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KitcuEX GABDEK . -Every dry day should be taken advantage of to clear , fthe remains of old crops , leaves , &c ., which not only affords a harbour for I while on the ground , but have at all times an untidy appearance . The cant quarters should have a rough diggmg , if time permits ; if not they should fS over clean , and dusted over with hot lime to kill what stags are found ' , the surface . Cabbage plants may yet be planted on well trenched , rich land d the true Bath Cos and hardy Hammersmith Lettuce should be planted out in warm situation to come in early . Thin out the seed-beds of cauliflowers and . tfuce , and prick out the thinnings on warm sheltered borders , and a portion ito fraraes , to have the protection of glass in severe weather . The brown Dutch , , uce we advised being sown for forcing , should be pricked out a foot apart to the end of December
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GUIDE TO THE LECTURE ROOM . Literary Institution , John-street , Fitzroy-square . —Friday even . ines [ 8 ] , a Discussion . —Oct . 10 th 17 ] , Henry Tyrrell , " Genius and Wisdom of Shakespeare . " Hall of Science , City-road . —Oct . 10 th [ 7 ] , Thomas Cooper , " Life and Character . of the Duke of Wellington . " National Hall , 242 , High Holbora . —Oct . 10 th [ 711 , P . W Perfitt will Lecture . , 2 J South London Hall , Webber-street , Blackfriars-road . —Oct . 10 th [ m Charles Southwell , " Divine Rights of Private Judgment . " White Horse , Hare-street , Bethnal- green . —A Lecture and Discussion every Sunday evening at eight o clock .
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sg ^^ lli MBm ^ m ^ SaSSHBSa *
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Tiie JRcssiaksint ^ eCatcasijs . —the St . Petersburg Journal , of the 18 th ult ., contains the following : — " The last accouuts rei eeiredfrom the Caucasus inform us that the winter campaign of the Russians considerably diminished the influeuce of Siiamyl in the Great Tschetschna , and forced him to place his partisans in thfe Village of Gurdaly , at the foot of the Itatschkalikowski , tin'd among the Argounski , who are the most bitter enemies of Russia , an ^ d constantly make incursions dri iui territory . Lieutenant-Gerlei'al Prinee Bortatinski , in consequence , nndertbok ail expedition against different points of the Tschetschria . Tor this purpose , Colonel Prince Woronzow , on the 23 rd , occupied , with three battalions , four
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CjENTRAL Cd-dHRATiVE AGfiNtlY , Xo . 75 , CHARLOTTE STREET , FITZROY SQUARE , LONDON . TRUSTKES : E ^ AKSITTAHT NEALE , ESQ . | THOMAS HUGHES , ESQ . Commebcul House : Woodin , Jonks , & Co . Athdttmtions Avoided , and Retailers prqftte taved . rpHE Central Co-operative Agency established under the superp ^ ™ of T '" f e 8 ' « VPli « Ttw , Coffee * , Colonial and Italian produce , French Wmas and Brandies , &c , &c , free from every description of adulteration ! > u PI , . ^ ° families unlting t 0 S flther will have their order Attended to on the following conditions :
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. : > ASSURANCE . FOR ALL CLASSES . L 0 KDON 4 | D GOMTY ASSUEANCE C 0 MPAN 1 HRE , tlFE , ANNUITIES , ENDOWMENTS . . { Incorporated by Act of Parliament , ) 484 , OXFOfiB STREET , L 0 NB 0 K . ( Neav the British Museum . ) : TRU 8 tEE % t W . C . CABJBdKNliti , Esq ., Manor House , Wcstbourae . S . BBiTBi , firr Esq . ; Tottenham . I . JeMoky Esq ., Saloon House , Penny Stratford . Bucks .
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Accident ok the South Eastern Railway . —An accident ocofflreQ on the Tunbridge Wells and Hastings branch of this railway on Monday night . The heavy rains during the day had flooded the « oe between Ticehurst and Etchingnam , completely washing away wuast and rails for a considerable distance , and this so suddenly : « the engine to which the accident occurred , with the samp driver , I ju passed over the spot only three hours previously , at which time "f waa safe . On returning from tunbridge , however , with the 9 . 36 \ tS' train » tne water had risen to some height above the level of the
j » ail r ° efcre danger was perceived the train was thrown off the twf ° i its side * The en § ine-driver and fireman were jammed becov ^ i ! en S ani * tender , and there remained until assistance lr-J ° procured . Fortunately , there were no passengers in the so ' ^ jj * tue guard being unhurt was able to go for assistance ; but thr * I y did the waters accumulate , that a circuit of nearly 1 < jj . es n . ad to be made to get at the overthrown train . and engme "driver and fireman were extracted as quickly as possible , a conveyed to the Tunbridae Wells Infirmary , where it Was
ascershak ^ ^ ver had escaped uith some bruises and a severe tur lt f ^ l ^ - ^ ^ reman was l ess fortunate , having sustained a frace or the thigh . Both are progressing favourabl y * All trains were cannTt stoPPed between Ticehurst . and Etchingham , and the traffic occu a resume ( i untft the flood has subsided . A second accident and H ^ ° nt ^ e same t"ne » ^ a s ^ ^ cause on tfle Ashford im-J , * m s branch ; but , happily , in this case , no person was in-\\ % Y « J * ° " ****** v » i * . UUw uauyuj * ***> vu&o % /\ % v > v / j ** w |> wtuuu irag At * -
from Vr ttain wllieh had left Bamsgate in the morning was returning iinm fl ? ! ' tut on emerging from the Ore Tunnel it ran into an almoT y . of water which had collected there from the WHs , and arid ti lmmediatel y left the rails . Assistance was speedily procrtfed until passen ers returned unhurt to Hastings , where they remained Wr * ^ ° of Tue sday , when , the line having been repaired , they ! re conve safely to their destinations . 60
tniTnA ^ 1 * erly lady recently received a telegraphic despatch XtanSPV be from her husband - She read it carefully , and then : from if t ? * messenger , with the remark that it could not be m fifer tosbaud , &r it was not in his handwriting !
Gtteat Floods.
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^ ZL . ^ - ^^^ jnminmnii , , , == === = ^ ' ^ ' i ; : ,: , ? . *?
-^ ^ Gaedening Calendar. ^^ = -^ ^^ Gaedenim Calendar. ~"
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The Gale of Tuesday . —On Tuesday morning , at half-flood , in consequence of the wind ( then blowing a strong gale from the southwest ) suddenly backing round to the eastward , the springtide , which tad been much retarded for the last few days , rashed up the Thames with great violence , causing considerable damage , and creating an immensity of confusion amongst the shipping in the various reaches * , and in the lower pool very few of the vessels could hold on , dragging their anchors , and coming athwart hawse , by which spars , bulwarks , and rigging were carried away . Several vessels were obliged to let go second anchors to bring them up . Fortunately the wind did not remain long in that quarter , else the damage must have been
immense , m consequence of the terrific rapidity with which the current rushed up ; nevertheless , a very great amount of injury was sustained by market gardeners and others , whose properties are near the ¦ wat erside . Owing to a great number of the sluices being improperly secured , the water made its way through , and overflowed the grounds . The wharfs and water-side premises on the Surrey ^ eof Ae river were inundated . Several cellars were completely iilled with water , which had to be pumped out ; and in sbme instances
it was several inches above the ground floors . Vessels that arrived on Tuesday represent the marshes on the Kent and Essex sides of the river . as having the appearance of vast lakes . At high ^ vater the wind veered round again to the W . S . W ., thus precluding Jne possibility of any great flow of water on the ensuing tide , the Jand floods , owing to the large quantity of rain that has fallen , are wore rapid on the ebb tide than has been known for some time , . o large hrigs are reported to be on shore on the Gunfleet Sand , « lmie probability of getting off .
Mr. Thackeray's Lectures.
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 9, 1852, page 15, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1699/page/15/