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Untitled Article
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Untitled Ad
OK MOJSDAY . June the 25 th , 1838 , HAMLET , ( with First Time , ) THE TWO QUEENS . _ . Oa TUESDAY , ( First Time , ) Mr . YATES'S Grand Dramatic Spectacle of
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OLD GEORGE IOT . BRIGGATE , LEEDS , WIZkL BE &E-OFENSD OH TUESDAY " THE 26 th JUKE , 2838 . JOHF AYEEY , EEGS respectfully to inform his Friends and the Peblicin General , that he has entered to the above Inn , where he hopes to merit a share of that patronage and support which it will be his sole ambition to deserve . The House ha 3 undergone extensive alterations and improvements , for the purpose of affording greater convenience and comfort to his Commercial Visitors . The Bed Rooms are finished in a most ample manner , and he Batters himself will not fail to ensure a repetition of patronage . Choiee Wines and Spirits . Good Stabling for Torty Horses . Market Dinners provided as usual . N . B . —J . A , wishes to intimate that the Sadler's sod Harness Makers' Fair , formerly held at this Sflose for asrest number ¦ fynnrg ^ jgjH be again rtfciac ^ ai ^ eTery ^ ssnne accommodamnrairoraEfl to Gentlemen in that Line of Business .
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THE gUEBJTS COBOSATIOX . IT a-MEETING of the COMMITTEE , ( ap-JlL pointed at the Conrt-Hoase on the 14 th inst . ) ¦ and held on the 19 th inst : — pbesext , , THE MAYOR IN THE CHATB : It was Resolved , — To kecommeitd the Observance of the QUEEN'S COKONATION on the 28 th inst ., in the following Manner , viz .: — That the Mayor , with such Members of the Corporation , and other Inhabitants , as may choose to accompany him , meet at the CouBT-House at Halfjxut 2 ? ine o'Clock , and walk in PROCESSION from thence , to attend Divine Service , at . Ten o'Clock , at St . John ' s Church , and , after the Service , proceed , on horseback , to Huxslst Moor . That the Children belonging to the different Schools in the Town , assemble under their respective Teachers , and proceed to HUNSLET MOOR , so as to arrive there at Half-past Twelve o'Clock , when HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LANCERS , * mJ the Leeds Squadron of the YORKSHIRE BUSSARS , will go through their Military Exercises , and Fire In Honor of the Occasion . After which the Mayor , Corporation , and other Inhabitants to retnrn in Procession with the Children up Briggate , Upperhead Row , and down Park Sow , to the Mixed Cloth Hall , and there jsin in singing " Godsave the Queen "—the Children then to watt to their respective Schools , and there pariaie of such Refreshments as may be provided for them . The Committee entertain the hope that the SHOPS WELL BE CLOSED , , as general a HOLIDAY granted as may be practicable . Resoltxd , That the preceding Recommendations . be adverted once in all the Leeds Newspapers , and made fcther Public by Placards throughout the Borough . THOS . W . TOTTTE , Mayor .
Untitled Ad
BaTTY'S ASEWA , BAHK STREET , HEEDS , "R * U . NDA ¥ , Jnne 25 th , for the BENEFIT of - TrJ : Hbs . Battt , on which occasion will be ponced a Grand Equestrian Spectacle , founded ™ Lord Bybos ' s beantifel Dramatic Tale of JaAZEPPA , or the Desert Stebd . P < 5 ? JXJSsi > ay , ifcere will be s Grand DAY ^^^^ to commence at Two o'Clock prete i ,. ^' ^ occasion , the Children belonging # « £ ** Charit 7 Sdiools- will be admitted J ? ° 7 i SDAY , the Performances will be B r tte immediate Patronage of Major Husws dtieO"ICE 1 's of the Yorkshire wJf * *? ^/ ' ^ ** produced a magnificent ^ wSL ? 2 * ° RONATION ~ S which ^ JW « S * eDgth ef the Co 0 pa , y will appear , ^^ W by a numerous Train of Auriliaries . ** tI ± r ^ ^ m , o «^ on .-be under ^ ittinedttte Patronage of tie VontifU : the ^ sS ? £ ? ' ^^ ^ S Kt » l 8 -I Gal . 6 d . S ^^ ss S ^ ^^ ; j ^^" ^ Et t : jS ** - J * rw » , and Horses trained for * e
Untitled Ad
IMPORTANT AND USEFUL TO THE PUBLIC . J EPSTEIN , Banker and Chief Agent ,. * Fkawkfobt-os-the-Maine , calls the attention of the Public to the Great LOTTERY LOAN , negociated lately by his Majesty the Emperor of Russia and King of Poland , through the Agency of Messrs . A . Frankel and J . Epstein . There must "be gained , in ten Drawings , Prizes amounting to many Millions of Polish Florins . The Fourth Drawing takes place on the 15 th August , 1838 , in "Warsaw . Chances by which any one may interest himself in this great Lottery , for the small Stake of £ 2 each , of six Pieces for . £ 10 , may be procured by the above-mentioned House of Frankfort-on-the-Main .
Untitled Ad
WESTMINSTER IMPROVEMENT COMT T PANY . —To be incorporated by Act of Parlia ment—Capital , £ " 50 , 000 , in 7 , 500 Shares of £ 100 each .
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SIMCG'S CHEMICAL ESSENCE OF LINSEED is , as every body says , the best and most efficacious medicine in the world for coughs , colds , asthmas , hoarseness , impeded respiration , difficult expectoration , sorenesss or rawness of the chest and stomach , consumptive cough , and pulmonary affections . —Asthmatic persons who have been cured by this essence , declare that prior to its use they had not been able to lie down in bed for twenty nights , on account of impeded respiration . It will be found invaluable to persons who are obliged to travel in the fogs and damp air ; and will core chil-Tlren's coughs is two days . Its immense sale is a sufficient proof of its wonderful effects .
Untitled Ad
THE VICTORIA STEAMER . fROM an unfortunate Accident haying happened this Vessel , she will not ply on the-Lo # i > ON Station at present , and consequently will not leave Hull on the Coronation Week , as stated in a former Advertisement . ¦ : ' BROWNLOW & PEARSON , JJull . Hull , 15 * A June , 1838 . ; " '
Untitled Ad
MR . R . HARLING , OF ALMONDBURY , Ti ESPECTABLE Dealer in Medicine , who has JX for many years been celebrated for the relief and cure of Bilious and Liver Coniplaints , indigestion , sick headache , giddiness , loss of appetite ^ heart-burn , spasms , wind , costiveness , and all diseases which originate in the stomach and bowels , and by whom the public have been long benefitted by Ms many and successful cures , continues to sell his Medicine as usual at his Residence , t . Town-End , Almondbury , Near Huddersfield .
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^ 'I ^^^ b ? ^ H' * ~^ L ^^^•^ H ^^^ e ^ H - ' - - ' ^^^^^ & ^^^^^^ F - ^^ H' l ¦ ^^^^^^^^^ ¦ ^^^^ r ^^^^ K ^^^ I ^^^^ H ^^^^ H ^^^^^ U ^ H I ^^^^^ b - ¦ *^^ E ^^ H ^^ I ^ hS ^^^^^^ V ^^ H ~^^ V" ^^^ Bi ^ H ^ B ^^ K ^ I ^ B ^ ll ^^ r ^^^ H ^^^ M ' ^^^^ H ' ^ K ^^^^^^^ H ^^^ H ^ H ^^ R ^ i ~ B ^^ V ' ^^^^ f ^^ m J ^^ L ^^^ M I ^ I ^ H ^ PI ^ B ^^^ B ^^^^ j ^^^^ H ^^^^^^^^ Li ^^^^^^ Hl I ^ H ^^^ &sa ^^^^^^^ KSHil MR . W . Pii . LL . Lfl . ro , Sou o ' l Dr . X'UILLIPS , late Surgeon in His Majesty ' s Royal Navy , SuBGEON , Botanist , and Worm Destroyer , No . 19 , Top of Ivegate , BRADFORD , returns his sincere Thanks to the Inhabitants of Bbadford and its Vicinity , for the liberal Encouragement he has received for the last Nineteen Years , and hopes , by strict Attention to Business , to have a continuance of the same ; and at the same time , calls their Attention to the following Tacts : — To Mr . Phillips , Bradford . Sir , —I take this opportunity of writing these few lines , to inform you of . the cure that you have performed for me , John Blake , Bingley , having suffered under the pains of that dreadful disorder , the bloody flux , for twojears ; and in the coarse of that time , I have been in Chelsea Hospitalj London ,. ani I have tried a great number of different Medical Men , and all to no purpose . P . S . Mr . P . you are at full liberty to publish this for the benefit of those so afflicted . I remain , yair well-wisher , JOHN BLAKE . Cros 3 Plats , near Bingley , May , 1837 .
Untitled Ad
^ BB ^—^ B | B ^ B ^ B ^^^^ B ^^^^ B ^^^^ B ^ BB |^^^ B ^ M ^^ HEW GOLDEN CANISTER TEA WAREHOUSE , 175 , BRIGGATE , LEEDS , >^^__^ . _ _ , Jr" J . t f-SB ^ Wl ^ S ^ r ^^^^ T ^ T ^^ y ^^^^^^ n ^^^^ r ^^^ ff ^^ W ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ r ^ TT ^ ww ^^^ l ^ r FT 1 , V { J J f | i : T /! V ^ T T \ f \ "RT ~ ' ^^ S ^ SK ^ B ^^^ f ^^^^^^^ SS ^^^ S ^ S ^ SSSSSSSS ^^ S ^^^^^^^^ i ^ S ^ i ^ S ^ S ^ S ^ B ^ S ^ i ^ S ^ SSS ^^^^ SS ^^ SSS ^ SSSS ^^ BES ^^ SSSS ^ SS ^^^^^^ K ' 1 ' M * ^ 1 L ^^ l 8 b ¦ B I ^ U II I 'I J ^ H """""* | raHllH" 'fin ! nn ^^ BnMwS 7 ^ inr * Hinw "Vy ' ^ QTrT ^ f * ftt ^' Tt FHIOXISf "TTT " ^^ j 'IJ llilli ^^ Bli M Wll AND IN HIGH CONDITION . ' W ? Jlm ^^^^™* w ^ l ^ M * Mfc ^^** liBwiMWi ^^^ BWhMPMlPMMMpiM ^ MBBJBp ^ ^^ Mg * l 1 M ^ ¦ ' ' ' A % S X \ T % 7 f ^ tJCCTC C * C \? l 3 * ¥ * & T ^^ T ^ &t \ ¦ IBBry ^ y ^ yf * *' Tp ^ T B ^^^ J ^^ T ^^ "r Tf" ^ HntipiJl aWU x . S % LQLD 1 O vun Xaliiliiu . ' ' f W ^^ n tt ^ UtW ^^ Sh ^ HB ^ B ^ b IHI BHIn ^ SlSHH ^ flflHT 111 BBBBlMBBBflTlfniSl&I ^ BfBitSSlBiSi ^? BHfikllBHBlB ^ BBB ^ B ^ Bf 111 ll ' r J ' > . - ' . Lj ^ - ' .. I till ¦ IIIUHlHal inilB » ijEB ^ B » B ^ BnIIBBHjBBMtflB tt ^ ' ' . ^^>^ £ r . ' " ¦ ¦¦¦ w »^ y ^ g ^^ S ~ r-i £ LZaflfi * -j " ' I gSJll ' -jiy * " ' ' j ^^ j ^ fraBS ^ a ^ HCu ^ n *\ -JLi \ -A \ J VY jtiXS *
Untitled Ad
Untitled Ad
* ' ¦*¦ ¦ ' \ '¦¦ - ' - ' ~ ' iHHhf ¦ '" ' ^^^^ KIASbbHb ^ bV ' - ' ' ' ' \ ' " " ' * " .- ' - »! 3 » - j ^ BB ^^^^^^^^^^^ R ^ f ! W . ' * t ' - *^ ' - ¦ - '¦¦ - ' " -- ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " y ' *¦"¦ - " . ' ' ;¦¦ " ¦¦¦ ' *^^^^^^^^^^ W ^ fl *»^ BW ^ T ^ PP 5 ^^^ * ' ¦¦¦ ¦¦ " . ¦ . ; . ¦ .- ¦¦ . - iMM W ^^ f ^^^ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , npHAT the next GENERAL QUARTER X SESSIONS of the Peace , for the Borough of Leeds , in the county of York , will be holden before Robert Bayn 3 es Armstrono , Esquire , Recorder of theuaid Borough ^ at the Court House , in Leeds , Thursday , the Twenty Eighth Day of June , 1838 , at Nine o'clock in the Forenoon , as previously advertised . But in cbhse < iuence of the Coronation of her moRt gracious Majesty Queen Victoria having been sipppinted to take place ob that Day , the said General Quarter Sessions of the Peace will be immediately adjoorned to Nine of the Clock in the Fofepoon of Friday the 29 th Day of June , 1838 , ( the folloWing day , ) and be then arid there held for the Dispatch of Business . All Constables and Police Officers are required to attend on each of the said days . All Prosecutor , * , Witnesses ^ Persons bound by Recognizances , and others having Business at the said Sessions ; are required to attend on Friday at the adjourned Sessions . And Notice is hereby also Given , That Entries of all intended Appeals , Motions , or Applications , must be made with the Clerk of of the Peace some 'days prior to the holding of the Sessions . That Applications in Bastardy will be heard immediately on the ppening of the Court on Friday Morning . That all appeals will be heard immediately i t after the Applications in Bastardy , and that all proceedings under the Highway Act will be taken on Friday Morning . JAMES RICHARDSON , Clerk of the Peace for the said Borough . Leeds , June 14 th , 1838 . .
Untitled Ad
In a few days , Vol . I . In Imperial Octavo , elegantly bound , Gilt Edges , 20 a Large Folio , a Magnificent Edition , superbly bound , 50 s . SAUNDERS' POLITICAL REFORMERS , Containing PORTRAITS AND MEMOIRS OF 1 . Lord John Russell , M . P . 2 . Charles BulLer , Esq ., M . P . 3 . J . A . RoBBuck , Esq . 4 . Lord Melbourne . 5 . J . T . Leader , Esq ., M . P .
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NOW PUBLISHING , PRICE FOURPENCE , Uniform and may be bound with the " Dorchester pamphlet , " "Cotton Spinners' Trial , " fyc . A VINDICATION of toe Principles , Objecti , and TeBdencien of TRADES UNIONS , or Associations of th 6 "Working Classes . ¦
Untitled Ad
IN the BANKRUPTCY of WILLIAM BOWNAS , of Wortloy , 5 a the Parish of Leeda .- '; .. . . ¦ ¦ - . ' .. '¦' . ' -. ' : " '¦' ..:. - Meeting for Proof op Bebts arid to Abdit * he Act ( k » tiii ^* f the a FiR 9 t DiTM > BK » ef the Estate * ii& Effects of the BAnVrupt , on the TVentjr ^^ Seventh Day ^ of June Instant , at Eleven o'Clock in the Fbrenoon , at the Court House , in Leeds . ' All Claims not then proved will be disallowed . By Order , CHAS . NAYLOR , ? Solicitor to the THOS . F . FODEN , S Assignees . Leeds , 7 th June , 1838 ,
Untitled Ad
rpHE Commissioners in a Fiat in Bankruptcy X awarded and issued against { WILLIAM BROWN and WILLIAM ANDREWS , of Leeds , in the County of York , Clpth Dressers and Merchantg , Dealers , Chapmeff , andt Co-partners , intend to meet on the 29 th Day of June inst , Eleven o'Clpck , at the Court House , in Leeds aforesaid , in order to- Audit the Accounts of the Assignees ; and on the game Day and Place , at Twelve o'Clock ^ to make a Dividend of ths Estate and Effects of tne said Bankrupts , when and where the Creditors , who have not already proved their Debts , are to come prepared to prove the same or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend . T . F . FODEN , Solicitor , Leeds .
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WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE . midsummeF sessions . " VT 0 TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the MidjS summer General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the West Riding of the Coanty of York , will be opened at Skipton , on Tuesday , the 3 d Day of July next , and by Adjournment from thence will be holden at Bradford , Wednesday , the 4 th Day of the saine Month , at 10 of the Clock ia the Forenoon of each of the said Days ; and also , by further Adjournment from thence , will be holden at RoTHERHAM , on Monday , the 23 d Day of the same Month , at Twelve of the Clock at Noon , whea all Jurors , Suitors , Persons who stand upon Recognizance , and others having business at 'the said Sessions , are required to attend the Court .
Untitled Ad
RYAN'S ROYAL CfBiCUS , CHURCH STREET OPPOSITE THE BLUCHER INN , HAU » AX ¦ WILL POSITIVELY . . OPEN THIS DAY , JUNE 23 rd , 1838 , WITH the whole of his Equestrian Comaany and First Rate Stud of Thirty English and Foreign Horses , Groups of Burmese Poniefy together with the first Company of Equestrian Artiste ? , Russian Rope Dancers , and Gymnastic Professors in the Kingdom . ^ poring the Fair there will be Two Per ^ forminces each day , and in the Evening as per Bill . ;
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Dress Boxes , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pit ,, lsl ; Ga ^ ery , 6 d . Children under Twelve Years of Age , admitted to . the Boaes at Is . each . ' The Doors Open at IJalf-past Six—to . eommenc& precisely at Half-past Sfeven . Places for the Boxes may be taken at the Bos Office , from Eleven to Two o'Cloek in the Afternoon , —but no Places can be secured unless Tickets , are taken . ; / ^ " . Riding Masters ...-. Messrs . Ginn * t and Field— - Clowns ... Messrsi Randall , Barry , and WilJiams * Equestrian Tuition and Horse * Broken for the-Road or Field . " '¦ : I ¦' ¦¦ ¦ Officers will be in Attendance for ] the purjose of preserving good Order . , In Order to meet the wishes of numerous . Applicants , a limited Number of Season riekets . w . iU . be secured , and may be obtained by applying at the Box Office . Tradesman are requested to send in their Bills , for ' Payment every Saturday . Mr . PARRY , Superintendent . Halifax , June 18 th , 1838 . ]
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T . M . BOlEJVf coirs ultiw ^ oeticiajb ; TT 1 HE Nobility , Gentry , and all whose sight , xe-X quires the aid of Spectacles , are refloept&illy cautioned against the use of Spectacles wife € Mas « Eyes . Glass , being a Conductor of Heat ^ readilj becomes warm , and attract the Damp , as may be observed by wearing a pair . of Glass Eyes for half aa hour ; they become nearly opaque , being covered with Damp , arid require to bo wiped in Summer , ia * he open air ; they are extremely dangerous to the wearer , as they , contract the solar rays into a small focus , which falling immediately on the pupil of the the
Theatre, Leeds.
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tfcT ^ ozOy /* w Z 3 ^/ 7 J # _ - '' ~ rf ~ - 3 I . // AND LEEDS GENERAL ADVEKTISER . - .. ' " ,::. - , - ¦ — -: -. ¦ . : ¦ : ' : ¦ ¦ ' , ; - - - ;¦ - ¦ - . - - • ¦•• . ~ - . . - - . - *^ ^ V : mam BBB > Mbb— ——MIBMB ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^' . —_— jn ^_ -- --tl " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i i i 11 i i ¦ i ii ¦ |
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< b—— ¦ ^^^^ " _ ' . ^^^^——— ^^^—^ . . . — ; - ^—^^ ; " * * i ¦ ¦ i ss «—— , Mi ^ i ^^>^ ji ^ BLfcfaii . ^ AMM JJijC ^^^ ^ gJ 3 Jg ' g '"** iWW ^ " ^ wp ^ "MWWWH WWWBHi ^^ W ^^ BB ^^^ MI ^^^^^^ B ^ -I No . 32 , SATURDAY , JUNE 23 , I& 8 . , ' oS ^ bSSLI ^ SSS ^ ^^ H ^ H ^^ M ^^^ HMBH ^^ I ^^^ IM ^^ HI ^^ M ^ H ^ H ^^^ B ^^ IB ^^^ M ^^^ MHI ^ B ^^ Hfl ^^^ HIJ ^ H ^^^^^^^^ I ^^ I ^^ IAH ^ I ^^^^^^ I ^^^ I ^ B ^^^ I ^^^ I ^^ B ^^^^^ I ^^^^^ I ^^^ I ^ I ^^^ B ^^ B ^^^ I ^ H ^^ V ^^^ B ^^^^ I ^^^ I ^^^^ I ^^^ I ^^^ I ^^^ I ^^ H ^^^^ I ^^ B ^^ I ^^^ BI ^^^^^^ I ^^^^^^^^ I ^^^ B BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ aB ^ BB ^ J ^^^^ J ^^^ B ^^^ J ^^ J ^^ JJ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^ j ^^ B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MMBBB ^ BJB ^ BB ^—^ B jB | B ^ B ^ B ^^^^ B ^^^^ B ^^^^ B ^ BB |^^^ B ^ M ^^
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 23, 1838, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct350/page/1/