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tTNITEI ); PATRIOTS' AND PATRIARCHS' BENEFIT : SSOlEtT . ¦^^ ^ m ^^^^^ mmm . The Socie ^ isJKriaea into sfr «^ V « b m * t tbe necessities and reqSenfcs if all classes ' % tiiechanici and ! ao () ui ^ fr < mififte |^^ ofa ^ to fo ^ ve . : This &cietj : consist 8 of abwSe two SoiSand ^ mtea , and-luw ; a foaded capital of % « L 16 s . 9 d . _; iavmg paid the follo ^ ving sunw for benefits sSTts . feraiaaoi ^ i-Sicknes ,, . 5 , 708 l . ; 5 s . . l 0 d . Fonerals , l , 3 S 2 t ^ , -58 petannuafaon , 30 l . . 0 s . 4 d . Fire , mifeS ^_ . To ^ 7 , ^^ . ^ . . ^ , - , : ; j ' . 3 he ftnowing is thei SCALE OP ^ ES to be paid at entrance : 3 s . must be naM when admitted , and the -remainder can ^^ a ^ fP ^ rf ^ on ^ totepaidmththes ^^^ . : ~__ : ? - „ ^^ c ' w ? -- - ^ section . : 3 rfsecfion . 4 tblection . Stt ^ secUga . - -6 thsection . ¦ ; lrom S ? i ¦ —* 2 - — * " ^ -H ..-.. JE 0 4 s . 2 d ..... £ 0 3 s ? k .... £ 0 8 s . 2 d .. ^ £ 0 2 i 2 d ; . - 83-36 .... 0 7-2 .... 0 6 8 .... 0 62 .... 0 fT .... -0 5 2 -. ' ^ not admitted ~ ! 5 H 2 ¦ *• S I " ° " ° 9 2 . „ . 0 8 8 ... v o va--i . ii . y- ' . ;/ over -. ^ 9—^ 5 .... . 11 . 2 .... 1 . 0 . 2 .... 019 8 V ; .. 0 19 2 .... 0 ' 18 . -2 JJ .. " tweH ^ ryears TfEffiLT ILtOWASCE IH SICKSESS ASD SUFEBAKSUATKW . ' MESIBmVDEAIS . —WIFE ' S OB X 0 X 1 XE&S DEATH ; .. .,, ErstSecfion lSs . Od . Gs . Od . . - First- Section-. ' :. -. i 20 0 0 .... £ 10 0 , 0 ' ; . " Second ditto ....:. 15 0 ...... 6 0 SecoHdditto v ..: 1 C 0 0 .... 8 0 0 -: Thirdditto 11 0 40 Thirfditto .... 12 0 0 ... ^ 6 0 0 - . Fourth ditto ...... 9 0 40 Fourthditto .... 1 ° 0 0 " 5 00 ; . . Fifth ditto 7 0 ..... ; 4 0 Fifthditto ' .... COO .... 8 0 0 .. ..: Sixth ditto 7 0 none . Sixthditto .... 2 10 . 0 .... none LOSS BY FIRE . —In all the Divisions ( with the exception of the Sixth ) £ 10 . ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦• : ¦¦ Monthly contributions to ensure the above benefits . ¦¦ -. .... . Under 30 yearsof ace . Undergo . Under « . PiKtMrision .. 3 S . 7 H . 7 3 s . lOid .. 4 s . Wd . ¦ - Seooad ditto .... 3 0 " ] General Expenses 3 2 £ Insurancein caseoffire , 3 : 7 4 d . . amonthfor Thirdditto .... 2 4 including -2 C can be raised to 15 L , 2 . 10 ! Medical ' ¦ ¦¦ Fonrth ditto .. 2 0 f Postace , ic , 2 2 { lid . a ' month extra , 2 5 J j Attendance and Fifth ditto .... 1 8 1 ljd . Monthly . 1 ' 10 .. J or 201 . 3 d . a month . 2 1 J - Medicine . Youthml , Gift , Widow and Orphans' Funds extra , for wjiich , see the rules . . ' -. ¦ Agendesare established in many of the principal Towns throughout the Kingdom , and agents are required in all parts , towhomalibcralallowanceis made . Every information ^^ can be obtained , by application to the ^ Sccretary , 1 Se Office of the Society , 13 , ' Tottenham-court , New-road ( thirteen doow from the top of To « enh " am-conrt . rbad ) , St . ^ ancraSj Iiondon . ' ¦ ¦ - ' ¦¦ -- ¦ ' « . . _ - Persons in the Country applying for Roles can have them forwarded , by enclosing' twelve postage Etanras , and if for form of application , or information , three stamps must be enclosed . . ' ¦ -. -- . ? ..,... ' . ' . ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ Dasiel William Rufft , General Secretary . - . i
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DEA FNESS . — Important Notice . — Mr . FRANCIS , the eminent aurist , who has devoted bis attention solely to DISEASES of the EAR , continues to efiect the most astonishing cures in all those inveterate cases } which have long been considered hopeless , and of thirty or forty years standing , enabling the patient to hear a whisper , without pain or operation , effectually removing deafness , noises in the head , and all diseases of the aural canaL Mr . F . attends daily from 10 until 6 , at his consulting rooms , S , Beaufort-buildings , Strand , London . Persons at a distance can state their case by letter . Advice to the poor , Monday , Wednesday , and Friday , from C till 8 in the evening .
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MIXERSMEETING . rr » HE MINERS intend to hold a X PUBLIC MEETING on Shailon Hill , near Newcastleon-Tyne , on Satckdat , Jose 15 th , when it is expected that thewhole of the Colliers of Northumberland and Durham , will turn out to a man . The Meeting will be addressed by various Miners , who ¦ will expose the gross tyranny and oppression which prevails at the present time , and lay down some general plan calculated to emancipate the whole of the mining body . F . p'CoxsMi . Esq ., IU ? ., lias been invited , and will attend , if possible .
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THE ONLY CURE FOR RUPTURE Incidental to Jfcn > Women , and Children . ^ TRUSSES . —It is a well-known fact , that A of all the ills that flesh is heir to . hone suffer from prejudices ) much as those afflicted with Hernia , different lands 01 Trusses being required to meet the peculiarities of each case , and as the majority of Truss-makers are strongly prejudiced to their own inventions they use them to the exclusions of all others . Thus it is that the ruptured pub-Jic _ are obliged to -visit numerous Truss-makers before being suited . Now the undersigned , a practical maker , laving been twenty years in the trade , and well aeouaintml
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DO YOU WANT' BEAUTIFUL AKD LUXURIAXT HAIR , WHISKERS , ic . ? fPHE Immense Public Patronage / bestowed A upon Miss Ellen Graham ' s NIODKRENE is sufficient evidence of its amazing properties in reproducing , the human hair , whether lost by disease or natural decay , preventing the hair falling off , strengthening weak hair , and checking greyness . It i » guaranteed to produce Whiskers , Moustachios , && , in tbree weeks , without fail It is elegantly scented , and sufficient for three months' use will be sent free , on receipt of 2 i postage stamps , by MISS ELLEN GRAHAM , 6 , Ampton-street , Gray ' s-inn-road , London . Unlike all other preparations for the hair , it is free from artificial colouring and filthy greasiness , well known to be so injurious to it .
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ENEMD 3 S IN THE CAMP ! 1 Brother Chartists Beware !! , ' RUPTURES . EFFECTUALLY AND PERMA KENTLY CURED WITHO UT A TRUSS !! CAOTIOX . —Sufferers are earnestl y cautioned against jouttiful impudent quacks , who copy this announcement , assume foreign names , adopt various addresses force testimonials , place Dr . before their names , make assertions tne most extravagant and absurd , and have recourse to the basest practises to victimise the public . ]? VERY SUFFERER FROM RUPTURE i-i ( Single or Double , and of every variety ) is earnestly mvitedto write , or pay Dr . BARKER a visit , as in everv case he guarantees them a perfect cure . During an extensive practice in manj thousands of cases his remedy has been entirely successful ; as the testimonials hehas received from patients , and many eminent members of the medical profession , amply prove . It is applicable to both sexes , old and young ; easy and painless hvuse and most certain in effect . . , . ...- . .,. ¦ . . '
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- - .. t-s ^ j 'At . ..: . TO TIKi « BMBARRASSEDr . ¦ . .,,. ; - ' ' WiiERE are tfeousands of persona , wno " liave i J . « 46 rig struggled- ^ gaintt : the . force of jmiafortune , but fewiare aware that , 4 jy > very recent Acts , all ,, small traders ' owicg debts not exoeeaing £ 30 . 0 , farmers ,. private and profesgionalgentlemen , « md all others ;' owing to . hny amount the latter without' a ^ y publicity ) , ' can be' entirely raised from their difficulties ; at - small expense , and ¦ without imprisonment or banteu ' ptcyi i AH such Mr . Wsstoh . begs will apply to liim . at 6 , lEssex-street , Straud , by letter or iPBFSOnally . , ;¦ i >; . ; " ; ' .. ' . ;• . : ¦ . ; .. . V--, ; , '¦ I ' - - ¦ . . Officehbussifrom , 10 till 2 ,, and 6 tills . ' ¦ ai . B . TT-The above , Acts ' , stay all Palace' Court , 'County Cour t . ' andotherprodeedings . Clergymenneed hotsubmit lo . sequestratiens . ' ¦'¦' ¦ ; •'; '; •¦ . > .,. ¦ ; - ;
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EMIGRAK 0 N TO NORTH AMERICAffl < -TAPSGOTT AND CO . ; SHIPPING " •¦ and . Emigeatien Agents , Liverpool , continue . to despatchFirstClaes 61 ripp-r ,. i . ,... ?¦ To NEW YORK—wery Fire Days . " .. '' ¦ ¦ ' ' ToKEW ORLEASSr-every-. Ten Days . ; '¦ ¦ - ; " - ' : :-JCo BOSTON and PHILApELPHIA-every Fifteen Days . - " ' '' ¦ "' - 'Andoccasionally to ¦ ¦ : ., -BALTIMORE , ' CHARLESTON , ^ SAVANNAH , Q UEBEC , and StJOHNS . ; : ,,:.... , ; , ; , - .. ;( i . . ; .:, ' . Drafts for' any -amount , at sight ,. on New York payable iHAny part of the iUaited States ! . . ' ' - •*' ¦ Tapscptt ' s "Emigrant's Guide" sent free , on receipt bf Four Postage'Stamps . '' ¦' " ; :. ' ¦ *• ,: ¦ r : ; , y - QS * About twenty-eight thousand persons sailed for - the Now . World , in Tapscotfslinp of American Packete . in 18 W .
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AGRICULTURE , MANUFACTURES ; TEETOTALISM , ' ' '¦ . The best ' of " 'jcBADEtiniioiJs , ' " ' ' .. - . ' -.- , ( A " holyTEiaiTi-ifj-uNtrr . ) ' T AND . ' MOST FERTILE , £ 2 per acre , J-i CoxTAOES ( twO : small . rooms ) . ' £ 4 ; = Doubleditto , £ 8 ; One of . tho latter ,, which can be , divided into twe tworoomed ones ( with laijje jjardens each ) , and Hhree acres of land ; is all that remains in hand ( with immediate posses sisn , ) for the accommodation of one or two more ' families . There is nothing to take to , and no payment in advance will be required from handicraftsmen of good character , who are pledgedTEET 0 TA 1 LEB 8 .. ¦ ,... , -. ...... ' ..,. ¦ The real blessings resulting , from' uniting' Agriculture , Teetotalism , and Manufactures , are exhibited by the splendid crops raised by'shoemaker * , ' and other teetotallers , from Northampton , - now to beseeh on this estate , the property , of . a woeeino gextxeman , who owes a splendid fortune to . teetotalism , and continues , jneverthelassiito work hard every day of his life , from religious principles , and to improve the morals of society . ' ' . To view the Estatesi apply to Mr . Page . siibemakerVor any other of the Northampton famine ' s ) , Dibdin Hill , Chalfont St'Giles ; llueks . two miles from O'Connorville . ¦ ;
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EMIGRATION ; T 0 ; GEORGIA , IRWIN COUNTY ; UNTTEb STATES . ' ; : ' . " ; " . COTTON ! COTTON !! . COTTON j ' ii" ¦ ' ' . Independence !—Self Government in Factories !—with ' Fixity of Working Hours . ' The attention bf Manufacturers and Operatives in ' Cotton of small capital is called to an . extract from the . New York Correspondent of the Time ; dated 17 th July , lftitf , which says , relative , to the . State of Georgia— 'Advantage has been taken of its extensile water , power to establish cotton manufactories ! A fact not only true , but also that the re . turns
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RUIN OF PUBLICANS ! . Just pnblislied , priee 2 s . or ( free ) by post for 25 postage ¦ " < stamps , - ¦" " . : ^ M SOYER'S Recipes for Promoting Ol .: HEALTH ; HAPPINESS , & LONGEVITY , ; By the use of his cooling , refreshing ,- wholesome Summer urinks , all lnedicolly attested , and equallv adapted for CHILDHOOD , MANHOOD , and OLD AGE . M . Soyee having long seen the necessity of more ' useful atirt wholesome , beverages than beer , spirits , and , the filthy compounds now sold as ginger beer , lemonade , &c , the dangerous character , of which , is amply-testified by medical men , ha 3 been thereby induced to jrive this collection of most useful aud beautiful Recipes , as he found the price of the variousdrinks lie , has . from time to time invented , placed them beyond the reach of the million . The Recipes , however , are at the disposal of all , being cheap in themselves , composed of cheap materials easily obtained , ( many of which being extensively adulterated by chemists , or if not adulterated sold at exorbitant prices , will . be sup . plied at a mere nominal charge by M . S . ) . The prices accompany theRccipes . ¦ ' ¦
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lio'lAri ^ tidn / lB ifrl ^ Mj ^ ons , 2 ; 7 ; :: ! ' ; " ^ ., ^ i ;^^ £ toi ^ . ^; i : ; ' . ' ¦ .:, : ,: « Vi ' vij " iV' 7 % ' li . op . 7 iil , - : ' ^ y ; v ; ' : ' ^' , : * mIINAWONfciSJTWTOit " : ; :: ,.::: ;! -..-:-. ; , :.- ; .- ; ji ^ ElO ^ E ^ PENNY . ^^' . ^{^ '¦ ' , The object of the Proprietor ; Fearous O'Conkor , Eflft ^ M . P-, is to place within the reaeh of . tho , poorest claBBes that Pbliiioal and Sociallnformation of whioh ~ they are ^' at ' present deprived ; by [; tne < 3 overnraent " TaxesphKriowledge . ? ' . i •; " ,, -ia addition to a- serial ; history ; of the fffXife . and Adventures of FjsAn . Gus : O ! Gonnob ? from-rhiEi Boyh * J 0 'd , " it-will contain Essays by tho best , writers on alt thie leading Questionsiof the day ., ; written in : an earnest , honest , and ; impartial spirit : ; : Tales , and Sketches , " illustrative ^ f the working pfcour present Social'and'Poiitioal System jReviewsand abstracts of'Ne ' w Books of aiusefuland instructive character , arid Miscellaneous Information ; suited alike for the arousemont and instruction of the fireside . , > ¦ . . - •; As " THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR ''? ia ^ desigaedUo improve" and - elevate the Political and Social ' ' Condition of ^^ the -Working :- . Classes , its columns will be opened'for fair and temperate diseiigsiori upon all the questions affecting their welfare , and it will thus become a truthful and living exponent of public opinion . ;
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THE CHEAPESI EDmON . iEVEB rL'BilSUED . . . ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ; ..: - ^ -.: ; . ' m , . Priee . -ls . 6 d .,:,:.. ; . . . .. ¦ ¦ , ' ¦ - . ¦> , ;• A new and elegant edition , with Steel Plate of the . . ; . ' . " Auffior . ' of "' , - . . : ; ; -PAIHE'S ^ OUTIGALrWO ^ KS . : ' Now Ready , a-New Edition of : ' ¦ ' Mr . ^ ' ^ qN ^^ jyORICxO ^ MAIL FARRIS Sold by J . . Watson , Qacen ' a Head Passage , ' / aternoster row , London ; A . llcy \ yood , Oldham-strect , Manchester , mdXbve and Cd :, ' Cj Nclson street , . Glasgow . And bv all Bgok ' sellers ' in' Town' and Country . ¦ . ¦
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• - ¦ - SECOND YEAR OF THE . D . E'MbO RATIO REVIEW ' Of BRITISH and FOltEIGN' POLITICS ; HISTORY ¦¦ ¦ •'¦ " ' . - -AND LITERATURE .: 1 V . c . : ; ¦' ; : ^ ; -Edite'd by Gi JDUAN HARNEY ^ ' Thisday ^^ is published ^ Nol 13 | beinR . the ^ firsfi ' number of Vol . II . bf thiB mbntldyexpouentof Democratic and Social Progress ; ¦ '¦ ; : ¦ ¦¦ ... ¦ . i ;; .. ¦ .. ;; . ¦ ;• ' ;„ . ¦ r ' ^ . u .. ' : i The contents of the number fer . June Include , a lotte ' r from the Editor-on : the .- Conspiracy ' iii . France to destroy UnivcrsalfSuffrage ; Tactics and Programme of the ' Counter-Revolutio ' msts . ; articles ' pri pemqcraqjy . Mazzlni ' s ' worklon the Ppptdom , ic . i'&ci'vThis number also contains certain letters : excluded fr < mv the ' . No ' rihenfi Star ,. ' including : the Edifpr ' s- 'defence . of . Chavtism , in reply , , t ' o a Renegade ' s Revelations | . with other matter important anil interesting to theChartists , and all [ friends to Democratic' and ' So ' cial Reform . . .. . ¦ ' . ' : ' ' ¦'¦'
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NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . , ' OFFICES , W , SOUTIIAMPTONSTltliET , STRAND , ' ,: ; ' ' ; ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦• LONDON . ; : ¦ ; - The Provisional Committee of the NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION hereby give- notice , , ¦ . That those fricnds . whb are desirous ; pf forming localities can be supplied with Curds of Membership and ; Rule& , ' by upplying to the General Secretary , John Arnott . as above / from nine till . two . o ' clock , daily ( Sundaysexccptedj . and on Monday . evenings from sevento nine o ' clock : if by . letter , prepaid . ; A | i applications by letter will receive the most prompt attention . ' : ' : ; , ' . Notice is also given that all the receipts fort the Cards issued , must botonvnrded monthly ,- per Post Office Order ; made payable to John Ai-nott , at tho Post . . Office , Strand , and addressed to him at the . Office of the Association , 14 , Southampton Street , . Strand , London . ¦ . - \' ' ' - On Tuesday Evening . June 4 th , a public meeting will be held miie LITERARY AND- SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE , JOHN-STREET , TOTTENIIAM , COURT-ROAD , for , the purpose , of Reviewing tho recent Proceedings inPabliat MENT . - ' ? ¦ . ¦ : i -. . ! .,-. .-..,.. ¦ " : . '
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DESTRUCTIpN OF UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE I npilE FRATERNAL DEMOCRATS ¦ X . ¦¦ . Hereby convene a ' _ j ¦ - ¦ - PUBLIC MEETING , , " ~ To bo held on MONDAY EVENING NEXT , ht the LITeI RARY AND SCICNTIFIC INSTITUTION , JOHN-STREET , FITZUOY-SQUAItE ; for the purpose of reviewing tlie treasonable acts of . the French Assembly , as manifestedin the ; passing of lhc . Electoral Law for the destruction of Universal Suffrage . . : ' iP" All the leading advocates of Democratic and Social Rpform residing in tho metropolis liave been invited , and arc expected to take part iu the proceedings . . - ¦ Chair to-be . taken at eight o ! Clock precisely . '¦' ¦' :-. ADAIISSION FREE .. .. ' .:, : , ,:.... .. G . Julian Uajinet , Secretarjv '
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. MONIES RECEIVED ;; . Fob thkWkkk : Ending TuunsDAT , '¦ i ¦ ¦ •' . ¦ - ¦' ••; . Mat 30 » 1850 . . . . .-IHErHOlEMY JPHi ) '; Received by W . Rideii . —T . Fauldcs , ' piinfehnline ls-Ltiko" Lock , near WaUcfleld , per J . Humphrey Cs lid—Sti-oudwater , ¦ per II . " 'Pritchard fls—Nottingham ; per ¦ J . Sweet 3 d-, Byc and Thbrncy , por E . Scholey 7 s ( id—Trowbridge , per J . Sladc 5 s Id—Haygnte , near Burnlev . ' p ' crJ ; Spencer 8 s-4 d—Cpnglcton , per . T . Pickford lls— W . H . Smitli , dpllpwny ls-rPhili p Elliott 2 s Od . . ¦ ¦ ' - £ s . d . ; Received by TV . Rider .. ; .. 2 8 . 2 : ; : AGiTATjON FOR fHE \ CHARTER . ; : . Rcceivedby } V . liibEn . -J . Taylor , Stour Provost Is .- ——Received by . John AuNOTT . i-Wiiliam Symmoriils Is—Aberdeen , per J ) . . Wright 8 s Od—Perry ' s Coffee-house , per Mr . Vickers Gs—Collected at John Street Hlfis ( id-Cards at John Street . 2 s 8 d-Wm ., Ncwsome ls-Pudscy . per T . Wado 7 « -E , A . ; Jacobson ls-M . , W . Norman ,-Vcntnor , LrW . IS . ' . , . ' ' ¦ "' '¦•¦¦ ¦ . ¦ - .
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Nottingham . ^ ,. Sweet acknowledges the receipt of the , following , suras , sent herewith ' , vizi : -i Fok ' H 6 nestt ¦ " FoNDl ^ Mr . ' Mellors 3 d . ' ' " ' ' Fob'Mbs . ' Fosseix . —Mr . '' . Chiplndale . lg ; . i . U v . ; : j ; ; * . ' •;¦ , .. •«• .. ¦; . .:. ; Newtowk , ' PETEEBORO ' . n-B .. Scholey begs - to ¦ acknowledge the following suihs ' for Honesty . Fund : —Per A ; Batter-; ' s'Booki ^ Eye 4 s : 6 d ; Itiornpy 3 s .. ; ,, t ,, Stboodwateb . —Mr ; H . rritcliard begs to acknowledge the . receipt of the following suras for tho Honestt'Fund : —II . ' Pritcliarcl Is 2 d Thbs . Mitchell Is ; J : Hatton 1 » j David ,: ; Thoraas ' 6 d . i ) F . Paul 6 d ; John Carter 6 d ; B . Gill Gd ; . H . Youren 2 d : " Deduct for Post-office order and ' postage !' 4 d ^ Totai 5 s ; v' " : '¦ v ' ' - ; ¦¦ - - •¦¦ '¦¦ - ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ liiai Heath , 'Greenwich ' . —Send the advertisement duty to . Mr . Rider ; the billcanthenappeara 3 an advertisement . JbHN Nicdt , Thornle ' y ' Colliery .-4 You had better send a * copy bf your letter to us 'to a well-known , London pubr . ' Usher , with a portion of your work . It is not the office of ft weekly paper to purchase , but to criticise tho merit ¦ Vof tlie work when publiehed , ' and recommend it to its "readers ; . ' : " ' ...- ¦
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MR . O'CONNOR'S TOUR . I have had ' so matiy letters , requesting me to . name 'days for atteuding meetings at different . Towns , that I must give answers to all through . the medium of tho " Northern Star . " ¦¦¦ I shall he at Glasgow on the 6 th , and . remain there' till the Conference is over . I ' shall . be at Paisley on the ^ th , and wherever the Committee has appointed on the 8 th and 9 th . . Ontlie 10 th I shall be at Edinburgh ,
arid , as requested , shall attend the open-air meeting there . I shall he at Carlislo on the 12 th ; at Newcastle onthe 13 th—not on the 14 th , as stated to me in Martin Jude ' s letter . I shall he at Sunderland on . the 14 th , and at the Miners' Meeting referred to in the letter of Martin Jude , upon the 15 th ; and , in reply . to my Huddersfield friends , I beg'to assure them that I have not forgotten them ; and that I will name a day in next week ' s "Star " when I shall be with them . Feargus O'Connor .
The Fortherh Stab Satkkday, June I, Is5o.
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• THE : FRENOtt REPUBLIC IN DANGER . ' The prospects of Democracy grow gloomier in France . The differences which separated tho various sections of the reactionary party , have been arranged , and the whole of their forces have been combined in the attack upon tho Constitution and the Republic . It is now certain that the Disfranchising Bill will pass into ' a law , under circumstances which will strike off , at least , one half of the voters who made Louis Napoleon President , while it will place the other half almost completely at the control of the wealthy classes . The Republic itself , . . is intended to follow the
destruction of electoral rights . It is confidently stated the bargain is struck between the Legitimistsandthe Orleanists , and a restoration of the Bourbon" dynasty determined upon , whenever time and circumstances will permit . It is understood that the negotiations which have for some time been carried on between the two branches of the Bourbon family who have been disinherited' from the throne of France , have terminated in a treaty by which the young son of the Due d' Orleans , iu whose favour Louis Philippe abdicated in 1848 , will be adopted by the Duo de
Bounreaux , the . presumptive' Henr y V . of the older branch , ns" his successor . Tho united Bourbons ' are the masters of the situation , as it js said that Chaxgarnier , at the head of the armyj is their supporter . As to the "President , " it is proposed to buy him off by tho revival of the princely post of Constable of France , with the appanage of Rambouillet , and a pension of . a million of francs . ' If ho declines this offer , the ' dynastic , coalition mean' to take advantage of his ¦ '•' pficuinary . difficulties ; and to place him in a position which will prove equally ruinous to him in his public or private ' capacity . ¦ ¦ , ' '
The plot of tho conspirators is complete , and . .. events-. ripen rapidly in their favour . Yet , even in this apparently " hopeless and desperate position of tho people's ' , causo , ' wo ai '; o not without faith in the noble democracy of Franco . They have too frequently , within the present century , shown themselves a match for all the combined powers of despotism . for us to feel otherwise than confident in tlioir
ultiraato " . trium ph . After so long a trial of a peaceable Republic , and experience of thaiisd ' of constitutional weapons , with the . ' great mass of tho people thoroughly Republican in heart and feeling , to restore the Monarchy in tlia | i country scems ' to / us . to be as dangerous as it . would ; ., be'to , seat oneself on a cask of gunpowder with , a . lighted cigar . An . explosion must take place .
; The conduct of the tyrant Majority in the As 3 emb ' ly ; durrag the debates on the Electoral Bill , has been of the ' most ferocious and . infa * lnous . oharaQteiv . President Dupin has ' out-, ' Heroded Herod in the-. disgraceful arid unparalleled ; abu 8 e of tho privileges of his' position . Hisj ' namo will . go down to posterity—if such a wrf / c / nsiemem ^ erM at all—as . pne . jbf tho most . unprincipled arid " shaitfeless ^ ullies that : ever disgraced a judicial or administrativp position ; ; ; - . '• " ,, . ' ¦ "' ¦
. , . 'The speakers"in" : favour of , the Disft ^ nchis-. ing'jBill , did / npt even stpppto ' the : hypocrisy , ofyjuBJ ; ifyirig ; that ' , measure on plau sible ,, consfcitutiorial ; grounds ; ; They ; ,. one ; \ and " till preached 'open- war with the ¦ Constitutiou . ' and ^ e : ^ ep | bIiiy : : ;; Thef did ; no t ; want ; ' oither ' reason ^ justice ; ' or conciliation * ± but ' briite forca ; t « id it is almost impossible—except by penwnal perusal of their violent and ¦ unroaBoa *
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W ^ W ^ ft ^ S ^ fthe ^ I fanaticism : bywhich ' , they " are an % I M . de ' Montalembert—tho head t H I religiousi party in France- ^ dcscribed ti ^ I as the first step ^ of the ' new R oman 7 H tion which it w as necessary ; . to make iu ^ I interior of -France ; " ' Socialism i 8 7 % I crushed as Louis XLViCaused hiadr . 0 b& I to destroy tho Protestants of the Uevenn i ( i I the s ' wbrdj : ' by open war . y et , wj , ° Hv Arago calmly rose and complained y , ? ^ - I a speech" wasgivinga ' proyo ' cation to civil ^ the scoundrel who presided started im I } % and ' insulted the' representative of th ' ^ I who ; gave utterance to an observation J ^' I and clearly called for . Even our iS ^ I ^ jjiinco—iiiiuiuiuai uuu
u - m anscenUent i H list of truculent , remorseless , ana } S I villains-ihever' exhibited , duriug his 11 "' I campaign after the unsuccessful - rebel ? J B MoNMOUTri , inoref oul-mouthedinsolehcn r I not to individuals , but to ' the whole of th i ' party called the Mountain , that these Z & I ous insults—which make an Enrrli ^^ blood boil-are habituall y offered l > v f I ruffian . ; All the ordinary conventionaliii l I deliberativea ' 8 semblies-. allthe standinpn ! ° I by which they are goverued ^ -are either ?^ 1 essly violated , or become in his hands I
S instruments of relentless tyrannv \ 1 injustice . M , Tuieus made m L ? 1 and insulting a speech as MostS I Bert ; and , among other false f ^ foul aspers , ons on tho character 2 1 conduct of what he contemptuously , fS 1 " the mob , " accused them of h 3 £ l 1 I down Napoleon ' s statue , and S S I it by the- neck with a cord . M . NapoS I Buonaparte rose up to do an act of histoS I just . ce . and filial piety , to refute the f W I hood on the spot . He stood up - fahi ^ ff I
anasaulit was not the Democracy of Pa ? who precipitated the statue of Woi * 2 I from its column , ' but the RoyalistsJ £ I despot allies—who hurled him from his throne I But President Dupin could not bear that I even this justice should be done to thememon I and tho popularity of the Emperob . He C I riousl y pronounced the censure against his I young relative , for having told the truth in I tho teeth of the practised and veteran 1 b I who thus mali gned the people . These are I specimens of the treatment experienced by the I Minority of tho . Assemblywhile -d iI
, engagc n defending the Constitution . With another 1 sample we close tho disgusting exhibition . On I Monday afternoon , Pierre Leroux—one of I the ablest and most earnest of the-S ocialist I party—alluded ,, in the course of his speech { 0 I Robespierre and Marat , as illustrious I citizens . ; " Ho was thereupon baited by 8 I crowd of the infuriated Majority , who bawled I
out to him from the foot of the tribune , that I "helied , " and that " his heroes were infa . I mous scoundrels . " What was the protection I of M .. President Dupin against such agrosj I infraction of all tho decencies of debate ? Why , "' he sided with the assailants . He ] I forsooth , could not allow the hou . membcr ta I apply the term " illustrious" to " a couple of I atrocious villains ! " I
If the people of France and their leaders are I ever again driven into a revolt , will not all I these scalding , searing insults—these mon- I strous violations-of every principle that should I guide the . intercburse of men pretending to le , 1 civilised , " rise ; up . in feai-fhl judgment against I the parties who thus perpetrate the most atro- I cious crimes against society ? ; lf , in "thewild I justice " pf revenge , " the masses should
remember the burning provocations they and their advocateshave received'to violence , and retaliate in a similar spiritj . the Press of the des- ' pots will ring from one end of Europe to the other , with execrations of their violence . At present—whilo these disgraceful proceedings arc going on—they are either silent , or hound on their allies to more fierce'assaults on public liberty , and to a more complete disregard of
the conduct which should characterise men entrusted with the task of legislating' for and governing a nation . . Do they mean to create a war of extermiiwtion between'tlie non-productive and'the productive classes ? If so , ' let them remember they are the aggressors ; and inay God defend the right ! But wo would faiu indulge in the hope that the magnanimity , patience ; ami trne courage of the Democratic party will stand between France and that dclugo of human blood , and infuriated passion , which the
socalled party of "Property , Family , and Order , ' wish to lot loose . : The very violence of their conduct shows , that in their hearts they dread most a calm , determined , constitutional resistance , on the part of the Dcople . If the musses can bo controlled , time will bringround its revenges in due se ason , and the seemingly well-concocted schemes of the perjured traitors who now misgovern Fra « cC | molt , like the hideous shapes which disturb a restless and feverish s ] eep , ' leaving the millions in the pcrmaiierit < jiosscssion of their just rights .
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THE TEN HOURS ACT . Lord Stanley's proposed compromise with the millowners , has been " pronouueed" upo " by the factory operatives , and their staimcfl friends , ' who , for the last quarter of a century have stood by them through good aiul cvi «' port . They have unanimously determine d Uiw rather than allow Lord Ashley ' s desert and tlie trickery of tho factory lords , to swnw them out of the benefits intended tobo coufcrred- upon them by John Fielpen s a- ' i they will throw out any measure that may u proposed short of . that this Session , ami . vm tho Parliamentary leadership of Lord JO' * Manners , renew next year the strugg le toi *
efficient Ten Hours Act . , .. . The veteran ( Dastlkk , in one oflns . winu ' ble speeches , tore-to , tatters the flimsy pn ? B » on which Lord Asiir . EY has , in the la « g «^ of one of the resolutions , " not only « c ^« the cause , which he had' . voluntarily P lell = himself to support , but that in the nia »" best . calculated to ; weaken its friends , aj strengthen the hands of its enemies . - *' pretext ' was , that / there were no W ™* ;^ could , bo put together , which could bin" ^ millownei-B not . to work shifts or relays- » ' Oastler declared that a clause had i < drawn up by Mr .. Butt , the eminent Qj ^ j Counsel , which . ha 4 been pronounced »)' the . lawyors consulted to be sufficiently co sive and stringent on the subject . . C ' * ) excuse on which that clausei was notpr ^ was ,- . that . it would be introducing new i " ., ! and , as Lord Ashley had ' very unncccss ^ rriirmv 1 »? q ^ vait ! tlin + iift « ' motfAi * ell All 1 ( 1 ** " , _
iuiroduced , ; tho factory workers aw , ^ . cheated of . substantial * justice . But se ° . hypocrisyjyhich lies ' at . the bottom of t ^ K tonce . . . If . the question is to be settle d ai ' . without the . introduction , of new inatt f | all j should be equally binding upon millo * > ' , to mill-hands . , Yet , Lord Ashley c ^^ JJrf an entirely new definition and arrange ^ the factory day , ^ hich would toll aga " * ^ clionts , and in favour of tho law-breaK ' ^ # tovy lords . Obedience to tho law is J" ^ warded in the case of the hard worku'g i ^ tives , by depriving . them of tlioir 1 > a " ^ ,, c s ta'tory ; those who are guilty of violating t ^ , tute , " have a premium awarded for t ^
less conduct . .- . oll ld : Tjie" extent to which the comproin f _ ^\ . play { into the hands of tho refractoiL g ^ owners , and nullif y the leg islation , (| j , may be judged by Mr . Oastleu s exp " ^ : Just see for . a moment' whether the act really * ' ^ they were toldit wns . ' They said it would "'" " „ , - « # of factory labour from six to six , and memuc" , ie | , »' ment were assured 1 hat this was the caso froin ^ ? st authority . Biitifrwasiiotso : if it " were , it « ° ^ no difference at allTn hls ' niind , ' because-he « ou ' f theK uphalf-tinrhour ; to buy any favour at tho »< fjsir ccc < K verument . But it / was not spi " Under the ae o « = ,. jp Qri-j th ' efactaiy day would sUUcoiitiriue tobe n « ^ I a day , and there would still be relays aj'p'Sns U ^ I difference , that tliey would be conducteu uj 1 ' ar . ) 1 thirteen years of age instead of abort , & «»»* t
V I'Si I ^(^ Covvje^Donueme,
v i ' si i ^(^ covvje ^ Donueme ,
Portraits Of |Patnot».
portraits of | patnot » .
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: MAGNIFiCENT ' ENaRAVINft A splendid Steel Engraving' ^—being a Portrajtpf each'American President , from General Washington , ^ toY tho present President , Zachary , ; Tayl 6 r—is now , preparing for our subscribers , and will be ready for , delivery to agents . about the end of tho present month . To'preycrit ' disappointment ; , and to ensure early impressions ; orders should be forwarded immediately . ,
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N OT I C E . ¦¦ . ¦ . , ; Tam instructed to request that all monies ¦ subscribed . forthe "Honesty" aud " Macnamara" Funds be sent ; direct ' to the "Star " q $ ce , 'in order to obviate a complication of accbuntsi Wii . Rider .
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, The ' readers of tho "Northern Star , V and the Democratic party generally , are informed , that there ia now a re-itfsue of the various Steel engravings lately distributed with the "Northern Star . " They consist of ••¦! KOSSUIH , MBAGnEB , , rLouis Butjo , Miichkl , , . Ebnest . Jonbs , ' . Smith O'BniB . v , r Richard QisiLBR , , Joii . v Frost . These Engravings have excited the admiration of every one who has soen them . They are faithful portraits ; and are executed in the most brilliant style . Price Fourpence each /
There has also been a reprint of the undermentioned portraits , which have been given away at different times with the ' . ' Northern Star , " arid which are striking likenesses , and executed in the most brilliant inanner—Andrew Maiivei ,, ¦¦ William Co bbbtt , i Arthur O'Conxor , . IIenrt Hust , PATnicK O'HiaoiNS , F . O'CoNNon , Brontebre O'Brjen , W . P . Roberts . J . R . Stephens , { '< • . ' ¦; There is also a re-issue of the two largo ' ' ' ; ' / ' . " ' ¦ ' ¦ '¦' prints , : ; - . ' ' . ' THE NATIONAL ' CONVENTION OP 1839 . " " THE PRESENTATION OP THE NATIONAL PETITION ; by Mr . DUN 0 OMBE , in 1842 . " To be had of J . Payby , Holy well-street .
Untitled Article
" . '' . ' T ' ""^ - ^ : : ;; K : c 3 :: ^ v v . ^ xz v ,: ¦;¦ : : W WiLii x > j 'V ^^ OilTnKXtoJ& 'r ^ ; : ; " - — ^ ; ^ --June ^ H 85 Q ^ I
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 1, 1850, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1576/page/4/