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lrrrateaDy wuiiiUua.ii.uwHoi no.oaauu»es«<!'y-;—-i _ R{ - ~ . -——— t *i*fl Printed bvWILLlAil fi.lDEK.oi No. 5. Maccleslield-Buee t, in i
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NATIONAL CHAUTER ASSOCIATION . The Executive Committee of this body held their usual weekly meeting on Wednesday evening last . Present : Messrs . Bezer , Holyoake , Grassby , ana Arnott Mr . John Shaw heing absent tnrough severe indisposition , Mr . Bezer presided . Correspondence was read from Horsham , Bradford , Leigh , "Wigan , Bristol , and other p laces . In connexion with the financial department , it was resolved : — ' That £ 2 be paid towards the debt of the late office . ' . , . The Secretary having received no nominations to fill up the vacancies in the Committee , except for Messrs . Thornton Hant and Robert Le Blond , this Committee has no alternative but to declare them duly electedto fill up the vacancies .
, Arrangements were entered into for the Public Meeting at the John-street Institution , on the 3 rd , to Teview the Queen's Speech . After the disposal of other business , the following address was unanimously adopted , and the Committee adjourned to Feb . 4 th : —
THIRD ADDRESS OF TOE SEW EXECUTIVE OF THE XATIOXAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . Feiesds . —It is irksome to have to address you week after week upon the subject of finances ; bat the doty is imperative . These perpetual appeals have been heretofore a serious source of discouragement to Chartism , and we hope that in future all occasions ofthi 3 nature will be avoided . In future all expenditure should be made out of monieB sub . scribed in advance . As it is , we must deal with our difficulties without hesitation . Opposing , as we do , the errors of politicians , we must not lay ourselves open to counter imputations from them . Those tradesmen who have trusted the Executive mnst have no occasion to complain of the confidence thev reposed in ua .
DemandB are made upon us to call a Convention . Thus Btep requires consideration as well as means . We do not want a mere talking assembly , but an acting and devising one . Organisation requires to be matured within our own Tanks . When this is well liegun—it can hardly be said to exist yet—a Convention will have some useful work prepared for it to carry forward . A great deal appears to have been said , with approval , about rich men , and Gf their interest being opposed to that of the working man ' s . Those who share these sentiments should have too ranch pride 10 he under obligations to rich men . Such Chartists shouli be prompt to pay their own tray , and we have doubt they will . A sum so imall as one shilling from each member will enable us to meet all deficiencies , and apply a surplus to a well-considered organisation .
Faithful to oar pledge , we incur no liabilities , and the sum of £ 2 19 s . received since we last met , has reduced the final debt to £ 33 Is . A letter has been received from Mr . Ilarney , written under the impression that imputations have been made upon his personal honour iu the addresses we have issued TVe only need say in reply , that the impression ii totally unfounded . We expressly said that Mr . Harney ' s sentiments would be the same as our own respecting the liquidation of the debt . The personal friendship felt for Mr . Harney by every member of the Executive , forbids the supposition of any unjust reflection on him . We thank those Chartists who have this week COntri-Irated to the liabilities , and we continue to solicit the reeldue of the debt . Signed , James Grassby , Secretary , pro tern .
Receipts : —Wesminster Locality , per Mr , E , h . Clark , 5 s . ; Whitehoree Locality , per Mr . Hulett , 10 s . lOd . ; Mr . Ambrose , ditto , Is . ; Horsham , per G . Hennets , 3 s . ; Wigan , per Jame 3 Hilton , £ l ; Leigh , per James Cook , 8 s . 6 d . ; J . Monaghan , Is . ; "William Pallinger , 6 d . ; B . Isom , 6 d . ; Islington Locality , per A . Wood , 6 s . ; Finsbury Locality , per J . J . Bezer , 2 s . ; J . J . Bezer , Is . Total , £ 219 s . 4 d . James Gkassby , Secretary , pro tan . 96 , Begent Street , Lambeth . To whom all monies must be sent If by Postoffice Order to be made payable at the Lambeth Postoffice . P . S . —John Arnott received the Post-office Order for £ 1 from Arthur Trevalyan , Bristol .
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Metropolitan Delegate Cqoscil . —This body met at the Finsbury Literary Institution , on Sunday afternoon—Mr . A . Weod in the chair . A report of a favourable nature was received relative to the late public meeting at the John-street Institution . —Mr . Butler moved , and Mr . Murray seconded , a motion for calling a public meeting to petition parliament in favour of the pardon of all political exiles . —Messrs . Farren and Nicholls opposed the motion , on the ground of the apatbe ic state of the movement , and advised the withdrawal of it . On being put to the vote it was rejected by a majority of two . —Mr . Clatkmoved , and Mr . Nicholls seconded the following resolution — "That this Council fceing formed for the purpose of
propagating Chartist principle ; :, consider it their first duly to endeavour to restore localities in places where they for merly existed : to accomplish this effectively the Council shall appoint one or more of its members to visit all places ¦ where localities have been held , to ascertain , as far as practicable , the reasons which have led to their dissolution ; whether suitable places of meeting can be had , and whet amount of Co operation the Council may calculate upon from the Democracy of the district . " After considerable discussion , and a verbal amendment , the motion was carried . On the motion of Mr . Nicholls , Messrs . Clark , Enowles , Mills , and Farren vrere appointed as a committee to carry the resolution into effect . —Mr . Cottle
moved , and Mr . Butler seconded , a mntion to the following effect : — "That this Council appoint three delegates to the coming Parliamentary Reform Conference with instructions to advocate the adoption of Universal Suffrage . " The Parliamentary Reformers were the only party who were strong enough to call a conference , and it was the duty of the Chartists to urge upon them the adoption o * Manhood Suffrage . Mr . Farren moved as an amendment : — "That should the Parliamentary Reformers call a general Conference , and invite the attendance of all shades of Reformers , that the Council advise their localities to elect delegates thereto . " He was opposed to their attendance at a purely Parliamentary Reform
Conference . He denied that they were the only party who could call a Conference . They dare not call public meetings for that purpose ; and this proved , that although they possessed the necessary funds , they did not enjoy the confidence of the people . —Mr . Enowles seconded the amendment . The Reformers had invited men of all shades to their previous Conference , but would not allow them to move an amendment for Universal Sufftaje . If they sent delegates he was opposed to their acting under a cloak . —Mr . Docksey thought the Council had no ri ght to send any delegation to the Conference ; that power rested only in the localities . —Mr . Weedon spoke in favour of the motion . ' . If they would not entertsin a proposition for Universal Suffrage it woald serve to expose their hypocrisy . —Messrs . Murray and
Harmen supported the amendment . —Mr . Nicholls stated , that being a member of the Council of the Reform body he could explain , to tbem the present position of that body . Many of the Council were in favour of the Charter ; some even went further ; bal their consideration was , which were the most practical points to attain . These members had requested the Executive to call the Conference for the express object of altering their constitution ; and unless this was done they had no power to move any alteration in its objects . The Executive refused to aceeed ; nevertheless , if a majority of the Council decided in favour of it the Executive were compelled to call it . They had given the necessary notice in the Council , and the motion would come on for discussion on Wedoesdav , February 4 th . If the motion
was not carned . it would be useless to send delegates , as no proposition could be entertained for altering their rules . On this understanding the motion and amendment were withdrawn . Mr . Nicholls moved—' - ' 1 hat the delegates be xequesteato call upon their localities to take immediate steps topaytbe debts incurred b y the late Executive . " They were in honour bound to pay the debts . The resignation of some of iu members might have the effect of injuringthe receipt of funds to that bod y , and the Council should set a good example to their brethren . —Mr . Weedon seconded the motion , and spoke highly of the conduct of the Executive in determining to defray the debts prior to taking steps by which any liabilities could be incurred . Several
delegates supported the motion , and stated that their bodies were exerting themselves to raise funds . The motion was carried unanimously . —A resolution was passed , authorising the secretary to write to the localities , if their monthly contributions were in arrear . —The Council then adjourned Siockpok t ^ —The members of this locality held their usual meeting on Sunday last . After finance and other business of the Association had been disposed of , Mr . "William Graham was appointed delegate to sit in the meeting to be held at Rochdale , on Suuday , February 1 st . The following persons were elected as Council for the next three months : —William Graham , Isaac Lees , Henry
Owens , William Benfold , Charles Cette , Thomas Middleton , Samuel Wi nterbottom ; Thomas Mather , treasurer ; inomas Clews , secretary ; to whom all communications Skpt ^ cSre 1810110 " " " 10 ' ffigher nUlgate ' lJuhf £ ,, IllIEHi * iKsmcnox .-On Sunday evening the Xfp- «^\? ? crowled to-hear the discussion between K suS ^ , , k » nd-Messrs . Wheeler and Bezer , on SchoS Lffi « tn » recently delivered by Mr . C F . S was nS- 1 ?*** * ' " T « e discussion , the Chartist tedvtn ep / ppers P lrit to ta manifested by bodiesa " dVolSloS % nentr f Parties- ° the > - "form effects profflafiSSS * * ! Aom to the good or evil Mr . I ^ owaHaUed StK ? Or de "lamatory language , the oiscussioD , S M ^ uVfe at . «> e conclusio / of tfe ^ YMt ^ ES ^ &gp ' - **
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Bhockiso Accidekt by Machinery . —Mr . Robert Baker , sub-inspector of factories , charged Mr . John Tarley , of Stanningly , near Leads , worsted spinner , before Colonel Tempest , Mr . Joshua Pollard , Mr . John Rand , Mr . William Walker , and Mr . Alfred Harris ( West Riding magistrates ) , at Bradford , on the loth inst ., with having committed breaches of the Factory Act in several instances , namely : — " First , omitting to fence off a shaft or axle in one of the rooms of his mill , whereby a very severe accident had occurred to a girl named Annis Fenton , employed by him ; secondly , employing Phoebe Sugden , a girl under thirteen years of age , more than seven hours ; thirdly having employed Hannah Sugden , under thirteen years of age for more than seven hours ; and fourthly , having employed Phcebe Sugden , without having a schoolmaster ' s certificate . The defendant , for whom Mr . Terry , solicitor appeared , is of the firm of Messrs . Varley and Son . Mr . Barker then proceeded ' with the charge againBt the
defendant for not properly fencing off the shaft of the machinery . He stated that in the room where this shaft was , the defendant had seven drawing machines , all in a line , and that they were driven by a shaft running the whole length through the lower portion of the machine . It was usual for such shafts to be placed above the machines , and they were not allowed to be lower than seven feet from the floor , unless they were fenced off . On the 8 th of December last a girl named Annis Fentoa . who was working in this room , received a very severe injury in consequence of this Bhaft not being fenced off . The girl was stooping down for the purpose of picking up some waste under one of these machines , or gill-boxes as they were called , when her long hair became entangled in tbe shaft , and was actually torn from her head . Witnesses
were then called by Mr . Baker in proof of this statement . Mr . Macbill , certifying surgeon for that district , was also called to prove the extent of the injury sustained by the poor girl . Mr . Machill stated that the hair had not only been torn off , but portions of the flesh as well ; the skin , integuments , and the hair across the forehead and down to the back of the neck , from the angles of the jaw nearly to the right ear , were entirely torn off : the left ear had also been torn off by the root . Mr . Machill produced the hair , &c . in court , and stated that in all probability the girl would recover from the effects of the accident ; she was then able to sit up a few hours a day , and was in every respect doing well . The sufferer had received nothing from her employers since the accident , neither had they visited her ; she had received 10 s . from a fund raised by levying fines among the mill hands . Mr . Terry , for the defendant , contended that the shaft b y which the accident happened was not such a shaft or mill-gearing as was contemplated
by the act , but was a portion of the machine itself , the whole seven gill-boxes being but one preparing machine . Robert Parkinson , a mechanic in the defendant ' s em | loy , was called in proof of this , but on cross-examination he admitted that each gill-uox was a complete machine of itself . Colonel Tempest said that the bench felt that they would be very remiss in the discharge of their duty if they did not inflict the full penalty . The conduct of Mr . Tarley in not visiting and relieving the girl was exceedingly reprehensible , and the defence which had been set up was anything but creditable to him . The full penalty of £ 100 was imposed upon the defendant , together with costs , £ 2 ii , fid . With the concurrence of the bench , Mr . Baker promised to solicit Sir George Grey to present the penalty to the unfortunate sufferer , Annis Fenton . After this decision , Mr . Baker withdrew the other three charges upon the defendant paying cost ? , amounting altogether to £ 2 us . 6 d .
Tub Coisi Goard . —Returns have been ordered to be made by the several inspecting commanders of the coast guard , of the number of chief boatmen , commissioned boatmen , boatmen , and extra men employed in their respective districts , stating age and serrice , and distinguishing those who have served in the royal navy and have been appointed by the Lords of the Admiralty from civilians who have received their appointment from the Treasury or Board of Customs ; this is to be done for the purpose of ascertaining the number of men who can be made available in case of au emergency , as those men appointed by the Admiralty having served in the navy , are well drilled to the great gun exercise , and have obtained certificates of good conduct and of being efficient seameD , from the commanders they served under iu the navy . Similat returns are to be made by tbe officers commauding revenue vessels with respect to their
crews , and also of all boatmen employed iuthe service of the Board of Customs . Orders have been issued to the various chief officers commanding stations , to : have their boats * crews drilled in the great gun , small arms and sword exercises , on every occasion that they can be Bpared from their other duties . It is stated , that should the services of the coast guard be required , they will garrison the towers and batteries along the coast , and assist the dockyard brigades to man floating batteries and gun-boats ; Dkath of as Eccbkiric Liiebabt Characibk . —On Wednesday an inquest was held at Camberwell on the body r wl R cha miffed Davenport , aged seventy-five , author of histories of America and India , and several pWs of 8 ™ w y \ ° u ^ nd ay ' about fonr ° ' clock » the attention fjf ° « n on 8 taH - ^ waa attracted by low moans issuing from Brunswick Cottage , Park-street . Camberwell toL
reswence of tue deceased ) . He knocked at the door but ^ rli ? « ar /» l a 5 dlie therefore broke into the front parlour , and found the deceased lying in the passage nearly dead , with a bottle that had contained laudanum in his band . A surgeon was sent for , but a few minutes after his arrival the deceased expired . Several bottles were found in ins tadroom containing laudanum , of which he was in the constant habit of taking large quantities while writing . Upon the jury going to view the body , the house presented a most extraordinary appearauce-the rooms were literally SS \ P . manuscripts , pictures , ancient coins , andantiques of vanouB descriptions . The deceased has te-S I *! -jT & * & ***» of eleven years , during which time it had never been oleanBed , and the bookB , bed * , and furniture were rapidl y decaying , everything- beine covered with dust AUtheViudowsof theh " us . ( of 3 deceased was the freeholder ) were broken , the whole place presenting a most dilapidated appearance . ' Terdict" That thedeceased died from iwdvertently taking anoverdoseof
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LEEDS REDEMPTION SOCIETY . We are proceeding with our Co-operative undertaking in : the direction which we desired at setting out , viz : —As associates in distribution not of Groceries only , but of every article produced or tended by Co-operator ' s , and where we can and other Co-operators do not—to produce it ourselves : as cloths , shoes , &c , we are enabled to carry out our views more effectually by timely aid not to be fergotten . The monies this week are— -Candidates and members , lls . ; Leeds subscriptions , £ 16 s . lid . ; Hyde , per Bradley , £ 1 6 s . 4 d . ; Hanley , 0 s . 7 d . ; Building Fund , 3 s . ; Propagandist Fund , 3 s . 9 | d . . : R . Jokes , Secretary .
[ Our correspondent appears to be labouring under a great mistake . By referring' to our last issue he will find that we gave the monies as he sent themnot in gross , but in detail . This is the first complaint we have received as to errors in his reports , and can only add , ' that it is our earnest desire to correct them when they are discovered to exist . We take great interest in the movement , and shall always be glad to hear from him . —Ed . N . S . I
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The House Duir at Southampton . ~ A number of the householders of various parts of Southampton ( says a correspondent ) were called from their homes and employment on Wednesday to appeal against the assessment of their rentals for the Inhabited House Duty . The offices where the appeals were heard were erammed to suffocation the whole of the day , and several most respectable females were obliged to leave on account of the fatigue they underwent . The assessment is believed to have been made out from some old assessment lists , which are of no value , on account of the fluctuation in value of house property in the town . Many persons were assessed at sums of 50 , 60 , and even above 100 per cent , more than their actual rental for years past . The Commissioners of Appeal were unable to attend to a tenth part of the appeals that were made , and their meeting was consequently adjourned to a future day .
Seamen ' s Union in North and Sooth Shields . —Shields , Jasdahy 27 . —The anniversary of the formation of the Seamen ' s Association was celebrated on Tuesday by a large procession of geamen through the principal thoroughfares and streets of North and South Shields . The appearauco of the men—there appeared to be from 3 , 000 to 4 , 000 in the procession—was highly respeotable and orderly ; a large number of flags were carried in the procession , and a number—some hundreds—of flags of all shapes and sizes decorated the streets in the low town . On the procession reaching the offices of the hon . agent of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society in
North Shields they halted and gave three hearty British cheers , which were renewed and repeated as each succeeding group arrived , which they expressed as a mark of respect to Mr . Turnbull and to the noble society from which so many of them during the year have derived substantial relief . After the processional part of the ovation was over , they assembled in the Temperance Hall , in Norfolk-street . The most striking mottoes on the flags , and which evidently indicated their universal feeling , were " Appeals to Union ; " " To stick together ; " " To remember £ i 10 s . per voyage . " The main object now apparently of the union is to preserve and secure to seamen a remunerative scale of wages . An excellent band of
music accompanied the procession . A Woman Boiled to Death . —On Thursday morning , at an early hour , great excitement prevailed among the inmates of Wapping Workhouse , nigh-street , St . John ' s , Wiippmg , in consequence of a female named Sarah Tor-Bon , aged sixty-nine , being discovered in . a copper of boiling water by one of the washerwomen employed in the establishment . Deceased had been iu the workhouse several years , and was always considered of sound intellect . About seven o ' clock on Thursday morning , one of the girls proceeded into the washing-room to light the copper tiro , after which several of the other females began to prepare for the UBual day ' s work ; and when they considered the water was sufficiently heated , one of them went to put
some clothes into the boiling liquid when she screamed at the sight of a female ' s head and shoulders which were projecting from the copper . An instant alarm was raised , when several men came to the spot and found the deceased in a sitting position dead and completely boiled , for when she was dragged out of the water in the oopper she Bkin and flesh peeled off . She was placed on the floor of the kitchen , and Mr . Naah , the Burgeon , of High-street , was Bent for . It was afterwards ascertained that the deceased must have got on to the top of the copper by climbing up with the assistance of a stool . The deceased had evidently got into the copper while the liquid was cold . Mr . Marshall , the coroner ' s officer , subsequently took charge of the body , which was removed to the dead-house to await
an inquest . Fire and Loss op Life—On Thursday morning a dreadful fire broke out at the house of Mr . Werndley , No . 47 , Welbeck-streefc , Cavendish-square . It appeared that the family were aroused by the police between three and four o clock , and as the fire was making rapid progress , all , with the exception of the deceased ( a man in possession ) escaped by the roof to the adjoining houses . A great portion of the building and its contents were saved ; but such was the rapidity with which the flames travelled upstairs that the unfortunate deceased was suffocated . The body was removed to Marylebone workhouse for an inquest . The two adjoining houses , were seriously damaged by fire aud water ; as also the houso of Mr . James . No cause was known as to the origin of the calamity ;
Who are Sane?—A coroner ' s jury will settle a queg . tion of sanity or insanity in five seconds . A consmiBsion delunaticomll be five weeks about it , and not know what to do in the end . An inquiry has been on . foot from the year 1851 , to ascertain if a Mrs . Cumming , having estates and married daughters , be of sound mind , her property not being bequeatbed to her next of kin . One of the witnesses Mr . Fettigrew Eaid that violence of gesture was one BymDfiU 2 W J y ° <» e quiet under exaraina-^» ' e » d ., 8 ua T . Sergeant Wilkins , "or you yourself will fall under suspicion . " Mr . Pettigrew mi ( thatsuperjtition was an evidence of insanity . Sergeant Wilkins lhen all our ancestors were mad . " ( Laughter ) . Mr . Pettigrew : -Yes . ' ( Laughter . ) Those , for instance , who believed in the trial by ordeal were , to that extent , insane . " Mr . Davy , another medical man ,, was asked if he believed in mesmerism and clairvoyance , and said < l he did—allriehtthiukmg men did . " ( Laughter ) .- " ! do not . " said !« .
geant wilKins , so 1 am not a right-thinking man ? " Mr Davy : No ! youarcinganeto a certain degree . " ( Laughter ) . i . ^ a " . ? wu ^ ewB" gives prominenco to the following , headed " The New Raform Bill : " -Although the intentions of Lord John RusBell have , of course , been shrouded in all secrecy of official reserve , it l « now whispered that the following boroughs are certainly amougat those marked for positive disfranchi 8 ement :-Calne , Chippenham , Totnes , Harwich , St . Albans .-Three others ^ not named-are likewise , it ii said , to loso all parliamentary pmileges .-BeBides these , many other boroughs are to have en arged conBtitucncies given them by amalgamation with neighbouring towns . Additional members SIit be allotted to London and to Lancashire . , Amongst the other chief alterations proposed will , it is said , be a £ 10 franch . se for counties and a £ 5 franchise for boroughs . 31 bJw Vt mi uP ° nthat m <»> t important point-the Ballot . Reformers muat be on the alert .
sJAt P « rf SK T ? ^ . -The Heda , arrived on the K / JSSW . ? , thecoast-of Africa , has brought home 2 , 3771 b . of Goldner ' s "preserved meats" to return-529 lbs . from Ascension , and 1 , 848 lbs . from Sierra Leone . The character glven this stuff by those who have been " co £ JSi toT t 0 pa h iB worse than a » y ^ « J ^^ -ft" ?" steam -8 loop , now ready at Woolwich , is ? £ ? J ° * aken t ( > Sheerness , where ' she will be stationed as an advanced War-ateamer ; and all the vessels « Sf . ™ "IT 1 the ™ ' « P ° * t ° be fitted wM SL nB ? n J ° arda , ndtobe ke P fc in 8 Uon aetate oS
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ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION . The chemical professor to this establishment , Mr . Pepper , iB engaged in delivering a lecture of a highly * oientific character , and treats of that peouliar state of oxygen , which considered as a new form of that element , or as a paroxide of hydrogen ( under the name of ozone ) , presents features of the utmost interest to all those engaged in science . The air from an electrical machine , commonly called the electrio aura , was shown to contain ozone , by turning iodide of potassium , and starch blue , by its peculiar odour , and also by its power of bleaching indigo . Having demonstrated the different modes of proouring ozone , and stated that it was
contained in atmosphere air , tbe learned professor proceeded to exhibit numerous experiments , to prove his position ; and concluded by directing tbe attention of his auditors to a number of lumps of gold , one valued nearly £ 200 from Oba , Australia , brought over by Colonel Munday , and shown from philanthropic motives , in order to attraot attention , and induce all persons who are anxious to improve their fortunes , or who are impoverished in this country , to emigrate there , as the true Ophir and land of promise . Hitherto the greater number of emigrants have gone to California , but the advantages of Australia were paramount , as it was under the protection of the British government , and proper , instead of Lynch , law prevailed . Messrs . Hunt and Roskill kindly gent the specimens .
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Fatal Accident on the South-Western Railwat . —On Friday morning an unfortunate accident , terminating in the almost instantaneous death of a gentleman , whose name is at present unknown , occurred at the Wandsworth Bta . tion of the London and South-Western Railway . The deceased gentleman was well known by sight to the officials of the station as being a regujar passenger . That morning he rushed upon the platform just as the train was emerging from the station . He was told that he was too late , but , being anxious not to lose the train he ran after it and as it was passing the platform he suooeeded in laying hold of one of the handles of a carriage , and then sprung on the foot-board for the purpose of stepping into the train His foot slipped , and after making several attempts to gain his former position he lost his hold , and falling upon the line , was so frightfully crushed that he died in the courso of a few minutes . ., '
Our "Sacred' Exhibitions . —A few days ago the chiof objeots of interest m York Minster were pointed out to a party of . six by a verger-tho whole survey occupying about half an hour . On offering remuneration the official informed them that the charge was one shilling each , thus receiving six shillings for half an hour ' s perambulation of the cathedral and use of the tongue . Ship Destroyed by Fire . —On Saturday , advices wp ™ "ceivedby the West India Mail of the destrwtS b fi ? o ! the British ship , Cassandra , from London , bound to San Ti a m n n " n ° ' fi , 5 . ev occurred at sea , some diatanee from Lima , on the 8 th of December last . She had several pastakinTt ° a thPT ; > / itllth - , Cre 7 ' 8 aved themselves 4 tS J - ? rt . i - were picked "P and taken into Lima . 2 Sured fire " notes P lain ^ The ship was but
rifO 0 Bn ra SION r , LoVKl "" The "Salisbury Herald " relates somo fanatical proceedings of the people of tho Agapemone . Mra . Styles , a widow of thirty-two , had been for some time pressed to join the " Abode of Love , " but liad been proof againBt the delusion ; her servant , however , not only joined , but introduced a party into Mrs . fctyleB's bedroom at midnight , who declared they were come to fetch her , having been sent by Godfortbat purpose . She resisted alike blandishments and threats for upwards of two hours , when , help being at hand , the Agapemomtes were obliged to depart , venting their anger in declamatory violence against all who came near them .
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MANSION-HOUSE .-CHAME of PoBoro—wTlIiam George Finch was finally emmmed upon the charge of having forced three cheques of £ 20 each upon the basins-house of Bavne t , Hoare , and Co ., m the name of Mr . Thomas Burtlett , his former master , who banked at that establishment . The prisoner , who was ? S CoSdSria .: 814 he 8 h 0 UW MSerVe WS defe " ce for hiB Monday , the 22 def December , on a charge of « ubun » r m .-. Janiea
W ^ Co , I ° ^ - ' ""? , ? airk ' on the morning of Sunday , December aist . mShip-yara , Strand , was brought up before Mr m u a 1 . natI 0 ni Mr < Jllmes ' QuUler ( whose hand waa still bound up and ma sling ) on entering the witness-box informed tUe magistrate that , aa he was now nearly restored to health and as the prisoner had expressed his reRret and contrition at allowing his feelings to have so overcome him in what was nothing more . n » » . i ^ 8 pl ' ee ' ? e h (> Pei the magistrate would deal nimmiu ' nly with the case , and not send the prisoner for trial . The nrisoner was lined in the penalty of five pounds , which ke paid .. MARYLEBONE . -EXTEWBDINABT akd Serious Chaboe against wff *? " ™*' * ?™ an an * Surgeon's Assistant . -jS Smith , shopman to a lmendraper at 44 , Regent-street . andRnhrS DennChrutmoi , assistant at the house of a lately deceased af , r F ^^ JwasafJidsSi
p ^^^^ SSr ^ s ^ g ^ Sn ^ tfflsK « sar 5 wSs = BS ^^ sgMftS&p . near Hanover . square Ihadnmml 1 J ok me to a house in Blandford-street Jlimchesfe ^ S been servant at his father ' s , ties first took place be ^ ween u . tt » ' ? here ln > P"P < : r famUiari . theftmlIj . w , MdOT SJ&- ? t £ r Tlif ^ ° ifIwas in would bo to a friend oflZiSr 8 th » t * thought I was , he said he sssllf ^ ss medicine / tellinfme ^ abortion if I took it as he ( hi Vm ^ I u } - ould be 8 ure t 0 P rocuro mixture to a younR ^ manwhlT « had gl \ 6 a the Bama kindof had mi 8 carried . -I gre ° t la ? T « f ? Ve m ^ th 8 Sone ' and ttl 8 t Bhe « ... _ ...,. ' ' . h le » I Ueai OI Other P . oMonna moo „„„„ : „ . „ u . «» iiiovibuih )
>» o pruaeeutnx , with muni tr . « . ....... , B uj together with the view Sic * 5 Vmonm having conspired stood chargedSwhtori 2 nfiS ° rllOn ' with »>**«*«« they said : On Cla 3 w ™ &JT w •»*««* . the court , who , in Kegent-street nnintoH g A elock ' l was with P ^ secutrix , I took intocu " S ?^ and " „ mvtn m $ » ? soner sSlitl 1 ' whoni vvithaUemptingtoDrocur "?!* . ' ^ a that lie was chav « ever . At the « ti «« n I ? ? ^ 5 > *>« made no observation whatwas , and toftrtbSSLr * T- 6 ald hd knew notwtereChristmas he took ChtK ? 1 at nU about hlm ; Whi PP <«» M that road-ItffiEUvw" 8 ame l night in Joneg-terrace , Waierloo-AueustlLTfltrt n * P ™ « cutrix . was confined on the 12 th of Sllte Charlotte Ljing-itf Hospital , New-roaa , ment « h-KLS ' butthreeda >' Ever since her accouche ' ment » he "ad been in an extremely weak aud exhausted condition
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and for month * past had been a patient in the MarYlehrtnTT' "' mary .-The prisoners , who were made fully acquainted ^ i nfir very serious . position in which they were placed , were remand 1118 Tuesday next . They were allowed upon their applSn ? "' 1 bail themselves in £ 200 , and two sureties in £ 100 e « nh to , » e twenty . four hours' notice ) , for their being forthebminir onVwi tl » above named . - 6 « mae aay WE 8 TMINSTER . r-TEET Dhthessdto Case—A . respectable , ingwoman , named Jacobs , living at 72 , Lillington-streel ; wi ? . *• solicited redress under tho following distressing circumn ' f , 1 Co > Applicant ' s husband has been for the last 6 ix years m 2 ' T Forester ' s lodge , or benefit society , called the Court Artiiw i ? a at the Crown and Sceptre , Chapter-street , Westminster r ' nl commencement of November , owing te the circumstance of « e his children having been laid up with the typhus fever he hnri n , " in arrears of 18 s . 9 d . with the society , and upon being ' « u « i « Icn agreeably with the articles to attend the lodge and pay tho m ° ned he mentioned his inability to raise the whole amount , owiniM . ?' sickness of his family , and was recommended by the seereti pay 10 s . to escape the suspension consequent upon any nersnn w- in arrears to the amount of 9 s ., which he did . On the 19 th fi ! g man was himself taken ill with the fever , and declared on tho r P ° 5 r of the society , in order to obtain a sick member ' s allowance o ? tj per week . The money was paid for three days b y the secret ' who then suddenly discove-ed that the member was not entitled y ' the sick allowance , because he was in arrears . The arrearst
; Hiihspmientiv tendered , hnt . r&fi ' ispfl aitliminVi ! tm . «» : _ . _ i . _* Wt « subsequently tendered , but refused , although it was Btipuktffllv the member being a defaulter shall be under suspension until « . at arrears be paid and further , that if the said suspension contin . for fourteen weeks , the members shall not be reinstated In ii « an arbitration clause , which is to be generally found in the rui « r benefit societies , and which , in the event oWisputcs , afford « ti ? aggrieved party redress before a magfetrafttfgffe is in this so \\^ a continuous committee , or courLof , japMjEgno « e decision is tn v binding and complied with until altered By ^ higher tribunal ' h ? omitting altogether to state what ; ' tribunal ^ Preferred to and ' thi creating a . difficulty , as it seems , of no ordinary character . An •„ peal was made to the members in the form . prescribed , hut bv th » - edict the poor man , to whom they gayejffl , would have to / env , ; fourteen weeks , from the 10 th of November last , before he woul 1 after paying his arrears , be eligible to receive any benefits . Th ,, ' precluded from tho sick allowance of Us . per week durinsKW lengthened and continued illness , the poor , man , who is only » journeyman mechanic , has by degrees parted with almost all ill * portable articles he posaessed , and is necessarily in considerab le distress . In consequence of the last act of parliament relating ti ! friendly societies , clearly implying that their affairs shall be settled as their rules may direct , and that the decision so made shall be
binding and conclusive , except where arbitration is expressly nrn vided for . the poor woman was informed that the Court had no power to help her * SOUTHWARK . —Mary Dellow , a servant in the employ of Jlr Hughes , the landlord of the Red Lion wine vaults , was brought before Mr . A'Beckett , charged with robbing her master . Prosecutor stated that he had recently taken the above house , and the wi-6 oner was housemaid at the time . On several occasions afterwards he missed money ; and on Monday night he called in a police-sergeant , and mamd twenty alrillings worth of silver , for ttiepur . pose of detecting the thjef , and deposited it in the usual place Early next morning he vps called upon , and told that the priso ^ had stolen three shillin ^ r ^ hich induced him to give her into custody . —Benjamin Homer said he took the prisoner into custody , and ou searching her boxes be found about five pounds' worth of silver and a gold ring belonging to her mistress . Mr . Hughes informed the magistrate that he believed the whole of the money found in her boxes had been stolen from him . —Mr , A'Becket committed her for trial .
LAMBETH . —Cab Extortion . —A Slight Mibtakb . —Charles C otes a cab-driver , badge 6 , 807 , appeared before the Hon . G . C . Norton on a summons to answer the complaint of a gentleman named Burnaby , for extorting double his legal fare . —The complainant deposed that on Saturday , the 17 th instant , he engaged the defendant at the tand at tbe bottom of Grosvenor-street to drive him to the Yauxhall station of the South . Western Railwav . On getting out of the cab he handed the defendant 1 ; ., which amount he knew to be hit legal fara ; but he refused to accept it , and demanded 2 s . He then took out a handful of silver , and told the defendant he might take what he liked , but still that his proper fare was only Is . The defendant repeated that h > s fare was 2 s ., and helped himself to the amount . —Mr . Norton : Well , defendant , what hate you got to say to charging this gentleman , double your legal lare ! Defendant - . The fact is , your worship , it was a slight mistake . I thought my fare was Is . Sd ., and that the gentleman would give me the difference for myself . —Mr . Norton : A slight mistake , indeed . I know the distance the gentleman rode very well , and it does not axcetd
a mile and a half . How , therefore ,- could you think of charging ls . 8 d . ? Defendant : I thought that was my proper f « re . —Mr . Norton : Did you ask for the Is . 8 d . ? Defendent , hesitating : I did , sir . —Mr . Burnaby : Most certainly not , the only sum you asked was 2 s ., and that you insisted on having . Defendant : It was all a mistake , I assure you , sir . —Mr . Norton : A mwtake , indeed ! I com i . d « r it a most scandalous extortion , . For this offenee , defendant , you are convicted in a penalty of 21 s ., or twenty-one days ; and I alio adjudge that you in addition pay the expenses , and return the Is , eictas of fare to the complainant . —The defendant paid the penalty , and was discharged . A . WaoiEBiLE Pmjndeber . —An . aged ¦ woman , who has for many years , and while out of priton , subsisted upon the plunder of licensed victuallers , was finally examined on a charge of stealing eight knives and four forks from the taproom of the Lord Nelfon Tavern , in the Kent-road , on Saturday , the 17 th instanti—The charge was clearly established , and witnesses having spoken to her former convictions on similar charges , the prisoner was fully committed for trial .
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CORN . Mabk-lanr , Monday , January 26 . —We had a short supply of English wheat at this morning ' s market , and the whole was readily bought by the millers , at an advance of Is to 2 b per qr . upon laBt Monday ' s prices . Foreign wheat was not obtainable without paying a similar advance , but there was scarcely so much business done as on Friday last . Flour readier sale , and the millers have raised the top price of English 3 s per sack . Barley scarce , and Is to 2 s per qr . higher ; Beans and peas firm . With oats we were but moderately supplied , and from needy buyers 6 d to Is per qr . more was obtained than ou Monday last .
CATTLE . SmTHEiEtD , Monday , January 2 G , —To-day ' s market was tolerably well , but not extensively , supplied with home-fed beasts , as to num . bers , whilst their general quality exhibited a deficiency compared with Monday last . The show of foreign stock was smaller than for some weeks past . Owing to the large quantities of meat on offer in Newgate and Leadenhall , and the prevailing wet weather , the demand for all kinds of beasts was somewhat inactive . However , a fair clearance of the best Scots , Herefords , and Short-horns , was effected at last week ' s prices—the top figure for beef being 3 s 103 per 81 bs . ; but all low and middling qualities ruled the turn in favour of buyers . On the whole ¦ , the supply of sheep was seasonably good . Prime old Downs and half-breeds were in fair request at previous currencies : most other sheep moved off slowly , at unaltered quotations . There were about 1 , 000 shorn sheep in the market . Very few calves were brought forward , nevethertheless , the demand for them was heavy , at barely stationary prices . In pigs , the number of which was very moderate , nex * ; to nothing was doiug ; but we have no change to notice in their value .
Beef 2 s 6 il to 3 s lOd ; Mutton 2 s 10 s to 4 s ii ; Veal 3 s Od to 3 s lOd ; Pork 2 s 6 d to 3 s lOd . Price per stone of Slbs . ( sinking the offal ) . Newgate and Leadenhall , Monday January 26 . —Since our last reportthese markets have been very scantily supplied with meat killed in the metropolis ; but the arrivals from the provinces have been on a liberal scale . On the whole , a full average business has been transacted , at but little alteration in prices .
PROVISIONS . London , Monday . —There was scarcely any change in the position of our market last week .. Of Irish butter the dealers bought cautiouBly and sparingly ; fine quality was most in request , and rea-Used an advance of Is to 2 s per cwt . Of other descriptions the sales were comparatively trifling , and prices nearly nominal . Fine Friesland was saleable at 100 s to 200 s per cwt . In bacon , on board and landed , a respectable business was done , at prices the turn in favour of sellers . Hams of small size and choice quality , were easier to sell , and at rather more money . Lard was more freely dealt in , and dearer , ENousn Butter Market , Jan . 26 , —At present we have no Dorset butter in tike market , except such as is stale , wAich is difficult to rid at declining prices . "Wi } h fresh we are well supplied , but quality is very variable , and so is price in consequence thereof .
BREAD . The prices of nheaten bread in the metropolis are from Gel , to GJd . ; of household ditto , 4 Ad . to 5 Jd . per 41 bs . loaf . POTATOES . Sodthwabk , Waterside , January 2 C—During the past week there have been several arrivals coastwise , and a very large supply by rail . The trade still continues very heavy . WOOL . Citv , Monday . —The Wool market is very firm , and holders arc not at all disposed to press sales . The expectation is that priceswill advance , and the next auctions of Colonial are looked for with consideranle interest . Liverpool , January 24 . —Scotch . —There is no new feature in the market . The demand for all kinds of Scotch Woll is limited to the immediate wants of the trade , at late rutes . Foreign . —In the prospect of the sales by auction next week there is little to offer by private contract , The quantities to be offered will be 500 Colonial , DUO Spanish Frontees , 300 East India , 500 Egyptian , 200 Russians , 200 Mogador , 150 fine Buenos Ayres , and abouS BOO sundries .
COTTON . Liverpool , Jan . 28 We have still a very healthy demand for nearly all descriptions of the current qualities of cotton . A good business has been transacted to-day ; the sales reach 10 , 000 bales , of which speculators have taken 1 , 000 American aud 5 , 0110 Surat , The market closed this afternoon firmly , but without so much animation as yesterday . Prices of American , Surat , and low Pernam , Ju . per 1 b . dearer than at the close of the week ; all other kinds ate much the same . The choice of American at and wrier ud . ; tnwe is but a poor choice . The transactions include 2 , 500 Surat , at 2 ^ 0 . to 3 Jd , j 250 Egyptian , OJd . to Sd . ; 10 i > Bahia , 5 § d . to «| d . ; 31 ) 6 Periiam , 5 | d . to 0 | . ; and 0 , 000 at 4 ja . to 5 Jd . per lb . HIDES . tEADHmAii ,. —Market hides , 501 b . toGilb ., lJd . to IJrt . per ft-1 ditto , C 41 b . to 721 b ., lfd . to 2 d ; ditto , 721 b . to 801 b ., 2 d . to 2 } d . ; ditto . 801 b . to 881 b ., 2 $ d to 3 d . ; ditto , 881 b . to 061 b ., 3 dto 3 . JJ . i ditto 961 b . to 1041 b . , 3 $ il . to Od . ; ditto , 1011 b . to 1121 b ., 4 d to H& < t Culf-skins , each , Is . On . to 3 s Od . ; horse-hidesSs . toOa .
COALS . Mondat , Jan . 26 . —A very heavy market , at the rates oflat tday -Stewart ' s 17 s Cd-Braddyll ' s , 17 s 3 d-Wylam ' s 15 s 0 d-Whitworih ' s 138-Hartley's 14 s Gd-Fresh arrivals , 21—left from today 30-total 81 .
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ss ^ - From the Gazette of Tuesday , Jan . 27 $ . ; BANKRUPTS . Charles Bacon , Walton , Somersetshire , tailor—Samuel Bi <* er ' ton , Liverpool , butcher-James Boxall , Brighton , Sussex , cooi " maker—William Abriun Cogar , Newgate-street , City , and Quadra ^ Regent-street , boot an shoe dealer—James Copland , Harnstapwi Devonshire , tea" dealer—William James Foulkes , Birkenhead , uw Bhirc , druggist—Henry Glad win , Nottingham , draper-ocor ^ Gull and Francis Deacon Wilson , Old Broad-street , City , ««»' brokers—George Hopkinson , Liverpool , coach builder—"" . '"* Lougher , Thomas Longlier , and David Lougher , Plymouth , »™ u founders-Leon J . Nerinckx , Great Portland street , Marylebone , lacemen—William Platt , Crawford-street , Jtarylebone , draper Henry Pound , Plymouth , builder—John James Rayner , Mancnesw » tailor—William Kock , Surrey-place , Surrey , printer—Edward 1 i » ' » ley , Cradley Heath , Staffordshire , cooper-Edwin Walker , Hubert field , Yorkshire , woolstapler-Frcderick Winck , Margate . Jve » ' tailor-William Wood , Bristol , provision merchant-Henry irancw ffollaston , Union-grove , Wandsworth-road , Surrey , merchant .
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . Ceorge Buchanan and George Ross , Doggartland , Dairy , ca « and shuwl printers-Archibald DavM Campbell , Edin burgh , sm broker-JohnLimerock , Glasgow , smith-JameaM'Intosh , Dun ° ' grocer-William Morrison , lloundhill , Lanarkshire , » r f ! itS Alexander Templeton , Dutch Mills , near Ayr , wool « P" \ ner r 7 lla 6 . Ure , Maryijurgh-cottage , near DingwaU-John Whiteheao , " gow , mason , - .-. - . ¦
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, , parish ofSt . Amie , Westminster , at the Prinun .. ! nice , it > . « . Windmill-street , " Haymarket , in the Ciijf of Westminster , flff * 4 Troprieor , FEA . RGUS' 0 'COSNOR , Esq ; , M . P ., and puW ^ by the faid Wimum Rides , at the office in the same a-ree * arista ,, —Saturday . January 31 th , ls-52 .
€F»Artfet Sttteutgetwe.
€ f » artfet SttteUtgetwe .
€O*O£Watfoe Fitttewigwtt*
€ o * O £ watfoe fittteWigwtt *
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THE CROOK WORKING-MAN'S MUTUAL CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY . Mr . Editor . —A correspondent in your last week ' s paper , asks several questions regarding the report of the Working-man ' s Mutual Co-operative Society of Crook , and it isjwith pleasure we answer them . The reason we pay ten per cent , on the share money is , because no member can hold more than four shares at ten shillings each , which , by itself , does not Realize sufficient capital to carry , on successfully the concern . That being the case , we instituted a bank to receive deposits , which is open to all , whether shareholders or not ; at the same time it holds out an inducement to the shareholders to invest their interest money , and to them as well as others it becomes a saving bank :
there are many depositors who are not shareholders . ¦ You may be ready to say , why do we not increase the share money by increasing the price , or number of shares , so that each member might take more out ? The reason is , the poorer shareholders were afraid , if the shares were not limited , that the wealthier shareholders would gain too much influence . And , to satisfy and give confidence to our weaker brethren , we have limited the interest on the share money , aud what remains over , after paying the said interest , goes into a contingent fund , on which the depositors in the back have no claim , but which belong entirely to those who are full members of the society . By inserting this in your next paper , you will oblige your correspondent , and Your obedient servant , January 26 , 1852 . John Colling * .
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• ttWfc fttttttaemettta ,
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Iftatfteta , &t *
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SURREY THEATRE . On Monday night a new and origiml domestic play , entitled " Annie Tyrrell , or Attree Copse , " by Mr . Serle , the author of many dramatic productions which are well known to the public , was brought , out here with decided sucoess . Thesoeneiblaid man English village , and the characters consist of farmers , poachers , gamekeepers , cockney sportsmen , a drunken postman , an innkeeper and his daughter , and the Tarious other members of sn ordinary rustic circle . The hero is a young farmer , who has fallen in love with a village maiden , and who , being discovered poaching , kills a gamekeeper in a struggle for his , own life . The incidents leading to the murder and the consequences aming from it . form the leading features of the play , and the plot is filled up with a succession of comic scenes . Miss Aitken , Mr Oreswick , Mr . Mead , Mr . Shepherd , and Mr . H . Widdicomb performed the principal characters , and the piece was put effectively upon the stage .
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ROYAL MARIONETTE THEATRE . On the spot formerly occupied by tho Adelaide Gallery as a gallery of Practical Soience , in Adelaide-street , Strand , Mr . Simpson has lately , as with a wizard ' s wand , ereoted one of the prettiest little theatres - in the metropolis , for tho purpose of re-introducing to the public , after an absence of more than twenty-fivtfyears , a troupe of Marionettes , or mechanical figures . The attractions of the puppets , or Marionettes , gave birth , in the days of Addison and Steele . to many a mournful article in the "Spectator" and " Guardian , " deploring tho effect they had in ruining the natural drama , which then , aa now , we were repeatedly
informed , had lost its hold on the public affection through the introduction of foreign novelties . From that timo to this Marionettes have been comparative strangers in England , although they are standing attractions in most of the hrge continental cities . It is true that about 1829 Mr . Welsh " engaged a troupe of Marionettes for the old Argyll Rooms , in Regent-street ; but before they had fairly got hold of the town they were deprived of a Jooal habitation in " MerrieEngland" by the ravages of fire , which destroyed alike the theatre and the performers . The new theatre has been opened with great spirit , and is nightly crowded by delighted and applauding audiences . \
The performances commence with an introductory address , very smartly written , from the puppet manager , Mr . Albany Brown , who moves his arm , head , &c , more naturally than many a would-be actor at our metropolitan theatres royal . This is succeeded by a scene of apropos , entitled the " Manager ' s Boom , " whioh serve as a vehicle for introducing the company ' s prima donas , leading tragedians , tragic ladies , buffo singers danseus , < fec , to the audience . In this scene the illusions are excellent ; the speaking and singing is done behind the scenes , but the acting is so true to nature as almost to persuade us that the words issue from ; the lips of the Marionettes before us .
. The other attractions have been the " Bottle Imp , " in which some cleverly managed and really startling effects are produced . "Bombaste 3 Furioso" played as only Marionettes oan play it ; and a grand ballet of action , entitled "Pauline , or the Pupil of Nature , " in which a grand characteristic pas de dense , and an English hornpipe , are excellenty danced . The latter is equal to anything of the kind ever produecd upon the stage , almost making us fancy that it is being danced by the celebrated T . P . Cook himself . In short a pleasanter couple of hours cannot be spent than at the Royal Marionette Theatre ; and we would particularly recommend indulgent papas and mamas to treat their children with a visit before sending them back to their scholastic duties for the coming half year . We should observe , too , that for the accommodation of his more juvenile friends , the manager has arranged for a morning performance every Wednesday and Saturday .
$ 0 lttfc
Stye ©Atftte.
Stye © atftte .
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IHfl O'CONNOR NATIONAL REDEMPTION FUND . TO THE FRIEKDS OF LIBERTY , BUT MORE ESPECIALLY TO THE CHARTIST ' . BODY ASD THE NATIONAL LAKD COMPANY . Fellow Cotjsibymen , —It is with feelings of the most profound emotion that we perceive the necessity of an appeal to the honour and gratitude of
Englishmen , to wipe from the land so great a national disgrace as is the case of Mr . Feargus O'Connor . We appeal not to charity or benevolence , but simply to honour ; because we feel satisfied , that had it not been for the fearlessnes with which Mr . O'Connor has advocated the rights of labour he would be living among , and honoured by , the titled and great ones of the land , and not in inglorious seclusion—an alien from the land of his birth . It would be useless to recount the many sacrifices which Mr . O'Connor has made on behalf of the
' blistered hands and unshorn chins . ' The heavy expenses and lawchargesinconnexion with Chartism and ? Victim and Defence Funds , ' are well known . Whilst the ruin him with expenses' maxim in the * Bradshaw' case , was notorious to both friends and foes . And as these expenses were incurred , not for his own , but for the people ' s interest , it is the bounden duty of the people to pay them , and thereby release Mr . O'Connor from his pecuniary embarrassment , and consequently repudiate the idea that the Democracy of England allows its chief to become tbe victim of incessant persecution , without an effort to save him , which can be done without risk , with little trouble , and less privation .
Fellow Countrymen , it was in Stockport where Mr . O'Connor first opened his Chartist campaignit was here lie dug the foundation of that stupendous ruin , in whic h he is now engulphed , and upon us has devolved the great responsibility of appealing to the honour , honesty , and gratitude of all real friends of liberty and progress to assist in handing down to posterity the untarnished honour of the greatest political chief of which England can boast , viz ., Mr . Feargus O'Connor . We say the greatest , because the honour and probity of no man has been more assailed—none have had their actions more closel y scrutinised ; and a British House of Commons , through one ' , of its committees , was compelled to acknowledge him an honest man—whom the immortal Burns says , i 6 the noblest work of God . '
Brother Democrats , we do not intend to let our sympathy consist only in this address . There are three committees working in this town for the purpose of raising subscriptions to place Mr . O'Connor beyond the reach of want ; and , in addition , a great many of the Land Company are prepared to give their scrips to him , and any dividend which may fall to them at the winding up of the Company ' s affairs . And we hope and trust that every town , city , and hamlet will forthwith take up the cause with spirit , and enable us to recall our noble
chief from his self-condemned exile , which will cheer his honest heart with a knowledge of the truth that his ' Old Guards'are still true , and that his ' children ' still look upon hh fatherly solicitude for their welfare with the same fond regard as in the days of old . Chartists , remember that 'England expects that every man will do his duty !' By order of the Central Committee , Joseph Gordon , President , Isaac Jones , Treasurer , Thomas Woodhouse , Secretary . Stockport , Jan . 27 th , 1852 .
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8 _ THE NORTHERN STAR . January 51 , usa .
Lrrrateady Wuiiiuua.Ii.Uwhoi No.Oaauu»Es«≪!'Y-;—-I _ R{ - ~ . -——— T *I*Fl Printed Bvwilllail Fi.Ldek.Oi No. 5. Maccleslield-Buee T, In I
lrrrateaDy wuiiiUua . ii . uwHoi no . oaauu » es «
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 31, 1852, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1663/page/8/