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$&t>ve l^ottttQ; asatrioig.
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SrOtal amr ©etvral 3fat*nt' s*twe.
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jfarfytminz €f)artt' 0t SRtetin&
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^ cation with his " money fixder . " They Fay he ^ js to know all about thai sort of thing : for ie sot onlj ^ wbere k * o ^ n-0031163 froIn » blQt P rejends also to * knowledge of who lends & helping ^ d to other people . They allege , moreover , that they hare great claims upon " the Doctor" and ijs backers ; " for , say they , had it not been for ? heir exertions , the " GREAT Demonstration " m old hare been a much greateb failure than it ^; They seem to think thai , as it was the Charts alone who imparted what little of life and interest there was to the Mill Gathering , "the Doctor" cannot object to pay something towards the expence , especially as he Beems to know where the money is 1 !
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1 ill ' » —¦ —— — - ¦ ^^ THERE IS NOT ONE LAW FOR THE RICH AND ANOTHER FOR THE POOR . Loed Cxbdigas , accused of felony—of shoot ing jjth invent to murder—is admitted to bail in a com--jj ^ cTeJy trifling amount . Geokgk White and Joh 5 "ff itsos , accused ' of asking sundry middle class fate to subscribe to the cause of justice , were absojatelj denied the benefit of bail by the Leeds Justices under the instruction of Government . There jinot one law for the rich and another for the poor !
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Ors leaders will of course have perceived that one of the firs ; acts of the present Session has been the granting ofle&re to Lord Joh-t Russell to bring in a Bill for continuing and extending the powers of the Poor Law Commissioners . Upon this iniquity , ire hate much to say , for which we have neither time nor space at present ; but we cannot allow the debate to w&s without presenting to our readers the henest . declaration by Brown Bread Joseph—the fataerihat- ' u-io-be of the newly begotten but yet unformed goSnge bastard , of his attachment to , and deterjaiaHioB to abide by , the fell principle and infernal openooa of these devil laws . Here iB the precious morsel : —
11 iLr . Ecu * caaii not allow the honourable baronet to ssy t&st the whole bill was erroneous in principle , tsd ought to i * abolished , without expressing bis disject from wr * » sentiment He bad seen much of the TOtkin ? of the iaw , though , perhaps , not so much as iii lmacsTable friend near him ( Mr . Waxley . ) He was mre that hardship bad resulted from tie working of tbe present rystem ; but it . bad been introduced to remedy fin gm&ex evils . Mo one could recollect the rodents that had been brought before the bouse without teing eorvinced of the necessity of a reform of the old rrstem . He protested against the assertion of the bmotmbk baronet , that the blD had indiscriminately pmuhed all kinds of poverty . The intention of the b 21 -nt to distinguish between poverty that wxb unundeserved , and that which arose from vice . "
Let the Chartists read that , and then , if they like it , trust Brown Bread Joseph to guide them safely into his political puddlehole , so cunningly called a
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Mj . Dees . ** a * i > thb Northers Stas . —We have rtcehed a letter , doled " Bishopwearmeuth , Smday evening , January , 1840 , " of which the following is a copy : — « Sib , —I never wrote to yon before , and I dont think yon will thank me for this ; however , 1 will pay the post , sad then 70 a will only seed te scan it over , sad then if it is no better worth , you Ma toss it amongst rubbish , or light your pipe with it . Sir , I bsve been in the habit of purchasing the Northern Star from one of your agents , for the last three jests , and therefore it it that I feel grieved thst Mr . Deegan , the Durham missionary , should have thought it bis duty to attack , and bold up to public reprobation , the Star , asd its editor .
Mr . Hill The following took place this evening , is the Co-operative Hall Mr . Deegao said , that the editor of the northern Star had d » ne Mi . Lowery , ol New . castle . * nvi himself , great injustice , in placing their names nearly at the bottom of the list of those who were appointed to speak on Holbeek Moor . But , Sir , that is not your » n ! y crime ; you ttrove bard and long te persuade the Chartist delegates that
they had nothing to do with the Fox and Goose meeting , at Marshall ' s null . You did not give a foil report ol idz . Deegaa ^ speech at toe meeting f the Gwsae . And Mr . Deegan farther states , that you have alleged in the Star , that the conductors of the Tina promised you a report of the meeting , which he says they never did . 7 < rw , Sir , I think Mr . Deegsa must either state that which is not correct , or you publish that which ii not true .
This u the second time that Mr . Deegan has attacked and held up to scorn and ridicule , the Xorihem Star and its editor , Mr . HDL Ib conclusion , I h * ve had no quarrel with Mr . Deegan sad of toe editor of the Star , I know nothing ; but of this I am sure , that whatever reasons Mr . Deegan may have for his conduct towards the the peoptel paper , he will not rise much in my esteem by it ; yet I think it may on the whole be JBJsrk » s to the circulation of the Star . " We thank the writer , (* ho gives hit name and address J very cordially , for this piece of information . It it both veil and necessary for us and the people to understand each other . It would hsoe been , iu our opinion , more honest and
Chstrtitt-iike for Mr . Deegan to have made atf statement of complaint to us , uhilt ie vat at Leeds , than to have done it w tie way tiated by the writer ; more especially Bt he promised to visit the Star Office , on other fastness , but failed to do to , though he teat vaied for by our book-keeper till eleven o ' clock at night . It teems , haveever , that Mr . Deegan ' s noiVBu of honesty and propriety in such things Offer from ours ; and hence tee must be content U > reply to hit allegations as tee happen to tear of them . This tee shall do , seriatim . First , w « H for the" injustice" of placing his name and fot of Mr . Lowery nearly at the bottom of the fi * i of speakers for the Holbeck Moor meeting . " It mght be quite tvJRdent , even if the Editor
V the . Northern 2 * ar had perpetrated thit liberty tojtead thai somebodj mug ; occupy that post , CMJA ^ it teas scarcely to be expected that Lterhtt delegates , contending for equality , vould M the veryfint to fight and marl for pre-eminence on the aristocratic principle . But the arrtngement of speakers for the Holbeck M <* r meting happened to be made by a «*« & « appointed for the pwvose . arid ""— " « aw * miea jor tne pwposeand
, no ; oy the Editor of the Northern Star . i ^ ft ihat the tebgatet had nothing to do with * " MM Meeting . " We aid so ; and tee do so " £ We admitted their right to attend it , if M ^ coBid ggt ttckets , in their individual capacity ; , *** act as deh gates . * i "f- ^ report Mr - D"Sar ?* speech . " We f not . We did not fully report iny weaker , ilnras xmpo tibie . The specking commenced at J * -, and Mr . Deegan did not commence till ten : « vent to press at five in the mornina f o jrau *
«< ## . Thai to any but Mr . Deegan tnU be ™*» n efficiently satisfactory . Every other *«*«• tea * abridged , but no other complained : «^ SA uveral others were mare abridged than \ ¥ den * es lhai ** " conductor * of the Leeds " = « brcke funk w in the matter oj the W- *> do not thiiJc Mr . Deegan knows ¦ Vto V about it . We say they did promUt-¦« < u o proof that they aid so , the Leeds Times / Wit Saturday does not venture to impugn ?^« fUm « 7 /; we know not whether they may T ^ Jfructed Mr . Deegan to deny it Jor them ; hL ¥ ^ uve thai > rf ' < U *> en » , this second-«^ denial icill not be to likely to be believed at "" ^ " ** f ™* tht dir % DoCtor himtelf-{ * W » e not uhv Mr . Titrnnn iAr »/ W nHn-l . « A-
2 « Jnn j ,: « . and its Editor . The Editor is T * «« we of having ever done any thing either S-T * . "" * ffend Mr . Deegan ; and certainly ? ff ° fw « n Star hat not deserved ill treatment Q * r £ - Mr . Deegan has - been an agent for taM ? i < ^* commencement—in that car ^ S ^ e has con tracted a debt to the office of a % ** £ * frious amount . He has ojlen been * Ez- t ° { or P ** meat i ° ^ fa never found it ™^ n « CTU to pay . On that business he promised Z ™™* * ' the CUrk , when at Leeds , at above 2 £ » ; but forfeited hit xeord , Latt week , our Bad ^"" J " * ' pressing for a settlement , tt ^ T * " ? ihat ***** tome arrangement The ftfl '• • pa l p * rt " * "& 1 * discontinued VuLar ?*? 1 L u thearuw received from Mr . ah ^ * father , vho manage , hi , business in his
g ^ St * teT Bridge , Febraary Sri 1841 . * fflttSl ^ * Tio te from Mr . Ardni saying he ^ S ^^? - « " » t liberty to stop Lm SeSeitf f prOper - J ** np * d tor the * eet fr ™« '» V * "riU pleiSB to n > e * bebalaace 9 **^ t ^ r CVnmeacem * JiX to the closing , of "wuTanrf « ^ 1839 ' « h *»» i «« the debit and ** *«** mater M j ^ t weet Sir , AJBe ** i n , yonrs , respectfully , P . Dekgam .
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Vponthis letter we have merely to remark that the requiring of a ' baUutot-thKi" is a subterfuge ; because Mr . Deeoun , some time ago , sent into the ejice a balance-sheet drawn up by himself , from which ii appeared ihat he teas owing eight shillings more than we have charged to him . This is the way that men of Mr . Deegan ' s kidney ' push the Star . " They first get into arrears at the < rfice , { hen iold up the paper and its edittr to " soon * and ridiade , " and ihenJlcUly refuse to pay . J . WauAB says that Mr . Richardson , statement , in his Rights of Woman , about women being employed in coal mines , is incorrect to far at Durham and Northumberland are concerned , and that the wives and daughters of the pitmen
xn these districts are employed as teamen ought to . be , in making the homes of their husbands and fathers comfortable . We know nothing of Durham and Northumberland , but we do know from personal observation as to the pits in tome ether parts of the country . Mr . Richardson is right , and has not at all over drawn his picturt . S , Goat , Norwich . —We have no recollection of any letter from him having reached our hands till the present one—nor did we receive the report which he states to have been sent by Mr . Clancy . We have received many letters from Mr . Clancy but
-not that one . J . Todd , Newcastle , has sent us some resolutions purporting to have been passed by some Opera tive Chartists , " thanking Messrs . Ayre % Blakey ^ S [ c ., for subscribing to send Mr . Lottery to the Great Demonstration at Leeds , as a Delegate from Newcastle ; the Council of the Charter Association not having done so , —and censuring the Council in very severe tervis . We have no means of knowing vrhat sort of a " meeting ' this was at which these resolutions were adopted , or how many individuals constituted it , and therefore ihall not imerl the resolutions .
Delegate Meeting at Manchester . —We are desired by the Secretary of the Executive to convene a meeting of Delegates from the various parts of the country to be holden on the ' 20 lh of February , upon matters of the greatest importance relative to the present crisis ; the books are ready . The balance sheet of the Executive wUl . be laid before the Delegates , previous to being . published * Further particulars in our next . J . Hakkwat . —His letter is inadmissible . Eeeatcil—In our last paper but one , in the Balancesheet of the St . Pancras Festival and Ball , in * stead of X % X SHIUIKGS for ribbons for
Committee-men , it should have appeared—Amount paid Printing Ribbons for Committtee , TENPENCE . Tbkpkkasck . —The following persons wish to have their names appended to the Total Abstinence Address : —Mr . Littler , member of the Provisional Executive , an abstainer for six years ; William Smith , member tf the Executive ; and William , Griffin , reporter , an abstainer and advocate for upwards of six years . R . H . 0 . must excuse us this week . W . Fuller , jus ., Arbroaih , —His request is attended to . u The Chabtist" will not do for publication . Fxaxcis Lee . —The verses are not so good as the
writer ' s intention , or we might insert them . James Vkkkon . —His sonnets are received . Oastler ' s ** Fleet Papers , " No . 6 , received . R . E ., Newcastle , has our thanks . We will watch them . E . P . Mead . —His song next week . His lecture w * have not room for . W . Tucker . —His acrostic wont do . Johs Fisherwick . —HU communication is an advertisement . C . H . —His song won ' t do . Johk Collins and Abthcb O'Neill . —Their address is received . R . Lowest . —His letter was accidentally laid aside until too late for this week : it shall appear in our next .
Dfxdek Youths' Umtersal Suffrage Association . —7 / teir address omitted for lack of room . W . Tillman . — Will he send Mr . Hill his address ? Mr . H . wrote him , care of Mr . Heywood , some time ago ; but it seems that the letter has not reached him . J . Area * . —Next week . R . M . Holmes recommends temperance and study to the youthful Chartist public . R . Griffiths , —Reteived . A Briitle-lake Chabtist i * very desirous to tee his neighbours bestir themselves more energetifor 4 he Charier . John Kiekwood . —His letter is sent to Mr . O'Connor . u Moset " won ' t do . T . M . Shaw . —Thanks for his tommunication . We shait be always gtad to hear from him :
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Alexander Finlat . —Cannot be sure about the letter enclosing Is . ; but if it was received , the plates were sent . George Rudge . — We have not a copy of the 2 Srd left . William Thomas . —Because the Agent has not settled the account . J . M . ILLA& . —Send what you think proper . T . Smith , Plymouth . —Four Shillings . John Seal . — We have not a copy containing a list of Agrnts . Joh > ' Buttery . — The first letter he sent wanting Stars for January 23 rd was answered by return of post . Wk . Ireland , hatter , Dublin . —The individual inquired after resides at Manc / iester ; don ' t know the address .
Wk . Haywood his got all that have been given in the time he mentions . J . Houldeb , Liverpool , can be supplied from Mr . Stewart , Whitechapel . The plate will be sent there . J . M'Cubbt . —The report was in a part of our impression of last week but one ; but was taken , out along with other mailer , to make room for the Leeds Dtmvxstraticm . Wb did not understand { ht order from Mr . France on the 23 d tnu to be continued . The 5 * . ' from Liverpool last week , for Mr . Martden , sliovld have been for Mr , Murden of Bolion . Thomas Dunning . —Apply to S . Deason and Co ., 3 , WiiLbrook , London , giving the time the advertise ment appeared , as near as pottibU .
FOB THE COMinrrBE FOR SUPERINTENDING DAK . ' s CHARTIST WELCOME TO LEEDS . £ 1 . d . From J&mes Anderson , Cross-ford ... 0 10 FOB XHX WIVES AND FAMILIES OF TBK INCARCUUTKB CHARTISTS . From tbe Lambeth Joint St « ck cooperative Store 0 5 0 FBOM THE CHABTISTS OP SALTCOATS , AYRSHIREFor Mr . Peddie 0 5 6 .. Mr . Vincent # 3 ¦ ¦ „ Mr . O'Brien 0 3 0 „ Mrs . Frost 0 3 0 0 14 0 FOB 3 . B . O ' BRIEN . From D . Ireland , Donfermline ... 1 « . -. HughM'Inarney , do . ... 0 1 t
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LEEDS . —A Rascally Case . —A poor man has sent the following communication to onr office . We give it as received : — " On last Monday week , as I was proceeding on the Calls , laden with a turn of potatoes , I was overtook by Mrs . Fullon , of No . 7 , George-street , and accused by her with stealing her potatoes . Upon this I remonstrated with her , and told her that she was mistaken in the man , and she had better go home and see if they were not there . Policeman Fitzpatrick , No . 18 , coming up » t the time , Mrs , Fullon told him she had paid me to carry the potatoes into Georges ' -street , but I wa 3 stealing them and taking them elsewhere . After receiving some rough usuage and bad language from the policeman , I was taken into custodv . my natatoM
taken from me , and escorted down to the Warehouse Hill , where the woman had purchased her potatoes , when she was informed I waa act . the person Bhe had engaged . I was then set at liberty . Fkzpatriek and tbe woman then went down to her house , where they found the man waiting at her house with her potatoes , and had been some time . Considering that I had been badly used , I went down to the police office to lodge a complant against Fitzpatrick . Having stated my case , FiUpatrick was desired by Child to prefer a charge ot assault against Be , which was done ; they then ransacked my pocketi and took my watch and money from me , and locked me up for upwards of four hoars , when they took
me before the magistrates , and I was fined 2 j . 6 d . and 5 s . costs , as tbe policeman swore that I had knocked him down twice , I being in confinement , as I have stated , had not a chance to get any one to speak is my behalf . They thought fit to treat me in the manner I hare described . By inserting this in jour valuable paper on Saturday next , yon will much oblige , -William Bark re , porter , on th « Warehouse Hill . " If tbe facts be as here stated , they are most disgraceful to the police force of Leeds ; and shew the necessity of the people ' s putting themselves at once into the right position in reference to all political and ^ oeial matters—a position which would enable them to protect " their order" from oppression ; whila it would also secure justice to' aU .
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BAE . WSLEV . —Trade—This town is now in a distressed state , owing to the want of employment , the manufacturers being reducing their hands more than one half ; add to that the inclemency of the weather , which renders it doubly painful to poor men , who have to leave the town and go Beek work elsewhere ; indeed , toe wonder to us is , how they find men to work for them , when we contemplate that there is never more than four or fir * months partial work . BUBTOK . —On Thursday night week , Mr . Day ' s house , of Burton , was broken into by some thieves , and a large quantity of bacon , butter , and cheese taken therefrom , together with a vast deal of linen , and wearing apparel , and also some geese from an outhouse . If the times continue as they are , without a remedy , for any length of time , the working classes will be converted into a body of thieves
HfTDpERSFXSLB . —Middle Cla « s Justice . — Hear this , oh ! ye pretended followers of the meek and lowly Jesus , but in reality the worshippers of Mammon . —A manufacturer , residing * , at Mold Green , one of tbe cheap bread men , and what is worse , a pillar" of a certain religious body in this town , a few weekB since received his account for gas supplied during the last winter , which account amounted to rather more than he expected . Well , what of that \ You shall hear ; this " Pillar , " this " Cheap Bread" man , immediately sets to work , and calling his workmen together informed them that each of them owes him for what—gas , the sum of nine shillings and sixpence ! Oh ! sixpence per week for the last nineteen weeks past . —Of
course the poor workmen , whose wages are small enough , God knows , remonstrated , but it was of no avail ; they must either submit to the impost or quit , and several who would not submit to be robbed , were turned to the wide world , in the midst of a hard winter , to starve , for having the impudence , &i it was termed , to resist the tyranny of this tyrant . One of hits men , more determined than the rest of his fellow-workmen , being also a member of the body , expostulated with him npon the tyranny and the unchristian priuciplo of such conduct . Thereupon the noble minded pillar flew into a terrible rage , and the poor man who thus had the honesty and firmness to reason with this pretty tyrant , was dismissed instanter ! 1
Christian Charity . —Last week , a poor woman from Bayhall , was brought to the parish church for interment , and being ten minutes too late , the humble minister of the churoh would not inter her until the extra sum of is . 6 d . was paid , aud that first , too , which had tu be collected from the people there on the spot ; the poor woman having been buried by subscription ! New Bastile Practice , by a Female at Htjddersfield . —When the present overseers of Hudgave up possession of the workhouse , to the Guardians , they expelled Mr . and Mrs . Brunton , who , for human ity and good order , were unsurpassed in their office of master and mistress of the house , and put id their stead a lunatic of the name of Mr . W .
Taylor , from Sheffield , with his aunt , a widow named Aiusworth , who bad been expelled for conduct which cannot be named here . The insane nephew , who was placed there in order that tho woman might have the sole command , was , within a fortnight , sent back to Sheffield , wrapped in blankets , & . o . to his mother : he returned , and was Boon packed to Blackpool , and on hid return ( after being repeatedly told that the order of things was reversed by plicum a madman over the sane inmates of the workhouse ) was dismissed , and again sent back to hia mother at Sheffield , and his aunt ( Jezebel , as she is commonly called ) left in possession . This termagant had had the execrations of 99 out of every 100 rate-payers : Bhe baa only the support of the
sorewgut Guardians , as she is m well fitted to their purposes of oppression , supplying Email quantities of coarse food , and fioggiug . A widow , wuo had beeu an inmate of the said workhouee , left it to be married , leaving a child in tbe house , she having no means by which to support it . Shortly after the mother had left , the J « zsbel of a mistress engaged this child to a collier at Thornhiil ; who , finding that he ( the child ) had no strength , returned him , not to the workhouse from which he took him , but to the mother . This woman ( the workhouse mistreat ) if she deserves the name of woman , took upon herself thus to dispose of the child without the knowledge of the overseers of the poor , or the poor house committee , so thst 00 human being is sa /' e iu her custody . Now , mark ! The child is seven years old : he weighs 42 pounds , and measures 41 £ inches
in height . What will tbe mothers of England say to this ! Will they submit to hare unprotected infancy driven to labour in a coal pit by a barren termagant—a fiend like this—a tool of the tools and tyrants at Somerset House ! The case of this child has been twice before the Board of Guardians , a number of whom attempted to put down the enquiry by clamour , but , it would not do , they were compelled to acknowledge the crime of their protege ' e and that she bad done wrong , and imagined that this would get her out of the scrape ; but it is intended to make a motion that she be called beforo the board , reprimanded , and dismissed . On Friday last , one of the Guardians took this poor unfortunate child into the Board-room , lifted him upon a chair , and told them to behold an independent British labourer ; and even this cut" did not produce a single blush upon their brazen fronts t !
A New ( but Unlawful ) Way to Pay Old Debts . —After an experiment or four years , and with all the Joasted blessings which wer « promised , and all tbe curses * 'loud and deep" against the opponents of the New Poor Law ; after having London police , local police , constables , and military , to subjugate the rabble to submission to it , what his it produced ? Why , nothing less than a complete revolution in the minds of the very individuals , who were mainly instrumental in so far introducing "the accursed thing" amongst us ! They are now sick
and sorry that they should have been so mad as to bring upon themselves ( not minding the poor ) so heavy an infliction . Such has been the increase of the rates , that they are truly alarmed at the ruinous addition . And what have the present Whig majority of the guardians been driven to ! Those props of it hsve actually commenced a regular course of law-breaking ; they began some time ago to give what they call cheques , but really a nondescript sore of payment , purely illegal . These are passed through their hands , thus defrauding the revenue . Here is a copy of one : —
EuddenBeld , 8 th Jan . 1841 . To the Treasurer of the HuddenBeld Union . Pay to Mr . Samuel Drake , or bearer , two hundred and forty three pounds five shillings . J . M . Maxfihld , Presiding Chairman . ITIZIT I 0 """ - C . 8 . Floyd , Clerk . Payable twenty-eight days after date . J . M . Maxfield .
There are six cheques dated the 8 th , and twelve dated the 15 th of last month , amounting in the whole to about six hundred pounds . " Necessity is the mother of invention . " Thuse boasters and denouncers have invented this scheme , and broken the law , in order to save themselves a little longer from disgrace ; hut the silly abject tools of tbe Somerset House triumvirate , have lost sight of the tenfold disgrace they fall into , the crime they commit , and the punishment which no aoubt will be awarded .
Another Shiloh come . —Very recently the village doctor of Honley was called to attend a young woman , not fifty miles from the workhouse . Tn « mother and daughter held one opinion , tbe doctor expressed another . The women persisted , and Icejbes and blisters were applied , bat lo { in a few , a very few days , the younger brought forth a living soul , bat insisted that it had no father . Oh , this New Poor Law , which drags poor rates , instead of supplying them to , from the poor , in order that the p lacemen and understrappers may riot in luxury , Iewdness , and debauchery . Those poor houses under the new system are no better , it would seem , than brothels ; and the writer , Mr . Editor , would be glad to state who the putative father is , providing that a certain relieving officer would give you a guarantee that no action for libel would be brought . It is well known , Sir , that that the lawyers hold that the greater the truth the greater the libel . —Correspondent .
At a meeting of the committee for petitioning her Majesty in council to incorporate our borough * , several letters were received from different members of the council , with their opinions on the subject . After a long discussion , it waa agreed to write again to Lord Norman by before the petition was sent for presentation . The Anti-petition has only got about 200 signatures , while that for tke Charter of incorpation has above 3 , 000 , all inhabitant ratepayers . Akti-Cobh Law Association . — The Operative Anti-Corn Law Association of this town , has fallen into insignificance , and in a ll probability will not again appear before the public . The meetingB are now very thinly attended , and members are not to be found since the discussion at the Philosophical Hall . The Chartists nave declared their intention to meet them at all times where they appear in
public , either by lectures or discussion . If the operatives of the association be linoere , they will either call upon the people to discuss the question , or abandon it . It is said that petitions are to be got np , bat surely tbe operative * will not demean themselves to do the dirty work of a few in » hole and corner , but take the opinion of the public , as to tbe be « t means of obtaining total and efficient repeal . Too thick ok the Ground . —In a place in Buxton Road , Hoddersfield , known by tbe name of " Floyd's Rookery . " a shoemaker baa apparently lived very comfortable with one wife , but another spouse came and took possession of & portion of tbe house , and Crispin also finding himself rather crowded , the cobbler thought proper to fix upon tbe front of his dwelling the following inscription : — •* A wife to let on reasonable termB . We baTe not heard that a tenant has been found , and between the two , the poor cobbler baa kept to hu last .
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WOTTINGHAOT .-Oa Monday last , a meeting waa held at the house of Mr . Gibson , the King George on Horseback , to commemorate tho birthday of Thomas Paine . The room in which the dinner was held waa decorated with flags , evergreens , portraits , &o . In tbe coarse ot tho evening numerous patriotio toasts and sentiments were given , and ably and eloquently responded to ; in addition to which , various appropriate songs were sung . Some of the speakers took occasion to repudiate the "theological opinions of Paine ; although highly eulogising his political sentiments . BRADFORD . — Chdhch Rate . —The church party have had in contemplation the possibility of forcing that obnoxious impost . We are informed that a vestry meeting on the subjedt , has been held , when , after some sharp firing on both sides , it was resolved to support the old edifice by voluntary subscription .
Bishop Blaize . —Ou Wednesday last , the members of the Universal Society of Woolcombers , celebrated the anniversary of Bishop Blaizo , by dining together , at the house of Mr . John Forrest , the Unicorn Inn , Ivegate ; after the dinner the business of the society was transacted , which was of a most satisfactory nature ; the remainder of the day was spent in the greatest harmony . Same day , a large number of the friends of the Patron Society sat down to dinner at the bouse of Mr . Mills , Odd Fellows' Arms , where ample justice waB done to the good things set before them . Another party of about forty , honoured tke friends of the Patron of the Staple Trade , by dining together at the Nelson Inn . Several other email parties dined together at the various inns in commemoration of the old Bishop . Excise Seizure . —We have just been informed , that the Excise have made a seizure of a quantity of malt , the property of a maltster at Eccles .
BEXGHXiEY . —On Sunday last , a very numerous and respectable profession of tbe Independent Order of Foresters , attended the funeral of a young man named David Hall , who bad been a member of that order . Being aware of the dislike of the church parsons to any service being read at the grave besides their own , the ceremony was gone through before the procession commenced . On arriving at tbe church yard the curate discovered one of the party carrying a large book , and imagining that he was going to act in opposition to him , told him rety significantly that he bad best take care and not do himself an injury .
The man replied , do " uot be alarmed ; whether I injuro myself or not , I shall not injure thee . " The curate again cautioned him against injuring himself , and the man again gave him the quaker-like answer of" never mind , I shall not injure thee , " when proceeding to place his book in order , with the apparent intention of reading , the curate took the alarm , and sent the clerk post-haste to inform the churchwardens , who came running to prevent the mischief . The man , however , not wanting to make a riot in the church yard , closed bis objoctionable book , and allowed the church to continue triumphant and finish the burial service in their own favourite way .
Fat Pig . —On Wednesday , the 2 nd . inst ., a bow , the property of Thomas Rushwortb , Esq ., of Thwaits , near Keighley , was slaughtered by Edward Hartley , p ork butcher , weighing 4 ( Mt . 3 ib ., 161 b . to the stone . The animal was only a year and a half old , and waa considered one of the finest of the kind ever seen in this part of the country . ASHTON . —The Saint Paul ' s Masonic Lome held their first festival on Saturday , January 23 rd , 1841 , at the house of Mr . John Glover , Theatre and Concert Tavern , Oidham Road , Ashton-uuder-Lyne , where the Lodge ia held . At seven o ' olock in the evening , the members of tho Lodge , along with the officers from the Saint John ' s Lodge , Bat down to the best festive entertainment that any of the company present had ever seen ; for which , after the cloth was withdrawn , and in the course of the evening a enjoyments , the host and hostess received the unanimous thanks of tbe company .
RICHMOND .- —Police Office . —Thomas Peat was brought before the sitting Magistrates , charged with violently assaulting Mr . William Howson ; fined 5 s . and costs . William Mattinson was charged with an assault on William Peiraecompromised , paying costs . Robert Jameson summoned Thomas Metcalfe , for cruelty to his 00 w . Complainant not appearing , he was ordered to pay costs . Mary Allison was fiued 5 s . and costs for assaulting Ann Allison—on non-payment a fortnight ' s imprisonment . Joseph Bates , Ellen Bates ,
and Samuel Bates fined 5 s . each , and aosts , for abusive language ; for non-payment , a fortnight ' s imprisonment to hard labour . William Harrison waa fined Is . and costs , for assaulting Edward Hurworth . John Pattison , Thomas Pattison , John Deacon , Robert Elgey , Thomas Fryer , Thomas Husband . William Starling , John Glenton , and William White , were fined 10 < j . each and costs , for gaming at pitch and toss during divine service , ou the 24 th nit ., or three week's imprisonment to bard labour . '
Fat Ox . —A remarkably fine three years' old ox , of the pure short-horn , bred and fed by Mr . Thomas Lax , of RavenBworth , near Riohmond , was slaughtered by Mr . Ralph Fenwick , of Gayles , and exposed for sale in Richmond market , on Saturday labt , which weighed 121 stone , 71 bs . The whole was Boon bought up at 9 d . per lb . DUNDEE . —State Ciiubuh Tactics . —A meeting of the members and friends of the Church of Scotland waa called by hand-bill , on Tuesday evening week—admission by tickets ; to which meetii / g many of the working people obtained
tickets of admission ; but , no sooner was it known that this was the case , than a new bill was issued , at the request of individuals entirely unknown to the public , headed " A New Issue of Tickets , " and presuming to have tbe power of calling in tbe first tickets , without saying when an exchange of the old for the new tickets could be made . This waa a complete trick upon the people , and a regular scheme to make the meeting a " hole and corner" affair . Our correspondent states that he had his coat torn off his back , and his papers taken from him , by parties in this disorderly meeting ; and that be shall Beek redress in the Sheriffs' Court .
BXSzSINOBABX . Public Office . —The CaiMK of Poverty . —Mr . Johnson was charged by a policeman with breaking a square of glass in the shop window of Mr . Showell , bookseller . New-street . The case excited great attention , and shows up the condition of the industrious population of this " happy country . " It appeared , from the statement of the policeman , that the prisoner came up to him in the street , and asked him where he was to apply for relief , as he bad been a day without food . The policeman advised him to go to the workhouse . The prisoner answered that he had been there , and was refused relief ; that he did not want to steal , as that would cause him to lose his character ; but that he must have something to eat , if he was forced to go to prison for it , ana thereupon thrust bis band through a square of glass . The policeman immediately took him into the shop , in order that the owner should be satisfied . Mr . Showell having
questioned him , and finding , that the man was in extreme distress , immediately supplied him with necessary refreshments , and wished him to be set at liberty ; but understanding that he was determined to have an asylum to proteot him from hunger , he consented to his being taken to the Police Office . This statement was corroborated by Mr . SboweU , who did not . seem inclined to injure the prisoner . Mr . George Redfearn , prison keeper , stated that so numerous were the offences committed for the purpose of being sent to prison , that the magistrates were compelled to order that they should be kept the first month on bread and water . Mr . Lawrence , the sitting magistrate , then ordered that the prisoner should be confined to bard labour for six weeks , the first four on bread and water . This is a picture of England , " the envy of surrounding nations , and the admiration of the world . "
MANCHESTER . —Melancholy Accident . —On Saturday last , two of the workmen employed at the Oidham Gas Works were suffocated by the gas , on pulling out a pig from the gasometer , whilst they were in the well . Taylor ( one of the men ) has not recovered , but Kay , another , has . The persons who fetched them out of the well had a narrow escape with their lives , but are at present doing welL Audacious Street Robbery . — A man named Johnson was committed for trial at Manchester Borough Court , on Saturday , for being one of a party who threw Mr . Kenlock , bookseller , npon bis back , and attempted to rifle his pockets , in Oldham-street , whilst scores of persons were passing along tbe street at tbe time . It was about eleven o'clock in the morning of Friday .
Impudent Robbbb-i . —On Thursday afternoon , the 26 th ult ., a man was observed to enter the cellar of Messrs . Fletcher and . Moss , Hanging Ditch , Manchester , and tale a cask of butter therefsom . A porter on the premises saw him commit the theft The prisoner , whose name is Wright , has been committed for trial . Seizure of Stolen Property . —Tbe house of a person named Andrew , otherwise Roscoe . a butcher , of Haslam Moor , seat Bolton , was searched on Thursday , the 88 th alt , when MOlbs of indigo , and a box containing a large quantity of jewellery and cutlery , the value of tbe whole of the property being £ 300 , were found upon the premises . A day or two preceding the search , the premises of Mr . Bignold , dyer , the Mount , Peterstreet , Manchester , were broken into , and » quantity of indigo , corresponding in quantity and quality to that found in Andrew ' s house , was stolen . Andrew is out of the way , but his wife Is in custody .
Fatal Accident . — Three Lives Lost . — Two youths named Buttenrorth , ( brothers ) and a third party whose name we are net in possession of , wen killed by tbe falling of a temporary wooden bridge , laid across the Dane , at Holmes Chapel , Cheshire , on a part of the Manchester and Birmingham line . Henry Butterworth , another of the brothers above-named , waa also thrown into the river with the rest , and Is seriously injured , bnt not killed . The parties recently resided at Stoekport
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HAUFAX . —Fatal Accident . —Child Burnt . —On Sunday morning last , a little girl , named WHson aged fourteen years , residing with her father in King-cross-lane , in this town , ( who had gone to Leeds in search of work , ) had got up to light the fire , and , by some means or other , her linen got ignited , which caused ber death in a few hours . OEWVBURT . —Tketotausm— AReobabites'tent , denominated tbe Rock of Horeb , was lately opened at Mr . Brown ' s Temperance Hotel , by the officers of the Wakefield district , which no doubt will be productive of much good . UBRTHTR TTDVIX . — Giamoroanshire . — Anniversary of the Bieth day of Thomas Paink . ¦—The anniversary of the birth day of ibis celebrated mau was commemorated by about forty ofthe friends of his political principles , and admirers of his writings , at the Royal Oak , in this town , on Fridav
night , Jan . 29 tb , by partaking of a plain but substantial Bupper . After the removal of the cloth , Mr . William Thomas was unanimously called to the chair , the duties of which he performed most satisfactorily . The Chairman gave the following toasts , which were most ably responded to by Messrs . Gould , Rees , Jonea , of Llamdloes , John , jun ., Williams and Taylor . "The Sovereignty of tho People . " u The Rights of Man . " u The People ' s Charter , and may it soon beaome the law of the land . " " The American Revolution , and may the countries of Europe follow bo glorious an example . " M The memory of tbe Political Euclid , the immortal Thomaa Paine . " "The exiled patriots , John Frost , Zephaniah Williams , and William Jones , and may they soon be returned to the land of their birth . " The following toasts were also drunk . " Tbe memory
of Cobbett , Major Cartwright , and Hunt . " "Real Liberty of the Press , and thanks to Messrs . Hetherington and Bronterre O'Brien for their exertions to bring that liberty about . " •* Feargus O'Connor , and the martyrs of Universal Saffrage , wherever they may be found . " "The People ' s Paper , The Northern Star . " " The speedy release of the whole of the incarcerated Chartists . "Hodgson , Cymne , and the Advocatevn&Merthyr Free Press . ' "May every voter so perform his duty at the next election , as to cause the People ' s Charter to become the law of the land . " " The healths of tbe old Paineites of the borough of Merthyr and its vicinity . " Recitations of poetry and appropriate songs were given at intervals , and the company eparated about eleven o ' olook , well pleased with the night ' s proceedings , and hoping that th « y should meet again many times under tbe same happy auspices .
ADDERBTJUV . —Within about fourteen miles of the writer ' s residence , there has been another of our wealthy and aristocratlcal displays of brutality , and man-debasing exhibitions , a prise fight ; and never , in the remembrance , of tbe oldest inhabitant in this part of the country , was there known to have been collected together such a mass of blackguardism , thimblerigging , thievish set If New South Wales had been culled , and tbe scrapings of all hell collected together , it could not have overmatched it ; and whether tbe day did not prove so fortunate for their nefarious practices as they wished , they were determined to make it out by their evening's maraudings . On their return from the brutal place , they robbed all they fell in with ; and since I bave begun writing these few lines , three
daring robberies nave been committed in tbe broad light A person of the name of Loftua , ( Banbury ) a teacher of French and drawing , bad been the same afternoon receiving his pay , and on bis return home , when about one hundred yards from the Adderbury Turnpike Gate , a cart with five or six fellows in it overtook him , stopped , and asked him to ride . He replied in the negative , when be was knocked down , and robbed to tbe amount of thirty pounds in money , and cheeks , and also bis watch , with which they decamped . He was braised very much by the monsters kneeling on his stomach . It was about six o'clock in the evening , and the Sovereign coach , from London to Leamington , was at the bar at the same time , and a shepherd was not fifty yards from the places but tbe
poor man knew nothing of it till afterwards , as he had no chance of making any alarm whatever . Tbe same evening , King ' s Button Church was broken Into , but luckily there they bad their trouble for their pains . On Thursday evening , a respectable architect , of Banbury , was coming home , and when within a few yards of Hopcroft ' a Holt , on the Oxford Road , was stopped by four men , and robbed of about twenty shillings in silver , and also bis watch , worth £ 4 , with which they got safe off Such Js the pastime—I beg pardon—the wickedness which oar legislators , aristocrats , and bull-headed frog farmers , the fifty pound captives , and our superiors 1 ?) patronise , and publish in a paper , which migbt be very properly called Hell ' s Life in London . Could a Parliament of Chartists act worse?— Correspondent .
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Woolwich , February 1 . —Escafbop a Convict . —About half-past six o'clock on the morning of Tuesday last , one of the convicts belonging to the Warriar convict ship , moored off the Dockyard , Woolwich , made his escape , and although every exertion has since been made to recapture him , be has eluded the vigilance of tbe police . Last Sunday evening , during divine service , at a Dissenting meeting-house , in the City , the minister interrupted the singing of the hymn , previous to the sermon , by the following ejaculation : — If that gentleman who sings so very loud , cannot sing more in tune , he had better leave off altogether . "
Destructive Firb in Lokdow . —On Tuesday morning , at ten o clock , a fire originated on the premises of Messrs . Painter and Co ., the extensive cabinet-manufacturers , Finsbory-pavement , Moorfields , which has involved the total destruction of that spacious building . The area occupied by it was almost an acre in extent , and the top of it was surmounted by a dome . The fire , it is supposed , arose from the boiling over of some varniBh in one of the warehouses , which was situated nnder tbe rook Mr . Painter had prompt information of the unfortunate circumstance , and he directed bis servants to proceed instantly for the engines . The inflammable properties of the varnish , however , soon communicated to the other materials in the room , when it
became soon evident that ne effort could arrest the progress of the devouring element . The flames raged with fury , and rushed from floor to floor with amazing rapidity , aud passing out at the windows , carried them across the etreet , which is there about 200 feet wide . The various engines from the different statious of the London Fire Brigade quickly arrived , but water was not supplied with sufficient promptitude . Lon ^ before eleven o ' olock tne whole of tbe Messrs . Painter ' s premises were in one solid name ; they presented an awful sight ; and such was its power , that many persons in ChisweU-street were unable to remain there . At the houses on the opposite Bide of the pavement , the shutters of the shops of which were put , the shopmen
were compelled to be employed in flinging bucketg of water upon them . The engines also played above , the effect of which was to prevent their ignition . By this time , however , the house adjoining the Messrs . Painter ' s , which was occupied by a medical man , at the corner of Finsburysquare , caught fire . The rear of the houses to the south , also , in Cross-street , belonging to Messrs . Baker and Co ., importers of foreign wines , of Mr . Everest , a wine merchant , and of MesBra . Ballard and Co ., paper banging manufacturers , were in the same situation , aud unfortunately the wind was blowing in that direction . During the progress of destruction carried on by the devouring element , occasional explosions were heard , which were supposed to proceed from different inflammable
bouies , while largo buruiug masses of furniture were frequently driven among tbe crowd . At eleven o ' olook , a large portion of the front wall of the premises fell down . Fortunately it descended in a perpendicular direction . An immense mass of dense and heated smoke instantly arose , which had » terrific appearance . As soon as it passed away the whole interior of the premises presented a dreadful scene , while the heat was much mere intense . As it was impossible for the engines to produce any effect upon the building , the men exerted themselves to arrest the progress of the flames from causing further damage to the adjoining bouses . A large body of police of the G division , under Inspectors Robinson and Slacket , were
present to keep off the lmmeuee crowd assembled together . The Joes of property is eaid to exceed £ 25 , 000 . No portion of Messrs Painter and Co . ' s premises and manufactory are remaining ; the whole are burnt to the ground . The firm are insured in tbe Phoeuix Fire Office , but , Mr . Painter states , far below the extent of property consumed . The premises of Dr . Shoveller , No . 50 , adjoining , and at the corner of FinBbury-8 quare u are completely gutted . He- is insured iu the Protestants and Dissenters' Fire Office . No . 49 , Fiusbmy-square , belonging to Mr , ( iregorie , professor , eeriout > ly damaged by water ; insured . Houses on the west side ot the Pavement , opposite the premises burned down , No . 1 , belonging to Messrs Cater and Wood , part damaged by fire ; No . 2 , Mr . Evans ; No . 3 , Mr . Raymond ; No . 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , and 9 , similarly damaged . Several bouses in Cross-street bave sustained damage . Most ot tbe occupiers are insured . The cause of the fire cannot
be learnt . An accident occurred during the raging of the fire to a nan in working one of the engines . He bad tbe end * of bi « fingers jammed off , and is now at St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital . Nearly the whole of the premises now destroyed formerly belonged to tbe far-famed bookseller , Mr . Lackington , who , from the very humble condition of penny trifle * in the streets , became successively the proprietor of an old book stall , a librarian and bookseller , and , in the result , realised an immense fortune , after which be wrote hi * life to explain to the rising generation tbe way in which he bad from the very smallest of beginning created for himself , by his prudence and economy , the eminence which he then occupied . Daring bis occupancy of the spacious premises in Finsbury-ainare , a » ens » tion was caused by the driving of one of the mail-coaches round the ofroular counter in his immense ubop , above which , in hu time and for many subwonent yeaw , arose a dome containing several galleries filled with a vast assortment of booka .
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Lay Bapiism . —On Thursday week , Sir Herbert Jenner , as Juuge of the Court of Arches , w ?> : occupied iu iieajiug arguments in the case of i * ^ - "in v £ scoti , the defendant being the Vicar of the pariah of Gadney ia Lincolnshire , against whom t \ ie offioe of the Judge had been promoted , for refuflink to bury the oorpBe of Mary Ann Cliff , the infant dautrf . ier of two parishioners , whereby it wasjalleged thav tinder the 68 th canon be had incurred suspension for three months from the ministry . The defence v / as that the child bad not been baptised , except by a us ' . taster , preacher , or teacher of the class of people called Wesleyan Methodists , who bad not been ordiined , and that since the Conference at Hampton Court in 1663 , lay-baptism had been held to be null ana void . The Queen ' n advocate , Dr . Haggard , and Dr Nicholl , appeared for the promoter ; Dr . Hullimore and Dr . Harding . for the defendant . Tbe fir . ^ i aeaxing of the case was adjourned to a future d ^ y .
Mysterious Affair . —A trHOLE Family Poj-BOfiED , AND DlSINTEBMBNT OF TWO BoDJBS B > r > HD £ B of the Coroner . —During the laet three or four days , a most painful excitement has puvailed throughout the ' southern division of tbe pariiii of St . Pancras , in conaeqavnee of a . rumour , in the first place , that the family ol' a foreigner , naratu AzonL residing in CharloUe-atreet , Fuzroy-sqaxi ^ , had been starved to . death , aud subsequently , tbf . t the whole of them had been poisoned . It appe u ^ that about a fortnight since Mr . Azarii , whose oc < : ¦¦ ¦ - p atioa was that of a manufacturer aad grinder o : coionrt for artists , died ,: and hia deiih was . regi&iv-ivd by Mr . Weila , tbe registrar of tho district , as iii *! of a consumption . Two days alter , a certidcic ^ for
burial was applied tor to the s » me registrar , for M& Azuni ' s son , a boy about ton years of age , w : s . > was stated to have , died 0 * a similar disease . Th * certificates were granted , and the burial took place . Subsequently Mrs . Azoni and tbe two rvnu-inlng children became ill , aud went to the Middlesex Hospital . All that could be ascertained , leading to a suspicion that the whole family h&b been poisoued , w » s , that they had been lately in the habit of drinking water contained in a copper , and which might , thereby , bave become delei , rioua . Hearing this , Carter lost no time in rtpto ^ eating the facts to Mr . "Wakloy , the coioner , who immediately ordered the water in the copper alluded to to be analysed , and whioh has -proved to be perfectly pure . This rendering the clrjumstances of the case the more mysterious , coupled with the fact that the wife and two children of Mr . Azoni still lay in the . Middlesex Hospital , under tr-.-a : jnent
for having taken poison , and in a hopeless st& ' . c , th « Coroner , on Friday IaAt , issued bis warrant f-r the disinterment of jthetwo bodies , and on Saturday , in pursuance of that order , the exhumation took plaoe , in order that a postmortem examination mi * j : Vt bo made . The process was performed yesterday by one or two eminent Burgeons , and the contents of the stomaeh were analysed by Mr . Everett , prir sipai professor and lecturer of chemistry to the Middlesex Hospital , but the-reuult of the experiments will not be permitted to transpire until they are c . &uatho subject of a judicial investigation . On iumury at the hospital last evening , respecting the condition ot Mrs . Azoni and her two unfortunate children who > are inmates with , her , the reporter was informed thai they were in an alnioBt hopeless condition . The Coroner has appointed the inquest on the two bodie * which have been exhumed to take place to-a ::-row , when it is expected that some light will b < drown upon this mysterious affair . —Sun of Tuesday .
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Christened at Rook-street Roman Catholic Chapel , Manchester , the son of John and Sarah MiliiAgton , mailed Feargus O'Connoi JonnMillingtou . Also , at the Old -Cnnrch , Manchester , another child called Feargus O'Connor Becket . Born on the 24 th of December last , and christened on the 24 th ef last month , at St . Peter ' s Church , WaV wortb , Henry Vincent Terry . A few days ago , the wife of Mr . Joseph Wood , of Clayton , was delivered of a fine boy , who has situ * , been registered Feargus | D Connor Wood . Harriet Icoine , wife of John Icome , was 8-. vJy delivered of a daughter on tbe 14 th of October la . , and has since had it christened and duly registered by the name of Harriet Frost Vincent
Mr . Thomas Pickering Cavil ! , of Helton Mowbray , bad two fine boys jtwinB ) christened at the Independent Chapel , on the 3 d « f last month , by the Rev . James Roberts ; the eldest , by the name of John Frost Cavil ] , the other , Henry Yincent Caviil . Mr . IL W . E . Standeven , of Dale-Hall , hh&t Bnnlem , potter , has bad a daughter duly registered Grace-O'Connor . ; Christened , on the 14 th November lout , at the C . v hollt Chapel , Granby-row , Manchester , by the lie * . Mb . M'Cormick , JohnFeargua Clark , the son of James and Martha Clark . On Saturday last , a young stranger was regist ^ d at one of the offices in Bath , as follows ;—Samuel FVargas Bronterre Tinoent Charter Debbage , being tLv son of Mr . Miles Debbage , of St . Gregory , Norwich . Richard Wade , of Read , duly registered his -onoa Saturday , January 23 d ; John Frost Wade .
James Andertoa , of Pudiham , duly registor ^ d bit son Feargus Anderton . On Saturday , the 17 th of October last , Maitci , the wife of Daniel Bamford , of Bridge-mill , near Whltwortb , was safely delivered of a son , who has been christened by the name of James Feargus , at St . i-ary ' i Church , Bacup . The clerk asked the mother a second time if it was Firgus , or Feargus ? The par . > r 6 a said "it was Feargus ;" . and aft < sr a pause said , " v , » ll , I hope he will be a much better man than Feargus O'Connor ia !" Emma Frost , daughter of Leah and John Frederick Linden , was duly registered on the 18 th of January last , in respect to the oppressed and ill-treat ©^ John Frost On the 2 nd instant , the daughter of Wilii . Ma and Elizabeth Thomas , of Maples , near Newport . Monmouthshire , was duly registered Ann Frost Vincent Thomas .
On Saturday last , Jane , the wife of Nathan S < . nei » - gill , of Illingworth , wax safely delivered of two sons ,, one » t whom has been named Feargus O'Connor , and the othec Wm . Vincent . The son of William Henry and Mary Ann Wrston , of Regent-street , Westminster , on the 15 » h ot October last , was duly registered and baptised at the Church , in Vincent-square , as John Frost Weston . Barbara , the wife of James Livingstone , joicer , of No . i . Picton-place , Newcastle , was , last week , safely delivered of a daughter , who was duly registered , in the parish of All Saints , Eleanor O'Connor Froat Livingstone .
On Monday , February 1 st , Feargus O'Connor Booth , first child of Silvester and Frances Booth , and . frasdsoa to Mr . John Booth , the much respected treasurer to the Radical Association , was christened in Saint Mary ' a Roman Catholic Chapel , ' Wigan , by the Kev . Charles Middlehurst In consequence of this being the first child in this town bearing the name of that unfiuKhing ( though persecuted ) champion of the people , the a . vjoci ation presented him with an enamelled card , on which his name is inserted in full in gilt letters by hi& f aVher , on whom too much praise cannot be bestowed , tor th « selection of sponsors , who were Mr . Edward ami Mi « Mary Leach , brother and sister to Mr . Jame . Leach , South Lancashlr * Chartiirt . Missionary . On Tuesday , the 26 th January , was baptiae-i . John Feargus O'Connor , son of Thomas and Elisabeth Wakefield , of Belton ; the ceremony took place in tne Cctbo lie Chapel , Gracedieu , the minister at Belton H ^ rdinj having objected on account of the name .
Lately registered at . Loughborough , Emma O'C j ; inor , daughter ef Wm . and Harriet Smitb . Two Yo 0 ng Patbiqts . —Jane , the wife of >"»* haa Sommeragill , of Illingworth , near Halifax , wa $ , b&feiy delivered of twins , on Saturday last , one of wL ; chii to be called Feargus O'Connor Sommersgill , and tbe other Wm . Vincent SonuneragUL On Monday last , the Infant son of Mary , th * wife of Thomas Clarke , stonemason , Lancaster , w& < duly registered Thomas Feargus O'Connor Clarke , h «< j £ the first child in that district named after any of tLt Char * tiat leaden .
On the 24 th January , was baptised , at the i'xrbo Church , Warrington , Simeon Frost Richardson , J '» a of Joseph and Hannah Richardson , of tbe same pl » .-3 .
On Sunday last , at Barnsley , Mr . Samuel Stones , corn miller , to Miss Elizabeth , eldest daurhtwr ef Mr . Thomas Wilkinson , flax-drcsser , all of Leeds . On Monday last , at Norton Church , near M Jton , by the Rev . Wm . Carter , M . A ., Mr . John Avison , cattle dealer , to Miss Emma Pickering , both of tho former place . Same day , at the Catholic Chapel , Whitby , and af terwardB at the cbnrcb of St . Mary ' s , Mr . John Watson , draper , of Stockton , to Ann , second daughter of Air . John Lawron , jun ., draper , shipowner , &o ., Whiiby . On Thursday , at Leeds parish church , by the Her . P . T . Cookson , M . A ., Mr : John Thompson Fo&sitt , of Hecklington , Lincolnshire , farmer , to Anne , eldest daughter of tbe late Mr . Thomas Newsome , of Leeds , tobacco manufacturer .
To Readers And Correspondents.
Srotal Amr ©Etvral 3fat*Nt' S*Twe.
SrOtal amr © etvral 3 fat * nt ' s * twe .
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DURHAM Cotn » TT Missioxabt , —Mr . J . Deegan , the Chartist Missionary , will lecure at the following places in the ensuing week : —Hanlepool ^ Monday , February 8 th ; Middieebro ' , Tuesday , 9 ; h ; Stockton , Wednesday ,, 10 th ; Darlington , Thursday , 11 th ; Kelloe , Friday , 12 th ; West Auckland , Sunday , Hth , at half-past ten in the morning ; and Bishop Auckland Batts , &ame day , at half-past two in the afternoon .
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" ' . : DEATHS . ' :. . ' ..- . On the 29 th ult ., at bis residence , Brixton-hiD , near London , after a Bbort illness , aged 69 , the Rev . John Stephens , Wesleyan . Minister . Mr . Stephens travelled in this circuit in 1815 , 1816 , and 1817 . He itinerated for the space of forty-one yean , was President of the Conference in 1828 , and became a supernumerary iu 1834 . Mr . Stephens waj much respected by and amonjgut the numerous body of which ne was a minister . On Monday last , at'H&sluid . near Chesterfield , aged 49 , Mary , the wife of Mr . Samuel Wild , On Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., Feargus O'Connor Vincent Bronterre Toxer , aged six months , don of Mr . S . Tozer , plumber , Hertford . On Monday last , at Otley , aged five years ar-d ten months , deeply regretted , Emily , the young ^ t c » ngh ter of Mr . John Sheppard , of that piace , ~ * v . ; c ::. or .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 6, 1841, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct365/page/5/