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iWtU IlCtfl, #f.
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We *X*IM& WDER, . of No. 5, Macclesfield-street.
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— g , THE BERMOXDSEY UQEDE& . On Monday another important link to the evil ^ i ? nS t u > r ? » of the house , 2 Jo . fiJSS ? wi . H dtb 0 u « h evei 7 e « rtion has S ^^ w * & S ? S " ^^ P rty they 2 £ m a Hl - ^ Monday , when Burton ^ er con . tumble difficulty ascertained that a younggiri was m the haM of attending several of the Souses in We vicinity for the purpose of washing the steps , and assisting the serrants . He also heard from a neig hbour that she was seen to enter Manning ' s at an early hour on Saturday morning . He accordingly made active inquiriesa . bo . ut her , and succeeded in finding her residing with her relations in Ber-_ _
mondsey . Her name is Harriet Termer , and she informed the authorities that about nine o ' clock on Saturday morning , the 11 th . of August , Mrs . Manning called her into 2 fo . 3 , Minver-place , and engaged her to clean the house . She cleaned the upper part , and found several spots like blood on the wall of the passage leading to the kitchen , which she endeavoured to wash off . After she had cleaned that portion of the place she proceeded to the back kitchen , and was about to clean it , when Mrs . Manning came up to her and pulled her away , exclaiming , " I cleaned this place yesterday , and it don ' t want scrubbing any more . " The girl says she saw a square basket in the back kitchen , covered with lime , which Mrs . Manning told her to wash . While she was performing that office she found that there was not water sufficient , consequently she left it as
discovered by Burton . During the time she was in the house that day Mrs . Manning went out two or three times , and about twelve o ' clock at noon Manning came down stairs , and stamped his foot violently as if in a passion , lie called out to his ¦ wi fe , " Give it me directly , " and she went up stairs , and she could not tell what afterwards passed . Manning remained in the house while his wife returned to the back kitchen and fried some beefsteaks for dinner . The girl said that the back kitchen was extremely wet , and the stones in the lack kitchen appeared to have been recently rubbed with a brick or stone . She also found that the dusthole was full of mould , dirt , and some mortar mixed with it- The girl was taken to the Home-office by the police , to make her statement to the solicitor o * f the Treasury . Her evidence will be given on Saturday , the next examination .
The cholera has suddenly attacked some of the witnesses since the last examination . Mr . Bassett , clerk to Messrs . Eillick and Co ., sharebrokers , Bank-building 3 , to whom Manning disposed of O ' Connor . ' s Eastern Counties shares , was suddenly attacked on Friday ni ght with cholera , and expired on Saturday morning . His corpse was interred on Sunday . Mr . Hammond was also attacked on Sunday , and is not expected to live . Both gentlemen were in good health and spirits on Friday , the 7 th inst ., when at the police court .
It has been ascertained when O'Connor left his lodgings on the morning of the 9 th of August he had nearly a new suit of clothes on , a valuable watch and chain , and a considerable sum in his possession . Although every search has been made lor the murdered man ' s clothing by the police in the house , 2 fo . 3 , Minver-place , and in the prisoner ' s ooxes , no portion , of . them could \> e discovered . It was clear they had not been burned , as no ashes of linen or cloth were seen among the dirt ,
consequently the police have made active inquiries among the clothes dealers , and on Tuesday they ascertained that a man fully answering the description of Manning offered several articles of clothing of a superior description for sale to several dealers in Petticoat-lmeon the Monday after the murder . The police are now making very active inquiries about the clothes , and from information received there is every reason to suppose that they will be found , and that the purchaser will come forward and identify . Manning as the party who sold them . EXAMINATION OF MR . AND MRS . MANNING . ( From our Third Edition of last week . ) FRIDAY . The examination of the Mannings was resumed at the Southwark Police-court at eleven o ' clock . The court was not nearl y so crowded as on the previous day . Mr . Bonaix , at the commencement of the proceedings , announced that on the part of the crown he was prepared to accede to the application made on the part of one of the prisoners , to postpone the trLil to the nest October session .
Richard Welch , a workman in the emplovment of Mr . Wells , builder , Russell-street , Bermondsey , was the first witness examined . He identified the male prisoner as a person wao came to his master ' s on the 23 rd of July , and ordered a bushel of lime , to be sent to No . 3 , Minver-place , which lime was delivered there on the 25 th of July by witness , and shot info a basket in the back kitchen at the desire of Manning . Witness went the following day for the money- Mrs . Manning opened the door , and handed out three-halfpence to him . —On cross examination this witness could not say that the female who paid him the three-halfpence was Mrs . Mannin g
Mr . CAtnii , shopman to Mr . langley , ironmonger , of Tooley-strect , Bermondsey , soM a shovel on Wednesday , August Sth , to Mrs . Manning for Is . id . It was taken home the same day . Mrs . Manning opened the door , and he gave it her . He had seen a shovel in the possession of Sopp , which he had identified . WiiiiAwDAXBr , porter to Mr . Evans , ironmonger , King William-street , London-bridge : I sold what is called a ripping-chisel or crowbar on the 25 th of July . It was twenty-two inches leng ; five inches longer than the one produced . It was sold to a man [ whom the witness identified as the prisoner Manning . ] Took the crow bar home on the 2 Sth v \ t , and met Mr . Maiming on Londonbridge , who complained of the bar not bcinff covered
witn paper . In Tooley-street , Manning bought a sheet of brown paper and wrapped it round the bar . Manning said he was going further on , but that if I took it to his house there was a person there who would pay for it . I proceeded to 3 , Minver-place . A stout woman opened the door . [ The witness identified her as the female prisoner . ] I told her I had got a chisel for Mr . Manning . I then eave her the bill and the chisel . She paid me the money , 3 s . 6 tL , and made no further remark . William Lopp , police-constable 162 M , had « one to 14 , Bermondsey-square , Mr . Baiubrid"e ' s , on August 22 nd , and received from Mrs . Bainbrid » e a shovel on which there was some mortar and what seemed to be congealed blood , ashes , and human hair . Witness produced the shovel .
CnAKLEs Baixbdidge , a dealer in furniture , of 14 Bermondsey-square , repeated the evidence Le < -ave at the inquest relative to the purchase of Manning ' s MaktAx-v Baixbeidge , wife of the last witness identified tue shovel produced as the one which she had received among the articles removed from 3 . Minver-place . Among the things broug ht to her house from Minver-place were some articles of female dress . . Witness gave two dresses and a pair of stockings to policeman Burton . One of the dresses appeared as if it had been washed out hurriedl y , and had been put to the fire and scorched and then , having been put away before it was drv it had mildewed . ( Burton produced the dress , which \ ras identified by the witness . ) William Kirk , a cab-driver , No . 443 , proved baring been hired by Mrs . Manning on Monday the 13 th of
August . He drove her from Xo . 3 , jlinver-pLice , to the terminus of the North-Western Railway , Euston-square , when she said she was going to Edinburgh . William Day and William Dixe proved that on the 13 th of August Mrs . Manning left two boxes at xbc London-bridge station , directed "Mrs Smith passenger , Taris . " ' Jonx Hatxes , insi / ector of police , wast at Southampton on the 31 st of August , and came to London tbe same night with . Manning and Langley . This witness deposed to a conversation with the prisoner which has been already given . Ed warb Lixglst , sergeant of the detective police , gave m detail the arrest of Manning at Jersey Examined his boxes on Monday last in the presence of Ann Armes , in Scotland-yard . In the pocket of ojie of his coats I found soms gunpowder loose and some tissue paper . There is about a charge of gunpowder . ° HEMtrLocKTEitgavG similar evidence
. /¦ &f et , examined . —I am a clerk in the house of Kdhck and Co , sharebrokers , 6 , Bank-chambers City . I saw in the latter part of July a person whom I knew as O'Connor . The male prisoner in the dock is the man . On the 11 th of August he called , and brought some stock with him to sell . I have it about me—twenty shares consolidated stock Eastern Counties . I Jet him have £ U ( i . I seked limhisname , and be aid "Patrick O'Connor and I live at 21 , Grcencood-street . " The transfer ¦ was signed b y the pr isooer in my presence , and I witnessed it R . Uammosb , another « Ierk , corrobor ated the statement of the former witness .
A . Gbiffitil—I am a slerk in the Bank of England . I produce a bank note for £ 100 , No . 15 , 043 . That note was brought to me to be exchanged on Saturday , 11 th of August . I cannot say whether the party was called on to put his name on the note . I find on the back , " Frederick Man ning , Xo . 17 , Xew Weston-street , Lermondsey . " I have no recollection" of the person . F . TV . Stepuess . —I am a stockbroker . I was acquainted with the late Patrick O'Connor . I delivered to him ten Sambre and Meuse shares on the * , » £ AnSas % Iast » the numbers were 6 , 460 to 6 , 409 inclusive . The female prisoner is the person who came to my office early in August , saying she had some monev to invest . I asked her '' What she ¦ wished to in vest in ? . " She answeroJ , " Stock that she could sell abroad . " I suggested "French Rentes . " She put an address "& SnniJ ^ S a piece of paper , which I have lost . °
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——^——a——W . BypoRD , examined : I am a cab-driver On Wednesday , loth August last , took a person ' from Bainbnd ge ; s , 14 , Bermon dsey-square . I went to the gaol this morning . I picked out Manning-that is the man . I took him to the Southampton railway . He had a small box and carpet bag . It was about a quarter before ei ght in the morning . The proceedings were then adjourned to three o ' clock on Saturday week .
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MIDDLESEX SESSIONS . Tuesdat . —The September general session of the peace for the county of Middlesex commenced yesterday morning at Clerkenwell . There was the average number of prisoners for trial viz ., 80 , including four cases of misdemeanour . On the list of jurors being called over , a number of excuses were made on behalf of persons who had been summoned to attend , but who were unable to do so in consequence of being attacked by the prevailing epidemic . One of the overseers of the poor for the parish of St . Luke ' s was summoned , but on bis mentioning to the court that at the present time his parochial duties were yery onerous , and his time almost entirely occupied , on account of the cholera , the learned chairman directed that his services as juror
should be dispensed with . Extensive Robbert . —William Johnson , a desperate looking fellow , was indicted for stealing 113 pieces of cotton print , the property of Mr . Hugh Phillips , draper , 61 , Marylebone-lane . — Police Sergeant 7 D , on the 26 th August , was proceeding along one of the streets leading out of Oxford-street , when he met the prisoner carrying a large quantity of cotton print upon his shoulder , and entertaining some suspicion as to the mode in which - he got possession , he asked him where he was going to 1 He replied that he did not know , but that answer did not satisfy the officer , who asked him where ho had got the print from . The prisoner , thereupon , told the usual thief s story—that he had been
employed to carry it by a man who had promised him sixpence for his trouble . Of course he did not know the man , or who or where he was , nor could he tell where he was to carry it to ; so the officer took him to the station house , where information had already arrived that a quantity of print had been stolen from Mr . Phillips ' , in Marylebone-lane . That circumstance accounted fully for the prisoner ' s possession of tbe property . —The jury found the prisoner " Guilty , ' and the court sentenced him to tbree months' hard labour . Bobber ? op Jewellers . —William Smith , was mdicted for having stolen a gold ring , the property of George William Tyler . —The prosecutor , it ap . peared , was a jeweller carrying on business in
Hitrhstreet , tamden-town . la front of his shop window there was a glass case , in which were exhibited specimens of his stock in trade ; and in consequence of a number of articles of jewellery havingbeen missed therefrom , he kept a strict watch upon it . On the day named in the indictment he observed the prisoner walk up to the case and knock away a small piece of wood which had been placed over an aperture in the glass , made on the preceding day by somebody who managed to get a couple of rings through it without observation . Tba prisoner then walked on a short distance , and in a few minutes he again appeared at the case , and leaning forward he pretended to be attentively looking at . the articles
it contained . The prosecutor distinctly observed him take a niece of wire , hooked at the end , out of his jacket sleeve , pass it through the broken square , and pull out a gold ring . The prosecutor jumped across the counter and seized the prisoner as he was walking off , but not before the latter had effectually disposed of the ring , for it had not been found . The prisoner resisted—foug ht , and bit the prosecutor , and succeeded ia twisting himself out of his grasp , but he was again captured , and very shortl y afterwards he was safel y lodged at the police station . The wire was found close by the ^ iT" F isoBerbad nothing to say in his defence , and the jury found him " Guilty . " -Sentenced to three months' hard labour .
Picking Pockets . —William Flottery and William Jones , both sixteen years of age , and distinguished from tho general mass of youths indicted here for picking pockets , by being described in the calendar as able to read and write , were convicted of attempting to steal a pocket handkerchief from the person of James Pidgeon , on the pier of the halfpenny steam-boats , at Ivy-bridgeJane , Adelphi . The prisoners , as well as the prosecutor , were passengers by the boat from London-bridge pier , and the boys were both seen trying Mr . Pigeon ' s pocket , and one of them drew out the handkerchief and gave it to the other , who immediately concealed it between his legs . Flottery , however , now denied that ne had any participation in the theft , and protested that he had never committed a dishonest act in nis life . Jones said it was his first offence . He did not put his hand into the pocket , but the handkerchief was hanging out—The chairman sentenced them to be imprisoned each six months' and kept to hard labour . r
Wednesday . —Robbery . —Anthony Bickmore , a stableman , was indicted for having stolen a watch , value £ 8 ., the property of James Branch , from his person . —Mr . Payne appeared for the prosecution ; Mr . rrendergast for the prisoner . —It appeared from the evidence of the prosecutor , a baker , residing at No . 9 , Union-street , City-road , and George Blackett , brass finisher , of 31 , Henry-street , Hampstead-road , that on the evening of the 28 th of Aug the former was drinking at the Marquess of Cornwalus , public-bouse , in Warren-street , Fitzroysquare . Thelprisoner was there too , and having got prosecutor into conversation , they tossed for some gin , but the prosecutor , who lost , refused to pav , alleging that lie had no money about him . The
prisoner , however , insisted upon his paying , as he had ] ust before changed a £ 5 note , and after somerou « h words had passed they came to blows . A reconciliation , however , took place upon the interposition of some women , who seemed attached to the prosecutor s society , and the prosecutor left the house , between eleven and twelve o ' clock at night , leaning upon the prisoner ' s arm . When in Southamptonstreet another altercation took place about the « in , and the prisoner said he would beat in tho prosecutor s head unless ho paid for it at once . The nrosecutor again said that he had no money , upon which the prisoner said he would sound his pockets , in
ana aomg so , ne took the prosecutor ' s watch from his waistcoat pocket , gave him a tremendous blow on the face , broke the guard-chain by a sudden jerk , and ran off with the watch . Blackett saw all this , and ran after the prisoner . He caught him about 100 yards off , when he threw down the watch , and again got away . He was again captured in a few minutes , and handed over to Police-constable Williams , Io 2 E . The watch was now produced , and identified by the prosecttor . —The iury found the prisoner "Guilty , " but recommended him to mercy on account of bis previous good character . Sentenced to hardlabour for three calendar months '
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Fortdxate Escape . —The commander of her Majesty ' s packet Caradoc , Charles Ladd RN on fh P ^ fr 0 I ? H 0 lyliead on Tuesday "ing with bS with ft b ° Ut mid-ch . ™ l Scried « 3 boat , with only ono man in it , making his wiv towards the track of the steamer . Tlfe hunS commander , finding on near approach , that Soat was adnffcand themau withoutWe , " %£££ had him taken on board in an exhausted state hoisted the boat up , aad brought Z safely to Kingstown . _ He proved to be a % harZl "LIa
^ -ws&szgim off the coast . Bickardisa native of Howth ™ H S £% & Sir" ' -- 2 A £ Ox Listening to Evil Repobis —The lon « w t zz ^ 'SSiSsxi is s&J sKa ^ S pressed towards others . 5 . Always to belie ve ^ bat if the other side were heard , aWdS faSSSS would be given of tho Hapter ^ Qmu ' s life of
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THE CHARGE OF BIGAMY AGAINST LOLA MONTES . Maryborough-s treet . —The court and the space before it were densely crowded , in anticipation of the appearance of the Countess of Landsfeldt ( Lola Montes , ) in person , to meet the charge against her of having illegally intermarried with Mr . Heald , she not having been fully divorced from her first husband , Captain James . At about a quarter past two o ' clock Mr . Clarkson , who is retained for the prosecution , entered the court , but no one on tho part of the defendant was there professionally to meet him .
Mr . Clarkson , addressing Mr , Hardwick , said he was there as the legal repvesentavive of Miss Heald , in the expectation , according to the nature of the communication recently made to him , that the Countess of Landsfeldt , Mrs . James , or by whatever name the lady might be known , would be in attendance in that court to meet the charge against her . The lady , he understood , had arrived in town on Friday last , for the purpose of protecting her bail , he was now prepared to advance tho evidence he had already offered one stage further against the Countess of Landsfeldt , and bethought it but fair to state that he was now in a situation to show , instead of six weeks from the time the last marriage was contracted Captain James was alive in India ,
that Captain James was alive within six days of that period . He was also in a condition to establish , by the evidence of a copy of the register of the first marriage in Ireland , the fact of the marriage with Captain James . It had however , been intimated to him , that no opposition would be made to tho appearance of the Countess of Landsfeldt at that court on Wednesday next ; but whether it was on account of the thronged appearance which tt » mtt and its approaches now presented , or whether it was to avoid further publicity , it was clear that neither the Countess of Landsfeldt nor her representative was in attendance to meet the charge . The recognizances expired that day , and he begged it might be clearly understood he was there to call for the
enforcement of the recognizances , the object of that enforcement being to have the appearance in couvt of the party accused . If , however , the bench thought it right to extend a further indulgence to the bail , he should offer no objection . Mr . Hardwick inquired if any one were present on the part of the defendant to ask for a further respile of the recognizances ? Mr . Clabkson said he understood the solicitor of Mr . Heald was present . The solicitor came forward , and said , though he was not acting for the Countess of Landsfeldt , he was able to say that the arrival of the Countess in town last week had not been expected ; that her legal adviser was out of town at the time : and that
the arrangement fora postponement untU Wednesday had been made on a sudden . After some further consideration the case was adjourned until Wednesday . WEnNEbDAY . —At two o ' clock precisely Mr . Clarkson entered the office and said he had received information of what ho had , already had some reason to believe—namel y , that the person called Mrs . James , who was charged at the instance of Miss Heald with tho felonious offence of bigamy , would not appear that day , and did not intend to appear . The magistrate bad been kind enough to inform him that he had received an intimation to that effeet from Mrs . James ' s solicitor . It therefore became his ( Mr . Clarkson ' s ) unpleasing duty to
apply to the magistrate to estreat the recognisances . He wished , however , to say one word more in consequence of a rumour that these proceedings were instituted on the part of Miss Heald , not substantially but with a view , which , indeed , was rather confirmed by the arrival of Mrs . James on Friday last under the pretence of undergoing examination , of effpeting a compromise . On the part of the sister of the father of this deluded young man he begged to say there was no foundation whatever for such rumour , and his first proof that there was not might be seen , in the fact , of his now praying that the bail might be estreated . Miss Heald had been , from , the commencement , and still was actuated by the purest motives—motives which he was sure would be sanctioned by the magistrate and by even
person of proper feeling , that of rescuing the son of her beloved brother from a marriage which was equally illegal and disgraceful ; and if she wished hereafter to enforce proceedings which would have the effect of breaking it when further information from India should arrive bringing the intelligence that Mr . James was alive when the marriage took place , the magistrate , and ho ( Mv . Clavkson ) , and all persons of good feeling , must rejoice if Miss Heald should succeed in rescuing this young man from the fangs of this woman . It only remained for him to call upon the magistrate to estreat the recognisances . Mr . Hardwick . —Under these circumstances I order the recognisances to be estreated . Long before Mr . Clarkson arrived it was reported that Lola Montes and Mr . Heald had left London for Paris on Sunday last . .
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MARYLEBONE . —Serious Ciurge against a Master op a Grammar School . —Mr . T . A . Cockayne , who for many years has held the situation of master at the Brompton Grammar School , was charged with having committed an indecent assault upon Police-constable Angell , 255 S . —Mr . Steele attended for the prisoner , many of whose friends , highly respectable persons , were present in court . The hearing occupied the attention of tho magistrate more than an hour and a half . Mr . Steele cross-examined the complainant at some length , and contended that the conduct of tho complainant throughout was such as ought not to entitle him to any degree of credit . —Mr . Broughtonafter
care-, fully reviewing the whole of the evidcHoe adduced , came to the conclusion that the case was one which he must send before a jury , and upon being applied to with respect to bail , said lie would take the prisoner ' s own recognisance in £ 300 , and two sureties m * . 200 each for his being forthcoming on Monday next . —fhe required recognisances were entered into , and the prisoner was liberated . Railway Robbery . —John Killoran , a private in the Royal Marines , stationed at Woolwich , and who was absent from the regiment upon furlough , was brought up at the instance of Mr . Barker , superintendent of the London and North-Western Railway Company s police , and nliiccd at the bar liofnrn Mr .
Broughton , upon the following charge of robbery . —Mr . Palmer , a commercial traveller , residing at weds , deposed that on the previous evening he repaired to the Euston station in order to return home b y the mail train : he deposited his luggage , consisting of two boxes and a carpet bag , within the porch of the office , and ho then went to the cloak room for another parcel , which had been left there for him by a friend : he was absent for about a quarter of an how , and on his return he missed his carpet bag , m which were numerous articles of wearing apparel , &c .-King , a railway constable , *? : ™\> stated that in consequence of information which had been communicated to him relative to
the robbery , and having ascertained upon inquiry that a soldier had been seen to leave the premises with a carpet bag , witness went in quest of him and found him in tho area of tho Globe beer-shop , at a short distance from the station ; he was sitting m dap * spot , having between bis logs the said ba ° which he was attempting to break open ; he was then taken into custody , and conveyed in the first instance to Mr . Barker , by whose directions ho was subsequentl y removed to and locked up in Albanystreet station-house : he told witness that he had lost his . own "kit , " and that he vm , thevofove , determined to lay hold of something else in its l
pace ; he saw the bag lying down , and picked it up and walked away with it . Witness added the prisoner was very drunk . The carpet bag was produced , as also the contents , which were identified by the proseeutor—The magistrate was of opinion taking all tho circumstances into consideration it was , perhaps unlikel y that a jury would oonvS in the event of the prisoner being sent to trial -Mi Barker remarked , that the company had now two & 5 ae ? ssfeS " , ' . ' - ~« 'i » M »* j ncS " * ° " '
UMBETII . _ Robbiso , Z' Tip ,,. mir s ^ sgpi Stf ^ c i ^ StfSS ance to lay it out . After the body was Hd «« t t suggested to Mrs . Ball to take p " rt of the pSi v in tho room , and that he should take the off K this time the poor widow and her chfc w I-o fn another room bewailing their sad ln « Ij , , '"
iia having indignantl y refused to become a m , tv in the robbery , the prisoner helped lnWlf i « } portable articles , w 4 which'Raffij % f ° S Mrs Ball having men information to a JoHce ' con stable , ho was token , and the nronevfv fi »«« j him .-The prisoner , in the K ? s fic ° " ^ J was induced to take the articles in « nMt £ n , 1 * requeat of Mrs . Ball but ultimiyTc ^^ adn , t d that he had wronged Mrs . Ball in mik . w ?! , „ ! * ment , and askcdV pardon-T i SJ'f ?" consequence of the prisoner ' scontritiS . !? f ° ' "' marily with the case , and sent tho £ ? . ' < l " treadmill for two months ? prwonfil > to tItc Daring Robbery in a Cab —Willi .. m »* Michael Murphy were broujat no fo ? Myo 1 ' ' . nnd tion , charged with robbing M ,. Lf ° ^ Mminaliving in Union-stroet , Lafnbeti ;' ofS er < < l tililor ' on the evening of Monday wcS ff T 80 T «* « - to HeovWenco ^ vgiLTtlnna ^ SSd
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that ou the evening of Monday week , between the Ws of six and seven o ' clock , he was in the Waterman ' s Arms public-house , Little Market-street , Bermondsey , and saw the prosecutor was very much Eicated ; and while in front of the bar dashed down on tho counter a small leather bag , which from its sound evidently contained gold , and said there were fifty sovereigns in it . From the force with which it was thrown the bag fell inside the bar and the landlord requested he would leave it in his hands for safety , and he would give him a receipt for it , so that he might know where ho left it . The prosecutor refused to do so and replaced the bag in his pocket . Murphy , who had
drank a p int of beer at his expense , and also took up 2 s . which the prosecutor had placed on the counter and put them into his pocket , followed Mr . Stacher out of the house . Witness having no doubt , from Murphy s manner , that his intention was to rob the prosecutor , determined upon following them and giving the prosecutor into the custody of the first policeman he met . While so following them , Murphy made use of the most violent threats to him for interfering , but he continued with them until they met a policeman , named Scott , belonging to the M division , with whom he was acquainted , and to whom he had mentioned the whole of the circumstances of the
prosecutor having a bag of gold in his possession , and his suspicion that Murphy intended to rob him , and adding that if the gentleman was robbed , after what he had stated , it would be his ( Scott ' s ) fault , left the prosecutor in the hands of that person . Since that time he read an account of the robbery and the examination of the prisoner on tho charge at this court in the newspapers , and having little doubt the parties were the same , he felt it to be his duty to come forward as a witness . —Mr . Eorton observed that the witness had acted a very proper part in the matter , and if the polico-constable ( Scott ) had only performed his duty with equal propriety , the robbery might have been prevented . The case
was one which required the tact and vigilance of one of the " detectives" to bring forward the necessary testimony to complete it , and he should , therefore , remand tho prisoners to another day , in order that an experienced officer might be employed in the case . The magistrate directed that the landlord of the Waterman ' s Arms , and also the constable Scott , should be in attendance at the next examination . —The prisoners were accordingly remanded , and bail for their appearance refused . CLERKENWELL . — Impudent Swindling . — William Grindley , a young man , who said he was the son of Captain Grindley , of the 40 th Light Infantry , was charged by Mr . Isaac Jacobson ,
jeweller , of Oxford-street , with stealing a valuable dressing-case . —On Monday morning , about a quarter to ten o ' clock , the prisoner entered the shop of the prosecutor , and requested the shopman to show him a dressing-case . He produced several , which the prisoner carefull y inspected ; when he said they were too inferior in quality . The shopman then told him that he had some silver dressing-cases , and produced one ; on examining which , the prisoner said it would exactly suit , representing that he was a dealer , and he was anxious to show it to a gentleman on approval . The prisoner said that the gentleman resided at North Bank , and willingly assented to the shopman going with him . They evossttl the Resent ' a
Park together , until they arrived at North Bank , where a hoard was stuck up at 35 , North Bank , with an inscription that the house was " to let . ' The prisoner then told the shopman that the gentleman who had deputed him to procure him the dressing-case was going to the continent , and was about to let the house , and requested him ( the shopman ) to let him have the desk to show and to wait outside whilst ho ( prisoner ) took it in to show the gentleman . Tho shopman unsuspectingly parted with the dressing-case , and the prisoner rang the bell , and the door having been opened by a female servant , he entered with the property . Tho shopman Waited for a . Shnrft . imn . nnrl nn Tionnincr intr .
, the parlour window , he found the place destitute of furniture : and , his suspicion being aroused , he rang the bell , which was answered by an elderly woman and , on making inquiries , was informed that the man had entered the house to request permission to get over the wall at the back part of the house , saying that he had lost a key belonging to a desk which he had in his possession . Witness saw no more of the prisoner or the properly until he was m custod y . On the same forenoon , between eleven and twelve o ' clock , the prisoner offered the desk in pledge at Mr . Redpath ' s , pawnbroker , in Seymourstreet , Euston-square , for £ 5 but , being suspected
ne was questioned as to whether it was his own property . He said he had been sent with it by Mr . George Fletcher , checse-mevchant , of Goodge-strcet lottenham-court-road ; the shopman to the pawnbroker spoke to a policeman and said he would "o with the prisoner to Mr . Fletcher ' s , but on the road lie called the policeman , whom he saw following them , and gave himself into his custody , and in the station-house ho gave his name William Edwards , bu wllen at tIie bar of tilis court William Grindley . —The prisoner was asked what he haA in sav —Xi *
denied any dishonest intention , begging of Mr . Combe not to send him to prison . He was the son of Captain Grindley , who served in the 40 th Lkht Infantry with Colonel Chesterton , tho governor of the House of Correction , with whom he was on in-Umvvto and visiting terms . He was also the friend of Lieutenant Tracey , the governor of Tothill-fields Prison , the Governor of the House of Detention and many persons of distinction , and he did not wish to be disgraced by being incarcerated in prison on a charge of felony .-Mr . Combe , however , remanded him until the pawnbroker and other
necessary evidence could be produced ; and . on being placed at the bav on Tuesday , ho affected to be very much perturbed in mind , paced the bar backwards and forwards , bellowing loudly , whilst holding Ins handkerchief to his eyes and his hand on tho top of his head . —Henry Hall , 264 S , said , he had made inquiries about the prisoner , and ascertained that he had been twice convicted of felony -Mr . Umpe told the prisoner , that all his acting and bellowing nonsenso would not suit there it was all assumed stuff .-Prisoner : I know I am £ I \ ' c ItowMted dishonourably , and disgraced myself . May I send for my friends ?_ Mr CoW ion would not send for your friends on Monday , iou then claimed acquaintanceship with Colonel Chestertor , of the House of Correction , saying your father was with him in the 13 d Li ght Infantry ? You may now send to your friend Colonel Chesterton , if
you hko , anu also to Lieutenant Tracey , of Tothillhelds .-Pnsoner I can assure jow worship that what Ih ayo said is true . I have been on friendly dined with him m the prison , and was on a . visit of M ? AJSlfpif " ^ ° r > the ™ rder of his schoolfellow , was confined in the House of Correction ; but I was never in the prison as a bTFiH ^ W "• You may Sfty ^ y ° « Ee * Hi J hnlln otb 1 elwve you after tbe many lies you Monday it was onl y to clear myself of the charge a SS ^' vJ ^ Mure J ' J would not t 0 U a giatuitoushe . Circumstances caused me to do what I lmvo done-Mr Combe : Were you ever charged at Mary obono police-court ' -Prisoner : Yes , but it X . " ^ lse o '" gc-Mr . Combe : Were you c harJed uiuiuioro
e man once Y—lTisoner : Yes , twico I borrowed a glazier ' s knife to put in a pane of glass and they said I stole tho knifeLofflcer Yes and J hammer too . ( A laugh . ) Do you 5 J& KK charged with stealing a soverei gn ? -The prisoner hung down his head and said nothing to th £ Uv StinSSKtri ^ ^ Tsr ^ pi ^ ssd ^ k ssasahs reference to the charge wpuld serve him -The several witnesses wore examined in confirmation of the evidence and tho property was identifiorl - Tho pruppsr entreated Mr . Combo byname not to remand him to prison .-Mr . Combo : I shall fiillv commit , you for trial on the chargc . -Prisoncp Ota , pray do let mo send for mv frffiL
saar'SiJr ^ owortai ^ *»~ - «» ss way CoMPANv .-Mr . Henry Locks , ohiefi ? at t £ booking office of tho London brid ge terminus of th « Brighton railway , was brought b oforo M Seeker for final examination charged with oommiiS ' extensive system of fraud and SZSS ^ fZ directors and company of the Brighton iK , It appeared from the evidence that the prfetncfc been some time employed as a clerk bvK »^
company , ana on account of his good condnhi Bs ^ ft-iaftafe'gas r . sssas-a-sjS ^ ss who received all c ' ashi fron ^ hcL ™ ? ° i ? ° ? ^ daily to the accountant of So Z ^ l j £ ? L ? sonor occasionally issued tickets B elf ¦ In , ™ sftwsrastssfS ^ rt S ^ tJ . SS ' ^ SPl prisoner , a gUAvdnamtu Sprinitt -m ° . m tlve ( in nlu ' nf t :. fl >~ l —II , "l " } g < 'll , illlU ChnOSMIlriM 1
iHtomtody ^ S ' dtBfn ' 1 ^ Brighton with the of bC A « ° ? S »» trato 8 of place , which multed in ' tilc to ffiW ^ , ? charged , ami tho prisoner was Vonf 1 ^ ? 8 < ti $ - tho wise inightuiicW goaii invoX- Lou ?"' thnt i ^ * fttf . ^ f tea
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consecutively , and ought not to be issued until the slides were empty , when a report ought to be made of the circumstance . The slides were known to bo full on the days in question , which left no necessity for interfering with the drawer ; but the company having some suspicion that tickets had been fraudulently issued , led to the drawer in question being examined . The tickets were alleged to be sold by the prisoner , who acted in concert with the ticket colleotor at Brig hton . That officer , instead of sending them in tho usual way into tho audit-office , handod them to the guard , who brought them to London and transferred them to the prisoner . Not being marked with a strong impression , the latter partially erased the mark and replaced them , in , his drawer for the purpose of issuing them again , not ______
suspecting that his system of fraud was discovered . —^ Ir . Weatherhead , superintendent at the Londonbridge terminus , produced the tickets , which had evidently been marked and issued . He also produced the slides holding the tickets , and the drawer . The slides would contain more than a hundred tickets—sufficient for any common train . Had the prisoner taken any from the drawer it would have been his duty to report that fact to the accountant in the regular way . —Mr . Edward Blundell , one of the clerks in the prisoner ' s office , said that he saw the prisoner issue tickets for the seven o ' clock Brighton train on the 1 st inst . The prisoner issued tho first and second class tickets , but ho had no ririit to go to the drawer , as the slides were full .
The tickets now produced had evidently been issued , from the marks thereon . — Mr . Slight , the accountant to the company , stated that there were three clerks in the booking-office—the prisoner , Mr . Blundell , and Mr . Francis . The prisoner had the command over them , and it was his duly to keep account of the tickets and cash , and collect the latter twice a day , and hand it over to witness . The prisoner certified to the other clerks that the accounts were correct . —Mr . Clarkson inquired how the tickets were disposed of after they were used ?—Witness replied that the collector returned them into the audit-office , when they were examined bv him . They were sent in every
morning . The drawer in which the extra tickets were kept was locked , and the prisoner always kept the keys when the office was closed . Any fraud of the present description must have been committed by other parties acting in collision , as it would be impossible for one person to commit such acts , — Mr . Clarkson said he had no further evidence to offer , and as there was quite sufficient to send the case before a jury , he should ask for a committal , — Mr . Seeker said that he should commit the prisoner for trial , but ho bad no objection to take bail for his appearance at the Old Bailey Sessions . He should , however , require twenty-four hours' notice of the proposed sureties . The prisoner was then committed for trial .
WORSHIP STREET . — Fokqed Notes . — William Harris , a tall and rather respectable-looking young man , was placed at the bar before Mr . Arnold upon a charge of uttering a forged £ 5 banknote . —Mr . Yann , a solicitor , attended for the prisoner . The note in question was produced stamped with the word '' forged . " It had been paid into the Bank from Mr . Johnson , a flour factor , who had received it from Mr . Bennett , a baker in the Kingsland-road , whose daughter had given change for it to the servant of Mr . Smith , landlord of the Carpenters' Arms public-house in the same nei g hbourhood , and the latter had taken . it from a Mrs . Wilton , a landlady of a house of bad repute in Essex-street , Kingsland-road . —Mary Bird , a girl
of the town , now deposed , that on Tuesday fortnight the prisoner accompanied her home to Mrs . Wilton ' s , where ho sent out for half a pint of brandy , and gave the landlady a £ 5 note to get changed , which she accordingly did , and the note was afterwards returned as a forgery . She was quite certain of the prisoner ' s identity , having been in his company several times before . Last Saturday night she saw him . again in the Kingsland-road , when she told him that he had given her landlady a falso note , and wished him to go home with her , but he told her not to bother him , and having offered her some half-pence , which she refused , ho went away . She , however , followed him , and she said he gave her in charge for annoying him . —Inspector Pascoe
said the witness was mistaken in saying that she had been taken in charge , for tac fact was , that since the return of tho forged note , she had been about with some of the police , on the look out for the person who was alleged to have uttered it—Martha Wilton , the landlady , said sue was equally certain that the prisoner was the person who sent her out for the brandy , and to get change for the £ 5 note as stated by the witness Bird . She took it to the Carpenters' Arms , where the'barman sent out and obtained change , which she on her return delivered to the prisoner . It was about eight in the evening , and the gas ali ght at the bar at the time . —Mr . Briton , clerk at the bank of England , proved that the
note produced was a forgery , and on its presentation at the bank on the 31 st ult . ae stamped it accordingly . Two other notes , now shown to him by the police , were also precisely similar forgeries . —On the part of the prisoner it was alleged that ho was a person of highly respectable character , holding a situation in the City , and- entirely innocent of tho charge made against him bv the female witnesses . —Sergeant Teablc , who had in his possession several forged notes similar to the one produced , said he had no less than six to produce on a future occasion , but was not pvepared with any evidence now . —Mr . Arnold remanded the prisoner ,
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THE NOTTINGHAM SILK GLOVE BRANCH . The following handbill has been extensively circulated m and around Nottingham : — TO THE MANUFACTURERS AGENTS , WORKMEN , AND OTHERS CONNECTED WITH THE GLOVE BRANCH . Gentlemen asd Fellow-Woukmen , —It is with great reluctance we impose upon ourselves the disagreeable task of publishing this bill ; but it is not our object to lmuve the character of anv one . it i <
not lor a vain display , nor is it to create an unnecessary sensation ; it is a work of necessity for the vindication of our own character and proceedings and for an exposition ef some of the unjust imposii tions which so frequently have been , and , in some cases , still are , practised upon us . It was found , a short time since , that the firm of I ., I ., and I . Wilson were not paying the same price for tho workmanship of their plain silk "loves i , other firms were , and are how , paying ; this led the trade to make further inquiries , when thev v ™ . ™
surprised and grieved to discover that the workmen of Messrs . Wilson were receiving as much as fortv per cent , less than tho workmen employed by other firms . * * * # * When the facts had fceen ascertained , a deouti ty a ° *!} rklacu wcvc appointed to wait unon Messrs . Wilson to lay the case before Sm and solicit them to act in accordance with , andSvih ! same prices as , the trade generally ; but tho Join tation was very uncourtoousl y received , many u pleasant reflections were cast upon them and th £ were finally told , "they had nothing to do vvitl S case , and that Messrs . Wilson woulfnot comle ce . d to have anything to say to them on the suSct " _ Now one great object of the United Glovo t ™^
is , tnac an worKmen receive the same remunoratim for the same amount of labour and qualK woT manship , thus enabling all manufactureK fir Is " we are concerned , ) to take their goods into tho mi ? ket on the same terms , and destroy that ; , » i S injurious spirit of competition which ha listed and winch has brought many honest and ffdustrioul workmen to a state of the deenost w ;\ ?• ^ suffering hence , it will be evi £ ShadSsS m flsj a srs ^^^ oftH workmen in the trade , as tEv ^ m , ! ^ ^ " tably have been reduced inVXe ^ % g £ therefore , been compelled , thoucLuitL ^™ '
ffi& ^ ttsaAsspcSsr arc now employed . wetnien who Tho social condition and flompcH / i > . „ . < will be seen by every thinking S fa ES" ?' ,, ' affected and injured by such Mbitnrv ? S ? ll y conduct on the part of manufactureis ^ n ^ *? peated attempts at reduction of wage ' s feV " ; upon the physical and moral powers ** ? £ „ 1 °° * exempted in the case of Ce who 1 , ' i driven to a state of listle ssnes Jh \ a ¦ hem Lave become useless inenS ? of sSStetv P n ^ i gradually sank into untime v * . £ S' ™ A iave
a ^ jft ^ ji ^ msz have lived bv fraud and preying uJJn IhTr ^ creatures , till premature deJthWto t k , f ° brou ght them to an end of thrfr SrS- i ? religious improvement can we expect wW What * ome manufacturers , who aro honmiw ? m m ?" SCe Christian churches , daily showing hwi ° mbers of that they disbelieve tKTShSf rt . , action 8 ' they pvofess ? It atZ& SteK gno ^ ° Ct ? of tho community to conclude theoK poPt * Sr ^ s ^ HiS . Working men do not despair this i * « , „ ^¦ aarjr af' ^ ssS ^ recompense you moro tlia » ^^^ Wi ^ te ?* - Sswe ^ ja ^^ ffcSiB
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CORN . ! Mahk-Une , Monday , September 10 .-The W ! M of foreign grain in thecourse of last week ( bein < -nrinmn « ii the accumulations in the different Baltic ports am ' inE / h late blockade ) , and an increased suppl y of new wheat fimorning , caused a decline of Is to 2 s per qr . upon EnMicM and nearly the same upon foveign wheats , to effect sXf „* the latter to any extent . The millers reduced the iS . c their flour 2 s per sack , and foreign sold very slowlv -in Barley was duller sale and Is cheaper , but fine new KmrY i . was scarco and fully as dear . In malt very little S Beans and peas without alteration . Fine new boiling , ready sale , The oat trade was very dull , and l s lowerf inferior samples , but fine fresh qualities sold nearly as dm Rye without buyers . For linseed cakes the demand \ m limited . New rape seed more inquired after , as w » n Canary seed . The current prices as under . ^ Weekly Avebaoe for September 1 Wheat 4-u a * * ariey 4 ^ 5 i ° > 1 Os 3 d : Rye > 27 s Od ' bean ' s . % 3 d i peas , « i 8 s 6 d . ' " i
Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . — uTim * ^ S ^ peaSoS J ° ' Ws 2 d ; ^ L > 6 S 6 d ' ^ DuiiEs .-Wheat , rye , barley , peas , beans , oats anrt maize , Is per quarter ; flour , 4 Jd per cwt . ; cloversed | £ per cwt . u < ° » Wednesday , September 1 ? . —There was no alteration in the va \ ue of any description of grain in Mark-lane and » m demands was of the most retail description , puvchasp « confining their operations to the supply ot their want ? from Hand to mouth ; and quotations may be considered nominally the same as on Monday last . a Arrivals this week : —Wheat—English , 1 , 020 Quartern foreign , 4120 quarters . Barley-English , 110 quarters f ° r > S » ' ^ O liners . Oats-Engfth , 970 Lite !' Irish , 250 quarters ; foreign , 15 , 010 quarters . Flour-3 aO
BREAD . , The i ] ces of wheaten b « a < l in the metropolis arc from 7 d . to 7 * d . ; of household ditto . 5 d . to G U . per ilbs . loaf .
CATTLE . < SsiiTHFiEtD , Monday , Sept , 10 . _ Fresh up to this mom . ing's market , thearrivab of home-fed beasts are comparatively small , the time of year considered , and of very middling quality . As the quantities of dead meat on sale at Newgate and Leadenhal . were very small , and the attrndance of buyers considerably on the increase , the beef trade was somewhat brisk , at an advance on the quotations of Friday of 2 d . per 8 ibs ., being a rise on those of Monday last , of 4 d . _ per 81 bs . Prior to the conclusion business
nearly the whole of the stock had been disposed of . There was a shght falling off in the numbers of sheep , all breeds of which commanded a ready sale , at prices quite id . per Sfbs . above those obtained on this day se ' nniL'ht The pnmest old Downs sold freely at 4 s 2 d per 81 bs L : vmh » were m full average supply , and steady demand , at full prices , viz ., from 4 s to 5 sper 81 bs . We had a better inquiry for calves , at 2 d per 8 ffis . more money . The supply was by no means extensive . The pork trade ruled dull , yet prices were well supported .
Head of Cattle at Smithfield . —Friday . —Beasts , 835 ; sheep , 11 , 500 ; calves , 300 ; pigs , 290 . Monday . —Beasts , 3 , 709 ; sheep , 28 , 420 ; calves , 1 G 0 ; pigs , 220 . Price per stone of 81 bs . ( sinking the offal ) . —Beef , 2 s lOd to 4 s Od ; mutton , 3 s Od to 4 s 2 d ; veal , 3 s Od to 8 s 8 d porU , 3 s 8 d to 4 s Od ; lamb , 4 s Od to 5 s Od . ' Newgate and Leadenhaix , Monday , Sept . 27 . —Inferior beef , 2 s 6 d to 2 s 8 d ; middling ditto , 2 s 8 d to 2 s lOd ; prime large , E 3 s Od to 3 s 2 d ; prime small , 3 s 2 d to 3 s 4 d ; large pork , 3 s Od to 3 s 6 d ; inferior mutton , 2 s 8 d to 2 s lOd middling ditto , 3 s Od to 3 s 6 d ; prime ditto , 3 s 8 d to 3 s lOd veal , 3 s Od to 3 s 6 d ; small pork , 3 s 8 d to 4 s Od lamb ! 3 s lOd to 4 s lOd pev 81 bs . by the carcase .
PROVISIONS . Lokdok , Monday . —The arrivals last week from Ireland were 2 , 210 firkins butter , and GO bales bacon ; and from foreign ports 6 , 740 casks butter , and 3 G 0 boxes and bales bacon . We had more business doing in Irish buttev last week , the finest brands were in fair request , at full prices but Limericks and butter of that class being offered on rather easier terms induced purchasers to a moderate extent . In Dutch little or no variation . In bacon we have to notice a slight improvement in the demand , but chiefly on prime fresh cured , which meets a ready sale . English Butter Market , Sept . 10 . —As our quality now comes good , we note a rather better demand for best weekly Dorset butter , but in the general market there is not the least improvement . Dorset , fine weeklv , 80 s to 84 s per cwt . ; do ,, middling , 60 s to 70 s ' Fresh , 8 s to 11 s per dozen . '
HOPS . BoBouGir , Monday , Sept . 10—We cannot report any alteration in the state of our market , which remains heavy at last week ' s rates . Picking has partially commenced , £ 95 000 t 0 Ccome Beueral iu a few dR J ' - Duty ) SEEDS . London , Monday . —The great fall which tho value of canary seed has lately undergone , has caused the article to to excite some attention , and to-day there was an improved demand , at an advance on last Monday ' s currency of 5 s per or- In other sorts of seeds there was little passine , and quotations underwent no change . HAY . SMiTHFiELD .-Sept . 8 .-Meadow , old , 60 s to 72 s- do ,, new 4 os to 60 s ; clover , old , 80 s to 95 s j do , new , 60 s to 80 s ; straw , 2 Gs to 32 s .-At per load of : jG trusses
FRUIT AND VEGETABLES . Covent Gardes Market , Saturday , September 8 .-Hot house grapes , peaches , and nectarines are plentiful . Pine , apples have not altered since our last account . Apricots are nearly over and so are currants . FUberteSnd S walnuts are abundant . Oranges are scarce . Lemon * moderately ptavtiM . Amongst vegetables , turnips mav be obtained at from 3 d to 6 d a bunch . Car " o s thes ^ me StttaZ ? P f ? l t ' " Pens fetch from is 6 d to 4 s per bushel . Potatoes have uot altered since our last account . Lettuces and other salading aresufficient for the demand . Mushrooms fetch from Is to ls 6 dpcr pottle Cut flowers consist of heaths , pelargoniums I ' ardenias bignoma , venusta , tropaolums , carnaiions , mchsias , Tnd
WOOL . Citt , Monday , September 10 . —The market 5 « miiof rtio ? f « ° " * F Thursday next being advertedTo tteWnt e * S , 000 . Wej by the four lciidingVolcors , withX 3 « S nearer 40 , 000 . The imports since our last have been vcrv moderate , comprising : only a few parcels from German ? Ht « 'e change of wind is bringing up n grea ^ mariy LivERjoot , September S .-Scotch . _ The new clip of Scotch wool is now coming forward morefreelv stillthe de rfdM ^ iejfmoderate - *»«»*^ K £ hSKof wsr ^ ass ^ white ] ^ - OsGdtolOs ; Do . do ., wash 1 , lOsto % ^ 1-M ^ t ^ MBmm 0 Foi « EiGX . -The stocks of good consumaWe wools Srhfc here , consequently the transactionsTl mitod Th " Tnext series ot puWic sales be ™ in London ™ L v ' tt ! when about 40 , 000 will b ° e dSed ?" to tM ^ U £ A tone to our market for some time & e c ¦ uSfiS ? thC VVCt ' > mUcS ' ™' - V thb w
TALLOW . s | HHE ! sS 5 S »^ on the spot is soiling with difficulty at 38 s to&LV wfl " «« ? - » 2 ! ciS SkEE *"* < S"S o , vuv uisKS natl solil sit further reduced \«\ tcs siiinmnntL . were progressing rapidly . MUiltcSl Shipments
COAL . mgsssm lislSfliti swrn t ™ i , H'Ccorresponding month in 1348
COLONIAL PRODUCE . London , Tuesday Evening . —Sugar . —The importers dirt ^ & ^* ssttr& jis ^ j&art ^ a e ~ j SSw ^^ aai awR ^ S ^^^ J ^ yrvwis m &titfis&sm
poSc '" m ! l ° S kl l tcomiT 1 , l ? es * ° TOapa very dull np . avSs ^ fe ^^ S . tcildency . ™* *• WioBa w , . DEATHS . ~~ sLfistisiS smmm
At Brighton , on the Cth of September after n 0 Wf „ ,,. * sH | rtfS 5 ff £ ? Mra ^ 5 s ; is ° bu' fSf n < i i ii ™' . CtfiKs psss s he given up his principles ; hut lieTould not " ' hadl iota for all the wealth in the world It n , « i gTs VP ° - ne " He lived and died in the cood ran J rf ? J be truly said ' itt- 'ttarasS ^^ ssfc
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o ' fice Tfi Oi , \ v- ^ * minBter , « the Printimg , oWest 4 ? S K ^ " ^ treet , Harmarket , in the < tf& Esa M P « i ^ . , t X netor ' ' vlwuso ' c ° NNOR . thn Offii , " ! . « BbhsUcdby lw said . Wiuiak Bum . at s 5 iiy ; r { ltf ^ ^ h .-Satur * , *
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SURREY SESSIOXl Robbebt . —Jolin Collins , a well-known thief , -who was a short time ago summaril y convicted for stealing a handkerchief from the late Mr . Cottingham magistrate at the Southwark police-court , was indited for stealing seven shillings and sixpence from the person of Catherine Steel , attended with violence . —The pvosecutrix deposed that she was a married woman , and on the morning of the 14 th of August , a little after eleven o ' clock , she was proceeding along Gravel-lane to purchase meat for dinner , mile passing the end of Ewer-street , sho felt some person ' s hand at her pocket , and on turninc round sharp , she caught hold of the prisoner . He however knocked her down , and ran away , when she discovered that her money was gone . She gave the alarm , but the prisoner made his escape . She gave uuuiuu oi lue
uuu rouoery ana described the prisoner and on the same evening he was taken into custody . —A shopkeeper residing in the neighbourhood of Gravel-lane , proved seeing the robbery committed and the assault . —In defence , the prisoner denied being in the neighbourhood of Gravel lane that day . —1 he jury returned a verdict of" Guilty •" when the Chairman asked whether anything was known of the prisoner ? -Burton , 272 M , informed the magistrate that he was a notorious thief , and had been several times convicted for similar rohbenes .-Comues , 9 AL , said that the prisoner was sentenced to three months' hard labour at Brixton for stealing apocket handkerchief from the late Mr . Gottingham . He had been out onl y three davs when lie committed the present robbery . —The Court sentenced him to ten years' transportation
Iwtu Ilctfl, #F.
iWtU IlCtfl , # f .
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^ 8 » THE ' NORTHERN STAR _^_ Swrnm 16 , 1840 .
We *X*Im& Wder, . Of No. 5, Macclesfield-Street.
We * X * IM& WDER , . of No . 5 , Macclesfield-street .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 15, 1849, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1539/page/8/