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(From our Second Edition of last week.) THURSDAY, March 30. Ia tbe HOUSE OF LORDS the Earl of Ellenbobouoh bvought under the consideration of the house tha large Increase which had taken place, during tlia pa»t year, both in the number of persons employed In public offices, and in the amount of salaries and -retiring pensions, whiuh showod an increase in numbers of 1, 250, and an excess of £110,000 over the expenditure on these heads for 1816, and that in a year of great national distress and one in which there nag a failing and deficient revenue. In the HOUSE OF COJ1MON3 , the Speaker being taken ill , the house adjourned shortly after fuur o'clock, On the motion of Mr GaooAK, a new writ was ordered for the county of Wfcklow, ia tho room of Col. Acton, who has accepted the Chiitern Huudreds, aud on tbe motion of Mr Fbewek for tho borough of Rf e, in the cnom of Mr H. M. Curteis, whose election ghad been dt* dared nail and void. ¦ i i- r * ' * - ¦ • r - irf^^fc —».a^w
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Whig Premier has evidentl y made up his mind to stop legislation ana provoke a fight . The grievances of Ireland are nothing to him . The shortest cut to the tranquillity of that country appears to be , in Ms estimation threagh the slaughter of its inhabitants ! Certainly , it is a summary way of getting rid Gf tlie" surplus population . " But bloo d thus sp ilt has an awkward facility of springing up in future harvests of revenge and hostility not unfrequently fatal to those who caused " it
to be shed . "We have no hesitation in saying that if a civil war takes place in Ireland , that the Whig government which has obstinately refused all legislation of a conciliatory or remedial character , and which has , at the same time , proclaimed its determination to put down , by armed force , the internal disaffection arislngj From , its owa misconduct , will he alone responsible for all the blood that may be shed , and the loss of property which may follow such an event .
£O £Ratos & Corressgnben Rs
£ o £ ratos & CorressGnBen rs
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KISCELLAKEOCS , See NiTiovAt Petition . —A correspondent who tigns himgeU'lsteef the 81 st Eegiment of Foot , ' says : — 'I weuld suggest the propriety of every Chartistin Great Eritnin ( wiio can afford the expense ) , being in London on the 10 th , and to join the procession ; and also , tbat * memorial fee presentee at the Home Office , ia behalf of Frost , Williams , and Jones , to be accompanied thither t > j the said procession . I nouldfarther suggest that aU Chartist householders , resiling in the metropolis , should al ' OTT themsslve to be enrolled as special constables , to keep the peace and preserve goodjorder , and so dispense -with the government bludgeoa men . T . Woodhctcss , Stockport . —Tes . The Cohiso KEveLtrrioic . —From a long letter signed * Hercator , ' for which we haTe not reom in fall , we gire the following extract : — « Sote any of our manufacturing towns or Tillages , and there yon will find
thousands upon th .-u = ands , of onr best ane moit industrious artisans starring for want of employment ; and in many branches cf the staple trade of this country , eren wlieu empiojnxent can be obtained , the workman cannot earn more than 6 s or 7 s perweei , aad oatof this pittance , he has to maintain a wife , and probably a large family !! And while the country is in such , a state as thi 3 , caused by class legislation , our Whig rulers , after having , as is always the case , emptied the Sxcheauer , aretryiBg to pat the screw on the middle classes , knowing full well , thatthey ( the middle classes ) will throw the entire burthen on the wortomg classes Whil : the operatives are enduring sufferings almost unparalleled , the Guizot of England is indulging ia the most lavish expenditure — to saj if to
EDthin ^ i'ie immense sums paid every year place-Een arid n 3 n * ers-on , who never did , nor erer will , render any service to their country . And is this state of things fo be ensured any longer ? Are the working c " : a 5 ? ei " to be plundered of then- last penny , by a Liberal "SVhig Ministry , and snffer ths infliction in silence ! No , let our rulersbeware in time ; 1 st them grant such reforms as are necessary for the salvation of the people let them retrench and economise theesoenditnre ; let them grit equal laws , and equal privileges , and all may yet b ^ well . But if ministers follow their present insane policy , they will , and ought to be made antwerable , forthe srenes of bloodshed , which win ere long blast oar once peaceful , prosperous , and happy isle . Thi 3 statH ^ . pit may startle some , and be laujhed at by others . But let these trifiers and scoffers attend the
! gathering - ¦ t ' -e oppressed and starring operatives , ; aad they will find that a sp irit of the most determined j revenge has taken canplete possession of those , who 8 1 short time ago were tuts advocates of peace and order . ' let farm remember that there is a point in suffering , I beyond which endurance is a crime , ay , of the blackest « character . Letthpm remember that fee people hare I More them , the glorious example of a successful re-; Eistancs to tyranny and oppression ; and 1 st them also ( remember , that the middle classes are nearly as much 1 discontented as the bulk of the people ; and if amid i Tvannnss like these , our rulers do not immediately introdnce such measures as will satisfy the people , let them prepare for aday ofretribution , which mostassaredlv is ant far distant . —Meicatos . - . _¦ :: Ax English 'JIarseiixaisi . '—Ihavebeen thinking that tha Democrats of England are michhehindlthoso of Trance and © : her Hations . in not having their national demo : raiie artbem . Why have we not onr' Democratic 1 of the
! Hymnas onr French brethren hare their' Hymn Girondins , ' and the'Marseillaise ! ' I think that if the : Chartist KiecutiTe Council wonld take up the matter , j and e 3 < rr a sn : all prize for the best Jjric that could be produced , embodyicg the sentiments of the people , there are many poets in England who would ' string their lyre' to such a thtnse . 'What do you think of the SO 3 pesti .. n f I remain , yours , A Betcbmcajt . [ Very good . EdLN S . J f Coj . vwall . —A correspondent asks ' cannot some attent tion be paid bj tie Executive to Cernvrall , by w&y of I sending an a ^ ent ? A largefield is open there for labour , and would doubtless prove worth attendinj to . I ilr R . Bbssstt , Edinburgh . —Mr Watson , Queen ' s Head-Bassage , Paternoster-row , supplies the works you ment tion . TT . B ., Reading . —We know nothing of the note . Axti-Hchscg . — The contribution is one snilling an-JosaUy . If sailliags , are sent addressedtto G . J . Harney ,
Kosthehh SrAEofice , cards will be gent in return . 3 rB 3 csipnos foe Loss of Cattle at 0 'Cosxobyili . b . s . d . James Swaffield ... ... 0 6 G Redrup ... ... 0 6 Bolton , per Heves ... ... 6 8 Brighton , Flower ... — * 0 Oldham , Ilamer —SO Ashtonunder-Lyae ... ... 10 0 T Martin ... ... .... 10 W Penny , Hyda ... ... 0 6 "W Darrant and Brotbers , Stratford-on-Avon ... 2 0 Thomns Abbott , Manchester ... 0 8 "Walsall , per Perkins ... ... 2 G Lincoln ... — ... 1 0 k Bacap ... ¦¦• ••• 5 5
f £ \ 19 7 j Silston , pir Lraney ... ... ¦* 2 Valsall , per Perkins ... ... 2 G % Lincoln ... — — *¦ 6 ' { Becup ... •¦• ••• •> » I Eomford , Herbert ... ... 5 6 f Witham , Fish ... — 2 6 t Reading , Wheeler ... — ? ' ? Leaugate , Grojaa •» ¦¦ * - ? ^ £ 1 10 6 i THOHiS MABnK WH 3 EIER . [ The above is the list of names which was omitted laBt \ wesk , as the sum only was announced . i Sfs 5 C 3 rrTlONS . —The following is a list of subscriptiens \ greceived bv me from clffereEt localities , in order to f Sliquidate the debt of Hr Barros ' . —Thoxas Bakkiw , 1 g 59 , Ravald-street , Lloyd-street , fOIdham-road , Man-\ ectester . s _ & f Bolton , psrMrI ' ic : kTal ! C 8 ••« ~ 10 ° T Todmorden , Stansfield ... ... 10 9 - Littleboronsb , James Coupe ... » 0 : Stagsbill , Joshua Taylor ... ... < e WallmshoroTiEh , L ^ at klu ... \ 0 Bilston . MrHammerslej ... ... « » ; HaccUsSfeid , Mr J Leech ... ... 10 0 ¦ Stoekport . Thomas Danes ... ... 10 9 - DroylsdsD , J Dawson ... •¦• * 0 : XoiSng bstn , J Sweet ... - 5 0 -. Oldham , Hamer — - " » ' Eatcl'fie Bridge , JBowkar ... ... 5 0 . S £ ;» " ::: = » j | 1 Preston , J Prows — — , I Smediwiek , Mr Allen ... - 5 ° ; ss 15 o 1 Thomas Rantin respectfully , solicits those localities r that have not yet remitted their quota to use their best -sEorts to do so with as little delay as posgible . " ? Tbe O'Coskos . Msdai A correspondent suggests the ¦ " wearing of the O'Counor medal on the Ifith of ApiU S I . Dottsib , Bangor . —Thanfes for the report . Fress of ' - matter has compelled the exclusion of the speeches . I . B ., BirstalL—We have not room . There is ns use talking at such petty tyrants . If thepeople areprepareo . ' ¦ to take justice they may now obtain i ^ and striKe terror f to the souls of all such wretches . '• A LisEstL-KEfDED EsoussKAS . —Tour first letter we c Slave inserted ; lor the second we have Eot room , f 3 . T ., Stratford , Essex .-Tour letter is very well written ' fcut has the vies of coaUiHing nothing practical , aere i generalities , appeals for' union , ' &c * &c . are but woras * wiEted . Any future communications , whether reports 5 op othsF « ise . stiallhaTeonrattBntion . ; I- H . —Your letter shall appear as soon as we can find t To ' ths Meh ' of Abeedees . —I want immediate instruc-? Son as to whether I am to come to Aberdeen to De '• Tm ^ nt at the monster meeting or remain in LoBOon . — , J . SEISBOJf , M . C ^
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{ S * la reply to several applications from several socle tiesofOddFellowB , we beg to say that the provisions of the Bill proposed by Mr O'Connor , will embrace all and , therefore , itbecomes the duty of all , who desire the protection of theirfundB from their officers , to Benl in their petitions at once . To the Editor op ihb Kobthbbk Stab . —Si * , —I beg te contradict a false statement which appeared in the Stab of the 18 th , in a letter , signed « WiUiam Holmes , wherein he states that I dismissed him from my serrlce In consequence of iris having become a successful allottee on the land ; the fact is simply thiB , on account of the great depression in the trade , and having upwards of £ 280 . worth of lace by mo from the machin * whxen Holmes worked , I judged it advisable that ths frame should stana , and it has not been worked at til imeeheleft me , which is a fortnight since , last S » turday ; add to this the fact of my having known of hi » connexiun wita the Land Pla
n from the week after ha first entered my emploT ( j ^ an ( j th ( J Wo wiu j aunk , See that it had nothing to do with his diBmisial . lour insertion of this will oblige , Sir , your obedient serrant , Geobge Langtoxd . Lenton Sands , March Jl . * V . a . KOBWSOH . —We have not the copy ofllrKydd ' * sptecn . " ' As 0 u > StjBEc 2 ntEE .-- . The JacoWn of FariB' snaare . appearm the SrAa . The Bbitish Bahkeb . —From a long letter from a Dlssenter , complaining of an article from the peneftkat precious public instructor , Dr CantweU , on tha French Revolution . W 6 give the followiDg extract : —' In poUtical faith I am a republican Chartist , and in my religious belief , a Protestant Dissenter , and feel no hesitation m stating that if all'Protestant Dissenters' fnlly understood the principles which were enunciated by their Lord and Master , they can be nothingmore or leg * than Chartists of the deepest dye , Christ was a sterling Chartist , and I challenge any parson to prove the contrary . All his acts teachings , and preachings , were purely democratic , so were all the followers of Him
, that is to say , His Disciples . Will anyone try to refnte thU ? Christ was a Sespiser of Kings , and a hater of Tyrants . I trust , Mr Editor , that you Trill set about teaching this body ( theparsons ) , orthodox manner the they ought to pursue in interpreting the sayings of the New Testament , as I am convinced that the majority of them hare not the slightest knowledge of doing so . My reason for troubling you , is to £ raw your attention to an article ia a late number oftheBEmsH Banke » i on the downfall of Louis-Philippe . ' I am certain that every real Christian at heart , must glorifyJGod for that tyrant * * overthrow , because ha did not reign in tha fear of the Lord , and also did that which was evil in His sight . I do most emphatically condemn the remarks of the learned doctor , as they are pot at all in accordance withliberty or his preaching , neither do they breathe the spirit of gospel truth ; thejr are altogether at variance with the tree spirit of Christianity , and especially of the creed professed J > y Dissenters . Andrew Helville teld James tha Sixth of Scotland , that he was ? either a King , nor a Lord , nor a head , but a member .
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1848 . PER MR O'CONNOR . SBASES . £ S , d . Reading a 3 0 0 Bur ; Coulter ¦¦ 10 0 0 Wilmslow H 1 16 0 Nefrent M 418 3 Woolwich , Richmond ,. 1 1411 Crqmbie u 0 5 0 Southampton .. 4 0 0 Birmingham , Halifax H 9 5 0 Goodwin .. 3 13 0 Corbridge .. 2 0 0 Kilbarcban .. 12 6 Busby » 410 0 Bridlington Quay 6 18 0 Glasgow » 4 2 6 Birmingham , Littletown .. 31010 } Brindley .. ISO Newcastle-upon-Barnslcy „ 10 H 6 Tyne .. 8 6 6 Cneddingtou .. 2 10 6 Welton „ 015 2 Barnoldssvick m 8 3 0 Clayton West .. 1 18 2 Campsie ~ 5 9 6 Yarmouth .. 5 8 0 Iinlithzow m 17 6 Ely ,. 9 0 2
Retford » 8 5 0 Warwick - 4 2 0 Falkirk .. 2 6 4 Whitfingtonand Romford » 212 0 Cat M 5 1111 Daventry u 4 11 ll William Crow .. 0 2 0 Iredbory ~ 10 2 Eobt Crow M 0 2 0 Central Rossen- Wm Thatcher M 0 10 dale £ .. 10 O O ChasFenton „ 0 10 Raisnick .. 1 0 0 Jas A Smith . 0 3 1 Lake Lock .. 3 9 0 Mary Ann Elliott 2 12 o Edinburgh .. 5 0 0 John Pomeroy „ 0 7 0 Lambeth .. 6 15 6 Lanceloy Toy „ 2 10 0 Parkhead S 3 14 0 John Toy ., 2 10 0 Mottram „ Is 0 0 Ann Maria Moss 0 10 Astley .. S 0 5 John Latham « 0 6 4 Marple i . 5 10 6 Thos Latham u 0 7 0 York .. 2 0 0 wmiam Francis Rochdale .. 1 17 6 Cherry ., 0 6 0 Tewkesbury -. 0 8 6 Geo Loveridge n 0 2 6 Somers Town - 0 2 7 John Edward Idmehfiuse , B H 6 7 6 Bannell .. 0 8 0 Manchester .. 12 18 10 George Hughes Leicester , AstiU .. 5 0 0 Chatwiu ,. -0 5 ~ 0 Mewbury .. 15 0 6 Thos Cork % , 0 5 0
Oxford .. 2 7 6 Wm Lute .. 0 10 Nottingham , Geo Hall _ 10 0 Sweet ii 513 6 John Heffernan 0 10 Banbury . ¦ 25 19 6 Thos Colliugs ., 0 5 0 Birmingham , Wm Wilson « . 0 10 6 Goodwin m 5 0 0 Geo Waterman .. 0 3 4 Clitheroe ~ 4 0 0 Hy Byrne u 0 2 0 Liverpool .. 1015 9 Ann Broad „ 0 0 6 Northampton n 7 0 0 Wm Borrett •¦ 0 2 6 Thrislingtou 9 9 0 Jas Smith . ¦ 0 16 Tavisteck .. 2 10 Wm Crow .. 0 2 0 Birmingham , Robt Crow „ 0 2 0 Ship h i li 0 Wm Thatcher .. 0 10 lnverkeithing .. 1 14 10 John Quarter-Plymouth . 611 6 man .. 0 5 0 Keighley .. 10 0 0 William Thomp . New Radford .. 612 3 son .. 9 5 0 Bradford , York 3 9 0 Sarah R Salmon 6 Hull .. 12 10 10 Harriet Towers . 0 Torquay .. 8 18 O Ann ilaria Moss 0 Mells . Corpe .. 3 6 0 Foster Gordon .. 10 0 Bnrslem » 32 2 0 Felix Hunt .. 0 1 0 Alva .. IB 10 0 WilliamBaillie .. 8 1 6 £ S 99 15 Oj sxpbhsb pdnd . Reading .. 7 0 0 Tavistock .. 0 2 0 Wilmslow .. 1 12 6 Plymouth K 14 0 Kilbarchan .. 0 4 0 NewRadford .. 0 6 6 BridUnpton Quay 0 14 0 Hull .. 0 li 4 BarnBtaple „ 0 19 8 Torquay .. 6 5 0 LongSutton •< 8 9 10 Mells , Corps .. 0 16 Campsie ' « . 0 13 0 Burslem .. 1 11 0 Linlifhgow « 0 12 6 Newent .. 0 16 Retford « 0 6 6 Richmond n 0 10 Falkirk - 0 11 0 Southampton M 10 0 Romford ... 0 5 6 Halifax « 0 15 0 Ledbury m 0 SO Busby " i . . 0 10 0 Rastrick ~ 1 6 S Glasgow .. 0 5 3 Lake Lock n 0 2 0 Littletown .. 0 9 li
Edinburgh . 0 6 6 Kewcastle-upon-Psrkhead .. 0 6 0 Tyne - 1 13 6 Astley « 0 10 0 Welton » 0 10 Marple « 19 6 Clayton We 3 t .. 0 1 0 Glossop .. 0 8 0 Ely .. 10 2 Rochdale » 0 5 6 Warwick .. 0 16 L mehome , Bruns- Whittingtonand wic&Hall .. 0 2 6 Cat .. 076 Manchester ~ 2 7 2 Mary Ann Elliott 0 1 0 Oxford .. 0 4 0 John Pomeroy .. 0 2 0 Nottingham , . Henry . Sullivan 0 16 Sweet ~ 2 10 2 Thos Collins „ 0 2 0 Banbury .. 0 11 0 Geo Waterman- 0 2 0 WiUiam Board 0 2 0
Clitheroe .. 10 0 ¦ .. Liverpool ~ 1 16 0 John Hickman .. 0 2 0 Northampton , John H Fox Munday .. 8 0 0 Young .. 0 1 8 Alva 0 4 0 £ 45 13 O fr Total Land Fund ... ... £ 399 15 0 J Expense Fund •¦• 45 13 Oi Rules " •¦• 0 6 6 £ U 5 U Y . Bank ... W- 14 8 j £ 820 _ 9 3
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"Wjf . Dhow . Cbkibtopheb Dans , Thos . Cubs , ( Corres , Seo . ) PHH » M'GEATH , ( Pin . Sec . ) RECEIYED AT BANK . Manchester « « » » 10 0 fa&ham , Power Loom Weaver Association ., 190 0 0 Liverpool , Clarence Co-operative Society .. 4 14 8 Barnstaple , Auxiliary Bank .. .. 200 Tha Mountain Bank of the National Land Company , Yorkshire - .. 200 T . Pbice , Manager . ^ RECEIPTS OF NATIONAL CHABTEB ASSOCIATION . Gresory . Belper ™ 0 1 Q Northarapton .. 0 5 0 Bradford - 0 5 0 Ipswich - . 0 10 0 Mr Burke .. Oil Bolton .. 0 10 0 Mr Simpkia .. 0 10 Plymouth M 0 ll 0 Minster Lovell « 2 10 0 Mr Tanner M 0 4 0 Petition Sheets * - 0 12 5 Ladies' Shoe Todmorden ~ 0 lo 0 Makers „ 0 2 0 Birmingham H 10 0 Marylebone .. 0 5 4 Cheltenham .. 10 0 Mr Temple M 6 10 Bilston . m 0 5 0 Mr Mar tin H 9 2 6 Dartford » 010 0 Retford '„ 0 10 Three Old Guards , Portsmouth > . 0 6 8 Shoe Mill •» 0 2 3 MiiendenStones 0 12 0 Cnnar Aneus .. 0 15 0 Easington Lans 0 5 0 Chortei » ° 3 ° Dartford „ 0 12 8 Railway Labourer 0 0 6 Leicester •¦ 0 16 10 Two Friends _ . _ Wigan .. 0 2 0
Sacriston . ~ 0 16 Mr Rogers .. 0 5 0 BHckhaven 0 2 0 Wallingford .. 0 4 0 Longton , Werk . ToirerHainlets . i 0 15 0 ing Man ' s Hall 010 0 Alva .. 10 0 Mr Potter m 0 2 0 Collected at John Backby 0 18 Street „ 15 4 Rrlffhtoa ¦ 13 0 Lambeth .. 0 14 6 Barford n 2 G -0 Aberdeen .. -2 0 6 Ifottineham .. 2 0 0 Stockport „ 018 0 BBichaXn .. 0 2 0 Sowerby Helm .. 1 0 0 Glasgow ~ 0 19 0 Falbirk « 0 10 0 Ba * h ° « 1 ° ° Hamilton .. 10 0 HeDflen Bridge * 0 9 vag ~ s 5 9 Edinburgh - 1 10 0 Tyldesley „ 016 2 Mr Derbyshire .. 0 0 6 CoUected by W Rarnrfer .. 0 10 0 BroWU .. 0 5 9 M ^ CufeT . 0 5 0 Mi ^ dleton .. 9 7 6 NewVastte 1 10 0 Richmond „ 0 4 0 Ledeato 0 3 4 Newbridge , Gla-L 'f clste 0 » 0 morgeushire .. 0 10 0
_ £ 38 J 0 _ 9 DEFEHCE OI 1 » o ' coK > OS S SEAT IK ? ABHAKEKT . < 5 ipnford ~ 0 2 9 Norwich .. 1 0 11 H ^ am - 0 9 6 MrDuff « 0 19 £ r * i ^ T * . :: 10 j-jSat . : ii : rniiPcted bv Mr Hawick .. 0 2 0 ° &Sfc - 010 9 LongBuckby - 011 6 j L aaarnley Sheffield .. 011 2 S I 0 2 6 J Chatham - 0 10 v Edinburgh .. 4 8 8 ^ 11 7 U C . Dosis , Secretary .
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IMPORTANT NOTICE . Each Branch Sscretary of the National Land Company has received frith the balance pheeti one of the usual quarterly return sheets ; but instead of returning thereon the payments for the quarter ending Marjh 25 th , 1848 , they must enter , alphabetically , the names of all members of their . respective branches , without reference to sections , with the total amount paid by each from the commencement of the Company until the 25 th ult ., distinguishing Land Fund from the Expense Fund . Secretaries requiring more paper than the sheet sent from the office , will provide themselves with it , and rule it similar to the printed sheet . Each return must set forth , in writing , that it is made out from the commencement to the 25 th ult . The Directors hope that each Secretary will promptly perform this duty , and that the , returns if ill be sent as soon after the Q 5 th o £ March as possible .
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THE NATIONAL PETITION . A public meeting called by the Aasoeiatioa of Fraternal Democrats was holden on Taeaday eTeaine laet , in the Farringdon Hall . The hall was excessively crowded by a meat enthusiastic assembly . A large number of Irish Repealers were present , and they were most energetic in their applause of every patriotic , fraternal , and determined sentiment ut : tered by the speakers . At eight o'clock , Ernest Jones , delegate to the National Convention for Halifax , was called to the chair , amidst loud and long-continued cheering . Erbnst Jokb 3 was called to the chair amid great acclamation , and ia one of his truly brilliant speeches introduced the business of the eveningconcluding , after a lengthened address , by introducing Mr Ilarney , Ac . The following was the fir 3 fc resolution moved by Julian Harney : —
Whereas it is a notorious fact that the government of these countriei , —commsnly called ' The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , '—exist * only for tbt protection and aggrandisement of the privileged claatei represented in the legislature ; whereas the laws art enacted for the benefit of the rich sod ths plunder and oppression of the poor ; whereas the existing ' gyitem ' Ij -upheld by fraud and force , and Is , therefore , dirootly opposed * to tbe principles of tmtb and justice ; and , whireas , tbat legislative swindle , miscalled ths Reform Bill , hy excluding six-seventhi of the adult male populs . tioa from the posseEBion of their inalienable politics ] rights , constitutes the mainstay of the enormities ebsve recited : — This meeting hereby resolres to Gdopt the National Petition requiring the immediate enactment of ths People ' s Charter ; aad should that petition be r » jootcd , this meeting appeals to the people of Great Britain and Ireland to take other and efficient means to enforce coxplianoa with their just demands .
Julian Harket delivered a very lengthy speech , contrasting the wrongs of tbe poor with the crimes of the privileged classes . In the cour&eof his speech he said : The Times of Saturday last , in a whining , fraudulent , and lying article , unblushingly asserts the atrocious falsehood , that wherever the sway of the English government is acknowledged , there legislative justice is enthroned , and rational liberty secures general happiness ; if there is an exception , it is Ireland . But the Times asserts , that even Irish evils are tha consequences of the vices of the Irish character , and not of English rule . ( Cries of 'false ! ' ) Yes ; the writer ia the Times U a liar . J . H . then showed tha atrocities of the English system at home and abroad . The state of Ireland proclaims , trumpetoongaed , the deep damnations of
that system so vilely applauded by the felon Timbb . If it ware as true bb it iB fake , that all the evils of Ireland spring from the vices of the Irish character , why attempt te govern such a people in spite of them-Belve 3 ? The Tiues admits that English government has failed in Ireland ; why not , then , let the people of that country try Irish government ? ( Loud cheers ) It is , however , no longer a qnestion whether the English government will ' let' Irishmen have justica—they will' let' themselves ! ( Thunders of applause . ) The bullying Tme 3 now whine 3— ' A grave contest may be at hand , we deprecate it ere it comes . ' Only a week ago , how different the tose of this bully ! Then , Mitchel , and Meagher , and Smith O'Brien , were assumed to be objects of acorn and contempt . ( A voice , 'Three cheers for Repeal ;'
three thundering cheera were given . Another voice , ' Three cheers for O'Brien , Meagher , and Mitchel , ' again the building shook with the roaring cheers and stamping of the people . ) Every vrord said by Mitchel and his brother seditionists we adopt . Their h » ly hatred to English aristocratic rule we share-( Thunders of applatire . ) The millions who in seven centuries have perished in Ireland , the viotims of fraud and tyranny , —the millions of murdered viefiEis recently mowed down by famine , —the thousands still dying day by day—these appeal to us from their gravea to efface the stain from onr national name by proving to the world that the people of England do not participate in the crimes of their rulers . By every sentiment of manhood we are bounQ to hate those rnler . 3 . They have oppressed
us fat home , and excited against us the hatred of every other people . The world has been taught that this is a free nation , and , therefore , not . unnaturally we have been confounded with our rulers , and made to share thoodhim of tMr crimes . At this very time they are exciting against us a worse feeling than hatred—contempt . Other nations breaking their fetters—bursting their chainB —pouring out their blood for liberty—curbing or casting ont their tyrants—look to ns , and judging of us by the vile press , conclude that we are perfectly content with the present system ; content—so say the vile newspapers—to truckle to IRsitr John Russell ' s insolence , who in the midst of revolutions— ' the wreck of sceptres and the crash of thrones , ' assumes the aira of a Cttsar . and
declares that'fie h . asi no intention to repeal the ratepaying clauses of the Referm Bill . My God , how the nations must wocder at , and despite ua . ' Bat shall v ? e not cast from ua this humiliation ? ( Cries of TeB , yes , ' and roaraof applause ;) We tell Mister Johnny RuBEell that we mean to repeal the Reform Bill itself . ( Renewed cheering . ) Next Monday weshall preve to the world the falsehoods of the English prfss . We snail prove that we are not content to hug our fetters when the slaves of every other land are breaking theirs . ( Loud cheers . ) There are two dangers to guard against , rasbpess and weakness . Any rash act next Monday might launch ua , not into a revolution , but into a row , more fatal to our character and moral standing than even to our nerconp . We must have no ' rows . ' On the other
hsad , we must have no weakness . It is not for me to anticipate the Convention , but cay voice is in unison with that of my constituents , for no more petitianing . ( Great applause . ) I would , however , make one other last appeal , not to the house , but to the Queen . I would have the people send to her a memorial , demanding the ousting of the ministry , and the appointment of men who will make the Charter a cabinet raeaBure . Let the delegates of the people demand to see the Queen in pergon—to present the memorial withont any of the tomfoolery of bag-wigs and Court swords . If this last appeal is treated with contempt , of course , the Convention will do its duty—always provided tbe people are prepared to do theirs . ( Applause . ) I must protest against the idea , if entertained by anyone , of
dissolving the ConTention on the presentation of the Petition . I must protest against any' feed' at Highbury Barn—it will be time enough to feast when we have something to rejoice over , and can invite all the people to share in the festival . ( Great applause ) If the Petition is rejected , it will be the duty of the Coavention—if supported by the people—to declare itself permanent until the Charter becomes the law of the land , ( tenthuaiaatie cheering . ) The hour has struck , and this is the hour for us to strike for our liberties . Behold , in every land , the nations rising to the life ot liberty . Behold Young France bursting the manacles of corruption and the fetters of force , and establishing on the ruins of moearchy and the wrecks of privilege , the empire of the Proletarians , and the reign of Equality , Liberty , and
Fraternity . ( Great cheering . ) Behold the Germans bringing their kings and princes on their knees to learn the first lesson in revolution—ay , only the first lesson ; we have only seen the beginning in Germany . ( Cheers . ) Behold the Jtaliars destroying foreign tyrants and wringing liberty from domestic rulers . ( Applause ) Behold Poland re-appearing from the tomb , as yet swathed in her bloody shroud ; but , even now , that shroud is being torn from her limbs by the Lands of liberated Germans . ( Great applause . ) The resurrection of Poland has taken place . Kosciusko'e fall shall be avenged ™ Eonarski ' s tortures shall be atoned for . The sword of Poland , aided by the Bwords of France and Germany—ay , and England too , as soon as we are free —( cheers )—shall be sheathed in the heart ot the Russian despotism . The Russian , like the Austrian empire , will be rent asunder , and the doomed , damned despot of St Petersburg , shall be sent to seek the hell he merits , amidst the triuniDhant roar of
liberated Dations . ( Immense applause . ) Englishmen , Irishmen , and Scotchmen , our fraternisation is the surety of our victory . We have but to march together , and we muafc , we will , win our liberties . ( Enthusiastic and long continued cheering ) Mr Wbst , delegateior Stockport , seconded the resolution and said : The time had now arrived for short speeches and active work . He had had the high honour to be returned for Stockport , to represent the independent men of thatborough at the Convention now eitting in this metropolis , The men of Stockport were determined to send no msre petitions to the legislature . The time was not far distant when the sons of toil should reap some of the benefits which they were centinually sowiDg . They had been compelled by class legislation to work harder aud eat less . But they would now eee whether they could not eat more and work less . ( Loud cheers . ) Lord John Russell said , tbat the creditof the country must be kept up . They weuld take a lessen from
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the past , and Irishmen , Englishmen , and Scotchmen , must unite , and keep . their eyes open , and not allow Ireland to be a doomed country . But they must unite and level the aristocraoy of toe three countries to the dust . Little Lord Johnny Russell said he would put the Imh people down . That put him in mind of a little man of great oanseqoence in stockport , who was Bworn in as a special constable , who ordered a huge navigator to move on . The navigator took up the special under his arm , and was in the act of walking away with him , when little great Bpecial says- 'If you don't put me down , I'll take you up . ( Loud laughter . ) . Now , Lord John Ru ? sell was something like that little great special ef Stockport . The Irish people would let
theminiatry feel their strength , should there be occasion for it . It is the fault of the people it they endure olasa legislation much longer . Why , the working classes were one thousand to one of all the other classes pnt together . Did they not refresh the ranks of the army , navy , and polije , from the ranks of the people , whom tte turn into machines of tyranny to oppress us ? Let them , for the future , get their mam % ? f sewhere , Well , they were going to prosecute Mitchel for instructing , in the Uhitud Irishman , the Irish peoplemtho art of streetfighting . Why donot the government instruot its Attorney-General to prosecute the Timbs , for showing hew the rocket and the howitzer can be used in clearing the streets by the military ? And , again has not the Times instrHOted
, the people in the same art ? Have they not lauded to the skies the brave and heroic conduct of the brave women of Palermo and Milan ? ( Loud cheers . ) The Cenvenhon fcoaman , were determined to Btand against the bloody government , and to adopt the prokeeated opinions of O'Brien , Meagher , and Mitchel . ( Loud and prolonged cheering . ) And they are determined to petition the parliament no more , and they will wait the decision of the people . The Times s » y 3 , tke shopkeepers are loyal . ( A voice ' Not all . ) He agreed with that ory—not all . They had shown their power in the late attempt of Lord
John Russell to impose an additional income tax . The mercenary middle class hold the power in their hand . They have got the representation in their hands . They have got the jury box , and they are the guardians of the poor ; and possessing , as they do , this power , they use it with the utmost rigour against the working classes . ( Shame . ) They place themselves between the landowner and the firmer , between tbe farmer and the labourer , robbing by immense profits , and grinding to dust the rights of labour ; and from this misapplication of power , the whole burden of taxation tails solely on the people , who produce the wealth . Who tilled tbe land ? The
labourer—take away that labourer , and the wealth produced from the land would cease . So with the mills—and so with the mines—take away the means of setting tke miH in action , and the profit realised from it ceased to its grinding owner . Take away the men that descend into the bowela of the earth to explore them , and that land would be a wilderness . h it not right that the labourer should enjoy the first fruits ? rt is to see a change in the present alarmin . ' state of things that I am for a revolution . I should like to see capital and labeur placed in its proper position ; and that we ought to get rid of the name of masters , for it is degrading in ever } sense of tbe word . They may be our employers , but not our masters . ( Hear , hear . ) Lord Ashley has sent a
letter to the Times , stating that he was glud to hear that the people in the country had enrolled themselves aa special constables . I have never heard of Buch things in Stockport . Any person attempting such a thing would be kicked around that town by the men whoonlyearn 5 s . perweek . The women of the north are determined to have the Charter , and they are ready to take the place of the men who are cut down , should it come to that . ( Loud cheers . } I am not one who doflirca bloodshed , if we can get it otherwise , The men of the Convention know their labour . ( Loud cheers . ) The neoole of the north are determined to
cease working in the pit in the event of their not getting the Charter , and if they do , I warrant that these tyrants will goon have to blow cold fingers ( Loud laughter and cheers . ) They may call this sedition , but these are times to try men ' s souls . They have tried our souls—the men would rather die than starve . I was at one time reduced to a state of 8 tar « vation—my family crying for bread—I had none to pive them . I feel for the men's state—and Oh ! God are they thus to prefer death to starvation . ( Cheers . ) Ard those men deserve to die who will submit to such a state of things , and will aot speak out . ( Great cheering . )
Mr S . Ktdd ( delegate for Oldham ) , in a lengthy , argumentative , and eloquent speech , which excited thunders of applause , moved the adoption of the following resolution : — That this meeting fearing heard tbe blood-thirsty determination of the government a 9 expressed by Lord Join Russell , last nighf ia the House of Commons , to crash by force the movement of the Irish people for national liberty , right , and juntice ; hereby denounces Lord John Rassell and nis colleagues , as tiie enem ; not lesa of the English than tbe Irish people , and this meeting solemnly pledges itself to co-operate with the people of Irojand agaiast the infamous government which alike oppresses both nations ,
Mr Adam 3 , thev delegate from Glasgow , said Scotchmen were proverbial fur caution , but as regards the position of Ire and at the present time , the men of Glasgow had duly considered the question most cautiously , and he was desired to state by his constituents , tfcat they would cot stand silently by , should the eovnrnment proceed to violence and bloodshed in the sister country . He seconded the resolution . Mr CuMMiNds ( the delegate for Edinburgh ) said , be was most happy that between the Irish Repealers and the Chartists in Edinburgh the unanimity existed . Fraternisation was the trder of the day , prejudice had been long tbvown to the winds ; and the men of Edinburgh were determined to stand by Ire land in tbe event cf her having to struggle with despotic power . The resolution was carried unanimously .
Mr Edivih Gilt , moved the adoption or the National Petition . Mr T . DiLx said he had great pleasure in soconding the resolution , adopting the Nationa Petition for the Charter a memter of the council of tke Irish Confederation he was glad to behold tbe feeling tb ^ . t existed throughout the meeting in favour of Ireland ' s parliamentary independence . Mr Daty then dwelt at great length on a case that had lately taken place at Galway , of a person named Conolly , who was indicted for sheep stealing , an c nquirr was instituted in Mb ca ' -e , and it was found that the man bad undergone the most unparall . led destitution , it was stated tbat
his wife had eaten the flesh of the Ieg 3 and feet of a child , the child wa 3 exhumed , and the statement was found to be irue ; the man was discharged—was such to be tolerated ? _ (' No , no . ' ) The Irishmen in London were determined to be up and stirring , and ' Gome weal , come woe' they would stand by Ireland ; already were they arming , and it was to be hoped that the Chartiat 9 would stand their ground . The Irishmen would , and they were determined to do their duty if required , and they march on Monday under their own ureen Banner . Now that the Union between the two countries had been effeeted—no opportunity ought to be lost . Let the Chartists do their duty—the expatriated sons of Erin weuld do theirs . The petitiBn was carried unanimously .
Mr G . W . Wheeler moved the next resolution . That this meeting raoramenas to tho conntrj that in event of the demands contained in the National Petition being rejected in Parliament , tho people shall inBtruct their delegates to declare the Convention permanent , uutil tho Charter becomes the law ef the land ; at the Bams time affording such support to the Convention , as will enable the delegates to enforce the adoption of the Charter . Mr Beezer seconded the ireselulion , which was unanimously adopted . The meetiog then dissolved .
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FOREIGN NEWS . ABDICATION OF THE SICILIAN THRONE BY THE KING OF NAPLES . We . have received from our Paris correspondent a despatch , dated Thursday , eleven am ., containing the important intelligence of the abdication Of the tlirone of Sicily by Ferdinand , King of Naples .
DENMARK . REPORTED DEATH OP THE KING . —ALLEGED COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES BETWEEN DENMARK AND THE DUCHIES . Kibl , March 26 . —News has arrived' of the comrnencernent of hostilities between the Germans and Danes at Fre , derio-Stadt , which town is now burning . At Hamburg , on Tuesday evening , intelligence had been Mceived that the King of Denmark had been shot , and that the castle of Rendsbnrg had been taken by storm .
FRANCE . Threatening demonstrations have taken place against Girardin , editor of the Presse—a villain , who is trying to write down the Republican government \ no doubt he is well paid f or it , La Presse is now proscribed by the voice of public opinion . BELGIUM . The ' Belgian Legion has been routed by the Belgian troopsi and 9 great number of the poor fellows killed . ITALY . SEPARATION OP SICILY FROM NAPLES . —VENICE
A REPUBLIC . News has reached Paris that the King of Naples has abandoned his Sicilian sovereignty . We are assured of the arrira ) of intelligence , announcing that Venice has declared itself a Republic The Aus \ jtianaar 8 completely driven out of Lombardy ,
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THE TRADES' DELEGATE MEETING AT THE BELL , OLD BAILEY . Wo have received an address from the delegate ;—lateness of the hour and want of space , precludes its insertion thiB week . We givo tho resolution ? , Ut , Tbat as skill and labour are admitted hy all to be the primary ngents in tho production of capital , it follows , as a coneequeaco , tbat the compulsory idleaess in wfiicti a large portion of the industrious classes are kept , ia an unbearable evil to tbems lves , —alarming to the peaceable and well-disposed , —ruinous to the national resources , —and , if not speedily remedied , must lead to crimo and anarchy . 2 nJ . That it is a primary duty of tbe government to introduce measures that will immediately secure employment and education for all who require them , with a guaranteed Bufficitnoy of the accessaries and comforts of life to each ¦
3 rd . That as Great Britain and Ireland contain 0 superabandanee ofland and other materials , aa well aa ski 1 and capital to profitably employ aud comfortably support several times the present number of the population , tho government should introduce a bill establishing self-supporting home colonies , whertin the surplus labour of the country might bo employed , and the social condition of the workers permanuntly ^ improvod . 4 th , Thatfer the just protection of labour , a Labour . Protecting Board bo established , the members of which shall bo elected by the working classcn , and in virtue of their sppniatment feo entitled each to a sitting in the Houae of CommoDP , ( the president being a member of the cabinet , ) as the repiessKtatives of labour , and the guardlans of its rights .
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THE ARMY . TO THE PZOPLB Ot QBEiT BRITAIN AND IEELAHD , My Deae Fbiehd 3 , —A great many of us have somo of our relations In the British army . A portion of our ilta'a blood is there , It behoves us , therefore , as tbe fathers , brothers , cousins , and friends of that body , to communicate , not enly now , but continually , with them , both by letters and such newspapers ns will give them a true picture of our condition , oat of tha service , that ia return we may get from them an honest account of theirs . There are many thousands can avull themselves of thts suggestion . Set about it , thoD , at once . Let father , brother , sister , cousin , and friend , write—write—write—is the advioe ol A CoNtunanT Ranobb .
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( From the Gazette of Tuesday , April 4 . ) BANKRUPTS . Heary Davoy Curtis Cole , lato Earl ' s-court , Old Brompton and olaewhere , boarding-housekeeper—John Cobb , Northumbcrlan 3-Btre » t , Strand , boardingr-housekeeper—Henry Roose , Salisbury-street , Strand , Liverpool , and elsewhere , merchant—William Child , Chertsey , grocer-Henry Cost , Clapham , publisher—John Miller and George Nightingale , Great Dnver-street , Southwark , drapers-John Aldersea , Tunstall , Staffordshire , druggist—William lUdgway , Hanky and Sbilton , Staif-rdsh ' ire , manufacturer of earthenware—Letcice Fan-ansls , Nottingham , innkeeper—Thomas Edwards , Burslem , Stafiordshirc , manufacturer of earthenware—Matthew Day , Westoneupe . ' -ilaro , Somersetshire , miller—John Hooper Davies , ilertbjT Tydvil , grocer- Joseph Barrett , Exeter , pottmaster—Henry Kedfern , Sheffield , saw manufacturer—William Lombardini , Iluddersneld , earrer aud gilder—Charles Turner , West Jtoyd-hill , Pudsey , Yorkshire , clothier—Amos Barker , Bradford , Yorkshire , worsted manufacturer—Thomas ll'Entegart , Liverpool , corn dealer—Robert Wilkinson Barnes , Staeliporfc , cabinet maker—William Jones , Manchester , stationer—James Horsfield , Sunderland , merchant tailor—Edward Mesnard , Sunder ' and , merchant .
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . P . Mackenzie , Muirhouse , Edinburgh—U and J . Waddell , CarluUe , wood ¦ merchants -P . Matthew , GonrdicWU , Perthshire , grain dealer—J . Main , Glasgow , haird-esser —T . Melvin , Glasgow , smith—W . Campbell and Co ., Glasgow , merchants—J . Nico ) , Edinburgh , clothier—W . Drydalo . jun ., Alva , Stirlingshire , manufacturer—W Just , Arbroath , merchant—W . Elgin , Aberdeen , teacher .
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Nottingham . —A meeting of the friendo of Mr O'Connor will be he'd at the Seven Stars , Barker Gate , on Saturday evening ; , at seven o ' clock . Nottingham . —The next meeting of the land memfaera will be held at tho Neptune Tavern , on Sunday evenine , at seven o'clock . Hids . —A camp meeting will be held on Haughton Green , on Sunday , April 9 th . The following gentlemen hare been inritea , and are expected to attend : —W . P . Roberts , E q ., Joseph Barker , Esq ., Mes ° ra Stora , Pillingr , Pifzpatrick , Trayner , Leach , and Candelef , will address the meeting : Chair to ba taken at one o ' clock in the afternoon . Dbnton —Tne adjourned delegate meeting will be he'd at the Cock Inn , Dentoc , on Sunday next , at ten o ' clock in the forenoon .
Ros 9 endale —The members of this branch of the National Land Company are requested to meet on Saturday , the 15 th instant , at the Swan Inn , for the purpose of raising the local levies . TfoiTBRnAMFioif . —A general meeting : of the shareholders of tho Land Company will be held at Mr DaUow ' s large room , Black Boy Inn , Horse fair , on Monday evening next , the 10 th . inst ., at ceven o ' clock . Manchester . —Tho monthly meeting ef the Manchester branch of < he National Land Company will
be held on Sunday morning , April 9 th . Chair to be takes ni nino o ' clock . Dokdeb . —The quarterly meeting of this branch of the National Land Company will be held on Monday , the 10 th April , at eight o ' clock in the evening , in their meeting-house , Pullar'a-close , Murray . j ? ate . SalfjCrd —The monthly meeting of the Salibrd branch of the National Land Company , will be held in the National Chartist Association-room , Great Gcorge . street , on Sunday afternoon , March 9 th . Chair to be taken at three o ' clock . Also members are requested to ray their local levies .
Subderlamd —A general meeting of the members of the National Land Company will be held on Monday , April lOtb , at half-past seven o ' clock in tho evening , at the house of Mrs Smith , No . 5 , Numbers-Garth . LouanBonouflH . —A Chartist camp meeting for the Midland Counties will be held at this place on Sunday next , at two o'clock , when the sons of toil in the counties of Nottinghamshire , Derbyshire , and Leicestershire are to shake hands , and pledge themselves to ' freemen live or freemen die . ' Dr M'DouaII , with others , will attend and address the meet ' ng . ModstsorreIj . —A meeting will bo held here on Sunday next , at ten o ' clook , which will be addressed byDr M'Douall .
The People ' s Charter ( and no Subrbndbr . — A . demonstration and public meeting will take place on Monday next , April 10 th , at twalve o ' clock , on the Market-square , upon the event of the presentation of the National Petition to the House of Commons . Working men ,--attend and show to oppressors that Since there is no comfort in the cottage , there ought to be none in the mansion or the palace , and that you never mean to rest more , until you are in full possession of your political rights and social privileges . N . B . —The friends of the Charter are requested to attend the adjourned meeting upon the Racecourse , on Sunday morning next , at ten o ' clock . Failsworth . —Mr James Cooper , of Manchester , pi ll lecture in the Old School , Pole-lane , on Sunday evening , April 9 th , at six o ' clock . Subject : ' The social and political influence of the French Revolution . ' ' " . "
Tower Hamlets . —A public meeting will be held in Bishop Bonner ' s Fields , Victoria Park , Bethnalgreen , oh Sunday afternoon , April 9 th , in support of the People ' s Charter . Several delegates to the Convention will attend and address tha meeting . Hull— The ooucoil of ths Chartist Association will sit every evening during the sittings of the Convention , to receive Buteoriptions in aid of the dele * gate , and report progress . A daily paper will also be read . All persons are invited te attend , at' the Ship Inn , Church-lane , at seven o'clock . Stockpobx . — 'I'll © secretaries of tho South Lancashire Chnrtist local lecturers' plan , and all others having communications for the Chartists of Stockport , will please to address them te ThoB . Webb , [ i \ , Che 9 ter-gate , Stockport .
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J COLLIVER returns his sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public at large , for the support he has receives at their hands during the last ten years , and hopes , by strict rttention and civility , to merit a continuance of their patronage . J . C . also begs to Btate , tbat having lately made extensive alterations and fmproyemonts in his premises , he is now enabled to afford additional conremenco without extra charge ,, A Commercial Coffee-room upstairs , with every facility for Travellers and TiBitoi-B from tho country . The House is situated in tbe very heart of the Metropolia , in tho centre of the Theatres , near the National Land Office , and Public Buildings . Omnibuses pass to and from all tho Railway Stations , to meet the Trains , erery five minutes . " Beds , is . to 18 . Cd . per night . All other charges enual ' y moderate . KO TEES TO SERYAHTS ,
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Leicester . —Most important meftings wore held in Leicester , on Monday tot , which it has been utterl y impossible to io justice iii i \ tl 3 week . We will try to compecsate our Leicester frienda in our rext number . Nottinoham —On Sunday last , a great meeting , attended by 20 , 000 persons , waa lHd in the Forest , and addressed Dr . Macdouall . The meeting afterwardsmarched in precession through the town , lie addressed a meeting of the middle classes on Tuesday night , with excellent effect .
1 DDBESB OF TBE PEOPLE « P MACCL 15 PIEI . D In public meeting nssenib ' ed , to the people of Fraace . Brethren , —Sympathy Is the strongest bond of union between individuals , and also between nations . Congratulation is the best encouragement to patriotic effort . Wo desire brethren , to express our sympashy in your struggle against tyranny , ' and to congratulate you on the successful i 83 ue of your heroic and demoted conduct in the hour of peri ) , and after yeur triumph was complete . We thank you far the impales you hare ^ Ivm to democratic principles throughout Europe . The victory you htiTO wou 1 b not for France alone , the world will emulate jour example ; and with a well organised Republic la France , It will ba impossible for despotism to raaiatalu Hafootlsg , even ia tbe remotest corners of the world . We thank you for the example you have given as of tho
potrer of right , irhen opposed to tbe fraudulent and mer . cenary power of might . For eighteen year * your government has been a monstrous , a magnificent lie—the comfort of despotB all the world over . Beneath its ahado every evil thing has buen flourishing with constantly In . orsasing luxuriance , and when neighbouring nat ons have beheld tho result of Frenchmen ' s former struggles for liberty , they have felt the cold chill of de > pnir run . niDg through their veins , and fbty have asked from tbe depths of their despondency , 'Who can hope for freedom , while tbe foot of the tyrant is on the neck ol France V Wo thank you , Frenchmen , for ' having lifted this load ol despair from our hearts . Yon have ck » conraeed it to & more active and determined energy , ia
demanding our rights as Englishmen and Irishmen , acd we will sever abate ourexertlouBOntil tha government of tho BrUisti E-B ^ ire , li based upon tho three glorioua prlnolpioB that form the symbol of French Republicanism —Liberty , Equality , Fraternity . Brethren , the sympathies ofthe Brltia ! a aad Irish nations aro with yen . Tbe worlda' hepee are centred in you , we believa you will not falsify our expectations . By your institutions based upon Equality , by justice at homo , &n honourable recoy . altion of your duties towards other nat ' ons , may you realise tbe ardent hopes ws entertain of you , and may lbe more than doabt r ul glorios of imperial and imperious royalty be dimmed , darkened , and lost in the pure and tasting splendours of Uniyebsal Republicanism .
Si flne d , oabahalfof tbe meeting , Tbouab liEEen , chairman .
SO THE LEADERS OF THE IRISH PEOPLE . Esteemed and Patriotic Gentlemen , —With feeliags of the deepest anxiety , tbe people of BarnBley , in public mooting assembled , testify to you their admiration of your heroio retolve , to rescue your country fiom British usurpation and thraldom , which has entailed upon her centuries of persecution and suffering , reducing tbe people to tbe most degrading slavery end wretchedness preventing the resources of your fair and fertile land , till at length we behold her the 'victim of famine and pestilence , which has , in one year , consigned a million of bcr people to shroudless , and in many instances to coffiBleas gravi s ; causing tens of thousands to flee from the scenes ef horror and desolation to seek the means of existence in foreign climes , which was denied them ia the land of their bir . h .
Gentlemen , —Tbe destinies of Europe are maturing ; everywhere we behold tho people rising in tbeir majesty , asserting their inalienable rights and privileges . The good saed Bown by Pius the Ninth is producing a glorious harvest , Tbe bright sun of ( reedcra shines propitiously OTer the face of Europe ; the long oppressed and persecuted people are riBing in tbe majesty of their power , trampling in the dust tbe usurped power of kings and potentates . Shall the men of Eugland , Ireland , ond Scotland remain quiescent , with arms folded , mere spectators of tbe glorious etrugglo for freedom , which is now naimating the universal lovers of liberty ? No , Sire , forbid heaven ! the toisin is already a funded , the alliance of tho Democracy af the United Kingdom is already found , and soon shall the feaugh and insolent rulers of this country find it dangerous , much longer to resist tho just ckm&nfls of &n oppressed and united people ; let them ponder on tbe fate of a &irzot and a Meternicb , and take warning by tbeir ignominious downfall and banishment .
Bravs pu ' . riota , we tender to you our warmest congvatulations for fhe heroic stand j ou are now making in the defence of your country ' s freedom ; go en in God ' s name in your glorious struggle : —unfurl the Green Banner of Erin—and let millions of Irishmen regiBter their nw before Haaveu , tbat they will staud by jon uutil you accomplish tbe independence of your country . In conclusion , we tender to you the fervent oapirationB of tbe people of Barnsley , in public meeting assembled on this holy day , hoping the time is at band when freedom and happiness will be the raward of the unitad Democracy of England , Ireland , and Scotland ,
Signed on behalf of the meeting , Jobs Shaw , Chairman , Exeter '—A raeetine of the members of the National Charter Association was held at Mr Jame 3 Webber Havili'a Temperance Star Hotel , 92 , Forestreet , on Monday the 3 rd of April , for the purpose of effecting a more complete organisation of tha Chartist body in this city , and also for the appointm ? nt of proper officers ^ A general meeting will ba held on Monday evening next , at eight o ' clock , attha above named place , to take the matter into consideration .
Louohb ¦ nouo . H . —This place is maintaining its character of 1039 and 1342 , being resolved to do its utmost to secure the liberties of the people and the rights of labour . A few have constantly held converse with each other , but till Shrove Tuesday bat little wa « done publicly . On that night Mr Skevington addressed the people , from which time a steady progression has been going on , Mr Skevington frequently addressing the people . He likewise visited Shespahead , which led to getting 3 335 signatures to the National Petition . On M nday , April 3 rd , Mt Skevington and Mr . Daan , addressed , in the Lough * boron Market-place , an assembly of from 1 , 000 to 2 000 people , and announced that the following night Dr M'Douall would attend and addtess the people . This announcement was received with loud
cheera . Oa Tuesday the town was full of excitement , In tho morning the soldiers vrere sent from the barracks in detachments bo that they might pass through all t' * io main streets . They assembled ia the Market-place , and went through gun aad sword exercise , to tho great amusement of the children , bnfc tbeir guns were pointed at the bank , and went click . ' Caused some fear for tho banker , for which 83 Paddy said , they might go off loaded or unloaded . One oifeumstinee caused a laugh '—After the soldiers had bfen apain formed in detaebmenta and sent back the road they came , a boy found one ot the stoppers which he delivered to Mr Skevington , who seeing tbe sergeant major who had staid behind took and gave it him , ior which he received his tha&kg ia 4 ' ie presence of the people . As the time drew nigb lor the meeting , parties from tho the villages kept
coming into tho town , and it was evident tbat b splendid demonstration would take place , and such was the display that it was acknowledged-that nevec before had such a diBplay of the people ' s power been exhibited . Mr J . Skevingterj , msml'er ( t the Con « vention of 1839 , av . d who haaretained the conh ' denea of the people with whom he lives to the present time , was called to the chair , and in a few remarks introduced the warthy doctor , who delivered ono of his usual eloquent and powerful speeobea to an assembly of 4 , 000 ; who repeatedly cheered him at the close of his address , the people had & procession round the town , and then returned to the MarKet-placa . when Mr Skuvington addressed them fcr a short time , when cheera were given for Mr Skevington , the doctor , and the Charter , and tbe assembly quietly disper ? ed .
Socih London Chartist Hall . —At a meeting of members of the National Land Company , held at the above Halli on March 20 th ! it was resolved : — ' That the members of this locality and the friends of Mr Gathaid generally , do enter into a eubBcriplion to assist in placing him upon his location , he having : been the first secretary to the Land Company . ' Subscriptions will bereeeived by the secretary , A . Side , 5 , Pepper-street , Union-street , Borough , and at the Hall , on Sunday evenings , from six fo seven . It was resolved :- That Mr R . H . Side be the land agent fer the ensuing quarter ; also that the members meeB every Sunday morning for the future from halt-paBfi ten to twelve , for discussien , find in tho eveningfrGm six to !* even , to receive money . ' » j ^ « -p forthe adoptwnot
CorBNiBx .-Apublie meeiing the National Petition , took place on Monday ; Ami 3 rd . at St Mary ' s HolK On the motion of Mr K . 2 fafi ^ WS&& of the meeting he called on Mr Richard Hartopp to propose the first resolution in aupport of the Chatter , which wan sewnded by Mr W . M . Hosein and ably supported by Mr M'Grath . Mr John Farm proposed tho adoption of the National Petition in a most able and eloquant manner ; seconded DjMrW . M . Pritchard , Carried . The hall which is capable of containing fourteen hundred , wns almost ; filled to suffocation . The rabble of the Tory psr y were employed to prevent ub from pa ? sing our resolutions ; but such was the spirited determinatfsn
(From Our Second Edition Of Last Week.) Thursday, March 30. Ia Tbe House Of Lords The Earl Of Ellenbobouoh Bvought Under The Consideration Of The House Tha Large Increase Which Had Taken Place, During Tlia Pa»T Year, Both In The Number Of Persons Employed In Public Offices, And In The Amount Of Salaries And -Retiring Pensions, Whiuh Showod An Increase In Numbers Of 1, 250, And An Excess Of £110,000 Over The Expenditure On These Heads For 1816, And That In A Year Of Great National Distress And One In Which There Nag A Failing And Deficient Revenue. In The House Of Coj1mon3 , The Speaker Being Taken Ill , The House Adjourned Shortly After Fuur O'Clock, On The Motion Of Mr Gaooak, A New Writ Was Ordered For The County Of Wfcklow, Ia Tho Room Of Col. Acton, Who Has Accepted The Chiitern Huudreds, Aud On Tbe Motion Of Mr Fbewek For Tho Borough Of Rf E, In The Cnom Of Mr H. M. Curteis, Whose Election Ghad Been Dt* Dared Nail And Void. ¦ I I- R * ' * - ¦ • R - Irf^^Fc —».A^W
( From our Second Edition of last week . ) THURSDAY , March 30 . Ia tbe HOUSE OF LORDS the Earl of Ellenbobouoh bvought under the consideration of the house tha large Increase which had taken place , during tlia pa » t year , both in the number of persons employed In public offices , and in the amount of salaries and -retiring pensions , whiuh showod an increase in numbers of 1 , 250 , and an excess of £ 110 , 000 over the expenditure on these heads for 1816 , and that in a year of great national distress and one in which there nag a failing and deficient revenue . In the HOUSE OF COJ 1 MON 3 , the Speaker being taken ill , the house adjourned shortly after fuur o ' clock , On the motion of Mr GaooAK , a new writ was ordered for the county of Wfcklow , ia tho room of Col . Acton , who has accepted the Chiitern Huudreds , aud on tbe motion of Mr Fbewek for tho borough of Rf e , in the cnom of Mr H . M . Curteis , whose election ghad been dt * dared nail and void . ¦ i i- r * ' * - ¦ r - irf ^^ fc —» . a ^ w
Untitled Article
The Jewish Disabilities Bill , which was introduced at the beginning of the Session , and which , as it was intended to let into Parliament Baron Rothschild , one of the Premier ' s colleagues for the City of London , we might Save imagined would have been pushed forward somewhat briskly , tas shared in the general paralysis . On Monday night it turned up , after having been lost sight of for some time , and , after a preliminary discussion , went through ccynmittee . It has still to pass the ordeal of the Lords , and if all we hear is true , It is possible that it may founder in its passage through that Chamber .
Untitled Article
Mr Horsman , by dint of constant importunity , has at length shamed both Sir R . Peel and Lord J . Russell , into the confession that something must be done to reform the Ecclesiastical Commission , to which we have more than once referred . The way in which the Bishops have misappropriated the funds , and evaded the distinct intentions of an Act of
Parliament , would , in the case of a poor man , be termed fraud and swindling . But to the " right reverend prelates" such terms , we presume , are not to be applied . They steal so nicely , none dare call it theft . Lord John has ' promised , however , to consult the new Archbishop of Canterbury as to the means of stopping the plunder in future . Perhaps this is done on the principle , ' ¦ " Set a thief to catch a thief . '
Untitled Article
April 8 , 1848 . THE NORTHERN STAR . 5
Colliver's Commercial Coffee And Chop House And Beading Rooms, Z66i, Strand, London .
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 8, 1848, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1465/page/5/