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C^avttgrt SttteUtgettce.
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Xkavert os all Sides . —A . clergyman said to one of his parishioners , ** You have lived like a knave , and you will die like a knave . " " Then / * aid the poor fellow , ** You will bury me like a knave . " ' ¦ ' Secrets . —A secret is like Bilenee—yon cannot talk about it , and keep it ; it is like money—when once you know there is any concealed , it u halfdiscovered . " My dear Murphy , said an Irishman to his friend , why did you betray the secret I told jon I" " Is il betraying yon call it t Sure , when 1 found I wasn ' t able to keep it myself , dida't I do well to tell it to somebody that oould t " Addisos akd Steels . —A . gentleman , who was dining with another , praised very much the meat , and asked who was the butcher . " His name is Adriison . " " Addreon V echoed the guest : " pray is he any relation to the poet V " In all probability he is , for he is seldom without his steal ( SleeleJ by his side . "
Editorial TBocBi . BS .- ' -The editor of . the Xeu > York Commercial Advertiser makes the following apology for the non-appearance of its usua commercial remtTks and market intelligence : — During the week many of us were detained from duty by evere indisposuion . One who attended to ~ the advertising department wa 3 detained at home by this cause ; the person who attends to the mariDe department was kep r . away by having three of his family down with the scarlet fever , one of whom died . On Saturday morning , one of us who attends to the stocks and money matters was confined to his bed during the day . The one who takes care of the office as usual , at nine o ' clock , was called away to take leave of his father , who was supposed to be dying . Another , who left his family , as he supposed , well , early in the morning , was notified at nine o ' clock that since he had left home his infant child had died . In addition to this , four compositors were absent on account of illness . "
Q , trESS Abelaide draws ^ £ 3 M , 0 & 0 yearly from the pocket of J » hn Bull ,-which save rise to the following parody by Mrs . William Y . Sinkey : — Old Queen Adelaide Cut Yiih a sharp blade A slioe out of John Buirs pie ; She put in he * thumb , _ And pall'd oot a plum * JLnd s > id , " What a good Queen am L "
* A plum signifies £ 100 , 008 . A Legislator—The Cleremont ( N . H . ) Eagle says , that while the yeas and nays " were calling " in the House of Representatives , on Wednesday of last week , on some question , Mr . Brown , of South Hampton , " an odd chick , " did not answer to his name . When the vote was through , he rose and addressed the Speaker as follows : — "ilr . Speaker , I Tise to let you know that I did not dodge this question- I only tqimlled a little , in order to take a better view on the subject , and now I Bay ' no' to the critter . "—New York Sun .
Effects of . Wi _ xe accouxted for . —When Noah planted the first Tine , and retired , Satan approached and said— I will nourish yoa , charming plant !' He quickly fetched three animals—a sheep , -a lion , and a hog , and killed them , one after another , near the vine . The virtues of the blood of these three animals penetrated it , and are still manifest in its growth . When a man drinks one goblet of wine , he is then agreeable , gentle , friendly—that is the nainre of the lamb . When he drinks two , he is like a lion , * nd says , " Who is like me 1 "—he then talks of stupendous things . When he drinks more , his senses forsake him ; and , at length , he wallows in the mire . I ^ eed it be said , that he then resembles the hog IHichardson .
THE WANTS OF ADVERTISERS . ' I know of no cure so good for the vapours , At reading the wants that appear in the papers . " So signs John Perry , and with as much truth as wit . The columns of a newspaper are the ontlet for all the crotchets and whims of individuals in this most crotchety of nations . What a person would not think of communicating in confidence to his most intimate friend he goes and publishes to all the ¦ world in the new > paper . Bnt then he is hid beneath an impenetrable veil , and has the pleasure of seeing his want" fully advertised without being taunted with the singularity or unreasonableness cf it . Men let their most violent prejudices have full play in this open field , and tne bigot appears in full blaz 3 of jtfory » s an advertiser . Does the reader want a " case V Tee crammed columns of the Times furnish cart loads » f them daily ,- but , to save the trouble of reference , we we witl take ene from last "Wednesday ' s : — 41
Wanted , as good cook , in a clergyman ' s family , a person tcho values religious , privileges . Iso kitchenmaid kept : no-dairy . If any lady can recommend such a person she will oblige the advertiser . " A cook who values religious privileges ! A cat that can play on the fiddle 1 The religious privileges of a cook are to scold the scullion , snub the footboy , and sell the dripping ! The former are personal rights flowing from the Importance and sanctity of her occupation—the latter is the tnhe which she exacts from all the world—that is , all the world that have dinners ] Cast your eyes a little-lower down , and we come to a new waat : —
" . Nurserymaid . —Wanted , a young woman , about twenty-three years of age , in the above capacity . She must be able to work well at her needle , and be a member of the EdabR&ied Church . 2 \ o followers allotted . " Here's a test of religion and morals ! A member of the Established Church , and no followers . ' Is ' s plain these conditions wouldn ' t suit themodest young woman hard by , who wants a situation " as good plain cook , where a footman is ke r -t . ' This is certainly a very wise and necessary provision where no followers are allowed . ' What would ilakhus B 3 y of the respectable widow ¦ who want 3 " nurse-children ?' What will romantic young ladies and gentlemen say to this : — " If Louise will return immediately to her friends in London she will be kindly received , and all that has passed will be forgiven . April 14 . "
How full of mystery—perhaps of misery ; and how many tears may have been shed before this dernier retort—a public advertisement , to bring back an erring child , or wife , or mother , was resolved on ! Ko pang , however , we imagine , accompanied the two following intimations : — " If Miss Ru : h Hall , of Neweastle-upon-Tyne . does not fetch away her boxes , left at J . Verry ' sj 18 , Eastcheap , Ciiy , in fourteen davs from this date ( April Uth , 1841 ) , they wili be sold to defray all expenees . " ** I hereby give notice , that unless John Stratford Best , late of Denham M . ount , in the parish of Denham , Bucks , Esq , paj 3 my demand , and removes , within fourteen days from the date hereof , three greyhound puppies ( one dog aud two bitches , ! left with me en the 3 rd day of September last by his servant , George Hencher , they wili be sold to defray my ticmanas , and the expends attending the same . Cooper E ; tonDenhainBucksApril
, , , 10 , 2841 . " What outrage against the delicacy of Miss Ruth Hal!— -what inhumanity towards the puppies of John Stratford Best , Esq . \—Brighton Herald .
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POWER OF RETURNING OFFICERS UNDER THE NEW POOB ULW . The following questions by the Right Honourable the Eiri of G-lengall -were pat to 3 Jr . Erie , Superintendent Assistant Poor Law Commissioner in Ireland , on the SGia of March last . The answers speak for themselves . . Q . Are not the duties of returning officer such as to give him great influence in . the election of Guardians ? A . The powers are rery great ; and impartiality ' in use exercise oi them ia of great importance . Q - Therefore , if the returning officer acts improperly , he ha 3 great power to return -whom he chooses as Guardians ? A . 'Undoubtedly . Q . I believe no one has power to overlook the rotina papers be receives . * A . No one except the Commissioners . I say this however , without consideration - '
' Q . Does not the Act of Parliament make the decision of uie returning officer final . A . It dots . Why , then , impose a heavy expence upon the ratepayers of this or any other miscalled Union , pnta large sum into the pocket of the « py of the Commissioners , miiseailed the clerk to the Guardians , who ia by them appointed the iof course , as he lives and movei by the system ) partial returning officer , and keep the inhabitanta excited for -weeks together , merely to fleece , mock , and insnlt them ? They profess to ^ otmt tfce -rotes , bat before they produce them to
any , one , ( and often they do the thing by themselves ) thsy bare thsni cooked , and ready for their own ends , amd-Do one can by possibility check the voting papersthey are hurried through ; they " have had the voting paper * in the band * of their minions to deliver and collect r ttiey can change papers from filled to blank , aad from- blank to the hostile candidates ; they can skuffls them like cards , xnd count them that suit * their pnrpoee orer and over again , and again . In Hndderefield and Aldmondbury , as well as In other towns , the majorities -were Immense , trat hocus pocnj swindlers did the business , and Mt Rookery said his akilly candidates were returned .
Yet with all tire ruffianly proceedings , there is a rebelHon in his ctmp , for Mr . Ex-draper Maxfield told t&e Saardians on Friday that U they would stand by iiavtbey would throw the three Davil Kicgs ore / - board , and take their affiiirs iMto the . ii own hands . Th 5 « hsrrah far the good and merciful law , the 43 rd of Blinbeth , and down with the bastiles and the whole fcOJyireir . The faree which has been acted U In the press , and peeODy will be pab ^ hed , and , probably , will have t plaw in the Star of next week .
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~ . ~~ Fortitfdb is Children . —A very alarming accident latel y elicited much fbrtitudein two little girls . One evening last weefc , Mr . John Neale , the son 0 / the landlord at the Mitre Tavern , at Portsea , was taking his two young sisters home from -school , through the New Forest , ia a chaise-cart ; when part of the harness snapped , the horse was frightened , and the cart was upset . All were thrown out Mr . Neale had his hip broken and his ancle dislocated . His si 3 ter Agnes , who ia ten years of age , was scalped from the forehead to tho back of the head ; and Adeline , the other sister , a year younger , had Her arm broken . The young mau was quite irBenmble ; and the little girls , in spite of their Bufferings , managed to draw their brother to the roadside , and then set ou ; in search or" assistance . Afier
wandenng in the Forest for about an hour , they found the house of one of the keepers . Here tho eldest eisler remained , being quito exhausted , the other gnided the keeper to the place where Mr . Ni- »! e lay ; and he was carried to the ' Crown Inn at Lyndhurat , whers he remained in a s : ate of considerable danger .
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THE EASTER RECESS IN THE POLITICAL WORLD . The Easter recess panes away with unequalled quiet in the political world . The closing of Parliament used to entice the Members to exchange the arduous straggles of either House for the lighter oratory of political meetings throughout the country , affording an agreeable diversity of excitement , aad enabling each party to renew the interest of its adherents in the provinces : This season there has been nothing of the kind . Members nave not sought their constituents , to commune with tkem on pending measures ; because there are no measured pending—none expected or intended to paMwhich any constituency cares about Members bare not run down to their homes , to revive the interest of political questions among their local supporters , because
there is no interest , to revive : interest in the party questions of the day is dean gone ; Members feel little themselves , and have no motive for effort . They know that the people , see through the stale counterfeits . Whig , Tory , Radical ; and they can no longer spur themselves to the bootless office of simulating a seal ¦ which no one feels . It ia too much to go even a mile from the snug country house merely to say that they wish this or that party to draw the salary of office ; and that is all they could say . So they just stay at home , resting after the aimless and irksome labour of walking in ami out of the lobbies to divide . In this universal negation , we see the character of the time : even professed busy bodies and dealers in public meetings , the most indefatigable of political traders , an "worn out with the tedium of carrying on sham contests .
Nevertheless , there must be some show of action when Parliament meets again ; and the daily broad sheets , which must be filled in the holidays as in session-time , bare been pointing to the future with a make-believe of preparation . Nothing newer promises at present , however , than a return to the great showfights of the past half-session , on the Irish Registration Bills and the New Poor Law . The party journals occasionally blow a note or two , like minstrels of old , carrying on the battle-song while the combatants are resting : the Ministerial Chtonidt sings the wrongs of Irish electors , to brace up the nerves of Lord Morpeth and bi » n . Uin 6 M ; tho Times chants the tricks of Whig Registration schemes , to fire the fury of a Stanley , or the iniquities of the Poor Law , to keep sp the effervescence of a Wakley . —Spectator .
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- tx .-i . i-. i-. rj r i-j-. n ^ SS ^^^ - i-i-j i ,-¦ - AGAIN LORD CARDIGAN . The following statement has been addressed to the Editor of the Morning Chronicle , by " An Old Soldier : "" You will , I hope , allow roe , through th « medium of your columns , to call attention to the following plain I statement . —A private of the Uth Hussars was drunk \ on leaving the barracks , at Brighton , and was rebse-¦ quently tried by a district Court-martial , and sentenced I to corporal punishment His trial took place on I Thursday , and th « approval of the Court-martial was ; received , at Hounslow , en the Sunday morning . On \ Sunday , the 11 th Hussars were marched into the Biding j School , for divine service . Prayers were read , and a ¦ sermon was preaehed . On the conclusion of divine I service , the trumpet-major was ordered to make things ' ready for corporal punishment . And in this Riding School , and on a Sunday , where not an hour before i the whole regiment were engaged in prayer , Private Rogers , ot the 1 lth Hussars , was tied up and flogged , receiving one hundred lashes . I trust , for the credit of i the ssrvice and the country , the matter will be brought , before Parliament , and a full inquiry instituted . Tho ¦ general public , I am sure , will agree with me , without I entering into the question of flogging , or whether i Private Rogers deserved it or not , that on no account ; could the commanding officer of the Uth Hussars be I justified in carrying the punishment into effect on a 1 Sunday , and in the place appointed that day for divine [ worship . "
I How the character of the man is marked in this | proceeding . The approval of the sentence arrived ; on Sunday morning , and so eager was the noble I Colonel for the execution of it , that he could not | wait even till Monday , but the Sabbath must be desecrated by a punishment after prayers ! ; What a sequence to the voice of prayer the sound of the lash . ' —the scourge after devout supplication —the groans of the sufferer after the lessons of mercy ! The Bishop of London has counted the boats that i have passed under Fulham Bridge on a Sunday . ! Did they profane tho holy day more than a hundred lashes ; and what will the Right Reverend Prelate , who ba . 3 borne such Joud testimony against the sins of green-grocers and pastry-cooks , say of the desecration of the Sabbath by the noble Colonel of the Eleventh t Is keeping open a stall a less scandal than flaying a human back \ Is plying the butcher ' s trade less allowable than plying the cat-o' -nine-tails ?
Lord Cardigan ' s defence will probably be that the rich man is as much entitled to hia pleasures on the Sunday as the poor man , and that he sees no more reason why he Bhould forego one miuistration to his enjoyment than another , asd that the work of the hands that wield tho cat-o ' -nine-tails must be as much at his command as that of his French cook . One appetite , however , can wait , though the other cannot ; and , for tho sake of public decency at least , Lord Cardigan must learn to postpone his gratifications in the way of punishments for forty-eight hours , when the approval of the sentence happens to arrive on Sunday morning . We have hitherto opposed every bill for the bitter observance of the Sabbath ; but as we are far more hostile to the introduction of bitterness in the
violation of the Sabbatb , than to the introduction of bitterness in the observance of it , we will promise to g ive our best aid in support of a bill to prohibit flogging in the anny on the Sabbath day . It may be remembered that we lately showed that the severities of Lord Cardigan had first been exercised on the privates of hia regiment , and that , wheu checked in that direction by Sir C . d'Albiac , they were transferred to the officers . From the present feign we infer that the officers have a respite ; it would be too imprudent to open fresh quarrels with them just now , so the men are to have their tarn again , and to mark the eagerness for the punishment , by suffering or seeing the infliction of it ou the Sabbath . —Examiner .
C^Avttgrt Sttteutgettce.
C ^ avttgrt SttteUtgettce .
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CHARTIST MEETING IN MANCHESTER . We had a spirited and oveiflowing meeting on Sunday evening last , in the Tib-street Chartist Room , to hear Mr . C . Connor and Mr . © . Doyle , two Irish Chartists . Mr . Whehler , after making & few preparatory remarks on the progress of the cause , introduced Mr . Connor to the meeting . Mr . Connor rose and said—He was willing at e-very opportunity to vindicate the rights and liberties of men of his own order , and would , he trusted , continue to do till they were possessed of those rights and immunities which justice and the laws of God and natnre entitled himself and them to . ( Cheers . ; He would not have needed to be there if the parsons of this country ( of course he made some few honourable
exceptions ) had followed out the preempt and example of tlieir Lord and Master , and defended the poor agaiuit the rich , and against tyranny of every description . ( Applause . ) He had been taking a walk that afternoon , and he saw a brick-yard with a large quantity of new-made bricks in it ; and he thought a better way to illustrate the value of labour he could not adopt than the ene which struck him at the time . When hu looked at the clay itself from which the « i bricks had been made he found that it was of no value whatever ; but when men have been employed ia digging it out of the earth , it then began to be of Bervice . Why , becauso labour had been applied—and so it was under every operation , the working of it into bricks and burning , and indeed every additional part of labour trave it additional value
—( hear , hear)—thus proving that labour is the foundation of all wealth . ( Cheers . ) If tucb . is the case , why is not labour protected ? cr why is property protected to the exclusion of labour ? Ho had seen a notice put en the gable end of a building , to the effect that if any one was caught posting bills against it , he should be prosecuted according to law . Then you see the building is so far protected as to prevent even a single Bill from being ported against it , while the labour , blood , bones , and sinews of the labouring classes are not protected . ( A Toice , " True . " ) For example , a cotton manufacturer , or any other capitalist , can come into the factory when he pleases and tell his hands that he is about to take a shilling from their wages each , and they , the hands , b&ve not the least power to resist such an unjust aggression , because if they did they must bd
turned into the street to starve , they having no other appeal . Then again the capitalist can any time lock np his factory and turn out fourteen or fifteen hundred hands into the street One man has the power to do this , and the hands must submit to it , because they have no power to hold him accountable for Iiis conduct . ( Hear , hear , and shame . ) But he , for hia part , was independent of Uiese wretches although he was a slave . He neither looked to the Government for sympathy , nor to tiie working classes for . support He could get his living , such as it was , as well in one town as another ; therefore , he was from under the tyrannical grasp of the cotton lords . ( Voices— " I wish . I was . ^ The law would protect of aristocrat
a pig an , while the working men , politically speaking , were dead : they had no life : nay , they were no more than a piece of household furniture , at the mercy of the law-makers , liable to be bronght , or rather forced , out to fight in the field of battle for Queen Victoria or her Ministers , yet were not protected by the law , because , not haviug * a voice in the making of the law . All they , the -working people , had to do with the laws was , according to Whig logic , to obey them ; and all they had to do with tho taxes was to pay them . ' . Hear , hear . ) Did they espect , for a single niouient , that the present House of Cuiumons would grant them Universal Suffrage ? If they did , he thought they would be very much mistaken . His
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advice" wm \ hMlt they would , unite , organise , and agitate , till such time as they had a sufficient power tehlnd the law to be stronger than the law , then they would hav « tbe Suffrage-, in short , when they were prepared by moral means to take their rights , the Government would be glad ' to give them without resorting to physical force . ( Hear , bear , and applause . ) £ Mr . Connor here read a speech delivered by Oliver Cromwell , when , he went to clear the Augean stable , which he ( Connor ) said was very applicable to the present House . J ( Laughter . ) . j- ! .. __ . ti .. « u , » .. . m . nih . Mtuin .
He continued , we want such a man at the present day , for the better part of them were a set of mercenary wretches ,. who care no mote for the sufferings of the people , as fully exemplified in their conduct , than they would for a dead dog . ( Shame , shame . ) There were , he was willing to admit , good men in all societies . There were good men among tha middle class ; but those men , Whoever they may be , who wish to carry their designs into effect , contrary to the expressions , feelings , and wishes ot the majority , are no more nor less than traitors to their country . ( Hear , hear , and loud applause . ) He was sorry to say this was the case in fearfully numerous instances . There were too many who wanted to carry their own pet measures to serve their own purposes , who , at the same time , would not care what became of them , the working classes . Here
Mr . Connor lathed the press , and denounced it as one of the greatest enemies to liberty , and the labour of many millioned helots of this Queendom . The press , the lawyers , the parsons , and others , who live by the industry of others , had formed a foul conspiracy against the rights of the industrious working men ; the parsons teach the people to endure the wrongs and cruelties which they suffer quietly . They must respect the Q , aeeu , pay the tithes and rates , and come to the church . And , above all , they must keep' away from those discontented and wicked individuals , the Chartists , or otherwise they would be ruined and be sent to hell , where they would remain for ever . ( Laughter ) This is the doctrine which is taught at the present day , and the very men who are conttnu&ny preach ing this doctrine , are living upon the fat of the land , enjoying
every luxury , visiting the gambling bells , and forsooth would have the deluded to believe that they are the real followew of the meek and lowly Jesus . ( Shame . ; Mr . Connor then drew the attention of his hearers to the laws of primogeniture . If a nobleman , to use the slang phrase , had two or three sons , according to this law , the first took the property , and the rest had to be pensioned upon the public . If he had any daughters be endeavoured to accumulate as much property as he could , in order to set them up with a husband who had plenty of money , and , of course , well provided for . Then , as for the other sons , if there was one more valiant and cruel than another , if he could shoot rats , kill hares , and such like with pleasure , that was a sure token that be would make a good man butcher , and he must have a commission in the army or navy .
The second perhaps would exhibit symptoms of being subtle , crafty , and roguish , and would appear likely , by a little training , to make black appear white , and vice versa ; he would be sent to be educated for a limb of the law . The third would not be bo well calculated for such enterprising and important situations , a dunce , a thick skull , and fit for none of the ordiuary situations in life which require any talent or qualities of an extra kind . The father soncludes that he will moke a most excellent Bishop , and he sends him to a College . ( Convulsive laughter . ) He always liked to look after the parsons , to see if they fulfilled their situations , as tbey ought to do as leaders of the public mind ; they were mere cyphers , and wore biassed by the purse of the capitalists . A short time ago , he ( Connor ) was speaking at Oldbam , and he took an opportunity of shewing up
the tricks of some of the parsons , and the next Sunday two or three of them made it the theme of their sermou to warn the people against Socialism and Chartism . He supposed they would tell their hearers how wicked it was for them to expect their rights , or bow odious it was even te ask for them . ( Laughter and cheers ) These men declare that crime is on the increase , and the way to stay it is to build more churches , and to carry out which project , as a panacea for the stopping of crime , they were about to build ten in the town and neighbourhood of Manchester , although those which were already built were not above half filled . He ( Mr . Connor ) would have these men direct their attention to tho real cause of the misery and poverty in the laud , a prolific source of the crime which class legislation produced . He would net give any
man credit for the professed love be might wish him to imagine he hod for his soul : he wtiild not believe that any man wished to save his soul if he would not do all in hia power to make his body comfortable in this world . ( Hear , hear , and " W « U done , Conner ! " ) He could liken the parsons to nothing better than a cow , which gives an excellent can of milk , and afterwards kicks the can over : these parsons could give good advice , but many , of them never practised what they taught . He ( the speaker ) was against all sorts of monopoly . The suffrage would do them no good unless tbey could get in possession of the land , in order to make it subservient to the wants and wishes of the people . He wanted to see that state of society where every man would have his acre of land to fall back upon , so that he might have his pigs , and poultry ,
ic ic , and where he would enjoy bis health , aud keep his body in that state of vigour which God and nature intended it should be . ( Hear . ) He , for his part , preferred living in a state where the linnet would be warbling upon the bush , and the lark fluttering over his head ; where he could see the driveling streams and the running ' brooks , the fertile fields with their blooming flowers ; and where he could see nature decorated out with all its beauty and splendour . In a state llkp this , we should should see the labourer carry a hearty and healthy constitution . ( Enthusiastic cheering . ) How much happier was such a state to the one in the manufacturing districts , where they had to creep out of bed at half-past five o ' clock in the morning , to go into a cotton factory , to be confined in that unwholtsomo , poisonous , and contaminating
atmosphere , till eight at night , wkich destroyed every faculty bodily and mental , which filled our streets with twisted limbs and star-like countenances , every one being under the controul of a horde of petty tyrants , and which made the life of the factory hand one of misery , slavery , and drudgery , and just for what was scarcely capable of keeping body and soul together , —( a voice " very true , ")—aad , to fill up tl . e figure , after he has toiled and sweat till the system has made such inroads upon his constitution , that he cannot turn off as much work as one who may be young and in good health , he is turned into the street , where ho must starve or be consigned to nu infernal bastile . ( Crtea of " Shame . " ) He was not going to humbug the people with fallacious statements . like those made by the Corn Law lecturers .
They impudently asserted that the land of Britain was not capable of maintaining lt « present population . But he would take a sentence of O'Brien's and read it for thefr consideration : —•• There are 77 , 000 , 090 of statute acres in the united kingdom , about 47 , 000 , 000 are in a . state of seqii-cultivation , two or three millions of which consist of parks , pleasure-grounds , shrubberifs , &c , &c , for the gratification of the rich , rather than the support of the idlers . There are as many millions more acres allotted for pasture grounds , for idlers ' horses . The remaining 30 , 00 » , 000 lie comparatively waste ; although 15 , 000 , 000 of them , at least , ore susceptible of cultivation of the highest order . Here are from eighteen to twenty million acres oi land , which are at present useless , are capable of being turned to a profitable account Out of the whole 47 , 008 , 000 of
acres now partly cultivated , not more than live or six are appropriated to the growth of wheat Is it not manifest , then , that if a larger proportion of these 47 , 060 , 0 > 0 acres were appropriated to tillage , that if tho eighteen or twenty millions of uncultivated -wastes , of which I have spoken , were cultivated , and if the wheat lands were made to encroach on tho parks , pleasure-grounds , and barley lands , ( whose produce goes chiefly to the manufacture of poisonous drinks , under the names of gin , whisky , && , dec . ) - the soil of the united kingdom would far more than suffice to maintain its population in abundance , even under its imperfect state of cultivation . Mr . Connor oald he would not assist for a Kapeal of the Corn Laws in order to extend a system which had broken down so many constitutions , and produced
so many twisted linibs as the Factory System had , ( Cheers . ) Ho did not agree with these half starved mushroom politicians who were perambulating about the country with their swallow-tailed coats—the pretended friends to tho working classes—who wished to give them as they said , a largo loaf , but who at the same time would not extend the franchise to them to throw the mintle of the law over them , to protect the loaf when they had got it . ( Applause . ) The present system Was fraught with injustice and misrule to the many , which had been caused by class-legislation—one party living in the greatest- splendour , whilst the other were starving . '• He Could n 6 t believe that God ev « r intended that one man should'live out of the sweat of another . . He who is no respecter of persons , has never , declared that one of his creatures should mock , scourge ,
and enslave the other . He did not , never had , net ever would , lay the charge upon Odd for the wickedness and inconsistencies which existed at tte present time . He was aware that there sheuld be distributions of wealth , and that they were usttful in their place ; but he wanted those nun to be subject to the majority of the people , fie did not approve of a ¦ jatem which either directly or indirectly robbed the working man of eighteen shillinga out of every pound which he earned . The working man had to labour for the ftribtocracy , the miil-ocracy , the army , the navy , and the pensioners and paupers , and the pros titutes , anil every other class ot persona whs consumed but brought nothing back as an equivalent tc society
for the food they- eat or for the clothes they wear . The man who was kept to feed and look after the idler's dog was equally as useless as the dog itself . ( Laughter . ) There were two contending parties at the present time falling out about which sheuld have the privilege of plundering the working classes—what he called two thieves falling out which got the greatest share of the booty—he . meant the cotton lord and the landlord . The landlord robs the people of four shillings and sixpence iu every pound ,, and the cotton lord was content to take only seven shillings and sixpence . ( Laughter . ) Mr . Connor said he bad now touohed upon the parsons , the cotton lords , and the landlords , likewise the distributors of wealth ; now he would tell the people if they would only agree and become united , they might starve
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these classes into compliance . Jfene of these could till the land , ' mafce their shoes , Or coats , or any thing else towardf producing what they consume . ( Hear . ) Here he drew a picture of a savage state of society , and contrasted it with the one under wMch we liw In a free country ; and when put In Juxta position to each other , the latter falls into the shades . The savage could go out and have access to the fish in the water , or the fowls of the air ; but man in England was excluded from a look over the hedge ; and what was even worse than that , while the warehouses were full of clothing , and the granaries were full of corn the working man who had produced ail these had tff go only half fed , tod half clothed . ( Cheers . ) He would again teJl them that he absolved God from thai * classes into compUancft ¦ ¦ ¦ . Jfeae of these could
any Wame on the coHeotive wicked men . ( Cheers ) He was not one of those who would exhort them to be content under all this misery , nor would he lead them astray by persuading them to look to the middle class for their emancipation , for he believed they would see England one vast charnel house before they would concede to the people the Charter . Mr . C . then referred to what he called a mere remnant of mortality—Daniel . O'Connelt and his conduct in Ireland towards the Chartists—a cheat and fungus of a politician . ( Hear , hear . ) Here Mr . C . told his hearers that during the last agitation , they began to talk about physical force before they were prepared , to carry their threats into execution . He hoped they would not do so again , until they were able to do it
successfully and effectually ; and then they might go at it hammer and tongs . ( Hear , and cheers . ) He then remarked that ltobert Peel , who had obtained half a million of money from the people ' s industry , admitted the people's right to the Suffrage ; , but objected to their possession on the ground of their ignorance . The speaker then declared that accusation' was a false ene , and brought emphatic illustrations of men who are now in the ranks of the working classes , and men ot the greatest taleota at former periods , who have risen from the same class , such for instance as Cobbett , Franklin , Burns , ice , && Mr . G said he gloried in the present movement , because It was educating the working man , and enabling him to meet the capitalist on the same stage , aud combat every argument brought
against the rights of labour or tho Suffrage . ( Hear . ) He denounced the plan set forth by Lovett and Collins , ic , and said it was calculated to split us up into sects and parties , and ^ said that KoebucV , Hume , and others were at the bottom of it . He bel ' wvad—and he hoped he should bo set right if he . was wrong—that each of these men voted for the New Poor Law ; for his . ( the speaker's ) part , he would neither walk up * Rspeal-ofthe-Union alley , nor follow the Corn Law humtugs , nor blow the Russian horn . ( L . ughter and cheers . ) He believed that evury man that was not with them was against them . He exhorted bis hearers to look Well after , and watch every step ot pretended friends , assuring them that such characters by once ' gaining the confidence of the people , and then betraying them , did
more injury than their most inveterate enemies . ( Hear , hear . ) He felt proud that Chartism was now taking root in Ireland , the land of his birth . ( Loud cheers . ) Feargus O'Connor ' s letters to O'ilalley had been the means of opening the eyes of some of 'his fellow countrymen , together with sending the Northern Star . ( Cheera . ) . He hoped that every sincere Chartist would continue to send the Star to Ireland , and likewise all the cheap publications , and let the land be inundated with them ; and let every one who had friends there , give them to understand what the people of England and Scotland really wanted—that while tbey advocate a vote for themselves , they at the same time extend the saine privilege to irishmen . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) He c « uld like Cbartisra . to spread through Ireland , and when the people of that country saw that the principles were the same as those for which their patriots had shed their blood , and lost their lives , they would be brought to embrace them ; and when he spoke of
Irish patriots , he did not mean those who were living now , and were driving through the country with their livery servants , &c . && ; he meant an Emmett , a Fitzgerald , and an Arthur O'Connor . ( Enthusiastic cheering . ) When the Irish fully understood the matter , they would not mince it either for a Djniel O'Connell , or his tail . ( Hear , hear . ) The speaker was not one of these who wished for a Catholic government , any more than a Protestant one , " unless they were uuder the controul of the people . Catholics were as big tyrants as Protestants , and vice versa $ only instance France and Spain , la conclusion he would observe , that he had always been , and should be , at their command , and never refused , and he pledged himself never to relax , coine weal , come woe , come persecution , prosecution , adversity , or prosperity , even to the forfeiture of his lift . He thanked them for the patient attention which they had given him , and sat down amidst the loudest plaudits of the meeting . ,
Mr . Wheeler , said that he bad great pleasure in introducing his esteemed friend Christopher Doyle . ( Loud cheering . ) Mr . Pottle said that it was with a degree of pleasure that he stood there to address them that evening . He had thought of giving a lecture upon , the Corn Laws , but as a discussion was shortly to take place upon that subject , ha would say but little about it to them . He was delighted to hear bis countryman , Mr . Connor , expose the laws of-primogeniture , and the rest of the subjects upon which he had treated . ( Heat , hear . ) He would , however , gay a few words in reference to Daniel O'Connell . Hu found , by the Star , that he had been making a speech in Ireland , in which he culled upon the police to put
down Cbartism : he bod been denouncing the Chartists , and endeavoured to persuade his countrymen from joining us . ( A voice , " He has ! " ) He knew , however , very well , that he was telling a falsehood ; and yet , after caying all this , he came forward and said that the Chartists were asking for the same as himself , only in one instance , namely , he was for Triennial Parliaments instead of Annual . Upon this he was very pliable ; " for , " says he , " when we get a Repeal of the Union , we will have Triennial Parliaments . " Mr . Doyle said he wished he had a Repeal , and he wished the people of Ireland had a Repeal ; but they never would so long as they allowed Dan to traffic—so long as they depended upon a man like him , who would take a penny from the pour man , a halfpenny
from the ragged roan , and a farthing from the starving man . Point me out ( said he ) what he has given out ot the £ 200 , 000 he has received from the poor of Ireland . They could not shew , in any one instance , 'where be had done one . charitable act for the poor , but he put the money into the bank . ( Hear , hear . ) Then , again , he said the Chartists are for Household Suffrage , and so was he . Now he knew when he said that we , the Chartists , went for Household Suffrage , he was telling a barefaced lie . But that was the way he had always corned on ; he was continually ojoling , cheating , aud humbugging the people , and all the while taking money out of their pockets . ( Hear , bear . ) He had been told that he was an enemy to Daniel O'Connell , but he would take that
opportunity of telling them , that if he was an enemy to the conduct of O'Connell , he was not his personal enemy . He was one of the best friends he had in this country , until he found him out upon the Factory question . Daniel O'Connell said that was a question of blood and murder , and promised to advocate the cause of 35 , 000 factory children . He professed to be a friend to the factory children , but afterwards sold them for one thousand pounds . Then he ( Doyle ) found out he was a dishonest man , and therefore he could put no more trust in him . He voted for the New Poor Law , which the Whigs brought forwards , those whom be called base , bloody , and brutal , after calling it unnatural and unscriptural . Who was an enemy to Trades Unions ? Daniel 6 Connell .
Who got the Glasgow Cotton Spinners transported ? —Daniel O'Connell . And Feargus O'Connor laboured more than all the other men put together to obtain their freedom . Who was it that offered 500 , 000 men to put down Chartism ia England ?—Daniel O'Conneli . Who boasted of Sergeant Daley at Newport , for shooting the Chartists ?—Daniel O'Connell . And now be wanted the police to put down Chartism in Ireland , and to stop all correspondence , so that they might still remain in ignorance . Who was it that persecuted Lowery and Murray " —Daniel OConuel . Mr . Doyle wished the principles of Cbartism to spread through Ireland , and when tho people come to have a proper knowledge of the principles . Dan's influence would
cease . It bad taken a long time for him ts rise , and Of course it would take some time to remove the prejudice of the people . ( Hear , hear . ) Dan was a middle-class man , and one of their patrons . He had no respect for the working man . Mr . Doyle said he knew he had enemies in Manchester , and some of them hod challenged him to fight , but be would not resort to such a , blackguard practice , only through compulsion , and then stand in his own defence—( cheers )—and would continue to speak his mind fearless of consequences . ( Hear , bear . ) Mr . Doyle made a few more remarks , and sat down after thanking them for the kind attention which bad been paid to him during the time he bad addressed them . H « was glad to see the meeting so crowded . He then sat down amid the mo 3 t vociferous cheering .
A person rose and skid if any thing was calculated to give the He direct to Din ' s assertions , namely , that the people of England have not sympathy for the people of Ireland , ft Was the manner in which they the people had sat and heard two Irishmen address them , only interrupted by cheers . The CHAIRMAN ga « s out the regular notices , and votes oC . thanks were carried by acclamation to the two speakers , and the meeting broke up highly delighted .
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TO THE LEED'S " BKONTERRE O'BRIEN TRIBUTE" COMMITTEE . Brother O'BriemtBs , —With pleasure did I read In the Star of February 20 th , year appeal to the country on behalf of that unflinching patriot , James Bronterre O'Brien ; I feel satisfied that , with a little exertion , and » pecuniary sacrifice of quite a small amount , we could place Bronterre in that position that be might laugh to ecorn the anathemas of any reprobate government and their underlings , be they Whig , Tory , or sham Radical . My friends , the " Tribute" Is not a now thing to me ; ten months since I sent a plan for the collection of £ 60 % for O'Brien to the Northern Star cilice ; that plan I now send to yon ; it may be amended , but , as a ground-work , as a foundation , whereon to commence the collection of a " National Tribute , " for oue of the most talented , inost honourable , and virtuous , ' ytt
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most permuted , slandered , and vflifled of oar U ^ that plan i » nmOmt for all purp ose * W ? i 2 fS eqllact the money by th . time tKrBrlJJto 5 L !» » «* ' « Pfr «; ftom the s « h o « tto pSS ^ fc will have just six mtnths more to draTon * iS * the adoption of my plan publish it in the ^* ** there be a fixed time f 0 , the dosing of S | * ££ ?} account . ; » y September 1 st toL * £%£££ sitting at Leeds will have three We * , £ ^ £ «* their accounts . If the country does not S % plan , or one similar , it is not what T take itto > S ? The plan , as I call it , fa as follows - * ¦ *» most persecuted . shnrtAKwf uui . nia .-a .- .
¦ . ¦¦ PLAN . The . following towns and district * to irvWrtbe »* sums I have appended to them , and m ^ tM choose .-and others , , thatl niay have inadvertttJw S out , could also subscribe , by recommending I £ Centra Committee " the appointment of a tr ^ Z for their town or district : — " eMma-Brighton .,... ... ... * ¦ Portsmouth , Portsea , Cbichester , &c . ( C . ) is Isle of Wight ( C . ) ... ... ' " }{ Southampton ( C . ) ... ... " , ? London < C . ) ... ... ' . " ! 6 , Bath , Trowhridge , and neighbourhood ,.. 99 Bristol aud neighbourhood ... .. l 5 Wotton-under-Edge ... .. * . Carmarthen , Llanidloes , Newport , Mont ^ gomery , Merthyr Tydyil , and Welsh districts ... ... ... gtt Cheltenham
... ... „„ vMwiwiJuuiU ¦ . .., - n / t Ipswich ... ... ... . " 5 Plymouth ... s Strond ... ... ... g Birmingham ... ... ... 3 o Bradford ... ... ... - %# 15 Carlisle , Cumberland , and districts ( C . ) 15 Coventry ... ... ... ... i ( j Derby ... ... ... ... 5 Durham County ... ... . lft Exeter ... ' \ Halifax ( York ) ... ... ;" , , * Hull ... ... ... ... , {{ Liverpool
... ... ... ... ,. Leeds and neighbourhood ... / " 40 Manchester and neighbourhood ' ['_ ^ Nottingham and neighbourhood , \[ 1 Q Newcastle and neighbourhood " , Sheffield ... ... ... ;;; ™ Truro and County of Cornwall . j 0 Worcester ... .. ¦ . ... '" , » York ( City ) ' "' . Scotland ... # , )( V Ireland ... 20
£ 610 Those places marked with a ( C . ) were , I belie * represented by Bronterre in the late " Convention - I would recommend that public meetings take plia in all the towns I have mentioned above , and otna also , for the purpose of appointing treasurer * , toU » tors , tc , and that they be confirmed by the " Cmtnt Committee" sitting at Leeds . ^ My friends , as I said before , that plan I « nt to th Northern Star office , some eight or nine months stm * it was rather longer then than now , and owing to iti length it was refused insertion in that paper . I do wt
wish this as a censure on the Star , far from It- i appreciate much the exertions of that talented » tW fearless advocate of the rights of Englishmen Mt " Tribute" was then to give O'Brien thopower d bringing eut " a Southern Star , ' for dark indeed is ti , political atmosphere of the South . Ym ulTe jjj Northern Star for the North , we want a Southern Star for the South ; then with the brave O'Connor in tin North , and the unflinching O'Brien in the South , vi wight soon def ? the power of the vilest of theinat vile of Governments that ever swayed the destiniei i Britain .
My friends , as Secretary to the " O'Brien Fnqd ' h Brighton , I can auswer for the men of Brighton ml scribing their quota ; when I say that they have , fa the past nine quarters , elected me their actia Secretary to their Political Association , surely I « take on myself the duty of answering for tfaeir aunia forward in so noble an undertaking . . ¦ .. " » My friends , I most conclude by sofescribfng mrid ! your fellow disciple Of James Bronterre O'Brien , Nathasie ' l Mosliko , Secretary to the Brighton March 6 th , I 8 « . NatiOnal CUWtWA 8 £ 06 iltS * 22 , Albion-street , Brighton . P . S . Since the foregoing was written , I have fcetf that Mr . Woodward has received a latter from j « Committee ; I shall see him tbia evening , sod we vl con over its contents . N . M . 1
&Atmtit$& Frr.
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From the London Gazettt of Friday , April 16 . BANKRUP 1 S . Ball , W ., Paternoster-row , bookseller , April 28 U ¦ : at half-past one , May 28 , at twelve ; at tho Court i Bankruptcy , Basinghall-street Attorney , Lewis , Ver » lam-buildings . Arnold , T ., Paternoster-row , bookseller , April 23 , si two , May 28 , at twelve ; at the Court of Bankruptcj , Basinghall-street Attorney , Lewis , Yerulani-feuildings . Elphick , London-wall , licensed victuler , April 21 , at one , May 21 , at eleven ; at the Court of Bant ruptoy ^ Basinghall-street . Attorney , Bow-lane , Cheap side . > ¦ . ' . Wakefleld , F . and C . GK , Old Broad-street , broken , April 28 , May 28 , at eleven ; at the Court of Bant ¦ ruptcy , Basinghall-street . Attorneys , Egan and Co , Essex-strand . .
Bedingfield , Susannah , Needbam-niarket , Suffoli yarn-manufacturor , April 3 « , May 28 , at twelve , at thi Crown and Anchor Inn , Ipswich . Attorneys , Marriott Suffolk : and Jones and Co ., John-street , Bedford
row . . Bedingfield , J ., Stowmsrket , Suffolk , surgeon , Apri 30 , May 28 , at one , at the Crown and Anchor In& Ipswich . Attorneys , Gudgeon , Stowmarket ; an * Walter and Pemberion , Symond ' s Inn , Cbanwrf lane . . Price , J ., Purdy , J ., and Price , X , jnn ., Teovil , So * eT 8 etshire , linen-drapers , May 3 , ami 28 , » t eleven , s the Bull Inn , Btidport . Attorneys , Batten , jun . \ e * vil ; and Clowes and Wediake , King ' s Beiicli-walk Temple . , HepperyC ., Liverpool , hotel-keeper , May 7 , 28 , d one , at the Clarendon-rooms , Liverpool . Attorney * Howard , Drury-laae , Liverpool j and Baxter , lintolu * inn-fields . Nicholson , J ., Cheltenham , brewer , April 26 , MaJ 28 , at eleven , at the Royal Hotel , Cheltenham , AttoJj neys , Bubb and Longwood , Cheltenham ; and Kor ana CcXothbory . . t
__ . _ Halliwell . W ., Manchester , eotton-ma nufaetut * May 4 , 28 , at , eleven , at tbe Com mlssionen ' -roo . i * Manchester . Attorneys , Hitchcock , Manchester ; ami Johnson and Co ., Temple . DISSOLUTIONS OF PARTNERSHIP . W . -and H . Leatham , Liverpool , builders-B . ana w . Oledhill and O . Hepworth , Hadderfleld . wwiia cloth-mahufacturew-O . E . and W . H , Statf , » b field , cntlers—J . and J . Priestley and J . sm »» Bradford , Yorkshire , worsted-spinners ; as » r regards J . Sraith—J . Tompkins and J . Aanton , wwr pool , printers—H . Moorhouse and B . H . SmlUi , » n » field , Yorkshire ; table-knife cutlers—It . T . * " and T . Cross , Kingston-upon-Hull , corn-aeWt *
Ff Attetieg.
ff attetieg .
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JOSEPH GOULDING AGAIN 1 ( From our London Correspondent . ) TOWSH 1 P-STBBBT POLICE COURT , SATTJBDAl , April 17—Mr . William Drake , a respeetabte shoemaker , carrying on business on his own account , in Brick-lane , Spitalfields , appeared to a summons obtained against him by the notorious Gronlding , whose participation in the memorable Bethnal Green meeting has been already made known to the readers of the Northern Star . The charge was this : —On the Sunday evening previous , Goulding was present at a lecture given at the Hall of Sdenoe , City Boad , where iie was seated on the platform , in company with the Reverend Richard Cartile , his son , and the lady who lectured on the occasion , whom Goulding described as Mrs . Carlile . " The defendant was also present , in : ' -
the body of the meeting ; in the course of the evening , he advanced to tbe platform , and , addressing the audience said , " Are you aware you have got a Government spy in the room ; the fellow who betrayed the Bethnal Green Chartiata , and sold poor Boggis . " When the defendant said this , he was close to Gonlding " s elbow ; tbe audience arose , and a momentary confusion ensued ; Goulding addressing them , and assured he was not the character he had been represented to be , by which means order was restored , and nothing else transpired till the audience were separating ; when a young man mot the defendant ) addressing Goulding , said " I Bhould like •" " Liie what r inquired Goulding . " To run a hole through such a vagabond as you ; " replied the young man referred to . It was in consequence of this , that tbe present defendant was summoned .
Tbe complainant swotc that he went in continual bedily fear , and handed in to the Magistrate a letter from the Reverend Mr . Carlile , denouncing " the mad and mischievous Chartists , " and wishing Goulding success , as be ( the writer ) " knew him to be engaged in a good cause . " Strange to say , Mr . Broughton read this letter , \ which could not possibly have anything to do with the case . ) while he continually and repeatedly protected the " fellow" ( as defendant ' s solicitor termed him ) Goulding , from giving any answer to questions relative to tie Bithnal Green spy job , out of which Mr . Drake ' s denunciation arose .
In reply to ilr . Broughton , as to the complainant's credibility on hi * oath , Goulding swore that he did not teeiisvs jMui ctirist « Ttr rsJfted as a man , tboogb be bfclieved in his Jiitinily , and in a future state of rewards and punishments . He first described himself as a shoemaker , living at 173 , New North-strest , Castle-street , Fiusbury ; and afterwards stated that he was entitled by law to be cailed Keverend , as he had taken out a license for preaching as a Protestant Dissenter . He went in fear of personal violence , as he bad no doubt that the " low , ignorant fellows among tbe Chartists , who talked of burning houses and Btabbicg policemen , would not mind murdering him . " Mr . Hnnt , a solicitor , appeared on behalf of the defendant , ,-vnd contended that , though Goulding had gone through the form of taking an oath , it was plain there was nothing in the Holy Gospels , which bad been put into his hands , that could at all be considered binding on his conscience .
Mr . Broughton overruled the objection , inasmuch as the complainant had declared his belief in a state of future rewards and punishments , and this was deemed in law sufficiently binding on the consciences of persons giving evidence en oath . But even if ha were an infidel , or an atheist , that was no reason why he should be denounced to a public meeting , and be rendered liable to be torn in pieces ! Mr . Hunt then proceeded to cross-examine Goulding . Most of the questions , however , which tended to elucidate the share he took in the Berhnal Green affair , "were refused to be answered by the witness ; in
which Mr . Broujhton upheld him , on the ground that , even if he had armed the Chartists , and even if be were a spy , he was there under the protection of the law . Goulding swore positively that he hsd nothing to do with the arrest of Boggis , and that be knew of the circumstance cn ' y from reading it in the paper 1 ! He did not wear a short b ! ue cloak wtun Boggis was taken , nor was he near tbe spot that morning . He never advised a person named Spencer , nor any one eke thst he recollected , to take arms . He had known Mr . Drake , the defendant , about two years ; and had bad no dispute with him , U his knovltdge ; tbey might have had trorcf * , but he did not believe they ever quarreled .
An eccentric-loot ing personage named Wiiby , who described himself as a schoolmaster , came forward to support the complainant ' s al 2 ex » tion * . In reference to the person who propounded the experimental desire to drill a hole in ilr . Gilding's boiy , the witness did not say he was drunk , but thought he was mentally excited . He didnt beliei-e ihtre were four Chartists in the room . "When tbe defendant said , " Are you aware that yon have a Government spy in the room , " every body knew he meant Goulding . John Brett , a cabinet-maker , also supported tbe complainant" 8 charge : in his cross-examination , he said , when Drake first made tbe allegation , there was great disturbance and noise , souib talking one way and some another ; there was , however , plenty of time to cool , and they were cool enough afterwards ; for G-onlding got up and made a speech , but the defendant had left the meeting then .
M . T . Hunt then addressed the magistrate on behalf of the defendant . These parties had been connected together iu some transactions which involved tbe complainant in circumstances of more than strong suspicion : from some motive ( perhaps a very substantial one , for he was better off now > , Goulding had separated from the Chartists , when te had . trepanned them into an illegal meeting , and information bad been given ( it was believed by Goulding himself 1 to the higher powers . Bnt -where was this alleged breach of the peace , with which the defendant was cuirged , committed ? According to the complainant's own statement , it was at a time and in a place when and "where no respectaMe person would venture to be present They were hearing
a lecture , on a Sunday evening , from a woman wLom Goulding had sworn was Mrs . Cariile ; bat of whom the Ies 3 that was said the better . The defendant had used no threat , even by implication ; he had merely asked a question , whether the meeting " were aware th ^ t they had a spy among them ? ' Tiue , Goulding had sworn that he went in bodily fear , but his actions contradicted it , for he asserted that he came fortrard aJid laiUjifd the meeting , because he % oas belier likid than Drake , Were he ( the solicitor ) to go into other matters , the fellow Goulding would not look so pleased as he did then . On tbe whole , be contended it was not ruch a case as called for the interference of the magistrate .
Mr . Broughton said , there conld be no doubt that the complainant was entitled to tbe protection of the law , whatever he might once have been . If he had gone to the Court of Queen ' s Bench , he might have exhibited articles of the peace on his own affidavit , without any invistigation taking place , as was usual before a magistrate . As to his political or religious fancies—whether he chose to connect himself "with tbe ChartiJte or with Mr . Carlile , —whom he ( the magistrate ) thought fitted for another great building in the neighbourhood , ( St . Lukes , ) than for a Hall of Science —whether he choose to convert the Saviour into a mere spirit , or to take any otter fancy , he ( Mr . Broughton ) had nothing to do ¦ with it : any one who held him out to be A SPY was gailty of a serious offence , and answerable for any violence that might entue . He should thercforo require tbe defendant to find two sureties in £ 'i 0 each , and enter into his own recognizances in £ « , to answer any indictment that might be preferred against hira at the sessions .
The sureties wera instantly entered into , and the defendant was liberated . [ To those readers of the Star who may remember the circumstances which came to light before the committee of the Working Men ' s Association , appointed to inquire into the eoniluct of Goaldiu ? relative to the Bethnal Greeu spy-concocted meeting , it may not be uninteresting to know , that , since Mr . Guulding borrowed a few pence of Mrs Neesom to pay for a little sdup , and represented himself to be in a state of pecuniary destitution , Fortune has been more liberal in her dealings with that gentleman . He appeared in court , on this occasion , attired in the most fashionable manner , with a castly watch-equipage ( if not a watc ' . i ) , a massive gold ring on the little finger of his right hand , a slap-up cane , and all the paraphernalia of a West-end " swelL" Mr . Drake was attired as small tradesmen usually are ,
neatly but homely . Altogether , no « -ne could look at the complainant iwho described himself as a journeyman shoemaker ) aud the defendant , \ who was stated by the polieeman that served the summons on him , to be " a respectable master shoemaker , -who had been for some time in bis present house , ") without coming to the conclusion that journeyman-snobbing is a much better trade than matter snobbicg . " Never judge of a man by his dress , " is a trite but true axiom . Still , however , great credit Is due to such indcstrt as that of Mr . Goulding , by means of which so much has been accomplished in so short a period ; and that , too , without neglecting his wife and family ! We wish all honest journeymen shoemakers wuld " cut the puggy " to tho same tune as their brother Crispin does , by minding their own business , and letliag other people ' * alone , f li ! ! n
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6 TI * KORTHERN STAR . . ' .. ., < ,: ' ¦ - - . ¦ - ¦ ' ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ - ¦ : . - ¦ " . ' .. " ' " ' '
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family , and was living with hia wife at BallVpond , Islington , when she came to London and garo him into custody . Police constable , No . 18 , N division , proved having taken the prisoner into custody ; when , prior to betog informed of the charge . lie said , " 1 know what you want me for ; I can't keep two of them . " The prisoner did not deny the charge , but said that the prosecutrix had a husband alivi when lie married her . Prosecatrix—Yf s ; bat mj husband was transported for life , and I am not award that he is alive . Mr , Combe told thepnsouet that he was not warranted in marrying the prosecn * trix , and he should commit him for trial . A nict point of law might be raised upon the subject , but it would be left tor the consideration of th » Judp before whom he would be tried .
— - —~~ ^ s ^ ' " BiGAHr . —At Hatton Garden Police Office a Saturday last , George Juke * , a gardener , residia at Ball ' s-pond , IslinRton , was placed at-tbtfbij charged by Ellen BanfKrove , a pretty-looking yomj woman , with having intermarried with her whilt his former mfe was Jmnfr The prosecutrix htrint been sworn , stated that she resided at Korthold , Harrow . The prisoner , aboat twelve months aga introduced himself to her as a single man , and paii his addressee to her , and they were married * and th « result was the . birth of a child . The . prison * deserted her and the infant ; and she was after wards informed that he waa a married man , with 1
Untitled Article
From th $ G *» etU «/ IwaUv , dpril 3 * BANKRUPTS . « r » fc laM James Francis Edgley , wine-merehant , * f " i City , to surrender April 3 » , at two , ami jB 8 ^ ijj eleven , at theCjurt of Bankroptejr . ^^ i ^ b assignee , Baslngball-sUeet ; FrMMelds , h •»»»"' : buildings . : _ » . ( , {» ' ¦ Edward Ledfard , oil-crahar , Mfafleld , Jg ^ S ^ April 37 . and June 1 , at two . « ** *^* m £ 1 Rooms , Leeds . Watts , Dewsbnrjr , r ^^!! ? Battye . and Edwards , Ely-place , Holborn . l *» * % William Freeman Cot , ironmonger , CamteMflr * F ^ 26 , at eleven , and June 1 , at ten , at the Bull «» £ V £ | bridge . Hali , Brunwrick-row , < Jueen-sq « M »» « °° | bury , London ; Fosters , Cambridge . w « weifc I Lawrence Thomas Brown , innkeeper , V » w » d Gloucestershire , April 28 and June I . . •* *¦• ¦ « ,, » i Oiwge Inn , Newent Wiltons , GUmcWtJ * t P £ J | Newent ; Creeand $ on , VeruIam bttUdingi , ©« f ' J London . H John Berry , banker , LlTerpool . " ' M Thomas Burnard , merchant , Devon . m Ridford Potts , wool-broker , I- 'ff - _ .- M Jamet Diekson , draper , Neweartle-npoc-Tynr . m John Ilicklin , printer , Nottingham .. : M Uonry Smith , wine-merchant , Doncarter . . m
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 24, 1841, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct376/page/6/