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«'AiM!p9» e * aBtfy« ^-.tifr Hd to know Itself."
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T 0 MRS MITCHEL . , S-D HoSOCUED HeROISE , ^ Tf tbe tongue dare not lisp ' what the f 1 : set it not down to fear for self , but ^^ consideration for you , lo an *'" Mt un { xequently arouses the most ' m courage , because it comes like an elec-0 ? S { ll -hock and is sustained until action ter-•* j !; - .- n aeath of victory , in slavery 01 ^' on ' the otber hand , it not ^ infrequently ' - > Viat thought and reflection summon A nee— tnat con " v monitor—to our aid . ? r lh I find it difficult to address yoa . I haVG a -taken a task which the courage of others n ij rendered the uiuicicssai ) &
° .. { , qvp . unnecessary , as v , Ul ha ve renuercu , » me - * ' ^ hof courage should have been the sub-^ f ' 4 for cold condolence ; but pardo n the A Madam , it does not apply to your case—« , do not court it . No , the bare supposition " i j crive a triump h to the Saxon assassins . ^ Hiim . but for the hope-inspiring speech of Mr Doiienyj delivered in the county of Meath , I vfflid have headed this Letter , «• Alas ! BASE countrr .
JUSTLY ASHAMED to know Itself . " jYom Saturday night at twelve o ' clock . , en i Earned the sad news at Birmingham , rt . remainder of my journey , till five , was disjA ^ andistles . 1 toped and feared , I wd fer the realisation of the nation ' s pro-L ,- ^ , if her hero was convicted . I feared for r te Ration ' s valour ; and , from the time that ror fears were realised , till I read MrDoheny ' s jn-ech , I cursed my country and her sons , and prated that her oppressors may rivet their cfcsjfis more tightly ; but , when I read the speech of Mr Doheny , I came to the conclusion that intemperance might have hazarded ultimate success , and I became hopeful for the future .
. Madam , that speech convinced me that , though the verdict has been given , and the sentence passed , that yet the judgment will be reversed , and , to accomplish that , those who sit in the Court of Error have but to command my humble service , and it shall be cheerfully rendered—no matter what . therisk , the penalty , or the result may be—and , you may rely upon it , that the Saxon people , so foully belied b y Irish patriots , will not fail in the zealous discharge of their duty .
Madam , the Saxons sympathise ; while your patriots hunted the lone deer from the herd , and hounded the bloodhounds on the scent ] and no- « they would divide the nation into avengers and sympathisers , thus weakening the Easional will , and tendering to you their sympathy in the promised adoption of yourself aad family . I know " what a Felon ' s feelings are , when he becomes the badge of his oppressors' triumph ; and I am aware that this triumph of the Saxon enemy , and the oppressors' law , stings vour heart and wounds vour feelings .
Perhaps you are not aware that I have spent nearly seventeen months in a condemned cell , in solitary confinement ; and that the Irish patriots , of that day , scoffed at me , and called Tne a convicted libeller . Well , then , heroic woman , let it be your consolation that your devoted husband " has taken the stain off felonv , and that vou glory in being called
THE FELON'S WIFE . Madam , I wish you would make that magic lame the title of a new newspaper , and yourself the registered proprietress . The position would not be a novel one . asa lady'is one of the registered proprietors of the Times newspaper ; snd as the Irish people have in all ages been distinguished for their gallantry , I would be carious to see hew the brave Irish people -ould receive a verdict of GUILTY against 2-Iarv Mitchel , and the sentence that she be TRANSPORTED FOR FOURTEEN YEARS .
. Madam , let me assure you that there is a feeling in England both for you and the noble Irish felon , which language " cannot describe , and their sympathy as well as devotion will be Bade manifest next week , when it is my intention to request your acceptance of the ¦ svhJe profits of the " Northern Star" newspaper for that week . ; . . Madam , the " United Irishman" has cost Vour husband his liberty , and has hurried you into premature widowhood , and made orphans of your babes ; and , believe me , that for more than tea long years the " Northern Star" has caused me oppression and persecution which pen cannot describe , but whose triumph you shall witness in the amount of which its readers
will request your acceptance . Oh dear ! oh dear ' . It wrings my heart 3 to think that a devoted Irish patriot should be feiandeu as a felon , and chained like a thief ; lut heed it aot , clear lady ; when his country is tree , he will point to the tyrants' ferand as the ransom paid for her liberty . Lord Bolingbroke , a Tor }' , and high authority , has told us that it is as much the DUTY off ' a people to rebel against a corrupt House of Commons as against a tyrannical prince . And I stated in the House of Commons , that tierewasao statute of limitation which precluded the right of a conquered people to recover their liberty by the same means that they lost it .
Good lady , do not suppose that Englishmen professing the principles of Democracy , would Slid protection in a Saxon middle-class jury , ^ o . Let the issue upon a trial , under the "WHIG TREASON ACT , " be Chartist , or no Chartist , and he would be a convicted felon : therefore , you see , for the present , my mouth is gagged j " but believe me that the gathering of the pent up passions of the multitude be Comes an irresistible army too powerful for oppressor ! to put down . They cannot stab a sentiment or shoot an opinion , '; and if I feel the necessity of being wary and cautious , it is least the oppressor should have another triumph which would baulk the people of
theirs , for you may rely upon it that the united mind " of England and Ireland will shortly overthrow the citadel of corruption , tiiu laugh to scorn all the physical power that Can be arrayed against it . | £ Madam , it would be indiscreet on my part to weaken the resolution « r destroy the power tf those in Ireland who appear resolved upon your husband's liberation ; but as 1 told him , so I bow tell you , that when their resolve is made known , 1 will travel through the country until 1 stteriiithen Irish resolution with English , Scotch . ' and Welsh co-operation—and I feel ensured that my Saxon constituents will tolerate my absence from a place where their truer is not represented .
Dear Madam , you will pardon me , if I do not insult your heroic pride by any expression cf sympathy ; my feeling is one of wounded pride , that an Irisnman-. Ehould be expatriated fcy a packed jury , partizan judge , and a mongrel Papist Attorney-General . Believe me , Madam , that my feeling for you end vour orphan children is one of mixed pride and sorrow ; p ride that my oppressed aud enslaved country can still boast of such a heroine j sorrow ' that the Saxon oppressors ^ triumph should be measured by an Irish heroine ' s grief ; but fear not , your widowed days will be few . as your oppressors' hours are numbered . Adieu , Dear Madam , and believe me , Your sincere , devoted , and obedient servant , Feakgcs O'Conkoe .
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Mr Friexds , What with politics , revolutions , and no small share of abuse , I have htterly had but little time to address you ; however , yoa may rest assured that every circumstance that has transpired at home and abroad since the late earthquake shook the world , has tended to wed me still more closely to the' castle and the labour field , ' as , after years of thought and study , I can devise no other possible means for the redemption of Lubour .
On Monday , the 12 th , I shall reap a portion of ray reward in the location of eighty-two of ray children in their own castles , upon their own labosr field ; and if Whit-Monday is a rine day , I invite all who are anxious to judge for themselves , to come and see , and then they will behold a « ilderness turned into a paradise . Independent of those to be located at Snig ' s End and Minster Lovel on the 12 th , there will shortly be five more four- acre allotments at Snig'sEnd , and six more two-acre allotments at Minster Lovel ready for location .
Now I think , when it is remembered that I did not commence operations at Minster Lovel till October , and at Snigs' End till Februaryandfwhen it is recollected that | February , March , and April , were three such months of rain as the oldest man living has never seen equalled —1 say , I think , when these facts are borne in mind , you will gay that I have not been idle , « hen you remember that I have erected over a hundred and sixty cottages , and two
magnificent school-houses ; knocked down all the old buildings , and made gardens upon the ruins ; grubbed up the old fences and trees that pressed hardly upon the means of subsistence , and made several miles of road , giving a high road frontage to each cottage ; ploughing , harrowing , aad burning the ground ; and at Snig ' s End p lanting a half acre of potatoes for every occupant , and sowing barley according to the size of the several allotments .
My friends , it is wholly impossible that the slaves who see thisTniniature of what may be made the national picture of England ' s greatness , can entertain any other feeling than that of vengeance against the tyrants and oppressors who denounced the Plan untried , lest , if successful , it should tnd in the destruction of their monopoly . Let me ask you a simple question . Suppose a few noblemen , or wealthy landlords , or even a company of land sharks , had tried this experiment as a money speculation , where in
such case would the laudation of the Press , the Country , and Parliament , have fixed the bounds of admiration ? But because it is done for you , every snivelling cur who can hold a pen , and write broken English—to be corrected by a reader—undertakes to criticise . Verily the insolence of the larger fish has so emboldened the smaller fry , that a knobstick who writes in the Northampton Herald for twenty eight shillings a week—finding his own ceals in winter , and who would not know a cucumber from a hand-saw—has had the hardihood to
enter the lists . Well , my friends , this anti-Land mania , and the contagion , has reached the House of Commons , although not one of its sapient Members can shake its stability , or disprove its value ; however , a sore feeling is entertained against it , and Sir Benjamin Backbite , the honourable Member for Marylebone , has made himself the organ of their opposition and distaste . This man , in the outset , professed . not only a kindly , but an anxious feeling in favour of the Plan , but on Tuesday night—as murder will out—he showed himself in his trne colours . He is not aware that I
am acquainted with fcis correspondent , and the reputable source from which he derives his information and has imbibed his prejudice ; however , on Tuesday uight , when there could be no anticipation of a debate upon the mere nomination of a select committee , he came to the charge with bis brief in his hand and repeated Mr Hobson ' s guesses against the Plan . And this Whig-created baronet , in the most spiteful tone and manner , evinced a
dreadful hostility to the Plan—though covered under an objection to the management—and pompously declared that he ( Sir Benjamin ) the protector of the poor , would have a rigid and searching inquiry , and he was anxious that more members , representing the manufacturing districts , should be placed upon the committee , of course with the view to protecting- the interests of their clients , the operatives .
However , I have got the committee of fourteen gentlemen and the hon . baronet , and ha shall examine every man with whom I have dealt , every man whom I have employed , and he will find that he has allowed himself to be the dupe of an artful and designing rascal . I assure you , my friends , that the most strict and searching inquiry is the very thing that I have always courted , while I will take care that neither malevolence nor spite towards the propounder shall be made the pretext or justification for condemning the plan itself .
I hope some of Sir Benjamin ' s constituents will send him a copy of the June number of the " Labourer , ' ' and that they will advise him to make himself master of the subject before he enters upon the discussion ; as at present , with the exception of Hobson ' s assertion as to the course pursued with regard to certification and registration , the hon . baronet is as innocent of the plan as a sucking babe ; but I should not censure him : the Whigs made him a Baronet for services rendered , or to be rendered . He
appears to be a "Whijc censor of Whig opponents , and sometimes does me the honour to read my letters to the " Old Guards " for the edification of the House . To this I have no objection , if he would read them with a little more spirit and unction ; as really , when drawled out in his sepulchral tone , my figures appear like an afflicted family stepping out of a mourning coach , and quite give me the blue devils , while I am oppressed with sympathy for the chief mourner .
However , myjfriends , you may rely upon it , that there must be something essentially good for the People in a plan which has secured fur itself and its- projiounder the undivided hostility , vituperation , and opposition of the Press , the Monopolists , the Government , and their tools . But for you 1 established it , and with you , and for you , 1 will carry it out ; assuring you that opposition but spurs me on to
increased resolution , and assuring you that , if I cannot succeed in hnving you protected by Act of Parliament—which , however , I have every reason tofexpect—but , should that fail , so resalnte am I , that I will have the Company completely registered at my own expense / and out of myown funds , cast what it may , as I am determined to live usefully and die a pauper , and that not a farthing shall be abstracted from the pence supplied by the poor man ' n
savings . Now , this Sir Benjamin has pricked me up a bit ; and let me just tell him what I will undertake to do , within the next three months , £ pr the National Land Company . I will undertake to realise between £ 8 , 000 and £ 10 , 000 profit for the members within the next three months , and without postponing the location of the members balloted ' Joy by a single day . Thus I show that , if the present was a Landjobbing Company , that I would undertake , in less tbaa a year , to return them interest , at
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the rate of cent , per cent ., for their capital , or double the amount they have paid . My friends , there is one view in which this Land Plan has never been presented to you yet , and from it you will learn the identity of interest which it may yet create between the small capitalist and the labourer , without other capital than his labour . I will explain it for you in the most simple manner . You are aware that I performed the functions of unpaid auctioneer in Lincoln , on Monday last , and , in order to prove to you the value of land in the retail market , and the amount of interest that the small capitalist would receive from money invested in the purchase of small parcels of land— J
Firstly — Some sold for 120 / . 105 . per acre—some for 100 J—some for 95 / ., and none under 70 ? . ; while a cottage , precisely simila ~ to those I build , and four acres of land , sskfor 430 / . 10 * . Secondly—Many parties with a little capital , but not sufficient to purchase , offered to pay a year ' s rent in advance , and 201 . a year for four acres without a house . Now , estimhting four acres , that would have brought that rent , at 75 Z . per acre , or 300 / . for the lot , it would have left the capitalist nearly seven per cent , in land and labour security , the land becoming every day better and more valuable—and , therefore , every day increasing his security .
Several other propositions were made to me , to this effect—that the purchaser would pay a fourth of the purchase money , and pay off all by instalments , being allowed five per cent , upon the amounts thus paid . My friends , it was not ignorant operatives , unpractised in agricultural operations , that offered these terms . It was gardeners and agricultural labourers , who , you may presume , are pretty good judges of the value and capabilities of the soil . However , on Whit-Monday , I will show you a specimen of my country plan , as compared with your present state of bondage , and I hope to be surrounded with thousands and tens of thousands of my children upon that day , when I will submit the plan to their impartial consideration and decision .
On Monday night , after the auction , I had a glorious and highly respectable and attentive meeting in the Town-hal ] , in the Cathedral city of Lincoln . It was crammed in every part . Mr Budd , a working man , was in the chair , and the meeting passed a unanimous and enthusiastic vote in favour of the Land and the Charter , and it was never my fate to address a more attentive , intelligent , and enthusiastic meeting—thus proving that we have taken the foul aspersions off Chartism , and made it fit to be preached in Cathedral towns . My friends , I told you that the day would arrive when Ministers of the Crown would talk
more about manure and leas about allspice , nutmeg , ginger , and mace ; and as I have set the example in theory , I have been the first to carry it into practice ; and , perhaps , you will be astonished when I inform you that I have made , at Snig ' s End alone , over five thousand tons of the very best manure ; an amount , and of a quality , that actually flabbergasts the farmers when they see it . Now , my children , that ' s money—in short , it is what you couldn't purchase for money—and yet the honourable member for Marylebone would look upon it as an unsightly nuisance which should be removed .
In conclusios , I trust that all who are in doubt astothe description of the Cettages and of the Land , will visit Snig ' s End , on Monday , the 12 th and I promise to show them something worth living for and worth dying for . Always bear in mind that it has never been my object to set class against class , nor the poor against the rich ; but my study has been to make the rich richer and the poor rich , by the better cultivation and more equitable distribution of the national resources . Ever your faithful Friend and Representative and unpaid Bailiff , Feaugus O'Connor .
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METROPOLITAN ORGANISATION . divisions . coKaisfiioNEae . 1 Tower Hamlets John Shaw , A . Sharp 2 Lambeth and Southwark James Basset 3 Ci HoXton SbUry ' ^ Cbarles M'Cartby 4 St Pancras , Maryle- ] bone , Paddington , vWilUatn Vernon and Westminster J 5 Greenwich
6 Chelsea , Brompton , Fulbam , Kensington , Pimlico , Hammer- Henry Child smith , Bayswater , and dotting Hill 7 Hampstead , Hii ; hgate > Holloway , Kentish Town , and Camden . Town Each district will form itself into localities ; each locality into wards of one hundred each j each ward into classes or sections of ten each . The district councils and local committees are particularly requested to observe , that as the Executive have not as yet received sufficient funds to pay Commissioners , they must have their actual expenses paid by the localities requiring their
ser-. The Liberty Fund must be forwarded to the Executive as directed , and in no way interfere with the subscriptions for the payment of Commissioners . All contributions , levies , or collections , to be under the control o { the district and local- committees .
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EXECUTIVE NOTICE . GREAT DEMONSTRATIONS DURING WHITSUNTIDE . It is urgently requested that immediate notice be ient to the Executive of all intended great central meetings during the Whitsuntide holidays , together with the exact time of meeting , the place , and the name and address of secretary , or other person , upon whom the members of the Executive or Commissioners may call . Mr Ernest Jones will attend the great camp meeting on Blackftone Edge , on Sunday , the 11 th , and the West Riding Demonstration during the same week . , , Mr Kydd will attend the great demonstration tor the Midland Counties . Mr M'Crae will attend the demonstration for tue
Eastern Counties . Dr M'DouaU will attend the Metropolitan great demonbtration . Mr James Leach will be in Dublin . We recommend the men of Scotland to invite Mr West to Glasgow , and other great aggregate meetings , and to make arrangement s for the attendance of the Scotch Commissioners at the demonstrations during the Whitsuntide week . All the Commissioners who have acoepted invitations are requested to notify the same to the Executive ; those who bave not made such engagements to attend the camp meeting uearest to their p lace of residence . The localities , in all instances , to bear their expenses .
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Nokth Shields —The quarterly meeting of this branch will be held oh Monday evening , June Ctb , at seven o ' clock , at the house of Mr Pratt , MagneBiRbank , BRI 8 H 0 D 3 B . —A camp meeting will be held at this place to-morrow afternoon at two o ' clock , when Epeakers from Halifax are expected to address the meeting . Xae delegates from each leoality in the district , are requested te meet opposite the Son Inn , Rastrkk , at a quarter before eleven o ' clock in tbe f 6 renoon , when they will be conducted to the place of meeting .
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NOMINATIONS . FOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE . John M'Crae Henry Child Df MDouall T . M . Wheeler Ernest Jones P- M'Grnta James Leach J . Sidaway Samuel Kydd D- Donovan . Peargus O'Connor Wm . Dixon John WeBt Richard Marsden Wm . Vernon Richard Pilling FOR COMMISSIONERS . r . M . Wheeler F . Clark Alexander Sharp Jno . Mason H . Child G . White J . West W . Cuffiiy Jas . Shirron T . Richards
A . B . Henry W . Byrne D . Ligntowler W . IlanBom J . Shaw , Tower Hamleta Wra . Fussell , London T . Jones , Liverpool R . Wild Win . Vernon — Wilkins D . Donovan Dr M'Douall W . Lacey Wra . In = ell W . Brook Wm . Dimer R . Pilling D Shaw M , Stevenson — Donaldson J . Camming — Hosier W . Bassett C . M'Cartby J . Shaw , B . G . Buckby J . Tatt ? rsall R Burrell
J . Moir J . Ironside Jfs . Linney II Rankin A . Fussel ! , Birmingham J . Dawsod . Jas . Adams J . Loach Win . Boliwell , B . Dr Reynolds R . Cocbrane J . Barker J . D . Stevenson — Parka * Ja ? . Sweet F . Webb D . Ross A . Ilaniey W . Boll Jas . Street — Dickenson T . Bedon Thos . Cooper T . Lund J . Savage F . Reynolds J . Dixoa
The Provisional Executive will publish on or b&fore June 3 rd , a list of all the candidates nomimated for the Executive , and for Commissioners . The secretary of each locality shall cause the same to be made public to the members , and an election by ballot shall take place under the superintendence of the local officers on some day from Thursday the 15 th , to Monday the 19 th of June . The number of votes obtained by each candidate shall be sent to the Provisional Executive , duly authenticated bj the signaiure of the secretary and chairman , on or before Wednesday , June 21 .
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Mottbaji . — -The National Co-operative Benefit Society will meet in the lecture room , atone o ' eloek , oa Sunday , June 4 th , 1848 . The National Land Company at two o ' clock , » nd the members of the Charter Association at three o ' clock—Same date and place . Parties wishing te become members , must attend at the above hours .
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ADDRESS TO THE TRADES OF ENGLAND . Labour , sfeill , and direction , are the greai e ] emnnts of progressive wealth and civilisation . You are every day told that labour is the parent of wealth—the truth has been proclaimed in all agesbut at no age in the history of England has the declaration been involved and practically embodied in the framework of society . Feudalism , in its dark and gloomy era , held the labourers as slaves , feeling and knowing the value of labour , but treating the workers as part of the property ot the chief or ruler ; it is truthfully written , in Turner ' s History of the Anglo-Saxons . ' ' Let every man know his team of
men , of horses , and of oxen . ' Feudalism , barbarism , and slavery , are inseparable , nor can it be otherwise ; untutored man is the child of impulse and of passion—and though romance may clothe feudalism in the daring of chivalry , end the poetry of fiction—yet stern necessity , an allegiance to truth , commands an acknowledgment of the fact—that the labourers were serfs , and the serfs were slaves . Feudalism never conceded to the labourer the free exercise of judgment ; the right to buy and sell ; still less could its spirit recognise the doctrine of a free enfranchisement of mind ; the right to be heard on labour ' s interests within the councils of rulers ; or in any way to possess , regulate , or disfcributg the
wealth created by the pawer of labour . Such demands have been reserved for a later period of dur country ' s history ; and it is gratifying to read the sound sense and intelligence of the London stone , masons , as shadowed forth in their address to the metropolitan trades , and to the labourers and workmen of England generally . Such an address is an answer to all that may be written by mistaken men , on the policy and intentions of the producing classes , and indicates that honourable independence is the heart ' s wish of England ' s workmen ; and that the men whose skill constitutes the glory of our country , and conserves the security of the state , are preparing to do their part in the coming age of social
and political emancipation . As English society has progressed toward a state of self-independence , her history is burthened with accounts of poor laws , implying the existence of a class who were dependent on the industry of others for their support such a class are clearly slaves , for if the labourer earns not his bread by th ' e sweat of his brow , he fulfils not nature ' s law to man , and cannot be free to claim his right among the affairs of men . Parochial relief is parochial slavery , and is no improvement on baronial seifdom . Sometimes the maintenance of the poor has been intrusted to the Church , at other times to the State , but under
either authority the degree of vasBalage has remained unchanged . The Church could acknowledge the worth of the industry of the labourers , and the old cathedral edifices are standing monuments of their skill . The skilled workmen of the past may not have been of the degraded caste of villeins or slaves , but they were of the people and of the labourers , and their handicraft is honourable to their genius , and creditable to their memory . But though the skill of our forefathers gave to religion art , the Church gave not to the poor independence . No , such a triumph over ignorance has been reserved in the womb of time ; to be born , when man shall have discovered that to labour is honourable—and to live ,
when man ' s knowledge shall have taught him the worth and duties of civilisation and independence . From the nature of commerce , as now conducted in England and all other commercial states of Europe , the skilled workmen are subject to periodical recurrences of pauperism , unequalled for severity in the history of the past ; and in fact it is to be feared , that the causes leading to f uch results , are every day becoming more aggravated . The government , as at present constituted , has shown no aptitude to deal with this increasing malady ; and it is as clear to me as tbe sun at noonday , that if this heirloom of the past and present be not fairly met , that nothing can
save England from one of two fates—either decline as a nation , or a struggle of blood between the supposed oppressors and oppressed . A revolution of the stomach is inevitable , provided there be not a change in our social system—hunger is a hard taskmaster ; men , women , and children , must be fed , and it is for the true interest of all , that every association should be cultivated and encouraged , that will tend to throw light on the greatest of all questions , the organisation and direction of labour ; and there is much to be hoped for , from so practical and intelligent a body as the organised trades of England would be .
As it is my intention to resume this subject on an early day , on which occasion I will relate , more immediately to the commercial and industrial history of the working classes , I -Jconclude , by recommending the project , propounded by the stone-masons of London , to the attention of the trades ; the scheme may be rendered perfectly practical and utilitarian . The government of Lord John Russell is an incumbrance on industrya drag-wheel on social improvement . If tbe trades of London alone were pavtially organised for political and social purposes , and supported by their brethren of Manchester , and Glasgow , no
government could resist their influence , aud the Russell Cabinet would either have to give way to the spirit of revolution and change , or make way for other men . Society properly organised for good and useful purposes , will prove too vast , too powerful , and unmanageable , to be materially retarded in its progress for improvement by any government . The organisation of the trades is a great step in the light direction . See to it , workmen of London and England and thanking the Editor for the privilege of addres sing ; you , I am , yours fraternally , Samuel Kye , d .
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The Nationai , Reoistratiok and Election Commitiee will meet on Tuesday evening next , June 6 th , at eight o ' clock precisely , at the A&Bemtly Rooms , 88 , Dean-street , Soho . The National Vicijm Committee will meet at the Bf . me tima aud place . Halifax . —Mr Aldereon of Bradford is expected to lecture in the Ian ; e room , Bulloloae-lane , to-morrcw evening at six o ' clock . A Poblic Mbeting on behalf of tha PcopLe ' a Charter , will be he : d at 9 , Irongate Wharf , Padding *
ton , on Sunday afternoon next , June 4 th , at halfpast three o ' clock precisely . Paternostbr ' s Localitt , Turrille-street , Churchstreet , ikthnal-greeiu—John Shaw will lecture here on Sunday evening-, June 4 th , at eight o ' clock , when officers for this locality will be chosen . Mr Ktdd ' s Route . —Manchester , Sunday , 4 th of June ; Stoekport , Monday , 5 th ; Todmorden , Tuesday , G \ h ; Burnley , Wednesday , 7 th ; Birmingham , Sunday , 11 th ; Whit Monday , Nottingham ; Tuesday , Loughborough ; Wednesday , Leicester ; Thursday , Noitbampton .
A Camp Meeting will be held on Haughton-gwen , for the purpose ot testing the opinion of the people on Lord John Russell ' s declaration that the people did not want reform ; and also Mr Cobden ' s assertion that the poopld of England were not witli Mr O'Connor . Mfsars J . West , J . Leach , B . S . Treanor , It . Wild , and J . Anderson , of Stalybridge , will address the meeting . The Rev . Joseph Barkerof Leeds , and a metaber of the Executive of the National Charier Association , will also . be invited , and are expected i « attend . Chair to be taken at one o ' clock in the afternoon precisely . Ashton , Mottram , Stalybridge , Droylsden , Gloasop , Duckinfield , Stoekport , New Mills , are requested to send delegates to the delegate meeting to take- place at the house Mr Thomas Hirst , Botanical Tavern , Ilaughton Dale , at tan o ' clock in the forenoon .
Nottingham . —The next meeting of tho Land members will be held at tho Red Lion , Narrow Marsh , on Sunday evening next , at seven o ' clock . A i ' reo and easy will be held at tho Raneliffe Tavern , Gedling street , on Saturday evening , at aeveu o'clock . BelpeBi—The members of this branch are requested to attend a special meeting on Monday , June 5 , at Mr George Wigley ' s , Dusty Miller , to reorganise the branch under the new Plan of Qremsfr ftlOD .
SouTH-fiAsr Cheshire . —A Chartist camp mooting will beheld oa Whit-Sunday next , at Whetley Moor , to commence at ten o ' clock in the morning , and dose at fife in the afternoon . ScYeral talented speakers will address the meeting . Limehopsb . —Brunswick Hall . —The members of this branch of the Land Company are requested to attend a special meeting , on Tuesday evening next , at eight o ' clock , to take into consideration the «• peuditure of the Company , as per last balance sheet .
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ACHIEVE THEM , ( From tho Lincoln Times . ) FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ ., M . P ., Addressed a large meeting at the Corn Exohang Room last evening . Amongsi those present were a great nutnher of strangers from Nottingham , Newark , an < I other places . The admittance was one penny , and the gallery at the West end of too room w . * w filled with the fair sex . On Mr 0 'Ccnuov ' s arrival with hi 3 friends he was Jondly cheered .
Mr Shaw . ' . roposedthat Mr Budd , a WO' kmf ? raaBi take tho cnair , which w » a Cftrritd uunnimously . The chairman read the bill by which thr- mining was called . He observed that they had feoM'd other subjects diecussed , but they had seldom an o ^ pm-tiinity d'h ^ iting tho rights of Labour , and hoir to achieve them , explained and advocated . Tbo ? had now amongst tUm that unpurchaseable fru-n- ! Mthe people , Feargua O'Connor , Esq , and h- tfould addrc-s th ? m on this subject which was on i . -.- iaghfe with the wtll-bcing of every son nf toil . H > could not detniD thorn from htatin , ; thrtt gentler , m , as by so Joins ? he should b 8 doiot ! them an : ;\; u ? Mce . ( Ciicera . ) He wouldat once introduce Mr O ' t ., nnor to the meeting .
On Mr O'Connor coming forward hn was received with deafening cheers . —He said , th : i' lie remembered the time when he would be thought a bold man who came into this cathedral c "> ty to preach the doctrines of democracy to the people . If the ministers of religion did their duty as the Bible taught them , it would not be Jeft for him to have to instruct the people in their rights . There were around him many who had followed him from other towns , wbo for fifteen years had had tii 3 same vhws in common with himself , and had t >\< - same
A . B . C . of politics , but he had no new m . ws to propagate , different to what he had delivered ia other towns , lie supposed they all went ( o church on Sunday , and he was not going to preaeli more radical principles than they heard there so me times . 1 God made man , and gave him the earth lor his sustenance and inheritance , ' that he might till it for the common benefit of all . God mademmi tolahour , that by the sweat of his brow he shoulrtgain his daily bread ; and he did not make placemen , pensioners , and idlers . ( Hear , hear . ) The parsons taught the doctrine ' that the poor were the esp . ecial objects of God's providence . ' Many of the middle classes associated the idea of anarchy with the
present Chartist movement , but he could assure them that whenever the people of any country were driven to riot and bloodshed , it was because they were "driven to it by persecution . It was necessary th ; -llabour should understand its position . That tra-U : and aristocracy should also understand their positions . He told the men of Lincoln that if they were , not crouching sycophants , he should not have to come amongst them to teach them the nature of their rights . The working men only agitated for these rights when times of adversity came , not when they were In full work and laying by for a rainy dayonly when tliey , were powerless—not when they were powerful , ( Hear . ) Now he would suppose that
out of the present population of England there were three millions of labourers . These three millions of men , sufficiently employed and fairly remunerated for such employment , would enable a government to screw out of them sufficient to keep up the present extravagant expenditure of this country . The government pensioned all kitids of paupevs upon , them according to the times , and the improved state of trade . Well , suppose one million out ui these three became unemployed—became unwilling i . llers in the labour market—why then the government was compelled to squeeze the same amount out of two millions who were badly paid , in consequence of tbe million competitive idlers , as they
did out of the tliree millions well paid . When trade was bad the working people suffered and vyere driven to reduced wages , but did the parsons , placemen , ministers of the state , judges , admirals , generals , officers of the army and navy , soldiers or sailors , suffer by a reduction cf their salaries' No , they were very dangerous customers to try experiments with . Men who had arms in their hands , and power , through their political influence , were the last to be lowered , and until the working classes were represented in the House of Commons , labour would continue to be the bugbear of those in power . They were told that labour was the source of wealth ; true , it was so , for it gave the standard of
value to the raw material This labour question was convulsing the whole of Euvope , but no man , except himself , had yet devised apian sufficiently wide as to embrace all Nature ' s children , lie wished it to be understood that he did not want them all to go upon the land . Suppose a dutrict where there wero three thousand artisan , but where only two thousand could find employment ; by placing the remaining one thousand idle competitors upon the land , they would more than support the two thousand artisans ill employment . He wanted the free labour field that a man might he employed from it . Was i ? not a better market than the public house and the dram shop ? ( Cheers ') He
wanted free trade in legislation , as much aj any . thing . They were continually being told that agriculture and manufac ; tires must go hand in hand , but he said , they must both shake hands first . With a constant increasing population , the number of agricultural labourers in the United Kingd ' . 'iii had decreased to the amount of two hundred and eig hty thousand within the last eleven years , so that in the very same proportion that population was increasing , ( he means of supporting it was decreasing . He would take tffO Square miles of land on which , according to his plan , he could locate eight hundred members of five members each . Haced upon * he land , ihry
would be four thousand customers for the manufacturers . The writers on polttical economy would tell them that if these eight hundred men wee sent five thousand miles away they would form a colony of customers . But why not be customers at home , close by ? Under this system he believed chat every agricultural labourer would support a tradesman or artizan . He had shown , in a calculation he had made with great caution , that England , if properly cultivated , would support two hundred millions of men , not in comfort merely , but positively in affluence . ( He then detailed his views at some length regarding education , contending that the present system only unfolded the vices rather
than the noble virtues of mankind . He then passed on to review the conduct of the middle classes at election times , showing that they supposed the interests of tile aristocracy , who gave them a bill at sis months , rather than those of theworking classes who paid them ready money , and thereby enabled the tradesman to give credit to the bill man . ) He advocated , the Charter that the people might become nationalised . Labour could not do good for itself alone , and he assured those tradesmen who had attended that night to hear him , that they were much indebted to the working classes for their ready pence , as an empty till on a Saturday night made an ugly wife on Sunday morning —( laug hter
and cheers . ) ( Mr O'Connor then alluded to his imprisonment in York Castle for eighteen months , expressing his doubt of the honesty of paid patriots , stating that he had never travelled a single mile nor a ^ e a single meal at the expense of the people . ) If he was asked by any one present how it was that he presumed to talk to them on labour , he told them that it was because he worked harder than any of them . He worked regularly for thirteen , fourteen , and sometimes fifteen hours in the day . He then reviewed the proceedings which had just takeu place respecting John Mitcliel , and rebuked the hundreds
who said they would stand by him to the last . He deprecated those leaders who recommended physical force , and respecting the Crown and Government Security Bill , which he termed the ' gagging bill , he said that Sir George Grey had told him that the bill was only intended for tke leaders , and he replied to him that a live dog was better than a dead duke , and that he was too old a bird to be caughfc with chaff . ' ( Laughter . ) After a speech of about an hour ' s duration , during the delivery of which Mr O'Connor was often vociferously cheered , the speaker resumed his seat .
Mr Siunr moved ' That this meeting is of opinion that the Gagging Bill , falsely called the Crown and Government Security Bill , taring boceme the law of tho land , furnishes additional proof that the House of Commons does not represent the interests and feelings of the people of this couHtry , and the best means of doing so , would be by making the People ' s Charter the Jaw of the land . ' Seconded by MrLangworth . A vote of thanks was afterwards awarded to Mk O'Connor and also to Mr Budd , tho chairman , and the meeting then separated .
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Upper Wortlby in Leeds . — Messrs Councillor Brook acd James Harris , of Leeds , addressed a large meeting in the village on Monday last , on the ' Net ? PJan of Organisation , ' whed thirty members were added to tho association . P . S . —While I am writing , the magistrates are placarding the borough against any porsonsdrilling or training to the use of arms , under the penalty of transportation and imprisonment ,
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Notice :- O'Cos . vokvillb . — Whiisukiide Holi-Biis . —F ieeds asd visitors are respectfully inlonaed t >; the slicttees , that refreshments will be provided a ; the Sciioul-honse during the season . A ceid coihtion wiil b 3 provided on Whit Monday * t coon . MaEssEij Joses will delivers lecture is Leices'srea ilmisy eveaingcext ; and on Tuesday , will Si-st d a public meeting in Manchester . ^ BDsiHiNiTER . —TheChartbts of this town are ^ ated to meet on Monday evening next , at the *^ oo& Inr , . Mill-etreet . Chair to bs taken at eight
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'yQLJTNoM ^ LONDON , SATURDAY , JUNE 3 , l 848 . fB « M&JZSZF . IJw ,
«'Aim!P9» E * Abtfy« ^-.Tifr Hd To Know Itself."
« 'AiM ! p 9 » * aBtfy « ^ -. tifr Hd to know Itself . "
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MEMORIAL TO THE QUEEN . The following is Sir . George Grey ' s reply to the letter of the Executive , as published in the Star : — ' Whitehall , May 17 th , 1848 . ¦ ' ' Sir , —I am directed by Secretary Sir George Grey to acknowled ge the receipt of your letter of this day ' s date requesting to have a definite reply to the subject m atter of your communication of the 15 th instant . And I am to inform you , in reply , that Sir George Grey ' s answer to you of the 16 th instant , must be considered as definite . 1 , Sir , your obedient Servant , » G . CORNEWALL LEWIS . ' ' Ernest Jones , Esq ., * Literary Institution , John-street , ' Tottenham Court-road . ' The Executive have since forwarded the subjoined letter to the Queen : — TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY . May it Please your Majesty , We , the undersigned , being the chosen representatives of a very considerable portion of your Majesty ' s faithful subjects , who haye entrusted us with > the presentation of certain memorials-to your Majesty , feel very much grieved that your present Ministers have refused to grant that which time and precedent have consecrated—viz ., the royal right of your Majesty to receive in person the prayers ,
memorials , and petitions of your People . We protest against this violation of your Majesty's will and , we believe , pleasure . We have heard of your affability , but we are not permitted to knoiv it We have read of your Majesty ' s sympathy for the sufferings of the People , but are denied the painful duty of stating to your Majesty what those real sufferings are , and of imploring your Majesty to command your Ministers to adopt immediate measures for
their removal , or to call to your Majesty ' s councils men who will do so . We are particularly anxious to express to your Majesty our deep regret that you were advised , previous to the loth of April , to remove from your Palace , in London , and subject yourself to the danger , inconvenience , and unnecessary trouble of a journey to the Isle of Wi » ht . We wish to assure your Majesty , that you would have been perfectly safe , if not better protected , the midst of your People . !
We are anxious to convey to your Majesty our opinions in the most loyal and respectful , but at the same time dutiful and distinct ,
manner . We wish to assure your Majesty , that your People will not consent any longer to be taxed , unless they have a voice in the imposition of the taxes . We wish to assure your Majesty , that your People will not consent to obey laws made without their sanction or assent , by a contemptible minority . We wish to assare your Majesty , that such has been the decline of trade and wages , that your people cannot pay the present Taxes .
We wish to assure your Majesty , that there does not exist in any factory , workshop , or mine , a feeling of hostility towards your Majesty , but against the present system of Government . We wish to assure your Majesty , that the safety of the nation demands that this s _ vstem should be changed , and we are your Majesty's most faithful subjects when we tell you so . May it please your Majesty , your worst enemies are those who leave you in ignorance of the true feelings , sufferings , and OPEN and ADVISED complaints of your people . We do not ask your Majesty to visit the cot , 'but to hear the cottager ' s complaint .
We do not ask your M ; ijesty to enter the factory , workshop , or mine , but to receive the memorials of the working classes , praying for rpdress of grievances , removal of wrongs , and establishment of rights . May it please yeur Majesty , we conceive the recognition of your people ' s rights to be the most important , and their establishment the most imperative of duties . These rights , your Majesty , are expressed in the People ' s Charter .
We desire to state so much , and to pray your Majesty ' s interference , least your people may be driven by the ill-advised acts of your Ministers to the same extremities , which similar counsels elsewhere have urged other nations to adopt . We implore your Majesty to grant us an audience , and to receive the memorials of your people for the Sake of justice and humanity —for the better improvement of this country , —for the honour and glory of your reign . And we shall ever remain . Tour Majesty's faithful subjects ,
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 3, 1848, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1473/page/1/