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_ How Ready, a Hew" Edition of MR. O'CONNOR'S WORK ON " SMALL FARMS.
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To bo had at the Northern Star Office , I < J , Great Windnill . Street ; and of Abel Heywooi } , Manohester .
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Just Published , Price 2 d . DR M'DOUALL ' S ADDRESS to the MIDDLE CLASSES . THE CHARTER—WHAT IT MEANS ; THE CHARTISTS—WHAT THEY WANT . Also , in the prrss , a reprint of DR M'DOUALL' 3 DEFENCE of CHARTISM , befoi -o Baron Gurney , at Chester , August 16 th , 1839 . B . Dipple , 42 , Holywell-street , Strand , London , and all Booksellers ; also , at the Literary Institution , Johnstreet , Tottenham . eourt-road , and the Land Office , Hi , High Holbora .
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NOW PUBLISHING . THE POLITICAL WORKS OF THOMAS PAIKE Oomplete la otte thick velume , pvice Gfi ., { n which will be found several pieces never before published in England ; and an appendix , containing the Trial o Thomas Paine , with a portrait of the author . Just Published , in Penny numbers ana Fourpenny parts , VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY . May be had . complete , in two volumes , handsomely bound , 12 a . The first volume has a medallion likeness of the author , and the second , a full length portrait , as fee appeared in his 70 th year . To the first volume is prefixed a copious Memoir of his Life and Writings . Every care has been takon to keep tho text correct , bo that it may remain a lasting monument of the genius and indo , mitable perseverance of the author in enlightening and liberating bis fellow creatures . The two volumes contain 1 , 276 pages , elearly printed , crown 8 vo . VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCE AND TALES , in one vol . price 3 s . 6 d .
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' Physical force as a means of obtaining political right . MR CHARLES SOUTHWELL will lectura on the afcove subject , in the Hall of Science , City . road , on Sunday , June 4 th . And on Sunday , June Uth-Subject : 'The trial and sentence of John Mitchel . ' On Sunday , the 18 th , the subject will be , ' Richard Cobden and Feargus O'Connor—which best deserves the people ' s support . ' Discussion after eat-h lecture . Admission , Twopence .
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SALE OF ALLOTMENTS . TWO FOUR ACRE ALLOTMENTS , are now on sale . All applications to be made to tlie Directors , at their sffice , 114 , High Holboro , London .
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NATIONAL LAND COMPANY . TO BE SOLD , a valuable FOUR ACRE allotment , CROPPED , pleasantly situated , and the Boil is of first quality , aud in eicelleul condition . AU communications to be addressed , ( postpaid , to A Z ., \ 2 Q 8 , Shoreditcn , London .
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NATIONAL LAND COMPAMY . Snie ' sEndEs ato . THE RIGHT OF IMMEDIATE LOCATION , on the above named splendid estate t 9 , be disposed of . The allotment consists of Two Acres of Land ( the quality of which need not be mentioned , as tbe Company have been offered ^ 120 per Acre for it ); a well-built Cottage containing Tbree Rooms , a Back Kitchen with a Pump in it , a Dairy and Outbuildings for a horse , cows , pigs , &c . Price , including everything , £ 4 o . Address ( post-paid ) to the Directors of the National Land Company , Hi , High H » lborn , London .
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TO THE ALLOTTEES who are to be located at Snig's End and the Moat Estates . I have commenced as GENERAL CARRIER , every Saturday , from Redmarley to the New Inn , Gloucester—there and buck the same day Any allottee coming from Gloucester or Tewkesbury can have his goods and luggage fetched any day in the week , upon reasonable terms . Apply , bj letter ( post-paid ) , to William Wilks , Crown Inn , Redmarley .
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TO TAILORS . By approbation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria , and H . R . H . Prince Albert . NOW BE . IDY , THE LONDON AND PARIS SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS for 1848 , bv Messrs BENJAMIN READ and Co ., 12 , Rart-Btreet , BloomBbury-square , nearOxfordstreet , London ; and by 6 . Bebueb , Ilolynell-stfeet , Strand ; and all Booksellers , an exquisitely exeeHted and superbly coloured PRINT . The elegance flfthis Print excels any beforepublished , accompanied with the Newest Style , and extra-ntfing Frock , RidiDg Dress , aud Hunting-Coat Patterns ; the most fashionable dress Waistcoat Pattern , and an extra . fitting Habit Pattern of" he newest and most elegant style of fashion . Every particular part explain « d ; method of increasing and diminishing the whole for any size fully illustrated , manner of Cutting and Making up , and all other information respecting Style and Fashion . Price 10 s . post free 11 b .
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A GOOD FIT WARRANTED at the Groat Western Emporium , 1 and 2 , Oxford-street . Ubsddl and Co are now making to order a Suit of beautiful Superfine Black , any size , for £ i Its . Patent made Summer Trowsers , lCs ; Registered Summer Over Coats , 20 s . The Art of Cutting taught . Patterns of Garments Cut to Measure for the Trade , and sent ( post free ) for Is . 6 d . each , or eighteen postage stamps , Address , Charles Ubsdell , 1 and 2 , Oxford street , London .
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FAMILY ENDOWMENT , LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY SOCIETY . U , Chatham Place , BJackfriars , London . CAPITAL £ 500 , 000 . DIBECTOES . William Butterworth Bajley , Esq ., Chairman . John Fuller , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . lit . Bruce Cbichester , Esq . Elliot Hacnaghten , Esq . n . B . Henderson , Esq . Major Turner . C . H . Latouche , Esq . Joshua Walker , Esq . Edward Lee , Esq . Maj 9 r Willock , Iv . L . S . BONUS . Thirty percent . Bonus was added to the Society ' s Pollcies on the profit scale ia 1845 . The next valuation will be in January , 1852 . AHKPAL PBEMIUMS WITH PBOFITS . ~~ Age 20 Age . fo AgcoO [ Age 35 l \ gc 4 U A (? t' 45 Ago 60 Age E&
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Heywood , —A quarterly meeting of the members of this branch of the National Land Company will take pbee on Sunday , June 4 th , at one o ' clock precisely .
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just PCBIC » TSHBD ' JUST PUB 6 » TSHBD > PHICB BIXPEtfCS , NO . XVIIL OF " THE LABOURER , ' COKTAININO n ^ veatin mx t $ t ' &tftottt ? Bx Fbargu 3 O'Conmor , Esq ., M . P . Letters ( pre-pafd ) to be addressed to the Editors , l 6 t Great Windmill Street , Hnymarket , London . Orders received by all agents for tbe " Northern Star " and all booksellers in town and country .
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MITCHEL'S WIFE . The whole ofthe profit ofthe ' Northern Star'for Saturday next , the 10 th of June , shall be appropriated to the wife of John Mitchel , and willbe accompanied with a suitable address from the English Chartists to that heroic lady , requesting her acceptance of their contribution , which the proprietor will tender in their name .
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THE RED HALL ESTATE , LINCOLNSHIRE . There still remain unsold upon this beautiful estate , five cottages , with four acres of land attached to each , on the high road from Lincoln to Grantham ; and seven cottages , with fivo acres attached to each , also with a high road frontage ; together with some lots of two and four acres , situated within little moro than a mile of the city of Lincoln .
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App lication for terms to be addressed to Feargus O'Connor , ' Nobtheun Star ' Office , Great Windmill Street , London . Immediate possession may be had .
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bad the satisfceftm to pat opoa the sta ° * " Sameasure to relive tbe bakers fro » 1 »"? " ! J * Mtrf h : < 3 bye . Oa ibeearae riBcip !« on » taeh he tten dion ] i Eupportthe motion n ° 7 """ " t ot dilemma CoU . Qd THc-HPfOK said . he ¦ M * ?* "' princ p 1 e he i ^ , M « *« f tct ^ isCri XatLTJttej ^ irJ sschmH- tria j on this occasion . aC ' ° Vf CsvL * "PKei . ana expreM . il a hop . ttJ * ' . - . tSfctsatog t ^ unfortunate opp ^ tfan o . u , e gorL ^ en t , fce should « UI have a msjerfty . Itc consB divided—For the motion " , Against It b \ , fn Fee —iASTiciL Cjuets —ITr Banv £ EiE brons &t ior-« rG Emotion relate to the MfcflUtlon Of the EmIs-££ ¦ i Courts , msviag resolutions to the effect that S ^ U . ioarf eriste . ee »« iajorioui to the subject , d ™ dil to the jndirial system ofthe country .
fiE .-, s .-Si- ; , Gssr ceacaired in the general news expressed feTtht l ^ ouratte gentl ^ -m , and only oppose ! flM « 0-£ n r ¦ he ground of the impossibility of dawning ; * S " w-= ¦ ' had feeeu already prepared on the suoject by Oe v- ' ornev-Oaneral daring the present Bee . ion , and KMcl . ^ "Wld fce Srouj ht in sariy in tfa . next ; he there-Jre U * 4 = »« ** P ' i 0 U 3 « U 8 £ ti ° ? - Aft £ , f « discn-ion the amendment iraa agreed to without a fll " rcsiic AccotTHis .-Dr Bowsing than moreda serie / of resolutions , to the effect that the whole smoanj :
of the i * es . and of the various other forces of laoonxo forfi- 'VsbHc account , should , la the to * Instance be either Vd into , or accounted for , te the Broheqner ; that Zl - ' r mentof the revenue shoald ba allowed to . top any pL ^ on of its gmu receipts in their progress to the jt ^ - , withcat the prcrious snthorilyot Parliamen t ¦ ,. ' shat us department of expanatturo should ba psra <¦ ¦ to appropriate to the public service any other m ~ i ¦ ' a those ESBCtionsd by previous votes of Par-Warn- * and that aU receipts from sales of store * , or o - : ^ ourcos , should bs paid into tho Exchequer . "' d with
Tr " - " a& 5 : CW . WB otthe ExcHEQCES agree many efth- =-Mrfpres laid down by Drau « lnA btttdiuenttd fro-a * : i-t of the practical conclusions wHch he was m . dine- .- dra « from them . The present mode of k « epinc -i- -ccoana was Esnctionpd by long practice , aad Blth- " b sosio improvements nrght be effected in it , fce « '¦ ' - not prepared to sanction suca sweeping cha-. ' , as nere proposed by fie hon . and learned gent ; t .:- ; -. n . A . f ir omo discussion , D . i .-wsiso consented to withdraw all the resolutions but i . ' Jrst ' one , which he regarded ss of such
imgortane- t " : » t fce would take the sense of the house upon it , tr . n reflation W 3 s a 3 follom : — 'That thiE bou ? - o -nnot be the eSr-Ctua ! guardian of the revenues cf tb ~ -t ^ te nn ! eas the whole asonnt of the taxes , and ofTE -. 3 Othsr EOurces of income , received for the pabli- a -couut , bs either paid into , or accounted for , to tfcelv .-Vqatr . ' Tb HiSCELLos of ths Excheques , on the refusal of J ) e B . i . rj'g ts withdraw all M » resolutions , moved tha previ :.:. ^ witioui Ti I'ouss divided , and the naabers were—F . ir the qasstion being put ... 55 AiEinstit ... 54 Uijority for ... —1 T ;¦'• resolu tion was tnen pu :. sad tae Buciters
Tier « : — For tae rssolutioa SS Againstit ... 51 JI ? j .- > rity for ... —5 T ; . itsnie of both cf theso dirUions ogainst the mini : j kit * rtceived with loud cheers . KAiiSiL LiSD CjSpist—Mr O'Coskoe slid that tbe . jt csa . = aronet tbe Secretary for tho Horns De . parti : -: tai given notice of hi 3 is ^ ectioa call cpon the i-i « e to inaka an alteration In the constitution oi the !> ' ional Land Company Contaittee , as originally pro ; - ' =- ' . by him ( Mr O'Connor , ) The right bon . barone t ¦ witr -1 to substitute the name , of Mr Eayter , Mr
Wortley , - d Mr Heysood , for those of Mr Langiton , Mr Hea -r , and Mr Diverens . Aithonghhe had no grer . t likii :-r maabixi of thelefal prof-ssioa acting on com . mi ; i -, he would not oJJec : to the snbstitation of the Bam , * of Mr Wortly aBii Mr H ^ jter for thoie of Mr He . v / . r tad Mr Devereux : but he wish&i Mr Lingston too i . ^ tiinad oa tha committee , beesuBe his acquaint-Bnc- r- i \ b gg-icaltnral matters would prove useful there . Iff mht bon . baronet tras parricnlariy aniious to bar \ r Iliywoofl cn thB committen , why not ficd roam for : . i bf excluding someotber racmbsr than Mr LiD ^ . Etor rife ( Mr O ' Connor ) had no otj < xtien to leave nut the ¦ .. baronet the number for Marylcbone . ( Alaigb . ) ¦
S .: " Gssr said , fce had no personal otjsction to auy oft' u : ioi-. e proposed fay ths honourable member , and the riiicas which he ( Sir G . Gnj ) had suggested Trcr lij with the view of inikiBg the commiitee more effit ' .. If tha honourable member had taken the nsi rur-e of consrauaicsting with him , previous to pri ? .- i his proposed lift , ths constitution of Sbp cim . mil cou ' : 3 have fce « n arrasg ; d without snj difioulty . AH fUsir 2 d was to have a mil and searching icqairjinst ..- •• subJECt . Mr Heywood was propose-i by him as a c - ' . »>¦ r of tne committee , because hetfas eoEntcteo ¦ sritr -. v .-.-t &f the country much interested In the hon . mei ,. ¦ t ' c ssbeme , for the operatires ef Laucsshire bed bee" : n : it-: d to tt'ki sbsres in the Company , sad niaay of t u hud psia their £ 4 far that purpose .
S B . Hali said that altiiough J-. e was tbe person who firs ; i ep . ised that the schemer , i the honourable member for Kijt > : s ; hsin shonid be fnbjected to a searching inqair ; _ the honourable member now said thst be bad rat r mit have him for a member of the committed . Ba ; :. e wocld serve on the committee , for bs was deter . mir : 'i to sift ths scheme to the bottom . It was righr Ins ? tne public should know how tho honourable member h-S proposed to cons' -itnte the committee which wts to investigate a sabject of considerable legal d ffieulty . Se * c ; ag s « i-5 e the honourable member , who would , of course , bs chairman , th-re would remain fonrtctn mem . ber ? £ cd of thosa seren had aercr eat in that Jsoafe before , ( Il . ar , near . ) The honourable mem ' -cr tad Etar- c in "i ; at hou 5 e , that when ha was at the bar he hs--i < a-vK practice than iny ona else . iCr O ' Cossob . —Ofmyytars , ( K laagh . )
S ; r B . IliLL—Nevertheless , the honomrable member £ aci stu ^ 'oaslj' aTot « 3 ei 3 patting on the committee a sinzle TUtm a cf tiie le ^ al profesiios to croBS-ersmine th ? ¦ wi rnesses r . i < j would ba brought np in favour of ths scfc .-ni-. W-js thit a fair proceoding on the part of so emi : itnt s practitioner ? ( Hear . ) The honourable mem . ber proposed to h ^ rs on lha ciEimtttee only two g ; atltmea flfr' ^ cra coantctsd -nith tbe agricultural interest mm sly , Mr Ssaolsfisld and Mr S . Crawford . Jir O'Cossob said , Sir 6 . Strickland ani Ur George Thomrscn slso . Sir B . IlAiL . as regarded Scotland , tfei » schenje , he telievto , was attempted to fce conBEded with that country ; thtrewis cne Scotch number on the committee , wbiie Jh :-rc were s ! x who were connected with Ireland . Sacv na i bitn the cosst ' tation of this ctiamittce . I 13
¦ war 2 o-i rfcankfcl to hia right hon . friend ( Sir G . Gre *) for :. tit 5 nU tne j ar ; of the government not interferes fart 1 -t t .. ; h the nomination of this committee . He ( Sir f .. lii ' ) might hnva taken the sense of the fcoust Trhtf'itr & committee ought not to be appointed , and , in that .- ¦ as .-, ho eight have nominated the committee himself , reij-Tct to the approval of the house . Bat h : < ia ; desirous saat tbe nsmin 3 tion of tne committee sfcouW re § t in < tc lianas cf the ten . end learned gentleman . He ^ isr ? 3 that hon . and learned genticmsa to appoint iisowajary to carry out his schema . His right fcon . fTlEndLQ ! noislnatea three members in tkjpkce of threo gen-lrm r n rto wonli not bava been cble to ^ tltnd ; Trithtbt ; eiception the cosimhteo wonia be of the iicn and ira-.-ieS gentsc-mau ' i Gwn nomination : twelve bei :: ; dire- * - !! ' n iminstaS by him , and three b ? tha Secro'arv cf
S : 2 * t fur tbs Home Department . As rrgerded tbe fiejir ? of tlie ton . and learned gentleman that fce ( Sir B . Hal !) ihonlc iict fcv ; on the coamittee , fce cenld srsare the fcOR . anilesrnid gentleman , that in his position as a m-. mb : r ¦ of 2 great metropolitan district he hai quite enough on his tj ' j- ? . 3 without attending to tfee Echemes ef tho hon . and lcarc : 3 | ea ! lsman . If it ssoull bo the pl « as < ir ? o ' the hnu ? e t < at he should not be a member he sbonM re thsnkicl : tut if , oa tha contrary , i : was the derive cf the hc-.: * t fnst he should ba oa the eonsmitte ? - , hetsr taiislj would discharge bis dnty on it to the bsni . of h : s at .. Uj , 32 d see wheihtr it was advisablsor UR 2 i » vi = 2 b ) e thut tne scheice should ci ktinue . The case of the to-, ana itiTscd geatleoa * was this , —he bad put forth a ecberse for which a n ? w la ^ wss reqa r-d to make it Ieg ° ! . Sow , althongh not kara-cd in tbe l&w , he ( Sir B . Hili ) tieiieved that if any person pnS forward a
EC ifTne whica was not sanctioneij by th 3 law , au the par : le » a-io were involved in that 'cijfin » bad their re . 136 ^ - ccr . Intt the person « r ) : o so pus it forward . The fccs . caJ iujraedgfintlfman , therefore , stood in thai po-Bitlou , f-: 3 ovtrj one of these parties—being upwardj of 108 , 000 pemns—fead their l « gal rtaiedj * j : amst the bor . en < 5 s ? anied gentleman . Ks one could be surpriEtd that , under ; uch circumstances , the bon . and ltarnod gen th ' -flit ) S'boa'd endeavonr to take some steps to protect ftiusbsii . The re ^ iJtration of the tchema had been pro-Illirf . i tut th 2 % p * oniisehad neverbecn carrieo into effect . In Julv ] s 6 t , the bon . and learned gentlcmsn stated Et Kottsnehani thit be bad procurtd a stamp of the vslu * cf £ 000 . Ur F . O'Cokkob : £ 800 . Sir B Hilt , well , £ 330 , lor tbe purpose of reguUr . n ; fto cr ^ vasy , tnt up to this time that hadnot been dcue ; it ' bad ' only bsen provisionally registered .
Sir G . Gatr . eiplaiaeii that he had o : j-: eted to tae asTi-.-.- or Mr Lingston only bcc = tise he understood that tb * t h-i ' -lissn did net wish to serve on ilia committee . T ^ = nirr . c of the hon . member for Oxfordshire wsa on tkc cosraitree ; ha cossider ^ d thct hon . genthmsn to ti s . v ; rv valaablu member ( hear , beer ) , but he thought the . the ' a-sis of tfcehon . Esembtr for tte citj of Oxford CJxr R " . P . Wood ) should sUo bo n-iiei . Mr F . O ' Coy ; ,-os said , that Trim regard fo tte t-oas-. Flaiat c : ihe right hoa . -baronet of his ( ilr O'CocncrV ) s :: bar ' ng given his notice t ; lbs asmes hs Intendsts jroppta , " he btlirrtd tbe usuai ccurss was : ' or the lima iircpiifog . ttfo appoiataeut of a commutes also to nonicate the committee , and then , when the Bames tt . ri on the paper , a canrajunkation . respiting them
Untitled Article
[ ai ht be bad with any member of the goveranunt . Thet I was the course he had pursued . The qaeilien b « to tbe I legality of tbe schema was one which must ceme bafore I the house again nadef any oiieamBtancei . li to whathad fallen from cbehon . baronet the member for Harylebone , that hon . gentleman appeared to have come preraaturel ; [ prepared with his brief . If aDy cause cauld bo gbown for objeeting to that hoa . baronet ' s being on tbe comaiittee , he nsost certainly had shown that objection hlm-« eif , / or , by liti mode of addressing himself ts the sub . ject ' tha , night , ha clearly marked tbe temper in which he would approach tbe inquiry . As to the objection urged to tbe nomiaation of yonng istmbers , he ( MrF . O ' Conaor ) confessed that he would much rather dispense with the unices of the old musty prejudices of those gsntlem-n wio were in the Habit of serving on
^ committees . ( Laughter . ) Objection had also been made to the numberof agricultural member * nominated on the committee , but it should be known that the members of the National Land AsBOciatioa wero not eonfined ¦ to the manufacturing districts ; th « y were spread Overall the country . The feasibility and practicability of the scheme w ^ ra what ha required to have ascertained , and that was tho reason why he wished to have practical agriculturalists on the committee A plan of exactly ths Bime description had been bigbly euleglse < J by Lwd Clarendon when adopted in Ireland . Al to the threat of the hon . baronet that if be should bo on the committee he would insist upon a searching inquiry , he ( Mr F . O'Conner ) begged to assure him that If he could shake tne plan and destroy it he ( Mr F . O'Connor ) should be satisfied with tho result . With regard to tne
regiBtration of tfcis company , be went in that direction as iar ' as he could until he foaad that if Le proceeded farther it would be ruinous , end tken he determined to appeal to parliament . But the registration would have been completed , but for a doubt entertained by JI r Tldd Pratt , In consequence cf a construction which had been put upon certain words by Mr Justice Wightman different from a former construction which bad been put upon words ejutdem generis . The Attpenet Gehebal . —No , 00 ! Mr F . O'Coksor would challenge the Attorney General to disprove his statement . Tbe Attobnei GEHKBiLssid , that he refused to allow the Company to bo registered , because , in bis opinion , tb . 3 ! cfoeme was not legal , ( Hear , tmr . ) MrF . O'Cohko * Bnid , tho directors went before M-
Tidd Pratt , find this was tbe first time he had ha that the AltorneyGaneral was in the w » y of the regla tration being completed . The Company , as he badbs " foro stated , was provisionally regietered , and , as they all kaew , the £ eed of the Ccmpany was tbe thing to bo registered . Now , the object which he had in view , arising ont of the csursa which he took in that house , * ss to lay the foundation for doing those things Id each a manner a » to eave ezpenie to the subscribers , by avoiding tho cost of stamp duties . With reference to tha composition of the committee , he could only e xpress the strong regret which he felt that any one of tii 3 jarors should have bees 10 T&ry captious as he hta found the honourable baronet the member for Msrjlebone . If the right honourable baronet the Home
Secretory , wished that tbe hoaourable member for Mar > lebone sboaid beleng to the committee and that ilr L ^ Dgston was not willing to serve , then he should accede to tbe wishes of the right honoarable baronit ; but he hoped that the honourable baronet , the member for Maiyletone . would go into the committee uabiaaBed , Bad that he woald , while he » ot in judgment on tte scheme , « ndeavoar to Jay nside such feeliags as he had tbat night thought proper to express . It was only ne-C 5532 ry for bim to add tbat he wished for the most comyleta and searching inquiry . Perhap 3 the best illuatra . iion he cuu ' . d give of tha position of the honourable
baronet , wa » by comparinK it with that of an IiiBh silicitor , who when Lord Clare was Chancellor , dis . ' . urbed the court . His lordship asked him if be wa « in the cause , and for rrbich of the parties he was concerned—ha was a relative of tbe defendants , and was emplojed by the plaintiff— so he repl ' ed . My lori > , I am employed for tha plaintiff , and CONCARNED for tXe defendant . ( Great laughter . ) Now he ( Mr O'Cjnnor ) thought that that would turn out to be the position iu which the hosourable baronet stood , as the compii . menis paid to tt > 8 honourable Rtntltman' 8 right honourable friend ( Sir 0 eerge Grey ) were very saspicious . ( Hear hear . )
Sir 6 . Gelt said , tbat bis wish was to make as slight an alteration hb possible in the constitution of the oomtnittcB . As there icemed to be snmo doubt aa to whether Mr Langston was willing to aerie or not , ha iheald take caro to communicate with that hon . gentleman , and if hs-could not serve , then there could be no objection to the appointment of HrHsytvood . The nomination of the cammittoe , aspropoied , was tnen agreed to , and the remaining orders of tbe day havicg been disposed of , the house adjourned at halfpast cne o ' clock . WEDNESDAT , Mat 31 . HOUSE OF COMMONS . —Rohan Catholic Relie ? S , —On the motion to go inte comnittee oa this bill .
Mr Law mived , as an amendment , that it be an instruction to tho committee to divide tho bill into two psr ; a . H : s object was to separate that portion which referred to the removal of penalties inflicted by old sisttitejfrom the part which was designed to remove tbe securities taken when the Emancipation Act of 1829 was psssed . He thousht it right that , as the two principle * were entirely different , opportunity should bo given to tho houi : to Srcida on them as distinctive question . Alter seme fiiseusBion the house divided , and the numbere were For the-amendment ... 142 Against it 129 Majority far —13 The house then went into committee ; but ths proceedings were so very confused and irregular that when six o ' clock came no progress had been made in the considera tion of the bill .
The Chaibxan thea quitted tbe chair and the houaa broke up , { From our Third Edition of lost wek . ) THURSDAY , MsT 25 , 1848 HOUSE OF LORDS . —Jews Disabilities Bin , . — Tne Marqais of Lakdsdowne mored the socond reading of ? hU bill , 8 sd in eo doicg , contended that the constltotijn excluded no man from participation in the regulation of the affairs of the country on account of his opl . nions , and that by no Aot of Parliament bed tbe Jews ever been specifically refused admission into Parliament . The oaths which foimed the only barrier against a Jew tEkicg his B = at as a Member of either Hense bad been enacted solely and avowed ^ for the purpose of excluding Roaian Catholics at a critical period , when it was feared pEr ^ oos of that religion Were favourable to the cause of th ? Pretendc-r , He did not believe that on religions grounds they were boURd to exclude Jews , nor did be consider persons of the Jewish persuasion unfit to have a voico in the legislature .
The Earl ef Ellekbobocob morad that the bill be read a second time that day sis months , The Duk-j of Cahbkidqe opposed the bill , YiEconat Canning supported the bill , and the Arohbishop of Canterbury and Earl Winchelsea briefly decisred their intention of giving it opposition . The Duke of AEOYtE supported th : second reading of thu bill , as did also the Bishop of St David ' s . Thi Bisfeop of Oxfojib opposed the bill , on the ground thai the Jew * ware a separate nation , and that they verged on infidelity . Tne Earl cf St Geehans said no reason , was ad . Gucid , nor did he know any reason ( Thy the Jews eboald not ecjoy eiv'l rights ia their full extent , and he believed that if they were admitted to seatg in the legislature tLej wonld become useful and proper legisl&torea
Lord Staslet basei his opposltioa . on religious ground ? . He could not consent to plsce Jews on the same footing as Caristians , L rd Bboughah lupported the bill . Tbe Marq'iis of Laksdowhe replied , after which the honse divided on the question , that the bill be read a 5-0033 time , whf n there appeared—Contents : —Present 98 Proxies 82—128 Non-tcnttsts ' . —Present 125 ProxieB 38—163 Majority acainst the government —35 The Coflwoifs were occupied the entire night in committee on the Public Health Bill . Eventually progress was reported , in order that the bill might be n printed . FRIDAT , Mat 26 th .
HOUSE OF LORDS . —The BiBhop of Oitobd prosensed s Bill , which was read a first time , to prevent and punish tbe seduction of ftmales for hirs and reward , HOUSE OF COKHONS —The hou » e went inta 0 C > mmittee of Supply , when , after some discussion , the Secretary of the Admiralty took several votes on ac . coint for Nsval Services . The QiaHScatiou and Registration of Electors Bill ( Ireland ) watread a second time . The Elections and Pjlliag Places ( Ireland ) Bill was r ? ad a second time , and orderad to bo committed on Uondav week .
Mr Hisdlst obtained leave to fering ia a Bill to aaond the laws rel&tfog to Sunds ; trading , far regards the metropolis .
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Eoltos . —The monthly meeting of this branch will be hold on Sunday ' evening next , Juno 4 th , at six o'clock . Braotobd . —Tha West Riding delegate meeting will bs held in Butterworth ' s-baildiDg , Bradford , on Sunday , Jims 4 th . All the local lecturers in tbe West RidiDg are invited to attend , and those places hiving meetings for that day , sra requited t& forego them . Business to commence at ten o ' clock ia ihe forenoon . Easingtcx-las-e .-A meeting of the members of the National Cnarter Association and Land Compv . Q j wiJl be held at Mr J . Hunter's , Brick-garth t = > elect class-leaders and officers , according to the new Plan of Organisation , when a espy of local rules will ba presented to each officer . Baxbubv . —Mr Bnnton will deliver two lectures at the theatre ; one on ths Land , on Monday , the 5 th , and the other on the People ' s Chatter , on . Tnureclay , Jaae 8 . Chair , to be taken eaCli ereaing at half . past seieE .
The Northern Stak, Saturday, June 3, 1848.
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IMMOLATION OF TIIE PATRIOT , JOHN MITCHEL . The patriot has fallen . The first victim under the Gauging Bill has been immolated at the altar of British despotism . Ireland is once more struck down to the dust in the person of her noblest son . John Mitchel is at this moment loaded with chains , and subjected to every pain and penalty prescribed by the law for the worst outcasts of society .
What has bQQn John Mitchel ' s crime ? Thu " crime" of loving his country , and strug ^ ling for the rights of the oppressed millions . He is not the first Irishman who has devoted himself—mind and body , heart and soul , blood and life—to the ever defeated , but ever glorious , struggle to redeem his country from a foreign yoke , and the sons and daughters of his native land from slavery ; but lie is the first man amongst Ireland ' ^ modern patriots—sham and real—who has boldly unveiled the hideous vices of Ireland ' s ( anti ) -social system , and manfully contended for the rights of the labourers and the sons of the soil—their social as well as their political rights . The cry of f : Ireland for the Irish'' was not raised by
John Mitchel in the hollow and juggling sense it was employed by Daniel O'Connell . The founder of the United Irishman desired that every industrious Irishman should have a share in the blessings , which by Nature ' s bounteousness and the virtues of her children , Ireland ought to be possessed of . The martyr desired that , not only should his countrymen walk their native land free from English tyranny , but also from local aristocratical oppression . He aspired not only , like Emmett , to free his loved land from foreign thrall , but also , like the Gracchii , to redeem his poor countrymen from the grinding tyranny of the robbers of the soil and the plunderers of Labour .
Therefore , John Mitchel has been sacrificed . The Irish aristocrats and the English aristocrats , who hold and possess the richest tracts of Ireland's soil b y the brigand ' s right —conquest—hounded on the English government to destroy him . Secretly leagued , too , with these were the sham patriots who , for a long time past , have made a trade of agitation , and who , therefore , desired the destruction of the man who was too virtuous to be a party to their thimbleriggery . That hypocrite , John O'Connell , who , now pretends to shed tears of sympathy over the fallen , fettered patriot , and
his noble-hearted wife and children — that same O'Connell did his best to bring about the atrocity which he now affects to deplore ! Can it be true that Smith O'Brien has played a part only second in treachery to that played by the vile O'Connell ? Why has " the descendant of Brien Boru" studiously kept himself from any expression of feeling in favour of his gallant countryman ? Is it true , as the Dublin correspondent of the Times asserts , that some of those who were supposed to be
friends of Mr Mitchel have , since the trial , been } " blandly insinuating that theyjrepudiated his doctrines—that he was too ' ge-a-head ' for their gentle nerves—that , in broad fact , he deserved what he got , and that n troublesome ally had been satisfactorily disposed of ? "For the honour of Irishmen we hope this is not true . The prosecutorsy judges , and jurors of poor Mifchel would be regarded as honest and true men , compared with such false-hearted heirs of Judas .
We admit that John Mitchel did violate the Gagging Act , and was , therefore , according to Parliament-made law , guilty of " Felony . " But , then , his " guilt , " so called , was virtue ; his crime entitled him not to tho fetters of the Felon , but to the civic crown of the Patriot . In the language of Mr Holmes , though statutably guilty he was not morally guilty . To convict John Mitchel was to convict Ireland , and acquit and justify Ireland ' s oppressors .
England is our native land , but we declare that had we been on the Jury , not ten thousand Acts of Parliament , Attorney-General ' s accusations Judge ' s charges , or oath-swearing mummeries , should have induced us to have agreed to any other verdict than that of acquittal . Laws that are violations of justice ought to be trampled upon by every man who has the opportunity of testifying for the right against the wrong .
And such would have been the result of the trial , had not the Government taken good care to pack the Jury with partisan-enemies of the accused patriot . We must explain the organised fraud which in Ireland passes under the name of " Trial by Jury . ' ' The General Jurors Book of the city of Dublin is said to contain about four thousand six hundred names , of which three thousand are Roman Catholics , and sixteen hundred
Protestants . From this book the Sheriff of Dublin is required to take a list of 150 names , out of which sre chosen Juries of twelve , to try each case brought before the Judges . From a collection of names , two-thirds of which represent Roman Catholics , justice requires that of the 150 there should be something like 100 Catholics ; but the Sheriff , in making up his list , out of which he knew the Jury would be selected that would try Mr Mitchel , placed thereon the names of 122 Protestants , and but twenty-eight Roman Catholics .
Mr Mitchel s counsel desired to expose the Sheriff ' s infamous conduct , and summoned Mr Monahan , the Attorney-General ' s brother , and Mr Wheeler , the Sheriff ' s Deputy , to prove the packing of the panel . But loth ' these " gentlemen" had left town ! Mr Mitchel thereupon demanded a postponement of the trial , that he might be enabled to find and drag these plotters into court . The Attorney-General—brother to one of the consp irators—shamelessl y opposed the demand for a postponement ; and , of course , the worth y judges took the same side , and refused to allow of any deky , Otha- wit-
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" OUR GLORIOUS CONSTITUTION . " " THE SUPREMACY OF THE L . VW DEMONSTRATED . " Our " glorious constitution "— "the admiration of the world , and the envy of surrounding nations (?) , " is said to guarantee to * ' free-born Britons" certain invaluable rights ; amongst others , freedom of the press—the privilege of publicly meeting for the discussion of grievances , and the bearing arms for self-defence
All these vaunted privileges have been , completely violated within the last few days . Freedom of the . Press . —The " United Irishman" has been suppressed by brute force . The tyrannical suppression of the " United Jnshman" far exceeds the worst of the acts for which Charles the Tenth was expelled from the throne of France ; and even excels in villany the blackest deeds of that prince of Whigs , the kickeel-out King of the Barricades .
Freedom of Meeting . —Some ten days ago Lord John Russell declared that the people were satisfied , and did not want further reform . On Monday eve last , a vast multitud e peaceably paraded the streets of London ; their shouts for the " Charter" and "Mitchel , " testified that they did want further reform , and were by no means satisfied with the proceedings in Dublin . The next day a police order was issued forbidding processions . The people obeyed this order , and on Tuesday eve contentpd
themselves with holding ^ meeting- on CJt'rkenwell Green . The following day out came another edict forbidding meetings , and on Wednesday eve , police , " specials , " pensioners , and cavalry were employed to wound and maim the people , and disperse the meeting by force . The same day enormous bodies of police , " specials , " and soldiers—horse and foot—were employed at Manchester to prevent the people assembling to express their sympathy for the patriot Mitchel .
The light to hear Arms . —This , besides being a " Constitutional privilege , " is said to be guaranteed by " the Bill of Rights ; " but the supposed privilege is practically an illusion . As long as the people are allswed to have guns or pikes they are not permitted to learn the use of either , under pain of Transportation as provided for in the Acts of Parliament respecting training and drilling . But they are not even allowed to possess arms except at the good pleasure of the magistracy . The accounts we publish from Bradford , in another column
prove this . We are disgusted to see Mr Ferrand , who , heretofore , professed to be ' the poor mans friend , ' busying himself in robbinoworking men—according to law —« f their arms , and committing them to prison , for no worse crime than that of imitating the " specials . " It will be seen that these acts of insolent tyranny drove the people to resistance . In the furious conflict that ensued the bullying police and valiant "specials" came off second best ; but of course tU j » : ople were overpowered by the military .
The Supremacy of the Law demonstrated " is the title given to this affair by theb » penny a liner who has reported it . We suppose that the supremacy of ( he laio deinousWated simply means , that the law has demonstrated the Con slitution with all its privilege * ami guarantees ] to be a Humbug ! The events of the last ^ ew , days hav e also demonstrated ;—
To Lord John Jlussell .- ~' lk& thepeoolo , i demand the Charter . p a ° To the Times .--That Chartism i * not d-9 l , but is alive and stronger than ever ; and th f it ( the aforesaid limes ) ia the leading j ; ! : Europe . ° ' To the People of Ireland . —That the work ing men of England are the staunch friend of their Irish brethren ; and that they retra J MITCHEL aa a patriot , and hig persecutor as the real traitors . r * z ^ z ^^^^ To Lord John Russell—>' lk& thepeonl 0 . i .
To the Working Men of England . —Tha t the shopocracy , who crave their assistance for " further reform / ' areas read y as ever to take up bludgeons on tha order of the aristocrat against the people . ' To the "Specials . "—That they have a good chance of getting " monkey ' s allowances more kicks than halfpence . " _ To the Government—That playing at soldiere to keep down a justly dissatisfied people " is a costly { foll y which the state of the Exchequer by no means admits of . "Suppression is a ( fame Which , were Lord Johnny wiie , Whi gs would not play at , "
There is no maxim that we wish to teach the people which we cannot find in the Whig textbook , for instance—that these violations of the constitution are expensive experiments , and as the Melbourne . Whig maxim was with reference to the Chartists : —
RUIN THEM WITH EXPENSES ! What was sauce for the goose will be very nice sauce for the gander 1 " We have put down Chartism , " said the Times , three weeks ago , and n&w , behold soldiers under arms all night—the poor old pensioners forced to " march , march again "—the valiant knights of the broomstick torn from the arms of their distracted better-hsWes—the
police * ' as busy as the detil in a gale of wind " —and the magistrates sitting up all night to prevent—by the help of Mr Braidwood ' s brigade—the Chartists setting the Thames on fire ! Verily , " there is no peace for th « wicked . "
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DOWNFALL OF FINALITY . On Thursday evening . Lord John Russell announced a Bill for the Repeal of the Ratepaying ; Clauses of the Reform Bill ! " Work a little lsnger !"
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PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW . Ministers have sujrered a succession of defeats . The Lords have thrown out the Jewish Disabilities Bill by a majority of thirty-five , und , in spite of the opposition of the Government , have appointed a Committee to inquire into the working of the Irish Poor Law—an inquiry which , when asked for in the House of Commons by seven-eighths of the Irkh Members , was successfull y resisted by the Ministryr The Commons have caught the infection , and on Tuesday night beat the Government in two divisions , on a motion of Dr Bowring for an improvement in the mode of keeping the
Public Accounts , by which the real sura extracted from the pockets of the people annually , might be shown . At present , some seven millions a-year are collected , which never find their way , either into the Exchequer or the National Balance Sheet , being absorbed by the collectors of the taxes , and applied by them to their own support , without passing through the Treasury . The Chancellor of the Exchequer resisted the motion in a lo ng but utterlyunintelligible speech . " Your queer no meaning puzzles more than wit , " says the poet , and most certainly we found the attempt to extract
a meaning from a single sentence of that speech , was a labour as vain as to extract sunbeamsj ^ from cucumbers . Only .-two distinct ideas remained at its close . First , that the motion was to be opposed . Second , ' profound wonder that such an addle-headed , gabbling nincompoop should be a Cabinet Minister , Chaneellor of the ; Exchequer , and , consequently , the levier and the spender of the taxes of this great country . Truly , it is a lucky thing to be brother-in-law to an Earl . That is the true receipt for having " greatness thrust upon" you . But the spectacle f
somehow , does excite uneasy sensations , and we cannot help thinking of the future fate of an empire whose destinies are entrusted to such hands . The House divided twice ; first—upon the previous question , in which the majority against Ministers was one ; and then on the first of Dr Bowring ' s resolutions , 'when it was increased to five . Members , by their cheers , seemed to be quite surprised at finding they had a will of their own , and seemed as frisky as a dog when it has first got the collar off .
Like the said dog , however , jthey are quite ready to be chained to the Whig kennel again . In the case of the Irish Poor Law , the specific terms of the resolution passed , in spite of the Government , for inquiry into the single point of the rating of lessors . But virtuall y it will open up the whole question of the maladministration of the law by the under officials of the Whigs , who have lorded it over all the local administrators
in a most approved Bashaw fashion . Whether it may not , as one of the consequences , eventuate in changes of the law , which will make it even more unfavourable to the poor and destitute than it is now , is another question . But there can be little doubt of one fact , that this precious spawn of Whi g legislation is thoroughly detested , both by those who have to pay the rates , and b y those who unfortunately have to be supported by them . It is
a capital specimen or the lolly of attempting to govern a nation by foreign legislation , and foreign officials ; and , as Lord Stuart de Decies said ^ " It has , in conjunction with the refusal of inquiry at the early period of the Session , made more converts to Repeal than any single cause that can be named . " It is a grea t blessing- that Whig- measures are found to be useful in any way , and that sometimes without knowing or intending it , they fall into the mistake of doing a good r . ction . i
1 he rejection of the Jewish Disabilities Bill is an event of more importance in itself than either of the pr eceding subjects , and taken in connexion with them , proves how slender the hold of the present ministry is upon the reins of Government . They sit on the Treasury Bench , as we have very often said , merely because there are no other parties prepared to take their places ; and rule England not on account of their o » vn strength , but in consequence of the absence of union and determination on the part of their opponents . We have throughout been favourable to
the Bill which the Lords have thrown out , and have consistently advocated it upon the broad principle of religious equality , and the right of every man to all the privileges of a citizen , so long as he performed the duties of a citizen . We repudiate all civil disabilities on the ground of theological opinions , but we confess that this defeat of the Ministry gives us pleasure rather than other-Wise . There cannot be a doubt that Lord J . Kussellowes his seat , as a member for the City of London , solely to the implied if not direct understanding , that h& would , as Prime Minister , exert his utmost influence to carry thismeasure : to whatever cause its rejection may be
owing—whether to hisownlukewarmness or Ins weakness as a minister—the result is equally damaging to him ; and we venture to predict that this is the last Parliament in which he wttsit as the representative for the City of London . He and his party may try to get up a spurious agitation in his favour on the strength of the rejection ; of the bill , but the people are not to be led off the true scoot by such a mere red herring . They have already iiacl sufficient proof that foa administration is only powerful for evil ; and as for his inten * tions , they may , likg other good intentions , go to pave that place which i 3 nameless ta ears polite . The electors of the City ijave taken the mat-
Untitled Article
THE NORTHERN STA-J ? - , , -- - J ^ ) l 8 ^ i ,, ¦ g ^ . just PCBIC » TSHBD ' JUST PUB 6 » TSHBD >
_ How Ready, A Hew" Edition Of Mr. O'Connor's Work On " Small Farms.
_ How Ready , a Hew" Edition of MR . O'CONNOR'S WORK ON " SMALL FARMS .
Untitled Article
One word more . Until John Mitchel is restored a freeman to his freed country , his heroic wife and helpless children must have the protection , not merely of the Irish people , but also of every Englishman who , abhorring injustice though perpetrated in his own country ' s name , shares Mitchel ' s sentiment ? , and , therefore , hates Mitchel ' s persecutors . The announcement over this article will show that the proprietor of this journal has not forgotten that he is the countryman of the expatriated hero .
In the name of the masses of England , we repudiate the infamous crimes perpetrated by the English privileged orders upon Ireland . On behalf of the millions of Great Britain , we proclaim that the name of Ireland ' s banished son— " Shall be A watchword till the futuro shall be ( ree l "
We must not omit a passing tribute to Mr Holmes , Mr Mitchel's counsel . This gentleman , the father ofthe Irish Bar , is , we are informed , eighty-seven years of age ; a man who , according to the Morning Post , is " much esteemed for the qualities both of his head and his heart . " He boldly declared his participation in the sentiments for which his client had been condemned , and dared the vile Whigs to do their worst with their Gagging Bill . Mr Holmes has deserved well of his country .
TYKANT . PROMISED TIIA . T THREE HUNDRED SHOULD FOLLOW OUT HIS ENTERPRISE . CAN I NOT PROMISE ( looking at his friends who surrounded the dock ) FOR ONE , FOR TWO , FOR THREE-AY , FOR HUNDREDS ?" Alas ! that in these degenerate days , " invmense cheering" should be the only response , while such a man is dragged by villaingaolers to chains , and worse than death ! " O ! for the swords of tba olden time ! O ! for the men who bora them ! When , arm ' d for right , they stood aubllmo , And tyrantBcrouch'd before them !"
SAN JUDGES , AND PERJURED SHERIFFS . His enemies have sentenced him to fourteen years' misery , but he has sentenced them to ETERNAL INFAMY . We havegiven a full report of this ever memorable trial , and we beg our readers to treasure up every word thereof . The speech of John Mitchel should le printed in letters of gold , and be the first lesson every true democrat should teach his children . '' I have acted , " said the patriot , ' all through this business , from the first , under a strong sense of duty . 11 do not repent anything I have done , and I believe that the course which I have opened is only commenced . TH K ROMAN WHO § A W « i § HAND BURNING TO ASHES BEFORE THE
How often have the journals rung with sympathetic appeals for Italian and Polish patriots , tried and condemned by the Austrian and Russian myrmidons of Metternich and Nicholas . Precisely the same policy has enabled the British Government to obtain a victory over John Mitchel . Bravely and truly did the " convicted" patriot proclaim in open court that he had been crushed by PACKED JURIES ,
PARTIIreland , prove , by their very names , their partisanship against Ireland . Vfe believe some of them are Englishmen by birth , and nearly the whole are English in name . Adventurers , or the descendants of adventurers in Ireland , they know nothing of " country . '' They have abandoned England , but they can regard Ire land only as a field of prey . Of course , the mere expectation of a mess of Castle pottage is sufficient to induce patriots ( ) to vote , or give verdicts in any way desired by the oppressors of Ireland .
were sixtee n Catholics , the whole number of whom were Ki aside by the Crown Solicitor ! Not a single Catholic was permitted to be on the jury , and every IVotestant suspected of holding liberal political gejn Mments was also excluded . The Crown set aside tfnrty-nine persons . As the " Nation'' has truly said— " The panel was first packed by deliberate design , and then purged b y high prerogative . " The precious twelve , selected to do the dirty work of the vilest abortioi . ' of a government that ever insulted England and outraged
nesses could , however , have been feund , for nesses could , however , have been feund , for they had volunteered to prove the packing of the panel , but the cour t refused to receive their evidence I The packing system was completed when the jury of twelve came to be struck . It appears that when the names on the panel are called , the accused is allowed to set aside twenty , but KO more , whereis the counsel for the Crown are allowed to set aside as many as they please , without assigning any cause . On the arraignment of Mr Mitchel , seventy-five of the 150 answered to their names , and of these there
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 3, 1848, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1473/page/4/