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" " To Tailors aud Others . By approbation of her Majesty Queen Yictoriaj and 1 I . K . JJ . Prince Albert . K 0 W HEADY . rpHE LONDON and PAPJS AUTUMN JL ana W 1 XTER FASHION'S for 1 S 51 ami 1 S 32 , pub isfceclby Messrs . Head to Go .. 12 . llarl-strtc-t , Hloomsb-jryequflr « -. London , and liv-uliiway . New York , America ; also by Ge » £ ge V . 13 . CER , IIob " . i eQ-strcet , Strand , London . Tlie View , rtjirestnttd in the pki > t for the yyesent Stason , lias been taken iti lv . smington-gavdens , intl ) e sight of the grau-- ! Crystal Paiate , which is considered ( with its eontents ) tlie greatest wonder int ' ue world , showing it from a wointof sislit quite different fitrni that exhibited last sea-
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Brother Chartists leware of youthful Ten Shilling Quacks vjIio imitate dris Advertisement . JPASW * 2 W ^ 'ilS BAV-K , GSSAV 3 ?! ., I ^ i ? l-J 5 ! . t «<> , Khs-nniaiisiM . « omS , asttH ^ tsiio .-i , Jft ' jifily , Stvit « Mj ; e , V . leet , etc € A 6 / a' 2 OIV . —AyouHifulstlf-stjled ten shilling doctor ( uniiiuvhJBgimpudence be : ug his only qualification ) is now tt 3 Ter !]* i » £ under the assasied name of an eminent physician , highly injurious imitations of these medicines , and an useless abbrevia *< U c « py of Dr . iJe lioos * celebrated . Medical Adviser , ( slightly changing it 3 title ); suSerers -will therefore do well to see that die stamp bearing the propriefr ' s name , affixed to each boj . or bottle is a bona fide GuvEBMirar stamp ( not a base counterfeit ) , £ nd to guard- nsainst the truthless statemerts of this individual , which are published only for the baiest purposes &f ieuepuva on inraiids , aud frauu on the Troprietor .
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Double Number at She Sins' * Price-On December 1 st was Published No . 3 of THEE LITERARY RAMBLER , Price A Twopence , containing an nrtic . c on ' * f *™ £ bampton Tin-Plate \ V < rkuian ' s Cotisp . racj loi tlltt "ot « c-HonofLabour ' -Al'lay-A Mowl-and oiher instructive and amusing matter . . , ) , „*» ,.,.. itpt London : Ticker .- - , llolywcll street ; Uanabestu . Heywood , Oldham-strft-t . Xo . 1 , published 1 st October , is given awy to the pur chasers of H o . -.
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mToMAS COOPER , X Author of ' lhe Vorg * tovy of Suicides , ' < fec , BJLlVEM ORATIONS OS TH 1 FOLtOWlSO 6 HBIECIB : — The Genius af Shik&pare , n . adi * plaj ad in Us ' Hamlet ;' nith HeadiugB and KcisitniiunB from the l'luy , the ilusic ° rut Lite aiid Oe ' uius of iUlton ; with Recitations from ' i ' jsradise iost , ' Ac . The Life aud Gtuius of }}« Vna ; TlHU tuO MU 8 ie Of S 61 lie of Li * jJvngs , iiccitalions of' Tam o' SllRntcr , ' iSe . The Life and tienius of Byrou ; with Keadiiifs and Recitations from his Wuihs . The Life and tieuiud of Shelley ; with Readings and necitatiuna from his Works . Givili » aiion : What it was In the Past—What it tffccw for . Man iu the Present— and the Universal Human Happiness it must produce in the Future . Xiie Hngliili ( J ,. iumu ! iiveattli : founders of the Struggle — ( Juke , Sclilen , ESittt , l ' yui , tlamjulcn , Jiu . —l ) es « uU 8 lU ol ilie liUy , ailfl T . ti'au : y « i' Laud—Civil tVur—L / catil of lliuaiJiieu—lisittlfi of ^' useby—Imprisonment , Trial , and Execution of Charles 1 st .
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Pains in the Hack , Sravel , llheumatism , Gout , Lum . ' lago , Indigestion , Itebility , Stricture , Gleet , « £ c DR . BARKER'S PUMFiC PILLS Lave in iiundreds of cases effecicd a euro when all other means had tailed , aud are now established , by the content of every patient ivlio has yet tried them , as also by tfoe FACotxr THtsufcLVEs , as the most sulb and cttica . cious remedy ever discovered for discharges of any kind , rcU-ntiou of the urine , and ( iiseaaeg 01 the Kidneys awl Urinary Organs geaerally , whether resulting from imprudence or Otherwise , which , if neglected , frequently end in stone in the bladder , and a lingering death j For Gout , Sciatica , ltheumatisui , Tic Doloreux , Erysipelas . Dropsy , Scroiula , Lus-S << r llair or Teeth , Depression of Spirits , Ulushiug , lucaiiacity for Society , Study or Business ,
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TIE GEYST . 4 L PALACE . The foiiowing Engravings of this unrivalled e&Vdce , are now ready , and may be had at this Office : — L—View oi the Exterior of the Building ; a magnificent print—fwo feet Jong—exquisitely engraved ; from » drawing furnished by Mossrs . Fox and Henderson ; and consequently corrout in every respect . Paicu onlt SIXPENCE . II—Proofs of the Same Print , printed on thick Imperial Drawing Paper ; Pbice One Shilling . Ill—The Same Prini , Superbly Coloured on extra Drawing Paper , and finished in the most exquisite stylo . PfliCB Two Siulmkos AND SlXPEKCE . IV . —View Of the Interior , as it appeared on out ) of the most crowded'days ; a magnificent Print , twenty-eight inches long , taken from thi ) eontre of the Building , showing tho entire lengih , and containing several hundred figures . I ' hice Sixpexck . PORmiTK IF PATRIOTS . The readers of the Northern Star , and the Democratic partv generally , are informed , that there is now are-issue of the various Steel engravings lately distribuleil with the Northern Sear . They consist of JtOSSOTH HEACUEIt , Louis Blanc , Hitched , Ernest Junes , Smith O'Briest , Ricuaur Oastlek . These Engravings have excited the admiration of every one who has seen them . They are faithful portraits aiid are executed in the most brilliant style . Price Fourpeuce each . . The usual allowance to the Trade and Dealers . Office , 16 , Great Windmill Street , Haymarket .
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FHAMPTON'S PILL OP HEALTH . The following testimonial is another proof of the great efficacy of this mvdiciue I' Wincfimoie-nill , . Middlesex , April icth , 1851 . 'Sir , — In consideration of tlie great benefit I have derived from taking Framptun's l ' 'N ot Health , I leel it a tlutv tliatl one to you and the public to end you the follswing statement . For upward * of nine years I have experienced the efficacy < if this excellent medicine . I had long previimsty been afflicted with headache and indices tion , but a friend having induced me to make a trial Of t ' rampton ' s Tills , I now iuforrayouthata ten- doses gave me ( . Teat relief ; aud during this long p . vlod of iimo I \\ a \ e takenthtmiR preference to any other medicine ; and 1 have the lmppinesj of saying t ) iat I never had a better ttatoof health , which I attribute to Framptun's l'ills . I beg further to add , that this medicine 's in general use by my family , aud vie kuow of nothing to equal it . ' I am , Sir , jours respectfully , Thomas Pbovekoe , ¦ To Mr . T . Prout , 229 , Strand , London . "
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THE HOAU 10 HUALTH ! rjOLLO WAY'S PILLS CURE OF A DISORDERED LITER AXD BAD DIGESTION . t opy of a Letter from Mr . R . W . Kirkws , Chemist , 7 , I ' teseot Street , Liverpool , dated 6 lh June , 1 S 5 L . To Professor HotMiwAT , Sik , —> ' our Tills . and Ointment have stood the highest on onr sale list of Proprietary Medicines for some jearSi A customer , to 11 ( 1107111 can vufL * f .-r » ny inq-iiiius , < 3 esirus me to let you know the pavticulais of hi-v case . She had
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FRJBEIHtliU liAIVD TO UK SOJLP ( In Irelaud , with Parliamentary Title , ) For One Pound per Acre !! 1 In the Kobtheiih STAuofl 2 th July last appeared an ad « vwtkttmcnt headed :
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Jn SS ' oi . at One P ^»» j » ea ch , splendidly Ilhistrated , A HISTORY OP THE DIFFERENT EXPEDITIOUS ENGAGED IN TIE SEARCH FOR SIR J . FRiHKLK CONTAINING ALL THE REGENT VOYAGES TO _ THE POLAR REGIONS , Including in particular the Expedition sent out under the command OP SIR JAMES ROSS TO DAVIS' STEAITS AND ' Of Commander Moore and Gaptain Kellott , to BeUring ' s Straits . With an nuthentlii copy of the dispatches received from SIR GEORGE SIMPSON , OF THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY With other ini-pumnt and highly interesting information relative to the Expedition under SIU JOHN FRANKLIN . Compiled from various Official Documents , and Private Communications ,-By -meJmts ROBERT IIUISII , Esq .
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, / usC Published , IN NOS . AT ONE PENNY EACH , THE EMIGRANT'S GUIdFtO THE GOLDEN LAND , HALIF 0 RNIA , \ J ITS PAST HISTORY ; ITS PRESENT POSITION ; ITS FUTUKE PROSPECTS : WITH A MINUTE AND AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF THE DISCOYliUY OF THE GOLD 11 E&I 0 N , AND THE SUBSEQUENT Ml'OBTANT PROCEEDINGS . In the course of the work will ue given PIAII DIESCTIOMS TO EHTCAAiH TO GAUFORHIA , OR THE UNITED STATES , OB . 10 CANADA ; AUSTRALIA ; NEW ZEALAND , O » ASt OTI 1 EB . BRITISH SETTLEMENT . SHEWING XUE . 1 I WHEN TO GO . WHERE _ TO GO . HOW TO GONo . 1 , and No . 3 , will be Illustrated with RICHLY COLOURED ENGRAVINGS , And numerous Engravings , all executed in the mos finished style , will illustrate subsequent Numbers . S . Y . COX . tr . V . 'S , liUrFKET STREET , AND 4 . 1 . 1 . BQQKSBU . £ 'AS .
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RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WYYiKMtt' A'SKUSS ! _ Caution—Sufferers arc cautioned against useless imitations , by a selt-slyled doctor , who copies this announcement , and who also professes to cure deafness , with varioas other wonderful feats ; and to render the abomiunblc j deception more complete concocts ' testimonials' asgU-tvitigly truthless as they are numerous . Tlie utter fallacy of these may , however be easily detected by writing to ilie pretended authors , whom it will be found arc as spurious as the article tht-y are intended to palm upon the public , i Da . Wawrii PK Roos continues to supply the ( ifflicted tvith his celebrated , v&medy for tins alarming complaint , the great success of w-liivb , fur many years past , ri-uders comment unnecessary . It is easy and paiuless in use , causing no ineonvemettve of confinement , and is equally appllcjibleto every vtrietj' of lU \]) U \ ye , b male or female of any age . Tlie remedy , with full instructions for use , will lie sent post free , toa ' ny part of the kingdom , on receipt of 7 s . in cash or by Post-ollice or : «• , payable at thu llolborn office , to Walter de lloos , M . D ., 35 , Eiy-placo , Ilolborn-hill , Lond . m , where he muy be consulted duiiy from ten till one , andlii'e till eight ( Sundays excepted ) . A great numb . er of testimonials and trusses ( which may be stum ) have been left behind by pevsoiiR cured , as trophidS ot' the immense success of this remedy . Authentic Testimonials , to prove tlie accuracy of which inquiry is solicited of the writers themselves , whose addresses are given in full . This is a test which the socalled ' testimonials' in ALL other advertisements of this class cannot stand : — ' I feel great pleasure in addinsj my testimony to Dr ; de ltoos' remedy for rupture , which has effectually cured minc '—B . ILiworth , Esq ., Hull Hank , Hull . ' I was tvweii last summer bj- your valuablertmedy , flnd have not found the least inconvenience sinoo . '—Mr . Samuel Stacker , timber merchant , Clewer Fields , Wiud soi-, Ber / cs . My baby I am happy to say , thanks to your excellent remedy , is quite well . '—Mr . liobert Kogers , Staveley , Deifbyshire . ' By the blessing of God my rupture of fen years' standing is perfectly cured by your remedy . ' —Mr . James CltCS > sum , Ichevell-houso . ' I am glad to tell you that 1 am quite cured by your remedy ; and so is the little boy that was ruptured on both sides—thauks to you , sir . '—Mr . Sapcote , brazier , Market-Weighton , ' A respected correspondent desires to call the attontion of such of our readers as are his fellow-sufferers to an announcement in our advertisim ? columns , emanatiutr from Dr . Be ltoos , the eminent physician of London . 'Of this gentleman ' s ablity in treating ruptures our correspondent speaks m the highest terms , havin K availed himselt of the same , and thereby tested the superiority of his method of treatment over every other extiut Mi § which he has tried to no purpose . He fteta ^ Mw whoever is ; m , affltau « l willfi / d a 'J ? by pay * ng DP De « oq . « vu « , jus method being , as our correspondent be lieves , beyond improvement . ' . «"« - » i « Juuent oe-The above appeared in the 'Tablet . ' of Satuwlav Pn SSSmiTto of tUe eaitor > s ' who may ** borhaoS BllDBROss ' ' - ' ' *^ ^
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This duy is Published , [ Hmo , Cloth , Price . by Post . 4 s . ft ? ,, THE RIGHTS and DUTIES of PHOl'ElUT , Bt JOnjf p . SasosteR . London : WuiTTiSEtt and Co ., Ave-ilaria-lane .
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Iw Number TWBMY-F 0 U 11 ov NOTES TO THE PEOPLE , BV ERNEST JONES , READ TIIE ^ CITAR-TIST MOYBMENT . / Published this day for next Saturday , ) London : J . Tavcy , 47 , Holjwell-strect , Strand .
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IMPORTANT SOCIALIST-PUBLICATIONS ! BCSER'i ? OWEMT'S JOURSTAX .. THIS JOUItNAL ( Published weekl y , -price : Oke 1 ' enn , and in inonlbl )' parts , price 1 ' ODRW . SCE ) , Explains the means by vchioU tha population of the world may be placed within new anil v . * ry superior circumstaucus , atul proridud with constant beneficial naplOjmt'Dt , illltl thereby GUubjud to enjoy eumt ' oic and ubuiidauce , aud jfivat socinl adviinta ^ es ; iiud the direct means hy which this change may be elU-cted with benefit to sill eUsats . The addresses on Government , on Education , to the Del-gates of All Nations to the World's Pair , and on True and false Religion , which have lately appeared iu tlie pages of this JoivnvM , lwe been reprinted in tlie form of cheap pamphlets , and will be found to contain information of the deepest interest . ' ilie Eleventh Monthly Part of this Jounnvl is now ready , I ' riee 4 d . Also the First Volume , Price 2 s . Cd . MR . OWEN'S PUBLICA . TIQKS . The follon-injj Pamphlets , whicli have bc-ea reprinted from articles recently inserted in ' Kobert Owen's Journal , ' will be very useful for propagandist purposes , LETTERS ON EDUCATION , As it is , and as it ought to be . Addressed to tho Teachers of the Human Itace 2 d . LETTERS ON GOVEOMENT , As it is , and a& it ought to be . Addressed to tiie Government of the British Err . pire . —i ! d . TO THE DELEGATES OF THE WORLD , AT TUB WOULD'S PAIR . To which are adf <« d a Vetition of liobert Owen to both Houses of Parliament , and a Letter to the . Editors of the ' 1 hrhtian Socialist . '—3 d . TRUE AS 2 > FALSE RELIGION CONTRASTED , i Price Id . j The previous more recent works art : — ] nm KsroLUTiotf u the mlvd and j PRACTICE , j Svo ., with Supplement , Os . Cd . l ' eople ' 3 Edition , Is , j CATECHISM OP THE 11 ATIOSAL SYSTEM , r Price Id . E FAREWELL ADDRESS-ld . < Watson , Qucc& ' s Itead-passage , Paternoster-row , and till Booksellers . . J _ .. !
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FRATERNAL FESTIVAL , rpHE PIIA . TEKNAL DEM 0 CEATS -8- will hold their fourth ANNUAL S 0211 EE aud BALL , at the LiTEftART Institute , John Stbret , Pitzbot Square , Ok TUESDAY EVENING , Bec . 30 m , as a Public Reception to G . JULIAN H A-RNBY , On his return from Scotland . Several of the Leading Democrat ; - , both British and Continental , are expected to be present , Tea . on tlie table at six o ' clock precisely . Tickets Is ., fid . sinjrle , and 2 s . 6 d . double , to ' be had of Mr . Truelove , at the Institute , and of the Members of the Committee . K . lii—Tfco metropolitan members arc requestcrtto meet at the above Institution on Friday evening , Dec . l !) th .
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THE REIGN OF OBDER . If any man were desirous of the reputation of a prophet , French politics are mosi certainly the things which he would avoid foi the exei'dses of his powers of predication . In order to anticipate , with any reasonable probability of beiug right , -we Bhouid have , as the basis of our calculations , stable elements , and a series of events moving forward in a regular progression towards some well-defiued end . There seems to be little or nothing of all this in the French political world . For system fchero is substituted confusion—for order
chaos—for natural development a sort of volcanic action—for intellectual procedure , bayonets—for legislation , charges of lancersfor the voice of the Judges , the roar of artillery , It is not only the mere inversion of order—it is rnadnesa in its worst paroxysms —affecting every party , and almost every class . In such a state of things , whoro we are hardly able to discern what the present is , it is next to impossible to foresee what the next moment will bring forth ; and , therefore , we say , with extreme hesitation , that it seems to us more likely than not that the President will succeed in building up his power for the present ,
That conclusion is all the more likely to be correct ; because it is against all our hopesadverse to all o « r sympathies . If . like the faithful of old , "we could believe in a Providence visiting immediate wrath upon the heads of wrong-doers , we should expect that the forked lightning would descend , utid annihilate the brutal scion of the family of one of the greatest scourges of the world , whose blood-stained hand | now holds the destinies of wretched Franco ! But , whatever Providence may have done in the past , we expect no such
direct retribution from it m the present . The facts of the world militate against such a belief . JS o doubt , in the long run , evil works its own defeat , and good rises triumphant on its ruins ; but , in one generatieu , wrong appears to triumph about as often as right , and Providence is generally on the side of the strongest battalions . No angel comes down now to smite with death in ono night the whole host of the tyrant , but physical force strikes the balance from the hand of Justice , seizes her sword , and , djiug it in the blood of the best of huma . nity , strikes down intellect and enthrones despotism . In the long dark annals of political crime we do not know a moro hideous offender than
Louis Napoleon , and if posterity accord * him his deserts , it will class him wfth the Caligulas and . the Neros of history . His whole career since his accession to power Iiub been ono of treachery , deceit , and falsehood ; and now he has torn from his character the thin veil of disguise which covered it , and exposed all the baseness of his mind in which a selfish ambition , mingled with a relentlesi cruelty reigns undisturbed by contact with any of the virtues of man . Some may think such expressions as these overcharged , but » calm review of his acts would justify the use of the strongest terms in the vocabulary . If society did not , as Shakespeare hasit' Plate
sm with gold' and shield crimes behind rank and power , all would stamp that man as one of the vilest of our race ; and when men come to regard crime as crime—whether perpetrated by a pauper or a prince—to look upon murder ub murder whether committed by a ruffian with a halter round hiB neck , or a ruler , whose broast is covered with atara and orders—then they will think the off-scourings of our Newgate Calendar rather disgraced than elevated , when placed in the some category as the chosen ruler of the French .
Untitled Article
V / c thought that when he had s ^ ntT ^ scarcely say soldiers , for that is ,-, i ( mn ^ is still associated with st » m 0 idc-is of 1 l ^ honour-but briganda , trained in the-2 " - of African warfare , to tmissacre : i W CQtl N who , headed by the choicest spirit , ? W tinio and country , were eniJoavourin * , „ 7 oft an abhorrent body enslaving souf ,. i d tyranny , that a professed lio ^ i * , ^ g liotdo much more to repudiate Ifrmil . li I ( J Wo imagined that * hif < as Iff fe ^ fhe recklessly set at nought the aiith- ' ' ' lated tbo Constitution ho had i ' ° " serve inviolate , that he could scarcely Zfilr more unblushin g , shameless , ter fiivorVI We dreamed that , W he . hacklll £ ife * and put down free thought with ., l ^' iron-till , a 9 JEmiuj ms GlRAHDJjr a- . id , dared no longer express their soniinWs 1 ? <* p fc under the cover of a quotas , fm S * : wmers-that it would be difficult ( u d . 4 ha
more onen -ivm-fam ntviUt *) - :., ; i . . " u a more open warfare against iatoiiuefc . iy « hopofl that n-W through thoa . rei ... v of fcu « l . t Gc ,, * al ChasgaW fto ; o , t ; invader ot Kngjurf , he hold the kin ^ £ ear of a ducmlincd band of rn ^ m fi * efc loose ,, nd , at the B ! imo thno t ; llk ( : ( 1 J % love tor law and order , that hypocrisy jS doao jU Wnr * TV 0 suppose , ] ^ * ,, , ? who had been a rofugee , drove fn , Franco thoso political outcasts «•] , „ ihd fr 0 IU ' £ reign o Monarchical terror in Germany , tin ho hud inudo asclowtta alliance witl ( £ potism as bo dared . But all these wore v ^ thoughts . Vi 0 ha ( l llot ftttllomed t , * which ays in the heart of the monster < J < L er than plummet can sound , for J , has lived to prove that below the lowest depth ' tiiero is ' a lower still . '
\ So do not hero allude to his violent dissolution ot the Assembly , for the tmrjoritv of that Assembl y had , ' by its ovra factious condnct , lost all claim to authority , nil hold on respect . JNViiher < lo w 0 alludo to the arrest of such wretched tricksters sis Tiiiebs — such calculating cut throars as Cjiangaknier— or euch Conservative Uepublicaas « s GaYAIGN . 40 . llowerer despotically they were treated , they , by their own acts in i
tuo mam , moulded their own fates by giving power to the tyrant who seized thorn but wo aIludt ) to the conduct of the troops of Louis Napoleon iu the streets of Paris during iho last few eventful days . What happened there makes most of tho atrocities of modern history Braall and insi gnificant by contrast . If the despots of Austria did shoot Blum at Vienna , they regarded Blum as a criminal . If the j ] j j E <
militavy satraps of Austria and Russia tiki spill tho richest blood of Hungary , they stood before men with arms in their hands , bravel y fighting for their rights , and they staked thoir lives ia tho issue . If Cavxigsac did slaughter the inmvreetionists of Juno he marched against men who fought from behind barric ; ules and dealt death as well as received it , If ( jHAXGARNIEB did offer to invade England he meant to come as a foe , expecting to fight , and prepared to brave the issue of a struggle . But bud anil odious as all these acts anil initia-J
tions were—deeply as civilised men hold them in abhorrence—they are venial sins—nay almost virtues—compared with tha deeds of Louis Napoleon and his assassins . Let this be marked down as fit only for the darkest uage of the history of criminality . On the gay Boulevards of Paris Die fiiotwriiys were thronged with people , gazing with e . ' ger curiosity at ; i novel scene . They hud heard of an insurrection , hut they saw no insurgentsthey had been ty'd of ' barricades , but as far as
the eye could reach there was no obstruction behind which the discontented could shelter themselves . The street was lined by the army , the glory of' la belle Prance . ' The walls were placarded with proulsimntions , that welershould be protected , and all sexes and all ages paraded curiously before the martial array , and the balconies of windows were crowded with speciatf / r .- , Suddenly a shot was fired—or , perhaps , we should say , it is pretended a shot was fired , from one of the houses—the word of command
was given—the troops faced about—and from both sides of the roadway poured a continuous fire . Against the crowded balconies with their admiring groups—against the thronged windows with their wondering ; faces—against the defenceless crowd upon the footpaths , the defenders of France rained their bullets thick as hail ; against some of the doomed houses cannon roared
destruction , find iu tho street , where a moment before the laugh and jest were sounding—in the houses whero respectables ' were cougregated to see order preserved—men and women lay wounded , dying , and dead . How macy we cannot toll—we shall never know . The Correspondents of the English press wero at the prefecture , having their communications dictated to them by the employes of the President . Some of them , like tho ' Time ' s ' reporter , too willing to veil the enormity , others who would have told go much of the truth as they could get at , were sensible that their letters would not be suffered
to pass if the y did . All wo know is the fact , that against a peaceable gathering of men and women bullets were directed , and that as bullets will , whether they strike the innocent ov the guilty , they did their fatal work . Comment on this would bo useless . It is as impossible to blacken such atrocity as to add a hright ray to tho diamond . We verily believe that tho most brutal generals and legions of Nicholas of Russia would have shrank appalled from such guilt . It needed a Napoleon on the seat of power , and in tho streets African troops and generals , who had learnt in the barbarian warfare at the desert to forgot Inimanity , aud to be ready to murder at the word of command . There
can bo little doubt that this enormity was intended to provoke a conflict on tho part of tho people—so that those who had the spirit t * fight might be slaughtered by the overwhelming army , and the fortunes of the Pubsibeni might be floated on a sea of blood to the haven of Imperial power . if there were to day as there -will bo by and bye , a solidarity of peoples , the whole world would rise iu arms to avenge such a cowardly , barbarous , treacherous act of wanton carnage ; but the solidarity of peoples , although it is growing into life , is yet little more than a namo , and the world rolls ou with its load of blood and crime . The latest intelligence soys
that « order reigns in Paris . ' That the President , as if to consecrate his brutality by a peace offering to the God of Battles , or rather of Massacres , has restored the Church of St . Genevieve to tho purposes of religion . That tho Commercialists begin to trade again . That the funds are rising , and that though a ' t ' QW Of UlO friends of anarch y' endeavour to struggle in some of the departments , the most they can hope to do is to maintain a short guerilla warfare . The army has as a eign'fi " cant hint to the people voted in the maiu for the promise-breaking homicide . The peop le are to vote now . The mockery of ' a 'ree election' without a press , under martial law , with death decreed for all who endeavour to
paral yse the action of the Government , is to be the climax of this fearful * cene . Amid such dangers , if there be tho will , the courage w » l probably be wanting in Franeo to oBtraciBO tho Traitor , and beside , no matter what " * & votes are , they are to be counted , and , more mockery , verified' by his aateleites . P ° France , apparently destined some time longer yet to bo tho seed bed of discontent and future Revolution , while the Journal of tho reactionary parties of the world decRrM ' order is restored . ' The order of gu »| T force and sinister fraud on the one hand , of palsied fear and crushed opinion on the other . Such order is and will prove itse « by it « results , worse than , the worst « Anarchies .
®*F Mnmmmnm.
®* f mnmmmnm .
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Mio , Ward-street , Ilulme , directs attention to a letter which apveured last weelc in tlie " Glasgow Sentinel , " signed " Uvomwell . " . Min can see no possible advantage * to the masses , other than those arising from a " whole lio ^ ' movement , and he recommtmds Cvoaiwell to seek an early interviuw whh Mv . B . Jones , at I ' lidiham , Halifax , or any other place , to remove tlie optbaluiia of his intellect . Woman ' s Rights AssocUTrox , Sheffield , —Tho report of the soitte is top old fur publication . T . II—There is capit .-il stulFin your lines , but they arc not quite perfect enough for publication . Practice and perseverance will acViieve . a pusttidu . W . P ., Kedditch . —We canaot give tho information required .
The Hobthebh Stas, Satwkdatf.Jttlgcejyiber J3, Is5l
Untitled Article
THE NORTHERN STAR . . December 13 ]^} " " FRJBEIHtliliAIV This duis Published Cloth
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 13, 1851, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1656/page/4/