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^tt^I^M RIDER, of No. 5. Mocclesfield.Ktrr.et..
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ana irregularity ot intestines , the main causes of Uiliousness , Nervousness , Liver Complaints , FlatUlencj , Palpitiu tion of the Heart , Nervous Headaches , Noises in the Head and Ears , Pains _ in almost erery part of the Body , Asthma Gout , Rheumatism , Scrofula , Consumption , Dropsy , Heart burn , Nausea after eating or at sea , low Spirits , Spasms Spleen , &c , effectually removed from tlie system , as also Constitutional Debility , by a permanent restoration of the digestive functions to their primitive vigour , without purir ing , inconvenience , pain , or expense , by
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MM . LOUIS BLANC AND CAUSSIDIERE . MM . LOUIS BLANC AND CAUSSIDIERE . TO IHE EDITOR OF THE TIMES . Sir , —We have not at any time quitted London nevertheless , you say there ia a report of our havin ™ been arrested at Paris . This is not tho first time since our arrival in England that similar falsehoods have been propagated . If it be a manoeuYre of our enemies to spread tho belief that we are the gene , rators or encouragers of anarchy , and that our hands are in all the troubles which agitate our country , this stratagem is one of the vilest that has yet been adopted against us ; and we have a f ull right to hold it up for the contempt of h onest men of all parties . Your very obedient servants . Lows Busc . Feb . 1 . . CAUSSIDIERE .
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AccinENT TO the Bee Stkamek . —On Wednesday afternoon , 'about ono o ' clock , as the Bee halfpenny steamer was proceeding on her up-voy a ^ e from London-bridge to the Adelphi Pier an accident occurred which might have been attended with the most frightful consequences , and , as it was , caused the utmost alarm to the passengers on board . It appears that the steamer , when above Blackfriars-tndge , came in contact with a barge coming down the stream , which ran into her with such force , that the barge cut the starboard paddlebox completely away from the side of the steamer
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- , - . member cratified the Home by P * " - ^ tlShcTS Wrain from again ad-SSSSESJ ?* " - - ** ^ reached the " tfrBotBH *" * opinion , not only from the JJLSade by Sir G . Grey , but also from cir-STws ^ ittin ids own knowledge , that there SS ? SSS « necessity for the continuance of the « J \ rp « rt _ dinthe Irish executive . It was E ^ Suhet ^ V lhis bill to * to S « re « SSg itatiSnTlrcbnd . He had every consSiirssrasSsS __ * S £ a 3 £ 5 ? ag S ? W > rt to the aowrnmciit on this occasion , ^ tSffihat it would be the last time that such a measure would be required . lirHW BiBROKamrmed , from personal know-Jc * J ^ the south of Ireland , that the country never wafsTtranouil ; that political agitation was at a ^ nl Zt its leader * were prostrate , and that
thepeople were convinced of the »?«*«™» 3 « racterof the demonstration of last year . Under Se " Jrcumstan ccs he mast be a traitor to rote Sthcrhrlits and liberties of his countrymen S JhepreWs setforth in the Lord-Lieutenant's ? erter Tliehon . baronet then enlarged upon the Ss ' and suffcrinas of Ireland , and ? the rarliamenfsneslect of them , which was gradually alien-1 atinff her from England . Mr Moore denied that an extraordinary case , or even an ordinary case , had been made out by the "o vermientfor the suspension of the constitutional rights and liberties of one-third of her Majesty ' s subjects . Mr . llvsn regretted to be obliged to say , that he felt it quite impossible ^ support the government on this occasion . ( Hear , hear . ) He always wished to support tbem , when he could consistently frith justice and honour ; but if the same circumstames existed in Enrfand as now existed in Ireland , he
should not vote for the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act —( hear , hear );—and , ; although there liaduecn different circumstances , it appeared to him , ] from the statement of the Home Secretary , that they were so completely altered , that there was no pretence for this measure . ( Hear , hear . ) As to the Lord-Lieutenant ' s letter , asldng for certain powers In order to prevent political agitation , -where -would Her Majesty ' s Ministers haveoeen without political agitation ? ( Hear , hear . ) "Where would the liberties of England have been without political agitation ? ( Hear , bear . ) Every one had a rujht to agitate , if he did it like an honest man , ana he ( Mr . Muntz ) would oppose any government that would coerce the people from doing it . ( Hear . )
Lord J # nx Rcsseu . observed that it was easy for honourable members , -when peace had been restored and securitv attained in Ireland , to make light of the means by which this had been effected . If Ireland was now in a state of comparative tranquillity it was in no small degree attributable to the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act last year . He a knitted that th « case which the government now liid before the House was not similar to that presented last year , when the urgency was so great that the House almost unanimously passed , in a single day , the act which it was now considered necessary to continue . If the danger which then existed was only averted by extraordinary measures , the House should pause ere it deprived the
government of the means of preventing movements similar to tho 83 which took place last year , and which , if permtted to take place , would inevitably lead to similar results . Let them not now tear the bandage fiom the wound ere it was healed , lest it should bleel afresh . It was urged that the object of the "bill was to suppress a constitutional agitation . But , COflsiderinL' the history « f the agitation referred to , there might be circumstances in the present condition of Ireland which would justify the measure now sought to be submitted to the House . He was far from thinking that it would be a good ground for the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act , that an agitation was going on , and that the object of th 3 agitation was impracticable . But agitation
in Ireland had , at this particular time , more significance than this : and he would only now say that le felt it to he his duty to ask the House to arm the Xord-Lieutcnant with " power to prevent the renewal of an agitation directly leading to rebellion and insurrection . If the act were allowed to expire on the 1 st of March , many , who had endeavoured to turn the distresses of Ireland to their own account , would again be active , and would in all probability Lave some success , although there could be no doubt but that they would be again defeated . But if the House wished for the tranquillity of Ireland , or was anxious to act most usefully towards the people of that country , it would consent to the introduction of this bill , and arm the Lord-lieutenant for some time longer with the powers which he had wielded so discreetly as well aa so advantageously for the last five months . Mr . G . TnoMPSox contended that none of the
reasons , three in number , which were given by the noble lord for bringing in this bill last session ' were applicable to the present circumstances of Ireland . They were therefore called upon to give their sanctionto the bill in utter ignorance of the reasons why such extraordinary powers should be vested in the Xord-Lieutenant . He also desiderated those remedial measures which were necessary for the relief of Ireland , and would feel it his duty to vote against the bill now proposed to be laid on the table . Mr . Scrair moved that the debate be adjourned . ( Loud cries of "Xo ! " "Divide . " ) Mr . J . O'Coxsell hoped that the House would give those who were desirous of speaking against the measure an opportunity of expressing their sentiments upon it , which it was impossible they could do at that late hour . The gallery was then cleared , but no division took place : and
Mr . Sccllt addressed the house . He said that he feared the government , in endeavouring to suppress agitation in Ireland , would he adding to the evils at present existing in that country . The presentmeasure would have the effect of preventing discussion altoirether , and there -were many subjects besides the Kcpealof the Union which the people of Ireland were anxious to deliberate upon . He could bear testimony to the fact that the county of Tipperary , to which so many allusions had been made , was never in a more quiescent state than at the
presenmoment . Had . but the tenant occupier a secure mode of giving employment to the people , there would be no discontent in that country , and , as this measure would not afford them that security , le should most strenuously oppose it . ( "Divide divide . " ) ' Mr . S . Crawford could have wished to state the reasons why he should vote against the proposition of her Majesty ' s government , but he thought he should better consult the convenience of the house if be reserved his observation till a future stage of the bill . ( Hear , hear . ) The House then
divided—For the motion 221 For the amendment IS Majority for the Ministers ... 203 Mr . Gratiax gave notice that on the second reading of the bill he would move a call of the House . Romax Catholic B elief Bni . _ Mr . Axstet then moved for leave to bring in a bill for the further repeal of enactments imposing pains and penalties on Koman Catholics on account of their religious Observances . "When he stated to the bouse and to & £ * £ ? % ?** * emberforthe University of
. Oxford that the present bill was substantially" the sama as the one he introduced last session , and that "the only alterations which had been made in it had been made with , the view of removing the objections of its opponents , he trusted that the courtesy which bad not been denied bin Jast year , and which had never been denied to tas promoter of any previous bill on this subject , would not be refused on the present occasion , viz ., to give him leave to introduce the bill , to have it reada first time , without opposition , and to take the discussion on the secondreadin-r
Sir K . Ixoxis was sure the hon . member would acquit him of wishing to Bhow him any intentional discourtesy , but he could not help thinking that when the hon . member produced a bill which he told them was substantially the same as the one he had introduced last year , he ( Sir R . Inglie ) was not asking too much of the house in wishing them to decide at once whether such a bill should be allowed to be again introduced or not . He should , therefore , though very , reluctantly , feel it to be his duty to oppeM the motion for " leave to bring in the till . ( Hear . ) The Earl of Aecxbel and SrBEETsaid he thought it would be a waste of time to press the bill forward so soon after tfee recent discussion . ( Hear , hear . ) He had been a warm supporter of the principle of
the bill , but lie begged the hon . member not to press it this session , acd he was ready to take the responsibility of thai advice upon himsel £ ( Hear . ) Mr . Axstet could not agreoin thinking that the noble lord had been a very warm supporter of the bill ; on the contrary , he considered the loss of it upon a former occasion had been owing to the uncertainty of tfee course taken by the noble lord , which bad left his friends on that side of the house in doubt as to his movements . He therefore could not accede to that or to any other hint he might receive from the noble lord . ( Lauehter \
CT »;? i t , A ***™* Street . —The hon . gentleman has a ^ ed a t a most monstrous conofXmu mfT \ tonw fcwwg cansed the loss ? IS ' tt , Bar ' . BatIam not surprised at the treatment Ihave receivedfrom Mm when I recolleet that which hw supporters received at the Close of last sossioa . ( Loud cries of « Hear , hear . " ) Sir G / Gm said , that he feared , as the hon . gentleman would not take a hint from the noble lord , neither would he take one from him ( A l / H ****> ^ ° r CTer . *> e taking a prWnt andjudicious course if he followed the ? suggestion h had received ; for , though he ( Sir G . Grey ) had beea fevowaWe to the meagare , _ - tfmji foresee ao-
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thing but waste of time , in the present state of public business , in bringing in the bill at present , and he hoped that the hon . gentleman would take time to consider whether his doing so would be of advantage to the object he had in view . ( Divide . ) Lord Xcowralso urged the hon . member to withdraw his motion , but without effect . The gallery was cleared for a dmsion , when there appeared— „ , „ Against the first reading 43 Fwifc 41 Majority against it —2 The bill was consequently lost . Mr . Moffatt obtained leave to bring in a bill to provide for the recovery of debts from persons having privilege x > f Parliament , and for the exclu « sion of insolvent members from the House of Commons , which was read a first time , and ordered to be printed ; the second reading to take place on the 14 th .
The House then adjourned at ten minutes to ten o ' clock . WEDNESDAY , Feb . 7 .
HOUSE OP COMMOXS . —The House met at twelve o clock . Sakitart Measures ( Irelaxd ) . —Sir \ f . Sojtbrviixb stated , in answer to a question from Mr . Maher , that a bill for instituting a registry of births , deaths , and marriages throughout Ireland , was in preparation , aB also was another measure for promoting the health of towns in Ireland . Distress is Ireland . —On the motion of the Chaxceiaor of the Exchequer , the House then went into committee on the subject of the existing distress in Ireland .
The Chaxcellor of the Exciibqcer rose to propose a grant for the relief of Irish distress . He reminded the House that Ministers took only a small Tote at the close of last session , with » discretionary power to advance a further small sum . if necessary to Hive life , and promising to call Parliament together earlier than usual should the distress be so extensive and bo urgent as to require any large grant before the usual timo of meeting . £ 12 , 000 , which remained of the funds collected by the British Association , togetherwith £ 3 , 000 advanced by the | government—and this was the full extent to which they had carried their discretionary power—had been distributed hi affording relief to those unions where distress most prevailed . It was only in a small part
of Ireland that this relief was needed ; in the north there was less distress than in the south of England . Admitting the unpopularity of the Poor-law , which he was not surprised at , as the rate-payers naturally preferred that their poor should be relieved from the imperial treasury , while the majority of the poor objected to a system which checked abuse , he believea the machinery of that law was the best for administering relief , and but for that Law tho severity of that distress which he attributed principally to the failure for two or three years in succession of the potato crop , on which the people had been in the habit of relying as the means of subsistence , would have been far greater , and thousands must have died of starvation . But forthe Poor Law Unions Ireland
would have been infinitely more expensive and more dangerous to England . Food and population were no longer balanced in Ireland . More food must be raised either by bringing into cultivation the waste lands , or by a better system of cultivation . In all cases , however , the distress was not consequent on over-population , for , as the papers on the table showed , emigration had gone on to such an extent in some districts that a sufficient population was not left properly to cultivate the soil . The events of the last two years had had one good resultr-that of ridding the estates of the numerous cottier tenants , ana putting an end to small holdings ; and he believed that capital and the exertions of the
proprietors were only wanted now to bring their properties into proper order . What , he now asked , was the means of preventing starvation and loss of life in those unions where the distress was the most severely felt , and where , owing to that distress , a sufficient' rate could not be collected . For this purpose , he proposed to take a vote of £ 50 , 000 from the Consolidated Fund . From the relief commission and repayments of advances from unions , there was a balance of £ 284 , 000 , of which they might fairly say £ 184 , 000 would be available , exclusive of the repayments on account of the relief works—but he did not propose alarger sum now than the £ 50 , 000 because he was anxious not to excite -undue expectation ? .
Mr . P . Scrope , in rising to move the amendment , of which he had riven notice , rejoiced to find that the government had discovered at length the futir lity of relying upon the voluntary exertions of Irish landowners , " who as a body either would not , or could not , or at any rate did not , employ the people . ( Hear , hear . ) . Although he had placed an amendment upon the paper , he did not wish to interpose between the grant now proposed and the Irish people , for he felt quite sure that it would be impossible for the unions to do their duty by the poor , unless they were supported by extraneous aid . The only difference between the right hon . gentleman and himself was , as to the question whether that aid should be given -unconditionally as a grant , as an
absolute present to the proprietors of thosedistricts , or whether provision should not be taken which should ensure in the first place the productive employment of this money in labour on the land , and in the second place , and as ihe consequence of the first , that it should be repaid to those who advanced it . ( Cheers . ) But if they continued to spend the money as they hadjdone , if they continued to feed thousands of paupers in idleness that money would never be repaid . Let them , however , employ it productively in the cultivation of those rich and fertilelands which were nowlying waste and unprofitable , and thev need have . no fear as to the repayment . ( Hear , hear . ) His plan appeared to him to be so undeniable—there was such an obviousness
about the proposition , that if they were to give money it should be expended in as useful a manner as possible , and should be repaid as quickly as possible—that he should have thought there could have been no conceivable objection to it . He should have thought so at least , were it not for the fact that the system they had pursued for the last three years was diametrically opposed to that which he proposed . ( Hear , hear . ) The money expended under tho labour Relief Act , and in the soup-kitchens , where they were feeding upwards of 3 , 000 , 000 of the people , more than one-third of the whole Irish population , was unprofitabl y kid out , and had in consequence not been repaid . In the Kilrush Union productive employment had been
adopted on a limited scale , on a model farm , and the result had been found to . be most satisfactory He did not care whether they operated upon what was commonly called " waste land , " or upon land which had been left waste . In either case , by so employing the paupers of Ireland they interfered loss with private property and private industry than by employing them in any other way . ( Hear . ) There were eight unions in Ireland which had been largely assisted bv the government , the aggregate area of which was 2 , 228 , 000 acres . In the year 1847 , there were only cropped in those unions , under any species of crop whatever , including pasture . and meadow land , about 221 , 000 acres , or less than one-tenth of the whole area ; whilst the remaining 2 , 000 , 000
acres were left altogether unproductive , barren and waste . ( Cheers . ) To the Westport Union £ 93 , 000 had been given in grants , and £ 40 , 000 in loans , together £ 133 , 000 , to support the poor and make up the deficiency in the rates for the last two years , during which time the inhabitants only paid a sum of £ 4 , 000 , or according to Lord Sligo ' a account £ 8 , 000 . Upon this subject , however , Lord Sligo ' s answer was , " It is not we of the Westport Union who have expended this money , but it is the government who have insisted on spending it unproductively , and in the establishment ofsoup-kitehens , the consequence of which is , that we are not able to repay yon your money , not able to maintain our . poor , and are getting less able to maintain them
every day . " ( Hear , hear . ) He ( Mr . Scrope ) thought that Lord Sligo had perfectly cleared himself by that statement . ( Hear . ) 2 G . O 0 O of the population of the "Westport union were , at this moment , wasting the food that they ate , and wero prevented employing themselves by tho system which the government adopted . His ( Mr . Scrope ' s ) proposition was nothing like that for tho establishment of national workshops in France . Tho only true parallel to the national workshops of Paris were our workhouses . They shut paupers up in those houses , which they called " work" houses , but which were nothing more nor less than coops for where
working men , coops they chiefly sat toasting their shins before the fire , or wasting their strength hi the unprofitable occupation of breaking stones . The Irish workhouses were tho national workshops of Ireland . ( Hear . ) The hon . gentleman concluded by moving : — "That no appropriation of monies taken from general taxation be in future applied in aid of the poor rate of Irish unions , except on condition—1 . That its repayment be secured by a lien on the rateable property of the union ; 2 . That it be expended , as far aa it is practicable , in the productive employment of the ablebodied poor . "
After speeches from Mr . CinusrOPHZB , Mr . French , and Sir J . Walsh , Lord E . Howard addressed the House in a maiden speech , which was aelivered with considerable confidence and address , and was throughout loudly cheered . He strongly supported the vote . Admitting the distress which prevailed in some parts of England , that was no reason why they should shut out all sympathy for Ireland , which was suffering from famine and dise se , and whose people had remained quiet and resigned beyond what might have been expected ,- while their children were dying of hunger . If they drove that people to despair they might be called upon to bear an expense in comparison to which the proposed grant would be as nothing . 5
Me . Hume observed that the moral of the noble lord s speech was , that if w did not give them money , the Irish would rebel . The principle of the noble Jord wa 8 $$ 9 t Commujjisia-that of sup-
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porting the idle and the lazy at the expense of the I prudent and industrious . The amendment embodied Louis Blanc ' s principle of appropriating the public money to the creation of national workshops . Such was the system on which they were now called upon to embark , and he advised them to pause ere they committed themselves to it . He hoped the House would no * grant one shilling to the government for tho purposes of charity . Sir W . Somervillb observed , that however hon . membera might blame the government for doing this or not doing that , there was but one answer to their censure , and that was , that the grant moved for was necessary , if they would preserve the lives of the people in many of the districts of Ireland . The poor
law was erroneously blamed for the present lamentable condition of that country . A fearful calamity had befallen Ireland , with which that law had nothing to do , which had reduced her to such a state as could not suddenly be remedied . Until a remedy could be applied , unless they stepped in with temporary aid , a sacrifice of human life would ensue which it was appalling , to contemplate . As to the amendment if they attempted to apply the money to reproductive , works , it was not fifty but five hundred thousand pounds that would be required . He warned the House against mixing up the question of the relief of the destitute poor with that of the employment of able-bodied paupers on reproductive works . The latter system , was by far the more demoralising of the two , and he trusted that whatever course the House chose to adopt with regard to the proposition of the Chancellor of the Exchequer , it would not give its assent to
Mr . Scrope ' s amendment . Mr . Stafford asked the House to force upon Ireland the maintenance of its own poor . If he thought that grants like that now sought would leave Ireland as they found her , he might have less scruple in consenting to them . But he was positive that every grant of this kind only aggravated the misery and poverty of Ireland . The grant now sought would , when expended , leave that country , if possible , more poor and miserable than noyf . The area of taxation was at the root of the evil in Ireland , so far as the operation of the poor law was concerned . He regretted that the government had not been prepared to meet Parliament with some better proposition with regard to Ireland than that now submitted to the House . Mr . Herbert , while concurring generally in the fiewe of Mr . Stafford , felt that to refuse the present motion would be tantamount to passing sentence of death on many of the Irish people .
Mr E . B . Roche also spoke in favour of the motion . Sir G . Gret intimated that government did not contemphte the possibility of a town ' and rating ; but if the report of the commission of last year , as to the jwva of rating , was approved by the Poor Law Commissioners , they h * d full powers to carry it out ; but , whatever the area of taxation , it could not have prevented the distress . He reminded the House that the circumstances under which , this grant was asked for to assist those unions wherein a sufficient sum could not be raised to keep the poor from starvation , were different from those under which the former appeal was made . Then the whole amount of rate collected was £ 300 , 000 , whereas last year £ 1 , 600 , 000 had been raised . Sir J . Geaham opposed the amendment—first .
because he was jealous of the relation of debtor and creditor between England and Ireland , and would rather give double the amount as an absolute grant than a smaller sum to be repaid by compulsory means , vrhich might be dangerous to the nation ; secondly , because he had no reliance , after the example of Franee , in a system of national workshops He supported the vote on the faith of the statement made by government that it was necessary to pr » serve from starvation a large portion of the Irish people . He regarded this vote not as the first , but as the last of a series , because he thought the time had come when government must review the whole subject of local taxation ia Ireland , and when a comprehensive measure should be brought forward . Mr . Fag an " supported the rote , hut declared it to be utterly insufficient .
Mr . Disraeli suggested the adjournment of the debate , and that government should give some assurance that if this vote were agreed to , they would , without delay , bring forward a comprehensive measure of local taxation . Lord J , Russell would give no pledge that this should be the last vote ; neither could he say that he had anv comprehensive measure of local taxation in course of preparation . With regard to the poor law , he would state his opinion in detail before the committee , and afterwards would bring forward some measure to amend that law , whicb , though inadequate to meet the distress in certain parts of Ireland , had generally fulfilled his expectations . The debate was then adjourned till Friday ,
THURSDAY , Feb . 8 . HOUSE OF LORDS . — Lord Campbixl introduced a bill to abolish transportation for simple larceny , which was read a first time ; and after transacting some formal business , the House adjourned . HOUSE OF COMMONS .-The Queen ' s answer to the Address , was presented to the Speaker by Mr . Lascelles , the Comptroller of the Household . After several notices had been givev , Sir H . Inglis moved for a copy of any despatch from the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland to Earl Grey , on the subject of the rank of persons described as prelates of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland . Mr . Bavkes seconded the motion , which after a short discussion was agreed to .
Irish Poor Law Committib . — Sir William Somervilm moved that the Select Committee upon the Irish Poor Jaw do consist of twenty-one members , and that the following members be members of the said Committee : — Lord John Russell , Sir James Graham , Sir John Young , Colonel Dunne , Mr . George A . Hamilton , Sir William Somerville , Mr . Scrope , Sir Robert Ferguson , Mr . Clements , Mr . ShaftoAdair , Mr . Cornewall Lewis , Mr . Monsell , Sir Denham Nerreys , Sir John Pakington , Mr .
Herbert , Mr . Reynolds , Mr . Sharman Crawford , Mr . Fagan , Mr . O'Flaherty , Major Blackall , and Mr . Stafford . Mr . Hshrt , Mr . Grace , and Mr Fitzsiephen French , objected to the Committee , on the ground that there was too strong a preponderance on the part of Ministers , or persons officially connected with the government . Sm Robert Peel suggested an extension of the number of members of the Committee . '' After some observations from Mr . Sadlier and Mr . J . O'Cornell ,
Sir W . Somerville said government would consent to an increase of the Committee if the House would agree to the names already on the list . The other business en the paper was then disposed of , and the House adjourned .
( From our Third Edition oflastvuethj FRIDAY , Feb . 2 . HOUSE OF COMMONS . — Tootikg Case . Col . Sibthobp , in answer to an inquiry respecting the Tooting case , could only elicit " that it was under the consideration of the Home Secretary . " The adjourned debate on the Address was resumed by Mr . SiAFFonp , who had moved the adjournment on the previous night . After speeches from Sir TV . Soueutille , ana Sir J . "Walsh , Mr . Monckton Milnes condemned Mr . Disraeli for his attack upon the government , and declared it to be based not only upon limited knowledge , but absolutely upon positive misinformation . The amendment was a departure from that generous treatment
which government had hitherto received from the other side . He vindicated the foreign policy of the government from Mr . Disraeli ' s attack , especially as regarded tho Sicilian and Lombardo-Yenetian questions . v . After speeches from Lord Mandeville , Mr . Horsma » , and Mr . Scott , Colonel Sibthorp directed one of his usual philippics against the Treasury Bench , accusing' the Ministers of underhanded " conduct , duplicity , and trickery . Sir D . Lacy Evan ? made a speech in support of the Government , and was followed by Captain Harris , Mr . B . Cochrane , and Mr . Bankes , the latter of whom maintained that the aspect of our foreign relations , generally , afforded no better ground for congratulation than
the stagnant state of our commerce and manufactures . No member rising for some seconds a division was loudly called for , when Mr . Uro , uhari rose amidst a storm of " Ohs " which , however , soon subsided , and the honourable member was listened to for half an hour , whilst he spoke upon various points of our foreign policy , more particularly relating to Sicily and Naples Lord Palmebsion said , that the real meaning of the amendment and the real object of the movers was to record their opinion against the doctrine of Free-trade and the repeal of the Corn Laws and to trick the house into giving an opinion on the pretence of an amendment to an address He claimed credit for the success of the mediations of the British
government between various foreign states . He denied that any instructions had been given to Admiral Parker to stop the expedition to Sicily ; but the enormities committed by the Neapolitans revolted the English and French commanders , who on their own responsibility prevented those atrocious proceedings , and- he hoped that interference would lead to an honourable adjustment between Naples and Sicily . With respect to the Spanish " insult , " he was not prepared to go to war with Spain on that account . The Ministers stood before the house as the promoters Of peace , who had assiduously laboured to prevent war ; they were accused by the advocates of war ; and he appealed to the house to decide betwixt them .
The Marquis of Grahbt movedthe adjournment of the debate . Lord J . Russkll declared , amidst loud cheers that he would take the sense of the house on that motion . " A / ter a $ 04 di ^ ufigion between Mjr , Hbhbj ^
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Lord 3 . ftusBEiJi and the Marquie of Giusbt , the house divided , when the numbers were—For the adjournment 80 Againstit 221 Majority ... ••• " ~ T , Mr Disraeli thereupon withdrew his amendment ; the original motion was agreed to , and , after some further business of a routine kind , The House adjourned till Monday .
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THE MINERS OF NORTHUMBERLAND . At a public meeting of the miner * , held at Scaffold . hill the following resolutions were unanimously aweed to : —• That Ihc varied , manifold , wd extcn . 8 fve reductions , both as regards the price for hewing coals , and the extra burdens attempted to be imposed upon that most useful and h » rd toiling class , the witters , ate grievouViti the extreme , and unwarrantable ; therefore , it i « resolved , that where those reductions have been offered , the miners are justified by ail legal means in resisting the «» me . ' ' That the experience of the past , more especially since the year 1844 , sufficiently proves that nothing but a firm and compact union ean preserve to us the few remaining rights and privileges left us by the employers / 'That the extensive sacrifice of human
life by an explosion of fire-damp , at Darley Main Colliery , near Barnsley , Yorkshire , but adds another proof of the imminent danger to whieh the coal miners , of this country are exposed . That while shipB and steamboats are deemed worthy of legislative superintendence hefore they can be pronounced life-worthy , the lives of thoge who earn their bread iu the dark and mucky mine should claim protection from the legislature ; Therefore , it is retolved to petition the House of Gammons to pass a bill with the least possible delay , granting inspectors ef mines , pits , and collieries , and that they be endowed with proper power to stop the working of any pit , or parts of a pit , that may be deemed unsafe to the lives of those working therein . . The above resolutions were ably spoken to by the various speakers , and adopted with perfect unanimity .
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Manchester . —Fatal Accident with a Pea-puff . —On Monday last , before Mr . James Roberts , deputy coroner , an inquest was held at the Royal Infirmary , on the body of a child named James Edwards , aged five years , whose death occurred in a rather curious manner . He had , on tho previous evening , been playing with a pea-puff ( a small tube through whieh peas were propelled by a puff of breath ) , when , placing two peas on the table , he sucked them up into his mouth . One of them , however , got into his windpipe , and stucK there , so that although the child was taken to the infirmary , it was found impossible to extricate it , and the child died the same evening . Verdict—" Accidental death . "
Flight of Landlords . —The Mmerick Examiner states , that " no less than twenty Clare proprietors are about to sell out their estates and seek a home in another clime . " A Corporation Going to Prison . — The Exeter Gazette says : •— "At Totness the corporate gentlemen are beginning to put up long faces at the dreadful fate which awaits them . It appears that the Attorney-General had , as long ago as 1823 , instituted proceedings against the corporation of this town for the misappropriation of funds entrusted to
their care as trustees of the town charities . At the town council held on Monday week last it was stated that unless the corporation appeared by attorney before the Master in Chancery on the following Thursday ( and there were no funds to pay an attorney ) , an attachment would issue , and the Mayor and Ms brethren be taken into custody . A strange sensation was felt by all present , many of whom wished themselves well out of the council . The Town Clerk and Mr . Edwards ( a solicitor ) , were delegated to proceed to town to arrange the matter if possible .
The New Strand Theatre . —Mrs . Nisbett , it is stated in theatrical circles , has again undertaken the direction of a theatre , and the New Strand dramatic temple is to be the scene of her exertions . The style of entertainment , as may be imagined , will consists light vaudevilles , petite dramas , and those pleasant serio-comic burlettas , for vrhichthe house is solely . adapted ; . . . . :. Wrecked Property . — An immense quantity of white boiling peas have , during the past week , been picked up on the coast at Blackpool , which has proved a great boon to the poor people in that locality . Prunes , figs , Ac , have also been washed up , and form part , no doubt , of some ill-fated vessel which has been lost during the late gales . —Liverpool Mail .
A Gentleman Found in the Thames . —On Thursday , about nine o ' clock , as some coal-porters were at work near the lower Surrey side of Waterloo Bridge , they discovered the body of a respetablydressed man in the mud , opposite Beaehy's wharf . A shell was procured , and the body was conveyed to St . John ' s Church , Waterloo-road . The deceased ^ clothes were all new black , a dark patent stock , and in his pocket a silver watch . Age about forty years , with dark whiskers , linen shirt , and stockings marked " J . E . S . " The body appeared quite fresh , and free from any marks of violence . Notice of tho circumstance has been forwarded to the Surrey coroner , Mr . Win . Carter , for an inquest .
Inqcbbt , Manslaughter . —An inquest was held on Thursday before Mr . Mills , at the Crown and Anchor , King-street , St . Giles , on Elizabeth Manley , aged 26 , late of U , Dudley-street . — Elizabeth Gurton deposed that deceased was in the habit of drinking , which caused frequent quarrels between her and her husband . Wednesday night she came to witness s 1 room and begged to be admitted , as her 5 S ww ^ - ofdoors ' Shortly after Ei « fl ° Ck the , I PS ? ™ g the husband drove in the pannel of witness ' s room dragged his wife out of bed , threw her on the floor several times , and kicked her in
the neck , after which she never spoke . The husband then lefttko room , when witness found that deceased was dead . - Constable Lft 55 rt ° yF *^ husban <* , s ^ tedthat he had said he had kicked her in the neck because £ . . a ^ st ^ n fro m him 2 s . - Inspector Blacksaid « L ? r ** " ¦?* and h « husband were always 2 JSSTto ' ~ u ' StoP 8011 / surgeon , of Highstreet , Bloomsbury , waB of opinion that the de * vZSmJW , popI P 7 » P / oduoed by the violence . l ^ uS SS ^ «• ** - «• ¦«
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COVBMUHUX . W SiHM OK LlWlBKAKT METnell R X —A oourt-martial was held at tables , on the 23 rd ult ., on board the Hibernia flag ship , to try Lieutenant Francis Meynell ( 1846 ) , of the Bellerophon . The following members composed the court :-Captains Sir James Stirling , of the Howe , 120 ( President ); H . W . Bruce , of the Queen , 116 ; W . Ramsey , of the Terrible , steam-frigate 1 ; R . L . Baynes , C . B ., of the Bellerophon ; and John Robb , of the Gladiator , steam-frigate ; Mr . Waller , naymaster and purser of the Queen , acting as Judge-Advocate . The charge was one of disobedience , and was preferred by Commander Randolph , of the Bellerophon . It was in substance as follows : — "That overhearing Lieutenant Meynell making observations on the multitude of reports which he was obliged to receive from the master-at-arms , ship ' s ~ " - ^ "'™ " ™
W __ « V A . • *• * w TV" ? I corporal , &c , he left his cabin , and took his place at the ward-room table , in the hope that his presence would put an end to remarks which be conceived to be highly subversive of discipline . IKs presence , however , at tho mess-table had not the effect he anticipated ; whereupon Commander Randolph desired Mr . Meynell to go on deck . The latter replied he would not ; he had no notion of being ordered from his own mess-table as if he were one of the mess servants , but if Commander Randolph would go on deck himself , and send for him ( Lieutenant Meynell ) , he would then obey his summons . " The court was occupied about six hours in the investigation , andfinally found the prisoner guilty , and sentenced him to be dismissed her Majesty ' s ship Bellerophon , and to be placed at the bottom of the list of lieutenants .
Emigration to the Gold Regions . — -On Wednesday week Peterborough was all excitement , from the appearance of two waggons loaded with people , consisting of men , women , and children , in holiday attire , who were preceded by another waggon loaded with boxes and trunks . This strange sight at this time of the year , led the townfolks to wonder where the strangers could be going . It was at length ascertained that the travellers had stopped at the station , which was soon crammed with luggage , and that they were actually emigrating to the gold country of California , and had come from the neighbourhood of Spalding . It it stated that
there are many from the same neighbourhood about to follow the example thus set . Malicious Outrage . — -The passengers in the express train from Liverpool- to Derby , on Thursday week last , on arriving neav to- Sudbury , felt a slight shock , as if occasioned by something being thrown across the line . The guard signalled the engine-driver to stop the train , and then ran back for some distance , when he found that some villain had thrown a bar of iron across the rail . The bar was severed in two places , owing to the great speed at which the express train was proceeding . Had it been a slow tram no doubt most of the carriages would have been upset and some lives lost .
London . —Robberies in the Citt . —On Wednesday , at the Guildhall , W . and Elizabeth Burt , C . Witeher , J . Lee , and D . Barker were finally examined , charged , the three last with stealing , and Burt and his wife with receiving , aJarge amount of property . In October last a person named Young , a porter in the service of Messsrs . Wood , Red Lioncourt , Watling-street , was tried at the Old Bailey for robbing his employer , and found guilty , Tchen [ he was Bentenced to be transported for seven years . He shortly afterwards made such a communication to Messrs . . Wood , that Lee , who was a porter , and had the sweeping of the rooms containing the table covers , and Witcher , who had a like duty to perform in tho flannel department , were
taken into custody . Goods were then traced to the possession of the Burts , who kept a shop in Elmstreet , but lived in Gough-street , and not giving a satisfactory account , they were alsp conveyed to the station-house . The greater portion of the goods were identified as the property of Messrs . Wood , and forming a portion of their stock . When Young was brought up , lie Bwore that he was aware that both Lee and Witcher were in tho habit of daily robbing Messrs . Wood and Co ., and that he himself , in conjunction with them , began , about six months after he entered the service of his employers , to rob them . He was employed in the capacity of carman , and had taken goods to Burt ' s shop , and received money , which he gave to another servant of Messrs .
Wood , named Albert , ( who was tried at the last sessions , and convicted , judgment being respited ) . The new feature in the case was that of the evidence against Barker , when Young was brought from Newgate to give further evidence . It was proved that Young and Witcher went to dine at the Red Lion public-house , Basing-lane , when they met Barker , who was in the service of Mr . Caldicott , warehouseman in Cheapside . Barker toot out a piece of print from underneath his waistcoat , and gave it to Young , and said he would call for it in the evening . He did not call , and the next day Young was in custody , and the piece of print , whieh was identified by the private mark , in the hands of the police . The prisoners were committed . Bail was refused in all the cases .
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CORX . Friday , Feb . 2 . —The act admitting all grain at an -uniform duty of Is . per qr ., ana every description of meal at 4 Jd per cwt ., came into operation yeBterday ; the effect of this alteration was already , in a great measure , anticipated , sales having been made for gome time past either for deli , very when it came into force , or allowing the Is prospective duty , but a fair extent of business was done at the full rates of Monday . Mask Lame , Monday , Feb . 5 . —Our supply of English wheat to-day was bnlv moderate , but ( including the quantity released out of bond ) very large of foreign . The trade , notwithstanding , was firm this morning , and fully Is per or dearer than on Monday last , and at this advance a fair
amount of business was done . Flour saleable at previous rates , though not so brisk as . on Friday , We had a large arrival of English barley , but there was no change in prices . Malt very duu . ' Beans and peas slow sale . The supply of oats was small , and for fine samples rather more money was paid . ' -Rye : very dull . Tares are more demanded at a slight advance . linseed cakes dull . Red cloverseed quite as dear , hut in white little doing . The following quantities of grain have paid the . duty of Is pernr in our port , on nntl since the 1 st instant . — 'Wheat 102 , 00 () barley , 25 , 000 ; oats , 45 , 000 ; beans , 8 , 000 ; peas . 5 . 000 qrs flour , 36 , 200 cwt . '
BBrrisir . —Wheat . —Essex , Suffolk , and Kent , red , 3 fis to 46 s , ditto white , 38 s- to 50 s , Lincoln , Norfolk , and Yorkshire , red , 3 Cs to 4 is , Northumberland and Scotch , white . 38 s to 42 s , ditto red , 3 Gs to 42 s , Devonshire and Somerset * shire , red , —s to —s , ditto white , — to —s , rj-e , 24 s to 31 g . barley , 24 s to 31 s , Scotch , 23 s to 27 s , Malt , ordinary , —g to —s , pale , 52 s to 57 s , peas , hog , 30 s to 32 s , maple , 30 s to 35 s , white , 25 s to 27 s , boilers ( new ) , 28 s to 30 s . beans , large new , 21 s to 23 s , ticks 23 s to 25 s , harrow , His to 28 s , pigeon , 30 s to 32 s , oats , Lincoln and Yorkshire feed , 17 s to 23 s , ditto Poland and potato , 18 e to 23 s , Bewick ana Scotch , 20 s to 24 s , Scotch feed , 19 s to 22 s , Irish feed and black , 17 s to 20 s , ditto potato , 20 s to 24 s , linseed ( sowing ) , 50 s to 52 s , rapeseed , Essex , new , £ 26 to £ 28 per last , carr&wajr seed , Essex , new , 25 s to 29 s per cwt ., rape cake , £ 5 to £ 5 5 s per ton , linseed , £ 1110 s to £ 12 per 1 , 000 , flour , per sack of 2801 bs ., ship , 30 s to 34 s , town , 38 s to 43 s .
Fobeign . —Wheat . —Dantzig , 48 s to 57 s , Anhalt and " Marks , 44 s to 48 s , ditto white , 45 s to 51 s , Pomeranian red 478 to 48 s , Rostock , 4 Cs to 50 s , Danish , Holstein , and Friesland , 42 s to 46 s , Petersburg , Archangel , and Rica 41 s to 44 s , Polish Odessa , 43 s , to 48 s , Marianopoli and Ber * dianski , 38 s to 44 s , Taganrog , 35 s to 39 s , Brabant and French , 40 s to 45 s , ditto white , 42 s to 47 s , Salonica , 35 s to 38 s , Egyptian , 26 s to 30 s , rye , 23 s to 25 s , barley , Wismac and Kostock , 21 s to 23 s , Danish , 22 s to 25 s , Saal , 22 s to 278 , East Eriesknd , 18 s to 20 s , Egyptian , 16 s to 19 s , Da . nube , 16 s to 19 s , peas , white , 24 s to 26 s , new boilers , 28 g to 29 s , beans , horse , 23 s to 30 s , pigeon , 28 s to 30 s , Egyptian , 24 s to 26 » , oats , Groningen , Danish , Bremen , and Friesland , feed and black , 15 s to 18 s , ditto , thick and Inw 20 s to 22 s , Kigo , Petersburg , Archangel , and Swedish , 16 a to 18 s , fl « ir , United States , per 1961 bs .,- 24 s to 2 Cs , Hamburg 22 s to 23 s , Dantzig and Stettin , 23 s to 25 s , French , pep 2801 bs . , 80 s to 37 s .
BREAD . The prices of wheaten bread in the metropolis are from 7 d to 84 d ; of household ditto , 5 d to ejdper 4 ttts . loaf . CATTLE . Friday , Feb . 2 . —Trade was very dull to-day for every , thing , notwithstanding a short supply of some descriptions of meat . Prices were heavy , and 2 d per stone lower than on Monday last for beef , mutton , and veal . Prime Scots made only 3 s lOd , and southdowns no more than 4 s 10 d . The finest calves went at 5 s 2 d per stone . Smithtield , Monday , Feb . 5—Notwithstanding the arrivals of foreign stock last week were on the increase , the suppl y on sale here to-day was limited , and eenerallT Bpeakin of very middling quality . There was a beiti demand for beasts and sheep , at full prices . Calves , however , command very little attention . From our various grazing districts tho arrivals of beasts fresh up this morning were but moderate , the time of year considered vet they were slightly on the increase , compared with those reported on this day week . The Scots , short-horns , ana Devons come to hand in full average condition . In the
quality 01 tnc various other breeds no marked improvement was noticed . The dead markets having been fairly cleared of their last week * supply from the provinces , the attendance of buyers was tolerably good . Nearly all Weeds of beasts commanded a steady , though not to say 11 brisk , demand , at full rates of currency , a few Of the primest £ w r ^ * i dpe ? 8 lbs ;> and a 6 ood clearance was ettected , prior to the close of business . An extreme ] - * small supply of sheep was brought forward . As it wai scarcely adequate to the wants of the butchers , there was a decided improvement in the quotations of 2 d per 8 lbs K'iT * y&PVT * — ° , ffrea ( % . ^ from 4 s lOd to 5 s per 8 lbs . The late rise in the value of veal had the efiect of producing rather a large number of calves on offerfor a Monday ' s market . The primest qualities of veal ™™?« % ^ r > ? n <>^ ^ s 8 lowly % t las ? Friday ' s prices . The highest currency was 5 s per 8 lbs . Only a limited business was transacted in pics Prices however were supported , with amoderate numler on offer lMWVmr »
Heap of Cattle at Sjutufou ) . Beasts .. .. 3 , 227 | Cnlres .. 107 Sheep .. 16 , 290 Pi gs .. •/ . " Jg Price per stono of 8 lbs . ( sinking the offal ) ' Mufton " | s ? d to 4 « 2 d f Wnl f . 4 s Od to 0 s 0 < 3 Mutton .. 3 C .. S 0 I Pork .. 3 4 .. 0 0
FRUIT AND VEGETABLES . Covect Garden , Monday , Feb . 5 . — This market wdr well supplied with both fruit and vegetables , the drne of year considered at the following prfcls : _ ForceS rhubarb , » atoU 6 d ; « nd brocoli lOd to 2 s per bundle . Ay $ W Is Cd to 4 s ; years , 5 s to 8 s ; onions , Is 3 d to Is Cd Brue sels sprouts , Is to 2 s ; spinach , Cd to lOd ¦ " and n « w £ to-l «« P « WfrfevSj ^ ^ bt aS S ' to " r ^ S ?' g to lOd ; celery Cd to Is Gd ; and horseradish , Is Id to - ' sM per dozen heads ; turnips , Is to 2 s j carrots 2 s 6 d to 4 s F ^ S ^ Sf » HS # i sfettSK ^ aaa ^ . vS
POTATOES . SoOTHWAHK "WATHtsiDE , Feb . 5 . _ T / here have been a ' piSsasS- ^ French whites , 100 s to 110 s ; BeUjuu > , « £ tcfioto ;
PROVISIONS . London , Monday , Feb . 5 . — The mild weather in the imt hu ^ rf " , T ™* O * f t »« leof Insh and ForS butter . The dealings in each were , in consequence com & £ ?* « mns ; priccs - nominally «^ S fo fSpS 8 Werem ° re iurepute ' ^ sold Sjrt ^ M ^^^ zis ^ rz ^ ^^ S ^ ttia& ^ stfSSS ? i in
»« vcu mrea . exportation notlimg dohw J » Kro 5 s , rs i ^ 'is ™ " \* «* « sassrSiP 2 " ¦ - "' "" SoK'S ^™ - ' i ^^ MK ^ KSM averageofthose oflas tweek ^ he t , ^ at prices vhkh mostln demand . In coSaXcfoTH ? H ties F" " smaU amount of business haVw a ? saIeS ) buta tract in the West IndamarkPt" ^ oy private consold . Kenned steady ? « cWl ™ L 50 hoSsl" *< ls ™ b Coffee —The snloo 5 Srocery lumpg , 48 s Cd to 51 s . considerablefpffi ^ bffi ^ "" . P irit > ™ ApUeofgoodordinar ^\ Src m , tOSU ? tain Ule marken bought in ut thatprice ! On 8 old at S 5 s > th * Ulik atpS ° rl ^ ? ^ &und bnyers , in public sale , Us Gd . ' nuddlin S to good middling white , 12 s , Tea continues in but limited demand . ?
heSSnSS ' mnd' - ^ arket . still continues very doing . Stelart ' s IV . el « i with litUe or notlli » S » s& a ^ a ^« SS&ss stoclfS vert rPrff , " 5 ? 01 tr ^ e was active , the caution for fomard aeUverr . " *** takm Wlth mcre
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SteSa aBSSaaA ^ ss SH "??^^^
£Ttavket$ 3 &£,
£ ttavKet $ 3 & £ ,
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„ „ 4 « February 10 , 1849 . THE NORTHERN STAR . mmmm ^^^^____ ^~! ^^^ 3 MM . LOUIS BLANC AND CAUSSIDIERE . MM . LOUIS BLANC AND CAUSSIDIERE .
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Fbakck . —The intriguers hate thrown off the mask , a » d Legitimists , Orleanists , and Buonaparti&tt , openly avow their coalition for producing a counter-revolution . They have resolved to form an Electoral Committee in Paris , to be composed of thirty members , to direct the ensuing elections . Count Mole hat consented to act as President , and MM . Thiets and Bcttyer as Yice-Praidents . Five Buonaparti 6 ts are to be admitted into the Committee , the remaining twenty-five are to be composed of Legitimists and . the Friends of the Regency . It has been agreed on by the chiefs of these parties that any candidate approved of by . the committee shall obtain all the votes the united par . ties can influence .
Prussia . —The election of the Members of the Second Chamber took place at Berlin on the 5 tb . The result was favourable to the Opposition party , six of their candidates having been chosen ; three of them vrere each elected in two districts . The names of the Deputies nominated are—M . Waldeck , M . Behrend , M . Rodhprtus , M . Jacoby , M . Temme , and M . Philips . The number of Deputies for Berlin is nine ; in consequence of the double election ef three of the above names , three new elections will have to be made *
Insanity . —An inquest was held en Thursday , before Mr . 'Mills , at the Pickled Egg , Coppice-row , Clerkenwell , on Joseph Smith , a master bricklayer , late of Leather-lane , Holborn . The deceased , it appeared , had sustained great domestic affliction by his wife eloping with another roan six months ago . Since that period he has led a wandering life , but never indulged in any excess . He lately lodged at the White Horse , Ray-street , where he became so excited last Saturday that he had to be removed to
the workhouse . Messrs . Taylor and Goddard , the pari : h surgeons , paid him every possible attention , administering to him stimulants and such other remedies as his case required . But notwithstanding all that was done to save his life he died within two hours of bis admission . The 6 urgeons were of opinion that he died of brain fever . Deceased ' s brother attributed his death to mental anguish , cansed by his wife's elopement . Verdict , Died of a disease of the brain . '
Suicide of a Drbsshaker . —On Thursday , Mr . Mills held an inquest at the Golden Fleece , Perceval-street , J _ hn « street-road , on Constants Martinet , a dressmaker , aged twenty-seven . Deceased , who possessed a amatt property , was courted by Mr . B—— for two years , and every arrangement -was made for the marriage , when he suddenly broke off the match . This disappointment greatly affected her mind , and she declared she would not long survive it . Tuesday morning she was found dead on the floor of her bedroom , and at her side there was an empty cup , that lately contained oxalic acid . Mr . Goddard > surgeon , found in the -tomach a large quantity of oxalic acid , mere than sufficient to cause death . Verdict— 'Insanity . '
No Moke Medicine! No More Delicate Childbed!—Dyspepsia (Indigestion)
^Tt^I^M Rider, Of No. 5. Mocclesfield.Ktrr.Et..
^ tt ^ I ^ M RIDER , of No . 5 . Mocclesfield . Ktrr . et ..
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 10, 1849, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1509/page/8/