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• , J - - ¦ a ^ M ^^ H ^^^ - < r Xotice Is her % given , that application is iflten dsd to be made to Parliament in the en-^ ng iessipn , ftr an Act to DiswlTe the Ifatioiial Land Company , and to wind np the ^ , dertakmg , andtomake sale , or otherwise SsootS Of , the landsand propffltyMong ing to ? ha said Company ; and after the payment Jail debis ; liabilities , and expenses renting theu same , to divide the surplus Snies to be realbed V sucb . sale , or saleBy tetween and amongst the shareholders and Batacribers entitled thereto , . rateably , according *? their several interests in the said andertaKng . And notice is hereby also ^ given , that it is int ended to vary ox extinguish existing rights or p rivileges , if any , which , may impede or . interfere with the purposes of the said Act . . Dated this 18 ttt day of Not ., 1850 . Wm . Espwnsa Roberts , Solicitor , Robert-street , Adelphi . "WALMiSLEYand Son , Parliamentary : Agents , 23 , Parliament-street .
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. « Bain him with expenses . "—lord Mdbourne . O'CONNOR ^" BRADSHAW . TO THE WOsiDJQ CLASSES . Mr Fbiekds , —I give you at top Lord Mel-BOUBHE ' s good old maxim—one to which , for thelaat thirty years , I have been most barbarously subjected ; and now ^ I appeal to the honour , to the integrity , and honesty of your class , as to whether one who has devoted his whole life and property to the elevation of your
. order , is to be ruined by your neglect ? [ I have sever had an action against me yet in which . the plaintiff has not succeeded ; and I beg to . call yonr strict attention to the very able article which , appeared in the TjmcSi relative to the decision of the judges in this ease . The Editor of the Northern Star has informed me that it is his intention to publish that article , and also to write an article himself upon the subject ; and , therefore , I need not myself occupy much of y our time .
Let me , however , ask you , if it is possible for one man to do a Nation ' s work ?—and yet - for many years you have imposed this onerous burthen npon me ; and , as long as I was able to bear that burthen , I never made any appeal to you ; but , on the contrary , I felt happy , vhen I was rich , to be able to defend the poor against their oppressors : and I never allowed any political prisoner to go without an able defence . I advanced one thousand guineas , out of my own pocket , to defend Fbost , Williams , and Jokes , before a farthing was subscribed . Five hundred guineas of that
went into the pocket of Sir Frederick Pol-I 0 CK , the present Chief Baron of the Exchequer , who tried Bkadshaw ' s case , and who , to use the mildest language , behaved in the most brutal and tyrannical manner . I think every honest working man will come to the conclusion that this debt is theirs , and not mine ; as my object in bringing the action against Bradshaw was , to prove to them that the character in which they placed reliance and confidence eonld be defended even against the Press ; whereas , if my character had been impugned by the verdict of a jury , they might have thought me justly liable to the costs .
Let me , however , give you a fair definition as to the position of the man who undertakes to advocate thecauseoftheoppreEsors of thepoor , and the man who advocates the cause of the poor . Daniel O'Coiwell received thousands a year from the poor Irish to support the "Whigs , who were their greatest oppressors , Richamd Cobden—although a much more honest and independent man than O'Consell—received eighty thousand pounds for advocating the cause of the middle classes—while , however , I will do him the justice to say , that he anticipated that that measnre of Free Trade would have- also rendered service to the working
classes . Now , "Working Men , I have told you before that my own expenses in the Macnamaka action , ihe Bea 1 > shaw action , and to save the Chartist victims from oakum picking , cost me nearly £ 1 , 000 , which does not include Brad-SHA . w ' 3 costs , which the Court of Exchequer has now made me liable to ; and let me assure you , that if it was in my power to pay those costs , whatever they amount to , I would not appeal to yonr order . However , as a man cannot be expected to do a nation ' s work , I think I am iustified in doing so ; and I retain that confidence in your order which convinces me that yon will not allow the Government , the quibble of the law , and the vengeance of tyrants , to ruin me .
I have stated before , but I will stateit again , that when the Northern Star was making a profit of over thirteen thousand pounds a year , I was living humbly , and devoted every fraction of that to the elevation of your order . Now , working men , in conclusion , let me ask yon , whether you will allow the Government , the judges , and your oppressors to luxuriate and glorify in the boast , that they have " RUINED THE CHARTIST LEADER
"WITH EXPENSES ; " but , however poor you may make me , however unjust you may prove tome , and whatever tyranny and oppression the law may subject me to , and however many of your own interested professed supporters may revile me , I am determined to uphold your principles and my own against tyranny oppression , and unjust expense . I trust that a prompt answer will be given to my appeal , as those costs mnst be paid forthwith . I remain , your Faithful Friend and Unswerving Advocate , Feabgus O'Cojwok . j * fc jfc ffWa
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^^^^^^^^^ n fi fi ^^ . Tw ' w * TfTINDING-Ur OF THE LAND COMPANY . to the lasd members . Mt Friends , The winding-np of the Land Company ia now in course of progress ; it has been advertised in all the provincial papers where the estates are situated , in the Gazette , , and in tiie Times newspaper as well , which is . the usual form ; and last night I had a letter from the Solicitor to the Land Company , informing me
that a large sum would be required IMMiii-DIATELY to take further necessary steps ; and I think that the men who are the most anxious to have the Company wonnd-up , and their monies returned , should not be backward in supplying [ the funds . And I beg to inform the shareholders who do subscribe for that purpose , that the amount they subscribe will be refunded , and that they will be the first paid off members when the Company is wound np j and I think that every one will admit that this is a fair and proper course to pursue , as the Company could not be wound up if the necessary funds were not supplied .
Let me give the shareholders a dear explanation of the position m which they stand . On Saturday last I was summoned to the "Westminster County Courtj by a shareholder who had paid £ 212 s ; he had a solicitor to support Ws case . The Judge stated that he had ioai the report of the Parliamentary Committee , aad that it was ridiculons and foelish for any man to attempt to recover money from Mb . O 'Cossor , until the Company was > ound m > ' He at onoe gave judgment in my favour j the poor shareholder ( an Irishman ) had employed a solicitor , andlhave no doubt that his «^» M » n ses amounted to between £ 3 and £ 4 .
Another man summoned me before the County Court at Camberwell , when Mr . Chutoit , the judge , withont hearing anyevidenceupon mv part , immediately dismissed the case , and cavei judgment in my favour . Now this may Am tho difference between honest and dishoneitjndfie BjandltelltiiOBeBharehoWerB
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who have attempted to sue me , that they shal be the very last paid off , when the Land Company is wound np . I have already written you a letter , relative to my own position with regard to' legal expenses , and I write this to explain your position and my own as well ; and I trust , that the people will not allow their enemies in tiie country to suppose that they are so dead to their own interests . All monies for winding up the Land Company are to be transmitted direct to Mb . W . Rider , Publisher , Northern Star office , 16 , Great "Windmill-Street , Haymarket , London . - Your faithful friend , . Feargus O'Connor .
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. THE O'CONNOR TRIBUTE . TO THE EDITOR OF THB XOBTHERH STAR . Sat , —A lew Chartists wish to offer their sympathy for and admiration of Feargus O'Connor , by contributing from their humble means their share of the expense incurred at the late mockery , termed a trial against Bradshaw , for libelling and slandering the character of that indomitable and calumniated champion of the rights , liberties , and constitutional privileges of the . people of these realms . " We do not take credit to ourselves for bo doing , but we consider , it the boundea duty of every individual professing the principles of true democracy , to do likewise . Let us not stand tamely b y and see the best and noblest of men sacrifice his all . for the
purpose of emancipating the proletarians of this country from their present miserable condition , when a few peace from one-third of those who pro * fesa to be Democrats , would more than suffice to release all our friends from their difficulties . Arouse , then , brother Chartists , from one end of the country to the other , and let one feeling animate the whole body , and show to our enemies that we are no . longer hirelings , but men of thought and action , who are determined never to rest satisfied until oar liberties are conceded whole and entire , and the People ' s Charter becomes the law of the land ; then such men as Bradahaw would not dare to tamper with the feelings of the people . Brothers , this never can be accomplished by any other means than a thorough , union of the working classes . We
must bury all animosity and ill feeling , which has crept in amongst us of late , and disband all bickering and contention from our places of meeting , by eulogising one man and calumniating the other , when both are entitled to our confidence . Cbartigm mutt swallow up all other "isms ; " it is the only "ism " worth contending for at present ; it is imbedded ia the mindB of the working classes more than any other , therefore to mix up Chartism with any other , would endanger the cause we have at heart , and postpone tho accomplishment of our darling object . ' It is not Mr . O'Connor—strictly speaking—that the enemies of progress are at war with , No ! It is Chartism . Chartism stinks in the nostrils of Bradshaw , and lie is not alone in this
contest , working heart and soul to damage the reputation of Mr . O'Connor , and ruin him with expenses . It is our ardent wish that he may not sacrifice one farthing by this contest , but that every Chartist will consider himself called upon . to contribute a portion of the expense , which will be very great , as lawyers do not work for nothing . Poor in your subscriptions without delay , until the whole is paid off , which will strike a greater blow at the hearts of tyrants than all the meetings that have been held for the last twenty years . Do not plead your poverty as a reason why yon should be exempt , as many of us are connected with one of the most distressed classes of operatives hi the country , viz ., frame-work knitters . We hope these few remarks emanating from in * dividuals so humble , will not pass off without making some impression , and though many imperfections in mind that
may be traced , yon must bear we are of the noble order of labour , and education is ever beyond our reach . We transmit tea shillings and sixpence more , making twenty-two shillings in all , from twelve persons , so that you see we are acting as well as talking . . Mr . Editor , if these observationa are worthy of s place in the people * * paper , we shall feel greatly obigedTif not , reject them ; still we shall stand by the Charter whole and entire . We wish the following sums to be inserted , whicn we remit per Mr . J . Sweet : —Henry Lowe , sen ., Is . ; Henry Lowe , jun ., Is . ; Samuel Wright , Is . ; John Aldridge , Is . ; William Farmer , Is . ; George Floyde , Is . ; Thomas Banner , Is . ; George Ankin , Is . ; James Brown , Is . ; James Waplington , 6 d . ; William Attenburrow , 6 d . ; John Johnson , 6 d . New Radford , near Nottingham , November 25 th , 1850 .
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™ w THE MANCHESTER CONFERENCE . [ This letter was unavoidably omitted last week in consequence of a press of other matter . We should have omitted several paragraphs of a personal character had it been then inserted , in conformity with the general rule we have laid down in such cases . The copy which follows is taken from Reynolds Weekly Newspaper , which , though retaining one or two offensive passages , omits the most objectionable paragraphs . —EB . N . SJ Brother Chabtists , —Now that personal dictatorships have become impossible , we appear in danger of falling into the hands of a far more injurious kind of dictatorship , —that of a small faction out of the people themselves , taking the lead , and calling themselves the people .
..... As I am not in the habit of mincing my words ; and , as I neither fear the enmity nor court the favour of any man , town , or class , I will speak plainly on this subject . I denounce the intended Conference as the attempt of a small insignifioant faction to subvert the very principles of democracy-to pledge the movement to the views and feelings of a minority of its body , —by persisting in calling a Conference at a time when the convokers well know tbat only a small section of the Chartists can be represented , and thus to perpetuate mistrust and division in our ranks . _
. .. ....... Up to last Saturday ' s Star , the majority of the country , as far as its opinion has been expressed , has spoken against the proposed Conference ; notwithstanding which the determination of a few ( mostly consisting of the aristocracy of labour ) seems to be that the Conference shall be holden . I call on every true democrat to set his face against it , and to have no connexion with it if it meets , unless the majority of the Chartist body shall have been concerned in its election . Should it take place , how will it be constituted ? Five or six individuals , calling themselves "the
men" of their locality , will send a delegate : if they belong to the better paid trades , they can afford to pay for him , if not , the expense will have to fall on the shoulders of some individual who can . we shall have a Conference living on private charity , separating in debt , —both facts trumpeted to the world , and our movement ( at a time when the elements of honour , dignity , and power really are there , if not sacrificed to the interests and selfish views of a sordid clique ) will be degraded in the eyes of the country , and in our own . Say , has this not been the case before ? But the interests of that clique will be furthered . . ... d
Brother Chartists , do mot let yourselves be eceived ! Your are called npon to keep the Charter distant from every other " ism . " Be it so ; but at the same time put the extinguisher upon the " isms in your own ranks . There are several © f Ihem - little associations , profesaing to be established for SyLj the Charter-drawing off sideways , into Sf crooked channels , so much of the strength Jnd ^ volume of the democratic stream . Toa . must Sow and their founders knowwel , that their exisSe does our movement an injury . Rowing £ can Xey , working men , I ask you , can they be our friends ! m # H . rel r . rtte « ; faO . rf fa dence in those , as a body , who are presiding over thedftstinieHof the movement
. Permit me to observe , that the " V ** f ***' Conned" are the very men who create that ^ want , and that such a want will ever exist as long as the Toise of faction is allowed to interfere ™* " $ organisation of democracy . The want of faitn , it a reproach at all , is not so to the executive body , but to the men who harbour that want , and then advance their own disobedience as a reason why the Executive should not be obeyed . They urge , that the Executive " derived their little from so inconsiderable & seotion of the cominanity" tbat their efficiency must remain circumscribed . On this I offer no opinion . I was in prison then , and therefore cannot judge ; but it is perfectly plain that the Conference will "dome their little" in much , tho same way ; and I protest
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against one Conference eleoting an Executive as much as the Manchester Council can against another . . . , .. ; , ; i' ¦ The Manchester Council says : — " Every town , paying the expenses of delegation , will have the right of sending one or more delegates . " So that a few shopkeepers inone small town , will beenabled to nullify the will of the poor thousands' in another large one ! This , no doubt , they will see the prudence of rectifying in their next address ; But I protest against a Conference electing an executive at all : the whole Chartist body must be annealed to . and I am therefore , delighted with
what I heard last night , when I had the honour of an interview with the Executive Committee ; they have resolved on taking steps for . the immediate election of a new executive by the country at large , . —and that on the most enlarged and national basis . For my part , I am opposed to all" property qualification , " to permitting only paying members to vote , and thus exoluding the ; poor who 'have most need of a voice . I should like to see every working man , who takes an interest in the cause , give his vote on the occasion , whether poor , or better paid ; and therefore , cordially hail the resolution to that effect , which the Committee have unanimously ¦¦ ¦
passed . . -.: . ••• Our course , I think , isnow clear . The new Executive , for the selection of which there exists far more perfect and available machinery than for tbat of a Conference , and whose election , as unpaid , will entail little or-no ^ xpense , —will be the comr patent authority to . call ; and fix the time of a Coi £ ference . ' The' fullest democracy will hereby be satisfied , and all seeds of bickering and dissension must , of a necessity , be destroyed . Perhaps an attempt may yet be made to uphold the perishing spirit of faction in our ranks , by meetings , cheers , rhetoric , and claptrap : take it for what it is worth !' . Perhaps you may be told the
papal question renders a Conference necessary : of thiB the Executive will be the legitimate judges ; and they will be elected long before the Manoheater Conference , as at present proposed , ia intended to meet . As Chartists , we have no interest in the papal question ; papacy and state church are alike hostile to freedom and progression . Indeed , I believe , despite the maudlin attempt of-Whigs and parsons to create an agitation on the subject , and thus to divert public attention from politics , that the bugbear will die a natural death , and they will
signally fail . ' Our duty is plain : it is to crush faction within , as well as without . The wind is beginning to blow in the right quarter : let us have clear decks , unincumbered with these rubbishing cliques , and I have no fear of the result . For my part , if I stand single-handed , I will raise my voice against this spirit of faction , wherever I meet it . . No doubt I shall make plenty of enemies by so doing—perhaps I shall make more friends '; and should I not , I w ill still remain ,
Brother Chartists , your faithful servant , Hardwicke Lodge , ' Bays water , Ernest Jones November 20 th , 1860 .
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merj ^ ith blistefed' hands , and unshorn china , clothed not in black broad , cloth , but fustian jaclo j ts . Could he ' see % writer of this articlafarnout withhisfellow-council-men " every Sunday mprnirigj ' under all circumstances ; as is the weekl y practice , . of every councilman , | r arerslng for hours ; the ' - whole of thisjarge cottOT metropolis ;' and ' collecting the weekly penijjr : . subscriptions . for the support , and
advanjoement of the . Charter , paying ; his quota ; of the ; expenses , ' devoting : his time , and sacrificing his . health and family . comforts " for " the . " esta * blishtnent of pure Democracy . ; Their , loplhj weald negative Mr . Jones ! : assertion . , These are aristocratic , privileges :: unknown tO ; Mr : Jones . . Are these the men to make the principles of democracy subservient to the caprice ofaiminority ? ¦ ¦ ( :: r ? ' 1
" We : shall have a Conference ' living in private charity , ' separating in debt ; both facts trflnipet ^ d to the world , and pur movement , at a time- ' when the elements . of honour , dignity , and power jreally aretaere ,: if not sacrificed to the interest and selfish vieTT 8 : of , a sordid clique , , wili be degraded intne eye ^ ipf , the country , and . inour own .. ; ; , . Mfflfwill not attempt to prophecy : what will ta ^ i > kce , tut will leave ; tfc& prophecy to Mj \ J 8 § 8 | PItAvouldhavebeen ionlydfair ^ fiMfe Jones ; before charging iis Wlth ^ being a seilsia and a sordid clique ,-had shown proof for such an assertion , -What interest could the
Manchester Council have to sacrifice the elements of honour , dignity , and power of the Chartist cause ? What sort of men does Mr . Jones believe the Manchester Council to be , to degrade the movement in the eyes of their country—men who have sustained the principles of the Charter as honourably as Mr . Jones ? But , says Mr . Jones , the interest of the clique will be furthered . We ask what interest ? . " The want of faith , if a reproach at all , is not 80 to the Executive body , but to the men who harbour that want , and then advance their own disobedince as a reason why the Executive should not be disobeyed . - ; r ,
Our disobedience rests on the violation of principle in the Executive assuming to be the governing head , they not having taken the votes of the country to sanction their nomination ; without such votes the Executive could not legally command the confidence and -support of the country . This is the primary cause of the dissensions amongst our body . The resignation of the Executive proves the . truth of this assertion in our address . We will now come to what we consider-the very pith of Mr . Jones'letter : — But I protest against ; a Conference electing an Executive at all , the whole Chartist body must be appealed to , ; ' .
This is exactly our position , only differing in the mode of electing the Executive ; had such steps been taken in due time , it would have prevented the ¦> disunion which now pervades the Chartist- body . It is our' b ' pinion that the electing of an Executive will not settle those differences ; we believe the best course that could be . pursued would be the calling together of all localities , and exchanging
opinions , so ; that a good understanding might be arrived'at , as to how the Chartist movement shall jbe conducted , so as to obtain the co-operation ' of a majority of the people . To achieve this desirable object is the sole aim of the Manchester Council ; and who ; would throw obstacles in the way of so { lefeirajble an object ? ¦ < For my pari , lam opposed to all properly vqualifioations , to , permit . only . pay ingmemoer ^ td vote , and fchus exolti ' de the poor who have most need of a voice . "
Mr . Jones , who seems to be the mouth-piece of the defunct Executive , assumes an erroneous position—it is , that necessary funds are required to carry out an efficient agitation ; we will suspend the Property Qualification until the election is over ; then , of course , when you have elected your Executive , you must furnish the necessary funds for supporting that Executive . If men will not join an association , how can an association exist without members ?
Who is to pay the local and general expenses , if no Property Qualification exists ? But our experience is of longstanding , and being practically acquainted with the working of our own locality , ( we deubt not but it is generally so throughout the country ) , proves to us that an overwhelming majority of our paying members are of the poorest of the poor—they are the men who pay more cheerfully and freely than the better paid operatives . This class are the principal support of our agitation for the Charter ; and this , we believe , will be equally true in other large towns and cities in England . So much , then , for the extension of the election of the Executive without the limits of the Association .
Our course , I think , is now clear . The new Executive , for the election of which there exists far more perfect and available machinery than for that of a Conference , and whose election as unpaid , will entail little or no expense , will be the competent authority to call and fix the time of a Conference . The fullest democracy will hereby be satisfied , and all seeds of bickering and dissension must of a necessity be destroyed . We should have been informed where the
existence of this perfect and valuable machinery is to fee found . Not in the different localities , in which such conflicting votes have been given . Before that perfect machinery can be set to work , greater unity of action and opinions must be created in the localities ; and this cannot be solely accomplished by electing a new Executive , but by bringing the different localities together . It is also our opinion , that instead of bickering and dissensions being destroyed , it will have a contrary effect . Our duty ia plain . It is to crush faction within as well as without . The wind is beginning to blow in the right quarter , let us have clear decks , unencumbered with these rubbishing cliques , and I have no fear of the result .
We can also say our duty is plain ; and that was the reason why we appealed to the country , that tho factious spirits might take warning ; as we do not thoroughly understand what Mr . Jones means by rubbishing cliques , we will give him the benefit of it . Perhaps it appertains to his own immediate neighbourhood , if so , so much the better . In conclusion , brother Chartists , we implore of you not to . be led away by persons who make agitation their stock in trade—whose interest it is to prolong agitations for gain ; be not deceived by such , but rely on your own confidence and exertions , and depend upon it your progress will be sure , and your political emancipation will be speedily accomplished .
Signed by the Manchester Council , James Leach , Daniel Donovan , Henr y Noixaix , William Poster , James Wainwright , Samuel Jones , Joseph Entwistle , James Mooney . John Button , Chairman . Joseph Gutte-BrnoE , Financial Secretary . James Alcock , Corresponding Secretary .
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Thb Spy Ststbu . —At the Clerkenwell Pohoe Court , on Wednesday , Alfred Fuzzen , a Chartist , appeared , pursuant to his bail , charged with having assaulted Sergeant Archer , 217 , and Polioe-constable Fisher , 127 6 , whilst in the execution of their duty . —Mr . Sidney , on tho part of his client , denied the assaults . —Mr . Combe , however , thought they had been proved , and convicted the prisoner in the sum of 20 s ., or fourteen days' impriionment , for eAoh of tho assaults upon Archer and Fisher ,
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mrn THE MANCHESTER CONFERENCE . Bkoiher Chartists , —You are called upon to decide whether faotion or demooraoy shall henceforth be the guiding spirit of Chartism . At a time when the elements of Buccess are in their reach , you are called upon to decide whether the future course of our movement shall be calm , clear , And united , or whether you will allow the seeds of bickering , dissension and disunion to be sown , which it may take years to eradicate . The question as to when and where a Conference shall be held has now been nearly seven weeks before the country , and its deoision has been given as follows ;—For the Manchester Conference : ( besides the Conference—party in Manchester itself)—Rochdale , Stockport , Todmorden , Hull , and one of the Sheffield tonalities .
New Radford and Newcastle are in favour of a Conference , but leave time and place to the Executive . Against the Manchester Conference : —The West Riding Delegate Meeting , representing Bradford , Halifax , Bingley , Lower Warley , Bristol Huddersfield , Hanly , and Holmfirth ; Edinburgh , Birmingham , Aberdeen , Staleybridge , Paisley , Hamilton , the Washington locality , Emmett ' s Brigade , Whittington and Cat locality , and Finsbury , London ; Bermondsey , Coventry , Exeter , Bristol , and last , but not leaat , the entire district of Nottingham .
In the face of this , I call on the Manchester Council and its abettors , to obey the voice of the people ; the country has been appealed to ; the majority has decided against them . As a democrat , I summon them to desist from this factious course , and to recognise the principles of democracy , which says the majority shall rule . Judge of my surprise on seeing a statement , made by an anonymous writer , in the Star of last week , that the majority was the other way—which he endeavoured to prove by suppressing the votes of twothirds of the country , as chronicled in the Star itself . But , even according to his own misstatement , reckoning as he does the West RidiDg Delegate meeting as no more than the vote of a single village , the result is against the very assertion he makes !
The writer of this letter , taking passages from my letters out of their context , makes me assort , that » U the elements of success are there , and then asks , 11 why are we so weak ? " I will tell him ; because he , and those like him , are creating antagonism in the movement . I trust he will ' not be offended by the word " antagonism , " for surely it is " antagonism , " when the minority refuse to submit to the majority . Does he say , public attention and the press will be occupied with the Exhibition in May ? Will it not be ten times as much occupied with the Papal question in January ? Nay I he descends , feeling the weakness of his position , to objections so Blight
as to say , the Convention should not meet in London , booause—lodgings will be dear ! Dear lodgings and a busy press are cogent reasons for preventing the representation of a people ! But I do believe there are fifty-nine Democrats in London , with whom delegates could obtain comfortable shelter , notwithstanding-. He quotes me as saying , " trade is yet too brisk" to let the people rally sufficiently for holding a Conference—but it is not too brisk to organise in the interval , bo that a National Convention may meet effectively in May , whether trade be " brisk" or dull ; and we are informed , in another part of the same Star , that " trade will shortly get bad . "
You are told , the Conference should be held in Manchester , because Manchester is " united , " and London " disunited . " Even if tbat were tbe case , that is the very reason why the Conference should be held in London . It is the sick man who needs a physician—not the Bound one ; and if tho meeting in the Institute is a specimen of the "calm mind " that io to be developed in Manchester , where an individual who attempts to move an amendment is hooted down and refused a hearing , I think the balance would decidedly be in favour of London . But I implore you not to let a rivalry and antagonism he created between London and Manchester It is not a question botwecn tho relative merits of Manchester and London , but a question of sound policy , Rffeoting the whcle Ohartiat body .
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THE HUNGARIAN AND POLISH REFUGEES AND THEIR DISSOLVED COMMITTEE . Exiled from the Continent , sixty-five . Poles land in London , iu March . They came from Switzerland , where they had found a refuge , till they were driven from the territory ! of the frightened Republic by the menaces ' , of the despots of Russia , Austria , and Prussia , and by the influence of the holy father . , Baden , Italy , Fosen , and France had been their battle-fields of Democracy . ¦
Landing , —Who did receive them with brotherhood ? Nobody . The Polish National Emigrants , of 1830 , residing in London , were not to be found ; and those who were unfortunately discovered in their lurking holes , calling themselves Democrats , did say : — " Poor brothers , you have nothing to eat at all . It is pitiful , in « deed : but we cannot help it , because , ifw& give something to-day , to you , perhaps we might be hungry ourselves in a fortnight . " .
The Literary Association of the friends of Poland , presided over by Lord Dudley CouttS Stuart , directed by its Secretary , and Soul Szulezewski , after an apparent sympathy for the Refugees , declared it was no longer able to assist them in London , but that for to send them to America , a sum of money had been placed at its disposition by a person . desirous not to be known . . ' ' . < Such a proposition was made only to the new emigrants , because composed of young , disinter--ested men , who , having left country , relations , position , and fortune to fight for Democracy , were considered the most dangerous opponents to the
despotic , selfish , and ambitious intentions of Prince Czartoryski . * " '; Lord Dudley Stuart , in his speech at Guildhall , named the person , anxious not be knjjjfljf who furnished the money . It was himself .- w ^ M > 8 ttpplied .-tha large sum of £ 1 , 200 , to be expeniieTa | ot > r dmg to his own judgment . , «/ ¦¦ - ¦• At this time some members of thT / Executive of the National Charter Association formedthemselyeS ' into a Committee to raise the ^ ans of oupportine . those of tho Refugees whp hajKuft received relief from Lord Dudley Stuart , mff : ' Then the large number of my Polish Refugees came over from Turkey ; anp immediately it was OSftfiosed to elect a committee of Pole ? , to managa
flHtaolitical correspondence , and to distribute ^ tha TsBfes collected by tbe English . Committee .., At this iime , Mr . ' Davis , sceretaryV ' treasurer , and manager of the English Committee , having becomeacquainted with Mr . Rola Bartochowski , one of tha Emigrants , of . 1830 , and used his influence to induca the Refugees to elect him as a member of the new Polish Committee . - His intention was good , and the Refugees elected this Committee ; but six weeks afterwards tha Refugees being dissatisfied with tbe anti Democratic actions of this Committee , declared to ; tha English Committee that it had been dissolved by them .
Mr . Bartochowski , accused by the Poles , appeared before the English Committee with his books written in the Polish language . Although the accused , he translated his own books , and on his own saying that he was honest , a vote of thanks was given to him by tbe Committee , Tbe deputation of the Refugees argued in vain that Bartochovrski had been condemned by them , and that in calling on the English Committee they ^ had desired only to see hia books properly examined . A commission was chosen amongst the Poles to order the books of Bartochowski , and the report was given publicity to in the Sun , Tuesday , 19 th of November , wherein is said , that Rola
Bartocnowskihas abused the confidence with which he waa honoured by the Refugees . To divide the Refugees amongst themselves , to annul the sympathy of the English Democrats foe the Refugees , and to force them afterwards to fall into their net , such are the sinister intentions of tha friends of Czortoryski . A spy at last was received on the funds against the unanimous wish of the Refugees , who demonstrated and defended their Democratic rights . Then a resolution was passed that no Pole should be heard on the Committee ; thus robbing men who left behind their family , position , and fortune , of their inalienable rights . The members of the administration , W . Tarmolinski , Bmanski . ( To he continued next vieek )
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* .. . mr •*~ r ~~ CITY OF DUBLIN MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS . We direct the marked attention of the Chartists to the subjoined spirited specimen of an independent ) and fearless Irishman ' s address to the Burgesses of one of the City wards . Tho whole city is in commotion about the threa * tened abolition of that sink of iniquity and political prostitution—the Yice-Royal establishment . Tho old Confederates , the admirers of the noble and brave Mitohel—the supporters of the gifted Meagher , and the self-sacrificing O'Brien , have joined the packed jurors and jury packers , in loud laudation of Lord Clarendon and vice-royalty . Waa AVfln ait An rtnann /\ a « mtnVi « Awrn uJ i «/* m « *\ h ^ MnnnltAMn
w **** MMWB * WWUWAV W V . UUVU V V IT «* Wf U UV& ^ V * VHVUVl V heard of till now ? Far be it from us to blame the old Castle loaders and tuft-huRtera ; but we do blame the brawling , opened-mouthed Clubbists and Confederates , who have sold themselves to this great iniquity . It appears , by Tuesday ' s Freeman , that one man alone , whom we knew was not a Cornfederate , but a staunch unflinching Chartist , had the moral courage to brave the storm , anddenounco suoh baseness in his saroastio and withering address to the burgesses . But what is most surprising of all is , that forty burgesses—one-tenth of the whola constituency of tba ward—had the manliness to vote for him . We should have thought that he would not get five to vote for him , under such adversa
circumstances . It appears , also , by the freeman ' s Journal , that there exists a Liberal club in the Ina ' s Quay Ward , most of whom were Confederates ; and what have - these consistent patriots done ? They have returned the man who assisted Lord John Russell to pass the Felony Act , so as . to enable him to arrest and transport the hero Mitehel before the end of tha Easter holidays of tho memorable 1848 . John Reynolds , Esq ., M . P ., Lord Mayor of tho city of Dublin , represents the Liberal burgesses of tha Inn ' s Quay Ward . They are worthy of each . We are rejoiced to see that such men as those rejeoted p Higgms , whose prinoiplea , the Freeman says , are m advance of the age . "INN'S QUAY WARD .
" Patrick O'HieoiNB respectfully solicits the votes , and the early attendance of j *<> »•««?»* ° independent burgesses o f this Ward , on Jtoad g , November 25 th . He neither expects nor desires the votes Of slaves , Bycophants Bor p la ^ beggarg nor even of those wfio assemble m cnams in tnis " proolahned city" for the amusement of vice- ¦ " 7 * 1 ? North Anno-street , November 23 rd . "
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* Gbhbbai- Vos . RADOwMZhas arrived at Fenton ' a Hotel froin Berlin .
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MR ; ERNEST JONES AND THE MANCHESTER . CONFERENCE . — THE EXECUTIVE'ELEC-- TION ..: : ' ::.. !• : •' ' .: r >; : .- ¦• : ; .: ; :, ;; .-¦ : ; , ^ Brother ' . . Chartists , —In Reynolds ' * . WeejclyMivsgagerof { Saturday -last , ' arid also , in . , the ¦ Leader , ' si . portion ' of , a lette r appeared from the pen of ; Mr ; 'Erilest' Jones , ; s 6 ift ' e * pai't , oyipar'is , . being suppressed , - because / i ] b * is alleged , is contained personal matter . i : I wish ^ -hWever , to direct " your ' ' attention to . thepublishecbportion of tho letter : ' Mr . Jones appears to naye' ^ holy horror , individually and ¦ collectively , of public dictatorship , , and ; also . iof the spirit of faotion ;^ and , doubtless ,- \ has ; , not the slightest ideaipfu ' eopming a public dictatorhimsolf . He commences : ' — ' ; . !/ . < ,. i ; " Now that public dictatorships have become impossible , -we appear-.. ' in-, danger' ^ of 'falling 'into ' the hands of a far mor ' e ' -injurious kind of dictatorship-f- ; that . 'of a small faction out of the people themselves , takin g the lead' / and callinc themselves ; 'f The ¦
People ; " ¦ ' . / ; ,, " i ... .. ' r ,- ¦ - "Brother ChartisVs , mark the following . extracts : — ^ '" -I-dehoubce in'd " intended ' Conference . as the attempt of a small and-insignificant faotion to s'iibve' ^ the very principles of ¦ Democracy . ' * * Itfball . on every'trjue Democrat' to Bet his face against it ,. and to -hive , no connexion with it , if it meets :, ( here follow $ .-a qualification ; which all are boun ^ to obey ) , unless the majority of the Chartist bpdy ' ; ehall . ' havevbeap concerned ' , in ^ its election . * ¦' ' , ' , v ; ' % *•> r . ^ r ^ pwt ost against one , Conference electyj&in Eracutnre ^ as mucH as tho ' Manchester Cbuncu can against another . ¦* ' * * ' * Our duty is plain : it is to crush faction within as well as without . The wind is beginning to blow from the right ' quarter ; let us have clear decks , unincumbered , and I have no fear of . the result . For my part , if I stand single-handed , I will raiee my voice against the spirit of faction wherever I meet it . "
, Is this dictation ? Certainly not . Mr . Jones will raise kit voice against the sjuril of faction wherever he meets it . . ' ' ' , But the dictation is inferred to emanate from Mr . O Connor , and the Manchester Council . Let mo call your attention to the 'following paragraphs . Mr . O'Connor says , in his letter in the Star of the fith . of October , when the subject of the Conference waa first mentioned : — . : . , " la order" tb ' prepare you for suob . a change , I . would suggest the propriety of holding a Conference , as speedily as possible , in Manchester , the great northern hive , for tho purpose of re-establishing a perfect union iof your order . * * * *
Every nation * uptmthei continent now—and especially J ^ flcjflc-feels . ' jLfr-ieatousy j towards England ; and itaKHJEDarVfbu for- the" coming struggle , that Iifniittflttft iioulo ¦ hold a Conference atManohe 8 ter . " ^^^ . . . Is there any dictation here ? Who , let me ask , would deny , either to the highest or lowest , the poorest , « r the richest member in the movement , the free expression of his thoughts and opinions . Such persons would , in my opinion , be the dictators . . ¦ . .: . - G ^ . appeal of ihe Manchester Council to the county on the Conference question is just as dictatorial , but like the perfect and available ( but invisible ) machinery , which Mr . Jones boasts of for the organisation of the movement , it is not to he
teen . The clap-trap about the Papal question is most lamely lugged in . Who hasidirected the Conference to discuss it ? But there need be no alarm on that head , for . if the Pepe should show his face at the bar of the Conference , I have no doubt but a Guy would soon be found , to blow Mm ' wp . There is nothing more in the letter which calls for attention irom me . I do not impute bad motives to any one , ' but being a lover of fair play , and of the free and honest expression of opinion , I have thought it necessary to make the above remarks , for the Chartist body to decide , as to
WHO IS THE DICTATOR . , «' A word or two on the election of the Executive . It is highly desirable that the election should be made in such a fair and ' open JttanttGr , as Would prevent the recurrence of an event similar to that which rendered necessary the resignation of the late Executive . Candidates should not be their own returning officers . Their decisions are always open to doubt . Now , if the lists of voters must be sent to the paid secretary—who ia . also a candidate r- ^ all doubts would be obviated by a printed list' of the number of votes and the candidates voted for , being sent to every Chartist locality . The election would thus become binding on all , and the excuse could not be raised afterwards that the election was unfair , if the published lists corresponded with the number of voters in each locality . : I remain , Brothers , Yours sincerely , A Chartist .
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7 Men of Manchester !; I call on you not to let ft | ° P £ v patriotism' be created in your breasts ,- asi - though" ihSre ' weirc ^ rivalry between " ¦ yoiPIBd tha ; - men of Lopdpn ! rDo not let menrappeal to a naW'St row pmudice . ^ ' Wyalries - ' b ' etween ^ indiyid ^ fe ^ leaders have long kept our . movement back J tBifgf $ aje . W becoming * msipfaoant , for . the . papfiHS ^ i *™ J ? P ™* ° lohgerVbe the" puppets of perSonSfc ? ambition—but - do not let " them be supplanted ' ^ ~ a stilimore dangerorsriyalry ; : " thatof OBelooi li ^ f with another , —We arQ all : brethren ; wtfo ' sfcruMa < in the same great- cause ; aivd I / call on , you , inen ; dl ' to
Manqnoster ; , . iook ac tiie ; expressed will of . therV majority—and not , to sully , y ' ouv . old ; reputation , W trying to establiah . a local dictatorship , ' in ' opptiat " tioh to the ' very principles you . tiatfe' oftajftij ilpb'ly upheld ^—¦ Reihember ! the vital crisis pf our movei meiit is at hand—and it rests with' yoynowj abova all , to set the great exalmpletof iob ' edienbe"io ' . wa " glorious ? principlesvpf burcftuse ^ JByc Bbi dpjngi you :, will 1 ; place ! yourselves , ' '• in J a : more- . hoijonri abler arid / noble &ippsitipnj 4 . seat of a sectional , and therefore . powerles ^ uCqn" > feVence ., Here ., is . the , test of . your demOpra . c . ^^ T ; amcohfideht ' of !'• " i £ J ? i ¦ * ¦
your response , „ . :,. . » "¦ You are called , upon to assist' in # wtrng » new ¦ Executive ; . iMi-is said ¦ tBere'frnbl sufficient tima f given"tb deliberate as to who should bo electedand that , therefore , the Conference ? should elecfi them : surely a difference of twelve days ; between the election of the Executive ,- and the meeting . of the proposed Conference will ., not mu ' ch enl ^ h ^ ett the world aa to whom t ! p " cli 6 oso . Surely , yo ' u hiyvei men . enough , who' liJvVe ^ lje ' eh for-years , before ^ he » country . - The electioii ' must depend on' p ' akt " exr . perience , not on present promises , on the ' actions ^ of
past years , riot on a little spouting at ' a ' Cpnference . —Iiet us set aboiitnhe eiedti 6 n . Is- , the present Executiye unduly ,., electe ( l .. ? 4-thbie ' s the . meansito . remedy it . . Is thejjilaneljeiter Conference ; U 2 id , uly called?—there's tbe ; means ; fgr calling , one , . to which not a single democrat can .. object .., ' Is the movement distracted by ! faction " arid- ' antagonism ? —there's the ' certain -means for satisfying all parties , or , at loastj . for takinc away eirery shadow of a pretence for disunion . ; ¦ "•'¦ " - " \ . ¦ -About the work , then , BrotheriChartiats , perish all factions , old or new ..- , ¦ ¦ .. ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ' . ' ¦ ' . ' » . i ,. I remain , your faithful servant , , HardwickeIiOdge ,, Bayswater . . EKNEST . JpHzr . ; .. November 27 th , lS 5 ( T ' , i .... '¦ . / .. _ :.: " . !
¦ Xati^Vll Land Company "
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Brother Chartists , —Itispiir painful duty this w ^ eek to appeal to you again , in vindication of our character as Democrats , against the unwarrantable denunciations of us b y ErneBt Jones , in last week ' s number of " Reynolds ' s Weekly Newspaper . " Why it did not appear in tbe acknowledged organ of the Chartist body we are at a loss to knew . Onr reason for- naming this omission is , that it would , have given us more time to peruse and answer the attack made upon ns .
We will not deal in denunciations invvmdication of what we have either said or done , bnt will apply ourselves to answer ( as working men , in plain language ) the charges and denunciations brought against us by a man ' whose superior scholastic education should have placed him far put of the reach or suspicion of uneducated working , men , in endeavouring to make us appear what his own acts condemn Aim to be . a Without further comment , we will proceed to examine the different paragraphs in Mr . Jones's letter : —
Now tbat personal dictatorships have become impossible , we appear in danger of falling into the bands of a far more injurious kind of dictatorshipthat of a small faction out of the people themselves taking the lead , and calling themselves "the people . " As we proceed , -we shall be able to discover if personal dictatorship has become impossible , or whether it is not attempted under the disguise of personal abuse . We are further denonnced as " a small faction , " taking the lead , and
calling ourselves "the people . With all due respect to Mr . Jones , we most emphatically deny we are a faction , but a body which has for years taken an active part in Chartism and the Chartist agitation , long before the name of "Ernest Jones , Esq ., " was known in the Chartist ranks . Men who have grown grey in the cause—men who have been closely connected with its progress , and . are as familiar with its movement as Ernest Jones—men who
have always raised their voice against dictatorship , come from whom it may . And are these the men who would dictate ; and call themselves the people ? ' Have we not as much right to express our opinions , and offer our advice to the country , as Ernest Jones , or any other person or body of persons , that we do not recognise ? We repudiate the assumption of any one who would dictate to us what we should say or do ; we claim it as our right , and are determined to
maintain that right , let who will denounce us . We hope that the spirit of freedom is too far advanced in the . bosom of every man to allow liberty of speech to be stifled . That our address is dictatorial we deny—it is simply an appeal to the country . And who would deny us this right ? Not the country ; for we maintain that a majority , up to the present time , who have taken the matter in consideration , have responded in favour of our appeal : —
I denounce the intended Conference as the attempt of a small and insignificant faction to subvert the very principles of Democracy—to pledge the movement to the views and feelings of a minority of its body , &c . Let the reader refer to the first paragraph — "Now that personal dietatorships has become impossible "—and then cast his eye to the second paragraph , and the second , sentence— "I denounce theintended Conference " — and then to the third paragraph , the last sentence— " I call on every true democrat to
set his face against it . " Pray , who dictates here ?—not the Manchester Council ; again , we are not the small and insignificant body ( " faction" ) as Mr . Jones represents us to be ; but a large organised body of Chartists , that has for years upheld the banner of Democracy against all persecutions , facts on record will testify . In proof , look to the various subscriptions , as advertised in the " Northern Star , " and see if Manchester has not performed its fair share , in paying the necessary demands made npon the country . .
Manchester " a faction ! " If a firm and steady adhesion to principle is factious , then Manchester glories in the appellation . Notwithstanding which the determination of a few , mostly consisting of the aristocracy of labour , seems to be that the Conference shall be holden . Here we are at a loss to discover how Mr . Jones has arrived at such a description of men whom he is personally ignorant of , and with
whom he has had no communication , except Messrs . Leech and Donovan . How then , we ask , does he know that we mostly consist of the aristocracy of labour ? What proof doeB he adduce for asserting that we ( the Manchester Council ) mostly consist of the aristocrac y of labour ? Could he see us in Council assembled , he would discover the majority of our Council his seniors in years , with the pale oTer-toiledlwlongfec 68 0 ^ 0 ^ 0 ^^ 68 *
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¦ ¦*•— - »" - *¦¦* - * - '¦* - ¦ ¦*¦ ¦ - »• ¦»*« fi ^^^^^ Sfc ^^^ i ^ iB ^ v ™ - *™ ^ i »> i- ^ N ^ fc : f ^ Bm Y ^ BL * ^ ^~ *~ — *• *¦¦• * j ^ flf ••¦ ' ^ t ^ M ^ ****• " *• ¦ ' -t ¦ ¦ Vj / . _ Jfj . ¦ ¦¦ ' v ! jL ¦ ^ * ' * i ' Jm ' ' ^^^^ SB ^^ ' ^ ' ^ B-- * AND MlOffiS ®^ SBiW ^; : ¦
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yOLjjtP . 684 . LONDON , SATPBDAOl ^ i 30 JEig j ; j ^^^ jg ^ sS
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 30, 1850, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1602/page/1/