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LEGAL QUESTIONS. »jT_ TM-J.-T »_ -£ TT.I!r F.-. _ . _ j iu leicner oi uiax not to
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OF THE IMMORTAL o-¦ - ; H | : 1 R ^ ; HtJNT ,.. ; ( From an Original Painting ^) > Will be presented to every Yorkshire Parchaser of the NORTHERN STAB , of THIS DAY , Saturday , the 23 rd of June , 1838 .
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6 BICHA&D OASTLEU . f now gire * fce general answer to manyanony-1 noB * 4 ueristJ s tvhohareaared to censure oar alliaSfcewith < Wi . ER . That answer is , let them -R » d Wafers of last weel , this week , and above » Hofneft week , published in the Northern Star , and if&elr principles be Radical , and go farther , Tre ^ Banut go vritb . them . . "We challenge all the BstfOGBAMS , B \ JSSE 1 LS , PESXSy and O'CON-> SiLLSin existence to prepuce three , or even one
" ^ Kter , conveying so much matter valuable to all Masses of society 5 and we " no longer marvel that the ^ sai 4 SicHAB © 0-iSTLEB . 8 hoold be an unfit Steward ¦ for Squire Tsornhii / l , 'a portion of whose estate lie says belosgs of right to the people . OiSTLBR lias been sekcted as a martyr for the carrying out of -file " Poor Law Amendment Act" ; bat we are ^ lad -to fiaafrom one of our Hull contemporaries , that altbough he may cease to reside at the Hall of the Thobkhtlls , he is still to feave a seat
in the hearts of the people . Yes , although prudence allowed others to take the lead , we pledge ourselves tiatom-besfenergies shall be used tn augment the ytgected tribute , bo as to give tbeyeople the benefit of the untrammelled exertions of" the father of the jooT- ; and we further tell Mr . THOBSHixt , that if & aim in supplying the place of Oastlek is to « nsure the success of the Poor Law Bill , at Hud-< lersneld , that he calculates withont his host , for ¦ where his influence i 3 " there will . Oastler , be also . " Oastlbr must not . shall not , leave us .
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SIGNS OE THE TIMES . "The signs of the times , are hourly , and as if by - magie , becoming still more and more characteristic of "Whigprocrastinatien and popular discontent . No ssooner does general agitation cease for a moment , than some substantive question of wrong or com--plaint meets the ear . For the usual mode of
claiming redress by petition , tbe more sturdy and impressive method of remonstrance aad demand is now substituted . The reciprocal dependency which should ever exist between the governors , and governed is at aai end , and tbe peeple—in despair—resolve to effect for themselves that which the Constitution guarantees , bat -which oar rulers ¦ withhold , namely , protection by law .
In vain does- the English Metropolitan , and almost the whole Irish Press , endeavour to prop the tottering power of a fading faction : In vain does Sir . O'Coxnell seek to Hold the Irish mind in subjection , and to convmce the English people , and his "Whig friends , that the modicum of justice , contained in his new Tithe Bill , and Ms 'enfranchising clauses of the Corporation Bill , Trill calm the angry spirit , and silence the loud and just complaints , of the starving Ir ish . In
Tain does Lord Johx Ktjssell now court the -snpport and alliance of the Dissenters , whose erery Jiope and thought was attached to the emancipation of our sable brethren . In vain do the heavy bag-^ gage of " Whig magazines direettheir monthly artillery ^ against the enemies of the "Whigs and their bantling . measures of Ueform . Those were the engines by "which power tras long preserved in the "hands of a small minority for the subjugation—not for the . Government—of the majority . All have now lost their influence . Had the Canterburr Massacre taken
jlaeein the good old times of Toryism , some other TiAMTt * would have been found to move a vote of -ihanks to the Magistrates and their murderous associates ; and the LAMBS ^ of the present day jroald be nothing loathe to follow the old precedent ¦ were it not for the growth of intelligence and the iread of physical force . Yet although the just tribute is withheld from the butchers , is not humanity and law equally outraged , by the punishment of the -defenceless injured , and by the mantle of innocence
-and non-impeachment which has been throvrn over the guilty offenders ? "We ask not for the pardon of -guilty men , but we demand that the punishment which the law awards , should , in all cases , be equally ^ administered to the rich man and to the poor man . "We would not improperly interfere with the dearest prerogative of lie executive , which is jnercy , but even that should be administered so as to convince the whole people that it is exercised with discretion and not from caprice . In our form of Government the executive should be as a stern
judge , gmng eSect to the Acts of the Legislature , which should be yielding . to mercy , and stern against oppression ; but in consequence of the laws being partially made , and still more partially administered , the most discreet jx > rtion of the community loot upon the victims of the law as martyrs rather than offenders . On "Thursday next we snail lave a Queen formally jrqposed as the head of the Government . In her heart should dwell all the attributes which are the
distinguishing charms of woman ^ but who will inst il onto her young mind the wholesome fact , that the omission of right is the commission of wrong ? "Who . ¦ will tell her that she Teigns by the consent of the people , non-electors , as well as electors , and that the people are considered as the legitimate source of ier power ; that for their good alone she holds it , . and that-any improper use of it absolves the people jfrom that allegiance , to which every man is gupjxjsed solemnly to pledge himself ? The benefits srhichwill be that day conferred , will be but of the
nay ' s duration ; while the injustice to be perpreiated by an accession of hereditary legislators , will be as lasting as onr present' system of Government . The reason why a Monarch is supposed to derive jzSI power from the people , , because all tiie people are supposed to have a voice in the enacting of those laws , through their representatives , the last appeal from which—in < ases of doubt or fitting exercise of mercy—should te made to the supreme Magistrate of the
joation . Tbe people , however , ( finding that the prerogative of the monarch beeame a mere bastard thing , when the crown was robbed of its brightest agem , theacknowledgment of itsanriersal derivation , ) have become shaken in their loyalty ,, and viait the ans of the legislature , which does not represent . them , upon . the monarch , who can only represent £ hat class by whom , and lor whom , the laws are . Tirade , namely , the elective body and their representatives . These circumstances have divided the
nation { into two distinct classes ; that is , the one lody having elective power , and . the other body laving non-elective influence , which is supposed to Ire-best and most wisely used , wlten it is most Erectly opposed to their " enfranchised brethren . INeither . is tM 3 the only incons » tency -which exists 5 n our political society ; the fact of members not -always being tie fair organs of their ' -own consti-. inents , increases discontent ; and then again , still ^ neater discontent and dissatisfation is manifested by jhe constituents of the minority , arho , with the
nonideetars , look upon themselves as not being represented at alL Hence we find society , disorganized and the human family set at variance , so as never to be reconciled till the law * of a majoritj-jof tie whole people govern the whole people , when every individual -will look upon Ms arm as tbe physical force which is to give effect to his moral power . Let , then , -ibe rabble press of England join in giving to fte people that power , which time and cirerunittnces will teach them to exercise Yith discretion , instead of taunting them with ignorance , without giving them an opportunity of proving their know-
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ledge . "We have frequently discussed the question of " Universal Suffrage , " and here we xfier a word upon Annoa ! Parliaments . Members are supposed to be the representatives of some constituent body , and yet , from « ur system of legislation , it may so happen , that after five , four , three , or eves two years , by deaths , "removals , failures , new votes acquired , and other changes , that not one fcrartii t > f the eW constituency may have a political existence , while the member is still supposed to be
the representative of the wiole body Sorely , when an annual examination is requisite for the masters , the servant , should be subjected to a similar probation . Uaiversal Suffrage we know the value of , and for Annual Parliaments , we shall only say , let the representativeretarnafter each session to hisconstituents , and receive their smiles as arewwdfor virtue , or their frowns as a punishment for vice , and then , but not till then , shall we be governed by laws dictated by reason , and framed with discretion .
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TO THE EDITORS OF THE NORTHERN STAR . London , June 20 th , 1838 . My Dear Sirs , —Two features in your paper of last week have given general satisfaction here : I mean Oasti ^ r ' s magnificent letter to Earl Titz-¦ wiixiam , and the paragraph in which you recommend that the £ 207 , 720 . 11 s . at present deposited in the Leeds , Skyrack , and Morley Savings' Banks should be forthwith "invested in land for one of Robert Owen ' s Committees . " Your London Radical friends are delighted with Oastlek ' s
letter , and the Socialists are in raptures with the other . "Why have not these parties a better mutual understanding ? "Wh y do they not make Common Cause , since their inteiests are one and the same f Or , if they cannot agree to think so , why do they not practice mutual forbearance ? For the life of me , I cannot comprehend why the friend 3 of Universal Suffrage , and the friends of Socialism should not , in all possible cases , reciprocally aid one another . For my own part , while I yield to no Radical Reformer in my zeal for Universal Suffrage , and to
no Socialist in my zeal to see the present vicious and iasane state of competitive society give place to free and happy communities , I cannot but regard it as a melancholy proof of the ignorance of the two parties , when I find them ( as too frequently happens ) crossing each other ' s path , and dealing in mutual dcrabts , and misgivings , each , as to the views and objects of the other , instead of mutual co-operating , endeavouring each to realise the plans and prospects of the other . I have said , iheir interests are one and the same . ' I repeat the assertion . I assert , also , that however apparently different their ultimate views and objects may be , they mast in the
long run , meet at the same point , and the parties themselves become all members of the same great family . Happiness , real terrestrial happiness , is the grand common aim of both . Neither can be happy so long as they are the victims of an oppressive system , which debars them from being fret agents , and thereby renders it impossible for them to acquire wealth , knowledge , leisure in the various other et ceieras ^ which are essential to human felicity . I repeal , therefore , that the views of each must be in substance the same , and that if there be any grounds of difference between them , it can be only as the modus operand ! , or means .
But onght they to quarrel about the modus operandi , or means ? I think not . Practically speaking , differences of opinion cannot be avoided , but the usual accompaniments and consequences of them , — namely , reciprocal distrust and counteraction , —may , and ought to be , avoided . Upon this point it is that I wish to fix the attention of both . There are many sincere Radical Reformers who believe that social communities ( such as Mr . OwEK contemplates ) are mere phantom ? of the brain which could never exist in practice , and that Universal Suffrage would lead
to all that is requisite for human happiness , without them . There are , upon the other hand , many sincere socialists who , in the eagerness of their enthusiasm to jump at once into community , regard all mere political changes as delusive and worthless , and who , treating Universal Suffrage as a mere political change , would class it in the same obsolete category , and consign it to the same common sewer of contempt , as they would "CatholicEmaneipation , " the "Whig " Reform Act , " or any other fraudulent innovation of by-gone politics . Now , without
asking or expecting these extreme parties to change their opinions at once , I cannot possibly see any feasible reason why they should not practically coalesce and make common cause ; each , co-operating with the other , to wort out their respective salvation in their ovm way . They are both honest , —both eager for information , — both open to conviction . The real Radical does not deny the right of the Socialist to go into community : the real Socialist does not deny the right of the Radical to have Universal Suffrage . Here are
at once the elements of union , —here is a solid connecting link between the two parties . The mere Universal Suffrage man may be sceptical as to the practicability of social communities , but he does not deny the right of the Socialists to establish them , if if they can . The mere Socialist , on the other hand , may despise Universal Suffrage , as a means to an end bnt he does not dispute its justice , much less deny the Radical's right to be happy in his own way . Indeed neither party can directly oppose the views of the other without proclaiming himself false to his
own creed , and unworthy of the advantages he is in quest of . If therefore they sometimes con . e into colli-8 ion , iti 3 not as calculating foes , having opposite views and incompatible interests to support , but as moody Sectarians devoured by the spirit of propagandism , and predisposed for a rupture in the exact proportion that their excessive zeal renders them impatient of contradiction , and blind to the advantages of every system but their own . Now this is an evil which ought to be guarded against . I have so oftened witnessed its baleful effects , that
were I to jndge the future by the past , I should despair of humanity . It is a melancholy and long recognised truth , that the nearer Sectarians approximate to one another in creed , the more apt are they to quarrel , and the more unappeasible are their quarrels . This is more peculiarly the case where the parties happen to suffer under a common oppression . Oppression naturall y makes men irritable , and we all know how prone to dissention are those who
meet to compare creeds under circnmstances of irritation . Many is the worthy Socialist , and many is the worthy Radical , I have known to split upon this rock . Thanks to the progress of knowled ge , both parties are more numerous now than they have ever been before . "Were they only as united as they are numerous they would be irresistible . Indeed yonr Northern Star tas already done much to unite them , but a great deal more remains yet to be done . If I mistake not , all the more intelligent Socialists
are becoming Radicals , and all the more intelligent Radicals are becoming Socialists . I find this to be the case in London , I knew it to be the case in Birmingham , and from the letter of Mr . Finch , and others in the Star , I conclude that tiie same process of amalgamation is going on in the north . Every intelligent Radical Icoarerse with is anxious to gee the great experiment of acommunity tried npon Mr , Owjsn ' s plan , and under Mr- Owbn ' s auspices . Every intelligent Socialist I cenvewewith is equally desirous to see the House of Commons elected by Universal Suffrage . It is only the leswnfbrmea of both parties who deal intolerantl y by one another .
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Tiawand good example , will ioubtfessremedy ! tbe evil . LetushepBTO ataay rate . Furmyself I will only s * y , that if my influeoce ' over both , were equal to my wishes for their welfare , they would not long remain disunited . I would say to the Radicals" lend the Socialists all-the assistance in your power to establish communities , " and to the Socialists , " lend the Radicals all the assistance in your power to « stablish Universal Suffrage . " To both parties I would say— " Co-operate vrvtb . one another in every possible way—aid one another in getting up public meetings , g ive the weight of your names and numbers to each other's petitions—subscribe for the same fuads—help to circulate the same pub ^
lieations- ^ -accwnmodate one another with jpor respective chapels , halls , or places of meeting- ^ -in a word , whatever each of you undertakes , let him have every practicable encouragement and succour from the other . It ib in thiB spirit , Gentlemen , that I cordially unite with my brother Socialists in London , in thanking yoa for your advice to those who have deposited their earnings in the Leeds Skyrac , and Morley Savings' Bank . The balance in the bank , you say , is £ 207 , 270 lls . this would purchase 2 , 000 acres of good land for ever , and leave a large surplus besides building , stock , utensils , &c . That the depositors in question may adoptyourrecommenr dation i 3 my sincere prayer . The money could not be appropriated to a nobler or more beneficial use .
But while recommending the purcha e of laud for communities , let us not Jose sight of the millions of acres of which we have been most iniquitiously despoiled by the Arigtocraoy . In my letter of'the 2 ndinst ., I have shewn that in the reigns of the three first Georges , the Aristocracy passed not less than 2 , 287 Inclosure Acts , by which , at a moderate calculation , not less than 6 £ millions of acres have been taken from the people . Since then , I observe , by a reference to the " Black Book , " and | toa work entitled " A Key to both Houses of Parliament , "that more than 4 , 000 Inclosure Bills in all have been passed , which would , doubtless , carry the amount of
spoliation to at least 10 million acres . Now Universal Suffrage is worth struggling for , if it were only to get back those lands . "Where is the Socialist that will refuse us his co-operation in trying to recover our plundered domains ? Remember that in seeking to regain possession of those lands , we seek only what is strictly and sacredly our own . The lands in question belonged to the people from time immemorial . They belonged to them by the strongest and most sacred ofall titles , the title of imprescriptible right . No feudal law on parchment had given thein ^ ( for they had belonged to the people of the respective parishes in which they are situate , ) before laws or
parchment were known . Not feudal law or parchment could therefore take them away , except by an act of atrocious robbery . They were in fact ( as the term imprescriptible implies ) inalienable by even the parishes themselves , for it was only the use of them , not the lands themselves , which belonged to the parishioners . As to the lands themselves , they belonged to all generations , past , present , and future , born with the parishes , each generation having , in its turn , the rig ht to use and enjoy them ; but no generation having the right to alienate them from its successors , more than it could have prevented the enjoyment of them by its predecessors . One would
suppose that if any species of property ought to have been held inviolate , it was this . But when or wheTe were aristocrats ever known to respect the property of the common people ? Under pretence that those common lands might be rendered " more profitable to the Stale " by beiniT enclosed and appropriated , in part , to tillage , the boroughmongers allowed the aristocracy to take and enclose them ; but , jn so doing , they made no provision in the Enclosure Acts for securing the rents to the la \ cf ulproprietors , to tchom the lands had always , and do still , in right , belong . Oh no ! the boroughmongering aristocracy took care to keep the rents to themselves . And mark with what consummate art the villains went to
work . Instead of passing one general Act for the enclosure of all " wastes" or commons ( which would have saved an infinity of trouble and expense , ) they spread the spoliation over a period of nearly two hundred years , seizing the lands bit by bit , or taking only & little each time , so that the plundered parties might have no excuse or motive for a general insurrection against the spoliators . This is so well explained by the author of the "Key to both Houses , " that I cannot do better than conclude this letter with the passage alluded to : —
" The writers in the Black Book express their regret that a general law has never been enacted for the enclosure of xtaste lands in parishes ; seeing that ' since the beginning of the last century , no less than 4 , 000 Bills nave been passed for the said purpose . ' As it is plain that these gentlemen did not understand the subject they were writing upon , —and as it is a lamentable fact ( from the juggling tricks which have been played off on the people of England , in regard to the transmutation of words from their true , ancient , and legitimate meaning , ) that very few persons know anything of the matter , —the present writer will endeavour , by a supposed parallel case , t « explain to his readers why it was that a ' general Act' could not very easily be passed for such * enclosures ;'—the enforcement
of which , at all events , would have been attended with a trifling inconvenience . We will suppose that the Kings of England and the two Houses ef Parliament had , during the last century , been amusing themselves in confiscating the estates and mansions of no less than 40 , 000 of the rich landholders and gentry of England ; and that the writers of the Black Book lamented that the three branches of the Legislature had n » more regard for their own time or the people's money , than to be thus wasting both , piecemeal ; when , by one sweeping Act , they might have confiscated the property often time * the number . Will not every man allow that the passing of such a general law would have been no easy matter ; and that , even Parliament , with all its ' omnipotence , ' could not have
enforced ito execution ? Certainly ! The forty thousand landholders would have met and united to protect each other ; and , peThsps , marching " towards Westminster Hallj—as the NormaB Barons did to fVonnyimede , —they would have asked the Legialaiow what they meant by such wholesale roVbeff . Fai different , however , would have been the result had such connscatorv Acts been passed one at a time : the landholders would in that case have been easily overpowered , and compelled to put up quietly with the loss of their lands ; as the poor Janiziaries oiConstantinople , —who a few years ago were entrapped by the late Sultan into the Castle of the Seven Towers , —were obliged to submit ^ singlyj to the loss of their heads . Now , then , for the application of the two cases : —
the 4 , 000 supposed confiscations would hare been no more nor less robberieii , than were the ' 4 , 000 enclosures of waste land , ' decreed by the above Acts : these' vxistJ lands were not wa * te lands ; for they yielded grass , herbage , and other provender for all the cattle , sheep , horses , asses , geese , turkeys , and poultry , of ail the people of each parish to wiuch they belonged . They were the COMMONS' LANDS of the parishes of England and whilst they afforded every thing to the people but I the grain with which they made their bread , not the least pse of them , as was intended by their immortal distributor , Alfred , was , that their ample surfaces should be the perpetual playgrounds of the rising generation ;—the May-day and other bicucs iw iuu uitcibiuu ui
uuuuoy we yuouKuLenj B . uu xauuem of the village;—and that they h&uld bo the arena on which the surrounding yeomanry were to practise those feats of arms which kept France and other countries in awe , when Englishmen were ENGLISHMEN . It was a great piece of scoundrelism in the man -who first called these commons " Wastes ;' and no less » o in those who have perpetuated the freebooting delusion . This nickname , with the bil-by-bit manner in which the parish lands have been enclosed , were-the only things which saved the bacon of the confiscates ; had a' general' law beenpassed , at any period , for the enclosure of all the commons in England , not a spark of life would hare been left in the carcasses of any of the spoliators , at the end of a month after its
enactment , fratttt , indeed!—the authors of the Black Book ought to have known that the only wastes in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are the moors and upland * belonging to the King , the Nobility , and the Gentry ; which extensive tracts are useful for no earthly purpose but for shooting and hunting wild animals ; and yet , when : do we hear of Acts ' of Parliament for the enclosure of any of these ? No , no ! the great landholdershave alwaysheen too good judges of their owninterests far that . In the teeth of the Tenth Commandment , they preferred to increase their ample domains , by coveting the lands of their poorer neighbours . Whenever three or four of these cormorants thought fit to parcel out a contiirnous common
among themselrw , they set the greatest rogue of an attorney in the district , to draw a BiU , - and to go rqund the parish tor a sufficient number of signatures , or contents , of the poor devils , who were thus reqnired to sell their own and their great-grandchildren ' * birth-rights for a mess of pottage ; and woebetided the miserable cottager , whether male or female , Z- ^^ J ^^ g ' —yniomororpbuny-nha refaaed to sigwthe fatal deed ! Tlieir wretched alternative # as to choose between the ejeetuwof themselves and families from their hovel * and homesteads , or of then-cattle , their donkeys , amd theireeese , from the common which had been bequeathed by thatr foretethers to than aau to tbeir children , FOR BVBR "'
I shall make no comment on this paragraph : it speaks for itself . Yonrg , gee , • BRONTEKRE .
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IffiLiTIfE CIRCIFllTip OF THELEEDS NEWSPAPERS . Stamps furnished Weekly in four months . Average , ; 18 Weeks . NORTHERN STAR 179 , 800 9 , 522 Leeds Mercury . . -..-i .... » . 170 , 637 &j 480 . Leeds Intelligencer . ,.. 60 , 000 3 , Leeds Times .............. 48 , 000 2 , 666 Tbe actual Consumption , is 179 , 600 , averaging weekly
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Mr . Aclaijd once more .- ^ - We give below Mr , F . O'Connor ' s final answer to this gentleman , relative to the ( discussion on the Neto Poor Law . - This replication should have appeared in our last , hut for ike fact , that though personally addressed to Mr . O'Connor , Mr . Acland ' s letter was forwarded , in the first instance , to the Mercury Officeyaridtheti sent to the Northern Star Office , on Friday morning , Mri O'Connor being out of tew 7 i } did not of course , see it until Saturday , after our paper was \ published . Why the letter was . not first ; sent to the person to whom , it was addressed ^ Mr , Acland and the Mercury pan best explain , ( a "copy . )
Leeds , 18 th June . Sir , —I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter . You call me dictatorial ; I shall not retort . You do riot accept my challenge . I accept you re , with the exceptions of charge for admission , ( I never have charged for any service I have rendered the public—I never shall , ) and the time , which can make no difference . I am pledged tb attend a meeting at Newcastle , on the 28 th , and shall be ready in a few days after that period . Thus I leave to you the selection of the place , the topics for discussion , and the order of speech . Should you he inclined to meet me , please address , Post Office , Newcastle-upon-Tyne .
Your obedient servant , FEARGUS O'CONNOR . To T . Acland , Esq . > Post Office , Liverpool . \ Our Scotch Agents . —As we have not recevied any orders for portraits from our Scotch Agents , we do not send them till next week , when we shall expect timely orders . We received 8 s .- ¦ $ & . on Saturday ¦ last , from a few friends , at Clifford , for assisting in the prosecution of Mr . Justice Clapham .
J . Syfces , Slaithwaite . —His letter on the condition of the handloom weavers hus been receivedbut its contents have been often stated , both by ourselves and other writers , in the Star . He will , therefore , see the impropriety of our inserti ng it . Thomas Beggs . ^—His . poetry has been received , and is under consideration . J . B . Bottling Wood , Wigan ;— We cannot comply with his " fervent request . " We nave no recollection of more than one previous communication from him , which was noticed in our answers to Correspondents . Hehden Bridge .-- We have received £ 1 from the Secretary of the " Clapham Justice Fund . "
Errata in our last—In Mr . Oastter ' s letter , page 7 , col . 2 , paragraph 31 . —Line in that paragraph , 7 , for " rates , " in italics , read " Rents , " in Capitals . His motto is il NoHates "—OvRs will 4 e" No Rents . " Mr . Cleave . -The letter of Mr . Cleave , in reference to our remarks on his speech at the Dorchester labourers' dinner , has been mislaid , and was only found a little while before going to press with our present number . It shall appear next week Local News . —Our Correspondents will oblige the readers of the Northern Star by taking care that their Netvs-parcels shall hot reach us later than Thursday noon . We often get shoals of local News after we have goite to press , and dissatisfaction is caused by its omission .
Contributions .--- ^// letters or other literary contributions intended for insertion , must be at the Office on- Wednesday . We cannot pledge ourselves either to interior notice half of the hundreds of . letters we receive .
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Royal Bounty to Mr . Wm . Hirst . —We are happy to say that the application made for the extension of the Royal Bounty to Mr . Wm . Hirst , of Leeds , has been to a considerable extent 8 uecef 8 ful , -T-Lord Melbourne having ordered a grant of Two Hundred Pounds to be paid to him , " which is the only means of relief at his Lordship's disposal which can be available for . tbe object . " The good offices of Lord Holland materially contributed to this result . The memorial on Mr . Hirst's behalf was prepared and signed under the zealous attention of Mr . Benjamin Livesey , who accompanied Mr . Hirst to London . Several subscriptions have also been made for Mr ; Hirst ' s relief among the mercantile houses in London .
Caution To Watchmen .- ^—On Wednesday last , Mr , John Gott , resident at Hunslet , appeared before the Magistrate , charging a watchman named Charles Castletown , with assaulting him in a most violent and unprovoked manner . The complainant stated that on the evening before , he and his wife were going along Mi rfield Terrace on their way home when the watchman flashed his lantern in their faces . He remonstrated with the watchman for what he termed his insolent conduct , when he immediately pushed him off the causeway . Words ensued , and the watchman \ after heating him in a most unmerciful manner , handcuffed him to bring
him to prison and also attempted to put the handcuffs upon the man ' s wife , notwithstanding that the complainant both gave his name and address when asked ) and offered to go to the watchhouse without any violence or compulsion . Two or three respectable witnesses bore testimony to the brutal manner in which the watchman used his staff on the occasion , and evidently withont the ; least canse for doing so . They also testified to the meddlep ome conduct of the watchman with other persons passing along the road , aad complained that instead of taking the parties the direct road to Leeds , he went across Hunslet Moor , and took them nearly a
mile out of their way . The watchman in his defence stated , that when he flashed his light in their faces they used abusive language , and that Gott struck him and pushed him off ; the causeway . He admitted having struck Gott with his staff , and also having put the handcuffs upon him , which he said he didj because after he had struck him , he run away . He denied haying : attempted to put the handcuffs on Mrs , Crott , hut the ; contrarary was proved by Mr . Gott ' s witnesses / The magistrates thought the case was a very aggravated one , and were fully convinced that the watchman had assaulted the
complainant in a most violent and unnecessary manner . They also deprecated the practice of watchmen flashing their laiterns in the faces of respectable people , and especially at so early a rime of night as half-past ten o'clock . He was fined 40 s . and costs , or , in default of payment , was to be committed to Wakefield for two months . Sometime afte ^ r this judgment was pronounced , it' -wiia pfopo ^ ed to him to take \ hi 8 choice either of going to Wakeileld for two months [ or of being dismissed from the service . He chose the latter alternative , and was consequently dismissed .
Incobst . —Yesterday morning , an inquest was held at the Court ; House , ; pn view , of the body of Sabrti Thornton , aged 41 w ^ died atih « Jbfinnary , in consequence of having fallen from tome steps a week before . Verdict . Accidental Death .
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^< ob therK XTNipNi-r- 'We uhdere ^ nd that tbe members of ' . ' t ^ e .- ^^ / A ^ V ^ t ^ 'W . ttV- ^ old'a' ^ meetiiig at their roomy in Mr . Standing's Temperance Coffee House , Briggate , this evening , at eight o ' clock ,, and on every Monday nighty at the same hour * The committee for obtaining subscriptions for the prosecution of Mr . Justice Clapham , will meet at the ' same place , on Monday and Saturday evening . Felony . —Mary Hardcastle , a washerwoman , was charged before the magistrates on MondaViaat , with having stolen a silk handkerchief , the property of a woman named Mary Robinson . The 7 prison « r had taken some clothes to a manglej md when going away took the handketchief in her Hand under her own bundle of clothes . She afterwards sold the handkerchief to the wife of a beer-house keeper , for Is . 6 d . and a glass of ale . The charge having been proved she was committed for trial .
Assaulting a Watchman . —On-Tuesday last , a man named Thomas Radcliffe , was fined 40 s . and costs , for assaulting a watchman at Hunslet , at an early hour on Sunday morning . In default of payment he was cornmitted to Wakefield House of Correction for two months . Caution to Secret Orders . —The Independent Odd Fellows of the Manchester Unity in the Hbrsforth district have lately been defrauded by an officer in the Society , of money to a considerable amount , which had been entrusted to him to discharge sorne accounts connected with his office .
Forgery . —On Friday , about noon , a young man went to the West Riding Bank , in Briggate , Leeds , and tendered for discount a bill of exchange for £ 278 10 s ., purporting to be drawn by R . J . and W \ Garnetr , on Messrs . Jones , Lloydj and Co ., bankeVs , London , in favour of Messrs . Jno . Sturges and Co ., or order , No . " 521 , and bearing date Bradford , June 29 th , 1838 . It was indorsed " Pr . Jno . Sturges and Co ., " " Jn . Cole , " " D . Stalt _ and Spns N" and ;• ¦ " J . G . Hainsworth . " The genuineness of the bill was immediately suspected by the bankers , on account of the London firm upon whom it was drawn , as Messrs . Garnett are in the habit of drawing upon Messrs . "Williams and Co . ' When
the man was questioned about the bill , he . stated that he had receired it that morning from Messrs . J . and Hainsworth , of Farsley , and that he was agent to Mr . Akeroyd , of Halifax . This statement did not much improve the appearance of the matter , and he was detained until Mr . Read , chief constable , was sent for . On his arrival , the man gave the same account to him . In answer to further questions , he said that his name was Broadbent Mason , and that he resided in George ' s-street , Halifax ; but there is reason to believe that he resided in the
neighbourhood of Bradford . He was immediately brought before Messrs . Stansfield and Musgrave , who were sitting on the bench at that period . He was remanded until Saturday , when the parties whose named he bad forged appeared and proved the offence against the prisoner . He made no defence , and he was committed for trial to York Castle . In prison he had written two letters , one to a brother at Bradford , the other to a respectable firm in Leeds , in whose service he had been sometime previously employed ; in both of which he admitted : having done wrong .
Insolvent Debtors' Court . —On Monday a Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors was held at the Court House , Wakefield , before Mr . Commissioner Bowen , when the : following . Insolvents were disposed of . Discharged forthwith , Ann Walker , of Knaresbrb ' , draper ; Abraham Hall , of Doncaster , nurseryman and gardener ; Wm . Stokes , of Doncaster , coal dealer , hair dresser ,- and beer seller ; Wm . Woodson , of Wakefield , journeyman joiner ; William Ashforth , and Isaac ^ tshforth , of Scholea , near Rotherham , nail makers ; Henrj-Crookes , of Sheffield , printer ; J . Nell Gilson , of Halifax , out of business ; Thomas Bridges , of Sheffield , hatter ; Tho 8 . Hasland , of Sheffield , blade forger ; Edward Hutton , of Sheffield , publican . Remanded—James W . Bell , Rotherham , adjourned to York ; Richard Watson , Allerton Bywater ,
publican and horse dealer , adjourned to next circuit , or discharged conditionally on paying £ 198 . 9 s . 6 d . into Court , or allowing the creditors to have the property equally ; Benjamin Roberts , jun ., of Stanaingley , near Leeds , joiner , to go back four months from the filing of his petition ; Septimus Wragg , of Sheffield , cutler , to go back for seven months , from the filing of his schedule . The Rev . Tho « . Kilby , late of Wakefield , to go back for six months from the date of filing his schedule . In this case the learned Commissioner merely looked over the papers produced at the last examination , and stated that he had bad a conference with the Chief CemmissJoner Reynolds , > hen it was concluded to remand as above . The decision , we understand will lengthen out Mr . Kilby ' s confinement for about six weeks longer .
Horsforth Church Rates . —On Saturday , the 16 th in 8 t ., a meeting of the rate payers of this township , was held by adjournment , iroirt the 16 th June , 1837 , to consider the propriety of laying a church rate , Mr . Charles Fletcher in' the " chair . The churchwarden produced an estimate of the expensesforthe ensuing year , the various items of which amounted in the aggregate to about £ 23 . J 3 s . He also brought an account of the debts which had been incurred during the two last years , and- which
are yet undischarged , but stated at the same time that he did not think of askingfor more than a penny in the pound , which on the present valuation would raise about £ 30 , thus leaving a small balance towards outstanding debts . The several items in the estimate were then read over and put to the meeting seriatim , when the whole of them were disallowed , in consequence of which neither the churchwarden , nor any of his friends thought proper to ask for a rate at . all .
OwENITES . —Mr . J . Rigby , delivered two lectures on Sunday last , in elucidation of the hew views of society held by : Mr . Owen and his adherents , in the large and splendid Music Saloon , South Parade . The room was crowded on both eccasions—and , in the evening , a lady offered some remarks to the large assembly at the close of the lecture , which Were patiently and attentively heard by all present , and mildly commented upon by Mr . Rigby , in reply . The room in which these lectures are given is decidedly the best room for public purposes that we have in Leeds . It is the besfadapted for the conveyance of sound of any in the town , and has . the
advantange of a large arid commodious ' -gallery ., capable of seating from 200 to 300 persons . The room is fitted up , too , in a manner at once comfortable and neat , while the decorations reflect credit on the taste and judgment of the proprietor , Mr . Walton . A large and powerful organ occupies the upper end of the room , and its tones are put into requisition by the Socialists , on Sundays , to vary and enliven their proceedings . We understand that it is their intention to get a up Social Festival for Monday night week , which we sincerely hope may haye a tendency to improve the habits and feelings of the working people . Mr . Rigby will lecture again , we believe , on Sunday next .
Groundless Charge . —On Thursday last , William Collycot , a beer-house keeper , of Timble Bridge , was summoned before the magistrates on the information of a policeman , to answer the charge of having disorderly persons in his house on Monday afternoon last . Mr . Naylor ably conducted the case for the defendant , and after a patient hearing of the case , in which the most incongruous statements were made b y the informant and his witnesses , the magistrates dismissed the case as being without any proof to substantiate the charged
Hioh Notions . -On Thursday last , a poor insane girl was placed in the docks at the Rotation Office , having been takeii up by a policeman under the following circumstances . On the night previously , though without moneys she . hired a hackney coach to carry her to the White Horse , in Boarlane , when having arrived there , she sent a messenger to order a coach and four to take her to Lord Harewopd ' s , and refused to come out of the hackaey coach till the other was ready . From her appearance it was at once perceived that she could want nothing of the kind ; and ; she was therefore taken out of the hackney coach , and conveyed to the police office . On her way , she said to the policeman , that she would not be talked to by him , for she was the lady of the town . Her mother took her home , and promised to take care of her .
Stealing a Smith ' s Anvil . —On Tuesday , Edward Rogers was brought up at the Court House , charged with havingj oh the previous night , stolen an anTi ] , the prbperty of George Hutchinson , who resides in the Golden Cock Yard , in Kirkga . te . He had ptilled down a portion of the wall of the building to gain an entrance and was apprehended by Sotheran , a watchman , near the . premises , with the article in his possession . He was committed for trial to Wakefield House of Correction .
Nicholas Nicklkby . —A literary friend of ours , well versed in the machinery of novel making , after inspecting the published numbers of this popular work , has hazarded the prophecy , that , in the next number , we shall have Nicholas beatingMr ' . Wackford Squeers in his own school-room , with his oyrn cane , before all the boys . He also thinks it not unlikely that the gentle Miss Squeers will compUinerit the lugs of her unmanageable : . u loyier " ' - u -ib&t should have been "—with a few sound thumps from a long brush .
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MBHcuuikh Mi 3 REPai 8 BijSAtibn .. ~ -L . o ar neighbour ^ th e Mercury is very ; ajit at misrepresent , rag things . In bis remarks on the "ferocious afc teck of Mr . O'Connor on li Justice" Clabham he represents Mr . O'Connor an pledging Hiniself ii giye opi his j > aper in xiasfei he do not succeed in dnying Clapham from Leeds . Mr . O'Connor M nasach thing , Mr . O'Connor said ; that if thepeoBfe did not support him in hispfosecution of Clapbanr he should cease to be the proprietor of a which had been established for their benefit . Tfe people do support him rbeyond his highest ex pect ti ons ^ Butinany case the paper could hot be given up . . Mr ; O'Connor may retire from the proprietor ship whenever he pleases—the Northern Star win not fee g iven up on that account . It is the paper of the peoples-devoted to their interests , supported by their power , and will never be given up till the ? are determined that it shall . 3
Cancer . —It is probable that , of all the " thoB . sand ills that nesh is heir to , '' thi * is the most pain * fill and distressing ; it has always been accounted the most difficult of cure , and any mode of treatmsat by ^ whi ch the ; sufferings of the unfortunate Tictinw of this dreadful malady can be safely and effectually alleviated ^_ must be regarded as a great boon to society . Hence it in that we have great pleasure in directing the attention of our readers to Mr . Ward ' s advertisement , from which they will perceive that many who have experienced great benefit from that gentleman ' s experience and skill , bear testimoBy ta the efficacy of his system . ¦
Odd Fellows . —The Grand United Order » f Odd Fellows held their annual meeting ait the Crown and . Fleece Inn , Crown street , commencing on Monday , June 4 th , and terminating on WedneudaT eveniag week , to the entire satisfaction of the asseni bled delegates ^ Sheffield was re-appqinted the seat of government , and the former cominittee of management re-elected for the ensuing year . The above order is the first of the secret orders bearing the title of Odd Fellows , established in England . The
Grand Lodge was formerly held in London hoi was transferred to Sheffield in the year 1798 , The then poke of Clarence was Grand Master ' the governing power being vested in the Grand Lodge antfl September 13 th , J 837 , when the majoritT of the Order at a delegate meeting , changed the system of government to an annual meeting of delegates , out of which a committee of manage mentshouldbe annually chosen .
Rascality . —We have received information o a most rascally piece of business having been per petrated at Swillington last week , by a sceundrel who assumed the character of a peace officer , for the purpose of entrapping and fleecing the unwary , We have not had time to enquire sufficiently into the facts asyet , but if we fin ^ the account given b us to be accurate , we will shew up the viUaininhj true colours . : Accident . —A . child trnfortunately fell into tht water , near the top of Harrison-row , New Koai
end , which was soon followed by its mother , who , out of anxiety for its safety , committed herself likewise to the water , which very much endarigerei the lives of both , and had it not beeia for -the ^ melr assistance of Mr . O'Rooke , who fearlessly ventured his own life for the sake of rescuing them ; the would both , without any doubt , have found i watery grave . This is the second ;; accident of \ similar nature that has happened here within a shoft time , and all from the neglect of the owner of the propertj- , who ought to have the pond pallisided or built on the upper side .
The Explosion on board the Victoria ;—W » are sorry tp record the death of three more of tb srifterers who were scalded by the bursting of i boiler on board the Hull steam ship Victoria pa Thursday last . John Asher , one of the stokei ! , who was taken on board the £ h-eadnpvg / itbospit& ship , directly after the dreadful occurrence , died yesterday . This unfortunate man was a member of the Jewish persuasion , and , for some time filled the situation of a police constable in the H division of the metropolitan force , but he was anxious to learn the duties of an engineer of a steamer , and for that purpose proenred an eneageinen as stoker oa
board the Picioria , in which he remained until % late explosion . The first and second engineers , Jacob Evans and \ Villiam Colyille , died last nigk These unfortunate men have both left wives and families to deplore their sad fate , arid the distress of their relatives and friends at the sad calamity whid has deprived society of many valuable and worttj menis ^ ery great . P oor Barton , the only survivor , was > dying last night at his lodgings at Deptfori , and we fear by this time is no more ; making k all , nine victims to the last explosion on boari the Victoria ^ five men having been killed on \ former occasion by the bnrs ting of another boiler in tie
same vessel . The engineers , previous to their dea % solemnly declared that the gratings and boilers of tie Victoria Steam-ship were defective in their constrofr tion , and ic turns out that Mr . Holding , of Hi | engineer , who visited ^ the Victoria ^^ previous to tie first accident ^ expressed his opinion" that the pmciple on which the machinery was constrncted wi not safe , and appeared to anticipate thecatastroplie ! which have twice occurred within three months . " A letter to this effect has . been received in London , andit is believed that Mr , Holding , or Holden , irilf be examined when the jury resumethe investigation .
Mr , Baker , the coroner , was informed of the deaft of Asher in the course of thie inorning , and by Mj directions the body was removed to the honse of Messrs .. Thurley and Jarne ? , the undertakers , in Sb . adw . ell . ' The coroner issued summonses for dw attendance ; of the same jury who were impijimeW toinqnire into the deaths of the other sufferers on Saturday last , to meet in the evening at the Waterman ' s Arms , in Lower Shadwell , to be sworn in > make inquiry intothe death of Asher , and thai adjourn until the adjournxnent day , Tuesday afwnoon next , when the investigation will be resumei
Explosion of a Powder Magazine .-0 n the 5 th inat ., a powder magazine , sitiutt within three quarters of a league from' St . Gall , n Switzerland blew up with a tremendous nbi « e , ri Occasioned the death of eleven individuals . A pe !> ble , flung over the wall by a child , having stn < i against a nail of the roof , the sparks set fire to the powder dust which covered it , and this produced the explosion .
The Theatre . —Mrs . Honey has been proloBJing her syren -stay during the present weeki Grot credit is due to the enterprising manager -if the spirited manner in which he labours for pu ^ gratification . We sincerely hope he fliay be adequately remunerated ; but are sorry that the attendance on those nights when : we have happened to I * there , scarcely justifies the expedtatfon . 3 ^ - Honey ' s second engagement closed last night .
Mr . Hill ' s Sabbath Sermon . —We are -itquested to say , that this valuable and much expect tract , which should have been in the hands of ® the booksellers to-dayy is printed , but an acciden t has prevented the possibility of its being publbbe 1 ' till next Saturday , when it will be seen from ft 8 . advertisement , it may be bad from any bookseller , ° any agent for the Northern Star . The Circus . —This talented company safofc its attractions . The place is crammed out e « rj night ; and all express the highest satisfaction at n * skill and tact of the several performers ,
Steam Boat Accident at . Renfrew ^ -- ' Mrs . Lachlan , who was so severely injured , diwj Friday , about mid-day . Mr . Leckie , another w ferer , died 6 h Saturday , making in all four i ^ An examination of the captain and eng ineer of » Gallachar took place on Friday , before Sief » CampbBll , at Paisley . We have not heardthaW blame is attachable to the parties ; andon n ^ inquiries on the spot , we learn' that the P re 8 SDie ^ . been taken off the : boiler when letting outa ^ senger at Ben&ew-ferry , and that it had not W » teen put on when , the accident took p lace . —* " ** gow Chronicle . ¦ ¦' ¦ _¦ : . ;'¦' ¦
¦ •' . :-WAKEFIELD . : ¦ ' ^ ^ Ossett . —The proceeds of the Ossett Ors ^ amounts to upwards of £ 80 , which will leaTe ^ tween £ 40 and £ 50 to the school , when allexpff are paid . A 8 BT 0 XT . ujf Glasgow . Cotton Spinners . —The pe » P ** ^ Ashtbji , have forwarded to the proper qujawi ^ sum of £ 14 . 10 s . towards supporting the * "Tj ^ famUies ol the Glasgow vic&ns . We fo ° r : happy to see some means adopted for pronflWe ^ cient relief , for the families of the brave meV » ^ are now wearing the corroding fetters of t he oh * sor ; and smarting under the lash of the tyiao *» _^ their independent resistance to the full'doflun " capital over laibonrw :. ^ . :
GLosflop . : ^ r . CtAPrriM FoND . ^ -The Working Mm ' s Ju ^ tion has commenced a subscription , wbicJi aano ^ already to nearly £ 3 towards prosecuting » ' •* ^ Justice Clapham , the Leeds magistrate , w ^; behavibnr in reference to Bridget Cone , jj "? id tl * stand the sum stated above will be donpiefl T coiirseof a weekor two .: .: ¦ ;¦¦ ' ' . ' ^' ' ^^¦ NEWBKLIS .:- ¦ . ' . . , ^ We are informed there will be a palhc toee ™ this evening in new mills : and that ,-Mr ^ 9 » * 5 of Stalybridge , has been mvited to * H * l % p explain the five important and fnndam 601 ^/^ : ^ pies of Radicalism . A numeroos ^ f ^ T % M the people is ejected , and . we c ™ M * 2 t f M $ themuft will be the downfall of the yM 8 « j Tories , and tte formation of a sound Radical ^» r ciation . :
I Sjli^Kp ^Grtilaix
i SjlI ^ KP ^ GRTilAIX
To Readers & Correspondents.
Legal Questions. »Jt_ Tm-J.-T »_ -£ Tt.I!R F.-. _ . _ J Iu Leicner Oi Uiax Not To
LEGAL QUESTIONS . » jT _ TM-J .-T »_ - £ TT . I ! r F .-. _ . _ j iu leicner oi uiax not to
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r . r * case , rra , nas come h ^ and . We shall be most happy to give our opinion upon it . The Magistrates who made the man who lost his hat pay the expences , acted illegally . Several legal questions are tinder consideration , but really tee must desire that querists will not send us long documents for perusal . Again we ( ell them , we will not read them . jgjk
Leeds And West-Riding News. Leeds.
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: Ihe $ r « eitI ^ MeB » nriiei * ti > e Boo . Mr . Lsani ,-who sored a vote of thanks , in fee Common * , to tieznnrderew of
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a THE NOR ^ 1 ^^
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 23, 1838, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct350/page/4/