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._ _^ ^ TWRnr-riFTH edition. Sfostrated by Twentj-six Anatomical Engravings on Steel.
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' Why is my wife worse than the devil?' said a
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mrw ««< vtxputofitatwns , GeHeroficc Incapacity , and impediments to Jfarrisje . Anew and improved edition , enlarged to 196 pases , price . 2 s . 6 d . ; by post , direct from the Establishment , 3 s . 6 d . in postage stamps , THE SILENT FRIEND ; A medical work on the exhaustion and physical decay of ti $ system , produced by excessive indulgence , the consequences of infection , or the abuse of mercury , with observations on the married state , and the disqualifications which prevent it ; illustrated by 26 coloured engrjmags , aad bv the detail of cases . By R . and L . FERRY and Co , 13 , Beraers-streeti Oxford street . ton-Am . Published by the authors , and sold by Strange , 21 , Paternoster row ; Hannay , 63 , and Sanger , 159 . Oxford . Street ; Static , 23 . Tichberae-street , Haymarket ; and Gordon . 146 , LeadeBhaU-street , London ; J . andI R . BtinoLud Co , Leithwalk , Edinburgh ; D . CampbeW , ArgyStrert . GlaWow ; J- Priestly , Lord-street and T . Mevrton , Church-street , Liverpool ; R . H . Ingham , Market-place , Manchester . — r — ' Part the First
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JHSPEX 3 ARY FOR THE CURE OF DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND ALL CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS , HAHT 4 TEAD SlBEET , FlTZROT SQBABK . -P&Me ' an—THOMAS 1 NNI 3 , M . D ., 33 . Fitzroy tqvare , J&mberefthe Royal CMege of Surgeons , London ; late Assistant Surgeon in lite Hon . East India Company ' s Service .
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IT IS as < range anemalyin the practice and , progress ef medical science in this country , that amongst all -the benevolent and noble institutions established for the alleviation of human misery , there exists but one devoted to the cure or amelioration cf Diseases of the Skin . It is a truth well known to the members of the faculty , tbat the ravjges of these stubborn and enduring pla <; utE of human life are more extensive than those of any other known disorder , there being little short of half-a-million
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Shortly wW . be piMished , A TREATISE ON SKIN DISEASES .
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An apple tree ia now in fall Uoaaoffl , ia a garlea t Old Svrinfori , Worcestershire .
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^» . lnstaut Belief and speedy fS&JM ^ &KHI , Hoarseness , Asthma , Hoop-^ jB BflHPgaLSi i ° S Cough , Influenza , Con-^^^" oKE-r ^ ' * " MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM . ijiVERY familynught to keep . a constant supply of the J * f * ! ciae "J ** P « pared from ingredients of this most healing , softening , and expectorating qualities , is a ncbandplesantpectoral balsam , and has been given in numerous cases with singular success . The extraordi-» S ? i ™ . e J , iTkdM * Possesses In immediately relieving , and eventually curing , the most obrtinate cough * , cold ? hoarseness , asthma , and all complaints of the breath , is almost incredible , but will be My proved on trial . R .. £ ™ Bp ? J > e « "igb , wh . ch deprives fte BmL ° T ^ K ° rest « il wiUbefoundinvaluable , as it instantl y allays theirritation . a sinrfe dose affording
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Testimonials showing the egisacg of Brooke ' s iteUifluoiis Cough Balsam in Spasmodic Asthma . Horton-street , Halifax , Not > . Srd , 1840 . Dbas SiKs , —I beg to offer you my sincere thanks for the relief I have received from your excellent Cough Balsam ; I have for some months been harassedby amost distressing cough , arising from Spasdomic Asthma , which yeur medicine alone has been able to alleviate . It has been the means of rendering my life comfortable , and , as I havo found its effects so trul y invaluable to me , I think it but justice to give my testimony to its excellence , which you are at liberty to publish if you think proper . I am , gentlemen , yours respectfully , Messrs T . M . and C . Brcoke . Maby Masliv .
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3 , Essex Chambers , Manchester , Sept . 8 th , 18 * 7 . Deab Sirs . —Several of my family have derived much benefit from the use of your valuable Mellifluous Cough Balsam ; and you will I think do good service to society , by making tne medicine more generally known . Yours very faithfully , To Messrs T . M . and C . Brooke , W . P . Roberts . Dewsbury .
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THE GREATEST CURES OF ANY MEDICINES IN THE GLOBE . HOLLO WAT'T " oiNTMENT . A Very Wonderful Cure of a Disordered Liver and Stomach . Extract of a Letter from Mr Charles WUson , 30 , Princes Sfr « e , Olasgom , dated February litii , 1817 . To Professor Ilelloway . Sib , —Having taken your pills to remove a disease of the Stomach and Liver , under which I had long suffered , and having followed your printed instructions I have regained that health , which I had thought lost for ever . I had previously had recourse to several medical men , who are celebrated for their skill , but instead of curin g my Complaint , it increased to a most alarming degree . Humanly speaking your pills have saved my life ! Many tried to dissuade me from using them , and I doubtnot but tbat hundreds are deterred from taking your most excel- '
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A Patient in a flying state , Cured of a Disorder in the Chest . Extract of a Letter from Mr Robert Cahert , Chemist , Stoiesly , dated January 23 th , 18 l 7 . Tt Professor Holloway . Sib , —Mr Thompson , National Schoolmaster of this Town , desires me to send you the particulars respecting a son of his , wh » had been seriously ill for three years and a half , and wk » has derived thegreatestbouefits from the use of your medicines , after trying all ordinary re . sources without effect . The boy is eight year * of age , of strumous or scrofuleus constitution . He seems to have had a pleurisy , which ended in a large collection of matter in the chest , which eventually formed a passage through the wales of thechest
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THE Earl of Aldborough cured of a liver and Stomach Complaint . Extract of a letter from the Earl of Aldborough , dated Villa Messina , Leghorn , 21 st February , 1845 : — To Professor Holloway . Sot , —Various circumstances prevented the possibi'ity of my thankiig you before this time for ysur politenes . in sending me your pills as yon did . I now take this opportunity of sending you an order for the amount , and , at the same time , to add that your pills have effected a cure of a disorder in ray liver and stomach , which all the most eminent of the faculty at home , and all over the continent , had not been able to effect ; nay ! not even the waters of Carlsbad and Marienbad . Inish to have another box and a pot of the ointment , in case any of my family should ever require either . Your most obliged and obedient servant , . Signed ) Aidbobowoh . This Wonderful Medicine can be recommended wZk the gnattzt confittnte . for any QfthefitiQunng diseases - — Ague Female Irregu- Sore Throa t Asthma larities - Scrofula , orKing ' s BiliousComplaints Fits Evil blotches on Skin Gout Secondary Symp-Borvel Complaints Headache toms Colics Indigestioa Tic Doloreux Constipation of Inflammation Tumours Bowels Jaundice Ulcers Consumption Liver Complaints Venereal Afiec Debility Lubago tions Dropsy riles Worms , all kinds Dysentery Rhematism Weakness , from Erysipelas ' Reteationof Urine whatever cause Fevers of allkinds Stone and Gravel ' &c , &c .
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KING'S RESPIRATORY LOZEXGES A FFORD a sat-, easy , and immediate relief , in all { % cases , arising from a deranged state of the respiratory organs , produced by exposure to cold and other causes . They effect a rapid cure in cases of hoarseness , and difficulty in breathing ^ Coughs , arising from whattvf-r cause , and however ^ violent and distressing , obtain speedy mitigation ; and , if the Lozenges are used patiently for a short time , they will effect a complete < ure . Asthma , in its most obstinate form , will be cured if due patience be but exercised , In caseB of sore throat thev are of great value . In old consumptive dry coughs , they afford the greatest comfort by producing free expectoration ; and , in the
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LOZENGES , are requested particularly to observe the GovernmentStamp , which is pasted round each box , and on which is engraved , In' white letters' oii a' red' ground , the name GEORGE B . KING . This is a safe guarantee of their being genuine . In Boxes , at 13 | d , 2 s 9 d . and in Tia Cases 11 s , with full directions . N . B . —The Lozenges must bo kept dry . London Wholesale Agents : —Barclay and : Sons , Farrindon . street ; Sutton and Co ., Bow Cburcb-yard ; Edwards , St Taul ' s Church-yard ; and Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street . Sold also by all chemists , booksellers , and Medicine vendors in the Kingdom . ' , ;
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•< ARE ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THEBEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD . In introducing the following Testimonials -t 9 the notice of the public , it may hot be out of place in giving a few observations respecting " Pair ' s Life Pills ; This medicine has been before the British public only a few years , and perhaps in the annals of . the world was never seen success equal to their progress ; the virtues of this Medicine were at once acknowledged wherever tried , and recommendation followed recommendation ; hundredshad soon to acknowledge that Parr's Life Pills had saved them , and were loud in their praise . The startling facts that were continually brought before the public at once removed any prejudice which some may have felt ; the con-• tinual good which resulted from their use spread their ' fame far and wide , at this moment there is scarcely a 1 country on the face of the globe which has not heard of ; their benefits , and have sought for supplies , whatever 1 might be the cost of transmission . The United States , 1 Canad ; ., India , and even China have had immense quantities shipped to their respective countrios , and with the same result as in England—Univebsal Good .
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BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS . None are genuine unless the words " Parr ' s Life Pills " are in White Letters on a Red Ground , on the Government Stamp pasted round each box ; also the fua simile of the signature of the proprietors , " T . Roberts and Co ., Crane-court , FJett-street , London , " on the Directions . Sold in boxes at Is l | d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and family packets at Us . each , by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the world . Full directions are given with each box .
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SPINAL AFFECTIONS . THE DISCOVERER OF THIS INVALUABLE SPECIFIC has , after great study and long practice , proved by facts that this is tho only efficient remedy for all Spinal Diseases ever yet discovered . The following are a few testimonials out of the many hundreds which might be adduced : — - I , John Barber , of Arlington , bad lost the use of my limbs for the space of eighteen months . By the use often pots I was enabled to walk well , and by persevering in the use of ten more I was perfectly cured , and am now able to follow my employment . —Signed , John Barber , Adlington , near Macclesfield , Cheshire , September 19 th , 1616 . ' TO ME HAIQH . Dear Sir , —I cannot refrain expressing my gratitude for the perfect cure I have received by the use of your ointment . I was afflicted for eighteen months , and had lots tho use of my limbs . By using ten pots of your invaluble ointment I was perfectly restored , and am now in tho full enjoyment of goed health . — Richard Jenkinson , New Mill , near Huddersfield , Yorkshire , Jauuary 26 th , 1847 .
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HEALTH AND LONG LIFE . O , Blessed Health ! thou art above aU gold and treasure ; 'tis thou who enlargeth' the soul , and openest all its powers to receire instruction and to relish virtue . He that has thee , has little more to wish for ! and he that is so wretched as to want thee , wants every thing with thee , '—Sierni .
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PREPARED AND SOLD BY J . W ; STIRLING , PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST , No . 86 , HIGH STREET WHITEOHAPEL . In boxes at 13 $ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 4 s . Cd . each ; andean be had of all respectable medicine venders in tho kingdom . The genuine has the naiie on the stamp , 43 ? Ask for Stirling ' s Stomach Pills .
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gentlema »( whose tace showed signs of the affectionate attentions of his better half . 'Because , ' he added , ' if you resist the devil he flies from you , but if you resist my wife she flies at you / In Ikrapath ' s Railway Journal we find a detailed list of such members of the new Parliament as are prominently connected with railways . They are 101 in number , or nearly one sixth of the whale house . Although it is calculated that there are 2 . 000 , 000 men of letters in China , it is said that at the present time there is not one original author , as all the living Chinese writers are either compilers or commentators . A vessel , from Antigua , has brought thirteen lire sheep , supposed tobe the first ever imported for sale from the West Indies .
Within the last two years , 373 , 400 oxen and sheep have been slaughtered in New South Wales , in order to boil their carcases for tallow . The eruption of Vesuvius still continues , but the stream of lava has changed its course , and now flows to therightof the crater , instead of the left . It is a fact that there are 1 , 000 applications to the Irish government for the situations of professors in the three provincial colleges now building . 1 There is no truth in men , ' said a lady in company , 'they are like musical instruments which sound a variety of tones . ' 'Jn other words , madam , said a wit , ' you believe that all men are lyres ' The judges and officers of the County Courts have received notice irom the Treasury that from and after the 1 st of October , ihey will be paid by salary , instead of fees : the amount to be fixed by an order o Council .
In the Sardinian States there are 408 convents , which are said to have received from the government , during the last fifteen years , grants amounting to 100 , 000 , 000 francs ( £ 4 , 000 , 000 ) .
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OLERKENWELL . —T he Pouch AoAiN .--PoHce . con . stable No . 108 E was charged with assaulting a young man named Lucay . The complainant said that on Tue » - day night last , near King ' s . crojs , be was collared by No . 36 of the £ division , He asked < What have I done !' - and f before a- . reply wasglven , the defendant came up and ' beat him most unmercifully on the back and shoulders with hit truncheon . He was afterwards taken to the station-house , and charged with knocking at doors and ringing bells , an accusation utterly groundless ; and the inipector , on hearing his explanation , liberated him , and advised him to appl y there again for redresB . On the following morning the defendaut called and asked his pardon , begging that he would not
appear against him , as he had a large family , and they would be ruined . Witness extended his hand and forgave him . The affair , however , had reached the ears of the commissioners , and he was now reluctantly in attend , ance at their instance . Sergeant Dyes , 2 E , said that the case was reported to him , and he considered it too gross to be passed over , and laid the facts before the commissioners , who hud ordered a public investigation , A witness named Williams corroborated the complainant in every respect . ' The officer , 36 E deposed to the same facts . Mr Tyrtrhitt asked the defendant what ht had to say ? Defendant : I certainly did strike the man , and am very sorry . —Mr Tyrwhitt remarked that it was a very proper case to be publicly dealt with , and as it was necessary tie police should know the use of tb « truncheon he should fine the defendant 10 s . He knew that his dismissal from the force would follow that
conviction , or the penalty would have been £ 11 . Bio amy . —W . D . DaileywaB finally examined , charged with intermarrying with Mary Barry whilst his first wife was alire . Harriet Gabally , of No . 3 , Croker-street , Hoxton , deposed that on the 29 th of December , 1842 , she was present at the marriage of her daughter to the prisoner at Shoredttch Church . —Mary Barry , of No . 30 , Essex-street , Strand , deposed that she accidentall y met the prisoner , who represented himself to her as a single man , and they were married at Bloomsbury Church , on the 29 th of December last . She afterwards discovered that his first wife was alive . —F . Anderson , ef No , 5 , Hayeft ' s-court , Soho ,. was present at thecele . bration of the lecorid marriage . The prisoner , who admitted the charge , was fully committed for trial .
BOW-STREET . —Chaboe or pabsino coontebfeit , Cow AOA 1 N 8 T a ConsfABLE . —J . Allen , of the [ E dlvhlon was charged with / endeavouring to impose upon his superior officers b y passing a bad shilling , under the following cirsumstancea . '—Constable 79 E , stated that oh Wednes . d » y last be was engaged attending on the inspector , previous to the men receiving their weekly pay , and having called out the name of the prisoner , to whom 17 s ; 7 jd was due , he came forward and signed the receipt li »/ after which he went to Inspector Crawley to receive the m-ney . Having got the money from the inspector , he instantly came to witness to pay 6 d . duefor cleaning his
room and tendered the shilling produced . Seeing it was base coin he questioned him , and ] he Bald he got it from Superintendent Grimskin . He had since repeatedly attempted to pass it at . various shops , but it was refused . Witness represented the circumstance to his superior , which led to the apprehension of . the prisoner . The prisoner being called on to account for bis conduct , . aid . ' I did not do it intentionally . ' Mr Jar . dine : According to your own statement to the wilnesj , your object was to pass the counterfeit coin on some person , Prisoner : I never did such a thing before . — Mr Jardine ordered him to be remanded until the solicitor of the Mint Bhould be in attendance to conduct the
proceeding * . ¦ : •¦ . ¦ .. WANDSWORTH . — Chaboe of Fobokby . i- R . Tanner was charged with forgery . Mr T . Ooehrane stated that he was relievlng . officer for the parishes of Wandsworth , Battersea , and Putney . Prisoner was the messenger appointed to assist him in his duties ; he employed him as he thought fit , and concluded he was bound to obey whatever directions he gave him . He assisted in the relieving office at Putney , where he lived rent free , was supplied with coals , and paid a weekly salary of 10 s , : From the commencement of witness ' s appointment , about two years sines , he had given prisoner money-to pay the bills for the goods received for the relief of the poor . He had not received any intimation from the board , or its clerk , not to employ the
prisoner in paying money . He received money from the board by cheques for such sums as he required . Witness usually sent the prisoner to cash these cheques , which were sometimes for £ 50 or £ 100 . The bills he contracted , were , after being paid and receipted ,. deli , vered into the office of the clerk of the board , andchecked off against the money he had received . On the 3 rd of August he gave the prisoner £ 10 5 s to pay the five bills produced . On the ensuing day the prisoner brought him back the bills produced receipted , and he gave nitn ? BS the balance . MrS . Betts , a butcher , at Putney , proved that on the 4 th of August last the guardians were indebted to him two bills , one of £ 2 3 s 10 d , the other ef £ l 7 a 8 d ; he had not received the amount of either of these bills . Mr King proved that on the 3 rd of August the . guardians were indebted to him in three
Eeparato amounts of 15 s , £ 312 s 3 d , and £ 2 5 s 2 d , and he had not since received those amounts ; the receipts to the bills produced wero not in his handwriting , nor written by any one authorised by him . Mr Paynter committed him on the five charges of forgery , for the larceny on the relieving officer , and embeixlement on tho part of the poor-law guardians . Good bail would be received . Stealing Peaks - ^ John News , 11 years of age , was brought in by Oxley . 190 V , a policeman in plain clothjs , and charged with stealing five small pears , valued at one halfp nny . The constable said he saw the prisoner and another boy less in size throwing at some pears growing in Mr Oxley ' s enclosed garden , St Anne ' s-hlll ; presently the prisoner got over the paling , and returned with five pears , when he took him into custody . He
knew nothing of the prisoner previously . Mr Paynter said the lad ' s countenance did not look like a thief ' s , what did he do for a living ? The boy , who was in his shirt sleevas , and had evidently very recently left off work , said he was employed at Mr Bell ' s match . manufactory , in Garretlane , where his father was employed . He admitted having taken the pears , and was very sorry , but the other boy was quite as old as he . Mr Paynter asked the prisoner what he earned a week , and he replied 10 s . The largenesB of the sum , compared with the youth of the workman , appeared to create some suspicion in the magistrate Mr Paynter observed that the prisoner was liable to an imprisonment of six months ; but as this was his first offence , he should fine him 10 s . and the value of the pears , and in default commit him to Kingston gaol fer fourteen days . The prisoner was removed in custody . - ;
MARYLEBONE —Robbebt of Watches . —C . Silvester was finally examined on the charge of having Btolen a number of silver watches from the shop of Mr Morris , of Margaret-terrace , Harrow-road . The robbery . took place in the day time , while prosecutor was at dinner below stairs ; prosecutor , hearing a noise ; madehis way into the shop , when the prisoner rushed out , 'and threw the property into a chaise which was standing near at hsnd . He was pursued and takea into custody . iThe prisoner was fully committed for trial . ' GUILDHALL —Attempting to obtaik Goods bi a Fobqed Obdeb . —J . Rule was charged with attempting to obtain a piece of silk value £ 9 , by meani of a forged order . W . Osborne , warehouseman , in the employ of Messrs Cook and Co ., St Paul ' s Chureh-yard , stattd that on Monday afternoon the prisoner presented an order for silk . Jpurportlng to be written by Mr Owen , on
behalf of Mr Bone , draper , of the DbVer-rpad . MrSone having an account | at their house ; and having selected a piece , witness asked him if he was known to any of the people in the establishment , and he said he was not , upon which witHoss took him to the entering reom , and he wai questioned in his presence by the entering clerk , who told him that the silk would be sent in the evening by one of their carts . The prisoner objected , and then bacamo amioos to get back tha order , but that was refused to be given up , and the prisoner went away . The goods were afterwards taken to Mr Bone ' s , when that gentleman denied having gent such an order . The prisoner declared that the witnesses were entirely mistaken as to his identity . Mr Owen , in the service of Mr Bone , proved that the order was not his handwriting , The prisoner was about three months in Mr Bone ' s employment , but left about a fortnight lince . He waa remanded until Friday .
THAMES . —Assault on the Police . —E . Thomson and T . Thomson wire charged with being drunk and fighting , ani also with violently assaulting police-eonstables , K 308 , K 310 , and K 223 . Police-constable K 308 stated that about one o ' clock that morning , opposite Limehouse Church , he saw tho two prisoners fighting , and endeavoured to part them . E . Thomson seized him by the collar , kicked him on the legs , and struck him several violent Wowb in the chest . Witness called for help , and two more constables came to his assistance , but so violent were the prisoners that it was only after a desperate struggle they were secured . This evidence wa » corroborated by the two other constables . The prisoners declared that this was all a story concocted by tho police , who had bean the aggressors . They were
standing near the church , wishing each other cood night , when K 308 came up and pushed betnaen them , and told them to move on . They replied they were going , when he s « ld , ' YeB , I'll make you go , ' and kicked them . Two more policemen came up , and K 310 ' kHOcked T . Thomson to the ground , and then kicked him He ley on tho pavement and cried murder , snd th « p olfcemen seized his br « ther and twisted his arms and kicked him . This narrative was given in a very connected and straightforward manner , and though closely questioned by the magistrate they persisted te the minutest particular . The Serjeant who took the charge eaid the ori soners had complained of the ill-uaage they had received bdruk hethree
oath aH ; :: ! " - T , **«*««* oaths denied the prisoners ' statement . -K 310 , aiIT ' Thomson , when he came up , iying on his back on ihe pavement , cryfog murder and poUc * . and comied of apoliceman kicking him ina cowardl y maSjut there was no one near him . Mr YardlevTn ,, i * ! » w * tns £ ^ SSi W dofence was a moit ; 5 * <>¦»¦ £ shouldfine E Thomson 30 s ., orten day * 'imprisonment , and T . Thompson 20 s ., or seven days' imprisonmwt , They were UcV id in default .
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Savaoi Abqujlt G . Mortimer waa cbargtd nith assaulting Louiia Sheppard . The pnwecutor Hated that on the previous night , at she was passing by Baker ' s , golds , Limehouse , she saw some boys running after the prisoner and calling him boss eye . ' He chased but did not eaten them ^ nd ^ effi ^ rned and ran after ler . Sty screamed and : » iid ^ n « Bad dene nothing , but * e seized and struck he ^ ieyersi . violent blows , dashed her head against » n Iron i # iiing , faiid he bad a large srono inug in bliiiand wh | ch ) he cenaplotely broke about her head , cuttle her severely . She was rescued by a polio :-1
man . 'I The proseoutrixexhibited her head , completely covered wlth - plaiBteri . ^ Police-constable K 216 , ; Bald that he'foHnd . the prosecutrix bleeding profasely from wounds in her head , and took the prisoner into custody . J . Kitting said the prisoner was a most violent fellow . He had knocked him ( witness ) down the game night and split his head open . The prisoner in his defence said he . was constantly pestered and annoyed by boys and girls teasing him . Mr Yardley fined him 40 ; ., or fourteen days' imprisonment with hard labour . Ha was locked up in default . ¦¦
W 0 RBH 1 P-STREET . —Ihfamobs Conduct of thi Poircr . —Patrick Hurley , a labouring man , was placed before Mr Hammlll , charged with having resisted and assaulted police-constable Jessop , H 215 , in the execution of his duty . The polieeman stated , that while on duty in Thrall-street , Spitalfields , between eight and nine o ' clock on the preceding evening he saw a number of young men standing beneath a lamp-poBt gambling with halfpence , and observing a boy In the act of climb . Ing up the post , ' with the apparent intention of putting out the light , he pulled him down and gave him a slight push , which caused Mm to fall . An immediate outcry was raised that he bad kicked and killed the boy , which brought out the mother of the lad from an adjoining house , who commenced abuiing him for ill-using her
child , and called out the prisoner , who advanced towards him with a pair of tongs , with which he struck him several blows , and retreated back into the house , the door of which he secured . While endeavouring to effect an entrance he waB assailed with a shower of brickbats and missiles from a mob of at least 150 persons nhohod colleoted , and was compelled to use his truncheon in self-defence , - un » H another officer came up , whe » the prisoner voluntarily placed himself in the charge of the latter , and was conveyed to the stationhouse . In cross-examination the policeman admitled having struck the wife of the prisoner upon the head with the truncheon , when her husband entered the house , causing a wound which bled profusely , but de . dared that she had attacked him first , and that his hands
bore the marks ef her nails . Mr Tann , who appeared for the defence , said he was not only instructed to give a total denial to the charge , but thathe had numerous wltnessss in attendance , who would prove that the policeman had acted with such a degree of wanton and brutal violence as manifested him to bs a person wholly unfit to discharge the duties of his situation . —Charles Brackley . a cabinet-maker , was then called , and stated that at the time in question he saw the prisoner ' s son , a boy of eight years of age , playing with schoolfellows neat . hli father's . doer ,, when the policeman came up , seized him by the collar , and , having repeatedly slapped his face , kicked him violently , and knocked him down in the road . On hearing the cries of her son , the prisoner ' s wife came out , and asked the constable
what he meant by such conduct , when he instantly struck her in the face , and on her husband interfering for h « r proteetien , he was also assaulted in a similar man * Her . The prisoner instantly retreated into his house , and his wife was in the act of following him , when the constable struck her such a violent blow upon the head with his truncheon that the bleod streamed from the wound , and she fell back into the arms of a bystander , who conveyed her to the house of the nearest surgeon , where her wounds were dressed . On observing the treatment bis wife had sustained , the prisoner immediately sent for the policeman to protect him from the complainant ' s violence , but before the arrival of tba latter the complainant commenced dealing indiscriminate blows with j his truncheon upon the persons surrounding him , amongst whom the witness received a severe bruise , and afterwards burst open the prisoner ' s door with such violence that the hinges were forced off . The constable whom the prisoner had sent for having by
that time come , the prisoner immediately placed himself under his charge , and proceeded quietly to the stationhouse . Two respectable married women , named Bewley and Sedgwick , confirmed the evidence of the last witness in every particular . —Mr Hammill , however , said thathe had heard sufficient to satisfy him that the policeman had grossly exceeded his duty in assaulting a child of such tender age in the manner it was proved that he had done , and that the prisoner had only acted with the natural feelings of a father in interfering for its proteo . tion . With regard to hit subsequent violence toward * the child ' s mother , he was unable at present te enter upon it , but should at once order the prisoner himself to be discharged , and direct an Immediate representation of the facts to be forwarded to the proper authoiities , who would no doubt cause a searching investigation to be instituted into the . conduct of the constable . —Inspector Ellis intimated that a report ef the ease , together with the magistrate ' s observations , would be immediately laid before the Police Commissioners .
LAMBETH . —Geergo Green , a well-dreBsed young man , was placed at the bar , before Mr Elliott , on the following charge : —Mm Sarah Groom , a lady , residing at No . 1 G 5 , Southwark-bridge-road , deposed that , about ten o ' clock on the night before , while passing along the Bridge . road , Lambeth , in company with her trro daughters , she noticed the prisoner standing in front of one of the public-houses , in company with a female . In passing them , the female , without the slightest provocation , put her foot out , and attempted to trip up'one ef her daughters . Witness asked her what she had done it for , and the prisoner struck one of her daughters a violent blow on the mouth , and attempted to snatch a gold chain from the other . She followed him through several streets , calling eut police , and a constable- coming
up , she gave him into custody . In her cross . axamlnation by Mr Games , who appeared on behalf of the prisoner , Mrs Groom admitted that the psliceman , 159 L , had hesitated before taking the prisoner into custody , and that it was not uitil two other censtibles came up that he received her charge . She swore positively that she told the policeman about the attempted robbery up » n her daughter when he first came up , and had mentioned it also at the station-house when the prisoner had been taken there . The two daughters of Mrs Groam , and two other wilnsssei , corroborated her statement . The constable , 159 L , denied that Mrs Groom had mentioned anything about the prisoner having attempted to snatch away the chain , when she first wished him to
take him into custod y , and that all she complained of was , that of being abused herself , and her daughter being assaulted . A disinterested witness swore , as positively that he had heard Mrs Groom tell the witneis about the attempted robbery ; and sergeant Goff deposed to the prisoner being the associate of notorious thieves , that he had himself turned him eut of Vauxhall Gardens for bsing a suspected character , and that he had been before in custody on charges of felony . Mr Games addrested the bench- at some length , and pointed out some discrepancy between Mrs Groom , and her daughtm . Mr Elliott said he was perfectly satisfied of the prisoner ' s intention to commit a fclony , and sentenced him to three months' imprisonment and hard labour .
MARLBOROUGH-STREET . —Chaioe ot Yiomncb against the PoiicE . —Buckmaster , E . 149 and Kennedy , E . 151 , were charged with having used unnecessary violenw towardu J . Perryan , and his wife , w hom they had taken into custody on Saturday night , the 26 th September last . The ease had been previously heard , when J . Perryan , of 4 , Rebecca . court , Wells-street , stated that he was the ewmr of several houses in Rebecca-court , On the night above specified , at a late hour , he was about to cIobb his house , when he saw some of his lodgers In the court wrangling together . Witnws requested the parties to go into tht house , and Mrs Perry sn having come out to Uarn the cause of the dtstarbance , joined in tho reque » t . The police came up —the two defendants and a sergeant—and two of the
constables commenced shoving Mrs Perryan about , Witness told the constable she was his wife , who was merely trying to persuade some ef the lodgers to go in quietly . As soon asjiritnesi had spoken to the consta . ble , the other constable , E 149 , called out , « We will ahove you about presently . ' Kennedy , E 151 , thrust his hand into witness ' s neckcloth , and twisted it , to as nearly to strangle him . Hs told the constable he wouia go quietly with him if he had any charge to make . He walked on a short distance , and his handkerchief wai again tightened by Kennedy , assisted by the other de . fenaant . Witness heard Kenned y call the other con . stable on to the oharge , and he raa off . Witness after ; wards heard his wife scream , and heard the mobcrj Shame ! ' Other witnesses corroborated this evidence . also to '
deposing the violence with which Mrs Perryan had been treated ; and on Tuesday Sarah Perryan deposed that on the night in question she went with her husband to quiet some of the lodgers . There wa » % drunken woman is the court , who was pursuaded to go into the house , and immediately afterwards the two defendants and their sergeant came down the court . Buck , master , without saying a word , caught hold of her b y the shoulder and pushed her , replying only with an oat h to her husband ' s remonstrance . The defendant Ken . n « dy , laid hold of witness ' s husband ; witnets was dragged by the sergeant and Buckmaster up the court and wh « n at the top Buckma » ter let go and went to assist Kennedy , but afterwards came back , and again began dragging her . Kennedy called out ' give It her ' it the same time using an oath . She was then struck on the head with a truncheon b y Buckmaster , and knocked
down nearl y senseless . The con » table struck her several blows on the head and body , and then thruBt the handle of hi t truncheon into her mouth breaking some of her teeth . The sirgeant put up his arm , and called out to Buckmaster with an oath , if you go on ill-u 3 ing the woman this way you will kill her before you get her to the station-house . ' No one struck Buckmaster . Other witnesses corroborated this statement . R . Clements was overlooker of the « ewer works in Rebecca . court . Oa the night In question witness heard a great disturbance near Rebecca-court . Saw a temale in custody . . There was a nob of 100 or ISO persons present . The mob threw brickbats in aU direction ! , apparently directed against the police . The police-coostable did not do anything more than was necessary , The mob , who were very violent , tried to rescue the female , and said she should not go with the constable . Several witnesses deposed to the forbearance of the police . Mr Hardwick considered , that the evidence dla . closed the fact of unnecessary violence having been
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used , it appeared to him v > ' « disturbance . J ""^ sequent outrage had arlien irdiS the nnneeeii . '"I ferenceof the police . Had the police gone am , '" ^ they had c » uaed ; tho ( drunken wemantogo into hep fc ^ the probability is , that no disturbance would h « *\ eurred . , The police had no business to order th *> ' plalnants peremptorily t » go into ' their home »„?*•! altarcation naturally occurred in con . equenc ' e nf ^ complainants requiring to know why they were t " ^ puihed and ordered about . The subiequeut viol , ** the mob appeared to him to . have been caused b " conduct of the police themielvei . There was n "* text far the interference of the police ; but , even W *'" Perryani been in the ; wrong , they were hoatekee snd known to the police , and they , instead of dr > ¦ them at night through the streets to the station h ^ could have come to this court and have obtained a ' mons against them . Fined 40 s , each , or one month ?" the House of Correction . " >
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SNAPPING OP THE ROPE , Iff THE SHAFTS I COAL PITS . Ul TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHERN STAR . Sib , —In your notice to correspondents of the Star ,. the 11 th of September , I read a letter wherein your co , respondent asks ' whether you or any of your corr ^ pondents hare discovered a plan , or invented a machi » , whereby the lives of miners may be saved in cases whi ,, the rope- breaks , when ascending or deacendiag n , shaft !' If the question has not been answered I beg to p , pose what hai often appeared desirable , when I ha » read of persoBs being drowned in the locks of our sever-. canals , I would advise that the locks in questirj should have a lining- of ironwork , resembliog the tilk of a net ( the trammel-net , I think , is the kind £ tended , but most fishermen well-know the kind I meig and then the persons getting into the water mi ght cU ) ' . hold of the said lining or lattice-work , and bo clitnb v terra firma , making even boy ' s play of it
Equally so might the miners , upon the snapping . the rope , easily take bold of the network in auygtiJ of their passage , whether upwards or downwards , and s climb or pa 9 s to their destination , whether one waj ^ the other . ; Cast iron is not an expensive article , but whett ^ wrought iron be not most proper for such a purposa i , mains to be considered by the parties carrying thepk into operation . The desirability of giving the net-n ^ a good coating of paint will also occur to the mindit the said parties . I may add that this contemplated iron work shool ; also be laid round the entrance of the shaft , a snffici distance , to afford the otherwise unfortunate parties & opportunity of effecting a safe landing . I remain , sir , Yours , in the bonds of philanthropy , Jobn Batut , Letiee ii .
Sib , —Sinoe my letter of the 29 th ult . I have reflect ! that the circular ladder' or lining of the shaft being , iron might be attended with ill-convenience on accotr , of its weight , therefore , 1 have supposed that its belt of hempen fabrication , similar to the ladders used o ship board might answer the purpose . The upri gt lines , of course , must bestronger than the esrdags « roping of which the staves might consist , which may t of the usual distance from each other , similar to tl ladders in general use , from which provision I canm but conclude that no miner , exercising ordinary cautioneed fall a sacrifice upon the emergencies in questfe I have not an exact copy of the above-mentioned k ter by me , therefore , I am not aware whether I his mentioned the distance which the said ladder ought ; be placed from the sides of the shaft . I may be permitw therefore , to remark , that four or five inches may affo : sufficient security for the free exercise of the hand .
There next remains to be considered the time whfc a ladder of such material may be supposed to endurs \ as to be safely relied on ; after which , to be replaced another . Yours , in the bonds of philanthropy , JohnBatlei , Wybanbury , Cheshire , Oct . 4 th .
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Thb Law op Ovbrpopdi , ated Lodgings . —Thoj son v . Austin . —This was an action bronght befi D . O . Moylan , Esq ., to recover one week ' s rent the defendant , for the use and occupation off mshed apartments . The defendant pleaded that , consequence of the beds and other articles of fur ture being infested with extremel y troublesome oo panta , he did net have quiet' possession ; and « the apartments being uninhabitable , he was juatiG in quitting without notice , and was no longer char ble with the rent . ' In support of the plea , W Austin and Sarah Wilkins , the servant , were e : mined , and proyea that the apartments were actut besieged by Terrain , who not only made their appe ance at night , but even in the day time . They ca
msuoh multitudes that no sleep could be obtaine and it frequently happened thatwhsn Miss Aua appeared in the breakrast-room , numbers of nox ' u insects were taken from her clothes . The plain was told ol the nuisance , and the bedstead wastal dowa and cleaned , but in a few days the unpleaa population reappeared , and the defendant left wi out giving any notice . The plaintiff denied that I bedstead and furniture was ever in the state i scribed . He had frequently slept on the bed , ! had never been molested , and the late Lord-Li tenant of Ireland had also slept in it , and had ue complained . The learned judge said that might the insects night have had some respect fora L ( Lieutenant , and had abstained from moleBtineb
( Laughter . ) The learned judge said the plea good , and having been established by evidence must hold it to be a good answer to the action . ' ^ ww clearly laid dowa in the oaae of ' Smitl Marable , ' where the court held that the plea good , and that the defendant was justified in leai his furnished apartments at Brighten , on accost a similar nuisance rendering the lodgings uninhal pie . It might be possible that the plaintiff and late Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland had not been tested ; but upon the evidence of Miss Austin , co boratedasit was by the servant , he had noot alternative than to dismiss the case . Wakefield New Pbison . —Sir George U » ey , cretary of State , baa made arrangements with West Riding magistrates to occupy four hundrci parate cells , for the reception of convicts transpo
for short periods . Government are to pay a rei £ 600 a cell , or £ 2 , 400 pounds for the whole find their own keepers , ( of whom we have a pi troop , ) medical advisers , &o . A considerable o ber of prisoners have already arrived . They cono bands of fifty at once . Dr Miiner has been appoi medical officer at a salary of £ 250 , and a hovse free . The salary does not include the cost of B cines prescribed . By an aot of Parliament ( the 9 th and 10 th ch . 102 , ) obaoene or improper prints are foibidds be Imported into this country ; A lot wai rM < seized at the London Custom House and deairo ] 1 dear , ' said a gentleman to a young m whom he thought to be married , ' do you * i { make a fool of me V ' No , ' replied the joung ' nature has saved me the trouble . ' The novel importation of 130 Pwtoguf lse iuto the pott of London took place hsA 3 eek .
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A Bedmdden Person ' . —Wonderful effects of Holloway ' s Ointment ami Pills . —Robert Stephens , of Barkingside , near the Red House , hurt his thigh nineteen years ago , which affected Mb knee so seriously as to oblige him to relinquish his trade as a shoemaker , and go to tllO London Hospital for seven weeks ; ( he surgeons wishine to amputate hisi leg , he leJt , and for eleven years endure the greatest suffering , two of which he was completely helpless and bedridden , but now by using Hollmvav ' s Ointment and Pills in five weeks he is ab > to dress Vm ofa ceK ^^^^
\Muc I\F|)0i£
\ MUC i \ f |) 0 i £
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MR O'COHNOR'S INTENDED VISIT TO IREUK TO THE XDITOB OF THE NOBTHIKN STAB . Sib , —Permit me , through the medium of your wldei circulated newspaper , to express my unfei gned pleajtt at Mr O'Connor announcing his intention to visit h land . Confidently hoping that he may succeed in i persing from the breasteof his countrymen geneulli the prejudice which a misrepresentation of his conda has created . When I contemplate the trials which that extras dinaiy character has undergone since , his return i Member of Parliament for the county of Cork , the injui and lois of property he has sustained , the abuse t calumny which , with more than ordinary patience , join with manly fortitude , he has borne , the reproachful t \ thets with which his enemies have saluted him , there intending to wound his reputation , the vast duties whi under most unfavourable and trying circumstances , ! has faithfully and indefatigably laboured to discharj his banishment ( if I may so express nmelf ) from t ! land of his birth—I cannot sufficientl y express my tide ration of his noble conduct ; to say more ( if I but hi what to » ay in praise of his meritorious deeds ) wouldi be extravagance . That Mr O'Connor is trul y the man for the people , incontestible . Would that I could greet himwitb ' Ccadmtilefatite' on his landing on ( he Iriih short-n would I covet a more honourable office than toprew him , not only to the nearest town , but throughout his i journ in Ireland , joyfully singlog ' Hurrah for Bn Feargus and Shehhne Ouira , ' bearing a banner with ( following or similar words inscribed Ihereon—• Welcome , O'Connor toPatherland . ' I remain , Your obedient servant , Hennesst ,
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. ITALY AND POLAND . TO THB EOITOB OF THK NOBTHEBN STAB . Dbar Sib , —The Imperial acts of cruelty « t preM being perpetrated upon the unfortunate PoUb , and i determination ef the Austrian despot to subjugate Itil ought to have the deepest consideration of every bow and contemplating Englishman . The attempts of the Austrian deBpothm to the difl rent countries it nothing new . That state is the mi which « ought to obliterate the Swiss people frem < face of theit native country in the 13 th century ; but t Swiss found in the noble William Tell , a leader fitted lead them to freedom . The Poles , who have long been trampled upon by I flagitious Autocrat of Russia , cannot much longer kept in subjection . The fraternity of nations is rapk progressing and the hour is not far distant when I tocsin will summon all nations to march shoulder shoulder against their oppressor ^ Your * truly , Oet » 9 . A Fustian Cotwb of Hiihoo
€ om # pmmtt *
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3 THE NORTEBM STAR , \^ r ^_ == z _ ___ _ _^^ ^
._ _^ ^ Twrnr-Rifth Edition. Sfostrated By Twentj-Six Anatomical Engravings On Steel.
. _ _^ ^ TWRnr-riFTH edition . Sfostrated by Twentj-six Anatomical Engravings on Steel .
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In cases where the Cough or Shortness of Breathis very violent , an occasional dose of Brooke ' s Aperient or Antibilious Pills will be found to accelerate the cure . Prepared only by T . M . and C . Brooke , chemists , Bewsbury , in bottles at 13 | d . and 2 s . 9 d . each . And sold wholesale by them ; Messrs Barclay and Sons , FarrinRdon-street ; Hannay and Co ., Oxford-street ; . DavyMackmurdoandCo ., Upper Thames ^ treet ; and Thomas Marsden and Sons , Queen-stregt , London . Thomas Eyre and Co ., Liverpool . Bolton , Blanchard and Co ., York . And retail by all respectable patent medicine vendors . '
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STIRLING'S STOMACH PILLS , AN EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR BILIOUS , LIVER AND STOMACH COMPLAINTS . rphis excellent Family Pill is a medicine of long . tried X efficacy for correcting all disorders ' of the stomach and bowels , the common symptoms of which are costivone . is flatulency , spasms , loss of appetite , sick head-ache , giddiness , sense of fulness after meals , dizziness of the eyes , drowsiness , and pains in the stomach and bowels . Indigestion , producing a torpid state of the liver , and a constant inactivity of the bowels , causing a disorganisation of every function of the frame , will , in this most excellent preparation , by a little perseverance , be effectually removed . Two or three doses will conv nco the afflicted of its salutary effects . The stomach will speedily regain its strength , a healthy action of tho liver , bowels and kidneys , will rapidly take place ; and , instead of listlessness , heat , pain , andjaundiced appearance , strength , activity and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this medicine . These Pills are particularly
efficacious for Stomach , Coughs , Colds , Agues , Shortness of Breath , and if taken after too free an indulgence at table , they quickly restore the system to its natural state of repose . Persons of a full habit , who are subject to headache , giddiness , drowsiness , and . singing in the cars , arising from too great a flow of blood to the head , should never be without them , as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their immediate use . For Females these Pills are truly excellent , removing all obstmctions ; the distressing Head-ache , so prevalent with the sex ; Depression of Spirits , Duluess of Sight , Nervous Affections , Blotches , Pimples , and Sallowness of the Skin , and giving a healthy ami juvenile bloom to the complexion . To Mothers , they are confidently recommended as the best medicine that can betaken during pregnancy , and for Childben of all ages they are unequalled . As a pleasant , safe , easy , aperient , they unite the recommendation of a mild operation Vith the most successful effect , and require no restraint o ' f diet or confinement during their use . And for Eldbrly Pkople they will be found to be the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared .
' Why Is My Wife Worse Than The Devil?' Said A
' Why is my wife worse than the devil ? ' said a
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 16, 1847, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1440/page/2/