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^ ririeiDS,
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ADDRESS OP B . P . MiD , OF BlBMINaHAM , TO THE CHABTISTS OF GBEAT BRITAIN A >~ D IBELAIOX Beotheb SLArBS . —We're Kdc'd the loag ^ fWd Wnigs completely overboard , A canting Bet of hypocrites ! I am glad that they are fiorfd . jte Tons all are chuckling , and laughing in their slteves , And think to keep us under ; the sanguinary thierea ! The Orange pazseas now -will set old Erin in a lime , ^ nd soon the Yeomanry Cavalry -will be at their old game ; So np , my brother Chartists ! united be , and true , Or boob they'll give us , -working men , another Peterloo .
Then be re all united , and Tratch their Tory tricks , eaiember , beys , the fable of " The Old Man and the Sticks ;" ^ here ' s nothing else but nnion and good faith will prevail j I lore the name of union—though not a nnion gaoL ¦ jHiflt can we hops from Bobby Peel , the blood-stain'd cotton-lord ? T ^ -fll be relieTe onr miseries ? Yes—by a ball or rword . "jfhat will the Queen Victoria do for her poor people * Trees ? ¦ prty , get os royal brats to keep , by dozens , I suppose . 2 £ e rvrant aristocracy our rights -will neTer yield ; 2 fce Whigs , alas ! bare scattered as , and now we shall be" Peel" M , rniesb' i 11 countless numbers we round our standard
The cotton-iVtfds and landlords will give ns no redress . A wst with sD to "TJr bickerings ; all minor points forego ; iSbWrfid , united front if you would crush the O'Connor is at toga upfe , Bwatore is in the field , And let ua stick to them i& $ men , and not an atom yield . Vp , up , in countless thonsands , tb » , je British lions roar , She Charter—the whole Charter claim , and that will giTe us more . ' Yes , fuH Agrarian justice by its means we shall obtain : It is ' the only file to cut our man-degrading chain .
West though the LoTett-middle-men haTe striven to divide , Stank God ; but few deserted us : this ought to be our pride . Our Etrength is in our numbers , and union is our power ; ¦ Ihen rally round jour standard , boys , and calmly wait your hour . Still Providence is working round the wheel within the wheel ; "What can prerent His grand designs ? a Melbourne or a Peel ? 3 H 5 sded by arrogance and pride—as tyrants always were—•^ hey cannot see their ebbing tide and their declining
¦ Tw&s so with Babylon cf old , with Persia , Greece , and Home , Ivts so with our America , with France—still nearer home . Proud priestcraft , with its nattering breast , still bids them trust its word , And long-fac'd canting hypocrites their aid to them afford . TTith mighty zeal for " precious souls , " they gull the public mind ; But for the bodies of the poor eo sympathy they 2 nd : They preach content to poverty , beneath the tyrant's yoke , And use , for their own Tiliany , religion as a cloak .
Dissenter , Churchman , Methedist , together are combin ed To stem the tide of liberty , and reason's eyes to blind . Christ ' s G-ospel free , they all agree , to make of it a fcade , And so the Temple of the Lord a den of thieves is made . For Negroes , Indians , and Jews , they make a mighty bother , But where's the saint amongst them all feels for his Fng'i ^ h brother ? Te Chartists bold , 'tis all for gold , they tell their saintly lias . Ill tsll you how to Btcp their craft—By stopping theb supplies .
The thousands which they not ? collect win then be kept at home , Jo give to Chartist lecturers , who ne ' er abroad will ream . Salvation ' s tidings they will preach—but not as parsons do—They'll preach salvation for the soul , and for the body too . The money they receive will do yourselves and children good ; Twill buy yoa a free press , and buy your wives and cflhdren food ; Twill bring the hirelings of the pres * to find a proper level , And send the hirelings of the Church to labour , or the devfl .
Ton have no need of priests at all : God ' s Spirit and his word And freedom to a Throne of Grace , our Saviour hath restored ; lbs poorest heart can heave a sigh , and drop the contrite tear ; By proxy why , then , need you pray ? To G-ix } yourselves draw tear . There ' s prayer in groans , as well ss words— 0 then draw near God's throne—There ' s prayer in sighs and weeping eyes , though "words you may have none ; Go ihow your rags and misery , and sigh your wordless prayer , Ton have an advocate divine , for Christ win meet you there .
The Great Hijjh Priest will aid your plea—of human priests vhst need , My poor oppressed brethren , when he for you will plead ? And as fcr kings of earthly mould , no need of them I see ; The King of Kings alone shill have allegiance from me . 2 Jy Chartist friends , upen your minds these things I would impress ; And that ' s the reason why to you this letter I address ; In Corn-wall here ' s a desert drear , where nothing ' s to be found B ^ t apathy , and mental dearth , and biack slugs all around .
Hj mouth is she :: the KorJ . cm Star is epen to my pen ; And , through its columns , I intreat you , " quit yourselves like men . " Be of one heart , and of one mind , avoid each si lly jar laat would disturb your tsnnouy , all brsthren as you are . Tour cause is holy , just , and right ; then one you ought to be ; Ana soon your " majesty ard might" the tyrant few will S&& "Difide isd coaqaer" is their word , but disappoint their aim ; Is quarrel we can not sScti , for this will lose the game .
"Bear one another - * bnritns , " each weakness strive to tide , And be the Cornish battle-cry your motto and your pride—Tes , » tee ^ d all , " to stand or fall , cur watch-word let it be , O'Connor , and obi Chartered rights , strong love and uaity . ?^ uen , adieu ! I m -with yoB ; n Hfe BBd nnto death ; ^?' , b ~ Te : ** * " wouId have the Charter keep tie faith .
I am , dear brethren , indeed , Tour faithful brother , E . P . Head Gold Sittcty , ntar ilarzicn , "R " cst Cornwall , September SS , 1 S 41 .
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" ^ KIXG DEATH . £ i = g Bath has a high and lonely seat , As other morarchs Lave ; iP * T ^ paU SD < Ending sheet , fwecght from the last-Slled grave . I . ui built of tie grey M ( i io ] JsTr £ tcIl 3 . . ; crcK-bones thick and strong ; Ana notkisg lives there , that seat to sha » , * nfl i-- earttl- ' *< 'rm trailing along . wlv ^' ^ on Ms ^ P ^^ tt » = e , "im ^ foots tool made of a church-yard stone .
ZS fS Death ! King Daft . thy voice is heard xn me sinking mariner ' s scream ; ^ mf rin ? ix « out in the sudden shout Of the madman ' s fevered dream ; rn \}* tzihn close te the P «* tilent air , xia tie noendsy sun is dia ; " ^ Z tt » blot of the leper ' s spot a ! t £ * ptmi nan ' gJttt limb . ^ Jri ^ * * book , and the child his play When thouHhinkest it fitting to call them away . Kmg Deaih has riches grater far itan the merchani ' s stores unfold ; -though he valueth not tie diaaond star ¦ R- * v ^ Pet * nP brkU gold . * " ? of > th the young ard beautiful in his charnel caverts hid ; ^ ££ the brain and the breast « . a ^ ut fait " zifath the ecS * - - - ^ t we lere the best Ard wh 0 yftfc thei ? ^ _ ad . ? ° Ji ^ iiaEe fro- , t , -f 6 s -sronld not part O -J > e 3 t 22 the good man - g tSt ?
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Low . in the mouldering dust he has thrown The dearest aad rarest t ^ ngq ; The patriot hero ' s laurel crown Ani the poet * * burning strings . Bui be cannot make the green leaves fade , J « or quench the immortal fire : All else be may chill , bat the wreath blooms still , And a halo is round the lyre . For the nobly-won trophy Bhall nevsr decay . And the songs of the gifted one pass net away . King Dsath , oh ! ho v thou must chuckle to find . The old man over his gold , While he reckons the wealth he must leave behind , With hands all palsied and coli } . Some heart will be sad when thou takest the bad , Or sealest the reckless one's eyes ; For the tide that has thrown but thr weed and the stone ,
May hide pearls for the diver to prizg . But thy work . King Death , shall cause none to grieve For the one who has nought but his gold to leave . King Death 1 King Death ! thou art strangely feared , Yet the wisest cannot tell why ; For the woes we have here are as sharp as thy spear , And wring many a deeper sigh . The happy and blest may dread thy name , But though terrible then may ' st be , The blighted heart and the brow of shame Will eagerly fly to thee . For the harsh world strikes with a wilder alarm Than the tyrant King with hiR skeleton arm . Eliza Cook .
^ Ririeids,
^ ririeiDS ,
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THE ENGLISH MAIDEN . ' HER MORAL AND DOMESTIC DUTIES . London ; H . Gbeen Clabk ; Geoege Bell , 186 , Fleetstreet . 1841 . This long expected manual for the bloomto s daughters of England has at length made its appearance , and has already been hailed as worthy the patronage and countenance of those for whose special advantage its pages have been written . We gay special advantage , because , though a maiden ' s book , it contains matter which maj be available ia every stage of life , and we will add that , while the advice and instruction contained in it is peculiarly adapted to . females , the general principles which perrade the whole will make it a delightful companion to those
of either sex , who desire to receive the benefit of inward adorning , and are intent upon laying a foundation on which lo erect a superstructure of future excellence . The work is divided into fifteen chapters under the following heads : —Capacities of Woman—Influence of Woman—Education of Woman—Home—Society—Lore—Single Life—Reasons for Marriage—Conditions of true Marriage—Society of Young Men—First Love—Conduct dnring Engagement— Conjugal and Maternal Duties—Trials of Woman and her Solace—Encouragements . In treating on these important subjects , the design of the author is evidently to lead his fair readers into habit 3 of mental culture . His aim is at onca to
please and to instruct , and feeling the immense importance of establishing right principles in the human mind , and especially in the minds of those to * whose care the formation of the character is usually committed , he has commenced his labour with an eloquent yet plain investigation into the capacities of women , and has done what few of his predecessors have tak-n the trouble to do , that is . pointed out the ground of that essential distinction between the minds of the sexes which every one nrast admit to exist , but for which very few have gone deep enough in their inquiries to ascertain the cause . Thxs speaking of the capacities of woman , he sajs , pp . 3—G : —
" Bnt mankind are divided into two distinct portions ; bearing , it is true , a striking similarity to each other , but bearing also the clear and indelible maiks of an e « ential difference , and impressing us by their very appearance with the canvictian , for it amounts to noshing less , that they were designed by their Creator to act different , though by no means discordant , but , on the contrary , the most harmonious , parts in the important drama of human life . Look at man ' s erect and noble port , bis bold and kindling eye , his broad and expansive chest , his strong and sinewy arm , and his very flesh of a texture which seems formed for endurance and to defy danger , and you will say at
once that the indwelling spirit which had formed to itself a habitation so constructed ( and , be ic remembered , that every essence is the secondary cause or creator of its own form * , must be one to 3 are , te know , to investigate , and to push its reasonings to a given and determined point In a word , we should decide at once that the whole form was the form of intelligence ; not , it is true , apart from , bnt in superiority , to the affections of the will , because , in the male sex , until a junction of seme kind with the female is formed , man ' s affections all centre in flelf , and in that case tbey become the willing slave of his intellectual pride , and minister to the gratification of all its selfish demands .
> ow look ai woman , —see the delicacy of her whole form , her flowing tresses , her melting softness , her brilliant eye , her ivory forehead , her glowing cheek , her mouth radiant with smiles , of whom it may be said , — With what an airy and a sparkling grace , The language glances from her silver lips ! Her dear kind voice , how exqnisite it sounds , E ' en like a gentle music heard in childhood . Add to aU this the sTrsn-lUre neck , the modest heaving bosom , the arms ever ready to embrace a friend , and the hand which seems to open spontaneously to relieve distress , and we shall at once be induced to exclaim , she was formed to love and to be loved ; Here is the form of the affections , as man ' s is the form of wisdom ; and a correct judgment of ths relative equality of the sexes will never be attained , until the declaration of a great author is understood and appreciated , that " woman is the lov « of man ' s wisdom , " and that " man is the wisdom of woman's love . "
Thus we have arrived at the true ground of the difference which exists between the sexes . In the male b « x the internal man , that is the real man ( for the material body is but the shell or house in which man dsrell ? i , consists of the intellect as its essence , and the affections as the form or body in which that intellect resides . In the female sex the internal , ia like manner , constitues the real man ; but in her the affections are the soul , and her antithetical powers are the body in which that soul resides , and by -which it manifests its
existence ; and hence we discover an inequality , but not an inferiority , and the inequality itself is productive of the most beneficial results ; for it is in a true and genuine marriage that the perfection of human nature censists , and that true marriage is neither more nor less than this : —The intellect of the male conjoins itself with that of the female by its affections , thus losing jtself in its like in her ; and the affections of the female become conjoined with their like in the male , by the medium of her intellectual power , and thus they are no more two , bat one flesh .
" 1 . The Thjsicad Constitution of woman is peculiar . | In barbarous nations she has often been subjected to the same manual exertions as man ; sometimes to those | even more arduous . But the progress of refinement ! and civilization always establishes a marked distinction i between the two sexes , in this respect . We instine-\ tively pronounce her to unscx herself , who arms for tbe | battle-field , or engages in these agricultural , mechanical , ; or other manual pursuits , ¦ vr hJch-demand great bodily vigour . God hath made the sex&s herein to differ , \ and man , we feel , ought not to confound them . "
' This is genuine philosophy , and the more the subi ject is examined the more convincing will the I reasoning appear . The influence ol' woman and j her consequent high responsibility is most ably ¦ pointed out , and is insisted on , and as a consequence ; the friend of education , necesrary to fit her for the i due discharge of her high duties , occupies a coni siderabie thare of the Author ' s attention . We are i especially pleased with the manner in which the i subject of moral culture is handled in this little [ work . No one can read tke chapter on Education j without feeling the insufficiency of cultivating the i head , while tbe heart remains uuvisited with those ! tender sympathies " and generous affections , which 1 are the crown and the glory of our moral nature . ! The importance of a right attention to the duties ! of home is strongly pressed npon the reader ' s atteni lion , but we can only find room for a single extract ; from this portion of the work . We , however , select 1 a gem from pp . 78—80 . Here it ie :
" Another relation , happi . ' y suited te promote female virtue , is that of Brother or Sister . Here are those united , not only by nature , but by all those sacred and dear ties "which belong to the associations of childhood . Theirs is not the conjunction for an evening of planets , whose orbits lie all apart ; but it is an union that dates from their earliest moments of life . And it is one as juire as it is primitive ; giving Eeoje for unalterable attaebment , and deep joys ; for kind offices , and sincere virtue" But let it not be imagined that all these fruits spring from the soil spontaneously . Xot of necessity i » a sister happy in this relation ; and the reason is
apparent She is not coerced into sympathy , and selfsacrifice and devotedness to her brothers ; and Trttbout these qualities no outward connexion brings peace and pleasure to the heart . It must be her study to devise means , frame plans , —and execnte them faithfully , —of promoting their good . Her actions must be the still small voice , that conveys the rich tones of her heart . If she refuse to enter into the schemes and prospecta of a brother , and to render him those minute services which both Indicate affection and prompt to it , Bhe will regard this relation as a dull thing . It may be , but a source of alienated feelings , of vexation and strife .
" Especially mnsl the sister guard well tlie avenues of moral danger "which beset hex brothers . Let her strive to make koine attractive in their , sight By pleas&at conversatien , and by reading occasionally a Tohj ^ - * " - Mother , she may bind him to the fireside . * " «• >— ^ e evening abroad ? Better Jloes he desire to pas » _ " ¦ "ersotal ease , or of join him , even at some ' eest oi t "' ^ ces of equi ' taste , than leave him exposed to seek v-. constant vocal character . Be his confidsat , bis a ^ tW
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in demonstrations of kindness , Perhaps he ia aiding your progress In the walks of intellect .. How can you so well requite his * care , as by a steady emanation of moral and spiritual light ? A sister ' s love is often an amulet to the subsequent character of a circle of brothers . She whispers to them when on the brink of temptation . Hex form is ever present . Their thoughts wander often to their childhood ' s home , and in secret self-communion the sentiment revisits the heart , — " For I , nie * h > Bks , till I grow old , As fair Before we shall behold , As I do bow , tt » cottage small ; v Tbe lake , the wood , the waterfall ; And thee tie Spirit of them all . "
All the other subjects are treated with equal judgment . Many a youpg maiden's heart will find itself reflected as in a mirror , and w « trust many a resolution will be formed and kept to become all that is here recommended . The following remarks , from page SS , should be carefully studied by all who wish well to their country and their kind . " The influence of woman is felt beyond the circle of her own fireside , in the well-being of her country . If this sex contribute so largely -as we have affirmed , to tbe progress of civilisation and refinement , then can it be no little aid tbey afford , by their character and exertions , to tbe support of pure political institutions .
" In these latter days , what is to give integrity to the statesman , purity to the patriot , and trua glory to the nation ? It must be done in part by woman . Let her be educated , and above all , let her educate herself in intelligence , grace , and holiness , and we have no fear of conflicts abroad , or of perils at home . The little watchman , shut in tbe security of a glazsd frame , does not more surely save the ship , amid darkness and Btorm , than does she who at the quiet fireside exerts the influence which she may , for her country , or son , huBband and brother , to point out the path of political salvation . " We invite especial attention to the three next chapters of the work . From that on Conjugal and Maternal Duties , we extract the following remarks reliUiva to the Duties of the Mother , the author says , pp . 194 , 195 : —
" The first requisite to the proper discharge of the important duties of a mother , is a dne snd entire acqnaintaDce with the physical vraBts o ! children . It has been frequently observed , that of all animals children are the most helpless when they first come into tbe world ; how necessary , then , is it that those who have the care of their earliest existence should be well acquainted with the signs and tokens of their physical demands upon their attention and care . Let no mother , unless under circumstances of the most pressing necessity , consign tbe entire care and management of her infant to another . God has given her peculiar sensibilities , which no one , standing in a more remote connexion with the child , can possess , and it is therefore her peculiar duty , and ought to be her most delightful occupation , to minister to the necessities of the helpless being committed to her care . She who can voluntarily abandon her offspring to the care of others , forfeits all claim to the sacred name of mother .
" But not only should the mother have a competent knowledge of the physical wants of her offspr ing ; it is also essentially requisite that she should have a deep insight into human nature . It is from her that their expanding faculties receive their first impressions ; and such as the mother is , such , to a considerable extent , will the children be . A very slight observation will convince any one who will be at the . trouble to make it , that ths living spirit of the mother imparts its- own impress and influence to the living spirit of the Infant . Let her smile , and the smile is instantly returned ; let her frown , and sadness overcasts the drooping countenance of the observant little one . She is , in fact , in the place of God to her child , and fearful are her responsibilities . Yet she has not been left destitute of divine aid . Tbe vast volume of nature is spread open before her , and it is redolent with lessons of wisdom and love by which t » train the candidate for immortality to his native skies . "
With this extract we close our remarks for the present , and most sincertly hope that every parent who wishes well to her daughter , wiil place the English Maiden in her hand . The work is elegantly bound in cloth , and we hope will ha Yd as wide a circulation as its merits deserve .
A NEW DECIMAL SYSTEM OF MONEY , WEIGHTS , MEASURES , AND TIME , proposed for adoption in Great Britain . By Decimus Maslen , Esq . London : SmitiIj Elder , and Co . 65 , Cornhill , 1841 . It has been a thing which has on many occasions occupied public attention why our monetary system was so complicated , and why it wsa a matter of such difficulty to keep correct account ? . It was not found to ooc&shn much tronbJe when money had to be received by pounds in hundreds or thousands , because in all these cases the sum could be divided , reduced , or multiplied by tens , and this was a method so simple as to be easily impressed upon the memory ,
and to serve for a convenient reference at all times . But come below a pound and then begins the reign of confusion . A shilling is not the tenth of a pound . And when we descend still ) ower matters become still worse . A penny is the twelfth part of a shilling , and consequently a farthing should be the twelfth part of a penny ; but instead of that it is only one fourth of the latter sum . Thia occasions in the transactions of business a mass of trouble and inconvenience , and frequently of positive loss owing to the complicated calculations into which it is found necessary to enter , by which also moch valuable time is wasted , and the actual cost of an article to be ascertained .
The same confusion exists in reference to weights and measures . We have in neither case a fixed standard by which to proceed . We know that twelve inches make one foot ; but then the principle of measurement is not carried out . We cannot multiply twelve by twelye , and find the product one yard , it would be four yards . It is the same in the measure of liquids , two gills make one piut , and two pints make one quart ; but here the standard of measurement changes , and we have four quarts to make one gallon . If we go to weights , it is just the same . One thing is sold by the pound Troy , and another thing by the pound Avurdupoise , and even this is not the
worst . Sixteen ounces make one pound ; but we have only fourteen pounds in the stone , and only eight stone in the hundred weight . Now all this occasions , in all the transactions of business , a waste of time and energy , which a more rational , because a more natural , system , would enable us to avoid . And this would be effected by the establishment of some denomination of money , weights , and measures , as the unit , and adding , dividiug , reducing or multiplying by tens . This method would save an immeuse amount of time and labour , would leave in the progress of education a vast increase of time to be employed in the acquisition of knowledge of other and varied descriptions .
We nave been led to these reflections by the perusal of the very able work named at the head of this article , a work bearing the impress of much thought , and calculated , we thiDk , to draw the attention ot the public to a most important , and , at present , most inconveniently managed arrangement of the trading community ; an arrangement , by the way , which occasions no small loss annually to those classes of society who are obliged , by their poverty , to purchase the necessaries of life by small quantities , and consequently , at a dear price , and at a considerable sacrifice , The author thus explains what first induced him to turn his attention to a reform of the coinage , and points out a most mischievous result which would iollow the adoption of a- decimal regulation of the currency without duly regulating the farthing in the same way , as proposed by Mr . John Watt : —
" In the early part of my life I acted as one of the clerks in the counting-house of a respectable firm in London , in whiek situation I had to ge through a vast deal of labour in adding up the sums of long columns f money in the large folio ledgers and journals of the concern . Although a pretty good accountant , yet I could not but observe what a deal of time was consumed ia the reduction of the pence into shillings , and on the contrary how quickly the shillings were set down in pound * . As time was most precious when there was a press of business , it was frequently a source of some vexation not to be able to get on faster than I could , and 1 soon found out and attributed all the blame to the method of eompound numbers and the want of a decimal notation of money .
" Candour obliges me to say that I was not a little gratified as finding that I was not the only one who had viewed the faults of the English system ef accounts with a patriotic desire for its improvement , and I was glad to see the facilityand simplicity of his [ Mr . Watt ' s ] scbenis , and the plain and intelligible way in which he had set it forth ; but on a further examination of tbe tables ef his Ready Reckoner , I found that bis calculating the farthing at its old value made 2 old shillings and a penny Instead of only two old shillings , equal to one decimal shilling ; 4 old shillings and 2 pence instead of 4 old shilliDgs , for 2 decimal shillings ; 9 decimal shillings and sixpence instead of ten , for one pound;—96 pounds equal to 100 pounds;—and 100 pounds new , equal to 104 pounds 3 shillings and 4 pence old money ; and so on . Supposing , therefore , that the decimal division should be adopted on this plan without an alteration of the farthinr , it is clear that a man with a
salary of £ 100 per annum , would only receive £ 96 , and be a loser of £ i per annum , whereas any change in the money of the lower denominations , sucb as the farthings , certainly ought not to reduce the Dumber of pounds sterling which a man has been in V ^ e habit of receiving as salary or income . Such a sys ^ m of calculating the old money into the sew , i f . carrUd out , would have produced dismay and opposition in thousands of people . I , therefore , printed a petition in 1838 , praying for the adoption rj a deeimal coinage , to go hand in hand with Mr . W ^" s system of decimal accounts , but with the reco '^ jQgndation that a new fartbio * of a trifling less vf ' t ^ the old , should be coia * a , so that one hunt ? - ^ ^ ould be equal to a decimal ojr double shilling . and ten of the latter be equal to one pound stetUag . ^ y ,. ^ wo uld at once save ihe necessity ef * rj ^ d Rec k on er , and be also a great ?» T ^ g c * $ Sb » ^ troub ie . i Bent two or three copie
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0 PeUUon to I *> rd Viscount Melbourne , one of whichrhis Lordship was so kind as to forward to her Majeaty , Queen Victoria , at my request " The work takes * minute and comprehensive view of the effects ofa decimal calculation as applied to Money , .. Wttghts , Measures , and Time ; and in reference to the three former subjects , we think the reasoning ia correct , and the facts and examples adduced satisfactory and conclusive , so far , at least , as we have been able to examine them . On the subject of lime , however , our author has evidently pushed a favourite theory too far , and has thus illustrated a remark of Dr . Johnston , that whatever is designed to fit every thing will fit , nothing well . " We see no occasion for an alteration , in the number of hours in the day / though probably no inconvenience could arise from ft- '; but , as to reducing the twelve months into ten , the idea is one that could never be carried
out into actual practice . The duration of the year is evidently circumscribed by the return of the seasons , and the motions , real , or apparent , of the heavenly bodies . It cost much time and labour to obtain a well-regulated calendar , but that has been done , with surprising accuracy , and the apparent progress of the sun through the twelve signs has established the solar year beyond the hope of any beneficial change . It is useless introducing confusion into the csJoulatio&B of t > cienee when no adequate advantage is to be gained by it , and we confess wo can discover ' none in a decimal division of time . We , however , cordially recommend the book to the careful attention of every lover of improvement , and hope that the arguments of the writer will meet with that calm , dispassionate examination whioh the importance of the subject evidently entitles them to receive .
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employer must give fourpence * **?¦ ¦< $ »»» at the least * bo that the labourer was at libert y to hire himself or not ; and , you may rest assured , ths ^ wageswere of tenet above the , feorpenee . par day , than a . t & ; . and while the articles abovementioned were brou& Qt to market , and could not be sold only at a certain pr . w > beyond wbicn they dare net be sold , yet tbe person , selling was often compelled to sell them ata . iower \ 'r ice .. . " Thus ,, the working man had' a double advantage to wbat he has now ; becaus « ,. althoagk proriaiona nug . Qt be lower in price , and the rate of wages higher than % pecified by act of . Parliament , yet wages could not be t educed lower , nor provisions higher , than the act special V
'' But , the best method to pursue U to gi T ? you a list of the prices of the same articles in the j resent day ; also , the average rate o £ wages of the present times , and contrast the prices of provisions and the rak V of wages of the present times , with the nte of w * ge « and the price of provisions in the times of our indi ^ pendent forefathers . " The average price of the following articles a * present are : — £ b . < L * A fat Ox ... ... ... 20 0- 0 Sheep ... « . ... i 15 0
Goose ... ... ... 0 3 6 The dozan Eggs ... ... 0 0 9 A Cow ... ... ... io 6 0 A fat Pig ... ... 3 3 0 A pair of Chickens ... 0 2 0 A quarter of Wheat 3 O 0 Theqnartof Wine ... ... 0 3 4 The gallon of Ale ... ... 0 18 Shoes per pair ... ... 0 10 0 Total ... 39 19 3 11 You see , that the workiug man was enabled to procure the whole of the above articles by twenty weeks' labour , at the former period , whilst in the latter period , it would take a man to work seventy-two weeks before he could purchase them ; the average rate of wages being now about ten shillings per week ,
which I shall prove before I have concluded this work . " It must be therefore , plainly evident , that the condition of the people , as far as plenty to eat , drink , and wear were concerned , was far preferable to what it is now ; because the working classes could command fourtimes as much of the necessaries of life then , as they can now ; and this fact is borne out by tbe evidence of Sir John Fortesque , who wroto in the reign of Henry VI . — ' The people have plenty of fish , fltsb , and fowl ; tke best furniture in their houses ; they are weil clad in woollen cloth ; tbey never drink water except in Lenten , or fasting days , but wine or beer ; ' yet these are the times that are called dark and barbarous . It would be well , indeed , if the 'barbarous' custom of having enough of the comforts of life , might again be the lot of the labouring population . "
He afterwards traces the history of those laws down to 1828 , and brings forward a mass of the most important evidence . At p . 29-30 , we find the following fiendish " sayings" of two of the " cheap loaf" demons in reference to the New Poor Law . " In juxta-position with this heart-rending statement" ( one made by Ash worth , in reference to the destitution in Bolton , ) hear Mr . Ashworth on the New Poor Law Bill . In writing to Chad wick , the Poor Law Commissioner , h « says : — " Beepected Friend , E . Ciia » wick , —I take the liberty of forwarding for your consideration , a few
observations on the New Poor Law Bill , the leading principles of whieh I most cordially approve of , ¦ whilst in soine of the details , I fear it will be practically defective . Full employment in every department was never more easy to be found tlian now ; consequently , wages have advanced ten per cent This bespeaks a scarcity of labourers here , at the same time great complaints are made of surplus population in the agricultural counties . The suggestion I wish to throw out is , that steps ought to be taken to remove the agricultural population into the manufacturing districts . " Turton , near Bolton , June 6 th , 1834 .
" What is the meaning of this , when fairly tested ? Why , that Mr . Ashworth approves of the principle o £ the Bill , which was to reduce wages ; and he knows very well , when once wages come down , they never rise again ; so that to make the Poor Law Bill work practically , steps , in his opinion , ought to be taken to ; bring the agricultural labourer to compete with the already oppressed operative in the town , in order that the wages might be lowered . Mr . Ashworth , with all his philanthropy , felt extremely sore at the wages of the hand-loom weavers being even moderate ; and , to take the trifling comforts they possessed , he would bring people hundreds of miles from their homes , in order to reduce the miserable pittance even still lower . " Manchester , Sept 17 th , 1834 .
" I have for some time thought of addressing you on the same subject that my friemd Ashworth did some time ago . It must be looked upon as a happy coincidence , that at the period of curtailing , or depriving perhaps , the facilities of gaining a livelihood to tbe people of half of England , and causing a fall in their present low wages , and a scramble for employment , there should exist a difficulty of obtaining labourers at extravagant wages in these northern counties ; this fortunate occurrence should be taken adva 7 ilage of . —Extract of a Letter from Robert Hyde Greg , late AI . P . for Manchester . The author notices several other matters of great public interest , which our space forbids us to notice , and ably exposes the inconsistency and ignorance of the Ami-Corn Law party : his pamphlet thus concludes : —
" In conclusion , Chartists of tee United Kingdom , yours is a noble destiny ; on you depends the fate of liberty in the United Kingdom , prove yourselves worthy of that destiny . Times of great political agitation are approaching , in whieh you must take a part ; the reign of delusion , of sophistry , of cant , and of humbug , is faat fading away , and the glorious star of reason is dawning upon us ; the sun of reason is beginning to drive the fogs of hypocrisy ond knavery before its beams ; everything bids us advance and seeure a constitutional , a moral , a peaceful , and a triumphant vietory . Had we , in our possession , the sums the Cora Law repealers can command , we could Boon carry tbe
Charter by ths spread of our principles . At the great Cora Law Banquet , held in Manchester , in January , 1840 , there was an account of £ 2284 accounted for , that bad been expended by them in a very short time . This sum would pay eighteen Chartist lecturers £ 2 108 per week for twelve months ; aud , if eighteen talented agitators could not make a complete change in the minds of the people , in twelve months , I would forfeit my existence . And pray how was this £ 2 ^ 2 S 4 collected ? Why , in many instances , when the cotton lord had given his donation towards the support of the Corn Law League , he afterwards dropt his hands one-sixth , one-fifth , one-fourth , and in some instances one-third of their wages , to make up the sum gives
away . " Brother democrats , it is time I should conclude this pamphlet , and my parting advice to you is , that you will keep united together , and not allow yourselves to be divided ; other parties , in the end , will be forced to come and assist you , to obtain for you your just rights ; : and , if by my efforts , 1 = can only throw the weight of a feather into the scale of liberty against tymnniji I shall feel myself repaid for ; tbe little trouble I have been at Hoping that you will persevere in the good cause , and never rest' satisfied until you are admitted beneath the sanotuary of tbe law , is my most ardent and sincere wish . " We trust that this important pamphlet will Snd its way to the fireside of every labouring man ia the United Kingdom .
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system of education , and let them be soundly convinced that a universal combination of skill and labour for the accoBtplishmjent of a universal purpose would be univereally . beneficial , and thetecaa be no doubt but that mere self-interest , under the guidance of rational principle , will lead them to band themselves together for the accomplishment of * ach an object as that of the fertilization of the world . When , the interest of monarchs renders it necessary that they should combine . their torcea for the purpose oi Aumblinfir an usurper or weakening the power of a common foe , their armies march into
the field , and death and desolation follow in their train . When a mercantile company is desirous of ; founding a colony , or of establishing a lucrative branch of commerce , the principle of self-interest unites the energies of its members , and gives to them a unity of purpose , principle ' , and . action , which enables the company to succeed . The resources of a nation can bd , and frequently have been , directed towards tbe accoinpi&hmentof a national object And why , we ask , may not the energies of mankind be brought to bear on the accomplishment of each a mighty , glorious , and beneficial object as the universal fertilization of the world ?"
No . 2 is on " Wealth-producing power . " After contemplating the strange contrasts of gorgeous luxury and squalid wretchedness Warded by tbe dense population of our large fcwns , and especially of the metropolis , he puts the question , 19-there at present a productive power u , V existence adequate to the supply of human wtk ats I" And in discussing this question he considers : ii ~ . "FL . * at—The amount of manual productive power which 6 .. * ch individual possesses . And - ''"' ¦¦ " Secon d—The amount of productive power whicb society possesses . And " Tliird— ' / he capabilities whieh the earth possesses for affording tL' 9 maSerial ef wealth . "
In reference to tbefirst of these positions , he quotes from Alison ' s principles of population , a well reasoned article , to pro-i * that every man possesses a productive power , ^ rreatly more than equal to his consuniptioH . In discu'fising his second proposition , he gives from Alison the following sweet pill for the "Plague" gentry : — " . If , in order to test the cseErj > arativ » powera of population and production , it is otto wable t » put tbe physically possible , but highly in » jrrobable ; and morally impossible , event of an old statifr a ike tbs British Empire , doubling in numbers everyfi re and twenty years , it is of course necessary to suppaee on tfce other side , the equally physleally possible , bat-morally improbabi © event of the whole resources of the coxntry being
applied , during tbe same period , U > the production of subsistence . Now , if that were done , there cannoi be > the shadow of a doubt that the island coirld * iu the > space of rive or' tea years , be made to' maintain double its present number ot inhabitants : 1 $ is stated ) by Mr . Cowling , whoso accuracy on this subjet * is -well knows , and his statement is adopted by the learned and . able-Mr . Porter , that there is , in England ! and Wales * 27 , 700 , 000 cultivated acres ; in Itelasi lS , 12 & , &eO ; and in Scotland , about 5 . , 000 : in all 45 , 090 , 000 = and of these he calculates that there are % t present in cultivation by the spade-and the plough 1 & ; 23 ? , 000 acres-, and 27 , 000 , 000 in pasturage . * That is just about two
acres to every human- being in the United Kingdom j the number of inhabitants in Great Britain and Ireland in 1827 , being about 23 > , 0 « 0 , and the same proportion probably obtains at the present time , when their numbers are nearly 30 ;' Mq , 6 OO .. Now a fall supply of subsitence for every living person in wheat , is a ^ quarter a year ; so that at this- rate , there is only ono quarter raised over the whole empire , for every two ami oT arable and meadow land . Bat an acre of arable- land yields , on an average of ; all England , two quarters and . a half ; so that every two acres is capable , at the present average , ef maintaining five human beings ; , or five times the present inhabitants of the empire . "
* Porter ' s Progress of the National , vol . 1 , p-. p . 17 # , 179 . ' ' While the Malthuslau ffeeloaofers are treated to > the following sweet bit from another standard political oaconomist : — " For the capabilities of Nvrtb America , " says Serope , " we refer to Mr . Stuart , who , in his late work oa America , quotes from the American Quarterly Review * passage , the accuracy of which lie confirms frocuhi * own observation , descriptive of the great plain which , composes the nothern portion of the basin of < th » Mississippi . ' It extends from the western slope of the Ailegbany to tbe said plain , at the foot of the rocky mountains , a distance of about 1500 miles in length , and from the valley of the northern lakes to the mouth of the Ohio , a distance of 600 miles in width . ' ' It i »
uniformly fertile , literally all arable . There are- no > sterile plains , no rocky or precipitous ridges ,- and scarcely any swamps to deform its fair surface . Tfii » uninterupted fertility arises from the decomposition of the great limestone pan on which it rests . ' ' It teHecf , clean , and healthful . In addition to its unlimited agricultural capacity , this great plain abounds in mineral resources . Its coal fields would cover half of Europe . *' ' Iron , lead , gypsum , and saltpetre are , found ia great abundance . ' ' Here , indeed / every rood of land . will support its man ; for of Buoh a region , without bararen mountain , ot waste , where all is healthful , where bo timber lands need be left for fuel , with mineral- resources enough to stimulate all the arts , and contribute to supply all wants , who can- say what is the limit * of " its future population ? Europe conld seat all her nations comfortably on this plain . '
" Mr . Siuart describes all those portions of thu-vasfc tract which he visited , as consisting uniformly of Praria land , thinly dotted over with'timber , like a noW « man' » park in England ; composed-of the richest , vegetable soil from throe to forty feet'deep , and producing from thirty to fifty bushels of wheat per aere , witbeate and India corn in rotation , for » an indefinite succession of years without manure . He describes second crops of wheat self-sown from the mere droppings of the formtr crop , as producing thirty ^ four bushels per aope-i and , with proper cultivation , forty bushels are sure to be obtained as an average annual crop . " * .
" A simple calculation will shew ua thai , tbe plain thus described , contains 9 ( J 0 , OO » square miles , or ~ 576 , 000 , 600 of acres . Lat as allow sometWng for theexaggeration of its description , and suppose only / 500 , 000 , 00 ff of seres to ppsaesa the qualities- attributed , by these writers to the-whole . Each aae , producing ? annually forty bushels of corn , would w »)\ support a » family of four persons ; .. so that here , inl&te-onevaVbty there is ample room fo » twice the entire population of the globe , to provide themselves with an- abundance of the most nutritious food . Aud thte is S&one hal / sof the basin of but one Avxenean . river . " * Stuart ' s Three Years in America , •* $ .. iL p . p . £ 87 i .
404 . The author's BtyJe is simple , fio-T « ing l and , perspicuo us . But his fyrte seems tc lie * . not so maoh itt . origic . al composition as in compilation , in which h » exhibits great and laudable industagr * These-. essays are calculated to aonyey a large amount of useful info" i-mation in a pleasiag and inexpensive form .
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' ' The Scottish , bbncb job is how consummated . T \ te Lord President has resigned The ^ bemfdt for the slipping affthe covess-of newap : ipers , whtthot by accident orotherwise ^ is writing tl ie address of the party , && , on the pa ? er iteeM * t thich is allowed by the Post-office authorities . It is not true that any sofceme for the increase of tho existing rate of postage is at present under the consideration of the government . — 'M » rning Post . The Distillers op Ibsland held large meetings in Dublin on Tuesday and Wednesday last , for the purpose of bring ing before the Government the depressed condition of their trade , arising from the state of the law as regards the intercourse between England , Ireland , andScotland .
Oppression under the Turnpike Act . —Mr . Holland , of Dumbleton , uear Evesham , furnishes us with the particulars of an instance of magisterial injustice inflicted on William Slatter , a labourer , employed by one of his tenants . The man , being footsore , had got up to ride on the shafts of his wa"Ron , when he was observed by a policeman . Tea days after , Slatter having gone to bod , was roused from sleep , and told that a policeman nad corns to serve a warrant oh him . He instantly accompanied the policeman to his master , who offered to be responsible for the man's appearance at Tewkesbury the following morning . The offer was not accepted , and Slatter started with the policeman / or the Station-house , about two miles and a half from to
Dumbleton , and on the way was handcuffed a man charged with theft . The handcuffs were kept on them for the best part of an hour after they had arrived . The next morning Slatter was again handcuffed to tha same man , and they were marched to Tewkesbury , a distance of sis miles and a half , without food . He confessed his fault , and was convicted . Our correspondent says— " Jwmark the cruelty of the whole proceeding towards this manfor having committed an offence against the Turnpike Act ! Had he been guilty of the worst of crimesrobbery or murder—would he , before trial , have been treated with greater severity than he experienced in this instance for riding upon the Shafts of hi 3 waggon ? But it was not personal oppression alone that he experienced , for in consequence of a warrant being issued a larger sum was demanded from ! him by way of costs than would have been had a mere similar
summons been served upon him . A precisely case was brought before the same bench of magistrates on the same day ; they were twin cases ; yet how differently were the defendants dealt with—the one man was served with a summons , the other with a warrant—one man was allowed to sleep at home and breakfast in the morning , the other was roused out of hiB sleep over-night , consigned to a Stations house , conducted , handcuffed , and without food the next morning , a distance of some miles . Eleven shillings covered the costs of the more fortunate man ; the other ' s expences amounted to fifteen shillings and ninepence . But then , by the Turnpike Act and the Highway Act a driver may be apprehended * with or without a warrant . ' How necessary it is that an Act of Parliament , authorising magistrates to deal with , offences not strictly criminal , should declare when a summons is to be issued , ana when a warrant . "
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THE yORTHfeRN ST Aft . ^ 3
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THE DISTRESSING CONDITION OF OUR POPULATION , with a Plan for their Immediate Relief . Suggested by Henry May . London : Strange , Paternoster Row , and all Booksellers , 1841 . Price One Penny . This little pamphlet may be regarded as another evidence that we have not laboured altogether in vain , in striving to direot attention to the fact , that the great evil existing in this country is tho unnatural state of society ; the desertion of the land , the mother of all wealth ; of the green fields , and pure air ; the media of health and enjoyment ; for the huddling together _ of human beings in immense masses of living misery , disease , and crime . After giving from the authority of Parliamentary records a fearful picture of the almost universal destitution pervading this the richest of all the countries upon the face of the whole earth , the author proceeds to adduce his remedy as follows : —
" Let us make a sbert comparison between tbe value of laud used solely for agricultural purposes , and the mode suggested of having a mixed population partly engaged in agriculture and partly engaged iu manufactures . Let us suppose an estate consisting of an area of two miles square . This area would contain 2 , 500 acres . Let us suppose this let at £ 1 per acre , to what the landlords are so fond of—five large capitalists , having each about 500 acres in his farm . Each of these farmers may be supposed to employ twenty labourers , making altogether one hundred labourers and families , whicb is a large allowance , as a considerable portion of these large farms are generally in grass . On this estate , as we have already seen ,. unless prices are fictitiously raised above 50 s ., tbe landlord can get no rent
from the profits of produce . If he get rent it must be , according to tbe above evidence , from the tenant's capital . Now , it would appear , that on this estate there are the five farmer 3 and their families , anl one hundred labourers and families , none of them in prosperity ; but if , instead of this being applied to tbe men of agricultural capital , it is let for the purposes of manufacture , let us see tbe difference . For manufacturing purposes it would supply four hundred and twenty-six families with ground for a cottage , and six acres of land each . If we average the families at fire , the population would amount to two thousand one hundred and thirty persons ; but it will not be an unreasonable assumption that each family might supply two bands for manufacture , leaving the bead of the family to cultivate tbe land . Supposing , then , that a factory was established in tbe centre of this estate , by which two members of each family conjointly could
earn wages to tbe amount of even 15 s . per week , equal to £ 39 a year . The tenant and his family could subsist on the produce of the soil—could pay a sure rent out of tbe wages , aud have a large surplus for extra necessaries ; if tbe rent be taken at £ 2 per acre , or £ 12 on the six , tbey would thus have an overplus from wages amounting to £ 27 , for their own benefit , to improve their condition and supply them with comforts . Such vrould be the contrast between property let to manufacturers , and a property let to agricultural capitalists . In the one case there would only be one hundred families supported . These hundred labourers' families would be half start d , while tbe tenants would become bankrupts ; in the otbet case , there would be four hundred and twenty-six families supported in every comforttbe proprietors' rents would be secured—there would be no need for Corn Laws , because the landlords' interest would not depmd upon the starvation of the people , but on tbe increase of the profits of industry .
" Such would be tbe kind of property I would like to possess . I do not sptak of this from theory alone , but from experience as to a small portion of land for the maintenance of a family , in which I will venture to assert , I shall be borne out by hundreds of individuals . " I propose , then , to raise a sum of money by five thousand £ 20 shares , and having before me the particulars of an estate for sale , of 2 , 400 acres , at an estimated rental of £ 1 , 000 per annum , containing a township , parish , and manor iu itself , I recommend tbe immediate purchase of it No jealousy could arise as to tbe possibility of , atony time , encumbering the parish . There is a fine stream ef water tunning through the estate , for tbe erection of mills , &&
" But there is no time to be lost ; it is hoped there are many good and kind-hearted individuals who would cheerfully and speedily aid euch a plan , and if many would set about ' doing likewise , ' a great and mighty change in tbe condition of tens of thousands of our starving fellow-creatures would speedily follow . It would tend to quietness and good order , because every family would have a certain amount of interest at stake . " Thoso who have read Mr . O'Connor ' s Letters to the Landlords of Ireland , will find nothing new in the principle of Mr . May's proposed remedy for popular distress , nor in the reasoning by which it is supported . We think that a good thing cannot be said too often , by too many different people , or in too many different forms , and , therefore , we are very happy to recommend this book to the best attention of all true philanthropists , and the remedy it proposes to the adoption of the working men wherever practicable .
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AN EXAMINATION OF THE CORN AND PROVISION LAWS , FROM THEIR FIRST ENACTMENT TO THE PRESENT PERIOD . By John Campbell , Secretary to the Executive Committee of the National Charter Association . Manchester : A . Hejwood , 50 and 60 , Oldhamstreet . 1041 . This is an able pamphlet , by an honest and worthy working man , iu which much most important information is condensed , and presented to the people in an intelligible form aud at an extremely cheap rate . We have here a body of facts , figures , and calculations , drawn chiefly from tho worka of Corn Law Repealers , or from the calculations of those
to whose writings they are in the habit of making constant reference , which cannot fail to set the repeal humbug in Us true light ; and to convince the most sceptical that the only design of the concoctcrs of the " Plague" is to cheapen labour , in order that they may coin more gold out of the life-blood of their slaves and bondsmen . Mr . Campbell has divided his subject into the subjoined ssbjects of inquiry , into each of which he has entered in a clear , plain , and forcible manner , calculated to afford much information and carry eoaviction to the minds of all who are not determined to exclude the light . He says " the question of the Corn Laws must be discussed under the following Bix heads ,
viz : — 1 . How long bas there been a Corn Law ? 2 . For what purpose were Corn Laws-originally enacted in this country ? 3 . Who are the parties that are now seeking their repeal ? 4 . What are th ' e motives of these pasties ? 5 . What would be the effects of their repeal , ( without accompanying measures , ) to the working classes ? 6 . By what means ore they to be repealed ? And he then proceeds to give a . brief exposition ot the origin and progress of tho various > enaotmeuta relative to food from 1360-1 to 1534 , and then b > proceeds : — " Ton must now plainly perceive , that any indivldcal employing any otier individual , could not , according to act of Farliameat , give less than fourpence per day . He might give more , but be could not give less .
" She price of provisions , being regulated by aet of Parliament , 34 Edwaid IV . chap . 26 , was as follows : — . £ s . d . A fat Ox ... ... ... 0 16 0 Sheep ... ... ... 0 1 2 Goose ... ... ... 0 0 2 £ The dozen of Eggs ... ... 0 0 0 ^ Cow ... ... ... 0 12 0 Pig ... ... ... 0 3 4 A pair of Chickens ... ... 0 0 X i Average price ef Wheat per quarter ... ... 0 6 0 The quart of Wine ... 0 0 1 Tbe gallon of Beer ... 0 0 1 Shoes per pair ... ... 0 0 4
Total ... 1 1 ? 4 Here , then , there y ? as something like justice meted out to the working man . You perceive , that the labourer , in tbe course of twenty weeks , could earn as much as ¦ would purchase the liaV oi arUdes- enumerated above j but the labourer bad a greater advantage than appears at first « lg ^ t ; thattiw act distinctly specifies that the
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PHILOSOPHIA RATIONALISi ; a . 8 eries of Ei ,. says on Theological , Metaphysical , and PoliU' . Economical Subjects . By JASKS-NAPiEit B / VI . jLsr . Nos . 1 aHd , ^ . London * . Cleave ; . Lee ds , Joshua Hob 3 on ; , Manchester , Hey wood . ? , tl . asgow , Paton and Love . These essays , as for as they hare yet goae ^ , v / inoe an extensive course , of reading , and are ev-oJ ently the result ot a benevolent and ^ hilanthrepift mind . They are , perhaps ,, chiefly valuable for thai « r j ass of facts and reasoniags , which ,, from a . - war iety of valuable and expensive works ^ guch as selde m come within the working man's reach , are brougjjfc' , to bear upea the several subjects of discussion * . ' The first essay is on the universal fertilization , of' , n 6 earth , in which tho author quotes largelj from-fif 4 ite Brun , BellProfessor Bunglison , aad Col . Fraa * ;} a Hallto
, , show the effects of climato on the aura . " in constitution , and the manner in which clim » ie if j affected by the quality of the soil and its mods-saf cultivation : all tending to astablish h& posUioa : tA % t a universal scientific cultivation of the earth * * ^ ould , beside rendering it productive of an vaU 0 , jted supply of wealth , go filar towards i&e correatd * ' a and amelioration of almost all the physical dieaa vantages arising from an insalubrious climate . Ha * , he contends , and rightly , would conduce greatls t » enhance the happiness of all mankiad . He & ¥ 8 not , however , in this essat , exhibit any plan by which this desirable object , toe universal fertatoar j On of the earth , can be accomplished ^ except iad eed , by the following allusion to that unanimity ' jf purpose among men which , once obtained ^ woaJr l make easy to them the accom plishment of any object whioh did not counteract the very laws of being .
" It is natural for the e * utious and deliberating mind to exclaim , aUtkeserw . au which you predicate of a universal system of sder . tific cultivation are exceedingly beautiful to look upon J a perspective ; but how can you establish tbe system v nien is to be the parent of such a delightful series of effects ? How can you cause men to join themselves V jgether for the accomplishment of a common object so vast , and yet so beneficial to mankind V In answr it to ^ eBe questions , I need only point to the progress ' jt national improvement ; to tbe inarch of intellect and 0 { civilization ; to the breaking up of old notions ; t 0 gje dissipation of long established prejudices and fr j > the marked decay of that wvarence for time-hallow jd institutions which have marked the lapse of the last' ten years . A change has come over us whicb passes not ^ BBummer cloud , unheeded and uncared for , bnt which truly excites our wonder , and warrants ° 3 to - anticipate still greater things of progressive liu » V . dty . Let men receive the benefits of a uniTersal
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 16, 1841, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct401/page/3/