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" ^ THE FilKNCH REPl'liLlL ' . IKCTD 5 MS CF THE LATE STRUGGLE . ^ h « n = a ih't belonged to Pepin ( executed wifb r .. V , ) , fituste '< t the corner nf the Fanbnnrg St inline , i ? riddled with shot , but tho ? e at the cor' % on esrh fcar'd * re knocked literally to pieces . rte house st the oprmsi e corner of the Rce de la ^ qrjette ~ as on Friday a t 3 i ! or ' s estaUishcier t and ' tiiiiJTci-rwra . The former , and some adjoining ? a = e 3 . bo l-neer exist . A h ? ap of smoking ruins ! ' . jefall- tratefcea by firctten . is aU that remain * . V p to the Faubourg du Temple 1 observed bu < , ii » ht < rac ? s f-f the bitt ! e . A few br » l ' s only were impressed m the Porte . s St Drrtis and St Martin j a : en rfaching the Quai < te Valiay , apposite tht cicssin tne l 5 t THK FRKNCH REPl'liLlL ' .
j . j ^ c ; ^ an' Martin , I lound the fjE ! a iES r . { t ^ e barricade which intersected tbat part c the Rue Fmbour ? da Temple . The houses at E : tfer corner of the street had been ocenwed by the ; B ? DTer = fs . Everj- window in them wa ? broker , and « hs wa ^ -s singed Ti \ iT ? . erou 3 traces of showers of balls . On < he Qmi d . ^ Valmy , text the house forming the isft corner , there is a yard filled with stones , which ! ic-s the canal . Tha irhMe length of the wall had ^ en loophokd at short interva ' s acd a cominnnica-{ jen established with tbe street thronah the rear of jje toase . On rbe oppn * ite side of the canal the Jnpjrgent ^ h"d ? ken possession cf a honse at the corr = r of the Rue P .-n ^ ine sa R .-n , " and offered £ 0 stoat
s jt ; i ? tacee , tbat t ¦ dUloaja them the anil cry were ^ -. rnrei . ' ed to ba ^ n lie hrn ^ e . A litfc ' e further up tbe FsnbruT Pn Ten-p e , at N \ 40 , I renmted do less tbaa eiefat distinct holes made by csnnrn balls . That tCU 52 ^ a ? a- ° Pe r'D fire , but it was irsnitdia ' . ely extin £ Ui-he < 1 . The rtvr-ges of the erii ' . 'erv in the pcnfcoBrg <* n Temple are dreadful . There is scarcely s pan ? pf ? 'a s unbroken , and , { ojucke from the inpJEiera ^ Ie traces of csnnrn and musket baWs . airpost ^ -err boa ** in the etreet mus ' . havj bs = n occupied jjjd ' deferred r . y the combatants . The situation of tie inhabitants was awful . For three < 3 ay 3 their tone's were alttrrsMv ; taken hy the insurants or the forces of the Republic . The
Ehutters tf the windows ard sbopg were bat-tired to pieces ; car-r ^ n balla a ? d luliets prure l into the loves , and vfco ' e fancies ^ ere corrpeKed to fek re ' ns ? in the sellers till the battle was over . The in ? n .-ffests adapted to tirn the larrseks in the F . -nb-- > ur ^ dn Temple , but the first was not suffered * o rnak rxurh pr- gress . Tie gates , however , are part > de ^ Ur-jed . When tbp raypel waR beaf en at Belleville , on Fricsv la *; , or . ' iy 123 Naticcal Gaatds turret r-ut , aU theegh one battalion s ! r > ne comprised 1 200 rnen . i f ortion of th ^ rest , iniludinj many efficfers , j ' . ined ( he insu'gf n ' s , ard aided in thro ^ im up hase barri rades et tt !> harrier ( the C-unille ) There ^ erc
ferr traces of ihe raii ' e a 3 hith np as Bf-lleviile , but . in rrn « qurnre of t'e trefoil of the » National G 32 fd , Gept : a ! CavsignEe hEB ordered t ' uat they E ' ncnld surrender their arcs , ard their district has teen dschred io p . state of siege . On Fridsy tbe insnr ^ ect- ' possessed thcmfelTes o the barracks in thi Fanbourg St Martin , tear the rr = at bnildiDi's of the BouaEe , and they enly absn-Eonedtcemon Sunday n ght , when their comrades erscuated the Fanbontg da Temple . In this pest , chich tbeT defended by several barricades , they
fcnjht Trim incredible violence . On several cccariors a psr ' ey t- ^ . k place between them and the Xaticnil Gaard ? , who besieged them On Saturday tiev dem 5 ndtd a parley , ard the fire immediately cesbd S .: iue Katknal Gaards approached , atd the chief of the insurants nsked to bs conducted to General Cavakoac . The General received tnem , and eiacted a submission irithout conditions . The chiefs declared that , they ccu ' . d not treat oa such terms , and they required to be rec ndncted to the post . They were accord nslj taken back . No shot -was fl-ed at
thfm . niitbtr did the . insureents fire on tbe 2 f » t ? r-nsl Gnards ^ uo conducted teem es tbey wiihtirew frr-in the LaTic ^ oe . A little after the chiefs laisfd the yit 3 of th ? ir score ' s in the air to notify that they desired rnvtfcer parley . This being granted , they announced that unconditional subta'Siion was not accepted by their comrade ? , but that they woald yifld if the > w .- > reto ! d whatwnlld be doce with tbtm . All these internets having led to no resu ' t , the combat re-corunjirticed , and soon bsciTBe more tnnraercUS than erer . It w .-. 3 kept , up this wav all Saturday , Sunday , and until Sncday night . The insurgents frere po- > fesed cf a piece o cannoa . A wcrosn cat np with a knife ths body cf a Garde Mobile ; she K 23 taken cad beaten to ceath with the hntt ends of mn'kets .
The resistance at tfee Btrriere Rochechon ? rt was terrific ; it les'ed frrrn Friday afternoon to Sunday night . The i ^ si-rs < nt 3 had p '^ rced the outer wall of Paris with l oopholes , through which they ! £ n ? d on thetrfnps inside . A piece cf ? . rtil * ery rnsdesn imcre = ; io 2 on then , and a second pifcewss bronnht . Ttee two EOUSC ^ u ^ littie Slaughter u ^ . til ibo National Gusrds aid-li ? trcrps of the line rs ' . de a breach in the wa is . Then the ^ lavnbtrr wa 5 dreadfnl , but the ic ^ nrgents did not yie'd utiil thetrouf d was striked wit fa df-sd . The Ios = on the side of thr » troops wss { na - . You m ^ y jtsd ^ e cf thta when I tell yon thac nne company i f Nations ! Guards io&t t-enty-screr , in killed ; aid that a snail detach-Et-ct ' cf xvei . teen , unn ' er the ordf-rs of a turieon , which ru ^ htd lv tfee ajiau . 't , r . tuiced in fire mzcates with on ! y -is .
In toe Faubourg St Anfoire , End a * ihe Barnere Rrchechoaart . the irsurgents cast balls dunce the whole of the contest , and with firmed ore ' ers from Jne Mairite , k-pt the t-rugoists oeccpied in raa ^ -JDir powder . Trey were evidently all acder the order of es- erienced chiefs . A cirrespindeos of one of t ' -e daily paper 3 writes frotn P ^ ri- on Tbars ^ ay . Ai . onv ! the wounded at the Ho = pital Saint-Louia is a captain of the National Gaard , who was taken whilst Sghtint : on the side of the insurgents . He fs woacderf in tbe arm , acd gangrene b . £ s commenced , but be rtfa ^ es io submit to amputation . There are KTfral other insurpest * who vrere yesterday at the point of ccatb , fcr , before they were found and brough ; to ifae hr-spi'ai , they had concealed tfcerajalrei to pr ^ ent ar rest , ai d , tneir wncda not hawne beeo ^/ 'tended to , moi tification had taken
p : a : e . > I : resnlii ^ msnicvestigaticn rczie&tthereqi-e-t of the Da ^' stbonns familv , that the insurgent vchft tt £ = shot w ; tn arcs in -is hands in the garden of the Lax 2 Hibrur ? , 2 ! jd whf > has been called the Count deNarboi . re . T 7 a 3 a person named Lecomte , of tLe town of Xarbnnne . This man married the wite cf Pepin , who was guillcticei for participation ia tbe Fi ^ e fcJ sffa ! p . Tne b .- dy of a man vho was president of tte Club des D . oitsde 1 'IIemme , attended by large numbers of the working c a ? ws . a ; . d -who hzd acqaired tbs latlriqutt yf' fete drfBrtnzs'bss been recognised at the Mor « -. ce He was kiikd at tee barricade ia the R-ie Rnr > h ( cboua ' t . M . VaD' / evFnter Zoned on an insurgent who wss dying a card of the club of the ' Montagnards de Belii-viPp . ' in the nan e or Augu-teDalicheux . The Bie . v Pceuc ha 3 tbe iolkwinc : —
Tte Scc-itycf tbe Eight- of Kan pretends to have be ; n a stranger to fee Jate in ^ tTteuoa . Tbiisocitty Sttinb . rs tnirtj Sre saoassnd sen , and reserves ittelt for itu future . A c ' raujht of a decree written with s pencil was found on th ? per .-on of an insurgent . It was to the fO . iurting tn > . ct : — Art . 1 . All citisens psyirg more tfcan 200 francs taxeg era deprived of their civil tnd poiit ' eal rghts during ten
jssrs , Art , 2 . Thi lanocd aa-1 C'naUtl property of aii c . ' ( -zl-sc who have exercised pnhlfc fLncrk-Es of acy kind whatsoever tire-ths year JS 15 is cnEfi-cstfrd . Art 3 The cunstitutioa of France is that of 1793 . Art 4 . The trtny is dis . bina ' id . The JotRxiL des Dkbats sr : n 9 unces that M . Bourdon , the ediuir oi' the Le Facbu'RIE . t , who foovbt in the rar : k 3 0 f the insurgents , died cf his wennds on Wednesd ^ v . Tie fi - iiJawing is an e ^ rscfc him the letter of a French iady , dated June 27 : — TesttT&'T eTcn' ^ g- ^ t aboutseTea oVhck , I rrcct cs far as th- Pantveon . I cbalitd wiih the little Gurdf Motile wfeo eearc ' r ^ d my porket * , and wbtr I asked him Trhesce arose tbt mu-ket shot * heard on all sides . E ? EiiJ , with the create-: sangfroid . ' Tbey areshtotirg the i ..-, ;; -jests , and thtri tre tnough to occupy them tbe wiole tvebing , '
( From tbe corre 3 pon ?? ent of the Britannia ) For n a : 3 y fo " . r whole days the civil war rsgec fBri-icsly . On F < ld ? vim-ra ' wg the &tii tho' 3 ff £ rt ? . K . d , EDd it was not ' until l .:: e on Monday that the irsmrec-i- ' jn ccuid be considLred queJltd ; nay , it ins ; re doobted even at tliis current whettrrit csn b ^ Viiil to Le dtSDi ' . iv& : y suldued . At fir-1 the ri-K-i- a ^ per-. red to ba uniniportant—only a tew bar-Ticades were erected near the Porte St . Defcis , and th'j were not very sront / y constrneted , nor Tery insiernn ^ ly defended . By midday a crowd had assessed rcun ^ i them from mere curiosity , Justus they assembled around a mountebank perforcing hi 3 feata . Pretently a detachruent of National fosnis Brriyed , and commenced Sring on the men behind tht > . barr-Cides tuongh it . h ntt certain wnet ' aor it v ? as they cr the iiisurgeets who discba ^ fd tte fir £ t ? bot . I ~ as pros : t at the timr , and ezw a
kid , who stond an the barricade with a tricolour flis txtended , brcsght down to the earth like a p ^ rtrid ^ e . 1 wag nauy astf . nirhtu at the codI audaeitj o ! this poor mistaken ftllow . He s ' . ccd on the birri ' . ade with all lha poinpous sya ^ rer cf a i ; cU > - dramatic hero . fcoloirR hisfJag fvnhct r . rrn ' slesitb ? s it in hiugbty rieSance of attack . Tte Na ' . i-. n : ;) Gusrd sp ^ rnavhed—near tLcy can : e aud ner . reriV . il 2 j 5 jii-ank not . A hnncrcd mDi ? kets were le T ^ i : « .-i tovrarns hitu ; but the xi , ly effect that . appillinz specLr . c-. ' a appeared to hare on him wis ih . t Li * - t-: o ~ b"fa r " e 8 'e'n ^ r . hi * ]¦ . o ' ^ more exjjrfssiva u ' Lititr Lstrtd and scorn , his attitude firmer and more darist , whilst his fiigereiU ' d to w . - . 7 e rrore prou'ih iEthebr . er ? . Tctre was apsuse-anawfu ! pause ' , batsii !] hestord unihririkinyly , fearles s . Jy as tver , taoajh all around him looked on is diEmay . Hark ! : here is the word cf cornrasnd— 'Fire" M &etame Cjoment a loed report rings through the air
Untitled Article
—there is s terrible shriek from tbecrund of soecta-WK-and 'he man of the flag , bold to the last , lies on the other Bide of the barricade a blocdy corpse ' i his I saw with my own eyeB ; and oh ! it aade mv neart ache and my head swim ! But this act , thoueh m Us way sublimely heroic was outstripped over find O ? er anain in the course of the insurrection . Even oa that very barricade two young and neatly-dressed t : rk—respectable girls too , it sefms , for they served in well-known shops—wereslain wfailrt . one aftertbe other , they held on high the dead man ' s ihg , though bullets were wh ' zzing about like hail ! ( From the correspondent of the Sunday Times . ) -there is s terrible shriek from the cr-. wd of soecc ^ tar «_« nili ^ o tn «« » r * k » a— uJij x . iL . r ,.
PaiOAT . —la thesfcreets Ihe Houses are loud ia their threats . The vrfcole of the S , h and 12 th legions of National Guard , disarmed by order of government are ready to march acain at the first figoal of insurrection . They are ttill in possestion of vast quantities of arms , hidden in placet where they can never be found . ' In none of the quarters where the insurgent * Iwd posfission , did any of tk much talkcl-of pillage take place . They took arms and bresd , but for these they pave orders on the Hotel de Viiie , under the supposition that in , a few hours the new revelation would have triumphed .
ORGANISATION CF IDE I . VsCRKEClIOJf . The fsliowiEg interening nciice of the late insurrection is given by the Debats : — Ac firet we igtimated the number of insurgf nts atfr -. m 15 000 ; o 3 !) 000 jK-mbatastp , tut now that the re < U f ^ cta ceis bo b ? tt , r appreciated , after four days of fi ^ htiii ff upon an ima : nee circle , we may carry the cumber to 40 , 000 This nraount niil not apptcr to ha exaggerated , wh ( n it is ccn = idtrc-d that a foree ofsot lets than double tbat natcher wasrtqa ' red to triumph ovtr this insurrec'ion , which has b : cn the most formidable , the best conducted , the most detperate fhr . t we bare ever fern . F .-nr days of rioS by l .-irse a ; s « mblBgea preceded the tzplof . ion , during wsirh tumnlt everything was prepared , Kendu vois for the combatants were appointed ; deposits cf aims and ammunition were formed ; p .-sts were assigned , and the chitfs e& > ia stcret couneil . The fellowinc are s : id to haTe been theee chiefs and their Hea'enant ? .
First , they were the chiefs end sub-chiefs of the atelitrB nationens , t-ie officers of tho garde republicaine , dismissed from that corps when it rra » Teorgar . iesc ! , the men expelled from this guard , end the aBatognarrtg , Eoae rare dcEtrurs from fee gsrfio nationals mobile , and even some tfficars ef this cusrd , but tht . se ' were very fetr ; the most > eiement cluibisis . Uat . y old soldiers , some men of intcllec-ael capacity , acd otUers of more clevatid potitioos , organised , directed , » ndez < cated this grcit moTticcnt , this new Jacquerie , > g inBtsoci . l order tad civilisation . Ia all the insurrections of which Paris has bi ' . E the theatre in the course of the last seventeen years a certain number of the youths of the Fcbools end of eommirce have taken a prominent part . In February ell the « clo ; 5 « ontend into the movement with crtnt
warmth , but notticg of the kind has occurred on the preeen ; occasion . This revolt hed in iep raDks as seldicrs none bat workmen , and , we may eay , bad workmin—a bliud miss whem the furious had subjugated by preaching the most horrible monstrosities , and inculcation tbat a social war was the only mesas for improving their lot—fatal predictions which the highest an < 3 mr > s ! cultivated mindr commenc-d lon ^ ago . To this er . nrai rathn of the insurrectionary srisy we may add several tbou 5 : H'ls of liberated convicts end many that hud made their etcape . After having , es abore , pointed out ihe characters of the Itadtrf , no turptise can bs felt at our having had to signslise a vast and well-conceived plen . the exposition of nhicb . tas not only stiuek evrry o ^ e who hw read it , but even sstcni-tei our j ^ tJti ! -
Ths war of barricade * , bo well known to the people oi Paris from Its fr . qaeat repetiticui that a man has retiiv ^ i thtcognom . n of Me Frofcsseur at& BairicadcB , ' has tliis time been i si pro red to a meit singular degree , so that it has b ° cn necessary to bring into play ogiinst u tbemosten . rgetic m- ; anB used in regular sieges to CT ^ rc me it , cntf r . qairing four days aud four nights of : nverer = £ e coati . ctB . Tfae mora distant barricade * , like these in the quartier Saint Autoina . which could be raised sUelsare , were such regular and strong constrncxi ^ nf , torrasd of Fqasre stone , roxxed with- thtS paving stone ? , of such thii-knes ? , that tbey wtre caunoa-proof . Some of these barricade ? wtre in the shape of sn angle , either to neutralise tbe effect of the balls fired npon them , or t- admit of across fire upon the troops advancing to
att&ck thim . In Bererol ftroeta the inEurgcnts took postesBion ci the house ? , aDfljEatning openings iatScpanywalls belwefB , established a length of covert-way , which a ! luwed tbera to move to or retreat from point to point , as tfceir S 5 = ailaatp advanced or retreated , wittoutbeinp eip « sf < 3 to their fire . As tbe same lime they brake OUt the windows , and ktopped them up a ^ ain with the bedmattresses and other enicles offumimre , whilst their best tn ^ rksmen kept up a murderous fire with muskets re . loadcd by their roniraiee as focn a 3 they were dischargefl . Many tiourrs and other buildings suitably sitaau-d wtre cor . vertccJ into genuine fortretses , vshich foia very iong time rawsted the a ^ ssuUsof tho Kational Guilds e : Paris , the Garde Mobile , the brs » ve National G-jarJs of tha d ^ paf . men ' . s , an ! the battalions of the line . All rivalhd each othtr in courige , ci . 'plajing the same ardour sometimes , perhaps , too impeiuoue , which
cansed tiom st oorna paints £ o cxp ? nenc ? losses more dreadful thuu in op-. afi Id of b 3 ttle } in tbe proportion of four to one . Ttcso fortresses , formed at the moment by tee insurgents , were chiefly at the foot of tbe Pont Saint Jl . ciicl , en tbeUfi . e ^ nk of the river , tbe Cauith of Sa . nt Sevtrin , the Psuthcon , the Ecole da Dr-it , the Cburch of SaiDtG . rtfils , btbinri tbf Hotel de Yille , the LoHsesia Piace Saint Gervfiia and Place Banccjor , the Rue du Temple , and she Faub'urg du Temple , some new build , icge in " . he Clos Saint Lszare , tho angles of tho wine streets wh ' Ch open upen the Place de la Bastille , acd the Faubourg Sainc Antoine , wbicS was the tost to be sonqa red , and where 20 . COO iasurgeBts etill htld out .. It is sad to fuy , bat a great msn ; of the 8 ch and 12 th legions of the National Guard , which have been since disarmed , took an open patt in tSe inEurreciioB , joined by several nf their t . fS'ets . Ic will be rccollectfd tbat In
these legions , ana mt' -re psrticnlarly in the 32 ib , which had chosen U . Barbcs for its colonel , tbe candidates fur ths different ranks of i-fficers were called upon to declare whether or no they wouid niErch to tbe eucceur of the National Assembly , if tbe peopl 6 should wish to orerthrotr it . This participation cf National Guards and officers in naiform powerfully contiibu ed to the terrible extension which toe movement gained in these two arroud ; £ s : ments , and has set a m » & » t ' a-al fxample to thesa quarters . The number of victims ou both sides ie imiLeri ! e . Some persfns have estimated the totBl of killed and wounded at IO . GC' 0 raco . 3 Iost of the wound * aro
borribie . To rtckcu tht general Iob ? , it suffiwes to count the generals T ? ho were wso ^ ded . Out of t . n whocomi .-an ( 3 e 3 l t « o were kiil ' . d acd five wounded . The nsmes of tno . 'e killed « re Negricr aad Brea ; of those wounded ere B ^ deen , Duviviir , Daraesine , Korte , Lafontaine , Foucue , Ttose who escaped antoucted Were Gctttrflls ienrtton , Perrot , and Lemoriciere ; but the last bad t « o horses killtd under feim . Tho oldest soldiers declare , tbat in no one of toe battles of tbe Umpire was the proportion of the gfctrals killed find wounded SO prfSt , and tfc .-. t nfTtrw .- . * therein any assault of fortress , citadel , or redoubt , so many men lost as at the barriceifcE ot Faris in these teirible affairs of June .
( From tbe Morning Chronicle . ) Now tbat tbe ttruggle U ever , people are beginsing to ei-k how it all came about , and what was the cause and origin of an insvrre&iou which , for ferocity , obstinacy , and ler . gth of endurance , is unparalleled in ihe history of the world . From the details which you have already had of tbe acts of the insurgents , and from the regular military plan op wkieh tbe operations were carried OS , it must te evident that the insurrection , eo far from beinp , a spontateousand inconsiderate movement on the part of isni-rant and heid-strong ouvriers , was an able and we : i . ct ncocttd military rcortmept , arranged accordiDgtorulp , carried out with steadiness an 1 vigour , and the Wuo ' . e pro ^ refa et which showa that it was
the work et a shrewd , intelligent , and experienced military leader . Io is also quite clear that the inturr .-ctioa was a fccheme long arranged , aL ( l that wfcen the insurgents commenced their operations , every oeo knew where he was to take up his post , wbat he ^ a ; . to do , end to whom he was to lcok for o .-dcrs . In the maDy hundreds of barricades tbrown np da / ing the eventful night of the 23 rd of June , there was not one which was mispla . 'ed ; there was not one which was ageless , and cot one that was foruotier . When the military came ( e attack the in-Eugenie , th ^ y found , to their surprise , that , instead of havipg to do with a few isolated parties of ouvrien , fighting from Bt ect tc street , they had to attack to be
a rtgulsr lice cf works , rudely cTistracted , nre , but admirably coDtrired for their purpose , and {¦ x ^ enditj ; frcm point to point til ! they embraced in arly one half tf Paris . So ablj were the points of ce : t nee chosen , and eo complete was the iineof harr .-ta- 'es . teat . althtUjL the whole W . 1 S thrown UP inoDemcht without the kcowledse of the inhabitants in g ncral , and appaiecfly without the kuowl-d-c of the auth ( ri (; e , it was sufficient , with as ii'tnor force , to keep 80 , 000 troops , with 100 000 r-uxiihries in the shape of . National Guaids , in cle k for four days . Not only vm this the cnEe , but is ig now afcertafned that at one lime the insurrec tionitlt were as near as potsible gaining the victory .
It itili te ^ collected that the insurgents , by their line of defences , secured the Pont St Michel , and arjotLer bridge which kept up their communication n b . tti bsbks « i the Ssine . On Saturday , when General Cavai |; nac crdtred the attack o oa the harric-des , inthei-eiahhcurtood of tbe Place Maubtrt ha wlb suryri / ed afc the obstinacy of the defence' and it wss not till aft ' . rwsrds that he djscj . ip ti that ho had hit on the riost important pnt in the lines of the iuuirgerJs . It was on the j . ,,.. „ , „ * thnt m . ir . f . that their communication dlercof that -itt that their communication
- e pr betsvwn the two batks of tho S ^ ine depended , and whe . Q Ger . ' . ral C 2 VHi " gcac look it Le bad already hkll di < ea ' ed bi * advertari . s . Some ol the lt . surgenU had ¦ ;' uce : tki o ^ l < died li . al ciict attac-k completely dirsiVed lf : eir j-Jans . At the t me when it was " , a- 'e ' tJ ,. y * ere jti . t pre , ap . n t cnnceDtratc •< il ( iPO i . f lU r men to attack tLe Hotel de Vi ! : e , fjih a , faZed tba-, the Hold de Ville being Tee i / lluir power , the entire yicU-rj would soon fi-il , w acd some exptrienctd military men think ihsfc , in their cp ini » u , they ware right . ( Frc-m tbe Times . ) One way of accounting for the wonderful organfealiondispl / ved is iheaUeged existence ot » 'Red
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Ke , ub ] , c : in party for aany ye ., « . ' Tbe sections nave neap , and remMned , in existenca these thi-tv yearsaadurwards , ' I am told . 'They were , ' sa ' v iStiin nffa-n * th , eSscti 0 D 8 who effected thexev y lution of 18 oO , acd who . two or three months sfterwarda , projtCttd overthrowing the government of ? £ o jTo , They Were ^ "couonswhofooBht in 1832 and 1834 and in 1839 ( unrfer Barber ) , but t . ever s , nCQ 1832 nnti , 184 S did they act with an' - thing like unanimity . ' In a word , ifc is behev . d that there ara uo great new names to be quoted of persons implicated in this onspl raoy xvho were capable of organising it , militarily oroiherwbe and ol rendering it general , and , eonBequtmly , truly daDg 6 rt : U ^ . _ The conspirators , whoever they were . Re-ublm-n , . Kejublic . » n party ior raauy \ etrs . 'Tho = Cot ; ,, na
reckoned , it is helieved , on tUo aid of the masses ; but why they s-hould have done so with anything likorea-Bon I cannot say . They also counted upon tin terror they c ^ uld iuspire ; and tbej deemfd tbe National Guard unequal to scontcstwiib them , becr ^ e of tha number of their own partisans that th ? v knew were in its ranks , a-ad wh' » , hscanso of the general obUpatioa to serve in it . could rot be exclude ") from it . Tncy saw early the dam cr ot allowing the . introduction of troopB into Paris , and aftfrthf 17 'h i » l March compelled the withdrawal of these ^ who bad been literally smuggled in ; but the troops wcie adroitly brought intj the capital after the affair of the 16 : h of April , and ever since their numbers have been gradually increasing .
_ M . ( korges Danton , son of the celebrated conventitnalii-t , has just died at Arcis-sur-Aube . intueftnh year of his see .
( From the Morning Chronicle ) BXTENS 1 VB CAFIURB OF AKMS—^ CKNDtARIrM AND ISSASSINATIO . V—PURBUII IF THE I . N 8 UROEST 3 . Saturday . —The troope and National Guards were today , as they were yesterday , engaged in scouiin ^ tbe country ali ronnd Paris taking arms and making prisoners . Ab mt 1 , 200 insurgents were taken to the fort at St Deni « this morning . Upwards of 100 000 stand of arms , belonging either to insurgents or disb anded National Guards , have been conveyed to Vincennes . Four men were arrested who were manifestly trying to get fire t ;> the bairaoks at Courbe voie . Last night a plan for an expensive conflacration was discovered in the Bois do Boulogi . e . 'Ike iort 6 ts about Versailles and St Gerrrain cause much uueasiness atd are undergoing a thoroush examination . A frietid of mino living near , the National AssemWy was awakened the other night by a shot of which a S 9 utintl on duty became the victim . Incendiati-m aad assassination have succeeded the
insurrection . Le Represektast nu Pedplb , ono of tbe organs of the working classes , states that General Cavaignac had settled a plan . for the dissolution of the national ateliers . Some of tlie workinun are to be iransfemd to private ateliers where the meanB of employment yet exist . An office is to be opened at each Main ' e , whrre workmen will rsceive information a , 3 to the ateliers where work may be had . Those who cannot tied labour are to receive out-door relief until work be found , and a greatnuraber are to be conveyed as colonists to Africa .
( From the Horning Chronicle . ) Sunday Mcrnwq . —The tranquillity of Paris and its neighbourhood continues undisturbed , notwithstanding the rumours to the contrary circulated by the alarmists . Toe defeat of the anarchists is bo complete , that they will not attempt to raise their heads for some time . It is the general opinion , however , that the struggle is not yet at an end , and that the period is not far distant when weehal see tht streets of tbe capital once more flawing in blood . Although the city still continues in a state of siege , the inhabitants do not suffer any great inconvenience
from that circumstance . Tho streets are as crowded as in ordinary times ; the Champa Elysets have a eonsiderab'e sprinkling of promenadera , and the traces of the recent contest ate rapidly disappearing . The gardens of the Tuileries and the Luxenj . hourg are , however , still clo ? Pd , as well a 3 the galieric-s of the Liuvre and the Theatres . In tho evening , at nine o ' clock , the relraite is beaten , and the Btreeta are cleared by strong bodies of National Gnards , after which the sentinels aro rather troublesome in their examination of persons wandering in the public ways . Every nisht also the illnmipation of the houses continues by order of the authorities
Several new prisoners have brea arrested , and among others M , Grandmesnil . the principal editor of the Reforme . the organ of MM . Ltdru-Roliiu and FiocoDf Mt Emile de Girsrdin , who has been several times examined before the juges d'instruction , is &tiil aw secret , and even his wite has not beeh allowed to communicate with him . M . Theophile Tuore , theeditor of the Vraif RfFrBLWjuK , liss also been arrested : and & ! soM . Bennior , a painter , vim 13 an intimate friend of M . Sobrior . The disarminz of the 8--h , 9 ih , and 12 th Ifoior . p is still going on with ereat activity , and it is said tbat the number of muskets restored to the authorities cr seized by them amount to upnarda oi 200 , 000 ulafid of arms . The whole of the arms are at once carried to the Castle of Vincennes .
General Bourgon expired on Friflay , at two o ' clock , in conBequcr , ce of the wounda which ho hao received at the barricade of the barrier of La Ch . v pelle St Denis . A woman , who paid she was a widow , on her house being searched , was found to have fix muskels conceaitd in her mattress besides bull cartridge ? . The shop 3 are all open , but there is no trade .- Coin is again scarce . One per cent , is the lowest charge for cfiangins bank notes into specie ( silver . ) The markets are tolerably well Buppiied , luxuries , however , find but few purchasers . On the 24 th the prisoner Barbps and others who were at Vincennes were removed to Han ? . M . Emilo de Girardin has undergone 6 tTeral examinations . The cause of his arrest is said ti be same correspondence which haB been detected , and not merdly the articles in his journal .
Numerous arrests were made to day , and some important documents obtained . Amongst the percona arrested are L'lieritier , an old political convict and member of several secret societies : Barral , sub ^ director of the ateliers nationaux and captain of tha Jlta legion ; Cavallon , chief of the Club Democratique Guerineau , vice-president ot the Club de la Montagn e , &e ., ic . Last nisht seven hundred prisoners were eent to the Fort da Vanves .
It appears that the statement of M . Huber , ex-Fresfident ef tha Revolutionary Club , who , on tr e 15 !* h ot" May , pronounced the dissolution of the AsEembly . Ihaving been recognised by the agents of pelice among the wounded at the Hospital of St Antoinei and arrested , 5 b not true . M . Huber , when set at liberty , through an error committed at the A ? airiaoftho 4 th arrondissemenfc , pn the evening of the 15 ih of May , has been in vain sought by the p : lice , and it appears pretty certain that he has gone to some foreign country .
The result of the election which has just taken place in Corsica for a representative in the Assembly , has been the almost unapimoUR return of Prince Louis Napoleon , who obtained 35 , Qtl 3 votes , th ; entire number being only 38 , 197-The Moniieur contains the appointment of General Changarnier to the command of the Na ' unaJ Guards Ot the department of the Seine . Lights of various description * , presumed to bs signals , from the tops of houses , have not yet been wholly put a Btop to , and notwithstanding immense vigilance , and the searching of houses , it is but comparatively Eeldom that the authors aredi-covered .
CONIIKUED ARRESTi ANO EE 1 ZUBE OF ARMS . MOKDAT . —Seizures of arms and arrtsw continue to be made , Y eeterdsy & force ot 50 uO men was directed to Putuaux , a little manufacturing town on the left bank of tiio Seine , near the bridge ef Keuilly . The town was surrounded and all the inhabitants disarmed . Thia place is said to be a focus of communism . It is said that 100 , 000 muskets have already been lodged in the government stores , but this is not a fn'l valuation of all that has been done in the way cf disarmament , for the 12 th legion alone , tho iN aUon » : Guards d the Faubourg St Marceau , of wlnni Earbes had been the colonel , amounted to upward * of 3 Q , QQ 0 , The 8 th and diti legions reckoned jierhaps 40 , 000 . To these should be added the National Guards of Belleville , of La Chappelle , of La Vil lette . ef Montmartre , and of a large portion of the JDterveaing line of Boulevard and other places .
The amount of arma already seized or rendered 18 probably 150 , 000 . Great numbers of lnsurpents continue to ha arrested is the environs of Paris . At St Cloud the National Guards captured sixty , carrying aims and ammunition . In the wood of Salory , at Verdailic * , Eeveral arrests have been made . It i 3 announced that three camps are to bs formed in the neighbourhood of Paris—tbeone in tbe Chsrsip de Mars , the sicond : onthe plain of Salory , nuar Versailles , and the third at St Manr . The number ol troops round Paris is to be 60 . 090 . Tuebdai . —M , de Chateaubriand die this mr-rniBP , after an illness of five days , from an attack of inflammation of the cheat . Five hundred insurgents were arrested to-day .
A good many of the insurgents are Btill in the neighbourhood of Paris . They last night attacked a small post of trosps of the line in the neighbourhood of Romanville , but alter the exchange of EOtne shots they ( 00 k to flight . Two soldiers were wounded One Of tho insurgents was lett dead on tbe held . Pria mr 3 ara daily brought into Pans , acd tbo trcop 3 continue to Bcour the ceuntry in every ^ Atncnpst tbe armled wfretho following : — Pinel Grandcbatnp , mayor of tho 12 [ h arrondissenient Guy d'Amour , dentist , bslongin-: to tho aitil . ' ery of tbe National Guard ; Morel , Captain otthb SUffin the 12 th Legion of the National Guard ; Royer , captain in the 2 ad Legion ; D ^ tourbat , cuptain in tbe 25 : u Battalion of the Garde Mobile ; Rasaelat , lieutenant in the Natiunal Guard oiGrenelle Aueeron , lieutenant m the 3 rd Legion ; Hourdelet , ' lieutenant in the 12 th Legion ; Renand , lieutenant in the 8 th Legi « n ; Fleurry , director of a fare insurance company ; Wittini , registrar of the civil tribnnalof Ajaccic .
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Nearly a thousand ptiaouers were this day taken from the Uuciergerie and removed to tho fort of Bicetre . ihey were bound to-jethertwo and two , and escorted by the Garde Mobile and the soldiers ot tha line . On Sunday and yesterday a commissary of police , assisted by National Guards , Boldiera of the liBe , snd gendarmes , visited a great number of furnished hotels in tha litu arrondissetnen ^ , and diearmed all iho persons m them . Oa Sunday ni ght 200 pritioners , confined in the barracks of the Rue de Tournbn , dug through tho [ . 'round to the quarries beneath , and descended to them . Thera ia , however , uo issue to tho quarris ? , ao that esoc . pe is impossible . Sixtp . cn hundvtd prisoners confined in the Fort d'lvry , have attempted to escape by exoavating a pa « a : c trom their dungeona with large naila . Wkd . ve ? day , ~ Ariditionil arrests have faken N «» riv a ihn ,, ^ .. „ .: . __ .,, _ , _ . _ , _ . _
plac " , ipc uciin ^ . Snvagner , professor of fchtory ; Jirqies 1 ' nion . a lient ^ nnct in the National Guard of La Vik-tto ; and Nicholas Clement , an cflicer of Artillery of tbe National Guard . Onfl hundred and twenty of tbe workmen from the ateliers nationoux , who to : k pnrt in the insurrection , iiava bteu uxiv&ted at Chaiou and Nanterro . A clandestine manufactory of gunpowder has been discovered by t , ho police to t , he apartment of an operative watchmaker in thy Rue P « ulaillerie .
THE PRISONERS . The medical men who have the duty of inspecting the pvisona and vaults iu whicii tho immense number of insurgent prisoners nro crammed together with < 'Jily str . ; w to lie on , and scarcely sufficient 3 pacj to estenil themselves without compressing each oiMer , ' . 'Xpress g / ave appreheneiona of tbe production amuag them of some of those epidemics incidental to such situations .
THE WOUNDED . Most of tho innurt ; eri ! 8 w ! jo have bten wounded die in a slv rt time aittv ihuii 1 entrant ^ into the hospitals . The medical men attribute this mortality to tha neglect which they had met with at tho period of their receiving their wounds , and to the want of suigeoHR to give thsin assistance at the first moment . It was principally women who were employed inputtins ; on the first dressings , * nd their in&xperknco has caused mortification to cocas on in many instances .
IK'RUIBLU BUTCIIKIiY . OF ER 1 SONERS . Fjiiday Evb . nino . —The insurgents , who had establisiitd themselves in the llois de Boulogne , had buen dis ' / Jtd , and all who were made prisoners . 170 in kumbkr , it wassaid , fod been forthwith shot . PRCGRh 83 l > F THfi ' OOUNTKR RKVOLUTION . —SUFrKESSION
OF THE KATI .: KAIi W 0 BKSH 0 P 3 . Vigorous meseurfiB an : in progress for tbe effectual proiectiou of the capital against any future outbreak . The 3 rd division of infantry of the array of the A ' ps , under the command of General Hpynault , is hourly expected . Tbi 9 division , conshting of eievtnb ^ Ualions , will be permanently encamped at St . Maur , situated beyond the Eastern Faubourgs of Paris . Tho bureaux of ths chamber continued on Monday the discussion of the project of tho constitution , and more especially of iti preamble containing the declaration of the rights of man . In three of the bureaux this declaration was altogether rejected , in some others it was postponed until after the diBCUSaion of the articles . The declaration of the right ot every citizen to employment excited the strongest objections in all the bureaux . into
i The committee of tko Assembly to inquire the state of tbe labouring classes adopted" on Monday a resolution , of which the basis is toabrogate M . Louis Bianc ' a famous decree for the limitation of the hours of ' abour . Tho Mciniteijr of Tuesday contained adeceeoto the followinh effect : — IN THE NAME OF THE FBEHeil PEOPLE . The President of the Council of Ministers charged wit * tlic executive power determines—Art , 1 . The ateliers nationaux of the department of tte Seina ere pupprtBsed . Art . 2 . Succour will continue to be given to labourers wlti'oui work , unflcr tho snrvtiilanco of the majors of the dlff i-. rxi orrondi' a ments , Ar . - . S . The siitne measures wiilbesuoceaelvely applied to the ateliers nalionaux cf the different places of the territory of the Republic . Art 4 Tha lliniater of Public Works is charged
wittheerocutlon of thp present decree . Tbe President of the Council charge ;! with the Executive 6 vrernnient , E . CA . VAIQKAC . The Miniitirof Public Works , Recurt . Paris , July 3 , 1848 . STATE CP TAEIS . According to the correspondent of the Times , Trritirg fr ^ rn Patia on Monday last , that city was then 'tratiqui ! . ' T * o Hoidiers wero pnisoiaed on Friday . An unfortuna **? corpi > r ? . ! , pruoeediim with a relief of'Sentinels in the n » . 'ishbiHirhood nf thq Batik of Franca , wa fired wo in tho Rue ( tea Bnns Eafans on Saturday night and ! m ! his arm « a shattered that affiputstion was < ie « ne . d indispensable to save the poor fellow ' s
life . On Monday between thsee and five o ' clock in th- > ftftp' -noon , a ehot was fired at four officera of tho Garde Mobile , who were walking ^ osether at the Croix lloiigo . from a bou « o in the Rue Dnfour . Tbe siiot did not , however , > al ? e effect . A rush was instantly made into the house from which it had been fire . i , V ;{ l three men who were arrested were carried off to prison . In the Rue da Sorres , olese by , ard about the samo time , a shut was fired from s window , the ball from which struck an opposite house . Some departmental National Guards on duty there entered the house , and found a man with a musket . He had no coat , and vrl- hed to give some explanation , but he was not allowed to putonbis coat , nor say a word , bam * only told to reserve his defence for tho Council of War . _ _
No attempt at barricade making is to be feared ai present . The principal cause for apprehending a ronewal of strife is the situation of the working classeB .
THE DBPABTMF . NT 8 . _ It has been decided by the Ceunoil of Ministers , that the disarming which is now going on in Paris , shall bo extended to all the towns in France in which there is ft large population of workmen , and where seditious matjifesiations have taken place . We perceive by the Bordeaux journals that soma agitation , caused it is enid by emissaries from Paris , has been remarked arr . onest the workmen of the city , and even a rising find been threatened ; but the arrest of some of the persons who had occasioned the excitement sufficed to re-establish tranquillity . Thia was also the case at Dijon on the 28 th u ! t . Tbe number of arreets there was rathor censiderabla .
A letter from Marseilles of the 29 ; h ult . eays , tbe citj nas been in a state of great excitement the whole Of tho day , owing to the appearnnco , at about two leagues f / 'cm tho town , of about 400 workmen , from Lyons , known aB the voraccs . They have already been pillaging the diffi'i'entcouEtry houses acd arresting travcllc-ra en the high road . The relc ' , 3 ave again Mining their heads , pnd promenading about the t"wn in bands , crying ' Vengeance ! we will revenge the dsatii of our brethren . ' M . Msrfcin , Mayor of Orleans , snd representative of the penp ! e . having heard that the engine drivers on the niilwfiy refused to bring up the faain containing the National Guards wh ^ Irid volunteered to
as ? iat in quailing the insurrection at Pari 3 , wont to the 8 taMon . mid formally enmrooned the men to do their duty , but they refused . lie again summoned them , and they itgain refused . Ha then called on the National Guards to obey him , crying that he would aBBume all the responsibility of what he was about to do ; and at tho same moment he made them seize one of tho ringleaders , and on tho man , in answer to anther appeal , again refusing to drive the engine , M . ftl : > . i ' titi ordered that he ehould be instantly shot , and he earned , ' the other men that he would treat them in the same way if they persisted in their refusal . Execution waa just about to be done , when tho meD , seeing , tbat M . Martin waa realh m earnest , offered to resume their duty .
THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY . Tbo el-clion of the President of the National Assembly , iu tho p ! oce of Citizen Senard , appointed to the po « t of Minister of tho Interior , took place on Ttiurodny week , when Citizen Mario was declared duly nominated , having obtained Hi votes to 297 , given to Citizen Dufaure , On Friday , Citizen Recuvt , tho new Minister of Public Worka , presented b bill demanding a credit of eixmil lions cf franco for the formation of tho railway b ' . ' twuiMi Paris and LyGllfi . At the eamo timo the resident announced that the bili for the ye purchase of the reilwnjs by tho Sude had been withdrawn from the ordi-rs of tha day , at tha n quest oS tho Minuter of the Finances .
Tho Minister of rosticlKcTaucnoN presented a bill relative toprin'sry inntruciion . According to this plan , education , to ft c ; itaiu Halt , is declared compulsory . If the parent can' -et , or will not , educate tho child , the State will do it . Gratuitous education , to a certain limi ' , i 3 offered by the State to all without distinction . A parent , who 'ill neither provido education for his child , nor avsii hiniaflt' of tha gratuitous instruction offered by iha S ' . nto . is gutl'y of na offonce punishable by Cno and au >< p < usion oi ' civil rights . That portisn of instruction called primwry , and whicU it is declared in this project nccisntiry to impart to all French children a 8 the indispensable qualification to the future exorcise of their rights m citizens , is declared to be oe follows : _ 1 . Reading , wrl ! in ? , grammar , arithmetic , the metrical 3 jBtom , ineaeuroB of magnitude , elementary
oolions of pbyflloG , agriculture and industry , drawing , Bingini . ' , ftHrt Frsneh history and geography , —2 , The duties and tights of a man find a cltizjn , the development of tho eentlmenta of liberty , equality , and fraternity , —3 . Elementary precepts of honlih an'l e * eroiae 8 useful to physical development . — Ililigious lusSrUCliOIl bj ministers of tho different worships . The machinery by wh'ch this itnruenBe ( 1- digit iato bo reulifledisdeolnrort to oon 3 : st of public schools , private ) schools , and fcmll } iBBtructiun , all of which nvo io be directly or indirectly con'rolltd by tbe state . The public Bohool < are to be contacted ar tbe expense of ths state , and administered under tho dir . otk'U of the Minlmer of Public Instruction . The masters and mistresses of prlvi *' . e schools must bo lloensed by the otate , aud their qy-iliflcailons cauit be . osted by means uppninted by tho Minister of PubHo Intructlon . AU olilldren of every class from the highest
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to the lowest nro subjsct to tho surv ?> H » nc-3 <•{ tbt MinUtar of Public Instruction , whore duty it ia to ttte that none are uncduca ' Jolt 3 -CHiz » n H ^ ie having tafon tha cbnir , » ., ' some preliminaries having been disposed ef Gtneral Cavaiowc ansounced ti :, t the atetten national were already dh » W « d . M-ucrs h-A come to such a pitch that the governtaoiit ha , i f . lt th . 3 necessity .. f at onco dleaolvlng nn B 5 eoclatio 3 y , hQ t » l * i ^ hich h- d b ^ COmfi dangerOUS to COOioly . Tbo government , however felt tbnt it was neeetsary not to put a siopsuldtLly ttho oisly means of existence which in the proseat AvM \ h
oflabouragreat numttr of the vrorkm- n . mployeii iithe atelim nalionaus ) possoased . Tha mayors o * ttrr « n ! disspmentfl would , thtrefora , btiii ^ -. truct ; d to r » M ihu uc CcSBitlGun nn-J the deserving , unt . l the i ' , ovcr ; m-nt ' i . tW time to tako aioasurcs , which , ho hopf'l , would cut r . n end to th < 3 prceoDt state of tliioijs , an 1 lestore workmeiwbodtoire cmplojm' -nt to their or linnry lmbita . Tin measnreu wore of two kinds : » be first , to reas « nre tip public inind as to tho fidelity ot the state to i' 9 i-nga ^ c nienta ; aad the second , to onc- ' -ureg" credit pud labour The principal measure with rogftril to the lttuv of tlnst oVjsfitB . ' wua to allot a credit to the Builders' Scci . ty :,
body whOBO dcraaufis vTiro remntkHblo for their jtmlii'o and their moderation , end which imp oytd ;¦ . laru-c number of tho clns 9 of workm-in which had buffered mOBtfrom the stagnation of trade . Citiz .-n Goddchadx , tho Minister of the Pinsnws , then introduced his financial scheme , which is rt'iumed to tho following five decrees , which , Iu due course , will be propo 8 « dfor the adoption ef tho Assembly : —i 1 . A . loin of one hundred and fi . ty mii'Jions , coi-clude-. betworn tho State and thJ Bank of Fianc . 2 . Tho repayment of tho deposits in tbe savings banks irrrejjfes at tbe price of the present Oay , 3 . Tho reimbursement of ions a ~ e tresor issued hefi r < tho 24 th of February oa tbo samo tf rma . 4 . Modifications proposed in Ehe clroits d ' enrc ^ islrement or dona ions and successions , 5 A loan of ( U-a millions of fraues to tha Buil . lurB Society .
Oa Tuesday tho Assembly proceeded to ekct a qus * - tor in the placs of General Negrier , killed in t ' u . insurrection , After a ballot , General Lebreion wa ! . elected . Tho Assembly then votefl , without division , tf-o lonn proposed of fivo millions to tte contrnotors of huilflinRs in Paris . Another decree was passed declaring thM Thurnday , tho doy of tlie funeral ceremony , eliould be observodas a BationnlholLdBy . It was also atrLtd , withont dlscUBsion , to nllow 10 , 000 frnncn n moath to the cresidtnt of the council , Goueral Civaignftc .
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THE EUROPEAN REVOLUTION . GERMANY , Archduka John of Austria , the undo of the Emperor , ha 3 been elected by the Frankfort Cons'itm . vt Assembly , as Vicar or Lieutenant-General of thr Crermanio Empire . From Zurich we learn , under < Jat , e of the 24 th of June , that the tierman volunteers wer « preparing for a new invasion of the Rrnnd duchy of Baden , and that accounts from Biel , ( canton of Berne , ) stated that the necessary preparations were beiiif ! made . A student named MonicUe has been tried at Berlin on a charge of sedition , the overt act being the publication of a placard tbat appeared soirie weeks since , purporting to be a speech from the throne : be wastentenced to two years and a-half ' s inapriaoFment in a fortress .
Berlin , July 1 . — -The dispute with the government workmen , already alluded to , coutiuue » , ami has to-day eiven rise to periong apprehension ? , yesterday 1 , 000 woikmen were discharged . This morning they made a demonstration , proceeding in s body to the residence of M . Milde , the Minister < t Trado and Public Works , to enforce their demands On arrivine ; at his houee , in the Behren-Stras * e , they f « und he whs ftttocdinft the silting of the Chamber . They then went ts the hall ot the Asf emb ! y , but in the meantime the rappcl had bton beaten , and the approaches to the LuiJdinc were all cloEed by a large force of the Civic Guard . The arsenal wa 3 defeuded in tho parre manner , aod if any violence was inteaded it wss lor the time frustrated . No positive outbreak has occurred , but there ib no safety from an outbreak at any moment .
Minatoli , the late President of the Pylic ? , has left fcr London to inquire minutely into th <* working of the metropolitan constabulary , which is taken as the model of tho force to be established here , but the arrangement of which is cot yet quita com * pleted . Deplorable excesses havn agaip taken plac 3 in Rottenbourg . The city is in fhmes in Boveral places . The Deputies to the Democratical Conpresa at Per-Un are rapidly arriving in that metropolis . RC 1 I 0 URED DECLiRiTION OF WAR BY RUSSIA AGAINST IKE GERMAN CONFEDERATION . Tuo Cologne Gmrrs of th ° 3 rd inat contains tho foilorring information , the truth of wnica wo art- of course unable to guarantee : —
An estraordmary express from Berlin hes juat airiv . d , and brings news of the city b » ing in terror by tht > government suddenly announcing , on tbo mornhi * of the 2 nd , that Uuasia has declared war ngainst the whole Germnu Confedtration , General Von Schr » eU'nqt * -in , the Miniiter of War , aud all the Ministers , ir . si « n : l ) ' as Bembled to take ujeneures required in the crisis . The population of Berlin are all ia the streets , cntansiaslic , and as one . It is bolitvea tbai all Germany w . ll he equally united on this outburst of a European war , The fact of oumerouB Hussions having been mnrcileBBly billed ia ihe bsnibardment oi Progw , at BstHd , the Jndiffereneea of thogovernraont to Russian retncusBiranceB , and declaration of National AssamWy at Frankfort , in-Bistltig to carry out tho war against tho Dunes , are ci «« d b f tha Czar as open acts of war against Russia . The vast KuBBian army is crossing the frontier , and there is no present force to arrest its progress .
The German National Assembly of Frankfort has dissolved the Germanic Diet .
ITALY . Palms Nuova ha ? , it is stated , capitulated to the Austriarja ; the terms of capitulation are thnt the garriaoa shall not bear arma for three months , &o . CIVIL WAR IN SPAIN . Cabrera entered Spain on the 24 th June , at seven o'clock in the murning , by Pla de Salinas , followed by his aides de camp , a numerous stpff , and an escort ofcavalry . He was met br Boquicia , with 1 000 soldiers . One of his attendants waa Goczalea . The whole party appearedfull ot enthusiasm , and counted upon soon wincing a victory for Charles VI . PORTUGAL . Several arrests have been made by the government authorities of some leaders of toe Septernbriat party , or supposed to bo conneot&d with them . Othtip of the more iiflutntial of that party are closely watched .
RUSSIA AND POLAND . The Voss GiZSTTE has the following from Kcenigeberp , dated the 23 nd June : — Letters from Riga state that grave disturbance h&vi taken place at St Petersburg . Tranquillity wao restored , but not until sevoral hundred lives had bc-eo lost . The Paris National ha 3 the following , from its correspondent at Berlin i—Your fears of Boeing Russia assume tho Initiative nith regard to the peasants have been realised , You h . ve read the future , Russian emissaries aro everywhere muvingafeout in tho duohy of Poson , aa in Gallioiii , holdins out maRnifietutpromises to the peasanie .
Abandoned by their lords in tho moment of danger , ana believing themaeWos to bo betrayed by Franco , U *> -S now place all their hopes of safety in Kussla . This ia not rumour or probability : it iB absolute reality . Toe Em . peror promises to them all a liberal constitution , the recognition of Polish nationality , and to re-cmudlish Poland . It ia certain that the Russians hive nlreni ); taken Thorn , Wfto irould ever have believed ia this fraternisation between Russia and Pel&nd f The propl are thus led on to their ruin , Russia will give some uu-Yflntsgos to the nobles , but no alleviation to the Buffering ? ofthopooplo . Neither PiubsU nor Austria can oppoa . any i . ffeotual resistance to Russia , Germany is lost ii she does not ally herself to France .
UNITED STATES . By the Hermann , arrived on Monday at Southampton , vje have accounts from New York to the 20 th Ult . A treaty had just been promulgated , concluded between the United States and the republic of New Grenada , the most important feature of which i > a guarantee to the United States of tho right of way across the iBthmus ot Panama , the United States in return guaranteeing the neutrality of tho lathum * , and the rights of sovereignty and property possessed in it by New Grenada . The Washington had arrived at New York . Tbe oonviotion of Mitohel had cauaed ' great excitement among the Irish in America . A fire at Norfolk imd destroyed property worth 250 , 000 dollars .
B ^ MPATUT WITH MIICIIEI ,. The royal mail steam-ship Acadia , Capt . Stone , has jua , t arrived . Tne news by tha Acadia is not important . On the night of the 20 th a large meeting touk place at t ^ e Tabersaole in new York , for tho purpose of oxpres-Bingsjmpathy with Johu Mitchel , the news oJ whose sentence had been brought by tlio steamship America . The rathering appears to have been a large one , and is described by the New York Exrausa as hiring been ' conducted in a peaceable and very creditab le manner , and on the whole in every point of view the most respectable assemblage of tho hind we have over seen in New York . Mr Grcely , the editor of the NfcW YoEK Tribune , was iu rha ch&ir , numerous aueeohea were delivered , and appropriate res ;> uii <> ds carried unanimously . Ono oi the resolutions was to the effect that the meeting pledge themselves that until Mitchel beset at liberty thty should iefrain from buying or consuming any artioleot British
manufacture . We extract the following from the Nbw York Uejuld : — The whole world is concerned in this tria ' , conviction , and transportation of Mr Mitchell England
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bps , in this ir .. » tance , . Drummed a ( was insult on aU nations , bho baa in 8 nl : ed th « intcliigonce and spirit . if tbe ase—made hrrsrlf unwer'hy of tho rank Bh » hai heretofore bi >! d . ami we trutt ni e will be msde o foel it . The people of every civilised counttj ! u ; clar tho _ caio ., y ot heaven sh' -nl .-l lonily proclaim tHtir opinion of the baibari ' . y of this net ., and should d uouDCt ) it—the sf , v ?> ritrnnt , parliament , judges . r . nd jury that iriflicfed ic . Ono universal cry oi ¦ li ' i , reca ? ioa and ( . ' 0 u < f « u » jfttk-a should arise throi . ' ^ h-. u ; the univir-o , and Ihe nation that icflicted it wuld be lashed , a ») d striped , aad scored , and execrated by the uu ^ ic opinion of a world .
'Awl now . wbat are the Irish in America to ( 3 a ? i'ii ' . ir convicted patriot is . , at the present hour , ii * rhaps , o ' . i the coa ? t of Bi ' . r «' . ud 3 . The clanking of ! ' ! = t chain nnd letters can b ^ heard by them in the United Staii'g—his iifi !? iii <; i wrl bis sob 3 canpene * ' . ' ¦ aio tntir tan . Ho u , ( xefinrd in a convict hulk . ' . vi' . mn 300 Jeag'iPn of Cape Ihneras—within 300 : cscu : a ut ' . be f , tt < stales of America . Can they rest , UV . CHV , r ? c . ia thi . ,. ubinit ; t 0 be terrOrisEdby tha depots who transported him , from making a c-ECue , wilboutvio - . rttiny th . i laws of ? . heir adi .-pfed cj . untrv _ 7 Cu . O ,, v not fii . onUn f . xcediti 0 Hbe ^ nd he lifflis < . r Iht UniUrf Statr-s . make a descsnf . on ihe Beimude-iuooiijt . . a ., d , Jnet their exiledcoun-IV , TV « ' w ; ' -l ' d tlu 19 ' ' ftUt ) 0 monBter of us prey ? We submit iU- question to them for u solUtiiori .
INulA . By an arrivhlfro-. i Bomtoy welam that the affiira of Mnajtsn wcre ^ r , v , vitig ratliop complicated . Mou'rri . v ; : vmuv : it * p 3 and foici ^ ns Moultan He was ro , otwd to l ) a preparing 30 Oeo men for uis iit ; lenc ° . The di .-., fftcion amougst tha > , i ' ( h troops was described . v ; ex :. n '' ir ^ i . - . i ^ lf , and some of them ware anxious to yrin tbe standard >; f Moulraj .
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G : V .-nXMENT 1 JECTMBKTS . 'Tho Ci-.-wn , ' it appears , Jias also taken to the jjenti' nof Us tenantry , Fririay , tlit- 9 h , ult .. two hur . dvid and eighty porhouh from the Cioi ? n Larid ^ of Brillyruane witlr . na ! ew niilps of t ' . ca town , who rc 8 . 2 nftd thoir holdings , wvre di « intch « d on cars to Guhvay , from whence tbry will obtain a passage in Cmadd at the expanse of uovernmer ; t . Shcuid tbey remain in the British dominions nn * heir arrival , rmr / loTment will bo securpd fo tli ? ra , and to such of ( hem as choose tosesk . h " ir own fortur . es in other pcrUoas of America , a certain sum of ' money each—we believe £ 2 each—will h 9 f ; ivo'i toffjitd * emblkg ! h ? iB to doso . —Ballinsloe Star .
fflie Rev . Mr Molony , of Kilmurry , Ibrickase , wntine in th- Clare Jour . SAL states , that thelvead disiribUifiil to M ;? poor children of that pari-Fhw mdoscrjbiihiy iy X < j ¦ h ut 'list the pereons distributing it have sormiimss made bnd worse by keeping it hick from thft fan > i ; h ; d children . Wo hs « ve r-p ¦ ¦ n informed , saya the Limerick Esi « minkr , b ( aGlouungruss correppiiU'fent , thasa mao unvntii Cyrb- 't vvd in t ^ at locality from sheer want , leaving a wifeanu six helpless c ^ . ildien to deplore his bas . In accord ? . ! . ^ with tho Gre ^ otj clauBe ho was Jenied < i »' .-donr relief « n acsount of a small plot of ground lie held ur . der Lord George Quin , an absen . tee , and bis oniy support was an a ? a that drew each day a fow pence worth of turf . Fever , the usual accorupsriimept ot' scanty food , overtook the ill-l ' aled man , and hi * spijnt frawo Bimk beneath its presr . ufe . The death ? ii ; the Cork workhouse for the last six months , averaged over twentv four a week .
Thirty families have been ' roottd out' of their holdings on file property of a Mr Aylmer , of Nnvan . Extkkmi-ation . —Oa Thurs % week , ten families were exterminated , under the superintendence of dragoons , fr . un 'he property of Mr Peter Conellan who r « sio' « H at Coolmore , county Kilkenny , and la b-other to Mr Oorry Conellaa , Private Seeretsry to the Castle . Wholesale Ij . xteemination—Lord Lbcan . — 'Two whole columns • « : i . ha Ualwa y Vindicator are UUen up with alia ? nf thepei-Biuis ^ ho , with their familiea * were evicted from the estate of the Earl of Luoan .
The district from which the people wtre thus thrown , extendatotwdve townlands ;—" From this sail and wofnl cita'o ^ np , it wiil appear that one hundred snd eiebty-seven tAmilies , comprising nine hundred and thirtten humsn beings , h » ve been cast houseiosaon the worJd ' H wide wa = ti ; in and about this town , all in iliis parish , within Uis short period of eighteen raontOH . Of this grind total , 170 individuals were able to emigrate to England or to America ; 2 ^ " ra dead , or 1-ift to ahift shout from piano to pb'cp : ¦> fix themselves »< i he&t they can j and 478 are wa aaa burden , dnrii ^ their live ? , on the honest industrj of the people Gt ' thia union . '
MOKE EVICTIONS . Tho Limerick Examiner ot Tuesday Bays every oo 9 f , every
Wo have been informed 100 families are shortly to be evicted from the property of tbe Hon . Mr Ahara ( such is the name given ub ) near Uila , and in the Tipperary Union . We are not in a position now to state positively whether the number will be so considerable , but we give the intelligence aa it has been comtaunic&tet ! to us . s
IliHGAL TRAINING AND DRILLING . Jolt 3 . —The CommissHn Court Bat at elaren o ' clock this morning , tho Chief Justices of the Queen ' s Bench and Common Pleas presiding . After tne disposal of a few uniraportant caseB , the foreman of tha city grand jury catcft into court and stated chat the jury had found a true bill against Thnraaa Devin Reiiiy on a charge o ! illtgil training Snd drilling . The travers 6 r'a solicitor tlsen anplied to tha Court for a copy of the indictment , and the application was at once . icccdsd to .
At a later period of the day the traverser waa called to the bar and indicted by the clerk of tha Crown , Mr Alley , for bavins' od Ifae 21 st of M » y lafifi at Bolhiew , in tho city of Dublin , attended a meot « ing of nature dangerous to thp peace and security of her M ? je ? ty ' 8 subject * and government ; also fop having laea and there practiced military exercises , movement * , and pvolution ^; nnd , lastly , for having then aud there trained and drilled certain person ? , unknown , then and there assembled , in military ex « eroisif , & 3 ,, without lawful authority for so doing * Trie clerk of the Crowa then called on the traverset to piesd to the above indictment , when
His solicitor requested of the Court that Mr Re illy fi ho old not be called on to plead nntil the following day , on the grcund that he had juat then obtained a copy of the indictment . The Cnurt . granted the application . The trial , it ia thought , wiil taks place to-morrow . The tf averser , who is one of the moat prominent leaders of the extreme war party , has lately gained seme additional celebrity as ODe of the editors oftha Ikisii Fklon—tie at fire-brand thrown into Saturday ' s Dublin treason market . The ' offence with wliicli Mr Reilly stands indicted la pnnisuaWfl either by fine and imprisonment or seven years' tr&ns
porfation . Funbral ok Mr Stbei ,. —Tho remains of this gentleman were conveyed to the tomb to day . _ The ' lying in state , ' as it was termed , in Conciliation Hall , was respectably conducted . Th © funeral array by no means corresponded with it . The carriages on tour wheels in the procession never exceeded thirty . His beat friends regret the ceremony was cot more orivate . The numbers present on foot and on one Dublin cars waa very great . The procession having arrived at G-lasaneviD cemetery , the coffin was deposited in the sime enclosure , but not in the sama vault , as that containing the remains of O'Connell . The bearcra from the hearse to the tomb were four soldiers in undreeB uniform , who inaiatedon perfoEm *
ng this duty . July i . —A warrant has been issued for the arresjf of Mr Martin , the proprietor of the Felon news , paper A number of policemen went to the offica cn-day to inquire after the oliject of their searoh , but he was not to be found . _ Mr Martin Jies perdu until the present commission is over . Mr Devin Rii'ly pleaded ' Not Guilty' to the indictment agsinBt him . His snlioitor asked to have the trial postponed , to enable Mr Reilly ' s counsel to prepare . The request waa bo far complied with as to place t » e case at the bottom of tho list lie will bo tried to morrow . The little boy who carried tha tricolour at the Donnybrook meeting traversed i > t drox to-day . , . . The proprietor of the National Gcarb was tried ior having created a nuisance and obstruction or tna pub'ic way by posting np his publication onhissliof windowH . Hewttsaoqurr . t'd . .
___ The trials of the pereona charged with Violating tha Drilling and Training Act have been proceeded with fo-da *« The jury came out three times to take tha iud-e ' s opinion es to the intent . It was supposed ; hat they would have finally disagreed , but the re » suit has been very different . At balUpast four they found , and tho sentence V 7 ao , Gosarty , the chief , to ie transported for seven jears ; English to be imprUonei for two yeara , and the others for tweire months . Ths wailing of their friends was rAtmbie . All tbe prisoners were strongly recommended w m Sn * R EE * . - The oorilchn . ^^ ffJS again become a subject of duqoiBitionin * e UrK Bsnera The poor are there iu a miBerable plignc & * SS 853 «
5 wi « na .
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JCLT .. 1848 . TftE NQRTHERN STAR > ' " ' ' ' ~ ^"' x _ ., , —— - ___ ¦ ¦ " ^^ ' "" l ™ ° ° ^' » g ™^^
Northern Star (1837-1852), July 8, 1848, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1478/page/7/