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TIRE iSD LIFE ASSURANCE , AND ASUUI . TIES FOE THE IMUJSTRIAL CLASSES . ENGLISH AND CAMBRIAN JJ ASSURANCE SOCIETY : OR FIUE , LIFE , AKXUITIES , AND ENDOWMENTS , &c Capital £ 130 , 000 with power of increase to One HitiioS . ( Incorporated by Act of Parliament ) CHIEF OFFICES : —No . 9 , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , London . Dislrtil Qpces . Ko . G 5 , Sun-street , Bishopsgate-street , City ; No . 67 , Cbarlotte-Btreet , Fitxroj-square ; >' o . 6 , Tnnity-sttect , Trinity-square , Borough ; So . . Cannon-row , Undgestreet , Westminster . Vedical Ojicer . Daxih . W 4 ve -Esa M . D 67 , Charlolte-street , Fitzroy-- ^ WSSS" ^ ikuity-street con Thursday ,, irom 10 to S .
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Second lecture . nANTERBURY versus HOME , 1 / AND CHRISTIANITY IN RELATION TO BOTH . ERNEST JONES , Of the Middle Temple , Barrister-at-Law , WILT , DELIVER A SECOND LECTURE ON THE ABOVE SUWKCT , AT THE ¦ MECHANICS * INSTITUTE , SOUTHAMPTON BUILDINGS , CHANCERY-LANE , On Mondat Evening , December 9 th . Challenge to thb Clesot . —Some of the heads of the Parochial Clergj having attended on Monday evening last , and Mr . Jones having in their presence , stated his intention of proving falsa return * to Parliament on tuopartof the Established Church relative to its income , their attendance U again solicited and expected . The Iectdbe to comhince at EicnT O'CtocK . Aomission : —Boxes and Platform , One Shilling ; Pit , Sixpence ; Galleries , Threepence . Entrances to Boxes and Platform , 29 , Southamptonbuildings , Chancery-lane ; Pit and Galleries , Northumberland court , Southampton-buildings , Holbom , and Tenniscourt , Middle-row , Holborn ; Discussion Invited .
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flALDWELL'S NEW , SPACIOUS ' \ J AND ELEGANT ASSEMBLY ROOMS , Dean Stbeet , Soiio . Mk . Caldwell avails himself of this opportunity of re - turning his grateful acknowledgments to his Patrons , Pupils , and the Public ior the liberal support they have hitherto honoured him with , and begs most respectfully to announce that his Extensive Premises have been entirely rebuilt , under the su ]> eriutendanee of an eminent Areliitcct , and are now replete wilh the most scrupulous regard to accomadation and comfort , which artistic skill , combined with experience , could suggest . The whole comprehending , it is presumed , the dief-d ' ouvrc Terpsichorean Establishment at the West-end , which
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TO TAILORS . By approbation of Her Majesty , Queen Victoria , and 11 . JR . H . Pr ' mee Albert . NOW READY , THE LONDON and PARIS FASHIONS X for AUTUMN and WINTER 1 S 50-1 , the most splendid ond superbly-coloured PRINT ever before published by Messrs . Benjamin READ and Co .. , Hart-street , Bloomsbury-square , London ; and by G . BERGER , Holy well-street , Strand . This exquisitely engraved Print will be accompanied with Riding , Dress , Frock and Shooting Coat Patterns , all of the newest and most fashionable style , ana everv part fully illustrated both for Cutting and Makiug-up . Also the registered Cape and Cloak Paletot for persons of all nations , the most convenient garment ever before introduced , and will admit of great variety in cutting and
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T HE LONDON CO-OPERATIVE STORES are now opened at 76 , Charlotte Street , Frrzaox Squabe , In connexion with the Society for Promoting Working Men ' s Associations . 1 . —Object of the Stobes . To enable members of the above-named Association , and other persons who may desire it , to obtain articles , of daily use perfectly free from adulteration , of the best quality , and the lowest charge , after defraying the necessary expense of management , distribution , and providing for a reserve fund . Co-operat ive stores have been established with much success in different parts of the kingdom . The benefit to the subscribers may be judged of from the fact that the subscribers to the Pioneer Store in Rochdale , divided in the last year £ S 0 l ) after payment of all expenses , although the goods were charged considerably below the ordinary pr ice . 2 . — Opebatioss of the Stores . Wherever practicable , orders will . be taken at the houses of customers , and goods will in all cases be promptly and carefully delivered .
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BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , EYEBROWS , < fca , maybe , with certainty , obtained byusingaver ? small portion of ROSALIE CODPELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE every morning , instead of any ou or other preparation . A fertnighfs use will , in most instances , show its surprising properties in producing and curling Whiskers , Hair , &c ., at any age . from whatever cause deficient ; as also checking greyness , « £ c : Sent free by post , with instructionsl to j , on receipt of twenty-four postage stamps , by Miss COUPELLE , 35 Bly-XceTHolborn , London , who may be consulted on these matters daily , from two till five .
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" ^ - - » > —»—* Education for the Mttlions , THIS BAY IS PUBLISHED , 5 To . XXIX . op " THE NATIONAL ^ INSTBUCTOE . " PRICE ONE PENNY . The objeofc of the Proprietor , Feaimus O'Conkob , Esq ., M . P ., is to place within the reach of the poorest classes that Political and Social Information of whick they are at present deprived bj the Government ' Taxes on Knowledge . "
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' Liberty—Equality—Fraternity . EARLY NEXT FEBRUARY WILL BE PUBLISHED The First Number of 'THE PEOPLE . ' 'We'll struggle on till all be won the good God has designed , The Empibe of the People—the Monarchy of Mind . ' A NEWSPAPER established by private individuals is mauifestl y inadequate t » the attaininent of any great National object . 'It is , ' says a distinguished Irish writer , ' initially particulars defective , in many others injurious , and in some dangerous , unsafe , and untrustworthy ; it may be bought or bartered j it may be traded with and t' -afllckod ou ; it may bo corrupted , conquered , 01 intimidated , and offors no guarantee for firmness , independence , or honesty . "—Influenced by these considerations , a number of Irishmen—deeply interested in the welfare of their Native Land—havo resolved on the establishment of a National Weekly Journal , which , founded by the People , will be alone responsible to them , and will have far its immediate aim and object the uncompromising advocacy of their rights—their interestsand their liberty .
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NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . Office , 14 , Southampton-street , Strand . rTHE PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE X hereby announce the following meetings : — On Sunday Evening next meetings will be held at the Rock T&vern , Lisson-grove—Princess Royal , Circus-street , Marylebone—King and Queen , Foley-street , Portlandplace—Bricklayers' Arms , Tonbridge-street , New-road—City Hall , 2 G , Golden-lane , Barbican- Wuittington and Cat , Church-row , Bethnal Green—Crown and Anchor , CheshirDfitreet , Waterloo Town—and Globe and Friends , Morganstreet , Commercial-road-east—New Rastern Literary and and Scientific Institution , Morpeth-street , Gi'een street , Bethnal Green . On Monday evening next at the Brunswick Hall , Ropemakers' Fields , the following question will be proposed for discussion : — 'To what extent ' ought Chartists to support the National Reform Association . ' On Tuesday erening naxt the Westminster locality will meet at the Three Compasses , King-street . Regent-street .
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DELEGATE MEETING . A Delegate Meeting , of the Halifax District of the National Charter Association , will be held at Nichol'a Temperance Hotel , Broad-street , Halifax , on Sunday , the 15 th day of December , 1850 , to tako iuto consideration the best means to be adopted to reorganise the district , when the following places are requested to send delegates : — Halifax , Mid ^ ley , Miscenden , Stanes , Oventlen , Queenshead , Warley , Sowerby , Elland , Bradshaw-lane , Bailiffbridge , Wheatley , Lordship , Northawram ; IUingworth Moor , ColdHarber , and Stuinland . Chair to be taken at two o ' clock p . m . —Ubiah Hwchchffe , Sec ,
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M ATRIMONY MADE EASY , ; OR HOW TO WIN A LOVER . Miss ELLEN DAWSON will send free to any address , on receipt of thirteen postage stamps , plain directions to enable Ladies or Gentlemen to win the affections of as many of the opposite sex as their hearts may desire . The proposal is simple , and so captivating and enthralling that all may be married , irrespective of age , appearance or position ; and last , though not least , it can be arranged with such ease aud delicacy that detection is impossible .
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___ —^—^ ^^^—^ ^~ - *^!^^^^^ ^— - - , - Be People ' s Sovereignty !' -The Fraternity o / Jalim ! 1-jJJ Bights of Labourl-Absohte Freedom of Opinion ! Bead the new weekly publication , The T 71 EIEN -P OF THE PEOPLE , Jj Edited by G . JW . UN Habnlx . PRIOE ONE PENNY . Will be published fllsoin Monthly Parts . ^• Fortwo postage-stainp / a co pj- will be sent , post * i ^ $ ^ i ! ii ? l ^ ^ *»™ y and " obehad ( onarder ) of » Ubookaellcrsandnew » . agentg .
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EXHIBITION 1851 . AUTHBMXIU VlCilr vs xnu INTERIOR . INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING IN 1 HYDE PARK , ns appi'md bj her Majesty ' s Com . missioned . The authentic View of the Interior , » howing tho « pace allotted to the Exhibitors ; nnd the 1 internal appearance , arrangement and fitting * of the Building , u now readj , on steel , nearly two feet in length , with description » nd classification of the ai'tielen eilnbitod . Price , 3 d . Post free , on Roller , ten stamps . The authentic View of the Exterior , as approved by the CommisBioien , same "" Ber « r , ilolywell-street , Strand , and all Booksellers . Boy ' al Exhibition Note Paper , Is . 6 d . per quire , L'Os . per ream .
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no ^ TbT Tv } T 37 al ^ \ ) of Counsel to the Labouring Classes , by the Writer ' ^ aru-s t '" eS- ca , tle , and aU Bookseller ..
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BR ADFORD , YORKSHIRE ! . A Meeting of the Members of the L'uid Company of Bradford was held on Sunday , tho 1 st of December , Nat . IIovl was chairman , when it was resolved— 'That notice be civen to the members of this branch to attend a meetin" on Sunday , the 15 th of this month , ns business of great importance is to be laid before them ; and we hope that all the members of this branch , who see this notice , will make it known to the inenibeM of their localities . '
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NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . Now ready for delivery with the Northern Star , an authentic , highly finished , and beautiful STEEL ENGRAVING , TWO FEET LONG , From the contractors' ( Fox and Henderson ' s ) own Drawing of the CRYSTAL PALACE : OR GREAT BUILDING IN HYDE PARK FOR The Grand Industrial Exhibition of 1851 . No expense has been spared in obtaining a correct and finished Engraving of this GIGANTIC UNDERTAKING , And we feel assured our Subscribers will admit , on seeing impressions , that the Plate is only second to the Building itself in its extraordinary novelty and dimensions . Price of Prints 6 d . ; Proofb Is . each . Post Office orders for the number required , must be forwarded by the Agents to William Rider , at the Northern Star Office , Great Windmill Street ; or to Mr . Pavey , Hol y well-street , Strand ; or they may be obtained through their respective London Booksellers . The usual allowance to the trade .
The Hor.Thern Star. Saturday, Dfccembek 7, Is50
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THE LAND QUESTION . Nothing is more strange than the different aspect of the same question , when presented to the public by different parties . Two or three years Bince , there was not a single newspaper belonging to the Free Trade , party that did not cry down the National Land Company as essentially unsound ; in principle , and certain to be mischievous in practice . Mr . O'Connor had not only to contend against party hostility in Parliament , and legal
obstructions created by Government officials , but also against a strong public opinion among the middle and upper classes , arising out of the virulent and continuous attacks of the Press . These agencies ultimately effected the defeat of the meritorious objects proposed to be secured by that Company . Bitterly opposod by tho Government , thg Presg , and the wealthy classes , doubt , dissension , and defection crept in amongst the members ; and then Mr . O'Connor was blamed for not realising the results which this combination of hostile
elements alone prevented . The National Land Company sought to combint Social with Political emancipation for the toiling masses . It pointed to the land as the only secure and permanent basis on which national freedom , independence , and prosperity could be placed , and asked the people to use the means at their own command , for the purpose of securing those groat and important Wesa / ngs . The principle on which the
Society was formed was Bimply this : —In the p resent state of Land tenure in this country , it is next to impossible for a poor man to become the owner of a small portion of land . The plan of the Society was for a number of persons to combine for that purpose , purchase a large estate at the wholesale price , by their united capital , and ' then apportion it among the members , retail it in such quantities as may be agreed upou at the original cost , with the addition of legal and actual costs alone .
Surely there was nothing in this of itself to call forth the vituperation , invective , and denunciation which was so liberally bestowed upon it . Why was it so assailed then ? Because , and only because , the movement was avowedly connected with Chartism . In this world " therose , " when called by any other name , " does not" smell as sweet . " Partly by the unscrupulous calumnies of a bigotted and venal Press ; partly by the
ignorance , indiscretion , and faults of some of the Chartists themselves , Chartism had fallen into bad repute .- All the " well-to-do" peop le in the country asked themselves , " Can anything good come out of Nazareth ? " tho moment they heard a measure of any kind was connected with Chartism . Hence the plans of the Land Company were not tried by the public on their own merits , but on tho real , or supposed demerits , of those who proposed them .
For the time being the prejudice , the ignorance , the selfishness , and the legal obstacles which had to be encountered , have succeeded in preventing ' the realisation of that plan . We trust they will yet be revived , improved by the experience of the past , and placed upon auch a basis , an will seoure ample protection and justice to all who may embark in them . If this is not the case it will be from no
want of imitators . We briefl y referred , last week , to the Conference of the National Freehold Land Societies , held at Birmingham , as an illustration of the old adage , "That one man may steal a sheep with impunit y , while another will get hanged for looking orer the hedge . " Since then the annual meetingof the members has been held in London , and a report read , from whioh it appears that the receipts up tho present time have been
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mm—— BBjUKMbJI ^ "'"*^^^^^^^^^^ £ 21 , 25710 b . 10 ; whToMnC ™ f ^ been purchased , entailing liability ™ ., amount of £ 62 , 000 . The report , after ^ D £ other details , proceeded to show the pb ? ' niary , commercial , and social advantages which were certain to be derived from the plans of the Society ; and Concluded by flaying : — " Upon the intrinsic soundness of it 3 commercial principles , then , and upon the importance and certainty of the social and political advantages which it proffers , this association now founds its calculations of success , and the directors do not doubt that , even if the franchise were- granted at once to every man in tho kingdom , th . 3 National Freehold Land Society would continue its triumphant success . " " * rirmm ± _ — : ' . ; . ' ¦ _ ¦ ' ¦ * ¦ ' . «« noUfaoliovfl
Sir Joshua Walmsley , the president of the Society , forcibly followed this up in his speech , He said ;—I see in this movement the happy means of doing much in combination , with other movements , to hasten the enfranchisement ef the masses , and to promote the progress of virtue , of knowledge , of self government . You havo started upon sound principles ; you are acting upon the proverb , that " many a little will make a mickle : " " that if you
will take oare of tho pence , the pounds willl take care of themselves . " You are acting on the principle , that what cannot be done by one man , when he is isolated from his fellows , may be done for each , by many combining for mutual advantage , upon laws of equity and mutual profit . You are working out tho problem of the power of associated effort . There is nothing new , still less anything Utopian in this . You are but giving a new application to un old principle . You are but doing that willingly and voluntarily which has been done a thousand times by compulsion and constraint .
After referring to several notable instances of ancient and modern association , and their gigantic results , Sir Joshua continued : — I like this movement for the spirit of indepenr dence which it begets and fosters in the minds of its members . What is to be done they undertnke and do themselves . They want no patrons—they ask no alms , prefer no petitions—they assume no attitude of humility—they make up their own minds—they subscribe their own money—they buy tbeir own estates—they award their own allotments , and they g ive their own and not a master's vote . From the entrance fee to the secretary to the
casting vote at the county election—all 13 free , spontaneous , and independent . I like this movement for the change it makes in the habits and thoughts of the once heedless and unthrifty artiean . It teaches him the value of money ; it enables him to measure the worth of hia labour ; it puts a worthy and stimulating object before him ; it holds out a twofold prize at the end of his course —the freehold of an Englishman and the franchse of a Briton . Ifc woana him in tho meantime from evil ways and pernicious indulgences , and when he gets'his title deeds , he is not only a freeholder and a voter , but has a freehold in his mind worth
them both . I like this movement for its truly conservative tendency . The very best of all ways to make a man respect the property of his neighbour , is to induce him to obtain some property for himself . The wise master , if he wishes to secure the best services of a valued assistant , gives him an interest in the concern . On this well-known principle , the strongest link to bind a man to his native Boilis to give him , or lead him to get a portion of it for himself . Do you think if a million of artisans were freeholders , wo need fear anything from
invasion ? Do you not think that an army of freeholders would be quiet as good a safeguard as a standing army , or tho Channel fleet ? Do you think a continental foe , if we had one , would ' not say to himself , " We had better not go to England , for there are a million of freeholders on that island , who will fight as stoutly for their allotments as the Duko of Northumberland for Alnwick Castle , and all the broad lands of the Percies . " Upon which the " Morning Chronicle " remarks : —
" When we hear Sir Joshua Walmsley ' s glowing description of the unequalled political and social advantages of manufacturing a million of little freeholders , we involuntarily recollect that the present project is not the first political Land Scheme which this generation has witnessed , and that we have heard it all before from Mr . Feargus O'Connor . Quite true . All this has been " heard before from Mr . Feargus O'Connor . " There is
scarcely a single argument used by any advocate of the Freehold Society which has not been previously urged in support of the Land Company ; but that which now elicits cheers in the London Tavern from audiences arrayed in good broad cloth , was sneered at , derided and villified , when addressed to Chartists . Mr . Cobden , himself , has become an ardent advocate of the system , He said , at this very meeting , '' That it was indeed a crying evil , that land in this countrv had been
suffered to accumulate into huge masses , and he was prepared to assert , as far as in him lay , to have the real property of the country more widely distributed . '' The declaration elicited " loud cheers . " It would appear , therefore , that with the usual fate of pioneers , the Land Company has only been a little before its time . Others are coming in to gather the harvest , for which it broke up the ground and sowed the seed .
One of the great arguments of the politicoeconomical press , however , against this " wide diffusion of landed property , " to promote which Mr . Cobden is now prepared to do his utmost , was that tho small freeholders would be very little better than paupers . The objection seems to have little weight with the member for the West Riding . He says , indeed , that dfj the continent it is by no means uncommon to see a man walking about in
wooden shoes , stuffed with hay , to prevent them falling off , and yet that man would be found to be a freeholder . " But , because he was thus badly shod , did Mr . Cobden say that therefore a freehold was a bad thing ? By no means . On the contrary , he has learned to look beneath appearances , and to know that much substantial comfort , and , above all of genuine independence , may bo presented under a plain and unpretending exterior .
The real effect of these small continental holdings on the minds , morals , and domestic condition of the people , is very graphically described by one of the " Special Correspondents " of the "Morning Chronicle , " who is now kavelliug in France for the purpose of examining and reporting upon the industrial system of that country . Iu the course of his rambles , he met with an Irishman , who was settled in a small town aB a thriving shopkeeper . He had been man y years in the
country , and spoke in high terms of the thrift y , prudent , and industrious habits of the working people around him . Honesty is one great feature of their character . He had occasionally lost money by Eugliah customers of the better class who dealt with him , but never by the poor French people ; and he thug forcibly points out the means which enable them to keep out of debt , and maintain that mental independence which is one of the most important elements of true freedom : — .
fJi a" ! alI-ProPertv astern is a great help to them . There are very few folks hereabout who have not got little patches of freeholds . If one member of a family has not , the other has . The money they get out of them is no fortune to be sure , but it always holps , and it is a great matter for a working man to have something , however small , over and above hia daily toil , to fall back upon . It ' s very easy to invest a good lump of money m England , but it is not so easy to invest a Brnall . one . The poor man who has saved £ 20 or ± 50 hardly knows what to do with it . There's your saving banks , to be sure—and a nice mess you seem to be making with them—look at my own countrv
—but saving banks give no such inducement to a man to save as , land does . When you ' ve got your own little estate your money is safo . The land can t run away nor lose its value . You may build your house upon it ; most folks hereabouts do and there you are rent free , and comfortable , with your trade , for the rest of your days . Oh , there's L dependence in this state ofthingt that the poor ofE ™ land can never know . And then it makes I ™ nmbod y , uta he can ^ ihmMsoxm tllndlZ think of hi , latter days mthm thinSgW'S house as well . Besides , the vision of th « vL a or the corn field is before all eye ' she ™ a ya - dustrious sober man in France may becom ^ 'S ' owner ; tWB nothing yerv diZvfWI
landand it ' s that feeling that encouraCea th « 1 » 1 ' strive for it . There ' s many HSSfiSf ,. * ? ¦ t 0 working hard and living &rf ; STJLofm !?? &mm In order to ibow the ffibenuwj elwpkwper
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ll that the people of England were turnip attention to the Land Question , the " ( Jo pondenfinfofrnfld him , that societies 2 ?' formed for the purchase of freeholds . But th j ^ j-merJ ooked with doubt on the capabilifj of eocietieb . He would have it an individu !! affair . "To work for good , " said he , uT system must be a part of the very dail y liVe . and thoughts of the people . Working me , J don ' t require societies or companies to buy their dinners or their coats , why should they to buy their land ? Here the soil is commonly bought fluff sold , and there is no long lawyers work of conveyance in the matter . ^ that ihn nannla nt 1 ?«~ i . j . ' _ — -5 r
The last sentence explains the reason why " societies and companies" are indispensable in this country . Here " the soil" is not " commonly bought and s ld " -caiiI 10 fc be 80 ; and "the long lawyers' work of conveyances , " which would double the price ofasmall freehold were it obtainable , becomes , comparatively , a light burden , when shared among a few thousand persons . The Times and Chronicle however , unite in predicting a fearful future for the Freehold Societies , from the state of the law in this country . The former admits all the economical and social benefits of small
freeholds , but points , with terrible significance to the laAva of partnership , and the portals of the Chancery Court . If , indeed , any of these societies were once to enter them , upon any occasion whatever , it would be all over with them . The best course for every man connected with them , who had anything to lose " would be to betake himself forthwith to New * York , where they have entirel y abolished the Chancery Court , and , wonderful to relate , find that the sun sets and rises as usual—that crops ripen—houses and factories are nofc sapped at the foundation , and all the business of life is transacted with as much security and
success as ever . Until we come to something like the same conclusion in this country , no society whatever , which aims at benefiting the working classes by means of the co-operation of its numbers , and the application of their combined small savings for their common well-being , will be safe . They will be liable , at every turn , to be preyed upon by dishonest , discontented , or scheming members ; without knowing it , they may , at every step , involve themselves in legal penalties , and be thu 3
placed at the mercy of any sharp practitioner at law who may choose to take advantage of their position . A thorough and sweeping reform of the law , therefore , becomes an imperative necessity ; and we shall be happy to see a fellow-feeling on this important question , uniting men of all sections of the Movement Party , in pressing it on the attention of the Legislature , We haTe preferred , in these cursory remarks , to present the princi ple at issue , rather than dwell upon the course which has been pursued towards the Society which first placed it before the public , and gave it such
prominence and practical bearing , But wa cannot conclude without earnestly directing the attention of all parties to the general inference that must be drawn from these facts , la it not a shame and disgrace , that the man to whose individual exertions , more than to any one now living , is owing the creation of & public opinion on this subject , should be allowed to struggle against legalised injustice almost single handed ? Whatever differences of detail there may be between the Freehold and the Land Societies , they are identical in principle , and their modus operandi , if not precisely Bimilar , is , as nearly as possible , tha
same . Why should Mr . O'Cosnor be villified , libelled , and saddled with heavy pecuniary burdens , for doing that which wins for Mr . Cobden eulogy , enthusiasm , applause , and popular support ? A heavy indictment will lay against the Chartists and the members of the Land Company , if they do not come forward and take their fair share of these burdens . " The
progress of the Land Movement is sufficient to show that they were right from the commencement . Whatever else was defective , the principle on which they started was a sound one . Experience would , in due time , have enabled them to rectif y any errors into which they might have fallen at first , and for which errors no individual , who entered upon an untried experiment , could be held personally responsible .
Though temporaril y beaten down by the perversion of the Press , and the legal tribunals of the _ country , the Land Company is virtually victorious . Its principles and objects are openly adopted as sound in themselves , and fraught with political and social advantages to the Community . The popular feeling in favour of destroying that most pernicious monopol ythe monopoly of the soil—must erow in
strength and power until God ' s gift to all men will be made free to all . In commencing a practical movement tending in that direction , Mr . O'Connor and the Land Company have been benefactors to all classes ; and if tha members will but put away their petty divisions , and once more rally around him , they may yet secure the great and glorious object they had in view .
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NoTTiNGiim— Mr . J . Sweet acknowledges the receipt of the following sums ( sent herewith ) : —Honesty Fund—Mr . Bown 6 d—Mr . Wilson Is—Mrs . Sissling Is—Mr . Lee Is—Mrs . Perkins Id—a Friend 6 d—Mr . Birgin ( fourth sub . scription ) Is—Mr . Kirk Is—Mr . Ward Gd—Mr . Bronn 3 s —Mrs . Taylor Is . Refugee Fond—From the Eagle Tavern 2 s Gd . Winding-up Fund . —Mr . Kirk Is . The Humgarijin Refugees . E . Brown ' s List . Mr . Holyoake , £ 214 s . —Halifax , Mr . Beaumont , 15 s . Cd-Smith ' s workmen , 4 s . 3 d . —Edmonds , 4 d . —Nodle 6 d—Crocket , 4 Jd Welchman , Gd . —Kr . Jones , Gd . —Scoble , Gd . — A . J . J ., 4 d . —Lovejoy , 6 d . —Friend . 6 d . —French Obborn , Gd . —M . it ., Is . —Collected 4 d . —Rollings , Is . — H . P ., Is . —Sturgeon , Is .-Lady , Gd , —Mr . Clinch , lg Mr . ljiclc , Gd . —Ritchie , Is . Any mistake occurring in
tin acknowledging of monies , all parties are requested to apply immediately to J . Brown , Secretary . J . T . JJASBUiiT . —You did not enclose the 6 d . Mr . l ' ATHicic O'IIicqixi . —We will consult Mr . O'Connor on the subject . J . Booker . —The lines shall shortly appear . Alfeed Coopzn , Greenwich . —Your communication is * n achrerti « ement , and should have been paid for insertion . S . GoAT , NoitWtCH . —There in no legal charge ; each parish , or burying ground fixes its own charges . J . T ., IJanburt . —Write to Mr . Harne . v , No , 4 , Brunswickrow , Queen-square , Bloomsbury . An Atbbhire Ckaetht . —Tbanks for your letter . Such sentiments cannot be too well appreciated , but all thing * considered , it would not be prudout to gire the letter publicity .
Co Erormponxrinto.
Co erormponxrinto .
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A BOSTON WELCOME . Fifteen years ago , George Thompson , the eloquent member for the Tower Hamlets , was compelled to fly from the United States , for fear of losing his life . The crime which excited popular fury against him in a "frea Republic" was his teaching the doctrine , that all men are by nature free and equal I It is true that the American Constitution declares
the same truth , but tho Americans hare chosen to read it with an interpretation of their own . They affirm , "that all men are by nature free and equal , except niggers . ' Gteobge Thompson differed with them on that point—he wished to include " niggers ;" whereupon they set up a tall gallows before his bed-room window one night , and threatened to hang him thereupon , if he persisted in teaching the monstrous and vile doctrine , that " niggers , '' with black skins and woolly heads , were human beings .
Remembering that " Lynch law " is one of the recognised , though impromptu modes of carrying out the behests of " the Sovereign People" in the States , Mr . Thompson thought it the better part of valour to * ' cheat the gallows" for that time , at least , of a subject . He may have also said , to himself , in the words of the old couplet , — " He that fights and runs away MaV live to filrht nnrtt-Vini . J .. - ?» May live to ngat another day
"and have cherished the hope , that an opportunity might yet be offered him of lifting up his voice in the States against the gigantic wrong which slavery perpetrates upon our common humanity , Whether he did so or not , at that period , time has brough t it to pass . Acting upon tha invitation of the party that haa bo bravel y and consistentl y fought the battle of Abolition
, Mr . Thompson , a short time ago , left thii country for a second visit . He and his friends , uo ^ doubt , imagined that the fifteen years which had elapsed since his last visit had also improved public opinion , and that this tune , at least , he would have a chance of a fair hearing . We are told of the immense and unprecedented progress of the United States in commerce , manufactures , agriculture , rail ' roads , harbours , canals , and all the material
aspects of civilisation ; but that progress , ap * parently , does not include opinion . Mr Thompson ' s reception In the Principal Hall of what is termed the American Athens , wa « little better than that he experienced on kifl former visit . No personal violence , it is true , was offered to him , but from the beginjaing it was evident that it had been dettmifled not a lioglo word he uttered ihwtt to bw ^«
Untitled Article
—— L THE . ttrt tt * pfT F ^ STAR . ___ — — -Zl _ i *! A " ^ - - » > ¦ —»— ¦¦ : ¦ * ' ¦ —^—^ ^^^—^ ^~ - *^!^^^^^ ^— - -
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 7, 1850, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1603/page/4/