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THE TOILER'S DREAM . f-aiowiri ? remarkable lines are from a volume of tf ** ° L seamstress , " and are the production of a •¦^ Viub girl They are indeed beautiful , and , under ? ir t ^ om 5 Wnces > taorougUj and thoughtful ]/ appro . $ * . — < r f in the laughing bowery Tfjiere , by green twining elms , a pleasant shade , „ sammer ' s noon is made , ¦ 7 ,, -j where swift-footed hours sicjI the rich breath of the enamoured flowera , T ^ ain I . Sor where the golden glories be , it su nset , laving o ' er the flowing sea ; iad to pnre eves the faculty is given To trace a smooth ascent from earth to heaven .
> ' ot on the couch of ease , , ^ Vj th all the appliances of joy at hand—Soft H ? ht , sweet fragrance , beauty at command ; Viands that might a god-like palate pleaBe , jlnd music ' s soul-creative ecstasies , jfream L Xor gloating o ' er a wide estate , Till tbe full , self-complacent heart elate , Veil satisfied with . bliss of mortal birth , Sig hs for an immortality on earth . jot where the incessant din Of iron hands , and roars of brazen throats , Join their unraingled notes ; While the long summer day is pouring in , Till day 13 goiie , and darkness docs begin ; Dream I—as in the corner where I lie , On wintry nights , just covered from the sky . Such is my fate ; and barren though it seem , Yet , thou blind , soulless scorner , yet 1 dream !
And jet I dream—Dream what ? Weremen more just , I might have been How strong , how fair , how kindly and serene , Glowing of heart , and glorious of mien ; Tiie conscious crown to Nature ' s blissful scene ; In just and equal brotherhood to glean , With all mankind , exhaustless pleasure keen . Such is my dream . KuA yet , I dream . I , the despised of Fortune , lift mine eye , Brisht wit" the lastre of integrity , In unappealing wretchedness , on And the Ia 3 t rage of Destiny defy ; Resolved alone to live—alone to die , Sor swell the tide of human misery .
And yet , I dream , — . Dream of a sleep where dreams no more shall come , — My last , my first , my only welcome home I Rest , unbeheld , since life ' s beginning stage , Sole remnant of my g lorious heritage , tnalienable , I shall find thee yet , And in ihy soft embrace the past iorget 1 Thus do I dream .
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Toifs Magazine . February . SimpMn , Marshall and Co . The Commission to inquire into the Working of the English . Universities has been made the appropriate occasion for an admirable article on the constitution aud existing condition of these institutions in Scotland . The writer impartially sets forth both their advantages and their defects , and making all due allowance for the latter , it is easy to see that the former decidedly preponderate . The Scottish Universities are , in fact , essentially Democratic . They provide an education for the
people in the broadest senseSof the term ; while the English Universities are exclusively Aristocratical , and aim as much as possible to exclade the people from their Colleges . " On the benches of a Scottish University , '' says the writer in Tait , " a young Duke of Argyle , and the shepherd ' s son in Glen Etive behind Ben Crauchan , sit together as young men ; and the red gown suits to the back of the peasant as fitly as on the hack of the peer . There is no difference—that is , within the walls of the University ; for , without the gates , mv young duke may spend , without the
slightest difficulty , ten times as much in a week , on mere eating , drinking , clothing , furniture , and tobacco , as the shepherd's son spends during the whole session of six months . The English Universities are tenanted only by the rich . The great majority of Scottish students are poor , and live hi the very humblest style , £ 20 or less covering their whole academical expenses for a session . How far would this sum go to pay the tailor ' s bill of a fashionable young long-skirted Puseyite at Oxford for one
year s "We know not ; but long may Scotland continue , hi her highest seats of learning , to imitate the Great Judge of the world in more serious matters , and have ' no respect of persons ! ' Let her invite , rather than discourage , the poor : remembering that Robert Bums was not the issue of aristocratic loins , that Martin Luther wa 3 a miner ' s son , and that in ancient time 3 , before bishops were kuown , great things were done in the world by ibbermen and tentraakers . "
Besides this freedom from aristocratical despotism , they are also practically exempt from ecclesiastical despotism , and for all practical purposes may be regarded a 3 secular institutions . The professors are certainly required to swear to a curiously minute doctrinal confession of faith , though we suspect that in very many casesitisAUth very great "latitude of interpretation , " but the students may he of any church , or no church at all ; and they have the farther advantage of not being slavishly bound to a mere routine system of Latin , Greek , and mathematics , which , when furnished , sends them forth into tho world to begin their actual education .
The great defect of the Scottish University system is its low educational standard , which forces its professors in many instances to do the work that ought to have been done in preparatory schools , by properly trained schoolmasters . However necessary this may have been in former times , there can be no doubt that there is not the slightest occasion for perpetuating the practice now . By raising the standard , and requiring a preliminary examination of a higher character from students , previous to entrance , the utility of the Scottish Universities would be greatly augmented .
As it is , they are institutions of which she may well be proud , as showing that " they order these things better in Scotland " than on this side the Border , and which have , no doubt , largely contributed to the production of that intelligence , enterprise , and force of character for which Scotchmen are everywhee proverbial . " Craigallan Castle" deepens in interest as the tale proceeds . The author is evidentl y well acquainted with Scottish life , and some of his characters would do no discredit to the graphic pea of Gait " Wilson ' s Scottish 1
Archaeology' is an article full of antiquarian lore , told in an attractive and interesting mauner , and throwing much valuable light on the past history of the country . In " The Triumph of Despotism , " as shown by the fall of Hesse Cassel before the infamous coalition of the Continental despots , we have one of the most forcible illustrations presented by modem history , of deadly enmity to popular liberty in any shape . Twenty years ago the father of the present Elector deliberately granted and swore to a Constitution . Since that
period many attempts have been made by the dishonest Elector to set it aside , though without success until now . When this Prince aud his infamous tools made their last shameless and unjustifiable attack upon the Constitution , the whole of the Judicial , civil and military officers in the Electorate , opposed passive resistance , and the decrees of the tyrant were harmless for want of force to give them effect . He fled from the capital and sought assistance from despots more powerful than himf " . They granted it by marching an army to reduce the inhabitants * of Hesse Cassel to submission . Here is the result : —
, ^ se troops are known by the name of the Army w Lsecutioa . They have entirely eaten up the ' ^ oarccs of the Electorate , and though some have j ^ n withdrawn , many still remain . They have •* •* " billeted on all the " refractory employes , civil or ™» tary till either they resigned or gave in their lyuni ssion to the Elector ' s illegal decrees . Few -re ^ one the latter ; many , after endnring as long
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HipsisI tionaCmh ? vf' ™ thtl * threat of an IddifuSS Z Ch day ! th ( Jy wUlnot resign their functionsto more compliant successors . The mem-* Z ?* r * , , Town-Council , in addition to this treatment , are menaced with a court-martial and severe personal punishment , it they do not declare wmenasmen of conscience they cannot do ) that the decreeof the 28 thof November last , proclaiming martial law , -was in accordance -with the Constitution . A widow , an English lady , has had fifteen soldiers ( in . addition to the usual number ) billeted upon her , because she could not give any account of her son , who -was one of the patriotic functionaries . One poor man who earned four florins a week had to support a Bavarian soldier , who consumed three florins to his own share . Others were __ _ . 8 thev hail nnii moono v ^ » ~ ~
so completely ruined by these exactions that not only they , but the Execution troops quartered upon them , have been sometimes twenty-four hours without food . One young functionary , only a few days since , who lived in lodgings on the small pittance his office afforded him , had ten soldiers quartered upon him . After a short time , he called them together , divided among them all the funds he had left , and then left them that he might seek food and lodging from the charity of others . The notion of having to support a few soldiers may not sound to English ears a very terrible infliction , for happily we hare never had any practical knowledge of what it really is . The cost of supporting these hostile troops , though no trifle to so poor a people as the Hessians , is , however , the least part of the infliction . We must remember that the 3 e men are placed in families for the express
purpose of rendering them miserable , and reducing them to submission ; that their will is law ; that , the country being under martial discipline and foreign occupation , the ordinary tribunals , from which protection might be obtained , and by which insult and outrage might be punished , are wholly powerless ; that the Execution troops live with families of the hig hest respectability and tbe most virtuous character on a footing of tbe most insolent and unrepellable familiarity ; that many of them , especially the Bavarians , are notoriously licentious and undisciplined ; and we may form some conception of the scandalous scenes which constantly occur , and of the intolerable outrages which these unhappy Hessians have daily to endure—outrages the bare mention of which is enough to make our blood boil , and the least of which in England would be the signal for a general and sanguinary outbreak .
The Elector has now returned to his impoverished country , his desolated capital , his ruined and alienated subjects—restored by the might of foreign bayonets to reign over a people whose liberties he has destroyed , whose property he has laid waste , whose before happy families he has so brutally outraged , injured , and oppressed . He was already hated and despised , for his character had long been stained with the most open profligacy and the most contemptible meanness ; but now that he has broken every tie , violated every law , fled from every duty , trampled upon every popular right , and inflicted upon his subjects every conceivable variety of wretchedness , it may well be
imagined with what feelings he will henceforth be regarded . That such a Constitution as that of Hesse Cassel shoald be thus ruthlessly trodden out , that foreign interference should have restored a prince who was too -weak to carry oat his own crimes , that free states should have tamely stood by and permitted this shameful consummation , this of itself is disgraceful enough to our era and our diplomacy ; but that so noble a people as the Hessians should be thus bound hand and foot , and delivered over , " unwept , without a crime , " to the tender mercies of a weak , bad , dishonoured profligate like the Elector , is a termination of the struggle at which humanity itself might weep and blush .
The other articles in the present number are readable and varied ; the notices of hooks , fine arts , Sec ., are full and judicious . A large infusion of lighter matter , or subjects less abstract would , however , improve our old friend Tait .
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Canterbury versus Rome . Nos . I ., II ., and III . By Ernest Jones . London : Dipple , Strand . We are not surprised that the audiences to whom Mr . Jones delivered his lectures should have requested their publication . As far as the three now before us are concerned , they present a spirited epitome of church history and ecclesiastical practices , which is not only fraught with the deepest interest and importance toreaders of every class or sect , but which , at the same time , comprises an amount of
curious historical information , that must have cost the author much time , and extensive research . Mr . Jones himself explains that his object is , to show what the Church really is—a result hitherto unattained by the rival works written in the interest of Papacy and Prelacy—to reveal the injuries it has inflicted , or the benefits it has conferred—to weigh its precept and practice by . the balance of Christ ' s wordsand to arrive at a correct estimate of its enormous revenues , their derivation , and the title to their possession .
The first lecture gives a powerful and stirring history of the rise of the Papacy , up to the period of its downfal in England . The second is a history of the Royal State Church , based upon its ruins by the great wife-killer , Henry VIII . ; and the third number follows up the record by a narration of the works of the Low Church of England , especially with reference to its policy towards Dissenters , The " historical notes" appended to each number add greatly to the value and the interest of Mr . Jones ' s work , which we cordially commend to all our readers , as being not only characterised throughout by the well-known fervid eloquence of the author , but as exhibiting , at the same time , an amount of patient , industrious , and learned research , which
imparts a value to the work , far beyond its bearing on the absorbing and exciting question of " Papal Aggression . '' It is only needful for us to say . that Mr . Jones is no more disposed to support Canterbury than Rome ; that Papacy , whether it developes itself at St . Paul ' s or St . Peter's , is equally his abhorrence : and that he advocates , powerfully and boldly , the complete emancipation of the human mind from all ecclesiastical thraldom , whatever that thraldom , being opposed to the pr inciples , doctrines , and practices of Christianity , as taught and practiced by its great Founder and Exemplar . As a specimen of the matter which abounds in the pages of the numbers under notice , we take from the historical supplement the following biography of £ aiMf (]) Dunstan : — * r '
He was bora of noble parents , Heorstan and Cynetbrytb , nrar Glastonbury , in Somersetshire , in the year 925 . When a boy , while delirious with fever , he started from his couch , fancying he was pursued by dogs—and seizing a stick , fled before his imaginary foes . Crossing the bills , he reached a church at * nightfall , which being under repair , he ran up the scaffolding , descended unhurt inside , and full asleep Awakening next morning , he wondered where he was , aroused tiie neighbourhood , and the occurrence was changed b y his friends into the miracle of angels descending to protect him from the Devil , bursting the roof of the church , and landing him safely ou the pavement . After this , his
uncle , the Archbishop of Canterbury , introduced him at court , where his snperior learning and acquirements caused him to be accused of magic—and he was forced to fly . It is not probable that" the youth lent himself at this time to any priestly deceptions ; on the contrary , he appears to have had an abhorrence of the ecclesiastical life , which was only strengthened by his becoming deeply enamoured of a youi-g girl , whom he married , despite the opposition of his friends and relatives . He was now exposed to such a system of persecution , on the ground of his marriage , as being contrary to monastic institutions , his family desiring him to embrace the church , that his constitution for the
tune sunk under the infliction-his wife was tern from htm , and he fell dangerousl y ill . It was long before he recovered ; and when at last he did , hi arose from bis bed a fierce , broken-hearted , gloomy fanauc . Leavin ? . hia home and kindred , Be , !« £ with his own bauds a grave behind tbe walls of a church ; it was five feet long , two wide , four feet above the ground and deep enough to stand upright in ; a lrtt ' e hole left at the top for air-he placed a forge inside , and dav by day , as well as in the deep silence of midnight , his hammer was alwavs heard
sounding steadily , except when laid aside to sav his orisons . One night the nei ghbourhood was alarmed by a foariul howling , aud the crowd was told that tbe Devil had been looking in through the little hole at the top , tempting him ; whereupon Dun * tan had seized him by the nose with Ma red hot pincers , and the shrieks of the fiend had been the sound that had disturbed the vicinage . Whether this was an intentional imposture or whether Dusistan had bsen the dupe of his own maddened mind , and thus saluted some unlucky boor , who had ventured in the dark to peep iu at
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the air hole , the circumstance brought him such immense celebrity , that he was forthwith invited to re appear at court . Ho left his grave to revisit as a conqueror that palace from which he had fled for his life . Honour was now showered upon him . lie was made Abbot of Glastonbury ; obtained a new charter in 914 , and restored the abbey with unprecedented Bplendour . Whether it was the gloomy ascetic spirit that had been roused in his breast , or whether , having been himself torn from the enjoyment of domestic happiness , he grudged its possession by another , ( and the reader of the human heart will be inclined to credit this explanation ) , he now waged an implacable war against the married clergy , and tried to establish celib ; icy in
the church . To effect it , he called over his terrible allies , the Benedictines , and introduced them into his monastery . The formidable militia was spread throughout the country , and Dunstau was its chief and leader . His power ro .-e with rapidity ; and scorning in his ambition all intermediate steps , he refused the see of Winchester , when offered , saying , " St . Peter in a vision had promised him the primacy . " lie was , however , made Bishop of Wor cester , and of London at the same time . A curious circumstancs now occurred that increased the superstitious awe with which he was surrounded ;
he prognosticated the approaching death of King Edred , and the prophecy came true . Tho beautiful young Edwy mounted the throne , and Dunstan forced him to establish the Benedictine discipline and celibacy among the clergy . The most terrible scenes of misery ensued—countless hearts were broken—countless homes made desolate ; but while tho - wife was torn from the husband , the concubine was left to the priest . Perhaps the revengeful spirit of Dunstan here again triumphed when inflicting that anguish which had been heaped upon himself ; if so , that spirit received a still more fearful satisfaction .
King Edwy had married the lovely Elgiva , a beautiful Princess of the blood royal , and happiness crown < d their wedded life . Ancient ballads long celebrated their beauties and their virtues . The gloomy churchman could not bear the speotacle , and conjointly with Archbishop Odo , denounced their union on the ground that the priDceES was a second or third cousin of her husband . At the coronation banquet , tho King , scarcely beyond the years of boyhood , disgusted at the excesses and drunkenness of his prelates and nobles , retired to the room of his wife and mother . Odo , Dunstan , and his relative , Cynesius , stirred up the guests at the supposed insult , and Odo ordered Dunstan and Cynesius to fetch the
fugitive back . They entered the Queen s chamber , and , maddened by the scene of tranquil happiness , called Elgiva a strumpet , and , wantonly insulting the King , dragged him back to the hall of riot and debauchery . The brave boy was not , however to be crushed thus easily , and indignant at the outrage offered to his wife and his crown , accused Dunstan of malversation in administering the treasury under King Edred . The flight of Dunstan speaks sufficiently for his guilt—and the rebellious prelate deprived of his honours and emoluments , is condemned to banishment . But he is supported by Archbishop Odo , the entire Benedictine order , and even the venerable Chancellor Turketil throws the weight of his influence in the scale . The
superstition of the age was far too strong to resist , tho old miracles of Dunstan were on every tongue , and young Edwy , battling for freedom , was utterly abandoned by his clergy , his nobles , and lrispeople . ^ The fierce Odo aissolved his marriage with El g iva , sent a party of soldiera to the palace , and the Queen having been seized , and her fuce branded with red-hot iron to mar her fatal beauty , was forcibly carried off to banishment in Ireland . Edw y had no power to resist , no soldiers to defend the palace , no subjects to support the throne ; he was obliged to consent to a divorce ; but nature healed the wounds of Elgiva ; she crossed from Ireland , reappeared in all her previous beauty in Gloucester , and threw herself into the arms of her husband .
He was unable to protect her—she fell into the bands of the human fiends the priest sent after her ; they tore her away , andcutthe nerves and muscles of her legs ' , that she might wander from their vengeance no more . In a state of extreme torture , she lingered for a few days and died ! The people , led by the priests , applauded the act ! But the tragedy was not completed yet—Dunstan stirred up the men of Mercia and Northumbria to revolt , and proclaim Edgar , a mere child , the brother of Edwy , King . Edwy was excommunicated , earth and heaven were shut against him , according to the belief of that remorselessjpriest—the custom of that barbaric age : —and he died , one historian says by the hand of an assassin—at least b y the acts of that assassin ,
Dunsun . The latter was now made Bishop of Westminster , and after Odo ' s decease , Archbishop of Canterbury . He publicly praised the murder of Edwy aud Elgiva , as a meritorious act , and told the people he saw devils dancing over the body of the fallen Prince , who would have dragged him into Hell , had he not interceded . —( Osbe / ne , 3 C 9 , 370 . ) Dunstan ' s insanity now bfoke all bounds . He claimed to be in constant intercourse with Heaven . At his consecration he caused a tame dove to alight on his head , and said it was the Holy Gho 3 t . He declared that Christ had espoused his mother ; that he had seen with his own eyes her solemn marriage to the King of Heaven , and that all the eternal cboii-3 joined in joyous hymns , teaching him an anthem on the occasion , which he had publicly
performed . —[ Acta SS . Mar t . A , p . 356 . —Osberne , 373 . ) King Edgar was his tool , perhaps a more licentious tyrant never lived . Among many other crimes , he violated and carried off Wulfrith , a noble nun , and the churchman who had caused the murder of Elgiva and the death of Edwy , for marrying a third cousin , punished the sin of Edgar by merely forbidding him to wear his crown on state occasions , for seven years ; these seven years the King spent in shameless vice . The secular clergy were now everywhere expelled , and replaced by Benedictines . When Edgar died , and during the minority of Edward , Dunstan ruled both church and state ; with sovereign authority—but , at last , his power began to wane , the nobility were alienated , and he was forced to meet his enemies at the
Council at Colne , in Wiltshire . Here he thought to restore his influence by a miracle . The greater part of the nobility were assembled in an upper chamber ; the Primate sat in an arm-chair , with his personal friends , at one end of the room ; he told his accusers to speak , and in reply merely said , " Christ shall judge between us . " At tho words , the entire'floor , except that part where Dunstan and his allies were sitting , fell into the abyss below ; many of the leading nobles were killed on the spot , the Prelate ' s chair alone remained unmoved ; but the device availed kim little—his power was gone—he returned to his see , and lived in gloomy solitude . In 9 S 8 , ten years after the massacre of-Colne , he
died , in the midst of fierce quarrels , which he bequeathed to his Benedictines on the one hand , and the secular clergy on the other , and which long split , devastated , and destroyed the nation . When on the point of death , he had his bed lifted three times to the ceiling , as about to be translated to Heaven . A monk declared that multitudes of archangels entered the room from all sides , with crowns of gold , to fetch him ; but Dunstan said he was not ready ; so they went promising to return on Saturday . { Tepes , t . 5 , p . 120 . ) They came , according to their promise ; at his funeral the people tore their faces with grief , and the departed churchman was chronicled as a saint on the muster-roll of Heaven .
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The Operative . Part I . Berger , Holywellstreet . This organ of the amalgamated iron trades is one of the most creditable specimens of working class literature , both as to quality and appearance , that we bave yet seen issued from the press . It contrasts admirably with the slang and trash published for tbe recreation of bon . and right hon . nobles in more fashionable quarters of the metropolis . Philosophy , soundly and eloquently written , essays laying
bare the causes of social evils , and earnestly enforcing adequate remedies—tales , poetry , and scientific and practical information , are combined in the part before us , from which we would gladly make copious extracts , did space permit . Its price , however , is so low as to place it within the reach of all our readers ; and we , therefore , the less regret our inability to show by a sample , how well merited is our high approval and commendation of the Operative . .
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Familiar Things j a Cyclopedia of Entertaining Knowledge . Illustrated with Wood Engravings . Arthur Hall , Virtue and Co ., Paternoster-row . An excellent addition to the literature and science of . the industrial classes . The contents of the present part treat of such "familiar things" as "Our Cup of Tea , " " The Sponge , " " Lamps and Candles , " "The Church Clock , " and " Tho Bouquet , " in a clear and attractive manner , which combines mind instruction with agreeable variety and entertainment . It is well known that " Our Cup of Tea " is subject to adulteration , and that sloe leaves are too often the
substitute for " souchong . " The Cyclopaedia throws the following light on this practice : — . Tea is extensively adulterated in China , and still more so in England . The Chinese dry many millions of pounds of the leaves of various plants for this purpose , and more particularly for the purpose of mixing
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^ tSa ^^ W *** ' which abound , EdlifSS ° h 5 ? 1 80 ft - dark green smooth leaves , veins ? "SSfftl ? - leav P ' wLth 8 tron ' 8 ly marke < 5 K « 2 ^{ S 5 jf ^^ familiar faiDt d . ^ Sffl « reidaIte ' * edbytli « cl ' hine » . ^ i > « SSeSll * ! > - MBwttaw the spurious SS&iuS ?« f ? v l bgtlt ? ted for the Kenuine ' Tile SecSed H e 8 pi ? ri 0 U 8 tea is carried on at » EnSh ^ S « TVi ! ^ - ^^ ° PPOilit e t 0 the tWatffiE ! . - ^ ? ftM 8 Meof tW river , and on our pal Panng U inlands some Uttle notice tuma dl Kd ! t f- hilv ? been ^ ""Wd by the au-¦ tev bottom , v t iQ baskets furuished with coal after wl ! pSL Chare P laced over P » M ° f char . to caat ron S , a J e removed in BI ™ P ortion " to cast iron pans placed over fumanps . vhL * th-v
, Kdds a iff * / *»**» with his ^ , who then&i S Powdered turmeric to the tea and Bf ^ pSH odtou ?^ Hy \ ro , bl 0 On 1 ' and e ? en 8 Omewhat of the riiSS Prepar l descrlbedabove ' » « P « - «? fi ?™^? er 6 ° e . 3 ll * process of picking the same M , \ tlT . Seilu'ne article , anumber of womenand ffiSTi l the tea placed before them in b " - ° K » iS ?¦ care «» y remove all coarse uncurled £ ? , ? D 8 . talk 8 ' . ? afterwards pass it in succession Hp » rSnf fi ^ i ? ieVe 8 ' P r 0 dUCe tllB differe "t te % n ? 'i firat pr ° duce 8 what isc » iied Hyson Skin , and the second Young Hyson . When the leaves are too large they are chopped and
re-The Chinese also substitute a species of moas , common to the mountains , for tea ; and also an infusion of ditterent sorts , of fern , and the leaves of the Camellia . Itia well known among those engaged in tho tea trade , that the Chinese themselves never make use of the green tea used for exportation , a fact that speaks for itself . Strong green tea , when unadulterated produces such disagreeable effects upon what are popularly termed , nervous constitutions , that some persons can never take even the smallest portion even whea combined wkh black tea , without experiencing sleeplessness , tremors , cold perspirations , anxiety , and great prostration of the systems generally . The brick , or tile tea is frequently imitated by mixing , sloe , and other leaves together , with the spoiled leaves and stalks of the tea plant , and some bullocks ' blood , which is then compressed and dried in an
oven . In this country the adulteration is again carried on , so that the previousl y adulterated tea is rendered still more spurious by the merchants in our own country , who , dealing it out wholesale , a r e not so liable to be detected as the retailer , who again addi his share to the general sophistication . Among the home adulterations we may notice , the extensive employment of elm , ash , hawthorn , sloe , apple , and other leaves ; waste tea leaves re-dried , and raisin stalks chopped up . A precious compound , truly !
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The Public Good . No . 14 for February . Passmore Edwards , Paternoster-row . A full and sympathetic memoir of Mazzini , the modern Rienzi , is spiritedly continued in the present number of The Public Good . " Paul Vauban" iB a capital sketch of Parisian Hfo and incidents connected with the Revolution « f February , 1848 . An Universal Language is indeed "One of the World ' s Greatest
Wants , " and though the proposition is not new , wo are glad to meet it agaiu . Had there been such a language , think of the Babel we should avoid , the inconvenience and confusion that would be prevented when our visitors from all parts of the world flock to the forthcoming Exhibition ? The other contents of the present number of this cheap and excellently conducted Magazine , ' are an agreeable melange of fact and fiction .
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PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED . Robert Owen ' s Journal . Part 3 . Clayton , Strand . The Poetic Companion ; Lovell ' s-courfc , Paternosterrow . . The Peace Advocate . 3 . Kaye , 80 , Fleet-street . The Temperance Tract Journal . J . Kaye , 80 , Fleetstreet . The Free Inquirer in Science , Politics , and Theology . Watson . Queen ' s Head-passage , Paternoster-row . " The ghriaus liberty of the c ' hildrn of Qod . " A letter addressed to the common people of the Roman Catholic laity . By Emancipator . Whitfiold , Essex-street , Strand . Helena or the Physician ' s Daughter . Novello .
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PRINCESS'S . -. The cast of As You Like It comprises , a large amount of histrionic force , The Rosalind of Mrs . Kean is one of those finished characters , arch without coarseness , and modulated into pathos where need requires , that wholly belong to her own mode of rendering poetical comedy . Tbe speeches of Jaques are effectively declaimed by Mr . Kean , who in the " seven ages" skilfully applies the oldpriuciple of making the aotor successively represent the phases he describes . Tbe attitudes of tho melancholy man are exceedingly well conceived . When he does not speak he is always so placed as to be u characteristic figure . in tho tableau of which ho forms a prominent part . Mr . Wigan ' s Orlando is the best of his representations in this , lino of character . The solicitude displayed for Old Adam is dwelt upon with more than usual emphasis , and represented in a natural , kindly manner . The comic
parts are all admirably filled . The consequential pomp of Mr . Keeley as Touchstone , the wondering stupidity of Mr $ . Keeley ' e Audrey , and the utter silliness of Mr . Meadows' William are not to be surpassed . Mr . Addison , who plays Adam , is careful and Intelligent , but he relapses into his old fault of overdoing . This part was acted at Windsor hy Mr . Bartley . The wise en scene is very beautiful . Not only are the scenes well painted aud weUsefc , hut the sylvan Bentinient of the piece has been aptly caught and rendered Visible so far us the necessary limits of a stage will allow . The forest ia so conitructcd that the characters can wind their way through trees from the remotest backgrounds , and approach the audience by crossing a rustic bridge . The stream at tho foot of the slope seems flowing on purpose to accompany the meditations of Jaques . Less brilliant , from the nature of tbe subject , the decorations of As You Like It are quite as creditable to the management as those of Henry IV .
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HAYMARKET . A little after-piece in one act , called Good for Nothing , was produced at this theatre on Monday night , with an extraordinary degree of success . It is said to be from the pen of Mr . Buckstone , who has been happy in the originality of his idea , in the simple , but effective , manner in which he has worked it out , and in Mrs . Fitzwilliam ' s most admirable performance of the heroine . The oharacters are all m humble life . Tom and Harry are two brothers , living together . and . pursuing their separate occupations , the one being a gardener and the other a railway fireman . They have , as an inmate , Nan , the orphan child of a poor friend of theirs , who had died and left , her' destitute . The honest follows love her as their child , and she calls them her fathers , but they have no idea of how she
should be brought up , and sho is allowed to run wild about the streets , uneducated anduntended , playing among the boys of the neighbourhood , and growing up a little savage , while her protectors are quite unable to determine what is to be done with her . A young carpenter , who frequents the house , tries to raise in her mind Borne sparks of self-reBpect and ambition . Charley tells her bow other young women behave , and describes one young woman with whom he walks , out on Sundavs , dressed in . her nice bonnet and shawl , neat shoes , and white cotton stockings . The poor girl , deeply mortified , and stung by unconscious iealousv .
begins to see herself in her true light ; and her mind , roused for the first time to reflection , is labouring with a throng of new thoughts , when she makes a further discovery . Her " fathers " are in trouble ; they cannot pay their rent , and are about to be turned out of their dwelling . Her awakened faculties begin to understand something of what is passing round her , and she feels the bitterness of being <' fiOod for nothing . " She takes up a money-box which has been devoted to her benefit , and whioh her "fathers" have made a solomn resolution not to touch , and armed with tnusne acts out to satisfy . the landlord , havino
first improved her personal appearance so as to become a very decent-looking sort of damiel . A £ 5 note , sent to her by a parent whose child in her rough benevolence ehe has saved from drowning , comes opportunel y to the aid of her " fathers ' , " and ho is promised m marriage to the sage carpenter . Ihis little piece is essentiall y one of character , the plot being merely devised for the sake of developing the personages . Nan , loutish , sulky , and good humourod , is admirably played by Mrs . Fitzwillwm . She has evidentl y made a thorough btudy of a part entirely new to the statro . and nothing
eouia Ue more tangibly real than the result . The fathers have each his distinctive attribute . Tho etotens of that rough straightforward temperament which Mr . Howe can so well assume , and is perfectly ma'le up as a frank , handsome speoim . cn ot tue working classos . The market-gardener affects serenity of temper , bub always becomes loud and angry as he proceeds , and this peculiarity is most humourously represented by Mr . Buckstone .
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BWWWillMiiMWWII ¦—wi « e—tVrBJmm ^— TT . Mii . QUEEN'S . The interesting drama , from tho French of Palliate , entitled Belphegor the Conjuror , has been produced at this theatre ou a scale of groat splondpur . We have already given the plot and incidents on its production at the Adelphi and Surrey theatres , and it is unnecessary to go over the same ground again . As at the Sarrey there is no underplot to detract the attention of the audience from the main issue , and thecharaoter of Belphegor affords ample scope for the exercise of Mr . E . Green ' s well known talents . The poverty of the fond husbiind and kiud parent , bis anxiety for his family , bis present to his wifo , who has forsaken him for the love sho bears to her sick childhis introduction as the
, Chevalier do llollac to the Duke de Montbazan , and his joy at the happy denouement , was most admirably conceived , and received the hearty plaudits of the house . The part of Madeline , who is devoted to her husband , despite the remonstrances of her family , was sustained with great force b y Mrs . C . Boyce , ami in the last scune where she has two alternatives , either to disown her husband or doom him to death , her excellent anting seemed to establish a reality . Mr . Bigwood was the beau ideal ot an itinerant showman , and the remaining chaiacters «; ere well supported by the company . Great attention has been paid to the getting up of this piece , and its success is most decided . The Pantomime still continues to bo a source of great attraction .
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Marshal Hatnau . —Tiie Pantomimes asd tiik Iobd CiiAMDBRtAiK . —The incidents of Haynau ' * visit to Bankside , aa every playgoer knows , huve been seized on by the authors of nearly all the pantomimes of the season , aud the passages in which they are introduced havo never failed to elicit applause . After the lapse of more than a month the Lord Chamberlain has seen fit to take official notice of this personal reference , and in one instance to request its omission . In consequence of the suggestion of the Lord High Chamberlain , conveyed through Sir William Mar tin , two comic scenes bave this week been cut out of the pantomime at Astley ' s Amphitheatre , one representing the exterior o- Barclay ' s brewery , with draymen , horses , &c . i the other
the badroom of the public house in which the Baron took rafuge . As it is not imagined that the aovernment could see any possible evil likely to arise from this representation , the popular inference is that this interference has been prompted by tbe Austrian Ambassador . Among other pieces , tbe representation of which has been stopped by the authorities at the chamberlain ' s office , mny be mentioned the highly popular hippo-dramatic spectacle of" Turpin ' s Ride to York , " which has been played on the boards of most of the metropolitan and provincial theatres for the last thirty-five years . The performance of " Jack Sheppard" and " Oliver Twist , " as dramatised from the versions of Harrison Ainsworth and
Charles Dickens , has also been interdicted . In military spectacles , illustrative of the triumphs of British arras , tho Lord Chamberlain ' s officials refuse to allow the names of living heroes to appear as dramatis personcc , they being merel y described by the title of their appointments , such as the " Commander of the British Forces , '' or the " General Cqmmandinging-in-chief , " " Colonel of the Life Guard , " 4 c ; and in one or two cases , " The Affghanistan War , " for instance , which wa 9 produced at Astley ' s , tho manuscript was returned to the Lord Chamberlain ' soffice , in order to ascertain that the required alterations had been made . The playbills of each theatre and " saloon " licensed by the Lord Chamberlain are regularly supplied at his office , at S . James ' s .
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CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTHDAY OF THOMAS PAINE . On Monday last , about sixty of the disciples of this jjveat man dined together , in the largo room at the Seven Stars Inn , Nottingham . Alter ample justice had been dono to the good things provided for tho occasion , Mr . James Sweet was called to the chair , and , in a suitable speech , introduced the following sentiment : — " To the Immortal Memory of Thomas Paine—may Reason and Common Sense guide his disciples in their warfare with the enemies of the Rights of Man ; " which having been drank in solemn silence ,
Mr . S . Ktdb responded , and gave a faithful history of the times in which Paine lived , the difficulties under which he laboured , and the glorious services which ho rendereibb y his pen to his adopted country . Mv . Kydd ' s address , which lusted an hour , was received with repeated cheers . The following sentimeats were also given and responded to : — " The Sovereignty of the People , " " Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., and tho Advocates of the People ' s Charter in the House of Commonsmay their number be speedily augmented ; " '' The Rights of Labour ; " " To the Memory of John llorne Tooke ; Thomas Spence , Major Cartwright . Henry Hunt , William Cobbett , and the illustrious dead of every age and nation , who , by their voice or their pen , have demanded for every man of due age and sound mind , the rights ' of citizenship—may their spirits animate their successors , until the working millions are free . "
Patriotic songs and recitations followed in rapid succession , and , during the evening , tho " Health of our esteemed Parliamentary Leader , T . S . Duncombe , Esq ., " was given , and sorrow expressed for bis long-continued and severe indisposition , and many wishes were expressed for his restoration to health . ' The "Health of Mr , Kydd , and regret at the absence of several of our Old Friends and Disaiples , in consequence of age and . infirmities , " having been spoken to , the thanks of the meeting were awarded to the worthy host and hostess , to tho Committee of Management , and the Chairman , and the company separated , with best wishes for each other's welfare .
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v MEETING AT SHEFFIELD .-THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN . A public meeting of females was held oh Wednesday evening , February 5 th , in the Democratic Temperance Hotel , 33 , Queen-street , for the purpose of reading the Queen ' s speech , and also to adopt a petition to parliament for the enfranchisement of adult females . Mrs . Obiate Higginbottom was called upon to preside . After she had read tho speech , the following motion and petition were unanimously agreed to : — " That , seeing the Queen is enjoying her prerogative as < i woman , this meeting is of opinion that until the entire enfranchisement of women is conceded , justice will not bo dono ; therefore , this meeting resolve to petition the legislature for the enactment of a bill which will enfranchise tho whole female adult population of this empire , and that the following be the petition : —• • . , . " To the Honourable the Commons of Great Brittain and Ireland in Parliament assembled , " The humble petition of the female inhabitants of Sheffield , in the County of York , in public meeting assembled , held on Wednesday evening , in tho Democratic Temperance Hotel , Queen-street , Feb . 5 th , 1851 , ; ' " Sheweth , that we , the females of Sheffield do approaoh your honourable house with all due respect , to make known our desires and opinions upon a subject which we consider is a right withheld , but which , - legitimately , belong to our sex , the ehfran « hisement of women . Therefore , we beseech your honourable house to take into your serious consideration the propriety of enacting nn electoral law , which , will include adult females within its provisions , and your petitioners will ever pray . " The next resolution was " That the foregoing petition be entrusted to Mr . John Parlser , the borough member , for presentation , and that John Arthur Roebuck , his colleague , be requested to support the same . " Thanks beeing voted to the chair , thie meeting broke up .
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FmonATiON from Gbrsiant . —In the course of the year 1850 , the number of German emigrants from the port of Antwerp is quoted at 7 , 010 . Of the 3 o 6 , 134 went to New York , 737 to New Orleans , and 145 to Valparaiso . The number of emigrants from the port of Hamburgh amounted to 7 , 8 . 04 , of whom 5 , 025 went to New York ; 575 to New Orleans and Galveston ; 120 to Rio Grande do Sul ; to San Francisco , in the Brazils , 110 ; to Valparaiso , 252 ; to Quebec , 587 ; to St . Francisco , in California , 212 "; and to Australia , 477 . The number of emigrants from Antwerp was , in 1849 , 10 , 260 ; in 1848 11 , 075 ; and in 1847 , 14 , 613 . TheBe fi gures show a steady decrease of German emi gration—at least so far as the port of Antwerp is concerned . —Miner Ztitung . Tue FALKinKBuRons . -Mr . - Bell has withdrawn from the contest for the representation of the Falkirk burghs , vacant by the elevation of the Earl of SlM w D t ° T- ° Newca 8 tle ' ° "Start now lies between Mr . Bmrdand Mr . Wilson .
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A Lisping Lover . — "Sal , " said lisping Bill , "if you don t love me , thay tho ; and if you love me , and don t like to thay tho , squcethe my hanth . " UN the average ( says the Times ) every man travellin ^ percent - of nisin c ° me in Railway " Jim , I hear you are on a cruise after Dick , to SSai ^ - ' ^ ^ ^ d on . HW J ? n ! rf w E f , ? ' m - iIr ' Woodman , sur-& iW ^ ^ ns ° f Plaster , s . coess-« uVr 3 p It h T
Fat Persons . —Corpulent persons desirous of regaining their shape should apply to some newspaper establishment , for the offloe of collector . Tllf y will run their fat off long before their ofiice becomes a sinecure . —American Paper . Thk Scientific American says , that a man in Orange County was f » und , one nisrht " , climbing an oveiahotwheel in a fulling mill . He was asked what ii- ; was loinc ; ? He saiil he was trying to get up to bed , but somehow or other the stairs wouldn't hold still . Captain Harms the Abyssinian traveller , when introduced by especial favour into the lady-chapel of the Cathedral of Shoa , is stated to have fouml the walls of that holiest of Abyssinian shrines bung round with coloured prints of the great Leicestershire steeple chase .
Ah , my fine fellow " said one man to another , slapping him on tbe shoulder , " you ' re one of the men we wad of . ' - "Uow so "inquired the other ; W m"tt " readof me ? ~" In the polic » report - ' lhe man we read of " doubled his fist , but the other was at a safe distance . A CoNTiusT .-Tlio Protestants have obtained a firman trom lhe Sultan , establishing them in tlieprivilego to build churches like other Christians , as the Arrmnians and Greeks . A similar privilege lias been refused by the Pope to the Protestants of Home . Incorrigibly Happy ' . —In one of Addison ' s plays the undertaker reproves one of lm mourners for laughing at a funeral , and says to him : — " You rascal , you ! I have been raising your wages for these two years , upon condition that you should appear more sorrowful , and the higher wages you receive , the happier vou look !"
"Look up ! " thundered the captain of a vessel , as his boy grew dizzy while gazing from tbe top-mast , '' Lookup ! " The boy looked up and returned iu ¦ af ety . Young man , look up , and you will succeed . Never look down and despair . Leave dangers uncared for , and push on . If you falter , you lose . Look up I Do right , and trust in God . A Cukious Calculation . —Same astute mathematician announces that " one pair of rats , with their progeny , will , in three years , produce as many as six hundred and forty-sis thousand eight hundred and eight rats , which consume , day by day , as much food as sixty-four thousand six hundred and eighty men , leaving six rats to starve !"
To Dog-keepers . —It has been stated to us that , lately , an eminent Liverpool gentleman has lost several fine Bportins dogs from tbe use of scrap cake , a compound sold for the use of such animals by tallowchandlers , but which , from the abundance of arsenic now . contnined in its composition , is calculated to result in fatalMes fat from agreeable to the patrons of the ennino race . SiMPticiTy . —A little girl , who had been visiting in the family of a neighbour , hearing them speak of ber father being a widower , on her return home ,
addressed him thus :- "Pa , are you a widower ?" " Yes , my child . Do you not know your mother is dead ?"— " Why , yes , I knew ma was dead , but you always told me you were a Welshman . " Novel Specola . tion . ~ A party has entered into an arrangement with the London and North Western Railway Company , to make use of certain portions of tho interior of their Railway carriages , for the purpose of posting bills and trade announcements in them . De has purchased this privilege by paving to the Company the sum of £ 1 , 200 for tbe vear . "
Population of Sweden . —The total population of the kingdom of Sweden is estimated at 3 , 533 , 200 , viz .: 1 , 842 , 400 males , and 1 , 600 , 800 females . On . the 1 st January , 18-16 , the population was 3 , 326 , 902 , so that the increase in the last five vcars has been 216 , 203 , or 6 per cent . Poets and Poultry . —What the Pbranix was to tbe young poets of England , and the Angels to Dr . Watts , tbe Eagle is to the American bards . Poets seem fond of poultry . American poetry never will improve till the sch olmaster here flogs the ea « le out
ot the young scholars of the west , as Dr . Bowyer . whipped the Phoenix out of the Christ school students of London;—A ' cio l ' oi'jfc Figaro . A Borrowed Countenance . —A Gascon officer , demanding his salary from the Minister of War , maintained that he was in danser of dying of hung ; r . lhe Minister , who saw that his visage was full aud ruddy , told him that his face gave tiie lie to his statement . "Ah ! sir , " said the Gascon , "don't trust to that ; ( his lace is not mine . If . belongs to my landlord , who has given me credit fora long limo past . "
A Man Framed and Glazed . —A watchman on duty in Radnor-street , Hulme , a" little after four o ' clock one morning last week ; heard a noise at the cellar-widow of a house in Albert Terrace . On directing his lantern to the window , its luminous raya displayed a man in a somewhat sincular predicament ; ho had his legs through two lower panes , and his arms through two upper ones , and beine intoxicated be was unable either to advance or retreat . Insurance . —Among the recent speculations in the ciiy , is a company to insure females against dying old maids . Theratcs of premium differ according to looks and disposition . While a smart , tidy girl is insured for two per cent ., brazen , ill natured spinsters are charged , in some instances , as high as ten . Where snuff is used , one per cent , extra is charged .
n omen . —Perhaps one reason why women bear affliction—as I believe they generally do—better than men , is because , they make no attempt to fly from the cause of it , but betake themselves patiently to the duties , however painful , which they are to perform . It is the old emblem of the reed and the oak ; they bend , and therefore they are not broken ; and then comes peace of mind , which is the fvuit of resignation . — Southey ' s Life . An accomplished Miss , on returning to her fathers house , after having been one quarter at a boarding school , quite shocked her brother , whose language and ideas were rather unsophisticated , with her refined expressions . " I declare , "' said he , one day , to his father , " our Sally bas got to be so lamed that I cannot understand above half what she says . TwaBonly this morning that she stuck a po on to later , and called Ireacle molasses . "
The Hen-pecked Husband ' s best Fbihnd . — The other evening , after Mons . Robin bad completed his extraordinary trick of making Madame Robin disappear , by putting an extinguisher over her , he was waited upon by a country gentleman , who , after expressing his wonder at the very surprising manner in which the lady had gone no one could tell where , said , "lie should certainly bring his own wife tomorrow , and would like to know what Mons . Robin would charge for getting rid of her iu the same manner . —Punch .
Printing . —A correspondent of the Weekly Kcwi announces that , among the specimens of ingenuity to be transmitted to the forthcoming Exhibition , is a machine of French invention , that provides for the rapid distribution and composition of printing types . In a very small compass it contains tho cases ' , and 64 , 000 letters for the day ' s work of a compositor , who is . enabled to compose Roman and Italic without shifting his position , andean distribute , compose , and justify at the rate of 10 , 000 letters an hour , instead of 1 , 000 , as heretofore .
The American Senate have determined on one of tbe most magnificent projects of ancient or modern times—the formation of a great national mul , o »« hundred , miles wide ! And extending from the western frontier of Missouri to the Pacific Ocean , by which communications are to be opened witk California , Oregon , and New Mexico—these branch lines to be // ty miles wide ! On the main road are to be three distinct lines—one for the railway , another for the carriage way , and a third for foot passengers—a strip being reserved for a line of telegraph .
A Refuge for the Effeminate . —A few days after Colonel Timms had eone to Wareham to visit his uncle , WK Elwes , a quantity of rain fell in the right . He had not been long in bed till he felt himself wet through ; and putting his hand out of the clothes , found-the rain was dripping through the ceiling upon the bed . He got up and moved the bed , but he had not lam long before he found the same inconvenience . Again he got up , and tupin the rain = t ^ ftS ^ -S& tttt ^^^^ t £ & ! t z& t ^^ ;^ ™ it ? i& ; i mee corner in the rain ! ' ^ PictortlmfHoS !! ind S ! rm | HUA !! akdthb Yakkeb . -A Yankee WhPn 1- ! liw raan ° Wned a pig in C ° -P ^» ership . when killing time came , thev wished tn , i ; vi , io . im
cat case . The ^ ankee was very anxious to divide so mat he could get both hind quarters , and ptreuafed the frenchman that the proper wav to divide was to cut it across the back . The . Frenchman ngrceil to it , onoondmonthat the Yankee would turn bis back and take choice , of the pieces after it was cut in two . 1 . he Yankee turned his back , and the . Frenchman asked- " Vich piece vill you have ; ze piece wid ze tail on him or sw piecR vat aiut srot no tail ?"— " The piece with the tail ! " shouted the Yankee insfantly . — " Den by gav you can take him , and 1 take za oder one , " said the Frenchman . Upon turning around , the Yankee found that tho Frenchman had cut off all the tail and stuck it into tbe pig's mouth .
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Warnm- " . ' "" THE NORTHERN STAR . ——^—¦ in . ¦ in .. —in ,, Q
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ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION . Dr . Bachhoffner still continues his most excellent and instructive lectures on " Allmsm ' a electric 1 'ght , " and Mr . Pepper astounds his auditors with his brilliant and magnificent experiments with Fire and its antagonists . Among the latest additions to this establishment aro the Lockwood Family , who are performing daily here , under the direction of their instructor , Mr . Frederick
Clmttevton , and dtlighttho visitoi-3 with their brilliant and effective execution . To the curious in clocks we would point out one just being demonstrated , which has all the appearance of magic , and like all magical delusions , are easil y comprehended j it ib explained in tho Great Hall of the establishment , amongst the other meohiinic . il constructions , and was introduced here by tho president of the institution , S ; r George Cayloy , Bart ; In appearance it is Rimply one sheet of glass and a hand , yet this instrument chronicles time accurately .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 8, 1851, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1612/page/3/