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&§axti$t 3E«telKsfn«
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LEEDS:—Printed for the Proprietor, FEA RGfffl
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Untitled Ad
m HE ADDRESS TO THE WORKING MElt 1 OF GREAT BRITAIN , written by HeJJ Vincemt , ( now in Oakham-Gaol ) , and signed W several Others , bsing now Reprinted , and Sold asi Tract , 3 t Five for One Penny , or Ono Shill injr ^ J Sixpence per Hundred . It is intended , in Feb ' raai * next , to produce an Edition , containing a List of M tho Political Victims , and Members of the late Con * vention , who have , through the columns of th « Northern Star , desir « d to have their Names ** , tached ; bat , to prevent mistakes , no name will b « affixed to tho New Edition , unless by and with tS authority of the parties themselves , forwarded m writing to Mr . Cleave , with whom the Addre » originated .
Untitled Ad
On Saturday , Jan . 2 nd , 1841 , was Published Prite Sixpence , No . I . of \ " THE PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE A . MOMItLT JOURNAL OP RELIGION , POLITICS , AND LITERATURE , EDITED BT
Untitled Article
KETrEIUNC—Its fem-, 1- ; Chartists of Ketteriug got up ft epiendid tea partj -: . the Temperance Hall , on Tuesday , December 2 * ai , 18-0 . The room was fieccrated -vritb the portraits cf Frost , Williams , and Jones , Ftargus O'Conn&r , and the Convtntiun Plate , ¦ which presented a , delightfnl scene , and dirl gr » t credit to the feni&les . ETerjthicg -wad conducted "with the most precise distsplina Our " young patriot , Henry Vincent , -vrto m at the head of thu UV . e , looked reinarfcfcbly well . Tea being oYer , Mrs . V » i « Eiot ¦ was elected to the cbair , and the Rev .- J . Jenkinson officiated & 3 vice ; wbo opened the business in a very impressive speech , in "which Ije commented on onr unfortunate victims , Frost , Williams , " and Jones . Mr . Leithenland rtad part of a prize essay on toe improvement and bettering the condition of the -wurking classes , and more especially or the town of Kettericg . Mr . Wilmut next addressed the meeting in an able speech , "which oeenpied an boar in delivery , on the
borrow of the New Poor Law , and then ontho People ' s Charier . He sat down amidst great applause . Aft-.-r a vote of thanks to the tcmsla , for the excellent entertainment , and to the chairwoman and the vice-chairman , the meeting broke up , highly delighted . Also , on Friday , Jan . 1 st , at eighc o ' el ^ xsk in the evening , a public meeting was held in ^ ha Ttrcperanca Ball , to memorialise the Queen on behsi * of Frust , Williams , and Jones . Air . A . Leathenljad waa dniy eiected to the chair . Mr . il . Wallis proposal an adJre&j , and Mr . S . Wilson seconded , and Air . J . Wiluiot very ably supported it iir . C . Harrison , fxotu Xi . rtaaiupUm , the antagonist of the Whigs on tiie baby question , iu the County Hall , support d the a < i e 3 In a very able manner . Mr . Cooper , from Weldoa , proposed that it should be sent to Birmingham , asd be presented as directed in the Northern Star , -whkii was carried unanimously . After a vote of thanks to --the chuimuu , the meeting separated .
CHESTERPIS ^ a iWKO B ? vA 2 SPTOK . —> atiosal Chaktee Association . —ax the weeHy meeting on ilondsy last , siier the nscil business was transacted , the Secretary "was ordered to trite to Manchester for twe-nty-nve liiore cards of iurm > . ership . The cause her 9 is s-teadiJy progressing , in the evening a public nivetiag was hul . l . to me" . nvriali > e her Maje&ty for the Bpee « iy recal of Frost . WiiHams , aaJ Jones , not forgetting ail the incirceT-. tbd patriot . Mr . Walsir . gaam Martin animadverted at fcrcat ler . gih npon tie Vicciiiatiag condact of-our Whig rukrs . The memorial , as s . < on # as eii ^ ross ^ il ; v \\\ be ser . t to Birmingham . TLree cheers fur Frost , IVilJiusas , and Jones ; three for Fearjtus O'CJnr . or ; three for Bronttrre O"Briea ; three cheer * for ths Northern Slar , ani ti : r < . o groans for Lord ^ ormanby closed the -business of the evening .
Mr . Wh . Maetis and Mr . Geo ? . ge Hooue , of Cb . esierEv . -li , wish ihgir names to bo appended to th » total abstinence pledge . BABNbET . —J » atiosax Chahtkb Association —Ths members of this society hela t ; ieir weekly meeting on Moncay last , _ at tno Railway Tavera , Mr . James Pre ^ toa in ihe chair , when ihe report ot the Amilgaiaated Council was brought forward , ana the following resolution unanimously ad-.-pted : — 14 That all former a-ii ezisti . ; . ! , ' griev ^ ces , or bad feeling , be buried in eternal oblivion ; any individual re verting to them tvith bad feelirjr , to * fae tried by a jury composed of members from taea branch hi the sL-irict , and , if fouud guilty , -expelled the Society . " Iu ace .. rdauca with tiie arrangement oi the last Council nr-etinjr , two Counciimen -were
elected to represent us in the Amal ^ iiav . ioa All the minor business or" the Council a \ id S- ^ cit-ty being dispensed with , an ainiuaied diicus > io .- tovk placa on ihe propriety of attending th * mee ; i :: £ : o be held in Leeds on ttic 20 ihof Jan ., for tli ? -purple of receiving the PcczJe ' s curse , ihe ichole .-aie cpostate , Big Dan , when it was eeiieraiiy agreed that &s many as possibly ecuki n ; ake it conveir . tm , ousb ? to be in atte-ndauce , e . m thtu s . ad ' . h-re bear te « : ijaony of their eters-1 iuirfd a . d . dii . -ju ? : to the monster and his co ; l « i ,-ne *; w . jo > . are liiiherto duped the grtat p 3 r ; ion or ir 3 ia : ; u ' s ruble sons , by their sophisticated treaihcry , aa-j are now sirivi : ;^ to practice the s ; nie u ; on ta ^ iish Cbartists . Bit ¦ we burl dctiunce in ibo l-e ^ ih of such wre : chej . ' Universal Siiciagc is orr waicbwcrd , Iso Surrender © ux motto !
Leciuse . —Mr . Leecc , the L 2 i ; ra ;; Jro l ' . omrer , delivtrsd a lecture on Wedu ^ -d . y iasr , irau ^' - ; t ¦ with elv > q"ietceaniar ^ Tir ^ eLixiive sv-i ' : it : e .-, ij lavou .-of Charusm ; proriD ^ : o CijhXinirjCi-. u th ^ t the poor man hid do gnaran :: e a ^ iif . st tyranny but the Caarter . This ] . .-e : ure was Lot so well aittiiced at "we could wish , bur the iic 3-artei » daEco ar ^ e from two causes ; first , the riople were 1 : 0 ' : avra . ro of Mr . Leech's coming so si > os ; ani secoai . ihst t' . ; 2 Tcinperawce Society hid cng ; zg ? & a Mr . Hawkm-, of BinniEgaam , who lecturtd evtry ci ^ hi during the "week , and caused intense ia : era-i " ia the town by his ¦ witty an ? cdjtas , and do : i L > c-i' ilie drau ^ ira's experience .
The 2 \ i . T : o >" AL Chap . teb . Asscciatiox h- ? l-i itweekly mc-aing . as il-uj ' , a : M :=. i- ^ ey ' s . en M ^ nday Ei ' s ht . A :: er the nvvA routine of b " i-= ict £ s I = ' .:. ^ gone through , a ucw G / jujII ws < eh-. ^» - n ; ar . d six : y or seventy ceicbcr ? Lave pl-. d . el -. i . t-nirol ^^ s \< - total abstinence until the Charter bvcora s tLe law of the land . We hope th ' = lioble rro ^ pld wii , be followed by ail tE ? R who wi-h wcii to the Charter . SSADPOEO . Pcblic Meet . sg os - > eit YEAUS DiV , FOR THE Jii : SXOE . AT : C-. N OF F&OST , TVillulHS , and Jo >" ES , —02 the ibove . ay , a ' . Cvrd-L'g to announcement , tLe Chii-. kts t . f this to- * r aR » € nibled in htiadredj on the cp = n bpz-se of grouu ;! behind t : e Temperance R ^ U , avid prt-c-..-ei . " . t _ d thron-h the vari ' - 'tis srrssts to the Old Feiio-s-s HA \ in
bant of which nw . y thonianus a .-sen : t-li-l t ' jretiier for the purpcie cf rv . cord : r . g ihsir 'icttr . iiiaition never to relax in their exertions ¦ uniil tbose t ^ ree ¦ exiled patriots are restored to tUe 1 jo 5 j . ii of ^ heii faisilivs . The cora- > 'H ' ee ta-f ? b-.-sn ir . L ^ fat " - ^ bie in their exeriiuhs lii ordtr to do j- ^ iici . - ti ; 0 r-. l-lc and prsisew ^ rtliy an object . llr . JAilES Clj . EE . S 0 > " , solicitor , Tr 23 un-. nimonilT called upsn to preside , wlio optned the ; n-:-.-tin 5 in aa able a jdress , and assured his audience that thi- ; r . L-.-:-ing was pfcifecily legal , and their object mw : piibe-¦ w orthy . ^ T ^ S . IKD mored the first resolvjcn , " which ¦ R- . 'u-BecendeJ by Tdr . Aldek 50 . > " , and Vc . -j ab ! y turrc-rred by ilr . TiLLiliX , 01 iltncLester .
Mr . Bodgsox moved tie stcond resclutica , v , hich ¦ was seconded by Mr . Buaaofrs , und suppori-.-d by -dr . TAfTESSALL , a young aaa from CXiine , vrliO , in nn argumenLaUTe style , laid bare the rottenness of tLe preseat sysf era , aud proved to t ! . e c--Egrfcgatcd tfci . u-8 ands that persf-cuticn ard prosecution-had liC-Ter accoznplishid ths desired effect , bac was iiie seed so"sti on Iruitfal soii . It "sras tiiec moved and seconded that the at ' . niirable memorial , dravm up by the . Restoration Committee of Sirmingham , should bs adopte-X Alter been p-t from the chair , thero wis oaly one hand iieid \ lp Btaiait iu Tie next resolution "sraa uniiiaieui . y carried : — " That the uieiaorial Ei-ouid be signed by the Chairman , on behalf of the m—tiug , aad S : a : to ths Committee at Birminghsm . " Thanks hz-. iEg betn voted to the Ciisirrnin , thre ? dietra irere £ iTen for tha victiJas , pji- \ tne Uiea ' -La ^ separsted 10 prerars for tie tta-party aad bili .
At six o'clock , the Social Institution was ailed with decently-dressed vorking Etr ., and their -wives n . ? A eetnesris . UpTrarcs of fuur hucdz .-d pirtoji of tea and ouxer refreihi&eais . After tea , Mr . Bubxett ( in the absence of Mr , Clirison , oficiated as Caa-iriiian , who introiucsi 3 Ir . 1 illmAn . Mr . Tilljus then delivered a very feelins adcress , and when adverting to the suifjTJr . es cf the iajprisoatc Chartists and their famLies , hs " brou ^ lit forta t- ^ ar : from the eyes of the wives of the incarcerated Chartistof this tovrn .
ilr . TaTI £ P > s > ll txhortt ' . t the uunlts to enlist ur .-der the CcartL-t banner . 11-j clearly p-ovtd the ii ' .-lacy of -what is i > aid by these "who ire in ^ eteEttd in tiie perpetuation of the present a ' , -: aixiaV » e tystea of pcculitiun and pluniicr , that iroiiien o ; . ; l ; n > jt to have anything to do "with politics ; he irusi-jd- that Euch of tL ^ m as "ffers ruottera , or ur ' g ' at be , -would ecuccie their ciiil rcU in the principles of nfiinrial liberty , and tLe d > y -ssculd not Ir 3 f ^ r uiiirjjt -srh ^ a "sre should Lave a ts . ien of freemen , and sing "With tW . u "iirit-ocs never ^ haii be slatea . " The evenir j was spent in a most ativeible raaanfr . A full quadrille and two other bands were iujaged for the occasion , and all "srert off hsnu ^ nioii-jT . At the exclusion of ti . e eveniag " * enteru . iani-. nt the " Chartist Xiitional Anth-. m "wa ^ iutg by aa rresont ; three cbeeN were given fcrFro ^ t , Wiliiaiiis , aii'J Jiiu . * . and thus ecued a Cay "which Viii long be . rein ^ nib-rad J ) T the good men and women of Brau ivrf ..
-COO'CIL ilEETIJJGS . —The Cox ell uf the Kntioasl Cliarter Atsoclaiion of Qrcat Bil ^ . ' a held tiitir -fi-wk . y meeting on Saturday , D ^ cs ; absr 2 G , a ^ d-January 2 nd " , l * il . The buiicess coniinenced by the se « reiary leaJing over ths minutes of the previous laectir : ;; after ¦ Which the following eouncilmtn auti c-as > s-leader « paid in the contributions of their mesu-srs : —Mr . fiUey , White Abbey , 2 s . 3 d . ; Mr . Walker , DV . ay-hill , 6 s . Id . ; ilr . Ellis , Xo . 2 ciass , 2 a . Sd . ; Mr . Alderson , ilajmingham , Is . Si ; 3 Ir . Wiitthead , Kv . 1 class , Is . 6 d . ; Mr . Edwards , New Leeds , 4 s . ; ilr . Heatoa , - little Horton Green , 2 s . lO ^ d . ; Mr . Eansaa , Xo . 3 , 2 a . Id . ; iir . Hjllo-sray , 4 s . 2 d- ; Mr . Robinsja , Lottie Borton , is . 2 ± ; ilr . Saack ! tton , ' Qaeen&head , lua . ; 2 Ir . E&stwooJ , Bradford iloor , 4 s . For thb Victim Pond , ilr . Wa : ker , Ss . 2 i-l ; a friend at St&nningley . Sd . The mettlng \ ra 3 atijuurned to thi 3 eveniiur , to commence at eigLt o ' clock , in tUe chapel , Long CroJt Place , irhen it ia trast « i ev ^ rj member of the council ¦ will attend at the tune speciu-ad .
Chabtist Sekmoss . —On Sunday last , at tlie contlusion ef divine service , it \ r ^ s acnonnced that a , meeting irDuid be hold = n ia the chapel , Loag Croft ; Piice , on Sunday , the 17 th insxat , t-o co : iimence a : ten o'dodt in da morning , { 01 the pzrpiss oi drawing j up a preacher's plan . Ail tbos = who have capubilities , 1 sad m desirous of exposing the typc-critic-il conduct i of thmo TrolTe » in shftcp ' i tioihaig tSat pre . ch cp j > is-&lve obe-iicnoe , Eon-reaUtarcs , fctirvatics =. u . i c-jnUmtmeat , ought to atctnd sad fcave titir r . r . T . vs vpon the plan .
Untitled Article
tEEDS . —The Leeds Total ABsrrNENCE Chartsr Association . —Tbia excellent society held its first annual tea party on Friday evening , the 1 st of January , ia * l , in the School Room , 82 , High-street Tne rojin was tastefully decorated with evergTeeas , and tiie portraits ef aiost of our highly esteemed patriirti ; that of Fro * t , and the splendid fuli-length portrait of O'Connor being conspicuously placed at each ted , Tbe party was rather a numerous one ; but particularly fox Lveds , and considering that Chartism is now dead . Several guests who had been invited were unavoidably absent . The meeting was , however , unexpectedly complimented by the presence of two Etaunch friends from Wafcefifclfi .
After iho cloth was drawn , Mr . Isaac Wilsoi * was called to tbe chair , and opened the business of the meeting in his usual shrewd and happy Btyle . He said this v » something new ia the annals of CbartiBm , aad particularly in those of Teetotalism . He referred to tbe large amount ef j ; ood which had arisen from the effjrts of the Association since its commencementcongratulated the meeting © n its opening i ) ros P ects ° f future usefulces ^ , and bade them fight manfully the battle of the Lord , by seeking the destruction of all poiitic&l « ror and oppression . The following resolution was then moved by Mr . WM , RlDEEi" That this meeting , being convinced that tbe manifold eviia efciUiTtd by the productive classes of this country have their origin in the existing system ef niis-P'VcrnniHil , therefore , resjlve never to rtlax our tfforts until ti . 9 Charter btonies the law of the land . "
Mr . Ride& , in the Blrai ^ htforward and pyrspicn >; us iu :-. nner , eo peculiarly his own , detailed many of the evi ' 13 under which the people groaned—affirmed there was no " Constitution , " but , as the resolutiua justly stated , nothing but •' mbgoyernnjent" and despotism ru : el the land . The only remvdy he knew was the Charter ; it -was useless to Leed the pirying wail of th « crutchet-ruongtrrs—tlie Coarttr is tns oniy sife refuse from misrule ;^ cd tyranny . Mr . Joseph Parks 11 then came forward to second the resolution , and , iu duing so , cxprtssed great
pleasure . He gave the Whigs and parsocj a lesson tent Tiii ^ bt Inve done them good , bid they hf . ird him : he :-. j-p-= ared in his 1-est c :: fc ; and proctedid , aiiiid frequent outburst cf cheers , to entertain the audience with t . ' . e ilttai ; of a few specimens of double-ciistiJ'ed Whig knavery , nj : c ng iu the sober teetotal stand his brethren were ; : nkir . g for tbe Charter , the wijole Charter , : ic . ' : nv . thing less . The reeolation was thtn put » n > 1 C-irrieJ , with cheers ; after which , a song was called f- % r . n I sung by the meeting , calied " Whiggsry ' s failen , ' from llitk ' s Collection . Mr . AV . Hick th < -n moved the second resolution : —
" That tLis meeting considers the sentpnecs proncnr ; ced upon Messrs . Frost , Williams , and Jones as an act of cruelty aad injustice on the pare of our oppressors , an-1 one which renders the present Government unworthy of the least confidence or Bapport . " Mr . H . showed , to the ^ reat satisfaction of the meeting , that our expatriated frienJs xrers ntitfcer banis !; ed by the laws , judges , or the Queen , but solely to gratify the pitiful revenge of Lord Jvhn Kussell ; tbat the people .. Ijlo can bring them back to th- ^ b isorn of thtir fum \ - ; : es and friends : this must be done ! Tho thunder o { ¦ .:. £ people ' s denii :: ;! inuss roil from centre to circum-KT-nce . TJie liou oatw roused will be ciuthed in t-. rror i-ot to bs res . ? te < l ; and th * -y sLall return to cheer th .-heu-ts of the nation , " bringing their Ekeaves with tist-ai . " Mr . Oldeotd . in a neat speech , that was evidently fro ; ii th ' .- r > arl , iccoinitd t ! ie rcs : li : . iou . . Mr . Teupler iujve < l the third resolution : —
" That petitions be prepared and si . utd » y tTTenli- s , to l- > e pT ' -tttea to P * i \\ aiieT : t ewly in the ensuins s- ^ s-ion , jimy : ne for the iuiKi ^ dtate an > i uncoiiditional liberation of Frost , Williams , and Jone-e . " Mr . T . observed that t ' . iis course ouzht to be pursued thr-iu ; h ! ut t . e h : ; gtb and Vrradth tf tht ^ land : nev ^ r to irt the .-u ';¦ et r ^ t ^ ut either l > y cs rrjing a conviction of its ju > tice or , by an everlasting u : isoyaDCc c-, vpal them : o hb-rate our friends . He , lii- ^ a true Ciiart :. » f . w . 'uid It : ound at his past . S-con ^ ed by ilr . J . M'Caktut . The heath > f our beloved friend , Fear ^ ug O'Connor , E .-= q , and tije sj ^ tedy lii eraticn of a ! l ini-arcsrate < 3 Chartists , w ^ s jiro ni-. d amidst th-j h ' Sttv ttir ? of ail I recent ; JiTia , also , a Tote of t ! : _ nks to tho Editor i , f the Sorfjier ; : S . ' ar , i ^ r tie very abie mam : tr in whic ' i he h ^ s adT ^ iitt .-: th ¦ p ^ -uple ' a cause .
Prorosod i-y Mr . QiLLAVCHtn , and seconded by Mr . TVfcSili . Ai ' r ^ r ti . e n . tfe"in ^ hal expressed tfcenistlvrs highly dtiighttd , end iiiiJi . r infinite obiigati-.-n to the la-li' -o whii i-Toy ' . \ -J t--e < -ntcrtaii . mcnt , aril v .- rcil ti . unks to the Cl ) 3 ir : i : ar ., t ue cf the wodt fit-lf-sati ^ ac ^ jia . rvi :. « 'l : ut evtr n et ; : r-: » ke up . giving tare .- cheyrs . ana im ? c ' . iecT nv-. rc- . for FivM , " vVjliisms , a . id J ^ r . es , on whose Recount uiO ;* . of tho coiupuuy wore EDurning rcicltes a .-rf crape . Pibljc Mecti . sg—Tho Tory Ef . it of WhL'gery , nr : d eupv-iiuui 0 ! th-j Y--x- < , \ n whic ' i tV . ^ ir Gc sc ar j stored , h- ' i .- n . a c- its v-. i- ' -j heard < .. n ili >> oc . c ? . - -io : i , r , ¦ l- " rauay ibrrcf- -une .- > . A > p : rited anu fn : r ^ : ir ! i . ee : ' -: *; ' . Vis h- ' ri o ; i Tuc ^' ay evetnnj ; , tl ' . e Kt-v . \ V . f :: i 1 : 1 tno cliH ^ r , \ vh- ? -i r «<^ iut < c . ; : ^ , sympii \' ii ii i '
with their vic . iuii-l bi \' :, ivn , ana ) i- dj- = -l ; th : v . v-plo to uncva ~ ii : t r . etivi'Y v-r . their oviu bf ! a :, k re 'jTiatiirnous-y ad ^ pivxi . Tno i' . irmiu ^ haii ! m- ri-. Ti . ' -ii ' . va . ; - a . is ? acov-t ' - ' i . The me-tin ^ -svas aiidn £ ?< : ¦ ¦} , : l giowir-g 3 V : d ' pairiftti- ; speech--.-- , by the CriiirnTan . k-d by M-isrs . Westlsko , ti ^ rdiner , IiitB ^ wort--. Jo ! ? i , anii L-. rfb . f . f Msnc ' ^ rte ^ . Female Mee . i . vg . —Th-i fYmule Cl !? . riNt =: cf thi-:- ) . vu to . k tra :-j ^ -i uc-r 0 : 1 No . v Y- a- ' - < Kve ; a : ' cr which , sjags \ rtrc sung scd tlsneimc k ' pt no vrh ; - ¦ i , ran st'lrit till the hour of dr-parturc . V .. r ou .-lua-is a ' ud m tit ^ meats \ vtre uivrr . s : ; d T ; - =-pondud to , The sum of 1 ! --. 6 J ., being t . e p ~ t > : ii * P-rix ' . r . g from the tea , -. Tas ap ; . ropriat'jd to Mr .- -. Froyt and I : e ' Families , " s ? is announced in oar li ; t cf tubscriut'on ? .
Hill-ni . ^ A pnVlic i-e < t ; vg t "t y- ' . K here r . t ¦ :. - G ^ l-kn L . j :: Inn . Mr . G . I-. Mart :. » . ' . ;• •*; vcte . l to the chair , p- ; ccvded to fcsp ! .-. . i \ tliv- oVjtcLs of the i : ; £ < . t : i . g to a -,-o-sv-it-1 a '< -:: ib ' y cf " f ii- > " . er-. d Vir . di " II . r ..-.: r . rr-ssed th ? r . udienceaJ feil jw- ' - ' rvvts , and o 1 " - ; iv- * fl tLat l . n < xulJ Lut with proprit ' . y I ' . ' . irr' -s them in ary itlit ; ; ir ^ u \ t , e un'il th ^ y ha-J dt-iiO ail tbtycjuld tj oita ' . n thtir rights . Mr . JOSLFH C . - - VVEV . cUled upon the w .-rLn : ? classrs to r ^ tbiir dutv . c ; ais-le * 'is . ' - ' . sr / n w . vs " Ii-.-sok-e .-. u . s
( .: ' all « ur KT . cV ^ sccs , an- ' . Mr . Fr . st r . nil l : s C' .-pa . n . "ts l .-. l -used i-. U th ? ir iLtii ^ iice fr-r its df-v . vu T ' . vn : f . > r : ,--: r ; to £ - -.-ir : "J . e truth , the Whin Gmv-ldi ^ iiI ha : j-. t vV-. o * e n . . o-niin'l-i'i rot-n in The lU-trivU-- ! ; j : is ! ti <> n y' f .- ; .: r : s . Af-. t-r a t e-. ch r ? plct- -with s-. u " 'i an ! i : iinly :. T- ^ ii .:: 5 rit , La v ~ i . - ~ -. ¦; v 5-e fi- * t res"lu : ii > n : — ' ¦ T -I a n :. - » n . jriAl be presjentird to hr-r Mnv . sty on be ' .- " .: . ¦ ' Mfcs .-r =. Fro-ot , \ S'j : ii ::: n 5 , and Jo-.-.-. " * Mr . Piilist sesjid ^ . l the resolution . II 0 s . iid a ; U . ^ -: h I ..- livi V- en r-thcr a stranger r ,:: i-. ; n , 5 t t " a--: ii , h ~ h : ; i > i-.-: i TJ-vtcbicg their moven : ent 3 in tb- - c ~ . \ xs- of r _ 'ht " u . i . n ^ t m . g " : t . The objects of this mt-i-sinj , ¦ : v . ifid :. iT . Pritst , -wire lor a'l parii' -i . Chir ' . i ; t , X \" u ' . 2 , ' r T-iry to r ^ b . st in , for the Werd of G- > d cju ; - ^ ¦ liiCu-i tliit . "W- ? i-houM love me'rv and do ja-tiy . Jx ' -i-. T [¦ / .-ir . c ti . fi / U ^ h tke ( iitr-rent movfintnt ? cf \ S " ii ' ^ % ,. ¦ ';; . .--v .- ' a a ) ih-i inhuman and a-iti Christian Viuv Lvff , :.-d -he syste-n of c--ntr ; i ' . . Srd povrtr , and ., r ( -- ; , _ - ux-L-: ! t ' : e : mn of th& Potteries to wt-rk rut the r-e-l - 't ^ i-vijii of tii c-sj Btn , he sat down arrid « t l-u-i
c ..- ' - -crs . Ti-. u r = / : uv . on being put to the vote , was Cj . xr ' -. u DDa " . i . T : . u- ' y . y ± r . ^^ osls Simpson moved t . e second r-s : ; 1 ution : — " That thi- Hi .- thig approves of U . e recoini . ieiidati'jn naffi ? l in tbe S- ' ar of the 25 th instant , a- * tii-j : i : u > : uflic ' .-j-. t t !! - ; ms of raiiiing access to her M ^ j- . ' . ty , an ; pr . r : " : aci : ig t :. e efiVct ( it-sire'i ; aDd th : U the nienioriul be iiven to ths care of the Birmingham Commit - ¦¦ a " Tiie worki'i ^ t ; ie" , he contended , wero ti ; e likoiiest ti » do th-. ir own worit , asd to feel more syist Ttay for those cf their own «
t . ; e c : iL-u ; n-vai : ^ fS th-. ' ca-- ? . Ths " J ? pscial Coru-5 iiij ; t ' -E . " Li - >' ift - vas centrary to the Bill of IJighU ; : md M-JiViu Charto . ( ihar , h ^ - ; -. r . I Aft-.-r rc . i'ling an autheisuc acjunat of Mr . Front's life , -wl . ich r ^ preb ' .: s . x- \ that isdivHual as sn . im-ub ^ d fathrr , a £ " > . > . ! husband , and a trao frien 1 of the w ^ rkinij c : M ., ea , he 3-iT ; r-cd th-3 working c ' issos to u ; e their nt T J ? o-t esitrtiwr . s to recal thtso trut- ja ' -riots . The Quseu , hoiaid , tad the prerogative to par-Jen cr to miti . ate pu ' iL-hni ut ; but he dottbted tiie tyrin ' s in power ti ul i put a st p to us- sjrupithy . He should u ! l the wsriing ibcii to p ^! t theins . lvus in ruch a ro ^ tbr . as shoul-i co : v . rc \ the absolute tyrnnts t-j ai ; uw iier -Majesty to es-. rL ;> = h _ r prero ^ ativ ' - of mercy . I \ Ir . 11--.. VLET HenshaLI ., in seconding the
resolution , siia these men vc-re trai ! . s .. ( . rtr ; d fcr exerting tti-mselvce to gei every uian reprrter-t- 'd ; for this -Jv .-y ¦ w-re se ^ i across the briny olkiu , tj be t'jrturod to Ce . ' . ih as other patriots btfu . re th . m . John Bdl ! , h . B ^ i- ' , was a very patient being in V . is fickst- -- ^ an ^ i tho-. igV . he b&i lost tbe bloixi uf his n-- > Mt aoc .-slors Tha Whig quacks , be said , would give him a sticking p ' . ^ itcr , while the real Chardst wouid probe U : e woucd t'j it 3 depths , and eff-xit a ra-dical euro . In- } English , is &r . id , were importing German blood to nun wi : h ¦ r-MTS to produce a tetter r *« e of noble p-iunc-rs ; !••; thought this was already eSected ; ana John Bad irou . d ajain have to tuck his thumb to £ '¦} Ids heiiy . TLe second resolution was carried without a d : 3-seaiicn .
ilr . OiPJUH moved the third resolution : — " Thit this meeting pletl ^ t 3 itself to ca-cpente with the Birmingham Committee in securing the let ^ m ; .-f tbe ? e patriots . " The oriject in transporting theaa brave men was , sa > I tli ? speaker , to get rid of thefriesds of the penile . t ! : at they mi ^ ht glut tiemselves with weaUh at tlie workins' man ' s cxp ; nce . . Mr . f t ' M . riMMis secondei ! it br saying that he = h :.: iM caution the .-n r . ot to beli ^ Td the rtprts circu-Lit = J by ths "iTiiij ;«?> ers , that Mr . Frost vras treated ttis or thi ; way , as ; i .: did all t ' n ? y cuuld tj blicd the CCUr . trT . Cairk-d tnar . iiiiuuElv . ilr . Cuas . Hack . n £ > - niavdd , and Mr . Bevvi . ngto > secon e ^ : — " IUt s re ; orfc ' . e sest to tts Northern Star . " j
Untitled Article
OLDHAM . —A tea-party was held in the National Charter Association Room , Greaves-street , Oldham , ou Nevr Year ' s Day , at five o ' clock iu tho erenidg , when a great number of well-drossed females were in attendance , who seemed to take a lively interest in the proceedings , which were enlivened with son ^ s , recitations , and addresses fay different members of the Association . Mr . Charles Connor , from Manchester , who had been invited to attead , addressed the meeting at considerable length , on the reign of the good King Alfred , which he said was one of the happiest on record in the History of England . Mrs . Parkinson , of Oldham , also addressed the meeting on behalf of the Female Chartist Association of Oldham , and hoped the females wouid come forward and enrol their names , and attend their weekly meeting , which are held every Tuesday evening , in the abovo room . The proceedings concluded about half-past tea o ' clock , when the paay broke up .
Lectuhes . —On Sunday last , two lectnreB w » re delivered in the National Charter Association Room , Greaves- ? treet , by Mr . Lewis and Mr . George P . Roive , of Oldham , to crowded audiences . REDDITCH . —Meeting op tub Inhabitants TO MEMORIALISE THE QUEEN FOtt A FREE PARDON foe Messrs . Fhost , Williams , awd Jones . —It having been given out by the CouneN of the National Chart * r Association that a meeting would take place at the Feargus O'Connor ' s Anus , on New Year ' s D . iy , for the above purpose , by six o'clock , there baing present
a pood muster of working men , Mr . Edward Co «! c was called to the chair , who , after a brief and feeling address , called upon Mr . H . Moule to read t ! ia memorial . Mr . Moule , after reading it , moved its adoption . Mr . Thomas Prescott seconded it . The Chairman then put it to the meeting , when it was carried without a dissenting voice . It was then moved by Mr . Thomas Gaudy , and seconded by Mr . H . Moule , " That the acc-mni of this meeting be sent for insertion to the Northern Star and Glasyow Patriot newspapers . " The m > eticg , after giyin ? three cheers fur Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., quietly separated . '
MEETING OF TIIE COUNCIL OP THB NATIONAL Charter Association . —The minutes of the last meeting haviug l > ca read , a letter waa read from a meeting at Alccster , expressive of their determination to iKitomj Chartists , and requesting the attendance of one or more of tbe Conncil to lecture on the glorious principles of tho Charter . It % ra » then moved by Mr . E . Prescott , «»; o ! n !« i by Mr . W . Cook , and carried unanimously . " Tint the whole Council do attend at tfcf f TthcomiRif rj ^ eti ng of the men at Alcester , and that our respected Chairman , W . D . Whitchouae , Esq ., be solicited to attend the same . "
D AISYSILL . —The National Charter Association , recently established in thisvilla ^ ejlield their weekly meeting on Sunday last , at the Old Cot . The business commenced by reading tha bruial persecution and further restriction of Fcargtis O'Couaor in his dungeon , which called forth a vote of censure on Inspector Williams , Lord Norreanby , Lord Finality Jack , and Fox Maula , for their dastardly conduct tovrards our patriot ; after which tho followin /? resolu-. ion wai proposed by Mr . J , Sfcaveley , and scronded by Mr . Wm . Hill , " That this Association denoun- 'o t ; -e Household S'iffrii'jo humbug an-i ajitale fir the Charter , tho wli ^ le Charter , a ; id no le 's . " A vote of thanks was given to Messrs . Smith , M'Lfla' :, and Watson , of Ayr , for opposing tho fjc : i ( us of tyraii-iy in tlie ' . r own deii ; and to Messrs . MThersou arid Garrard , of Stowmarket .
WOOTTON-DNDEn-EDGB . —In consequence of the "Address" from the Loeiis Cenvral C «> iuuiittce , signed" Gaorso V . 'hi ' . e , Secretary , " and thoexi " . *! - leV . 't ariiely headed " To tho 'Howes' of E inland , " in th ? last week ' s Star , tho following resolution waj uii'inimousiy p . » s ? ud at a ^ enoial meeting of the members of the abnve body : — "That the membgrs or" tii : s A > fOciatio : i do fliost heartily approve of the determination of the Chartists of Lotiud to hold a treat demon ? : r .-if . 'on on the " 20 h ofj . tiiuary , the day ou which the " B ^ -headed Dan" i . « invited to L"cds , in t / r [ iC 3 tha ft . ' . ~ : ival of iho Lo \ a h \ x and Goose
Club , aud biiicemy iiop-3 that tne C . iartists of Lecdn a ; d ?' . irroandin ^ pla .-es will , on tl . a ' . day , pour out Their tnousands of virtuou- men and woman to e . ir . fi arch-apostate , the vi ' o traduocr of EikI ' . sIi v \\> meii'd m ^ ile . 'ty , and the seller of tha po » r ( aoiory chiU , the wchoLne he deservi-s , to convince him hi .-i dce-Ts arc not fiirjrocton , and that hia jiu . ' ^ iiu ^ will bo of v . o avail 0 : 1 thi 3 Fido of tho water ; and t * iis A > sccijtion , in aid of the above objt-ct , send half-ami ; vn lo ilia E ( iitor ot tho Star . Two pyutioun liiivo bcrn forwarded fr-im fhi 3 place , f .-r tho < iicharge of II . Vincent , »• : «] sent to Lord Nonnanby . ' or [ jre ^ cntaticti to the Queen .
HAtiIPA 3 £ .-T ; io Charci ^ ts of this town liad ; htir Fr at , Wilhirr ,. -, r . ; u ! Jones' D ; aiong ; ra ! ion un Friday last , IsV . / Year ' s Day , nji-rxurablo for two tilings , viz ., the to- ? p s-ynipatijy of tho peoplo in this p in , and the delivery of one of the h- 'st f | - "ccli < w , f- > r col ar ,. U ( neur . t : iar , e'er w : ts c !< . l : v ; rid m the Talbot A .-teuibly Roouj-, Halifax , from iU ;\ Joim A ; ran , of Braufjrd . T .: o re-olulionj , sii : i ' il . ii- to thoseairr ^ ed toat othcrn ; ect ! i : g 3 i \ -portcd in thn . *> ' /«; - , w- ; ro p ' usS'j'l ui-auiniouxly , aluii ^ with ths memuvul ,
: n-hidi fmana ' A- 'l from Birmingham . At the c : o ^ f o ! ! 'ho readirs ; of that , sfjisiblo and important d-. icu-I snent , a sponfaueous bur- * of applause broke forth : lVom tiie whole audience , proving to d'maiistra'ion , ; that ihe j : i ^ mtut of " tl : e per is as correct , i as the yiip ' . moiit of tbo vrahhy . Tho mnetin ^ j rras a-Jorej > cd by M .-. ^^ rs . Arran , Crorsland , i CJif , Gibson , and Mr . J-ihn Crvwsland , bro-her ¦ to rhe above Mr . Jo ?; "pi CrassJand . Mr . I 3 t . i . ja :,- ;! u I Kuihton presided aschair . aan . We ob ^ crvoJ ia ihe I tai-ctinjj a t ' sjw Tories ; but no Wnigd m . vdo their I app-..:= rance .
; STP . OVV . —A public rasctin , ^ vr ^ s on tho i Hrit of JaiHiary , at thr National Charter Associa'< iion H- }' - -m , Touvr Hi )' , wiwch waa crowded to ; .--. aTocuioi } , Mr . Harris h rhe chair . Mr . Ind woved tlio first resolution ; af : cr which he expo&'jd the j v . io conduct of the m-girlra-ks of Nc . vpait in s- ! f-ct-: i : i . .-h l > a .-c characters as crid ^ iice on the iri . ii of } Fi -. j .-t , YVi ]! anis , and J . jues . Mr . Paul movc-i the , ; : it ia .-clutiou : he d > v . 1 ' , at socao Kn ^ th on tho In '
i and chai-cti-r of M ^ r . Jo ' na Frost ; he said he sva * } p • .-int a ' - t '; c prL ' . sc-n'atlni of ihe National P .: titi-. ii , I ami sr&ke of the conduct of little Johnny on the tc .-u-! sior .. * Mr . Cii ^ ' -ld moved the third resolution , who s siid he was infv'Vincd thtre were present poiicerucr isi d ^ guitc- ; ];> - ¦ ( Mr . C . ) was a sender heaited in » n , : and ( . 'id v . ol w ' . sh f > 'votitid tno feelings of any per-or ;; ; ho b . l ' ov ^ i one God made u-i all , yet he was sure t ' : ; : ; ! tv ; i niu ' o v iiccuifii ; he thon frhewed tha : - ii ' . s I c : i ! . si ; of ; hci ; i . turbai : Cf in WaKs was rho u ; i [ ircc " j df-n ' . o-- ' . p : ini ~ h : ri' . 'Ht i : ; fhcted on Mr . Henry Yir . cciif . of unl
I ! : o : p / ; » c ot tl ;^ virtuous life John f rust Ins ' <\> r :: > tr : 3 ; . « , iu < J then produced y . letter w ; ii- ' ! i hx : ' . 1 y-ai b . 'cn pniii ^ o hi 3 ha : iJ from-Mr . J . Ch-tvuiai , ot I . Nail-Tvorrh , sta'irig his reasons for not attLhdlii ^ , I a > : d c . icloriiiKa table of diet , which ho ( J . Cha ;>! r-ni : ) 1 jiud bec ; i pjt ^' . uted with fioui un iumato ot L -. "« i John K » i ; .-uii ' amansion , wliichcalledforihil !? Krv » au ^ I a : i-i hi .- 'iOw- of t-ia me' : tit ;<< . Three cheers were tlivn . . ; : v .-u iur I \ : ar ^ i ; s U'Counov , three for Henry jVsn-| ceiit , three for Frost , Y / iiiiaais , and Jjiic- ? , and I V-. V ( Q t , ioa . ; . s is ; ihyscviliaius who have ssv ^ rn away
'> :: r lU-eiuco oi i& ? v : couiitrvnien . j ^ OTTI ^ iS IIA ^ . —Oa Monday last , tha ! iii .- - i : ii . to vac . . ;¦ . Lu ^ se T ' . t Qiwn for tho viardou ... l ;\ ,= t , Wiiiij ... ! ' , > ud . J . < u > , w \ i 3 hold . Mr . Ciias . 1 iv .-i > i-r ; s % va ^ ui-::.. ! iuoiisiy ca . icd to iho cluiir ; v . tio i C ' . u ; = i-if-rcd it thu duty of every mu . xi to UrO every ; iie :-ur . ivu cii iu \ i : i iii » power to briag back v < their : L-oni :: ;•> " ¦ lua i-. \ iici pair ' . nl- " , Frtut , Willvisus , avid I J .-ii ¦ - .- ; . " Mr . R-jb- - ' . ii lao . igiit it was un-icettssary : iu . - i-.-ci i > ¦ -. L-idr ^ A ttvj-. u at tit-. y l " : nKth , aj the day ¦ \ va > - - :- -...: i . v ; he v . nul \ t ' .-otvior ^ , road tha bill cill ; . ' . ^ tuu " i : " . eotu' ! g . — Mi - - Alison , the Cimti = t m . s-I -k > . ary , y . r . uo . cd i ! : c fi . it resolution . lln s : iW , Fr-... ; Ivza uK ' . i .: ' . od I '^ r ih o bcutflt , of tho working
i c ' i =. o *; lie j a i r-o cu \ i < e to agitate but for ihe ; r ' b-. i . v .-ii ' . ; ho cjhIu sit vi -j-vp . upon hia sofa ia comfort , c ; j-jviui : tko fcmi ' . cs oi ' h s wife aud family ; he h . id a iiv ' ai-: iLa" CiuiA io- ; i for tho wotkinj ; ci wies ; lie vic . it . vo thu C ^ vviKi c . a : o bencSt theui ; not only iho working ciui-s , but ft . ^ o the middlo » . uss > . -. o wau' -i hi o -i < -r iff ui .. icr ihn governmciiv Frost i sv . u , -, ; .- w . - . - ¦ :: yLil :.. Fro .-f , William .- * , and Jonea wvia tU ' j v ; c . l .: i- - uf Lci-d Xjrmvi \ l : y . They had no iuttuv . o s vi' v ; v-. u . rviwini ; v ! 0 GoveTiimcni oi' this ¦ coiunrj ; tL : v i : a 1 iiJ i loa of ccramit-lin ^ "ha crima j hi IL ; ii ' . 1 Ti -. ' :. " > :. ; i ' -- ^ . v ' m ' . the ; com ; ui : ted d . d ; hot auinw . i ' . tj Hi v i T . - " . s : r , r . was proved thai there were :: ! . ¦ : arms suilic ; e : it ; o b ' . and ; -g ; iinsS auy
I jdy oi' ra :. ;; ll . e . e ' -. 'Vo v . \ vi .- > i ' . ipoibibi : th-it lacy could rav j sinv ; . ; -. ' . v . 'it ' .--n o i ' overihi'owmg luoun ' uiivi ; the Judges \ 7 ^ ro ;> i thi .-i oinni . 'ii . T . 'itro was nottuffi . vMt . ni relidu io try Fro ?* ., Wiiiiaia * , a :: d doue ^ for High Trcr-m . Thry wore t :: ic : u from their cells in tho dead hour < . ' ; » . i ^ " u , a : iUscnt 011 coard a convict tbip , aji . 1 :: v . iri-.-i Liu cxiio by t !' ( ju ^ ernuor . t , rjgardkes <> : aii tno forma of law . Wo do ny . wish to oppu : c the la ' . v , but ivo have a r : ^ a ; to ta ' io cave tha ; thcl .-. ' . f ; s prci j t-rly respi-c : c < i . Hu hoped that the Qice :: w ^ ula tako into her ui > st
stnou-i c" > :. > c ! dera ' . ic : i t / , j c ? . * a of tLo cxilei ! pati'iois ; iiid vrb , en isho lies oa h-: r Jeath-bed , sho v . il Iiavu iha coiiiolition tLat the bt > . e act of her Ufa iiuu bte . i their restoration to hbc-rty . He proposed 5 M lolli xing resolution , which was Focondo , ' . by > . lr . Joir ; - than iiarb =.-r : — " That u \ s the opiuiou of . ti . ia ractj ?! s ? , that Frosi , Wi'liamJ , ami Jov . ts wtvo : ilejriUy ir . ed , inasmuch as tho loruia prescribed by imAc ' 3 of Parlianii . nt relat . i . 'i : to h ' i' / U iru ; ison had not bc-ea complied wit ); , anJ , ibtivJ ' jro , iJ ] c ^ .. i ! . y convicted ; and this aectir ! ^ p ^ d ^ -ij ii-Siif koi to ceas ^ P ^ itatintr till Frott , Wili ; : !;;^ , auti Jo ; icj 5 are
TiFiorcd to tbeir country aud tho . r iaiuihes . Mr . Sv ? i : prcpoj-ed . and Mr . Every ? , ; i ; oinJ <; d , liiotaeiuornl . which - . \ as carrind , ev > jry isun-i bt-r ^ htid h ::. Tjje resolution rec ^ mE . ' uld in t ! :. « i 7 ^ . - , thai Lovct * , i torgai :, Wiliiaiii ^ , and Mcii be aj-tointod ' . o pxoitnt iho mc-: roriiil to tho Q-il-c ;! , w ; i ? UTia-ui-Eto ~ j y ad . Ptui , Tiireo cliijurs w-jre iliOU ^ ivou i \ y Fr ^ -j ; , WiL . ' am . s aci Joues , thrse for U'Cv-unnp nnd tho Northern jSlxr , snd ih-eo Hot tho iiupriioned pzir . c : ? . T ; ,-. ' t ]; ar ; ks of iho mtsiing v / ure then voted to the L ^ j air ^^ u . i -afusr v . vtioii iho m fjet ! ii ;; qukiiy cifpiricd .
Untitled Article
Dbleqatk MEBTiNO . r-The Best delegate meeting will b « held at tho house of Mr . John Seal , Town Hall-lane , Loicester , on Monday morninjt next , January IIth , at ten o ' clock . All ' delegates ' are requested to come prepared to Bettlo their accoauts , and be punctual in their attendance . Mr . Mason "willleoture in the ensuing week at tho following places : —Dorby , Monday ; Bolper , Tuesday ; and Calvertpn , Thursday . Bai 8 TOr « . —Chartists and the Coen Law Humbugs . —During the past week , the walla of this city were placarded , announcing that a Mr . Paulum would deliver a lecture upon the evils of the Corn Law « k in the Assembly Rooms , Princess-street , at eight o ' clock . The room was nearly full at tho hour had
of meeting ^ -the Corn Law gentry mustered their friends on this occasion to tae full amount . The locturer entertained tho company for about an hour audsa half with details of taxation , increase and decrease of imports and exports , profits and wages . In the course of his lecture , he . told the people " that there was not land enough in these i ^ landa to raise B < . arya ! tioa rations for tho inhabitants . William Morgan , member of the lato Convention , rose to make some observations upon the means to obtain the repeal , but the > repealers would not hear him ; when Mr . V . W . Simeon proposed that Wm . Morgan take the chair , which , was carried almost unanimously . Mr . Simeon then proposed tho following resolution : — " That this meeting is of opinion that the base Whigs will never repeal tho Corn Laws ; that the only way to get thoso , and all other oppressive lav ? d repealed , is by first carrying- the
peoplo' 8 Charter ; that if the Corn Law repealers werefdesirons of relicYing the distresses of the people , they would join with them in endeavouribg to obtain their political rights , and thus enable them to remove , not only tEe Corn Laws , but all other laws that oppress them ; and it is resolved not to agitate for auy other measure ; till the Charter is become the law of the laud . " The resolution was seconded by Mr . Pierce , and carried unanimously . After which , three groans were given for tha Whigs ; three cheers for Feargus O'Connor ; three for Frost , Williams , and Jrtiuw ; three-for Henry Vincent , aud three for the Charter . A Chartist then announced that a public meeting would be held on Mouday , January 11 th , at tho Hall of Science , Broad-mead , at ono o ' clock , to address her Majesty upon tho restoration of Frost , Williams , and Jouea . i ' uree cheers wore again given , and the moeting separated .
DERBY . —National Chaktkr Association . — The members of the above Association hold their meeting as usual , at the Bull's Head , Queen-street , on Sunday last , wheu the landlady of tho house said she wa . 3 sorry 10 inform us that she could not longer accommodate u ? . We asked tho reason' ! and she said some of her customers told her that , if she harboured tho Chartists , they were 110 longer customers of faers . Some of our members ai * e abstainers from intoxicating drinks , and very likely the good landlady would not liko us to soil her clean hearthstone wiih our dirty shoes , without paying dearly fur it ; and , therefore , must put tiie bhufflo on her customers ; but , however , it is all for tho b ^ t
fot ] no sooner had we received our orders , than a resolution was proposed , and carried , aud several deposits laid down ibr the building of a place for ourselves , to bo called the " Operatives' Hail . " Wo are but lew in number at present , but chief of the niemUrs are precious metal ; did their financial atfairs correspond with their dispositions , they would bo deemed worthy of tho Suffrage or auy thing else . Wo are now on tho look out for a private room to transact bu .-ine . ss in , uulil we can proudly say " this HulII is ours ; " and ii we fail as regards a private room , the blue canopy of heaven is ours , aud there we wiil moet jo do our business , to pay our shares , ( 0 recapitulate our griuvauces , and vow oteruul hatred to oppression . —Correspondent .
DUBLIN" . — The members of the Charter Association beM an extra meeting ou New Year ' a Night j the chair was taken by ilr . Clinch , -who , in a Bpeech replete with good seiwe , opened tho meeting . His text was— " Tako away wickeuueaafrom before thefacs of tbe King , and Lis tliroue shall be established with justice . " Prov . ch . 25 , v . 5 . He shewed , very cogtntly , that all the evils that affect society were mainly attributable to class-legislation , aud he caiied on those wuo heard Lini to unite aa ono man for ti : o purpose of establishing tbe Charter ,-which-would secure to evtry ' . nan tho full enjoyment of his rights . —Mr . Bropby a'ldvesswl the minting . He said he was alad to have
the opportunity of addressing so many of his fellowcitizens oa the subject oi the Charter , but more especially on the fl . vjrant injustice done to Messrs . Frost , Williams . « fo : > es , and other vietisiis of Whig treachery an > i i > crjecution . They were men wha dared ( o think aiitl act l ' or tb-j people ; lind how wera they treated by those whom we are called on to obiy iind to suppoit in profiiv-ato luxury ? They wtre stol . n by ni < , ht from tiie uosutus of thoir fauiliiea and their country , aud sent 113 folons across the Atluntic , to be B * tld 11 a 8 lavt :. > i , mil Uiis . too , by a . Government that pn .-fe > sta to bo Hb . rul . Ho concluded by moving the nrst resolution : —
" That the c ; we of Frost , Williams , and Jones was a gross violation of the rights of tho aul ject ; a tyranny tUat ought to ba opposed by every l-j ^ al Had constitutional means iu our uowtr , and that we never ceaso to agitato the public wind on th'j subject , until they aro restored to the bosuius of theur friends and their country . " Seconded by ^ Ir . White , in a speech of great length , in which ho uenouueed both Whig and Tory Guvernments , and culled on the poop ! o , now that they wiintcd s-jlditirii , to let them light their battles themselvt * . Ho caiiv-d on tha meetiiig to bear in mind tho caso uf tho expalviatud and iu > i > ri $ ouvd patriots , and to consider thuir cast ) ;»» tho case of the nation . —Mr . F . ' . zpatrick , in 11 short , but energetic speech , proposed the nixt resolution : —
"That tho £ u : p ' us funds of f . iis Association be applied to tho sprvudiD'i of Chartism in irelaud ; and ; i :: it wo employ n mUsio'iury for that purpose , aud that Mr . White bo tho missionary . Seconded by Mr . O'Counell , ( not Dan ) who , in a neat speech . f-: iid th . it the people ought to be on their guard Aud wutch the muvouiuita of tiie Jlousthuld Suffrage party , u-s vhey -wevc -about to pat an extinguisher on the CUattur ; but particularly 011 the Universal Suffrage claiido . A votu of thanks w « is given to tlie friends in li . ii ;] an ' -l , for their favouring tho Association with comniunkalury tracts and Slat's , Several letters wtre read from various parts of Ireland , giving a jirospect of an a ' -undaut hnrvuat i-f converts to the prinoiples of the Ci ; arter . Ttunka buing givea to the Cii-iirman , tiie i : it-o ; 'is { s' : 2 > . iriti : d , t-aci , as he went his vray , dtiioii " ..: ing tho cund . ict of tho " basa , bloody , and brutal " ¦ \ Vhiss .
Ti ' vEiVrON At-125 COLLUiVIPTO ^—Unitf . riiAiitisis' Association . — On the l < t inst ., a pubho Ui ; . ' .:. ji" io ; iv ^ . a > : o lit- their Assouiaiiuii-rjijui , at the Go , d-n L ' . oii lun , Wostexo . The ruoia wa , s adorned w ; : h throe handsorii : ) gieesi banuers , irinim&i with w ' . iitf — 0119 plai ' . oi over tha Chairman , with tho iusic .-iptiot ) , r " i ixr ^ us O'O . muor , tho friend of the j > ci > i : le , " on which was ezab ' . azj . wed tho "Northern Star , " and 0 : 1 Oiio . sido tho portrait of Frost , and on tne oth ' .-r that of M'D-iuaii . Auothcr banner was plated over t » o vuw-chair , wi ? h Um inscription' " UnmTral S . iif--ago , and no Sarrendor . " The third wm suupeinit . i m ' tlui middleof the room , with the i ; . '« ripii'Jii— " A free pardfu to Frozl , Wiiiiams , ami J"VU 9 " llcvtr- - : O— " The piop'e , the source of al
-. vealth , " Tli-io \ vere other portraits lr im the Star h ^ ri'l . WiKoly framed . Tii « clwih bt-ing removed , Mr , W : u . li . vvciiF . ) was cUlod to ilia nlia : r , and Mr . iiorii-ifiv , of 'J-jiluuiptcn , to the vice-chair . Tiie Ciia . 'i-ii ; . ; u opc . ed tho busimss of the mooting by staling U ; at tiio i-bjoct of that meeting was to ^ et upapViuik . n , a . 'cofu ' . ug to Cm plan of the liirmiughum } lin . o : uin > 4 CominiUt-o , ior Fro > t , Wiiliams , aud . J-jnotf . Ho hop .: d that every friend to iho cause would exert themselves to g-t it numerously si ^ 'iiei 1 . Mr . ll . irri » a : a ! c : l ho ha ^ i a CLmmunicatiou to make to the rsi-. v-ti . ' g ceih'or .-iiug Wm . rlnvclitfe , E ^ i-, whi ) ha ' . ' i o' :: i mviu-d" to the dinner , but could n-. » attend through iii'iisp ^ oif-ion ; bus alUiough not proi-.-uc ia pjr < -in , ! io assured them liis heart was
wiih them in tho cause ;> f iiber ; y , and he should be ever ready to a : d aud adsi .-t 1 . 1 carrying out tho good cau-, 0 of freed jni . At tar & ' .- ; uiai ; his opiuioa of Uiis : eurieiiian's -pniiciplos—dial they were bound and yo-jd—Air . Harris proposed his ncaith , with three tuners t ! ir-j « chctrrf , wincli was dor . o must heartily . Hi .--11 . 5 . hc-v returutd thaiiks . 'ihoChairiuau tiiBn giiv . i t .. i firrft toa ^ t , " Ti ; o paople , the .-oiuco of all Wf ; ilu » . Respoixied 10 h-j Idr . Hibby iu a briof but u : ao spooeh . To Kul . v , i ; i ^ toasts w ^ ro given aad rc .-poiided to , viz : — " i ' t . o i ' eoplfi ' a Charter , and rau'y it mo ; i bocumo tho l-. w of the
} - mu . " ' * Fo ? q ; u . s O'Connor , the fiieud of the People . " "Froit , William's and Joiu ; s , tuvl may ; lrjy soon bo r « -tored to theii * uiot'ior ouuiry , and tho bosoia-5 of tlic-ir friends . ' " Tivoi- 'ou au-i Cullumptou Association , aud may they prosper m unity and concord . " "Tha Northern Star , aud tho Dcmociatic I ' Tess , " -with tlivee tiruaa ihrfe . After this " Tha health of the l'Viuales , " ma ; . y of whom were present , wm propos- d ; aud urus . k wicb . tnree tia \ C 3 tliveo . Next , " Oar host and lu . sits * . " A subscription was tiien mad « ?< ¦¦ £ Mrs . Fr , )? t , when there was collected about £ 1 lrf . A V 0 .. 0 of t ' . isniks was then moved to the Ciiairnvin , " -vito je ' . urued
ibaaka iu au apuryjn-s'ite manner , a : * a iiia inoeun # separated at . a laty hour , muc-i grati'ied . A 3 S 5 S . D 3 E 5 T . —New Year ' s Day Gathf . hikgs . —Tiio CiartUts of Aberdeen held an open-air ineUin * ' on Friday , tbe 1 st of January , to adtircbs the Q , u \) ca in bebaif . of tho victims of . Wni ^ gery , Mo ^ rs . I ' - ' csfj Williams , and Jones . T ^ e Chairaau bxw&t addressiu tiie meeting , explaJnixi ^ the objects l . r which thov had asicmbled . At tha conclusion of his remark ? , Mr . Ova moved tJie adoption of an adurrs- - ; to tiie Q / iteu , praying for the rossuration of tho V- / vi-ii xuiinyrs . - Mr . ' Mitchell saco : icl <; d the address'ia a k ^ i ' thy and eloqueui !? pocef ! , vrblclv was r > "Arv : il' ; applauded . Oa bung put to tha me ; ting , ini s . dA : * si wa . 3 aerend to iinai . imou&ly with thk-o ht :-. r : v ih r- ; . Mr . Wa-idell na ived r . iv-oiution t > this eff .-. co , that tlio address bo forw-a ^ dc ! , signed by r . Uo C . it ' r . aau , to tha iiiv . ni (> j v' ^ - ^\^ - iaittee ; auJ thai , ia tho opinion of tho masting , the
Untitled Article
whole of the addresses adopted by the people , f-hould be presented to the Qieen by , three of the members of the late Convention , selected by the Birmingham Committee , subject to the approval of tho people . Mr . Patrick Rosa seconded the resolution . Mr . Julian Harney , who was received with loud cheers , next addressed the meeting ' at- ^ reat . . length , aad was much cheered . " Ayote of thanks was Riven to th » Chairman , and three cheers being given to Frost , Williams , and Jones , three for Feargus O'Connor , three for Julian Harnay , and . three ior the Charter , the nieouug dissolved ^; the people returning in procession to the city . . A 8 oiuek . w % b held in the evening in the Queeastreet Hall . Excellent addresses were delivered by Messrs . Mitchell and Harnoy . A ball followed , and dancing was kept np with unabated Bpirit until a late , or perhaps we should be nearer the martin saying , until au early hour .
KmKINTULLOCH .-The Chartista of this place held a soiree oa tho ovening of New .. Year's Diy , Mr . Thompson , Editor of the Chartist Circular , in tho chair . The arrangements were of the first order . The Chairman , af ter a few remarks , introduced the gentlemen who conducted . the voc * department , all oi whom , we understand , gave their services gratui : ou ? ly . Mis 3 Muir and Messrs . W . Currie and J . li- > dgcrs , of Glasgow , severally addressed the meeting at convenient intervals on ths present state of-parties * «© JQ tho evening was spout in the greatest , harmony ; and tho iuipre-Bions made will not , wo think , eoou pass away . GLASGOW . —Tbo Chartists of this place hold a soiree in St . Ann ' s Church , Great Hainiitnn-atre ^ t-Mr . Matthew Cullen in tho chair . The house was crowded ta suffocation , and hundreds had to go away who coul-1 not gain admittance .
The committee appointed to get up the soiree bad come to the resolution of j . urcha ^ ng the necessary uteoaiis for the occasion ; a boi : < T , fit to make tea for 1 , 500 , -A ' ith all tho other requisites , and which appeared to give great ( satisfaction , particularly the stone ware ,, on which was inscribed the motto of the men of Glasgow , the People ' s Charter and no surrender . Though the house is only calculated for 1 , 000 , such vr&s tbe pros-sure that 1 , 260 drank tea . Great numbers had to take tea in the Session Honse , and was afterwards accommodated with seats in tha passage , all of which \ rere packed as full as one could sit or stand beside each other .
A largo platform was rrected in front of the pulpit ; behind and above tho j . uipit -. v . is erected a : i orchestra for tho band , ( the Ander 3 ton Band , who , bj ifc told to their credit , upon thia find many former occasion ? , gave tbeir services gratuitously . ) the front of which was decorated with what ? evergreens ? no ; but full length portraits of the following patriots , beautifully framed , the property of George Ross ; at tl-e top and in the centre—General Jackson , of America ; immediately under tint F . O'Connor and the immortal Frost ; to the left , Dr . P . M . M'Douall ; and to the right , J . Collins , &c . One circup . ustance connected
with this is worthy of remark , aud ought to teach the factions , that , in proportion as th « y persecute our friends , so will our respec * strengthen far those . who ¦ ufFer in our cause . At the foot of , and attached to , O'Connor ' s portrait , which -wiw only Gx * A in its place a faw iaiaut ^ s befere tha chair -was taken ,, was tho following , ki lar ^ s classical letters , " The Cagu-d Lien . " Tho moment it -was exposed to viepp , such waa the outhurBtof feelint . ' , that the building rung for several minutss ; thus teaching Din ' s general jail deliverance , and his nnder-strapper , - with plain John ' , and UttSo finality , that Whiggery is for ever dead in the fiiir city of the ws-st .
The Chairman , in his clear and earnest style ; did full justice to thu various subjects introduced "'( turin ' s the evening , "which was spent in the greatest possible harmony , with song , glee , and recitation . NEWPORT ( Wales . )—Great Demonstration . —On Nmw Year ' s Day , as racommer : d-d by the Star and Birmingham Committee , the Conn oil issued placards , calling a public meeting , which was responded t « by the Magistrates issuing their placard , endeavouring to intimidate the people , and prevent them from a'tendinj . ' . NotwiihataiKliny tbi ? , the people showed themselves as men , and came-boldly forward to advocate tWo cause of the best Magistrate and poor man ' s friend that this town ever produced . On arriving at tbo spot chosen , who should bo there but pokio of Mi * . Fro > t ' a bitterestenemies , parading before the f ; ate . Wo observed Mr . Blcwitt , M . P ., Mr . CoU-s . a parson and ma « istratp , who looked any dii : u < but comlortablo . Tho
mreti : > £ was held in a largo field , when Mr , John Williams , a working rra : i , was unanimously ^ called to the chair , and was luiully chef red . The mect-inj , ' graritially increase !! , and £ t one time ( here could not ba less than six thousand present . Mr . Cronin , our Secretary , moved tl ; o fir . st resolutu ^ n ; - Mr . Tlioroas James seconded ( lieresolution . Mr . Black , our esteemed aud patriotic friend , of Nottingham , moved the address iu a long and animateds . pe 5 ch . Mr . Jojjes , fj-o !; i Llanidlors , sup ^ oited the addresn . The cenond resolution was proposed by Mr Lathewood , and suppurted by Mr . L ! . > yd , of Brts ' o ! 5 % j resolw-ioua and address li&v ' ng been ur . a'ijmously adopted , the Chairman proposed ' threw cheers for Mr . Joljn Frost . Tho cheers were truly deafening . Three for Williams ; :,: id Joaes . Ch"e \ 4 were uiven for Viiicout , O'Connor , O'Brien , au « i ali incarcerated frie . uds . Tho scvei-al sp ; : tikcra \ vv > rfc cl-eercd throughout . The meeting kzvii . fr , been' dissolved , separated in a quiet and orderly tuaussr .
On Saturday evening , Jlcssrs . Clack and Jonc : ' lectured at Liauartli Inn , LiauaUh-strojl j' and wtre listened to a' ¦ ce . ntivcly . On Sunday ovoninjr , Mr . Black pivached a Chattiso serraon , in the Biiiue room , wiiicli was crammed to suffocation .
Untitled Article
France . —M . Thiers will present his report" on tho t ' ornti' . ation of Paris next ; week , wher ' uwn iht-re is expected to bo much " t * l « : " in the'Oatulier . Several of tho papers state that M . Cochcicc . 'tho French Consul-General , at Alexaadria , had solicited his recal . Af . 'erthe Kin ^ h : ' . d rovioived tlie creiws of the Belle Poule and Favourite at the Tui . lories , on Snur-( iaj ' , his Majesty gu , \"; to t ! w coKitaav .- ' cr of tiie Favourite 3 , 0 'JOr , to hi distributed ainoa ^ st the ' -wei ) of tho two ships . Each fcai ' or will have 7 f . 50 s . 'for his share . Tiie Prince do Juiiivilie , afcer his racc-ption , informed iho men , that eac-h -of them , without disriuctioa , would reneivoa goi < l me ! -a '! , to bo struck i'i commemoration ot ' eho traLiisiec oi ' the xcm . 'ii , ns o > the Emporor from St . lielona . The Finance Minister , M . Humaan , presented on Wednesday tho feuc / gci of 1842 .
Tho ordinary aud cxtraO ' rcinary expenses are estimated al 1 , 316 millions of francs . Tne ordinary rev-jusie is estimated at 1 , 165 millions , which leaves a dtiicii of 154 millions of francs ( six millions sterling . ) Ti' . v Minister demanded permission of the Chamber to crcato rentes , if uecua ary , for a capital of 450 Lnilliona of francs ; but as the trcavary ha 3 stjil" a reserve of 120 nulliosis , tho Croatian of these rentes is not urgent . The Minister will wait for favourable circuin ^ tivnces , and tionia ;; Q 3 the power of ' fuin ^; tfco tiuie and rate of issuing the loa *; . Tho illuister declared that , bc-liev ^ . g in tho continuance of peace , lie did not intend to snsp ' jiid fin ; pubiic works of pcaco , Lu * , would demand a credit for them .
Germany . —The Diet have issriou a de ^ rce ^ abo ' lisrjthe TraJt . ;> ' UuioDs exiciing aiaong chd GeiiBu . a wovkiuj ? tradesmen . Cox-tantihople has been visited by drra ^ fulgale .-. Many ve . ^ aels havo been lost . Among fch'j known Lsses are the barquo Emma-, Captiiu Hudson , loaded at Odessa wiih liuaecd aud tallow ; ciptain and ali hands perishod : tho schooner , li-obs' -rc Symms , of Plymouth , loaded at Odessa wiih tallow , captain aud three men saved , fuur lost : ihc Russian commercial steamer , Neva , or Emperor , Nicholas , Ciptaia Rogers , from Odessa , wi-i ; Pifseiigers and car ^ o , thirteen of tho erotv and six passengers lost , tho captaiu , tho ilai engineer , and four of the creiv , with four male and two fVrLab pissen ^ ers , saved—theee went < in ah "» e 10 the west and east of the Boghaz . Tuo 'S ^ ri
Ptirvas , Ausi-rhm commercial steamer , left C ^ UAtautinoplo just before the # ale set in , with 525 Turkish soiaiersibr lieyroui ; sh ? j drifted out of her coiu ' &e , and was wrecked near tbe entrance of tho ^ uit ' of Moudatiia ; two saitiici's washed Gtf the deck , six or e ^ f ht frozen to death , aud all tiio rest , iticludiiis P'iveral Austrian officers going to jointhe anuy in Syria-, with tha crew , saved . Sovfci-s . 1 ships are los ^ in ill * . ; Bj- pluii'us . Tho Tahiri Bahiri is just put in fi'om Syria , but there is no tinin to learn what Bhe brings before tho departure of this letter . Tiie Turks are displeased with the ofilii-jus iuteii ' evence of Commodore Nanier . Tivti Crescent steamer , on her passage from Trebisond , was atvuek by a sea , which carried twelve d-ck passeajjera overboard . The Turkish steamer Zibaishi Z ' uigeirei , also from Trebisond , had three paason ^ ers carriod overboard aad seven frozen to death .
Thk " Rotal , " Movements .: —In consequence of the sadden and unexpected-change in tho weather , her Majesty hav been prevented , th ; 3 afternoon ,. as ) iad been arrawged , enjoying tho atmis-emeus ( with which her Majesty expressed'herself highly pleased yesterday ) of being propelled in a sledge by his Royal Highness Prince Albert , on the frozen lake at FrogmoreU ! The sledge which was U 8 ed yesterday cut into tho ics , rendering it no easy task to " push aisng" by the Prince . Another was ordered to be constructed , immediately upon the return of . he ? Majesty to tho castlo , which would havebocn complete ! thr the use of the Sovereign this afteraoon , had ihe ic « on the lake beenm a fit state for renewing tiio amusement " of yostarday I I [^ -Morning Herald . Will net the Observer bave theso moyeiaents iHubtratoi ! ?
REPKKSENTAtioN ov Walsvll . —Mr . Acland , tho Poor La-. v and Anti-Corn Law leo'lnrcr , has avowed his intention of starting a 3 a candidat-j for tbe-rcpra . « ontalion of this boron ^ h . tiiadsione , the i ' t > ry , isno . v . ia tho field . Siicuoer Lytt ' eton , the Whig , has retired . The Tories speak confidently of success ..
Untitled Article
Lefds Corn Maeket , Jan . 5 . — The supplies of Gr . un to this day ' s market are larger than last week * also a fun quantity of samples showing from vessels near at hand . W ; iea r . . has been in limited demand , and la . per quarter lower . Barley has eiso been dull and Is . per quarter lower . Oats , Slisiling , aaj Brans , very little alteration . THE AVERAGE PRICES FOR THE WEB £ EKDING January 5-th , 1841 . Wheat . Barley . Oats . Rye . Beans . Pent Qrs . Qrs . Qrs . Qr 3 . Qrs . Qra , 2299 BCO 734 0 160 232 £ * . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s d . 3 4 S £ 1 14 6 } I 5 Si 0 0 0 2 4 0 ^ 1 15 6 j Yokk Corn Market , Saturda y Jan . 2 —ffg have a ijood supply of' both Wheat and Oats , but not so much Barley oiferirg as last week ; prices for tha former and latter articles the sane as last wetk . 0 ai $ Ad . per stone lower .
Skipton Cattle Market , Jan . 4 . —Our supply ol fit-t Cattie was guod for iho aeasuu of the ye ; fi- , aaj their being plenty of cutiomuee , nearly tiie whole wuro readily sold . Beet 5 fi . to Gjd . ; Mutton S ^ d . 10 O ' . ^ d . per 16 . M , vlto . \ Corn Market , Monday , Jan . 2 .-Thr re was a good supply of all sorts of Grain to this days' market . Whea ; was hold at laso wetk ' s rates , but tho demand was ^ -y-jd . The best kinds of Barley were unaltered , but inferior sorts were dull ot saJa . Oats wiihou 1- - alteration in value . White Wiiest from 70 s . to 78 s . ; Jked do ., 56 s . to 69 . 3 . per qr . 01 40 s { RiCiiJioND Coe . n AJarkijt , Satprdat , Jan . 2 , — We hu . d a tolerable supply of Grain in our market to-day ; Wheat sold from 7--. to 9 a . ; Oats 2 s . 8 d . to 43 . 3 d . ; Barley ii . 6 d . ; Boans 5 i . b " d . to 63 . M . p « r bushel .
Manchester Corn Market , Saturday , Jan . 2 .-Tht =. r . 6 was a steady cot ^ urnpiive Ueinaud for Fiou during tiro week , aud r&iher hrtrhcr rates were ob' . ained for all descriptions of English manufacture , ' a fair amount of busing was likewise done in UatBj ami Iwr Oatmeal there was a free inqniry from con-Hiimcrs at a . slight improvement . Wuii u , limited attondance of buyers at our market this morniiiK few transactions ia Wheat were reported , raid we repea * the qnoiatioiis cf this day re ' diiigh 5 . Fuw samples of Esiglish Hour were exhibited , tho stocks - « f thk arziuie bciui ; unusii . iJly Jo ' . v' fov ihe season of the year ; the la' . e advance waa firmly supported , and is some inst . aneea an improvement ou tho previous currency wa ^ realised . Uats and Oatoutal were hi tnott pl .-nufttl supply , 3 nJ for ordinary qualities of the latter article , former prices were not supported . In o ' . her articles thero was a luii ^ uid trade , without alteration in value .
Liverpool Cattle Market , Monday , Jin . 4 . — Wo lia ? o ha < i an exaecdin ^ iar ^ e supply of Stock at market to day , but moro espeoialiy of Beasis ; but t' -equaliiy ou the avorasre waa only very nwiiilingt 'Fheru were many buyers present , and Rood Su-ck in brisk d ; -niaud ; but the sales effected were , small in con : p . ; ri-ou to ihe supply ; the holder : * of Stock haYing swoiout Uiv hsgh f-ri ? e 3 , and the butchers would not , acoede to ihem , haviug only purchased to supplj ilieir immediate wanta ; confeqnenily there v ? a 3 a ^ rca muny Bcii ^ ti and Siseop ioffc unsold .:- Tho b « st Beef sold at full 6 ^» i ., second ditu > , 6 ^ 1 . down to 6 d . wuh sonio at a little les * price . Good wether Mut * iou may be quoted at 7 J . varying from that ; liown to 6 J . a ^ vi-eablc to quality . Number of Ca t tl e at nnrkst : —Bea ^ rd 15 ( 4 ; Sheep 4511 .
LlYERPOCL COIOI MAEKV . T , MONDAY , JaN . 4 . — T ; ie chau ^ e of wind has bruu ^ ht up several cargoes uf Grain ( hiring the last two or threa days , incluJing about 9 , 000 quarters of Wheat from the EisgliVii zozsi ( ucirly ail ireo Foreign from Lonaon , ) with' 9 , M quarters of Oa s and 15 , i ' ! 0 Lada of Oitnaeal from lre ! a :: d . Wo have at the same time to report , al u ^ ua'l at tnis hcliJay season , a limited trade generally . Wheat has fmiy maintained tho prices queued ou this day Pe ' nni . i » ht ; * but at Friday ' s market i * omewhat easier terms \ vould have been taken ior both
Oats aud Oatmeal bud sales to any extent been thereby practicable . Barley and Beans remain a » last quoted ; of the former a ' JiUle choice . Chevalier Iri ^ biNJiij ^ it 32 s . ; and fine sanll Beans , E-.-gHsh and Foreign , 4 ( h . to 47 . s . per quarter . A to ?/ Foreign Peas have been mailed < "l 4 ' 2 s . per imperial quifter , American Fioui " , free , has susta . ineft late rat « . , bat has been rather slow sale : best marks of United S : atcs at 3 G . ; Canadian at 2 . 5 ; . to 36 ^ . per barrel : i iiitlo United Statta has been sold , in bond , for export , at ~ 6 < . per barrel .
JiOXDON Smithfield Market , Monday , Jan . 4 . — Oar market thia morning was moderately utii , but by uo means iuavily kuppiied with beasts , tbe general quality of which was interior . Aiclioi'go th « weather was som-. wirjt favourable to slaug hterii ! -r , and the attendance oi bv > th London and cuuutry buyers on tho whole . uumurou .- - , the bejf ua-io ws * in a very sluggish st . ate . iluwovcr , ; i . fow oi' tli © piim&st Scots produced os . per 8 . b , bi . t tho interior i > rt ; i ; d 3 were fuli iM per 81 b . lo-. w .-r . - Tha nmuc-er of blieep offering was so : newi ; a . t , ex'ensivc , which caused the inquiry for them to be heavy , at an abau- ^ ent of t ' r-.-m 2 J . to 4 tl . per 8 ib ., and a clearance wad ^ t ilT . tted without dlflu-uky . The veal ira-io was htavy , at . dropping rates , whilu in pij ^ s exceeding ly liuie was passing , at prariom currencies .
London Cokn Exchange , Mauk-Lane , ' iW"SDAT , Jan . 2 . —There vva . i a }; ood supply of Wheat and Hari&y from Essex , Kent , and Suffolk for ' f-hw . day . 8 market , with a fair quantity of iteans and Peas h ? m liKse ount' . es ; aud a moderate fresh arrival of' Oats from Ireland , a few cargoes-from . Sooilaac , bat * lin » ir . cd quantity from onr own cpaat . The imports of Fureiga Grain hare bee-a vary tr . fTng . On V \ eduesd&Y night a quick thaw eei in with heavy rain , and iho river was in consequence nearly cleared of ice by ttie close of tho week . Early ye > terdsy niorostnea
ing thoro was a violent thunder-storm , anu theu it lias boon much colder , with a very sharp frostagain during the past ni ^ ht . There was only a mo'deta'o dtmaud for Wheat , and the -supply being good , a decline of full Is . psr qr . wa 3 snbm ' . t ' cd to on all the best samples of English , with only a mod ^ rato sale for Foreign of rather lower prices . l'Joar was without alteraiioa in value . Malting B * t 1 sj must bo quoted Is . per qv . lower , but there was no variation in the value of grinding parccie . M **» commanded about the rates of this day se ' nnit ; ht .
Untitled Article
O'COWNOK , EBq ., of Hammersmith , CountJ Middlesex , by JOSHUA HOBSON , at his Pr& * ing Offices , 1 ? ob . 12 ana 13 , Market-street , Brl | gate ; and Published by the said Joshua HOB 80 »» ( for the said Feaegus O'Cohnos , ) at liis D ** ling-house , No , 5 , Market-street , Eriggate ; * internal Communication existing botTreen tbe « wj No . 5 , Market-street , and the K » id Nos . 13 *» ' 13 , Market-street , Briggate , thus constituting tM ¦ whole of the said Printing and Publishing Off * one Premises . All Uomninnications must be addressed , ( Poat-pai *) w J . Ho . ^ sosf , Northern Star Office , Leeda ' f ^ &turdaf , January , 9 , 18 il . J
&§Axti$T 3e«Telksfn«
& § axti $ t 3 E « telKsfn «
Local Markets.
Untitled Article
Teetotai. Chastiflm!
Leeds:—Printed For The Proprietor, Fea Rgfffl
LEEDS : —Printed for the Proprietor , FEA RGfffl
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 9, 1841, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct361/page/8/