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LETTERS TO-THE WORKING CLASSES . Lvm . : "Words are things , andasmaH drop of ink Palling—like dew—upon a thought , produces That which makes thousands , perhaps mflliong , think . " buos . "ALL MEN ARE BRETHREN . " BBOTHEIt PE 0 LETABIAX 3 , Appended to this letter you will find one from the illustrious Joseph Mazzeji ;—illustrious not because crown or coronet encircles Ms brow , or troops of liveried lacqueys and » oul-less slaves salute him as " prince" or " peer , " for lie does not belong to the " illustrious by courtesy "—the enslavers of the irnirpriP nrAni ^ mn nr » CCT ? S
human race and desolators of the world . Ko ! he is illustrious because he had breathed the breath of a new life into a nation which despotism and priestcraft had consi gned to the moral death which nations succumb to when Liberty expires;—illustrious , because he has laid the foundation of Italian Unity , and assured for Eternal Koine a new age of glory —illustrious , because tried by the double ordeal of persecution and power — triumph and defeat—he has proved himself to be one of the fewmen who , by their immense talents and public and private virtues , are fitted to re-cast society , and shape the destinies of nations Such men are trul y illustrious , and amongsi the foremost of such , stands the incorruptible and unconquerable Joseph Mazzini .
Joseph Mazzini commences his letter by declaring that the fall of Rome is a great crime and a great error . "The crime , " he says , "belongs entirel y to France ; the error to civilised Europe , and above all , to your England . " Iadmitthe " error , " but lassert that England has to answer for more , and for worse , thau " error . " With all respect for Joseph Mazzisi , I must say , that in my view of the question , England is a sharer in the crime of France- The error of permittino-France to overturn the balance of power ;—the error of allowing Buonaparte Falloutand
, , Oodixot to attempt the suppression of the Protestant principle of Free Thought by forcibly restoring the Papal Tyranny ;—the error of refusing to take a just advantage of securing the gratitude of the Italian people , and ensuring to this country the leadershi p of liberal Europe , cannot be disputed ; a mighty threeibld error is laid to the account of England ' s Government Would that I could stop here ; ¦ would that I could pronounce our rulers only imbeciles ; but I must go further , and must declare the English Government a party to , and sharer in , the crime of France .
"Those who permit Oppression share the crime f and England—or the English Governmenthas been guilty of that offence against Humanity . Worse still , the English Government connived at , encouraged , and applauded { he crime of President Buonaparte and his ministry of assassins . Indeed , Buoxapaute , in his "Message , " boasted that the fratricidal policy of his administration had the perfect concurrence of the British Government ; and the subsequent admissions of Russeil and Palmerstox proved the truth of Buonaparte ' s assertion . A question arises , whether this view of the conduct of the British Government is not too lenient . On reflection . I am more than inclined
toacquit the Whigs of everything like a charge Of "error ; " but I can only do so by charging npon them a vast addition to the " crime " already laid to their account . I am strongly of opinion that f reason to the interests of Eugland has been combined with treachery and secret hostility towards the Italians . The conviction is impressed upon my mind , that it ¦ was no blander which allowed the French , to overturn the balance of power ; no mistake
which led to England ' s abandonment of the Protestant cause ; no error which forfeited for this nation the opportunity of seizing upon the leadership of the peoples of Europe ; 3 fo ! I feel persuaded that the interests of England , both political and religious , were deliberately and treasonabl y betrayed by rulers who S cared not what price they paid , so that they only accomplished their secretly cherished de 3 ire for the overthrow of Democracv .
Joseph Mazzixi may assure himself that our statesmen , although none of the brightest , are not exactly fools . They knew very well what they were about , when they connived at the ruffianism of the French Government , and betrayed the interests of this country . They desired the destruction of the Roman Republic , and therefore they secretly conspired with Bcoxapame and Barrot , Falloux and Oudixot , to commit an act of injustice which will rank in history with tho atrocious dismemberment of Poland . The policy of the English Government in the Roman affair s -was no short-si ghted " error ; " it was , on the contrary , a foreseen and deliberately concocted " CRIME . "
Brother Proletarians , read Joseph Mazzisi ' s account—his true and faithful account—of the state of Rome during his glorious triumvership , and its state at this time under the rule of French brigands and Papal inquisitors ; read , and then blush crimson for oar poor counby , that she is ruled by men who have wickedl y connived at this foul overthrow of Freedom and Right—this infamous establishment of Foreign and Priestly ierror over a people who had " not furnished the slightest pretest for such violence , or made the slightest attempt against the peace of neisrlibourinsr countries . "
l ' nllowing the Letter of Joseph Mazzixi you will read an Address from a Committee formed to establish an "Italian Refugee Fund . ' I trust that address will elicit a response on the part of the people of this country , worthy of Englishmen , and proportionate to the unquestionable merits and holy claims of those heroes and patriots in whose lehalf the members of the Committee address their countrymen . " You may , " writes Joseph Mazzixi , " console the exile of our combatants whom the French Government
tears from their homes to cast them out—poor mistaken souls , who dreamed of the fraternity of France—in utter physical destitution , and despair of mind . " We must do so . To sustain , protect , and console the Italian exiles is , at this moment , perhaps , all we can do , towards redeeming our country from the disgrace of the Government's criminal conspiracy with the Brigand-rulers of France . Protection of the defenders of Rome , and of all who have struggled aild suffered for Italian Freedom , is an imperative duty , which every man worthy of the name will hasten to fulfil .
Kofc quarrelling with the terms of the Committee ' s address , I will merely observe that England is not exactly the " free country " it is asserted to be by the Committee . England maybe a free country for Lord Beaumont , and Charies Dickens , Esq . —for Richard Codden , M . P ., and Douglas Jerrold , Esq . —but it is not a " free country" foryoa , the working classes . I make this observation principally for the sake of the good cause represented by the Committee . At the recent meetings for Hungary , the speakers of the ** noble , " " parliamentary , " and " respectable '' classes , did some harm to the cause they
• spoused , by their eternal laudations of " our free institutions , " and by picturing the Hungarians as fighting for mere British Constitutionalism—by no means a faithful picture of that struggle . The said speakers , however , must have observed , that their expressed admiration of our glorious institutions was anything hut shared by the working men who formed the great majority at each and all of those meetings . Were England a " free country , " you , Brother Proletarians , would be much hetter prepared than you are , to subscribe to the Italian Fund ; but , indeed , England ** freV tb-e necessity for that fund would not
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have existed . Were the Parliament chosen K . ^* a suffrages of the nation , S the Ministry , consequently , the reflex of « £ peopk ' s will , RomeWnot havSen ! h Enghsh Government , instead of connivL ' e at theFrencWasionofltaly , would wK bade that invasion ; andif words had proved jam , deeds would have compelled subnS to England Swm Had theWtaXSK irTf ^ v r > l t eEoman Re P uWic ™> uld 1 * \ iiT' f reraained wassailed ' and the freedom of entire Italy would have been taumphantly won , and securel y estS > ave existed . ffm > fl . ft . jj ^ .. ^ ^
England "free , " indeed , and reprinted by such a slave and tool of Jesuitism as that SS ^ T ? ^ i ! The im p ° - ° theEflghsh people , with regard to their own jrjS 7 «»*« WBng » y proved by the I k ™ ? ? ** pne 8 Ued P ersec « tor of thi Itaban pateots « yet permitted to tyrannise over Malta , instead of being recalled / and brought home in irons , to answer , at the bar of Public J ustice for his crimesagainsthumanity , and the scandal he has inflicted upon this country-the hono ur of which it was his first duty to cherish and uphold .
iif- ^ earnestly urging you to support the Italian Refugee Fund , I must remind you that the unfortunate patriots of many other lands claim your philanthropic aid . First , a word for Hungary . There can be no doubt that , for the time being , the Hungarian cause is lost . I regret to add , that there is as little doubt that the ruin of that cause has been brought about by foul , unnatural treachery . At Notting ham and other places , I was questioned as to my opinion of Georget ' s honesty , and my answer was— " That while I would
pnr 3 ue a known traitor to the gates of perd . 1 tion , I would not condemn any man upon-mere suspicion ; " butfrom the evidence thathassince then reached this country , I can no longer hesitate in coming to the painful conclusion , that Georgey is a traitor ; and that , when he surrendered to the Russians , he sold his country , his cause , and his comrades for Russian gold , or some equivalent equally vile . And see , already , the fruits of his treason . Not only is his country enslaved , and her liberties of eight centuries destroyed , but even the comrades who shared with him the dangers and glories of many a well-fought field , and who , unfortunately , escaped the bullet and the sabre , are .
now that they are disarmed and powerless , falling victims to that bloodthirsty ferocity for which the Austrian despotism is so infamously famed . A few days ago , the English public wereassured by the " Tims , " and other vile journals of the same stamp , that Austria would pursue the path of clemency in relation to the discomfited Hungarians ; but already the hypocritical mask has been cast away , and the work of vengeance has begun . General Aulich , and several other leaders of the Hungarians , have been butchered in cold blood—a frightful foretoken of the bloody enormities that will shortly be heard of .
There is a report that Bem has been arrested ; but I venture to hope that it ha 3 no better foundation than the false rumours , of a similar kind , alluded to in my last leiter . I fear , however , that Kossuth ' s children , his wife , and his mother—and the wife and children of General Guyon—have fallen into the hands of the Austrians . To what a volume of misery are these few words the index !
If not already arrived , the immediate arrival of a large number of Hungarian refugees may be anticipated . They will land in a destitute condition ; even the noble and wealthy will step on these shores penniless . A fund tor the Hungarians will , therefore , be as necessary , as one for the Italians . I would suggest , that any surplus that may remain , after defraying the cost attending the sending of the Hussars from Folkstone to Constantinople , should be made the basis of a refugee fund . And if any persons who intended to have subscribed to tho Hungarian cause , have been
induced to withhold their subscriptions under the impression that it was too late to subscribe , they will do well to reflect that more than ever their subscriptions are now required . Those who applauded the Hungarians will surely iiot see those brave men wanting bread ; but I cannot doubt , that if Lord Dudley Stuart , Lord Nugent , and other influential friends of Hungary , -will appeal to the English people , those who so recently cheered the heroes of that country , will succour and protect them from those miseries which too often afflict the unfortunate exile . I have sanguine
hopes that both the Italian and Hungarian patriots will find many friends , and very general support ; but there are others , to say the least , equally worthy of your esteem , and equally unfortunate , who , I fear , will not share the patronage of the liberal section of the aristocracy and middle class . The Red Republicans of France and Germany , who have escaped the tender mercies of the traitor Buonaparte , and the butcheries of which Baden has been the daily theatre for the last two months—these our brothers are likely to
find no friend in this country , save and except in your ranks . I am acquainted with several who are , at this moment , in a state of absolute destitution . Amongst other good men there are some who , incited by a zeal as fervent as that which inspired the crusaders , and animated by a still holier purpose , quitted their homes , their friends , and their means of living iu America , to risk their lives to free the old world from the tyranny of usurers , priests and kings . The European movement crushed for the moment , these men find themselves destitute and friendless in this
country—they have not the means necessaiy to enable them to return to America , and you know how difficult it is for the unemployed to find work . These men have claims upon your sympathy . Now that the reaction is everywhere triumphant a blow will be struck at the independence of Switzerland . Within a very few weeks the Swiss Government will be forced either to expel the French , German , and Italian refugees , or the Confederation will be invaded by the troops of France , Prussia ,
Austria , and Russia—as a matter of course , the English Government will look on and connive at this new atrocity . Perhaps a meaningless " protest , " or a remonstrance , by way of saving appearances , may emanate from Lord Palmerstox . Parliament not sitting at this time , we shall lose the flashy speech his Lordship might otherwise favour us with—no great loss to the poor Swiss , who , whether Lord Palmerston speaks or holds his tongue , will be sacrificed , unless they can defend themselves against the leagued brigands of the
Continent . It may be fully anticipated that the Swiss will succumb , and in that case hundreds more of French , German , and Italian Democrats will be thrown upon this country ; their too probable fate is appalling to think of ; I warn you in time ; you must be prepared to aid your brothers , otherwise they will perish . In addition to the Italian and Hungarian
funds , let there be established a testimonial fund for the relief of all pure Democrats , without distinction of country . A body alread y in existence , the Fraternal Democrats , should take the initiative in establishing this fund . About to leave London , and pressed for time , I cannot pursue this subject further this week ; but , I trust I have already supplied you with a few materials for tbinkinsr . Let action follow
thought . While the tyrants of Europe are deluging the nations with the blood of Liberty's defenders , and filling the homes of innumerable families with misery and despair , do you record the best protest your position will admit of , that of succouring the persecuted and the oppressed . By so doing you will annoy the despots , secure for yourselves the gratitude of your fellow-creatures , and win that true glory which kings and conquerors
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ftf 5 ? * ? " ?* u ? one * earhai » more w aone 3 t fame , than shedding seas of gow . " Q , v L'AMIDUPEUPLE , September 4 th , 1849 .
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JOSEPH MAZZINI . The following letter , addressed by Mazzini to a /* «?? u % country » is n <>* of rather an old date ( the oth ult . ); but , as a picture of the man , a historical interest attaches to it , and we feel , therefore , no hesitation as to giving it a place in our columns ;—"Rome has fallen ! It is a great crime and a great error . The crime belongs entirely to France tho error to civilised Europe , and above all to your England . I say to your England , for in the three questions which are now at issue in Rome and which it is vain to attempt to stifle b y brute force England appears to me , and did appear to us all , to be especially concerned . Three Questions-tho
question oi principle , of international right , of European morality-the political question , properly so called , the balance of power in Europe , influence to be preserved or obtained-and the religious question « £ oJ ™ '» "V £ V aised already m R ° rae before the entrance of the French . The question of prin-S ? ™ Itt ' . ? , ? fficiently clear . A population of more than two millions of men having peacefully , solemnly , and legally chosen , through a constitutional assembl y , regularly elected , a form of government is deprived of it by foreign violence , and forced again to submit to the power which had been abolished ; and that without that population having furnished the slightest pretext for such violence , or made the slightest attempt against the peace of neighbouring countries . The calumnies which have been for
months systematically circulated against our republic , are of little importance ; it was necessary to defame those whom it had been determined to destroy . But I affirm that the republic , voted almost unanimously by the assembly , had the general and spontaneous approbation of the country ; and of this the explicit declaration of almost all the municipalities of the Koman States , voluntarily renewed at the time of the French invasion , without any initiative on the part of the Roman government , is a decisive proof . Iaffirm that with the exception of Ancona , where the triumvirate were obliged energetically to repress certain criminal acts , of political vengeance , the republican cause was never sullied by the slightest excess ; that never was there any censorship assumed over the press before the
siege , never did the occasion arise for exercisin » it during the siege ; not a single condemnation to death or exile bore witness to a severity which it would have been our right to have cxercised , but which the perfect unanimity which reigned amongst all the elements of the State rendered useless . I affirm that , except in the case of three or four priests , who had been guilty of firing upon our combatants , and who were billed by the people during the last days of the siege , not a single act of personalviolence was committed by any fraction of the population against another , and that if ever there was a town presenting the spectacle of a band of brothers pursuing a common end , and bound together by the same faith it was Rome under the republican rule . The city was inhabited by foreigners from all mrts nf t . lm
world , by the consular agents , by many of your countrymen ; let any one of them arise and under the guarantee of his own signature deny , if lie can , the truth of what I say . Terror now reigns in Home ; the prisons are choked with men who have been arrested and detained without trial fiftv priests are confined in the castle of St . An « elo whose only crime consists in their having lent their services in our hospitals ; the citizens tho best known for their moderation are exiled ; the army is almost entirel y dissolved , the city disarmed , and the 'factious sent away even to the last man ; and yet trance dares not consult in a legal manner the will of the populations , but re-establishes the papal authority by military decree . I do not believe that since the dismemberment of Poland there has been committed a more atrocious injustice , a more gross violation of the eternal riht which God has
img planted in the people , that of appreciating and denning for themselves their own lite , and governin * themselves m accordance with their own appreciation of it . And I cannot believe that it is well for you or for Europe that such things can be accomplished in the eyes of the world without one nation arising out of its immobility to protest in tho name of universal justice ! This is to enthrone brute force where , by the power of reason , God done should reign ; it is to substitute the sword and pomavd for law—to decree a ferocious war without limit of time or means between oppressors rendered supicious by their fears , and the oppressed abandoned to the instincts of reaction and isolation . Let Europe ponder upon these things . For if the lMit of human morality becomes but a little more obscured , in thai darkness there will nr ; se a strife that will make those who con . e after us shudder
with dread . " The balance of power in Europe is destroyed . It consisted formerly in the support given to the smaller states by the great powers : now they are abandoned . France in Italy , Russia in Hungary , Prussia in Germany , a little later perhaps in Switzerland : these are now the masters of the Continent . England is thus made a nullity ; the ' ceZsft sedcl Lotus in arcc , ' which Canning delighted to quote , to express the moderating function which he wished to reserve for his country , is now a meaningless phrase . Let not your preachers of the theory of material interests , your speculators upon extended markets , deceive themselves ; there is history to teach them that political influence and commercial influence are closely bound together . Political thies
sympa hold the key of the markets ; the tariff of the Roman republic will appear to you , if you study it , to he a declaration of spmpatby towards England to which your government has not thought it necessary to respond . " And yet , above the question of right , above the question of political interest , both of which wore of a nature to excite early the attention of England , there is , as I have said , another question boing a » itated at Rome of a very diitVrent kind of importance , and which ought to have aroused all those who believe in tho vital principle of reli gious reformation—it is that of liberty of conscience . The religious question which broods at the root of all political questions showed itself there great and visible in all its European importance . The Pone at aeta the
G was theory of absolute infallible authority exiled from Rome for ever ; and exiled from Rome was to be exiled from the world . The abolition of the temporal power evidently drew with it in the minds of all those who understood the secret of the Papal authority , the emancipation of men ' s minda from the spiritual authority . The principle of liberty and of free consent , elevated by the constituent assembly into a living active right , tended rapidly to destroy tho absolutist dogma which from Rome aims more than over to enchain the universe The high aristocracy of the Roman Catholic clergy well know the impossibility of retaining the soul in darkness , in the midst of light inundating the intelligence of men ; for this reason they carried oft their Pope to Gaeta ; for this reason they now refuse all
compromise . They know that any compromise v Uid be f ; ltal to them ; that they must reenter as conquerors , or not at all . And in the same way that the aristocracy of the clergy fulfc this insoparability of the two powers , the French government , in its present reactionary march , has felt that the keystone of despotismis .-it Rome—that the ruin of the spiritual authority of tho middle ages was the ruin of its own projects—and that the only method of securing to it a ' few more years of existence was to rebuild for it a temporal domination . " England has understood nothing of this . She has not understood what there was of sublime and prophetic in this cry of emancipation , iu this protestation in favour of human liberty , issuing from the very heart o : ancient Rome , in the face of the Vatican . She has not felt that the struggle in Rome
was to cut the Gordian knot of moral servitude , against which she has long and vainly opposed her biblical societies , her Christian and evangelical alliances ; and that there was being opened , had she but extended a sisterly hand to the movement , a mighty pathway for the human mind . She has not understood that one bold word , ' respect for the liberty of thought , ' opposed to the hypocritical language of the French government , would have been sufficient to inaugurate the era of a now religious policy , and to conquer for herself a decisive ascendency upon the Continent . " Is England beginning to understand these things , you answer me , yes . I doubt it . Political and religious indifference appears to me . to have taken too deep root with you to be conquered by anything short of those internal crises which become more and more iuevitable . But if it be true that
the unequal struggle which has been maintained for two months in Rome has borne fruits—if it betruo that you begin to understand all that there is of brutal in the league of four Powers against the awakening of the Eternal City—all that there is of grand and fruitful for humanity in this cry of country and liberty , rising from among the ruins of the capital—all that there would bo ot noble , of generous , of profitable for England in responding to this cry , as to that of a sister towards whom a debt of gratitude is owed—yon can still do us a creat good .
You may console—this you have always done—the exile of our combatants , vfhom the French government , tears from their homes to cast them out , poor mistaken souls , who dreamed of tho fraternity of France , in utter physical destitution , and in despair of mind ! You can save for us these spirits , by preserving them from the attacks of doubt , and of unmeasured reaction . You can , by your press , by the voice of your meetings , fix upon the forehead of the French Republic the mark of Cain ; upon the front of Rome the g lory of a martyrdom ¦ which contains the promise of victory ; you can give
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anew St ^ T , oiouSDe 83 tha fcttalyisbeingborn You rnav dJ i aly a »*»» M « 1 faith in hlrself . from ^ L m T ; The R" q ^^ wn is far bSeHen c ° ti iT * ^ V * ^ rection anrf L , VP v % mn 8 ™ y to a newinsurnat on bv b ! r + ° Paging indefinitely theoccu fntoconauesf A tr ° l ' , thu 3 ch ™ & » S intervention e ves Snii SCmb ! e y < wwelTC 5 , associate youranS . E a vast citation for the political to rSr ZS , m ? ? oeofth « Peoples ; and say fiJZKn ! 5 Tfc that "onour , duty , and the hSd ? vFnSh - * - aemandtha * fler flagahall not Sd rfolatl !! l ! imm oMlity , amidst the oonhat Frin h ofthe Principle which it represents ; Rornin Statif , I" f he ri S ht t 0 dis P ° « e of tbe uomiin s tates as 8 hAnn ,. 0 ,. ° Mi . m - * _ -ii . <• * « , „
sSbSsa ought to wx -- - d ' that it are encam 2 , f XpreS - while four hostile amies FrtncetoTlfilh ° lts terr " ° ™ s . Call upon -we thefeffiZ ff ° mises - We could not admit clued won toS P P -that they should be Seadvneac 3 reS 3 as , Ocond time what they had smpidn iiTOn m ,, » i ¦ ' We could not commit But s 24 K l in our mos * sacred right . ofiteS £ Wf ManHiWhted the ^^ » 0 M ? i « . ^ S . ° r now to recall France to ? ouwH 5 StXY t 0 , t 0 her : " that L ° " a 'l a ? ' 8 nulland illetrM . if thn will of
urn pupuuuun u not consulted . " And if vour eovernment remains silent—if Franw pursles Ev career of violence—then it i « fi ™ «„ . \ $ , V aid m vou mi > n « p J lor y ° » too people , to . ^ jsasa ^ aS PPsstfeil of the peoples may spare us many bloody swrifices much reactionary violence , that wo men of oS and peace , have striven to avoid , but whichTin the powerlessness of exile , we may not be able to MS August 6 th , 1340 . JoawHMmiHi .
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ITALIAN REFUGEE FUND . Committee . —The Right Honourable Lord Beaumont , The Right Ilonourable Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart , M . P ., The Right Ilonourable T . Milner Gibson , M : P ., Sir C . D . 0 . Jephson Nomvs , Bart . M . P ., Chisholm Anstey , Esq . M . P .. W . II . Ashuvst Jun . Esq ., F . Carnac Brown , Esq ., Richard Cobden , Esq . M . P ., Charles Dickens , Esq ., T . S . Duncombe , Esq . M . P , John Forster , Esq ., W . J . Fox , Esq M . l \ , Sidney M . Hawkes , Esq ., T . K . Homy , Esq ! , Joseph Hume , Esq . M . P ., Douglas Jerrold , Esq . Walter Savage Landor , Esq ., \ V . A . Mackinnon , Esq . M . P ., Thomas Prout , Esq ., William Shaen , Esq ., James Stansfeld , Esq ., Frank Stone , Esq Richard Taylor , Esq ., P . A . Taylor , Esq ., AY . M
maclcevy , JSsq ., Uolonel Thompson , M . P . Honorary Secretaries . —Sydney Milnes Hawkes Esq ., James Stanfield , Esq ., Tavistock House Tavistook-square , London . The generosity and love of justice which distinguish the English people among all the nations of the earth are appealed to , on behalf of tho Italian Refuses in England , under circumstances unparalleled in history . The exiles—to a generous relief of whose distresses tho English heart is sought to bo awakened - were engaged in the defence of Rome . They are the good citizens who , when Rome was abandoned by her Monarch and Executive , answered to the general voice , and arose to give her law , tranquillity and order ; who built upon the ruins of a monstrous system which had fallen of its own rottenness and corruption , one of moderation and truth ; who established and maintained a government ,
administereu unuer tne pressure of great difficulties , with a veneration for the sacred rights of life , liberty and property , now in Rome—administered with an honesty , forbearance , and singleness of purpose , that won the respect of dispassionate observers , of all principles and parties . They are the soldiers who defended that government against the united arms of bigotry and despotism , and defended it successfully . They are the brave besieged who held Rome with a courage and devotion worthy of ker ancient glories , but with the magnanimity and clemency of Christian men . They are the dignified capitulntors , who , when all means of defence wero exhausted , opened her gates to a foreign army forty thousand strong , assembled round thorn by an act of such stupendous baseness that it will remain an ineffaceable stain upon the honour and the name of the French government , through all the coming a"es of the world .
It is not the only sorrow of the Italian exiles that a noble cause is , for the time being , lost . Proscribed , and driven from their watch over thebeauuful country of their birth and their affections , they seek a refuge here in England , almost the only free land where they may set foot . And if their claim on our hospitality and sympathy needs any strengthening , it must not be forgotten that one representative of tho English nation has dcen found in the person of Mr . More O'Ferral , Governor of Malta , who , having received with open arms the . Jesuits and friends of absolutism , did not think it shame to cast these wanderers forth from that inhospitable shore , as if the shi ps that bore them were infected with the plague .
Hunted by their , and tho world ' s , enemies ; forlorn and penniless , reduced to indigence , bereft of almost all that makes life dear , and bringing nothing from the wreck beyond the Mediterranean Sea but Hope in the eternal might of the princi ples they have upheld ; the Committee named above appeals in their behalf to Englishman , for present help . That they may not die of want , where they have found a homo ; that their noble spirits may not sink into despair ; that they may connect with this free country in their future—be it what it may—such associations as such men should connect with it , and ever love and honour it with grateful hearts , as worthy of its freedom and its high renown ; the Committee issues this address , earnestly soliciting subscriptions for their aid .
The funds raised are proposed to bp applied to the relief of the more immediate and urgent wants of the exiles , to the provision of the means of enabling them to reach other countries as they may desire , and generally to their assistance and protection . Subscriptions will be gratefully received by any of tho members of the Committee , or by the Honorary Secretaries , Sidney Milnes Hawkes and James Stansfeld , Esqrs ., Tavistock House , Tavistock-square , London ; or may be paid into tho follownig Bankers : —Messrs . Smith , Payne , and Smiths , 1 , Lombard-street ; and Messrs ' . Coutts , Strand .
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SYMPATHY WITn ROME AND HUNGARY . MEETING AT HALIFAX . In compliance with a respectable and very numerously signed requisition , his worship the Mayor convened a public meeting of the borough of Halirt ' oXiln *? hcld at the Odd Fellow ' s Hall on the ^ athult . , to express sympathy with Rome and Hungary in the noble efforts sustained by the one , and the heroic struggle still carrying on by the other , to secure independent self-government . At the hour of meeting the room was about half filled , but ere long every part became crowded , and throughout listened to the speakers with great attention . ° 3 , Baio t , Esq . ( the Mayor ) , took tho chair , and several resolutions wero unanimously adopted The meeting was addressed by Mr . Henry Martin Mr . Joseph Jennings , Mr . F . Maude , Mr . E . Sloane ' Mr . T . Moorhouse , Mr . E . J . Morton , and Mr . s ! Kydd .
Mr . Ktdd said : The question on which they had met as neither local nor sectional , but was opposed to despotism and feudalism . It had both an internal and an international bearing . What did the Roman people demand ? They did not ask Pope Pius the Ninth to leave Rome , to abandon his temporal and ecclesiastical jurisdiction ; but he chose to leave Rome himself . The Romans wisely elected a provisional government , which they termed a junta , and this ] unta desired the people to elect a parliament—a course which was perfectly right , as all political economy writers of moment acknowledge the people to bo the source of government . Tho Romans resolved to dispense with the Pope , and elected a governor from among themselves . The
Pope appealed to the Catholics to reinstate him , and I think that , in spiritual matters , any appeal to arms is absurd . In the present stato of Europe , it may be asked whether it is advisable to interfere in the affairs of other nations ? International liberty is maintained by non-interference , and if civilisation is to progress it must bo done by this . Now , in France , there was a declaration comprised in the code drawn up by the republic , that France -was to go to war with no power in Europe , and Louis Napoleon sworo to maintain it . When Louis sent armed troops to the gates of Rome he violated this principle , and broke his oath . Who and what was lie ? ,, The greater part of his time had been spent in debauchery , and he went to France without a policy
and without a programme . He sought an interview with M . Proudhon , and professed sympathy with socialism , both in its democratic and in its ' social aspect . Finding that the Socialists would not supply him with a majority , ho turned his attention to the Catholics , and by supporting the Pope * , knew that he should gain their sympathy . But Louis Napoleon is no Catholic , ho hits no reli gion . He published a book remarkable for its plagiarisms , for its absence of thought and of logic , and which added nothing to the literature of his country Why does he attend fetes in the different mayoralties out because he wants to cease to be president and to become Napoleon the Second . Mr . Kydd then alluded to tne positions recently occupied by Louis Napoleon and Joseph Mazzini in tliis
country , and declared that the latter would rank with " Rierizi , the Ia 3 t of the Tribunes , " when Napoleon and Nicholas had perished with the last remains of tyranny and oppression . In 1520 , Hungary ranked the second nation in Europe , and every nation had taken an oath to maintain its nationality . Only about a year ago , Francis Joseph , the present Emperor , took this oath , and yet ho has already tried to yai down the Hungarian independence , for Russia and Austria have united to put down liberty there . Mr . Kydd concluded by declaring that the day was not far distant when Louis Napoleon would seek an asylum in England , or he would be without a head ; and the hope that Mazzini and Kossuth would have English sympathy , and their countries realise that liberty which was worth the sacrifice of both life and treasure .
Mr . Ostler moved , and Mr . T . Brook seconded , a resolution that a memorial embodying the resolutions be forwarded to Lord J . Russell and to Lord Palmerston , which was carried unanimously . Thanks were given to tho Mayor for his impartial conduct in the chair , and the meeting dispersed .
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v — GREENWICH . On Monday a meeting was held at the Institution , Greenwich , in order to sympathise with tho Hungarians in their present reverses . T . Graham in the chair . Lord D . Stuaut said they wero met there to consider the state of Hungary and to pay a tribute to the glorious patriots . The Hungarians had played a part the memory of which would bo handed down to the latest posterity . When we look at what they have done the last two years every kind of sympa ' - thy is called into play . The Hungarians had been a free people longer than ourselves , although they lived under the sceptre of a despot—they never would consent to be treated as slaves . No sovereign had ever ruled over them without swearing to observe their constitution . Their constitution was
not perfect ; but was the English constitution a perfect one ? The Hungarian constitution was like ours—a constitution which was capable of reform without being overthrown . He then entered more at length into a description of tho country , and concluded an excellent speech by proposing the firs t resolution : — " That the destruction of Hungarian independence by the combined army of a sovereign not legally entitled to the crown , and of a foreign foe , only renders it more imperative on Englishmen to express their sympathy with the oppressed patriots , who have , in common with all mankind , an indefeasible right to a government of their own choice ; and whose liberties are , moreover , confirmed by positive compact , and are consecrated by time and historical records . "
Seconded by Mr . Georoe Tuonrsox , and carried unanimously . _ Lord Nuoent then proposed the second resolution : — " That an address be presented to Lord Palmerston , in tho hope that English diplomacy may successfully interfere to secure for the Hungarian nation its own liberties , instead of mere fusion with the remainder of tlio Austrian territories . " Seconded by Mr . Thomas M'Extekb , and carried unanimously . —The thanks of the meeting were tlicn voted to Lord D . Stuart , Lord Nugent , and the Chairman , after which the meeting separated .
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SYMPATHY WITH HUNGARY . ( From tho S pirit of the Times . ) Some difference of opinion seems to prevail as to the mode in which we should express our sympathies on behalf of Hungary . At the great public meetings that have lately been held in London disagreements have arisen between the prudent and the impetuous . One party asks for friendly diplomacy , the other asks for war ; one wants to assist the Hungarians by protocols , the other would do it . if need be , by cannon-balls : and hereupon the antiwar party become frightened , thinking , no doubt , that Mr . Julian Harney , who seems to be at the head of the war party , will entangle the nation in a series of most expensive and bloody campaigns . Several even of the Radical writers share in these childish apprehensions , and Mr . Lushington , who
pveswletl nt the great meeting in the Hanoversquare Rooms , reminded the fighting men of the impolicy of increasing tho national debt—a reminder which was met by an unanimous shout for war on the part of the meeting . I think the prudent may safely be informed that the country need not be apprehensive of being dragged into an expensive war by Mr . Harney . It is perhaps fortunate that the power of declaring war does not lie with public meetings . There is only one thing which public meetings can do in this matter , and that is , as part of thogeneral public , to express in the best manner their detestation of tlio odious proceedings of Austria and Russia . If any part of tlio nation is ( o be heard , let the whole of the nation bo heard . If tlio Times represents us as Cossack , why . should not Mr . Harnev cive the
other and move generous side ; no doubt , there are many in England who share the infamous sentiments of the Times ; but , it should be also understood that there are hundreds of thousands who would sanction a war , and share in it , rather than see the heroic people of Hungary crushed beneath the brutal power of Austria and Russia . Likely enough the great mass would prefer a more prudent course ; nevertheless , I say again , if the world has seen the scoundrel sentiments of the Times on this subject , let . it also know that we have a generosity on the other side , which is more than a counterbalance for the vileness that shows itself through the disgraceful columns of the Times newspaper . For myself , I must say that I am thankful to Mr . Harney for proving at our metropolitan meetings , that the feolmgs of large numbers of our countrymen go beyond prudently worded resolutions .
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The Cholera at Ska . —Tho ship " Sheridan , " Captain Cornish , arrived at quarantine from Liverpool . She lost thirty one of her steerage passengers and seamen by cholera . Captain Cornish had a very serious and trying time the first week out . The cholera broke out among the crew on the 7 th of August ; for the first eight days there were from eight to ton new cases , and from three to five deaths daily for eight days in succession . Out of twentytWO SOamen , only four could bo mustered in a-watch .
Eighty Cases and thirty-one deaths occurred since tlio ship sailed . All that could be done was done by Captain Cornish and his officers for the sick . Several were ill when she reached Staten Island ; they were taken to the hospital . The vessel has been detained at quarantine . —New York Herald . Memhyr Tydvil . —The miners of Aberaman Iron Works have , we aro glad to learn , commenced work again , having been obliged to cense for the last ten weeks for want of water . During this time , however , Crawshaw Bailey , Esq ., has paid , eaoh mail ten-pence ' . halfpenny per day for repairin g tb . 0 WQrks for which they are very thankful ( ,.
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PARLIAMENTARY AND FINANCIAL MEETING AT KING ' sTroSS , ST . PANCRAS A public meeting of the inhabitants of tho Kinc ' s Cross district took place on Tuesday ovonimr at ft « Prince Albert Tavcfn Wharf-roadX thel ™ of forming a district society in support of ' the Zt jectsand principles of the National Parliamentary and Financial Reform Association . Mr . T . Batb > gatb presided , and was » upported by several of tho leading" inhabitants of the district . The Chaikmax having' briefly introduced tho business , Mr . J . W . Hail , a member of the council of the Association , atated its leadsng objocts . He contended that the Reform Bill was a failure , for the members of the House of Commons were nofc repre
sentatives of the people , but nominees of the upper house , 350 of them being directly or indirectly connected with the aristocracy . ( Bsar , hear . ) Tho great object now was to remed y thia stato of things , not by exciting a war of classes , bui by uniting tiro middle and working classes in an effort to carry oufc the existing law , as settled by tho Reform BUI . Sir It . Peel had got into power b y attending to the registration-let others do the same , not only in London , but throughout tho kingdom . For this purposo a powerful league of the middle- and lower classes was necessary . They would thus reclaim their own house , and recover control over the national purpose . ( Cheers . ) Tho cost of the army and navy might be reduced with advantage ; 3 nd the sooner the church was severed from the state , and
an equitable distribution of its revenues made amongst its ministers , the better . ( Cheers . ) Another subject worth y the consideration of a reformed parliamen t was the national debt . It wa 8 preposterous to say it could not bo paid off ; for recently 400 millions had been raised for railways . ( Hear , hear . ) The debt has been incurred on security of the property of the country . Let , then , the property pay it . Let a bold property tax , to pro . duce about twenty-five millions , be levied , whereby the debt mi ght be defrayed or greatly reduced , without burdening tho working classes . ( Cheera . ) Were the duty on tea reduced to Is . a pound , the import might bo raised from forty to one hundred millions , and thus an immensel y increased demand would be created for our manufactures . ( Hear . ) Other taxes . were equally prejudicial to tho real
interests of the country ; but till the peoplo were fairly represented it was impossible that these things should be remedied . To effect this , tho general support of the people was needed . It was their causo , and they ought to make it their own . { Hear , hoar . ) Every man felt the annoyance of tho tax-gatherer ; they were willing to pay the taxes , but not more than was necessary . ( Cheers . ) Let the officers of the army and navy be generously paid by all means , when they were wanted , but not at other times , and not more than wero wanted . ( Hear , hear . ) In the same way lie would have the working clergy paid , but would do away with tho drones . ( Hear , hear . ) In this populous neighbourhood ho hoped to see a branch association of 1 , 500 members formed , for already there were 300 such associations in and near London .
Mr . H . T . Atkinson , one of the honorary secretaries of the association , observed that this was not a class question , but one concerning the great body ot the people , affecting not only tho present but tuturo generations—not only government in this country , bui all over Europe . ( Hear , hear . ) la tho continental changes of the last three years our country had not participated , because the democratic gevm of the constitution had not been called into exercise . After noticing the effects of the law ot primogeniture , in throwing the maintenance of the younger sons of the aristocracy on the country , and point : ng out the gross inequalities of die land tax , he observed that the principle of our present legislation was the greatest happiness of the smallest
number , and this could only be altered by the cooperation of the working men . Would they assist m such an object ? ( Cries of "Yes , yes . " ) It was Baid Lord J . Russell would offer an extension of the suffrage next year , and that neither Conservatives \> or Protectionists would oppose it ; but let tho people work out a reform of their own , and not be humbugged . ( Cheers . ) Wove the metropolis but unanimous in its demand for this reform , its proximity would enable it to bear most powerfully on the government . Meetings similar to that of Druvy-lane would shortly be held all over the country ; there would then be a national conference in the metropolis ; and it would be seen whether tho people would be gulled by the coquetting of Lord John Russell . ( Cheers . ) The aristocracy owed a long debt to the people of this country , w ' hich they would soon be made to pay , by being compelled to support their own families . ( Cheers . ) Mr . Reeves moved : —
' That this meeting , hi ghly approving of the principles and objects of the National Parliamentary and Financial Reform Association , do form itself into a district society , to be called the King ' s Cross Branch Reform Association . " Mr . Benbow , in seconding the resolution , said ho had been an advocate for reform more than fifty years , and had acted in conjunction with Major Cartwri ght and all the great men of the day , who had advocated the reforms supported by this association . ( Cheers . ) He rejoiced in the union likely to be formed between the middle and lower classes
by which only real reform could be secured . ( Hear , hear . ) For years p ast the utmost efforts had been used to sow divisions between these classes ; but this was now at an end . Sir James Graham , in his reforming days , had shown that 113 privy councillors received £ 050 , 000 per annum of the public money . It would be well for the association to remember this . Let the people take pattern from the peoplo of Jamaica , who had stopped the supplies and brought tho governor to submission . ( Cheers . ) The resolution was then unanimously agreed to .
Mr . Patrick moved , and Mr . LA-NosTONseconded , the appointment of a committee to carry out the foregoing resolution . The proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the chairman , A number of gentlemen afterwards enrolled themselves as members of the branch association .
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Tnr . IUiivest . —Tne harvest is proceeding favourably , and the largest part of the wheat crop in the south of England has by this time been carried , and in remarkable good condition . Though the wheat ripened slowly , it has ripened well , and ample time in the field lias generally been given ; so that the new wheat , is everywhere admitted to present a fine sample . A f : \ ll in price , which occurred in Marklane on Monday last , of some 2 s . per quarter , shows the impression of the trade that tlio orop will be large . That it will yield well there is little doubt , that being always the case with wheat in a dry , warm summer . ' Oats seem to be generally a poor crop , but the foreign supply of oats is perhaps more constantl y abundant thasi that of any other grain . For the first time we seem likely to have a fair trial of maize , or Indian corn , for feeding purposes . Hitherto the scarcity of potatoes has caused Indian
corn to be used in Ireland as the substitute , so that the price has been too high for stock feeding . Swno persons who have used it for pig feeding , do- not speak highly of its feeding properties ; but at a certain price we have no doubt tlmt will prove most valuable to the British farmer . Wo have recently used both rye meal and rice menl to some extent in feeding pigs , but we find both far inferior to barley , peas , or damaged wheat fov that purpose .. One ot the most remarkable circumstances of the- season is the universal and great abundance of peas ; a crop usually considered precarious , but which , when productive , proves most valuablo for all sorts of feeding stock . Tho general success , too , which has this yevr attended the growers of winter beans and winter oats , especially on strong land , should be a hint to tho occupiers si clay soils to extend the cultivation of theso safe crops . —Economist .
Horticultural Show . — On Saturday tlio first inst ., the cottagers in the employ of Messrs . Walker ' s and Cft ., of Clayton West , near Huddersfield , worsted spinners , ( whose laudable and praise * worthy exertion ' s on behalf ef iho factory children of this country will bo handed down to the latest posterity ) held their first annual meeting ia the Weslcyan school , kindly lent by the trustees * Th * school was tastefully dceoratcd with floweus and evergreens , and the productions of the cotta . gc . ro consisted of kidney ansi round potatoes of fivst-rato quality : tho vegetables did credit to the producer *
After the prizes were awarded to the best cornpetitors , several interesting addresses wore delivered by Mr . J . Child , Mr . Joseph Botfowley , Mr . Ed . Green , and the Rev . Mr . Smith , and the meeting separated , highly delighted with tlio evening ' s eiw tertainment ,. it is to be hoped tho manufacturers of this country will imitate , the example of Messrs . Wiker ' s , by allowing thoh * respective workpeople plots of land for garden cultivation . A Homoeopathic Hostom , has been established in Dublin , on a large soulo , and i \ yrttl i > e shortly opened for paticats ,
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Singular Fishing . —Mr . Taggart , former coroner of Rushcn , now farms a part of Ballailoole , and moreover , keeps a lot of pigs . An old practitioner in the deep fisheries had prepared his long linos and hooks for active service , placing them in an outlmilding of Mr . Taggart ' s till tho morning , after bating each with herring . By some carelessness the door of tho building was left open , and the pigs , scenting tho tempting bait , entered , when lo ! foo good fat herrings lay before them ! "Here ' s a slorious feast for us ! " exclaimed { lie old mother of the herd ; and at it they went , each pig seizing a herring , unconscious of tho concealed hook , lint they soon found that the stolen dainties , like tlio deceitful I aits of sin , contained within themselves tho means of punishing transgression . The hooks
were too large to pass the gullet comfortably , so they became fastened in the cheeks tongues , and snouts of tho swine , which , jumping here and there in agony , tangled up the lines into a perfect snarl . Tho pigs stood in a circle facing inwards , tugging away lustily at the lines , and thereby planting the hooks deeper and deeper in their flesh . The squeaking and yelling was most stvepcrous . The outcry brought all the women of the village to the scene of uproar , who , unable to see the linos from the darkness , concluded at once that tho warlocks had possessed the swine , or that the big bogano , invisible to mortal eye , had got them by the legs , or the dark man himself , as once on the const of Gadereno , had entered them , aid tho women soon expected to
see them run down the steep beach into the sea . But the hooks and lines would not let the poov animals run—they were fairl y caught—the faithful hooks doing their duty just as if congers and cod wove concerned . This fri ghtened the females as well as the swine , who set up a scream of terror and alarm ; and , what with pigs and women , such a discordant yell never before disturbed tlio quiet of that peaceful village . The outcry brought the men to the spot ; and the old fisherman , seeing the doleful plight of his hooks and lines , was able to explain the whole mystery . By the aid of knives , the poor pigs were at length cut loose , but they departed from that haunted hovel with slit tongues , gashed cheeks and lips , and bloody mouths . —Mam Herald .
Railway Liabilities . — At tho last Windsor County Court , a butcher at Maidenhead , named Dun-ant , brought an action against tlio Great Western Railway Company to recover 30 s ., the value of a pig which had been run over bv a train and killed , it being alleged that the defendants had neglected to keep a fence ( through which the pig ha ( 1 s ^ yed upon th e railway ) in proper repair . Mr . J . J . nilhams ,-who appeared for the directors , called the attention of the judge to a clause in ^ enact of parliament by which it was enacted that all actions must be commenced against the company within six months after the cause of action had arisen . This period of time having been suffered to plapse before the proceedings wero taken , the plaintiff was nonsuited . This clause in the act of the Great Western Railway Company is not generally known , ill S
_ The Immigration into the United States continues on the increase . For the first seven months of the present year the arrivals at the port of New fi ft 1 nl ° " e amounto < l to 143 , 222 immigrants , against 1 $ ; Vf ! g rants for the same period in 1848 ; V&M ^ Jo itt lSlT ; 60 , 220 ditto in 1840 ; 48 , 500 ditto iu 1 ^ 45 ; 34 . 655 ditto ia 1844 .
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MEETING AT SYDESnAM . A district mooting of the National Parliamentary and Financial Reform Association was held on Monday , at Sydenham ; Mr . Miller in the chair . Speeches , explaining and enforcing the principles of the association , and recommending it as the only available means of obtaining any considerable and permanent extension of political rights , were delivered by the Chairman , Mr . West , Rev . W . Linwood , nnd some influential gentlemen of the nei ghbourhood . Mr . Sangster , who , at the preliminary meeting held a week or two since opposed the movement , again objected to it , bnt on somewhat different and more conservative grounds , lie wa 3 answered by the ltev . Mr . Linwood , who afterwards addressed the meeting , and urged the necessity of affording every possible assistance to the cflbrts of the parent association . The usual resolutions were passed .
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September 8 , 1849 . ; . THE NORTHERN STAR . — g
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 8, 1849, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1538/page/5/