer . How the mail-bag , the pouch in it , and the letter , all came open some think the lad must know . Of the four letters reported to have been received in Scotland , that had been opened and resealed , nothing is known at present . Election Petitions—It is thought there will be but few petitions presented at the commencement of next session , complaining of undue returns of honourable members , as a general opinion prevails that the next Parliament will be one of short duration . Mr Austin , Q . C ., and Mr Talbot , Q . C ., have resolved in future not to attend committees on election petitions . —Standard .
DmtcvunxB of a Noblb Dukb . —Within the last few days a great sensation has been caused in one of our English counties by a series of legal proceedings , of the most rigorous nature , taken against a noble duke . His grace has himself , with a portion of his family , hurried off to the continent , and is not expected to visit England again for several years . The princely establishment of the noble duke is completely broken up . An attachment has been laid on bis personal effects , wherever they could be come at . His pack of hounds , and even the poultry in his yard have been attached by the creditors . The liabilities for which these proceedings are taken are said to have been chiefly contracted during his grace ' s marquiaate . The parties at whose suit the proceedings are taken , are a wealthy Jewish firm in the metropolis , remarkable for the magnitude o their monetary transactions . It is confidently stated
in private circles that a . noble earl , who recently re * celved the aid of the duke ' s influence in a memorable electioneering contest , is the holder of bonds for loans to his grace to the large amount of £ 50 , 090 . KinqErnbbt of Hakovbr . —King Ernest was ( August 22 ) living at his country house , about a mile and a half from the town ; as were also the Crown Prince and his wife ; the former is , I regret to find , hopelessly blind—the latter makes him a most affectionate and attentive partner . The King , they tell me , has grown a little ' crotchety . ' He has refused the customary leave of absence to his officers ; does not scruple to tell the fair visitants at his Court when tbe colour of their dress does not suit his taste , and has ordered that ladies should wear curia when they appear at Court . His Majesty has built a magnificent marble mausoleum , which is to have the honour of receiving his remains when he quits this busy scene . —Literary Gasette .
Chard . — Forestalling . — Mr James Chard , of Haselbury Pluoknet , corn-faetor , was summoned before W . Salter , Esq ., the mayor , for buying a quantity of oats of one Ann Vincent , within the borough , knowing that the same had not been exposed for sale in the usual place in the market for the space of one hour previously to his purchasing the same , contrary to the twelfth by-law of the said borough . In consequence of numerous complaints by the inhabitants in January last , at a time when corn was rapidly rising in price , the mayor issued a hand-bill , in which was reprinted the above by-law , as a caution toft ™ .
atallers and regrators , which was posted in and around the town . A ' regrator or forestaller , ' says a learned writer , ' originally signified one whobeught proyiswnB in order to sell them again for gain , and suoh person was considered anciently as an enemy ; to the community , ' and he is still considered so . The by-law imposeB a penalty of not exceeding forty shillings , as well on sellers as buyers ; but as tha defendant pleaded an entire ignorance of the law , and Bolemnly declared that he never saw the handbill above alluded to , he was fined in the mitigated penalty of five Bkiltinca , with costa .
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£ 405 m " ° the « wpontion of London * Earl Fifzwi / liam tas RiYen £ 100 towardy-ife building of a church m the Eldon district , Sl | S field . Lieutenant Sir Walter Lockharthas been allowed to . add the name of Scott to that of his ather . Go to strangers for charity , to acquaintances for advice , and to relatives for : nothing—and you wiB always have a supply . . ¦ ¦• ' ^ ¦ The Bishop of Exeter has ordered the observance ofa day of public thanksgiving throughout his diocese for the late bountiful harvest . The personal property of the late Admiral Sir Byam Martin has been valued at £ 120 , 000 ; that of Admiral Stopford , at 40 , 000 . - A hive of bees has been found in the roof of the church of Widmerpool , in Nottinghamshire , from which one hundred pounds weight of honey has been obtained .
A Dublin paper , giving-an account of the arrival of one of the steamers with paupers from Liverpool heads it thus : — ' More brutality towards the Irish . * There are in the House of Commons 5 i eldest sons of Peers , 7 heirs presumptive , 35 younger sons , 19 grandsons , 45 brothers , and altogether 206 persons connected with the peerage . At the late annual meeting of the Royal AgrieaJtural Sooiety of Ireland , nearly one-third of the prizes were awarded to Scotch farmers . At the Assizes , at Salisbury , an indictment waa
tried against a person named Edwards , for having narrowed a public footpath through a lane . Chief Justice Wilde told the Jury that no lapse of time , or adverse enjoyment , eould deprive the public of a right of way which they had once possessed . A verdictof guilty was returned . The body of John Tawell , who murdered Sarah Hart , has been disinterred from the ground within the walls of the old gaol at Aylesbury , and buried within the walls of the new gaol . The body of another culprit was removed at the same time . Tbe coffin that contained Tawell's body was In good pte « ¦ ¦
aervatwn . . . ' . A Derby paper mentions that aman lately dreamed that his son , a boy seven or eight years eld , would be killed by falling down a pit , and within a few days this dream was fulfilled by the death of the child , wb « fell down a ooal-pit , on Gresley Cemmon , and waa killed on the spot . Two servant girls were lately committed to tbe lock-ups at Edinburgh , for having beaten carpsts ia the streets , at a wrong hour ; and a boy , twelve yean old , was also committed for haying played at marbles , to the annoyance of the public ' Mary Lister , a professed necromancer , hag been committed to Scarborough gaol for a month , as a rogue a * d a vagabond , having duped a farmer named George Tindall , of Scalby , out of £ 20 , which the magistrates had not the power to make her disgorge . . A Cotton Envelope . —Perhaps in no branch of
minor manufactures has there been a greater improvement than in that of envelopes ,. the last disoovsry being a 8 om . ewh . afc curious one . This is a patent envelope brought out by Spalding and Bodge , Drury-lane , made of eotton , the writing on which cannot be erased , while if it sets wet it can be read easily . It is likely to be used for foreign despatches for maps , and in lieu of parchment generally . The Dublin papers allude mysteriously to a most atrocious act of vengeance , perpetrated by a jealous wife upon her husband , in that city . The" harpy is tatd to be' a lady of the highest rank , ' and the husband ' s life is in danger . The Patriot repeats the rumour that the Duke of Wellington is to marry Miss Burdett Coutts , and states that he is to finger £ 200 , 000 on the nail . His Grace had better make haste , or King Death may brbid the banns .
A Liverpool paper mentions that one day last week a man sat down in a limekiln , in order to smoke his pipe , aad within half-an-hour he was found to have been suffocated by the fumes from the kilia . A French paper mentions that a young man named Peyron , the brother-in-law ofa peer of France , has become a novice in a convent of Jesuits , and has resigned to the order his whole fortune ,, amounting to 4 , 000 , 000 f . ( £ 160 , 000 . ) Marshal Sebastian ! still remains at his hotel in the Rue du Faubourg St Honore * , and is as well in health as his great age , and the late distressing events in his family will permit . The Conseil de Familie has , it is said , nominated him guardian of the children of his late daughter , the Duchess de Praslin . After visitine the apartments in which
she was murdered , the marshal decided that they shall be left in the same Btate as they were in after the crime , and that the doors and windows shall be walled up . Of the persons arrested among the crowds assembled in the Rue St Honore and the Rue du Faubourg St Antoine , about one-fifth have been ascertained to be foreigners . According to measures prescribed by the authorities , a passport was delivered to each of them on being set at liberty , with an order to quit Paris in twenty-four hours . Two of the diligences which run between Barcelona and Perpignan were lately stopped , between Igualada and Lerida , by a band of Catalonian . Carlists , who stripped the passengers of their property and clothes , ard left them standing in their shirts on the road , but inflicted no personal injury upon them .
According to a letter from Odessa , of the 22 nd ult ., the cholera appears to have almost entirely subsided at Tiflis , and to have much diminished at Taganrok ; but , on the other hand , it has invaded Roatof , Marianopolis , and several other towns of Southern Russia . At Restof , out ofa population of 8 , 000 , in three weeks not less than 2 , 000 were carried off : The . terror of the disease was so great that all the post-houses along the road from Roatof to Odessa were abandoned . It has been discovered that many ladies have
disguised themselves in men ' s clothes , for the purpose of witnessing the trials of the Polish insurgents at Berlin , and the Prussian police have consequently adopted stringent measures to prevent them from gratifying their curiosity . The Lords of the Treasury have ordered that persons arriving from abroad may , upon payment of duty , import for their own use , copies of American and Freaoh editions of British copyright books , if they can obtain the written consent of the owners of the copyrights .
Celxstial Phenomena . —In the course of five or six weeks , most of the planets visible to the naked eye will be seen in the evenings , shining in their usual Bplendour . Venus has , for some considerable time past , been a conspicuous object in the western part of the heavens ; but she is now at a very low altitude at sunset , and sets a little before nine o ' clock p . m . With a good telescope she appears as a halfmoon , inclining to a crescent . Sbe will continue as an evening star till the beginning of October , and , till then , will appear through the telescope in the form of a crescent , gradually becoming more slender till the period of her conjunction with the sun , on the 3 rd of October , when her dark side is completely turned towards the earth , and she is
consequently invisible . Saturn has again made his appearance in the south-east , where he may be seen , near the horizon , about ten p . m . The ring of this planet appears at present only like a Hne of light on each side of its disc , and its opening is scarcely visible . About the early part of 1848 the ring will be invisible , and only a dark stripe will be seen across the ; djsp of the planet ; The planet Mars may be seen rising a little to the north of the eastern part of the heavens , before ten and eleven p . m . He will appear in his greatest brilliancy about the end of October . Jupiter will again make his appearance , at a late hour in the evening , about the end of Sep . tember . In the beginning of October he will be seen rising in the north-east , between ten and eleven o ' clock in the evening .
The Sabbath in Scoilabd . —The Grand Duke Constantino , during his tour in that region , visited the islands of Staffs and Ioua in the Shearwater , t chanced that he arrived at the latter on a Sunday . The stern eld keeper of the cathedral kejs refused to unlock the gate and admit the party to see thetombstones , for that would , in his opinion , have been td desecrate the Sabbath . In vain did Capt . Robinson ask imploringly whether he was aware who the illustrious granger was whom he refused to gratify ? Donald ' Didna exactly ken . ' He supposed , ' from what folk said , it was only the Emperor of Russia . Buthewadnagieupthekey to his ain Queen oa the Lord s day . There was a Power abopn , superior o ome earthly power , and he coudna gieupthe ccy * ¦
Thb Bkbi Sow from Flbbh . —The characters of flesh described , at once suggest the best ) method of preparing , in a few minutes , the strongest and most uglily-flavoured soup ; and any one may convince himself of the truth of the assertion tEat those constituents of soup on which its taste ana other properties depend , exist ready formed in tbe flesh , and are not in any way products of the / operation of boiling . When 1 lb . of lean beef , free from fat , and separated from the bone , in the finely-chopped Btate in which it is used for beef sausages or mince-meat , is uniformly mixed with its own weight of cold water , slowly heated to boiling , and thejiquid after boiling briskly ior a minute or two ;;; is strained
through a towel from the coagulated ajoumen ana fibrine , now become hard and horny , we obtain an equal weight of the most aromatic soup , of such strength as cannot be obtained , even by boiling for houre , from a pieoe of flesh When used with salt , and tiio other UBual additions by whfch soup is usually seasoned , and tinged somewhat darker by means of roasted onions or burnt 8 ugar , ' , it forms the very best s » up which oan in-any way- . Obe prepared from Ub . of flesh . . y . Gun Cohoh . —It would seem that this explosive substance does not answer in all cases sq well as gunpowder for railway purposes . We learp > that experiments recently made on some hard rock . m a cutting near Wolverharanton were so unsatisfactory as to induce the experimenters to resort ^ old-fashioned gunpowder again ' .
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Rotal Polttbchkic iHSimmoN . —A highly important invention has been just added to the numerous works of mechanical art already deposited in the establishment . It consists of an apparatus for propelling carriages up inclined planes oa railroads , and is invented and patented by Mr Galloway , the engineer . The application may be thus described . In the centre of the road , between the rails , is fixed a strong baulk of wood , with a grooved rail firmly fitted on it for the purpose o f receiving two horizontal wheels , one on eaeh side ; these wheels are in communication with the engine , and when the train arrives at the bottom of the incline , the wheels are pat in motion and take it up with great facility , and in its downward course alsoacts the part of a break , the whole being allowed to descend with any given amount of velocity . The principle is beautifully
illustrated in the model , which is daily exhibited and explained amongst the other demonstrations by Mr Crisp , the engineer , in the Great Hall of the establishment . Sheridan once declined to walk with a lady on account of the unpleasant weather . The lady soon afterwards discovered him going out alone . 'It ' s cleared up , I see , Mr Sheridan . ' ' Yes , madam , it has cleared up enough for one , but not for two . ' An eminent French statistical writer took his station near the staircase , at a London ball , for the purpose of ascertaining the proportion of gentlemen who arranged their hair with their fingers before entering the room . He found them to average about twenty-nine out of thirty , those who had least or most hair usually occupying most time . ^ . , A basket of grapes and a leg of mutton have been recentlyseottiiroughtbeDailington port office .
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HUSH CONFEDERATION—THE NATION . ' ^ " ^ " ¦• ' ^ ^•^ Tinartiolfl tpptMi m tbe HAtiOH new » pa <) ftte 4 thiH | tant < « rf IT ^ Mn > nienc « b / Mewing a' certain portion ' £ tte public with bdnrmarrelioaBly . . tapld , ' tMcatw , «« y save not y « t been able to understand his viawi wnnregwd to the constitution of the 'Confederation , ' « to who are eligible to become members of that body , * o ., fio . lTef , nuch f 6 M ^^ MticJe m nottenfl to dls . pate tt , edBlBeKof wWch fte , mpatlent ffrUer cemplain , . Indeed , I think It will fcegonerally allowed oy any peraon who peruies it to soar bo far above the wgion of commo B sense ai to be utterly unfit for average iindentandinga . The very headline of thi . article is unfortunate . 'Irish Confederatlon-fte Hwion . ' What nation » I , lt the Irish nation , or the newspaper ! We are ob . l g « d to 8 ue « s . The oBeniag pawgraph states that— . TDTou ««; .. ' =
o » cerCtt ? ° PUWlCre < 1 UlreexplttnaUon - This shows two things : first , that the writer is in a very bad temper -next , that hie teachings have been un . equal to toe enlightenment of the public mind . We nay fairly assume thathig anger is the remit of his diBS 2 ffi en n at , ? na ! Bg fl »* l » l » "ndertak « a task of more difficulty tha * hereckoned on ; and though he mar Z ^? V" * , ' lack * ° ™ in hl 8 » Bde » . ye * 7 « Uv t £ i Jr ^ > i « » ° twl « " * " >« ng all hU vanity , the worthy editor has gome miigitings as to the clearness and force of hla unsaiceisfal expositions .
_ The fiMtpolnt whieh heprofwse , toset atr « t is , ' Whether any eeetlon . or cla ,, e of IrUhmenare ex . « ta «* from the CoBfederatUn ? ' The second Is , 'How far those who Join the Confederation ate bound by the doctrines , on . matters of state policy , of the Nauoh newspaper . ? He says , on the first point , that the Confe . deration requires no sacrifice of any Irishman ' s peculiar political viewa—nor any ' waiver of them , or silence about them . ' « Orangemen , Chartists , Old Irelaudenall are welcome into the Irish Confederation , provided they be honest rtpealers . ' Now , this sounds very well ; and if it were trie , would be a latitudinarianism hithuto unknown in Ireland . Bat it is not true ; or if it be , the Confederation have changed their practices as well ajs professions . Can aay one have read the Natioh without seeing that that paper disclaimed , on the part of the Confederation , all 'Chartist connexion / Did U hot , with an uncourteous and authoritative voice , declare , that between it and Chartism there was 'a
galf , 'which It should be the endeavour of Young Ire . land not to bridge over , ' but te render more' wide and deep . ' Was this opening their ranks to Chartism f Was it by telling the Charting that they , the Nation , considered the 'five points an abomination , ' that they expected to encourage Chartist co-operation , which they now profess to desire ? Was it by allowing Mr Meagherto preach on their public platform againit democraoy , and refusing to publish the letter of Oyott , the Chartist , in answer to that gentleman , that they ex . pected to convince the world of their justice and impartiality ! Was it by sedulously endeavouring to get rid Of the alarming allegation that MrO'Higglns had ascended tneir rostrum that they proposed to evince tbeir wish for an amalgamation of' all Irishmen V As to Ola Inlanders , or Orangemen , joining them without ceaeiig to be such , the thing is too absurd to require any com . ment .
On the second point , the writer of the article in question is of opinion—that' the same answer might suilce ;' but for a more explicit reply , he refers us to the ' reverse side of a Confederate card , ' where it is thus written : — ' That , inasmuch as the essential bond of union amongst « s it the assertion of Ireland's right to an in » dependent legislature , no member of the Irish Confederation shall be bound to the adoption of any principle involved in any resolution , or promulgated by any speaker in tbe Society , or any journal advocating its policy , to which he h « s not given his special consent , sate only the foregoing fundamental principles of the Society ;'
Now , perhaps , a more extraordinary proposition was never put forward , than this idea of having a body without any power of acting for Us members ; passing resolutions , which are not to be considered binding , unless every man in the society gives his special consent ; and supporting journals , without any reference to the political principles which they uphold ! What would be the Use of eucb a body , and such newspapers ? Nobody could say , on tbe constitution of this Confederation , as explained by the writer in the Nation , whether the acts of the one , or the articles of the other , were a true reflex , or any reflex whatever , of the opinion of the association . Besides , it is folly to say that no member would be bound by anything said or done by a political association , of which he formed a part—the Attorney-General would never listen to such a doctrine—as the members of the Confederation will find , if ever they should be so unfortunate as to specially engage the attention of that troublesome official .
The writer in the Nation gees on to say , that he entertains his own « decided opinion *'—he does not say on what—and that he will preach and propound them' with all his might , ' without , of course any reference to the feelings of his readers , of whom he seems gloriously independent . In the next paragraph , he says of the Confederation , that it desires to ' grow into an Irish nation ; 'and for that purpose , demands the assistanoe of all parties , Orangemen , Chartists , and even WhigB . He leaves ont toe Old Inlanders here , whom he esteems worse , I presume , than the Whigs .
He next says , that there are no ' politics' involved in the question of Ireland . This is an odd declaration . I had thought that politics , both at home and abroad , were to be closely watched , and skilfully handled , so as to be made auxiliary to , and promotive of Repeal . The state of Europe , the prospect of war , the sympathy of foreign states , the internal condition of England her * self , the organisation of Irishmen , all 'questions of polities , ' I was stupid enough to believe had much to do with the agitation of Repeal . Ol parties the writer thus speaks;— ' To a free nation parties may be an ornament and a strength—to a pitiful , pelting province they are a weakness and a disgrace . ' It is not very easy to see how parties can be either an ornament or a strength ; they are evils , incidental to society , which cannot be averted , and mast of courie be
endured ; but there is neither ornament nor strength , as far as I can see , in the nicknames and irrationalities of faction . The writer also tells hb in this paragraph , that we are a ' discrowned state , ' and therefore have no right to have anything to do with'politics , ' by which he understands' the rights and duties of citizenship . ' Now In the name of all that is wenderfui , bow does this gentleman purpose proving that we are a * discrowned state 1 ' 'Unfortunately , ' as a republican would say , we have all the honour and cost of maintaining a crown on the head of a dynasty , not likely to fail in supplying us with 'gracious sovereigns , ' till the crack of doom ; so that if a crown can be essential to maintaining the rights , aud performing the duties of tiliztnihip , we have , on that head , no excuse for yielding the one , or evading the other ,
In the next , which is the concluding paragraph of this paper , the writer tells the Chartists ' to keep their five points'till we are a free nation , Why , if we were ' a free nation' we should have the 'five , ' or rather the ' six points , ' conceded . The mere repeal of the Act of Union would not free us ; if six-sevenths of the people were still left unenfranchised , it would only bring the tyranny of class legislation closer to the doers of the people ; ' Universal Suffrage , ' this gentleman goes on to say , would ' under the present parliamentary government , be an universal auction and mart of men ' s souls . ' Bow so ( Is it in the narrowness of the constituencies , that this gentleman finds political salvation and security against corruption ? If se , repeal the Reform Act , and
let Old Sarum become a model borough onco more . Who oould corrupt or coerce universally S particularly if the ballot threw its protection over the dependent voter , and rendered the bargain between corruption and veaality Impossible of contract . But the writer waxes more rabid still ; he says , ' rather than annual elections he would wish a disfranchisement of the island , and instead of paying members to attend parliament he would vote them a handsome sum for staying away . ' He finally concludes thus : — « Be your points bad or good , degrade net yourselves by seeking them » f a foreign legislature . Let Ireland be once sui jurtt , and then we will talk of the five points . In the meanwhile , be assured that in the Irish Confederation , as hereafter in the Irish nation , there is room for all Irish parties . '
Now the concluding words of this paragraph , subtended te those which occur in another , form a very inconsistent alliance , and lead to a very ridiculous conclusion . ' Farties , ' says the writer previously , in a' pitiful , pelting province' ( meaning . Ireland , of course ) , ' are a weakness and disgrace ... meaawhilo , be assured there is room in the Irish Confederation for all Irish parties , ' —i . e . room in the Irish Confederation for' weakness and disgrace . ' Well ; I always considered thattherejwas much folly and' weakness' about this said Confederation , but I must confess I Bhould have hesitated to asoribe to it ' disgrace / The candid editor will allow , I think , after this , that his readers have n « t a monopoly of stupidity and' confusion of ideas . ' But , this writer would disfranchise the whole iiland—lay it under political
interdict—and pay the ' members'for staying away from the imperial legislature . How does he reconcile this with the indignation of Young Ireland About not contesting Dangarvan' ? Is there such a dlicrap&noy in the pinions even of the conductors of the Nation , thai while one writer utters these words , auother prepares a carefully collated analysis of the present composition of the House of Commons , and gloats in the fact that Repeal has acquired an accession of senatorial strength 1 But , in « ae word , if this gentleman , I dare not call him a politician , because he eschews ' polltios '—if he refuses te agitate for the extension of the franchise , and contemns
parliamentary power , in what way does he expeot to repeal the Union t He repudiates ' physical force ' , and if he did not , he possesses [ none adequate to the contest ; he re-Jects with contumely any assistance from English parties —though Mr Shiel declared at the trial of O'Oonnell , that a junction oi the industrious classes of Ireland with those of Bogland was certain to overwhelm any administration—yet ho will , in imitation of Mr O'Connell ' s insanity or treachery on this point , persist in doing his utmost to prevent that jaaction . How then doeB he propose to repeal the Units ? It will not to to shake his head and say , He Was a way « f his own . ' PeMtUal tre . dullty is passing awag . Tbe statute « f Baton , like any
other bad law , can enly be rescinded coasMtutionally by we acqu lrtment of parliamentary power ; the ibortMt way to do this is , to raise a formidable opposition to se . cure the inalienable right of every 'man to all men-the iranc hise-which Cebbatt jmtly pronounced tbe poor man s only protection , ' which it is robbery to deprive him h » if Jr v £ 1 ° d 0 this is obTious ! th «« n » t"fonl 1 flnd » havenrOnS ? r tlnt * 8 led w " M * »• " ««» . S ^ S ^ w ^ nsaa sMtt ^^— -- * : aa" ** ijssssi
s » w « . eff S w peoplB in FnmM ttttStttS ; was effected Letno man say that the plan we Chartlsfe pursue is not a direct one . It is the most dlrec ? IS other attempts are futile and inadequate ! and \ uf ™ V / , * i y put forward : ana W 6 h « e a right to ask he Confederation to adopt it , or show u , I bluer . Un to the present time they have done nothing . There is a 2 tt * 7 *« » eir movements which they Zffl . n T . r be pa ^ faiiy con 8 ciouB ° . » nd & . !™ 5 . an tawnP'AwMlblo article which we hate criticised
just only adds a fresh entanglement to the unexplorable labyrinth of there designs . The democracy of England U the honest and intelligent power capable of achieving , and destined to achieve , the political salvation of these countries . He that hath ears to hear let him hear . ' If the Nation in offering insultand repudla . « on to that mighty association , the Chartists of England , has only put forward an individual opinion at the time it pretended to speak for the Confederation , let the Confe . SH r 1 ° . A " * ° liim the foul « d malapert pa ,-cofn r ° -p . t L ChlbMe QUudea ' * continue to both to each If t h r ? / 8 « preJudiMd dl 8 Mn 8 lon 8 r » tal else m ; . t B he , Confcle" «<«» "ill not do this , somebody S £ S ? - ^ Dublin , 24 , New Ktng . street , Sept . I ' m ?™*'
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Untitled Article
THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL . Bennett , « 9 , Fleet-street . we MBglad to be able to continue our commendations of thia excellent journal . It opens with the conclusion of an admirable tale 'The First and Second Marriage , ' by Mary Leman Gillies , and contains a number of other articles on various subjects , which ean scarcel y fail to please . The engraviagsin this journal are really excellent , and do credit to the artists ; but the Poetry , we most say ia poor and medioere ; 'in fact , it is not poetry , though it may be rhyme . With this exception , the September number of the People ' s Journal is worthy of all praise .
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SIMMONDS'S COLONIAL MAGAZINE AND FOREIGN MISCELLANY . London : Simmonda and Ward , Barge-yard , Bucklerabury . This sterling magazine continues to present its readers with tunable information on colonial subjects , especially those relating to successful fanning in Australia , &c- These graver matters are intermixed with light articles , illustrative of foreign life '; and the continuation , in this number , of ' The Smiths at the Havana , ' from the graphic pen of Charles EUerman is as life-like and admirable as ever .
Untitled Article
A SONG FOB THE FRATER 5 AL DEMOCRATS , n the occasion of their Annual Festival , to celebrate tat Anniversary of tbs French Bepublic , at tfl « German Hall , Drnry-lane , Sep . 20 th , 1817 . Fraternal Democrats *—we meet To celebrate thia day—And to the sh ades ef the snlghty dead Our grateful homage pay . For on this great eventful day Was Freedom ' s flag anfurled , And troths proclaimed whieli shall , erelong . Regenerate the woild
Although as friend * to Freedom ' s eaust , We n » 9 « m the patriot ' s doom—Deplore that despots have the power Te send them to the tomb—Begret that kings and priests exist , That tyrants still abound ,. And ignorance and prejudice Are in abundance found . Tet when we see Democraoy , With giant stride * advance , In Italy , and Germany , In England , andin France-See Chartists crave at Nottingham , The victory obtain , And through the land , o ' er factions bate , A splen did triumph gain .
See Scotti sh martyrs now revered , Those patriots staunch and trae , Hair , Hardy , Baird and Uarguot , Beceive the homage due . And see the millions now arise I a one united band , With energy resolved to gain Tha Charts * and the Land . We nail with joy the onward march Of Democratic light , Dispelling clouds of ignorance And chasing mental night ; Exposing in its hideous forms The system wedespise , A system based oninjuSee ,
Corruption , fraud , and lies . So sore as winds the billows dash Across the foaming sea , Orb ' s st ill roll on , and Fatare ' s works In harmony agree , — So shall this mishty cause progress , It will not ; cannot feii , In spite of tyrant ' s , king ' s , and priests , It tRitft—ittJaapreraiL Johk Abhor Somers Town . Sep . 13 th , 1817
ftrtmto *
Untitled Article
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¦¦¦¦¦ ' ' ' W . ^* mb -18 ,-7 .--- ¦ . „ ,,- ,.-, ; ., , ; jIb KofoBERy STAR . ;_ ¦; ., , ' ^ i^— ————m « ——n^—m »»^ L ^ l ^ - ^ ¦¦ .. ¦ ... /; :.. v :.. - ; : ;< . ¦ ; ..: * ¦•¦ : ¦ —rr-- < "
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 18, 1847, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1436/page/3/