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.facts mur #ancfe&
imperial uaruanmit
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¦ ~ "' ATTESD 1 TE POPPLE * v mto > 3 upon FOiae lofty tower , & ' . mD » gathered peop le f tcs to frncf , ?; crt iu . ^ ^^ = g ^ tuj wof < of power in ' I : aC " ti , m of fretdom to its ban I l& or voice " , & * tona » bove all storms , ^ ^ t ' -sre nxth . air , acd cc »« n , rend the sky l "' "T fi-rcs esrtbquafce- * tout , 'Ta arms ! to - , fSt ' h . fane , f .-eeSosi , vengeance , victory 1 ' tV " .. gj-e coali they speak , wosld cry in thanks O ^' , ' hn- we ' te born the tyrant ' s trampling " . ? - ! ' s would fig ht from Heaven Kith signs of - ^ 'l- ^ ' atst waves dash back a stern repreof ; Jte : c ^ rtiiiti 5 like Forms beneath the tyrant ' s " ' . a in ' . he da ? t behind his chariot wheel ,
I r *** ' r ; J TtI ] £ eacee inyenr strong hearts burning , j - j ^ - GC . a , &n& nisii , and earth , ani Heaven appeal ? 1 '" * ^ jifyTCp hel ' s Toice to rouse aad wem—I '•" . '' . , ? Tjel ' s strength to strifco thtm branch and I ¦ !• " V ^ e Carist to bid , is Godlike scorn , i l- J " ^ su-nescrj oat , should yoa fee mntc ! r ' " * ^ ss ^ ii , . < a £ . '
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• t- "' ' 'Journal . Part XVII . London : W . LoTett > 11 " j : ncd . j 17 ; : ; pr-rt contains the u ? nal interesting matter in i CrrTT ard prcee . Arnonssi the illastrat'ons 13 a - fcr / siiof Ferdinand Freiligrath , the patriotic and r 6 " - " German poet , accompanied 67 a memoir f fc : ! 3 ? pen of William Howitt .
5 _ ¦>/¦ The great length ; t which we hare reported * fc Ti ! of the persecuted patriot , John Mitchel , fe : the spaca occupied by accounts of the other s t'ks events of tbe ^ eek , compels th . 3 postponef Br _ t of otter reviews .
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9 1-ilAL ATROCITIES BY THE 'SPECIAL ' t I RUFFIANS AT LEICESTER . s 1 ? .=-: Kt ! y , Leicester wa 3 the Ecene of most brutal « fcriies perpttrated by a gang of ruffianly' special i fcr . itos ' on tte persons of the unemployed , and > Bi- ^ iiOui it is tfie custom of ins ^ ent idlera to call B : ; " -ri- ' The poor law guardians had proposed to , Ere ~ . ? e the hoars of labour in the stoze-jards , from t : s : tfr Vos&hv , May 15 ? h . Tha men wentatthe fei ! tice ( tijht o ' clock ) on Monday morning to fik ; labour , and fading tse gates locked upon them , , Eh : for an explanation , and were told by the snper' fcii ^ Ei of the wor k ? , that they trere expected to ¦ fc ? ib » ea pre = 5 at at six o ' clock , but taafc not being i ¦ fcci = e they coald not be allowed ' 0 enter nntil one fiV . xk . Tneaenurgedtbatthenewre ^ ulationsstated fe = and afrer . nat on and after . Monday , asd
there-S : e the ; were strict ! v adhering to the ' stt of the guarfculor tali day . A . public functionary , as ' vreli as the B-ii to the union / when appealed to , said , ' You jfen t ? bg better grammarians than the guardians : K £ : i : a laser ' s qaibb ! e ; you understand what was jfc ^* - ' No appeal to ths chsirman and clerk ef B ' -i r 'f guardians , could induce them tO change fcii ceternsinstioD not to pay the men for thst day . Ene ? . the espres'ed dissatisfaction of tbe unhappy S ^ , ^ i ; : ca dissatisfaction assumed the character of gir ^ rbanca * only through the brutality ef the pre-Bsifd " peacB-f-reierTers . ' A savage onslaught was t ^ 5 b . r " tbesd ruSiEsupcn the unarmed people , — fc ' -rr ase cor sex being spared . Many instances fciib ? nddcc ? d of a ferocity only to be equalled by FpZsihndsavage ? . Thebarbarous assaultscomt > a cpsn febonrere , artizsns , K"omen , and chil-S ^ , r , h ? n qaiatly retumia ? home from their labour , a 3
S ^ 'Ij nine o ' clock ( or thereabonls)—tfee insre-S ^ - the horrible indecency of driving two youEg ff ^ a ( who had retired to rest ) from their bed in a flpts of sndity , and the several cases of positive HF 2 t-ti : esking by tlie mad or drunken specials , tofe' ^ r "iih the mere systematic , but eq-a ! ly iner-B ^ -s , fcibarioarof the police , headed by their in-K-: r . attest the damnable despotism to which the Ipr tf Leicester are snbjected . At a public mestlr } Mi at the Atherseam , a commiitee wa 3 _ apt ^ ittd to collect evidence of the cutrages committed fr j . ia •' specials' and the pah ' ee , with the view of S ^ -iip ? the jTculd-bs assassins to justice . 1 Sis is the town where recently a great meeting f io . ' den br tbe middle cIsfsps to invite the worki ^ . t ^ iJis to ' nnite with them for ' Reform . ' If tha t :- ; ^* Een are honest in their professed tym-Bpy frr i ] je people , why do they CDiamit or allow W ^' -- ontrs : es npnn the unhatinv poor ?
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I WHIG PERSECUTION . I '• jrllavi !! , of Exeter , has beea deprived of his si-| I ^ illj " « Branch Pcstmaster , a / cer eight year 3 ¦ 5 * . ^ f' . F " naan 2 e of ihe dnties of h ' office . Mr fill ' s cg gTiCS ^ 53 that oi baing a Chartist . I . r- tse late proceedings of the Chartist party in ljU " -y ' . ^ r Havill hai nobly stood forward and | i --2 his grataitous services as secretary to the fci = ; -: r b rancli of the National Charter Association . if ^ S ' iBindcstiljus steely tTadesman in the most llrP'Hint strtet ef this city , and was , in virtue | Jf ' ' 'f- appointed eight years since to the managei ^ 't cf a brssc-h of the Es-tsr post-ofScs , at a remu-10
|^ = '! s oi £ per annum , he finding all boxe 3 , l ; : r ; : " Utces , and attending at tbe aigher oSce , £ _; f 5 t 2 Lt half-a mile , ) twics everv Sunday , and once ; -3 r days , QafeiEg the return 3 , &c , &c . All this he ^ cosa for eight years wi thout one sicel 9 default l ~ f 'Sp ; aiut , But a f « w days ago brought Ms ab-I y ° ' fmissal , for the c = tessib ! e reasoc of his name E vpearicg to an alleged ' seditious bill . ' If an ati J ^ pt t 0 5 >! 0 _ 2 p jjje jujqaitcus jobbing practised on m . 7 = ?• ople be sedition , why then the word faa 3 a very I ^ i -nt Ecaaing , and truth must hide aer head . ;^ Uavill is not sorry for the loss . When tha ex . l- - ^ " 5 ?* * n c ® ' ; a are deducted from £ 10 per I ^ F / 1 ' irrespective of the time and the nuisance of . " -siag at exact given hour 3 upwards cf 500 miles I \ rft , it will be seen that he cannot be very sad at Ir ^ kjj . But mark the motive for his dismissal . —
f-j' ~ eak—how cowardly — how degrading—how ^ -fairing ! Men of England' Britons ! you must I , ' , fstertain a political opinion differing from those I' ^ ' ss-in-ofSce , or they will ruin yon , if you sra any I -l l within their reach . i ,. ^ vo luntary subscription h& 3 been set on foot by | r ; = ExeUr Chartists , for the purpose of presenting ^ f « aviil with Bome Eubstantial proof that the ;? nCi ?! e of freedom for which he is persecuted , is t ;' £ £ Bd rained by Mi fellow citizen ? . It is hoped the Exonian friends of Mr Havill , for the carj ^ s ° nt this manly object , will meet with a hearty I ?' ' ? " ^ rom all lovers of freedom and advocates of ^ -a . irt * r .
! p-it sa . "Tjption hasbeenseton foot for ths pnr-;; , " : ! , ?! FMsenting Mr Havill ( who was dismissed : jj ^ issitnaiioa as branch master oftbep 03 t-office . ] \ -jf , kstimonia ] . Two pounds , we understand , = ^ ^^ d y been collected .
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? £ ^ . J To BiCH £ LO 8 s . —The three eo-i beanUful c ' ^ V' 11 tiie English laaguase are—iscther , home , ! STs * i ' &TeD ' A y ° UDg gentleman , newly married , * i'h » v aU tJle ^ a ^ ity and happiness connected " ird Vf i 7 e t ! uxe W 3 rdsare ass&ciated with one ^ 1 kfftfsiBLS . — ' Of what did Mr Jones a t oB . ,: a staple neighbour the other day . ' Of t ^ ri ? J . tion of disorders . ' ' What is that ?' vras « £ & ? ^ nesho *» . l Two doctors , a surgeon , and m ca , ^ : " ^ - ' . How could he survive-it was p % « - y uaP « jible !
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TEE MIDDLE CLASS MOVEMENT . MEETING AT ~ NORWICH . On Wednesday evening , a public njeetlne was held in St Andrew ' s Hall : the deputy Mayor , J . Colmaa , EEq ., in the chair . Mr Tillett , after a somewhat lengthy speech , taovei the following resolution , vrkieli was seconded by Mr Pjgo , Jan .: — ' That , with a view to the removal of the national grievances , resulting from the enormous burden of taration , and the frightful accumulation of pauperism , it is absolutely necesiary that a umoa be formed between the middle and working classes for obtaining a thorough reform in Parliament , by extending the legislative franohise to all men registered as residents for rlimited periodacd
. , for stearin j the fair and efficient exeicise of gnch iranchiss , bj- all necessary and proper provisions . ' Mr Qurbsli ., the Chartist leader , here came to the front <> t ths platform to speak to this resolution , and was loudly cheered by the meeting . lie said , the resolution was the same in meaning as that proposed by Mr Hume in . Middlesex , and almost the same in word * . Why were they , who believed that Universal Si . fiVage was necessary , to bs ea'ledupon ta declare in caToar of less than extending the ri ht ov Totlag n all n . cn ? He cailtd upon the meeting not to give its adhesion to any resolution which went not the full len&th of the Sis Points of the People ' s Charter . Mr Tillett had spoken very wisely , and knowingly , and lawyer-like , with a view to entrap —~ " ^—J * «—i *>^ !«¦¦ j vt 'lini-f TiLtu c * ( ten bis CUlil "V '
MW ? £ & '< % m& #£ ? £ fflpfir & ?} # MfrtfP , rorth tofbs world tliat ' &orwic ' tiliad done ' mdm ? id Ms respect fist tie boped tie / wori ) d prweibal night that thef were not so to be deluded , and that it should not appear that they ( the Chartists ) did O' jC fciiwcnecftfferecce fiecceen their ova principles and ttwiia & < ys ^ toouuaded to taem . Tatir doctrine was this— ' Give to every man born in * o this world the mat which his fellow man enjoys . ' ( Cheers . ) God stamped upon every man ' s brow , born in ^ o this world , no other title than the name of man ; bathe bd'eveil lie also designed him an equal share of liberty with his fellows . He bad another reason for opposing the movement ; it wa 3 because ha had no faith in the man who wa 3 its leader . God had given it aa his command ( o man to people the earth , and yet this leader , Joseph Hume , had done all he could since his entrance into public life to defeat that command . He was an advocate of that cruel and
barbarous system of which they had seen an example on the previous day—when tbe wife , whose dnty it was to Dlin ? as the ivy toiheonk unto her husband , wa ? separated by law train him ; and a disregard of that law—because he bad steod np for * he rights of pur natnre-entaiied upon tha hnsband a month's imprisomneefc with hard labour . ( Shame . ) Such wsb the SJStEm Mr Uume supported , and he would ask them , if , such Iwing the caie , they could place any confidence in him ? If they had Universal Suffrage , there could bs no such occurrence as this . and .
therefore , Mr Hume could not support it . After a very clever spsecn , Mr Harrell moved the following amendment :- 'That this meeting views with feelings of satisfaction , the approximation of the middle cla 3-. es to those measures of rational reform desired by the working classes ; yet . as the suffrage is the inherent right oi every man , it cannot , with propriety or consistency , join in any association for obtaining any measures shore ef those contained in the Peop . e ' s Charter . ' ( Cheers . ) Mr Uaebuieni seconded tke amendment .
The amendment was then put from the chair-There was , evidently , five-sixths of those comprising the meeting favourable to its parsing . Theoriginal resolution wa 3 then put , and strange to say—carried . Considerable confusion ensued . Antthsr unimportant resolution was proposed , seconded , and declared by the chaimnn to be carried—after which , Mr Tillett called for a cheer for the Queen , and one lor the per-ple . The first was responded to by loud , general , and umniBtakeaMe hooting ; the last pv lively huzzas , waving of hats , and other demonstrations of approval . The meeting separated after having given cheers fo .-Feargvs O'Oosnor . iWe add tte following editorial remarks from the Norwich Mercery ] : —
i Tns New Refsrm Mextisg . —However we may I differ from tbeopinkms of the Chartist portion of o&r i feilotv oitizens , i ; is impossible rot to respect the ; steady perseverance with which they on all occasions \ 2 dhere to the Six Points , the candour with which ' , they discuss them , acd the boldness with which they Btate their determination not to give way er accent ' a part Trhen they cannot obtain the whole . Besides ; ibis tenacity oi purpose , there is a shrewdness and 1 quickness in their perceptions , which cannot fail , j where iheir opinions are known to bs the result of conviction , to be held aa better far , because it is more : honest , than the ambieuons windings cf those poli-1 ticians , who , for popularity ' s fake , ml their opinions to their necessity—who would make tbeir principles ,
or rather the waat of them , conform to the object of 1 getting their fincers in that their hands mayfoilow . ' Harrell bit the nail humewfcen he declared , if not in words , in eubitance , that ihe resolution , coved by 3 Ir Tillett , was a piece cf special pleading . He w ^ s right in asserting that it could be twitted so as to meaa anything or everything , in short , that it was a ffmsy cr-moosition , doahtfnl in terms , and undecided in meaning , lie was tiaht in doubling the sincerity cf any man who would compromise not only himself , but » meeting , by such a resolution : and he was still more right in doubting , when a man , whose opinions had been so often declared , whose acts were 50 ^ 911 kn own , whose par t in politics had been of such a cbaracter , ventured to assure him of his sincerity , ' on the honour of a gentleman , ' that the resolution and the franchise submitted to them was precisely the same as that defined in the Charter . If it
was a sincere exposition of the same opinion—if it was not intended to conform to the opinions of Mr Anybody—if it was not intended to throw dust in the eyei of those who had neitker the capacityi nor the caution , nor the rectitude , to examine before they decided npon that to which they were called upon to give their adhesion—why not at once make the intontion of the mover clear , distinct , intelligible , incapab . ' e of perver .-icn , and beyond the reach of ca « ui 3 try ? If the " mover intended it to be a resolution in favour of UaiVeraal Suffrage , Annual Parliaments , Vote by Ballot , is ., why not state so in plain and undisguised terms—in terms concerning which there could and should be no mistake ? Bat this was not the object and intent of the mover . What was wasted was demonstration in favour of the objects of ths no patty—of the take-what-youcan-getsyatern .
_ . But if the proposera of the amendment would have a still more undoubted proof of the view 3 and intent of those who called tbe mestsng , is it not apparent in tha way in which tht-y were bamijoczled in respect to the deehion ? Why , thre ^ -fourths of th 8 bands were he'd up in favour of the amendment , and yet they suffered thedechion to be declared in favour of the resolution . Let the supporters of tbe amendment look to it , for it is in vain to deny that the friends oi the Charter carried their point ; let the chairman ' s decision be what it might , the Chartists were , we ajain repeat , bambocz ' ed , almost before the seund of the declaration of the sincerity of the mover had passed away .
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urtfeer proceedings of th& 8 * ci « ty discaewd * a « ar . raDged . Now thU , Ur Editor , is » hatl call i uUp ln » he right direction ; and howevjr mnoh yon any differ with u » . I think you can but acknowledge tha Burnt . Although tho number was not lar ? e enough far the formation of a tooiety , Btill from the influence nnd intejlig « nce of many of them , 1 eipeot muDh frbin the BQoUly . I look upon it ag tbe first of what I hopo miy be e general movement of tha farmers of this country '; at all event * , of this neighbourhood . As regard * tbe OhartitU , I would ba the lait te pat any obstacle in their way , they believe what they say , I don ' t doubt it . Let th * m agitate , agitate , agitate , ana we will do tho same , till the people are unanimous for reform . Let the movement be general . Let all classes jain , and what , I ask , shall resist us ? Tha roice of the people is irresistible .
I take this opportunity of sending jou this merely as being ODe of the party ; you will , no doubt , hear of further proceedings from the secretary ; so no more from Yours very respectfully , A Fabheb . NearSn-iadon , Wilts , Jfsyl 7 , 18 i 8 .
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1 We euU the choicest . 1 LOUIS BLAXC . Louis Blanc was born in Madrid , on the 28 th of Gctabae * IS \ S . £ L \ s € a . tb . « vjia fawpectcsr-General ^ C £ IW « . 4 & \ k £ « . « & , < £ && ¥ < & «< £ Jimqd . ^ ( fa / skc tk&xstskisxii&si ^ isi&pjiBm $ . issL < l a . « L < iac&d th& doscsat emvjt&YL ( 9 . < Q 6 a « sr iama .. &cf , de < iht&i < s&i a . qeas << 3 a sad a . felfawsMp fot each , of tis two eons . Louis , brooghtupiu Cotsxea t \ U ho vraa teven years old , came to Paris in 1 S 20 , and was sent ; with his 6 rot 6 . er to thecoWege o ^ R \ io 4 t 7 ,, w ^ etft kftatoidted ^ wj s \ i ( Scessfullr . Id 1 S 30 he returned to Paris , to h \ a father . It was through the midst of the barricades , after
hiring cut en bis coat buttons because they were stamped with fouri'de-Us ,, that he gained his bome . Ilia father being ruined by the fall of the Bourbons , was unable to assist his son 3 , so that Louis was forced to seek employment . He was now seventeen , slight as a child , little , and with most juvenile feature ? . His childish appearance was against him , and aHer repeated unsuccessful attempts ^ he returned to his humble garret , harassed , heart-sick , in despair . This was his introduction to life , throuah poverty and trial . Ilis experiences of the difficulties of getting a footing in existence , experiences which many a poor yet intellectual youth has to undergo , bitterly , made him first reflect on the state of society , which permitted that impo ^^ nins with despair of
young and willing hearts . In 1831 he entered as clerk at an attorney ' s office . In 1832 he became acq aintedwitha gentleman seeking a preceptor for the son of M . Ualette . ' of Arras , an excellent situation which he gladly sought and obtained . At Arras he remained two year ? , and it was there he made his first literary efforts , some of which received prizes from the Academy of Arras . He returned to Patis in 1834 , with letters for Conssil , the colleague Of Carrel in editing the Nati ? n . But Conseil was like the greater part of journalists ; he was everywhere and nowhere . Louis sought him in vain during several days . One day , on leaving the office for the tenth time , nettled at being unahle to find the everab 3 ent editor , his eve caueht an address of another
journal , Le Boss Sens . It wa 3 as radical us the National , and Loui 3 Blanc having two articles in his ( lOcket , it struck him that be might try this other paper with ona . lie went resolutely into the office , and asked for the editor . ' In the office , at the end of the passage , ' said a clerk , ' pointing to a passage somewhat obscure . Theynunp writer dnsbed ahead . But 33 he placed his hand on the door-handle a feeling of doubt came over him , and ssyjn ? to himself , that , after all , he had better think about it , perhaps , he turred to descend by another exit , when he was stopped in tho middle of it by a porter . ' Whom are vou seeking ? ' said the man . Loui ^ Blanc , feeline
himself causht , knew nothing to reply but ' The editor of the Boss Seks . ' ' Well , come and I'll bring you to him . ' Thus , half in spite of himself , he was Jed before MM . Roddeasd Lamaire , then editors of than paper . The article waa accepted ; a second followed , and a third . Then a salary of fifty pounds was offered ; in a fortnight it was increased to eighty , then to a hundred and twenty ; and then he became editor . His articles attracted attention , and hi 3 pen had considerable influence upon the democratic party , in drawing together 3 nd associating for acommon end tha Bocial and political school ? , theone as aim . the other as means . Louis Blanc now wrote a considerable number of articles in the National
also . In ISSi he cofltributed aho to tbe Revue Repcblicaine , and afterwsrda assisted in editing La Nocvelle Minerva . In 1838 he withdrew from the Bons Seks , the proprietor wiihing to change its political tendercies , and the journal scon after ceased to exist . lie immediately started the Revcb du Progress , in which he treated all sorts of questions —political , social , financial , commercial , literary , industrial . At the same time he prepared the little work npon the ' Organisation of Labour . ' The
Revue Do Prpgres appeared monthly ; but n 9 soon as he had treated in it thoso various social questions he desired to pass in examination , he abandoned the review , and prepared to write a historical work . The period he chose wa 3 that dating from the establishment of Louis Philippe , and the work he produced is well known . It was the ' Historie de Dix Ans . ' This wa 3 followed by another , also well known , by which he entered the lists with so many distinguished authors cf his &wn and foreign nations —the' Ilistoiy of the Revolution . '
Pictueb cp Societt . —If you should see a flock of pigeons in a field of corn , and if , instead of each picking where and what it liked , taking just 39 mcch as it wanted and no more , you should see ninety-nine gathering all they eofc in a heap , reserving nothing for themselres bat the chaff and the refuse , keeping this heap lor one , and that , perhaps , the weakest and worst pieetm of the flock , bitting round and looking on quietly whilst this one was devouring , throwing about and wasting it , and if a pigeon more hardy or hungry than tbe reBt touched a grain of the hoard , all the " others flying upon it and tearing it to pieces , —if you should see this , you would see nothing mor 6
than what is every day practised and established among men . Among men you see the ninety-andnine toiling and scraping together a heap of super-Unities for one , and this one , too , ofteHtimes the feeblest and worst of tha whole set—a child , a madman , a knave , or a fool—getting nothing for themselves all the while but a little of the coarsest of the provision which their own industry produces , looking quietly on while they see the fruits of all their labour spent or spoiled , and if one of the members take or touch a particle of the hoard , the others joining against and hanging him for the theft . —Palet . ' CIVILISATION' UNTEILED AM ) CHRISTIAN ETF 0 CRIXE 5 UNMASKED BY NATURE ' S CHILDREN .
Both Ojibbeway and Ioways were frequently be 3 et by religious persons who wished te convert them . On one occasion they answered as follows : — ' My friends , we feel thankful for tha information and advice which you comb to give U 9 ; for we know you are goed men and sincere , and that we are like children , and stand in need of advice . We have listened to your word ? , and have no fault to find with them . We hare heard tbe same words in our own country , where tlu ra have been Ewny whi ' e people to speak them , and our ears have never le n shr . t aeaicst them .
' We have tried to understand white man s religion , but we cannot—it i 3 medicine to us , and we think we have no need of it . Our religion is simple , and the Great Spirit who gave it to m has taught ns all how to understand it . We believe that the Great Spirit made our religion for us and white man ' s religion for white men . Their sins we believe are much greater than ours , and perhaps the Great Spirit has thought it be 3 t , therefore , to give them a different religion . ' This was the view of the Ojibbew . iys . At Glasgow the patience of the I ? . ways was exhausted , and even Indian politeness gave way . . to the and
' They ^ ere introduced Indians their object explained by Jeffery . The war-chief then said to them , a 3 be was sitting on the floor in a corcerof the room , thathedid notsee any necessity of their talking at all ; for all they WOUld have to say they had heard frem much more intelligeEtlooking men than they were in London and in other places , and they had given their answers at full length , which Chippchola ( Mr Catlin ) had writteij all down-, 'Now . my friends , ' said he , ' I will fell you , that when we firetcanie over to this country , we thought that you had so many preachers , so many to read and explain the good book , we should find the white people all good and sober people ; but aa we travel about we find this was all a mistake . When we first came over we thought that white man ' s religion w l ( uld make ail people good , and we then would have bet-n glad to talk with yon ; but now we cannot say that wellike to do it any mora .
'' My friends , I am willing to talk with you if it can do any good to the hundreds and thousands of poor and hungry people that we Bee in your streets every day when we ride out . We see hundreds of little children with their naked feet in the enow ; and we pity them , for we know they are hungry , and we give them money every time we pass by them . In four daya we have given twenty dollar to hungry children—we give onr money only to children . We are told that the fathers of theee children are in the houEes where they sell fire-water , and are drunk ,
and in their words they every moment abuse and insultthe Great Spirit ^ You talk about sending blackcoats among tha Indians : now we have no such poor children among us ; we have no such drunkards , or people who abuse the Great Spirit . Itdians dare not do eo . They pray to the Great Spirit , and he is kind te them . Now we think it would be better for your teaohers all to stay at home , and go to work right here in your own streets , where all your good work is wanted . This is my advice . I would rather not say any more . ( To th ' iB all respond , ' How , how , how . "
Gkamuas Class . — 'John , what is the Bingnlar of man f' ' They is eingular when they pay their debts , witheut being axed to do it a dozen times . '
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MONDAY , Mai 29 . The HOUSE OF LORDS did Hot sit , it being the annlversary of tho Restoration . HOUSE OP COMMONS . —Cheltenham Election . — Mr M . J , O'Cohneli reported that tho committee appoiated to try tho merits of the petition in this election had found that Sir Wiltoughby Jonos was not duly elected ; that the election was void ; and that he had been guilty of bribery through his agents , but without his personal knowled ge . Sogab Doties . — Lord O . Bentinck having brought up the first report of the committee on tho sugar and cuK / e growing colonies , Mr Baekl-s inquires of Mr Hume whether he intended this day to bring forward bia resolution wklch stood Ou the paper in rtferenee to these colonies .
Mr Home , in reply , stated that he had previously post , poned h « 8 motion until the committee sMould bave re . ported ; they had now done sh and he understood the rtport contained certain recommundfltlonB , but censideriug as ho did that the matter ought from its Import anco to bo taken up by the government , rather tban left in the hands of an individual , ho was desirous of hearing from the aoble lord whz . t were his views on tho Etlbj'CS . Lord J . Russeli , said , understanding that the report el the committee proposed a certain amount of differ , ential duties fora eeitain time , on that point ho would at once Bry that the government did not intend to pro . WW < W ## &v // 0 i > p / M ' t !> a ? f / ffl < i [ tMwtf ttw < ioglUe amount oi tulles , or continuing taoio ) n exist , escp ' befimd Ibe period contespplated t ? f Mai set .
lord O . Beminck , in answer to Mr Bsianr , stated tb . it the cotnmlitf . c in their report made no distinction between slave-growu sugars and other sugars the produce ot'foreign posstssfOQc . Lord J . RO 8 SELL moved , and Sir R . Peel seconded , an address of condolence to the Q , aaen on the death si tho Princess Sophia . The Spanish Cobbespondbnce , —Mr H . Baillie aaid tbat be observed that there was omitted from the correspondence which had been laid on the table a part which formed the-case of the Spanish government ; that wns to say , it had commonly been reported that tho Spanish go . rernmeut bad znado certain statements or charges against the Brittah minister at Madrid , r . nd those statements did not apponr in tbe papers produced . He thought it desirable thf y should be added , in ordtr to eH « ble Hie house fully to judge of the whole affair .
Lord PalmeesTi . n . —I can only say that at present I hftvereccirtd no such statements , ( Hear andalauij'h . ] The Convictiok of Mb Mitchel . —MrKEcon begged to ask Lord J . Russell whether it was a fuct that at the late trial of Mr Mitchel for felony every Roman Catholic on the panel , eighteen iu number , had been excluded from tho jury by the Aitormy-Gcntral tritbeut any caa 3 e being as 6 igned , nnd whettur tbe noble lord had receiveS any farther information on tho subject of bis ( Mr Keogh ' a ) motion wi ' -h respect to tho triaUof Mr W . Smith O'Br ' on and Mr Meagher a few dajs ago ?
Lord J . Bcssell replied that he had receivnd no is formation ou tbo point suggested by the qu , < stiun of the hon . number who refereDce to the trial vi Mr Mitchel , With reBpect to the other case , on which the bon . memher bad submitted a motion a few days since , he had in hij possession a letter written by the Attornoy General for Ireland , in which that hen . and learned gentleman stated tbe instructions nbich he had given respecting the striking of the jarieB , which was tj the follcning effect : — ' Deae Sib . . — In answer to your letter requiring my instructions relative to the course to be pur&Ui'd by JOU in setting aside jurors on the part of the crown in the cuse of Queen v . Mitchel , ' I be ; to tay it is not , and never was , my wish or intention tfeat any juror ehouiii
be set aside on account of his re ) igiou 6 opinions . I do not tbiok the instructions given by previous la < v officers , that jurors were not to be set asiily on account of their political opinions , was ever intended to apply to a case like the present , in which a party is to bo tried for a political iff nco , and is openly supported and counte . Danced by certain political associations . I hnve there , fore no hesitation in saying that in tho present and similar cases you should set aside on tho part of the crown , without regard to their religious opinions , all persons whom , from tbe inquiries you :- « vo made , and the information . tou hare received , you n ' Md to enttrlain political opinions according with tboBii of the priaontr and the associations by whoa he Is ( supported . I am clearly of opinion that to leave such persons on the jury
tTould be to defeat the administration of the law , and bo totally inconsistent with the true principle oi trial by jury , which is , that the juror should bo indifferent be . tween the crown and the prisoner . In other respects 1 wish tbat the instructions givea by the previous iuw officers should bandhcnd to . ' That was the letter of the Attorney General , lie had alsa roceivod a private loiter from the L <> rd Lieutenant of Ireland , stating that ' after the accusations brought , whether guilty or not guilty he would not ssy , agninsi the late government with reference $ 0 Mr O'ConneH'e trial , it was iroportantto he particulsrin the instructions to the crown solicitor as to striking tbe jury . Mr Monnban takes the samo viow , and bud no more wish to pack tbe jury in tho late case than you hud . ' ( H ; ar . )
Mr n . GBiTTAR inqjired vvhstber tho ns ^ lo had acquiesce . ! in tbe course pursued by tho Attorney-General on tho occasions referred to ? Lord J . Russell . —I think the instructions given by Mr Jionabaa irero very right and very judicious , and I am qu ' . ta ready to adopt thum . ( Uear . hear . ) Mr II . G&attan said he held in bis hand a report cf what Mr ilonihan stated the other day , which was widely different iroin the letter just read by the noble lord . Sir J . GEAnAii a ? . id the letter of Lord Clarendon , rend by tho nobJo lord , referred to tbe instructions given by the late government with reference to the selection of tho jury in tbe case of the late Mr O'Connoll , and us a similar reference had been made on the occasion of a former debate , he thought that , on beholf of tho late government , and injustice to them , aud in deferenne also to tho past , he might be allowed to as 6 ert In tbe most positive manner tbat tho instructions given by tbo lato
government in reference to striking the jury in Mr O'Conaell's case , were identical with the instructions given fey Mr Monahan , the presont Irish Altorn&y-Ge . neral , in tbe ca 6 es now in question . These instructions were positive—tbat no jaror should bo struck off on aocount of his religious tenets , but that whatever might be his religion , if he was identified by association or notoriety of communication with tho political opinion . 9 nnd feelings of Mr O'CoBnellr .-that then , and npartfrom his religion , the exercise of the powtr of the crown to strike him off should be made use of . He ( Sir J . Graham ) repeated , that the instructions given by tbe late government wera identical with those given by the present government ; and , ifDecessary to go Into details again , as ho had done on a former occasion , he could prove that with respect to the ten Raman Catholics struck oft ' in Mr O'Connell ' a case , there was evidence to show that they wero all in connexion with the repeal association , and on that ground alono tbe power of the crown had been extrcised . ( Hear , hear . )
Lord J . Russell said tho lotter h 6 had read certainly alluded to an accusation which heretofore had boon brought Pgainst the late government in reference to Mr O'Connell's case ; but that accusation had not boen adopted , either by Lird Clarendon or by Mr Monahan . It was only in consequenco of that accusation that he and his noble friind , Lord Clarendon , had been more alive to tho possibility of a similar imputation being made ngoinBt them in a similar case . Ho did not mean to impugn the instructions given by the right hon . baronet to the Lord Lieutenant of tho late government , or to deny that tboBO instructions were not identical with the instructions given in the more recent instances .
Mr Bright observed that it was quita evident from what bad passed thistvtning and on a former occasion , that it was thought desirable that the trial of Mr Mit > chel should take place , and that n conviction should be obtained . ( IKur . ) Now , he waa not in the least disposed to maka any complaint Oil that head ; butthsre was aaotber consideration , quite as important , for the pacification 0 ? Ireland , and for cementing the union between the two countries , ami thut was , that the people of Ireland Bhould be fully convinced that , on tho ttinl of a person charged with a great offinco , whether political or otherwise , euch prraon ehould have that fair trial which the constitution offered and declared should be afforded to the meanest subjectof tbe crown , lie was not about to Buy that Mr Mitchol was not euiltv ef every
thing laid to bis charge—neither was b » ready to de . clare that the verdict of the jury was not in accordance with the evidenco and the Jaw ; but if he might judga from tbe reports io tho public papers , which wouM bo readout only in Groat Britain , but ty eviry peveon in Ireland who could read , it seemed that thera were 150 perrons or the jury pane ) , of whom only twenty eight * ero Romen Catholics , although it wbb ascertained , on a uthority , that the largest portion of the jurors of Dublin were Roman Catholics . Of these 150 ptrsone , it up . peared that only sixtyfive or seventy-five answered to their nameB when called , and of these the government had the power to strike off to 3 n unlimited extent , while the power of the prisoner t © strike off was limited . Now , it wqb quite possible that oftbe . se there might be some known to havo political sympathies with the prisoner ,
and it nas also quite possible that not one of these twentycight Roman Catholics was competent to give a fair verdict , but the people oflnl » nd , six sevenths of whom wore Roman Cnholke , would not so consider it , and he believed that nmongBtthvse 6 ix-sevenths tbo universal opinion would bo that » the government did not consider them competent to give a fair opinion or to toko a part as jurora on tha trial of any political offender in that country . lie brought no charge against the pregfjjt government , but ho asked whother it was not worth while now to consider if the legislature bad not at its disposal means by which to bring these els-scvonths of ths population of Ireland into harmony and accordance with tho opiniona of the government , 60 that those diecroditable political trials might bo Been the last of . Ho waB persuaded that tbe deportation of Mr Mitchol would not pacify Ireland , and he
trusted-Mr Law rose to order , There was no question before the house . The Spea&eb Bold , tho hon . member was strictly In order , as there was a question before the house , viz ., that an address be presented to her Majesty . Mr Bbight continued—Hetruated that , as the govern , ment had now Bhown the power of tho law , and their determination to put It It force . they wouW— ° "
Untitled Article
Mr Law again rose to order . The boa . member was aot speaking to tho question . The Speakbb said , that several proceeding speaker * bad departed from tbe question before tbft hovua , and the hon . member ( Sir Bright ) was not strictly ouJ o ( order . Mr Bbioht said , he bad nearly concluded whon be was interrupted , He repeated that he trnsted , as ths government had shown the power 6 f the law , and thsil determination to enforce it , it was but fair to call upon them also to manifest to the people of Ireland tbat there was mercy aad justice in that source from which the lawemanated . ( Henr , benr . ) He wbb sure tbe people 0 / EagJaad would go with tho government in favour of overturning and abolishing one institution in Ireland which wa 8 the root of all her evih , an : 4 which forced the government to take from the ranks of the Protestant church the only jurors who would convict . TbiB was disgraceful to the legislature , and ought not to be continued .
?\ Mr II . Gbattan dfnied the assertion mado by Mr Bright , that Roman Catholic jurors could not be found who were honeBt enough and ready to do their duty , lie could tell tho houso and tho government that yester . day at Kingstown , when it was announced that Mr Mitchel had been transported for fourteen years , er « ry man , woman , and child declared that , though they had before boon anti-RopealerS j they wero all Repealers now . He thought the whole matter ought to bo inquired into , for to talk of trial by jary now was out of the question . Tiio government had made a great mistake , and had acted the part of cowards , in coming to Parliament for On & }> i >? nVDn \> V » 'Va . ^ > -w ^ ifcTi W ^ y V ^ & % m ^ i \ & ^? i « ttt v ^** uovra jkJiV 0 i «\ v > & « A « % Vsj " ijtm vi ^ wB ^ L < s& . ^ £ ( && < s . « $ 6 S& < tfi V * ro tii"Cj »\ KsA . M i&Kj "wsefc . « ssl < &Afc&& < SS >< 4 S ! fl ., < &ft governmenti& \ AtVsi « xwA « ttafcc & «« %% ta fcafeawf , attflf Btill they would not be able to put do « & the Repeal movement .
Mr 2-bigut said , it appeared to be as dangerous to speak In lavour oSlre \ an& aBUwaBto Bpea'k &g&ta » t \ % . The boo . member bad mistaken bis observations with reference to Roman Catholic jurors . Ho bad never enid that they mere not 8 t to Bit as jurors , bat tbat tbe courso pursued would lead to tho Jnfercnco tbat tbe government so thought , and would not trust thera in that capacity . Ur E . 8 , Roche said be wished all cft ' endcre to be tried in a fnlr , honcBt , and impartial manner . Such had not boon tho caso 1 h tha recent instances , If the principle expressed / n Mr Monaban ' s letter was acted upon , evtry repealer charged with a political offtmce must bo tried by antl . repealers , and thus tbe boasted trial by jury would become a delusion , a mockery , and a snare .
Mr Ksogn eaid the noble lord bad not , by reading Mr MonaWn letter , escaped froni his objection that Eomaa Catholics of tha highest respectability , of the greatest wealth , and who were in do way connected with the Repealers , but distinctly opposed to them , bad been struck off by the Attorney-General . In that statement he persisted , and wns prepared to mention two or three nameB , which to his own knowledge had been struck off . Lord J . RnesELL said he had given the hon . member all the information be possessed on the subject , namely , fho Instructions tbo Attorney . General had given tot ^ io crown solicitor . If he received any further information ho would communicate It publicly to the lion , nletnber . Having saidthuB much , ho must remark that the bouie had not been very regular in raising or continuing tbe present discussion .
Sir D . li . Evans said , tbntaB they were on the question of the constitution of juries , be begged to ask tbo ripht hon . baronet the Home Secretary whether it wnsintended to alter tfce law bo as to make tbe decision of a majority of a jury , In tho proportion of three to one , conclusipo ? This was tho practice in Scotland , where it worked satisfactorily . Sir . Geet replied thit it ( vas not tho intention of the government to proposo to parliament any such plan for the alteration of the English jury system . Mr ITcMB protested against the practice in Scotland being introduced into tLia country . Here they wcro satis fiedwith tho present jury sjst'm , and in Scotland the pystf m did not work to tbe satisfaction of the people . Navigation Laws . —On the motion to go into a committee of the whole houss to cemider Mr Labucchbbe ' s resolutions on navigation and regulation of skips and
° eamen . Mr Heebies moved , as an cmgndment , ' That it is essential to the national interps ' . s of this country to maintain the fundamental principle of the existing Navi ^ ution Laws , 6 ul"j < ct to such modifications » s may bo be ? t cnlculated to obviati ? nny proved inconvenience to the commerce of the United Kingdom and its dependencies , without danger to our maritime strength . ' The right honourable gentleman commented upon she impolicy , the injustice , aDd tbe danger of tbo proposed scheme to abrogate all the jrotectloa and all the defence afforded to to cur sailors and shipowners by the present Navigation Laws , retaining only so much aa would leave our shi p , owners exposed is the onefOUS portions of th . 0 CXlitii'g laws but without the protection given by thtm . He condemned the miiifattrhl measure as especially inopportune , ^ pending the inquiry Instituted by tho house of Lords . No one advantnee had been proved as likely to
follow eo vital nnd bo uweepinR a change as tbnt proposed by the President of the Board of Trade ; no petitions had beea presentod to the fcouse to warrant its introduction ; no demand had been made for it , exctpt ono from Prussia , one from America , and one from Jnmaica , With respect to Prussia , he aBktd what right had she to ask us toabacdoa the fundamental law of our eommerce , er what had she given us in exchange for such a sacrifice t America had doubtleES good reasi ns for urging us to a course by which shj would profit . The petition frt . m Jamaica was of n doubtful ctinrnc ' . er , and could not be taken as tbe desire of our colonif s . He had no objeetion to consent to enter into a consideration of the inconveniences of the existing Navigation Laws , but he was decidedly averse to tho demolition of the fundamental principle of those lows , and no effort on his part should be wanting in endenvouring to prevent a prscipitate passing of the ministerial measure .
Mr L . SBoncnEBE admitted that the resolution moved by Mr Hvrries f . iirly raised tho issuo whatber we should widely depart from the principle hitherto r . girded as the fundamental principle cf the Navigation Laws , or whether we should merely make some partial regulations to remove the inconveniences of those laws . He did not deny that bo proposed to introduce a great Innovation , anr ] to deal largely with a subject of immense magnitude to this country ; but ho contondad tha time ira ? come when wo should do away entirely wilh tbe colonial monopoly , with tho restrictions tbat secure to us the long voyago trade , and with tho restrictions that secure to us the European carrying trade . Tho right bon . gentleman insistou * that our naval power would not be impaired by the abolition of the Navigation Laws , and urgod the hou 6 e , with the lea » t possible delay , to come to a decision ou the question , advising thorn to reject Mr Bebbies ' s resolution . The remainder of the sitting was occupied by the 3 c bate on this motion .
Mr Herries ' s motion wns supported by Mr Alderman Thompson , Mr H . Baillie , and Mr J . Scott , and was opposed by Dr Boweinq , Mr Wilson , and Mr Dbdmmond , who at the same iimo made ono of the most telling Rpoeches against the ministerial measure , as thofolloning abstract will show : — Mr II , Drumm mt > said ho wished to stato his opinions on tlisquEB'ion , though it was not his intention to erabarrars the government by giving a hostile vote on tho prt-sent occasion . In the first place , he owned he wns astonished that it Bhould be proposed by thegovtrnnunt by one fell swoop to carry off all the code of hns relating to navigation which had been passed frem the reign of Riohard II . down to the present time—laws not enacted dtonco , but developed age after age , It was said that this proposal was only another developoment of tho thing
called freo trade . Many hon . membero might know what was meant by that conventional term , but ho confessed he was at a loss t © comprehend it . He knew tbnt Yorkshiro had heaved on one side , and Lancashire on the Other , nnd tbat something great was expected to be produced , for tho Board of Trade lent its obstetric aid , and the Economist Club was ready to attond tho bantling . ( ' Ilear , ' nud luughter . ) Ho knew also the dogma p > oraulgntcd in tbat house , cf buying in the cheapest imd soiling in the doare 9 t market , und that it wno contended that by 6 uch a test the national dtf-jocea , naval and militnry , were to bo estimated . Ha know also that the sages of ages had pronounced dogmas such as ' Know thyself , " l'laufiuro is tlio greatest good , " Virtue is the greatest good ; ' but the oimple definiiion of the free trad 1 " drama was ' Buy for a penny , sell for a p : ) und , ' ( ' Rear , '
and laughter . ) This was thy principle en which the government had founded thiameanuro , and tho only ground furnished ( at it to-night was , that by its adoption cochineal could bo got at a much cheaper rate , No doubt tbat this country was now in a rtifforent position to that in which Bho Btood at tbo end of tho war , not only as regarded herself , but also in respect of other continental nations , as it was wise in Mr lluskisaon , Mr Wallace , and others , toisqulre whether r . filiations which wcro good when Ihe trade of Eng land was in its infancy ought to be continued . It wo ^ felt , then , tbnt tho only possibility of preserving tho colonies was to make them an integral part the mother country ; to givo them ovory privilege she erjoyf a ; to ™ aketnclr trade aB treB betn'een them as it was betwe ^ tho provinces of this Island ; to lonvo them to adopt whatever of English laws thoy pleased , for
thouuii tbt-y found laws some Dutch , some German , aoin ; : Snoni-h , nnd some Portuguese , they would bave amalg ' . niaci d with the mother country . But instead of this tbo > srnt 1 hem out constitutions from the Colonialoffice which were never adapted to tbeir state of society . ( Hoar , boar . ) Thoy preferred sacrificing thocoleniea to tho mainteuanco of tbe manufacturing system—( hear , hear , ) ; and they were going on in tho same direction now by continuing class legislation , ( Hear , hear . ) They know tbat no trade could be carried on unless it was beneficial to both parties , and yet they intended to g ire the benefit of thiir trade to tho French nnd other foreigners , to tho prejudice of tbeir own brethren the
colonists . Tbeyapokeof the abolition of the corn la ^ s , and boasted of giving tbe poor , cheap bread . Did they think that the poor did notsee through them when they talked of cheapening tho poor man ' s loaf and at the same time took away the poor man ' s employment ? ( Cheers . ) They were ungrateful , and tkey were said to bo oot against the manufacturers . There was no need of setting them against the manufacturers . He never spoke to an English artisan or labourer vtho did not say—not in tho language of Lord Bacon , which ho was going to UBe , but in language which Involved tbe same sentiment , our iogratituda is only a keen insight into the motives of others . ' ( Sheers . ) On the motion of Mr MtFFiiT , tba debate was ad . cursed to Tburt < 3 » j .
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The House was counted out a few minutes before ono o ' clock on a motion of Dr Bowbiko ' s , respiting the Shannon Navigation Commission . TUESDAY , Mai 30 . HOUSE OF LORDS , —Juisa Poob Law . — The Earl of Lucam moved for a seleot commltteo to inquire into the operation of th » Acts relative to the rating of immediate lotsors . Ho bad liaited it to the one point as to imme . diaw lauors in the hepe of preventing any opposition to his motion ; but he thought a more general inquiry was necessary , and could not much longer be withheld . He did not want to get rid of tbe rating of immediate li ssora , but he thought that other persons ought not to be rated . Such a couroo would prtvent tbe Infinite subdivision of land , wblih was so Injurious to Ireland .
Tho Marquis of Lan « d . vne wae sorry to oppose tha motion , but he understood a case had been prepared involving some of the questions allude to by the Eobla earl as to tbe present mode of rating , and it would shortly be decided by a court of law . Until rhae deck sion bad been come to , ho did not b > " 6 bow tbeir lord , ships could take any step in tbe metier . Earl FitwilliaH supported the moiion . He conjured the government to adopt some sjstim of colonisation which should assist Sin relieving the rotes . They had waste lauds at one end of tho nor Id , and waste hards at the other , and why not adopt some system whicb should bring those two great © lttnenta of production tog * -ther t ( Hear , beiir . ) This was a mfttttr rcquirinjf immediate consideration . This year the desire to tmigrato was not so great aB last year , and if thi-y waited until next year it would possibly have disappeared altogether .
¦ Gbxt defecated , tha discussion of so Urge 0 , ( SsksShb : um&&foztf < ie s < z mw / wMffli ? £ ?/ fac faoLdfr ? iota ecrcaia Qrceeedings arising out of tue mi'&iagofMe Qdaetews , Becoiofig ' rsedoftfieMJae involved la his noble / r / ecdV observations , namely , that it « b « in tho power o < any gaverntv . eRt to dispense pro £ « perfty end huppfnosj among' the p < oplo . Prosperity mwit cw& « fwm th . < s Industry of ttta p ; opfe , aad from the development of the national resources . That develop ^ ment could not como without security , and government had performed its task in restoring security , and B « p . pressing crime throughout Ireland . Fie did not sea tbat a sufficient case had been made out fov the motion of tbe noble lord . Lord Std&bt de Decies took occasion to express bis regret that more attention was net paid ia parliament to ttie wishes of tie Irish people as expressed through their representatives ,
Lord Beaumont considered that a good ground for Inquiry bad been made out . Lord Campbeil opposed the motfon . Lord Montpaole supported the motion . The ilarquU ef Clakeicaede could not see that thera was any necessity for a committee of inquirj . If the intention cf ihe Poo ? Law Act wea not clearly made out as regarded lessors , thq bait remedy would be a short bill to remove misconception . The house divided—Fur the motion 33 Against ... ., 27 llbjority —0 The motion was consequently earried against the government . The Evicted TE ? ai ? T 8 ( Irflend ) Bin , after a Bfcort discasalon , was rrad a second time , and then tbeir 2 or « ships ndjourmd to a quartir to ton o ' clock ,
HOUSE OF COMMONS . —Pabliamentabt Refobm . — Hr Home , in reily to Mr E . B . Roche , to whibe ? the motion for parliamentary reform to be brou ; ht for . ward on the 20 th of June , was to include Ireland and tho IrUh people , replied , that he and those nith whom he act-d Intended to do equal justice to tho whole of tbo Uni'ed K'np ;< 1 i . m . The Sentence oh Mr MucnEt—JIr E . B . ItcciiE said tbe botiAe un * aware ibat Mr MitcbtJ bn'l bsen tried , convicted , s > nd s ? ntcn'Jcd to fourteen jcRra' trans , portation . It m i ght not be aware tla' fine ¦ ¦ bin scr « tence he had been treated with a dtgrcu of harshness which wouM not bs shown to the vi > ry lowest GCHiicttd criminal . He had been hurried away from hie fnmily and frii nds , in : > manner heretofore unheard of . ( Cries of Oh , oh , ' ' ordrr . ' ) lit ( MrRocht ) be ^ ed to nek the Hoce Srcretary whether it wau tbe intention to carry out tfcae dieprop&rt / onste afid unjust sentence ? ( 'Oh , ah , ')
Sir Cr . Gbet , —I shall say nothing whatever with reference to the epithets the 1 on . memb : r has used in in . troducing hiB quen < ion . ( Loud cheers , ) If I understand the question to mcfin— is tho ecntence pns = oH on Mr Mitchel to be executed ?—1 bave to inform tho * on , member tbat instructions havo been given for carry ing tbat sinteDCeinto full effect . IIotJEs cf Labohb—Jouenetmen Bakeks . —Lor . ) R . Grosvpnor move '' , pursuant to notico , — ' Tbat a eelcct committee bo appointed to take into consideration the petitions of tbe master and journojmen bilkers , com . plaining of the extended hours of lnbour and o'her griuviinced , and praying frr a legislative , nirb a view to their redre 83 . In the first place , he ( LordR . Grosvcnor ) laid down the general proposition tbat men cf all nations are onn clase—tbat all vtf re memherij of ona
groat family—and that when one member of tbat family Buffered , ovary other member suffered eiihtr directly cr indirectly with him . If that proportion was true , bow much strongtr nid- ite truth beer wlun the suffering was that of a cloai in the particular natinn to which they belonged . If the p rson » In the bilking trade wcra In astate of auiTnin ; not ariftinfj from m >) purtinl depression in that busiuer-s , but from circumstances that hava bi'en norranl to tho emplormmt in which ihey vrere engaged , then he conaldired he made out a rase which waa dfssrving tho serious consideration of the legislature . Tbo cumber of journeymen bakers in iondon , Wearminster , nnd Middlesex , rmouned to sbout 12 , 050 and by their petition they ccmplained .
that owing to the excessive duration of labour , especially tho night work , they « tre deprived of the enjoyment of ordinary rest , and had no tima for rrcreation or dc . mesticcomfort ; their labours extended to twenty hours out of twenty-four in heated and unwholesome atmo . sp&tre , which destroyed bealth , and rendered them old men when they ought to beintfca pritno of HJ > . They therefore prayed for Inquiry , ^ ish a view to the redress of the grievances unilt * V ; bieu tbty laboured . Tha master bakers had joined in the prayer of ihfje peti . tions , and had stated that tbe work , as now carried on , was of no benefit to them , while it wns injurious to the journeymen . Sir De L , Evans seconded , tbe motion :
Sir G . GniTsaiii n « wa 3 fluro tbcre was no indiBposl . tion on the part of tbe hous » to listen to tbe complaints nnd grievances of tbe working classes , and to epplr » lemedy if tho cbbo v / as of such a nature as » o admit oi practical legislation with rcxpect to it , He rtgrected , however , that he ftH compelled to oppose th « motion of hisnoblo fritnd on this ground , that the evils complained ( f tvere not in his oplnioD , sutcptib ' e of nny legUhtiva remedy , and ha was confirmed in that opinion by tht fact that neither his noblo friend nor the hoar . ureble and gallant ra-mber hud suggested any . He had stuied that as liis opinion ttro months ago . i ^ bni bis noble friend and tho hon , momber for Fimbury nr . compiiv . iud a deputation ofbvkera to him , Ho supgesstd tinitthe evils compUined of afforded tauter ratbir (> i Bnuitary
vegul&tion th'jsn legislative interference . He would or * jeet to che motion , also , x > a the ground that to jjrniit a committee would imply tin opinion that rotne legiokitivo remedy was possiblo , ( Loud cheerB , ) Ho thought that if they granted a committee , they would be onlj priicti . sinpf a dtlusios on tho j urne \ nrn baker * , ecuinx tbat any lrgislative remedy ton move tho Hrievnmes allrsted was impossible . 11 ih . y granted tr , U commiiUi-, than the knifegrinders of Shift ! M , anil tho co 2 ito . ~ ii <; r < , ;; nd nnn many other classtBof operatives , would oom » to the bouse and ask for interference in t ) eir enfe . ( IKsr , bear , ) He thought that tbe only practical r . meiij was , that the masttrB on . 4 journeymen bakirs ahv . uld come to some agreement amongst themselves , ( Mear , hear , !
Mr Staffobd did not think ibo trf , ' ; in : cnts of tha right hen . gentleman , although tary mig-ht convince a majority of tbat house , would convince the working classes out of doors tbtt their interests were properly astended to within it . Although they might not bn able io suggest ans remedy for tfcc evils compljince ! of , by ficntiug a cominUteo they woull ehow , ut least , to tbe working claeseB that thiy were roviiy to inquire into the sub . j'ict , and to listen to v . hm thoy couU tu ^ geat in tha sh .-ipeof a cure . Mr Labovciiebt : sr . i'i howGuId not yield to ttio hon . ginfiman wiiohr . d ju-1 > polii ' n in his desire iv w . ' .-. nd to > tbe ilitLresti ) of tbo norkiiig cjf , » sts , but lx ; biiieveJ that they would only bo lr- 'ctiting a dilu&ion u . ciiit ^ m if tbt'j were to grant tbo committed asktd tor . li they were to impose riftriction on adult labour iu ouu caee , others would soon c me forward with < quiOiy & rijng claims , ( Henr , hear , ) The fusiian cutttra an » i others who suffered undt-r great hardships would prtss their claims upon them .
Mr M , Milnes thought that the very foct of intelligent men sitting upon theso committcca and Kn-nctinj ; the ptopo ? alsof wcrking men would , of Itself , proiiuc a ^ rcat benefit . He thought thehoutio would act wisely bj granting tbe committee . Mr Home thought her Majesty ' s governmi nt had taken tha bsat coui-bo with respect to the question . If the house was not to dtcido the present question , in tho hopo of any beneficial result , what wna ihe usu of g < ing into committee ? The honourable gentleman » bo Imd just sat down * va 9 lately in P * rU , and he wae BlV < id ho had there Imbibed tome of Louis B ! aiie : \ s principles . ( Laughter , ) But he would put it to hia boo . friend whether what was now tuMug place in Pjris wns not sufficient to pr * vent them from tning to Oo by detail what was doing in that city bj wholesale .
LordlNGESThE said he was no foi ' owor of Louis fll . 'lfle , but lie tliouRht ho was only n ' . vceatinrf a jus : chiiso in supporting ttio motion of the > noblo lord . II j thought it was their bouiuien duty nsreprcjentaivi'S of thn people to attend to 'ho grievancts cf which any portion cf them complaints ! H-j COIl'CflSlid he BflW 100 vreat ft di ? ppBi «> ... ^ . . iteu ' to attend to tho interests of cr . pital to tlffe P ^^ JSiJ ?' " ^ of tho interests of labour . ( Heer , lienr . ) >; v { . / : ^ &lU . $ . ' \\ * -, Sir B . Hall said he should olso havo groat pltasjiijifri J "' - ' ^/ fk supporting this mouon . ^ ¦ . X- V ^> ' - ~>?' 'j& ! &j Mr GiaDSToNB aaiJ , tlio appointment of a (; bLumitte& > ' '"' i ' 'J ^ l ~ UOWOVtr , could lea'l « o ao Rood result , und yToilld Only , ; . 'V . ^ f ^ ^ ralso expectations which there might bo a jjiflipl ttaf ia ' ,- ^ - / £ *§? satisfying . £ \ , ' ¦ ' . "'^ "C j : 'i j ^ fe LordD . Stcabtsaid , if tha bouao gran { gfl / &-ca $ «" -ri ' . \ ij ^ jftf ife mitteo , ftBcriesof unexampled facts weuld ^^ aij& . ' = ^ ; J 5 ^ - x £ ? fore it , Believing that the oommitteo would" tycf " fc ^ j ftfci i' Wj % good , by collecting such Information , ho should . ^ Sptf ^ fQ ^ / for U . Mr Duncan supported the motion . CupJain Fecoeli . said taatthirUen years ago . ha ba
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y * i * . \ &A <»« is \ sn . < £ . GsshsxH ^
lie fl-or / i is on ths more , ' Look ahoat ^ . Tine is much we mar improve , i Xever doubt ; } . zi iJ" 2 ' ^ bo andsrstacd , & ITErning Bell at k = ad i ' sj be hevrd throughout the Ian ? , Kinging ont . lie shadows that are found We msy scorn , Is the siinnj rays aronnd ¦ They arc born ; Acd ss davrn Eacceedsto n ' ght j Sj the rsys of Freedo& ' s liaht Tna the darkness of oar sight Into mom ' . Though gb&my hearts desposd At the sky , There's a sua ts ghine beyoad , By-snd-by . Ere tijeiessel that we urge Shall benesth the surface merge , A beacon on the verge Shali be aigh . S : sp dt step the longest march Can bs done ; Single stones wiil forai in arch , One bj one ; And with traion what we m'l Can be all accomplished etill —• Drops of trater turn a mill—Siagly , none . ' 1 st us onward then for Sight , KotVingtasre ; A ; d let Jnstics bs the michj ¦ Ws adore . Euild no hope ; upon the sand , i or a People h-. nl-in-hand Can make this s b » tter land Than before . Ivini ^ Aokt .
Untitled Article
THE FAEMER 3 STIERING . TO T 3 E EDITOR OF THE NOETHEKH STAB . Mr Deab Sib ^ —As your motto is— ' Measurss , not mtn , ' Bud as jouappear tofearieesly advocate tbe ripfits of man , ' and undauntedly esrose all tbose ftho woaJd infringe the sacred iibertiesof the people , I thought the following might not bs altogether uninteresting toyou . as it tends to show that there really is a most decided feclini : for reform amongst a class , perhap 3 , least axptctcd . viz tbe farracrs—tbe tillers cf the Ecil—the yeoffien cf Old Ens ' aud , A class , Mr Editor , tiat appeals to be almo 5 i forgotten in the politics of the present day , they 5 e > m to be left entirely in the background by these enlightened msnufactnrerj , who appear to consider a dolt and a farmer as synonymous term * ; and I must confess sot altogether Timeout a reason . But , then , Sir Editor ,
let ns consider tbo position of tbe farmer and tbat of t&e manufacturer . Lst as consider ioiv tbs farziers are enslaved ; bofr completely they are led by the' nose , rnd made tbe toals of the landlords . It fairly makes the blood fly in my veins when I tb ! nk of it , and woeder the farmers amongst the rest don ' s shake off that oursed apathy , and rise en masse , and demand tbeir rights . It is my firm belief that nine-tenths of them that think anything about the matter , are fully arcire of the necessity of reform—in fact , aro reformers at heart , bat aare not open their months to say so . ButI Tvill not take up more of your valuable columns than ; necessary , should jou think this worthy a place in them ; to proceed with my story :
On Thursday last , the numerous mends of a wealthy and iifiaentialyeoman met to enjoy the Eport afforded by an extensive rockery ; tho sport being over , and th < - gusets assembled round the coavmal board , the conver sation turned wholly upon the politics of tfee day . not one present 'feut appeared to take an interest io , and hed thought mack and deeply of the matter , A frie&d , much travelled in America , spoke at length on the law of Primogenitor ? , end tie £ vils of a State Church , and held up that free acd glorious constitution of America rs a precedent of a nation ' s existing and flourishing too , without on aristocracy , without a state church , and state paupers , Another showed how unequal was the taxation in this country ; hoff by far the greater portion of the taxes were psii by thoEe least able to pay them .
In fact , sir , the company had more the appearance of a political club than a convivial patty . The People ' s Charter was sbly and impartially d-scassed , being sapported by a delegate ' s son , a most intelligeBt young man , who , thongh young inyearB , appeared eld in knowledge , and seamed to have imbibed politics with his pap , so well was he at home in thera . The discussion went on till all appeared so unanimous for reform , that one of the company proposed— 'That the present company do form themselves Into a society , to be called 'The Teoman Reform Society , ' which shall agitate for tfee following points : —Universal Suffrage , Tote by Ballot , Triennial Parliaments , and Equal Electoral Districts . ' The proposition Tfas seconded a&d canitd unanimously . Tho worthy host was appointed chairman , a eecretsry appointed , and everything that was necessary for the
.Facts Mur #Ancfe&
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Imperial Uaruanmit
imperial uaruanmit
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J ^ A 8 ' THE NORTHERN STAR , „_„„ L _
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 3, 1848, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1473/page/3/