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sponsible and uncontrolled decision , will , therefore , become unpleasantly common . We may criticise the acts of the Legislature , of the Government , of the heads of the Church —of all lands of public men and bodies , but one . County Court Judges are a tabooed das , not to he referred to in the most distant mannerj except , of course , eulogistically . This way appear preposterous and nonsensical to some of oar readers , hut we assure them , in all graT % , that such are the preten-*~ - % i _ «_ A * i « tr * rvnti-nllAf ? rfonicimv 'will .
sions of Mr . JIamshay ; such the grounds on ¦ H-hichhe not only condemned Mr . TVhiity , ihe Editor of the 'Liverpool Journal , 'to pay £ 20 , or go to prison for twenty-eight days , Jmt upon which he is now seeking to punish the son of that gentleman , and four detective police-officers , for non-resistance to his rerbal order . Bamshay is even more despotic than 23 onapabxe , and thinks he may dispense with the stupid and useless formalities of summonses , and such like preliminaries to
condemnation . The immediate cause of these extraordinary proceedings may he shortly stated . In a recent case , Mr . JIamshay took the opportunity of stating that the people of that part of the country appeared to have not the slightest regard to the solemnity of an oath , and were equally destitute of the common feelings of huinauity , Mr . WHITXY , in the placard announcing the next number of the ' Journal , ' drew attention to this judicial dictum , by a single line— ' Jlr . JRamshay ' s opinion of the People of Liverpool' In the paper the
observation was recorded without comment , or colouring of any kind , in connexion with the facts which elicited it . One would have imagined , that nothing could be more moderate than this on such provocation ; hut ' his Honour » thought differently , and commenced a series of high handed proceedings , to which we have fortunately no parallel of late in this country . In the first place , without warrant or summons , he seized upon a bill-sticker , and tumbled over the whole of his stock in trade , to see if any of the obnoxious placards were in Ins possession . It was discovered that
llB had none of them ; otherwise , his Honour intimated , he would have forthwith sent him to gaol . The next step was to dispatch his bailifls with verbal orders to drag Mr . Whihy before him , to answer for the high crime and misdemeanour of which lie had been guilty . Mr . WHrrir , who was himself for several years the head of the Liverpool police , thought this free and easy method of * proceeding rather too much of a . good thing , and theatened physical force , if 1
the myrmidons of ' bis Honourdid not decamp . They did leave , but only to return with reinforcements to be defeated a second time ; and it was not until * his Honour' found Mr , "Warnx was determined to be punctilious , and not to be got at without the observance of the preliminary forms , that he yielded so far as to issue a summons for hie appearance , which ¦ was immediately obeyed . But his Honour merely complied with an absurd prejudice in favour of summonses—there was no necessity for such , a document . Be holds that his
verbal order is as good as all the warrants in the world , aud that , too , when given to parties ¦ w hose official position is by no means clear , for even his understrappers do not appear to be duly certificated and indicated into their offices . The only charitable explanation offered for this extraordinary conduct is , that the man is insane . But wby should the ' Times' treat 3 £ r . Kajishat as a madman , for doing precisely what 3 J . BffosAPAETE does , though on a smaller scale , when it constantly upholds the PitESIDEXl in his ferocious aud relentless persecution of the Press iu France ? justice and r ight do not alter in their nature , according to a difference in latitude . If it is madness on
the part of a public functionary iu this country , to take offence at publicity being given to his acts , aud comments being made upon these acts by the Press , in this country , it must be equally mad on the other side of the narrow channel which separates Folkestone from Boulogne . Air . JLoishax ' s folly has happened very opportunely to illustrate folly of the same kind on a larger scale . It is a capital
burlesque of theEx-SrECiALCoxsiABLE ; and the summary manner in which * His Honour' will he expelled from an office , the duties of which he is incapable of discharging properly , is only an indication of the fate which , awaits his foolish compeer at the Elysee . In both instances they kick against the pricks . The Press will destroy both of them , and that all the more surely the more they try to stifle and to outrage public opinion .
One other similarity in the two cases : I / OUIS 2 Japoleos was elected President by the laud-hearted and generous people of France , lecause he was his Uncle ' s Nephew . Notwithstanding his many shortcomings , and his obvious unfitness for the place , there are many of . tbem , who for his Uncle ' s sake , and the recollection of a name great in France , would Lave no objection to continue him in it . In like manner Mr . Ram shay was appointed a County Court Judge , by a kind-hearted and confiding nobleman , because his grandfather and father had been successively land agents
for the Earls of Cabusle . The presentwearer of that title soon found out , however , that better qualifications were required for such a position . His protege gave universal dissatisfaction in Liverpool . Complaints poured in upon him from all quarters . An investigation took place , in the course of which Lord Carxisle was so forcibly impressed with the unfitness of the man for Ms place , that he earnestly
requested Mm to resign it , and offered an indemnity , in the shape of £ 1 , 000 a year , from Iiis own pocket ! Mr . Kamshay , however , was obstinate , and no legal evidence being before Iris lordship , an acquittal from the charges was pronounced , followed by some most unseemly demonstrations on the part of the restored Judge , and menaces against the Press , which we have just seen carried into effect .
It ought to be a leBson to Lord CARLISLE to seek for other qualifications than those on which he appointed Mr . Eausiuy , in the future exercise of his patronage as a member of the Government . To the public it exhibits the manner in which functionaries , haying important dutie 3 to perform , are foisted into positions for which they are utterly unfit , by private and personal influences and considerations , which should have no weight whatever in such transactions ; and , above all , that
a free , unfettered , and independent press is the great Bafeguard of national freedom and progress . Ifc is only by keeping a watchful e \ e upon the proceedings of all public functionaries , and freely pointing out where their conduct runs counter to the public interest or Violates any of the great principles of puttie justice , that these parties can be made truly responsible , and preserved m thatframe of mind which enables them most efficiently and Judiciously to serve the nation . In proportion as that surveillance is withdrawn , justice is perverted , abases are multiplied , and tyranny Ijecomes rampant . , ¦ , . hesitated to
In this spirit we have never criticise the sayings and doings of the Judges in our highest courts . Their being placed m such eminent posit ions , does not absolve tiieni from such comments , but rather invites it . They themselves must feel that it is a great advantage to have their judgments constantly revised by that greatest of all courts of ap--peal public opinion ; and that while a free ana told * commentary npon their conduct does not interfere , in the slightest , with the m anly , just , and independent discharge of their Unties , it helps materially to the discharge o * thesd duties , not only satisfactorily to the comanunity a * Jarg ^ ^ ut to their ovru consciences .
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WOLVERHAMPTON CONSPIRACY FOE REGULATING WAGES . THE METROPOLITAN CENTRAL DEFENCE COMMITTEE TO THE ASSOCIATED AND NON-ASSOCIATED TRADES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND . Fellow Workmen , —The time is rapidly approaching when the Stafford verdicts must either be resolutely combatted in the Court of Queen's Bench , or eight innocent men consigned to an unmerited and degrading imprisonment . And not only this , but in the confirmation of these inconsiderate , sweeping verdicts , is involved a precedent by which the future acts of working men , in their disputes with their employers will be judged and dealt WOT * l 7 UT ) tJ A ATT * fnr \ % T n /^\ TDT ) iD A / TV
with . Already are the manufacturers iu various parts of the country preparing to adopt and act upon the new version of the lav ? as settled by Mr . Justice Erie , at the late trials , which pronounces it an indictable offence for men to peaceably persuade another not to work fer ' a given employer under a certain rate of wages , and for a society m combination of workmen to do so , through their officers , to be an illegal conspiracy . To place this beyond all doubt , we here insert the exact words of Mr . Justice Erie upon this point ( taken from the short-hand writer ' s verbatim notes . ) Previously to Mr . Parry addressing the jury , for three of the defendants , he thus addressed the judge : —
Mr . Parry . — Will yourlordship allow m to submit that there is no evidence to go to the jury against Winter * I do not know whether your lordship's attention has been directed to the point , but as far as the evidence is concerned , all the evidence that I can find is aa regards his own actual conduct , that he was present at the meeting of the 22 ad of October at the ^ theatre . He appears to have taken no part at that meeting , and two of the
witnesses—two of the young men that were called Shinton and Robinson—say that Green and Winters paid them twelve shillings and sixpence while they were out of work . ' Sir . Justice Erie , after stating that , in his Opinion , there was evidence against some of the defendants o { a stronger description than the others , proceeded to say , that , ' with respect to Peel , it is evidence of a peculiar description , not in the same class with them , but it stands as a different class and a different
question . Then with respect to Winters and Rowlands , they appear to stand very much in the same class . They are not actually cooperating with the men who break their contracts , or who are sent away drunk , but they are actually co-operating as to payment , ft is not a loose opinion with respect to Winters , because with regard to Rowlands and Winters , it appears they did just what you say , and from what was said by Mr . Whately and from what will be said by you , this question of law will in my mind be raised ; that is , whether persons combining together to obstruct and molest a given manufacturer , in
order to force him to alter his mode of carrying on his business , and in pursuance of that conspiracy , persuaded free-men to leave him or paid-freemen ( that being the overt act ) , whether they are guilty , of an indictable offence . The thing- is so charged in the indictment , and my opinion on the subject here is , not as if I was deciding the law in the other court and laying down the law . I have an opinion on the subject ; and with respect to this indictment , I should tell the jury , in my opinion , that constituted an indictable offence , and should recommend them , if they considered that to be made out , to acquit them of the other part of the charge , and to find them guilty of the ninth count only . Then , if that be an untenable proposition in point of law ,
you will have the benefit of it , and in that way t'ie point you vm * e abwii to submit to me is perhaps answered . I propose to lay down with respect to the ninth count , that if they ( the jury ) . ate of opinion that he conspired to obstruct Mr . Perry in his business for the purpose of making him alter his business and in pursuance of that , paid his free men to go away , they ought to find him guilty at present . And the question , whether that is an indictable offence or not , will be reserved for discussion hereafter . If it is not , he will go free ; if it is , the punishment will be what is proper to be awarded . ' Fellow workmen , no language can be plainer than this—there cannot be any mistake about it . This either is or is not the law of
the land . Judge Erie says plainly that it is . Judge Rolfe and the present Attorney General as distinctly , that it is not . Biit Judge Erie ' s , being the latest judicial opinion , will be , and is , greedily seized upon by some unprincipled money hunting mauufacturers of whom these Perrys are but a type , as a justification for them ' to ride rampant over the rights' of their workmen , thus prostrated by the legal dictum of Mr . Justice Erie . It is for you , fellow-men , to decide whether you are prepared to surrender your constitutional rights , secured to you , as it has always been thought , by the letter and spirit of the statute-law , to the dishonest prejudices of a class jury , or the unsupported opinion of a single judge . This is the question we now call upon you to well weigh and promptly to decide
upon . But a very abort time remains before tho defendants must be in a position either to resist the verdict of the jury and the ruling of the judge , by the highest legal talent that can be obtained , or to submit , without demur or defence , to the punishment which awaits on the unopposed verdict of the jury and the indisputed dictum to the judge . The most influential portion of the press are already enlisted on the part of your oppressors . The " Times" and " Daily News , " ia particular , have been vieing with each other in forestalling a vindictive sentence , which shall have the eftect of deterring any of you from daring a resistance to
whatever tyrannies your employers may chooso to inflict upon you . If you wish to preserve the little that remains to you of freedom of action , you must not slumber . The time for preparation is very brief—and preparation for the ensuing contest ( if the principle is to be defended ) must commence immediately . We , therefore , again , fellow-workmen , invite you , as you value your independence , and would wish to bequeath it unimpaired to your posterity to view this question as one that concerns yourselves and each of you , as nearly as either of the eight defendants ; they are but fighting m defence of our rights , and the sentence which dooms them to a common gaol , pronounces your doom whenever you dare dispute the mandates of an oppressive employer . We place tho question before
you in its true bearings , from a thorough conviction that the working men of England are not prepared to surrender themselves the unresisting slaves of capital , at the verdict of a prejudiced ) ury , or upon the questionable ruling of aiudgo . We have said that the time for preparation is extremely short . But a brief period will intervene between this and the first day of term , the 2 nd of November , and in this interval all the preparation for a most important legal discussion has to be made . We hope that every class of working men —that every individual workman into whose hands this appeal may come—will at once , if ho baa not already done ao , contribute his aid in defence of tue rights of his class , which is now threatened by a powerful confederacy of capitalists , backed by tue still greater power of an unprincipled and mreling
The Central Defence Committee , composed of delegates from the metropolitan trades , are entirely independent and disconnected with the defendants , or any of them . This is not a question of Tin-plate Workers , of this society or of tnat society , but a question of the working classes 01 England in defence of their rights against tne invasion of capital . The question is a pub o question , and is taken up by them upon public grounds alone . ..., . < A balance sheet , in detail , will be published and forwarded to every society or individual who has contributed to the Defence Fund . Its meetings and its books are open to all . It » earnest !) requested that all subscribed money now in tne hands of Secretaries , or other officers , will be at once forwarded to Mr . George Greenslade , becretaryi at the Bell Inn , Old Bailey , London , lost office Orders to be made payable at the Sfc . Mai'tm s-
le-erand , or Bloomsbury Post-offices . The law brooks no delay , aud all future proceedings are now in . abeyance , for want of fi ""* * , , To the rescue then , working men of Engiana Justice and liberty for labour ! Equal rights and eoual laws ! - By order of the equauaws . CMI / ttDKJiKes C 0 JDIHlBB .
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Bringing out the Truth . —The first of November will be an epoch in the administration of justice in this country . On that day will come into operation the act which , was passed in the last session of Parliament for admitting the evidence , in civil trials , of the parties to them—a change the magnitude and importance of which can only be estimated by those whose duties as lawyers , or whose misfortunes as suitors , have made them familiar with the course of trial which has hitherto been observed in all our higher courts ; and which , until of late years ( when it ' has been , by the authority of the legislature , abandoned in the County Courts ) , was the general rule of our law . Thus , ihose who are in general best acquainted with the facts which it ia the object of the
trial to establish , have been hitherto prevented from speaking in their own behalf , and from being questioned on behalf of their opponents . This rule of practice has been persevered in , from the assumption that the testimony of plaintiff or defendant was so sure to be false , that it would be a waste of time and a misleading of the judge and jury to hear it . Crossexamination—on which so much stress is laid , when it is desired to glorify our method of trial—was here rejected , as furnishing , it was thought , no safeguard . Moral and religious obligations to speak the truth were treated as of no power over the mind of the interested wituess ; and the law of England aspersed all
men as being utterly untrustworthy ; while , at the same time , it-would have punished each for a libel if he had applied to individuals the stigma thus fixed upon the body at large . Eight years only have elapsed since the slightest amount ( even to one farthing ) Of interest in a cause disqualified any witness from being heard upon it ; the law carrying the presumption of which we have spoken to its full extent . So far it operated logicaily and consistently , though not with wisdom ; because , when a course is erroneous , inconsistency becomes an excellence ; for it is better to be nearly right than wholly wrong . — Dickens ' s "Houseliold Words "
Melancholy Accidknt . —The arrival of the London steamer Leitb , at Granton , on Saturday night , was attended by a melancholy casualty . Among those in waiting to receive their friends was a young man of the name of Gillon , holding a situation of seme re sponsibility in the office of Mr . Ballantyne , printer , who was among the passengers , and as the vessel , though due on Friday , did not make her appearance till after eight o ' clock on the night in question , the confusion which usually accompanies the debarkation of the passengers was considerably increased by the
darkness which prevailed . The unfortunate young man duly met his employer , and , according to instructions , was proceeding with a light in one hand and a note of the articles in the other to see- , the Vuggage all right , when the hatch of the hold ; having been previously thrown open , and the place left unprotected by lights or otherwise , he fell down headlong and was killed on the spot . The attendance of a medical man was procured with out 4 elay , but his services were not required ; the . paor fellow ' s neck was broken , He was only abor ^ t twenty-four years of age , was but recently married , « dA s&uch esteemed by aft who taw him .
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THE SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH . By means of substituting a ooil of gutta percha for a distance of about half a mile in lieu of cablo which was shortcoming to that extent , the communication between coast and coast has now been completed . The gutta percha coil is joined on to the cablo out at sea , where its extremity is secured to a buoy , but it ia very questionable whether this contrivance can be anything but temporary . On Monday the question of manufacturing the short amount of additional cable required was , it is understood , discussed by the promoters , and there ia very little doubt that , in order to make the sea line of communication intact and integral , this will have to be done . The gutta percha that now connects the cable at the buoy with the French ~ „«« . _ . - ~ ^
coast bad fortunately been sent over in a coil of four miles for inland use before the expedition st irted , and so far came in opportunely . The cable , in addition to the buoy already mentioned , is secured to a second buoy about a mile and a half off the coast . The principal injury , if any , the cable is surmised to have sustained is at a "join , " where the wire layers are welded , about mid-channel , when the Blazer was ten or twelve miles out , and when the strain and stormy time first commenced . The process of drawing the cable up and re-deli vermg it in a , more direct line ia not lively to be attempted . The crew as thoy were towed up from Calaia to Woolwich on board the Blazer , whero she is now in dock , encountered a tremendous passage . The Black Eagle , Captain- Hutchins in command
, left Calais with the Blazer at six o ' clock on Friday feye » ing and arrived in Margate Roads at two o clock , a . m . The junction of tho cable with the t rench telegraphs \ s understood to be proceeding , and also the connexion between the South Foreland , some four miles , and the telegraph-office of the South-Eastern Railway Company in Dover , Which will at once give a thorough telegraphic communication with the continent , Calais , Sept . 30 . —The completion of this undertaking bas been marked with great rejoicings on this side the channel . The line of communication between tho two coasts was fully established on Sunday evening , about five o ' clock , and the electric wire after three days had been consumed in stretching it across the straits , was brought up on the
French coast at Sanngatc about three miles below Caliis , whence ifc was carried underground to the telegraph station of the Great Northern of France Railway at Calais . Electric currents were passed from coast to coast , and messages sent the same evening , but on Monday a series of experiments were tried with the most satisfactory result , and . 19 the same results were achieved to-day the great enterprise may now be regarded as actually finished and complete . Early on Monday morning congratulatory messages to the President of the French Republic were sent directly from England to Paris , also to the King of Prussia and the Emperor of Austria , at Berlin and Vienna , and messages were also transmitted to London from the principal cities in Europe , who were included in the continental system of telegraphic communication .
During the whole of Monday , tlio town of Calais presented the appearance of ' a fete , and numbers of the inhabitants crowded on the ramparts , watching with interest and wondev the various experiments which were tried with the submarine wires . In the evening an entertainment was given at tho Hotel do Tille , to those English gentlemen , promoters of the undertaking , who were on tho spot , and had assisted in its completion . During the whole of the proceedings , the utmost harmony prevailed ; and after dinner , the English gentlemen wei'G conducted over tbe "museum of tho town ,-where it was determined that a portion of the electric coil should in future be placed in juxtaposition with the balloon of the celebrated aeronaut , Blanchard , who , in 1795 , made his first siipm-marine voyage from Dover to Calais .
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LATEST FOREIGN NEWS . PiBis , Wednesday . —Kossuin . —A letter has been received here from Kossuth , of which I can now communicate to you the substance , although I must defer sending a copy of the original till tomorrow . Kossuth states that he had landed at Marseilles on the morning of the 25 th . He went immediately to call on the Prefect of the Bouchesdu-Ilhone , to request permission for himself , bis wife , aud family to pass through-France on their way to England , alleging the weakness of health of the whole party , and their exhaustion by the suffering attendant upon extreme sea-sickness ; The Prefect replied that he could not undertake t 6 gwint
permission on his o \? n responsibility , but that an answer mignt bo speedily procured , even before night , by telegraph . The electric telegraph from . Paris terminates at Chalons ; the remainder of tho way is only furnished with tho common ceviel . telegraph . Hence of course the vapidity of transmission depends on the state of the weather . But as six days have elapsed without receiving any further intelligence of the ex-Governor of Hungary and his companions , the conclusion is that the government bas withheld the permission applied for . In the meantime the " Kouvelliste" of Marseilles , of the 20 th , says : —
" The Hungarian Refugees on board the Mississippi , fatigued by their voyage , haro obtained permission to land , and walk in the town . Yesterday , at the moment when Kossuth was about to re-embark , a crowd of persons assembled on the Canebiere to see him pass , and cries of 'Vive Kossuth Vive les Hongrois ! Vivo la Itepublique ! ' w ere raised . In tho evening , tbe other Hungarians who had not followed Kossuth on boord the American vessel , went to the Cafe Bodou' , and soon after an assemblage of some hundreds of persons collected in the Rue St . Fevreol , and in an instant the cafe was filled . The foreigners were saluted with loud clapping of hands . The police soon arrived-and put on end to . this ovation by clearing the cafe , and the Hungarians passed out by another door . In the evening the Hefugees were present at the
theatre , but the public had the good sense to allow them to enjoy the pleasure without any demonstration . " A paragraph was inserted yestevday in- the " Debate , " apparently with the view of persuading the public , that some disagreement had taken place between Casimir Batthyany and Kossutb . The passage is as follows : — " Count Casimir Batthyany , separated at his request from Kossutb , is at this moment in Paris with some members of his family , leadiug a retired life , and having nothing more in common with the ex-dictator of Hungary . " Being anxious to sift the truth of this stM . onnenfc , l applied to an intima ' . e friend of Casimir Bafcfehyany , and I am happy to say that he denied in the most distinct manner , that any rupture or misunderstanding had occurred between these two leading ohampicma of the Hungarian cause .
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Kossuin . —As it is now pretty certain that the illustrious Kossuth will soon reach our shores , it is to be hoped that Englishmen , and Englishwomen too , will give him that reception aud ovation which a man , who has acted so heroically in his struggles , so magnanimously in his victories , and so sublimely in his defeat , so richly deserves . He not only reflects a credit on his native land , but on Europe and his race . Ilungary is not alone interested in his fate , hut England and the wei-ld . He deserves the warmest respect of all mankind , and the homage of all the lovers of freedom and progress . The men . tion of his name , and the remembrance of his deeds , should make every heart thrill with enthusiasm and love . -And we should like to sec him not only
greeted with the warmest plaudits , and the most eloquent expression of gratitude which a groat nation can utter , but we should like to see him presented with some more substantial token of our esteem . We know nothing of hia private circumstances and his pecuniary position . No doubt it is too much like that of other honest and renowned Reformers , who , in their attempts to bless mankind , have been overwhelmed with difficulties . But whether this is the case or not , we beg to suggest that a penny subscription be immediately made throughout England , for tbe purpose of presenting the illustrious exile with a national expression of our reapect . This can be easily done by one or two warm-hearted men or women immediately taking up
the matter in every town in the kingdom . Committees may be formed , Beoretaries and collectors be appointed , and ttie towns canvassed . A central committee should be formed in London , with , vihom the provincial committees ** hould be put into communication . Previous to this being done , we can only say that we shall bo most happy to communicate with any parties in London , or the pr&vincos , on the question ; and that we should be- equally glad to take charge of any money which should be sent to us for the purpose , and mention the roceipfc of tbe same in our columns . We earisestly hops that the readers of this journal will taA « action on the matter , and do what they oan , in their respective localities , for , carsying to' a successful issue this proposition . — Ther Public Good .
¦ Fatal Acoidese at the BEajjoansisT V » oitKnoUBB * —On Wednesday last a coroner ' s inquest was held at the St . Mary Magdalen "Workoftuae , before Mr . Carter , coroney for East Surrey , and a highly respectable iury ^ u-poa the body of an old man , named George Chapman , who met hia death by falling from the top . of the above workhouse . The evidence was , that the deceased man-was engaged with , several other men in painting the frontage of this poorhouse , and that on reaching the coping at , the parapet , after going up a ladder , he missed
his footing , and fell a height of nearly sixty feet into the street . Mr . Tipton , the head porter , w ent to hia assistance , and iound him quite insensible , and bleeding profusely . Dr . Paul , the house phy-Bician , was immediately in attendance , bub the unfortunate man was past all medical skill . He had since made an examination of the body , ; and he assigned the cause of death to a fracture of-the skull and concussion of the brain ., The Jury , after deliberating for about five minutes , returned a verdict of " AwWeatol death .. " .. . ..
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The Late Accident- ox the South We&TEHS RAILWAY . —William Matthews , the unfortunate man who was injured in couse « quenco of the collision which took place on Saturday last , near the Nine Elms station on tho South Western Railway , having breathed his last at St . Thomas ' s Hospital on Tuesday evening , an inquest was , on Thursday , held at the hospital before Mr . J . Payne , the deduty coroner . The particulars of the occurrence , - which has terminated fatally , have already appeared . The evidence having been repeated , tho jury returned a verdict of ' Accidental death . '
TnE National Parliamentary Association held a Soiree on Monday evening , at the Kind ' s Head Tavern , Poultry , R . Kettle , Esq ., \\\ Vlio cliaiv . The report stated that beside the meetings lately held in the Potteries , and tho great demonstration at Manchester , twenty-four tracts had been issued , the total circulation of which exceeded 120 , 000 . The Council had been applied to by a portion of the electors of Bradford , the Whig candidate not being up to the Reform standard , and a deputation had been sent down to advise with' the electors . Tho speeches and resolutions dwelt upon the union everywhere manifest botween the middle and working classes for the attainment of a radical reform in the representation ; nnd urged to renewed effort upon tho basis of the principles of the association .
Sir John YstiSKUK . —A mei-tingof the Arctic officers , Sir Edward Parry , Sir James Ross , and Captain Beeehey , lias been held at the Admiralty . The result was an expression of tbeir unanimous conviction that Sir John Franklin has taken the passage to the north-west out of Wellington Channel , and that he must besought by taking the fame route . Bnt it is the opinion of these ' authoritius— -while fully recognising , and even insisting upon , the advantages of dispatching a steamer to carry on the abandoned searcli in that direction—that no vessel can be started with any hope of reaching an advanced position , in Davis ' s Straits , and getting into a sate harbimv
before the winter . . Sir John Ross , however , arrived in town on Saturday ; and the information he bring 3 tends to confirm the report received from the ; Esquimaux last autumn , to the effect that Sir John Franklin ' s ships had been lost somewhere-at tho top of Baffin ' s Bay in the autumn of 1 S 16 , and that a portion of the crew had been murdered by a hostile tribe of natives . Sir John Ross is entirely of opinion that Sir John Franklin never went up the Wellington Channel , but was returning home and met with the disaster , Sir John would not now have returned , but have renewed his search at the top of Baffin ' s Bay , had he had provisions for another winter .
a writer m the " Parlour Magazine , " eays : — "In the employment of mixed met . iph orB in oratory , Lord Castlereagh generally Jias the credit of standing at the top of his class . One of the best specimens , however , of tin ' s composite eloquence that I remember to haTe seen , is that ascribed to a learned counsel , who , in addressing a jury , used the following exquisitely harmonious figures , while alluding to the tactics of the opposing barrister : — ' Gentlemen of tho jury , I smell a rat ; I see it brewing in the storm ; but please God I will crush it in the bud ! ' " Lodoixo Douses js thk Cm- of Londos . —• Among the provisions in tho New City Sewers Act is
one respecting lodging-houses in tho City of London , of an important character . Ic is declared that the owners and keepers of lodging-houses of an inferior description , for the accommodation of mendicants , strangers , and other persons , for the night , or other short periods ; and of other houses inhabited by tho poor classes of people , allow the same to bo crowded , by receiving more lodgera than such lodging-houses are adapted to contain with a duo regard to health , and allow many persons of both sexes to be crowded together in a siuple room , and allow persons afflicted with ever to remain in them till infection has been
communicated to other lodgers , and reooivo other lodgers into the apartments and beds from , which , diseased persons have been removed , without any purifying or other disinfecting process . It is provided that the medical officer of health for the City of London shall report on common lodginghouses , when more lodgera are received than can be accommodated , or for other causes . The Commissioners of Sewers can order an inspection ; can register tho houses and order tho same to be purified and cleansed . Regulations arc to be made , and for an infringement of the same a penalty ol £ 5 can bo levied . By virtue of this provision , which is now in force , common lodging-houses in the City Of London Can bis properly l-egulated and conducted .
Money Ordeks . —• Ulcoby , Lincolnshire , having been constituted a post town , the office there will be opened for the issue and payment of m&ney orders , on and after the 6 th inst . Tjie PoRiuGirasK Oxen landed at Southampton a day or two since , from the Queen steamer , averaged ( those that were sold ntttiat port ) . about £ 15 108 . per head . They were 138-in number ; upwards of 100 were sold at Southampton ; thereat were sent to Smithfiiild-market . These beasts , although hardy , and feeding heartily on almost everything that is giveathem , waste as s « on as they land in this country , and continue to do so , no matter how long they are-kept . This circumstance arises , no doubt ,. from tha difference in the climate between Portugal and England .
The Australian Emigrants an » . Ass-human Gold . — -At a meeting on shipb 9 ard of a group o £ Mrs . Chisulm ' s emigrants and their feiends , held tbe other day on the eve of departure , Mr . . Robert Lowe , thu Australian legislator and prospective 3 tutesman , advised , the emigrants , to let other people go . a . gold-hunting , but not to go then \ sclves . They would reao the benefit of the search for gold , though ia an . indirect manner ; f ° the number of labourers-whicll would be ftttaamed from a market at pvcsctit' not at ail well supplied with labour , to the gold field , would only tend to raise t ' iio vatue of labour , of , which tUuy ( the . emigrants ) would beln . a . posit'on to tal-M ) advantage on tlieir arrival
in , the colony . That was a safe game , and lie advised them to play it . iTlie leauins . Tnoi'filmirts connected with the AustraUanJjolonies , have liuULo . meeting at the George and Vulture- Tavern , in relation to the gold discoveries . Tho chairman ,. Mr . Flower , Mfsrueu to the &UUe e £ uncertainty in which , all who are . intsrcsud in the trade with Australia have been placed by the recent uews , and nointcd out the necessity for ascertaining what steps this government intend to take , especial ^ with regard to supporting the CQ . Irani smthonties in , maintaining propoi- regulations . It was finally resolved that a Ueputaiioii sliuvud -wait upon taCoUmial Minktes with tU ^ iew o * Staining a coSfe " — U - —« . v-
rtnCe > luS ^ t oln ! " * * Bi *» ' - ' « ™ s entertained on WedfwtIT % »» ous Party of his constituents at ™< , c ° ? . « ern Kupert Kettle , E * q ., presided , and " / »»* bJ «» fading mmbevs of the National Uotorm Association . Sir . J . T . gearte moved a resolution , declaring the catholicity of liberal yrinciulea , protesting agawwt ttie enslavement of three ' and a quarter m ill ions in America , cordially welcoming ilr . Thompson to his native land , and thanking him for bis exertions in the cause ot universal freedom . Dr . Epps seconded the resolution , whi « u was carried with enthusiasm . Mr . Thompson , m hu reply , touched upon American sla very , ^ ^ . ^\ ' ^ Alliance , the release of Kossuth , the represents ion . oTthe Tower HnmUt « .. nrf ?! . « inform neitation . Another a esq .
satisfaction , the declaration of Air . < W K& . f % S S &E ^« * 3 ^ 2 $ ^ ?? tSKfiTl SM . ffiSSSSCffiw . ^ mm •* plauaei
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MONIES RECEIVED Fob thb "Week Ending Thuhsdat , October 2 nd , 1851 . NATIONAL CHARTER FUND . I ? peeived bj Jons Absott . — 'Washington locality , per TV * . Sib ! ej- 4 s 3 d—Wigan . per J . Ililton 10 s—Collected at Woolwich 3 s Sid . —Total 17 s 11 Jd .
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The steamers running between Clj-ae and Londonderry are carrying passeDgera at one smUicg a bead .
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It is-with the greatest reluctance that I find myself compelled to drop the editorial ' we , and obtrude myself on the readers of the 1 Star , ' in ' the first person singular . ' A statement contained in the letter of Mr . \ V . Peel last week , leaves , however , no alternative . Absence from town for a few days prevented me from seeing that statement before it went to press ; otherwise I should have added to it the testimony I have now to offer with reference to the matter , so far as I am personally mixed up in it .
The facts are briefly as follow : —On the secoDd day of the trial Mr . Wynn made the statement respecting the offer said to have been made by the members of the Centra Committee while we were sitting at lunch in the presence of several other" gentlemen , among whom were Messrs . Walton and Shoolbred . Mr . Wymm personally appealed to me , and asked what I thought of the conduct of the parties who , to save themselves , could thus betray and throw overboard the poor working men of Wolverhampton . In reply , I asked by whom the offer had been made , and was told that it was by the Counsel for the defence ; that he ( Mr . Wynn ) had seen and read the letter in which the proposal was contained , that in fact it had been referred to him for
adrice , and that the prosecutors , acting under a sense of public duty , had nobly refused it , notwithstanding the uncertainty of the law , and the heavy expense of tne second trial . 1 at once expressed my disbelief of the whole statement — despite the circumstantial air thrown over it by Mr . Wynn—and said that I would forthwith inquire of Mr . Parky , tLe couusel for Messrs . Peel , Green , and Winisr 5 , whether he in that capacity had made , or been instructed to make any such proposal , Upon entering the Court for that purpose , I saw the learned gentleman was busily
engaged , and , therefore , abstained from disturbing him , but , instead , called Mr . W . Peel out of the Court , and inquired whether he and his colleagnes were parties to any such offer . Mr . Peel at once , in the most indignant manner , and in the most emphatic terms , repudiated such an idea , and stated that the very contrary was the fact , as the proposal had been made by the Counsel for the prosecution , and had been immediately and scornfully scouted . I then went to Mr . Roberts , the solicitor . for the defence , who corroborated Mr . Peel ' s statement . The offer was then
communicated by tbe senior counsel , Mr . Whateley , Q . O ., to Mr . Eobbkts with considerable hesitation , and with an apology for discharging what was to him a professional duty . The reply of Mr . Roberts was more energetic than polite j but there was no mistake as to its meaning . 'I don ' t wish to be offensive , or to break the ordinary rules of courtesy , but that there may be no misapprehension , just say we'll see them d d first . ' Such is the true history of the proposal and its reception . I subsequently crossed to that part of tbe Court in which Mr . "VTtsn was seated , and , on hia asking" me if I had
inquired as to the truth of his statement , replied that , the boot was on the other leg ; that the prosecutors had made the offer they attributed to the defendants , and my belief that the whole story was a vile fabrication , for the purpose of creating division between the defendants , and prejudicing tbe members of the Central Committee with the trades generally . Mr . Wtns rejoined , that he still adhered to his version of t '\ e mutter , but would make further inquiry , and convince me he was right . In the course of the evening , I met him in company with the ^ solicitor for the prosecution { to whose courteous and gentlemanly conduct I pay a . ready tribute " Af inspect ) , and the subject was renewed ,
AJr . Wynx then stated , that after the first offer was refused , Mr . Parry had made another in writing ; but after my inquiries had got back the note and torn it up . My reply ' wa 9 , that Mr . Wt . v . v made such contradictory and loose statements , and was so evidently animated by ' a vindictive spirit towards the three defendants , that he would excuse for saying that in future , I could not place the slightest reliance upon them . The Solicitor for the prosecution then distinctly said , in Mr . Wtsk ' s presence , that \? hat I had stated was correct , but that it was his earnest desire , as the whole affair had been a private , confidential , and professional proceeding , in which tbe defendants were no way implicated , it might bo allowed to
rest where it was . I said that , so far as I was concerned , it should do so , and he had only to thank his indiscreet and over-zealous ally , _ Mr . Wixv , for what had taken place up to that time . I have kept my promise to M * . Perot ' s solicitor so far , that when Mr . Peel , some weeks since in hi 8 usual weekly letter , related £ the facts as an illustration of the mendacity and malignity of tho prosecutors , and tho lengths to which they would go to damage the character and impair the usefulness of the Central Committee , 1 omitted the whole of tho statement , which I now egret , a 3 it would have forestalled the groundless and maliciouH atatement of Mr . 6 . Wins . G . A . Fieuixo .
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Mtjbdee at Sheefield . —A most singular case has occurred in this town on Wednesday , a married woman , named Elizabeth Walton , being charged with the serious crime of cutting the throat of her brother , John Calow , an old pensioner , aged sixty . The accused , with her husband and daughter , reside in Brown-street , and Calow resided with her .
It appears that about nine o ' clock in the morning Calow was found by his Bister lying on the garret floor with his throat cut . Her screams brought the neighbours to the spot . The blood was then flowing freely from a large incised wound across the throat , which had partially cut through the windpipe , and severed several vessels and arteries . The razor by which the wound had been inflicted lay beside him on the room floor , across which the blood was running in a copious stream . A surgeon was sent for , and on his arrival , Calow , who up to that time had made no
complaint to the neighbours , then accused his sister as having committed the deed , stating that she had first cut his throat , and afterwards alarmed the neighbourhood . Notwithstanding his approaching death , for not the slig htest hopes are entertained of his recovery , the man persists in charging the deed upon his sister . His declaration has been taken by the chief constable , and for the present Mrs , Walton will be placed under surveillance , until the case is fully investigated . The accused , who
appears to be greatly distressed at the serious crime preferred against her , declares her innocence of it . She states that , hearing a noise in her brother ' s bed room she went up stairs to see what was the matter , and then found him lying across tbe room floor , with his throat cut as above described . The neighbours strongly assert the woman's innocence , and it appears that during a drunken fit , some time ago , Calow intimated to one of them his intention to cut his throat and charge his sister with it .
The editor of the " Bufialoman" says ho would as soon try togo toseaona shingle , make a ladder of fog chase a stream of lightning through a crabannle orchard , swim the rapid of Niagara , or set Lake Erie on fire with ludfer matches , as to thinfc of stopping two young persons from getting married whea thoy tats it into their heads to do so .
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WOLVERHAMPTON CONSPIRACY . —TO THE TRADES OF GREAT BRITAIN . Gentlemen , —!^ November next the eurtain will fall and hide tbe liberty you have hitherto poisessed in your club rooms and houses of call . Your rules for regulating your Societies will be rendered useless , ao far as the maintenance of wages is concerned . The humane view of the law , as laid down by Vice Chancellor Cranwortb , in the cases of the Queen v . O'Connor and others , and in that of Jones and PoUb v . Selsby and others , is about being overruled by Mr . Justice Erie , unless the trades of England make common causs , and fight the case of Perry v . Rowlands and others to the highest court of appeal known to English law "Writ VUntt & % «» ., « * - . . . - „ _
. The trades of Great Britain have hitherto considered they had a perfect right to Bay , whether in or out of employment , tuat they would receive what they considered to be a fair remuneration / or their labour , equally with the man who says , I will not sell my corn , my calicoes , my iron , or anything else , unless I can get my price . The farmer mrets his brother farmers in the raarket . hall to regulate the price of grains , and no miller thinks about , or dare , indict the farmers ,
because they will not sell at the same price they hitherto have done . Or do manufacturers dream of indicting the cotton or woollen merchants because the ? confederate and agree together to raise the value of the material ? Oc does ^ the retail ironmonger and dealer in li » goods ever imagine he would succeed in maintaining a prosecution against tbe iron masters , who meet and regulate the price of iron , and inflict tkeir penalties for disobedience of orders . Then , why should the rule be invaded when s working man is concerned ?
In these days of freedom of trade and commerce , when companies of greater or lesser magnitude are springing into existence in every corner of tbe nation—some for the production of manufactures , others for the conveyance of men and merchandise by land and sea—all of whom have their guilds aix ) council chambers for the regulation of tariffs , and the establishment of laws , one would imagine that he who has to change the raw material into , articles of furniture , clothing , or buildings of wood , icon , brick and atone , had an equal right to sell bis services as dear as he ' could , But the freedom to store corn , to heap up manufactures , to lay vessels on tbe stocks , to keep the coal and iron in the bowels of the earth , and literature on the shelves , must not be extended to the man who has nothing to sell but his labour .
The persons who combine with capitalists to assist them to keep up the market value of tbeir several commodities are gentlemen ; while those who combine to assist the working men to maintain the market value of their labour , are considered conspirators ; such is tbe difference between capital and labour . Labour , the originator of capital , is swamped by his offspring . Instead of capital baing subservient to labour , labour is to be subservient to capital .
This will be the effect of Judge Erie ' law , if allowed to go uncontradicted or unappealed against . Let us see what is his language and his law . lie say ? , — " With respect to the law relating to combinations of workmen , nothing can now be more clearly established , in point of law , than that workmen are at liberty , wuile they are perfectly free from engagement , and have the option of entering into employ ot not ; nothing can be more clear than that they have a right to agree amongst themselves to say we will not go into any employ unless we can get a certain rate of wages . But I think , gentlemen , it would be most dangerous if that proposition were carried at all wider than the terms in which I put it , —that is to say , to suppose that workmen , who think that a certain rate of wages ought to be obtained , have a light to combine together to induce men already in the employ
of other masters , to leave the employ of those masters for the purpose of compelling those masters to raise their wages . " Further , he says , — " I take it for granted , tbat if a manufacturer has got his manufactory and his capital embarked in it for the purpose of producing articles in that manufactory , if persons conspire together to take away a \\ his workmen , that would necessarily be an obstruction to him—tbat would necftSBatiiy be a molesting of him in his manufactory . " That is his language and his law ; therefore I submit , with respectful deference , that no trade , or bodies of trades can move one single step , either to advance or assimilate wages in any case , without subjecting themselves to an indictment for Conspiracy ; and no matter whether the officers have taken an active part or not , they are , by the verdict of the StaSord Jury , amenable for the acts . of others who may have contributed to their support .
To establish this point I have only to mention , that the evidence produced against Rowlands and Winters was , only for paying two men their weekly allowance of money afier they had left their employer of their own free will and consent , and who were free to leave any moment they pleased ; and yet they were found guilty on all the counts , of intimidation , threats , molestation , obstruction , force , &c , Sec . Looking at the law ag laid down by Justice Erie , and the finding of the Jnry , I am led to believe that , unless the trades unite to carry this case to the highest
Court of Judicature , not a remnant of the trades privilegea will be left ; and each officer in case of difficulty between tue trade and a grasping , grinding employer , may expect to ba included in an indictment tor Conspiracy . Officers and members of Trades Societies ! I enjoin you one and all , as you value your own liberty ami the rights of those you represent , that you will at once lay the case before your body ; for remember , it is not only the Tin-plate Workers and their Society , or the IJnited Trades , but " a blow is levelled against all ; for that which h illegal in them is illegal in you . "
I cannot conclude these remarks without tendering my best and dearest thanks to those gentlemen composing the Defence Committee , for their patriotism , in coming forward to advocate and vindicate—through the courts of law—the invaluable rights and privileges of the working men combining together to assist each other , in times of difficulty and distress ; therefore I do most humbly implore every man , whether in union or out , to defend our rights and privileges , by subscribing at once to the Defence Fund , and communicating through their Secretary , Mr . George Greenslade , at the Bell Inn , Old Bailey , London . I am , Gentlemen , An Unionist , of Twenty Years Standing . Sept . 23 rd , 1851 .
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FACTS AND INCIDENTS OP THE GREAT EXHIBITION . On Saturday last £ 1 , S 52 2 a . Cd . was taken at tha 9 n 9 ? P the . ' 1 ( JinS . the number of visitors being -U .-oC . During the afternoon a most extraordinary specimen of Gold ore from California was placed ia t » o American portion of the nave , which , from its «™ * , evldenfc richness , attracted an immense ??? ; of attention . In appearance it is a hugh oiock ot quartz rook . imi > i »( , , in , i ;„ o ™ n . « .,,. »• ^ »»»«
with the nreounu metal , and the value of it may ba estimated from tho fact tbat the fortunate owner refuses to part with , it for a sum of £ 3 250 . ] Je haa arrived in England with this specimen for tho purpose of buying machinery to work tho vein is Which jfc was discovered , and lie is himself as curious and interesting an object as his contribution , being fresh from tho diggings , and wearing a gold watch and chain of the most preposterous dimensions . The recently discovered gold mines in Australia are also now represented in tho Crystal Palace at No . 51 , olas 3 23 .
Wo hear that hia Koyel Highness Prince Albert has purchased the magnificent , vase with oxidized silver handles exhibited by Messrs . Mintonund Co ., at their stall , No . 1 , in the Ceramic department . Tho price is said to be 200 guineas . Tho contractors for building tho Exibition received notice from the executive committee , on Friday week , to commence pulling | down the Crystal Palace after the 11 th proximo . An accident occurred on Saturday evening , at tho Crystal Palace . A lady , the wife of a clergyman in . Suffolk , who had been visiting the World ' s Show during the afternoon , on her departure ) was about to siep in a hackney cabriolet , wliun the 101 'SO Started off at a rapid pace , and threw the lady with great violence to the ground . On being picked up , she was found to be insensible , &nA to have sustained a . severe fracture of tho leg . Tho poor- woman was conveyed to St . Georgo ' a Hospital on a stretcher .
The approaching closo of tho Exhibition now begins to lie felt unmistakeably . On Monday tha sum of £ 3 , 295 los . was taken at tho doors , and thero were GS . 542 visitors : Imvnenso as the concourse of visitors was on Monday , ifc was exceeded yesterday , C 9 , 3 iG persons having entered the building , and the sum of £ 3 , 303 -is . being taken at thotioors . The police numbers on Wednesday were 59 , 050 . Receipts at tho doors , £ 2 , 830 11 s . On Thursday tho police returns were Gi 2 !) S , and the receipts £ 3 , 080 Is . Gd .
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24 , Gloucester-atrcet , Commercial-road , East . October 3 rd , 1851 . Sir , —Through tho unfortunate retirement of our talented friend Mr . Reynolds , I am desired by several well-known democrats to staud as a caudidate for the vacant office , and am requested to make known the same through the medium of your journal . I am , Sir , Yours in the cause of Human Redemption , J . Shaw .
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October 4 , 1851 . THE NO RTHERN STAR . K ~ IJ * ¦— *^»^——w—hfi"T nnriiflfcm^**—— ¦**— #
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 4, 1851, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1646/page/5/