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" " ' ' ¦ ————"—.—. GARDENING CALENDAR.
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KtTGHBN < 3 iUBR 5 f . Erery day shows the fconelessness of trusting to the Potato as a root ctod aiid . « e necessity of growing increased breadths of Parsnips , Carrots Artichokes , and whatever may reasonably become ft substitute . Our former directions for planting largely the different kinds of winter greens , &c , should be acted on whenever the opportunity or vacant -round occurs ! In sow" ° crops at tins season whfch dp not come into perfection till si » in « r awl which are expected to grow more or less through Hie winter , the ground should not only be well manured , but trenched tq u considerable depth- that the rains « id snows of winter may pass quickly beyond the reach of Ww toots , l " that a comparative dryness and warmth may be thus maintained around the ™? 5 '^? i ^ £ _ . ^* " ? arks wiU » W » ly to Spinach , of which a lot of the true Flanders for winter
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' ^ r- SCIENCE AND ART . The Pakopticox , Lbicester-rquake .- This chartered institution is designed for scientific exhibittoiw , naif for . promoting discoveries in arts and manufactures . To carry out tins intention , the council £ ve « SlS i » X * men of the greatest eminence in their several professions , for tle ° m er development of tins truly national and important scheme ; and it . is < n-atifv £ - to hear that the most lofty m science and Hie arts have readilv ^ oondVd to the invitation . The council to form a large collection of nPPam » s suftab " for lectures in every branch of natural and experimental scu nee , which will he lent out on hire upon very . Moderate terras . !„ addition to the usual routine of optical experiments , the council lias secured for this institution an exhibition of a lusher character in the patent optical diorama , a r centin ? veiitura of Mr . Clarke , the inventor of the hydro-oxygen dissolvin g views ™ - ^™ I ^™!^™ ™^ in ™ * W * of the kind yet exhibited ! There is scarcely movement nature
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GUIDE TO THE LECTURE-ROOM . iSe ? Institution ' * -tet , Fitzroy-square .-August 15 th ( 7 J ) , a mSSW sSSpSSf" road ^ - 15 th m ' Hem > y Tym 11 ' Wisdom and Ru ^ ertT" 1 Hal 1 ' ^ H 5 § h Holborn - -A « g . 15 th ( 8 ) , P . W . Perfltt , ' Prince cS ^^^ lJS ^ - ^ ' Blackfriars -ro * - *« ' «* W > 4 tStKK 3 on SOCietyj thre ° d °° ««* ^ ** " *»• Tayiot ^ Punci ; aSiSlriS ^"" ' Bethna ^ en .-Au ,. 16 th ( 8 ) , Mr . Areopagus Coffee and Reading Room , 59 , Church-lane , Whitechapel—Every Sunday . Monday , and Wednesday ( 8 )/ a Lecture or DiwuSn . ASay f 8 f VlSf' ^ ~^ - ^ -y Sunday , Monday , Commercial Hall , Philpot-street , Commercial-road East .-Ausr 15 th Hi a . m . , Charles Southwell will lecture .-Theological Discussions every Sunday evening i 7 ) , Tuesday ( 8 ) , Thursday ( 3 ) , und Snturday ( 8 ) . Social Instituton , Charles-street , Old Gamut , Manchester . —Au » . 15 th ( 11 a . m . ) , Discussion ( 7 p . m . ) , a Lecture . Progressionist Hall , Cheapside , Leeds . —Aug . 15 th ( 6 £ ) , a Lecture .
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' , , a , WORKING TAILORSASSOCIATION T T 63 , WESTMINSTER BRIDGE ROAD , LAMBETH . TRUSTEES . Loud Goderioh , | a . A . Vaxsittart , Esq . As working men organized for the management and execution of our own business , we appeal with great confidence to our fellow-working men for then- hearty support . We ask that support in jthe plain words of plain men withont the usual shopkeeping tricks and falsehoods . We do so because we know that we Oder an opportunity for the exercise of a sound economy but we maite onr appeal more particularly because we believe that every honest artisan in supporting us will feel that , he is performing a duty to th « men of his class , which to overlook or neglect would be a treason and a disgrace . We ask for the support of working-men in the full assurance that no better value cau be giveu tor money than that which we offer-and we desire success throngh that support , not solely that we may rescue ourselves from the wretchedness . and slavery of tlie slop system , but more particularly that our tellow-workers of all trades , encouraged by our example , may through the profitable results of self-management , place themselves and their children beyond the reach of poverty or crime Belying on the good faith of the people , we wait patiently the result of tins appeal . Walteii Cooper , Manager . LIST OK TRICES . Black Dress Coat 1 5 * o ' to » 5 0 ' Ditto . FrockCoat 1 7 6 „ 2 10 0 £ alei ? ts 14 0 , 2 2 0 Oxonians „ ,, ## 0 18 0 1 F > n Plaid Doe Shooting Coats 0 18 0 1 10 0 Strong Pilot , prime cuiality , from .. " 1 3 0 ! Mill'd Tweed—a serviceable article .. 0 12 0 ( I 18 0 Overcoats 1 1 0 „ 2 0 0 i VESTS . Black Cloth , double-breasted .. .. 0 7 G 0 1 ° 0 Ditto single-breasted .. .. 6 6 8 ! ' 0 10 6 Eoef " ^ . .. 0 5 8 , 090 Black Satins .. .. .. .... 0 8 G „ 0 14 0 Fancy Silks—rich patterns .. ,. 0 6 6 0 22 0 Black Cloth or Doe Trousers .. .. 0 11 6 " 1 " l 0 ; Doeskin , Fancy—lined throughout .. 0 9 0 " 0 18 0 ! BOYS . [ Boys' French Suits 1 5 0 „ 2 2 0 ' Tunic Suits j 0 0 ,, 1 15 0 Shooting Coats 0 , 12 0 ,, 1 0 0 Black Vests 0 5 0 , 080 , [ Black Trousers 0 8 0 „ 0 14 0 Fancy Trousers 070 ,, 0 l 20 f Tweed Coats-well lined 0 8 0 „ 0 15 0 Cord or Mole Jackets—double sewn .. 0 7 0 „ 0 10 6 * Vests .. „ 0 4 0 „ 0 6 0 ' Trousers—Double Genoa ., .. 0 G 6 „ 0 10 6 I Mole Shooting Coats „ from 0 16 0 Boys Jackets „ .. 0 5 0 „ 0 7 ( 5 . Vests „ .. 0 2 6 „ 0 4 ( 5 Trousers „ .. 0 4 6 ,, 0 6 6 9 . HATS AND CAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY , AND AT PRICES ^ UNPRECEDENTED . *« * The Hata are Manufactured by the Working Hatters of Manchester
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MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSQCI 4 TION . w . Legally Established 1849 . Head Otnce , London , Lincoln ' s Inn Field Chambers , and 2 , Portsmouthstreet , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . —Branch Offices , Liverpool . Manchester , Bristol , \ ork , and Aberdeen . ' Confidential Reefree—R . Warwick , Esq . P ATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIATION , JJA . conducted on the system so successfully adopted on the Continent , legally established as a medium for the introduction of both sexes unknown to each other , who are desirous of entering into matrimony , and who may rely on strict honour and secrecy . None but respectable parties negotiated with Applicants may sign by initial or otherwise . _ * nil particulars , with printed forms of application , lists of agents , and instructions , sent tree , on receipt of six post stamps by Hugo Behesford , Esq ., Secretary . < 23 $£ ^^^ FieWs ^ ambers , ^ 2 , Po ^ outbanSSd ~ C SSSSreted . ^^ " * *«* F-I *
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Te the BlilSioms ! CAPITALISTS MAY , BY COMBINATION VV Prevent a . Poor Man from obtaining the highest value for his Labour , but Capital can never prevent a Poor Man buying his goods in the cheapest market-And at Bbsetpink and Company ' s , 89 and 90 , Cheapside , the Working Classes may be supplied with everything necessary to furaisli an eight-roomed house for five pounds , and every article warranted of the best quality and workmanship . The following is tlie list of articles—Hall Lamp , 10 s . 6 a . ; Umbrella Stand , 4 s . 6 d 15 6 Bronzed Dining-room Fender and Standards 5 6 Set of polished Steel Fire-irons 3 6 Brass Toast-stand , Is . 6 d . ; Fire Guards , is . 6 d ........ ' . I 3 0 Bronzed and polished Steel Scroll Fender . 8 6 Polished Steel Fire-irons , bright pan 5 q Ornamented Japais : ed Scuttle and Scoop ..... . 4 6 Best Bedroom Femtur , and polished Steel Fire-irons .... 70 Two Bed-room Fenders , and two sets Fire-irons 7 6 Set of four Block-tin Dish Covers ........ ... ii g Bread Grater , < Jd . ; Tin Candlestick , 9 d ...... ' ... '"""" 1 « Tea Kettle , 2 s . Gd . ; Gridiron , Is . 3 « Frying Pan , Is . ; Meat Chopper , Is . 6 d . ' . ' . " . " . " 2 6 Coffee Pot , Is . ; Colander , Is . ; Dust Pan , 6 d 2 6 Fish Kettle , 4 s . ; Fish Slice , 6 d 4 « Flour Box , 8 d . ; Pepper Box , 4 d ' . ' / . ' . ' . []' , ' . ' . [ 1 0 Three Tinned Iron Saucepans 50 Oval Boiling Pot , 3 s . 8 d . ; Set of Skewers 4 d . . 7 . 7 . 7 7 ' . 4 0 Three Spoons , 9 d . ; Tea Pot and Tray , 3 s ... 30 Toasting Fork . ! .. ! .. !!!! . *!!!!! . ' . ' 0 6 JS ^/ ff T ° ! i articles ma y se ^ ted at ti « fabove prices ; pmff tSngSn ^ UPWaVdS mU ^ ™ ' « " *»*> free - W Note , therefore the address—BENETFINK and COMPANY , S 9 and 90 , Ciieapside , and 1 , Ironmonger-lane ft vSSSSSSenf' ^ WaUt * — -ally and taste-
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© OM& ! ©® Si © » © OJiB ! NATIONAL GIFT EMIGRATION - L" SOCIETY . TO AUSTRALIA , OR ANY OTHER PART OF THE WORLD . ' Many can help one , where one cannot help many . ' Office 13 , Tottenham-court ( thirteen doors from Tottenham-court-road ) , New-road , St . Pancras , London . The late gold discoveries in Australia , and tlie great want of labour expeuenced m botli die agricultural and commercial districts consequent on SSLcS « * ing l 0 Il i Uy f ° / , exten 8 i 0 » ' of « ie means of emigration , it is p r oposed that a number oi working men should associate together , and , by tne gitts of " ' ' •' ONE S HILL IN a EACH , A certain number should be enabled without expense to themselves to receive a FREE PASSAGE to AUSTRALIA , AMERICA , NEW ZEALAND , or any other part of tlie World , at the option of the receiver who will be A ? I t 0 expeud £ 26 ) without deduction , for the purpose of Emigration , Outfit , &a . ° ' - The Society will be divided into Sections , and , immediately on the completion of a Section ot 1 , 200 at Is . each , a Free Passage , to be decided bv a I ubhc ballot at some public place of meeting , shall be given to a certain number oi members , the holders of the numbers declared gifts to be entitled to a Free Passage as above stated . TRANSFERABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE RECEIVER ™ The whole of the money received will be expended in procuring passages at the current charge , outfit , &c , with the exception of a deduction on the vertis ?^^ 1 " 606 f ° r the payment of exPenses of Management , Ad-The books will be open for general inspection at the weekly meetings every Monday evening till ten o'clock at ' MR . COLLEN ' S , 'WHITE HORSE TAVERN' 100 , HIGH HOLBOltN . All communications , enclosing fourteen postage stamos for Return Ticket St ^ anS London * ' Y > ** ^ ^ ^ ' ' ° tten ] ™™™ % NewS Money Orders to be made payable at Tottenham-court-road . FEMALES AND CHILDREN ARE ELIGIBLE . nwS ? Sr f ? ^ eaph , Section tlie Ballofc wil 1 be advertised in 'Reynolds' Weekly Newspaper , ' < Star of Freedom , ' < The Times , ' or ' Morning Advertiser , - one week previous . » KS £ SS ^ parties rt 0 omn the ° * ^ A deduction allowed to Agents in Town and Country .
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THE STAH OF FREEDOM . Published every Saturday . i ' Terms ( Cash in advance ) : — Per Year , 19 s . 4 d . ; Half Year , 0 s . 8 d . ; Quarter , 4 s . lOd . ; Single Copies , 4 jd . As an Advertising medium the Star of Freedom affords a sure and wide-spread channel of publicity among all classes . Scale of Charges for Advertisements . Six Lines , is . | Ten Lines , 6 s . „ ... T . J Insertion . 2 Insertions . 4 Insertions . 13 Insertions . Fifteen Lines £ 1 ) . 7 * . 6 d . ... £ 0 14 s . .. £ \ 5 s . ... £ 3 10 * . twenty ditto 0 y 0 ... 0 16 ... 110 ... 4 0 Thirty ditto 0 12 0 ... 1 0 . 1 15 4 10 Quarter of a Column 1 0 0 ... 1 10 2 10 '" 5 5 Haifa Column 1 15 0 ... 3 0 . ' .. 5 0 ' . ' . ' . 10 0 Whole Column 3 0 0 ... 5 0 ... 7 10 ... 15 0 Each Advertiser suppliedioffli a copy of the Paper containing his Advertisement t First Edition of the Star of Freedom is Published on Friday at Three rvtc ls imraediately circulated extensively throughout the Country , ine becond Edition , containing all the latest information , is Published at Two o ' clock on Saturday . OFFICE . 183 , FLEET STBEET .
" " ' ' ¦ ————"—.—. Gardening Calendar.
" " ' ' ¦ ———— " — . — . GARDENING CALENDAR .
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F M J . Apspsh 14 , 1852 . TH 1 gTAR 0 pREEp 0 i ?
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 14, 1852, page 15, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1691/page/15/