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CABX 25 KE . —Gkbat asd Glosiocs DntoHstu-# to 9 is CoitKistoiunoii op the Luheraxioh of fusses O'Connor , Esq . 1 i- <) a Monday lasMthe j appointed for the liberation © f tills great aad ittfling patriot , considerable numbers of th « brave SdjcaTs of CaJdewgate spontaneously mustered is A » jjd and quick sneeeesion , with music and banners , isd , about eight o ' clock in tbe ' evening , paraded Cm ^ sease numbers ) the various streets of the town , to the ntter dismay and chagrin « f the slavish Whig -rew , who have Jong been priding themselves that Chartism was utterly dead in Carlisle ; but this « rii © d and heart-tkrilling display would , we hare T doubt , eonTinoe them of the oontrary . Indeed ,
torn the suddenness wan wfiioft toe whole exnibitiftB came spon us , we were really aetoanded i . The \ ffai and lengthened shouts dJ the thousands asrubied , for there is something awfully forbidding h Each an immmfift moving nan of human beings , jke waving of the banners , as we occasionally pagkt a sight of thea , as they passed the vivid r of the gas lamps , ami the thrilling sound of pipes and rattle of the drams , had a most electrify ing effect ! Indeed , a more cheering and Kml-stirring display we never before witnessed ; and jj is a strong and convincing proof of the devoted attachment which the people bear towards Mr . O'Connor . Previous to tbiB a public meeting had teen held , at which it wis agreed thai Mr . Jame <
Ar thur , of Carlisle , do represent the people of that r > at York , on Monday last , at the liberation of O'Connor . jtbWFORT , ( MoxHouTgSHiBE . )—On Monday , $ b 3 Uth alt ., the CWsisSjrlof this place showed tbemx elves like bold , tga ^^ and undaunted men , ^ s owing on this day ihg ^ peat , the noble , the firtt&as , and the brave , O * j ! &nor came forth from bis living tomb , in spue of ' vtjhig malice and tyranny . At one o ' clock , the Chartists were bosy taking flip and banners through the town , and in a few pinnies after they were flyteg from the houses of par fiee ^ dB h ) different parts of tbe town , to the peat Bkortifk&Uon of the dad-beat faction , the Whigs . Oo * large flag bore tbe inscription—^ Ma ? frost , Williams , and Jones , return to their native had . " To this was suspended She portraits ol
frost and O'Connor , beautifully decorated with pink , green , and white . The Sags were waving to s ad So in the breexe , nstil taken down by the Council at night , when there was a strong muster % g members ana non-members , who walked in feiomph to the Association room . The Council and tery many of the members wore rosettes , suspended by a ribbon round the Deck . Others wore large Ranches of green and white ribband in their bosom . After making seme arrangements , Mr . William Bxrtnas was called to tbe chair , who briefly opened the business with a few good remarks ; after which ] Mr . Cronin addressed the meeting at great length , pointing out tie many good acts he knew Mr . O'Connor to do in Ireland . Mr . C . showed git Mr . O'Connor was in Ireland what he is now ia England , struggling for the rights of the people . Ttirasalways his delight to suppress parsons , ma
iterate * , police , or any other humbug whs would Sue to oppress the poor man . Messrs . Hitching ? , Williams , Rock , and others addret&ed the meeting ja » spirit of democracy , all crowning the glorious O'Connor with laurels . Sach a spirit of patriotism sever prevailed as was shown as Newport on this occasion . The Secretary read the minutes of the hst meeting and they were approved of . Some ttt sembers were enrolled . Mr . O'Connor is rejpeelfaUy invited to Newport , on his return from Mertayr , Mind it is the blistered bands who do mrite him . We shall hare a good petition ready . Jk . Price , of Newbridge , is requested to pay his Ktwporc friends a visit at the same time . After ksiness was OTer , cheers were given for O'Connor , p ; osi , Wi lliams , and Jones , and all who are suffering in a righteoHS cause , A rote of thanks was firai to the chairman . Thus ended one of the mos ; ja&istic meetings held in Newport this long time .
BlXaABL— On Monday the Chartists of Hexhim celebrated the release or F . O'Connor , Esq ., the Bdeiaiigvble champion of liberty , by a social tea tart ; , held at Mr . John Hindmarih'a Temperance Hotel . Every soul seemed inspired wiih fresh a ? al and eocrase—every countenanoe beamed forth joy and gladness , because the real friend of the people was ocoe more at liberty and minding in the society cf those whose interests he is anxious to promote . Afiertsa , J . Ridley , Efq ., being called to the chair , opened the business of themeeriog , in a speech which did credit to his head and heart , congratulating the Chartists aa respects their present position , and rejoiced in the liberation of iheir friend Feargus O'Connor . The following sentiments were responded to in able and energetic addressee : — " The people ,
the only legitimate source of power , " responded to fcjUr . John Gray and Mr . James KelL " O'Conior , tbe champion of liberty , and may he long live to % bt the bit ties of the people , " responded to by Mr . John Avery and Mr . M . Hodgson " Frost , Williuns and Jones , and may they be speedily restored to their families and homes , " responded to by Mr . George Proud aaid Mr . John Hindmarsh . * The Charter , and may it speedily become the law of th « laud , " responded to by Mr . John Davidson and Mr . Mttthew Wilson . " The Press , and may itsporer be directed to the totsl annihilation of tynaay and wgrMrioBj -responded to by Mr . Gray and Mr . Wilson . Being late , the meeting thai broke up * bo . each returned borne , highly delighted with the entertainment of the evening .
HAWICK . —At a meeting of the Committee of the H » wkk Chanist Association , held last Monday evening , tbe following resolutions were agreed to : — 1 st . " That this Committee have observed with ez ^ eme regret the conduct of several Associations is London aid other places , as reported in the Star , h reference to John Collins . Tnat we consider such slOj prae : ices as that oi braving and beheading portraits , &c . as quite unbecoming men professing so sobk an object as the attainment of their just rights , and trust that these plans for increasing and greagthenicg our organisation will be discontinued for the future . " 2 ad . " That this Committee has teen nothing to alter the favourable opinion they tire always had of John Collins , or any thing which eoalc j * 5 ufy any body of Chartists in passing a vote of wa ^ t of confidence in him . " 3 rd . " That these resc-laaons be sent to the Northern Slar and Scottish Patrist newspapers . "
LONDON . —Middlesex Cocttt Council . —This bodv me : on Sunday lasi , at their usual piace , Mr . M'Grath in the chair . The Observation Committee reported—* That they considered the proceedings wi ; h regard to the election of the delegates to meet Fe ^ rcas O'Connor , Esq ., on bis liberation , had been conducted irregularly ; inasmuch as persons not laem ' teri of the council had been allowed to vote at theiaaetic ^ held at the Dispatch CoSee House . " Mr . Goodfellow reported— " That he kad visited the Tower Hamlets , and likewise the braziers and tapperraiihs . " Mr . Ridley reported— " That he bad lectured , on Sanday last , at the rooms in Siretton Grounds , Westminster . '' The Finance
CoEinittec brought up their report , from which it tpf > sar 3 the totil snm of money in ihcir hand ? , to fceet the erpence of the delegates , -nas £ 4 12 * . 5 i . ; Tar . oas sums haTing been advanced by private indi-Tidnals , showing the necessity of the localities immeiiatdy setting on foot a subscription to defray the atCcssiry expecces of the delegation , ilr . Wilson "withdrew hi 5 eoiiod , "which had been adjourned froffl last week , after leave having been given by the ttfcuciilcr ; present . Mr . Walton moved— " That &ch locaiiry keep tbe fuads of their locality , until a demind be made upon them , to meet tbe necessary « xpences from the Co-JEty Council . " Mr . Watkins » as appointed secretary , pro . tern ., in consequence tf ilr .-Wheeler ' s attendance a ; York .
iiEEnxG of 3 Iasoxs . —On SaturdaT last , the ¦ asoiis held their weekly meeting , Mr . Worthingfcsi wa 3 called to the chatr . The minHteg of ihie **« Qceting were read and confirmed , Mr . Wilson S > ve in the report from the County Council . Mr . aracp gave in a report from the deputation appointed to visit some divisions of the tailors' body . Mr . Wilson gave aa account of tke reception of banself and colleagues , which had been moat iiattering . Oa the evening of their visits to some other branches of the taiiors' body , they found one «« y of tOO , and another 400 . who had received
Uitm njost cordially , and one branch had promised tha ; their delegate to the general body should do ail that he possibly was able , to bring the subject gensrall j before the whole of the representatives . Alt . Walton opened the discussion as to the policy * bcn should be pursued by the working classes as ^ S&rdi the Com Law sgitation question . He contended thai the people would not be benefited , - and «* 5 the only measure likely to benefit the vrorkin ^ tasses , was Qie obtainment of the People's Charter . After a long disenssion , the debate was adjourned "anl the following Saturday .
DoTFoRD .- ^ Mr . Wall lectured here on Sunto J -ait , on the principles of the People's Charter , Paving by historical data the right of the people to "eiraBehise , how they bad been defrauded of their " jPtU , and ihe only means of obtaining their recog-Bmoa . Runrsi Fu > : d . —On Thursday- evening week , the P «*« of Mr . Whitehorn , grren to « ie mason ' s ^ h * m rimed for , for the purpose of assisting oe irmi for procuring a banner in honour of that )*<) jf « igable advocate of the people * rights , Feargus y Coano ^ Esq , The proeeeds amoanted to £ 3 13 s . 6 < L , wl
• which is expected to realise £ i mad upwards , * a « i deared ap . Sereral pateiotie songs were snng tter tne rafile had terminated , and the evening was geai amid the heigat of harmony acd eonriTiality . •«¦¦ Waiter , towards the conclusion of the eresii&g ' s tsitm aninients , returned thanks for the liberal ** toner ia wluch the members of the different localities" Had come forward on that occasion , and exprei ^ ed a ferv ent hope that the patriotie gentleman » r \ vnoffl they had evmeed % disposition to do o&OwT would soon be amongst them , » nd then they wottid proTe u > va 9 worid itai the Charfete were a Pewetfiii b « dy .
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Txi Pabtt xsd Cokcebt . —A numerously-attended tea-party and concert was given by the Kensington and Hammersmith locality on Tuesday evening last , at the Temperance Coffee House , Great Georgestreet , Knightsbridge , for the purpose of advancing the fond for O'Brien ' s press , and likewise a daily press . The company , which was most respectable , waa entertained till a late hour by the singing of numberless patriotic songs by Mrs . Fora , lars . Whitehorn , M . bs Ford , and other ladies , and by Messrs . Whitehorn , Ford , and other gentlemen . A number of spirited recitations were given in the course of the evening , and the company separated at a late hour , highly delighted with the fare produced , and the temperate pleasure which they had enjoyed .
BATH . —On Monday , there was a large meeting held to petition Parliament for the adoption of the People ' s Charter . From one thousand to twelve hundred attended . The petition was carried unanimously . CHELTENHAM . —So soon as the Ghartists of this town-heard of the liberation of Feargos O'Connor , they got up a social tea party at the Mechanic ' s Institution . The room was tastefully decorated with banners and portraits ; bat the most
conspicuous was a banner got up for the occasion by one of our friends , bearing the inscription of Feargus O'Connor , the true friend of tbe people . About one hundred and twenty assembled to do honour to the man whom the people love . After they had done ample justice to the tea , cake , &c ., Mr . Joseph Paris was called to the chair ; and many excellent speeches in illustration and support of appropriate and patriotic MBtimenta were do-UTexed , Atepert . his becaseBtus , but ipaee forbids its insertion .
BROKSGROVE . —A meeting of the Chsrtfets of this town took place in their room , on Monday evening , in honour of our esteemed friend , Feargus O'Connor , ' . Esq . The morning was ushered in by the firing of cannon , which continued at intervals daring the day . The time appointed being seven o dock , for the members to meet , a goodly number attended , and the health of our noble patriot , Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., was received with tremendous applause . Other toasts and songs followed , and a merry evening was spent .
DUBLIN . —The Universal Suffrage Association held their usual weekly meeting on Sunday last , Mr . Henry Clark in the chair . An address from Mr . Con Murray , a nailer iu exile , was read , after which several new members were enrolled , and notices for many more handed in to the Secretary . The meeting was addressed by Messrs . Wood , O'Higgins , O'Connell ( not Dan ) , R : ce , Dowling , Frefcbaarn , Bropby , and the Chairman . A vote of thanks was passed to Sharman Crawford , Fj ? q , M . F ., for having brought before the House at so early a period of the Session , the principles of the People ' s Charter . A vote of thanks was also passed to the patriotic English friends of the pejple of Ireland , for having sent within the lass week upwards of 400 Northern Stars and Scottish P atriots from various parts of England and Scotland . Mr . O'Hijrgins gave notice for next day of meeting , that he would bring forward a motion upon the subject of Mr . O'Conuell's solemn oath beftre a Commutes of the Houre
ol Lords in 182 & , relative to the disfrancbisement of the Forty Shilling Freeholders . Ilr . O'Connell is reported to have said at a meeting of the Loyal Association of Irelasd , held on Monday , the 23 rd instant , M When I waa examined before a Committee of the House of Lords on the subject of the Forty Shilling Franchise , I staud then , on my oath , that the remedy for the franchise would be the conceding of t . MVERSAX srFFiutB . 1 am the only public man in the British dominions who is bound by oath to the doctrine of Universal Suffrage . " This motion said Mr . O'Higgins , has become absolutely necessary in order to remind Mr . O'Connell of his oath , in tho hope of inducing him to abide by it . Thanks were given to the Chairman , and the
meeting gave three hearty cheers for the Radical friends in England and Scotland , and one cheer more for Mr . Con Murray , the Irish Catholic nailor in exile , and his Scotch Radical companions . tEXCESTEB . —Though the distance of York from Leicester rendered the idea of sending an effective deputation to greet our liberated chief , rather too formidable a matter for the lean pockets of halffamishedframework-knitters ; yetjit was determined thai the day should not pass without honourable observance in the central town of tbe Midland ? . A public meeting was held in the Market-place , at noon ; at least two thousand working men were present , end tbe greatest emhnsiasm was manifested during the delivery of brief addresses by Messrs .
Smart , Cooper , Markh&m , and Bowman . The Exchange dock struck one , before one of the speakers w&s aware , and without signai , the multitude burst into a spontaneous shout , which was repeated to three times three . The evening , however , was the most exhilirating part of the festive day . Flags had been hoisted at early morn , from Mr . Coopers windows , the shop-front was bedecked with green bongos , wreaths of flowers , and a picture of the great patriot , and at dusk , a tasteful illumination was displayed , the window being got up with a device of arches of flowers , mingled with portraits , and inscriptions , such as " O'Connor our pride and glory , " "The People ' s Charter , and well have it , ' &c One hundred and seventy sat down , at five
o ' clock , to tea ; dancing commenced in one room , as soon as the tables were removed , speaking iu another , and singing in another , and between dusk and one in the morning , from four to five hundred persons crowded the rooms , all eager to testify their sympathy with Chartist joy , and their exultation at the liberation of the Chartist chief . The crowd outside the house amounted at dusk , to more than three thousand , and Messrs Cooper and Markham were compelled to get on the leads of the shop-windows to address them . Enrolment of new members goes on rapidly , and by the time that the beloved and revered Feargus mikes his visit to us , ( and % triumphant entry he will have ) he will find such a compact and determined phalanx gathered round the banner of the Charter , as vrill rejoice his patriotic heart .
SOTTOTCHABI . —On Sunday last , Mr . Bairstow preached on the Forest to an attentive audience of some thousands .. Release op F . O'Connor . —On Monday , a great number of the Chartists assembled in tho large room of the King George on Horseback , and the moment the clock had struck one , commenced firing a feu de joie of small arms from the windows looking into lung-square , and kept this constantly up for an hour ,, the multitude collected in the squarj frequently cheering duringtbe ceremony . In the
afternoon , parties adjourned to the Forest acd partook of a comfortable tea upon God ' s green earth and beneath heaven ' s wide capopy . Dancing and other mirthful sports wer « continued all the afternoon ; in the evening , they again assembled in great nnmbers at the Chartist weekly meeting , held in the Democratic Chapel , Rice-place , ani to the George on Horseback , where a free and easy was held , to celebrate the liberation of the lion from his cage . The society of shoemakers came to the Democratic Chapel and paid for their cards and gave their first contribution to the National Charter Association .
Mr . Russell , and Mr . J . W . Bostoek addressed the meeting . We are making rapid progress , and the middle class manifest their approval of our conduct by attending our meetings . On Sunday last , Mr . G . Harrison' preached at Ruddington , a country village , in the open air , kis address lasted two hours and a-half , and gave general satisfaction . TBORNTOK . —Our weekly meeting was held on Monday evening ,, when several animated speeches were delivered , and an accession of fourteen members were added to our nnmber . Jt being tbe day when the great champion of our rights waB emerging from his prison , joy seemed to beam in every countenance , and cheers , leud and long , were given on the occasion .
ARNOLD . —The eonnei ] for the Arnold Association has been rechofeen , and their names are as follows : —James Hardy , Isaac Thorp , William Brown , William Bates , Saul Cundy , Daniel Cliff , treasurer , John Hardy , secretary . KINROSS . —This day ( Monday ) being the day of liberation to our indomitable patriot , Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., a number of il&gB were hoisted here in honour of that event , through the day ; in tbe evening we had a splendid torch light procession . A resolution , proposing confidence in Feargos O'Connor , and ah invitation to him to call at this place , on his tour through Scotland , were carried with heaven rending oheers , WBf&ATON . —The liberation of Mr . Feargus
O'Connor was celebrated by the Chartists of Winlaton by the firing of fourteen small cannon at different intervals during the afternoon of Monday , and in the evening a public meeting was held , Mr . T . Nicholson , a working man , in the chair , and the following resolution was passed : — " That this meeting hails with delight the liberation of that noble patriot , Feargus O'Connor , from the accursed Whig dungeon ; and in order to shew our attachment to and confidence in that incorruptible friend of the working millions , we pledge ourselves immediately to join the National Charter Association , and never to cease agitating until tbe Charter becomes tbe law of the land . "
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PBTERaKAD . —Mr . Archibald M'Donald , Chairman of the Aberdeen Charter Union , leotared here on Wednesday night week , on the present state of the country , shewing that the causa why the working classes are reduced to their present wretched condition is owing to the exclusive system of legislation which has so long- curbed the efitrgy And persevering industry of the people . SUlfDER&AND . —On . Friday evening last , a grand and most enthusiastic meeting was held in the Arcade Room , Sunder land , to consider the propriety of Bending a delegate to York , to welcome Mr , O'Connor on Mb liberation , and als * to invite him to visit Sunderland . Resolutions , expressive of the joy of the meeting » t Mr . O'Connor ' s liberation , and appointing Mr . fiions as delegate to convey the sentiments of tbe meeting , aad also to give him a pressing invitation to visit Sonderland , were unanimously and enthusiastically carried . .
Lifb Boat House . —Oa S «» d » y afternoon Mr . Williams lectured at the Life Boat House . SOUTHWICK . —Oa Friday evening last Mr . WilliamB lectured at this place in sappport of total abstinence . . XJUttBBTH . —We learn with pleasure that tbe mea of Lambeth , having been , during the agitation , continually at tbe mercy of the enemy for a meet * ing-house , have nobly determined oa opening a Chartist Hail and Coffee House on their own account , which they have done-at iso . 1 , Chio * Walk , Lambeth Walk ; The above ., was opened on Monday evening last , for the purpose of celebrating tse release of Feargus O'Connor . Although the house was only taken at two o ' clock on that day , tbe Cottmitm ^ tfcwamed onnpMrtiiE it firihn oelebrsttta of the day ; and , at about *«» a- © W © ekai good master of the godd sad troe tbw » of lA&betli , ' with »
goodly portion of the fail ? sex , sfci down toaeomlortaole tea , whioh was got up in a most excellent manner , considering the abort time the Committee had for their labours . After tea several patriotic and other songs aud recitations were given by Messrs . Fennell , Keen , Taylor , and others ; tke ladies also exerted their vocal powers on this occasion . The following resolution was proposed and carried with acclamation : — That this meeting hails with pleasure and delight the release of that champion of our rights , Feargus O'Connor ; and do pledge ourselves never to ceaat agitation nmil the peoples Charter becomes the law or the land . " The health of Mr . O'Connor was drank wiih cheers . It was then announced that tbe membsrs of tbe National Charter Association would m « et in the Hail every Tuesday evening , and the numerous company then separated .
Toweb . Hut let * . —At a meeting of female Chartists of this locality , on Monday evening , Mrs . Simmons in the chair , a levy of three-half-pence was made upon all members , in order to pay the expences of our London delegates , who west down to do honour to that champion of our rights , Feargus O'Connor , Esq . ; the levy money collected was 65 . 6 d . City op Lo . ndor . —The cards of Chartist membership have been lodged , by the County Finance Committee , with Ilr . Watkins , 9 , Bell-Yard , Temple-Bar , for the convenience of purchasers from the several London localities .
HKBOKN-BRXDGS . —Mr . Leach , from Manchester , delivered a lecture in the large room in the White Horse Inn , to an overwhelming audience , who appeared to be highly gratified . Monday being the day on which the brave and patriotic O'Connor was to leave his place of unjust and cruel confinement , the peopl « of the neighbourhood assembled in thousands to witness the illumination of the Cnartist Association Room , and the casting off of their balloon . The church bells of Heptonstall sent forth a merry peal on this joyous occasion , and the evening was spent by the members of the association in a manner worthy of the joyous
occasion . rotherham . —The Chartists here held their usual weekly megting for discussion on Tuesday evening . After a " discussion on tho tnbjeet of the Corn Laws , Mr . Parks proceeded to read and comment on some parts of the Charter . Three new members were enrolled ; the cause here wears a successful aspect . KORTHA 2 CPTON . The members of the Wortcing Men ' s Association met on Monday evening , and after the necessary preliminaries , dissolved the asBOc ' a ion , and appointed a perron to enroll names for the National Charter Association . It being necesearily late before the business of enrollment could eommenee . onlv twent ? -four were enrolled thai
night , and to afford the opportunity to others , Mr . T . M'Farlane will attend at the Association Room , Carlisle-street , between the hours of two and four on Sunday afternoon , September the &ih > for tbe purpose of receiving the names of those who may wish to join . The ChartistB of Northampton" will hold their weekly meetings on Monday nights as usual . BHETF 1 BLJ > . —( From our own Correspondent * J —Public Meeting . —A public meeting was _ held on Saturday evening , August 28 th , in the Association Room , Fig-tree-lane , called to consider the propriety of sending a deputation to York , to congratulate Feargns O'Connor , Esq . on his liberation . The Dlacard calling the meeting also challenged the
Dissenting Ministers who had figured in the late Manchester Conference , to come forward and defend their conduct in excluding tbe Chartist Ministers , and to show , if they could , that the humbug of Corn Law Repeal was calculated to remove the distress of the people . We hardly need say , that none of the " Reverend" Gentlemen invited made their appearance . At eight o ' clock , Mr . Joseph Marsh was called to the chair . The Chairman having stated tho business and read the address from the York Demonstration Committee , which appeared in last week ' s Star , Mr . G . J . Harney was appointed delegate . Mr . Harney proposed the following resolution in a lengthy address , That this meeting declares that it has no confidence in either the
Ministers who composed the Manchester Conference , or in the measures they propose for the relief of the commercial embarrassments of the country , or for the relief of the distre « sed and neglected working classes . That this meeting also call upon their fellow-countrymen throngbout Great Briiain to unite with them to claim and seifcd upon theit political rights , especially as they have witnessed that even the Ministers 01 religion , though they admitted laymen and permitted them to speak , excluded the Chartist preachers , and would not hear their advocates whom the people themselves have elected for the especial purpose of pleading their cause and for their interests . " The motion was seconded by Mr .
M'Kettrick and carried unanimously . Mr . Gill moved the second resolution , " That it is the opinion of this meeting , that the present constituency cannot , however it may be inclined , repeal the Corn Laws , and that nothing but an extension of the suffrage , as defined in the People's Charter , can give Englishmen cheap food , and constant employment with remunerating wages , protection from the aggression a and injuries of the rich , or that independence whioh is the glory and safety of every man that is born free , or that is iu possession of a rational liberty . " Mr . Harrison seconded the resolution , which was unanimously adopted . Thanks being voted to the Chairman , the meeting dissolved .
Lectckk . —On Sunday evening , Mr . Beal lectured on " Poetry , " in the Association Room . A very good audience was present . The Black Slugs again !—The truth of the following may be inlly relied on . Aioungman who had been confined " sick unto death" fer a considerable time , feeling life ' s eaads run fast , solicited his parents to request the attendance of a certain minister of the Establishment , whose church stands not a hundred mile 3 ' WALK from Nether-green , that , at the hand of the minister of . God , the dying man might receive the last consolations ot religion ; his pirents being religious people , songbt to give their son the comfort he required without troubling the minister ; but he still wishing for the minister ' s attendance , the father went to the residence of the
Rev . Gentleman , whom he found , on inq \ ury , dres 8 ing to go out ; the father told his business , but hiB reverence stated he could not oome then , as he was Jasi going oat to dinner ] The father remonstrated , and begged of the minister to come aud pray with his son as the sufferer was dying : he coldly refused , adding he would come to-morrow . The father departed . To-morrow came , and with that morrow , the minister , his" revereaoe knocked at the door ; it was opened by the father . " I hare come to prey with your son , ' * said the dinner-loving parson . ! "Myson is in heaven , and needs not your prayers now ; " was the reply of the grieved indignant parent : his son had closed his earthly cares some hours before his reverence reached the house of mourning . O Christianity , how are thy precepts violated , when thy miniatera thus outrage private feeling and public d * oency , to the injury of those whom they afflict , and to the desecration of thy sawed
name . Post-Office RECgmse Houses . ^—The Post-Masser-General has authorised the establishment in Sheffield , of five receiving-houses for letters . We understand the following are the p laces fixed upon : —Glossop Road—Near the Railway ( Wiiker)—Shefiield Moor—Shales Moor , and Duke Street ( Park . )
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; ilteI * TON . —IVe have received a most cheering communication in reference to the state and prospeeta ^ f Chartism in this town , all seems to be going on well . - ¦/¦ ¦ ¦ ~ - ;' •¦ ¦¦ ., ' - . ; - ¦ ¦ CHEBTERFIEL © AND BHOMPTON .-Mr . Mefc , the demonstration delegate , gave in his report on Tuesday evening , and received thanks . Thanks were also , voted to aa anonymous friend for the donation of ten shillings towards the expenoesoi ^ release delegation . *| i « WAN .--The working men © f this place hare determined to agitate for their rights j they begin to eee that there is no justice to be derived from the House of Commons aa at present constituted , the principal oSj ^ ot of both parties being to fleece the
working classes , and to retain place , pension , inflaeaoe , y affluence , and ease to themselves and their own elate . Au Association has been formed , called the Annan Chartist Association . c PRESTON . —On Monday evening lart , the Chartists of Proston mustered ia their room , Avenhamstreet , to commemorate the release of Mr . Feargus O'Connor from his unjust imprisonment , Mr . T . Murphy in the ohair . The meeting was addressed by Messrs . Halton , Swindlehurst , Oddleham , and Mr . iilenry ^ Swindlehurst . Three hearty oheers were given for Feargu 9 O'Connor , the speedy release of Fro& , Williams , and Jones , and the Chartists of old trelandi The company then broke up at a late hour . »•
REODITCH . —On Monday last the Chartists of Redditoh met at the Feargus O'Connor ' s Arms , and dined together . Oa every face was depicted joy pd .. gladness at the return , of thai noble of natuYe amo ^ g ^ iafe ' Ilow-qfeatures .,. About ^ ight o ' clock the ajsemyliHi ^ ttWanjtacaalient re past , prepared by Mr . fPM ^ PresscOtt . 'Many patriotic sentiments were * 9 ren from the chair , and duly responded to . Songs , recitations , speeches , &c , were kept up till a late hour : headless CROSS . —The female Chartists met on Monday evening last to celebrate the release of Feargus O'Connor , £ 39 . They hope to hare a visit from Mr . O'Connor when he oomes to Birmingham , the distance being only twelve miles .
TROWBRIDGE . —On Monday last a public meeting was held at tbe Democratic Chapel , in honour of the release of Feargus O'Connor , Esq . and Mr . William Carrier from the hand 9 of Whig tyranny . The chapel was crammed almost to suffocation . A collection was made iu the chapel , and 10 s . 6 i . collected aud sent off immediately . Three cheers vrere given for' O'Connor , and tho meeting separated . MANCHESTER—Browm-Sxrbet Chartist Rooms . —On Sunday evening last , Mr . Wm . Shearer delivered a lecture on the necessity of cleansing the State from the impurities engendered by class legislation .
Liberation op Fsargus O'Connor . —On Monday morning one spirit of animation seemed to fill the breasts of every male and female in the district , foi no sooner was a now flag , that had been painted for the purpose hoisted through the window of the large meeting roam , bearing the inscription— " In honour of the liberation of Feargus O'Connor from the Whig dungeon , after sixteen mouths' incarceration , for advocating the rights of fhe working classes , " than ono universal shout rent the air , of long life to FearguB O'Conuor , tho people ' s friend . The evening was afterwards spent in a joyous manner . LficruRB . —Mr . Campbell lectured in Salter-street , on Tuesday night ; iu Tib-street , on Sunday night ; and in Eocles , on Monday night .
© ROTTLSDEN . —The Chartists or this place held their weekly meeting on Monday , when it waa resolved , " That the thanks of the meeting be given to Mr . Peter Bropby and Mr . O'Higgins , for the spirited and manly manner iu which they have met the false and slanderous charges of Mr . O'Connell . MANSFIELD .--Mr . Bairatow lectured here on Thursday night , at the conclusion Thomas Dutton stated to the meeting that a letter had arrived announcing that F . O'Connor would be liberated from th « tyrants . Three cheers were given separately for Frost , WiUiamS f and Jonea ; F . O'Connor , the Charter , and the lecturer . The cause is progressing rapidly here .
ASHBTJTHTON . —Devon . —The Chartists of this town and Bookfastleigh , hailed the joyful news of the liberation of FeargOB O'Connor , Esq . from tne Whig dungeon , more so than if the greatest royal personage was to visit the town . We hope the day will arrive whan that gentleman will pay the Chartists of Devon a visit , by taking a tour through the county . . , The Distress here and at Bnokfastleigh is very great , numbers of wooloombers are out of employment , and are driven to great privations .
WORCESTER . —As soon as the news reached here of the release of O'Connor , we commenced preparations for holding a festival in honour of the joyful event . On Monday evening , a highly respectable company sat down to an excellent tea , which was ably got " up and managed by Mesdames Young and Mowbray . After the tea and good things of this life had been amply discussed , several very appropriate songs aud recitations were delivered in excellent style , at the conclusion of which dancing commenced , and was kept up till an early hour next morning , when the company separated , all expressing tbemsolvoa highly deligh t ed with the evening ' s amusement .
At a Meeting of the Chartists of this city , held on Tuesday evening , the following resolution was adopted : — " That the Chartists of Worcester rejoice with their brother Chartists throagbout the United Kingdom , at the release of that man of the people , Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., and pledge themselves to stand by him , so long as ho advocates the people ' s rifeht to enjoy Universal Suffrage aud the other points of the Charter . " IlXACCZtESFX £ I > D . —The Chartists of this town celebrated the release of Feargus O'Connor , by a grand festival , on Monday last . The rooms were decorated with evergreens , flowers , and appropriate devices ; the walla were hung with portraits of O'Connor , O'Brien , Emmett , and other illustrious patriots . In the evening , the rooms were most bfiltiantly illuminated in every part . Dancing , patriotic speeches , aud singing and recitations , were continued till a late hour .
ASHTON-iJNDER-LYNEf—At the weekly meeting of the Chartists of this town , heldin their room , Catherine-street , on Sunday last , it waa agreed to perform tho trial of Robert Emmett , Esq ., for the second time , in the Working Mea ' s Institution , Hyde , on the 11 th September . Chawiisi Change RiNGiNG . —On Monday , the college youths of Ashton ascended the tower of the parish church , and rang a true and complete peal in beautiful style , consisting of as many changes as Mr . O'Connor had been confined days and nights in the Whig Bastile- ^ 954 . The rector on hearing what they were ringing for , threatened to take the bell ropes off ; so another church is in danger of being made a Chartist church , for the ringers are all Chartists , and declare they will ring for no other purpose .
HAMFAX —Mr . Leach lectured here on Wednesday week , in the Odd Fellows' Hall , to a very numerous and attentive audience . The council have taken a commodious room , capable of holding 600 or 700 , situate at the back of the White Swan yard , which will be opened ou Sunday next . Delegate Meeting . —A delegate meeting was held in the Association Room , on Monday last , to make arrangements for the demonstration , and for the reception of Mr . O'Connor . The meeting was adjourned to Sunday the 12 th of September , at two o ' clock in the forenoon . '
OLDHAM . —On Tuesday last , the annual tea party of the Oldham Relieving Sooiety , wad held in the Independent Methodist Upper School Room , George-street , when 150 persons sat down to tea . After tea was over , Richard Clarke , Esq ., of Roegreen , was unanimously called to the chair , and those present were addressed by Mr . Joseph Hulme , of Roe-green ; the Rev . W . Drummond , of Oldham , Messrs . Humphrey , Harper , and Joseph Armitt , of Manchester ; William Stringer , of Aahtou ; and others .
BRADFORD .-TheChartisisrfsidontin Bradford held their usual weekly meeting at the , house of Mr . R . Carrodus , North Tavern , w > ttb . -Btreet , when reports were received from the various localities , announcing their intention of using every means in their power to make a splendid demonstration when our noble chief shall visit Bradford . A plan of local lecturing was submitted to th » Co « nc $ l , and approved of . The meeting adjourned to Sunday , Sept . 5 th , at six o ' clock in the evening .
New Leeds—On Wednesday , a public meeting held at New Leeds , was ably addressed by Messrs . Alderson , Flinn , and others . On Saturday , Mr . Charles Connor lectured at Clayton , and was ^ afterwards entertained along with Mr . Flinn , the returned exile , at a supper provided for the occasion . On Monday . Mr . Finn lectured at ( b « faOHM ot Mr . Sedgwick , in Silt bridge-lane .
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BIBS . —Is this place a splendid transparency , containing portraits of distinguished patriots , in the centre of whioh was the brave O'Connor , was exhibited , brilliantly illuminated , on Monday evening , in honour of O Connor ' s liberation . It was the production of a fervent admirer , and excited the admiration of all who saw it . H 0 NSLET . —At the weekly meeting of this increasingly important society , held in the Temperance Nowa Room , on iTuesday evening last , much important business was transacted , io a manner which shews that working men when actuated by right principles , are perftotly competent to manage their owa affairs . Alter the financial business had been gone through , Mr . Hick , the delegate to the O'Connor Demonstration , gave in his report of the proceedings at York , which crave creat satisfaction
to the members of th « National Charter Association present , by whom many hearty good wishes for the health and happiness ot our glorious champion were breathed most fervently . After the report , of the delegate had been received , a conversation took place aa to the propriety of petitioning the House of Commons for an inquiry into the silent system , aud it was ultimately resolved that a deputation should wait npon the constable , requesting him to call the meeting , whieh will bo held at Stocks Hill , in Hunslet , oa Tuesday evening next , at seven o ' clock . Mr . T . B . Smith , Mr . Hick , the Chartist Poet , and other friends are expeoted to attend . Thia business being dispersed of , it was resolved that a meeting should be held on Hunslet Carr , on Sunday ( to-morrow ) morning , at half-past ten o ' clock . Mr . T . B . Smith has engaged to preaoh on the occasion . The meeting then separated .
STgOCKPORT—Jutenilk Chartist Amusement SociETr . —Ttrt above sooi « ty heJdairee concert , ia the Charter Association Room , Bomber's-brow , on Monday evening , to commemorate the release of that noble patriot Feargus O'Connor , Esq . Haslegrotb . —On Monday evening last , a public meeting was called for the purpose of forming a Branch of the National Charter Association . The room was crowded to suffocation . Mr . George Bradburn , one of the Stookport Council was called to the chair . It was resolved , "That it is the opinion of this meeting , that' the present distress
whioh exists in this country ia in consequence of the unjust system , of class legislation , and that we never shall have justice doae to us until the People ' s Charter become the law of the land , aud that we pledge ourselves to use every constitutional meana to obtain the Charter . " " That in order to carry the foregoing resolution , it is the duty of every person present to . earol themselves as members of the National Charter Association . " After a vote of thanks was given to the Chairman , three oheers for Feancus O'Connor , and three for Frost , Williams , and Jones , the meetiug separated .
GLASGOW . Parkhead . —Monday morning , although wet , waa ushered iu with rejoicings for the liberation of Feargus O'Connor . Parkhead and Camlauohre , and the other villages around Glasgow , hung out their flt ^ s , aud prepared to hold meetings on the occasion ; Messrs . M'Kay , from Bridgoton , Currie , from Glasgow , and Killfillan , from Rutherglen , attended . The hall was illuminated with a candle in every pane of the windows , with a transpareiioy bearing the mottos of Universal Suffrage , Annual Parliaments , Vofco by Ballot , &c . Mr . Kennedy was called to the chair , who briefly alluded to the object of the meeting , and introduced Mr . M'Kay , from Bridgoton , who kept the meeting in motion until the arrival of Currie and Killfillan .
Currie then delivered , with a few additions on the subject of the meeting , his lecture on democracy Mr . Killfillan followed , and passed a high eulogium on the sacrifices of tho O'Conuor family for liberty and Ireland . Mr . Smellie then proposed the following motion , whioh was unanimously carried ;—" That we , the Chartists of Peterhead and West Muir , faail with unfeigned pleasure the emancipation of their unflinching frieud and advocate F . O'Connor , from the coldvnlh and dismal cell of York Castle , and that they agree along with their Chartist friends in Glasgow and surrounding districts , to vrelcome him when he arrives in the sweet Metropolis of old
Scotland , and that they would never cease to agitate until the Charter became the law of the land . " A vote of thanks was then given to those from Glasgow , three cheers for O Connor , three for the poor fellows still in gaols , three for the departed Republicans of Birkhead , three for the Charter , and three for the Chairman , when the meeting dissolved . A large party then adjourned to the Cooperative Store , where the health of Feargus O'Connor was drank with all the honours . Many other convivial parties assembled in various parts of the oity and suburbs , in honour of O'Connor ' s Uber&tioa , some of whom kept it op until a late hour
KIDDEBMINBTE& —The Chartists of this town held a ball 00 . Monday laat , in honour of that hold and unflinching patriot , Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., at the White Horse Inn . After a short dance or two , the assembly were addressed by Mr . Chariton , who proposed the health of Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., and may he live long to watch over the ri ghts ana liberties of the people . BRIGHTON . —A meeting of the Chartists , most numerously attended , was held at the Cap of Liberty , Portland-street , on Monday evening last , to celebrate the release of the people ' s champion , Feargus O'Connor , Esq . Toasts were gives , excellent songs Bung , aud a most happy and harmonious evening was spent . NEWCASTLE . —The Chartists of this town called a public meeting for Wednesday evening , to elect a delegate to meet Mr . O'Connor at his prison gates . Mr . Mason was elected .
A public meeting was held in the Spittal , ( the site of the battle of the F jrth ) , on Monday evening , at seven o ' clock , for the purpose of celebrating the release of Feargus O'Connor , Eaq . Mr . R . C Crothers was called to the chair It was oarried unanimously , amidst deafening cheers , " That this meeting hail with extreme delight the release of Feargus O'Connor , Esq . from the fangs of the Whigs , and as a proof of our confidence in , and attachment to , that incorruptible friend of the millions , we immediately enrol ourselves members of the National Charter Association of Great Britain , with a firm determination never to cease agitating until the Charter is made the law of the land . "
BIRMINGHAM . —Frost , Williams , and Jones . —The General Restoration Committee of Birmingham held its usual weekly meeting on Tuesday evening last , at the Charter Association Room , Freeman-street , Birmingham . Mr . Hopkins in tho chair , when Messrs . Green , Thorn , and Thompson were appointed , with the secretaries , to draw up a Becond memorial in favour of the victims to the New Home Secretary , in consequence of no answer being received to the one sent to the Marquis of
Normauby . Mr . R . Thompson having returned and tendered his resignation as Secretary of this Committee , it was accepted , grounded oa his being unable to attend to the duties thereof , and after the due instalment of Mr . T . H . Shaw into that office , a vote of thanks was unanimously presented ( 0 Mr . Thompson for his past services as secretary to this Committee . Messrs . Carter and Thornton were elected members of this Committee . —All communications to be addressed to the care of Mr . Guest , bookseller , Steelhouse-lane , Birmingham .
NEWRY . —On Monday evening last , the Chartists of this town held a tea party in honour ot' the liberation of our own countryman , that uncom prising patriot , Feargus O'Connor , Esq . The party was composed of au equal number of both sexes * who congratulated each other upon the benefit which the cause would derive from the liberation of our noble hero . Chartism is rapidly spreading iu this neighbourhood . SAUSBURV . — The Chartists of Salisbury moat respectfully . congratulate Feargus O'Connor , Esq , qn his-release from a felon's ceil , and beg to assure him that they place implicit confidence in him as their most sincere leader .
NEWTON HEATH . —The spirited Chartists of this place being anxious to show their respect to the much-esteemed and beloved advocate of the people ' s rights , and to commemorate his release , determined on a lectare « n Monday evening , Tboroom was filled almost to = 8 Uffocation . Mr . Robert Kellet was unanimously called to the chair , and introduced Mr . John Massey , who gave the factions a real brushing down . ¦ . .
WABRXNGTON . —Mr . Hoghton lectured here on Wednesday night , to a large audience . Mr . Webster lectured on Sunday night . The glorious news of O'Connpr ' a liheratioo ffitod « ye » j CfaartisV * hear t with joy ; but it disheartened them that they could not attend at the gates Qf York Castle in the person of a delegate , to do honour to the victim . They were determined that the day should not pass over silently in Wanington , and it was arranged that meetings should be held aV three jpublie places , half an hour previous to the time for liberation : Messrs . Webster , Croly , Burton , Hoghton , Conway , and Lowe were appointed to attend . Large audiencea assembled , » ad at one o ' clock three hearty oheers wore giten for the gallant O'Connor .
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,- > '"¦ *? % ? : : - ' ¦ > £ — * j £ <^ y '' ' S-jf ' ¥ ' - ¦ ¥ < ¦¦¦ ' / - ^¦' /¦ f ^ -i zs ^ . r ~ sj £ s prz <* jt i ] r ? Z&c- ot ^ % ^ S >^ - ^^ ' i f ' ls ^ ¦ ¦ jr ^ ¦ ' -. < r ^^^ i ^ gt ^ f r EDINBURGH *—There was a public eafertaifr '" ment at Gorgie Mills » n Monday , the 23 rd ult . ; if was conducted with great propriety and to tha satisfactton of all present . Thia meeting , though * " " public , waa hold for a private reason . It is well , - known to the people of Edinburgh that the people of
Gorgie -are principally supported ° J Messri S . and G . Cox , in their various employments ; but they have shown themselves men of feeling They have given the people th # choice ot a room , with an excellent selection of various works from the most eminent authors , with coal and candles free . What can we say when we see men unito their powers to serve their fellow-men ! Suck honourable acts , which breathe so much lore aa £ charity , we cannot too deeply respect . The entertainment was highly satisfactory .
WOTTON-TJNDER-EDGE . A publi meeting was held here , on Monday evening , ia honour of Feargus O'Connor ' s liberation . BEEMONDSEV .-At the weekly meeting tha following resolution / was unanimously passed : — That the thanks of this meeting he given ; to Messrs . O Higgins and Brophy , ; and all honest Chartists in Ireland , for their noble and manly exertions in to * cause of the working millions , iu coming forward is the midst of » U opposition in support of the People ' s Charter , and trust they will continue ( through evil and good report ) their exertions ia the good work 80 nobly begun . " ¦» ¦ .
HACKNEY " . —On Tuesday night , a meeting took place in this the most aristocratic portion of the Tower Hamlets , for the purpose of forming a branch of the Natioual Charter Association of Great Britain . This is the first attempt at tho formation of a Charter Association in thiB district , and do is great credit to the originators of it , who are a few of tho working men living in the neighbourhood . Thd meeting took place at Mr . Weston ' s Temperanca Hotel , Man-street , who kindly granted the use of ft very commodious room for the purpose . Mr . Cook , workin
sen ., a g man , was appointed to tha chair . Several friends from a distance addressed the persons present upon the objects of th n meeting and tho nature of the principles of the Charter , and a delegate from the London Council moved the formation of a branch , which was oarried . The landlord expressed himself in favour of associations of thfa description , stating that he had taken uo part in politics since the time ot the Birmingham Political Uniou ; but that he thought it time to arouse himself , aud would give all the assistance in his power towarda the objects of thejoeeUp / f .
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GENERAL COUNCIL . HBBDEN BIUDGfi . Thos . Mitchell . John Varloy . John Crossley . John Midffley .-Matthew Hawkes . Thomas Diwson , Sub-Treasurer . Henry Barritt , sub-Secretary . , Hasleosovk . —The following hare been electe * ou the council : —
Joseph Wood James Fiddler - Benjamin Simpson J&hn Daniels , sub-Treasurer Joseph Brooks , sub-Secretary , Chappel-st . Upwards of twenty members have been enrolled ia the association at Haslegrove .
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4 fwtf ) comins Cfcartfct i » ectmg *« ,
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Scotland . —The following is the route of Mr . Lowery , whe has agreed to the terms proposed by the delegates , and he commences his labours on tho 7 th Sept . at Leith : —Musselburgh , 8 th Sept .: Portobello , 10 th ; Dalkeitk , 13 th ; Gorebridge , 14 th : Rofflin , 15 th ; Penniwick , 16 th ; Miller ' s Hill , 20 th ; Lasawade , 21 st ; Corstorphin , 33 rd ; Edinburgh , 27 th ; Pathead , 28 ; h ; Juniper Green , 29 th ; and Leith , 30 th . N . B . All communications to be addressed to Mr . W . Innes , Mills Close , 212 , Canon * gate , Edinburgh . - -
Nottinghamshire . —Oa Sunday next , there will be preaching at the usual time , upon the Forest if the weather permit , if . not , in the chapel . On Monday evening , Mr . Dean Taylor will lecture in tho Chapel , Rice-place , Nottingham ; Tuesday , at - lieeston ; Wednesday , at Lenton ; and Thursday . as Radford ; each evening at seven o ' clock . Mb . O'Bbien . —The men of Lambeth have got up a banefit for Mr . O'Brien , at the Pantheon TheatrX Catherine-street , whioh will take place on Monday , September 13 th . The performances are M Venio « Preserved , " and the »¦ Wreck Ashore . " Bills and tickets can be had at the Chartists' Hall , Chin * Walk ; Lambeth Coffee House , Nor th Place ; SB % Old Bailey , and at Mr . Cleave ' a . We trust Mr ! OB . will have a bumper .
DBRBy , —Mr . Bairstow will lecture at the undermentioned places during the following week : — Ockbrook , on Monday , Sept . 6 th ; Hkiston , 7 th ; Heanor , 8 th ; Burton , 9 th ; Swadlincote , 16 th ; Burton , lhh ; and will pfeach in Eiprby Market Place , on Sunday , the 12 ib—forenoon at ten o ' clock , and in the evening at six . MANCHBSTEB . —Mr . Leach will lecture in Seolesw . on Moaday evening , SepV © th * Oit Trades' UniongT showing the necessity of the trades joining immediately the National Charter Associatioa . Ma . Wu . Bull , of Salford , will lecture in Boltoa on Sunday evening next . Mb . Cooper will preach in the Market Place * Manchester , on Sunday evening , Sept . 5 tb , at six o ' clock ; otherwise in the room , at All Stints'Ope * . Mr . Cooper will deliver a lecture on Geology in the Tjwn Hall , on Monday night , Sept . 6 th . A camp meeting ia intended to be held at Leicester , on Sunday , Sept . 12 tb . - .. ..
On Sunday evening , ( to-morrow ) the Rev . Mr . Starkie , delegate to the Anti-Corn Law Conferencewill give an exposition of the proceedings of that assembly in the Chartist Room , Brown-street . MancheBtor . A Public Recital will be given for the benefit of that tried and dungeon-proof patriot , Christopher Doyle , in Brown-street Rooms , on Friday evening , Sept . 10 th . Leeds . —At the weekly meeting in Fish-street , oa Monday evening , a petition will be submitted on tha horrible silent system . New Leeds , Bbadfobd , —A discussion will be held in the Association-room to-morrow , on tho question— " Whether a Repeal of the Corn Laws , or the Charter , is the best calculated to ameliorate the condition ef the working classes . "
Bradford . —Brooke , thb Victim . —A sermon will be preached on Sunday next , by Mr . Ingham , at Manningham , at two o ' clock , p . m . ; and another by Mr . Thomas Ibbetson , at Lougcroft-plaee , afc six o ' clock in the evening , when coilectuus ateaoh service will bo made on behalf of Wm . Brooke , f t , prisoner in Northallerton " hell-hole . " Macclesfield -Mr . West will lecture on Sunday evening , m die Chartist-rooms , at half-past six o ' clock . Middlesex . —The County Delegate Council © f Middlesex will meet on Sunday next , for the purpose of devising the best means of providing for making a demonstration to welcome O Connor .
4 sHTON-UNDEK-LvNB . —The members ot this Association are requested to meet in their room , Catherine-street , on Sunday next , at two o ' olockin the a ' ternoon , on business of importance . Leiqu . —There will be a meeting held next Snaday , at two o ' clock in the afternoon , in the Aaaooiation-room , vyhea friends from Astley , Fildsley , Chowbeiit , Lowton and VVeetaoughton , aredeairedtd attend . ¦ Sunderland . —Oa Sunday afternoon , Mr . Binna will lecture at the Life Boat Houses at half-past two . On Tuesday evening , at eight o ' clock , a publi « meeting will b& held , for the purpose of enrolling members in the National Charter Association . Messrs . Burns , Williams , Taylor , Bragg , and others will address the meeting . Newxok Heath . —Mr . Edward Clark ; will lector * in the Association Room , on Mpaday , the 6 th of September , at eight o ' clock in the evening .
Lancashire . —Mr . DoyU will lecture in Warrington ou Monday the 6 th ; Proscott , Tuesday the 7 th ; and Liverpool on Wednesday , the 8 th'September j and will be in Dublin on Sunday tbe 12 th , from which place he will go to Drogheda , Newry , Armagh , Lisbnra , and Belfast . HiSLKflBovs . —Mr . William Fenton will Ieetar * in tbia village to-morrow evening , ( Sunday ) at ox o ' clook . ¦ "¦ ¦
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VOL . IT . NO . 199 . SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 4 , Ift 41 . ^ . " ^" p ^ ffT "
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; 9 ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - . ¦¦ A new Floating Breakwater is about to be laid down at Brighton on a plan projected by Captain Taylor , R . N . The inhabitants have come forward very liberally , the Cbaia-piex Company have gives £ 500 ; and no deubt whatever exists ot the completion of the projeot i which will afford ptrfect awaxiif at all times , and in aU weathers , to penona landinf and embarking . } - Fracas in Pall-Mall . —A penopai eoliidortoofc place , on Wednesday ¦ fteraoon . in front « i tkm United Service CJub / b ^ ween Mr .-Sheppani and
Captain Fits Boy , tha « ndidate » at tt » la * deftfe * for ihe City of Durham . It appears that lfr . Sfeiefpa * d , accompanied by two gentlmen , stepped befoir Captain Fits Roy , and , shaking his whip < hrer kig head , stated that , though he would not strike fct » , he must consider himself horsewhipped ; apon trhiek *' Captain Fit * Boy straek Mr . Shippard ; * inffit then ensued , whieh terminated by Captain Fjte Bof knocking Mr . Sheppard down , who foil oh hSi facfe on the pavement , when the byitander * intwftwi and the parties were ieparated . : Some matter * 00 ** neoted with ihe Durham election are mid fe Jiatt been the oause © f thiB anpkatant affair .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 4, 1841, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct395/page/1/